On #MeToo, Magic
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Olly welcomes some
feathery new additions
to the Mann family
cover photograph: Jay L. cLendenin/Los angeLes times/contour by getty images ENTERTAINMENT p64
The Mexican actress and
producer on motherhood
and her “witchy” instincts
Ireland’s beloved singer and
TV personality looks back
on his legendary music career 64 MY BRITAIN: CARDIFF
and personal life
Three local residents share
HEALTH their love for the Welsh capital,
including its impressive history
We reveal the nagging pains and love of rugby
that you should never ignore,
with real life stories from those 74 LADIES WHO BREW
who wish they hadn’t Sisters are brewing it for
themselves, as women begin
INSPIRE to dominate the beer industry
We discover the ways that 82 MONEY FARMERS
developments in AI are A shocking investigation into
changing the care industry EU agricultural corruption
SEPTEMBER 2020 • 1
Sylvia gets active again with TURMERIC supplements
YOU MAY HAVE heard regular supply in 2019. out and can now continue with my
Sylvia Pilgrim from Manchester fitness regime. I have been taking
wellness warriors talking is one of the long-term subscribers. it for around two years now. My
Now in her sixties, Sylvia has
about turmeric, only to be left always liked to keep fit. husband suggested I came off it
‘I am retired now, but even when
wondering how the popular as I was feeling so much more
“The difference it made
household spice had garnered was unbelievable” like my normal self – I told him
such a following. I was working I always liked to I’d rather give him up than my
stay fit. Unfortunately, I began to
But the truth is, they’re onto slow down due to wear and tear,’ turmeric tablets!’
something. More and more people she says.
are sticking with turmeric after ‘I had seen the advertisements for ‘The strangest thing was, I
trying it for themselves. Turmeric+ but thought it was just
FutureYou Cambridge, a leading another fad, then I thought I had happened to mention Turmeric+
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has received praise for their ‘The difference it made was to my doctor, when I went to the
Turmeric+ supplements thanks to unbelievable. I was able to work-
a special formulation that allows hospital for an unrelated issue. I
more of the active ingredient to get
where it is needed. couldn’t believe it when he said
Curcumin is the active ingredient
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The impressive formula was
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In every issue
8 Over to You p100
12 See the World Differently
HEALTH 114 Column: Lisa Lennkh’s
46 Advice: Susannah Hickling
50 Column: Dr Max Pemberton Fashion Tips
116 Beauty
70 If I Ruled the World: ENTERTAINMENT
118 September’s Cultural Highlights
Peter Frampton
TRAVEL & ADVENTURE 122 September Fiction: James
98 My Great Escape
100 Hidden Gems: Scotland Walton’s Recommended Reads
127 Books That Changed
102 Column: Andy Webb My Life: Emily Henry
106 A Taste of Home 128 Column: James O’Malley
108 World Kitchen: Japan
DIY 130 You Couldn’t Make It Up
110 Column: Cassie Pryce 133 Word Power
136 Brain Teasers
112 Column: Jessica Lone Summers 143 60-Second Stand-Up
144 Beat the Cartoonist
SEPTEMBER 2020 • 3
HEALTH REPORT | Cranberry Why I kept my
bladder problems a
Bladder problems can strike at anytime but they are particularly secret for years!
prominent for women who have had children and hit the age of 50.
For men, bladder problems are more common over the age of 40... Dennis from North Devon says: “I kept
Bladder control “Biovit has given my bladder problems a secret for years,
me back my independence.” even from my wife and closest friends.
I reduced my liquid intake so that my
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then I discovered Biovit embarrassing situation. Also, after I went
to the toilet I hadn’t actually finished going!
Miracle Cranberry It caused me lots of issues especially
when out and about. I read about the
IN this special report we talk to two was going through.
Reader’s Digest readers who have She told me how she’d benefits of cranberry and it sounded
suffered from bladder health problems discovered Biovit Miracle ideal. I wanted something that was
and how Biovit Miracle Cranberry helped Cranberry which was easy to use and also 100% discreet.
them get on with their daily routines excellent in her opinion.
without the worry or embarrassment of I didn’t want my wife or friends
bladder control problems. “She told me how cranberry has realising I was using something
been used for centuries to treat urinary to help me with bladder issues.
Opposite, Dennis from Devon explains tract infections, and that all I had to
why he kept his bladder problems a secret do was take 2 tablets a day and the “It’s so easy to use
not only from his friends, but from his fast acting formula would go to work and 100% discreet”
wife, too! naturally.
It’s not the sort of thing men
But first, 55-year-old mum of two, She also reassured me that Biovit
Helen from Doncaster explains how she Miracle Cranberry is a totally drug-free discuss, but Biovit Miracle Cranberry is
regained her independence from her formula, so it wouldn’t cause issues
struggle of bladder problems. with my other medications.” so easy! I simply take two tablets a day.
I first noticed the difference a few days
“As every woman knows, after “Why not try something new to later, I felt more confident and didn’t even
childbirth your bladder control is never stop my bladder problems? No tricky think about where the nearest toilet was.
the same again. My problems seemed to procedures or exercise regimes -
get worse and worse, with discomfort, which at my age weren’t healthy Brilliant...the tablets worked automatically!
toilet trips, feeling bloated with painful options! I’m now in control again
“Within days I could feel the healing which is such a great
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way of life. To avoid embarrassment, my bladder was less sensitive and sore. feeling.
routine was based around toilet breaks. It Over the next few weeks I noticed a “It’s not the sort
worked out okay, but I was often caught massive improvement.
out due to a lack of toilet facilities nearby.
“Today, my life is no longer controlled
“I tried the bladder control pants but I by toilet breaks and I feel normal and
didn’t like them – they were not for me! active again… what a relief!”
“My best friend was having bladder
problems, so she knew what I
CRANBERRY Key benefits of thing that men Dennis from
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In This Issue…
My school days may If, like me, you do an
now be a distant internal scan of your
memory, but the body every few
coming of September minutes to look for
still always finds me in subtle aches that
a “new beginnings” signify the indisputable
frame of mind. It’s a great arrival of your personal four
time to take stock, refocus and make horsemen, you may either want to
plans for the rest of the year. skip the premonitory feature on Pains
In this issue, new beginnings are You Shouldn’t Ignore on p38, or keep
something of a theme. On p74, we it bookmarked and carry it with you
discover the way that women are everywhere you go.
reclaiming the beer industry,
heralding a new era of female-led Either way, you’ll finally have a
breweries. On p16, Olly Mann weapon to use against your loved
introduces some new, feathered ones when they tell you you’re not
family members to his home and going to die from that faint pang.
finds a renewed sense of peace.
Meanwhile on p64, a father and son While you’re looking for those
discover that a joint business venture signs, grab a giant jar of lau hai (rice
is the perfect way to reclaim their wine) while exploring the mysterious
independence and discover a fresh Plain of Jars in Laos on p90. Some
perspective on the city they’ve believe that these enormous
always called home. monoliths were used to store the
beverage for a mythical giant… Just
keep an eye on that liver!
Anna Eva
facebook.com/readersdigestuk twitter.com/readersdigestuk @readersdigest_uk
You can also sign up to our newsletter at readersdigest.co.uk
Reader’s Digest is published in 27 editions in 11 languages
SEPTEMBER 2020 • 7
Over To You
We pay £50 for Letter of the Month and £30 for all others
I wanted to thank you for
Your article “Regrets, We Have A Few” made your article “Regrets, We
so much sense. I’ve had many “wish I had” Have A Few”. Like many
and “I shouldn’t have” moments. people, I sometimes find
myself stewing over past
When I look back in the rear-view mirror mistakes and while I know
of my life and see those “could have” and that there’s no point in
“shouldn’t have” episodes, I’ve wish they dwelling on them, it can
could go away, or at least far enough away be difficult to switch off
from my regrets that I couldn’t see them in negative thoughts once
my mind’s eye. And what I’ve learned from in that frame of mind.
reading those four stories, is that I can learn
to live with less regret and free myself from We could all benefit from
the guilt that has been chaining me. Dr Greenberg’s advice
to learn self-compassion
In the future I’m going to let go of my regrets and practise mindfulness.
and put them in the past where they belong— Whenever I catch myself
I’ll look around me and see what’s happening raking over regrets now,
now, and plan for the future. I first acknowledge the
thought, then step back
I can see now that we all make mistakes, but from it and think about what
it’s what we can do to correct them and move I would say to a friend in my
on that counts. situation. It is surprising to
— HANNAH BYRON, Merseyside discover how much harder
we are on ourselves than
H E A LT H others. Life’s too short to be
worrying about things we
Regrets, can’t change!
A Few
There are times when we all
8 • SEPTEMBER 2020 look back on past decisions
that weren’t our finest. But if
you’re stuck in a rut of
regret, here’s how to finally
leave it all behind
By Amanda Riley-Jones
I loved reading what I loved “If I Ruled The World”
Jo Caird had to say according to Jay Rayner,
about historical dolls’ especially because he feels we
houses. I always make should reinstate free education
a beeline for any at universities. Bravo! Free
I happen to spot. university education would
benefit our whole society, not
The house I’d really just the individual students
like to own now, though, was built for me by who take advantage of it.
my father when I was nine years old. He toiled Education that is open to all
over it for months as a surprise for my birthday would lead to a more educated
and I loved it. Each subsequent birthday and workforce. At the same time,
Christmas saw wonderful additions to its higher numbers of graduates
furniture and fittings. My dolls’ house family and researchers would mean
even owned a complete set of cutlery, the higher levels of innovation
items almost too small to handle. and productivity.
Money had become tighter in my home by Also, the simple reason
the time I reached my teens, though, and I still higher education should be
recall with shame and horror how I sold my free is for the sake of equality.
dolls’ house and all its contents for just enough A lot of bright students who
to afford a cheap record player. Dad, bless him, come from poorer families may
never uttered a word of reproach, although he not be able to afford university
must have been very hurt. tuition fees, which is unfair.
Intelligent students should not
For the family who bought it, of course, it be unable to get into university
would have been a real bargain and I sincerely because they are poor, while
hope that their children enjoyed playing with idle students can because their
it as much as I had and passed it down in good parents are rich enough to
condition to their own. afford to pay for their tuition.
This is discriminatory against
Maybe one day I’ll come across it in an those capable students.
auction room, in which case I’ll scrape — JOLENE COOPER, Devon
together every penny I have in order to buy
it back.
— MAGGE COBBETT, Yorkshire
Send letters to [email protected]
Include your full name, address, email and daytime phone number. We may edit letters
and use them in all print and electronic media
SEPTEMBER 2020 • 9
Innovative new pillow
transforms lives
Inventor Alexander Miles explains how he came up with this unique product.
“ Like so many people I was desperate to find a
pillow that kept its comfort and support all
night. How many of us have bought pillow a er
pillow trying to find the right one, very few can put
their hand up and say they found it, until now?”
Alex’s search was all the more important as he was
trying to help his daughter to recover a er a horrific
accident. “She just couldn’t get comfortable while
convalescing and I’d purchased dozens of pillows
none of which worked. I’d asked all my family and
friends if they could recommend anything and
everyone admitted to the same problem – it seemed
that no-one had a pillow with which they were
perfectly happy.”
Rather than give in, Alex, a furniture and product Actor Rula Lenska was an early convert, she emailed
designer, decided to engineer his own solution, he out of the blue to say: “It is rare that something
takes up the story again: “All the pillows I’d bought advertised as unique and life changing turns out to be
spread out and flattened as the night progressed, the true!! I have a chronic back and neck situation and I
solution was to brace the pillow internally, pulling the can honestly say these pillows make a huge
sides together so that the pillow couldn’t flatten. difference!! Comfortable…supportive…and positively
Using cotton ties internally meant that the pillow magical for my neck!! Congratulations! Many, many
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keep its plumped-up shape throughout the night.
We now have international patents on the pillow, the UNIQUE PILLOW
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All of a sudden Alex was in the pillow business! “I can honestly say that your pillow has made the
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starts with a great pillow, if your head, neck and throughout the night.”
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12 Photo: © Kiyoshi hijiKi/Getty imaGes
turn the page
In Japan’s Hitachi Seaside Park
thousands of summer cypresses
transform a small hill into a fiery red
sea. In autumn, the near-perfectly
round plants take on their crimson
colour, luring thousands of visitors
to the popular spot near the Pacific
coast. The Kochia Scoparia, as it is
known in Latin, isn’t just spectacular
to behold: gourmets also enjoy the
seeds of these three feet-high
bushes. Shelled and cooked they are
a bit like caviar, and in parts of Japan
are considered a delicacy.
Photo: © Getty imaGes/DonalD miralle
Photo: © Piith hant/alamy stocK Photo 15
The Pecking Order
Two new residents of the Mann household have
a surprisingly soothing effect this month…
W e have purchased Chickaletta, after the character who
some chickens. As is an actual chicken, but que sera).
pets. This was not
my idea. But, when it I knew naff-all about chickens,
became apparent we were going to so my first fear was that our cat, Alvin,
be spending spring confined to our might try to eat them. My wife—who
garden, with two kids to entertain, was raised in the countryside with a
amidst an egg shortage on Ocado… veritable petting zoo in the garden—
it seemed churlish to object. reassured me that cats and chickens
happily co-exist and rarely bother
They are called Skye and Flower. each other. This turned out to be half-
That wasn’t my idea, either. true. In fact, Alvin spends perhaps a
Harvey (our four-year-old) initially third of his waking hours prowling up
christened them Skye and Rubble, and down their fence, growling and
after his two favourite characters on occasionally even taking a spirited
Paw Patrol; then changed Rubble’s sprint across the garden to charge at
name to Flower once he realised them. But they just keep their heads
that "he" was a girl (he could have down and ignore him. Moreover,
re-named her Everest, after the other when he’s had opportunities to truly
female puppy in Paw Patrol, or even take advantage —when the door to
their pen has been accidentally left
Olly Mann presents open, for example—he has not helped
Four Thought for himself to a paw-lickin’ chicken
BBC Radio 4, and bucket, but, rather, sheepishly
the award-winning retreated to the kitchen. Our
podcasts The Modern chickens are crossbreds—a hybrid
Mann and Answer
Me This!
16 • SEPTEMBER 2020 illustration by Lauren Rebbeck
variety called Black every waking minute
Rock. This tickles hunting, and seem
me because a) to be continuously
it’s the name of preoccupied—but
the investment their existence is
management firm so straightforward,
George Osborne so uncomplicated,
works for, and b) that the effect of
it’s a hilariously their presence is
macho, powerful comparable. When
term for such a I turn my deck chair
patently idiotic, flappy to face the chicken
pair of hens.
pen, suddenly 15
However, whilst minutes has gone by. I’ve
they may not be especially done nothing more than get
stately creatures, I do think they’re lost in their lives as they groom each
attractive: with their thick plumage, other, co-operate to unearth a worm,
soft black feathers and fiery or cluck and coo as the sun goes
orange chests, their appearance down. It’s meditative.
is understated and autumnal, Plus, the eggs! The eggs are great!
which suits our rainy corner of For the first five weeks, Skye and
Hertfordshire rather well. Flower were alarmingly barren, but
then one day in June they started
If you think that sounds like I’ve laying and they haven’t stopped
spent a bit too long looking at them, since—two eggs, sometimes three,
you’d be correct. Perhaps the biggest per day. They’re not special or
surprise of welcoming these two speckly or gooey, just your standard
birds to our family has been how supermarket-style free range eggs—
soothing it is to simply watch them but because they are so fresh, they
pecking and strutting about. definitely taste better, with bright
yellow yolks and still-warm shells.
As every cat-owner knows, We’ve been making more quiches
one of the pleasures of feline and cakes than we’re used to,
companionship is to witness them and still have plenty of eggs left
luxuriating in decadent selfishness. over, so we’ve also started gifting
Sitting aside a well-fed, sleepy cat them to visitors. It’s amazing how
encourages relaxation, because appreciated a "home-made" eggy
their life is so wholeheartedly, gift can be: had I bought them from
unembarrassedly devoted to a service station, presenting my
self-pleasure. Our hens couldn’t
be more different—they spend
18 • SEPTEMBER 2020
grandma with a box of three eggs "I FEEL A
rather than a bunch of tulips would
not go down very well. FAINT SENSE OF
So, I’m something of a convert, but GUILT THAT I
a few steps short of an evangelist. For
one thing, there’s the cost. Our "free" OCCASIONALLY
eggs are pretty pricey, by the time
you factor in the hutch (£200), fence MUNCH WINGS
(£80), chicken feed and grit (£100
per year), and of course the chickens IN VIEW OF THE
themselves (a tenner—astonishingly
good value considering the cost of CHICKENS"
everything else). Then there’s the
obligation—when we go on holiday, barbecued buffalo wings within
we are going to have to recruit a full view of the chickens. Then I
chicken-sitter. Absurd. And am I remember that they have absolutely
really going to take a hen to the vet no interest in or awareness of
when it gets a gammy leg (answer: anything I’m doing. And I feel
yes I am. I’m a sentimentalist. I’m relaxed again.
not going to wring its neck, am I?)?
As life around us has sputtered
I also feel a faint sense of guilt and stopped and started again this
that we are keeping two animals in year, they’ve provided a welcome
quasi-captivity—though, compared distraction, a great education
to a battery farm, it’s paradise—and opportunity for my kids, and, best of
also that I occasionally munch on all, some fabulous eggs Florentine.
I’m drawing the line at a dog, though.
For now. n
Coming Out Of His Shell
In 1846, a dead specimen of a species of land snail known as Eremina
Desertorum was glued to an index card in the British Museum. In 1850,
the snail awoke—it had not been dead after all! The Canadian writer
Grant Allen wrote of the event, "The Museum authorities accordingly
ordered our friend a warm bath (who shall say hereafter that science is
unfeeling!), upon which the grateful snail put his head cautiously out of
his shell, walked up to the top of the basin, and began to take a cursory
survey of British institutions with his four eye-bearing tentacles."
SEPTEMBER 2020 • 19
Salma Hayek:
“Abuse Of Power Has
by James Mottram
The Mexican film star on her journey from soaps to
Marvel, being best friends with Penélope Cruz,
and meeting “the love of her life”
JAY L. CLENDENIN/LOS ANGELES TIMES/CONTOUR BY GETTY IMAGES “ I need to take water,” Teresa when she was 23. “I think at
exclaims Salma Hayek, a some point in your life you settle for
little dramatically, when we doing the right thing the best you can,
meet in a five-star Berlin instead of thinking about what you
hotel. Dressed in figure- want and what you didn’t get or what
hugging black jeans and a white polo- you’re not getting.”
neck, she’s sporting gold-rimmed
glasses and an excitable aura. After Not that Hayek, 53, has much to
relieving her thirst, she digs into her lament. Married to French billionaire
handbag, touches up her lipstick and and Kering CEO, François-Henri
applies sanitiser to her hands. It’s Pinault, since 2009, her work has
just before the coronavirus lockdown expanded far beyond acting on the
when we meet but the Mexican star is silver screen. As a producer, she
evidently taking no chances. was behind the hit show Ugly Betty,
winning a Golden Globe, and the
So often a chatterbox when movie Frida, which also saw her
we’ve met in the past, Hayek is in a nominated for an Oscar for playing
reflective mood today. iconic artist, Frida Kahlo. As an
entrepreneur, she’s launched a
“The things that have happened range of skincare and cosmetics
in my life are unimaginable,” she called Nuance.
says, musing on a glittering 30-year
career that began in Mexican soap Now she’s back with The Roads Not
SEPTEMBER 2020 • 21
With Antonio
Banderas in
Taken, the new film from acclaimed surprised by my witchcraft instincts.
British director Sally Potter (Orlando, A lot of the things I do impulsively
The Party), which might just explain make no sense even to me, but I just
why we’re talking about the way know I have to do them.” Her brown
life can lead you towards so many eyes widen. “I was very, very lucky
disparate paths. not to take the other roads—and
“There is not a road that some of them looked quite good.”
I didn’t take that I regret—except
exercising when I was younger!” In the end, all roads led to
she laughs (she has no need to Hollywood—where Hayek met
worry on that front; the night before, director Robert Rodriguez, who cast
she dazzled on the red carpet in a her, among other things, in 1995’s
black sleeveless gown). hit gunslinger tale
There was only one Desperado opposite
road she didn’t take “A lot Antonio Banderas.
“that haunted me for She never looked
many years”. Growing of the back, winning roles
up in Coatzacoalcos—
her Lebanese-Mexican things that in blockbusters like
Wild Wild West and the
I do make
father worked in oil; her no sense, animated Puss In Boots.
mother was an opera More recently, she’s
singer—Hayek’s early found acclaim in indies
interest was gymnastics, even like The Hummingbird
with ambitions to train to me” Project (as a ruthless
for the Olympics. But corporate leader) and
her father refused her Beatriz at Dinner (as
moving to a special a maid who turns the
school for gymnasts in Mexico City. tables), which saw her nominated for
TCD/PROD.DB / ALAMY STOCK PHOTO “He said, ‘I didn’t want you to an Independent Spirit Award.
not have a childhood.’ And I said, ‘I As for The Roads Not Taken, it casts
never wanted a childhood—I wanted Javier Bardem as a man suffering
to do gymnastics!’ I was obsessed.” from a rare form of dementia; Hayek
Hayek’s sporting career would plays Dolores, his long-lost love
now be long over had she continued. from Mexico who suffered with him
“I am so glad that I didn’t take that a great tragedy in their past history.
road.” It’s been a theme of her life. Working for the first time with
“I look at the roads not taken and go, Bardem—husband to her beloved
‘Phew! How did I know to go in this friend and regular co-star Penélope
direction?’ I am very grateful and Cruz—was exhilarating.
SEPTEMBER 2020 • 23
“The abuse
of power and
disrespect of
women has
“It was such a fraternal thing, it temperament needs channeling when
was amazing,” she says. “It was very it comes to her work; you need a good
interesting for me; we were really writer, director or co-star to steer you
supporting each other in the process.” emotionally, she explains. “It’s easy
when you have the right conditions.
She recalls being on set with But when you don’t, it’s hard.”
Bardem on the very first day, calling
Cruz at lunch, deliriously speaking in Last night, when the film premiered
Spanish. She and Cruz first worked at the Berlin Film Festival, it took
together on the 2006 comedy-western Hayek—literally—back to the same
Bandidas, a film now probably cinema where she presented 1995’s
more famous for cementing their Midaq Alley. No wonder she happens
friendship than any commercial to be in such a reflective mood.
success of its own.
“It made me think about all the
“My relationship with Penélope is roads that brought me back here, in
stronger every day,” says Hayek. “I was a strange time in my life where I feel
with her and the kids two, three days
ago. I talk to them all the time.”
While her character in The Roads
Not Taken is bereft and broken, it
seems a light year from Hayek.
“She’s fearless. She’s like a force of
nature,” says Bardem. “[It’s like] she
just woke up and has 500 different
emotions.” Nevertheless, her Latin
24 • SEPTEMBER 2020
The Roads Not Taken
EVERETT COLLECTION INC / ALAMY STOCK PHOTO like I’m starting again. Just because surfacing against Weinstein, Hayek
I feel different. So many things have wrote an opinion piece about how
closed, including deaths. And it just she repeatedly refused his sexual
feels like everything is new. The advances, despite threats to derail
world is new. I am new. Everything her career. Weinstein’s conviction
is new.” was vital, she feels.
Among the changes that 2020 “I think it’s very, very important
has brought about—Hayek has just in this evolution that we’re all going
signed a deal with HBO Max to through to make it legal, to make it
produce shows with her company, palpable, that the abuse of power
Ventanarosa. It’s also seen the and the disrespect of women, has
demise of movie mogul Harvey strong consequences. It shows a
Weinstein, now serving 23 years in maturity in our society and in the
jail for rape. Back in 2017, just as world of taking responsibility and
the #MeToo movement was forming sending the right message. For
in the wake of multiple allegations women, it gives us strength to think
SEPTEMBER 2020 • 25
(Top); With Penélope Cruz on set of Bandidas in 2006
(Below); With husband Francois-Henri Pinault
26 • SEPTEMBER 2020
our voices are heard, that our pain proud parent, explaining how her
matters to someone else. And that it daughter is also a talented musician.
is OK to fight for our dignity and to Piano, guitar, trumpet, ukulele—you
demand respect.” name it, Valentina plays it. “She can
Fortunately, Hayek has found definitely be a director. Or a lawyer,”
happiness with her husband, “the adds Hayek, who then starts to fret.
greatest love of my life”. She and “How do you protect someone’s soul
Pinault met in 2006, at a gala at when they become a lawyer?! My fear
the Palazzo Grassi in Venice. is that when someone has too many
“We never go without seeing each talents, they end up doing none of
other for very long,” she says. It’s not them. When it comes so easy, they’re
hard to imagine both inspired by not used to [having to] push and
and spirit. “He’s very “How what worries me.”
relaxed,” she smiles. do you
“He’s not the kind of protect Parental concerns
person who needs to someone’s aside, Hayek is feeling
show all the time that soul when “re-invigorated” of late,
he’s the smartest or the they especially with the work
most powerful or the become a that’s coming her way.
toughest. He doesn’t
have this.” “It makes no sense!
I try not to make sense
In a recent Instagram of it, but it’s been really
post, on the anniversary strange. You know what?
of their first encounter, lawyer?!” Strange things happen
she called Pinault “my to strange people!”
soul mate”, adding: She’s just completed
“The more I discover you, the more The Eternals, her first Marvel movie,
my love grows”. Their union also in which she’ll play Ajak, the leader
led to the “other greatest love of my of a group of immortals opposite
life”, 12 year-old daughter Valentina. Angelina Jolie.
“She can act, she can direct, she “At 53—finally!—I can be a
can absolutely write,” coos Hayek. superhero that belongs to a family
“They’re very impressed at her called the Eternals.” It would seem
school. I produce and I said, ‘I wish that immortality beckons. n
my writers could write like this! I
wish I could exploit her and get her The Roads Not Taken opens in cinemas
to write me this script!’ ” on September 11. Read our full review
Hayek is now gushing like any on p118
SEPTEMBER 2020 • 27
Daniel O’Donnell
After finding fame in the 1980s, Ireland’s Daniel
O’Donnell has sold more than 10 million records.
The 58-year-old singer looks back on his early life
in County Donegal, performing at the world’s
legendary venues and why Strictly was the most
terrifying thing he’s ever done
a two-storey house that belonged to or Cassius Clay as he was known
my mother’s family. Her uncle had then, was boxing on the telly, we’d
built it and they let us live there all watch. The matches were around
because they lived in Scotland and 8pm in the US so it was the middle
weren’t using it themselves. It was of the night for us. Myself and my
in Kincasslagh, in County Donegal, brothers and sisters were allowed
and I remember it being a lovely to get up to view the live broadcast,
home—with people visiting and a but you’d only just be out of bed
big open fire with a chain that the when he’d knock his opponent out.
pots hung on—even though my Sometimes you’d miss it because
room was just off the kitchen and the by the time you’d gotten downstairs,
toilet was a tin hut across the road. the match was over.
SEPTEMBER 2020 • 29
was almost 95 when she passed away
in 2013.
CHURCH CHOIR and music was
always a big thing in our house. All
my cousins sang and my uncles sang,
and even though I didn’t know my
grandparents, both my grandfathers
sang too—not for professional gain
but for the love of it. In the choir
we’d sing at masses, services and
devotions, and I loved it.
SIX. He worked on farms in Scotland to Galway Regional College after
and was away from home a lot, so it finishing secondary school but
was left to my mother to raise me I longed for home. Also, music was
and my two brothers and two sisters. my real love and I thought, I’d rather
Dad was only 49 when he died from try and not succeed than never try at
a heart attack and then she was very all and always wonder what it would
much on her own with us kids. I was be like. So I quit college, thinking if
the youngest and because I was only things didn’t work out I could always
six, his death didn’t really affect me, go back, and I joined my sister
although it hit my older siblings Margaret’s band. She was a very
harder. My mother was quite a strong successful singer in Ireland so that
character, very involved in everything, was a major break for me.
and she lived to be a great age. She
my savings to record four tracks,
including a song called “My Donegal
Shore”. I physically sold all of the
copies myself and in truth, it took a
few years for my career to gain
traction, with me forming a couple of
bands before being introduced to my
manager Sean Reilly (who is my
30 • SEPTEMBER 2020
(Above); Daniel and his mum.
(Right); On This Is Your Life
manager to this day) in 1985 and Arena…when I was starting out
embarking on a series of successful I never imagined I’d have enough
concert tours in England. fans to fill that venue. Singing at the
Opera House in Sydney, Carnegie
…NOT TAKING ENOUGH TIME Hall in New York. Walking out onto
the stage of the Royal Albert Hall
OFF TOOK ITS TOLL. I was thinking about all the great artists
performing six nights a week, every who had performed on that same
week, and I was the sort of person stage. Singing at the Grand Ole Opry,
who couldn’t say no to work. After a which for someone who loves
few years I was exhausted and needed country music is like Mecca. And it
a break. Then I made my official amazes me when I’m parodied on
return to the stage at The Point in shows like Father Ted. It’s really nice
Dublin in July 1992 and it was to have that level of success, where
wonderful. I’ve learned that you need people know me well enough for
to have a balance between your work others to take me off without them
and your life, rather than just working really saying it’s me.
hell for leather, but I love performing.
of the Pops, performing at Wembley doing one of those variety shows at
SEPTEMBER 2020 • 31
Daniel live in
32 • SEPTEMBER 2020
R E A D E R ’ S D DI GanE iSeTl with
Loretta Lynn
the London Palladium in 2000, where you’re in clover, as I did, until you
Bruce Forsyth was the presenter and realise clover is having someone in
Engelbert Humperdinck was also on your life who can make it so much
the bill. At the end of the show, which better. We were married three years
seemed to be taking longer to record later in County Donegal and it rained
than usual, Michael Aspel appeared. all day. It never stopped drizzling but
Thinking Aspel was there for him it didn’t seem to matter; there were
rather than me, I stood back to get a loads of people outside the church
good look at Engelbert to see how who’d come to wish us well. And it
he’d react and if he’d be genuinely was such a busy day. We were
surprised. But the next thing I knew married at 1pm, didn’t sit down to
Aspel was there to surprise me, not eat until 9pm and the festivities went
Engelbert, which was a great honour on until seven the next morning. We
because I was a huge fan of This Is have a great relationship and always
Your Life. have fun together.
HOLIDAY IN TENERIFE. That was THRILLING. My three favourite
in 1999, when I visited a bar run by singers are Loretta Lynn, Charley
my friends Tom and Marion Roche. Pride and Cliff Richard and I’ve got
I got chatting to their daughter to meet all three of them, work with
Majella and it felt like we’d known all three of them and get to know
each other all our lives. You think them away from the work. Cliff is
SEPTEMBER 2020 • 33
sing with them, was just unbelievable.
We’ve stayed in touch ever since.
She’s 88 now and her health isn’t
what it was, since she had a stroke a
few years ago, so I call her up every
now and then to see how she’s doing.
possible. As far as I knew, the MBE
Daniel and Majella’s
wedding. (Right);
accepting his MBE
probably the one was only awarded to British subjects
my wife and I know and members of the Commonwealth,
the best. He’s a dear but in 2002 I received an Honorary
friend and I’ve sung MBE myself. I was absolutely thrilled,
on his shows and more so because it was requested by
did a song with him on his duets fans. Prince Charles presented it to
album. I’ve been on stage with me at the British Embassy in Dublin
Charley too and also Loretta, and and he was very nice and friendly.
sometimes I think, My God, how did
this all happen for me? …THE THING I MOST REMEMBER
IS THE TERROR. I competed on the
was when I was doing a TV show in
Ireland in 1989 and she came on as a
guest. She’s my favourite singer of all
time so to be interviewing someone
you admire so much, then getting to
34 • SEPTEMBER 2020
show in 2015 and couldn’t believe Daniel and
I was asked to do it and just how Kristina
nervous I was—in fact, it’s the most performing
nervous I’ve ever been in my career. the Waltz
It was so hard, so I was quite happy
when I went out in the fourth week.
…I NEVER TIRE OF BEING ON As told to Simon Button
STAGE. Getting that instant reaction Tickets for Daniel O’Donnell’s rescheduled UK
from an audience is incredible and it tour are on sale now. Visit danielodonnell.org
gives you such a buzz. I’ve never had
any big mishaps on stage. Sure, I’ve
forgotten the words occasionally but
you just keep going. I travel with
such a nice team and we have such
fun on the road, travelling and
sleeping on the bus together. That’s
why, having had to postpone this
year’s tour dates because of
Coronavirus, I can’t wait to get back
on the road next year. n
Incredible Titanic Facts
Miss Violet “Unsinkable” Jessup was a stewardess who survived the sinking of the
RMS Titanic, HMHS Britannic and RMS Olympic ships. Even after those near-death
experiences, she continued to work as a stewardess until her retirement in 1950.
The Titanic’s interiors were loosely inspired by the Ritz hotel in London. Facilities
on board included a gym, pool, Turkish bath, a kennel and a squash court. It even
had its own on board newspaper—the Atlantic Daily Bulletin.
One notable victim was Benjamin Guggenheim, a US businessman. Realising
that the ship was going down, he and his valet, Victor Giglio, reputedly changed
into their evening wear while he remarked: “We’ve dressed up in our best and
are prepared to go down like gentlemen.” They were last spotted on deck chairs
drinking brandy and smoking cigars.
SEPTEMBER 2020 • 35
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We all feel a twinge once in a while. When is
it no big deal, and when is it a warning sign that
something needs attention—now?
By Jen Babakhan and Tracy Middleton
From thehealthy.com
Maybe your feet have started to tingle every so often
or you’ve developed a mild fever. Nothing to worry about, right?
Maybe. But given the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic,
you don’t have to be a hypochondriac to consider whether a
niggling symptom is a clue that something more serious is afoot. But
when to shrug and when to panic? These stories feature people who
faced that quandary and discovered that their discomfort emanated
from conditions far different from what they had suspected. The
welcome result: after a proper diagnosis, they each got the
treatment they needed.
ABDOMINAL PAIN were both classic signs of colorectal
cancer (often called colon cancer),
“The Burning but Driben-Salcedo dismissed the
Sensation Turned possibility because she felt she was too
Out To Be young. By the time she made it to her
Colon Cancer” GP, she had dropped nearly two stone.
Her gastroenterologist did blood work
When Amy Driben-Salcedo felt a and X-rays, but everything came back
burning sensation in her abdomen in normal. He prescribed medication for
the summer of 2017, she ignored it for IBS. After a few weeks with no relief,
four or five months. “I have three kids Driben-Salcedo called the doctor
and was just busy with life,” says the again. “On the way to the CT scan
high school guidance counsellor, who he ordered, I told my husband, ‘This
was 47 at the time. must be what cancer feels like. I’m in
so much pain.’” The scan showed a
After the pain moved to her back, shadow on her liver.
“I googled my symptoms and decided
it must be an ulcer, so I changed my A follow-up colonoscopy revealed
diet to bland foods,” she recalls. Then that she did indeed have colorectal
she began losing weight rapidly. cancer. Driben-Salcedo had three days
of chemotherapy every other week for
Further googling showed that her a year. The treatment caused brutal
abdominal pain and weight loss side effects, including sleepless nights
and weakness and numbness in her
SEPTEMBER 2020 • 39
hands and feet. But it was worth it; the she noticed her mouth had gone
treatment wiped out her tumour. completely dry. Finding it hard to
speak, she finished the paperwork and
Unfortunately, Driben-Salcedo is handed her husband the keys.
now battling a new tumour in her
liver. Still, having beat cancer once, Gee, 59 at the time, tried not to
she is optimistic that she can do it panic. “It was the weirdest feeling.
again—and she says, “I’m now vigilant There was no moisture in my mouth
about listening to my body and taking whatsoever.” She attributed it to the
care of myself.” long flight she had just taken, though
the dry mouth became a feeling of
WHAT ELSE COULD IT BE? endless thirst. “Water wasn’t helping
We all have tummy troubles now and at all. I drank and drank. That led to
again, but belly pains sometimes me using the restroom constantly.”
signal serious conditions. A sharp pain
in the lower right side of the abdomen A few months earlier, she’d had a
could spell appendicitis; in the lower checkup with her doctor, who had
left, diverticulitis; in the middle to noted that Gee’s blood glucose level
upper right, gallstones; and closer was higher than usual. “Since she
to the pelvis, ovarian cysts or a UTI. didn’t offer medication, I assumed it
Dull or burning pain or cramping is wasn’t a big deal.”
sometimes caused by an ulcer, IBS,
or an inflammatory bowel disease Though she did her best to enjoy
such as Crohn’s or ulcerative colitis. her stay, Gee remembers the fatigue
Stomach aches accompanied by fever that hit her on the way home.
could be viral gastroenteritis. “Walking from the airport to our car, it
took every bit of strength I had to roll
MOUTH PROBLEMS my carry-on luggage. It was so hard to
put one foot in front of the other.”
“My Insatiable
Thirst Turned The next day, she called her doctor,
Out To Be who recommended a trip to the
Diabetes” emergency room. “When they tested
my blood glucose, the doctor said,
Carol Gee stood at the car-rental ‘You have type 2 diabetes, and you’re
desk at Rapid City Regional Airport in bad shape. Your glucose level is
in South Dakota and began to tell so high, it’s a wonder you’re not in a
the agent her last name. That’s when diabetic coma or worse.’ That’s when it
hit me how serious it was.” When Gee
was admitted, her blood glucose was
900 mg/dl, a long way from a normal
result of less than 140 mg/dl.
Now 70, Gee says she’s obsessive
40 • SEPTEMBER 2020
about taking her insulin and testing
her blood. “I wish I had been more
proactive and asked my doctor about
my high glucose level when she first
found it. I would have said no to that
cake, my blood sugar never would
have gotten that high, and this all
wouldn’t have been such a surprise,”
she says.
WHAT ELSE COULD IT BE? News about the spread of COVID-19
was just breaking, but at the time it
Smell something funky when you seemed to be affecting mostly older
open your mouth? If you also have people, so he didn’t think that could
white spots on your tongue, it could be it. “I don’t get sick often, I work
be an oral yeast infection—or a out six days a week, and I have a very
tumour. If your breath smells like sour clean diet,” he explains. Still, he called
milk, you might be lactose intolerant; his doctor the next day.
like nail polish remover, you’re
probably eating too much protein. “Once they heard all of the places
Red lesions on the tongue, loose teeth, I had been,” Stillman says, the doctors
canker sores, or red or white patches “definitely wanted to test me. They
inside the mouth that last longer than met me at the back door of the office
two weeks could signal cancer. White, in full PPE and led me to a room. The
yellow, or brown spots on your teeth entire process took about 15 minutes.
might indicate coeliac disease. That was on a Wednesday.”
COUGHING That Saturday, he received the
news that he had tested positive for
“My Cold COVID-19. “It was shocking because it
Turned Out To was still relatively new. It still seemed
Be COVID-19” like a foreign issue,” he says. By
Sunday, his sore throat had worsened
Earlier this year, 20-year-old Jonah considerably, his violent coughs
Stillman, an author and a public would not stop, and his fever spiked
speaker, travelled to Thailand, South to 39.4 degrees. “The body aches were
Korea, Australia, and England. On the unlike anything I’ve experienced.
flight home to Minneapolis, he says,
“I had a minor sore throat and cough.”
SEPTEMBER 2020 • 41
“My Numb
Feet Turned
Out To Be MS”
I could barely move.” Among the Cathy Chester was fresh out of
most disturbing symptoms was his university and making a name
lack of taste and smell. “I couldn’t for herself. When she noticed
differentiate between cake and pizza. numbness and tingling in her feet,
The texture was the same, and there she attributed it to stress and long
was absolutely no taste. I had to force city walks in cold weather. “I chose to
myself to eat because my gag reflex ignore the symptoms, and they grew
was so strong. incrementally worse,” she says. When
the numbness began to move up to
His recovery took two full weeks, her lower legs, Chester decided to get
and Stillman urged young people to some medical advice. The doctor told
take the disease and social distancing her that her shoes were too tight.
seriously. “Even if you don’t have
symptoms, this impacts other families She bought larger shoes, but deep
and individuals,” he says now. down she knew he was wrong. The
numbness progressed toward her
WHAT ELSE COULD IT BE? knees and thighs, causing her to
stumble. A few times she was even
Coughs can linger a long time, but accused of being drunk. Along with
if yours persists without other cold weakness, fatigue often overtook
symptoms, you might have acid her. “I figured I was exhausted from
reflux, chronic bronchitis, heart living alone and trying to keep up in
failure, pneumonia, or lung or throat a competitive job market. It felt like
cancer. ACE inhibitors and beta- I had the flu, but a thousand times
blockers taken for high blood pressure worse,” recalls Chester, who was
can also cause a cough. Generally, if working as a copywriter at the time.
you’re coughing up blood or green or
yellow phlegm, let your doctor know. One evening when on her way to
catch the bus home, she says,
“I looked down and saw that one of
my high heels had come off ten feet
behind me. I didn’t even notice it
because my feet were so numb. That
was a real wake-up call.”
42 • SEPTEMBER 2020
After a neurologist ordered a spinal HEADACHES
tap, a CT scan, and an MRI, she finally
discovered what plagued her: multiple “My Nagging
sclerosis (MS), a disease of the central Headache
nervous system that disrupts the flow Turned Out To
of information to the brain. Chester Be a Stroke”
had endured five years of numbness,
weakness, and fatigue. Still, she says, In 2013, Latarsha Jones got a strong
“I was one of the lucky ones who headache. Jones, a mother of three,
got an immediate diagnosis. My test assumed that her busy schedule and
results were very clear. That brought a long hours working as an assistant
sense of relief because I finally knew principal of a primary school were just
what to do to help myself.” taking their toll. The aching persisted
for several weeks and was often
Today, Chester, 61, says, “I never so bad that Jones had to hold her
got the feeling back in my right leg, head when she coughed or sneezed.
even after therapy, and the fatigue is One afternoon, the pain suddenly
awful—I have to take a nap every day intensified. “I felt like everything was
at two, no matter what.” going in slow motion. I couldn’t get
words out, and my speech slurred. I
Chester, now a health advocate, was numb on the left side.”
looks to the future with hope. “It’s my
mission to educate, inspire, and bring When the ambulance arrived, Jones
awareness about MS. For so long, was unable to lift her left arm or say
none of us had a voice.” her ABCs, two tests used to determine
whether a patient has suffered
WHAT ELSE COULD IT BE? a stroke. At the hospital, an MRI
revealed she had indeed experienced
A pins-and-needles or numb feeling an ischemic stroke, which occurs
is often just a sign that a part of your when a vessel supplying blood to the
body has “gone to sleep.” But if the brain becomes blocked.
feeling lingers, it could be a blood
clot, a pinched nerve, or peripheral “Doctors are still looking into
neuropathy (itself often caused by factors that may have caused it,
diabetes). If you also have trouble because my blood pressure was not
seeing, speaking, or understanding extremely high and the other tests
words, you may be having a stroke. were borderline. I believe my obesity
A feeling of numbness in the chest was the main factor,” Jones says.
that has lasted longer than 30 minutes
could be a heart attack, especially if
accompanied by dizziness or nausea.
SEPTEMBER 2020 • 43
In response to her terrifying ordeal, BREATHING PROBLEMS
Jones has stepped up her activity and
cleaned up her diet. When you just can’t get enough air,
it could be a bacterial infection,
WHAT ELSE COULD IT BE? chronic obstructive pulmonary
Nearly everyone gets skull-throbbers. disease (COPD), lung cancer,
Dehydration, poor posture, certain or COVID-19. Call your doctor if
foods, and stress are common causes, breathing troubles come on suddenly
but some head pain indicates a bigger or worsen after 30 minutes of rest.
issue. If a headache wakes you up
in the morning or doesn’t get better BRAIN FOG
with medication, it might be a brain
tumour. And if it’s coupled with a Dementia, fibromyalgia, multiple
fever and a stiff neck, you might have sclerosis, menopause, or an
meningitis. Headache accompanied underactive thyroid can all cause
by blurry vision or trouble focusing changes in concentration and
could be an aneurysm. memory. Some medications can
also be to blame.
11 More
Symptoms to BACK PAIN
Get Checked
Dehydration, stress, inactivity, a
MUSCLE PAIN poor diet, or the wrong wardrobe
Muscle soreness is likely normal if (high heels or too-tight outfits)
you can pinpoint the reason and it could be to blame for back aches. If
dissipates over time. If it doesn’t, your back hurts when you first get
ask your doctor whether it could be out of bed, the pain may be from
arthritis, influenza, Lyme disease, osteoarthritis. Pain in the lower and
lupus, fibromyalgia, polymyalgia upper back, on your side, or in your
rheumatica, or rhabdomyolysis. groin can be a sign of a UTI that has
Some medications can also cause spread to the kidneys. A herniated
muscle pain. disk can hit the nerves in your spinal
cord, causing pain.
Chest pain can be a scary red flag
for a heart attack—and you should
call 999 if you think you’re in cardiac
arrest or if you experience shortness
of breath, cold sweats, nausea,
light-headedness, overwhelming
fatigue, and/or a feeling of doom.
44 • SEPTEMBER 2020
But those pangs in your chest could the part of the brain responsible for
also be a sign of anemia, shingles, processing sound. Some diuretics for
pancreatitis, a stomach ulcer, a heart disease, chemotherapies, and
panic attack, or lung cancer. If the antibiotics can damage your ears, as
pain worsens with deep breaths, you can type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
may have costochondritis.
Feeling queasy is often a side effect
You might blame your exhaustion on of motion sickness, pregnancy, or
a busy schedule or just feeling lazier gastroenteritis. But heart attack
than usual. But anemia, depression, symptoms can also mimic stomach
diabetes, heart disease, and sleep problems such as nausea, vomiting. If
apnea are other possible causes. nausea is accompanied by pain in the
upper right side of the abdomen, you
FEVER may have had a gallbladder attack. If
you have back pain and a fever along
A temperature of 38 degrees plus is with nausea, chances are a UTI has
normally a sign that your immune morphed into a kidney infection.
system is fighting off an infection,
such as strep throat, influenza, RASH OR HIVES
or COVID-19. But if you also have
abdominal pain, you might have An intensely itchy, blistering rash can
appendicitis; tenderness and swelling signal coeliac disease, while dark skin
in your legs, deep vein thrombosis; patches called acanthosis nigricans
skin that is red and painful to the are often a sign of diabetes. A red,
touch, cellulitis; a cough or shortness angry rash can be a symptom of
of breath, pneumonia; or bloody leukemia. A painful rash that appears
urine or pain when you urinate, a in a strip on one side of the face or
urinary tract infection. body is characteristic of shingles.
If you didn’t spend last night at a Most acne can be attributed to clogged
rock concert and your ears are sore, pores or hormones but blemishes can
it could be an ear infection, referred also indicate leaky gut syndrome or
pain from an infection in your teeth polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).
or temporomandibular joint (TMJ)
syndrome. If you’re experiencing With additional reporting by Charlotte
hearing loss on one side or a constant Hilton Andersen, Alyssa Jung,
ringing sensation (tinnitus), you might Marissa Laliberte, Karyn Repinski,
have a tumour in the temporal lobe, Jenn Sinrich, and Lindsay Tigar
SEPTEMBER 2020 • 45
Home Alone? Understand that
you’re not the only one
The past few months More than 8 million people live on
have taught us a lot their own in the UK, with the
about isolation. But number increasing by a fifth in the
it’s worth making the last 20 years. It doesn’t follow that
effort to connect—or you’re lonely just because you’re a
solo dweller, but there’s evidence
reconnect—with that it can have an effect on your
family and friends health, upping your risk of heart
disease, cancer, diabetes and
BY Susannah Hickling mental health problems. So if you
do feel lonesome at times, don’t
dismiss it. Acknowledging it and
understanding what’s causing you
to feel that way is the first step to
doing something about it.
Make time for people
It’s easy to feel as if you just
don’t have time to devote to
meeting new friends, but you
need to prioritise your
social life. Instead of
watching the TV or
checking your
phone, go for a walk
and chat to someone.
Better still, offer to
take a neighbour’s
dog for a walk—dog
owners love other
“doggy” people!