John 17. ‘memlm
May I I957.
is u. cinrom'cle of an auto-cam trip, which was taker. ‘ny
my wife ulna ma duri c‘w dun busi :ess ; .ars of 19 :1 and 173:6.
A‘upioyuent was nai nptazna‘nle so we resorted to this care free
in'LEI‘eS‘vint w i-e Visitcd about which we had read,
t go to at least son of‘ L‘wem.
Tatiana source". wcre 11:55 for inform. * writing this
account. Generally, if. is a lengthening of an .ire‘liated :ccord
made at me time, to which was add; data rm 5 of ‘ucion-
a]. Parks, arcioiea from ational weagmptiic magazines and letters
sank home. :1 book or views (feta neii from ag-
too, it has ‘reen Wade
mines and min-cad literatur of Vacaman l'mds.
Road map of the United States. on which arrowheads in
black ink mark our route and its direction.
While out for a walk one evening, at the time of our resi—
dence in Philadelphia, my wife and I got a small road map of the
United states, took it home and tossed it on the desk. It prob-
ahly lay there a long time, when for a lack of something else to
do, we started measuring distances from one place to another.
moo miles to Miami, 3200 miles to the West Coast, 10000 by
road around the perimeter of our Country, or 15000 as the sharp
est route to the capitals of all the states.
This imaginary traveling
quite a game, routing our-
selves thru all sorts of places. Among others was one which in-
cluded National Parks. We were quite enthused about this last
scheme and even mentioned it to our friends. Everyone agreed
that it was a splendid idea if one had the time and none
M. (the initial of my wife's first name) and I cont nod to
talk and plan about .‘Iational Parks. it. thought that she would
prefer the Grand Canyon to all others while my favorite was
Yellowstone. the result of all these discussions was that we he-
eame quite familiar with all the parks and what they featured.
We were getting pretty well warmed up to the idea of vis-
iting one of these parks, when in the Spring of 1952, 1 receiv-
ed notice from my office telling me o lot of had news. They
were making a cut in the force and that l was included.
This was rather a hard blow on our plans for a vacation, so
we just iolded up that little road map and the various routes
which we had made and laid it all aside. I started looking for
a position. Made inquiries at many places with no results. Wait-
ed a week then tried again. And so over and over again. During a
period of five months I could not locate anything. inany general
contracting offices were closed and othere were doing the same,
for there was no building Work going on. This condition was faz- 4mm
cheerful since my livelihood depended upon the building game.
Something had to be done. We could not maintain our pres-
ent scheme of living for any extended length of time. We agreed
to give up the apartment, put our furniture in storage and hunt
for some cheaper place. Perhaps a furnished room. Why not a
small place in the country. Then a tent was mentioned. I can‘t
say that any idea had our whole hearted support. Even camping
could not he considered since the Fall season was near. How-
evcr one could go south. Well WW not.’hut how ahcut transporta—
tion. We had no car nor could we drive.
After much talk and the preparing of estimates of cost we
decided to try an auto—camp trip featuring Rational Parks. This
route, playfully made many months before, was brought out and
dates set for the various sections of our Country with regard to
temperatures of the Seasons. This was quite a task of planning
for a years trip.
Put our furniture in storage the day after Labor Day 1932,
and went to my Parent's home in Allentown where we fitted out.
Got instruction in driving and took the test. The state cop
gave me a present of his signature on my learners permit. I be-
lieve that everyone passed that day. Then M. surprised us hy
passing after having had very little instruction.
we were looking for
a. second hsnd 1929 Ford
As for the
sedan. Could not loeste one so bought s 1925 Tontise sedsn.The
mileage on the chi- was 28000. Had the ear fixed Tor sleeping at
the deeleri where it was bought. The buk rest of the rear seat
was taken out and stored. The back rest or the {rent seat was
cut olesr or the es the ear posts then piwoted or. these posts
about eight inches from the floor so that when it lay back it
lined up with the resr seal: eushionJisde a board to slip under
to keep the proper sleeping level. The front seat was moved for-
wsrd stout eight inches and s {aided blanket leid in the depress-
weight nstt-
ion between the {rent sent end its
back rest.A light
ress hovered en the eushions end we had s very good bed, whioh
Wu used many timza. The steering wheel was our clothes tree. When
in the uyright position the back rest was held in place by two
bolts screwed thru metnl eyes into the ear postl.
cur msin eenp equipment consisted of the follawirig;-
The tent, at hiolq Bird. Camper, was of the umbrella type nine
feet all: by nine feet six inches at the tnse and six feet by six
reet_st the top, with an awning extending six feet by six reet
six inches. The supporting frame was or metal tubing so errenged
that there wes no pole in the center a! the tent. it had a canvas
rlnor sud two windows eowered with bobbinet.
'An American Kampkook gssolene stove with two burners and s
faldlngfoven. A stand and a. table for the stove.
our people set of metal dishes
of which nested into the largest pot. ' cu s ’ p nts end pans, in
Two eat beds and two nettresses.
A Coleman gesolene lsntern.
An ice box.
Two folding chairs.
A gallon jug. And a fire extinguisher.
The car was turned wet to my brother, who designed and
built boxes and containers for our particular equipment. We cab-
inets were placed in each i'aar interior corner of the car and
obove the level or the bed. One was arranged for the nested pots
and pens, the lantern and other smaller articles. The other had
space ror the gallon jug, camera, wash basin and odds and ends.
A bin was placed in the rear of the cor below the level of
the rear window and between the two cabinets. Its depth was eight
inches and its width six inches. This container took care of all
toilet articles and towels.
A box was bolted on top or the roof of the ear for the tent.
spare tire, extra oil and a can of grease. The bottom of the box
was slatted so as not to hold water. '
A smell bed roam chest was mounted on the rear hunper. This
provided space for the stove, its table end stand, fresh veget-
ables and canned feeds. '
The refrigerator wee restened to the top of the chest.
These two boxes were protected by a canvas slio cover which
buttoned at its bottom.
Also on the rear blmpex', there was a five gallon can for
spare gosolene.
Screens were inserted in the windows of the two rear doors.
shsdes on rollers were put on the {our windows of the doors.
and o curtain for the wind shield glass.
with all these additions we still had the use of the four
doors and could look to the reer tnru the rear window.
Personal equipment was limited to one suit case full for
each of us.
ND. 5 Fe. 4
Now being-fully equipped, we loaded everything to make a
practice rm} and to Visit the home of 1L's Fo'lks. A very pretty
150 mile drlve thru the Pocano Mountains. Scranton and along the
East Branch of the Susquehanna River.
L‘ ,1
L‘ ,1
Up early snd eager to
start our first drive with-
out the aid oi an instructor.
A test where we were left on
our own to learn something
about our future home on
wheels. Once clear of the
city traffic we tuck turns
driving and experimenting
with the gears and brakes.
An amusing incident
occurred as we entered Scran-
ton. I happened to be driving
up a hill, near the top uf
which wss s red-green traffic
control light. Just as we got
near, it turned red. SD I had
to stop. our teachers roiled
to cover this csse, so I sug-
gested to ll. that when i re- No. 5
leased the -ergency brake,
she wss to pull out the gen throttle on the dash board. We got
the light, I released the brake while ll. pulled the throttle. it
worked nicely. In fact too well. i felt pretty good about such s
wonderful piec'e or engineering, which lasted just ersctly until
the next intersection and another light. This was at left turn {or
us on level pavement. Of course the red light shone. On the green
I stalled the engine. By the time I got it started egsin I forgot
about the lights and swung into my turn, right thru the red light
so I soon learned from m. Drove thru, pulled up to the curh and
stepped. Took a few deep breaths while waiting for the expected
cop. He did not come so we went on. So i was not such a good
driver after all.
Later we had u long steep hill to climb. 0n the approach we
did not accelerate 39 war: soon forced intu second gear and than
into low. Arrived at the top with the water in the radiator boil—
ing over. This was near Wyalusing..From the top or this hill to
very pretty view can be had or the surrounding mountains and or
the Susquehanna River and its valley.
Her home was n very welcome haven for we were so tired. We
had been on the road. nine hours and were just about worn out. ms
father Dr. W. and Mrs. W. were very much amused at 0111' incredibly
slow driving. Set upthe tent and ell equipment.’i‘here was some
gas left in the eleven gallon capscity tank, which proved that we
had gotten a pretty fair mileage. This was iloportsnt data for rut
use use.
nus brother .7. gsve us sane very good driving instruction;
such as how to start the car when pointing uphill. an approaching
a hill coellerste the car. The use of the second gear going down
hill to act as a. hrahe. And, generally, if the hill you are clint
ing is so steep as to force you into second gear, then use second
mum (mm m v'\xxu.\\ Mm\ru\
m mm.) \nmmmmm xhrw aw-nmw mum hcruming2(1u*|mn my mm
mm Wm"; “ho m m. WWW m u» L qmu “a bluonh 1m Amh 1m my
5mm Mum, aimuugh m 5mm Seamus «)l my Mum mum (ch hm 31mm; cxxc’vmmml a:
gear in descending the other side. And, best or all, he pointed
out the grease fittings and other points of lubrication.
During our visit
we were inoculated with typhoid and
typhoid serum, by 1L's father who is a medical doctor. an a camp
trip such as we proposed, one could not always be sure of the
pureness of the drinking water.
The return trip to Allentown did not take as long as our
outbound one, but 1 can say that it was made with more confidence.
due to the very heavy
It really
to drive slowly
was necessary
load of equipment and boxes which we carried.
In fact the rear end hung so low that there was not space
enough to put on a set of tire chains. so the car went back to
the shop to have a five-sixteenth inch thick full length lea: put
in each rear spring.
A month had passed since we stored our furniture and the day
of the start of our wayfaring. The preparation seemed to take so
Thursday, Oct 5 1932.
All set to go. Speedometer read 25044. I can not say that we
were so eager to he on our way. There was a hard down pour of
rain and it had been raining all night. And, too, with only 500
miles of driving experience, we were starting on a 20000 mile
here we go headed for Pottstown. About IO miles south of
Allentown we took the wrong road and went about five miles out or
our way until we discovered our error and corrected it. Then came
Pottstown and West Chester. :1. burst into song, poking me in the
ribs until I was forced to join.5ere we were singing at the top
of our lungs while driving thru this awful down pcur of rain.
These roads were nacaddam with a high crown which caused us
trouble in steering. We thought that our steering had gotten
Running thru wilmi gton, 1321., the rain lessened to a
drizzle, which we didxhotice much on account of the traffic. To
get thru traffic at this stage of our driving. took the efforts
of both. Then out on the Dupont highway and found that it was not
hard to steer on a smooth pavement. The clouds were breaking up
and it stopped raining before we drove out of Delaware. Soon came
sunshine. What a welcome sight.
Drove thru Baltimore, Md., just at the time when the people
were leaving heir offices for home. The town's very narrow
streets and s overflow of cars helped to give us a lesson in
that kind of driving for which we were not grateful at the time.
Found a camp about 20 miles north of Washington. On the
drive the—drive into the camp grounds we had trouble keeping from
running over broken bottles and old tin cans. It was easy to de-
cide to stop here Just over night. So we did not set up our tent.
Prepared the car for sleeping and soon after dinner two weary
auto-campers went to bed. Trip 175 miles.
? 'dav Oct 7 .
Awok qu te early. While M. was preparing breakfast I folded
the blankets and got the car ready to go. This became a regular
part of my duties. Lunch prepared and the gallon jug filled with
with. drinking water. on our way it was decided that each one
should drive about 25 miles, while the other attended to the road
naps and the highway signs. This scheme of navigation was used
thru out our trip and it served us well for we seldom went wrong.
Thru Washington, mm, and on to Richmond and heteraburg,
Va. camped about 20 miles south or Petersburg. A nice days drive
fhl‘u cities and the country on very good roads. At one place the
road was winding and hilly, hut ror'the nost part it was level
and had long straight stretches. Saw negros picking cotton. It
must have been the last thing of the season.
We had just about ished setting up our camp when we were
joined by another party. A couple from N. Dakota on their way
south. They had been away from home several months, just camping
here and there and having a good time in general. This was their
idea or a vacation. We were willing listeners to their stories a!
points of interest in various parts of the Country. This natur—
ally increased our desire to do and like this sort of thing.
Trip 155 miles.
Rsmalned in camp. Two other outfits pulled in today making
the camp a colony of eight people. We had a very enjoyable time
ju t visiting one another. The I did do same work, which consist-
ed building a partition, shelf and his in the food box. See
Photos No.5 and No.4.
Sunda Oct.9.
——Trsveled to'd—ay thereby breaking a rule made at the outset,
not to drive on Sunday. It was made to avoid the rough and tough
drivers who appear only on this day. However the promised hot sun
of Florida was to much to resist.
cities so net very little traffic. We did not go thru any large
of {coils
After lunch, while driving along, we saw quite a numberfi'near
a gas station and store. Upon inquiry we learned that there was
no charge for camping and to stay as long as we wished. The decis—
ion to stop here was easily made. Trip 105 miles.
Mondayz OctlIO.
In camp is miles north of Raleigh. 11.6. All of these campers
were leisurely on their way to Florida, where they planned to
spend the winter. They were a friendly group from whom we learned
many tricks about camping. After dinner they gathered in the
store to chat or play cards.
Here we made our first attempt to lubricate the car. It
really was we, because I just had to have it. read the lubrication
chart while I tried to find the point and fill it with grease. It
took several hours to do the job, most of the time was spent in
hunting the grease points and smearing myself.
one of the campers had a wash stand made from ,;. inch gas
pipe. It was a rather unique idea, which i admired very much. So
much in fact that he gave me enough pipe to make a stand. See
1’hoto No.5.
Tuesday, 0014.11.
Passed thru Raleigh. Southern Pines, 0., and Cheraw, 5-C-
We were not exactly tempted to stop at one of the better hotels
at Southern Pines, but nothing could have been more to our liking.
This temptation was easily dismissed with the thought that some
day we could return when conditions were more favorable.
what a pretty sight to see these pine trees with very long
needles, whfich seemed £0 grow out of the stems in bunches. The
young trees, say about two feet tall, had longer needles than the
older trees and looked much like tufts or grass stuck on the ends
of sticks.
oh the road, we were passed by some of the campers from our
last camp and later we saw them set up at Cabin Creek oanp near
aheraw, s.c. This was a very attractive cabin camp where we were
again welcamed to stop as long as we wished.
our top speed so far was thirty miles per hour, which was
decided by, our disposition of time, operating economy and lack
of driving experience. We continued with this as our limit this
out the entire cruise. This allowed maple time for the passenger
to see and call for a stop to investigate anything of interest.
Trip 155 miles.
nesdgv, Oct 12 and Thurstiag, Octhfi,
The camp was on level ground at the fork of two main high-
ways leading to the far south. One by way of Savannah and the
other thru Augusta. There were about a dozen attractive cabins,
s somunity house, store and gas stetiou. All newly painted in’
white and trimmed with green. The pine trees were thinned out and
and all small trees and brush were removed. This camp presented a
Very neat appearance, which invited many guests to step. The
manager said that he was well pleased with the patronage.
These days went quickly, doing odd jobs on our equipment and
chatting with the other campers. I out the 1 inch pipe to.the
proper lengths for the wash stand. This stand was to hold the
wash basin, towel and soap tray. Then too. we did not neglect our
food. la. using the oven for the first tine, baked apple dumplings.
They were delicious.
Frida Dc 4e
cut on the old Dixie Highway again where we seemed to 'be
driving endlessly past pine trees that were growing close up to
the edge of the road. Now and then we got a glimpse of a cabin or
a turpentine plant. No doubt each tree had s groove cut in its
bark, at the bottom of which hung a. pail to collect the sap. At
any rate all the trees cldse to the read were grooved.
when we traveled, the two cot beds lay on the floor of the
ear between the seats, on top a! which were the blankets folded
inside or unbleached muslin pillow slips. The two suit cases and
the two mattresses rolled were on t"! hack seat. Diagonally on
top of all was the iron work of the tent. All other equipment
being in the cabinets or boxes provided for that purpose.
Stopped at a cabin camp at Blyfihe. Ga.., 70 miles South of
August: Trip 18?. miles.
W Mam m h. mm
n hum gm of the Mammy m“
Saturdax‘ Oct 15 to Mondaxx or:
This camp was owned-And operated by a medical doctor as a
hobby. H: had quite a large area on which were mam cabins, each
of different design and a large open sided shed, under which were
tables and stoves. Looked like a good place to have a picnic.
The Doctor was an interesting chap. having served three en.
listments in the sick bay ov the u. 5. Navy, where he was con—
stantly preparing himself for medical college. He had a lot of
trouble satisfying the entrance board at Vanderbilt, where he was
allowed to start on probation. Once entered he applied himself
and later won his degree. Here he was, a country practitioner en—
joying every minute of his profession. and the tent for all
at camp we used the
car for sleeping
other purposes. During the first night it stsrted to rain and the
wind blew. It was quite a novelty to lie in the car listening to
the rain beat on its roof and sides. when we got up the next morn—
ing it was still raining.
M. was having t'rohhle with the gasolena stove when an other
camper offered his help. he removed the needle point and showed
us that it was tent at the tip. he said that he never had any
luck with the regular points, so he inserted the end of a house-
hold needle. With his guidance I broke a needle, ground two cutt-
ing $3095.01: .one end and using this piece as a drill, drilled out
fine old needle and a hole about a 1‘ inch deep. I put the blunt
end of the other piece in this tiny hole, tapped it so that it
held firmly, then sharpened the. end on a stone. ,This job took me
all day, but it was well worth the time, since it worked daily
for the next six months. All of this while it rained the entire
day. Ii. 'ousied herself with mending.
l'he chap who helped me with the gas stove was a Holland
Dutchman, who was married to a mighty attractive Javenese lady.
They had their daughter with th They had been tent camping
since June and planned to take a smsll furnished cottage in nor-
ida for the winter season. still
and when we got up next day it
rained all night
raining. In order to pa s the time I started my apprenticeship at
barbering ty giving EL'S hair the world's worst hair out. it took
me all morning. After lunch :1. worked out on me. It was her first
attempt, but since I was not going anyplace particularly, during
the next year it was all right. That was a day of run regardless
of the rain.
Well sir, it stopped raining along about noon Monday. It was
a welcome sight to see the clouds break up. We made every effort
to dry the tent, then packed it in its carrier on top of the ear,
for we were ”fixin' to go- the next morning. Canvas if packed wet
will mildew and rot.
I finished the wash stand which I had started about a week
tefore. lt consisted of one piece of -& inch pipe stuck into the
ground. On top or this was screwed a horizontal piece shaped like
a question mark. The ring end held the wash basin, the straight
and, the towel and the soap tray hooked in at the joint with the
verticle. See Photo No. 5.
Fumm‘s mm mm; rmmw'z A v“: - ()1 pm m. rnmm
am my: m mum mm .1, m, “mm MM m mm [umnsuh
w Wm um ”mm, m mm, ”my”.
um nMwmwpmm mm“ “m5WNW,“ Lm ,md “mm a "
mu nummn mu, mus: mm or mm
mm rm “mm, s. Augusmm, “Hun mr my; um- «I 5mm mm «mm, Wm
mnmglmm \‘w Wm I: ., Lam Auwxwa, m xhe Hmzppmu.
Tuesdav 0c 8
Southbound to 1) ie Union,Ga.,a tiny village 1?. miles north
of Wayoross. Passed s pecan grove during the gathering season.
They had ct roadside stand where we bought some at thirty cents a
pound. We thought this a very high price. The nuts were very good
but could not be cracked between the thumb and fingers.
We passed many cattle that were roaming freely on the high-
way, and it was well for us that we did. for we heard that if one
hit a forty dollar cow with the car it would cost eighty to
settle. I believe that they pasture their cattle on the sides of
the public highway as a matter of good husiness.l'hey did keep the
weeds down. Since the cattle were continually Suing from one side
at the road to the other, often we had to come to a full stop to
avoid tangllng with one of these animals.
A safety rule was forced upon us today at the first railroad
grade crossing where we merely slowed down, but did not stop as
the Sign warned. The rails stuck so far above the surface of the
road that we got an awful hard jolt. This decided for us to come
to a full stop before crossing any railroad grade crossings. In
fact 1511 thru Georgia it was gnod policy to stop, look, listen,
then go if you could find a way over.
Found a cam site in s very pretty pine grove just off the
main highway- Trip 158 miles.
Wednesda Oct 19 and muscle 0c .
pon at g the r rst morn g in Dune Union, I saw that I
had a. job on my hands. The right rear tire was flat. After break-
fast I started wrestling with that tire
first attempt
and rim. My
at fixing a flat. The wheel and rim was of the period of 1925. I
finally got it all apart, patched the tube and even had more
difficulty getting it assembled aga‘n. M. helped with the pumn.
she had to help for l was just about exhausted. The yatéh stuck
and we had no tire trouble after this during the next several
thousand milel.
Gut company, a young eougle who were on their way to Florida.
We saw much of the lady but her husband seemed to have a lot or
fun driving a team of mules for a near by farmer. She showed us
how to remove feathers from a. chicken without scalding. Directly
after killing just pull out the feathers. They pull out easily.
We tried this later and it worked well. Chicken at this place was
thirty cents each.
While mentioning food,I might say that we had been camping
new two weeks and really alarmed at our large appetites. The food
at each meal tasted like it does at the old fashionEd picnic
lunch in the grove. We ask each other when would our appetites
return to normal.
" da Oct 21.
stonped at Waycross to shop then continued on to Jackson-
ville, Fla. ,whez'e we Went direct to the post office to get our
mail. We had set this date and place a week previously. Now to
enjoy all these letters. Drove on to Saint Augustine.
All the way from southern Virginia. to Jacksonville there
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