'rne southern end of Lake George was about one quarter mile
from camp and the town or Lake George a little farther Tile whole
area was crowded with visitors. Thmlsa ds enjoyed 'natI/ung in the
clear waters or the lake ”lien t ere as .oating, trips on lake
hosts and just promenadlng in tow . zcvery one seemed to he enjoy
rig; this last week end 0" the summer.
liven tho t‘nere wits rain, e were n good cheer and managed to
sonet ing to occupy our time. or course we went swimming sev—
tines. During our stop we learned about two nioe camps in ::ew
Itamps'rxire that were on our route, so we planned to stop at them.
Our days here were all too short. "1 s was the kind of com that
one remembers longest
ednesday, rt er
so far, s ee leavln; the central states, our route did not
lead us into any of the nountains of the Aaoalaeliian System. But
ued skirted t“: Adirondacks. new we were making“, our en‘tly drive
into new dogland und the Green Yiountal o. ,,rove ttru niens walls,
dson Talls and ,litchall. Crossed the Poultney :iver into 'rer»
mot and were soon to tte mountains.
our eastward trip across t:e statei ‘ U' u intlund and wood-
stock was in these mountains. it was a very pretty drive on a hard
surfaced road and easy grudes
The nreon ‘Tmmtai.s did not seem es.eoially 1i'V'" nut rugged,
but they were covered Witt, tlccs and ot‘ er vegetatio... A 315'
re tore to the eye. All moulltzt us are not like this. It was a short
distance across the otute to ‘(v‘tite 'tiver notion sod ti-e r~onr eoti-
cut “fiver. Crossed into ‘Tew harms} Lre at st «Skanon and d ove
sort uari alone: the Coinccticut ’tiver turn onover. 'lartmouth
college is looated 'r‘e‘: am we lad a good view of the cm us and
build as ‘ir- t "at re ml 'ot i nd a niae camp alonz the
from the road. It is on attractive olaoe to so to school,
cont nued north d. did not locate seas» after ~o o; as Far as
(Word, but it as a pretty drive. Turned eastward as sigh. and
r «a. inr; a so Inefo e sun mm, red roiled u.. L‘ur usuel luck in
rain came \mon us Herore we got to .‘1
Ilcwever Tra.eonie
trot'eh state iarx was 3’55 turn an 'niles to the north, so we start-
ed for hm L k.
‘.”e _slowl~ rolled off the miles r- , to tire mileage on
the speedometer wvcre this park should *2» A Flash t to tie
lert revealed a tem n .-ic‘ 5(218 Garner was gest goinw to bed.
, r the li - t o s eztin; 1.'led before v.5 round the entrance to the
yark. -ocet ed to gate and :1: ve in to 2.15:0 we found a level
and S‘ugpcd. r: was JC in .
. mi I stood oppos to each oi or K ‘aourds of
nrd '1’ 4: tie hed while it rial: nm rot take us
.ong to do re for red und [jet partiall_ under :ie cov-
ers. 'fvi‘l? sitting mus we ate saris :‘ocd w‘iiclv we "nod in our in-
side ce‘ninet. We lay- 'hzic‘ and soon wen. into a sour slec
"rip 192 Mile
"H sda to Lundav s otcn er 1:)
sle t up ti. e site close to a. rest flu-nine brook.
71m state "(11' had recently been .
opened to cwgsg-é mi they “*m ed
fm-vmr 5. uvems‘r‘ts and eululg
entrulfl. is located in c, e saddle
lamest We 1151‘ we a of ‘rofile
m agunwml mmt ‘llme .n tln
flue 1 Emmy s.
59 nm Mal. r, made Very
relay scenery en visi‘vln, wki
A: m: var; (mu sang; our :71,ch
lo? M ma na‘ly H‘m a“: ccol
sctwmm was
We Lrails in m mnunta
2:: ray and no a poi .
~14 an .n" t.‘ r. I'ounzain i vl.,,l-la.
See photo mm. mm. in, la maker
my Fires.
enjoyed the cheer 0‘ c
Thor. on our y'mn'LL dav a: cleardd
mm 2'. , Lam. End driefi e puc‘au it
l'ul‘ we had hoe; vaulting fur just :0. 13::
mi: c1" me (n in, ,m y
Toyv"-: Iente'fl‘we' I:
ez‘y pram
rlli~e on
10: u
my a
um 1‘ Ate l'mmtalns. we. sever» vie“: -
ugtnn, Wm, \l'i'iCE' . “clirve s the lti' 85L
;m..t. 'ew linlzlmd. :* :1 noun 3 alarm we read saw mo crah
ax- .e {J's-vs "eav 1y ‘mzlderi it! f‘ruit m ‘ 2c ‘rrmmd uncle:
c :- new covered wm moss t1 . 1 ar.‘ ‘ He lady to
all a 2": l full 0“ {he fuller. am In, W, to ,elymur-
.261es. r) v??? 1 u get mesa avnles for jelly semis: our
low. Um e tc
sumlmflmd we: hm m mvlsions and drove m lolly mm
«\31, of C‘trrl‘y fnuntul‘ x.
in .lnmam .ml: :12 We nuts .mnmln ‘mlozdl ’orr‘st. Kim-st z
”.1122", dentember 1:2 and lednesdw Sentem‘r‘ar *3 .jlcs.
I: was ram 1qu i _LI\e s lson f'cr mm on," King in ev;
Amps-Jr: 'm at His large camp were wPl’e 1mm: 50 warts s scan—
ered around. me found a very nice swat mung 4‘1: river and regu‘ a
high growt‘ of trees. a tz‘Px=a were to s}'el?.m‘ us f"nm me cmll
; m Fluxi l in, Eeac. Ant} really rm! ml:
« ‘mn our tent we could sen two high rid”,es m ‘}5 31419 rom-
Lai: -, hem-ween whim tzx m camp. We stream of mull he?) flew-
e zlwu «his notch was ska110w m. fast r1 WW; 2- am occamonal
owl. d Hr: cm‘) em: a ‘Voo‘rr for e ”star-mg ma :1
Ls; Ur rules Lu observe for as e w‘rn he. tn, 0 n 1.». 1M: nat-
in 1. forest. lsized cave with F' v6 .afld snokmg.
-in and Voqntfid
then‘ can, nee. l» to us, , set w; u yon earner, vii: tn 1.>‘en. "u
.6 extended a.
tf‘u'erd 2 my, pie: :.nf. cAliaintancn :‘nv‘ wlvi we were: very grace—
“u .
mm Tn}: 119: mmmn h, x mm, imam
Nmfllrrr rkr Mum. m- rommmul xm- «x (In: ‘ we Sum. .x.‘ w W m “A in)! my
Sumaumrnn ml m mummmisl mm rrmflnnl‘mrmumn DIHunmaolmow
mm. m mm," W n.“ u 11m hrm «imam mismm \ unmm win 5 mm]:
“mm. m a In Kgnng‘xfl) m m [m Luv ,5 um mm (mm 1mm: m ”H ann
m: «mm, Hun.
xux mum ‘5 m mmmm y. vmnn mu. m (In .
The mm «2110:: 4mm“ “mm! 1mm and m mu lrmn (h: mu r Wmdmg m I)”
mmmu a: mum um“ .um hm mm. leheAflmuA mm»! m .m. Um m» 1 nakmhd
mum-s nun“ mm, ,w m I\\v L H
m ()[d luwu, m. m: mhl m pmhm y "an!“ nlm
ngmer(|1:<Mv~w\mu “am L mm mm m mm [mm 313
mm < mmh ». “m, m mm, \ ”Wm. doemhd \lk (Mnmes
14151,: or casts and ezgense; carefully recorded at
the time.
nest of m 7 Eur?
Cos: uf car.
Pcnnsylvzwia registration.
:zomry fee.
Public Mammy mom in :Inn'wo.
Property damage 5mm.
" lsylvaxria nrerato‘r 1""9.
Arranged fur sleeping.
30x fur rear.
Labor and maul-1a: for We ca'nmezs and ‘00:: on roof.
a) Mars for ru mi Mara.
, xaco.
Tcxaco's‘ fal/
zrzuwnxticn oil.
“55 'ozul
belf startar.
Front w:,ee1 hcarings.
‘vreasc from W-I‘cflls.
"av; rear and and, mazes relinrd.
'ire pump.
Adjust ‘hra'vw.
wepan- window and door.
1" 2mm, 1: and :m;
J“; armature for generate)
1n 1.2.11
13w». t Ting.
took stove ems foldinr oven.
fur stove.
for Show
”0]; Scout ax.
Jr oval.
nulemzm "sznrn -
'ron'nie folding ned.
roar paint. Hudson may Elan.
" Double Blanket.
sowing modm ta‘nle.
r“ n {1:119 C. L'I‘S.
inc: nf ca, vasfl' hy 8 feet.
art 1, Imus.
'1' Tee 1.2110) Canvas mtgr Hag.
cum.“ 3., ."sent. any} w: r9 arts.
Yo'vrsl .
.ew drieaus, 7A.
“ranciscOy Calif.
‘iallr Llurr, Ark.
Bridge, L‘hion, ”en .
Ferry, l’aducah, "y.
Image, 5: '
"mince, (Han
mm, bloux Cxty, Iowa.
iageyort, V‘.
Gears: .« 1r ton ‘q'irlge,
Tabulation nf' "Cekly Cxfiandit res, mileage i ~ antities cf
gas and nil. A wrek ‘Vegins on sund of the data given.
Week S‘uod Ms nil dost I'ilss Tahins Total
,mn. cur-L m1. qt's nil Camps cost
not. V 1.1:. 21 4.6.". 4 LM 37,0 0.:‘5 €361}?
(7st. 9 f-‘Zé, m A
Total 7.0;; Is
can. 16 0 n
net. 215 o a
Total 1.x 5.75
Oct. 50
nov. 6 20.41:» m. 13
:ov. “c
an] _r .n'm
”1.69 55 mm
n r~54_
1;..4 my;
2.33 "095
i mm; 7114
J; 7.27
7" 7:20.90
n n [1 < 0
when m: 1mm", __ 4 "1mm
Jun: 4
June It
June :3
June "
July 7, 2;. :7 25.18
Total 147. m 409.?1
act. I 3 51
7ota1 .
Oct. 3
net. 15 .90
Total 527.45
.e a». their repairs.
7's and tools.
Camp w .
vridge and (any mus.
sees for Vlatimml 2mm.
mm} crust.
.1e made no yur uses rf‘ clotkes in we. -ra:ia , hm. bought in
units as neelcd. '2 <7 item was about 251 GO Gollars and is not in-
cludcd in L r a‘nnve costs.
”he car, which we ‘rvzwe since ‘earned t at we we
own 1", averagrd 16 miles to the gallon of gasalenm
cluaes gas for the stove and lantern.
"ems 702:3 :urodncts were used w‘ren n‘daina'ule )- the simple
reason that chair rast roams were generally, clean.
I have r913 the Zimmemans‘ ’kiyasey. "bat
is, really, a zisacatenent, I Shouli say, "we have reei"
because I have shared that pleasure with my Wife, my
$62, 1y :eu tar, and 2. umber of friends who h”ve call—
ed durxng the tile the book s in
To say that your “leaner; ie of .0ch meme:—
ings", your "Journal of ycu Jc':ney9”, your “Record
of Rural Ramblings“ is annexes“ g end instructive is to
pm i: all too mildly. I - course, interested in
your account 9: “aces things seen - many of
n: n. fan a: — but 1 .13 veeuy more latngusd wu‘z; the
sheila: thing: mat Bu 3 a. sunk suggests , the wrung
bemeen the lines, an to speak
Let me exyress, fuse of an. my admiration
for the courage epleyed by you and your wife in under»
taking so anemone a gammy. ‘Lauy have dreanexi of such
an experience but few there are that have the nerve to
go mm with it To even ccnteuplace seriously e unve
or several women: files in we face of your lune:
utsving experience takes , Nell , "when it takes“,
_ like, too, yeur evident liking for the
"cu er-deorem As yet: probably know by new, anyone he
diaplr. e an appreciation of Nature is 03:. with v.6. In
fact I"; about convi ed that you may .0 be raiei as
an expe , caper, And um a. guy for making gadgets.
"all, that‘s 0 m. we too.
I like your book; its concepnon, n5 ems ts,
end its fierk.ar.ship.1ly congratulacicna. of Lusappointnant
:uat to alleviate those
we'll get tags 1‘ soee tine, old. pangs 1 1 we'll take
a trip up to 92.: y Creek Canyon, out oeyord the Atwater—
Vent a 1 we'll take along a. eauele of gas- lates
.e 01: creek—bottom for g»- ,- c: is
we car. get someone to grub—e1: e the expeuemm
Sincerely ,
Eufus T. DEV/1?:
27/2 Frank/m «5%,
Lhis MM- is 5!: "nswer tn the ~nesfinn,"7:xs 7M dare,
Shsrne?" The author can Men were 5.amy ms match of
datsilsflauves no don‘t in the mine bf 17‘ a reader smut
this pnint.
(627 ms of us have consiflarad'lt one than or snoths‘x‘ns
tslinp a Vagabond journey for «. :‘Ew‘r or .‘a. vanity these P1
are made st 5 time when our can 10:: ,of sharia bleasaflnaul 3‘
rampage us from a}: resymnsi'hilitt' (except to keep out of
5911!).«a as: to ourselves,“ we have been talcum year of tra—
val broefists one.Not‘nimr like it T‘sfora you have to settle
anm,om top." If you have never M’mslly 1:51:62: this tn:
ymzrsslf » snr as a librarian.worl’inr~ :mlr we: on u florid
Cruise Humor . howdy," fret-his uni stsglinvt rhickena .1
and damp s few days ram suror once in a Whilefihina in tha
Emmet and Eiorids in the winberwr - a to Vera nruz
nothipy much to do ucapt run In
-r as ma _. sum FerTav .— or: never did
5:17 cf chase thinrs vmz wro‘hn'hlf' know governs who 5:5.
$.15 you an: to :mursa:f x .VraWnnt‘lcgli","'-Iish that
haa been me". omnrtunitrr Ones Inst,etfl.- kscnuse now 7nn're
a isfi and it's no Inm’ur nassifile. T‘nt hot/1 - believe it or
nahthisfldid do Smut: up very like the showman! attar he was
married,:st ‘hafore. Ana had his wife slow!- on the jmxrna;,tno.
Can I believa 21:! em? tee,” ruse 'ho true. _ ‘othaz‘ proof
t'ns't the rest of us have nlacfid tfio mnr‘h nonfidence in the
ghrasefizn nan‘t he done".
1 «a: mite ir tku: a: ntharwisn fur-
rant cyan thmwh an “art" aivh‘: . ., harm»! ‘ij tho! fact
that no v. 9 MFA :n State: Is:
E. B. Van Hoe/c,
1257 Mar/5'7 EM";
0 verbracial .
Pfidadelfb m.
‘Ea 'vmuwvenqa 'esau: 10:
«new gummy, mg
vncA‘ mu m siege
0: ‘aumeusm.’ was at ‘en peigeua alum aauauadxe 1r;
~15pucu 81er :u uc'ud'u sap £1;qu pus peneqep .Irc;
-(s[eal{n .m )558; mm in 5 3mm PGLLSAEJQ Pile 2656 me
an»; mm ueaa emu nu: :mq -— p'esd eAeq gm
‘yueh, 1w; an
EJQIPDLR Immeu an we aLuusu an 2561! m - qaqgeq
Afazun ~ Jun? new} 0’. pauwes1 rcfi 14:1an :1 ‘emqueApv
52 «4 «equals: emu: um
Bncliou; em ,w elm: em
'93“ pan? .mo/i put: 'ncE ‘qunp 0N ‘suaealeafl v: um --
eqcflpaafl e an uugsseau’ec em Jaguars; St. JL ”.3011
1.21am amass“: u'; paused
91x20} 3.. qzw mm Benn fuxfnjrczatp pus fu'yAJ'; :Eou; Bug
_,w em 5mm amp BEA: s1 . PW 19¢;qu .10 an}; em, 3v
3 azflqupur c1 emsacd a: span. :4;qu gm: mama“ pug
suq me
wee—Lu H‘Jemc
'su1 am .u;
put: ‘aszulrgas
we; eqexrqEJS‘uc: ;
“Hurleqqsq” .erA' pm sad ‘95”:er ‘uvyu: Ker.
'ewvx :0 sum
am pm? queemag JO 5. mm em rung; 53min! .INM
-- SISABJ’) no.4 50 5.103% em p994 01 em Tum'zuaeé
at sump-n», .moA' 10; c. 3 Sum: ‘uw'ay
‘uqof nee
me: 'st limiqad
Dear John:
The reading of your travelogue was mosn interesting and
so ynu J. and L1,, 1 want. 1.0 extend my congranulatiuns for the
courage it took to start out. an an adveniute such as yours.
Reading your adventure sure pu: the wander-lust-bug in
my veins. one my alreaiy know every chin; contained in these
interesting pages, yes know them so "11., in fact, that one is
an: bu get careless and forget. n doesn't pay to let unes
does pay to sharpen up ones
thoughts go maul—gathering
memories by reading and lending an an: so things one already
knows. Your book is an excellent means of preserving these
r_\ I
rushington, 11.0.
February 4, use
Leer Jn‘nn:
Late in ie57 or eariy in use, while en 1 in
il-unzzon, : neeru mum] interestinv comments on the 2111')
he: ‘11 during, tnc'hlreet Dewarests‘ion" by you 'xnxl u in touring
mix; country mu yisitu-m the .xany vLace-s of historic and.
scvn‘lc interest to be found Flmin its borders. Learning
that you had recoroeu the accouni of your travels, admutures,
hardships and pleasures in book i‘um 1 expressed my eesire to
be nri l aged to read your story, but Some that. there 'r- s :1
long waiting list.
The Waiting: s ion/z, 1nd. before we realized it the
"Great Recession" was upon us, scattering ‘uany of us Vrhu had
come to engey the co sanionsn of their [6110‘ workers, and
so gave 11': name 0‘ *‘ he: a iviie eu of reading your story.
After the elense of some months We meet. again in
'fx’a. ington, enu fortune smiles u. on me as 1 find nyselr worxlng
‘n side you in the same office. After much ucrsu "11.011, mu in
one of your unguarded noments, 1 prevail upon you Lo lot me
read yuu:"300k" out or turn.
Contrary to all of your nredlcetions l fauna. the
account 01‘ your trip fwscinatlng reading. Although the clouds
of Les; 'md less were much they i a silver lmlng for you
end 1 Instead oi‘ havin unnlmsant memorial: of tint den
geriod you and 3 have nieqsant memories to 10' back on in
the yezrs to co, 6.
To you mu m i want Lo express y appreciation uf
having mo the privilege to read the acne m. or your vandal-flu].
undertakmg,concci\md under such (LLffLCulL nnnuicsm: and
trying cireu stances, of v. _«cn cm is given a glimse, but in
defiance of these you rm: u he the courage, fortitmi nu
nerscverancdte carry your undermxing to a very successful
ending, for which you a u . deserve great. credit and are to
he corwwmlsteumnc i. i-mressed M1121 me name enu w'zinst'lk—
ing n1.’mlng which arose ueu um, t1'1p 'LLC was no doubt a
great factor in its being such e success. After re'ldn ti -
story one 1.5 xmre. .cu with the var] u entoreu into the spirit
of the adventure and thus assu'ang its success from the very
The ccuniintion into such a fine volume of your
wuventures, nlams visited, pleasures and dieemoinments,
h'lrdshxps, experiences Rnu information recorder, is norm;
of comeneetion. i am can read your acommt Without having
a desire :u see mm nlnccs you S'm' 3m uémerlcnce some
of the mulls Lhuy unmuaa. THE: human touch mm carries
throughout its pages mm: one we: mat the)“ are mamng
me journey mm you.
In returning"The ’3hron1cle of An AutO—Gfimg Trip"
to you my one: wish is that sum my 1 ma] mve the privilege
of Vislhinw and seeing the places so vividly described by
252 Menan Ave .
Haddonfield, E,J.
year 3. ' ‘ .
If don warn a‘wle. to re—live a martinn m- your ‘ii’
you :njuged Fmrlrnselv, would ycu choose to 6v it'. Mira it
possme for you to visit far memes yuu racal‘ with
pleasure, um'uld you elect to make the visitf
You travnl ~1og “as done hem of these thirty: for
me. And has added hrw st mulating Vista: to those already
Yours our
M Ai‘nu‘t
'I‘ln‘ \m-mm Nam." pm m m. m m- (yrs! at me
\memmx in "mm nmn n ( amurnm slum Nman
Hwhnmus x
u :1 sum“ pm 0: mm ('Mr.«)xxhxmn' mm! W man: (1541wa Hum
mm- mm
mm km}: m M Ilun mo muk m mcr d thuumud 7 ur x
mm. mm» mm, mm m
hLe .mmm m 50 l-eumuul and \mlcd um Atlequmr 4m mm) wads
1m» mogular rm! n nomad” L: un-
In-uwndmn ml 0; lhc hu-rnl, .\ mmpm of
mum pub mumm h»
gml: . Wmm m muu firms and pmnzx 1m \puw m "Muir‘s nublm
mum QLu
nurnwsahlv I») rum! m m M our mm mm m, .‘ mnunmm harm-r
mo perpcuul mu. 01 um lmga l’ N. “(mm (mm
mymlm “.111 um.
u m; (mu H gr in mnnmmm Nmin mnumrnxhll‘ (\u'mm
plvnmn' gmxmd. mm» at mm- mm": 1nm¢< (hmugh on” ,mnmm.»
Nk'lmn, \‘lw , nu- ()fglmlt
”cub Uruh} \anlm,xln "mm mm xhwugh n
gnu-lbs! Irk‘hmy. xhr \mmum» \ nlh , l gmgr 01
23%;: :V mozfigmgm
02:38 52.
$2 \a _ 2:3 $1
t: Z<E7alzmmhmmBIHDOm
7 ._.:m
a 3.3.
p. ,
n 9::
a , .zu_>zm
7:75 z?
P 33,;
2;: a;
z 35$
: _
Si 95. :93
3a 2:,
; :5 a:
i. a:
z :3.
22.: an:
2;: 33,; LEE. . a .2 , macazfinmanwz
z 35$
: _
Si 95. :93
3a 2:,
; :5 a:
i. a:
z :3.
22.: an:
s s s+ar+— 0¢+ 1 H32 ”My,” .' mm”
Anamm, 1a., $294352, Fobtatm, 1a., so miles; rut Cluster, 1a., 25 mil"; 0.54127
Wilmhgton, Doh, 15 miles; 13.5. 40, Dltimore, 15.1., 74 miles; ms. 1, mshingcon, 11.0.,
41 all”; Rial-mend, 173., 11s mics: 11319151., 1.0., 155 m1“; Managua, 11.12.. 104
mils“ Columbia. s.c.. 111 miles.
119.12? 680 111195 -- Tom. 680 all" —- out. )5, 1932.
colmbia, s.c.. 13.3. 21 - ms 17, snvnmgh. Gin, 151 mm; MK, 61., 33
miles; chksunvilla, 1713., 31 miles, ms. 1, Dayton: 3am, Fla” 93 miles; Malbournl,
1:1... as miles; mt m... Beach, 1211., 107 an: maul, F1!" 53 mu...
mm 590 mm —— row. 1570 m1... —. Nov. 1, 1932.
m, 115., u. . 94 - u . 41, Fort Royal's, 1‘11“, 145 miles; Maya, 313., 140
an”; Gash, rm. 105 miles, We city, Fl!” 35 miles; ms. 90, Talmuasoa, F1»,
112 mm;
1121? 590 mile: — Tom}. 1960 mun —- Nov. 15, 1932.
TIlLIhAssea, Fla" ms. 90, mum... FIA._, 57 mil"; Penn-cola, 1115., 141 1:11.151;
Mobile, A]... 72 miles: cm Part, ”.55., 32 miles; 1m Orlaau, 15., 91 miles; mks
elm-1”, 1a., 255 miles.
mm 110 miles —— mm. 267D 115.19: —— Dan. 1, 1932.
mm Charles, 14., U s 90, Beaumont, Tex., 63 miles; Houston, Tax" 90 miles;
San Antonia, Tax” 225 mil", Dal Rio, Tax” 155 miles.
TRIP 545 11119: — TOTAL 5215 M115! — me. 15, L932.
1151 Rio, M” ms. 90, v-n Earn, 1:51., 529 mass; $1.5. so, 21 P5150, Tax” 125
mil"; 11.3. 50, mum, 1:.M , 154 mun; Deughl. Aria” 100 m1”.
1'32? 115 mles —- 10m
5960 Miles —- Jun. 1, 1255.
neugxu, Arian, U... so, Tucson, 11:11., 131 an"; Phecnix, 1111., 155 muss;
2m, Arih, 202 1111.5; El centre, c ., 55 miles; 0- . 99, San Bemrdjno, 911.,
155 mil".
TRIP 700 Milan —— MAL 4650 Nils: — Jim. 15, 195:.
sun Bewrdmo, ca1., ms. 66, Lou Angolil, 31., 63 1:15.19: ms. 99. Bakersfield,
an” 125 mil"; mun, 0111., 51 an»; sequnu Nation-1 Park, 140 + 16 miles;
Tub-re, (4.1., unread, 911.. 105 mile- Yemenite Human Pl'rk. 54 m1...
run? 570 H1185 -— mm, 5200 111.19: —-— Feb. 1, 1955.
Yosemite unclean Park, 50 mile]; Stockton, ca)... 124 211135; 11.. . as, sun
Francisco, 031., 75 miles; ms. 40, Saarmento, 1111., 100 miles; ms. 50, canon
City, sen, 140 miles; Reno, Rev" :51 miles; sunnvnh, 5-1., 91 miles, Essen
volcnnu ktiunal Park, 70 111.195.
111m 685 Mile: -—- Tam sass Mile: -—— Feb. 15, 1533.
Lassen Volcanic “51:10:11 Park, Red mun, 0411., 50 miles; 11.3. 99 - 17.5. 97.
Fart max-nth, 025., 230 miles; water was watloml Park, 1.7+ $0
15 miles; ms. 99. Eugene, are... 136 miles. mil"; mama, 01-9.,
1.9.1:? 5447 1:115: —-—— Tm]. 6525 1:119: —- mu. 1, 1955.
Eugen... 056., 1.1 . ss. pox-mm, an” 124 mile: 17.5. 3:: (Calumbia Eivsr)
an... 117 m1"; ms. so ms. 130 - ms. no, Place, v 511., 125 sign,
um; yum, mar...
53 11111.5; 2:. Hauler mtioml Park, 59+ 10 mm; sezttle, 'fluh., 31 miles.
1x1? 655 Mile. —- mm. 7150 mm —— 1m. 15, 1555.
Seattle, Wash-1., ms. 10. Spokane, "5521., 332 miles;
Hunts, Mun-t” 1.50 mil". mama», Hunt” 217 miles;
TRIP 680 Mus: —- mm 7840 Kile: -— Apr. 1, 1933.
Butte, Mmtu ms. 10 - ms. a'rw, yellow-tone National Park, 2051-136 miles; 338
W s. 191, lulu nus, 16A“ 113 11111931 17.5. 91, smears or the loan, “.15., 106 mllea.
m1? 610 mm —— mm. 6450 Milan - xpr. 15, 19:53.
bun Antonin, M” 225 miles; Del Rio, Tun, 155 miles.
133 545 mm —— Tom 5216 141155 -— Dec. 15, 1532.
Del Rio, M” 11.5. 90, VA): Earn, Tax., 529 milal; {3.5. so, 31 Puma, Tax” 123
miles: 17.5. 80, mum. 1.11., 154 mil”: Dougln, Ari! , 100 mu”.
TX)? 715 Kile: — mm 3960 m1:- —- J-m. 1. 19:55.
nuuglu, 1:12., ms. 30, Tucson, min, 1.51 1111]."; Phuenix, 1:1“, 155 miles;
Yum, 11:11., 202 mil-s; 1-11 centre, (1-1., 55 miles; 11.3. 99, Sam Bern-rdino, 0.1.,
156 miles.
TRIP 700 Mile —— MAI. 4630 ml" —— Jun. 15, 1935.
Sun Bemrrlino, CA1“ ms. as, La! Angel», 011., 68 mun; ms. 99. Mum-1a,
OIL, 125 mum; mun, ml” 51 miles; 5299an nation: mt, 140 1v 10 was;
run", Cel., mama. (XL, 104 mills' Yalenito mtiomal Pro-k, 54 mil“.
mm 570 Miles —— Tom. 5200 Miles —- Feb. 1, 1933.
Yosemite Nahum). Park. 50 1111-3; stocktem, cal., 124 miles; 17.3, 48, Sam
manna, cal., 719 mu“; ms. 40, Swrmnto, 0:11., 1.00 miles; ms. 50, Guam
City, Hen, 140 mun; Reno, we ., 51 miles; Sualnvillc, 5:11., 91 miles, Lacs-n
Volcanic national Pia-k, 70 mile:
1'31? 635 1111:: —— Tom 5585 Miles —— Feb. 15, 193:5.
Lusam Volcanic untimml Park, Red Bluff, cal., 50 mil»; '0." 99 - 17.5. 97.
For: Kim-ch, 01's., 250 mil"; Crater uh mtlunal Park, 17+ so wil- Medfcrd, (11".,
15 miles; ms. 99, Mm, are... 186 mil-a.
1121? 640 1111:: —- MAL 6525 M116: —— mu. 1, 1555.
mam, am, ms. 99, pox—tum. or“, 124. mu“; ms. 50 (Columbia River) sign,
or , 117 mu"; ms. so — ms. 750 — ms. 410, Face, mm, 128 miles;
yam, mm,
95 mu"; 11:. Ennis! Hating]. Park, 591 10 mil"; sums, mm, 37 mile].
Tax? 655 K1135 --— 101m 7150 Milo: -—- m. 15, 1555.
Seattle, Wu)“, ms. 10, Spokane, rash” 352 11113:; Ilia-Souk, mod... 21'! miles;
meta, Mant., lso mun.
TRIP 550 111.19: -— 1-0111, 7340 Miles -— Apr. 1, 1535.
ammo, Kant" 17.5. 10 - 0.5. m, !sllaultcns national Park, zos+lss miles;
ms. 191, mm F1115, 11111., 115 miles; ms. 91. Craters of the moon, mm, 106 muss.
T121? 610 Mill: — Tom 8460 miles —— spr. 15, 19:53.
ante” or the Mean, 11.11., 50 miles; 11.5. 91, Pautnlla, Id!” 105 miles; salt
LI-kg city, than, 186 miles; ms. 91, can: City. Utah, 265 miles;
56 miles. Zion National Park,
w 1, 195.3.
TRIP 570 miles -—- 101m. 91.20 Miles ——
zlon National Park. 0.5. 89. Grand canyun manual Park, 124 mil”; Flagshtt,
51-13., 297 miles; ms. 66, Hana-cola. Saris” 95 muse; Gallup, 1.11., 9'! :11".
1111:? 6113 1511s: -—- TOTAL 9730 Miles —- my 15, 193:5.
Gallup, 1.14., ms. 555, Cortex, 001., 1157 miles; Esau Verde Eltioml Park, ms.
450, mumm, mm, 282 miles; 5.5. as, Dwar, cal., 158 miles; 11.. . 40, 1.5mm,
001., 91 atlas.
mp sac Miles —- mm. 10410 Mile: —— Jim: 1, 193:.
ldmon, 001., 3.5. 403 - 559, Luz—u. 001., 125 miles; 17 so. Gurden city, mm,
109 mil-s; ms. 405, may. City, 19121., 52 misc; 11.. . 154 - a. . 54 ¢ ms. 150,
Wellhgtan, Kan, 17s nilsa; 11.. 31 - 17.5. 177, alaclnrell, 13:121., 156 mil-u; menu.
mm, 75 Milan; sum, hm. 99 milu.
m1? 670 mles -— 1mm, lloao lulu ——- June 15. 19515.
Salim, mm, 11.3. 51, calm. Neb., zlz miss; a... so — ms. 77, Sim City,
154 miles; 0.3. 75, Ortonvillo, 16:111., 231 miles; cross river to Big Stella city.
5. Duh, Fargo. 1:. mm, 123 1111155.
1111? 700 1111a: — Tom, 11150 113.13: - July 1, 1933.
Fargo, 1. mm, 9.5. lon - . 210, Duluth, mm” 219 mile“ 0.5. a, Ironwood,
Mich” 113 miles; Samba, Mich. 195 E1195.
1311: son Kile: .— TOTAL 12w: 1:115: —— July 15, 1935.
Emu-m, 11:11., 11.5. 2 - ms. 41, Grain: Ely, wls., 124 an”; v.5. 141. Milnuku,
Wis” 1211:2153; 17.3. 41, Chicago, :11... 95 mil”; ms. 65, Springfield, 111., 196 miles;
st. Lou“. 1b.. 109 1.115.189.
1'31? 640 mles —- Tow. 18020 m1” —— Aug. 1, 1955.
st. mule, 15., U. s. 51, cape Ginrdeun, 110., 1:: mun; lszzphia, Tenn... 133 11.11";
cm“ rivor to Arms-a, v.3. 7o, JAckaun, Tum” 39 11119:; Nashville, om” us an".
111:? 550 lulu — 1011:, 13680 miles — Aug. 15, 1933.
nahville. Tm” 11.3. 51, Wine, w" 193 miles; saymour, Ind.. 56 nun;
ms. 9:, Cincinmti, chin. 94 miles; clarkn'burg, W. V». gas miles; ms. 19, Pittnbm-gh,
PM, 122 min.
ME 160 I119: —— 10111. 14539 Miles —. Supt. 1, 1953.
Plttsmgh, Pm, U.. . so - .s. 21, cleveumd, Halo, 131 nllu; 9.3. 20, Erie, Pa”
100 miles: Buffalo, 11.1., 90 mn Alhay, 11.1., 237 milea-
TRIP 510 Miles -—- TOTAL 14940 miles —- sayt. 3.5, 1935.
Albany, 11.1., 11.5. 4, Banana, Vt” 54. miles; white River Function, vh, 41 mil“;
ms. 5, Johnabury. vh, 55 1:11.93 ms. 2, mar, 115., 219 miles; ms. 1, Fenland, Me”
145 11115:: Pane-mouth, 11.11., 50 miles.
TRIP 620 lun- -— TOTAL 15560 Miles — oat. 1, 1955.
Portsmouth, 1.3., U 1, Boston, 11:53., 53 miles; Pravidanca, 11.1., 45 miles;
New Elm. Conn», 114 nil-s; new york, N-Y‘. 7:5 mun; ms. 22, Phillipabuxg, 11.1 as
miles; Allentown, Pa” l9 milel.
1er 400 lulu -— TOTAL 15960 Miles -— cut. 15, 19:53.
(via/é. ‘11 #ngi
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