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General Marine Construction
Safety Practices
When pile driving over water or performing any type of marine 6) All floating rigs, with the exception of small work rafts or pontoons,
construction, there are numerous safety precautions one should shall be equipped with at least 2 ring buoys.
consider. While the following is only a brief synopsis of some of 7) Lifesaving boats, manned boats (motor driven if necessary) shall
the more common areas of concern, anyone performing such work be provided.
should always proceed with caution. 8) Adequate toilets, wash stations and the like are readily available
General on board.
1) Ring buoys shall be provided and readily available at intervals not Anchor Handling Barge
exceeding 200 feet on all structures over water under the course of 1) Vessels meeting the definition of anchor handling barge should
construction. have:
2) Safety nets and safety harnesses are required a. All deck surfaces of the pontoon or barge shall be above the
3) Where employees are concentrated in groups, there shall be water.
additional ring buoys consisting of not less than 1 additional buoy b. Means for limiting the applied load, such as mechanical means or
for each 25 employees in that area. Portable standards or equivalent marking the draft of the barge corresponding to the rated load, shall
means to hold the ring buoys in plain view shall be provided. be provided. Calculations shall be available and the barge shall be
4) Protection against such hazards as reptiles (snakes), alligators, tested to verify rated load.
sharks and other animals. c. A ratchet and pawl shall be provided for releasing the load from
5) Life vests, life preservers, and life (ring) buoys;
(continued on Page 54)
|52 MCoanrs intreuction®® www.marineconstructionmagazine.com ISSUE #1 - 2018
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(Continued from Page 52) c) Jacob’s ladders (marine rope or chain ladder) shall be of the
double rung or flat tread type. They shall be well maintained and
Safety Practices properly secured.
d) A Jacob’s ladder shall either hang without slack from its lashings
the hoisting machinery brake. or be pulled up entirely.
2) An operating manual/procedure shall be available for use by the
operator. The operator shall be trained in the anchor handling barge e) When the upper end of the means of access rests on or is flush
systems operation. with the top of the bulwark, substantial steps properly secured and
a. If additional external load is superimposed above that which equipped with at least one substantial hand rail approximately 33
can be hoisted with the onboard hoisting machinery, then a chain inches in height, shall be provided between the top of the bulwark
stopper shall be used to remove the external load from the A-frame
and hoist machinery. (continued on Page 56)
b. An anchor handling barge may be used for anchor handling
low lifting of loads such as anchor buoys/weights, dredge pipe,
submerged pipeline, pontoons, and other loads provided they do not
exceed the load rating of the anchor barge. If used for any other
lifting application, the work platform will be considered a floating
Barge Access
a) Ramps for access of vehicles to or between barges shall be of
adequate strength, provided with side boards, well maintained, and
properly secured.
b) Unless employees can step safely to or from the wharf, float,
barge, or river towboat, either a ramp, or a safe walkway, shall be
|54 MCoanrs intreuction®® www.marineconstructionmagazine.com ISSUE #1 - 2018
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(Continued from Page 54) c) Employees shall not be permitted to pass fore and aft, over, or
around deck loads, unless there is a safe passage.
Safety Practices d) Employees shall not be permitted to walk over deck loads from
rail to coaming unless there is a safe passage. If it is necessary to
and the deck. stand at the outboard or inboard edge of the deck load where less
f) Obstructions shall not be laid on or across the gangway. than 24 inches of bulwark, rail, coaming, or other protection exists,
g) The means of access shall be adequately illuminated for its full all employees shall be provided with a suitable means of protection
length. against falling from the deck load.
h) Unless the structure makes it impossible, the means of access Cofferdam Work
shall be so located that the load will not pass over employees. Cofferdam work presents safety problems unique to this type of
Barge First-Aid and Lifesaving Equipment construction. Among them are limited access, limited work areas,
a) Provisions for rendering first aid and medical assistance shall be damp or wet footing, and deep excavations. Provisions must be
in accordance with Subpart D of this part. made for safe access in terms of adequate walkways, rails, ladders,
b) The employer shall ensure that there is in the vicinity of each or stairs into and out of the lower levels.
barge in use at least one U.S. Coast Guard-approved 30-inch lifering The work may be within a waterway, in which case additional safety
with not less than 90 feet of line attached, and at least one portable regulations may apply. These would include provisions for flotation
or permanent ladder which will reach the top of the apron to the devices, boats, warning signals, and suitable means for a rapid exit.
surface of the water. If the above equipment is not available at the The Construction Safety Orders should be consulted for specific
pier, the employer shall furnish it during the time that he is working requirements.
the barge. Crane Barges, Floating Derricks, etc.
c) Employees walking or working on the unguarded decks of barges During lifting operations, the stability of the floating crane/derrick
shall be protected with U.S. Coast Guard-approved work vests or or vessel with an auxiliary shipboard crane shall meet the USCG
buoyant vests. requirements for “Lifting”.
Barge Material Handling The load rating of a floating crane/derrick shall be the maximum
a) Operations fitting the definition of “material handling” shall be working loads at various radii as determined by the manufacturer or
performed in conformance with applicable requirements of Part qualified person considering list and trim for each installation. The
1918, “Safety and Health Regulations for Long Shoring”. The term load rating shall specifically reflect the: design standard; machine
“Long Shoring Operations” means the loading, unloading, moving, trim; machine list; and dynamic/environmental loadings anticipated
or handling of construction materials, equipment and supplies, etc. for the operational envelope of the floating crane/derrick or auxiliary
into, in, on, or out of any vessel from a fixed structure or shore-to- shipboard crane. A Naval Architectural Analysis shall be performed
vessel, vessel-to-shore or fixed structure or vessel-to-vessel. to determine these parameters that shall be used in generating the
Barge Working Surfaces load rating.
a) Employees shall not be permitted to walk along the sides of a. The load rating is dependent upon the structural competence
covered lighters or barges with coamings more than 5 feet high, of the crane or derrick, rope strength, hoist capacity, structural
unless there is a 3-foot clear walkway, or a grab rail, or a taut hand attachment to the floating platform, and stability and freeboard of
line is provided. the floating platform.
b) Decks and other working surfaces shall be maintained in a safe b. When deck loads are to be carried while lifting, the situation shall
condition. be analyzed for modified ratings.
c. When mounted on barges or pontoons, the rated loads and radii
of land cranes and derricks shall be modified as recommended by
the manufacturer or qualified person. The modification shall be
evaluated by the qualified person specific to the floating platform
mounting the crane.
d. Load charts shall be generated based on the crane load rating
for floating service. In addition, the load charts for floating service
shall comply with the specific standard it was designed to and
clearly explain the floating platform and dynamic/environmental
parameters that apply to the load chart.
The load chart should, at a minimum, identify the following:
(a) Draft limits (with deck cargo considered),
(b) Vessel motion limits,
(continued on Page 60)
|56 MCoanrs intreuction®® www.marineconstructionmagazine.com ISSUE #1 - 2018
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(Continued from Page 56
Safety Practices
(c) Vessel and crane list/trim limits, and
(d) Vessel condition (e.g., dry bilges, watertight integrity, etc.).
(e) Crane manufacturer Notes, or reference to them.
(f) Safe Working Load Chart with:
- Mode of operation,
- Environmental limits,
- Capacity (net or gross),
- Load, boom elevation, radius (with list/trim considered), and
- Crane configuration, such as:
• Boom length,
• Amount of counterweight,
• Parts of wire, and
• Block size.
All crane manufacturer capacity tables should include the boom
elevation in degrees from the horizon at each noted capacity.
Additionally, the capacity should be clearly defined (i.e., net or
Stability - operating list or trim. Unless the crane or derrick
(continued on Page 62)
|60 MCoanrs intreuction®® www.marineconstructionmagazine.com ISSUE #1 - 2018
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(Continued from Page 60) pontoon shall be submerged. barge or pontoon, as well as machinery list
4) Provide tie-downs for derricks to transmit and trim in rotating crane cabs.
Safety Practices the loading to the barge or pontoon. Principal walking surfaces shall be of a
5) Cranes shall be blocked and secured to skid-resistant type.
manufacturer recommends a lesser prevent shifting. Boom stops shall be provided to resist the
value, the following shall be the maximum Diving/Underwater Work boom fall backwards.
allowable list or trim: The employer shall develop and maintain a A boom angle indicator readable from the
a. Cranes, designed for barge or pontoon safe practice manual, and make it available operator’s station shall be provided on all
mounting, rated at 25 tons (22,680 kg) at the dive location for each dive team floating cranes.
capacity or less shall have a maximum member. The employer shall keep a record All floating cranes/derricks and shipboard
allowable list or trim of 5º. of each dive. The record shall contain the auxiliary cranes shall be fitted with load
b. Cranes, designed for barge or pontoon diver’s name, his or her supervisor’s name, limiting devices (LLDs) or load indicating
mounting, rated at 25 tons (22,680 kg) date, time, location, type of dive (scuba, devices (LID).
capacity or more shall have a maximum mixed gas, surface supply), underwater and a. Duty cycle operations are exempt from
allowable list or trim of 7º, although 5º is surface conditions, and maximum depth and these requirements.
recommended. bottom time. b. Duty cycle cranes performing occasional
c. Derricks designed for barge or pontoon Each dive team member shall have the non-critical lifts shall comply with the
mounting, rated at any capacity shall have a experience or training necessary to perform following:
maximum allowable list or trim of 10º. assigned tasks safely. (1) Total weight of load and rigging is known
d. Land cranes and derricks mounted on Each dive team member shall be briefed or calculated;
barges or pontoons shall have a maximum on the tasks, safety procedures, unusual (2) Load chart is reviewed for weight and
allowable list or trim of 5º or the maximum hazards or environmental conditions, planned radius;
allowed by the crane manufacturer. and modifications made to the operating (3) Informal pre-lift meeting is held between
Stability - Design Load Conditions: procedures. The dive shall be terminated all personnel directly involved (operator,
a. Cranes or derricks designed for barge when a diver requests it, the diver fails to rigger, etc.) to review the conditions present
or pontoon mounting shall be stable. The respond correctly, communication is lost, for that lift (environmental, configuration,
following shall be the minimum allowable or when the diver begins to use the reserve etc.)
freeboard: breathing gas. All floating cranes/derricks and crane
(1) Rated load, 60-mph (26.8-m/s) wind, 2-ft Environmental Considerations barges shall be equipped with wind speed
(0.6-m) minimum freeboard; a. The project supervisor shall obtain daily and direction indicating devices within clear
(2) Rated load plus 25%, 60-mph (26.8-m/s) weather forecasts before beginning work view of the operator’s station.
wind, 1-ft (0.3-m) minimum freeboard; and as frequently thereafter as required to Floating Pile Driving Rigs
(3) High boom, no load, 60-mph (26.8-m/s) monitor any potential weather problems. 1) When pile drivers are working over water,
wind, 2-ft (0.6-m) minimum freeboard; b. When a local weather storm warning all relevant precautions for work over water
(4) For backward stability of the boom - high exists, consideration shall be given to the should be taken in accordance with this
boom, no load, full back list (least stable recommendations of the manufacturer for code and in particular a suitable boat should
condition), 90-mph (40.2-m/s) wind. securing the crane. be kept readily available at all times.
b. Land cranes and derricks mounted on c. Work shall be halted when environmental 2) All members of floating pile driving crews
barges or pontoons: conditions exceed those delineated on the should be trained to handle boats.
1) Barge- or pontoon-mounted land cranes load chart. 3) Floating pile driving rigs should be
require modified ratings due to increased Truck- and crawler-cranes shall be attached provided with a whistle, siren, horn or other
loading from list, trim, wave action, and to the barge or pontoon by means of a tie- effective signaling equipment.
wind. This rating will be different for each down system with some slack. 4) Floating pile driving rigs should be
size of pontoon or barge used. Therefore, Movement during lift operations is not provided with adequate fire-fighting
the load rating of barge or pontoon-mounted permitted. equipment.
land cranes and derricks shall not exceed When loads approach the maximum rating of 5) The weight of machinery on a floating pile
that recommended by the manufacturer for the crane or derrick, the person responsible driving rig should be evenly distributed so
the particular barge or pontoon under the for the job shall ascertain that the weight of that the deck of the installation is horizontal.
expected environmental conditions. the load has been determined within +/- 10% 6) Steel barge hulls should be divided into
2) All deck surfaces of the pontoon or barge before it is lifted. watertight compartments.
shall be above the water. Means shall be provided for the operator 7) Watertight compartments should be
3) The entire bottom area of the barge or to visually determine the list and trim of the
(continued on Page 64)
|62 MCoanrs intreuction®®
www.marineconstructionmagazine.com ISSUE #1 - 2018
NPK’s all new excavator-mounted sheet pile
driver is a modified design of industry leading
plate compactors, adapted to direct powerful
vibration forces downward, optimizing driving
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• Dedicated top mounting brackets, designed to OEM bucket specifications,
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• Simple operation means that any excavator operator can easily drive and
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• Clamp fitted with a hydraulic cylinder lock to prevent slippage.
• Shock-absorbing rubber mounts isolate vibration and reduce noise.
• Heavy duty, high efficiency gear motor.
• Integrated flow control and pressure relieving valves protect from
excessive flow and pressure.
• Oil splash lubrication eliminates routine greasing of the bearing.
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Phone (440) 232-7900
Toll-free (800) 225-4379
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Visit us on the web at www.npkce.com
(Continued from Page 62) during working hours. Lifesaving personnel equivalent, line attached; and
shall perform a lifesaving drill, including e. PFDs in number equaling the skiff rating
Safety Practices the launching and recovery of the skiff, for the maximum number of personnel
before the initiation of work at the site and allowed on board.
provided with siphons for the removal of periodically thereafter as specified by the In locations where waters are rough or
water seepage. GDA (but at least monthly or whenever new swift, or where manually-operated boats
8) Barge deck hatches should have firmly personnel are involved). are not practical, a power boat suitable for
fastened covers that fit flush with the deck. Skiffs shall be kept afloat or ready for instant the waters shall be provided and equipped
9) Sufficient sheaves should be provided on launching. for lifesaving.
the barge deck to enable the crane or pile Required equipment must be onboard and Skiffs and power boats shall have flotation
driving rig to be safely maneuvered in any meet or exceed USCG requirements. Skiffs tanks or buoyant material capable of floating
direction and safely secured in position. shall be equipped as follows: the boat and its equipment and the crew.
10) Regular head counts should be taken of a. Four oars (two if the skiff is motor On vessels (e.g., skiffs) without permanently
the pile driving crewmembers. powered); mounted navigation lights, portable battery-
Lifesaving and Safety Skiffs b. Oarlocks attached to gunwales or the operated navigation lights will be available
At least one skiff shall be immediately oars; and used for night operations.
available at locations where employees c. One ball-pointed boat hook; Operational Guidance
work over or immediately next to water. d. One ring buoy with 70 ft (21.3 m) of 3/8- a. Operators shall monitor the wire lead
Personnel trained in launching and in (0.9-cm) solid braid polypropylene, or from the boom tip carefully to ensure that
operating the skiff shall be readily available limits on off-lead and side-lead identified in
the load chart are not exceeded.
b. Operators shall monitor environmental
criteria for compliance with the criteria set
forth in the load chart.
c. Operators should be aware that safety
devices such as LLD(s) and LMI(s) do not
offer protection against loads generated by
relative motions between a floating crane
and a fixed object to be lifted.
d. Whenever practical, crane use during
buoy tending shall be limited to lifting the
freely suspended buoy clear of the water
onto the vessel.
e. Bilges shall be kept as dry as possible to
eliminate the adverse effect of free surface
(sloshing liquid).
All lifts must be planned to avoid procedures
that could result in configurations where
the operator cannot maintain safe control
of the lift. (A plan, in this case, might be a
quick discussion with the deck crew, and a
verification of the proposed operation.)
Lifts shall reflect floating operational
parameters such as: anticipated values for
wire leads unknown load for extractions,
and upper limits on crane force.
Personal Flotation Devices (PFD’s)
05.H.01 Type III, Type V work vests, or
better U.S. Coast Guard (USCG)-approved
International Orange personal floatation
device (PFD) equipped with a USCG-
(continued on Page 66)
|64 MCoanrs intreuction®® www.marineconstructionmagazine.com ISSUE #1 - 2018
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(Continued from Page 64) automatic floating electric water lights as required by 46 CFR 160.
b. On all other floating plant and shore installations, lights on life
Safety Practices rings are required only in locations where adequate general lighting
(e.g., floodlights, light stanchions) is not provided. For these plants
approved automatically activated light (lights on Type III and Type and installations, at least one life ring, and every third one thereafter,
V PFDs are not required on projects performed exclusively during shall have automatic floating electric water light attached.
daylight hours) and retro reflective tape shall be provided to and c. All PFDs shall be equipped with retro reflective tape in accordance
properly worn (zipped, tied, latched, etc., in closed fashion) by all with USCG requirements.
persons in the following circumstances (inflatable PFDs will not be d. Life rings (rope attachment not required) and ring buoys (rope
worn by workers on USACE sites). attachment required) shall conform to the requirements of 46 CFR
a. On floating pipelines, pontoons, rafts, or stages; 160 (USCG approved) and should have at least 70 ft of (21.3 m) of 3/8-
b. On structures or equipment (including heavy operating equipment in (0.9-cm) solid braid polypropylene, or equivalent, attached. Throw
that is not secured to the structure) extending over or next to water bags may be used in addition to life rings or ring buoys. Life rings
except where guardrails, personal fall protection system, or safety or ring buoys shall be readily available and shall be provided at the
nets are provided for employees; following places:
c. Working alone at night where there are drowning hazards, (1) At least one on each safe type skiff;
regardless of other safeguards provided; (2) At least one on all motor boats up to 40 ft (12.1 m) in length and at
d. In skiffs, small boats, or launches, unless in an enclosed cabin or least two for motor boats 40 ft (12.1 m) in length or longer;
cockpit; or (3) At least two on any other piece or group of floating plant up to 100
e. Wherever there is a drowning hazard. ft (30.4 m) in length and one additional for each increase in length of
Before and after each use, the PFD shall be inspected for defects 100 ft (30.4 m) or fraction thereof; and
that would alter its strength or buoyancy: defective devices or (4) At least one at intervals of not more than 200 ft (60.9 m) on
devices with less than 13-lb (5.8-kg) buoyancy shall be removed pipelines, walkways, wharves, piers, bulkheads, lock walls,
from service. scaffolds, platforms, and similar structures extending over or
Throwable Devices (Type IV PFD) immediately next to water, unless the fall distance to the water is
a. On USCG-inspected vessels, ring buoys are required to have more than 45 ft (13.7 m), in which case a life ring shall be used. (The
length of line for life rings at these locations shall be evaluated, but
the length may not be less than 70 ft (21.3 m).)
At navigation locks, an analysis of the benefits versus the hazards of
using floating safety blocks (blocks that may be quickly pushed into
the water to protect individuals who have fallen in the water from
being crushed by vessels) shall be made.
Medical and First Aid
Prior to start of work, arrangements shall be made for medical
facilities and personnel to provide prompt attention to the injured
and for consultation on occupational safety and health matters.
a. An effective means of communication (hard-wired or cellular
telephone, two-way radio, etc.) with 911 access or other emergency
response source and transportation to effectively care for injured
workers shall be provided. Communication devices shall be tested
in the area of use to assure functionality.
b. The telephone numbers of physicians, hospitals, or ambulances
shall be conspicuously posted (at the minimum, these numbers shall
be posted at the on-site project office telephones).
c. A map delineating the best route to the nearest medical facility
shall be prepared and posted on the safety bulletin board.
First-Aid and Medical Facility Requirements
a. All projects, activities, installations, or contracts on which less
than 100 persons are employed (greatest total number of employees
on a shift) at the site of the work, and where neither a first-aid
(continued on Page 68)
|66 MCoanrs intreuction®® www.marineconstructionmagazine.com ISSUE #1 - 2018
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(Continued from Page 66) b. Be provided with, and shall use and (6) Safe removal of source where applicable.
maintain, PPE (i.e., CPR barrier, gloves, (7) Symptom recognition and medical
Safety Practices gowns, masks, eye protectors, and/or referral.
resuscitation equipment) when appropriate First Aid Kits
station nor infirmary is available, shall be for rendering first aid or other medical Unless otherwise specified, where first-
provided with a first-aid kit complying with assistance to prevent contact with blood or aid kits are required, they shall be Type
the criteria contained in American National other potentially infectious materials; III, 16-unit, first-aid kits (kits containing 16
Standards Institute (ANSI) Z308.1-1998 in c. Institute a blood-borne pathogen unit-type first-aid packages) containing the
the ratio of one for every 25 persons or less. prevention program to include an Exposure minimum fill contents (Table 3-1), and one
In addition to the basic fill requirements, the Control Plan with provisions for engineering pocket mouth piece or CPR barrier. First-aid
employer, in consultation with a health care and administrative controls, Hepatitis B kits shall be easily accessible to all workers,
professional or competent first aid person, vaccination, PPE, training, recordkeeping, protected from the weather, and each item
shall evaluate the hazards found in the work and a Post-Exposure Control Plan in the maintained sterile. First-aid kit locations
environment to determine the necessity of event of a blood-borne exposure. Post- should be clearly marked and distributed
optional fill contents. exposure protocol must include a plan throughout the site(s).
b. All projects, activities, installations, or to assure immediate medical evaluation The contents of first-aid kits shall be
contracts on which more than 99 and less of exposed individual(s) per current checked by the employer prior to their use
than 300 persons are employed (greatest recommendations of the Centers for Disease and at least weekly when work is in progress
total number of employees on a shift) at Control (CDC) for human immunodeficiency to ensure that expended items are replaced.
the site of the work shall establish and virus (HIV), hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis Requirements for “Basic Unit Packages”
equip, as directed by a licensed physician, C virus (HCV) and hepatitis A virus (HAV). Automatic External Defibrillator (AED)
a first-aid station. In non-rural locations, Prior to the start of work, the employer a. The placement of AEDs is optional but
medical clinics, hospitals, or doctors’ office, shall inform employees of prevention steps, encouraged. The placement of AEDs on
accessible within 5 minutes of an injury symptom recognition, and medical assets the worksite must be preceded by an
may be approved for use provided the available if they are traveling to areas assessment of the time and distance to
requirements of 03.A.03a are met. recognized by the CDC or are required to emergency medical services (EMS) and a
c. Where tunnels are being excavated, a perform work activities in areas known to be justified need for such equipment.
first-aid station and transportation facilities a potential source of disease transmission b. An AED program shall include as a
shall be provided so that treatment is such as Lyme Disease, West Nile Virus, minimum:
available within 5 minutes of the occurrence Hantavirus, Histoplasmosis, Human (1) Appropriate training and certification of
of an injury. Ehrlichiosis, Rabies, Rocky-Mountain identified operators.
d. All projects, activities, installations, or Spotted Fever, Dengue Fever, Malaria and (2) Physician oversight and assessment.
contracts on which 300 or more persons other vectore-borne diseases. (3) Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for
are employed (greatest total number of a. The employer may use the CDC fact sheets EMS activation and outcome oversight.
employees on a shift) at the site of the work and other sources for available information (4) Equipment Maintenance Program.
shall establish and equip, as directed by a for such awareness training and travel First-Aid Stations and Infirmaries
licensed physician, an infirmary. purposes. CDC information can be found at General
When any part of the body may be exposed the following website: http://www.cdc.gov/ a. On activities requiring a first-aid station
to toxic or corrosive materials, drenching travel/diseases. or an infirmary, the type of facilities and
and/or flushing facilities shall be provided b. Issues to consider when traveling in areas equipment shall be determined by the
in the work area for immediate emergency where such diseases are endemic include: proximity and quality of available medical
use. (1) Modes of disease transmission. services and shall be in accordance
When persons are exposed to epoxy resins, (2) Specific health risks associated with the with the recommendation of a licensed
solvents, hydrocarbons, cement, lime, or disease. physician. Alternative facilities that provide
other dermatitis-producing substances, (3) Preventive measures such as available the quantity and quality of services outlined
ointment recommended by the manufacturer vaccines and PPE (gloves, eye and skin in this section may be used if recommended
for the specific exposure shall be available protection, respirator). by a licensed physician.
and shall be used. (4) Appropriate work practices to prevent b. Identification and directional markers
Employees designated as responsible for contact with infected agents (bird/rodent shall be used to readily denote the location
rendering first aid or medical assistance droppings, etc.), such as watering areas of all first-aid stations and infirmaries.
shall be included in their employer’s blood- prior to dust-generating activities.
borne pathogen program in accordance and (5) Vaccine information, to include (continued on Page 70)
shall: information on the effectiveness, risks, and
a. Be instructed in the sources, hazards, and availability.
avoidance of blood-borne pathogens.
|68 MCoanrs intreuction®® www.marineconstructionmagazine.com ISSUE #1 - 2018
Coastal Pile Cutters, LLC
Saving you time and money
Contractors are always looking for ways to cut cost and finish their project on time and within budget. View
our website and see how we can cut days even weeks out of your bridge, dock and pier removal projects.
Cutting piling, pile caps, and tie beams above and below the water line without the need for divers makes
quick work of your removal process. Time is money. Let Coastal Pile Cutters International, Inc show you
how we can improve your bottom line.
Removal of a major water front pier on the downtown Seattle waterfront required Coastal’s large and smaller shears to cut
and remove the pile caps and supporting piling. Coastal provided the operators and equipment assuring the pile cutting
process proceed smoothly. With over 300 battered piling to be removed to mud line, Coastal’s crew working along side the
prime contractors people efficiently demolition the dock making way for the new replacement dock and parking facilities.
24 Inch Shear
Piling clusters
are cut below
their caps and
again at mud
48 Inch Shear
Vertical and horizontal cuts
were made to remove the tie beams.
Coastal Pile Cutters, LLC looks forward to bidding on your next bridge, dock, or pier removal
project. Pricing depends on size and quantity of the pilings. There is no project to big or to small.
Coastal Pile Cutters, LLC We are the
PO Box 165 Bacliff, TX 77518 Pile Cutting
Contact: James Todack, Operations Manager
Industry Leader
Email: [email protected] www.coastalpilecutters.com
(Continued from Page 68) Emergency Planning
1. Emergency plans to ensure employee safety in case of fire or
Safety Practices other emergency shall be prepared, in writing, and reviewed with
all affected employees. Emergency plans shall be tested to ensure
c. Emergency lighting shall be provided for all first-aid stations and their effectiveness.
infirmaries. 2. Plans shall include escape procedures and routes; critical
A first-aid attendant shall be on duty in first-aid stations at all hours plant operations; employee accounting following an emergency
when work is in progress (except when on emergency calls). evacuation; rescue and medical duties; means of reporting
Infirmaries emergencies; persons to be contacted for information or
a. Infirmaries shall provide reasonably quiet, privacy, light, climate clarification.
control, adequate toilet facilities, hot and cold water, drainage, 3. On-site emergency planning shall be integrated with off-site
and electrical outlets; walls and ceilings shall be finished with the emergency support.
equivalent of two coats of white paint; windows and doors will be 4. Evacuation procedures will be outlined and discussed to address
screened; floors shall be of impervious construction. possible emergencies requiring such; such as severe weather
b. A properly equipped emergency vehicle, helicopter, or mobile warnings, fires, etc. If the emergency evacuation requires the act
first-aid unit shall be provided during work hours at sites requiring of jumping overboard, proper guidelines shall be followed, such as
an infirmary. The emergency vehicle shall not be used for any other the use of required life-saving flotation devices and the notification
purpose, except that the helicopter may be used for shift crew of the proper emergency authorities thru the use of on-board radio
changes. devices or phones.
c. A registered nurse (RN), a licensed physician’s assistant, a Contingency Plans
certificated emergency medical technician (EMT), or a licensed 1. In the event of thunderstorms, lightning, blizzards, and high winds
practical nurse (LPN) (if the LPN is approved by a licensed physician) all work will be suspended.
shall be assigned on a full-time basis to each installation requiring 2. In the event of severe storm warning, equipment will be secured
an infirmary. on high ground and personnel evacuated.
d. Infirmaries shall be equipped with an AED. 3. All contingency actions will be coordinated with the Customers
Personnel Requirements and Qualifications Project Manager.
All projects, installations, activities, or contracts on which 1,000 Medical Services and First Aid
persons or more are employed (greatest total aggregate number of The employer shall ensure the availability of medical personnel for
employees on a shift) shall have the full-time services of a licensed advice and consultation on matters of occupational health. When
physician. An EMT having direct communication with a licensed a medical facility is not reasonably accessible for the treatment of
physician may be used when a full-time physician is not available. injured employees, a person qualified to render first aid shall be
First-aid attendants shall hold certification in first-aid and CPR available at the worksite.
training from the American Red Cross, the American Heart First-aid supplies when required should be readily available.
Association, or from an organization whose training is deemed In areas where 911 is not available, the telephone numbers of the
equivalent by one of these organizations (and this equivalency is physicians, hospitals, or ambulances shall be conspicuously posted.
stated in writing), or from a licensed physician. The certificate(s) Mobilization
shall state the date of issue and length of validity. General
First-aid attendants, RNs, licensed physicians’ assistants, LPNs, 1) The drivers and operators of vehicles and of pile, pile equipment
and EMTs shall be under the direction of a licensed physician. and related accessories should be persons trained and tested as
Military personnel with equivalent qualifications may be used in lieu required by a pile driving local (union) state or national laws, or
of the above personnel. presiding regulations.
Emergency Response 2) Adequate signaling or other control arrangements or devices
1. In the event of an accident, all work will immediately cease. The should be provided to guard against danger from the movement of
Project Manager will deem when work shall resume. any vehicles, equipment or materials handling equipment. Special
2. Emergency planning procedures will be coordinated with local safety precautions should be taken for cranes, pile rigs, crawler
authorities and implemented at the site. Additionally, communication rigs, trucks, vehicles and equipment when maneuvering backwards.
with the local hospital will occur so as to advise the emergency 3) Preventive measures should be taken to avoid the fall of vehicles
room of the nature of contamination victims may have been exposed into open excavations or into water.
to while on site, if they are transported to the hospital. Directions to 4) Where appropriate, any equipment should be fitted with
the hospital will be posted on site and a copy will be placed in all
site vehicles. These procedures will be discussed during the weekly (continued on Page 72)
site briefings.
|70 MCoanrs intreuction®® www.marineconstructionmagazine.com ISSUE #1 - 2018
(Continued from Page 70) religious beliefs do not provide the necessary safe working
environment (without PPE), then the employer shall require the
Safety Practices employee to use the appropriate PPE or the employee will not be
allowed to work in the area where he/she will be exposed to the
structures (ROPS) designed to protect the operator from being hazard requiring protection.
crushed should the machine overturn, be struck by falling debris, or 2) Employees shall be physically able and medically determined
similar occurrence. qualified to use the personal protective and safety equipment that
Motor Vehicles and Mechanized Equipment may be required in their job duties.
All vehicles in use shall be checked at the beginning of each shift 3) Employers shall ensure users of personal protective and safety
to ensure that all parts, equipment, and accessories that affect equipment are trained to know the following: when PPE, and what
safe operation are in proper operating condition and free from types of PPE are necessary; how to properly don, doff, adjust, and
defects. All defects shall be corrected before the vehicle is placed wear PPE; limitations of the PPE; and proper care, inspection,
in service. No employer shall use any motor vehicle, earthmoving, testing, maintenance, useful life, storage, and disposal of the PPE.
or compacting equipment having an obstructed view to the rear a. Each affected employee shall demonstrate an understanding of
unless: this training and the ability to use PPE properly before being allowed
• The vehicle has a reverse signal alarm distinguishable from the to perform work requiring the use of PPE.
surrounding noise level, or b. When the employer has reason to believe that any affected
• The vehicle is backed up only when an observer signals that it is employee who has been trained does not have the understanding
safe to do so. and skill required for the use of the PPE, the employer shall assure
Heavy machinery, equipment, or parts thereof that are suspended or the employee receives the necessary retraining to acquire the
held aloft shall be substantially blocked to prevent falling or shifting appropriate skills.
before employees are permitted to work under or between them. c. The employer shall verify that each affected e mployee has
Common Marine Construction & Pile Driving Related MSDS’s received and understood the required training by a written
1. Acetylene, Dissolved Cutting Gas certification that identifies the name of each employee trained, the
2. Argon/CO2 Welding Gas date(s) of the training, and the subjects taught.
3. CCA Treated Lumber 4) A copy of the manufacturer’s use, inspection, testing, and
4. Chain Saw Lubricant maintenance instructions shall be maintained with the personal
5. Diesel Fuel protective and safety equipment.
6. Gear Lubricant, Mobil SHC 629 5) Personal protective and safety equipment shall be tested,
7. Grease, Mobil XHP 220 inspected, and maintained in serviceable and sanitary condition as
8. HILTI RE-500 Epoxy recommended by the manufacturer.
9. Hydraulic Oil, Greenplus ES a. Defective or damaged equipment shall not be used. It shall be
10. Oxygen, Compressed Cutting Gas tagged as out of service and locked-up or immediately removed
11. Welding Electrode, 6010 from the work site to prevent use.
12. Welding Electrode, 7018 b. Before being stored or reissued to another person, equipment
Personal Protective and Safety Equipment shall be cleaned, disinfected, inspected, and repaired.
General 6) When employees provide their own equipment, the employer
1) Responsibilities. is responsible for assuring its adequacy in protecting against the
a. Based on hazard evaluations (conducted by supervisors), hazard and its state of repair.
employers shall select, and have each affected employee use, PPE 7) Minimum requirements.
that will protect the employee from hazards. a. Employees shall wear clothing suitable for the weather and
b. Employers shall communicate PPE decisions to each affected work conditions: the minimum for fieldwork (i.e., construction
employee and select PPE that properly fits each affected employee. sites, industrial operations and maintenance activities, emergency
c. Employees shall use all PPE that may be required to maintain their operations, regulatory inspections, etc.) shall be short sleeve shirt,
exposure within acceptable limits. long pants (excessively long or baggy pants are prohibited), and
d. The employer will make all reasonable efforts to accommodate leather or other protective work shoes or boots.
employees with religious beliefs that may conflict with the PPE b. Protective equipment shall be of heat/fire/chemical/
requirements contained within this manual. electricalresistive material when conditions require protection
However, when reasonable efforts to accommodate the employee’s against such hazards.
8) Protective footwear, such as rubber boots, protective covers,
ice cramp-ons, and safety-toed boots, shall be worn by all persons
(continued on Page 74)
|72 MCoanrs intreuction®® www.marineconstructionmagazine.com ISSUE #1 - 2018
(Continued from Page 72) All equipment will fit snugly with no undue interference with the
wearer’s movements and will be reasonably comfortable when
Safety Practices worn under the designated conditions.
5. Gloves, hearing protection and respiratory protection will
exposed to hazards to the feet (including, but not limited to, be provided if hazardous conditions warranting their use are
puncture, slipping, electrical, or chemical hazards). encountered.
a. For all activities in which USACE or contractor personnel 6. Any work performed on or over water will require the use of life
or official visitors are potentially exposed to foot hazards, the jackets by all employees. Lifelines will be used. Life rings or similar
applicable PHA/AHA, APP, or project safety and health plan shall approved life saving devices will be on site as well as emergency
include an analysis of, and prescribe specific protective measures rafts. Emergency procedures will be discussed to ensure all
to be taken for, reducing foot hazards. employees are aware of the location of the equipment required
b. USACE and Contractor personnel shall, as a minimum, wear during this type of work operation and the proper procedures to
safety-toed footwear meeting ANSI Z41 while working on follow. Cell phones and radios will be onsite to use to notify proper
construction sites unless it can be demonstrated by a PHA/AHA authorities and emergency personnel.
to the GDA satisfaction that a different type of foot protection is Eye and Face Protection
required. 1) Persons shall be provided with eye and face protection
c. Footwear providing protection against impact and compressive equipment, when machines or operations present potential eye or
forces, conduction hazards, electrical hazards, and sole puncture face injury from physical, chemical, or radiation agents.
shall meet the applicable requirements of ANSI Z41; footwear Notes:
providing protection against impact and compression hazards. 1) Care should be taken to recognize the possibility of multiple and
d. Unexploded ordnance (UXO) sweep personnel shall have no simultaneous exposure to a variety of hazards. Adequate protection
metal parts in or on their footwear. against the highest level of each of the hazards must be provided.
9) Persons involved in activities that subject the hands to injury 2) Operations involving heat may also involve optical radiation.
(e.g., cuts, abrasions, punctures, burns, chemical irritants, toxins, Protection from both hazards shall be provided.
vibration, and forces that can restrict blood flow) shall select and 3) Face shields shall only be worn over primary eye protection.
use hand protection appropriate for the hazard. 4) Filter lenses shall meet the requirements for shade designations
11) Persons exposed to vehicular or equipment traffic, including 5) Persons whose vision requires the use of prescription (Rx)
signalpersons, spotters, or inspectors, shall wear high visibility lenses shall wear either protective devices fitted with prescription
apparel meeting ANSI/ISEA 107 Class 3 requirements. (Rx) lenses or protective devices designed to be worn over regular
12) Protective leg chaps shall be worn by workers who operate prescription (Rx) eyewear.
chain saws. Protective leg chaps must meet the specifications 6) Wearers of contact lenses shall also be required to wear
in American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Standard appropriate covering eye and face protection devices in a
F1897. hazardous environment. It should be recognized that dusty and/
The employer is responsible for requiring the wearing of appropriate or chemical environments may represent an additional hazard to
personal protective equipment in all operations where there is an contact lens wearers.
exposure to hazardous conditions or where the need is indicated 7) Caution should be exercised in the use of metal frame protective
for using such equipment to reduce the hazard to the employees. devices in electrical hazard areas.
Employees working over or near water, where the danger of 8) Refer to ANSI/ASSE Z87-1, Section 6.5, Special Purpose Lenses.
drowning exists, shall be provided with U.S. Coast Guard-approved 9) Welding helmets or hand shields shall be used only over primary
life jackets or buoyant work vests. eye protection.
1. All personal protective equipment shall be provided as necessary. 10) Non-side shield spectacles are available for frontal protection
Equipment shall meet OSHA requirements and instructions on only.
proper use and maintenance shall be provided. a. All eye and face protection equipment shall meet the requirements
2. Head protection will be mandatory for all workers with an of ANSI/American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE) Z87.1 and
exposure to falling and moving equipment and machinery. Hard bear a legible and permanent “Z87” logo to indicate compliance
hats provide head protection and will be made of aluminum, high- with the standard.
density polyethylene, phenolic resins with wire mesh, glass fiber b. Eye and face protection equipment shall be distinctly marked to
reinforced with polyester resins or other types of dielectric plastics. facilitate identification of the manufacturer.
3. Approved work shoes will be required for field workers. Sneakers, c. Employees shall use eye protection providing side protection.
sandals or shoes that have slits or holes cut in them will not be 11) When required by this regulation to wear eye protection,
4. Eye and face protection will be provided for all sawing, burning, (continued on Page 76)
welding and grinding operations. Goggles, spectacles, face
shields and welding helmets will be provided where necessary.
|74 MCoanrs intreuction®® www.marineconstructionmagazine.com ISSUE #1 - 2018
“Newt Marine Service” -
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(Continued from Page 74) when the load is relieved or the drum is rotated shall be prohibited.
2) Guards shall be provided across the top of the head block to
Safety Practices prevent cable from jumping out of the sheaves.
3) All hose connections to pile-driver hammers, pile ejectors, or jet
persons whose vision requires the use of corrective lenses in pipes shall be securely attached with an adequate length of at least
eyeglasses shall be protected by one of the following: 1/4-in (0.6 -cm) alloy steel chain, having 3,250 lb (1,500 kg) working
a. Eyeglasses with protective lenses providing optical correction, load limit, or equal strength cable, to prevent whipping if the joint
b. Goggles that can be worn over corrective lenses without is broken.
disturbing the adjustment of the spectacles, or 4) Steam-line controls shall consist of two shutoff valves, one of
c. Goggles that incorporate corrective lenses mounted behind which shall be a quick-acting lever type within easy reach of the
the protective lenses. hammer operator.
12) Personnel who are considered blind in one eye and are Floating Pile Driving Rigs
working in other than administrative functions shall wear safety a. The width of hulls of floating pile drivers shall not be less than
spectacles with side shields while on the job. 45% of the height of the lead above the water.
13) Operations that require the use of, or exposure to, hot or molten b. The operating deck of floating pile drivers shall be so guarded
substances (e.g., babbitting, soldering, pouring or casting of hot as to prevent piles that are being hoisted into driving position from
metals, handling of hot tar, oils, liquids, and molten substances) swinging in over the deck. 16.L.08 Hoisting and moving pile.
shall require eye protection, such as goggles, with safety lenses a. All employees shall be kept clear when piling is being hoisted
and screens for side protection, or face masks, shields, and into the leads.
helmets giving equal protection. Lens mountings shall be able to b. Hoisting of steel piling shall be done by use of a closed
retain in position all parts of a cracked lens. shackle or other positive attachment that will prevent accidental
14) Operations that require handling of harmful materials (e.g.,
acids, caustics, hot liquids, or creosoted materials) and operations (continued on page 78)
where protection from gases, fumes, and liquids is necessary
shall require the wearing of goggles with cups of soft pliable
rubber and suitable face shields, masks, or hoods that cover the
head and neck, and other protective clothing appropriate to the
hazards involved.
15) Operations where protection from radiant energy with
moderate reduction of visible light is necessary, including
welding, cutting, brazing, and soldering, shall require eye and
face protection suitable to the type of work, providing protection
from all angles of direct exposure, and with lenses of the
appropriate shade.
16) Glare-resistant glasses that comply with ANSI Z80.3 with
an ultraviolet A-region (UVA) and ultraviolet B-region (UVB)
99% filtration shall be worn when conditions require protection
against glare.
17) Tinted or automatically darkening lenses should not be worn
when work tasks require the employee to pass from brightly to
dimly lighted areas.
Head Protection
Head protective equipment (helmets) shall be worn in areas
where there is a possible danger of head injuries from impact,
flying or falling objects, or electrical shock and burns.
Helmets for protection against impact and penetration of falling
and flying objects shall meet the requirements of ANSI Z89.1-
Pile Driving Rigs
Guys, outriggers, thrust-outs, or counter-balances shall be
provided as necessary to maintain stability of pile driver rigs.
1) Dogs, on pile-driver hoist drums, that automatically disengage
|76 MCoanrs intreuction®® www.marineconstructionmagazine.com ISSUE #1 - 2018
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(Continued from Page 76) - The use of safety glasses when using circular saws, grinders,
Safety Practices 225 Tons oftable saws, radial arm saws, jack hammers, power actuated
tools, etc.
- The proper set up and use of ladders.
- Hard hats and why they are necessary.
- A discussion of a recent accident and its cause(s).
Used Steel Sheet Pilec. Taglines shall be used for controlling unguided piles and free
Offered for Salehanging (flying) hammers.
d. Hammers shall be lowered to the bottomPSof2t7h.5e alenaddPsSw3h1ilient1h8e’ 23- ’ LAendgistchusssIioUnnocfoaanteodld accident.
pile driver is being moved. accesFs.Op.iBts. sKhaaulkl abeunpar,oWvidisecdownsitihn to A-v asAilaadfbeisltecyuipnsosSliiocenipetosef.mdbisecri-p2li0n1a3ry procedures for failure to comply with
6) When driving jacked piles, all
ladders and bulk headed curbs to prevent material from falling into A log of Safety Meetings must be kept in accordance with the form
the pit. that follows. One copy should be kept by jobsite management and
7) When it is necessary to cut off the tops of driven piles, pile driving the other kept on the file in the home office by jobsite location.
operations shall be suspended except where the cutting operations
are located at least twice the length of the longest pile from the Welding, Cutting & Burning
driver. General
Safety Meetings 1) Employers shall instruct employees in the safe use of welding
Safety meetings or tool box talks of 5 to 10 minutes must be held equipment.
by superintendents and/or foreman each week. Employees never 2) Proper precautions (isolating welding and cutting, removing fire
receive too much training, and therefore our company relies upon hazards from the vicinity, providing a fire watch) for fire prevention
jobsite management to provide ongoing and continuous employee shall be taken in areas where welding or other “hot work” is being
training. L u n d a C o n s t r u c tdioonne. C o m p a n y
The subject to each training discu9s2si0on- 7sh8o8u-ld5b2e3c8hoIsetohroeflaftme tao n @3l)u nNod awceoldninsgt, rcuucttitnigo, no.rchoemating shall be done where the
the type of work that is being performed. application of flammable paints, or the presence of other flammable
Some examples include: (continued on Page 80)
|J U N E 2 0 1 3 I I 45w w w. m a r i n e c o n s t r u c t i o n m a g a z i n e . c o m
Marine Construction™
78 MCoanrs intreuction®®
www.marineconstructionmagazine.com ISSUE #1 - 2018
(Continued from Page 78) when welding, cutting or heating:
a. Zinc, lead, cadmium, chromium, mercury, or materials bearing,
Safety Practices based, or coated with beryllium in enclosed spaces;
b. Stainless steel with inert-gas equipment;
compounds or heavy dust concentrations creates a fire hazard. c. In confined spaces; and
4) Arc welding and cutting operations shall be shielded by d. Where an unusual condition can cause an unsafe accumulation
noncombustible or flameproof screens to protect employees and of contaminants.
other persons in the vicinity from direct arc rays. 12) Proper eye protective equipment to prevent exposure of
5) When electrode holders are to be left unattended, the electrodes personnel shall be provided.
shall be removed and the holder shall be placed or protected so that 13) Welding must not be viewed with the naked eye. Shield eyes
they cannot make electrical contact with employees or conducting when in the vicinity of a welding operation and wear appropriate
objects. shaded eye protection when inspecting this work.
6) All arc welding and cutting cables shall be completely insulated Electric Arc and Related Thermal Hazards
and be capable of handling the maximum current requirements for Electric flash protection shall be provided for any person who
the job. enters the flash protection zone. They must wear flame-resistant
7) There shall be no repairs or splices within 10 feet (3 meters) of the clothing and PPE, based on the incident exposure associated
electrode holder, except where splices are insulated equal to the with the specific task. Refer to NFPA 70E for specific Hazard Risk
insulation of the cable. Classifications and clothing/equipment requirements. - Synthetic
8) Defective cable shall be repaired or replaced. clothing such as acetate, nylon, polyester, rayon, either alone or in
9) Fuel gas and oxygen hose shall be easily distinguishable and shall blends with cotton, is prohibited in the flash protection zone.
not be interchangeable. a. Employees must wear protective eye equipment whenever there
10) Hoses shall be inspected at the beginning of each shift and shall is a danger from electric arcs, flashes, flying objects, or electrical
be repaired or replaced if defective.
11) General mechanical ventilation, local exhaust ventilation, air (continued on Page 82)
line respirators, and other protection shall be provided, as required,
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|80 MCoanrs intreuction®® www.marineconstructionmagazine.com ISSUE #1 - 2018
(Continued from Page 78) moved, transported or stored. is connected, the valve shall be opened
(d) Gas cylinders raised or lowered by slightly and closed immediately. (This
Safety Practices crane, hoist, or derrick must be handled in action is generally termed “cracking” and
suitable cradles, nets, or skip boxes, and is intended to clear the valve of dust or dirt
explosion. shall never be lifted by magnet or by rope that might otherwise enter the regulator.)
b. Employees must wear flame-resistant or chain slings.
clothing whenever they may be exposed (e) Cylinders must not be placed where they 3) The person cracking the valve shall
to an electric flash. If used, flash suits might form a part of any electric circuit. stand to one side of the outlet, not in front
and their closure design must permit (f) No attempt shall be made to transfer of it. The valve of a fuel gas cylinder shall
easy and rapid removal. The entire flash acetylene from one cylinder to another, or not be cracked where the gas would reach
suit, including the window, must have to mix gases in a cylinder. welding work, sparks, flame, or other
energy absorbing characteristics suitable (g) Oxygen cylinders in storage shall be possible sources of ignition.
for arc-flash-exposure. Use clothing and separated from fuel-gas cylinders or
equipment to maximize worker protection. combustible materials (especially oil or (l) The cylinder valve shall be opened slowly
Clothing and equipment required by the grease), a minimum distance of 20 feet or to prevent damage to the regulator. For
degree of electrical hazard exposure can by a noncombustible barrier at least 5 feet quick closing, valves on fuel gas cylinders
be worn alone or be integrated with normal high having a fire-resistance rating of at shall not be opened more than 1 1/2 turns.
apparel. Protective clothing and equipment least one-half hour. When a special wrench is required, it shall
must cover associated parts of the body (h) Cylinders shall be kept far enough away be left in position on the stem of the valve
and all normal apparel that is not flash- from the actual welding or cutting operation while the cylinder is in use so that the fuel
flame resistant, while allowing movement so that sparks, hot slag, or flame will not gas flow can be shut off quickly in case of
and visibility. - Do not wear synthetic reach them. When this is impractical, fire an emergency. In the case of manifolded
materials that can melt next to skin. resistant shields shall be provided. or coupled cylinders, at least one such
c. Employees must wear rubber-insulating (i) LP-Gas vessels used for roofer’s tar pots, wrench shall be available for immediate
gloves where there is a danger of hand or plumber’s pots and torches, space heaters, use. Nothing shall be placed on top of a
arm injury from electric shock or arc-flash etc., shall be so installed that heat from the fuel gas cylinder, when in use, which may
burns due to contact with energized parts. burner will not increase the temperature of damage the safety device or interfere with
Gloves made from layers of flame-resistant the tank more than 10 degrees Fahrenheit the quick closing of the valve.
material provide the highest level of after one hour of operation of the burner at
protection. Leather glove protectors should full capacity. (m) When the valve on a fuel gas cylinder
be worn over voltage-rated rubber gloves. (j) LP-Gas vessels installed on mobile is opened and there is found to be a leak
d. Dielectric overshoes are required where equipment shall have the bottom of the around the valve stem, the valve shall be
electrically insulated footwear is used for container, and/or any outlet connection, closed and the gland nut tightened. If this
protection against step and touch potential. not lower than the lowest horizontal edge action does not stop the leak, the use of
Oxygen, Acetylene, and Fuel Gas of the vehicle axle when fully loaded. the cylinder shall be discontinued, and
Storage and Use of Cylinders Such units shall be adequately secured to it shall be properly tagged and removed
a) All gas cylinders shall be protected prevent jarring loose, slipping, or rotating. from the work area. In the event that fuel
against undue absorption of heat. (k) Use of Fuel Gas. gas should leak from the cylinder valve,
(b) Acetylene and Fuel gas cylinders, (1) The employer shall instruct employees rather than from the valve stem, and the
including but not limited to welding and in the safe use of fuel gas. gas cannot be shut off, the cylinder shall
cutting fuel gas cylinders, shall be stored 2) Before a regulator to a cylinder valve be properly tagged and taken outdoors,
and used with the valve end up. to an isolated area, away from personnel
Cylinders containing oxygen, acetylene or and sources of ignition. The supplier shall
fuel-gases shall not be taken into confined promptly be notified of the leaking cylinder
spaces. valve and the supplier’s instructions shall
(c) Gas cylinders in portable service shall be followed. u
be conveyed by suitable hand trucks to
which they are securely fastened, or safely www.marineconstructionmagazine.com ISSUE #1 - 2018
carried where job conditions require. All
gas cylinders in service shall be securely
held in substantial fixed or portable racks,
or placed so they will not fall or be knocked
Valve protection caps, when provided for,
shall be put in place before cylinders are
|82 MCoanrs intreuction®®
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ShibataFenderTeam involved in transformation
of Panama International Terminal
ShibataFenderTeam played an important role in the transformation
of PSA Panama International Terminal into a 2 million-TEU facility.
The new PSA Terminal is located at the Pacific entrance of the
Panama Canal, well positioned as a strategic hub.
ShibataFenderTeam delivered 55 SPC 1400 Cone Fender systems
and 54 Bollards of different types. The high quality fender systems
will enable container vessels to berth safely at the new 750 m berth.
Civil works of the quay deck has been designed and built by the
Joint Venture Jan de Nul – EIFFAGE GENIE CIVIL MARINE.
The port is located in a highly corrosion environment, therefore
special requirements regarding corrosion protection applied to the
project. The complete hardware was delivered as stainless steel
and including sacrificial anodes for the panels.
The new terminal enables Panama to handle additional containers
and demonstrate the country’s ambition to position itself as the
logistics hub in the Americas. The project is closely tied to the
enlarging of the Panama Canal and the expected larger vessels.
ShibataFenderTeam will participate at the PIANC World Congress
in Panama in May 2018 and will present its experience of canal
solutions to a broad audience. u
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|84 MCoanrs intreuction®® www.marineconstructionmagazine.com ISSUE #1 - 2018
ALL Crane Rental of Tennessee Wins
“Supplier of the Year”
Associated General Contractors of Tennessee - Knoxville (AGC) Bestows Honor
ALL Crane Rental of Tennessee has also our expertise to every job. And they’re “ALL Crane Rental of Tennessee was
received the prestigious Supplier of the proud of that.” Vaughn also credits the ALL selected out of 22 companies by their
Year Award from the Knoxville Branch of Family of Companies for its commitment to peers to be 2017 Supplier of the Year,” said
the Associated General Contractors (AGC) a well-maintained, modern fleet of cranes Danielle Settlemoir, executive director of
of Tennessee. and lift equipment. the AGC of Tennessee. “We congratulate
Billy Vaughn, general manager of ALL Every year, the AGC of Tennessee - Knoxville them on this wonderful achievement.”
Crane Rental of Tennessee, a member of Branch presents its subcontractor, supplier
the ALL Family of Companies, accepted and service provider of the year awards. ALL Crane Rental of Tennessee became a
the award, giving his employees full credit. Winners in each category are selected by member of the ALL Family of Companies in
“Our people know that the name ALL Crane the branch’s membership through ballot 1999. u
stands for excellence in our business,” voting. Recipients will have demonstrated
said Vaughn. “They know we deliver a a clear commitment to quality, continuous
whole-team effort, always go the extra improvement, and customer satisfaction
mile, and bring not just the equipment, but throughout the construction industry.
About ALL
The ALL Family of
Companies is the
largest privately held
crane rental and
sales operation in
North America. Their
strategically located
branches have access
to one of the world’s
largest and most modern
fleets, operating under
the ALL, Central, Dawes,
and Jeffers names. ALL
provides rental, sales,
service, and jobsite
analysis, helping to
ensure that customers
have the right equipment
for the job. For more
information, contact ALL
Erection & Crane Rental
at 4700 Acorn Drive,
Cleveland, OH 44131.
Phone: 216-524-6550.
Toll free: 800-232-4100.
Fax: 216-642-7633. Web:
|86 MCoanrs intreuction®® www.marineconstructionmagazine.com ISSUE #1 - 2018
Short Auger Marine Pre-Drilling
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Crane Sells First Kobelco Crane
Under New Dealer Agreement
Kelley Steel takes delivery of 80-USt CK800G-2 crawler
The ALL Family of Companies has made its inaugural sale as shipped completely flat.”
an authorized Kobelco dealer. Kelley Steel Erectors purchased Gold added, “I give our owner Mike Kelley a lot of credit for making
a Kobelco CK800G-2 crawler crane from ALL and took delivery of the investment in this versatile machine.”
the machine during a Dec. 21 key ceremony at the ALL Crane yard in Under the leadership of the founder’s son, Michael J. Kelley,
Cleveland. The sale of the new Kobelco unit was one of several on Kelley Steel has become a recognized leader in the construction
which the two companies plan to collaborate. industry, providing turnkey industrial and commercial construction
Cleveland (Ohio)-based Kelley Steel Erectors, which will celebrate services for the steel, power, manufacturing, chemical, mining, and
60 years in business in 2018, serves customers throughout Ohio, environmental industries.
Pennsylvania, and Florida, primarily in the erection of structural steel Gold also cites the value-add of buying from ALL Crane. “We chose
framing for major construction projects and the rental of cranes to purchase from ALL Crane because we were looking for a dealer
through its Kelley Equipment Company of Clearwater, Florida. The who could service our account, who has access to the parts we
Kobelco CK800G-2 will remain in the Cleveland market for work on a need, and offers 24-hour service. ALL, also being in the rental
full slate of local projects scheduled into the new year. business, understands that when you need something, you need it
The 80-USt capacity model hits a sweet spot in steel erection now. You can’t wait two or three days for parts to fix your crane.”
and general construction, providing efficiencies from delivery to In a noteworthy parallel, ALL Crane opened for business just five
assembly to operation. The main boom ranges from 50 to 200 feet, years after Kelley Steel. “In a way, the two companies have grown
with 30 to 60 feet of jib. up together,” said Gold. “That makes this transaction even more
Dan Gold, CEO of Kelley Steel, said the company has had its eye special.”
on the CK800G-2 for some time. “It is a next-level machine with In July, the ALL Family of Companies became an authorized dealer
completely upgraded componentry. Its advanced telematics come for Kobelco Construction Machinery USA for the exclusive territory
standard, with detailed daily usage reports that make planned of Ohio, West Virginia, and Western Pennsylvania, including
maintenance a breeze. It has an all-new engine that complies Pittsburgh. At the time, the company cited Kobelco’s global
with EPA Tier IV final standards. The auto start/stop feature can leadership and respect for the territories of its dealer network. u
save up to 30 percent on fuel consumption, plus it offers different
counterweight configurations, and the counterweights can be
Pictured (left to right):
Daniel H. Gold, Chief Executive Officer, Kelley Steel Erectors, Inc.
Michael LiPuma, Sales, ALL Erection & Crane Rental, Inc.
Blake Nommensen, Western Regional Sales Manager, Kobelco North America
|88 MCoanrs intreuction®® www.marineconstructionmagazine.com ISSUE #1 - 2018
High modulus
combined steel wall
solutions for failing port
and marine infrastructure
28 SPC 1600 Cone Fender systems and 52 T
Head Bollards delivered to the APM Terminal at
Port of Lazaro Cardenas, Mexico
Between the Californian US border and Panama, the Port of Lazaro
Cardenas in Mexico is one of the largest and most important ports.
ShibataFenderTeam’s office in the US successfully handled the
order of 28 SPC 1600 Cone Fender systems (G2.6) and 52 T Head
Bollards with a capacity of 200 tons. The fender systems were
equipped with a steel panel of 6,300 x 3,100 mm size.
According to the terminal management APM, the terminal in Lazaro
Cardenas is the first semi-automated terminal in Latin America.
Technical specifications and supervision was performed by a
Spanish engineering company. They requested a very high quality
standard to ensure that the material performs with all APM
technical requirements. u
|90 MCoanrs intreuction®® www.marineconstructionmagazine.com ISSUE #1 - 2018
Only want to install
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Link-Belt’s W.E. “Skeeter” Collins Named
Manager of Major Accounts
Effective January 1, 2018, W.E. “Skeeter” Collins will move to the position
of Manager of Major Accounts. Link-Belt Cranes Senior Vice President
of Marketing, Sales and Customer Support Bill Stramer made the
announcement at Link-Belt’s headquarters in Lexington, Kentucky, USA.
Collins entered the construction equipment business in 1977 as a retail
salesman for a Link-Belt distributor and was later promoted to sales manager.
He started at Link-Belt in 1989 as a District Manager in the southeastern
United States, and was named North American Sales Manager in 2011.
“Skeeter’s experience and aptitude have been invaluable during his tenure
at Link-Belt. In his new role, Skeeter will lead our efforts with this important
group of large, multi-national contractors that are a vital segment of the
market. His extensive background with these companies combined with his
comprehensive knowledge of our distribution family makes him uniquely
qualified to succeed with this new challenge,” said Bill Stramer. u
Mike Ogle Named North American
Sales Manager
Effective January 1, 2018, Mike Ogle has been named Manager
of North American Sales. Link-Belt Cranes Senior Vice President
of Marketing, Sales and Customer Support Bill Stramer made the
announcement at Link-Belt’s headquarters in Lexington, Kentucky, USA.
Ogle has worked in the crane business for nearly 30 years and is
well respected among crane industry professionals. He joined Link-
Belt Cranes as a District Manager in 2011. He holds a Bachelor of
Arts degree in Economics and Business from Lafayette College.
“Mike’s strong background with crane distribution, manufacturers and
end-users provides him all the necessary skills for his new role. Mike’s
management experiences will aide him in continuing the legacy of successful
leadership of Link-Belt’s North American sales team,” said Stramer.
Please visit Link-Belt’s press site at http://www.linkbelt.com/ftphome.htm to
download a news release and images for these two announcements. u
|92 MCoanrs intreuction®® www.marineconstructionmagazine.com ISSUE #1 - 2018
4600 Series 4
ABS 340 x 78 x 19; 260 x 72 x 16; 222 X 60 X 14 & 180 X 54 X Attachment
BOAT Weeks 184 150 x 40 x 8 ABS deck barge
Weeks 185 150 x 40 x 8 ABS deck barge
40 X 10 X 7 AND 20 X 10 X 7 SIZES Weeks 186 150 x 40 x 8 ABS deck barge
LOCATED AT OUR CAMDEN, NJ YARD Weeks 188 150 x 40 x 8 ABS deck barge
CONTACT: Jim Greco Weeks 176 140 x 40 x 12 ABS deck barge
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Weeks 178 140 x 40 x 12 ABS deck barge
Weeks 179 140 x 40 x 12 ABS deck barge
Weeks 290 180 x 54 x 14 ABS deck barge
Weeks 291 180 x 54 x 14 ABS deck barge
Weeks 292 180 x 54 x 14 ABS deck barge
Weeks 293 180 x 54 x 14 ABS deck barge
Weeks 294 180 x 54 x 14 ABS deck barge
Weeks 295 180 x 54 x 14 ABS deck barge
Weeks 298 180 x 54 x 14 ABS deck barge
Weeks 2220 222 x 60 x 14 ABS deck barge
Weeks 2221 222 x 60 x 14 ABS deck barge
Weeks 2222 222 x 60 x 14 ABS deck /spuds
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41’ Aluminum Crew Boat
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ShibataFenderTeam delivers
Hydropneumatic Fenders
SFT has successfully completed the delivery
and commissioning of 12 Hydropneumatic
Fenders OD 3300 x L 4500 mm for a naval
base in South East Asia.
The fenders were produced and delivered
in two lots of 6 numbers each. Each lot
was tested and certified by ABS at the
factory. The commissioning of the fenders
was carried out under the supervision of a
ShibataFenderTeam specialist. u
|94 MCoanrs intreuction®® www.marineconstructionmagazine.com ISSUE #1 - 2018
120’ x 45’ x 7’
- New Construction
- Built by Sterling Shipyard,
Port Neches, TX
- Inland Barge
- Deck Plate – ½”
- Sides and Bottom Plate –
- Deck Fittings
• Four (4) 8” Double Bitts
• Six (6) 36” Kevels
• Two (2) Towing Pads
• Eleven (11) 18” Diameter
Flush Single Bolt
• Manholes with Vertical
Access Ladders
Galesville, MD. 20765
ALL Family of Companies Adds
Eight Units from Manitowoc
More MLC650s and award-winning Grove TMS9000-2 are highlights
The ALL Family of Companies is once again expanding its fleet located branches have access to one of the world’s largest and most
with the purchase of eight cranes from respected manufacturer modern fleets, operating under the ALL, Central, Dawes, and Jeffers
Manitowoc. The package includes two each of the MLC650 crawler, names. ALL provides rental, sales, service, and jobsite analysis,
Grove TMS760E truck-mounted crane, and Manitowoc 999 crawler, helping to ensure that customers have the right equipment for the
plus two more truck-mounted units: a Grove TMS800E and the job. For more information, contact ALL Erection & Crane Rental at
all-new Grove TMS9000-2. The deal punctuated the final quarter 4700 Acorn Drive, Cleveland, OH 44131. Phone: 216-524-6550. Toll
of 2017. Upon receipt, the cranes will be deployed across the free: 800-232-4100. Fax: 216-642-7633. Web: www.allcrane.com.
company’s network of branches, targeting markets where they are
in the highest demand.
When ALL initially acquired two MLC650s last fall, the large-
capacity crawlers proved extremely popular with customers,
providing impetus for the acquisition of additional units. The
MLC650 has a 716-USt capacity and features Variable Position
Counterweight™ (VPC™) technology that automatically positions
the crane’s counterweight to match lifting demands. VPC helps
reduce the operating footprint, minimizes ground preparation, and
reduces matting, adding up to a potential savings of thousands of
dollars per month on longer-term projects.
“This capacity — 700 to 900 USt — is in high demand across all
geographies and in multiple sectors,” said Rick Mikut, crawler crane
division manager for the ALL Family of Companies. “The MLC650’s
large capacity and site-friendly ground bearing pressure will ensure
these new units will be deployed almost immediately for energy-
related projects, including refineries, petrochemical installations,
and power plants.”
Of no less importance, although at the opposite end of the capacity
range for this crane package, ALL is excited to take delivery of its
first Grove TMS9000-2 truck cranes, which recently made headlines
when it was named to Construction Equipment magazine’s “Top 100
of 2017.” Manitowoc developed the TMS9000-2 with the input of
customers and dealers to create a crane that delivers in real-world
applications. It is a 115-USt capacity truck crane that is significantly
lighter than similar models, making it easily configured for local
roadway weight limits. It has a longer 169-foot main boom with jib
options available. Strength was boosted by 5 percent across the
load chart.
“Our truck cranes are an important part of our taxi rental fleet —
the in-and-out work that is really important to our business — and
Manitowoc is doing a great job reinventing these TMS units to keep
them strong and increasingly more roadworthy,” said Michael L.
Liptak, president of ALL. “And our crawler division is booming right
now, perhaps seeing the highest demand in a decade. Our new
“triple 9s” and MLC650s are a direct response to this need. We will
continue to define our response to this demand by our commitment
to a modern, technologically advanced fleet,” explained Liptak. u
About ALL
The ALL Family of Companies is the largest privately held crane
rental and sales operation in North America. Their strategically
|96 MCoanrs intreuction®® www.marineconstructionmagazine.com ISSUE #1 - 2018
Marathon Marina: An Irma Survival Story
The new floating fuel dock, ship store and adjoining docks at There are many whose story did not end as well as that of Marathon
Marathon Marina had only been open for two months when Irma hit. Marina.
To the amazement of the marina’s owner, the new docks survived “We feel so fortunate,” Bob remarked.
undamaged. “We attribute much of our outcome to our choice of dock designer
The new Marathon Marina fuel dock had just reopened to the public and builder. Irma would have exposed any corners cut in engineering
when Hurricane Irma rampaged through the Florida Keys. Ranked or weaknesses in construction. Our docks are solid.”
as one of the most powerful Atlantic storms on record, Irma left a “Our old, fixed docks on the west side of the marina didn’t fare as
trail of destruction across the region. well. We plan to rebuild with Bellingham’s concrete floating docks.”
“We saw what Irma had done to the islands before ours and were In January 2016, Robert Leef hired Bellingham Marine to rebuild
mentally preparing ourselves. You have to plan for the worst,” the Marathon Marina’s fuel dock, floating store, and fixed approach
shared Robert (Bob) Leef, owner and operator of Marathon Marina. pier. Construction was completed in July 2017.
“We had poured everything we had into our new docks – time, Marathon Marina happily announced the reopening of their floating
energy and financial resources. The project consumed us for over marina store, fuel dock and adjoining docks, both floating and fixed,
a year and a half. We were just beginning to feel the liberation of on December 1st, 2017. After months of clean up, guests and crew
being on the other side of the project when Irma hit.” alike were glad to have their marina back.
“The possibility that all our toil could all be swept away in a single Bellingham Marine is the world’s leading design-build marina
day, was more than we could bear,” Bob stated. construction company. Bellingham Marine specializes in floating
General Manager, Susan Prichard, and key marina staff returned to docks, platforms and wave attenuation systems for marinas
the marina on September 13th, four days after Irma had passed over worldwide. The company also produces dry storage systems for the
Marathon Key. “I can’t describe the feeling of relief we felt when upland storage of boats. u
we saw the new building and docks were still standing. Unmarked
among horrific destruction” Susan recalled.
Marathon Marina Fuel Dock and Marina Store. A testament to the rugged durability of Bellingham products, the floating docks at
Marathon Marina survived Hurricane Irma completely unscathed.
|98 MCoanrs intreuction®® www.marineconstructionmagazine.com ISSUE #1 - 2018
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