Bellingham Marine Launches Deeper into the
South Pacific with New Plant in Fiji
The island nation of Fiji is thriving in its seventh straight year of “Having a production plant in Fiji allows us to provide clients
economic growth. From textiles to sugar, one of Fiji’s fastest growing in the region with more competitive pricing,” shared Bruce
sectors is manufacturing. The country has now expanded into Birtwistle, General Manager of Bellingham Marine New Zealand.
pontoon manufacturing with the announcement of the partnership “Transportation and production costs are greatly reduced.”
between Bellingham Marine and Marine Structures and Consultancy “Our partnership with MSC not only benefits our clients, but the
(MSC) Limited. local community,” added Birtwistle. “The plant brings new jobs to
Two of the country’s best-known marine service operators, Hall the region and helps further bolster the local economy.”
Dredging and Bob Oldham recently took control of MSC. Both As the world’s leading marina design-build construction company,
have worked on Bellingham projects over the years and maintain Bellingham Marine specializes in floating dock, floating platform
an excellent working relationship with Bellingham Marine New and floating wave attenuation systems for marinas worldwide. The
Zealand (BMNZ). company also produces dry storage systems for the upland storage
In the final week of July, the first Unifloat pontoons were of boats. u
manufactured in the Fiji plant under the watchful eye of BMNZ
management, who gave the pontoons their stamp of approval. For further information please contact:
There is great opportunity in the region. Favorable financial and Roxie Comstock, Manager of Business Enhancement
governmental conditions have opened Fiji’s doors to companies Bellingham Marine
like Bellingham Marine that are looking to set-up operations in the Tel: 360-676-2800
South Pacific. [email protected]
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|102 MCoanrs intreuction®® ISSUE #5 - SEPT/OCT
STEEL New DZ Profile
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EXPERTS 29” deeper, wider & lighter sheet piles.
Samuel Roll Form Group manufactures a full line of interlocking steel sheet
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Link-Belt Announces New Base Rating,
Introduces RTC-80160 Series II
Link-Belt Cranes is pleased to announce the RTC-80160 Series II, their strong charts and ease of travel. u
upgrading its previous 150-ton rough terrain to a 160-ton (145-mt) Link-Belt Cranes, with headquarters in Lexington, Kentucky, is
model. a leader in the design and manufacture of telescopic boom and
“The 80150 has been a phenomenal success ever since it was lattice boom cranes for the construction industry worldwide.
introduced and this new base rating will be good news to our Complete crane specifications are available at
distributors and crane owners. It only makes sense for us to
upgrade the 80150 to represent the top base rating in the market
with the RTC-80160 Series II,” said Brian Smoot, Link-Belt Rough
Terrain Crane Manager.
Link-Belt Cranes first introduced the world to hydrostatic drive on
a six-wheel carrier frame in 2002 with the RTC-80100 Series II. Link-
Belt has evolved their product offering into three 6-wheel rough
terrain models: RTC-80110 Series II, RTC-80130 Series II, and now
RTC-80160 Series II with hundreds of these units working across
the globe. Link-Belt’s 6-wheel rough terrain cranes continue to be
the market leaders and trusted option in applications that range
from pier and dock work to refineries and industrial plants with
their tight turning radius and reach, to wind farm maintenance with
|104 MCoanrs intreuction®® ISSUE #5 - SEPT/OCT
Short Auger Marine Pre-Drilling
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Florida vs. Georgia Rivalry Tradition Saved by Floating Docks
When Hurricane Irma destroyed the docks at a favorite tailgate marina,
three organizations came together to save the day and the party.
On Saturday more than 150,000 college Marine to see if there was any possibility docks for the City to use as temporary
football fanatics converged on Jacksonville of having docks in time for the weekend’s moorage for the big game. With a bit of
for the annual Florida vs. Georgia game festivities. luck and some quick action on everyone’s
lovingly known as The World’s Largest Fortunately, Bellingham had an inventory of part, the City, NMMA and Bellingham
Cocktail Party. Eager fans traditionally start temporary timber docks waiting in a nearby Marine were able to come together to
docking their boats at the City’s nearby plant. “The docks were built for the National save a favorite part of The World’s Largest
Metropolitan Park Marina on Friday, Marine Manufacturer’s Association Cocktail Party.
spending the weekend celebrating with in- (NMMA) as part of an expansion project Bellingham Marine is the world’s leading
water tailgating. This year Irma had other for the Miami International Boat Show design-build marina construction company.
plans. Marina,” said Steve Ryder, Manager Bellingham Marine specializes in floating
The Metro Park fixed docks were of Project Development for Bellingham dock, floating platform and floating
completely wiped out by Hurricane Irma’s Marine. wave attenuation systems for marinas
storm surge. According to the National “NMMA officials graciously agreed to worldwide. The company also produces
Weather Service, storm waters reached allow the City of Jacksonville to rent the dry storage systems for the upland storage
up to 6 ft. above normal high tides, an docks as part of their rental inventory of boats. u
event never seen before, as Irma passed program. The only stipulation was that they
Jacksonville. Many normally dry places have them back before Christmas, so they For further information please contact:
were left underwater. will be ready for the boat show in early Roxie Comstock, Manager of Business
With roughly 600 people needing the docks February.” Enhancement
for game day, this posed a huge problem. On October 24th, Bellingham Marine began Bellingham Marine
City officials reached out to Bellingham a two day install of 640 ft. of floating timber Tel: 360-676-2800
[email protected]
College football fanatics were able to continue an in-water tailgating tradition at the Florida vs Georgia game thanks
to the temporary docks on loan from the NMMA, built by Bellingham Marine.
|106 MCoanrs intreuction®® ISSUE #5 - SEPT/OCT
Your Single Source For Complete Marine Equipment System Supplies.
[email protected]
Denso Offers New Self-Priming Coal Tar Epoxies
The Denso® North America line of self-priming sprayed applied excellent abrasion and chemical resistance that exceeds Corp of
coal tar epoxies and a coal tar epoxy alternative is used for the Engineers C-200, C200a and AWWA C-210 standards for exterior.
long-term corrosion protection of steel and concrete substrates
against water, wastewater, seawater, alkaline water and acidic Protal 650 CTR is an environmentally friendly non-carcinogenic
water corrosion. These high build two-part epoxies are designed to coal tar epoxy replacement, when projects specs prohibit the
work in conjunction with cathodic protection and prevent corrosion use of coal tar epoxies. It can easily be applied by brush or spray
to coat steel piles, sheet piles, lock gates, reservoirs, non-potable method at a high build of 16 to 26 mils in one coat. It also provides
water pipelines, treatment / storage tanks, bridges and many other excellent resistance to water and seawater while providing good
aggressive industrial applications against corrosion. impact resistance as well.
Protal 600 CTE (Coal Tar Epoxy) is a two-part high build (up to 26
mils WFT in one coat) coal tar epoxy, that can applied as a single Denso North America has always been a leader and innovator in
or two-coat system. It is a polyamide with excellent abrasion and corrosion prevention since 1883 and this same spirit holds true to
chemical resistance that exceeds Corp of Engineers C-200, C200a the Coal Tar Epoxy products that provide corrosion prevention that
and AWWA C-210 standards for exterior. engineers, contractors and owners have come to trust in protecting
Protal 600 CTE Low VOC is a two-part high build (up to 25 mils WFT their projects. For more information in regards to how Denso North
in one coat) coal tar epoxy that has low VOC’s (0.4 lbs/gal). It can America Coal Tar Epoxies can help prevent corrosion for your next
be applied as a single or two-coat system. It is a polyamide with projects, you may contact Denso North America at 1 281-821-3355
or visit us online at u
Sheet Piles fully protected from corrosion with Protal 600 CTE
ready to be installed in a saltwater environment.
The Denso epoxy coal tars can easily be sprayed applied and
achieve a high build coat (16 to 25 mils WFT) with just one coat.
Tie rods coated with
Protal 600 CTE Low
VOC that exceeds
Corp of Engineers
C-200, C200a and
AWWA C-210 for
Protal 600 CTE Low Voc (0.4 lbs/gal) applied to steel piles that will
provide excellent abrasion resistance.
|108 MCoanrs intreuction®® ISSUE #5 - SEPT/OCT
ALL Crane Adds Two Manitowoc MLC650s,
Four Grove GRT8100s Versatility and new tech
highlight latest members of fleet
The ALL Family of Companies has charts, and extensive component testing to The ALL Family of Companies is the largest
strengthened its fleet by adding two offer unparalleled productivity. privately held crane rental and sales
versatile and popular Manitowoc MLC650 operation in North America. Thirty-eight
crawler cranes, as well as four new Grove “The addition of these machines branches have access to one of the world’s
GRT8100 rough terrain cranes. demonstrates our continued commitment largest and most modern fleets, operating
The large capacity MLC650 has a 717 USt to putting the right equipment in the hands under the ALL, Central, Dawes and Jeffers
capacity and features the Variable Position of our customers,” said Rick Mikut, crawler names. ALL provides rental, sales, service
Counterweight™ (VPC™) technology crane division manager for the ALL Family and jobsite analysis, helping to ensure
that automatically positions the crane’s of Companies. “Although meant for very that customers have the right equipment
counterweight to match lifting demands. different jobs, what these two cranes have for the job. For more information, contact
ALL went in big with VPC technology in in common is versatility. It’s what today’s ALL Erection & Crane Rental at 4700 Acorn
2014 when it purchased ten of the smaller jobsites demand, and ALL is responding to Drive, Cleveland, OH 44131. Phone: 216-524-
MLC300s, battle-testing the then-new that reality.” u 6550. Toll free: 800-232-4100. Fax: 216-642-
technology and acting as an incubator for 7633.
improvements. Because the counterweight
is movable as needed, VPC helps reduce
the crane’s operating footprint, minimizes
required job site ground preparation,
and reduces often by as much as half the
matting required to distribute the crane’s
weight. In all, these reductions could save
potentially thousands of dollars per month
on longer-term rentals.
The MLC650 strengthen ALL’s fleet in critical
industries, especially for energy-related
projects, including refineries, petrochemical
installations, and power plants, as well as
infrastructure applications. The smaller
footprint plus the Variable Position
Counterweight system enable the cranes
to easily move around a job site, and a
VPC-MAX capacity enhancing attachment
allows increased capacity for heavy lifts
that would usually require a wheeled-
type lift enhancer. The MLC650 maximum
capacity increases to 770 USt with the VPC-
MAX installed.
The Grove GRT8100, meanwhile, was
designed with input from crane owners
and operators to incorporate some of
the most-requested features for a rough
terrain crane. Built for today’s market, it
features 100 USt capacity and a 154-foot,
five-section, full-power MEGAFORM™
main boom with sequenced, synchronized
extension capability. This reach and
versatility combines with a user-friendly
interface, tilting cab, impressive load
|110 MCoanrs intreuction®® ISSUE #5 - SEPT/OCT
[email protected]
Colorado River
Lane City, TX
ShibataFenderTeam Opens New Office in Spain
ShibataFenderTeam has opened a new office being
dedicated to serve important customers and markets in
Spain and North Africa with a nearby region office, which
will also provide close support to the many contractors and
engineering companies in Spain, that are working in Lation
America. ShibateFender Team opened its Spanis branch in
Valencia in October 2017.
The office will be managed by partner Eduardo Rodero.
It will strengthen their position in these markets and will
further imporve their already exceptional customer support
for the region. The office can be reached at: contact-spain@ u
|112 MCoanrs intreuction®® ISSUE #5 - SEPT/OCT
Question: What Boat Captain Navigates a Vessel in Total Darkness?
Answer: A Captain that has no other choice or is Navigating with a…
NITE TRACK TM Navigation System!
• See more for less – Tug & Barge Owners don’t even like to operate
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• Additionally, other night vision cameras retail at almost double the
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• Ease of Installation - 3 Steps
• Mount the Camera with two screws.
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