It’s your life, and that’s what matters.
Our five year
“Our ultimate goal,
after all, is not a
good death, but
a good life to the
very end.”
Atul Gawande
Our new strategy aims
to help people better
understand hospice care
and sets out our aspirations
for the next five years.
Page 02
Our care
Because your life matters
We believe that anyone living with St Giles was founded to improve
a potentially terminal illness has the care of local people dying with
the right to live as well as they can. cancer and over time we have
The way society cares for people responded to the needs of others
who are dying is not good enough. in our community whose illnesses
may not be curable such as motor
Our aspirations are for everyone neurone disease, heart failure, MS
in our community to: and respiratory disease.
H ave their symptoms well Our range of services and activities
managed – whether delivered at one of our
sites, in partnership with other
B e able to talk openly, should community organisations or at
they wish, about their future home – all aim to help people feel
and concerns for those
close part of their communities and to
to them live the best life they can.
H ave access to advice and
support at all times of the
day and night
B e respected as the unique
individuals they are
B e in control of the choices
they may need to make
Page 03
Our care
We do more
than you think.
Many people still think
of hospices as ‘a place
to go and die’.
If you need our support call 80%
our 24/7 Advice line on:
of our care is delivered
0300 330 9410 out in the community
Page 04 “You walk into St Giles
Hospice and what a
welcoming place it is
too – everyone is so
friendly. That sets the
mood and things just
get better.”
We know that people hold hospices We support people’s wishes to die 1,681
at arm’s length and we hear at home if at all possible. Where
comments like “I’m not ready for that isn’t possible and someone patients received
a hospice yet”. We need to change stays with us at St Giles, we nursing support
this view of hospice care because encourage families and friends to at home in 2016
we believe that this limits people visit and stay if they wish, spending
accessing our support. those precious times together, in
their own way, with our support
Early support, even if it is just after on hand.
a diagnosis,
can make a difference;
can be better controlled, As we continue to widen our reach
important conversations can take and provide support to more
place, plans can be made and people facing the challenges of
families can be supported. a potentially terminal illness and
we remain committed to
Half of the people who come to the fundamental principles of
at St Giles return home after high quality, compassionate care
receiving support from our team, with the person and their loved
which includes doctors, nurses, ones at its heart.
pharmacists and therapists.
Page 05
Our care
Looking to the future
Our focus for the next five years is to:
B uild on the success of our new I ncrease support for carers, 7Ove,r000
confidential advice service and whether they are family or
work with a range of partners to friends, recognising the vital people now supported
co-ordinate and simplify access contribution they make and each year
to information and care services the help they may need
D evelop a rapid response service S eek further opportunities to
for people in our community work with the NHS and other
who urgently need support in partners to reduce the number
managing their symptoms of people dying in hospital when
that is not their preferred place
B e at the forefront of developing of care
new ways of managing often
complex symptoms such as pain, M aintain our existing services
breathlessness, poor nutrition which focus on high quality,
and fatigue in order to improve compassionate care that
people’s ability to live a fulfilling supports the individuals and
life for as long as possible those close to them
“It is a privilege to share laughter and tears with
patients , their family, friends (and sometimes
their pets) during the precious hours of care at
St Giles Hospice.”
Page 06
Our community
Living with dying
2,306 We’re striving to create a society In our communities we have set up
where we can all support each groups to help increase people’s
people received other during difficult times. confidence to talk about dying.
bereavement support Many of us find talking about We believe that enabling our
in 2016 dying hard because we are afraid communities to understand
of saying the wrong thing. But bereavement is essential and
we know from our experience we provide training for schools,
that talking about death can be employers and a wide range of
incredibly positive. other organisations.
There are practical issues such St Giles has provided support for
as financial planning, funeral bereaved families for many years
wishes, treatment choices and and now shares this knowledge
place of care to consider, as well widely via Bereavement Help Points
as emotional issues like trying to and Phoenix at St Giles which are
say goodbye. open to everyone in our community.
Phoenix at St Giles is a service
We believe that talking about dedicated to supporting young
dying is fundamental to people deal with the impact of loss.
improving care – both for
those who are ill and those who At St Giles, we’re trying to break
are grieving. the taboo that surrounds talking
about dying and helping people
to be better equipped to deal with
death and plan for it.
“Children don’t get over the grief of losing a parent – the grief evolves with
time – so it’s good to know we have this support should we need it. I feel
very privileged to have been offered a place on the family support group.
I thought because my husband had not died at St Giles Hospice that we
wouldn’t be eligible.” Family support client Page 07
Our community
The next steps
During the next five
years we aim to:
Grow the capacity of our
bereavement support service
through the development of our
volunteer training programmes
Develop Phoenix at St Giles to
ensure that all young people in our
catchment area struggling with the
impact of bereavement can access
care suited to their needs
Provide increased opportunities
and support for people who want to
make written plans of their wishes
Work closely with schools and
young people to change attitudes
and open up discussions about
dying for future generations
Campaign for improvements in
end-of-life care with our local and
national partners
Extend our work with local
businesses and organisations to
enable them to feel more confident
to talk about issues related to dying
and bereavement – for both their
employees and their customers
Improve the way we engage with
our community and recognise and
build on that support
Page 08
Our education and research
Always learning
“A hospice isn’t a bad Education and Training have Over the next five
place or a sad place. always been a key part of years we aim to:
It’s a place full of life St Giles, with our deep
and new hope where commitment to providing Work with other health and
families and patients excellent support whilst care groups to increase their
are supported through continuing to learn and build knowledge and confidence in
their journey.” our expertise. caring for people who are dying
or living with an illness that may
A Summer School Student We train our own teams as well not be curable
as those who want to learn from
We provide training on a wide Extend our range of education
range of topics, developing skills opportunities, including an
and confidence in supporting increased focus in specialist
people who are living with a symptom management and in
potentially terminal illness or who helping healthcare professionals
are dying or who are grieving. Our feel confident to discuss end of
training is open to anyone and life care issues with patients and
includes study days, vocational their families
training courses and higher
education qualifications. Continue to develop our research
activity where we believe it can
Our Summer Schools and benefit local people
Enrichment Days encourage young
people at school to change their Expand the engagement work
views of hospice care, to build we do with schools, colleges
their confidence and consider and universities to encourage
palliative and hospice care as and inspire a future generation
future career options. to consider the needs of people
with potentially terminal illnesses
people stayed in our
inpatient units in 2016
Page 09
Our team
Putting care first
The St Giles team is nearly
1,900 strong, with almost 1,500
volunteers dedicating their
time to help support all that
St Giles provides. In addition
we are incredibly fortunate to
have thousands of supporters
who regularly donate time,
funding and resources.
Page 10
“St Giles treats everyone We have a responsibility to make Over the next five years we aim to:
as an individual. sure that our team is supported
They’ve encouraged and cared for during their time Improve the range of
me to live every day with St Giles. They need to be opportunities for volunteering by
to the fullest. I’m not resilient and able to cope with providing increased flexibility and
just a person who’s got their role in offering care and a better recruitment process
cancer. I’m me again.” compassion to our patients, their
loved ones, our communities and Improve the way we recruit
each other. by being more engaging and
better promoting the career
We aim to ensure that we are a opportunities that St Giles
fair and compassionate employer, can provide
whilst also ensuring our patients
are our first priority. We recognise Develop ways of supporting our
that our team have different needs team’s resilience, in particular
when it comes to time commitment, our non-clinical team members,
working patterns, career choices to increase their ability and
and family circumstances. confidence to live and work
with illness, dying and grieving
We offer interesting and varied Build on the success of
career opportunities with differing our changes to internal
working patterns. For clinical staff, communications, helping
hospice care provides wide-ranging everyone at St Giles feel a full
opportunities to deliver truly and valued part of our team
person-centred care combined with
1,481 specialist skills.
We ensure that 6,118
our team have the time, training
current volunteers and support required to provide
excellent care. Jobs are advertised
on our website but our turnover is
low – so do keep popping back to hours per week
have a look.
We offer a wide range of donated by our
volunteering opportunities whether
volunteers in 2016
working in our shops, supporting
administrative functions, training
to be a bereavement support
volunteer, working as part of our
reception team or supporting
patients in our day activities or on
our wards. If you are interested in
volunteering please email:
[email protected]
Page 11
£9m Unfortunately the number of Our income streams face many
people with cancer is increasing. challenges. 65% of our care is
cost to provide In addition as
our population is funded by voluntary income due to
care each year ageing, more people are living the generosity of our communities
and dying with multiple illnesses. with 35% of our funding from
“What I found truly This means we must increase our the NHS. We are experiencing
amazing was that funding so that we can support the triple impact of more people
they are there for the more people and continue to work needing our care,
no growth in our
whole family, not just with other organisations so that voluntary income and pressure on
the patient. My dad together we can make a difference. maintaining our NHS income
was given a bed by my which has seen some reductions
mum’s side in her final To protect the future of St Giles we in 2016/17.
week of care.” ensure that our Board of Trustees
and professional teams have the Recognising we cannot meet
skills and resources required to demand in isolation, we value our
lead a high-quality and efficient partnerships and collaborations
care charity. to ensure efficient use of resources
across all health and care providers.
We continue to manage costs
tightly as we face increasing 1,000
demand for
our services. The
majority of our expenditure is on more people locally who
staff as we have to offer terms and need our specialist care
conditions comparable to the NHS
in order to recruit the nursing and
medical personnel we require.
We seek to train and develop
volunteers for roles wherever
Page 12
No compromise
on quality
The many letters that we receive
make it clear that our staff and
volunteers are key to the quality of
care we provide to local people and
their families.
But whilst we face pressures to be
more efficient so our funding can
go further, we must do so without
compromising on the quality of
care we provide.
To ensure St Giles continues to
flourish, over the next five years
we aim to:
Increase income from all our
voluntary sources
Look for new sources of income
to support our charitable aims
Improve our ability to demonstrate
economic value to the NHS, with
the aim of providing new-funded
solutions to improve care for
people who are dying
Seek out partnerships with like-
minded organisations that support
improvements in care and efficient
use of resources
Seek every opportunity to
save costs
Maintain our ethical approach to
methods of income generation
Page 13
Our hospice
It takes a community
to make a hospice
“We couldn’t do what we do without the
amazing community support we receive,
so thank you to every person who gives so
generously of their time, money and skills
to help us care for our community.”
St Giles CEO Emma Hodges
“Visiting St Giles Day Hospice was altogether a
grand experience. The team was so helpful
and kind – they’re all really good people who
really took the time to listen to my wife and I.
Everyone at St Giles treated us as an individual
– each with our own needs.”
Day Hospice patient
“It means a lot to me to belong to such a great
bunch of people from all walks of life who
have just one aim and that is to be there and
to offer our time.”
Page 14
“St Giles Hospice has and continues to
demonstrate a willingness and ability
to challenge the current arrangement to
improve service provision and their desire to
innovate and diversify will allow them to play
a pivotal role in influencing the future model
of end of life care.” NHS Commissioner
“Since I’ve been working at St Giles, I’ve
been blown away by the level of support
we get from the community. People give
so generously of their time, money and
donations to shops. There’s a real warmth
towards St Giles, which mirrors that warmth
you feel when you come into any of our
centres and shops. I’m really proud to
work here.” Member of staff
“My friend was in St Giles for about two weeks
and she received really wonderful care. It
sounds funny to say but she was really happy
and content there in those last couple of
weeks of her life. And although we were a
group of best friends, we were treated like
family. The staff supported us and were really
respectful of the fact we just wanted to spend
time with her.” Patient’s friend
“Through my time volunteering for St Giles I Page 15
have got to know a lot of people and it’s been
such a sociable and rewarding experience
to volunteer for the charity. You have the
opportunity to meet such lovely people and
working to give something back is amazing.”
Our 24/7 Advice Service
is here to help: 0300 330 9410
Where you can find us
St Giles Hospice strives to St Giles Hospice St Giles Hospice
provide the best possible Lichfield Fisherwick Road
service to patients, their families Whittington
and carers and we are always St Giles Hospice Lichfield, WS14 9LH
pleased to receive comments Walsall Tel: 01543 432 031
and suggestions.
We are keen to get feedback on St Giles Hospice St Giles Walsall Hospice
our strategy, our services and how Sutton Coldfield Goscote Lane
we work within the community. Walsall, WS3 1SJ
You can email us at: St Giles Hospice Tel: 01922 602 540
[email protected] Shops Head Office
or contact us by post or telephone St Giles Hospice
using the details shown. St Giles Hospice Lindridge Road
Lottery Head Office Sutton Coldfield West Midlands, B75 6JB
@stgileshospice Tel: 0121 378 6290
St Giles Hospice Shops
6 Birchbrook Industrial Park
Lynn Lane, Shenstone
Lichfield, Staffordshire
WS14 0DJ
Tel: 01543 481 042
Email: shopsinfo@
St Giles Hospice Lottery
Fisherwick Road
Lichfield, WS14 9LH
Tel: 01543 434 020
Email: [email protected]
Registered Charity: 509014 | VAT Number: 486883086