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Published by Juta Junla, 2020-10-05 23:59:47

คู่มือนักศึกษาใหม่ระดับปริญญาตรี ปีการศึกษา 2563 คณะนวัตกรรมการจัดการ วิทยาเขตอีอีซี (ENG)


Getting to know PIM Page Page

Logo 4 - Bachelor of Business Administration 45
Official Colors 4 Program in Innovation in Hotel, Food
Official Flower 4 and Beverage Business
Philosophy 5 - Bachelor of Business Administration 51
Vision 5 Program in Management of Trading
Mission 5 Innovation

Institutional Identity 5 Students Should Know “PIM-EEC”
Technologies and Systems for 57
Self-Identity of the Institute 6 Supporting Students
Desirable Characteristics of Graduates 6
The Institute’s Music 8 - Single Sign-On 57
Faculties PIM - PIM Application 58
- PIM-B 9 - Wi-Fi PIMHotspot 60
- PIM-EEC 14 - e-mail 61
Various Work Agencies Concerning Students 15 - Office 365 62
Student Cards 63
PIM Academic Calendars and Study Plan 64
Knowing Attiring 65

“The Office of Geneal Education” 18 Study at PIM 66
General Education Office Philosophy
Vision 18 - View Study Timetables 66
- Classroom Schedules 67
Mission 18 - Comfrimation for study 68
Logo and Color 18
Roles 19 - PIM e-Learning 69
Center of Languages and Skills Development 20 Information Resources 71

Know the EEC Campus Preparing for Exams 73
View Exam Timetables 73
The charm of the east sea 22 View Grade Results 75
PIM-EEC Location 23
Building, Classrooms and Laboratory 25 Online Petition Submission, Registration, 76
Various Evaluations and Others 77
Student dormitory 29 PIM Student Practice 78
Departments on campus involving students 30
Student Care and Assistance 79
What to do with the new coming semester? 80
Knowing Our Faculty Course Enrollment 80
“Management Innovation” Payment for Tuition and Other Fees 81
32 scholarships 82
Philosophy of the Faculty of Management 33 Student Discipline 83
Innovation 35 How to Get Degrees with Honors 84
Logo and Color of the Faculty How to Avoid Being Retired 85
Information of Programs/Majors 39 Student Welfare 86
- Bachelor of Business Administration Clubs and Activities 87

Program in Management Innovation in
Social Enterprise
- Bachelor of Business Administration
Program in Hotel and Food Business
Management (International Program)


Getting to know PIM

Panyapiwat Institute of Management, 1. Panyapiwat Institute of Management, Chaeng Watthana Road,
or PIM (Pee-Ai-Em), formerly known Pakkret District, Nonthaburi Province (PIM-B)
as Panyapiwat Institute of Technology
is a higher education institution that 2. Panyapiwat Institute of Management EEC Campus, Sattahip District,
offers instruction at the tertiary level. Chon Buri Province (PIM-EEC)
It was founded on March 9, 2007 and
has been academically certified for 3. Distance learning units in 12 provinces nationwide
offering instruction at the bachelor’s
and master’s degree levels since
June 1, 2007 and at the doctoral
degree level since October 1, 2012.
The instructional management of the
Institute focuses on learning from
actual experience (Work-based
Education) so that students can gain
knowledge from both theoretical
learning in the classroom and work
practicum in actual enterprises.
Therefore, all undergraduate students
must practice preparing to work
together with theoretical study in the
classroom in every semester. When
the students graduate they will be
ready to work as a result of
accumulation of actual experiences
and professional skills. They are also
equipped with life skill, social skill,
and ability to pursue lifelong learning.
Panyapiwat Institute of Management
provides instruction in various


Logo The olive branches, shield, and ribbon symbolize
Official Colors triumph above all things.
Official Flower The crown represents education as the highest and
greatest achievement.
The color green and golden yellow used in the logo
stand for academic and moral excellence – the two
guiding principles to a life of prosperity.
Word mark within the shield are the institute’s name
and acronym in English and bearing the full name of
the institute in Thai is the ribbon at the bottom.

A symbol of prosperity, growth and fullness
Golden Yellow
A symbol of academic and moral excellence
The official colors of PIM
The official colors of PIM represent academic and
moral excellence – the two guiding principles to a life
of prosperity.

Water Lily (Mangkala Ubol)
The water lily flower serves as a symbol of:
1) Perseverance
2) Fortitude
3) Magnificent achievement


"Education is the Matrix of Intellect"

“Creating Professionals through Work-based Education”

Mission Institutional Identity

Corporate University with the following missions Being a Corporate University which is based on
Work-based Education style of teaching composes
1 To create qualified people who meet the needs of as follows:
of business sector, social sector and global
community sector with the emphasis on learning 1 Work-based Teaching is the combination study of
from real experiences (Work-based Education); both theorem and case study form real practical
worker of an organization in order to prepare the
2 To combine academic knowledge and business real practice
for teaching, research, academic services and
preservation of arts and culture (Combination of 2 Work-based Learning is the learning by doing with
Academic and Professional Expertise). both the prearranged-mentors program and the
tracking evaluation system based on the career
3 To create collaborative networks to develop curriculum to integrate both theorem and real
body of knowledge and promote innovations practice.
(Collaborative Networking)
3 Work-based Researching is a research study,
4 To develop an organization that is ready to cope conducted by a lecturer, based-on the real-
with changes and has a good management problem research in an organization. The
system. (Transformative Organization & Good research result is contributed to directly practice
Governance) and lead the new knowledge breakthrough back
to the classroom teaching.

4 Networking University is the cooperation network
creation among public and private educational
institutes of both domestic and aboard in order
to establish teaching participation, learning by
practice and innovation-oriented research.


Self-Identity of the Institute Desirable Characteristics of Graduates
“Ready to Work Graduates” The Institute aims to
develop students in all aspects, including learning Graduates being ready to work
contents, actual work practicum, practicing social “Being able to learn, being able
skills, life skills, professional skills, and
development of advanced thinking skills all of to think, being able to work,
which will equip the graduates with the readiness being culture-oriented, and loving
to work immediately upon graduation. From the
above-mentioned self-identity, the desirable righteousness”
characteristics of the graduates have been
determined as follows: being able to learn, being Comprising 5 Identities, 7 Capacities
able to think, being able to work, being culture- and 11 Qualifications
oriented, and loving righteousness.

1 5 Identities
2 • Craving for knowledge, craving for learning, being able
3 to acquire knowledge by oneself, and having knowledge
45 Being able to learn: of the specific study field.

6 • Having the ability to follow technological progress and
apply information technology to maximize the benefits
of work

Being able to think: • Having the ability to use reasons and conclude including
systematic thinking for analysis and synthesis

• Having the courage to think firmly and having creative
thinking and being able to mobilize one’s own thoughts
and inspiration to create various work outcomes and

Being able to work: • Able to plan and practice in order to reach the goal
• Able to integrate multi-disciplines to be useful for working

and living.
• Having communication skill for correct understanding.

• Being proud of Thai culture, participating in maintenance
Being culture-oriented: of Thai culture, and being ready to learn international
• Having leadership to build credibility and trust, and having
good human relationship for happily team working

Loving righteousness: • Having discipline, having virtues and morality.
• Having a voluntary mind, standing for righteousness, and

appreciating the others’ goodness.
• Manage both personal and work life for quality living

7 Capacities

know for whom or be able
for what the problem to identify
is to be solved

7 1 can analyses
why/sort out
For What the problem
be able to say with 6 Who Why 2
whom the problem
should be solved How be able to find
Where alternative
5 solutions and pick
When 3

be able to point 4 the right answer
out at which area
the problem be able to choose
should be the right timing
solved to solve
the problem

11 Qualifications

1. Communication 7. Morality

2. Socialization Development 8. Global Vision
3. Human Relationship
4. Work Ethics 9. Maturity
5. Skillful
6. Innovative 10. Language, Technology
and Financial Proficiency
11. Leadership Development


The Institute’s Music

The Institute’s Music Mang-Kha-La Ubon Music
เพลงมงั คลอบุ ล
เพลงประจ�ำสถาบันการจัดการปญั ญาภวิ ฒั น์
*Mang-Kha-La Ubon Dang Phuak-rao Thuk Khon
Koet Ma Pen Khon Tong Phrom Cha Ot-thon Thuk Rueang-rao
*มงั คลอบุ ล ด่งั พวกเราทกุ คน
เกดิ มาเป็นคน ต้องพรอ้ มจะอดทนทุกเรื่องราว
Nak Bao Phrom Pha-chon Ngot-ngam Pon Khem-khaeng
Mai-wa A-rai Cha Di Rai Sak Thao-rai
Tong Mong Wa Pen Bot-rian หนกั เบาพร้อมผจญ งดงามปนเขม้ แข็ง

ไมว่ ่าอะไรจะดรี ้ายสกั เทา่ ไหร่ ต้องมองวา่ เปน็ บทเรียน Tai Ngao Hu Kra-chong Phae King Bai Man-khong

*Sing Thi Rian Khue Khwam-cham ใต้เงาหูกระจง แผ่ก่ิงใบมัน่ คง
Sing Thi Tham Khue Khwam-ching
Yat Yuen Thon Nong Sue-trong Lae Khaeng-kraeng
*สิง่ ทเ่ี รยี นคือความจำ� สงิ่ ทท่ี �ำคือความจริง
หยัดยนื ทรนง .. ซอื่ ตรงและแขง็ แกรง่
Sing Thi Tham Dai Yak-yen Nan Cha Ying-yai
P (Practicality)
สงิ่ ท่ีทำ� ได้ยากเยน็ นัน้ จะยง่ิ ใหญ่ I (Innovation)
M (Morality)
Sing Thi Tham Doi Tua-eng Ying Tham Cha Ying Khao-chai P..I..M P..I..M P..I..M P..I..M Let Go!!
(Repeat *) (ซ�้ำ*)
สิ่งทที่ ำ� โดยตัวเอง ยิ่งท�ำจะยงิ่ เขา้ ใจ **Nai Lok Haeng Khwam-pen-ching
Tong Rian Ru Kan Ching Ching
Mae Nan Phiang-dai Ko Mai Luem
**ในโลกแหง่ ความเปน็ จรงิ ตอ้ งเรียนรู้กนั จริงๆ
แมน้ านเพียงใดกไ็ ม่ลืม
Tong Ok Pai Ha Khwam-ching
**Tong Khit Pen Tham Pen Rian Pen Wing Chon Rueang-rao Thae-ching

**ตอ้ งคดิ เป็น ท�ำเปน็ เรยี นเปน็ ตอ้ งออกไปหาความจรงิ ว่ิงชนเรือ่ งราวแทจ้ รงิ

Nen Khwam Pen Tham Nai Chai Tong Nueai Tong Tho Ching Ching
Tong Choe Phu-khon Ching Ching
เน้นความเปน็ ธรรมในใจ
ต้องเหนอ่ื ยต้องทอ้ จรงิ ๆ ต้องเจอผคู้ นจริงๆ
Sing Thi Thuk Rak-sa Wai Thi Phit Rao Tong Thing Pai
Rian Chak Khon Ru Khwam-ching
สิง่ ท่ีถกู รกั ษาไว้ ท่ีผิดเราตอ้ งทงิ้ ไป Laeo Rao Cha Pen Khon-ching

Laeo Rao Cha Kao Pai … Duai Kan เรยี นจากคนรคู้ วามจริง แล้วเราจะเปน็ คนจรงิ

แล้วเราจะกา้ วไป...ดว้ ยกัน Khon Keng Nan Yang Mai Pho Keng Ching Tong Chat-kan Dai

***Sa-tha-ban Pan-ya Pi-Wat Sa-tha-ban Haeng Pan-ya คนเกง่ น้ันยังไมพ่ อ เก่งจรงิ ต้องจดั การได้

***สถาบันปัญญาภวิ ัฒน์ สถาบันแหง่ ปัญญา Khae Kla Ko Yang Mai Pho Kla Ching Tong Mi Wi-nai

Rao Cha Khoi Pen Phu-son Rao Cha Khoi Pen Bao Lom แคก่ ลา้ ก็ยังไมพ่ อ กล้าจริงตอ้ งมวี ินยั

เราจะคอยเปน็ ผ้สู อน เราจะคอยเป็นเบา้ หลอม Khon Cha-lat Nan Yang Mai Pho
Khon Cha-lat Tong Mai Kong Khrai
Cha Lo Lae Ko Lom Hai Thuk Khon
คนฉลาดนน้ั ยงั ไมพ่ อ คนฉลาดต้องไม่โกงใคร
จะหลอ่ และก็หลอมใหท้ ุกคน
Khaen-graeng Ko Yang Mai Pho Phro-wa Tong Mi Nam-chai
Hai Phrom Klai-pen Khon Di (Hai Thuk Khon Pen Khon Di)
แข็งแรงกย็ งั ไมพ่ อ เพราะวา่ ตอ้ งมีนำ�้ ใจ
ให้พรอ้ มกลายเป็นคนดี (ให้ทกุ คนเปน็ คนดี)
***Thong Si Khiao Kha-chi Chap Si Lueang Rueang-rong
Koet Ma Pen Khon Tong Mung-man Fuek-fon Pra-sop-kan
***ธงสีเขียวขจี ฉาบสีเหลอื งเรืองรอง
เกิดมาเป็นคน ตอ้ งม่งุ ม่ันฝึกฝนประสบการณ์
Bon Phaen-din Si-Thong Ni Khue Ban Khong Rao
Kha Khwam Pen Khon Yu Thi Chai WatKanThi Phon-ngan
An Mi Kha Khuan Chot-c ham บนแผ่นดินสีทอง น่ีคือบ้านของเรา

คา่ ความเปน็ คนอยู่ที่ใจวดั กนั ทผ่ี ลงาน อันมีค่าควรจดจำ� (Repeat **, ***) (ซ�้ำ**, ***)

(Repeat *, **, ***) (ซำ้� *, **, ***)
Rao Ko Muean It Khon La Kon Wang Son Kan Chueng Naen-na

เรากเ็ หมือนอิฐคนละกอ้ นวางซ้อนกนั จงึ แน่นหนา

Ko Duai Khwam Rak Nai Pan-ya

ก่อด้วยความรกั ในปญั ญา

Chap Duai Sat-tha .. Nai Sa-tha-ban .. Khong Rao

ฉาบดว้ ยศรัทธา..ในสถาบัน..ของเรา

(Repeat *, **, ***) (ซ้ำ� *, **, ***)


Faculties PIM : Nonthaburi Campus (PIM-B)

1 Master Degree
1) Modern Trade Business Management
Bachelor Degree
1) Modern Trade Business Management Program : TMBA-MTM
Location : Building 4 (CP ALL Academy), FL.10
Program : MTM
2) Modern Trade Business Management 0 2855 0321, 0 2855 0288, 0 2855 0311

(Continuing Program) : CMTM
3) Modern Trade Business Management

Program : DMTM
4) Modern Trade Business Management

(Continuing Program) (Internet-based
Distance Education) : CIMM

2 Master Degree
1) Engineering and Technology Program : MET
Bachelor Degree Location : Building 4 (CP ALL Academy), FL.11
1) Digital and Information Technology
0 2855 1005, 0 2855 0930
Program : DIT
2) Computer Engineering and Artificial

Intelligence Program : CAI
3) Industrial Engineering Program : IE
4) Automotive Manufacturing Engineering

Program : AME
5) Robotics and Automation Engineering

Program : RAE


3 Location : Building 4 (CP ALL Academy), FL.11
0 2855 0344
Bachelor Degree
1) Business Chinese Program : BC
2) Business Japanese Program : BJ
3) Communicative English for Business

Program : CEB

4 Master Degree
1) People Management and Organization
Bachelor Degree
1) Real Estate and Facility Management Strategy Program : POS

Program : RFM Location : Building 4 (CP ALL Academy), FL.10
2) People and Organization Management 0 2855 1524, 0 2855 0322, 0 2855 1089,
0 2855 0904, 0 2855 1406
Program : POM
3) Hospitality and Tourism Management

Program : HTM
4) Aviation Business Management Program: AVI

5 Master Degree
1) Innovative Communication for Modem
Bachelor Degree
1) Communication Arts Program: CA Organization : MCA
Location : Building 4 (CP ALL Academy), FL.9
0 2855 0966


Bachelor Degree
1) Innovative Agricultural Management

Program : IAM

Location : Building 4 (CP ALL Academy), FL.9
0 2855 0987

7 Master Degree
1) Educational Management and
Bachelor Degree
1) Teaching Chinese Language Program : TCL Administration Leadership Program : EML
2) English Language Teaching Program : ELT Location : Building 4 (CP ALL Academy), FL.9

0 2855 1026


Bachelor Degree
1) Food Business Management Program : FBM
2) Restaurant Business Management

Program : RBM
3) Food Business Management

(Continuing Program) : CFBM

Location : Building 4 (CP ALL Academy), FL.9
0 2855 0372


9 Location : Building 4 (CP ALL Academy), FL.9
0 2855 0372
Bachelor Degree
1) Farm Technology Management

Program : FTM
2) Food Processing Technology Management

Program : PTM


Bachelor Degree
1) Logistics and Transportation Management


Location : Building 4 (CP ALL Academy), FL.10
0 2855 0707

11 Master Degree
1) International Business Program: iMBA
Bachelor Degree Location : Building 4 (CP ALL Academy), FL.10
1) Modern Trade Business Management
0 2855 1575, 02 855 1126
(International Program) : iMTM


12 Doctoral Degree
1) Business Administration (Chinese Program) :
Master Degree
1) Business Administration C-Ph.D
2) Educational Management (Chinese Program)
(Chinese Program) : C-MBA Location : Building 4 (CP ALL Academy), FL.10

0 2855 0301


Offering instruction
in general education courses for students
1) Thai language group
2) English language group
3) Chinese language group
4) Humanities and Social Sciences group
5) Science and Mathematics group

Location : Building 4 (CP ALL Academy), FL.11
0 2855 1312


Faculties PIM : EEC Campus (PIM-EEC)


Bachelor Degree
1) Business Administration (Management Innovation in Social Enterprise)
2) Business Administration (Hotel and Food Business Management)
3) Business Administration (Innovation in Hotel Food and Beverage Business)
4) Business Administration (Management of Trading Innovation)


Various Work Agencies Concerning Students

The Office of Academic Affairs Services Concerning Students
1) Student Cards
1 2) Checking of educational qualification
3) Adjustment and monitoring of student’s status
Location : 4) Comparison and transferring of educational
PIM : Building 4 (CP ALL Academy), FL.14
PIM EEC : Administration Building, FL.1 qualifications and learning outcomes
5) Enrollment registration and adding-revoking courses
Bachelor Degree: 6) Announcement of study results
0 2855 0378, 0 2855 0969 7) Determination of examination dates and study
Graduate Degree:
0 2855 1562, 0 2855 1139 calendar
0 2855 0386, 0 2855 0971 8) Checking of petition for graduation
9) Checking of documents on educational evidence
PIM Library
Services Concerning Students
Location : 1) Information Resource Services
PIM: Building 4 (CP ALL Academy), FL.12A
PIM EEC: Canteen 1 Building, FL.2 • Circulation of information resources
• Reserving of information resources
0 2855 0381 • Recommendation of information resources for

the library
• Provision of services on materials and

equipment of Go Game, board games, and skill
enhancing games (to be used in the library)
• Inter-library loan service
2) Electronic Information Resource Services
• e-Books
• e-Journal
• e-Thesis
• e-Research
• e-Project
3) Provision of Directions on Using the Library and
Online Database Training
4) Information Services for Referencing and Research
5) Provision of Services on Space and Activities
for Learning
• Computer Zone
• Learning Zone
• Quiet Zone
• Study Room
• Theatre Service
6) Provision of Services on Supporting Materials and
Equipment for Learning


The Office of Student Affairs Services Concerning Students
1) Organizing sports, recreational, and public service
activities Including voluntary-minded activities for
Location : students
Building 4 (CP ALL Academy), FL.7 2) Providing circulation services on sports equipment
and materials for student activities
Student Activity Work 02 855 0443 3) Dealing with student’s request for scholarships and
Student Welfare Work : 02 855 0223 checking the qualifications of students receiving
Scholarship Work : 02 855 0907 scholarships
4) Claiming for insurance claims when students have
5) Supervising and monitoring the discipline of students
6) Requesting for military waiver and coordinating on
military matter for students

The Office of Accountancy and Finance


Location : Services Concerning Students
Building 4 (CP ALL Academy), FL.14 1) Accepting payment of fines and fees

02 855 0332-3, 02 855 0249

The Office of Information Technology


Location : Services Concerning Students
Building 4 (CP ALL Academy), FL.12 1) Provision of advices on information technology
0 2855 0400 2) Dealing with abnormal users and abnormal logins
3) Provision of online (e-learning) instructional system


5 The Office of Research and Development

Location : Services Concerning Students
Building 2 (Convention Hall), FL. 2 1) Various evaluations related to instructional
0 2855 0229, 0 2855 1102
management, student help-care, and operation
of the Institute
2) Publication of research articles or academic articles
in the academic journals of the Institute

The Office of Student Development Services Concerning Students
1) Part Time Job-Placement Coordination Center
6 2) Provision of advices and helps in case of problems

Location : in work appointment
Building 4 (CP All Academy), FL.7

02 855 1350

7 The Office of Arts and Cultural Affairs

Location : Services Concerning Students
Building 2 (Convention Hall), FL. 2 1) Potential development and promotion of students
0 2855 1650
with artistic and cultural abilities
2) Supervising and taking students to contest in

musical, dancing and singing performances both
inside and outside the Institute
3) Organizing activities to promote students with artistic
and cultural abilities
4) Testing and supervising students who are granted
scholarships on arts and cultural talents
5) Transferring Thai arts and culture to international

The Office of Facilities Management Services Concerning Students
1) Issuing stickers for parking cars and motorcycles that
enter-exit the Institute
Location :
Building 2 (Convention Hall), FL. 2

0 2855 1261


Knowing “The Office of General Education”

General Education Office Philosophy
General education creates quality human beings in the world society, with
language communication skills, technological advances, thinking process, and


“Creating Professionals through Work-based Education”

1) Producing graduates with quality that is relevant to the needs of enterprises
with the emphasis on learning from work-based education.
(Work-based Education)
2) Combining academic knowledge and professional expertise for provision of
instruction, research, academic services, and enhancement and maintenance
of arts and culture. (Combination of Academic and Professional Expertise)
3) Creating collaborative networking to enhance sustainable organizational
competency and social values. (Collaborative Networking)

Logo and Color

Panyapruek tree or the tree of wisdom
that spreads educational shade signifying life-long learning

Color of the Office
Golden brown



The Office of General Education has a working structure consisting of 5 subject
groups and 1 center.
1) Thai language subject group 4) Humanities and social sciences subject group
2) English language subject group 5) Science and mathematics subject group
3) Chinese language subject group 6) Center of Languages and Skills Development (CLSD)
The Office of General Education focuses on provision of instruction on general education courses for
students in all programs of Panyapiwat Institute of Management, and organizing activities to develop students
in accordance with the identity of graduates of the Institute that is relevant to the needs of the society and
employers of the graduates. Throughout the academic year, the Office of General Education has organized
student development activities based on its subject groups.

Center of Languages and Skills Development

Center of Languages and Skills Development plan, with the recording of evaluation results and results
(CLSD) is a work unit under the Office of General of student’s participation in activities. It is an application
Education that has the duty to enhance skills, assess skills program, named "PIM SMART PASSPORT", which is a
and issue standard certifying certificates that are essential database of students for use in consideration for decision
to the works of students, namely, communication skills making concerning the selection of employees to work
in Thai and foreign language, life skills and digital skills. in various establishments.
The CLSD’s activities are based on the 4-year operation


The Office of General Education has set up a training set for the use of office programs. Through
the application of "Microsoft Office Simulation" to allow students to practice using tools for office document
preparation as well as professional presentations That responds to learning every time.

In addition, the Office of General Education also implements the English Language Communication
Application Program to support instructional management in the classroom with the aim of enabling students
to pass the assessment criteria in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for
Languages (CEFR) for at least the B2 level.


Common European Framework of Reference for Languages : CEFR

Plan for Code Students (per block) Practice Final Test Re-test

Explore Placement Test

Code 63 Students Week 1 Week 2 Week 3-8 Week 9 Week 10
Studying in Year 1

Placement Test Practice Final Test Re-test

Code 63 Students Week 1 Week 2-8 Week 9 Week 10
Studying in Year 2 and 3


Know the EEC Campus

The charm of the east sea

Province It is a location of Panyapiwat Institute Zone (EEC) to link trade and investment of the world
of Management EEC Campus where is an Eastern and is also a Silk Road ( One Belt One Road ) for the
Seaboard province with high economic potential, 21st century, the government focuses on the
abundant nature and Accumulated cultural prosperity development of 10 target industries ( 10 S - CURVE )
in many ways. The majority of fishery, trade and including the automotive industry of the future,
services, tourism is the charm of the East with a Intelligent electronic industry, Agriculture and
particularly tourism, transportation, cargo transportation Biotechnology, food industry of the future, global
by land, sea and air , thus a strategic area is very tourism industry, Robotics and Automation, Aircraft
important in the global economy, driven by the policy and logistics industry, Biofuels and Biochemistry
of the government towards the Thailand 4.0 Regarding Medical industry, and digital industries
the development of the Eastern Special Development

Our EEC campus

Panyapiwat Institute of Management Campus EEC ( the PIM - EEC, ) located in Sattahip, Thailand .
Thailand is an opportunity for the institution of Thailand's capacity to compete in order to raise the quality of
life on the world stage. We produce quality graduates and develop personnel skills ( Up - skill and Re - skill )
in the EEC area to be competent, ready to work in business and industry to support 10 target industries. Predicts
that in the last 5 years ( 2562 - 2566 BE) , the demand for skilled workers, a significant number of the 475,793

....... Because life is a continuous learning and learning is no end .......


Our campus Aims to develop youth in the both at home and abroad. Today, PIM - EEC is ready to
eastern region Which is an important force of the country create "good people, talented people to the world
in the future Including developing people who are local stage". We welcome all students to the path of
workers The institute provides education for youth Along sustainable success through teaching. the Work, - Based
with skills development training ( Up - skill & Re - skill ) Education, learning from experience and take action in
to people in the area. Which is the key to producing real-intensive enterprises. It is a testament to success in
quality personnel to meet the needs of the labor market life that arises from cultivating a wide range of knowledge
Helping learners be ready to step into the world of work Along with cultivating good morals and ethics

PIM-EEC Location

Panyapiwat Institute of Management EEC Campus or PIM EEC ( PIM - EEC ) located at No. 1 Moo 7, Highway
No. 1003 , Na Jomtien Sub-district, Sattahip District, Chonburi Province 20250.

Panyapiwat Institute of
Management EEC Campus



Public Transports to PIM-EEC

Bus lines

1. 57 (Mo Chit - Rayong).
2. 46 (Bangkok - Thailand).

Passenger vans

1. Sattahip - Bangkok (Mo Chit - Sai Tai Mai - Ekkamai).
2. Van No. 163 , Chon Buri (Chonburi - Sattahip).
3. Van No. 303 (Chonburi - Rayong).
There are various designs of
buildings, locations and environments.
To have a natural shady under the
concept of Green Campus located in
Khao Chi Chan municipality Abundant
with natural resources and tourism
and it is located near famous places
such as Wat Yansangwararam
Woramahawihan, Khao Chi Chan,
especially Nong Nooch Garden, which
has a fence adjacent to the campus.
Which is considered as a close

Nong Nooch Tropical Garden - Our Neighbor Nong Nooch Garden, a

tourist attraction for learning and
recreation on an area of more than
1,800 rai that won the gold medal
from the world-class gardening
contest. The interior is filled with a
variety of flower gardens such as
orchids, ferns, pineapples, hedges,
rock gardens, French gardens, cactus
gardens, palm gardens from all over
the world, giant trees and zoos.
Butterfly Park and Dinosaur Park It is
a good source of natural learning and
r ecreatioTnhailsaicstivaitdieasyfoorfsteudduecnattsio. n
Campus EEC and of this, parents can
visit the Nong Nooch Tropical Garden.
According to campus regulations By
contacting the Dormitory Office and
Student Potential Development Tel.
085 252 3757


Building, Classrooms and Laboratory

Central Administration Building

FL 1: FL 2:
- The Office of Academic Affairs and - Classrooms
- Computer and Language
Student admissions Laboratory
- Welfare Stores and Nursing Room
- Electronics Physic and Chemical Lab FL 3:
- Hotel laboratories Food and Beverage - Office of Vice President
- Social Business Incubator ( SE Lab ) - Faculty of Management Innovation
- Photocopy Shop - Lecturer Offices
- Coffee Shop - Meeting Rooms, Offices

Canteen 1 Building

FL 1: Canteen
FL 2: Library


Classroom Laboratory and Facilities

Location: Administration Building, FL. 2


Computer and Language

Administration Building, FL. 2

Hotel Laboratories Food
and Beverage

Administration Building, FL. 1

Social Business Incubator ( SE Lab )

Administration Building, FL. 1


Office of Academic Affairs and
Student admissions

Administration Building, FL. 1


Canteen 1 Building, FL. 2


Canteen 1 Building, FL. 1



Student dormitory

• Building A : Teacher Dormitory
• Building B : Female Dormitory
• Building C : Male Dormitory

Located near the administrative building and has a security guard for 24 hours, and non-smoking
cafeteria. It is a room for 2 people with emphasis on 100 % CCTV (CCTV) more than 100 points within the dorm
privacy, warmth and security. Under the discipline and surrounding buildings
together Amenities for guests in the dormitory building
include a bed with mattress, wardrobe, desk, laundry
room, pantry. Collaborative workspaces ( Co, - Working
Space ) and Vending Machine, etc. In addition, the campus

Student dormitory regulations Guideline

Dormitory Building B and - Comply with rules, regulations, orders
Building C are provided for all faculties and notices Strictly
of PIM - EEC students and PIM - Obey the counsel of the dormitory
Chaengwattana MTM students who administrator.
take the place of EEC Campus. The - Must cooperate in the maintenance of
right to stay in a dormitory is an all buildings, premises and properties of
individual right, it cannot be transferred the dormitory against damage and
to another person and must stay for a economical use.
specified period. In which students pay - Maintain cleanliness in both common
for electricity and water by themselves areas and in the room Only throw
garbage in the area provided for them.
- Must dress modestly While staying in
the dormitory

Important contraindications

- Do not misbehave in the adultery.
- Prohibit gambling of all kinds and all channels
- Do not cook food in the room.
- Do not bring all kinds of pets into the dormitory area.
- Do not bring unauthorized electrical appliances in the room.
- Do not consume and possess alcohol, narcotics of all kinds.

Remark: Students can see further details from the announcement of Panyapiwat
Institute of Management. EEC Campus on Student Residence Criteria and Guidelines


Departments on campus involving students

Dormitory Office and Developing Student Potential | 085 252 3757

• Take care of student counseling Promote mental health Student
discipline Promote morality

• Take care to apply for grants SLF . , And other scholarships.
• Coordinate with parents
• Activities for clubs, student relations activities Arts and Culture
Promotion Activities
• Welfare and safety work in the dormitory
• Nursing room work
• Military students
• Gold card / health insurance card

Office of Building and Property Management | 085 252 3757

• Take care of the building Classroom, LAB Room, Meeting Room, Library,
Canteen, Student Dormitory Building Faculty and Staff Computer care
Audio-visual equipment Air conditioning system, electricity, water supply
• Take care of the safety of personnel and property (Security)
• banquet (housewife)
• Cleaning and landscaping workers (gardener)
• Vehicle work, car service for students and personnel

Office of Strategic Marketing and Corporate Communications. | 086 341 8281

• Guidance for recruiting new students both at home and abroad
• Supervise new students in the registration process Pay the entrance
• Making external public relations media, issuing booths, organizing
marketing promotion activities
• Produce presentation media through both Offline, Online and Face to
face marketing channels


Office of Network Education | 091 808 1336-8

• b c maintain the graduate premium. Cooperation in vocational education
And a bachelor's degree, according to the needs of business, CP ALL.
• Coordinate training, vocational training and scholarship acceptance
• Supervision during professional training Solve problems and help
students succeed in their studies. For students who do internships in
the CP ALL business group in all fields

Office of Human Resource Management and Development | 092 884 4042

• Power rate planning Recruiting faculty members and educational
• Personnel training, teacher development, activity relations Promote
corporate culture

• Prepare administrative information Publish campus news
• Take care of legal work, regulations and contract acts


Knowing Our Faculty “Management Innovation”

Philosophy of the Faculty of Management Innovation

integrating knowledge in modern business management To create and develop personnel and
Graduates are managers who develop themselves continuously. Ethical Create benefits for society and the


Focus on producing management graduates with professional knowledge. Innovative skills and
attitudes are able to operate all over the world. In demand by the labor market And have a sense of
responsibility towards society and the nation

in oPrrgoadnuizcaetimonanablaumgseianmneaesgnsetamlnedeandthterethDnaeatvtwieolinoll.pbeknneofwitlesdogcieety,


1) Organize and develop a higher education in modern 4) Promote research in management innovation. Business
organizational management in response to national and society To bring knowledge to create innovations
strategy and international labor market needs. Both now that benefit society and organizations both government
and in the future and business sectors.
2) Produce graduates according to the wishes of the 5) Academic service By coordinating ideas and cooperation
Panyapiwat Institute of Management. With focus on 3 with various academic and professional networks
main areas as follows 6) Build and develop personnel with morals, ethics and
2.1 Knowledge to Operation ( Practicality ) professional ideologies. Have social and environmental
2.2 Innovation and application ( Innovation ) responsibility
2.3 Ethics ( Morality ) 7) Strengthen an effective educational quality system
3) Aiming to produce graduates who are ready for work.
Both in the country and abroad And have the ability to
learn throughout life


Logo and Color of the Faculty

Logo and Color The globe
of the Faculty
represents knowledge and skills

Golden brown The graphs

symbolizes growth, wealth, wealth, refer to graduates who have progressed.
warmth and friendship. Invention And
living with kindness, full of morality and

The Offered Programs/Majors
Bachelor Degree

1) Business Administration (Management Innovation in Social Enterprise)
2) Business Administration (Hotel and Food Business Management) (International Program)
3) Business Administration (Innovation in Hotel, Food and Beverage Business)
4) Business Administration (Management of Trading Innovation)


Bachelor of Business Administration Program
in Management Innovation in Social Enterprise


Bachelor of Business Administration (Management Innovation in Social Enterprise)
B.B.A. (Management Innovation in Social Enterprise)

Highlights of the Major/Program
Social business concept It spread widely both Department of Social Business Management
nationally and globally. This is due to the social and Innovation Focusing on social change in the Eastern
environmental problems that have been affected by the Special Development Zone (EEC), striving to produce
economic activities during the past national development. graduates by learning from real experiences. Have
Most businesses are focused on maximizing profits professional ethics Ability to initiate creativity that is
regardless of the consequences. It is the source of the consistent with the social and cultural contexts of the
awareness of social business around the world. For the times Able to apply knowledge and skills to a career in
most part, social business is developed from non-profit community innovation development and social
organizations such as foundations, but for social innovation. Require students to practice practical work
enterprises that originate from the private sector. It has in the workplace, from small business management.
evolved from the concept of corporate social responsibility Social business management in the value chain (Upstream
or CSR ( Corporate Social Responsibility ) regardless of - mid water - downstream) training for a business plan
the origin of social business. They all have the same goal: Community enterprises, cooperatives and SMEs as well
" Focus on sustainable social development " through as skills training in creating social business strategy
good management mechanisms and social innovation projects in large corporations and public limited
ideas. companies listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand.

Which is an important part of the development of the
country's competitiveness in all dimensions according to
the institution's mission


Career Approaches
1) Social business entrepreneurs and self-employed Community economic developer in government agencies
small and medium entrepreneurs ( SME ) with social 4) Social business planner and strategy, trainers,
responsibility consciousness analysts, researchers, social developers Social worker
2) Executive staff in CSR and sustainability agencies of Community economic developer in state-owned
medium and large private organizations enterprises
3) Social business planner and strategy, trainers, 5) Executive staff in a non-profit organization ( Non -
analysts, researchers, social developers Social worker Profit Organization )

Details of Tuition Fees
1) The total tuition fees of 294,000 baht is set for the whole program, and payment of tuition fees for the whole

semester at the rate specified by the Institute according to the normal 8 semester study plan.

Semesters Tuition fees for students attending regular semester.

No. 1 – 7 39,200 baht per semester
No. 8 19,600 baht

2) The tuition fees for the whole semester do not include the following expenses:
- Books and learning documents in the course
- Workshop equipment, raw materials and other related devices
- Prerequisite course fees
- Other fees beyond the tuition fees per semester

Examples of enterprises that students engage in work practicum


Information on the Study and the Work Practicum

1) First Academic Year

Semester 1 Semester 2

Course Code Course Title Credit Course Code Course Title Credit

SC xxxxx Science and Mathematics group 3 TH xxxxx Thai language group 3
EN xxxxx English language group 2 EN xxxxx English language group 3
HM xxxxx Human group 3 SC xxxxx Science and Mathematics 3
group 3

SO xxxxx Social Sciences group 3 SO xxxxx Social Sciences group 17

6301101 Marketing in Modern Business 3 6301102 Business Management Credit
6322151 Work-based Learning in 3 6322152 Work-based Learning in 2
Management Innovation in Management Innovation in 3
Social Enterprise 1 Social Enterprise 2
Total 17 Total 3
2) Second Academic Year
Semester 1 Semester 2

Course Code Course Title Credit Course Code Course Title

6322201 Strategic Management 3 6322203 Social Innovation
EN xxxxx English language group 3 EN xxxxx English language group

6322202 Social Problem and 6322204 Philosophy of Sufficiency
Environmental for Economy

6301203 Business Management 3 6301204 Logistics and Supply Chain
Economics Management

XXxxxxx Free Elective Course (1) 3 XXxxxxx Free Elective Course (2)
3 6322254 (Work-based Learning in
6322253 Work-based Learning in
Management Innovation in Management Innovation in
Social Enterprise 3 Social Enterprise 4
17 Total


3) Third Academic Year

Semester 1 Semester 2

Course Code Course Title Credit Course Code Course Title Credit

6322305 Law and Taxation in Social 3 6322307 Creative and Innovative Thinking 3
Enterprise in Management Innovation in
Social Enterprise

EN xxxxx English language group 2 EN xxxxx English language group 2

6301305 Business Management 3 6322308 Social Enterprise Principles 3

6322306 Social Entrepreneur 3 6301306 Business Financial Management 3

6323xxx Elective courses group (1) 3 6323xxx Elective courses group (2) 3

6322355 Work-based Learning in 3
Management Innovation in
Social Enterprise 5

Total 17 Total 14

Summer Semester

Course Code Course Title Credit

6322356 Work-based Learning in Manage- 3
ment Innovation in Social
Enterprise 6 3


4) Fourth Academic Year

Semester 1 Semester 2

Course Code Course Title Credit Course Code Course Title Credit

6322409 Business Ethics and Corporate 3 6322410 Online Business and Creative 3
Social Responsibility Media Marketing

6301407 Innovative Organization and 3 6301408 Process Innovation and Business 3
Human Resources Operational System

6323xxx Elective courses group (3) 3 6323xxx Elective courses group (4) 3

6322457 Work-based Learning in 3 6322458 Work-based Learning in 3
Management Innovation in Management Innovation in
Social Enterprise 7 Social Enterprise 8

Total 12 Total 12


Training Plan (Practical)
Management Innovation in Social Enterprise Course

Year Training place Training scope level

1 Convenience store 7-Eleven Learning to recognize small business Knowing
management examples Understanding

2 Start - up businesses , community Understanding the business Applying and
enterprises , cooperatives and SMEs approach in the value chain Analyzing
Upstream - mid water - downstream Creating and
3 Successful SMEs And community Apply the Business Model Canvas ( BMS )
enterprises with annual sales of business plan to medium size business.
more than 10 million

4 Large organizations with the Social Study corporate management and
Enterprise, the Project has gov- synthesize innovations to develop into
erned the CSR ( the C Orporate the social business corporate strategies And
Social Responsibility I ) promotion create social innovation projects
agencies, social business , a
business unit ( the BU ) operates a
Social Enterprise.


Bachelor of Business Administration Program
in Hotel and Food Business Management
(International Program)


Bachelor of Business Administration (Hotel and Food Business Management)
B.B.A. (Hotel and Food Business Management)

Highlights of the Major/Program Critical thinking skills As well as important features such
Eastern coast of Thailand It is a popular as professionalism in management. Service professionalism
destination with tourists from all over the world and is Morality and ethics and emotional intelligence. Has a
a major investment hub for South East Asia. It is equipped location in Chonburi Province which has many famous
with a complete infrastructure, including an international tourist attractions and hotels. Therefore cooperated with
airport, high-speed rail , and main roads linking the eastern the Eastern Thai Hotels Association As well as many other
provinces with Bangkok. Through government policy hotel and food partnerships To select professional
investments through the Eastern Special Development personnel with knowledge and capabilities in the hotel
Zone (EEC), the country's major investment strategy that and food business In the value chain from upstream to
drives the economy and tourism to the global level. downstream for providing a direct experience to students
Panyapiwat Institute of Management EEC Campus snd the availability of training places for students
It is a university of business organizations ( Corporate throughout the course so that students can learn from
University ) with high mobility. Therefore, develop the and act as a trainee ( A Hands - ons Training ) and
hotel and food business management course ( apprenticed ( Apprentice, ) to produce graduates who
International ) to serve the needs of personnel in the have the knowledge. International standard capability
tourism industry, both Thai and foreigners. Responding Have moral and ethical practices Have a new generation
to the government's policy of promoting tourism that is of entrepreneurial skills that can work in both the country
rapidly growing By aiming to produce graduates with and abroad.
complete competencies Both knowledge Work skills

Career Approaches
1) Hotel business operator, modern accommodation 3) Employees in hotels, accommodation and related
business Both domestic and international, such as businesses Both domestic and foreign, in the position at
poshtel, hostels, homestays, etc. the other , such as reception, banquet or party.
2) Entrepreneurs, restaurant business and related 4) employees in the workplace, the restaurant serves
businesses that use technology as a tool to provide both local and international, such as the project
services and convenience to customers management of a work party at the Kitchen / drinks. Thai
restaurant work in foreign countries etc.


Details of Tuition Fees
1) Total tuition fee for the entire program is 360,000 baht and a flat tuition fee is paid per semester at the

institution's set rate of 45,000 baht over 8 semesters.
2) The tuition fees for the whole semester do not include the following expenses:
- Books and learning documents in the course
- Workshop equipment, raw materials and other related devices
- Prerequisite course fees
- Other fees beyond the tuition fees per semester

Examples of enterprises that students engage in work practicum


Information on the Study and the Work Practicum

1) First Academic Year

Semester 1 Semester 2

Course Code Course Title Credit Course Code Course Title Credit

10XXXXX Arts of Life group 3 6332151 Work-based Learning in Hotel 3
and Food Business
2 Management 1
10XXXXX Panyapiwat Identity group 3
10XXXXX Panyapiwat Identity group 3
10XXXXX Panyapiwat Identity group
6301101 Marketing for Business 3
6301102 Applied Statistics and Business 3
6332101 Hotel and Food Business 3
Operations and Management 23
6332102 MICE Business Management
Total Total 3
Course Code Course Title

6332152 Work-based Learning in Hotel
and Food Business
Management 2



2) Second Academic Year

Semester 1 Semester 2

Course Code Course Title Credit Course Code Course Title Credit

6332253 Work-based Learning in Hotel 3 10XXXXX Panyapiwat Identity group 2
and Food Business
Management 3

6332254 Work-based Learning in Hotel 3 10XXXXX Panyapiwat Identity group 3
and Food Business
Management 4)

6332203 Hotel Housekeeping Operations 3 10XXXXX Panyapiwat Identity group 3
and Management

10XXXXX Arts of Life group 3

6301203 Economics for Business 3

6301204 Logistics and Supply Chain 3

6332204 Modern Entrepreneurship in 3
Hotel and Food Business

Total 9 Total 20

Summer Semester Credit

Course Code Course Title 3

6332205 Creative Thinking and 3
Innovation in Service Business 3
63332xx Elective courses group (1)

xxxxxxx Free Elective Course (1)



3) Third Academic Year

Semester 1 Semester 2

Course Code Course Title Credit Course Code Course Title Credit

10XXXXX Panyapiwat Identity group 2 6332355 Work-based Learning in Hotel 3
and Food Business 3
2 Management 5
10XXXXX Arts of Life group 2 6332356 Work-based Learning in Hotel
3 and Food Business
3 Management 6
10XXXXX Arts of Life group 3
10XXXXX Arts of Life group 3
6301305 Managerial Accounting for Busi- 21
ness Management
6301306 Finance for Business
6332306 ASEAN Law and Taxation in
Service Business
63333xx Elective courses group (2)

Total Total

Summer Semester

Course Code Course Title Credit

6332307 Kitchen, Restaurant and 3
Catering Operations and
Management 3



4) Fourth Academic Year

Semester 1 Semester 2

Course Code Course Title Credit Course Code Course Title Credit

6332457 Work-based Learning in Hotel 3 6301407 Innovative Organization and 3
and Food Business Human Resources
Management 7

6332458 Work-based Learning in Hotel 3 6301408 Process Innovation and 3
and Food Business Business Operational System
Management 8

6332408 Hotel Front Office Operations 3 6332409 Information Technology in 3
and Management Service Industry

63334xx Elective courses group (3) 3

63334xx Elective courses group (4) 3

63334xx Elective courses group (5) 3

xxxxxxx Free Elective Course (2) 3

Total 9 Total 21

Training Plan (Practical) Hotel and Food Business Management Course
( International Program )

Year Training place Trained competencies

1 Convenience Store Customer service Study and analyze
customer demand behavior.

2 Medium size hotel Event management Manage guest rooms and
amenities Work process and management

3 Medium size hotel Kitchen management Restaurant and catering
Improve service quality

4 4-5 star hotel Entrepreneurship Junior supervisor Hotel
front desk Make a hotel and food business


Bachelor of Business Administration Program
in Innovation in Hotel, Food and Beverage Business

Bachelor of Business Administration (Innovation in Hotel, Food and Beverage Business)
B.B.A. (Innovation in Hotel, Food and Beverage Business)

Highlights of the Major/Program
from the ongoing domestic tourism stimulus tourist city around the world Therefore develop the
package for Thai tourists especially in the year 2020, the curriculum Hotel Business Innovation Food and drink This
government wants Thai people to travel in Thailand by is a new course for the academic year 2020, supporting
encouraging people to register by electronic system. the policy of " Thai Tiew Thai " to produce educated
Through various projects such as “Kamlangjai”, the graduates. Competence at the international standard
government supports the travel expenses of 1.2 million level, morals and ethics in work. Have new entrepreneurial
health volunteers (OHM) nationwide. The “Share skills Innovation Leadership skills Professionalism in
Happiness Trip” project supports the traveling of 2 million management Through the process of learning from real
people, the “We Travel Together” project supports 5 experiences in the workplace From knowledgeable
million nights in co-pay hotels, and the government professional personnel Hotel business capabilities Food
supports food expenses / expenses attractions that and drink To provide students with hands-on experience
participate in the project (worth 600 baht per room per and readiness in place of work practice Which students
night). It is considered the psychology of driving travel will learn continuously And ready to perform work
causing increased spending in tourist destinations. It has immediately upon graduation Enter a career and create
a very positive effect on the direction of the Thai market sustainable social value. Qualifications and competencies
and Thai tourism. in service sector practitioners and entrepreneurs Is
Panyapiwat Institute of Management EEC Campus needed by society, community, government agencies
Has a location in Chonburi Province Which is a famous And private business

Career Approaches
1) 4-5 star hotel business ( Luxury ) including budget Manager and development of food and beverage
hotel by using technology and innovation to create business New entrepreneurs in food and beverages And
superior service. In various positions such as receptionist related businesses that use technology as a tool to
Cook Food and beverage service staff Modern hotel provide services and convenience to customers
business operators 3) Business Management Conference MICE ( , MICE ),
2) Food and beverage businesses such as store the operator of the Event and banquets. As well as
managers Kitchen / beverage work Bartender / Chef services on cruise ships


Details of Tuition Fees
1) The total tuition fees of 360,000 baht is set for the whole program, and payment of tuition fees for the whole

semester at the rate specified by the Institute according to the normal 8 semester study plan.

Semesters ค่าเลา่ เรยี นสำ� หรบั นกั ศึกษาทเ่ี ข้าเรยี นในภาคปกติ

No. 1 – 7 48,000 baht per semester
No. 8 24,000 baht

2) The tuition fees for the whole semester do not include the following expenses:
- Books and learning documents in the course
- Workshop equipment, raw materials and other related devices
- Prerequisite course fees
- Other fees beyond the tuition fees per semester

Examples of enterprises that students engage in work practicum


Information on the Study and the Work Practicum

1) First Academic Year

Semester 1 Semester 2

Course Code Course Title Credit Course Code Course Title Credit

CN xxxxx Chinese language group 3 HF 63190 Work-based Learning in 3
Innovation in Hotel, Food and 3
3 Beverage Business 1 3

TH xxxxx Thai language group 3 HF 63191 Work-based Learning in 9
3 Innovation in Hotel, Food and
3 Beverage Business 2
SC xxxxx Science and Mathematics group HF 63170 Art of Carving and Flower
3 Arrangements for Service Area
MN63101 Marketing in Modern Business
MN63102 Applied Statistics and Business
HF 63101 Research
Basic Knowledge of Hotel Food
HF 63102 and Beverage Business
Management of Hotel and MICE Total



2) Second Academic Year

Semester 1 Semester 2

Course Code Course Title Credit Course Code Course Title Credit

HF 63292 Work-based Learning in 3 EN xxxxx English language group 2
Innovation in Hotel, Food and
Beverage Business 3

HF 63293 Work-based Learning in 3 EN xxxxx English language group 2
nnovation in Hotel, Food and
Beverage Business 4

HF 63271 Technology in Bakery Business 3 SC xxxxx Science and Mathematics 3

SO xxxxx Social Sciences group 3

MN 63203 Business Management Eco- 3

MN 63204 Logistics and Supply Chain 3

HF 63203 Start-up Entrepreneurship in 3
Hotel, Food and Beverage

HF 63204 Law and Taxation in Service 3

Total 9 Total 22


3) Third Academic Year

Semester 1 Semester 2

Course Code Course Title Credit Course Code Course Title Credit

EN xxxxx English language group 2 HF 63394 Work-based Learning in 3
Innovation in Hotel, Food and
Beverage Business 5

EN xxxxx English language group 2 HF 63395 Work-based Learning in 3
Innovation in Hotel, Food and
Beverage Business 6

HM xxxxx Human group 3 HF 63372 Operations of Kitchen, 3
Restaurant and Catering

MN 63305 Business Management 3

MN 63306 Business Financial Management 3

HF 63305 Creative and Innovative 3
Thinking in Service Business

HF xxxxx Elective courses group (1) 3

HF xxxxx Elective courses group (2) 3

Total 22 Total 9

Summer Semester

Course Code Course Title Credit

XX xxxxx Free Elective Course (1) 3


4) Fourth Academic Year

Semester 1 Semester 2

Course Code Course Title Credit Course Code Course Title Credit

HF 63496 Work-based Learning in Innova- 3 EN xxxxx English language group 2
tion in Hotel, Food and Bever-
age Business 7

HF 63497 Work-based Learning in Innova- 3 EN xxxxx English language group 2
tion in Hotel, Food and Bever-
age Business 8

HF 63473 Wine and Drinks 3 MN 63407 Innovative Organization and 3
Human Resources

MN 63408 Process Innovation and 3
Business Operational System

HF xxxxx Elective courses group (3) 3

HF xxxxx Elective courses group (4) 3

HF xxxxx Elective courses group (5) 3

XX xxxxx Free Elective Course (2) 3

Total 9 Total 22

Training Plan (Practical) Hotel and Food Business Management Course

Year Training place Trained competencies

1 Convenience Store Customer service Study and analyze
customer demand behavior.

2 Medium size hotel Event management Manage guest rooms and
amenities Work process and management

3 Medium size hotel Kitchen management Restaurant and catering
Improve service quality

4 4-5 star hotel Entrepreneurship Junior supervisor Hotel
front desk Make a hotel and food business


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