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Published by brittney.brackett, 2016-05-18 17:12:28

Bibi & The Great Outdoor Adventure

Bibi & The Great Outdoor Adventure

Keywords: children,purpose,special


Written and Voiced by BrittneyBrackett
Illustrated by BrooksBrackett



Written and Voiced by BrittneyBrackett
Illustrated by BrooksBrackett

Copyright © Brittney Brackett, 2011
All Rights Reserved

Brittney Brackett, Author
Brooks Brackett, Illustrator
Any distribution of this book via the Internet or via any other means without the permission of the publisher is illegal
and punishable by law. Please purchase only authorized paperback or electronic editions, and do not encourage piracy of
copyrighted materials. We appreciate your support and promotion of this work, and future works by this author.
Printed in the United States of America

Dedicated To
Braxton Jones
& Naomi Walters-Bruce
My Godchildren


One day while playing in her backyard, a little
girl named Bibi looked down and a ladybug
was crawling across her shoe. Bibi looked
down and said, “Hello Ms. Ladybug! How are
you today? You’re so small and pretty, I wonder
why God made you?”


Of course, Bibi wasn’t expecting an answer from

the ladybug. Ladybugs can’t talk. All of a sudden,
Bibi heard a voice. “Well I can tell you why God
made me, honey,” said the ladybug.


“God made me so I can eat all the bad bugs that
live on plants and veggies that you might eat
from the garden and from the farm. That’s why
God made me. Why did God make you sugar?”


“What’s my purpose? I don’t know Ms.
Ladybug, but I’m gonna find out!” Bibi
said. “I hope you find your purpose,
honey. Bye bye!” spoke the ladybug, and

she scuttled away.


So Bibi went back to playing with her toys in the
yard. Moments later, she saw an ant carrying a piece
of food. “I wonder what that ant is carrying that
piece of food for? He can’t possibly eat it all.”


“You’re right, I sure can’t eat it all!,” said a voice.
Bibi glanced down and saw the ant talking to her.
“This piece of food is for my colony. I’m a worker
ant that brings back food for my queen and other
ants. This is what God created me to do. It’s my


“Wow”, said Bibi. “So God created you so you
could help your other ants feed your colony and
take care of each other. That’s nice”, she said.
“Thank you so much, but I must be going. I hope
you find your purpose”, said the ant. “Goodbye Mr.
Ant”, said Bibi.


As she was thinking to herself, Bibi saw a

bumble bee flying above her. “I bet that
bumble bee knows what his purpose is.
Why don’t I know my purpose?”


“I do know my purpose, sugarfoot! God made me
so I could gather pollen dust to feed young bees
and pollenate plants and trees. Yep, he, he! I also
produce honey for people so they can eat it.”


“That’s great, Mr. Bee, but I don’t know my
purpose yet. All my other backyard friends
know their purpose. What should I do?,”
said Bibi with tears in her eyes.


Mr. Bee said, “Darling, don’t you worry. You’ll find
your purpose. I just know you will! Just ask God,
and he’ll show ya. He sure will! Gotta go, catch ya


As the bee flew away, Bibi closed her eyes, and
prayed to God to find out her purpose. She prayed
and prayed. And she prayed some more. Finally, Bibi
opened her eyes and a spider was looking her right in
the face.


“Ahh!” screamed Bibi. The spider was
hanging from the tree she was sitting
under. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean
to frighten you,” said the spider. “I
was just wondering what you were
praying about.”


“Well I was praying for God to show me my
purpose”, explained Bibi. “I want to have
something that I can do that’s important.”
“We all have a purpose sweetie pie. God will
show you soon enough, honey.”


“My purpose is to eat flies, mosquitoes, and other
pesky bugs that can make you sick. Spiders help
as a balance of nature. It’s what I was made to do,”
explained the spider. “I’m sure you will find your
purpose very soon, honey. Bye bye!”


Skipping and dancing around the yard, Bibi sees a
caterpillar inching across a piece of wood. “Hi there
Mr. Caterpillar! I bet you know what your purpose
is, don’t you? What were you created to do?”


“Well,” said the caterpillar slowly, “God created steps
in my life so I can grow into a beautiful butterfly
and flutter all through the air. I bring beauty to the
world. I began as an egg, but I grow up to be a
soaring butterfly that can float as high as my wings
will let me! It’s gonna be cool! Yeah!”


“That’s so neat, Mr. Caterpillar,” said Bibi. “I’m sure
God will show me my purpose too. I’m learning
about how God gives things their purpose. Mine is
inside of me, I just have to find it.” “That’s the spirit
kid!” smiled the caterpillar. “You’re on your way!”


Right before Bibi went in for dinner, she saw a
pretty bird drinking water out of the bird bath.
“Ms. Bird, you are so pretty with beautiful
feathers! I’m sure God gave you a wonderful
purpose in this world.”


“Why yes, he did, darling. God made me to
soar in the air, move with my family of birds,
and fly long distances like in the Bible when
Noah sent dove to find dry land.”


“The dove came back with a branch in its
beak, to prove that land was close by,”
explained the bird. “You see, God gives us our
purpose from the very beginning. He gives us
peace, and He loves you very much.”


“You knew this and that’s why you prayed.
Right, Bibi?” asked the bird. “Oh my goodness!
Ms. Bird, that’s it! I know my purpose!”


“God wants me to tell others about how
good he is, how he loves me, and how
blessed I am to know him! That’s it! Yay,
I know my purpose! Wait, um, Ms. Bird.
How did you know my name?” The bird just
looked at her and smiled.


As the sun was going down, Bibi ran into the
house to tell her parents her wonderful news,
and that she finally found her purpose. The bird
watched Bibi go into the house, and was glad to
see her happiness. Then, she flew away into the
beautiful sunset sky.


The moral of the story is that everyone and
everything has a purpose in this world. God
created us all for a special reason—no matter
how big or small. In this story, Bibi found out that
she had a great purpose—just like her outdoor
friends in her very own backyard! No matter
what happens in life, remember, you do have a
purpose and God loves you!


Author Brittney Brackett is an actress, voiceover artist
and singer from Greenville, SC, where she currently
resides. She has been featured in local, regional and
national magazines, newspapers, facilitated work-
shops, and been featured on television promoting
her books. Her desire is to see children’s full potential
reached through reading and having strong faith. She
wants them to believe they can become anything
they want to be—with hard work and God’s help.
Visit or to read
more about Brackett.


Brittney would like to thank God for all His love,
mercy, and many blessings. She would also like to
thank her parents, Ron and Fran, and her brother,
Brooks. In addition, she also thanks her church
family, friends, and relatives for their continued
support while working on this wonderful project.
I love you all, and God Bless.



Written and Voiced by BrittneyBrackett
Music & Production by Milt Smoove Studios

Illustrated & Designed by Brooks Brackett
Learn about what YOUR purpose is with Bibi in this fun and entertaining audio book!

And remember... Lose the doubt. Keep the Faith!

Photo by Renard McGhee/Scenic
Roots Photography

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