ACHIEVEMENTS Angela Caldwell, PhD, OTR/L, CLT two toddlers, Dr. Caldwell recognizes the
transitioned to her new role as Assistant importance of embedding intervention into
2 FROM THE CHAIR Professor on January 1, 2017, and is excited to daily routines and helping families overcome
join a “community of collaboration” at the common barriers related to parenting young
2 PITT OT WELCOMES University of Pittsburgh. With nearly ten years children. Currently, she is collecting pilot data
1ST OTD CLASS of clinical experience in pediatrics, she has on a novel feeding intervention that teaches
practiced in acute, outpatient, and community parents to alter family meal routines,
3 STUDENTS settings. Dr. Caldwell holds specialty Promoting Routines of Exploration and Play
MAKING NEWS certifications in lymphedema management, during Mealtime (Mealtime PREP). She is
Therapeutic Listening® and the Sequential Oral working with local partners to adapt her
3 STUDENT Sensory Approach to Feeding. She credits the intervention for delivery to residents of
SPOTLIGHT time she spent collaborating with families in underserved neighborhoods in the greater
early intervention as having the greatest Pittsburgh area.
4 SHARE YOUR STORY: influence over her research program. In addition to enhancing the pediatric didactic
CELEBRATING 35 Dr. Caldwell’s research interests surround material across the curriculum, Dr. Caldwell
YEARS OF PITT OT health promotion in early childhood. will be teaching pediatric coursework in the
Specifically, she is interested in developing new OTD Program. She is eager to strengthen
UPCOMING pragmatic, family-centered interventions to existing ties to the local community and
EVENT enhance child development. As the parent of cultivate new opportunities for student
engagement. Dr. Caldwell serves as a
SEP 14 35TH consultant to the Andy Warhol Museum and is
ANNIVERSARY our community partner to the Woodlands
CELEBRATION Foundation. She is passionate about improving
accessibility to the arts and recreation for all
children to promote health and wellness among
families in need of these opportunities. Having
completed her PhD in Rehabilitation Science at
the University of Pittsburgh, Dr. Caldwell feels
at home within the Pitt OT Department and is
already beaming with Pitt Pride.
Elizabeth Duggan, MOT, OTR/L Additionally, Elizabeth volunteers with Gather
(MOT ‘16) has had an exciting first year of Baltimore, which focuses on food equality and
professional practice. She was selected for the community access to fresh food on Saturdays.
AOTA Mental Health Residency at Johns When looking back
Hopkins Hospital, a year-long program which on her time spent
advances clinical practice in mental health. at Pitt, Elizabeth
Elizabeth spends 4-8 weeks working on found that the most
different services: general psychiatry, valuable
schizophrenia, mood disorders, child and experiences were
adolescent psychiatry, geriatric psychiatry, those that arose
substance use, chronic pain, and eating from mentorship
disorders. The Residency Program includes and guidance from
direct clinical mentorship, opportunities for her OT professors.
community advocacy, related didactic work, Elizabeth, you make
and evidence based reading and research. us Pitt Proud!
Elizabeth feels so fortunate to have an
incredible and inspiring first year of practice.
ACHIEVEMENTS Summer is a wonderful time to reflect on the health system administrators, employers, and
accomplishments of the past academic year. In colleagues inside and outside of occupational
Dr. Nancy Baker was elected to the June, we will celebrate the graduation of the therapy. We have continued our vision to
American Occupational Master of Occupational Therapy Class of 2017, create “change agents” in occupational therapy
Therapy Association Roster of a group of highly talented, new practitioners practice, education, and research, and the new
Fellows. who are well-equipped for elite practice in the curriculum is a critical component of this
dynamic profession we all love. In August, we vision. We are excited to see this new
Dr. Nancy Baker and Megan will celebrate the graduation of the Doctor of milestone come to fruition.
Driscoll (MOT ‘12) were awarded Clinical Science Class of 2017, the second In this issue you will read about our upcoming
the AOTA Jeannette Bair cohort of master practitioners to complete the 35th Anniversary Celebration in September.
Writer’s Award for their article, CScD Program. These graduates will This will be a wonderful event for Pitt OT
“Breaking the Cycle: Occupational commence new positions in avant-garde alumni, students, faculty, and staff to reflect on
Therapy’s Role in Chronic Pain clinical settings. the past, present and future of the Department
Management” in OT Practice. We also reflect on the accomplishments of our of Occupational Therapy at the University of
faculty over the past year. A few highlights Pittsburgh. We hope that you will join us for
Dr. Juleen Rodakowski was include: Dr. Nancy Baker was inducted to the this event on September 14th. We also hope
accepted to the Advanced American Occupational Therapy Association that you will answer our call to share with us
Research Institute, a competitive Roster of Fellows for her contributions your memories, your stories, and your photos
continuing education event, through research and advocacy for individuals from your days at Pitt, so that we can include
sponsored by the National Institute with chronic musculoskeletal disorders. Dr. them in the celebration.
of Mental Health. Alyson Stover received the prestigious Young
Professional Award from Athena International
Dr. Elizabeth Skidmore was for her contributions to her community
promoted to Professor. through patient care and advocacy. Dr. Pamela
Toto received two educator awards, the
Dr. Elizabeth Skidmore, along with Pennsylvania Occupational Therapy
Drs. Margo Holm and Joan Rogers, Association Academic Educator Award and the
were named as three of AOTA’s Pennsylvania Geriatrics Society Geriatrics
Top 100 Influential People in Teacher of the Year Award.
Occupational Therapy. At Pitt, summertime is also a time for new
beginnings. On June 2nd, we welcomed the
Dr. Alyson Stover was awarded the first cohort of Doctor of Occupational
ATHENA Young Professional Therapy (OTD). The new curriculum reflects
Leadership Award. years of careful research and planning, as well
as volumes of input from students, graduates,
Dr. Alyson Stover was named as clinical fieldwork educators, faculty, academic
one of Mercer County’s 40 administrators,
Under Forty, recognizing
emerging leaders within the WELCOME PITT OTD STUDENTS!
On June 5th, the inaugural cohort of Pitt OTD they will implement and evaluate for
Dr. Pamela Toto was promoted to students joined us for a new and exciting sustainability. During the experiential
Associate Professor. adventure on their first day of classes! We preceptorship, students will develop and apply
would like to take this opportunity to highlight advanced practice skills while promoting the
Dr. Pamela Toto was awarded the some of the innovative components of the profession of occupational therapy in
2017 Healthcare Professional program that we are most eager to implement. traditional and emerging areas of practice.
Geriatrics Teacher of the Year 1. Advanced Concepts Courses: Students will Building on the pillars of occupations,
Award by the Pennsylvania be exposed to complex and cutting-edge professional reasoning, evidence
Geriatrics Society Western material in the areas of professional and clinical implementation, global relevance, and
Division. reasoning, health policy and advocacy, innovation, students will be challenged to
leadership, and theory and practice. These practice beyond the professional
Dr. Pamela Toto received the 2016 courses were designed using feedback from responsibilities of an entry-level therapist.
Pennsylvania Occupational alumni, practitioners, faculty, and students in We hope that you are able to attend the 35th
Therapy Association Academic order to continue the Pitt OT tradition of Anniversary Celebration on September 14th
Educator Award for Excellence in creating change agents for our profession. so you have the opportunity to meet our
Education Through Experiential 2. Capstone Project and Experiential current OT students – the future leaders and
Learning. Preceptorship: Using a faculty and content change-agents of our profession – as they are
expert mentorship model, students in the excited to get to know you and hear about
OTD Program will develop a program in which your experience as a Pitt OT student.
This April, I attended my first American President, Marilyn Pattison. Based on these
Anna Carlson, Ashley Conroy, Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) presentations, we worked through guided
Kelly Cowher, Elaine Elliott, Conference in my role as the University of discussions about students’ roles in promoting
Bora Kim, Bridget Kerins, Luc Pittsburgh’s Assembly of Student Delegates our profession in practice and policy. My
Leech, Josselyn Mackey, (ASD) representative. My conference experience at the ASD meeting allowed me to
Keegan Marcantel, Katie experience kicked off with the annual ASD bring many exciting resources, opportunities,
Mitchell, Kelsey O'Brien, Cara meeting. This meeting facilitated conversations and fresh ideas to my classmates.
Rigdon, Brittany Smith, Caitlin between OT and OTA students from programs Following the momentum and excitement of
Smith, Elle Steffey, Amanda across the country on topics ranging from the ASD meeting, and invigorated by the arrival
Stober, and Maggie Yuhas student involvement in volunteer opportunities of over 50% of the first and second year Pitt
(MOT ‘18) were inducted into to advocating for OT in interprofessional OT students, I enjoyed every minute of three
the Beta Tau Chapter of Pi Theta settings. These connections exposed me to the full days of conference events. The range,
Epsilon. different perspectives and innovative student variety, and expertise of lectures and panels
ideas from various programs, and provided me given at conference was beyond my
Samantha Bowen, Samantha with excellent advice and new ideas to benefit expectations. In creating my schedule, I was
Chamberlin, Kristen Kowalski, our student organization. During these completely overwhelmed and exhilarated by
Leah McCarthy, and Stephanie conversations, I also took great pride in sharing the number of lectures I wanted to attend.
Rouch (MOT ’17) were awarded the involvement of Pitt faculty and students in Despite tough scheduling decisions, I attended
the Semantic Compaction Systems research, volunteering, and programming. This a wide range of talks, including presentations
Education Travel Fund Award. meeting included presentations from many on occupational therapy’s role in prisons,
prominent leaders in our profession—including health policy updates, and everything in
MOT ‘18 students, Sarah Baron, AOTA President, Amy Lamb, and WFOT between. The knowledge provided at the
Kristin Brown, Alex Gruner, AOTA Conference enriched my education by
Yocelin Hernandez-Rojero, exposing me to niche and emerging areas of
Allison Osborne, Alexa practice.
Schreiber, Shelby Scott, Kelly While my first conference would have surely
Stipetich, Sarah Walker, and been exciting regardless, the cherry on top was
Michelle Watson represented that it was also AOTA’s Centennial
OT at Pitt Harrisburg Day along Celebration and Pitt OT’s 35th Anniversary! In
with Drs. Denise Chisholm and honor of both occasions, each night was jam-
Alyson Stover. packed with celebrations and excitement. As a
student, these events were unique
Jessica Gass (MOT ‘18) was opportunities to socialize informally with
awarded the Connections4Health faculty, meet alumni and professionals, and
Community Health Fellowship with share my Pitt Pride!
the Birmingham Free Clinic.
- Kristin Brown (MOT ‘18)
Allison Juris (MOT ‘18) was
accepted for the Jewish Healthcare STUDENT SPOTLIGHT
Foundation Patient Safety
Fellowship. Alexa Schreiber (MOT ‘18) chose Pitt OT the Early Intervention and School SIS. Alexa is
“because of the program’s reputation for interested in pediatrics and school-based
PhD students, Emily Kringle excellence and the awesome faculty.” Alexa is practice, and plans to pursue a position in an
and Chao Yi Wu were awarded living out the excellence that she sought in her educational setting. She is also passionate about
an Occupational Therapy Summit OT education. Serving as Vice President of working with low-income communities.
of Scholars Student Award for UPSOTA she has planned numerous When asked to describe her OT experience at
their submitted abstracts, which community events with classmates to share the Pitt, Alexa stated, “These opportunities have
were among the top scoring papers distinct value of OT. This semester, she helped me to enhance my leadership skills and
submitted by graduate students and coordinated a sensory day at the Western are preparing me
post-doctoral fellows to the Pennsylvania School for Blind Children and a for a future where I
6th Annual Occupational Therapy disability awareness table at the United Way’s can confidently
Research Summit. Be My Neighbor Day. pursue leadership,
Alexa’s representation is not limited to the advocacy, and
Alexa Schreiber (MOT ‘18) was role of practitioner. She has embraced the change.”
selected for the AOTA Special roles of leadership and advocacy. Pitt Day in Thank you, Alexa,
Interest Section Student Internship Harrisburg provided an opportunity for her to for your dedication
Program. talk to state legislators about the value of to the profession.
occupational therapy. She was recently selected You make us Pitt
for the AOTA Special Interest Section Student Proud!
Internship Program and will be working with
University of Pittsburgh Do you remember the first time you had to Perhaps you don’t have any of your old
Department of transfer a classmate in lab? Remember those pictures, but you and your OT school
weekend afternoons in the cadaver lab colleagues still get together a couple of times a
Occupational Therapy preparing for the anatomy exam the next year to talk about the good old days - share
5012 Forbes Tower week? Who taught you how to perform manual your experience with us. We are also collecting
Pittsburgh, PA 15260 muscle testing? Did anyone capture this on videos created by alumni groups detailing their
Phone: 412-383-6620 film? experiences at Pitt OT and beyond.
On September 14, 2017, Pitt OT will celebrate Still looking to find even more exciting ways to
E-mail: [email protected] our 35th Anniversary. The exciting festivities participate in the Pitt OT Story? We are
surrounding this event will commemorate our recruiting Pitt alumni to participate in an
Visit us online at: past, examine our present, and reveal the plans innovative continuing education event. There is for the future of our department. However, we no preparation required; just come ready to
can’t tell the story of 35 years of Pitt OT work with current students in creating change
CONNECT without you! for the future of our profession. To volunteer
WITH US Do you have pictures from your OT for this exciting opportunity or to learn more
student days? Do you have a story to about what it entails, email
Pitt OT share? A quote that captures what Pitt [email protected].
OT means to you? We are collecting Pitt We look forward to celebrating this milestone
@OTPitt OT memories to help us tell the story of anniversary with our Pitt OT family. We hope
our history. Please submit your to see you there!
OTPitt memories, stories, photos, and videos
using the link below:
SHARE YOUR Share Your Story: 35 Years of Pitt OT
Alumni, we would like to
highlight YOU in a future issue Educate entry-level professional students to practice evidenced-based occupational therapy in
a variety of healthcare, community, and educational settings; manage occupational therapy
of the Pitt OT NewsLink. service delivery; and contribute to the profession through service and participation in
Please e-mail us to share research;
your stories! Provide customized courses of study for post-professional students (masters and doctoral),
designed to meet their individual learning needs and to enhance their ability to assume
Please contact us with changes leadership roles in practice, education, research, program development, and program
to your mailing address or evaluation;
e-mail address.
Provide continuing education for practicing therapists to facilitate their continued
Plan and engage in research to advance occupational therapy (and rehabilitation) practice and
education; and
Serve the University and public and professional communities through participation in
University and community service and professional associations.
The University of Pittsburgh Department of Occupational Therapy will be nationally and
internationally recognized as a leader in occupational therapy education, a pioneer in occupational
therapy research, and a partner in regional practice and development.