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Published by boiMAGazine &, 2021-06-16 01:18:50 "Pride"

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Keywords: Lifestyle, boiMAG, boiMAGazine, Chicago Events, Gay, Boystown, Gay Chicago, Halsted Street, Clubs, Bars, Events, LGBT, Chicago Bars, Gay Bars, boi Magazine, boi Mag, Nightclubs, Chicago Nightclubs, Chicago Pride, Pride pridefest, pride fest, Gay Pride, Pride Parade, Chicago, Grab, Magazine, Navy Pier, cubs, wrigley field, lakeview, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube

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EDITORIAL Chicago & Suburbs: DSE (Delivery Service Enterprises)
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Publisher: BOI Magazine, Inc.
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Media: Sylvia Stewart Angel Saez, Photo Artist: Randy John
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BOI Magazine, Inc. © 2000−2021. All rights reserved


Angel Saez

After winning that title, he received an
offer from the owner of the contest, Jim
Flint invited him to be part of the cast at
the world famous Baton Show Lounge,
based in Chicago.

He started working there as male lead
in June 13 2013, “I will never forget that
day, I felt like the biggest artist on earth”
said Angel.

In 2016 he got married with his partner
of six years and will be celebrating five
years legally married.

If that wasn’t enough he competed
three more times. In 2018 he captured
the title of Mr Gay USofA in Hosuton
TX, and this year he will be competing
for Mr Universo Classic USA, a division
dedicated for male entertainers 35 and
over, representing Miami’s Preliminary.

Angel Luis Saez Amador was born
in Puerto Rico on June 30th 1976.
As a child, he was very active and
participated in school talent shows,
then he became the leader of one
of the biggest dance groups in the
north side of Puerto Rico.

Angel came out at the age of 19
years old and was supported by
his parents and family. In 2005 he
entered his first gay contest in one
of the most popular nightclubs
in Puerto Rico, Eros Night Club,
winning the title of Mr Eros. In 2009
he entered his first national contest You can see Angel’s performances at
and won the title Mr Universo Latino the Baton Show Lounge, 4703-4713
USA 2009. Then his dream came N Broadway / Chicago, Thu-Sat shows
true, when, after a few tries, he at 7:30pm 9:30pm and 11:30pm and
captured one of the most prestigious Sundays Brunch 11am-3pm Shows at
titles.... Mr Continental 2012. 7:30pm & 9:30pm.

10 11

Business Marketing Q&A
Dear Chad,

What are cookies used for and is my website
collecting them, if so, how do I get access and
use them?

From, Sylvester

Hello Sylvester, ahead of your competitors, and help you reach
When a site uses cookies (a file) or “cookie,” it’s an even larger customer base. Dependent on the
saved on your device which creates a unique ID business and industry we recommend developing
to represent you as a user. The website tracks this a custom SEO strategy plan in addition to a small
information so it can tell that you have already allocation of PPC (Pay Per Click) advertising on
visited the site before. Cookies can help with load Google to ensure your business is effectively seen by
speed of a site when you revisit it, and also helps the as many potential customers as possible. 
system better collect data that is relevant to your
purchasing decisions and behaviors. Accepting Dear Chad,
cookies on a website will give you the best intended I have a jewelry store in a high traffic area but
user experience, while declining cookies could haven’t received a lot of foot traffic lately. Any
potentially interfere with your use of the site. suggestions on how I can reel them in again?
You can view all cookies that a website has on a From, Adrianna
browser from the menu on the top right corner of Hello Adrianna,
the browser by going to settings, then to advanced Have you looked into e-commerce store for your
settings, then content settings. From this menu go business? This would be an additional way to
to cookies and then click to see the specific cookies bring in revenue if your foot traffic is slow. This last
for the site data you are inquiring about.  year has changed how individuals receive their
goods, and more now than ever customers are
Dear Chad, comfortable with shopping online. You have to
I’ve ran a few target ads on Facebook and look at both sides of your business and set your
haven’t been too happy with the results. shop up for success both digitally and also at your
What other forms of advertising do your brick and mortar. With vibrant signage that entices
recommend? potential customers to visit your online store you
From, Matt have a much higher opportunity to gain business
at a later date which is likely more convent to your
Hello Matt, customers schedule. Everyone is in a rush these
Make sure you understand that the “budgeting” days and we all want everything now. Having a
and the “areas” your Facebook ads are targeting are physical presence can be seen as an asset to those
working for-you and not against-you. You should considering to purchase your products and allow
ask yourself, am I too selective in my audience? Your for that instant gratification of a purchase but
reach is important, however you want to ensure having an e-commerce presence will be the key to
you are reaching actual qualified customers that your businesses ongoing and continued success..
are interested in your product or service. The ad
you are displaying can also have a large impact Chad Brittian is an experienced industry professional and
on this. Look at your offer, do you fell that it is it CEO of NVS Design, Inc. To consult Chad for any of your
enticing, is it something you would be excited about business needs, call 877-578-2045 (Ext. 700) or email him at
from a consumer perspective? Keep in mind it can [email protected].
take several impressions and repetition before
a buying decision is made. In addition to social To submit your question to Ask Chad, email him at:
media advertising, I recommend having a strong [email protected]
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) presence. This
is something your business will need to budget for 13
ongoing as a monthly expense and something that
will take time, but can put you leaps and bounds


From Car Jacking

by: Dr. Charla Waxman Having a phone at your ear means you
It would be great if there was a solution are distracted. Criminals depend on
for the increased number of carjackings distractions.
that we hear about almost daily on the If you are at a gas station, do not leave your
news. It is no longer just a city problem, it purse or wallet on the seat, open and your
is happening in the suburbs, too. In many passenger door unlocked. Do not stand
situations, the victim has not practiced and text while your car is at the gas pump,
some general safety rules, making them remember that distractions create victims.
an easy target. Although there are no easy Leaving your car running, even if only for a
solutions to carjacking, through general second, is an opportunity for a crime. Even
safety practices, the number of victims can if you have your fob in hand, do not leave
be reduced. Here are some tips that may
help prevent a carjacking crime. your car running and unattended.
You should pay attention to cars
At a stoplight you might want to keep a around you. If you think someone
good distance between you and the  car in has been following you, drive
front of you. This allows you to maneuver directly to a police station. Do not
your car in another direction if you need get out to confront someone.
to get away. Getting too close to the car If you can park closer to a
in front of you may allow someone to building entrance, please do.
“box” you between cars creating an unsafe Park your car away from obstacles
situation. Remember that carjackers often that will block others view of you
work together. If you are involved in a or provide a place for someone to
minor accident and more than one person hide and attack you.
gets out to check on the damages to the If you have a lot of packages, don’t walk
cars, do not leave your car. Call 911 and to your car with both hands full. Ask if you
explain that you are concerned for your can leave your packages at the check-out
safety. counter or at customer service while you
Sitting in your car and finishing emails move your car near to the building and ask
or texts can make you an easy target, so if someone will watch as you  load your
consider spending minimal time sitting in packages and enter your car. Many store
your car, simply go into your destination. managers are happy to help. They don’t
want crimes in their parking lots.
If you do get approached, give up your
packages, your keys or your car. None are
worth your life.
In general, always be alert. Walk confidently
and pay attention to people who are
loitering. Use your intuition. If a situation
feels wrong, it probably is.  



Perseverance - Space Travel

NASA’s Perseverance rover isn’t just exploring the speeds, deployed a supersonic parachute after
Red Planet. The life-hunting robot will also help friction slowed them down enough, and were
a little bit of Mars make it to Earth a decade or so finally lowered gently to the red dirt on cables
from now, if all goes according to plan. by a rocket-powered “sky crane.”
Perseverance weighs less than a compact car Perseverance has some EDL upgrades that
and is the centerpiece of NASA’s $2.7 billion Mars Curiosity did not have. For example, NASA’s
2020 mission, and has touched down inside the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern
Red Planet’s Jezero Crater on Feb. 18, 2021. The California, which manages the Mars 2020
car-sized robot will search for evidence of past mission, developed new landing technology
microbial life and collect several dozen samples called terrain-relative navigation. As the rover
for future return to Earth. descended through the Martian skies, it used
“I don’t think we’ve had a mission that is going a computer to compare the landscape with
to contribute so much to both science and pre-loaded terrain maps, guiding itself to a safe
technology,” NASA Acting Administrator landing site and making corrections on the way
Steve Jurczyk told shortly before down.
Perseverance touched down. “It’s going to be truly

If Perseverance looks familiar, that’s because
the robotic explorer is largely based off its
predecessor, the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
Curiosity rover, which landed in August 2012 and
is still going strong today.

Like Curiosity, the Perseverance rover was Spirit, Opportunity and Curiosity have all
built by engineers and scientists at NASA’s captured 1-megapixel images in black and
Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, white with their engineering cameras, which
California. Roughly 85% of Perseverance’s assist in drive planning and hazard avoidance.
mass is based on Curiosity “heritage hardware,” Now, Perseverance’s engineering cameras
saving NASA time and money and reducing risk acquire high-resolution, 20-megapixel color
considerably, agency officials have said. images. Their wider field of view means that,
Like Curiosity, Perseverance has a rectangular instead of spending time taking multiple
body, six wheels, a robotic arm, a drill for images to be stitched together on the ground,
sampling rocks, cameras and scientific the new cameras capture the same view in
instruments. But those instruments are quite a single snapshot. The cameras also reduce
different than the gear aboard Curiosity, because motion blur, so they can take photos while the
the two rovers have divergent goals. Curiosity’s rover is traveling. More detailed images mean
main task involved assessing the habitability of more data to beam through space.
ancient Mars, whereas Perseverance will hunt for When an ultraviolet light shines over certain
evidence of ancient Martians. carbon-based chemicals, they glow much like
Perseverance’s seven instruments “build on the material beneath a black light. The glow can
success of MSL, which was a proving ground for help scientists detect chemicals that form in
new technology,” said George Tahu, NASA’s the presence of life. SHERLOC will photograph
Perseverance program executive. “These will the rocks it studies, then map the chemicals it
gather science data in ways that weren’t possible detects across the images.
Perseverance also used the same entry, descent
and landing (EDL) strategy as Curiosity. Both
rovers hit the Mars atmosphere at tremendous 17

Q & A with Niser

by: Nicky Roland

For Pride month, I thought I’d do an artist
spotlight featuring one of my favorite
up-and-coming LGBTQ artists, Niser.
Niser caught my attention not just for his
smoking hot house groves, but also for
his use of photo manipulation to create a
virtual avatar and persona, combing music
and art in truly innovative ways.

With that in mind, I got together with Niser
to dig into his inspiration, influences, drives,
etc., and shine a light on his amazing talents
so that you can get to enjoy them too.

Q: Please introduce yourself and tell us

a bit about your background, where you
grew up, etc.

A: Hi, my name is Stéphane, I grew up in

Switzerland, where I currently live with my
husband and created the Niser project in

I started my musical journey in 2000, when
I was 16, as an amateur remixer (under
various pseudonyms) of Mylène Farmer,
a French singer with a singular universe. As the project/brand took life I was able
(Editors Note: Mylène Farmer is one of the most to land several collaborations under Niser
successful French artists of all time). for remixes and original titles with Yianna
Katsoulos, Diego.A, Mon Ami Miò and DJ
In 2006 I took lessons to improve my skills ESTEBAN (Fabien Scarlakens).
and created my first original songs without
using any samples. In 2009 I taught myself Niser is not just about me though, it’s about
how to use a computer and DAW to make helping to promote other like-minded
music and went on to release several artists, as such I created the “Niser Insta
albums and singles between 2010 and 2018 Music” playlist on Spotify to help other
under various pseudonyms. independent artists get the exposer they

In 2019 I got inspired and decided to do Recently I’ve been heavily focused on the
something completely different by creating release of my upcoming album “Chronos”
Niser Music, a label with 3 pseudos’, and a remix collaboration with Nyls a
Isner, Senir, and of course Niser, each French-Australian-Italian artist for his track
representing a different style. I’ve since “Somebody Else” released on Vinyl, CD, and
retired the other names to focus exclusively Digital on the Atlantika label.
on Niser.


Q: Niser is a very unique name, does it Q: If you could collaborate with any

have a special meaning? producer/singer/artist from any period,
who would it be?
A: It’s an anagram, Niser is virtual, a
A: Mylène Farmer
composited avatar created with my face Q: Your last track, The Boss, has a great
and features from another artist… The red
hair is an homage to Mylène Farmer and deep tech-house vibe with lyrics that non-
her fiery red locks. French speakers might miss. You talk about
working all day but confining yourself in
The musical styles range between Tech solitude in the evening and on weekends.
House, Deep House, Trap, Trap House, Are hypersensitivity and social anxiety
Downtempo, Techno, and Trance. something that you have had to deal with
on your own, and if so, what are some of
The “Niser” style is more about creating a the things that have made you feel more
universe, hiding codes, secret messages, comfortable?
etc... That’s the Niser style.
A: Yes, I’ve really come to terms with my
Q: Are you from a musical family, or are
hypersensitivity and introversion since the
you the first to brave the music industry? Coronavirus pandemic. The catastrophic
management of the Covid-19 epidemic in
A: My grandfather and grandmother sang Switzerland also contributed to a lot of my
social anxiety.
in regional choirs. I wouldn’t say we’re an My companion and I had two Covid-19
especially musical family, but music has viruses and I lost both my father and
often been performed at home. grandfather early in the pandemic because
safety measures were introduced very late,
Q: What inspired or inspired you to start and the lockdowns were far too short. In
Switzerland (like a lot of the world) a large
producing music? chunk of people ignored the rule, which
gives me social anxiety and exit anxiety. I
A: I’ve been listening to and had a passion took on the persona of “The Boss” because
(continued on a following page)
for music from a young age. So, once I
started using eJay software it was a natural 19
transition to jump into the music industry,
but it wasn’t until 2000 that I started
wrapping my head around how it was

Q: What are some of your biggest musical


A: Laurent Boutonnat, Mylène Farmer,

Madonna, Benny Benassi, Jean-Michel
Jarre, the Pet Shop Boys.

Q: If you could perform anywhere in the

world, where would it be and why?

A: If I am given the technical means

to make a fully animated 3D “Niser” DJ
for example, I could perform virtually
anywhere. However, I’m more of the
private/small gathering type, the scene has
never really attracted me.

TUNING IN Q: What’s the next step for you?
Nister Q&A (continued)
Any upcoming singles, tour dates or
you can hardly imagine a boss suffering collaborations you’d like to mention?
from hypersensitivity and introversion.
I’ve experienced a lot of situations A: I’m releasing one single per month is
throughout my school and work lives of
having to be something I am not, trying to released from “Je Suis Music” through to
convince myself that I am just shy because November. the next single will be “Iconic”
of my need to isolate myself after work and with others to follow featuring influences
on weekends to watch TV shows, movies, ranging from Trap, Downtempo, and Hip
and listen to, or make music. Not many Hop from July onwards.
people understand and instead reprimand
you by making remarks about being social, Q: What’s the main thing you want people
about taking medication. But it’s not a
disease, it’s my personality. to take away from your music?

Q: Are there any social issues or causes A: That Niser does not have singular a

that are close to your heart? What are the musical style but instead, a universe full
things that really matter to you? of codes that will be revealed and defined
with the next singles. That while Niser is
A: To allow people to be who they are, to not physically real, there is a lot of photo
no longer judge physical appearances or musical
psychological issues. creation,
Q: If you could change one thing in the production,
world, what would it be? promotion
that I
A: No longer having a world full of people manage
with mindsets from a bygone era.
Q: Any

or closing
ideas that
you would
like to share?

A: Be

your worst
might just
be yourself.

You can find Niser on Spotify (Niser Music)
and on Instagram @nisermusic, check him
out and give him a follow!

Nicky Roland is a house music producer originally from
the UK, now based in Denver, CO.



Being Nice Ain’t Easy

by: Dr. Charla Waxman Let’s take a look at ways we can make others
remember that we made a them feel good
BS, MBA, EdD about themselves.
Community Liaison Be genuine. Provide a specific and detailed
compliment. Pay attention and you’ll see or
Being Nice Ain’t Easy, hear something that warrants a comment like,
but it is important. “The detail you put in that report is exactly what
Studies (Mullin, 2007; was needed” or “Thank goodness you were here”.
Give people a break. Look for the good stuff.
DiSalvo, 2009; Kiderra, 2010; Everyone has redeeming qualities. Your
Books, 2011; Brooks, 2013) mother said so!
Say. “Thank you”. It
have shown that being nice can change really does go a long
your mood and, over time, your actions way. Tell service
towards others. providers in a store, in
health care, anywhere,
When your mother told you, “If you can’t when you appreciate
say something nice, don’t say anything at customer service.
all”, she wasn’t hoping there would be People are more likely to complain; it will really
silence on your part. She was hoping that make someone trying to help you, want to
you would develop life skills that would help even more.
have a positive impact on your work Identify and comment on a characteristic or
and personal life. Those skills include personal quality over a physical attribute.
diplomacy, relationship development Telling someone, “You look great in that dress”,
and kindness. Your mother was probably won’t mean as much or be remembered as
hoping that you would develop lifelong long as “You’re amazing at understanding just
empathy and genuine caring for others. how to organize projects”.
If someone makes you feel special, tell them. It
Right in the middle of all of this is mental validates what they had to say and lets them
health. Realizing that everyone needs a know you appreciate them for it.
verbal “pat on the back” and offering a Recognize when someone has done their best.
compliment or encouragement might How about, “I know how hard you tried”?
make a world of difference in someone’s Once you provided a compliment, stop right
day; in someone’s life, driving them to pay there. It is easy to add, “but…”, and then the
it forward for someone else. We all have a compliment is shadowed by a negative and
story and many times our stories involve usually, completely forgotten.
pain and trauma. Kindness can ease pain Don’t delay. If you see something great, say
and create hope. Your kindnesses can be something great.
a part of that. All in all, being nice is a skill. It can be learned.
It can be developed. And it always makes a
Being nice, though, ain’t easy. Providing difference.
compliments and encouragement just By the way, you did a great job reading this!
doesn’t come naturally to everyone.
Finding just the right words and sincerely
reaching out is a developed skill, and an
important one. Maya Angelou is quoted as
saying “I’ve learned that people will forget
what you said, people will forget what you
did, but people will never forget how you
made them feel.”



Barefoot & Stoli

Barefoot, a 30+ year ally to the LGBTQ+ the art of Oz Montania on
community, announced the launch of its 2021 individually numbered bottles
limited-edition Pride Packaging Collection that of , Stolichnaya® made-in-Latvia
celebrates the strides made by the LGBTQ+ premium vodka.
community in anticipation of June’s Pride “The Harvey Milk Foundation
Month. This year, one design is inspired by is excited to see our long term
the rainbow Pride Flag, while the second partnership with Stoli Vodka go
celebrates the transgender community with global this year”, said Miriam
a bottle design inspired by the Transgender Richter, Harvey Milk Foundation
Pride Flag. Both bottles feature an all-new Education Director and Counsel“
varietal, Barefoot Sweet Rosé Bubbly. The 2021 HMF/Stoli collaboration
is a message to people all
  over the globe that visibility is
A portion of the proceeds from every bottle vital and that hope can not be
sold will directly give back to Free Mom Hugs, silenced, not just LGBTQ+ people,
a non-profit organization consisting of parents but for ALL people”.
and allies who love the LGBTQ+ community This past year has seen the world
and work toward full affirmation and equality, band together, finding ways to
and The National Center for Transgender stay connected and care for each
Equality, a non-profit organization advancing other despite all the challenges and obstacles
the equality of transgender people in the U.S.    the pandemic put in front of us. It saw the
IM niolkthFeorunnedwast,iSotnoalir®eVcoodnktianuainndgTthheeirHarvey cancellation of in-person Pride celebrations
partnership with the launch of the limited stock around the world, altering the rhythms by
SMBtoootlntil®etaH, nfaeiraavt.euSyrtioMnlgiilhkaarGtslfworobomarkl eCPdaorlwalegictuhtoaTyrh’asenEdHairattiriosvtneOy z which we express our Pride. Historically, Pride
Milk Foundation in this capacity before, having has provided a platform and opportunity
launched the first Harvey Milk Bottle in 2018, for LGBTQ+ people and their allies to come
commemorating the 40th anniversary of Milk together and it is with this in mind that Stoli is
taking office in 1978 as the first openly gay launching this commemorative limited edition
elected official in California. bottle globally.
After a successful first launch in 2018, the new “Creating the art for the second Harvey Milk
Global Collector’s Edition Bottle will feature commemorative bottle with Stoli is an honor
and a privilege for me,” said Oz Monania. “With
this global launch we will be able to highlight
Harvey Milk’s life’s work that has inspired countless
organizations and individuals to this day around
the world. The image is taken from the 1978 Gay
Pride Parade in San Francisco, where Harvey
Milk and other marchers held signs protesting
the Briggs Initiative - a state proposition that
would have made it mandatory for school boards
to fire openly gay and lesbian teachers. Using
those iconic reference images, I re-imagined a
contemporary crowd in the background, depicting
Harvey Milk’s leadership legacy that continues
to this day. This work serves to honor the legacy
of an exceptional human being,” concluded Oz
The famed Harvey Milk quote, “Hope Will Never
Be Silent”, will feature prominently in the new
artwork for the Stolichnaya® vodka bottle. Stoli®
has long championed the LGBTQ+ community,
showing its commitment to equality and
diversity since the 1990s. 25

by Jack Santo

Future Technology Smart food labels
Car batteries that UK homes throw away 30 to 50 per cent
charge in 10 minutes of what we buy from supermarkets,
Fast-charging of electric vehicles is seen says a 2013 report by the Institution of
as key to their take-up, so motorists Mechanical Engineers. The report claimed
can stop at a service station and fully we’re guided by ‘use by’ and ‘best before’
charge their car in the time it takes to dates on food packaging, which are kept
get a coffee and use the toilet – taking conservative because they are driven by
no longer than a conventional break. But shops’ desire to avoid legal action. An
rapid charging of lithium-ion batteries invention called ‘Bump Mark’ could change
can degrade the batteries, researchers at all that.
Penn State University in the US say. This Originally developed for blind people, it’s
is because the flow of lithium particles a label that starts out smooth to the touch
known as ions from one electrode to but gets bumpier as food decays. And since
another to charge the unit and hold the it decays at the same rate as any protein-
energy ready for use does not happen based food within, it’s far more accurate
smoothly with rapid charging at lower than printed dates.
temperatures. Self-driving trucks
However, they have now found that if We’ve almost got used to the idea of
the batteries could heat to 60°C for just driverless cars before we’ve even seen one
10 minutes and then rapidly cool again on the roads. The truth is, you might well
to ambient temperatures, lithium spikes see a lot more driverless trucks – after all,
would not form and heat damage would logistics make the world go round. They’ll
be avoided. The battery design they have be cheaper to run than regular rigs, driving
come up with is self-heating, using a more smoothly and so using less fuel.
thin nickel foil which creates an electrical Computers never get tired or need comfort
circuit that heats in less than 30 seconds breaks, so they’ll run longer routes. And
to warm the inside of the battery. The they could drive in convoys, nose-to-tail, to
rapid cooling that would be needed after minimise wind resistance.
the battery is charged would be done Companies like Mercedes and Peloton are
using the cooling system designed into already exploring these possibilities, and
the car. if the promised gains materialise, freight
Their study, published in the journal companies could upgrade entire fleets
Joule, showed they could fully charge an overnight. On the downside, it could put
electrical vehicle in 10 minutes. drivers instantly out of work, and even staff
26 at the truck stops set up to service them,
but many companies have said the trucks
will still need a human passenger to ensure
their cargo is safe.


LADY GAGA It does‘Cna’tumseaytJtoueusrtwipfeyuroteuyBoloouvrrnepThahiwmiss,Wuopar yc,aBpaitbayl H-I-M
"I Was Born This Way" ShMe yromllIWeandmethmaaeryteoghalldaallsimrbsaoeonrfwndhhsepeurunpbteIomrwusydatalsoirpiysrsotuicnkgon

 When it was originally released in “There’s nothing wrong with loving who you are”
2011, Born This Way shattered records S“hSeoshaoidld, “y’Coauur sheeahde mupagdierlyaonudpyeorfue’lcltg, boafabre,”
around the world. To date, the album Listen to me when I say”
has more than 5.8 billion global streams, ‘CIa’muIs’meoI nwGbtoeahasdeubmrtoiiagfrunkhlettishntrniamsocwykma,wyibsaatyabkyes
5.2 million physical albums sold, and JuDsI’tomlnoo’vItnwehtiyadhoseeubyrroisogreunhlrfttsahternilasfdcwinkya,orybeuag’rbreeystet
31 million digital tracks sold. Born This
Way was Lady Gaga’s first #1 album BabOyhI twhaesrebOI’aomhirnnto’Ihttnwehntraiohessoewabtiraohniygre’t,nhrBntwtaohtabrioasyyt,cwhIkBewa,arybbawasybabIyyowranstbhoisrnway
and it debuted at #1 in 25 countries. SubGwAiavnyedkylooidvu,errseyejolofuipcrerfuryideoenundrcsteruth
It was named one of Rolling Stone’s
500 Greatest Albums of All Time and is I mIunstthbeermelyigsieolnf,oref stpheecitnmseycuyroeuth
Certified 4X Platinum in the U.S. MiBIaelmolivAeoevrdeemifvcyfaoelplriefeietnfaeItllylHooav-vhIee-M(rtLhios(iHsvneeroeyntcheaoeersddyinshafneaydi)th)
The City of West Hollywood, and its
Mayor Lindsey P. Horvath has officially ‘CIa’muIs’meoI nwGbtoeahasdeubmrtoiiagfrunkhlettishntrniamsocwykma,wyibsaatyabkyes
declared May 23rd as “Born This Way JuDsI’tomlnoo’vItnwehtiyadhoseeubyrroisogreunhlrfttsahternilasfdcwinkya,orybeuag’rbreeystet
Day” and is celebrating with a street Don’t be a drag, just be a queen
painting on Robertson Blvd in tribute Yo‘uWCL’earRheYfueetosbjtyuWeohloa’iebrhcucereakeoyLb,taueohwynbtuedyhcra’oarilnltesouieeftbve,,wsebr’besoeey,udrkyiolegielosuiebeaour,dobs’rcre,rieehlnolivfootrteitlrehtaoriesgeiddsanraewsetyeseacdnyent
to the LGBTQIA+ community and the NNoLIIoe’’mmmsmICbIawoowhaitannattoaentslttsera,hhbrbbteeoorgolarrarrarnniiconyggksrt,hhgtio,seottwetnbrttnsharrteudaaiimtrgbcceevkkhrraiaeotvdbbv,dreeaaoe.b,lbb.riefyybei,,g,i,e
album. Mayor Horvath also presented a ‘CIa’muIs’meoI nwGbtoeahasdeubmrtoiiagfrunkhlettishntrniamsocwykma,wyibsaatyabkyes
Key to the City to Lady Gaga with a note JuDsI’tomlnoo’vItnwehtiyadhoseeubyrroisogreunhlrfttsahternilasfdcwinkya,orybeuag’rbreeystet
of thanks: “Thank you for encouraging us to Same DB.uNSt.Aabm.o, rBenuDtth.bNios.Arwn. atyhis way
love ourselves and be proud!” Concurrent
with the unveiling of the colorful street 29
painting is the kickoff of Pride season in
West Hollywood with the annual One
City One Pride LGBTQ Arts Festival (www., which runs from Harvey
Milk Day (May 22) through the end of June
Pride month (June 30).
The Haus of Gaga has put together a series
of surprises that has been rolling out over
this month of June to celebrate 10 years of
the album, the community of fans around
the world, and of course Lady Gaga
herself.  The anniversary celebration will
include a very special collection of tracks
from the album reimagined by prominent
artists from the LGBTQIA+ community
and allies, as well as various partnerships,
products, and merchandise that will be
announced shortly. In addition, the Born
This Way Foundation is working closely
with New York and Youth Pride, sending
goods and monetary donations along
with notes of kindness to LGBTQIA+
centers across the United States to assist
in their Pride celebrations.

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