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This newsletter contains articles written by Denny & Kathy Dennis, and Dennis Fowler. It also includes updates on events happening at Coe Church of Christ.

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Published by leonard801b, 2018-09-03 10:48:41

Coe Church of Christ September 2018 Newsletter

This newsletter contains articles written by Denny & Kathy Dennis, and Dennis Fowler. It also includes updates on events happening at Coe Church of Christ.

Keywords: News,Newsletter,Religious News

Staying in the Loop

“SACRED COWS, A couple of moose hunters chartered a
plane to fly into the Canadian wilderness.

DEAD HORSES, Two weeks later when the pilot came to

AND JUMPING pick them up, he saw the two animals they
had bagged and said, “I told you fellows I

SQUIRRELS” could only take you and one moose. You’ll
have to leave the other behind.” “But we

did it last year in a plane this size.” protest-

ed one of the hunters, “and the other pilot

let us take two moose.” “Well, okay.” said

the pilot. “If you did it before, I guess we

can do it again.” So the two moose and

hunters were loaded in and the plane took

off. Because of the heavy weight, it rose

with difficulty and was unable to clear an

obstructing hill. After the crash, the men

climbed out and looked around. One hunter said to the other, “Where are we anyway?” His com-

panion surveyed the scene. “I think we got just a bit farther than we got last year.” Funny...but

how true… especially when it comes to the life and ministry of a church!


Every church—CCC included—abides by several ‘We have always done it that way’ traditions
(sacred cows), and ‘It worked for us in the 60’s it will work in 2018’ programs (dead horses). And
yes, some methods, traditions, and programs can work in today’s culture. However, and forgive
me for upsetting some of you, but truthfully, most do not. If they did, wouldn’t our churches be
full every Sunday morning? If they did, why are there over 100,000 churches in America today de-
clining towards death? If the methods, programs, and —let me just say it—worship styles and mu-
sic that helped us come to Christ still worked, I ask you, where are our children? Where are our
grandchildren? That is the reality we deal with and the challenge we face.

Albert Einstein said, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and ex-
pecting different results.” Long established congregations fall into ruts. They sincerely want to
reach more people for Jesus, but they don’t want to put forth the effort or open the church coffers
to accomplish the very thing that Christ called us to do; make disciples.

Most people hate change. It disquiets them. It is sometimes uncomfortable. I May God give us the
understand that the discomfort of change is greater than the slight uneasiness in courage to make the
doing nothing. But in the long run, the discomfort of change is worth the reward changes necessary to
of church health and effectiveness in the future. Also, where in Scripture does give new life to CCC
Jesus tell us to be comfortable? He certainly didn’t have that in mind for his dis-
ciples as he sent them out on the mission of their lives and for the lives of those
they were to reach.


The CCC eldership and Vision-casting team are busy honestly evaluating our traditions, programs, methods,
and even philosophies in a realistic way. We have agreed that we all must be willing to change or adapt,
maybe keep—and here is the hard one—be willing to set aside our own personal preferences for the good
and growth of the body as a whole; old timers and newcomers alike.

Consider the words of Solomon: “For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heav-
en...a time to tear down and a time to build up.” (Ecclesiastes 3:1-3)

Just perhaps, instead of digging our spurs into a dead horse and expecting it to rise and run,
we should embrace the future and excitement of participating in a challenging step of church
revival and growth that will guarantee the vitality and life of CCC for years to come.

I feel a sermon coming on! We’ll keep digging deeper in the months to come, and in the

meantime, I’ll keep you guessing about “jumping squirrels.” Denny

Thanks to everyone who had a part in our VBS (Polar
Blast) last month. What a joy it was to see over 25 teens
and adults working together to share the love of Jesus
with children! I really appreciated so much help from
the kids during our music time in the sanctuary. Each
evening, the boys and girls were treated to yummy
snacks, fun games, interesting crafts, and ‘cool Bible ad-

venture stories’!

We had a great closing ceremony on Sunday morning, August 19th. The congregation and
visitors were treated to some pretty lively music! After the service, our fellowship hall
was packed with families enjoying our indoor picnic. I think we can all
agree that VBS 18’ was a great success!


SUNDAY SCHOOL/WORSHIP Our Sunday morning Bible Study and Worship
9:00 AM/ 10:00AM times are changing Sept. 9th!

MID-WEEK MEAL/STUDY Bible Study @ 9:00AM
6:00 (coffee) 6:30 (study)
Sunday Worship @ 10:00AM
September 12th @ 6:30PM
Eric Sheldon See the details of our NEW Wednesday format on
ELDERS page #7.

Phil Leonard (chairman) Cleanliness is Next to Godliness! Thursday September
Dennis Fowler
Dick Colbry 6th @ 9:00AM there will be a general cleaning day to make
DEACONS our church more attractive. MEN and WOMEN are en-
Clyde Thatcher couraged to come and lend a hand. Many hands make light
Zack Rulapaugh work! Please bring your own cleaning supplies and a dish to
pass for lunch.
“Coe Church of Christ exists
to reach out to the lost, and to
train people to maturity in Christ
through discipleship, worship,
and fellowship, completely fol-

lowing God’s Word.”

ONE SENTENCE SERMON: We must never forget that while striving to leave a
better and spiritually healthier church for our children, it is just as important—
perhaps more important—to leave better and spiritually healthier children to

our church.

For the past several years the Coe Missions for Christ ladies have baked cookies for
His House Campus Ministry at C.M.U.. Every year His House has a welcome back
barbecue for the students to welcome them back to school and to let students know

that His House is there for
them. On August 23rd we
initiated the new stoves do-
nated by the McCaul family
by baking lots of cookies!
There were 12 ladies present
and a total of 194 1/2 dozen
cookies were baked and
packed for delivery. Thank
you to all for your help in this
student ministry.

“As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharp- Bonnie
ens another.”
(Proverbs 27:17)
The Men’s group meeting at David 7 CITIES
Gilpin’s home twice a month is going 7 CHURCHES
strong! But there is always room for
With stops in…
more men to become involved.
Contact David Gilpin for details! Smyrna


“Be very careful then, how you live...making the
most of every opportunity…”

(Ephesians 5:16)

It’s that time of year again. The time of year
when one’s attention turns to “manly” pursuits—
football, cutting wood—and of course, hunting.
Now, I understand how these activities can in-
duce high levels of testosterone laced enthusi-
asm for muscles flexing, axes fraying, bullets fly-
ing, and 10 inch Bowie knives filleting. And
haven’t we waited all year for the chance to im-
press upon our women-folk their need for us
through our “manly” endeavors? Maybe…but I
can think of an even more “manly” activity…
becoming a deacon.

Now before you stop reading, let me ask you. Does your significant other (if there is one,
and if there isn’t yet, there will be) come to church? If she does, and I am assuming she does
since you have this newsletter, she must certainly be a godly woman. Do you know what god-
ly women want besides a glimpse of your flexing muscles, a warm home, and food?

Let me tell you. She wants her man (you) to step forward, to start taking your relationship
with Jesus seriously. When you take your relationship with Christ seriously, you will want to
grow in your discipleship. When you grow in discipleship, you will want to serve. When you
are in a relationship with Christ, are growing in discipleship, and serving, the next step is…
becoming a deacon.

Deaconship is an endeavor unsurpassed in displaying manliness! Think of it, you’ll be a he-
ro to orphans and widows, able to serve communion to shut-ins with one hand while doing a
home repair with the other, respected by your peers, obeyed by your children, and loved by
your wife, who, by the way, will find you VERY LOVEABLE because of the way you love, and
serve, your Savior.

Seriously guys, I know you have a job five days a week. I understand your time is limited.
And we all have our hobbies and our pastimes. I’m sure all your activities are justified and
good things. But some good things aren’t necessarily the best things.

Coe Church of Christ is growing. There’s a need that only a “manly” man can fill. Ask God if
it’s you He’s calling to fill it. You’ll know the answer. It’s one of those “I just scored a touch-
down, axe shattering wood, crack of the rifle” feelings in your stomach that you get when you
do something satisfying.

SPEAKING OF PRAYER… “My house shall be called a house of House
prayer…” (Isaiah 56:7)
A number of our members have suggested re-energizing a Prayer
Ministry Team! This is of course, a really good and much needed
ministry. If you are interested in being involved in perhaps the
most impactful yet under utilized opportunity to better the King-
dom, please contact Denny.


And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heav-
en and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the
name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I com-
manded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:18-20)

For though I am free from all men, I have made myself a slave to all, so that I may win
more. To the Jews I became as a Jew, so that I might win Jews; to those who are under the
Law, as under the Law though not being myself under the Law, so that I might win those
who are under the Law; to those who are without law, as without law, though not being with-
out the law of God but under the law of Christ, so that I might win those who are without
law. To the weak I became weak, that I might win the weak; I have become all things to all
men, so that I may by all means save some. I do all things for the sake of the gospel, so that
I may become a fellow partaker of it. (1st Corinthians 9:19-23)

When you consider these two Scriptures, it seems plain that we should do whatever
it takes within God’s Law, and Christ’s, to win people to Him and spread the Gospel.
What does that mean? I think Paul states clearly that he changes his method to fit the
people he is trying to reach. Makes good sense, doesn’t it? As Christians, I think we
should be open to the idea of whatever it takes. We as a church need to be open to be-
ing all things to all men. I’m not saying we need to scrap everything and make the wor-
ship something foreign to some to please others. Instead we need to consider all points
of view, to be open to new ideas, as long as they follow Christ’s teachings, if it means
we will reach new people. Our goal should be making worship attractive to young or old,
new Christians and long-time members, the energetic and the calm, all
in the name of Christ! Help us work together to bring people to Christ
and to find the right way to attract people in, to accept something if it will
help achieve our goal of winning more people to Christ. I would like to
see us “make disciples” “by all means.”




Our Wednesday evening Bible studies are starting again! But this time with a twist. Instead
of a light meal, we will be holding a fellowship time beginning at 6:00PM with coffee and
treats, then our Bible studies will begin at the regular time of 6:30. Hopefully this will make
it easier on those who have prepared the meals in the past, and allow more time for fellow-
ship, friendship, and of course Bible study and prayer.

For those of you who prefer more traditional fare, Dick Colbry will again
be stepping up to teach lessons out of the Standard Lesson Commen-
tary. Always good, strong, and Biblical teaching.

Room Denny and Kathy will be leading a more contemporary
for discussion group lesson entitled “Room for Doubt” This
study encourages questions and addresses doubts about
Doubt the Christian faith. Plus, it is in conjunction with Lincoln
Christian University professors!

September 8th, beginning at 4:30PM!
First Annual Corn Hole Competition…
(all ages)

Comments, suggestions and contributions to CCC’s “Staying in the Loop”
newsletter are always welcome. The church office, Denny, and overseeing
elder do however reserve the right to edit, omit, or enhance any contribu-
tions or pictures to be published.

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