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The role of technologies in learning and
teaching English as a second language.

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Published by ELTpedia UIS, 2018-05-31 18:43:27

ELT Pedia E-Book

The role of technologies in learning and
teaching English as a second language.

Keywords: ELT Pedia, Bucaramanga,English,UIS



The role of technologies in learning and
teaching English as a second language.



About us
Who are we?

Teachers: ............................................4
-ELT kids......................................................5
-Our Speaking book..............................13
-Lesson plans..........................................16
-Teaching students with
special needs .........................................26

Students: ...........................................38
-Academic skills ....................................39
-Future Students....................................47

-Teachers’ publications......................49
-Students’ publications.......................55
-Resources center.................................62

About us

ELTPedia is a project created and
directed by Professor Raul García of

the ELT program at Universidad
Industrial de Santander. It is the
product of the collaboration of
students in the 'Tecnologías y
Educación' class. All content here has
been curated and/or created by the

students with the professor's
supervision. Our goal is to provide the
ELT community at UIS and everyone

interested in ELT with a space for
interaction and collaboration.

With this e-book, the students from
web design team have created a
didactic tool, which aims at
summarizing and categorizing the
most important content from the
website, whilst sharing the most
interesting material found in the




In this section, you will
find materials and

information for English
teachers. Many of the
materials have been
designed by students,

others have been
adapted and, others have
been curated from other



-ELT Kids
-Our Speaking Book

-Lesson plans


-Teaching students with
special needs


ELT Kids

ELT kids is a section created by pre-service
teachers for EFL/ESL teachers who work with
young learners. This project was based on the

fact that many of us start our professional
development at schools with small children;
therefore, it is crucial to develop resources that
help us inside the classroom. The objective of
this section is to provide teachers with didactic
materials, and tips to follow when teaching.
Below are the sources that compose ELT Kids
materiales, You can use them as they are, or
adapt them to your classroom and students


-Lesson plans: Activities especially
designed for kids. You can find a
lesson plan per topic. 
-Worksheets: Here you will find

worksheets by topic, that you can use
when teaching. 

-Flashcards: Here you will find
different flashcards divided into
topics that you can use in your EFL












Speaking book

Our Speaking Book is a strategy developed by
Wendy Soto, in the first semester of 2017, for the

teacher resources section in the ELTPedia
project. It intends to offer EFL and ESL teachers
more interesting materials for the development of
speaking skills. It includes 45 speaking activities
for the teaching of English as a foreign language.

Each activity includes: description, objectives,
time and printable material.


English lower level learners generally find it
especially difficult to speak spontaneously. Thus,
these activities incorporate ‘thinking time’ in which

EFL students can prepare for speaking by
planning what they are going to say, asking the
teacher or using a dictionary to look up missing
vocabulary. The activities above are moderately
short, with the provided materials if need it, and a
proposed timing for each activity for the teacher
to implement. They are designed for free use as a
warmer or a filler in the middle or at the end of a


On the next page you will find one of the many
activities showcased on the book. To check out

more be sure to go online and download the
whole book.


Speaking book


Speaking book


Lesson Plans 

Here on ELTPedia we not only have lesson plans
for kids, we also have lesson plans for different

levels and ages. Our lesson plans include: 

-Length of the session
-English level (e.g. A1)
-Age or group range,
-Objectives of the lesson,
-Materials needed for the lesson (see below)
-A language focus for each session
-Warm-up and procedure
-The potential problems and potential solutions.

On the next page, you will find a sample of the
many lesson plans available on our website. 


Flashcards & worksheets

Flashcards and worksheets are great materials that
you can use to enrich your lesson plans and to have
a more dynamic class, where your students will be

constantly engaged in meaningful activities, and
can also support their learning on visual aids. 

On the upcoming pages you will find samples of
the flashcards and worksheets available on our











Here, you can find different websites that you can
use for your classes or that you can recommend to

your students. 

for levels: 

for beginners: 

LearnEnglish Kids English For Kids

Level: Elementary Level: Beginners.

Target audience: Target audience:
Learners, parents & Young learners,
teachers from beginner students and teachers.

level Type of activities:
Online games
Type of activities:
Worksheets, warm-up (memory, spelling,
etc.).c.), songs, stories,
ideas, songs, games
and more printable materials



Busy Teacher Teaching English

Level: Elementary Level: From
elementary to
Target audience:
Teachers from advanced
elementary to
advanced levels Target audience:
teachers from
Type of activities:
Worksheets, warm-up elementary to advance
ideas, songs, games..
Type of activities:
Teaching resources,
teacher development,

teacher training,


Upper- intermediate

Do2Learn Easy World of English

Target audience: Level:  Elementary-
Teachers Upper intermediate.

Type of activities: Target audience:
Special needs Children and teenager
education tips
Do2learn is a website
for teachers who are Type of activities:
working with children Picture dictionaries,
with special needs. 
grammar exercises,

and readings.



This blog is an In this site, you will
extention of mainly find listening

ELTPedia. It is and speaking
mainly directed to resources for your
classes like dictogloss,
teachers of B1 roleplays,
English level. monologues,
conversations, stories,
dialogues, discussions

and more.

Every activity is Furthermore, most
explained in detail of the activities are
 as an inforgraphic,
each resource is adapted and
provided for you to retrieved from both
download and use
books of How to
in your EFL Teach Listening
Colombian and Speaking of
classroom.  Scott Thornbury &

JJ Wilson


Students with special needs

Hearing impaired: 

In this section you will find some tips,
strategies and lesson plans for teaching
English in inclusive classrooms. 








Visually impaired: 

In this section you will find some tips,
strategies and lesson plans for teaching
English in inclusive classrooms. 








In this section, you will
find information and
tools to improve your
abilities. As well as
information about
college life, academic
procedures at UIS and
useful tips to improve
your current or future
student experience


Inside this section, you
will find:

-Academic Skills

-International exams

-Future Students


Academic Skills


If you intend to handle spoken information in
academic contexts such as college seminars and
lectures you should get familiar with this kind of
information before. Lectures are a common way of
instruction for most university courses and even

though, the length and complexity can vary
depending on the subject and the level of education,

certain listening skills are required

Speaking:  .

Speaking a language requires certain level of
fluency and, above all, a very good pronunciation.

This article aims at giving some tips for you to
improve your pronunciation or your students'

pronunciation as well..


Once you have reached an advanced level, your
reading habits need to adapt to the new skills you
master. This means moving to more complex and
demanding reading, which includes digging into old

masterpieces of the language, worldwide
mainstream best-sellers and complex modern
literature. What you can do with this readings is
extremely profitable not only for academic but also

for cultural and personal growth.




#1 #2

Use a bottom-up Lectures always have a
thinking to process purpose and usually
information: connecting
background knowledge address a topic already
familiar or relevant, try
before listening, to identify the purpose
predicting, note-taking,
assessing what you've and remember all
knowledge you have
about the topic.

#3 #4

Use handouts with Include a set of critical
specific and general thinking questions to be

information to be answered after you
gathered while listening. listen to the whole
Include comprehension
questions and


Note taking is essential
for initial listening: mind
maps, lists of unknown

terms, drawings and
highlighting scripts are

ways to collect key



#1 #2

If you have never read a Although this may spoil the
work of literature in tasteful surprise of a good
reading, it is always useful
English, begin by getting
informed about the most to read a summary or
famous ones and have a synopsis of the plot, so you

look at the ones you may have a guide before
have heard of. beginning the journey.

#3 #4
As with less complex
reading, note taking is Don’t give up reading
wonderful for keeping a because you find the book
track of the reading. For
academic and literary too obscure and brain
teasing. Use all kind of
reading it mainly strategies such as online
consists of summaries search and reading forums
and mind maps for each where people discuss their
chapter or section of the readings and clarify other
people’s doubts with their


You may not only read
works by English-speaking

writers but also works in
other languages translated

into English. Try to read
your favorite mother

tongue novel in English
and see what you can
grasp from vocabulary! 



#1 #2

Choose and focus on Learn the IPA phonemes
one accent or English (consonant and vowel

dialect in particular sounds). Remember that
the sounds you acquired in

your native language are
not the same in English,
which means you need to
have a look at those new


#3 #4

Try to imitate other’s Check out the right
accent. This helps pronunciation using
website dictionaries
beginners to acquire the
language step by step.

You can do it by
watching as many
YouTube videos or
podcasts as you want. 

#5 #6

Before listening any Intonation is definitely
audio or video, practice something you need to
with the words you want
to work on or vocabulary take into account
with the most difficult
phonemes to pronounce.
Circle the word, speak it
out loud and imitate the




¿Cuando cancelar o incluir asignaturas?

La inclusión y/o cancelación de asignaturas se
podrán hacer en la semana de ajuste de matrícula,
cada estudiante tiene asignado un día y un horario

particular para realizar el trámite.

En caso de no poderse realizar la
inclusión/cancelación de asignaturas en la semana de
ajuste de matrícula,  estos trámites se pueden realizar

en la fecha establecida para la revisión de matrícula
(generalmente en la semana siguiente a la semana de
ajuste de matrícula) para saber con certeza la fecha,

hay que consultar el CALENDARIO ACADÉMICO
vigente que se puede encontrar en este link.

Una vez iniciado el semestre académico, es posible
solicitar la cancelación de matrícula de hasta dos (2)

materias por semestre  de manera normal,
 consultando las fechas establecidas en el Calendario
Académico vigente (generalmente en la sexta semana

del semestre).

En caso de no poderse cancelar materias en las
fechas normales, es posible solicitar cancelación de

materias de manera extemporánea, enviando una
solicitud al Consejo Académico a través de la Escuela
de Idiomas en cualquier momento del semestre. (En

este caso la aprobación de la cancelación está
enteramente en manos del Consejo Académico)


Nota: el estudiante  podrá cancelar hasta dos (2)
asignaturas siempre y cuando tenga tres asignaturas
más matriculadas en ese semestre. En el desarrollo

de su programa académico, el estudiante podrá
cancelar hasta un veinte por ciento (20%) del total de

los créditos de su plan de estudios. Cada materia
puede ser cancelada sólo una (1) vez.

Para solicitar la cancelación o inclusión de materias
en la semana de ajuste de matrícula, el estudiante
podrá ir en el día asignado para este procedimiento a
la Escuela de Idiomas con el recibo de matrícula que

podrá descargar vía web.

Para solicitar cancelación o inclusión de asignaturas
en la fecha establecida para la revisión de matrícula,

el estudiante deberá solicitar el CERTIFICADO DE
MATRÍCULA en la Escuela de Idiomas, modificar el
formato con las materias que se van a cancelar o

incluir y hacer la solicitud en la secretaría de la
Escuela de Idiomas.

Para cancelación de materias en horario normal, el
estudiante podrá hacer la solicitud vía web de la
siguiente manera:

PASO 1: 45
Accede a la página de la
PASO 2:  
Universidad Haz click en el menú
( y haz izquierdo Pregrado

click en el menú Presencial.
PASO 3: Selecciona la opción
Llena los datos de Servicios Académicos,
ingreso al sistema. luego, Horario Actual-
Otras Operaciones.


Una vez dentro de este Luego de dar click, se
menú, en la parte inferior abrirá un cuadro de

de la página, podrás diálogo pidiendo justificar
encontrar las materias la razón por la cual
cursadas y dar click en quieres cancelar la

Cancelar. asignatura; hecho esto,
haz click en Registar


Se enviará un email al
correo registrado en el

sistema pidiendo
confirmar la cancelación,

una vez confirmada, la
cancelación quedará
registrada en el sistema.


Homologación de


Future students

What can I learn if I study
the English program?

If you are interested in studying this program
aside from being proficient at English, you

can also learn how to teach it using different
learning methods and aproaches. Besides

you will learn a variety of cultures who speak
this language and will help you see the world
with a different point of view.  Nevertheless,
the main purpose for this program is that you

become a teacher with the capacity to fully
respond the needs of the sociocultural
context in our educating system.

Where will I study?

If you decide to apply for this
carrer you will study at

Universidad Industrial de


Future students

What can I do if I study the
English program?

You can be:

-An English teacher.
-English Coordinator.

-A translator.

How much money can I earn
if I study the English

It depends on the
institutions you decide to

work with.

How much money does a
semester cost?

The cost of the semester
depends on the papers the
university ask you when you
are accepted by the university.



The publication section
showcases students' and
professors’ research studies
that have been published at
indexed journals. Up next you
will have the opportunity to

read the abstract
corresponding to each one of
the publications. If you want to
keep on reading make sure to
visit the website and you will
have access to the complete



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