proach, in which donors and organisations intervened through the pro-
vision of capital and trained personnel (technical assistance). It was
then realised that the necessary approach involved the application of
two principles: local leadership and ownership. They translated into a
bottom-up approach, putting the host state’s will, ideas, and projects
at the heart of assistance. Although this principle was recognised, ca-
pacity building in this field was initially still linked to the technical assis-
tance dimension, embodied in the train-and-equip paradigm. Howev-
er, the structural limitations and problems raised by this paradigm led
to the diffusion and use of the strategic advisory function. Specifical-
ly framed to achieve enhanced capacity with a bottom-up approach.
The comparative analysis of doctrines is relevant for understanding mil-
itary change. Although the UN, NATO and EU doctrines have many
elements of convergence, the substantial differences mean that there
is no standardisation. This creates an obstacle to a general definition
of who a strategic advisor is and what their functions are. In addi-
tion, the doctrines highlight numerous principles that are not, howev-
er, deepened and reflected in a defined process of lessons identified
and learned. Consequently, there is a need for standardisation and
updating of the doctrine itself, in the light of experience in the field.
This analysis has reviewed the skills, roles, and training of strategic ad-
visors, highlighting the myriad challenges that these issues raise. The
expertise and experience of advisors is crucial to ensuring a certain level
of success. However, it should be emphasised that conflict-affected envi-
ronments are complex and involve many variables. The most competent
advisor may only be able to accomplish part of what needs to be done.
In conclusion, the advisory function must always be placed in the broader
context of the mission. Thus, it relies heavily on the political mandate of
the mission and the (equally political) willingness of the host country. Rec-
onciling these two elements implies an absolute respect and continuous
pursuit of the elements and objectives of local leadership and ownership.
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