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Published by Temple Solel, 2019-06-18 17:00:13

Pathfinder June 2019


I have always loved taking the chance to
see beautiful historical sights, enjoy the natural beauty in

acknowledge special days in my life and the the north and center of the country, get to know Israeli

lives of my friends and family. So on May 7th, communities and those working for peace and coexistence
I celebrated my two year anniversary of and, of course, eat a lot of delicious food. This trip is

becoming a rabbi. It is pretty hard for me to perfect for families, singles, couples, and everyone in

believe that it has been two years already, between. What an amazing chance to build community

and that it’s only been two years—two years where I have and to get to know a country and a people who are a part
been blessed to be embraced in serving our Solel of who we are as Jews.

community. There have been so many opportunities to I hope you will join me on this trip! If you are interested in
grow here at Solel: Preschool Shabbat on Friday mornings, more information, seeing our itinerary, or have any
Torah Study, adult education and Confirmation classes, questions, email me at [email protected].
Women’s Seders and Youth Retreats, and simply spending We ask that you make a deposit and register for your spot
time with all of you, getting to know you better. by September 2nd, Labor Day, 2019, so that we can refine

The one thing I haven’t yet experienced, that I am so our programming and begin to get to know one another as

looking forward to, is leading a congregational trip to a group after the holidays.

Israel. My first year of rabbinical school, as many of you Thank you all for an incredible two years so far at Temple
know, was spent living in Jerusalem, and I have not been Solel. It is truly the warmth and openness of each and
back since. So I am so excited that I will be leading our every individual I have met over these last two years that
Intergenerational Trip to Israel, next summer, makes this congregation what it is.
May 31-June 10, 2020. This will be an incredible
Rabbi Emily R. Langowitz
opportunity to engage with the Israel that I know—the
Israel beyond the headlines and political postures. We will

hiking in
the Arava
during my
first year of

at the Hebrew Union College campus in Jerusalem during a
summer abroad in college



2 June 2019 / Iyar - Sivan 5779

Service Schedule Membership Renewal for 2019-2020

Saturday, June 1, 2019 Membership renewal packets have recently been mailed to
Torah Study 9:00 am all current Temple Solel members. Please be sure to renew
Shabbat Morning Service 10:30 am your membership for the 2019-2020 year to avoid
During the service Ari Shapiro will interruption of your member benefits. Forms may be
be called to the Torah as a downloaded at or you may
Bar Mitzvah. renew online at Contact
the temple office at 480.991.7414 if you have questions or
Friday, June 7, 2019 need assistance.
Shabbat Service 6:15 pm
An oneg will precede the service at
5:30 pm. Anniversaries will be

Saturday, June 8, 2019
Torah Study 9:00 am
Shabbat Morning Service 10:30 am
During the service Adult B’not
Mitzvah students will be called to
the Torah as B’not Mitzvah.

Sunday, June 9, 2019
Shavuot Morning Festival Services
and Yizkor 9:30 am at
Congregation Beth Israel

Friday, June 14, 2019
Shabbat Service 6:15 pm
An oneg will precede the service at
5:30 pm.

Saturday, June 15, 2019
Torah Study 9:00 am

Friday, June 21, 2019
Shabbat Service 6:15 pm
An oneg will precede the service at
5:30 pm.

Saturday, June 22, 2019
Torah Study 9:00 am

Friday, June 28, 2019
Shabbat Service 6:15 pm
An oneg will precede the service at
5:30 pm.

Saturday, June 29, 2019
Torah Study 9:00 am

June 2019 / Iyar - Sivan 5779 3

Cantorial Soloist’s Message

“Twenty years from now you will be more The calendar does have some natural ebbs and flows in it.
disappointed by the things you didn’t do than The month of June is a natural one to take a trip or go
by the ones you did do. So throw off the exploring. It’s a good time (for obvious reasons) to get out
bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. of AZ and to travel to cooler climates. School is out, and
Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. there’s a little more flexibility in people’s schedules. I
Dream. Discover.” —Mark Twain encourage all of us to take this time to do just one of those
things that’s on our bucket list—just one thing that we said
I love this quote from Mark Twain, because it reflects so we’d do ‘one of these days.’
accurately the human condition. We so often get stuck in
thinking about the things we would love to do ‘when Let’s take advantage of this slower season to create an
things calm down’ or ‘after the kids move out’ or ‘over the opportunity for ourselves to go someplace we haven’t
summer.’ And yet somehow the time never comes or the been before, to read that book that’s been sitting in our
opportunity does not present itself. night table drawer for years now, to take that exercise
class, to go to that museum, to connect with a friend we
What I have realized is that opportunities rarely just haven’t seen in awhile.
present themselves. More often than not, opportunities
come about because of lots of hard work and preparation None of us know exactly what the future holds. So, why
that we spend months and years (even decades) on. not seize this moment and this day and fill ourselves with
People don’t see all the behind the scenes action, so they whatever enriches our souls and makes our days richer?
just assume that we were lucky and became an overnight I’m pretty sure we’ll be glad we did.
success. Sometimes, an opportunity comes about just
because we decide to finally do the thing we have put off Wishing all of us lots of fun summer adventures,
for so long.
Todd Herzog

Cantorial Soloist


Sy and Harriet Achtman...........................40 yrs Larry and Marlys Lazarus......................... 50 yrs  Marco Pienknagura
Lon and Ellen Babby ................................46 yrs Norman Lazar and Betsy Vincent............. 16 yrs  Robert Wardy and son Jacob
Maynard Bell and Jean Schulman ............ 25 yrs Bernard and Shirley Levine...................... 63 yrs  Sammy Glassman and
Allan and Jeanie Bernstein....................... 52 yrs Bob and Shari Levitan.............................. 40 yrs
Pete and Mary Ann Bloom....................... 38 yrs Sam and Judy Linhart............................... 59 yrs Kyu Utsunomiya and children
Steve Brandwein and Jerry Underdahl ...... 9 yrs Marshall and Lesley Lustgarten ............... 56 yrs Eliana and Jesse Glassman
Jeff and Elaine Chapman..........................50 yrs Greg and Cheryl McMullin....................... 26 yrs
So Your Child Turns 11
Bob and Martha Christiansen .................. 38 yrs Travis and Staci Meltzer ............................ 2 yrs This Month?
Scott Cohen and Lois Sayrs ...................... 29 yrs Josh and Pam Ornstein ............................ 19 yrs
Philip and Gloria Cowen ..........................55 yrs Larry and Joannie Pass............................. 60 yrs If you haven’t requested a bar or bat
James Resnick and Jill Edwards Resnick... 14 yrs Peter and Dana Powell ............................ 18 yrs mitzvah date yet and your child is
Richard and Andrea Eisen........................ 37 yrs Norton and Joanie Remes ....................... 58 yrs turning 11 soon, stop by the temple
Michael and Karin Epstein ....................... 36 yrs Herbert and Lynn Rigberg........................ 59 yrs
Bert and Betty Feingold ...........................53 yrs Leon and Lynne Rigberg .......................... 55 yrs office and fill out a Temple Solel Bar/Bat
Ken and Marian Fisher.............................53 yrs Don and Debbie Scharf............................ 56 yrs Mitzvah Date Request Form to get the
Allen and Judy Frank................................51 yrs Dean and Jean Scheinert ......................... 25 yrs process started. Fillable PDF forms are
Rick and Kathy Goeld...............................39 yrs Larry and Sandy Schwartz........................ 61 yrs
Abbey and Toby Goldberg ....................... 57 yrs Mort and Arlene Scult ............................. 57 yrs also available for download on our
Dick and Harriet Gottlieb .........................52 yrs Morrie Seeskin and Eileen Fein ............... 36 yrs website:
Joel and Phyllis Gurstell ...........................56 yrs Andy and Debbie Seplow......................... 41 yrs
Dennis and Alyce Helfman....................... 50 yrs Dan Silverman and Jennet Kirkpatrick ..... 21 yrs Completed forms may be emailed to
Arnold and Judith Hoffman...................... 55 yrs Steve and Bobbie Slogoff......................... 56 yrs Jelena Santiago at
Hans and Stephanie Horchler .................. 22 yrs Earl and Phyllis Starr................................ 66 yrs
Fred and Audrey Horne ...........................64 yrs Jack and Paula Strickstein........................ 64 yrs [email protected].
Russell and Leonor Jurgenson ................. 19 yrs Joel and June Strom................................. 50 yrs
Bob and Ellen Kant................................... 50 yrs Jim and Tobee Waxenberg ...................... 51 yrs
Fred and Susan Klein ...............................39 yrs Sandy and Linda Wiener.......................... 55 yrs

4 June 2019 / Iyar - Sivan 5779

Awesome Authors at The Solel Preschool

T his summer CAMP SOLEL KATAN will In preschool our job is to instill a love of reading and to
increase reading readiness. Here are some easy ways to
feature a different children’s author each of accomplish this.
the 8 weeks of camp. This is like the summer
reading list we adults received at the end of Read to the child.
school each year. In case you would like to Have the child “read” to you. Allow the child to create
keep up with our preschoolers, the authors their own story based on the pictures they see within the
and an example of their books are as follows: book.

 Laura Numeroff – If you Give a Mouse a Cookie Reread stories multiple times.
 Mercer Mayer – All By Myself Omit words of a familiar story and allow the child to fill in
 Marcus Pfister – Penguin Pete the blank.
 Shel Silverstein – The Giving Tree
 Amy Krouse Rosenthal – Duck! Rabbit! Allow the child to experiment with words.
 Herve Tullet – Mix it Up! Point to the words on the page as you read out loud to the
 Judi Barrett – Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs child. This enables the child to understand that sentences
 Andrea Beaty – Ada Twist, Scientist consist of separate words.

(my new personal favorite) What a great way to enjoy time with your children or
grandchildren out of the heat this summer.
Reading on grade-level by the end of third grade is one of
the most critical milestones in education. Donald JUST READ!!!
Hernandez reported in Double Jeopardy, children who do
not read proficiently by the end of third grade are four Mary Ann Bloom
times more likely to leave school without a diploma than
proficient readers. Director of Early Childhood Education

Social Action at Temple Solel

Throughout the year various projects bring Temple Solel members together to help those in need and to build
relationships. Some of our programs include the following:

Tzedakah—giving of resources  Mitzvah Day: Robert Siamon, 602.996.0117,
 Tzedakah Box donations made to various charities [email protected]

throughout the year: Rae Rader,  Knitting for a Purpose: Carol Brillman,
[email protected], 602.692-8080 [email protected]
 Caring by Pairing Shoe Drive: Sharon Levine,
480.907.7960, [email protected]  Thanksgiving Meal Project: Rae Rader,
 Yom Kippur Food Drive: Sue Silvert, 480.756.2128, [email protected], 602.692-8080
[email protected]
 Spin a Little Love: Linda Ribnik, 480.399.4129,  Jewish Family and Children’s Services Holiday Party for
[email protected] Foster Care Youth: Rae Rader,
 Jonathan’s Walk: Peter Pishko, [email protected], 602.692-8080
[email protected]
Shinui Kivun—changing the status quo
G’milut Chasadim—acts of loving kindness  Valley Interfaith Project: Rae Rader,
 Streetlight USA: Rae Rader,
[email protected], 602.692-8080
[email protected], 602.692-8080  Abrahamic Collaboration to Welcome the Stranger:
 St. Vincent de Paul: Rae Rader,
Faith Boninger, 480.551.7097, [email protected]
[email protected], 602.692-8080  Kino Border Initiative: Rae Rader,

[email protected], 602.692-8080

Questions? Contact the project leader or Rae Rader, Social
Action Chair, at [email protected].

June 2019 / Iyar - Sivan 5779 5

Raker Religious School

T hank you for a wonderful Raker year. Your  Light the Sabbath candles and celebrate Shabbat in
your home.
children have been a joy to get to know and I
look forward to knowing them even better  Attend Shabbat services! The Oneg starts at 5:30 pm
next year. and services start at 6:15 pm.

I want to give you some suggestions as to  Participate in Tikkun Olam, repairing the world. If any
what you can do over the summer to keep Hebrew and of your children volunteer or you volunteer as a family,
Judaica in your child’s mindset. Just like any subject in I would like to hear about your experience. Have your
school, Hebrew, if not used, is quickly forgotten. children email me at [email protected]!

 For grades 1-4, spend 10 minutes a day going over the I’m happy to announce our three new TSTY Board
Aleph-Bet, names and sounds of each letter. For Members: Lena Weissman, President, Aidan Jacobson,
grades 5-6, do some easy reading of Hebrew words. If Vice President-Social Action, and Jade Singer, Vice
you need materials to do the above, let me know and I President-Communications. Stay tuned for more details.
will send you some.
Have a safe and relaxing summer. I will see you August 18.
 Read some Jewish books to your children. I have many The Bistro will be open at 8:20 am and classes start
books in my office and the resource center to loan out, at 9:00 am.
or go online, head to the library or to the few
remaining book stores to find books of Jewish content. L’hitraot,
If any of you are receiving PJ Library books, you are in
luck! They have started writing books for grades 3 and Tobee Waxenberg
up. If you have any questions about PJ Library, go to and sign up. All of the books are free. Director of Raker Religious School

Meet Our New Raker Staff Members

Welcome to our two new youth group advisors! I am so happy to have them on board and look forward to an active year
for our middle school and high school youth. Eliana Givre is the new advisor for TSTY (Temple Solel Temple Youth, 9th-12th
grades) and Emily Harrison is the new advisor for JSTY, (Junior Solel Temple Youth, 6th-8th grades).

My name is Eliana Givre and I am a Jr. My name is Emily Harrison and
High Teacher at New Way Academy. I here’s a little bit about me. I grew
was born and raised on Long Island, up at Temple Solel! My parents
New York and made my way to Arizona, (Roni and Chris Harrison), have been
after graduating from James Madison members for years and all of my
University (in Virginia). I studied siblings (Matti and Sydelle Harrison)
international affairs and Spanish, but have gone to preschool and
always knew I wanted to be a teacher. religious school at Solel. I graduated
When I moved to Arizona, I attended from Colorado College in May of
Grand Canyon University where I 2018, moved back to Arizona and
received my Masters in Elementary started working for The Vanguard
Education (K-8). I have been teaching for five years and I Group in July of 2018.
absolutely love what I do!
I was a competitive swimmer growing up in AZ (swam for
Some of my favorite things to do are hiking, exploring new Arizona Marlins and eventually PSC) and competed as a
places, and spending time with my pup. I am so excited to Division III athlete at Colorado College.
work with TSTY at Solel and can't wait for a wonderful year
with our youth group. Emily Harrison

Eliana Givre JSTY Advisor

TSTY Advisor

6 June 2019 / Iyar - Sivan 5779

Adult B’not Class of 2019

Mazel Tov to the four Temple Solel Adults who will become
Bat Mitzvah on Saturday, June 8, 2019!

Dottie Braun-Cohen Dottie, a New Jersey native, moved to Arizona with her husband Bob in December of 2014. After
raising four children as a single parent and retiring after 30 years as Assistant to the
Superintendent of a large regional high school in central Jersey she began her next challenge.
Her life change was not only her marital status or geographical but spiritual as well. After
studying in NJ for 18 months, she converted to Judaism. Dottie and Bob joined Temple Solel in

2015 and Dottie became active in temple life. As Coordinator of the Caring Community, she has
contributed to “making the world a better place.” Becoming a Bat Mitzvah further confirms her
commitment and dedication to Judaism.

Joan was born and raised in Phoenix. She left the Valley of the Sun in 1982 and returned
19 years later married to Robert. Together, they have Jacob, Gabrielle, Ethan and Stella.
This will be their fifth B’nai Mitzvah with Temple Solel. Joan is a community volunteer and
sits on the Board of the Jewish Free Loan Association. She enjoys all outdoor adventures,
traveling with her brood and has recently been spotted on the Marvelous Mrs. Maisel.

Joan Lipson

Linda was born and raised in Denver, Colorado and her family were members of Temple
Emanuel. She was confirmed at Temple Emanuel in 10th grade, but girls were not allowed

to have a Bat Mitzvah. She went to Medical School in Denver and did her Pediatric

Residency at UCSD in San Diego. Linda moved to Phoenix in 1984 to join the Pediatric staff

of the Phoenix Indian Medical Center. Her husband, Dr. David Demaine, and Linda have

been members of Temple Solel for 20 years. Their daughters, Katy and Marina Demaine,

went to religious school at Temple Solel and both had a Bat Mitzvah. Linda has served on

Linda Ribnik the board of Temple Solel, served as the “Camp Nurse” for the religious school retreat for

many years, and has coordinated the “Adopt a Military Family” for Christmas program for

several years. She has volunteered at Purim carnivals and coordinated several projects for

Mitzvah day. Her Jewish education grew each year as her children went to religious school

at Temple Solel. It has been a privilege for her to study for an Adult Bat Mitzvah, and an honor to be able to have Jerry

Friedman as her tutor.

Barbara moved to Scottsdale in July of 2013 following her retirement from James Madison
University’s College of Education. She is still teaching online courses part time for the university.
Barbara is an active volunteer in Brandeis National Committee and a member of National
Council of Jewish Women. She and her husband joined Temple Solel shortly after they arrived in
Arizona. They have two sons, Ben who lives here in Scottsdale and Jeff who lives in Madison, WI.

They have 2 grandchildren in Madison. Barbara enjoys yoga, hiking, reading, independent
movies, and the friendships she’s made over the past 6 years.

Barbara Stern

June 2019 / Iyar - Sivan 5779 7

Thank You! Movie Club Discussion

Volunteer Recognition Thursday, June 20 at 7:00 pm

Volunteers are an essential part of Temple Solel. We would like Go and see “Tolkien,” a movie about the early
to thank the following volunteers for their time and efforts: life of the author of the Lord of Rings series,
then join us for a discussion. The movie is
Birthday calls Gift Shop currently showing at many theatres
Arlene Bonime Carol Brillman throughout the valley. A quick Google search
Becky Lieberman will provide show times. Questions? Feel free
Knitting for a Purpose Leah Valadez to email [email protected].
Arlene Bonime Sue Waldbaum
Carol Brillman “Superheroes” at Torah Study
Jill Loebel Membership Mailing
Beverly Nathan Carol Brillman Recently, my niece shared with me one of her favorite
Margie Rahilly books, a young adult novel called “Dreadnought” (2017),
Debbie Smith Yahrzeits by April Daniels. It is about a transgender girl who
Nancy Weinstein Cynthia Marcus becomes a “cape”—a superhero who wears a cape and
battles hi-tech villains. The imaginative fun of this book
Would you like to volunteer at some point in the future? made me think of the Torah in a new way. I realized that
We’d love to have you! Email Edie Bradt, it’s possible to read the Torah as a superhero story.

[email protected] and she’ll add you to the list. In a typical superhero tale, a regular “average Joe” person
is suddenly imbued with superhuman powers. Amazingly,
Social Action the Torah utilizes a similar storyline in its account of
Creation. The Torah says that God creates humankind from
Tzedakah Funds for June, July, August the dust of the earth, and then imbues us with nishmat
chayim, the divine breath of life (Genesis 2:7). We begin
Temple Solel tzedakah funds for June, July, and August will our journey on earth filled with the spirit of God.
support the efforts of the Bubble and Froth Foundation for
Food Assistance. Organized in October 2017, Bubble and Later in the Torah, we learn that God’s spirit is composed
Froth provides direct financial assistance in purchasing of several superpowers. God says, “I am compassion,
food/supplements for patients undergoing treatment and grace, patience, great kindness, faithfulness, justice, and
forgiveness” (Exodus 34:6-7). These powers are supreme
face the difficult decision of whether to buy food or because they come from a realm of everlasting life, the
medicine as they actively battle their disease. To learn infinite light of God.
more about Froth and Bubble Foundation visit their
webpage at: Fortunately for us, these powers are easy to activate. All
we need to do is perform mitzvot. Simple acts of kindness
activate the divine light within us. For example, when we
find a lost article on the road, and return it to its rightful
owner, we awaken feelings of compassion and gratitude
(Exodus 23:4). Such simple acts help us develop ourselves,
so that we can become Torah superheroes. As the Torah
concludes: “These powers are close to you, in your heart
and mouth… choose them and live” (Deuteronomy 30:14-
20). You may even use your tallit as a cape!

Torah Study meets every Saturday morning at 9:00 am in
the library. Please come!

Matthew Kozinets

8 June 2019 / Iyar - Sivan 5779

Rummage Sale Highlights New Staff Member Spotlight

The Sisters of Solel Rummage Sale on Sunday, May 5 was a Hello, I’m Jacquelyn, the new Engagement Specialist, and I
big success! All proceeds from the sale will benefit future can’t wait to help connect you with Temple Solel!
Sisters of Solel programming. Items that were not sold have
been donated to: I grew up in Altus, Oklahoma, where the closest temple was
All Hands Arizona a two and a half hour drive each way. When I learned I was
Almost There Foster Care moving to the Valley in the spring of 2017, I began to
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Arizona research all the temples, shuls, and synagogues because I
Foothills Animal Rescue was so excited to be able to choose a congregation based
Islamic Center of the North East Valley on fit rather than location.
Mustang Public Library
One Hundred Angels On moving day, I jumped in a UHAUL with my fiancé and all
Scottsdale Unified School District Library of our things to drive to a state I had never been to before.
Thank you to our incredibly generous community for all of Once settled in, it was time to experience the communities I
the donations and to the volunteers who priced and sorted had researched. We went to services on Friday nights and
the items and helped the day of the sale. We couldn't have got a feel for the different congregations, their rabbis, and
done it without you! their communities.

Shana Abrahams and Tamara Lieberman Our first service at Temple Solel was Rabbi Langowitz’s
installation, and from the very start we knew we loved the
Co-chairs, Sisters of Solel rabbis. I knew this wasn’t a typical service, so we attended
[email protected] several times, experienced High Holidays, and I knew that I
had found the place where I belong. The people in the
Pictured: Shoshanna Lieberman, Tamara Lieberman, Shana Abrahams congregation and the clergy were all so welcoming and
kind, and I instantly felt connected.

When the job of Engagement Specialist opened up, I
applied right away. I knew that I wanted to help others find
in Temple Solel the home, comfort, and connection that I

As the new Engagement Specialist, my job is to strengthen
connections and relationships and help each and every
member find their place at Temple Solel. This will mean
coordinating volunteer and lay leadership, creating and
implementing new and revitalized programming, and
growing our communications and social media presence so
there are even more opportunities for all of us to get

I hold a Bachelor’s of Science in Strategic Communications
and Leadership from the William Allen White School of
Journalism and Mass Communications at the University of
Kansas. My background is in programs and marketing.

Jewish tradition shows us many moments when our
ancestors say hineni—I am here. I have found my way here,
and hope to help all of us say hineinu—we are here,
building community together.

Jacquelyn Null

Engagement Specialist

June 2019 / Iyar - Sivan 5779 9

Knitting for a Purpose

“Many thanks for many years of service.”

Arlene Bonime, creator and fearless leader of our Knitting
for a Purpose group, was honored in May and thanked for
many years of volunteer service by her fellow knitters and
crocheters. Knitting for a Purpose was started by Arlene in
September 2011 as a way to provide hospitalized infants

and children with hats, baby blankets, and other handmade
items. Several organizations, including the Phoenix Indian
Medical Center (PIMC), Phoenix Children’s Hospital Center
for Cancer & Blood Disorders, Hadassah Hospital NICU in
Israel, St. Vincent de Paul, Saving Amy, and The Purple
Society and Nitalia’s Blankets have benefited from this
mitzvah that continues to keep on giving under the new
leadership of Carol Brillman. There’s always room for more
folks who like to knit or crochet and yarn, along with

refreshments and camaraderie, are always provided. If
you’d like to join the group, they meet at Temple Solel the
second Wednesday of the month from 1:00 to 3:00 pm.
They’d love to have you! For more information, contact
[email protected]. Meetings will continue during
the summer months.

10 June 2019 / Iyar - Sivan 5779

Temple Solel Endowment Foundation Caring Community Highlights

Securing Our Future | Volume 2, Issue 4 The Caring Community has executed the following
activities since September of 2018, a Pot Luck Dinner
From Generation to Generation reorganization meeting in October, delivered 14 turkey
dinners to 7 folks on the Mi Shebereich list, the group
Temple Solel Endowment Foundation wishes to thank Dr. made homemade applesauce in December and delivered it
Bert & Mrs. Betty Feingold for their most recent generous to 15 folks recuperating at home, the group made lemon
gift to the Foundation. We appreciate their continuing bars for the congregation in February, we delivered
support. Hamantaschen to 53 new members in March, the group
made Passover Matzoh candy for the congregation in April
Over 25 years ago, I gathered with some old and new and chocolate long stem roses were distributed to the
friends at the urging of Temple Solel’s then visionary ladies attending services on May 10th in time for Mothers
Director of Education, Bonnie Morris, now Rabbi Bonnie Day. Additionally 86 meals were distributed to 43 families
Sharfman, and we engaged in a project called Jewish Day during this time and we began a traveling Mah Jongg game
Schools for the 21st Century. The goal was to create the to folks not able to get out. It’s been a productive year for
first Reform Jewish Day School in Arizona. We studied core this committee and I would like to thank all those who
Jewish values that could serve as the basis of a Jewish Day participated throughout this year. We are looking forward
School. One of those values, L’dor Vador—from to continuing our services this upcoming year.
Generation to Generation—is central to the Mission of the
Temple Solel Endowment Foundation. Dottie Braun-Cohen

The existence of the Foundation is an acknowledgement of Caring Community Chair
the generational aspect of Jewish life. As Jews, we not only
engage previous generations to safeguard their memories, Art @ Solel
experience, and traditions, but we also listen to and learn
from the next generation. Put another way, we inherit Art Scholarships Awarded
from our parents and our grandparents and then we pass CONGRATULATIONS to Sam Hopkins and Rachel McMullin,
along to our children and the Jewish community a refined who are recipients of the Art @ Solel Art Scholarships for
and reconfigured understanding of Torah. We do this daily, 2019. Both will attend ASU in the fall and plan to make art
on many levels, and most of these actions reinforce one an important part of their curricula. They displayed their
another. work as a part of the Youth ART SHOWCASE this spring.
Proceeds from ART SHOWCASE sales and from members
Foundation President Nelson Lerner asked me to tell you directing their donations to Art @ Solel fund the awards.
why I “volunteered” to join the Foundation Board. As my
family gets older, I think more and more about ensuring Call for iCreate Youth Artists for 2020
that the Jewish institutions that enriched my life are there A call for young artists from the temple has gone out.
for my children and their children. Obviously, I am getting Through Art @ Solel, young artists will participate in a year
sentimental before my time. long iCreate Program that will include art idea exchanges
via Instagram, a “Meet the Pros” discussion with adult
Congressman Stanton, then Mayor Stanton, was at our amateur and professional artists, and a collaborative Crazy
offices a couple of years ago for an informal luncheon Art Mural project. The group will receive iCreate tee shirts
discussion. He asked for questions. My questions were and will work toward preparing their art for the Youth ART
aimed at making Phoenix more attractive so that when all SHOWCASE next spring.
of our children go to college, they want to return and live
here. (I admit that my motives are selfish.) Temple Solel is New ART SHOWCASE Artists
part of that equation. I feel blessed to have spent 27 years The ART SHOWCASE schedule for the next two years has
as a member of Temple Solel and to have so many deep been completed based on the recent call for artists in the
relationships here. If you want Temple Solel to continue as congregation. Participants will include Deena Goldstein in
a fixture of Jewish life in Arizona, then supporting the the fall followed by Skip Feinstein and the iCreate Youth
Foundation will ensure its success for future generations. Group in the spring. The following year will feature the
new work of Lois Zuckerman for her recent Morocco trip,
For those interested in participating in or contributing to Shirley Rosenblum, and another iCreate Youth Exhibit.
the Temple Solel Foundation, please contact the Board at
[email protected]. As always, you are free to
share suggestions or questions with me at
[email protected].

Scott B. Cohen

Board Member, Temple Solel Endowment Foundation

June 2019 / Iyar - Sivan 5779 11

Temple Solel Book Club The Al & Irma Feldman We said Shalom
Yiddish Club un hob a gutn
Hello, Book Lovers! Although we are on hiatus until the zumer at the
fall, you have given your opinions for the four books for
the coming season. I'm glad to announce that starting in end of our last
October, we will be back in business. Meanwhile, here are
the dates and the titles you can expect to enjoy. Yiddish session on May 15th. We will meet again for the

October 29, 2019: 2019-2020 year on September 15th at 1:30-3:00 pm.
The Oracle of Stamboul by Michael David Lukas
One reviewer called this book “[a]n elegantly Throughout the year we enjoyed a variety of activities.
crafted, utterly enchanting debut novel set in a
mystical, exotic world [the Ottoman Empire], in We sang Yiddish songs, heard jokes, learned common
which a gifted young [Jewish] girl charms a
sultan and changes the course of an empire’s expressions, celebrated holidays, discussed literature,
history.” This book is by the author of The Last Watchman
of Old Cairo that everyone enjoyed in April. talked about what is new in the world of Yiddish. New

December 17, 2019: words like “shoys computer” (lap top) and “dos bodn zikh
One Night, Markovitch by Ayelet Gundar-Goshen
naketerheyt” (skinny dipping) were not words used
The catalyst for the novel is an Israeli plan to
send young men to Europe to marry single during bubbe and zaydie’s days. Sharing our love of
Jewish women, thus rescuing scores and taking
them back to Palestine, where they promptly Yiddish and the camaraderie are important factors in the
divorce. As you might expect, plans go awry.
This book is not available from local public success of our club. We welcomed new members
libraries or in ebook format, but your can buy it
in paperback or borrow a copy from the temple throughout the year and each one is an asset to our club.
library soon. Please read and return promptly to give
others a turn. As the year ends I pay tribute to my friend Irma Feldman
(z"l) and her husband, the late Dr. Al Feldman for starting
February 25, 2020: the club at Temple Solel. It is fortunate that the powers
The Emperor of Shoes by Spencer Wise that be at Temple Solel continue the efforts of this
Alex Cohen, a twenty-six-year-old Jewish wonderful couple. See you in September. Mit varemste
Bostonian, is living in southern China, where his grusn, Sandy Bernoff.
father runs their family-owned shoe factory.
Alex reluctantly assumes the helm of the Boker Tov Bistro is
company, but as he explores the plant’s vast Closed for Summer Break
floors and assembly lines, he comes to a grim realization:
employees are exploited, regulatory systems are corrupt Thanks to all who stopped by during
and Alex’s own father is engaging in bribes to protect the this past year and got some breakfast
bottom line. And then there’s his love interest, who’s while supporting the Raker Religious
organizing the employees for better working conditions.
School Scholarship Fund.
May 5, 2020:
Underground Fugue by Margot Singer Discretionary Fund
London Underground bombing aftermath
throws together an American Jewish woman Temple Solel thanks everyone for their continued
and a Palestinian man. “Astonishing...This generosity and support of our clergy staff through
beautifully written, ultimately uplifting story of contributions made to their individual discretionary
love, parenthood, and letting go is set in fund accounts. To avoid any confusion, we ask that you
London during the summer of 2005, when be sure to include the intended rabbi’s full name in the
terrorist bombs rocked the city.”—Amazon memo portion of your check and/or on any
Book Review correspondence that accompanies your contribution.

I’m looking forward to seeing you all over potluck dinner Thank you!
on October 29, and perhaps a few times before then. Stay
cool this summer and happy reading.

Judy Schaffert

12 June 2019 / Iyar - Sivan 5779

Contributions We appreciate the thoughtfulness of those who support Temple Solel by remembering and
honoring their friends and loved ones through their generous contributions.

Rabbi Linder’s Discretionary Fund Endowment Fund  In memory of Rebecca Gutman
 From Myra Baum From Stephen Gutman
 In memory of Michael Forstadt
In memory of Martha Horne From Richard and Frances Lamden  In memory of Peter and Betty Foster
Alyce Helfman, heal and be healthy From Bert and Betty Feingold
 With appreciation  In memory of Leanne Rabin
From Tracy, Marc, and Jack Schwimmer From Arnold Rabin and Judy and Mike  In memory of Charles Kaplan
and Amanda Glass Schaffert From Allison Collins
 In honor of our wedding
From James and Elishua Reingold  In appreciation of John and Nancy Linder in  From Ethelyn Cohen
 In memory of Robert Hertzenberg celebration of their anniversary In memory of Allan Levie
From Richard Harte From Rochelle and Arnie Alpert In memory of Howard Cohen
 Rabbi Linder, welcome back home
From Len and Ellie Harris General Fund  In memory of Robert Wilf
 In memory of Edith Galpern From Lynn Wilf Rigberg
From Lesley Lustgarten  Thank you to the Temple Solel family for
 In memory of Jerry Singer making us feel so welcome during our stay  In memory of Fran Goldstein
From Brian and Sandy Singer From Judy and Jerry Salinsky From Edwin Goldstein and children
 In memory of Donna L. Udelman
From Nelson and Lisa Lerner  From Ruth LeGrand  In memory of William R. Dees
 In memory of George Seplow In memory of Rose LeGrand From Jane Vogel
From Judy Seplow In memory of Harold Silvestri
 In memory of Allan Sachs
Rabbi Langowitz’s Discretionary Fund  In memory of Gertrude Marcus From the Sachs Family
 Thank you Rabbi Langowitz From Cynthia Marcus
 In memory of William Cohen
From Jewish Family & Children’s Service  In memory of Wilfred and From Steve Cohen
 From Jan Carp Florence Brandwein
From Steve Brandwein and  In memory of Nancy and
In appreciation of Toby Goldberg Jerry Underdahl Simon Goldstein
In appreciation of Arleen Schwartz From Marcia Fischer
 In honor of Arnold Rabin’s 90th birthday  In memory of Minnie Lazinsk
From Shirley Dubow and Sonny Elfant From Elaine and Mal Lazinsk  In memory of Iza Gavartin
 Thank you Rabbi Langowitz From Leon Gavartin and family
From Evye and Jim Woldman  From Pam, Tamar and Leah Kaplan
In memory of Martin Shaw  In memory of Benjamin Ackerman
Cantorial Soloist Todd Herzog’s In memory of Cindy Shaw From Stuart Ackerman

Discretionary Fund  In memory of Lois Strass  From Ellen Posner
 From Judy Seplow From Bernard and Arlene Strass In memory of Robert Posner
In memory of Jacob Reibel
In memory of George Seplow  In memory of Herman Cohen
In memory of Bea Dickstein From Harold Cohen and Anita Ostrow  From Florence Covinsky
 In memory of David Feldman In memory of Marvin Covinsky
From Marvin and Karen Leff  From Russell and Leonor Jurgenson In memory of Hannah Hirsch
In memory of Edward Simmon In memory of Milton Hirsch
Art@Solel In memory of Concepcion Rivas
 In memory of Ella Weinberg Oneg Fund
 In memory of Louis Shumaker Sponsors
From Frank Weinberg and family From Joan and Sam Weissman  In honor of our anniversary
 In memory of Roger Robinson
 In memory of Norman Chassin From Ellie and Mike Ziegler
From Marilyn and Phil Hawkes From Barbara and Marvin Chassin From Amy and Derrick Hall
From Erica Bonime  In honor of the first Chaplain student class of
 In memory of all our beloved relatives St. Joseph’s Hospital and Temple Solel’s
Caring Community Fund From Evye and Jim Woldman support of interfaith education
 Thank you to the Caring Community From Pam Kaplan
 In memory of Peter Underdahl  In honor of Ari Shapiro’s bar mitzvah
From Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Askinasi From Jerry Underdahl From Jared Shapiro and Leslie Estrada
 In memory of Gertrude Hollander Contributions
 In memory of Sylvia Max  In honor of our anniversary
From Robin, Len, and Shana Balon From Alan and Judi Max From Dick and Sandi Harte
 In honor of Dottie Braun Cohen and her From Alan and Judi Max
 In memory of Morris Kristal From Patrice and Michael Sposeep
amazing meatloaf From Carol Brillman
From Frank and Rae Rader Prayer Book Fund
 From Mark and Barbara Stern  In honor of Fran Garner
 In honor of Dottie Braun-Cohen’s In memory of Minna Slater
bat mitzvah In memory of Nettie Stern From Lisa Allen
From Judy and Jerry Salinsky
 In memory of Sarah Cohen The Solel Preschool
Edward and Celia Linder Interfaith Bridge- From Allen and Rita Cohen  In memory of Juanita Hatfield

Building Fund  From Kay Silverman From Mary Ann and Pete Bloom
 In memory of Leonard Berey In memory of Margie Bader
In memory of William Silverman Donations received after
From Bruce Berey
 In memory of Elsie Lipner May 8, 2019 will be printed in the
From The Lipner and Fireman Family
next issue of the Pathfinder.
 In memory of Sheldon Kaplan
From The Sobel Family

 In memory of Julie Knoller Schwartz
From Ira Schwartz

 In memory of Barbara Riffer
From Ernie Riffer and Jody Reiser

June 2019 / Iyar - Sivan 5779 13

14 June 2019 / Iyar - Sivan 5779


Kaddish will be recited on Erev Shabbat on the following dates:

Joseph Andleman June 7, 2019 Nona Segal Jennifer Allen June 28, 2019 David Scharff
Ann Benderoff Louis Sennett Ida Apple Philip Seeskin
Abraham Birnbaum Laurie Hennicker Richard Seplow Benjamin Binn Julius Kahn Michael Seiler
George Bofman Max Jacobson Ann Shellow George Blumenthal George Kokalis Jack Silvert
Gertrude Jandorf Gilbert Korer
Henry Carney Blakely Kay Lila Siegel Joshua Bonime Howard Lavitt Irwin Speyer
James Cohen Max Levine Barney Singer Sandy Brody Rona Majower Doris Sposeep
Fanny Cohen Dan Lewk Helene Singer Sidney Cohen Rose Patchen Milton Strauss
Judith Dickman Fanya Machiz Alfred Smith Evelyn Columbus Jay Perzan Louis Tucker
Tom Edwards Joseph Manch Betty Stillerman Henry Donsky Lena Rabin Larry Weber
Eli Fields Yetta Nussbaum Mitchell Teeman Rhoda Drimmer Fred Reif Betty Weiner
Gertrud Glahs Bess Pasternack Ioir Volchenok Edward Eisen Edward Robinson Rose Whitman
Helen Raker Harry Rosen
Eleanor Goldstein Edward Riffer Tammy Wasserman Sam Epstein Morris Rosenbaum Gerald Wlody
George Goldstein Sophie Rosenstock Helen Weiss Maxine Goro Ana Lidia Sarak
Ruth Greenblatt Harold Sabes Paul Weiss
Seymour Halpern David Schauer Pearl Winograd
Harry Hanover Kevie Schwartz Miriam Zyttenfeld
William Helms

June 14, 2019 July 5, 2019

George Abrams SR Steven Friedman Raymond Ochacher Esther Ackerman Samuel Hoffman Milton Myers
Eva Applebaum Irving Gardner Charles Offer Carey Bistrow Sidney Hollander Willam “Bud” Rifkin
Adele Babby Larry Goldberg Natalie Perlman Robert Bramoweth Bea Kane Blanche Robinson
Norma Banen Ruth Goldstein Bert Perlmutter Sidney Danoff Marie Kershner Richard Rosen
Mae Krull
Reuven Bar-Levan Phyllis Gordon Viera Polakova Leslie Denmark Jay LeGrand Morris Rosenson
Randall Becker Anne Greenberg Arthur Robinson Andi Feinberg Dr. Walter Marcus Golda Scharff
Noah Carson Reuben Harris Marcus Sachs Doris Goeld Stan Marks Joseph Schwartz
Noah Carson Mary Harris Bertha Schafer Leopold Gottlieb Judith Mendelson Emily Scult
Edith Carter Jacob Kaufman Pauline Schwartz Ilka Gottlieb Ida Minkin Rita Unger
Bertha Danoff Edward Kurzweil Howard Sigmond Eva Greenberg Harry Minkus Maggie Weiner
Irene Denenberg Simon Levitt Sarah Theobold Stuart Harris Harvey Wilkes

Eugene Epstein Ella Lewkowitz Morrie Waxenberg
Joe Feinstein Boris Lifshotz William Weiner
Alan Feldberg Harry Lipsman Joe Weinstein
Arthur Fishman Dorothy Meyers Steven Baron Wigodsky

Celia Cohen June 21, 2019 Roslyn Pine Condolences
Elsie Cowen Helen Prowda
Lucille Dennis Martin Holtzman Anne Schubert We Mourn the Loss of:
Noel Feldman Esther Howard Frances Sheriff
Dean Kant  Martha Horne – wife of Tom Horne
Leon Fessler Dave Kazen Hal Slans  Douglas Fister – half-brother of Jeff Parker
Benjamin Friefield Susan Klein Suzannah Swersky  Sandra Wilks
Charles Fuchs Russel Krusky Ida Tager  Pierre Flood – brother of Seipe Flood
Seymour Goeld Bernard Lipman Dove Wald
Max Goldman Larissa Lippe Ellen Wallace
Ada Gordon Joseph Menaged Leonard Warshaver
Helen Hamburg Morris Moss Robert Wasser
Rose Needleman
Judith Harte Robert Pereles Faye Weisberg
Louis Hoffman William Pickrell Sidney Wolinsky

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Issued monthly except August
Volume 18 - Issue 10

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Temple Solel
Gift Shop News

Our Gift Shop is one of the best-kept Published by and for the members of Temple Solel
secrets in the valley. Come and see what June 2019
we have to offer—items change with the
Jewish holidays and seasons. Rabbi John A. Linder [email protected] x.122 Rabbi
Rabbi Emily R. Langowitz Assistant Rabbi
We have Bar and Bat Mitzvah presents, Todd Herzog [email protected] x.131 Cantorial Soloist
amazing tallitot from Israel at different Rabbi Maynard W. Bell Rabbi Emeritus
price points, and much more. [email protected] x.136

Don’t forget baby gifts, wedding presents Executive Committee & Trustees
and even a beautiful mezzuzah. We also
have jewelry to meet your every want and Bettina Chow..........................................................................................................President
need and lovely hostess gifts. Doreen Feldberg ............................................................................ Executive Vice President
Pamela Ornstein......................................................................Vice President - Membership
The Gift Shop is open several times during Stephen Slogoff ............................................................................ Vice President - Accounts
the week. Please call the temple office at Andy Abraham ......................................................... Vice President - Trustee Development
480.991.7414 before you stop in so that Lauren Brown.............................................................................. Vice President - Education
we may be able to assist you. Rae Rader................................................................................Vice President - Social Action
Larry Cohen...............................................................Vice President - Facilities and Security
Return Policy Brian Weinberger.........................................................Vice President - Legal and Contracts
Bobbi Moss ............................................................................................................Secretary
The temple will cheerfully accept any Phil Hawkes............................................................................................................Treasurer
returns for store credit only.
Thank You! Eve Danoff Rhea Kowitz Tracy Schwimmer
Larry Fink Lisa Lerner
Torah Portions/Candle Lighting Times Judy Gold Eric Mininberg TSTY President:
Rebecca Goldberg Howard Rosen TBA
June 7 Numbers 1:1-4:20/Bamidar/7:19 pm
June 14 Numbers 4:21-7:89/Nasso/7:21 pm Administrative Staff
June 21 Numbers 8:1-12:16/Beha’alotecha/7:23 pm
June 28 Numbers 13:1-15:41/Shelach/7:24 pm Peter Pishko [email protected] x.124 Executive Director
Jacquelyn Null Engagement Specialist
Tobee Waxenberg [email protected] x.128 Director of Raker Rel. School
Samantha Hoffman Raker Religious School Coord.
Noni Clark [email protected] x.123
Joan Giannini Controller
Edie Bradt [email protected] x.121 Mbshp. & Emp. Svcs. Manager
Jelena Santiago
Mary Ann Bloom [email protected] x.125 Office Manager
Sonya Placencia Executive Assistant
Kathleen Manahan [email protected] x.127 Director of Early Childhood Ed.
Alberto Mena Preschool Billing & Office Asst.
Vojo Stanisic [email protected] x.120 Education Assistant

[email protected] x.126 Facility Manager
[email protected] x.162

[email protected] x.135

[email protected] x.164

[email protected] x.129

[email protected] x.129

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