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Published by Temple Solel, 2019-11-06 11:58:26

November 2019 Pathfinder


Board President Transition

As October draws to a close, I am hairs raise when Todd’s powerful voice connected with
something deeper than the words we've sung for
concluding my second year as President of generations. I saw the look of contemplation or energy
Temple Solel. As was announced at the when our rabbis’ sermons spoke to us. It is all of these
2019 Annual Meeting, this month is the last things that bring us together, each one of us, like a string
of my tenure. In October, the Board of on a tallit, woven together cover our shoulders and give us
Trustees voted-in our Executive Vice a home. It’s an unspoken commitment we’ve made to
President, Doreen Feldberg, to become the new President ensure that for generations to come, our ancient tradition
of the Board of Trustees of Temple Solel. Additionally, the will thrive. It is the experiences and opportunities such as
Board voted-in Rae Rader as the next Executive Vice these that remind me why I’m committed to our
President, to serve following Doreen. Doreen and Rae’s community.
dedication to the mission of tikkun olam and wealth of
experience will ensure Solel thrives. We will persevere and thrive as a community when we
work together, acknowledging that all people involved are
I cannot understate the amount of time and effort well-intentioned and genuine. Ultimately, the quality of
involved with being a temple president (hats off to you, our community is reflected by the people who show up to
Doreen! I know you're up to the task). But the work of the make it amazing. So, as my last message as President, I ask
job is balanced by many rewarding aspects that fill me that if you get anything out of our community personally,
with immense pride and joy. I love calling all our newly please consider returning the favor and show up and give
joined congregants. I love handing out siddurim on Friday back.
night and wishing everyone a Shabbat shalom.

As you all know, one of the responsibilities of the Thank you to everyone for your support during the past
president is to sit on the bimah during the High Holidays. two years. Starting today, I’ll be happy to enjoy more time
That vantage point provides a unique perspective of our with my family, at work, and with my friends. I’d like to
specifically thank my family and my friends (who are
congregation. Here is what I saw. I saw the fabric of Solel. family) for their patience with me while I was serving
Woven by each of your stories, each of your unique Temple Solel. I’m back!
threads that comes together to continue our tradition. I
saw the beauty in this shared understanding. Each Bettina Chow
difference between us is marginalized by song, prayer and
mission. I looked out from the bimah and saw the impact Temple Solel Board President
of a powerful refuiah and the humbling impact it has. I saw

The Mission of Temple Solel is to be a vibrant, inclusive and
engaged Reform community, grounded in relationships and deeds,

and elevated by Shabbat and Torah.
We see the divine spark in each individual by together:

 Warmly welcoming all who enter
 Nurturing lifelong learning
 Creating joy through prayer and music
 Celebrating holidays and sharing life cycles
 Fostering a love of Israel, and
 Working for Tikkun Olam – repairing the world

2 November 2019 / Cheshvan - Kislev 5780

Service Schedule Winter Harlow Rafal, daughter of Jules and Andrew Rafal, will

Friday, November 1, 2019 become a bat mitzvah on Saturday, November 9, 2019 at 10:30 am.
Shabbat Services 6:15 pm Winter attends Phoenix Country Day School and enjoys cross country
An oneg will precede the service at and water skiing, and her favorite subject in school is History. For her
5:30 pm. Anniversaries will be mitzvah project, Winter plans to raise money for a new Torah scroll for
announced. the Kehila Liberec synagogue in the Czech Republic.

Saturday, November 2, 2019 Samantha Jane Sweet, daughter of Stacy and Andrew Sweet, will become a bat
Torah Study 9:00 am
mitzvah on Saturday, November 16, 2019 at 10:30 am. Samantha attends Rancho Solano
Friday, November 8, 2019 Preparatory School, where she is a member of the National Junior Honor
Tot Shabbat 5:30 pm Society. She enjoys volleyball, tennis, photography, art, and spending
Shabbat Services 6:15 pm time with family and friends. For her mitzvah project, Samantha is
An oneg will precede the service at volunteering at Tranquility Trail Animal Sanctuary and raising funds for
5:30 pm. Foothills Animal Rescue. She also is volunteering at Feed My Starving
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Torah Study 9:00 am Spencer Scott Pine, son of Karen and Steven Pine, will become a
Shabbat Morning Services 10:30 am
During the service Winter Rafal bar mitzvah on Saturday, November 23, 2019 at 10:30 am. Spencer attends
will be called to the Torah as a Ingleside Middle School and enjoys soccer, lacrosse, golf (all sports!),
Bat Mitzvah. biking, hiking, spending time outdoors with his friends and with his dogs,
Sasha and Bear. For his mitzvah project, Spencer is customizing water
Friday, November 15, 2019 bottles and will donate the proceeds to the National Park Fund of Yosemite
Family Shabbat Services 6:15 pm National Park
An oneg will precede the service at
5:30 pm. Asa Wiley Silverman, son of Jennet Kirkpatrick and Dan Silverman, will become a

Saturday, November 16, 2019 bar mitzvah on Saturday, November 30, 2019 at 10:30 am. Asa attends
Torah Study 9:00 am Phoenix Country Day School and enjoys lots of sports: flag football,
Shabbat Morning Services 10:30 am fencing, water polo, and skiing. He also likes playing the trumpet and is a
During the service Samantha Sweet fast car fanatic. For his mitzvah project, Asa helped serve needy families in
will be called to the Torah as a the valley through his work at St. Mary’s Food Bank and the dining rooms
Bat Mitzvah. at St. Vincent de Paul.

Friday, November 22, 2019
Shabbat Shira Services 6:15 pm
An oneg will precede the service at
5:30 pm.

Saturday, November 23, 2019
Torah Study 9:00 am
Shabbat Morning Services 10:30 am
During the service Spencer Pine
will be called to the Torah as a
Bar Mitzvah.

Friday, November 29, 2019
Shabbat Services 6:15 pm
An oneg will precede the service at
5:30 pm.

Saturday, November 30, 2019
Torah Study 9:00 am
Shabbat Morning Services 10:30 am
During the service Asa Silverman
will be called to the Torah as a
Bar Mitzvah.

November 2019 / Cheshvan - Kislev 5780 3

Not One, Not Two
T here is a saying in Zen Buddhism that we
How do we escape this realm of duality? Perhaps it is by

are ‘not one, not two.’ We are spiritual seeing that our experiences in the physical world

beings enmeshed with a physical body. This contribute to our spiritual growth. Perhaps by recognizing

is a challenging idea to get our minds the interconnectedness of things and not trying to

around. We share this idea in Judaism, in the words of the separate out the physical from the spiritual, we can

Shema. God is one… and we (all people) are also one. achieve a better understanding of ourselves and our lives.

Despite this idea, we have the experience of being There is no Absolute apart from the relative. It is through

separate beings operating in the world, dealing with our the relative that the Absolute is known. In other words, by

own issues, trying to do the best we can to be happy and observing and accepting our differences and recognizing

fulfilled in the physical world. them, we can celebrate the richness and diversity in our

We have this dichotomy in relationships as well. When we lives. And we can also learn to look beyond those surface
are in relationship or get married, we bond ourselves to features to see the essential nature that we share.
another individual. Two become one. And yet, we each still
In song,
have our own needs and our own requirements that need
to be respected if the relationship is to grow and flourish. Todd Herzog
The challenge is in seeing both things at once—seeing the
Cantorial Soloist

ways in which we are connected, and at the same time

recognizing that we each have our own path to walk. We

cannot ‘make’ our partner happy and we cannot help our

partner evolve. So, it is ‘not one, not two.’

Important Office Closure Information!

Monday, November 11, 2019
Wednesday, November 27, 2019–Close at 1:00 pm

Thursday, November 28, 2019
Friday, November 29, 2019


Arthur and Doreen Alexander..............40 yrs Stuart and Debbie Lanson ................... 40 yrs NEW MEMBERS
Harvey and Sandy Belfer......................55 yrs Fred and Betsy Lawful ......................... 28 yrs
Josh Bendor and Erin Scharff-Bendor ....9 yrs Jeremy and Elisabeth Lee .................... 23 yrs  Dafna Brzoza
Gary and Wendy Birnbaum..................36 yrs Brian and Laura Magee ....................... 10 yrs  Todd and Sara Goldman and children,
Rick and Laura Bistrow.........................34 yrs Ron and Laura Miller ........................... 44 yrs
Mark and Jessica Brodie ......................13 yrs Ed and Kathy Perlstein ........................ 13 yrs Arlie, Ellie, Samuel, and Max
Bob and Jo Ann Burgess.......................27 yrs Keith and Lilach Power........................ 15 yrs  Keith and Judy Josephson
Irv and Bunnie Cohen ..........................48 yrs Josh and Erin Rawitch.......................... 15 yrs  Simon and Lilia Paykin
Roger and Leelah Eisenberg.................42 yrs Jim and Sheryl Rednor......................... 30 yrs  Scott and Elizabeth Stroud and sons,
Andrew and Robin Erlich .....................40 yrs David and Marilyn Reinherz ................ 49 yrs
Doug and Laina Freedberg...................13 yrs Michael and Judy Schaffert ................. 34 yrs Max and Grant
Michelle and Dan Glicksman................20 yrs Arlie and Paula Sherman ..................... 68 yrs  Gary and Susan Worth
Jason and Melissa Goldenberg ............15 yrs Alan and Nancy Siegel ......................... 29 yrs
Benjamin and Danielle Gross .................6 yrs Perry Simons and Melanie Rich........... 36 yrs Did You Know???
Eric Stewart and Jamie Heller ................3 yrs David and Marnee Spierer .................. 24 yrs
Gary and Shari Horowitz ......................10 yrs Charles and Sarah Superfon ................ 16 yrs Erev Shabbat Services are available via
Lindsay Jacobs and Jonathan Snaza .......5 yrs Harvey and Barbara Wasserman......... 17 yrs live stream on your home PC!
David and Lauren Kay ..........................15 yrs Adam and Joy Weber .......................... 16 yrs
Rick and Sharon Keller .........................52 yrs Ben and Kim Weber ............................ 12 yrs Go to & click on
Don and Joyce Krusky ..........................54 yrs Michael and Michelle Zerbib............... 16 yrs the Shabbat Streaming button a few
Adam and Mindy Lang .........................17 yrs
minutes before the service.

4 November 2019 / Cheshvan - Kislev 5780

The Solel Preschool

November is my favorite time of the year. 2. Encourage generous acts. Children love to feel
helpful, so give them an opportunity by suggesting
Fall is here and the weather is beautiful. The they donate a toy, food or clothing to another child in
crispness of the air is refreshing and need.
comforting. We survived the summer heat.
The craziness for the holiday season hasn’t 3. Say no from time to time. If a child always get a
kicked in completely. There are still free reward, they may begin to learn that life is about
evenings, time to ponder the lessons of the year before we endless rewards. They need to understand that
start a new one. Such a lovely time to reflect on friendship, rewards are not something to take for granted.
family and, with Thanksgiving approaching, consider all
the blessings for which we should be grateful. 4. Teach children that things aren’t most important in
life. With so much advertising this is a hard concept
November is also the National Month of Gratitude. for children to understand. Talk about less tangible
A Jewish word for gratitude is hakarat hatov - it means to things that you’re thankful for, like being with friends,
see the good in the world and to be grateful for what you having good food or having fun with the family.
have. Hakarat Hatov is really bigger than gratitude, it’s
recognition for the things we have and the people we 5. Ask for help around the house. Age appropriate
sometimes take for granted. chores can help children develop a sense of
Gratitude is an experience that has four parts:
These are some practical ideas for teaching kids to have a
 We NOTICE what we can be grateful for in our lives more grateful perspective on life. I am sure that together
we could think of many more.
 We THINK about why we have been given those things
or experiences Mary Ann Bloom

 How we FEEL about the things or experiences we have Director of Early Childhood Education
been given

 What we DO to express appreciation for those things Upcoming dates to Remember:

Try these five ways to help teach your preschooler about  November 1: Conferences – No Preschool
gratitude this month:  November 4-8: Book Fair
 November 8: Tot Shabbat
1. Model gratitude in your daily life. Say thank you or  November 11: No Preschool – Veteran’s Day
discuss the good things that happened in your day.  November 20: Chic Boutique
 November 25 & 26: Thanksgiving Breakfast

Upcoming Speakers & Topics Boker Tov Bistro is open Sundays
8:20 am to 10:30 am as follows:
Tuesday, November 5, 1:00 pm at Temple Solel November 3, 17, 24
Udi Goren
Grab a coffee, enjoy some breakfast,
“The Many Faces of Jerusalem” mingle with friends, read a book, play
mah jongg… and build community!
Thursday, November 14, 1:00 pm at Temple Solel
Professor Zui Zohar All proceeds from the Boker Tov Bistro benefit the
Raker Religious School Scholarship Fund to assist
“All Jews Are Jews by Birth”
students with tuition expenses.
Classes cost $18 per person, per session, and you must
register to attend. Learn more and register at

November 2019 / Cheshvan - Kislev 5780 5

Raker Religious School

“In the beginning,” God created a retreat! It WILL OUR PRAYERS BE HEARD IN THE GREAT OUTDOORS?
was held in a beautiful spot, filled with tall Better than ever!
proud trees, baby deer, animals, and bugs of
all kinds; Mother Nature welcoming her SHOULD WE EXPECT TO BE SURROUNDED BY RESPECT
humans to a very special place! Remembering AND KINDNESS? Yes!
last year at Camp Stein, some of those insects
got a little too close for comfort; however everyone was WILL OUR PARENTS MISS US? Maybe yes, maybe no!
brave and rose to the occasion. Now we are ready to
return! WILL WE MISS OUR PARENTS? Yes or maybe not!

WHO & WHERE: For grades 4-7 at Camp Stein WILL RABBI LANGOWITZ AND TODD ATTEND? Can’t do
the retreat without them.
WHEN: December 6-8, 2019.
LEAVE: Temple Solel at 3:15 on December 6 RAKER RETREAT? Very!

RETURN: Temple Solel “Noonish” on December 8 Enjoy your days.

WILL THERE BE GREAT FOOD? Yes! Tobee Waxenberg

WILL IT BE COLD? Yes! Raker Religious School Director

WILL WE HAVE SNOW? I hope. Upcoming Dates to Remember:

HOW GOOD WILL THE S’MORES TASTE AROUND THE  November 3: PACT Kindergarten and 1st grades, from
CAMPFIRE? Very Good! 9:00 am to 12:00 pm. Raker’s new program for parents
and children!
 November 17: 6th grade YOM LIMMUD
 November 24: 2nd grade Naming Ceremony

6 November 2019 / Cheshvan - Kislev 5780

Mini Course Spin a Little Love

Making Prayer Real: Part I Starting on November 6th, please take a dreidel from
the menorah in the lobby and help make the holidays
Tuesdays, November 12, 19, 26 a little happier for someone this season.

7:00-8:30 pm The red and green dreidels are for our
military families. They are also for 2
Rabbi Linder frequently hears congregants expressing a families we are adopting through Jewish
desire to better understand the prayers we read and sing Family & Children’s Services. Blue and
each week, with the hope of having a more meaningful white dreidels are for Temple Solel
experience with Jewish prayer. In response, he will bring families who need some help.
his colleague, Rabbi Mike Comins’, Making Prayer Real
curriculum, to Temple Solel. Taught in two parts, students Please bring your wrapped gift, with paper dreidel
will begin each class with a short video, hearing some of attached, to the temple office by 12:00 pm, Monday,
America’s outstanding clergy and teachers talk about a December 9, 2019.Questions? Contact Linda Ribnik
different dimension to prayer. The videos will trigger a at [email protected] or 480.399.4129.
facilitated dialogue, developing a more intimate
relationship with the liturgy of our Siddur. By the end of
the six sessions, students will have greater access to a
deeper prayer life, and feel more grounded to live life with
deeper gratitude, love, and kindness. Free for Temple Solel
members and $18 per course for nonmembers. To RSVP,
log in to and click on Event
Registration, then use the drop down menu to choose this
event and sign up.

November 2019 / Cheshvan - Kislev 5780 7

Book Club Happenings Temple Solel Movie Club

I hope you were able to attend the October 29 book club Thursday, November 21 at 7:00 pm
meeting. It's such a delight to gather together over good “The Current War”
books and good—or at least interesting—food!
Join us as we discuss The Current War, starring
November 4-8 The Solel Preschool is having a book fair. Benedict Cumberbatch and Tom Holland. Thomas
We have been invited to help. As of this writing there are Edison and George Westinghouse—the greatest
still open time slots. Visit inventors of the industrial age—engage in a battle
SolelPreschoolBookFair and follow the instructions to of technology and ideas that will determine
choose a time between 7:30 am and 6:00 pm to assist. It’s whose electrical system will power the new
a great way to connect, l’dor vador, with a new generation century. This movie currently playing at Harkins
of readers. Keep your eyes open for more volunteer Shea 14 and Harkins Scottsdale & 101, among
opportunities to spread a love of books when Temple Solel other theaters in the valley. Questions? Please
hosts some families with children in the last week of contact [email protected] for info.
Save the date: Our next meeting will be on December 17,
2019, at 6:00 pm, again for a dairy/pareve (non-meat, fish If you’re moving or have just recently moved, please take
okay) potluck. We will discuss One Night, Markovitch by a moment to notify the temple office so that we may
Ayelet Gundar-Goshen. This book is unavailable in update our records. This would include any change of
electronic form or in local libraries, but you can order it on email or contact phone information. Please email or borrow one of the five copies in the [email protected] or call 480.991.7414. Thanks!
Temple library. Please be kind and return the book
promptly once you have read it to allow others a chance. If JFCS Annual Holiday Party
you buy a personal copy, please consider sharing it with a
friend after you have read it. On Wednesday, December 18, Temple Solel will once
again be hosting the Jewish Family and Children's Services
The premise of One Night, Markovitch is that in 1930s Annual Holiday Party benefiting the Transitioning to
Palestine some young men traveled to Europe to engage in Adulthood Program. This program is for young adults
sham marriages to save Jewish women, making aliyah between the ages of 16 and 21 who have been in Foster
(immigrating) to Palestine, and then divorcing them and Care and need help preparing for the future. JFCS helps
returning to Europe to marry others they could save from teens with counseling services, career planning, college
the rise of fascism. What could possibly go wrong with this enrollment, housing, social relationships, daily living skills,
simple plan? finance management, communications, and building
community connections. The Annual Holiday Party is a
The remaining book selections will be: time for these young people to relax, enjoy a fun evening
together, and celebrate their achievements. You can help
February 25, 2020: The Emperor of Shoes by Spencer Wise make this event a success by providing desserts (brought
to the Solel Kitchen on Wednesday, December 18 prior to
May 5, 2020: Underground Fugue by Margot Singer 5:00 pm) or by donating to Temple Solel's Social Action
Fund to cover the cost of the dinner. Questions? Contact
The books are available to borrow from the temple [email protected].
library or you can get them in Kindle editions or the
public library, except for One Night, Markovitch.

Happy reading and Happy Thanksgiving.

Judy Schaffert

Downtown Study Group

Wednesday, November 6, 2019
12:00-1:00 pm

Engelman Berger, P.C. in Phoenix
RSVP to Scott Cohen, [email protected]

8 November 2019 / Cheshvan - Kislev 5780

November 2019 / Cheshvan - Kislev 5780 9

Rosh Hashanah was filled with special moments like this aliyah
that included all youth that attended the service that day.

Sisters of Solel Kugel Cook Off was a huge success and all the
yummy dishes were donated to Temple Solel’s Caring Community.

10 November 2019 / Cheshvan - Kislev 5780

Caring Community News The Al & Irma Feldman To all our
Yiddish Club Yiddish friends
The Shiva/Bereavement Team assisted with the Shiva for and supporters
the Fladers. Thanks to Joan Matlock, Karin Epstein, and
Linda Weiner. We also prepared a Shiva for the of the Yiddish
Waxenbergs. Thanks to all of those who assisted with
baking, setting up, and cleaning up. Thanks to our kitchen Club here at Temple Solel, we want to invite you to join
mavens Susan Wine, Rae Rader, Dottie Braun-Cohen,
Esther Zack, Milly Kaplan, Robin Balon, Diane Schoen, us for our next meeting to take place Wednesday,
Nancy Farber, and Cathy Joseph, we made 14 quarts of
Matzoh Ball soup for some of our congregants on the Mi November 20, 1:30 pm. You don’t have to speak or know
Shebeirach list. I made the soup on Monday and the ladies
came together on Tuesday evening, September 17th, to Yiddish, just come and enjoy our community.
make matzoh balls and put everything together. Thanks to
Diane Schoen for orchestrating the Rosh Hashanah bags Chaverim, Friends…It is with Gratitude to Beyla
for our congregants in Assisted Living/Rehab/Nursing Schaechter Gottesman and her many accomplishments
Homes. We made 30 bags of honey, apples, and challah that the Al and Irma Feldman Yiddish Club presents the
rolls. Many thanks to those who delivered these bags, film Beyla at our November meeting. This short film was
Nancy Farber, Barbara Wasserman, Audrey Sobel, Paul and created by the Yiddish Book Center in Amhurst Mass with
Marnee Solon, Alan Frank, Dottie Braun-Cohen, Sandy and input from her family and friends.
Al Barkov, and Joan Matlock. The Caring Community has
taken over Marlene Tucker’s legacy of Sunday Mah Jongg In 2005, Beyla Schaechter Gottewsman was the first
in the Bistro. Last time we played, we had two tables Yiddish poet and song writer to receive an award from
playing and will have at least three when our Snow Birds the National Endowment for the Arts, one of the highest
return. Shari Cohen has graciously agreed to teach Mah awards given by a United States government agency.
Jongg and began on October 20th for 5 weeks. At that time, President Clinton presented the award. Hadassah
we had 8 people signed up for lessons. We will be planning Magazine featured an article about Beyla and the award
a potluck dinner meeting to reorganize for this coming at that time. She received a monetary award and
year sometime in November. Stay tuned for details. participated in the winners’ concert at Georgetown
Dottie Braun-Cohen
I am grateful that I met Beyla, a fellow Bronxite when I
Caring Community Coordinator lived in NY. Her brother was my Yiddish professor. Both
were born in Vienna and lived several other places before
successfully emigrating to the USA.

Come view this outstanding film about a remarkable
woman who gave the world the gift of her luminous voice
and shared her love for her beloved mameloshen,

This will be one of the first showings of this film. Our club
thanks the Yiddish Book Center for allowing us to share
the film. Please invite your friends to join us. One does
not have to speak or understand Yiddish to enjoy this
special film.

RSVP to [email protected] that you will attend and
if you are bringing guests.

Sandy( Soreh)

We hope to see you then as we explore and share all
things Yiddish. Until then, Zay Gezunt!

Yom Kippur Food Drive Art @ Solel

Thanks to everyone’s generosity, we were able to donate The Retrospective of Arleen Scult’s paintings continues in
the North Hallway Gallery as a part of ART SHOWCASE, the
5,028 pounds of food to Vista del Camino! temple’s initiative to display the incredible art talent of our
That is 923 pounds more than last year’s total donations!!!
The Art @ Solel Committee is looking for additional
A big thank you to everyone who contributed this year and members who are interested in art and would like to help
thanks, also, to the Temple Solel, Solel Preschool, and with various art projects around the temple. Contact
Raker staff and youth group members who assisted with Ruthe Jacobs at [email protected].

November 2019 / Cheshvan - Kislev 5780 11

Thank You! “Avatars” at Torah Study

Volunteer Recognition One of my favorite CDs is “Raindance” (Solitudes, 1995), a
collection of Native American chants, such as “Spirit of the
Volunteers are an essential part of Temple Solel. We would like People.” I love this chant because it reminds me of the
to thank the following volunteers for their time and efforts: Amidah, the Hebrew “standing prayer,” in which we ask
ancestral spirits to stand with us before God in prayer. We
Birthday calls Debbie Smith invoke the “spirit of Abraham, spirit of Isaac, spirit of
Arlene Bonime Nancy Weinstein Jacob, spirit of Sarah, spirit of Rebecca, spirit of Rachel,
and spirit of Leah.”
Knitting for a Purpose Gift Shop
Frieda Allweiss Carol Brillman In the Torah, Abraham is called “Avram ha-ivri” (Genesis
Arlene Bonime Becky Lieberman 14:13), meaning “Avram, the one who crosses
Carol Brillman Sue Waldbaum boundaries.” This tribal name refers to his journey from
Jill Loebel one country to another, and from one faith to another.
Margie Rahilly Yahrzeits Remarkably, the Hebrew word ivri is similar to avatar, a
Beth Sennett Cynthia Marcus Sanskrit word for the physical form that a deity inhabits to
Judy Sirkis cross the boundary of heaven and walk on earth. It is
possible that Abraham was an ivri/avatar for God.
Would you like to volunteer at some point in the future?
We’d love to have you! Email Edie Bradt, Likewise, Sarah is called “Sarai akarah” (Genesis 11:30),
meaning “Sarai, the one who has no child.” This tribal
[email protected] and she’ll add you to the list. name may indicate her choice to live apart from society
and not raise children, in order to spend her time traveling
in the spirit world. Notably, the Hebrew word akarah is
similar to the Tungusic word shaman. It is possible that
Sarah was an akarah/shaman for God.

Yet, like the lives of many women before and after her,
Sarah’s travels get grounded when she becomes pregnant
with Isaac. Both she and Abraham must shift from crossing
boundaries between heaven and earth, to raising a family.
Now earthbound, their voices join the chorus of all our
ancestors to form the Spirit of the Jewish People.

This month in Torah Study, we read the stories of
Abraham and Sarah. Please join us, every Saturday
morning at 9:00 am in the library!

Matthew Kozinets

Live Stream Reminder

Temple Solel records/live streams Friday Night and
Shabbat Morning Services to accommodate family and
friends of our community who may be unable to attend in
person. While the camera is primarily focused on the
Bimah and other areas at the front of the sanctuary,
others in attendance may be seen on the live stream and
recorded. If you have any reservations about your image
being streamed or recorded for others to view, please let
someone know so that we may attempt to seat you in an
area less likely to be on the live stream and recording.
Please note, however, that we are unable to guarantee
that your image will not appear. We apologize for any
inconvenience and appreciate your understanding.

12 November 2019 / Cheshvan - Kislev 5780

Contributions We appreciate the thoughtfulness of those who support Temple Solel by remembering and
honoring their friends and loved ones through their generous contributions.

Rabbi Linder’s Discretionary Fund Caring Community Fund  In honor of our bimah honors during
 In memory of Gregg Alpert  In memory of Benjamin Weinberg Kol Nidre
From Howard and Judy Rosen
From Arnie Alpert From Frank Weinberg and family
 In appreciation of Rabbi Linder  In memory of Alfred Cohen  In memory of Pauline Marcus Levine
From Judy and Mike Schaffert
From Bunnie Marks From Arlene Bonime
 In honor of Max Engel’s bar mitzvah  In memory of Jim Waxenberg  In memory of Edward Glazer
From Ellie Ziegler
From Danielle and Brian Engel From Jeff and Patsy Parker
 In honor of the wedding of Elizabeth From Carol Brillman  In memory of Stephen V. Rigberg
From Lynne and Leon Rigberg
Harris (granddaughter of Lee and Betty Endowment Fund
(z"l) Harris) and Moshe Praver  In memory of Gregg Alpert  In memory of Alan M. Saliterman
From Cynthia Moss
From Steven and Terri Harris From Arnie Alpert
 In memory of Jim Waxenberg  A donation was made by Scott Cohen  In memory of Robert Spencer
From Barbara Spencer
From David and Jennifer Lamden and Lois Sayrs
From Scott Tucker and  In memory of Jim Waxenberg  In memory of Beatrice Perlo
Marlene Tucker From Gloria and Philip Cowen
 In gratitude to Rabbi Linder From Mike and Judy Schaffert
From Laura Hartgroves  In memory of Ruth Graff
 A donation has been made by Family Promise From David Kay
Paul Zatulove  A donation was made by Gary and Phylis
 In memory of Larry Katzman  In memory of Emanuel Kraus
From Marc and Judy Isaacs Bolno From Terry Kraus
From Elaine Katzman  A donation was made by Ernie Riffer and
 Wishing you many blessings in the  A donation was made by Mal and
New Year Jody Reiser Elaine Lazinsk
From Rosie Schurz  In memory of Milton Graff
 In honor of the beautiful and inspiring  In memory of Myn Silverman Becker
High Holiday Service From David Kay From The Gold Family
From Margo and Mike Danoff  A donation was made by Robert Roos
 A donation was made by Stephen and  In memory of Gregg Alpert
Helen Gubin and Debbie Sullivan From Judy Alpert
 A donation was made by Jerry Weiner
Rabbi Langowitz’s Discretionary Fund  In memory of Harold Leight
 In honor of Ryan Rey Raskin’s bat General Fund From Charlie Leight
 In honor of Rabbis Linder and Langowitz
mitzvah  In memory of Robert Ornstein
From Stewart and Sharon Levine From Jonathan Brodsky From The Ornstein Family
 In memory of Martin Wales
 In honor of you as the New Year  In memory of Louis Hyman
approaches From Carolyn Wales From Sol and Helen Epstein
From Evye and Jim Woldman  In memory of Sophia Nederlander
 In memory of Philip Alpert
 In memory of Pearl Chozen From Susan Robbins From Arnie Alpert
From Rollie and Marty Rosen  From David, Marnee, Ellie, and
 A donation was made by
Cantorial Soloist’s Todd Herzog Nate Spierer J. and M. Kratter
In memory of Morris Spierer
Discretionary Fund In memory of Mildred Spierer Jane and Bob Podall Library Fund
 Thank you Todd
 In memory of Harry Tuber  From Leo and Carole Breitman
From Ruth LeGrand From Debbie Scharf In memory of Sam Breitman
 In memory of Harry Wolfe In memory of Esther Breitman
 In memory of Milton and In memory of Harry Breitman
From Frani and Norman Wolfe Annette Strauss In memory of Philip Breitman
 From Jeanine Korer From Bill and Mindy Brandt In memory of Gertrude Pogoriler

In memory of Bertha Korer  In memory of Lorin Rosenberg  In memory of Earl Lustgarten, MD
In memory of Maurice Korer From Gail Zucker From Lesley and Marshall Lustgarten
In honor of Tom Miller’s engagement
 In memory of Donald Lernor Jim Waxenberg Youth Fund
Art@Solel Fund From Matt and Patty Lernor
 In memory of Jim Waxenberg  In memory of Jim Waxenberg
 In memory of Max and Yetta From Lauren Mishlove
From Ira and Susan Thomas Hammerman From the Abrahams Family
From Judith Dobbs From Shari and Steven Cohen
Capital Fund From James and Allison Collins
 In memory of Dr. Stanley Bonime  In memory of Diane Shatz From Keri, Tim, Lauren, and
From Florence Covinsky Owen Eckstein
From Erica Bonime From Helene and Richard Fefer
 In memory of Irving Schauer From Vitalant
From Francine Schauer From Ruth Goldman
From Alyce and Dennis Helfman
 In memory of Larry Katzman
From Kenneth Sargoy and family

November 2019 / Cheshvan - Kislev 5780 13

Contributions (Cont’d) Temple Solel Endowment Foundation

From Judy Isaac Securing Our Future | November 2019
From Milly Kaplan
From Carol, Hud, Cailey, and Make the RMD from your IRA Tax Free!
Owen Karshmer
From The Korns If you have an IRA, it is necessary to take a Required Minimum Distribution
From Terry Kraus (RMD) at age 70 1/2. The exception is if you are still working and
From Marvin and Karen Leff participate in a retirement plan that allows, it is not necessary to take an
From Lesley and Marshall Lustgarten RMD until the year you retire—unless you own 5% or more of the
From Cynthia Marcus company.
From Aaron and Diana Turk
From Doris Perlmutter Under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, the standard deduction increased from
From Ellen Posner $12,200 to $24,400, or $27,000 if you are at age 65. This results in many
From Jelena Santiago individuals not getting any tax benefit from their charitable gifts.
From Marsha and Richard Smith
From Burt and Linda Tomess A tax benefit that is available, however, is a Qualified Charitable
From Edie Bradt Distribution (QCD) which requires requesting your IRA Custodian to send
From Sandy and Ginger Wlody all or a portion of your current RMD to one or more charitable
organizations. We would hope you would direct funds to Temple Solel or
Oneg Fund the Endowment Foundation or both! You can exceed the RMD, if it
Sponsors remains under $100,000. The initial portion of your QCD could be applied
 In honor of the bat mitzvah of to your dues with any excess given to the Endowment Foundation to be
used for the future growth of Temple Solel.
Winter Rafal
From Jules and Andrew Rafal The QCD doesn’t bump up against the 60% of your Adjusted Gross Income
(AGI) ceiling that applies to cash donations, and you would also pay less tax
 In honor of the bat mitzvah of on Social Security benefits. A QCD will not generate a tax reduction;
Samantha Sweet however, the RMD will not be included in your AGI and you would still
From Stacy and Andrew Sweet receive the larger standard deduction.

 In honor of the bar mitzvah of Please feel free to reach out to me for any general questions or
Spencer Pine clarification. For specific recommendations on this tax saving technique,
From Karen and Steve Pine we suggest you reach out to your tax advisor.

 In honor of the bar mitzvah of Jim Moss
Asa Silverman
From Dan Silverman and Jennet Director, Temple Solel Endowment Foundation
The Forthcoming U.S. Elections
 In honor of our anniversary
From Patty and Matt Lernor Sunday, December 15. 2019 at 10:30 am

Contributions Mark Stern, Associate Emeritus Professor, ASU
 In honor of our anniversary Temple Solel is pleased to host Mark Stern, who will speak about “The
Forthcoming U.S. Elections: What We Know and What We Don’t Know.”
From Vandi and Israel Hanin This talk will be from a political science viewpoint, based on his analysis of
current news, voter related projections and exploring the possible effects
Religious School Camp Scholarship Fund of those areas that are still unknown. His presentation will invite questions
 In memory of Jim Waxenberg from the audience.

From Millard and Wendy Lesch Mark holds a Ph.D. In Political Science from the University
From The Waldbaum and of Rochester (1970) and a B.A. from Brooklyn College-
Jeffcoat Families C.U.N.Y. (1965). He has published numerous articles on
From Adam Winkelman U.S. elections, civil rights and the presidency as well as a
From Faith, David, Alisa, and book on the presidency and voting rights. He currently
Talia Boninger holds Associate Emeritus Professor status with Arizona
State University and teaches courses independently on
The Solel Preschool U.S. politics, elections and the presidency.
 In memory of Max Wlody
This provocative and interesting program is open to the entire community
From Sandy and Ginger Wlody and all are welcome to attend. RSVP to [email protected].
 In honor of the wedding of Samantha

and Scott Savell
From Judy Isaac

Donations received after

October 7, 2019 will be printed in the

next issue of the Pathfinder.

14 November 2019 / Cheshvan - Kislev 5780


Kaddish will be recited on Erev Shabbat on the following dates:

November 1, 2019 November 22, 2019

John Ball Marilyn Glass Eva Micflikier Mathilda Baim Mollie Goldwasser Louis Millman
Benjamin Bell Stanley Gotlieb Virginia Montgomery Samuel Bartick Betty Gould Donna Moore
Jeanette Benson Yetta Hammerman Duncan Owles Morrie Bauer Ruth Graff Howard Moss
Fran Blechman Tibbie Harris Shirley Perelgut Anna Bodker Lewis Gross Shirley M. Nadel

Bessie Boyer Joe Herszkorn Nettie Press Jennie Bonime Dr. Louis Hait Arthur Nagel
Lillian Breen Robert Joseph Leon Rednor Edna Bookspan Emery Hertz Allan Neuman
Irma Buchsbaum Herbert Kahn Gertrude Saft Arthur Brace Patricia Kaplan Jaime Pienknagura
Ruth Buturla Dorothy Kantin Archie Schimberg Phillip Braciejowski Karl Kaufman Milton Podolsky
Edwin Buturla Patricia Korrick Beatrice Slans Hyman Cohen Seymour Keller Leah Rosenberg
Hilde Chodowski Shirley Kulakofsky Julius Vogel Gayla Crossman Mort Knazan Jayne Sanders
Esther Dry Jean Lewis Irene Weistrich Alta Finn Harold Kohn Jessica Scherer

Morris Epstein Frederic Linn Mark Zessar Douglas Fister Harry Lacks Israel Slogoff
Stella Epstein Sol Megeff Henry Fister Daniel Leff Alvin Steinberg
Morris Forman Alvin Lipson Victor Wilks
Helen Frieden Albert Lopatin Norman Woldman
Hazel Garner Lillian Mahler Max Zuckerman
Adele Goldberg

November 8, 2019 November 29, 2019

Albert Apple Willis Jacobs Fred Nachman Jr. Lee Batterman Aviva Gross Leo Miller
Abraham Bodell Donald Jubinville Marjorie Rader Martin Berger Flora Hirsch Stanley Mintz
Leopold Breen Moe Klein Arnold Rosen Joseph Erwin Berman Jean Horne Jacob Mishlove
Gerald Breit Morris Kort Paul Schlemmer Sylvia Blaivas Max Horne Harry Raznick
Harry Lazinsk
Sam Denmark Howard Levey Samuel Silverzweig Lena Bofman Burton Isaacson Joe Rice
Marsha Friedman Joseph Levine Donna Sinuk Ronald Charney Stanley Joseph Belle Robinson
Hilda Gazer Madelyn Levitt Ann Sparberg Theresa Cohen Alice Kaufman Max Simons
Kiev Gitlin Arlene Miller Jacob Suessel Susan Cohn Betty Klein Louis Sokolinsky
Arno Hammerschlag Ben Miller Milton Waldbaum I. Allan Davis Myrna Levine Rosalie Spiegel
Henry Hollander Herbert Morris Max Weisman Pauline Feldman Bessie Levinson Robert Spiegel
Carl Imerman Leon G Winkelman Ruth Fields Earl Levitan Ada Starkman

Gretl Frank Sam Litwin Jacob Meyer Swersky
Oscar Gerson Lise Mason Harold Udelman
Vivian Golombuski Annie Melcher

November 15, 2019

Richard Adelson Claire Kasden Michael Posner Condolences
David Baim Leah Kaufman Ann Pratt
Michael Bell Betty Klein John Ransom We Mourn the Loss of:
Iz Bernstein Sophie Klein Ann Rednor
 Jim Waxenberg – husband of Tobee and father of
Regina Blumenthal Ben Kogan Howard Rutman Natalie Waxenberg
John Charney Edward Lavine Joseph Scult
Milo Chozen Jacob Melcher Max Starkman  Marie Mendel – grandmother of Ryan Garrison
Dovi Damari Jacob Minkin Jack Stillerman
Renee Denmark Philip Morris Arthur Traister
Edward Fay Joan Muro Beatrice Weinberger
Harry Gold Donald Neuman Alyse Weinbloom

Martin Goldberg Alice Novak Dexter Wolfson
Elliott Golden Celia Ochs

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Volume 19 - Issue 3

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Temple Solel
Gift Shop News

Our Gift Shop is one of the best-kept Published by and for the members of Temple Solel
secrets in the valley. Come and see what November 2019
we have to offer—items change with the
Jewish holidays and seasons. Rabbi John A. Linder [email protected] x.122 Rabbi
Rabbi Emily R. Langowitz Assistant Rabbi
We have Bar and Bat Mitzvah presents, Todd Herzog [email protected] x.131 Cantorial Soloist
amazing tallitot from Israel at different Rabbi Maynard W. Bell Rabbi Emeritus
price points, and much more. [email protected] x.136

Don’t forget baby gifts, wedding presents Executive Committee & Trustees
and even a beautiful mezzuzah. We also
have jewelry to meet your every want and Bettina Chow ......................................................................................................... President
need and lovely hostess gifts. Doreen Feldberg............................................................................ Executive Vice President
Pamela Ornstein ..................................................................... Vice President - Membership
The Gift Shop is open several times during Stephen Slogoff ............................................................................Vice President - Accounts
the week. Please call the temple office at Andy Abraham..........................................................Vice President - Trustee Development
480.991.7414 before you stop in so that Lauren Brown ..............................................................................Vice President - Education
we may be able to assist you. Rae Rader ............................................................................... Vice President - Social Action
Larry Cohen .............................................................. Vice President - Facilities and Security
Return Policy Brian Weinberger ........................................................ Vice President - Legal and Contracts
Bobbi Moss ............................................................................................................ Secretary
The temple will cheerfully accept any Phil Hawkes ........................................................................................................... Treasurer
returns for store credit only.
Thank You! Eve Danoff Rhea Kowitz Tracy Schwimmer
Larry Fink Lisa Lerner
Torah Portions/Candle Lighting Times Judy Gold Eric Mininberg TSTY President:
Rebecca Goldberg Howard Rosen Lena Weissman
November 1 Genesis 6:9-11:32/Noach/5:18
November 8 Genesis 12:1-17:27/Lekh Lekha/5:12 Administrative Staff
November 15 Genesis 18:1-22:24/Vayera/5:08
November 22 Genesis 23:1-25:18/Chayei Sarah/5:04 Peter Pishko [email protected] x.124 Executive Director
November 29 Genesis 25:19-28:9/Toledot/5:03 Jacquelyn Null Engagement Specialist
Tobee Waxenberg [email protected] x.128 Director of Raker Rel. School
Elis Legler Raker Religious School Coord.
Noni Clark [email protected] x.123
Joan Giannini Controller
Edie Bradt [email protected] x.121 Mbshp. & Emp. Svcs. Manager
Jelena Santiago
Mary Ann Bloom [email protected] x.125 Office Manager
Sonya Placencia Executive Assistant
Kathleen Manahan [email protected] x.127 Director of Early Childhood Ed.
Alberto Mena Preschool Billing & Office Asst.
Vojo Stanisic [email protected] x.120 Education Assistant

[email protected] x.126 Facility Manager
[email protected] x.162

[email protected] x.135

[email protected] x.164

[email protected] x.129

[email protected] x.129

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