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Published by Temple Solel, 2019-09-26 18:38:18

October 2019 Pathfinder



T he festival of Sukkot is one of my Ecclesiastes, to sitting exposed to the elements in three-
walled huts, we are called on Sukkot to celebrate in spite
favorite holidays. There’s something of life’s fragility. A sukkah that is too steady, too
special about creating a space that is
both inside and permanent, is not a true sukkah. A
outside, secure and roof too solid, too secure, keeps us
yet fragile. And this from seeing the beauty of the night
year, given that Sukkot falls in mid- sky. We experience the world’s
October (the first night is Sunday, beauty not because of our solid walls
October 13), we Arizonans have more and barriers and certainties, but
of a chance of a little cool evening because of our ephemerality, our
weather as we sit in our sukkahs! I’ve imperfections.
been in my share of sukkahs over the
years—from my uncle’s backyard Sukkot also reminds us: it is a
creations, my parents’ best friends’ mitzvah, a sacred obligation, to
extension of their porch roof with welcome guests into our huts and our
palm fronds, a tiny DIY plastic sukkah homes. The tradition of Ushpizin,
on the third floor balcony of my welcoming guests, inspires us to
apartment in Jerusalem, the gorgeous extend the openness of our sukkah’s
and expansive sukkah we build in our walls through open hands and hearts to
Solel courtyard every year, and, once, others. Our tradition even believes that
the skies over a Sedona vortex! How we can invite as guests the souls of the
nice to have the chance to be with departed—beloved parents,
family and friends and enjoy company grandparents, inspiring figures from
and a meal outdoors. I hope you’ll join history, our matriarchs and patriarchs.
us for our community-wide Sukkot No matter how fragile we feel, we still
Under the Stars on Wednesday, have the capacity to reach out and give.
October 16 at 5:30 pm.
May this Sukkot bring celebration
But more than just the lovely amidst life’s fragility, sweet time with
experience of an evening under the guests, family, and friends, and the
paper chains and palm fronds of a inspiration to continue giving of our
sukkah, I love the themes of Sukkot, the selves no matter how much space or
way they encourage us to carry the security we have: from a tiny plastic
themes of the High Holidays forward balcony sukkah to a Sedona sky.
into our daily lives.
Rabbi Emily Langowitz
Sukkot reminds us: life is fragile,
unpredictable, and precious. From
reading the words of the book of



2 October 2019 / Tishrei - Cheshvan 5780

Service & High Holiday Schedule Ryan Rey Raskin, daughter of

Friday, October 4, 2019 Friday, October 11, 2019 Heather and Ferrel Raskin, will become a
Erev Shabbat Service 6:15 pm Erev Shabbat Service 6:15 pm bat mitzvah on Saturday, October 12, 2019
Oneg to precede service at 5:30 pm. Oneg to precede service at 5:30 pm. at 10:30 am. Ryan attends Cicero
Anniversaries will be announced. Preparatory Academy and enjoys playing
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Saturday, October 5, 2019 Torah Study 9:00 am on the volleyball team there.
Torah Study 9:00 am Shabbat Morning Service 10:30 am She also enjoys music,
During the service, Ryan Raskin baking, traveling, hanging
Sunday, October 6, 2019 will be called to the Torah as a out with her friends, and
Kever Avot Service 12:00 pm bat mitzvah. spending time with her
Green Acres Cemetery family. For her mitzvah
We will be joined by congregants Monday, October 14, 2019 project, Ryan is working
from Temple Emanuel and Sukkot with the foundation Lost
Congregation Or Tzion. Temple Solel office will be closed in Our Home, a foster home and food bank
observance. for abandoned pets and pets of families
Tuesday, October 8, 2019 going through a hardship or in a crisis. Ryan
Erev Yom Kippur/Kol Nidre Friday, October 18, 2019 is collecting dog and cat food for their pet
6:00 pm Contemporary Service Erev Shabbat Service 6:15 pm food bank.
8:30 pm Traditional Service Oneg to precede service at 5:30 pm.
Temple Solel office & The Solel Mazel Tov!
Preschool close at 1:00 pm. Saturday, October 19, 2019
Torah Study 9:00 am Eli Robbin Resnick, son of Jill
Wednesday, October 9, 2019 Shabbat Morning Service 10:30 am
Yom Kippur During the service, Eli Resnick will be Edwards Resnick and James Resnick, will
9:00 am Contemporary Service called to the Torah as a bar mitzvah. become a bar mitzvah on
9:30 am Family Service Saturday, October 19, 2019
12:00 pm Traditional Service Monday, October 21, 2019 at 10:30 am. Eli attends
2:30 pm Study Session Simchat Torah Mission Montessori and
2:30-4:00 pm Open Ark Temple Solel office will be closed in enjoys football, bicycling,
3:00 pm Children’s Service observance. swimming, scuba diving,
4:00 pm Healing Service cooking, and playing
4:30 pm Yizkor and Concluding Friday, October 25, 2019 Minecraft and Fortnite. He
Services Erev Shabbat Service 6:15 pm
Temple Solel office & The Solel Oneg to precede service at 5:30 pm. also likes to take things apart and put them
Preschool are closed. back together again. For his mitzvah
Saturday, October 26, 2019 project, Eli conducted an educational
Torah Study 9:00 am campaign to get people to use reef-safe

October 2019 / Tishrei - Cheshvan 5780 3

Letting Go of the Past
As we begin another new year in the
structure of the Yom Kippur service, we reach our darkest

Jewish calendar, we have the opportunity point in the Yizkor service, where we come to terms with

once again to decide for ourselves how we our past pain and recognize our own mortality. It is only

want to define ourselves “People have a hard time after descending to this level, coming face
and our lives. This is not an easy process. to face with our suffering, that we can

We as human beings are wired to hold letting go of their suffering. return to the light. We must be willing to
onto painful emotions from the past. We Out of a fear of the look at what scares us if we ever hope to
remember exactly where we were on overcome it.

September 11th, 2001… or the last time unknown, they prefer At this time of the year, I wish us all the
we said goodbye to a loved one. It is suffering that is familiar.” courage and strength to take an honest
challenging to let go of these things, look at ourselves and our lives - to not run
because in many cases we allow these —Thich Nhat Hanh away or try to avoid the pain of life - but
to embrace it as a tool in our own self-
painful emotions to become part of who only by moving through these obstacles

we are. We would rather have the ‘security’ of knowing discovery. It is our true potential.
ourselves, even if it means associating ourselves with that we reach
sadness from the past, instead of opening ourselves up to

an unknown and potentially scary future. Shana Tova, wishing you a year of wholeness and light,

Between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, we go through a Todd Herzog
period of intense self-examination. We look at the things
we are holding onto from the past year and see what Cantorial Soloist
changes we would like to make in the coming year. In the


 Jeff Lewis, temple member, who was  Quinn Pratt Lewkowitz – daughter of
Victoria and Blake Lewkowitz
recently featured in Frontdoors magazine,
September 2019 issue.  Sam Robert Hartnell – great grandson of
Sandra Harris

 Isabel Harriet Brown – daughter of
Lauren and Craig Brown


Barrie and Bellarri Adleman ................50 yrs Israel and Vandi Hanin ........................ 11 yrs This Month?
Brent Adleman and Chris Turbyfill.........7 yrs Brad and Kris Hass............................... 17 yrs
Paul and Julie Bakerman........................3 yrs Phil and Marilyn Hawkes .......................42 yr If you haven’t requested a bar or bat
Joe and Marcia Bannon .......................29 yrs Bill and Laurie Hopkins ........................ 21 yrs mitzvah date yet and your child is
Justin and Michelle Beckett .................14 yrs Jason Kolber and Elissa Katz ................ 21 yrs turning 11 this month, stop by the
Scott and Laura Bernstein....................11 yrs Peter and Robin Kraut ......................... 16 yrs temple office and fill out a Temple
Jonathan and Bonnie Brovitz ...............24 yrs Dan and Sherri Lesser.......................... 20 yrs
David and Libby Cohen ..........................7 yrs Tory and Shelly Levi............................... 6 yrs Solel Bar/Bat Mitzvah Date Request
Ron and Anita Cohen ...........................14 yrs David Miller and Rob Gillespie .............. 3 yrs Form to get the process started.
Dan and Melissa Costello.....................13 yrs Michael and Lindsay Morris ................ 13 yrs
Mic and Babs Davis..............................64 yrs Iva Smolens and Tracey Oppenheim ... 17 yrs Fillable PDF forms are also available
David Demaine and Linda Ribnik .........32 yrs Jeff and Cheryl Padden........................ 30 yrs for download on our website:
Sol and Helen Epstein ..........................59 yrs Steven and Tetje Sapot ......................... 7 yrs
Tom and Jane Frenkel..........................34 yrs Stuart and Sheila Schwalb ................... 16 yrs Completed
Jerry and Gail Friedman.......................29 yrs Jon and Martha Jo Siegel..................... 32 yrs forms may be emailed to
Matt and Mara Gerst ...........................22 yrs James and Jessica Sirota........................ 5 yrs Jelena Santiago at
Adam and Rebecca Goldberg ..............16 yrs Boaz and Lauren Zvida .......................... 8 yrs
Adam and Sydney Goldstein................13 yrs [email protected].

4 October 2019 / Tishrei - Cheshvan 5780


T he time between Rosh Hashanah and Yom  Use descriptive language to name a behavior the child
is doing, and model that behavior yourself. For
Kippur is a time of self-reflection. Self- instance, “I see Susie is ready to leave since she put
reflection helps children develop skills to her toy away. I will put my book away so we can
choose rather than just doing things the way leave.”
they have always been done. It is about
questioning why and what they do. Self-  Provide positive reinforcement for expected
reflection increases their ability to recognize feelings and behaviors. This will encourage your child and other
understand how they relate to behavior. children to do the same. “I like how you pushed in
your chair!”
There are easy ways to help children learn these skills.
Self-reflection is for everyone! It’s a time to get to know
 Show children what feelings look like with facial yourself better and to accept yourself. It’s not a time to
expressions or pictures of different emotions. explore the idea of being perfect. During this period of
reflection, we set goals to “hit the mark” or the center of
 Talk with them about when they feel these different our target. Take some time to evaluate if you’ve missed
feelings and have them make faces for each of the the mark since the beginning of the year and set intentions
emotions you talk about. Instead of labeling the for the remainder of the year. Use the preschool model of
emotion, (i.e., “you look sad, mad, etc.) say “I notice “Always try to do your best!”
your arms are folded and your face is scrunched. Tell
me how you are feeling.” Mary Ann Bloom

 Children can learn to connect their body language to Director of Early Childhood Education
an emotion. Not having the ability to identify their
emotion can frustrate a child and lead to crying,
temper tantrums and sometimes physical aggression.


 Barbara Smith
 Sheldon and Harriet Kaplan
 Adam and Sydney Goldstein and

children Ashlyn and Jack
 Stew and Janice Feldstein
 Gary and Maggie Gluck
 Leah Battino and son, Jayden Zarvela
 Leon and Lucy Wall
 Tammar Hirsch, Anabelle and Hudson
 Barry Wagner and Shana Siegel and daughter Gabriella
 Jeffrey and Debbie Kay
 Jon and Randi Brodsky and sons Benjamin and Samuel
 Lisa Goldstein
 Lee and Jill Weiss
 Lisa and Natesh Rao and children Samuel and Davie

October 2019 / Tishrei - Cheshvan 5780 5

Raker Religious School

Last year at the Raker religious school VERSE II:
In the presence of a deer
retreat, a group of campers sat with Todd and In amazement and in gratitude
wrote a song. They had about 30 minutes to In life itself in miracles
write, and even that was interrupted by a In guidance and in prayer
herd of deer coming on to the campground! In my heart God is always there
Thus the reference to the deer in the lyrics!
So what kind of song will be written this year?
Following are the lyrics:
God is in the trees Mark your calendar for December 6-8 up at the very cool
God is in the sea Camp Stein. This retreat is for grades 4-7. It will be cold,
God is in my mind and in my dreams maybe even snow! How much fun!
In the way the stars are laid out in the sky
More information to follow after the High Holidays.
God is in the sun
God is in the moon Tobee Waxenberg
When I sing an old familiar tune
Even though God may be so hard to see Raker Religious School Director
God is here with me
Upcoming Dates to Remember:
In the comfort of my friends  October 6: Lone Soldier Project by East Valley JCC,
In hard times or in happiness during Raker hours. For students in 5th to 12th grades.
When I'm starting on a journey
In laughter or in fear  October 20: PACT 4th and 5th grades, from 9:00 am to
In my heart God is always near 12:00 pm. Raker’s new program for parents & children!

 October 20: Consecration Ceremony, 5:00 pm.
Invitations to follow.

6 October 2019 / Tishrei - Cheshvan 5780

Solel Book Club Art @ Solel

Hello, Book Lovers! Special Reception for Arlene Scult
Planned for Thursday, October 24
It's finally October, which means you should be reading
the first selection for the Solel Book Club season, The On Thursday morning, October 24, at 10:30 am, a special
Oracle of Stamboul by Michael David Lukas. reception will be held honoring Arlene Scult and her major
Retrospective now hanging in the North Hallway Gallery.
We will meet on Tuesday, October 29, 2019 at 6:00 pm for Mort Scult, her husband who served as one of Temple
a dairy/pareve (non-meat, fish okay) potluck. Bring what Solel’s first presidents, and her long-time artist friend, Beth
you enjoy eating! Ames Swartz, will make comments about her work and her
contribution to art in the Valley. Many old friends from
At 6:30 pm we will talk about The Oracle of Stamboul, a Sagewood, where the Scults live, will be attending.
novel that traces the adventures of a young Jewish girl Refreshments will be served.
living under the Ottoman Turks. She is a savant who Arlene has been preeminent in the Valley’s professional
surprises nearly everyone, including the sultan of the art community since the early 70s. From 1977 to 1994, she
fading empire. Read The Oracle of Stamboul for its ran an art consulting firm that assisted corporate and
delicious prose and a taste of magical realism, too. professional clients around the country in obtaining art for
their working environments. Then in the mid-nineties, she
We are a friendly group, with moderators who encourage returned to being a working artist. In 2013, Arlene and her
participation. I will lead the October discussion and will husband established an endowment at the Phoenix Art
welcome volunteers to lead later discussions. The Museum to award a grant each year of $5000 to a working
remaining book selections will be: artist to assist the artist in furthering their career.
Her work is included in many private collections around
December 17, 2019: One Night, Markovitch by Ayelet the country and in Europe, and she has been featured in
Gundar-Goshen the Tucson Museum of Art, the Phoenix Art Museum, the
Downey Museum of Art (CA), Joslyn Museum (Omaha), the
February 25, 2020: The Emperor of Shoes by Spencer Wise Jewish Community Center, the Paidea Gallery (LA) and the
Limner Gallery (Scottsdale). Her pieces are for sale by
May 5, 2020: Underground Fugue by Margot Singer contacting Mort Scult at 602-571-0044. All sales proceeds
will be donated to Temple Solel and the Alzheimer’s
The books are available to borrow from the Temple Association.
library or you can get them in Kindle editions or the
public library, except for One Night, Markovitch. Our
library has five copies.

See you on October 29.

Happy reading and a sweet New Year to all,

Judy Schaffert

October 2019 / Tishrei - Cheshvan 5780 7

The Al & Irma Feldman To all our Yiddish Temple Solel Endowment Foundation
Yiddish Club friends and
supporters of Securing Our Future | Volume 2, Issue 3

the Yiddish Club What Will Solel Offer and Look Like
in 2025 and 2030?
here at Temple Solel, we want to invite you to join us for
These are the questions that the Endowment Foundation
our next meeting to take place Wednesday, October 16, seeks to address so Temple Solel becomes an even more
remarkable place in the years ahead than it already is
1:30-3:00 pm. today. Ten years ago, our Fund had an approximate value
of just $50,000. In 2013 a serious effort began to raise
It was enjoyable returning to our yiddish club after a congregational awareness of the importance of a
summer break. A bisl yiddish always inspires us. In meaningful endowment. Thanks to the leadership of Dick
September, we wished each other gut yom tov un a gut, Lamden and Nelson Lerner, the Endowment Fund is now
gezunt, zis yahr. We send the same greeting in October as valued at $1.3 million. Our objective is to support growth
the holidays continue. Please join us for our October 16th of programs that our incredible clergy, staff and Board
meeting from 1:30-2:50 pm. I have a surprise program to feels are appropriate for the future Solel.
announce for November. Bring any news of the yiddish
For at least the past decade I’ve been an active member
world for the last 15 minutes of open forum. Any on the Budget Committee. The focus obviously is keeping
questions, contact Sandy at [email protected] Solel's expenses in equilibrium with our estimated annual
revenue. In other words, the goal is to simply break even
You don’t have to speak or know Yiddish, just come and (it’s actually not so simple). The Endowment Fund is to
enjoy our community. We hope to see you then as we facilitate Solel’s growth. We listen to what existing
explore and share all things Yiddish. Until then, Zay programs the congregation and clergy feel Solel should
Gezunt! expand or to newly adopt, then we help fund those
Biz October, Sandy
Solel will clearly look different in 2025 and 2030. We
cannot fail in improving our physical facility, expanding our
community outreach and adult education, teaching
Judaism to our children and grandkids and offering
programming that best meets the needs of all
congregants. Let’s also cherish the easy accessibility of
Rabbis Emily and John.

This is a very personal issue for me now, experiencing the
support of clergy during periods of family sorrow and the
exhilaration our clergy brings during periods of joy, i.e.,
weddings, bar mitzvahs, confirmation, etc. I’ve been
helped through those life cycles at least 5 times in the past

You can help assure the quality of Solel’s future services by
considering legacy gifting in your estate planning, as I’ve
done. Other possibilities would be outright monetary
grants, donating highly­appreciated securities or by
various other means that your CPA or attorney advise is
tax-advantaged and appropriate for your situation.

Not every family, of course, is in a position to make an
endowment gift currently. However, if you are, be assured
that your gift will brighten our future and reward you with
significant spiritual dividends. Let’s keep Solel as a pretty
special place in our community. Thanks in advance for
your consideration of the Endowment Fund now and in the

Arnie Alpert

Board Member, Temple Solel Endowment Foundation

8 October 2019 / Tishrei - Cheshvan 5780

Highlights from a recent VIP Civic Academy that was moderated
by Rabbi Linder. Photos courtesy of Michael Brace

New Address or Email?!?

Be sure to keep us in the know by sending a quick
email to [email protected].

October 2019 / Tishrei - Cheshvan 5780 9

The Solel Preschool Back to School Highlights

The Solel Preschool is back in session and the kids are enjoying exploring the wonderful toys in their new classrooms
and jumping right into fun projects with their teachers.

TSTY kids and Rabbi Langowitz enjoyed a fun afternoon and
managed to escape too!

10 October 2019 / Tishrei - Cheshvan 5780

Thank You! “Beginnings” at Torah Study

Volunteer Recognition

Volunteers are an essential part of Temple Solel. We would like
to thank the following volunteers for their time and efforts:

Annual Campaign Mailing Gift Shop
Jan Carp Carol Brillman

Ruthe Jacobs Becky Lieberman
Diana Turk Sue Waldbaum

Birthday calls High Holiday Ticket Mailing Fall is a wonderful time of beginnings. In Israel, a new
Arlene Bonime Carol Brillman agricultural season begins as rains return to nourish
Jan Carp sprouting seeds. And in Israel and around the world, a new
Knitting for a Purpose season of Torah Study commences. On Saturday, October
Frieda Allweiss New Year’s Card Mailing 26, folks everywhere return to Sefer B’resheit, the Book of
Arlene Bonime Carol Brillman Genesis.
Carol Brillman Jan Carp
Jill Loebel Sandra Harris Remarkably, Judaism began with rain and Torah Study.
Margie Rahilly Greta Lee Long ago, our Hebrew ancestors were shepherds in the
Beth Sennett Cheri White foothills of ancient Israel, grazing their sheep on grass
Judy Sirkis sprouting from fresh rains. To pass the time, they told
Debbie Smith Yahrzeits stories. Under the shade of acacia trees at noon, or sitting
Nancy Weinstein Cynthia Marcus around campfires at night, they shared their stories,
wisdom, and dreams. Communal conversation, nurtured
Would you like to volunteer at some point in the future? by spirit, was the beginning of Jewish tradition.
We’d love to have you! Email Edie Bradt,
As centuries passed, Judaism became more developed.
[email protected] and she’ll add you to the list. Our ancestors built a resplendent Temple in Jerusalem to
worship the divine. They also compiled key legends into a
Boker Tov Bistro is open Sundays written text called the “Torah.” Nonetheless, they never
8:20 am to 10:30 am as follows: lost sight of their original love for intimate, personal
October 20 and 27 storytelling.

Grab a coffee, enjoy some breakfast, In fact, when the Talmudic era arose, rabbinic sages
mingle with friends, read a book, play reestablished our religion as a process of dynamic
mah jongg… and build community! discussion. They achieved this by adding a question mark
to every phrase in the Torah. For example, the first phrase
All proceeds from the Boker Tov Bistro benefit the reads: “B’resheit – in the beginning” (Genesis 1:1). But the
Raker Religious School Scholarship Fund to assist rabbis read: “In the beginning? Nu? What does that mean?
What exactly began? Did anything exist prior to this so-
students with tuition expenses. called beginning?”

Similarly, the second phrase in the Torah reads: “Bara
Elohim – God created” (ibid). But the rabbis read: “God?
Who is this God? How can we know God? How can God
know us? And created?? How does that work?!” Likewise
today, spirited discussions animate our Torah Study
classes, generating new friendships and love of Jewish
tradition. Torah Study meets every Saturday morning at
9:00 am in the library. Please come!

Matthew Kozinets

October 2019 / Tishrei - Cheshvan 5780 11

Social Action at Temple Solel Discretionary Fund
At Temple Solel we seek the divine spark in each individual
by working together, based on the Jewish tradition of Temple Solel thanks everyone for their continued
tikkun olam and the teachings of Torah, to help the needy generosity and support of our clergy staff through
in our community and affect social change. We invite you contributions made to their individual discretionary
to become part of our tapestry of neighbors helping fund accounts. To avoid any confusion, we ask that you
neighbors, striving to fulfill our mission of being a vibrant be sure to include the intended rabbi’s full name in the
and engaged social action community. memo portion of your check and/or on any
correspondence that accompanies your contribution.
Tzedakah—giving of resources
Thank you!
Organizations we have helped include the following:
 StreetLightUSA Did You Know???
 Phoenix Cancer Support Network
 Saving Amy Erev Shabbat Services are available via
 Jewish Family and Children’s Services live stream on your home PC!
 Phoenix Jewish Free Loan
 Jewish National Fund Go to & click on
 Bubble and Froth Foundation for Food Assistance the Shabbat Streaming button a few

G’milut Chasadim—acts of loving kindness minutes before the service.

Thanksgiving Meal Project: Prior to Thanksgiving, Solel Temple Solel Contact Emails
members come together as a community to create and
package individual Thanksgiving meals for Saving Amy, an In an effort to streamline communication, the following
organization supporting those who are transitioning from email addresses are now available for use:
homeless shelters to apartments. Last year we made 90
turkey dinners with all the fixings. Art @ Solel [email protected]
Book Club [email protected]
Spin a Little Love: Each December Temple Solel members Caring Community [email protected]
support military families and community members in need College Connections .. [email protected]
with gifts for the holidays. Education Committee ............... [email protected]
Endowment [email protected]
Family Promise of Greater Phoenix: Temple Solel is part of eNUZ
the network of congregations that helps first time
homeless families by providing dinner and a safe place to Knitting for a Purpose ................... [email protected]
sleep for seven nights on a quarterly basis during the year. Library ............................................. [email protected]
Membership............................... [email protected]
StreetLightUSA: Temple Solel sponsors luncheons at this Men of Solel ............................ [email protected]
shelter for girls who have been rescued from sex Movie Club [email protected]
trafficking. Pathfinder ................................ [email protected]
Rosh [email protected]
Mitzvah Day: Solel members and Raker Religious School Sisters of Solel...................................... [email protected]
participate in various projects at Solel and in the Social [email protected]
community that benefit a variety of charitable Solelebration........................ [email protected]
organizations. SPPA .............................. [email protected]
Temple Solel office........................... [email protected]
Jewish Family and Children’s Services Annual Foster Care Yiddish Club.................................... [email protected]
Party: Temple Solel sponsors a holiday party for the young
adults who are part of the Foster Care program.

Advocacy/Shinui Kivun—changing the status quo

 Immigration and Asylum Seekers:
 Kino Border Initiative
 Arizona Jews for Justice

 Interfaith Alliances:
 Islamic Speakers Bureau
 Valley Interfaith Project
 Brit Olam

For further information, please email
[email protected].

12 October 2019 / Tishrei - Cheshvan 5780

Contributions We appreciate the thoughtfulness of those who support Temple Solel by remembering and
honoring their friends and loved ones through their generous contributions.

Rabbi Linder’s Discretionary Fund Caring Community Fund Speedy recovery to Andrei Sayapin
 From Robert Cohen and Dottie Braun  In honor of Jeff and Elaine Chapman’s In memory of Ezabella Brigadier
 In memory of Milton B. Spiegel
Cohen 50th anniversary From Rick and Judy Spiegel
In memory of Anne Cohen From Laura and Ronald Miller  In memory of William Charles Straka
In memory of Elliot cohen From Jane Marks
 In memory of Dorothy Wackar  In memory of Marvin Fishman
 In memory of Faye Joseph From Dottie Braun-Cohen and From Bob Fishman
From Annie and Rick Arenstein Bob Cohen  In memory of Jacob and Claire Silk
From the Joseph Family From Natalie and Si Eisenberg
 In memory of Rose Seer Cohen  In memory of Kelvin Levitt
 In memory of Allan Flader From Arlene Bonime From Sheldon Levitt
From Rachel and Jonathan Hoffer  In memory of Yetta Klein
From Amy Hummel and family Edward and Celia Linder Interfaith From Judy Spiegel
From Chris and Roni Harrison  In memory of Faye Joseph
From Adina Zarchan Bridge-Building Fund From Harriet Friedman
 A donation was made by Alan and  In memory of Paula Myers
 From Phyllis Stone From Howard Rosen
In memory of Dorothy Birnbaum Nancy Rooks
In memory of Abraham Birnbaum  In memory of Linda Berey Hurst Jane and Bob Podall Library Fund
In memory of Ruth Stone  In memory of Betty Pishko
From Bruce Berey
 In memory of Jeanette Kardon From Bella Kazen
From Gary and Phylis Bolno Endowment Fund From Bill and Mindy Brandt
 In memory of Rochelle Alpert
 In honor of Rabbi Linder Oneg Fund
From Gerda Klein From Arnie Alpert Sponsors
From Ken and Barbara Love  In honor of our anniversary
 A donation was made from Nancy and From Dick and Fran Lamden
Alan Rooks  Thank you for sharing your From Suzy and Josh Berkowitz
Jim Puryear story From Michelle Laiss and Brian Lipner
 In memory of Rochelle Alpert From Avery Crossman From Shari and Chuck Warshaver
From Arnie Alpert  In honor of Barbara and Marvin From Joseph and Rana Schwartz
Chassin’s 50th anniversary  In honor of the bat mitzvah of
 In memory of Fred Zechman From Marilyn and Robert Teper Ryan Raskin
From Ruth LeGrand  From Sue Waldbaum From Heather Raskin
In memory of Rochelle Alpert  In honor of the bar mitzvah of
 In memory of Barbara Guggenheimer In honor of the birth of Noah Hawkes Eli Resnick
From Sylvia Wall From Jill Edwards Resnick and
General Fund James Resnick
 In memory of Donald Litz  In memory of Helen Smith Contributions
From Lesley Lustgarten  In honor of our anniversary
From Richard and Marsha Smith From Diana and Aaron Turk
 In memory of Edna Pindler  In honor of David and Marnee Spierer From Jim and Vivian Ullman
From Robin and Andrew Erlich
From Keri, Tim, Lauren, and Social Action Fund
Rabbi Langowitz’s Discretionary Fund Owen Eckstein  In memory of Taylor Neuman
 In recognition of Rabbi Langowitz  In memory of Shifra Hoffnung
From Leah Valadez From Alexander Cannon
From Esther Battock  In honor of Jeff and Elaine Chapman’s
 In memory of Bessie Randall Fishman 50th anniversary The Solel Preschool
From Shari and Steven Cohen  In memory of Allan Flader
From Marnee and Paul Solon From Sy and Harriet Achtman
 In memory of Deborah Hertzenberg From Lois and Ed Zachary From Malofsky/Shaw Family
 In honor of Barbara Stern’s bat mitzvah  In memory of Mauretia Treger
From Richard Harte From Sharon Tievsky
 Special thanks to Rabbi Langowitz  In memory of Raymond Silverman From Danielle and Brian Engel
From Tom Silverman
From Kit Cassak  In memory of Rose Brillman Donations received after
 In memory of Norman Krumholz From Carol Brillman
 In memory of Lillian Dines September 9, 2019 will be printed in the
From Susan and Randy Wilson From Marcia Feinstein
 In memory of Larry Katzman  From Cynthia Moss next issue of the Pathfinder.
In memory of Lois S. Ringe
From Sharon and Stewart Levine In memory of Dorothy A. Moss
 From Ludmila Brigadier
Cantorial Soloist’s Todd Herzog

Discretionary Fund
 In memory of Henry Winkelman

From Judy Seplow
 In memory of Gert Bauer

From Bonnie Miller

October 2019 / Tishrei - Cheshvan 5780 13

14 October 2019 / Tishrei - Cheshvan 5780


Kaddish will be recited on Erev Shabbat on the following dates:

October 4, 2019 October 25, 2019

Walter Bloom Edward Glazer Stephen Rigberg Maynard Babby Harris Fishman Marilyn Murphy
David Bodker Gladys Goldstein Alan Saliterman Claudette Beauget-Flood Jeffrey Fox Jack Nussbaum
Alfred Cohen Louis Gubin Stuart Segal Mayer Benjamin Joyce Galinsky Morris Ohsman
David Curhan Joseph Hollander Paula Sigona Jack Beraznik Rose Givant Albert Reinherz
Elaine Howard
Mark Donaldson Anne Keller Grace Spencer Beatrice Berkowitz Hermann Glahs Deborah Schulman
Moises Dragon Pauline Levine Samuel Sposeep Sarah Bernstein June Goodbinder Vera Schwartz
Sheila Engel Louis Lipschitz Allen Stone Anna Bolno Cuba Helvey Lewis Stone
Ralph Feffer Moses Matisoff Marilyn Targove Isaak Bortman Eda Herszkorn Esther Teper
Lita Feinberg Frieda Miller Alvin Vinegar Kaye Butnik Etti Lacks Andrew Uhrman
Leon Frieden Rose Minkin Sylvia Wall Bernice Coppersmith Morris Lasik Dale Weber
Sandra Fuller Robert Ornstein Bert Weinberg Harold Driss Gertrude Lewis Gail Weiner
Lawrence Reich
Shirley Gallison Helene Zucker Luba Farber Burt Lewkowitz Jeanette Wolfe
Esther Givant Libbian Feldman Josephine Liebhaber David Zisook

October 11, 2019 November 1, 2019

Walt Adams Sonny Gross Irene Schwartz John Ball Marilyn Glass Eva Micflikier
Philip Alpert Frieda Hacker Don Shifris Benjamin Bell Stanley Gotlieb Virginia Montgomery
Micki Baker Mabel Helvey Maury Shykind Jeanette Benson Yetta Hammerman Duncan Owles
Alice Ball Emanuel Kraus Mildred Spierer Fran Blechman Tibbie Harris Shirley Perelgut
Orvel Milder
Myn Becker Louis Ochs Gertrude Steinfeld Bessie Boyer Joe Herszkorn Nettie Press
Mary Bernstein Ida Odell Dorothy Stopsky Lillian Breen Robert Joseph Leon Rednor
Jack Block Barney Rabin Bobbie Vaughn Irma Buchsbaum Herbert Kahn Gertrude Saft
Arnold Brustin Charles Rosenthal Goldie Wedgle Ruth Buturla Dorothy Kantin Archie Schimberg
Jerome Cutler Martin Schneider Ruth Ann Wilf Edwin Buturla Patricia Korrick Beatrice Slans
Rita Friefield Louisa Schnurer Harry Wolfe Hilde Chodowski Shirley Kulakofsky Julius Vogel
Reba Ginsburg Micki Zatulove Esther Dry Jean Lewis Irene Weistrich

Amy Glass Morris Epstein Frederic Linn Mark Zessar
Stella Epstein Sol Megeff

Elsa Aptroot October 18, 2019 Irving Ozer Condolences
Beatrice Aronovitch Marshall Quiat
Brian Baum Jennie Goldstein Irving Schulman We Mourn the Loss of:
Stanley Bonime Linda Harden Marie Seifferlein
Albert Iskovitz  Edna Pindler – mother of Robin Erlich
Charles Brillman Jackie Kranzberg Lugo Lucille Shapiro  Rona Malofsky – mother of Ann Malofsky
Robert Brody Dr. Earl Lustgarten Judith Shumaker  Larry Katzman – father of Judy Isaacs, grandfather of
Andrea Curtis Armando Martin Murray Sirkis
Aronita Engel Michael Marton Ben Somer Dena Isaacs
Harry Glaser Eva McFliker Bessie Wasser  Stefanie Kroot Steinberg – sister of Heather Kroot
Meryl Goldman Maurice Miller Gertrude Weissman  Michael Wolfe – brother of Sheila Schwalb, uncle of
Sarah Goldstein Mary Jane Muro Malcom Zucker
Hilda Ohsman Bettina Chow, cousin of Cynthia Widney

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Volume 19 - Issue 2

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Temple Solel
Gift Shop News

Our Gift Shop is one of the best-kept Published by and for the members of Temple Solel
secrets in the valley. Come and see what October 2019
we have to offer—items change with the
Jewish holidays and seasons. Rabbi John A. Linder [email protected] x.122 Rabbi
Rabbi Emily R. Langowitz Assistant Rabbi
We have Bar and Bat Mitzvah presents, Todd Herzog [email protected] x.131 Cantorial Soloist
amazing tallitot from Israel at different Rabbi Maynard W. Bell Rabbi Emeritus
price points, and much more. [email protected] x.136

Don’t forget baby gifts, wedding presents Executive Committee & Trustees
and even a beautiful mezzuzah. We also
have jewelry to meet your every want and Bettina Chow ......................................................................................................... President
need and lovely hostess gifts. Doreen Feldberg.............................................................................Executive Vice President
Pamela Ornstein ..................................................................... Vice President - Membership
The Gift Shop is open several times during Stephen Slogoff ............................................................................ Vice President - Accounts
the week. Please call the temple office at Andy Abraham..........................................................Vice President - Trustee Development
480.991.7414 before you stop in so that Lauren Brown ..............................................................................Vice President - Education
we may be able to assist you. Rae Rader ............................................................................... Vice President - Social Action
Larry Cohen .............................................................. Vice President - Facilities and Security
Return Policy Brian Weinberger ........................................................ Vice President - Legal and Contracts
Bobbi Moss............................................................................................................ Secretary
The temple will cheerfully accept any Phil Hawkes ........................................................................................................... Treasurer
returns for store credit only.
Thank You! Eve Danoff Rhea Kowitz Tracy Schwimmer
Larry Fink Lisa Lerner
Torah Portions/Candle Lighting Times Judy Gold Eric Mininberg TSTY President:
Rebecca Goldberg Howard Rosen Lena Weissman
October 4 Deut. 31:1-31:30/Vayelekh/5:51
October 11 Deut. 32:-32:52/Ha’azinu/5:42 Administrative Staff
October 18 Deut. 33:-34:12/Chol Hamoed Sukkot/5:33
October 25 Genesis 1:1-6:8/Bereshit/5:25 Peter Pishko [email protected] x.124 Executive Director
Jacquelyn Null Engagement Specialist
Tobee Waxenberg [email protected] x.128 Director of Raker Rel. School
Elis Legler Raker Religious School Coord.
Noni Clark [email protected] x.123
Joan Giannini Controller
Edie Bradt [email protected] x.121 Mbshp. & Emp. Svcs. Manager
Jelena Santiago
Mary Ann Bloom [email protected] x.125 Office Manager
Sonya Placencia Executive Assistant
Kathleen Manahan [email protected] x.127 Director of Early Childhood Ed.
Alberto Mena Preschool Billing & Office Asst.
Vojo Stanisic [email protected] x.120 Education Assistant

[email protected] x.126 Facility Manager
[email protected] x.162

[email protected] x.135

[email protected] x.164

[email protected] x.129

[email protected] x.129

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