A Leap Day Discovery
My Uncle Nissim was born in Agadir, and on a specific date in February. This year he is turning
fifteen and he’s turning sixty. To choose only one side of
Morocco in February of 1960. His family those dualities would be to lose a piece of his story.
moved to Israel when he was just three
years old, and he hasn’t This month, I will be teaching an Adult
returned since then. Education class called “The Talmud of
This month, along with Relationships.” This isn’t just about how
my aunt and cousin, he will set foot in to get along with each other—it’s about
the country of his birth for the first time all the issues highlighted in my uncle’s
since his early childhood. The neat thing story: how we navigate multiple answers
about my uncle’s story is that he had and truths, how the things we relate to
never really known his secular birthday. will influence our identities, how to ask
His mom, who we call Safta Titi, just said: for help, and how we might articulate
“Well, it was some time around Purim,” our connection to each other, the world,
and chose a day in mid-February to be and the divine, in the context of a story
his official birthday. When I was young, much bigger than ourselves. I hope you’ll
my dad and my uncle, through some join me in learning together on February
early internet chat-room sleuthing, using 4, 11, and 18 from 7-8:30pm.
the facts that they knew—my uncle was
born after an earthquake hit Agadir, and Whether or not you can join me for class,
a US Naval ship was there to provide I hope this month will be one of
aid—finally verified the official day of his discovery and growth. It’s never too late
birth with a navy officer who had been to learn new things—about our tradition,
there: February 29, 1960. Leap Day. and ourselves. You never know, they
might just open a door to new and
From then on, the joke became, every beautiful truths about who you are.
four years: “Uncle Nissim is turning
twelve today!” “Happy thirteenth Rabbi Emily Langowitz
birthday, Uncle Nissim!” (We were ready
to throw him a second Bar Mitzvah in 2012.) This year, as
we add that special leap day in the secular calendar, my
uncle will turn “fifteen.”
I love this story of my uncle’s birthday journey because it
shows just how subjective time can be. We relate to time
in so many different ways—the Jewish calendar, the
Gregorian calendar, the movement of the sun and the
moon and when one must “leap” to catch up with the
other—all of these things influence how we relate to
ourselves and to the world. This story also shows us that
there are never any clear answers for anything. (and oh,
how Jewish that is!) Uncle Nissim was born around Purim,
2 February 2020 / Sh’vat - Adar 5780
Service Schedule Zoe Moriah Oland, daughter of Ann and Jordan Oland, will become a bat mitzvah
on Saturday, February 22, 2020 at 10:30 am. Zoe attends Phoenix
Country Day School and enjoys spending time with family and
friends, soccer, basketball, volleyball, art, and summer camp. For
her mitzvah project, Zoe volunteered for MORIAH as a peer mentor
to children with varying special needs. She has been an active
volunteer for the past 4 years.
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Torah Study 9:00 am
Friday, February 7, 2020
Shabbat Services 6:15 pm
An oneg will precede the service at
5:30 pm. Anniversaries will be
Saturday, February 8, 2020
Torah Study 9:00 am
Friday, February 14, 2020
Shabbat Services 6:15 pm
An oneg will precede the service at
5:30 pm.
Saturday, February 15, 2020
Torah Study 9:00 am
Friday, February 21, 2020
Shabbat Shira Services 6:15 pm
An oneg will precede the service at
5:30 pm.
Saturday, February 22, 2020
Torah Study 9:00 am
Shabbat Morning Services 10:30 am
During the service Zoe Oland will be
called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah.
Friday, February 28, 2020
Shabbat Services 6:15 pm
An oneg will precede the service at
5:30 pm.
Saturday, February 29, 2020
Torah Study 9:00 am
February 2020 / Sh’vat - Adar 5780 3
Trees as Spiritual Teachers
During the month of February, we
This is true for human beings as well. It is natural to get
celebrate the holiday of Tu BiSh’vat. This is frustrated when it feels like things in our lives are not
one of four different new years celebrated moving forward in the way we had hoped or imagined. But
within our tradition. “With their roots in the if we recognize that we too are part of the
Typically, it is a holiday when we connect Earth, and their crowns in the natural world and share energetic similarity
with our environment, plant trees and hold with the trees, we can reframe these ‘lulls’
a Seder where different fruits from trees Heavens, trees connect these in our lives as periods of dormancy rather
are given symbolic meanings. Trees have two planes of existence, than stagnation. We can perhaps be a little
always had a central role in Judaism… from integrating what is above more patient with ourselves, knowing that
referring to the Torah as the Tree of Life, to with what is below. On an this time of reflection allows us to assess
the Kabbalistic vision of the Tree of Life where we are and decide where we want to
representing different emanations of the energetic level, trees perform grow and how we want to grow.
Divine spirit into the world.
the spiritual purpose of As we celebrate Tu BiSh’vat this year, let us
It is interesting to note that this New Year assisting all beings to evolve take a moment to express our gratitude to
of the Trees usually takes place in the trees and to our environment. These
to a higher state of
month of January or February. During this consciousness.” symbols remind us of the abundance and
time of the year, many trees are in a period richness that we are privileged to enjoy.
of dormancy, or hibernation. In order to —Melissa Krige And let us also take a moment to
conserve their energy to survive the winter appreciate ourselves, wherever we are and
cold, they lose their leaves and suspend cell division and in whatever stage of development… knowing that all
growth. During this time, the tree is still very much alive. In growth happens in its own time.
fact, this period of rest is necessary for the health and well In song,
-being of the tree. Researchers have found that when Todd Herzog
trees are not allowed to go through their natural
Cantorial Soloist
dormancy cycles that the lifespan of the tree is
dramatically reduced.
Annie and Peter Mathisen and sons, Temple Solel office and The Solel Preschool
Gabriel, Ethan, and Quinn are closed Monday, February 17th
in honor of Presidents Day.
Kyle and Debbie Stantus and son Jack
Maxine Henig
Josh and Lauren Simons and children,
William and Natalie
BIRTHS So Your Child Turns 11
Molly Elizabeth Wasserman – granddaughter of This Month?
Elaine and Jeff Chapman
If you haven’t requested a bar or bat
FEBRUARY ANNIVERSARIES mitzvah date yet and your child is
turning 11 this month, stop by the
Brad and Adena Astrowsky ................. 18 yrs Eric and Julie Mininberg ......................14 yrs temple office and fill out a Temple
Steve and Rachel Beneke .................... 18 yrs Steven and Karen Pine.........................20 yrs
Herschel and Melissa Fink ................... 14 yrs Jeff and Lee Ratterman........................21 yrs Solel Bar/Bat Mitzvah Date Request
Craig and Michelle Ganz...................... 17 yrs Terry and Deb Rochford ......................31 yrs Form to get the process started.
Louis Gorman and Peggy Kile .............. 39 yrs Yuri Sayapin and Ludmila Brigadir .......33 yrs
Marc and Cathy Joseph ....................... 27 yrs Norman and Nancijoy Weissman ........58 yrs Fillable PDF forms are also available
Nelson and Lisa Lerner ........................ 32 yrs Alexander and Inez White ...................67 yrs for download on our website:
Abraham and Ina Lieberman............... 55 yrs Sandy and Ginger Wlody .....................59 yrs
Ken and Barbara Love ........................... 7 yrs templesolel.org/forms. Completed
forms may be emailed to
Jelena Santiago at
[email protected].
4 February 2020 / Sh’vat - Adar 5780
Shout Out to Fabulous Volunteers!
One factor that makes The Solel Preschool aisle” (The temple and the preschool) This is always such a
fantastic event and I can’t wait to cruise into summer with
a great school and community is our parent everyone on May 2, 2020.
In December, The Solel Preschool adopted a classroom at a
Perry Brazel is a volunteer coordinator, and Title One school in Mesa. Our preschool families bought
has an entire list of everyone that participated. Since toys for the children, gift cards for the teachers, party
school has started, here is a sampling of the first semester supplies and furnished adults to help with a holiday party
activities that were run by some of these fabulous parents. for the classroom. A special thanks to Ivy Lesser and her
mother, Maddy Kalin for working with Marcy Lewis from
The Moms’ night out, Parents’ night out and Dads’ night the PJ Library for helping in the classroom the day of the
out were all coordinated by Ivy and Larry Lesser. Connie party.
Moyle arranged to have a give back night at California
Pizza Kitchen. Kristin Dorn and a host of volunteers put I am sure I have missed some of the tireless volunteers,
together a fabulous week of Book Fair happenings. but appreciate everyone that has given up their time for
the preschool and temple. All of you make this community
Lisa Flader and her group did an amazing job putting great and I thank you.
together 40+ vendors for the preschool Chic Boutique. She
also found time to get the school signed up for two give Mary Ann Bloom
back fundraisers—The Give Garden and USBorne Books
and More. Director of Early Childhood Education
Allison Palme has volunteered to chair the Solelebration
event. This is the major joint fundraiser for The Solel
Preschool and Temple Solel. She is doing a wonderful job
with lots of involvement from “both sides of the
Temple Solel Endowment Foundation
Securing Our Future | February 2020
“Just as my ancestors planted for me, so too, will I plant for my children.”
Talmud Ta’anit 23A
As we enter the month of February and the Hebrew month rabbi educational programs, or a plethora of other items
of Sh’vat, we celebrate Tu BiSh’vat by planting trees in that would enhance the synagogue.
Israel and the world over. While doing so we should also
consider, as a similar analogy, sustaining the growth of our A tree is planted—Contributions are made to the
spiritual home, Temple Solel. Endowment Fund.
Planting trees is a symbol of renewed growth of the Jewish A tree grows healthy and sturdy every year to produce
people as well as the ecological stewardship of the land. fruit, shade, lumber or beauty—The Endowment Fund
When we contribute to the Temple Solel Endowment grows and develops over the years with earnings from
Foundation, this would be considered an economical the fund designated solely for the use by Temple Solel
stewardship of the temple, would it not? for the betterment of its members and environment of
our synagogue.
Planting financial seeds of growth with a contribution to
the Endowment Fund can be compared to planting trees. Think tree growth for our children and grandchildren. Let’s
Both start off small and grow strong and tall over time. grow our Endowment Foundation to hit $1,800,000 this
Funds for the Endowment Fund are invested and year 2020.
maintained in perpetuity with income distributed for
major projects such as a building renovation, teacher/ Gail Rosenberg Zucker
Endowment Foundation Board Member
February 2020 / Sh’vat - Adar 5780 5
Raker Religious School
What is on your dinner table this evening? Buy those fruits and nuts, and have a Seder! Yes, a Seder!
Thousands of years ago, Jewish mystics created a ritual,
Did you know that the fun and tasty holiday, similar to the Passover Seder, in order to maintain a
Tu BiSh’vat, Monday, February 10, celebrates connection to the LAND of Israel. After the Second Temple
the connection of the Diaspora to Israel was destroyed in 70 CE, Jews scattered. This became the
through the tasting of fruits and nuts grown in holiday that kept the people connected to Israel through
Israel? Tu BiSh’vat, which refers to the 15th ritual and food!
day of the month of Shevat, not only celebrates the
holiday by eating foods from Israel, but also incorporates Look for a copy of a family Seder Haggadah for Tu BiSh’vat
the care and creation of the earth; planting of trees, coming to your inbox soon.
birthday of the trees, and commitment to be God's partner
in this world. L’shalom,
Tobee Waxenberg
To celebrate this holiday, sit down with your children and
first ask them to name fruits and or nuts from the Director of Raker Religious School
following categories:
Upcoming Dates to Remember:
Fruits or nuts that the outside can not be eaten.
February 2: PACT 2+3
Fruits or nuts that have a pit February 21: Shabbat Shira / Family Shabbat / NFTY pop-
Fruits or nuts that both the outside and inside can be up Shabbat! Celebrate our Youth!
eaten February 23: PACT 6
March 8: Mitzvah Day! All projects done during Raker
In addition, have some table talk about ways they can
take care of the earth. Maybe go out to the yard and Religious School
plant a tree, start a garden, or investigate the new March 27-29: Family Retreat, Camp Stein
growth on the plants.
6 February 2020 / Sh’vat - Adar 5780
“Deep Ecumenism” Thank You!
at Torah Study Volunteer Recognition
This month in Torah Study, we re-enact the story of Volunteers are an essential part of Temple Solel. We would like
Exodus. We journey from mitzrayim, the narrow place of to thank the following volunteers for their time and efforts:
slavery, to midbar, the vast landscape of the Sinai desert.
A wise person we meet there is Yitro, the father-in-law Beginner Mah Jongg Beth Sennett
of Moses, who observes Moses judging the people all by Shari Cohen Judy Sirkis
himself, and advises him to appoint additional judges Jill Loebel Debbie Smith
(Exodus 18:1-27). Even though Yitro is a Midianite priest Beth Sennett Lisa Trotta
and a non-Israelite, his advice establishes the judicial Nancy Weinstein
system of Jewish law, which we still use today. Birthday calls
Arlene Bonime Gift Shop
Remarkably, Yitro is among thousands of non-Jewish Carol Brillman
people who helped shape Judaism over the centuries. As Knitting for a Purpose Becky Lieberman
Jews migrated throughout the world, we absorbed new Arlene Bonime Sue Waldbaum
people and ideas into daily Jewish life. For example, Carol Brillman
Yiddish was derived from German; Greek philosophy Hannah Dodge Yahrzeits
influenced rabbinic thinkers; and modern feminism Jill Loebel Cynthia Marcus
transformed temple leadership. Judaism evolved into a Margie Rahilly
kaleidoscope tradition, forever exchanging ideas with
the neighbors of the lands where we lived. Would you like to volunteer at some point in the future?
We’d love to have you! Email [email protected], and we’ll
Such cultural sharing is a blessing, says Rabbi Zalman add you to our volunteer email list for upcoming opportunities.
Schachter-Shalomi in “Wisdom from Reb
Zalman” (2018). He calls it “Deep Ecumenism.” While we Art@Solel
get most of our insights from our own faith, some
insights we need to get from other faiths. He says that Photography by Skip Feinstein
Jews should not fear “losing ourselves” in those other
faiths, which are themselves not perfect. Just as we A photography retrospective highlighting four decades of
benefit from their ideas, they may benefit from original work by Skip Feinstein is the subject of the ART
Jewish concepts, such as shabbat (weekly rest) and SHOWCASE exhibit in the North Hallway Gallery, through
yichud (personal unification with a loving God). February.
The journey from mitzrayim to midbar continues today. High School Seniors Alert
As we exit the narrow confines of our thoughts and
feelings, the wider spaces that we enter are crowded Any temple member family high school senior who has a
with a diversity of people and ideas. They are also filled specific interest in art is entitled to apply for a one-time
with light. May we see this as an opportunity to listen, cash scholarship, awarded in the spring by ART SHOWCASE
share, and grow. and Art @ Solel. Contact Ira at [email protected] for an
Torah Study meets every Saturday morning at 9:00 am
in the library. Please come! We Need to Know…
Matthew Kozinets Please inform the Temple Solel office when
a family member or friend is in the hospital.
Downtown Study Group
Too often we find out about
Wednesday, February 5, 2020 illnesses, crises and hospitalizations
12:00-1:00 pm long after they occur. This is a
missed opportunity for visits
Engelman Berger, P.C. in Phoenix from the rabbi and calls from
RSVP to Scott Cohen, [email protected] the Caring Community as well
as other assistance offered by
the temple. We need your help
in order to offer ours.
February 2020 / Sh’vat - Adar 5780 7
The Al & Irma Feldman To all our Yiddish
friends and
Y i d d i s h Club supporters of
the Yiddish Club
here at Temple Solel, we want to invite you to join us for
Temple Solel Book Club our next meeting to take place Wednesday, February 19,
Dear Fellow Readers, 1:30-3:00 pm.
On February 25, 2020 at 6:00 pm, we will convene once In January’s session, we learned about Sholem Aleichem,
again at the temple for a dairy/pareve (non-meat, fish his writings and his life. We all admired his good looks
okay) potluck. We will discuss The Emperor of Shoes by and personality. We sang traditzieh from the Yiddish
Filddler which is based on his writings. We we will listen
Spencer Wise, led by Steve to one of his stories read by Walter Mathau in February.
Slogoff. We will briefly discuss We may also sing a few more songs from the Yiddish
the possibility of reading a fifth Fiddler and talk about life in the shtetl and the roles of its
book, perhaps meeting during
the summer. inhabitants. Were any of your family members from a
shtetl? which one? How did they come to America? which
Spencer Wise's debut novel, The city did they arrive at? Remember the last 15 minutes we
Emperor of Shoes, came out in share new things in the Yiddish world. Please look
fall 2008. He comes from a long through magazines and newspapers and share with us
line of shoemakers dating back what you find.
many generations to the shtetls
of Poland. To research this You don’t have to speak or know Yiddish, just come and
book, Wise lived at a dormitory enjoy our community. We hope to see you then as we
in a shoe factory in South China, explore and share all things Yiddish. Until then, Zay
where the novel unfolds. A Gezunt!
native of Massachusetts and
graduate of Tufts University, Biz February, Sandy Bernoff
Wise studied creative writing at
the University of Texas at Austin and earned his Ph.D. at Community Event
Florida State. He is now an assistant professor at Augusta
University in Georgia. (I am unaware of his personal Jewish Free Loan Mishpatim Masquerade
preference in footwear.)
Sunday, February 23, 2020
The author’s website says this about the book: “Alex 5:45pm at Chateau Luxe
Cohen, a twenty-six-year-old Jewish Bostonian, is living in
a remote village in southern China, where his father runs a Please join us for cocktails, a gourmet
family-owned shoe factory. Lost and searching, Alex kosher dinner and festivities as we celebrate
reluctantly assumes the helm of the company, absorbing 70 years of changing lives through interest-
the generations-old secrets of the trade from his loving but free lending & toast to the future.
neurotic father. As Alex explores the plant’s vast floors and
assembly lines he comes to a grim realization: employees Featuring Josh Altman: BRAVO TV’s Million
are exploited, regulatory systems are corrupt and Alex’s Dollar Listing top producing realtor at
own father is engaging in payoffs and bribes to protect the Douglas Elliman.
bottom line. Then he meets a seamstress named Ivy.”
Please visit www.jewishfreeloan.org/donate-now/ for
The Emperor of Shoes is available in Kindle (ebook) form or more information and to register.
to borrow from local libraries. The Temple library has one
copy, so if you borrow it, please return it promptly after
you are done reading. RSVP to [email protected] if
you can join us.
Our last book selection is May 5, 2020: Underground
Fugue by Margot Singer with discussion led by Pam Hait.
Happy reading and see you on Mardi Gras (February 25).
Judy Schaffert
8 February 2020 / Sh’vat - Adar 5780
Third annual Jewish Family and Children’s Services Party, hosted
by Temple Solel. This program supports young adults leaving the
Foster Care System and this party is a celebration of their
accomplishments. A delicious meal was prepared and donated by
Alberto Mena. 2019 Volunteers include: Phylis Bolno, Dottie Braun
-Cohen, Carol Brillman, Laurie and Sam Hopkins, Alberto Mena,
Peter Pishko, Shirley Rosenblum, and Susan Wine.
February 2020 / Sh’vat - Adar 5780 9
Back in December we had a great time celebrating Hanukkah in our Hanukkah Holiday Room! It’s a fun event where each class gets to
rotate through Hanukkah-themed activity stations. This month we have been enjoying the beautiful Arizona weather out on our
playground, but are still doing several wintery art projects, including making snowmen from socks!
10 February 2020 / Sh’vat - Adar 5780
February 2020 / Sh’vat - Adar 5780 11
12 February 2020 / Sh’vat - Adar 5780
Contributions We appreciate the thoughtfulness of those who support Temple Solel by remembering and
honoring their friends and loved ones through their generous contributions.
Rabbi Linder’s Discretionary Fund Thank you Phil and Marilyn Hawkes In memory of Oscar Rauch
In honor of Asa Silverman’s bar mitzvah From Jennet Kirkpatrick and From Joe Freeman
Dan Silverman
From Jennet Kirkpatrick and From Don and Joyce Krusky
Dan Silverman In honor of Judy Schaffert, In memory of Leo Batterman
From Judy and Herb Gold and great Shabbat In memory of Nelson Gottlieb
Taylor Barron From Arleen Schwartz
In memory of Melissa Barron From Lois, Jared, Taylor and Vija Bell
In memory of Betty Mink In memory of Leo Kastner In memory of Evelyn Lasik
A donation was made by From Leon and Lucy Wall In memory of Bessie Levinson
Rosebell Schurz
In appreciation of Rabbi Linder In honor of Chase Sorosky’s bar mitzvah In memory of Shirley Lipman
From Katherine Flader From Susan and Brad Sorosky From Joan and Norton Remes
In memory of Susie Robbins
From Larry and Simma Robbins Keeping Bruce Coppock in my thoughts In memory of Arthur Ruble
A donation was made by Jane and and prayers From Ira Schwartz
Mal Jozoff From Jan Carp
Thank you Rabbi Linder In memory of Jacob Fishman
From Rabbi Martin Pasternak In honor of Harriet Joselit-Bartick and From Bob Fishman
A donation was made by Noel Fidel Herb Bartick’s anniversary
For your compassion for our community From Len and Ellie Harris In memory of Freda Keats
From Phyl and Gary Bolno From Roy and Susan Keats
In memory of Arthur Brace In memory of Richard Skloot
From Michael Brace From Jeanine Korer In memory of Mollie Wechter
In memory of Raymond Cohen From Ira and Myrna Wechter
From Robert Cohen and Dottie Braun Dr. Gerald Becker Adult Education Fund
A donation was made by A donation was made by Jeff Becker Sending prayers for Dorene Sager and
Harold Berkowitz Steve Beckman
Speedy recovery to Judy Seplow Caring Community Fund From Sylvia Meyers
From Si and Natalie Eisenberg In memory of Jordan Jae Lipsman
In honor of a great visit In memory of Harold Colb
From Mel Epstein From Larry Lipsman and Jeri, Jeff and From Nancijoy and Norman Weissman
Cathy Lipsman
Rabbi Langowitz’s Discretionary Fund In memory of Josh Eisen A donation was made by
In memory of Ellen Gold From Milly Kaplan Ellen and Lon Babby
In memory of Shirley Lipman
From Richard Harte From Carol Brillman In memory of our loved ones
Many thanks for leading the shiva In honor of Dottie Cohen, Susan Wine, From Yetta and Paul Gluck
and Joan Matlock
service for my mother From Bonnie Levitt In memory of Rose Haber
From Bonnie Levitt From Ruth LeGrand
Edward and Celia Linder Interfaith
In memory of Bernie Weinberg In memory of Mila Neimark
From Stewart and Sharon Levine Bridge-Building Fund From Ludmila Brigadier
In memory of Lillian Smith
In honor of Chase Sorosky’s bar mitzvah, In memory of Rosalie Spiegel
you are amazing From Frani and Norman Wolfe From Richard and Judy Spiegel
From Susan and Brad Sorosky
Endowment Fund In memory of Dr. Fred Benderoff
Cantorial Soloist’s Todd Herzog In memory of Ida Lamden From Paula and Howard Donsky
Discretionary Fund From Dick and Fran Lamden In memory of Diane (Sissy) Lishinsky
In honor of Asa Silverman’s bar mitzvah From Avery Crossman From Bernard Lishinsky
From Jennet Kirkpatrick and In memory of Mary Crossman In memory of Sarah Brody
Dan Silverman In memory of Virginia Glascock From Leslie Schwartz
From Judy and Herb Gold and
Taylor Barron Family Promise In memory of Stanley Garner
In memory of Melissa Barron A donation was made by Saramae Teich From Francine Garner
In memory of Betty Mink In memory of Evalyn Heavenrich From Lauren Garner
In memory of our charming, loving and
generous sister, Sarah From Barbara Neuman From Florence Covinsky
From Bert and Betty Feingold In memory of Lillian Shapiro In memory of Max Hirsch
In memory of Howard Covinsky
From Phylis, Gary, and Dottie Bolno
A donation was made by Carolyn Golden In honor of Mollie Wasserman
From Jeff and Elaine Chapman
General Fund
In memory of Abe Rudberg A donation was made by David Jacobs
From Carol Brillman In memory of Steve Rineberg
From Sandra Mozenter From Gail Rineberg
In memory of Rosalie Fox In memory of Hyman Bricker
In memory of Esther Clement From Jeri, Jeff, and Cathy Lipsman
In memory of Charles Gartell
From Alice Gartell
In memory of Josef Pruzhansky
From Lilia and Simon Paykin
In memory of Gary Mozenter
From Rachel Reid
February 2020 / Sh’vat - Adar 5780 13
Contributions (Cont’d)
In memory of Ben Kane In honor of the baby naming of Isabel Religious School Camp
From Larry and Fern Kane Harriet Brown Scholarship Fund
From Shana Abrahams In memory of Josh Eisen
A donation was made by Marian Fisher
In honor of the birth of Molly Elizabeth, In memory of Josh Eisen From Lauren, Jordan, Jared, and
From Tobee Waxenberg Jessica Mishlove
granddaughter of Jeff and Sisters of Solel Fund
Elaine Chapman Oneg Fund In memory of my wonderful
Sponsors grandfather, Phillip Moss
From Harriet and Sy Achtman In honor of my granddaughter’s From Cynthia Moss
In memory of Leonard Glazier The Solel Preschool
baby naming In memory of Murray Wlody
From Michael Glazier and Jody Brown From Leslie Schwartz From Sandy and Ginger Wlody
In memory of Ruth Powell In memory of Harry Stone
In honor of our 20th anniversary From Phyllis Stone
From Dana and Peter Powell From Harriet Joselit-Bartick and
In memory of Phyllis Kaplan Herb Bartick Donations received after
From Howard and Judy Rosen January 6 will be printed in the
From The Sobel Family
In memory of Jerry Salman In honor of our anniversary next issue of the Pathfinder.
From Sheila and Robert Press
From Mal and Jane Jozoff
In honor of Zoe Oland’s bat mitzvah
Jane and Bob Podall Library Fund From Ann and Jordan Oland
In memory of Shirley Lipman
From Peter Pishko In honor of our anniversary
From Lesley Lustgarten
From Al and Sandy Barkov
In memory of Rose Duboe From Marv and Karen Leff
In memory of Udell Duboe In honor of Judy Schaffert’s wonderful
In honor of Judy Schaffert leading a service in December
beautiful shiva service From Debbie and Don Scharf
From Bonnie Levitt
Jim Waxenberg Youth Fund
In memory of Jim Waxenberg
From Linda Ribnik
From Ava Keenen Kurnow
From Kay and Howard Segal
Caring Community News
The Caring Community thanks the Family Promise Our traveling Mah Jongg team of Dottie Braun-Cohen and
participants for helping to stock our freezer with lots of Sandy and Al Barkov continue to bring Mah Jongg to
meatloaf, spaghetti with meat sauce and turkey dinners Sagewood weekly. Shari Cohen will again teach a beginner
leftover from dinners prepared for our homeless families Mah Jongg course beginning on February 23 for five weeks.
visiting us during the week of December 22, 2019. We The dates are February 23, March 1, 8, 15, and April 5. Mah
delivered all those and more to families experiencing illness Jongg cards may be purchased in the gift shop prior to the
or injury. This past month, we delivered 18 meals. Thanks start of the course. RSVP to Shari Cohen at
to Beverly Nathan and Susan Wine for stocking our freezer [email protected] or call her at 602.369.8710. Both
with Italian Wedding soup and Vegetable Barley soup. new and seasoned players are welcome to play in the Bistro
Dottie Braun-Cohen will be teaching several members how each Sunday when Raker Religious School is in session.
to make chicken soup in keeping with the proverb, “give a
man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach a man to fish As always if you are in need of the services of the Caring
and you will feed him for a lifetime.” Community you can reach us at [email protected] or
through the temple office.
Our correspondence team headed by Audrey Sobel
welcomes Robin Balon. Robin joins Milly Kaplan in writing Dottie Braun-Cohen
condolence notes to our congregants. We thank our
wonderful Sue Silvert for her years of service. Coordinator
14 February 2020 / Sh’vat - Adar 5780
Kaddish will be recited on Erev Shabbat on the following dates:
February 7, 2020 February 21, 2020
Jean Adleman Miriam Hait Fay Raboy Bruce Berg Sue Koslow Edward Schacter
Frank Amendola Betty Harris Sam Rifkin Sylvia Cohen Joan Kreisler Frederick Scherr
Sutta Bartick Evelyn Jacobs Harry Rudin Meyer Cohen Max Kroot Gerry Schneiderman
Adolf Berkovics Irene Kahn Ethel Seeskin Becky Epstein Michael Levitan David Schwartz
Ann Bernstein Henry Krumholz Joseph Sherman Ruth Fein Helene Maier Mannie Schwartz
Jay Cooper Lawrence Leebove William Silberstein Elliot Feinberg Dorothy Matlock Marvin Schwartz
W. Louis Coppersmith Ruth Lidawer Larry Silverton Sophie Gold Sylvester Matthias Nathan Shafran
Sidney Dickstein Ruth Lippman Gussie Siporin Terry Goldberg Fannie Ostrov Ronald Shellow
Helen Feingold Saralee Lober Edythe Smith Mildred Gorman Marvin Polakof Carole Silverman
Nancy Fishman Shirlee Matisoff Irene Stein Jules Hertz Joan Rabin Lillian Slogoff
Jack Fox Isaac Menaged Leah Suckle Amelie Huth Lena Rabinowitz Jack Stotsky
Irving Freidenreich Rebecca Miller Gus Weinstock Karla Karrar Pearl Rifkin
Shirley Goldberg Francis Miller Evelyn Weiss
Bennett Goldberg Joe Moss Leslie Whitfield
Muriel Gottlieb Albert Plotkin Martha Wolfe
Edith Guyer Sylvia Polayes Shirley Zatulove
Bernard Zweig
February 14, 2020 February 28, 2020
Carolyn Becker Leda Hanin Sarah Schiller Samuel Adelson Esther Goldman Eli Perlo
Belle Bloom Walter Hass Goldye Schuller Rose Bantit Meyer Greenberg Ruth Press
Zelda Bohm Marvin Hatfield Robert Schuller Carolee Brecker Arlene Hartzberg Henryk Radecki
Al Bookspan Harry Higgins Betty Schwartz Alexander Burger Belle Hecht Louis Reitman
Saul Cohen Rosa Hirsch Paul Seifferlein Mary White Carp Sarah Hoffman Nestor Roos
Stanley Dickman Nettie Kaner Leila Shaw Jack Charney Emanuel Kant Irving Schwartz
Sadie Eisenberg Molly Kreitzer Ethel Sill Joan Charney Elizabeth Kant Isaac Strickstein
Mel Engel Gertrude Levine Bernard Slaton Den Davis Vivian Kantor Nathan Wahlberg
Harold Feingold Adeline Levitan Marion Splaver Kenneth Dickstein Milton Kaplan Anna Weber
Robert Flood Edward Linder William Tatcher Arthur Ehrenreich Abe Kaufman Nathan Wechter
Norma Garfield Clara Linhart Sarah Varon Daniel Epstein Rhoda Kay Naomi Weiner
Robert Garfield Sophie Lurie Benjamin Wasserman Lena Fishman Dean Lewis Celia Weinstein
Kenneth Gerst Harriet Miller Mary Wasserman Kenneth Gerst Shari Lewis Sumner Wyman
Sol Goldberg Janet Orioli Betty Weinstein Senta Glash Amy Lezberg
Ben Goldwasser Henry Reuss Ruth Wolfe
Selma Golub Ruth Rice Sam Woloshin
Bernard Greenberg Sandra Rosen Sena Zinn
Allison Hagerdon Henry Sayrs
We Mourn the Loss of:
Doris Fleischman – grandmother of
Stephanie Cherny
Sondra Sherman – mother of Andrea Sherman
Ben Lerman – brother of Cathy Joseph
Ralph Henig – husband of Maxine Henig
Non Profit
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Volume 19 - Issue 6
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Temple Solel
Gift Shop News
Our Gift Shop is one of the best-kept Published by and for the members of Temple Solel
secrets in the valley. Come and see what February 2020
we have to offer—items change with the
Jewish holidays and seasons. Rabbi John A. Linder [email protected] x.122 Rabbi
Rabbi Emily R. Langowitz Assistant Rabbi
We have Bar and Bat Mitzvah presents, Todd Herzog [email protected] x.131 Cantorial Soloist
amazing tallitot from Israel at different Rabbi Maynard W. Bell Rabbi Emeritus
price points, and much more. [email protected] x.136
Don’t forget baby gifts, wedding presents Executive Committee & Trustees
and even a beautiful mezzuzah. We also
have jewelry to meet your every want and Doreen Feldberg.................................................................................................... President
need and lovely hostess gifts. Rae Rader ............................................................... Executive Vice President - Social Action
Pamela Ornstein ..................................................................... Vice President - Membership
The Gift Shop is open several times during Stephen Slogoff ............................................................................Vice President - Accounts
the week. Please call the temple office at Andy Abraham..........................................................Vice President - Trustee Development
480.991.7414 before you stop in so that Lauren Brown ..............................................................................Vice President - Education
we may be able to assist you. Larry Cohen .............................................................. Vice President - Facilities and Security
Brian Weinberger ........................................................ Vice President - Legal and Contracts
Bobbi Moss ............................................................................................................ Secretary
Phil Hawkes ........................................................................................................... Treasurer
Bettina Chow Rebecca Goldberg Howard Rosen
Eve Danoff Rhea Kowitz Tracy Schwimmer
Larry Fink Lisa Lerner TSTY President:
Judy Gold Eric Mininberg Lena Weissman
Return Policy Administrative Staff
The temple will cheerfully accept any Peter Pishko [email protected] x.124 Executive Director
returns for store credit only. Jacquelyn Null Engagement Specialist
Thank You! Tobee Waxenberg [email protected] x.128 Director of Raker Rel. School
Elis Legler Raker Religious School Coord.
Torah Portions/Candle Lighting Times Noni Clark [email protected] x.123
Joan Giannini Controller
February 7 Exodus 13:17-17:16/Beshalach/5:47 pm Jelena Santiago [email protected] x.121 Mbshp. & Emp. Svcs. Manager
February 14 Exodus 18:1-20:23/Yitro/5:54 pm Mary Ann Bloom
February 21 Exodus 21:1-24:18/Mishpatim/6:00 pm Sonya Placencia [email protected] x.125 Executive Assistant
February 28 Exodus 25:1-27:19/Terumah/6:06 pm Kathleen Manahan Director of Early Childhood Ed.
Alberto Mena [email protected] x.127 Preschool Billing & Office Asst.
Vojo Stanisic
[email protected] x.126 Education Assistant
Facility Manager
[email protected] x.162 Custodian
[email protected] x.135
[email protected] x.164
[email protected] x.129
[email protected] x.129