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Published by Temple Solel, 2019-08-02 16:24:58

Pathfinder August 2019


Back to School Notes from Our Educators
T he month of August has its ups and downs! C amp Solel has officially ended and we are
Students are deeply involved with their summer getting ready for another year of playing,

activities. Teachers are usually done with school/ growing, and learning at The Solel Preschool

summer school and are looking forward to a real, beginning August 14. Here are a few tips to

but short vacation. Parents? Some can be counting help get ready for the new school year.
the days until school starts again or enjoying the
Children do well with routine, so establishing
“non-schedule, schedule” their family is
a school routine early is important. Start working on
experiencing. I like August because plans for Raker Religious

School are coming together, High Holiday services and events establishing routines for getting up and going to bed at

are being refined, and the monsoons are coming! specific times to help make the start of school easier.

 Is it really time for Raker to start? Yes, August 18 is our Get appropriate gear for your preschooler. Make sure your
first day! Remember, Raker classes start at child’s backpack can hold a lunchbox and any other items
9:00 am, not 9:30 am, this year. you feel they need for school.

 Bistro will be open 8:20–8:50 am for Raker RS students and Talk and read about school. Make books about school with
will feature bagels, donuts, juice, milk, cereal, and coffee your child. Share how much fun you had in school and
answer any questions they might have.
 Back To School Night (parents only) September 18,
6:30-8:00 pm

 Creative arts will be introduced to grades 1-3 Make sure to meet the teacher and visit the classroom
before school starts, if possible. Even if a child has been at
 Music with Todd (camp, retreat, and Shabbat music) the school before, they will have a new teacher and a new
classroom. Knowing the classroom and teacher ahead of
 Parents and Children Together (PACT) (grades K-6) time will help ease the beginning-of-the-year anxieties.

 Confirmation Class for all 10th grade students Encourage independence. Real tasks allow children to
learn to take care of themselves and have a sense of
 Classes for our 11/12 grade students will be taught by clergy accomplishment. Choosing clothes for the day, getting
and members of the congregation dressed, and cleaning up after meals are all tasks that can
help work towards being independent.
What can you do as a family to get ready for religious school?
Keep having fun and continue doing family activities that
 If you have a student in grades 4-6, start reviewing the keep you connected to your child.
Hebrew letters, sounds and vowels. I also invite you to come
to Shabbat services as a family. We have many engaging programs available for our
students and families. Anyone may attend our monthly Tot
 Have a discussion with your children about the importance Shabbats, our weekly Friday morning Shabbat service, and
of consistent religious school attendance. our FREE children’s services for Rosh Hashanah and Yom
 Encourage your 6-12 grade student to get active in JSTY
(Junior Solel Temple Youth) and your 9-12 grade student to
join TSTY (Temple Solel Temple Youth).

 Arrange for your child to become a Madrich, a student
assistant in the classroom! For students in grades 8-12.

 Go to our website, click on Education, click on Raker This year we will again have Mom’s Night Out, Dad’s Night
Religious School and the Raker calendar pops up! Please Out, Family Fitness Night, Book Fair, Alumni Havdalah, and
print out this revised calendar and be in the know. our Corn Hole Tournament. The SPPA (our parent
organization) is bringing back Chic Boutique in November.
If you have any questions, or need any Hebrew materials to help
with your review, please give me a call or send an email. I look Visit for a calendar of our events. If you
forward to a great year of student community building, learning, have any questions, please don’t hesitate to email or call.
and family participation!
Mary Ann Bloom
Tobee Waxenberg
Director of Early Childhood Education
Raker Religious School Director



2 August 2019 / Tammuz - Av 5779

Service Schedule Benjamin Morgan Hass , son of Kristin and Brad Hass, will

Friday, August 2, 2019 become a bar mitzvah on Saturday, August 24, 2019 at 10:30 am.
Shabbat Services 6:15 pm Benjamin attends Cocopah Middle School and enjoys watching and
An oneg will precede the service at playing baseball. For his mitzvah project, Benjamin volunteered with
5:30 pm. Anniversaries will be Miracle League.
Max Bram Engel, son of Danielle and Brian Engel, will become a bar mitzvah on
Saturday, August 3, 2019
Torah Study 9:00 am Saturday, August 31, 2019 at 10:30 am. Max attends Cocopah Middle
School and enjoys video games and sports. For his mitzvah project, Max
Friday, August 9, 2019 volunteered with Better Days Dog Rescue.
Shabbat Services 6:15 pm
An oneg will precede the service at KOL HAKAVOD/MAZEL TOV
5:30 pm.
 Andy Abraham, temple member and attorney with Burch & Cracchiolo,
Saturday, August 10, 2019
Torah Study 9:00 am P.A., was awarded the Beryl Morton Jewish Heritage Award at the Arizona
Jewish Historical Society’s 2019 annual meeting.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Shabbat Services 6:15 pm  Lisa and Nelson Lerner, temple members and proud grandparents of
An oneg will precede the service at
5:30 pm. Ella Shayna Lerner, born in Michigan to Jeremy and Jaimie Lerner, on the
morning of July 12, 2019, weighing 7 pounds and 8 ounces.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Torah Study 9:00 am

Friday, August 23, 2019
Shabbat Services 6:15 pm
An oneg will precede the service at
5:30 pm. “Shabbat Sounds” Shabbat
Shira service.

Saturday, August 24, 2019
Torah Study 9:00 am
Shabbat Morning Services 10:30 am
During the service Benjamin Hass
will be called to the Torah as a
Bar Mitzvah.

Friday, August 30, 2019
Shabbat Services 6:15 pm
An oneg will precede the service at
5:30 pm.

Saturday, August 31, 2019
Torah Study 9:00 am
Shabbat Morning Services 10:30 am
During the service Max Engel
will be called to the Torah as a
Bar Mitzvah.

August 2019 / Tammuz - Av 5779 3

The Summer’s End
We are now in the month of August. Even
And no matter how the years may pass,

though we’ll still be in triple digits here in And how old I come to be,

Phoenix at least for the next couple of I’ll always love this time of year,

months, we are nearing the end of the official As it holds such fond memories

'summer season.’ Families are returning from Of sitting with my childhood friends,
their vacations, and things are starting to go
back to ‘normal.’ The pace of life speeds up a little bit as Recalling all our fun
we fall back into our regular routines. While running, swimming and riding bikes
Beneath the summer sun.

On August 14th, many children (my son included) around And sharing all our hopes and dreams
Phoenix will be experiencing a sad transition, as they end As the future stirs us on.
their summer vacations and head back to school. For Knowing as we sit on that late, August eve,
parents, on the other hand, this is typically a day of great Summer’s ending, but her memory lives on.
rejoicing and gladness. It is said that moms can be found

high-fiving one another in the aisles at Target and fathers But there's also a haunting sadness sometimes

can be seen grinning from ear to ear as they drop their That I feel when those dark shadows fall.

children off that first day back to school… happy that their And that my greatest adventures in life

offspring are once again ‘someone else’s responsibility’ for Are just memories, now aroused by those sweet
the time being. Gone are the days of idleness, boredom,
cricket calls.
and the ever present “what are we going to do now, Dad?”
line of questioning. Asking questions is a very strongly As we move back into the routine of our lives, let us
encouraged Jewish value, but enough is enough, right? remember to preserve that sense of play and innocence
that makes the summer season so truly special.
In all seriousness, the end of summer vacation represents
a transition for all of us. We are moving from a time of play In (Summer) Song,
and relaxation back to a more structured existence. While Todd Herzog

this is a time for growth and learning, there is also some Cantorial Soloist
melancholy in our experience. Here is a snippet of a poem

from Pat A. Fleming entitled, “The Summer’s End” that

captures this mix of emotions:

Please join us the first Friday of each month at our 6:15 pm A Tree Grows
Erev Shabbat Services when we celebrate anniversaries.
in Solel
The purchase of a leaf on Temple
Ted and Jodi Amendola ....................... 25 yrs David and Martha Lieberman 41 yrs Solel’s Tree of Life provides a special
Brian and Shawna Apple ..................... 19 yrs
Gary and Phyl Bolno ............................ 47 yrs Michael and Jill Loebel .................................. 48 yrs way to commemorate a
Richard and Susan Bookspan .............. 54 yrs life-cycle event, while at the same
John and Sonia Breslow....................... 45 yrs Leonard and Phyllis Miller............................. 59 yrs time providing needed funds for our
Steven and Susan Charney .................. 45 yrs children’s religious education. You
Marvin and Barbara Chassin ............... 50 yrs Malcolm and Lynn Leinwohl ......................... 12 yrs have probably noticed the inscribed
Jimmy and Bettina Chow..................... 16 yrs leaves, each one reminding us of a
Al and Rita Cohen ................................ 61 yrs Paul and Jessica Papoff ................................. 49 yrs
Andrew and Amy Cohn ....................... 31 yrs special Simchah or thought
James and Allison Collins..................... 28 yrs Mark and Rachel Podolsky ............................ 22 yrs celebrated by a temple member or
Barry and Judy Friefield....................... 39 yrs
Will and Nancy Heller .......................... 44 yrs Clifford and Lynn Running ............................. 10 yrs organization. These leaves can be
Noah and Kathleen Horowitz .............. 13 yrs purchased for $180 each. All funds
Mike and Risa Jacobson ...................... 23 yrs Gordie and Jerri Schubert ............................. 69 yrs are used to support various Temple
Robert and Maxi Joselyn ..................... 37 yrs
Ed and Elaine Klugman ........................ 40 yrs Howard and Kay Segal................................... 34 yrs Youth and Education Programs.
Ted and Elaine Kort ............................. 55 yrs
Sheldon and Bonnie Levitt................... 48 yrs Bob and Marion Smith .................................. 37 yrs A leaf has been purchased:
Stewart and Sharon Levine ................. 49 yrs
Robert and Bonnie Lewis..................... 55 yrs Keith and Miriam Spizzirri ............................. 31 yrs  In honor of the bar mitzvah of
Blake and Victoria Lewkowitz................ 6 yrs Nate Spierer
Joel and Sarah Superfon............................... 18 yrs
 From Mom, Dad and Ellie
Neil and Mayde Superfon ............................. 57 yrs

Ira and Susan Thomas ................................... 26 yrs

Jeff and Nancy Weber ................................... 44 yrs

David and Lynn Weissman ............................ 30 yrs

Jerry and Elaine Weiss................................... 61 yrs

Michael Weissman and Lindsey Pohlmann ... 12 yrs

Bob Ransom and Susan Wine........................ 13 yrs

James and Evye Woldman............................. 40 yrs

Norman and Frani Wolfe............................... 33 yrs

Shelby and Sybil Yastrow .............................. 63 yrs

4 August 2019 / Tammuz - Av 5779

Social Action at Temple Solel

Throughout the year various projects bring Temple Solel members together to help those in need and to build
relationships. The following is a list of programs. Email [email protected] to get involved.

Tzedakah—giving of resources G’milut Chasadim—acts of loving kindness
Organizations we have helped this year:
 Mitzvah Day
 Streetlight USA  Thanksgiving Meal Project
 Phoenix Cancer Support Network  Spin a Little Love
 Saving Amy  StreetLightUSA
 Jewish Family and Children’s Services  Jewish Family and Children’s Services Annual Foster
 Family Promise of Greater Phoenix
 Phoenix Jewish Free Loan Care Party
 Jewish National Fund
 Bubble and Froth Foundation for Food Assistance Shinui Kivun—changing the status quo

 Immigration and Asylum Seekers
 Arizona Jews for Justice
 Interfaith Alliances
 Family Promise

August 2019 / Tammuz - Av 5779 5

Parents & Children Together (PACT) 9:00 am–12:00 pm

A new program for parents at Raker Religious School. Parents will spend an hour learning
with one of our clergy and then join their children for the second hour for a hands-on project
about the subject. They will finish the day by joining together in T’filah.

 K &1st grade – November 3rd
 2nd & 3rd grades – February 2nd
 4th & 5th grades – October 20th
 6th grades – February 23rd

6 August 2019 / Tammuz - Av 5779

“Romance” at Torah Study Thank You!

In honor of Tu B’Av, the Jewish holiday of love celebrated Volunteer Recognition
on August 16, I decided to explore the biblical concept of
romance. Amazingly, I found that the most romantic Volunteers are an essential part of Temple Solel. We would like
relationships in the Bible arise between two same- to thank the following volunteers for their time, hard work and
gendered adults, and yet their relationships are never efforts:
clearly defined. Are they friends or lovers, or do they enjoy
some other unique bond? The text records only feelings, Birthday calls Beverly Nathan
not labels, perhaps to show us that true love transcends all Arlene Bonime Margie Rahilly
efforts to limit or define it. Beth Sennett
Gift Shop Judy Sirkis
One example is the bond between Ruth and Naomi. In the Carol Brillman Debbie Smith
Book of Ruth, these two women first appear as a widow Becky Lieberman Lillian Stamm
and her mother-in-law. But the intimacy they share goes Leah Valadez Nancy Weinstein
beyond normal family ties. When they embark on a Sue Waldbaum
journey to Israel, Ruth expresses her love for Naomi in Yahrzeits
exceedingly tender terms. Ruth says, “Wherever you go, I Knitting for a Purpose Cynthia Marcus
will go; wherever you lodge, I will lodge; your people shall Frieda Allweiss
be my people, and your God my God…. Nothing but death Arlene Bonime
shall separate us” (Ruth 1:16-17). Later, they set up a Carol Brillman
household together (2:23), and raise a child together Jill Loebel
Would you like to volunteer at some point in the future?
Similarly, in the Book of Samuel, the connection between We’d love to have you! Email Edie Bradt,
David and Jonathan is extremely close and yet ambiguous.
Are they friends or lovers? The text refuses to use labels. [email protected] and she’ll add you to the list.
Instead, it simply expresses the deep affection they have
for one another. We read: “Jonathan’s soul became ART @ SOLEL
attached to David’s soul” (1 Sam. 18:1); “Jonathan and
David joined together in a covenant, since each loved the Fall ART SHOWCASE to feature
other like himself” (18:3). Most remarkably, the rabbinic
masterpiece Pirke Avot cites their relationship as the type retrospective by Arlene Scult
of love that lasts forever (Avot 5:19). May all of us
celebrate Tu B’Av with special folks who open our hearts In September, a new ART SHOWCASE exhibit will feature
to love. the paintings of Arlene Scult. Oils, acrylics, monotypes and
colored line drawings that Arlene created as a working
Torah Study meets throughout the summer, every artist over the years will be shown.
Saturday morning at 9:00 am in the library. Everyone is
welcome! Arlene graduated from Briarcliff College in Briarcliff Manor,
NY and from the Otis Art Institute. She and her husband,
Matthew Kozinets Mort, were one of the founding families of Temple Solel in
the 1960s, and Mort was the temple president from 1968

 Herschel and Melissa Fink and sons, Miles and Taylor Youth Art Program to expand this fall
 Jane Marks
 Natalie Neer Hart and Dan Hart and sons, Elan and Ari Based on the success of last spring’s Youth Art Show, the
 Randy and Stephanie Weinshel and children, Audrey and Sean Art @ Solel Committee is calling for all religious school
students interested in art to join the iCreate Program that
BIRTHS starts this fall. Several art events will be staged in advance
of next spring’s new ART SHOWCASE Youth Exhibit.
 James Hudson Lieber-Gomez – son of Alejandra Gomez and Application forms are available in the temple office or on
Lance Lieber, grandson of Barbara and Harvey Wasserman the temple website. Contact Ira Thomas at
[email protected] to join the group.
 Ella Shayna Lerner – granddaughter of Lisa and Nelson Lerner

August 2019 / Tammuz - Av 5779 7

Temple Solel Endowment Foundation Solel Book Club

Securing Our Future | Volume 2, Issue 3 Hello, Book Lovers!

Mishkan HaNefesh Welcome back from your summer sojourns. I hope you
have spent June and July indulging in the books you had
Many thanks to all the generous donors who have enabled piled up next to your favorite chair or bedside. Maybe you
us to purchase our High Holiday prayer books. Published as even enjoyed some frivolous beach reads or mysteries.
a two-set edition—a gold-colored book for Rosh Hashanah This year I bounced from murder mysteries to trashy
and silver-colored book for Yom Kippur—these beautiful novels to From Cold War to Hot Peace: An American
volumes embrace the rich liturgical voices of the Jewish Ambassador to Putin’s Russia by Michael McFaul (chilling,
past and the aspirations of our people today. dense, and engagingly written).

We are now pleased to offer you the opportunity to Our first Solel Book Club meeting will be on Tuesday
dedicate a personalized bookplate in each of our machzors October 29, 2019 at 6:00 pm for a dairy/pareve (non-
(prayer books). A $180 donation will enable you to have a meat, fish okay) potluck and 6:30 pm book discussion. The
personalized bookplate in a two-set prayer book (thus, one selection for October 29 is The Oracle of Stamboul by
donation will enable you to have a bookplate in a Rosh Michael David Lukas, his debut novel. It’s about a young
Hashanah and Yom Kippur machzor for one price!). Jewish girl living under Ottoman rule who charms the
sultan and changes the course of history. Our group
You can dedicate: enjoyed his second novel, The Last Watchman of Old
Cairo, in our most recent meeting.
 In memory of loved ones
You do not have to read the book to attend, but most
 In honor of a Bar/Bat Mitzvah, birth, wedding or other people find they enjoy the discussion more if they do read
joyous moment it. This book club is not like school because no one will call
on you. It’s a very friendly group, and everyone who wants
 Celebrating your children, parents, grandchildren, or to participate can. I will lead the October discussion and
grandparents would welcome others who might be interested in leading
later discussions to let me know.
Bookplate dedications provide an opportunity to share and
remember the names of those we’ve lost and those we The remaining selections for the program year will be:
wish to honor. Please consider inscribing someone in our
“books of life.” To purchase your two-set bookplate, December 17, 2019: One Night, Markovitch by Ayelet
please contact [email protected] or visit Gundar-Goshen and click on Mishkan This book is not available from local public libraries or in
HaNefesh Bookplate order form. ebook format, but your can buy a paperback or borrow
one of the copies available in the temple library soon.
Nelson Lerner Please read and return promptly to give others a turn.

February 25, 2020: The Emperor of Shoes by Spencer Wise

May 5, 2020: Underground Fugue by Margot Singer

We look forward to seeing or meeting you on October 29.
Happy reading to all.

Judy Schaffert

Boker Tov Bistro is open Sundays Did You Know???
8:20 am to 10:30 am as follows:
Erev Shabbat Services are available
August 18 & 25 via live stream on your home PC!
Go to & click
Grab a coffee, enjoy some breakfast, on the Shabbat Streaming button a
mingle with friends, read a book, play few minutes before the service.
mah jongg… and build community!

All proceeds from the Boker Tov Bistro benefit the
Raker Religious School Scholarship Fund to assist

students with tuition expenses.

8 August 2019 / Tammuz - Av 5779

Women of Solel...please mark your calendars for Thursday,
August 29th. It’s our traditional summer Rosh Chodesh
gathering where you can meet with friends, share your
summer activities, and discover what Rabbi Langowitz and
Marilyn Carson have planned for Rosh Chodesh this upcoming
year. Please bring a dairy potluck to feed 6-8 and your
beautiful smiling faces. This year’s calendars will be
distributed. Beverages will be provided. Questions? Email
Marilyn at [email protected].

August 2019 / Tammuz - Av 5779 9

Rabbi Langowitz and happy campers from Solel at Camp Stein. The Solel Preschool camp themes are based on different children’s
authors this year, and the toddlers particularly enjoyed Hervé Tullet
week, the author who wrote the fun interactive color book “Mix it Up.”

Our campers are enjoying being able to still get some outside time during
the hot summer months by playing on our splash pad!

Adult B’not Mitzvah Class of 2019 gathers for a photo op in June. Left to Our Gadol and Katan campers took a field trip to Lunar Glow Golf at
Right: Joan Lipson, Barbara Stern, Dottie Braun-Cohen, Linda Ribnik. Paradise Valley Mall and had a blast!

10 August 2019 / Tammuz - Av 5779

August 2019 / Tammuz - Av 5779 11

Register by



12 August 2019 / Tammuz - Av 5779

Contributions We appreciate the thoughtfulness of those who support Temple Solel by remembering and
honoring their friends and loved ones through their generous contributions.

Rabbi Linder’s Discretionary Fund  In appreciation of our beautiful B’not Caring Community Fund
Mitzvah Service
 In memory of Dr. Walter Marcus From Dorothy Braun  In honor of Dottie Braun Cohen’s
From Cynthia Marcus bat mitzvah
 In honor of my classmates, Joan Lipson, From Susan Wine
 In memory of Betty Pishko Dottie Braun-Cohen & Barbara Stern From Rae Rader
From Rochelle and Arnie Alpert From Linda Ribnik From Jane Vogel
From Milly Kaplan
 From Robert Cohen and Dottie Braun  In honor of Patsy Parker:
In memory of Iris Cohen A Flag Is Born, beautiful  For the speedy recovery of
In appreciation of our beautiful B’not From Steve Shobin Sharon Levine
Mitzvah Service From Barbara and Marvin Chassin
 In memory of William Dobbs
 In honor of Finnegan Kelly’s bar mitzvah From Judith Dobbs  Sharon Levine, thanks for being my
From Ben and Jennifer Kelly hip sister
 Thanks so much Dr. Chow From Mary Ann Bloom
 In memory of Milt Mahler From Sharon Levine
From Donna Mahler  For the speedy recovery of Steve Banen
 In honor of Baby Klein Mascia’s naming From Sue Waldbaum
 In honor of holiness From Mark Mascia and
From Steve Shobin Kendra Klein-Mascia  In memory of Joshua Bonime
From Arlene Bonime
 A donation was made by Paul Zatulove Cantorial Soloist’s Todd Herzog
Edward and Celia Linder Interfaith
 In honor of Joan Lipson’s bat mitvah Discretionary Fund
From Sue Waldbaum  In honor of Joan Lipson’s bat mitzvah Bridge-Building Fund

 In memory of Melvin Solon From Sue Waldbaum  From Susan Wine and Bob Ransom
From Marnee and Paul Solon  In honor of your amazing music at my bat To Sallie Ransom in your honor of
Mother’s Day
 In memory of Bertha Krumholz mitzvah To Winifred Abramson, in your honor of
From Eleanor and Norman Krumholz From Emerson Ornstein Mother’s Day

 In memory of Morris A. Lerner  In memory of Josephine Winkelman  Speedy recovery to Bonnie and
From Nelson and Lisa Lerner From Judy Seplow Bruce Rodan
From Jan Carp
 In memory of Irving Lowell  In appreciation of our beautiful B’not
From Joan Lowell Mitzvah Service Endowment Fund
From Dottie Braun
 Thank you  From the Danoff Family
From Rosebell Schurz  In honor of Finnegan Kelly’s bat mitzvah In memory of Hy Danoff
From Ben and Jennifer Kelly In memory of Bertha Danoff
 In memory of Russel L. Millman In memory of Betty Pishko
From Jane Jozoff  In memory of George Blumenthal Speedy recovery to Steve Banen
From Marcia Feinstein
 Many thanks for your support of our  In memory of Betty Pishko
family, especially Isaiah  In memory of David Eichner From Judy and Mike Schaffert
From Aaron and Jamie Lieberman From Bonnie Miller and Family From Fran and Dick Lamden

 A donation was made by Ori and Dr. Willard Abraham Fund General Fund
Mirit Eisen  In honor of another great year of Raker
 In memory of Maurice Adleman
 In gratitude for officiating the wedding of Religious School From Barrie and Bellarri Adelman
Haley Thomas and Samuel Adelson From Sue Waldbaum
From Kim and Robert Thomas  In memory of Howard Karm
Art@Solel From The Hopkins Family
 In memory of Suzanne Himmel  In memory of Laurabell Thomas
From Morris Himmel  From Farol and Jerry Sax
From Ira and Susan Thomas In memory of Jamie Sax
 In memory of Henry Reuss  From Iris Cashdan-Fishman In memory of Stephen Aarons
From Diane Reuss & Family
In memory of Saul Sokoloff  In memory of Louis, Elizabeth and
 In gratitude of the kindness and In memory of Arthur Fishman Paul Goldfinger
compassion you showed our family From Ina Lieberman
From the Family of Judy Frank Dr. Gerald Becker Adult Education Fund
 In honor of Barbara Stern’s bat mitzvah  From Ira and Myrna Wechter
 In memory of Judith Harte In memory of Anne Rosenbaum
From Richard Harte From Jill and Alan Sandler In memory of Morris Rosenbaum
 In honor of Linda Ribnik’s bat mitzvah
 In gratitude to Rabbi Linder in memory of  In memory of Jose Placencia Sr.
Rodger Popkin From Kay and Howard Segal From Sonya Placencia
From Nancy and Jeff Weber  In honor of the Adult B’not
 Wishing Shelly Babendure a
 In honor of Morris Himmel’s Mitzvah Class speedy recovery
90th birthday From Mark Stern From Mel Epstein
From The Lairds and Clarkes
Capital Fund  Barbara Stern, Mazel Tov on your
Rabbi Langowitz’s Discretionary Fund  In honor of Peter Pishko, a true mensche bat mitzvah
From Sharon and Joe Luber
 In honor of Joan Lipson’s bat mitzvah From Ken and Barbara Love
From Sue Waldbaum

 In memory of Norman Krumholz
From Faith, David, Alisa and
Talia Boninger

August 2019 / Tammuz - Av 5779 13

Contributions (Cont’d)  In honor of our anniversary
From Jennet Kirkpatrick and
 From Shari and Steven Cohen  From Edwin Goldstein Dan Silverman
In memory of Eli Fields In memory of George Goldstein
In honor of Shana Abraham’s Women’s In memory of Ruth Goldstein  In honor of our 59th anniversary
Leadership Institute of Jewish Women’s From Sam and Judy Linhart
Learning Center  From Esther Zack
In memory of Evelyn and  In honor of our anniversary
 From Sandy Goodman Henry Renner From Lesley and Marshall Lustgarten
In memory of Frank Goodman In memory of Eugene Epstein
In memory of Harry Whitman  In honor of the naming of baby girl
In memory of Rose Whitman  From Leah Valadez Klein-Mascia
In memory of Fanny Cohen From Kendra Klein and Mark Mascia
 In memory of Simeon Max In memory of Dr. Sidney Cohen
From Alan and Judi Max  In honor of Benjamin Hass’s bar mitzvah
 In memory of Elsie Cowen From Brad and Kris Hass
 In memory of Mark Pevzzner From Philip and Gloria Cowen
From Ludmilla Brigadir &  In honor of Max Engel’s bar mitzvah
Yuri Sayapin  In memory of Anne Greenberg From Danielle and Brian Engel
From Joan Weissman
 In memory of Phyllis Leshowitz Contributions
From Arnold Rabin  In memory of Steve Davis  In honor of our 50th anniversary and
From Abbey and Toby Goldberg From Joanie and Nort Remes
continued support of the Anniversary
 From Cyrille Kane  In memory of David Schauer Shabbat cake
In memory of Ben Silberman From Francine Schauer
In memory of Rabbi Jerry Kane From Barbara and Marvin Chassin
 In memory of Rose Patchen  In honor of our anniversary
 From Gordon and Jerri Schubert From Joan Lowell
In memory of Dorothy K. Meyers From Elaine and Jeff Chapman
In memory of Anne Schubert  In memory of Marty Holtzman From Abbey and Toby Goldberg
From Gloria Holtzman From Judy and Arnie Hoffman
 In memory of Simon Levitt From Scott Cohen and Lois Sayrs
From Sheldon Levitt  In memory of Celia Cohen  In memory of Norman Krumholz
From Steve Cohen From Lorne Prupas
 From Florence Covinsky
In memory of Emil Maier  In memory of Samuel Epstein Prayer Book Fund
In memory of Friedricke Suessel From Sol and Helen Epstein  In honor of the birth of
In memory of Emma Zellerbach
 In memory of Howard Lavitt James Hudson Lieber-Gomez
 In memory of Dan Lewk From Janice Lavitt From Sue Waldbaum
From Andrea and Jerry Lewkowitz
 In memory of Betty Pishko Social Action Fund
 In memory of Joseph Feinstein From Terry Kraus  Linda Ribnik, Mazel Tov on becoming a
From Skip Feinstein
 In memory of Milton Myers bat mitzvah
 In memory of Dave Kazen From Howard and Judy Rosen From Rae Rader
From Bella Kazen
 In memory of Harry Rosen  In memory of Phyllis Leshowitz
 In memory of Ann Benderoff From Rollie and Marty Rosen From Jan Carp
From Howard and Paula Donsky
 In honor of Torah Study  In memory of Charles Bolno
 In memory of Susan Klein From Lynne Lieberman and Joe Burak From Phyl and Gary Bolno
From Stuart Phillips
 In memory of Gilbert Korer The Solel Preschool
 In memory of Leonard Warshaver From Jeanine Korer & family  From Sue Waldbaum
From Chuck and Shari Warshaver
 In memory of Louis Heavenrich In memory of Phyllis Leshowitz
 In memory of Francis Sheriff From Barbara Neuman In memory of Selma Stone
From Bobby Fishman  Thanks for another wonderful year at
 In memory of Rabbi Lewis Grossman The Solel Preschool
 From Larry and Fern Kane From Ruvanne and Clara Grossman From The Jeffcoats and Sue Waldbaum
In memory of Bea Kane  From Sandy and Ginger Wlody
In memory of Esther Joseph  In memory of Boris Lifshotz In memory of Anna Wlody
From Harriet and Sy Achtman In memory of Bertha Schafer
 From Dennis and Alyce Helfman In memory of Samuel Schafer
In honor of Dick Harte Jane and Bob Podall Library Fund  Welcome to the world
In honor of Arnold Rabin’s James Lieber-Gomez
90th birthday  In memory of Betty Pishko From Vicky and Reid Drucker
In memory of Judy Frank From Howard and Judy Rosen
From Jan Carp Donations received after
 In memory of Norma Banen From Cynthia Marcus July 8, 2019 will be printed in the
From Steve, Lisa, David, Louis, and From Sue Silvert
Samuel Banen next issue of the Pathfinder.
 In memory of Phyllis Leshowitz
 In memory of Marcus Sachs From Francine Garner
From Ray and Valda Sachs
Oneg Fund
 In memory of Ann Shellow
From Francine Garner Sponsors
 In honor of the Adult B’not Mitzvah
 In memory of Abraham Berk
From Cynthia Marcus From the Adult B’not Mitzvah Class
 In honor of our 40th anniversary
 In memory of Joseph Andleman
From Ruth Goldman From Robert and Shari Levitan

14 August 2019 / Tammuz - Av 5779


Kaddish will be recited on Erev Shabbat on the following dates:

August 2, 2019 August 23, 2019

Elias Buchman Carrie Lewkowitz Albert Rothschild Milton Abrams John Hines Marjorie Mishlove
Raymond Caplan Pearl Lieberman Bea Rubin Gert Bauer Ann Horlick Bertie Nussbaum
Richard Dobosz Esther Macey Eva Schiffer Gerald Berg Kurt Isenberg Joseph Polonski
Rosalie Fox Lela Marburger Judith Sherman Sam Bloom Philip Kahn Simon Pritkin
Thelma Klein
Abe Glazer Irwin Meshbesher Jacob Silk Minnie Breslow Elizabeth Lieberman Melvin Satz
Stacy D'Anne Goldberg Nathan Metz Rachel Simon Rose Brillman Beverly Lopatin Jenny Sherman
Ludwika Horne Yetta Minus David Singer Elliot Cohen Iris Machiz Hannah Spinner
Ida Jonas Morris Panitch Morris Splaver Leonard Friedel Hymie Milder Meyer Stern
Sara Kanefsky Shepard Powell Rosebud Splaver Joseph Graziano Ella Milder Bessie Weiner
Sidney Kasper Samuel Rabinowitz Solomon Superfon Susanne Graziano Pearl Miller Sophie Weinstein
Evanne Kofman Irwin Racine Alfred Waber William Heller

Caron Lesser Max Rosenstock Dorothy Wackar
Sylvia Levine Larry Rosenthal Sonia Woloshin

Patricia Avren August 9, 2019 Tanya Minkus Theodore Bantit August 30, 2019 Joan Reif
Harry Blask Andrea Nemiroff Gert Baum Richard Schwartz
Mary Brustin Richard Jacobs Leon Palles Tilly Benson Irwin Gilbert Martin Shapiro
Audrey Carp Bud Javitch Aaron Phillips Philip Chapman Edna Goldberg Alex Shefrin
Joseph Jubinville Albert Groman
Esther Clement Morris Kaplan Helene Scheinert Anne Cohen Mark Harris Debra Sherman
Sylvia Eisen Libbie Kelman Jeffrey Shapiro Lillian Dines Phillip Hollander Janie Shumaker
Francine Fox Freda Kletsky Harlan Sherman Frederic Dolgonos Glen Kirsch Helen Smith
Ben Goldstein Doris Klugman Milton Spiegel Harry Epstein Marjorie Lavine Edith Strickstein
Sarah Holman Bess Kristal Sarah Troyan Fred H. Finkle Howard Lichterman Ray Wasserman
Linda Hurst Jean Lerner Doris Ward Gerald Frumess Archie Micay
Frederick Huth Anne Lieberman Sophia Mishkin
Louis Loewenberg

Eva Berkovitz August 16, 2019 Tulla Rosenhirsch In Loving Memory
Howard Berkowitz Doris Ruben
Jack Boland Deborah Hertzenberg Nathan Rubin  In memory of Samuel Wilf
Elsie Burger Leah Herzog Joan Sachs From Lynne and Leon Rigberg
Shifra Hoffnung
Otis Burgess Harry Joffee Judith Saltzman  In memory of Milt Mahler
Rose Cohen Irving Kaplan Jacob Scharf From Sue Waldbaum
Selma Cohen Erwin Levinsohn Bennett Scheuer
Sondra Cooperstein David Lieberman Jack Seiler Condolences
Marilyn Fichman Harold Loebel Paul Shatkin
Bessie Fishman Ed Marcus Raymond Silverman We Mourn the Loss of:
Marvin Fishman Addie McClaflin Tillie Somer
Sam Motzkin  Norman Krumholz – husband of Eleanor,
Lillian Garden Lewis Perlmutter Hally Steiner father of Barry Krumholz
Judith Glazer Nathaniel Pollack William Straka
Herbert Green Pauline Reibel Corinne Tessier  Betty Pishko – mother of Peter Pishko
Dora Gurland Norman Rosenfeld  Rodger Popkin – brother in law of Nancy Weber,

uncle of Jenny Martin
 Mark Pevzzner – step brother in law Yuri Sayapin
 Phyllis Leshowitz – wife of Barry Leshowitz
 Suzanne Himmel – wife of Morris Himmel
 Judy Frank – wife of Allen Frank
 Milt Mahler – husband of Donna Mahler

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Volume 18 - Issue 11

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Temple Solel
Gift Shop News

Our Gift Shop is one of the best-kept Published by and for the members of Temple Solel
secrets in the valley. Come and see what August 2019
we have to offer—items change with the
Jewish holidays and seasons. Rabbi John A. Linder [email protected] x.122 Rabbi
Rabbi Emily R. Langowitz Assistant Rabbi
We have Bar and Bat Mitzvah presents, Todd Herzog [email protected] x.131 Cantorial Soloist
amazing tallitot from Israel at different Rabbi Maynard W. Bell Rabbi Emeritus
price points, and much more. [email protected] x.136

Don’t forget baby gifts, wedding presents Executive Committee & Trustees
and even a beautiful mezzuzah. We also
have jewelry to meet your every want and Bettina Chow ..........................................................................................................President
need and lovely hostess gifts. Doreen Feldberg.............................................................................Executive Vice President
Pamela Ornstein..................................................................... Vice President - Membership
The Gift Shop is open several times during Stephen Slogoff ............................................................................ Vice President - Accounts
the week. Please call the temple office at Andy Abraham.......................................................... Vice President - Trustee Development
480.991.7414 before you stop in so that Lauren Brown ..............................................................................Vice President - Education
we may be able to assist you. Rae Rader ............................................................................... Vice President - Social Action
Larry Cohen .............................................................. Vice President - Facilities and Security
Return Policy Brian Weinberger ........................................................ Vice President - Legal and Contracts
Bobbi Moss.............................................................................................................Secretary
The temple will cheerfully accept any Phil Hawkes ........................................................................................................... Treasurer
returns for store credit only.
Thank You! Eve Danoff Rhea Kowitz Tracy Schwimmer
Larry Fink Lisa Lerner
Torah Portions/Candle Lighting Times Judy Gold Eric Mininberg TSTY President:
Rebecca Goldberg Howard Rosen Lena Weissman
August 2 Numbers 30:2-36:13/Mattot-Massei/7:09
August 9 Deuteronomy1:1-3:22/D’varim/7:03 Administrative Staff
August 16 Deuteronomy 3:23-7:11/Vaetchanan/6:55
August 23 Deuteronomy 7:12-11:25/Ekev/6:47 Peter Pishko [email protected] x.124 Executive Director
August 30 Deuteronomy 11:26-16:17/Re’eh/6:38 Jacquelyn Null Engagement Specialist
Tobee Waxenberg [email protected] x.128 Director of Raker Rel. School
Noni Clark
Joan Giannini [email protected] x.123 Controller
Edie Bradt Mbshp. & Emp. Svcs. Manager
Jelena Santiago [email protected] x.125
Mary Ann Bloom Office Manager
Sonya Placencia [email protected] x.127 Executive Assistant
Kathleen Manahan Director of Early Childhood Ed.
Alberto Mena [email protected] x.120 Preschool Billing & Office Asst.
Vojo Stanisic Education Assistant
[email protected] x.126
Facility Manager
[email protected] x.162 Custodian

[email protected] x.135

[email protected] x.164

[email protected] x.129

[email protected] x.129

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