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Published by eisrael, 2019-09-26 13:31:41

High Holy Days & More at Temple Sinai 5780

High Holy Day preparations at Temple Sinai have been taking place all summer long and we
hope that you are looking forward with anticipation to the inspiring services and programming
which will begin in just a short time. This year, you will find a number of new people and new
offerings invigorating our services:

 Rabbi Sam Hollander – our new assistant rabbi will be co-officiating at services in the
sanctuary and leading the family service on the 2nd day of Rosh Hashanah

 Cantor Saralee Shrell-Fox (from Minneapolis by way of Israel) will be helping to lead
services in the sanctuary and bringing some wonderful new melodies with her

 Our Jr. CRhooshirHleadshbaynEahlaiannadKarllasktauudeernwtsilal rme ainkeviatendetaorlyjosinantchteumaryonaptpheeasrtaenpcseoofnthbeotbhimah
days of
for a featured song. Parents and children are encouraged to come to the sanctuary just
before 10:30AM for the song, and to be present for the shofar service and Torah
procession prior to the start of K-12 programming

 A second Preschool Family Service will be offered on Yom Kippur morning in addition
to the first one on the 2nd day of Rosh Hashanah

 If you are looking for a brief “alternative” High Holy Day experience, Tami Astorino
will be offering an Outdoor Gathering & Meditation (two for adults and one for teens.
Details appear in this pamphlet

On the second day of Rosh Hashanah we will be encouraging everyone who comes for ser-
vices to sit in the sanctuary and foyer. On this day members who have assigned seats in the
sanctuary will be able to use those seats, but all of the remaining unassigned sanctuary seats
will be available on a first-come, first-served basis.

As always, on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur we are offering a number of programming
options for children and teens. If you have children, please remind them that they are
encouraged to be either in the sanctuary or in an age-appropriate service or program. On all
days, babysitting and the student programs will remain in session until the main service has

This brochure highlights many of the wonderful and inclusive events that will be taking place
at Temple Sinai in the coming months. We hope you will join us in celebrating the start of
5780 and take advantage of our programming and many offerings in the New Year.

In advance of the holidays, we want to offer our thanks to the many people who have been
preparing to take part in our services or who, through their efforts, will be ensuring that our
services run smoothly so everyone is able to enjoy their time in shul. We also want to thank
you for being part of our Temple Sinai community.

On behalf of the Clergy, the Board of Directors and the professional staff, L’Shanah Tovah
Tikateivu - may you be inscribed for a good year!

Rabbi Adam Wohlberg Rabbi Sam Hollander Lauren Gladstone, President

 Access into the Synagogue: For security  It is customary to wear a tallit at all

and ease, we will all enter from a single morning services and for Kol Nidrei.

entry point in the front of the building. Men should have their heads covered

For the safety of our community and with a kippah at all times.

speediest entry, please show us your  Strollers will be kept in designated areas.
ticket(s) upon entering. Our ushers will be happy to assist you.

 Tickets: Please note that all members in  Yizkor Books: These and a booklet of
supplemental readings will be available
good standing and their family members for pick up on Yom Kippur morning.
will receive a ticket for services. Tickets
are non-transferable.

 Security: Our community’s safety is of  Accessibility & Inclusion: Temple Sinai is
primary concern. We will have security committed to being a fully inclusive
guards at all High Holy Day services. community. These are among some of
the accommodations we are able to
 Cell phones, cameras, electronic games, provide upon request during the High

etc., are not to be used on Yom Tov. Holy Days and all year round: a

Please leave these items at home or turn Gender-Neutral bathroom, large-print

them off. Siddurim and Machzorim, accessibility
to the Bimah, and a quiet room with
 Parking: We have designated handicap minimal sensory stimulation.
Please email your requests to
parking spaces for those that may need [email protected].
them. Additional parking is available at
Maple Manor Swim Club and the Korean

Church located on Dillon Road.

To volunteer, please contact
Jeff Workman at:
267-307-1836 or

[email protected]

{Sunday, September 29}
6:15 PM

Day 1

{Monday, September 30}
Shacharit - 8:30 AM

K-12 Programming - 11:00 AM
Tashlich - 1:00 PM

Mincha/Ma’ariv - 6:45 PM


{Tuesday, October 1}
Shacharit - 8:30 AM
Preschool Family Service - 9:30 AM
Family Service (K-6) - 11:00 AM
Teen (Grade 7-12) - 11:00 AM
Grade K-6 Programming - 12:15 PM
Mincha/Ma’ariv - 6:45 PM

{Tuesday, October 8}

Kol Nidrei - 6:15 PM (Sharp!)
Grades K-6 Programming - 6:15 PM

{Wednesday, October 9}

Shacharit - 9:00AM
Preschool Family Service - 10:00 AM

K-12 Programming - 10:45 AM
Musaf - 11:30 AM
Yizkor - 2:00 PM
Mincha - 3:00 PM

Martyrology - 4:15 PM
Ne’ilah - 5:30 PM

Ma’ariv & Havdalah - 6:45 PM
Havdalah Parade - gather in the chapel at 6:45PM

Final Shofar Blast - 7:11 PM

Sukkot, Hoshanah Rabah, Shemini Atzeret &
Simchat Torah


{Sunday, October 13} Shabbat Chol Ha’Moed
Mincha/Ma’ariv - 5:45 PM Sukkot

SUKKOT - DAY 1 {Saturday, October 19}
Shabbat Services - 9:30 AM
{Monday, October 14} Grades 3-6 Shabbat Experience -
Shacharit - 9:30 AM 10:30 AM
Mincha/Ma’ariv - 6:15 PM Grades K-2 Mini Minyan - 10:45 AM
Tot Shabbat - 11:00 AM
{Tuesday, October 15}
Shacharit - 9:30 AM {Sunday, October 20}
Mincha/Ma’ariv - 6:30 PM Morning Minyan - 8:00 AM

{Wednesday, October 16}
Shacharit - 7:00 AM {Sunday, October 20}
Evening Minyan - 7:30 PM Mincha/Ma’ariv & Yizkor - 5:45 PM


{Thursday, October 17} {Monday, October 21}
Shacharit - 7:00 AM Shacharit & Yizkor - 9:30 AM
Evening Minyan - 7:30 PM
{Monday, October 21}
{Friday, October 18} Simchat Torah Happening for
Shacharit - 7:00 AM Preschoolers & Families - 6:15 PM
Mincha/Ma’ariv - 6:00 PM Ma’ariv/Hakafot - 6:15 PM


{Tuesday, October 22}
Shacharit - 9:30 AM
Mincha/Ma’ariv - 6:30 PM

Grades K-6

High Holy Day youth programming offers students meaningful
opportunities to pray, learn and create together supervised by our
talented High Holy Day staff.

Rosh Hashanah Day 1 Rosh Hashanah Day 2

10:30 - 11:00am: Kids and 10:30 - 11:00am: Kids and
families are invited into the families are invited into the
Main Sanctuary for the Shofar Main Sanctuary for the Shofar
service. service.

11:00am - end of main service: 11:00am - 12:00pm
Youth Programming Family Service
Kindergarten & Grade 1 : Classroom 4 for grades K-6 in Youth Lounge
Grade 2: Classroom 2 led by Rabbi Sam Hollander
Grade 3: Classroom 3 (Kids in grades 4-6 may attend without
Grades 4 & 5: Classroom 8 a parent)
Grade 6: Classroom 9
12:00 - 12:15pm
Oneg in Youth Lounge

12:15pm - end of main service:
Youth Programming

Grades K-3: Classroom 9
Grades 4-6: Classroom 8

Kol Nidrei: 6:15pm - end of main service
Grades K-3: Classroom 9
Grades 4-6: Classroom 8

Yom Kippur: 10:45am - end of main service

Kindergarten & Grade 1 : Classroom 4
Grade 2: Classroom 2
Grade 3: Classroom 3
Grades 4 & 5: Classroom 8
Grade 6: Classroom 9

Youth High Holy Day Procedures

Your children’s safety is our number one priority.

1. Please check the above schedule for drop off times.

2. Children will only be released to a parent/guardian. We are sorry, but we cannot
release children to their siblings.

Grades 7-12

Teen High Holy Day programming offers students meaningful
opportunities to pray, learn and create together supervised by our
talented High Holy Day staff.

Rosh Hashanah Day 1 Rosh Hashanah Day 2

10:30 - 11:00am 10:30 - 11:00am
Teens in main service Teens in main service
for Shofar service for Shofar service

11:00am - 12:30pm: 11:00am - 12:30pm:
Teen Programming Teen Programming
Grade 7: Conference Room Grade 7: Conference Room
Grades 8-12: Library Grades 8-12: Library

12:30pm - end of main service 12:30pm - end of main service
Oneg for teens and college kids Oneg for teens and college kids

Yom Kippur: 10:45am - end of main service
*Meditation option at 11:o0am

Grade 7: Conference Room
Grades 8-12: Library

Don’t Miss
The Havdallah Parade!

should gather in the Chapel by

6:45pm on
October 9th!

Teen High Holy Day Procedures

Your children’s safety is our number one priority. Please note the guidelines
1. Teens must either be in the designated locations for programs or the main

service. There is no lounge space for them to “hang out”.
2. Cell phones and electronics are not needed or welcome at Temple Sinai

during the High Holy Days. Please leave them at home.

To register, visit

Sisterhood is a vital arm of Temple Sinai that donates time, energy and creativity

to provide programs, discussions, social opportunities and fundraising for our synagogue
and our members.

Within the setting of Jewish friendship and camaraderie, we offer different events
including educational, religious and entertaining programs, forums on major issues, and
service to our community and congregation. Recurring events include Rosh Chodesh
discussion groups, NYC theatre trips, a Tu B’Shevat Seder, a Rummage Sale, Party and
Camp Fairs, a Shalach Manot Fundraiser, and Sisterhood/Torah Fund Shabbat are all part
of the rich variety of programs available.

Sisterhood operates our beautiful gift shop which carries a large variety of religious gift
items. Proceeds from our gift shop support the activities of the synagogue.

Sisterhood is for YOU! We welcome women of all ages, whether you are new to Temple
Sinai or just interested in getting more involved. Z’havah, a part of Sisterhood, offers fun
and inspiring programming to the young women of Temple Sinai.

If you would like to be included on our email list for information on upcoming events,
please email us at [email protected].

Youth/Teen Groups

MAKOR 2nd & 3rd Grades KADIMA 4th-6th Grades

An introduction to youth group Kadima is the 4th-6th grade
experiences. 2nd and 3rd graders gather youth program.
for activities at Temple Sinai or attend
trips to places outside of the synagogue. 4th-6th graders enjoy activities inside and
outside of Temple Sinai and other local
For more information about any of our synagogues.
Youth/Teen groups, please

contact Sydnie Ciment, Youth
Coordinator at [email protected]

Temple Sinai Men’s Club is an active segment of the synagogue which

promotes philanthropic, spiritual and social activities for its members and the
synagogue at large.

Open to all male synagogue members and fathers of pre-schoolers and religious
school students, our organization hosts a variety of appealing events.

Our wonderfully-successful Men in the Kitchen (MITK) catering service is an on-going,
in-house volunteer program which offers congregants a high-value and low-cost
alternative to external caterers for their simchas. MITK offers weekly volunteer

We engage the men of our congregation with fun social activities like Texas Hold’em
Poker Tournaments, Sunday brunches, a softball team, local outings and many others.

For more information, please visit:

Hazak is the senior arm of the United Synagogue family. Its goal is to provide

social, religious, and learning opportunities for Jewish men and women age 55+.

Some of the ways through which we are involved in the life of Temple Sinai:
• Maintaining the synagogue’s library
• Presenting each Bar/Bat Mitzvah with a tzedakah box
• Participating in Pre-school and Camp Maccabee programs
• Volunteering in the community with bikkur cholim

Most of our monthly meetings begin with Sunday brunch followed by programs
chosen to increase knowledge and offer entertainment. In addition, we plan trips to
attend museum exhibits or performing arts offerings. These outings are priced
accordingly. Our dues are $20.00 per person per year.

For more information, please contact Marty Weiss,
Hazak Co-President at [email protected]

For a listing of all synagogue groups, please visit and get involved today!


Temple Sinai Teen programming provides 8th-12th Grade Girls
opportunities for teens to engage in 8th-12th Grade Boys

social, social action, leadership, ritual, RoHo & Shevet groups provide a safe

and educational programming. Teens space for girls and boys to explore their

are encouraged to take advantage of Jewish identity while engaging in

USY programming on the local, regional, meaningful Jewish activities. Trained

and international level. adult mentors facilitate discussions

7th Grade is included when possible. guided by curricular material provided by
Moving Traditions.

8th Grade boys group launching now!

Please pick up a Jewish Federation bag on your way out
and return it prior to Yom Kippur.

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