Equine Rescue of Aiken REHABILITATION
Flashmans Papers, Four Cross Roads, Tie and Tails, and Lumbee Bayou collectively earned “Accreditation by a
$333,141 on the racetrack before being accepted by Equine Rescue of Aiken. national
organization such as
Located in the heart of Aiken, South Caro- In addition to adoption and rehab, Equine the TAA shows the
lina’s famed horse country, Equine Rescue of Rescue of Aiken is a contributing member community that we
Aiken is a pastoral sanctuary for unwanted to its community, hosting educational work- operate with the best
horses. Established in 2006, the mostly volun- shops, volunteer youth days, and school visits. interest of our horses
teer-run operation over the years has adopted and reassures them
out approximately 700 horses, many of them Uniquely, the 501(c)(3) nonprofit organiza- that their donations
at risk and in need of a new home. tion supports the local county Pre-Trial Inter- are going to a
vention Program, in which first-time offend- responsible
Equine Rescue of Aiken also works with ers may fulfill required community service organization. The
racetracks to identify and acquire horses that hours by working at the facility. It also part- assistance allows
are no longer competitive, to repurpose them ners with the Saratoga War Horse program us to continue our
for second careers in forever homes, and the to assist war veterans suffering from PTSD mission of
organization accepts horses from owners no by using horses as therapy to heal emotional repurposing and
longer able to care for them. wounds. rehoming off-the-track
Equine Rescue of Aiken is the largest horse- Annual operation costs are approximately
rescue center in the southeastern United $500,000, which pays for veterinary and FOUNDED: 2006
States. Its 90 acres include rehab/quarantine farrier care, tack, feed, bedding, and groom-
paddocks, stalls, pastures, and paddocks with ing supplies. Volunteers do most of the hands- ADDRESS:
spacious run-in sheds and is home at any on chores, as well as assisting at events, 532 Glenwood Dr.,
given time to 60 to 70 equines of all breeds – communicating via social media, coordinat- Aiken, SC 29803
from ex-racehorses, draft crosses, former polo ing mailings, and producing e-newsletters.
ponies, and even a feral mustang. Fundraisers have included a pancake break- PHONE: (803) 643-1850
fast and a barn and tack sale.
About a dozen horses are available for adop- MAIN CONTACT:
tion at any given time. Several horses at are Tax-deductible donations may be made to Jim Rhodes
permanent sanctuary residents. Equine Rescue of Aiken.
Final Furlong SANCTUARY
Final Furlong serves as a sanctuary, plus retrains and places ex-racehorses in new homes. TESTIMONIAL:
Final Furlong, founded in 2009 by Stephanie required, along with photos of the new home. “TAA has allowed
Brennan, has placed dozens of ex-racehorses Brennan has worked alongside her husband, Final Furlong an
into new homes or safe and secure retirement opportunity to provide
while establishing itself as a leader in Thorough- trainer Niall Brennan, developing some of a safe retirement to
bred aftercare. America’s top racehorses, including 2013 our (lifers) – those
Kentucky Derby winner Orb and 2014 champi- who have soundness
The Final Furlong team, comprised of Bren- ons Palace Malice and Dayatthespa. Many of issues that make
nan and volunteers, scans entries for at-risk Final Furlong’s graduates came through that placement
runners that are heading down in class. Using program, including Gunpowder Creek and impossible. They
funds garnered through donations and grants, Canaan Land, retrained as a dressage competi- now can live out
the organization acquires targeted racehorses tor and pony horse, respectively. Others have their lives with the
and brings them to its Ocala, Fla., base, where gone on to careers as eventers, hunter/jumpers, care and comfort
they remain for rehab and evaluation until trail horses, and companion animals. Horses they deserve.”
deemed ready to move forward. such as stakes-placed Hammock and royally
bred Indian Key successfully transitioned from FOUNDED: 2009
There are no adoption fees, though prospec- the racetrack to the show ring. Several remain
tive new owners are thoroughly screened. A permanent retirees – “lifers” – at Final Furlong. ADDRESS:
contract must be completed, accompanied by 9119 NW Hwy 225a,
a letter from an industry professional indicat- According to Stephanie Brennan, “Final Ocala, FL 34482
ing their ability to care for an off-the-track Furlong simply wants to give the horses who
Thoroughbred. An additional letter from the have given so much to us an opportunity to excel PHONE: (352) 427-8540
veterinarian who will care for the horse also is at another career.”
Stephanie Brennan
Finger Lakes Thoroughbred
Finger Lakes Thoroughbred Adoption Program retirees Queen’s Wish and Kole’s Mercedes “The accreditation
compete in the Cedar Valley Polo Club exhibition to showcase off-the-track Thoroughbreds. of FLTAP by the
TAA is a significant
“Giving horses a second chance to be Local horsemen help fund the program by endorsement of
winners” is the noble credo that the Finger contributing $2 for every start a horse makes, our efforts as the
Lakes Thoroughbred Adoption Program lives an amount matched by the Finger Lakes Racing first ontrack
by. FLTAP was founded in 2006 when Finger Association. FLTAP also hosts fundraising Thoroughbred
Lakes Racetrack management and the local dinners, polo matches, benefit horse shows, golf adoption program
HBPA division decided something must be done tournaments, and holiday events, with money in North America.
to protect at-risk runners, most notably those going directly to the program. Volunteers donate Its ongoing support
headed down the claiming ladder. This award- time, talent, and product in addition to cash. of our program is
winning retraining and adoption program has paramount to our
helped more than 400 Thoroughbreds find new Horses entering FLTAP must be reasonably success.”
homes. sound and have the potential for a second career,
whether in the show ring or for pleasure riding. FOUNDED: 2006
FLTAP was the first adoption organization Successful adoptions have included IBA Baby-
located on racetrack grounds. Delaware North doll (aka “Pepper,” jumper), Five Aces (“Ace,” ADDRESS:
Cos., the parent of Finger Lakes Gaming and trail riding), and City Mint (barrel racing). Most 5757 NYS Route 96,
Racetrack, donated the two-acre site upon FLTAP horses ended their racing careers in Farmington, N.Y. 14425
which a 10,000-square-foot, 16-stall barn now lower-level claiming races at Finger Lakes.
stands, built with state funding, a grant from PHONE: (585) 924-9510
the American Humane Association, and contri- Prospective adopters undergo an in-depth
butions from donors like Wanda Polisenni, for screening process, including an interview, to MAIN CONTACT:
whose Purple Haze Stables the center is named. determine if they are able to provide a good Julie Smith
The facility also includes a riding arena, turnout home for an ex-racehorse. When accepted, they
paddocks, and round pens. are matched with horses appropriate for their WEB ADDRESS:
skill level, experience, and goals.
Florida Thoroughbred Retirement SANCTUARY
and Adoptive Care Program REHABILITATION
Florida TRAC’s retraining process includes fundamentals to prepare horses for a new career. “The appreciated
collaborative efforts
The Florida Thoroughbred Retirement and Florida TRAC’s success stories include such and support provided
Adoptive Care Program was established in 2010 horses as $278,407-earner Chillin Dylan, who by the TAA are vital to
with a focus on providing rest, rehabilitation, had 96 career starts and 25 wins, with an impres- assist Florida TRAC in
retraining, and adoptive services to horses that sive 54 percent in-the-money record, and Holly- obtaining our goals of
previously competed at Gulfstream Park and wood Left, a Florida stakes winner of $611,960 excellence in the
Gulfstream Park West. Part of Florida TRAC’s who made 105 starts. Today, both Chillin Dylan transition of off-the-
primary purpose is to start the retraining and Hollywood Left are enjoying their retire- track Thoroughbreds
process to allow as many horses as possible to ment in their adoptive homes as leisurely trail from their racing
find a loving forever home. horses. careers in south
Florida to their new
Graduates of Florida TRAC have gone on to a “Florida TRAC continues to grow and evolve future second careers.
wide range of second careers, including the show into a forward-thinking retirement program The TAA funding
ring, trail riding, eventing, therapy for children for the equine athletes of our industry while ensures our high level
and veterans, police work, pasture companions, providing the highest level of care, retraining, of expectation
and much more. Adoption fees vary depending and safety for our retired Thoroughbreds,” said to provide excellent
on the level of training and the potential of each P.J. Campo, vice president of racing for The Stro- care, nutrition, and
individual. nach Group. “The Stronach Group recognizes training is met.
and is committed to responsible retirement and
Florida TRAC keeps an open line of communi- aftercare along with the south Florida horsemen FOUNDED: 2010
cation with adopters throughout the lifetime of and jockeys.”
their adoptee. ADDRESS:
6650 Kanner Hwy.,
Indiantown, FL 34956
PHONE: (833) 352-8722
Katie Schmit, Jena Antonucci
Friends of Ferdinand SANCTUARY
Friends of Ferdinand has an internship program that allows volunteers the opportunity to work “TAA provides a
with horses that are being retrained to transition to new careers. consistent, stable,
and reliable funding
Friends of Ferdinand Inc. (FFI) is an Indiana- months or six, Friends of Ferdinand horses are source for equine
based nonprofit dedicated to promoting respon- ready for new careers with amateur riders. programs that does
sible retirement for racehorses in Indiana and not exist elsewhere.
the Midwest with options for second careers. The goal of Friends of Ferdinand is to work With that, we are able
closely with adopters to find the right home for to confidently plan
Established in 2005, Friends of Ferdinand took each horse the first time. The adoption process and implement
its name from the famed racehorse Ferdinand, a begins with an application that includes veteri- strategies for
Kentucky Derby winner who earned millions on narian, farrier, and personal references. Poten- sustainable growth in
the track but was ultimately sent to slaughter. tial adopters are required to visit and ride their order to better meet
To honor his memory, FFI has established a very potential horses with FFI’s head trainer. In the needs of the
successful retraining and adoption program. addition, adopters are offered a 30-day trial so horses and horsemen
Additionally, FFI offers an internship program that they may take their new horse home for a in Indiana and the
that affords young people who are interested in prepurchase exam and evaluations by their own Midwest. The horses
a horse-industry career the opportunity to work veterinarian, farrier, and trainer. benefit when we all
with horses in aftercare or preparing for adop- work together.”
tion. These adoption and match-making processes
have proved effective, with an almost 100 FOUNDED: 2005
Each horse receives a thorough vet check to percent year-over-year successful adoption rate.
identify any physical limitations and generally FFI grads have gone on to become trail and dres- ADDRESS:
stays a minimum of 90 days for evaluation and sage horses, such as Logan Township, a geld- P.O. Box 1784,
retraining. Once ready to begin work, Friends ing who raced 78 times, and Right to War, who Indianapolis, IN 46206
of Ferdinand’s retraining philosophy is: “Let raced three times. Others have transitioned into
the horse set the pace.” Whether it takes three hunter/jumpers, eventers, and pleasure horses. EMAIL:
[email protected]
Sara Busbice
Galloping Out works with a number of Illinois farms to find homes for retired racehorses. TESTIMONIAL:
Galloping Out is the ontrack adoption program must ride for the farm trainers to guarantee a “Becoming
serving the two Chicago-area Thoroughbred good fit. We follow up with pictures of the horse accredited by the
racetracks, Arlington Park and Hawthorne Race at six months and one year, and retain the right TAA was a
Course. to do a physical inspection at any time. We try to benchmark for
stay in touch with the adopters, such as via Face- Galloping Out. For
Galloping Out began accepting horses in book, and have found that these new owners can’t as much as the
spring 2010. What began with three horses has wait to share pictures and videos of their horse’s funding has helped
grown to accommodate as many as 30 at one time, accomplishments. us maintain
with more than 200 successful adoptions. additional horses,
Galloping Out is in the fortunate position to the honor of
Galloping Out partners with seven private have the support of both Chicago-area race- accreditation has
farms for rest and rehabilitation, retraining, and tracks. Owners contribute with an optional per- lifted the program
eventual adoptions. These farms include profes- start fee. in the eyes of the
sional Thoroughbred farms, hunter/jumper Chicago racing
barns, and an eventing facility. Several have We have been rewarded with a grant from community and has
youth programs, and the kids learn old-school Thoroughbred Charities of America for three translated into
horsemanship working with these retired race- consecutive years. We are generously supported additional donations.”
horses. by the owners and trainers in Chicago, as well as
several private foundations. FOUNDED: 2010
Galloping Out requires an application for
an individual to be considered as a potential Racing fans take a keen interest in the ADDRESS:
adopter. Not only are references checked, but as program. Galloping Out also hosts fundraising 7301 W. 25th St., Suite 321,
often as possible someone will visit the stable or events throughout the year and does community North Riverside, IL 60546
farm where the horse is going to live. Adopters outreach.
PHONE: (708) 652- 2201
Vocational Academy REHABILITATION
Glen Ellen Vocational Academy, located in the wine country of Sonoma Valley, is one of “TAA grants have
America’s oldest rescue organizations and has provided safe haven for hundreds of horses. provided much-
needed funding to
Glen Ellen Vocational Academy is one of The program includes a strong educational provide for these
America’s oldest rescue organizations, founded component, offering clinics and seminars on noble Thoroughbreds,
in California more than 20 years ago by former horsemanship, horse care, and equine legal who have given their
racetrack steward Pam Berg. The program has issues as requested. GEVA has an established lives to the racing
rehabbed, placed, and provided safe haven to relationship with Santa Rosa Junior College for industry and need a
hundreds of Thoroughbreds, and Berg has been site visits, UC Davis Veterinary Medicine Club comfortable
honored with the Dogwood Dominion Award as members for dental wet labs, and Sonoma State sanctuary in which
one of racing’s “unsung heroes” and also inducted University for community volunteer hours. to retire. Some go on
into the Equus Hall of Fame of the Sonoma Horse to second careers,
Council. Ridgeway Ranch, the home of Seabiscuit, has but others have a
been supportive of GEVA. Other fundraisers have well-earned retirement
“GEVA was founded to provide homes for included booths and tables at various venues, and just enjoy being
injured, retired, and abused horses or those just including racetracks, to provide racing infor- horses.”
in need of a home,” Berg said. “GEVA is dedicated mation and raise funds for the horses through
to preventing inhumane and needless slaughter the sale of racing memorabilia, photos of noted FOUNDED: 1995
and abuse. horses and jockeys, crafts, and other items.
“Most horses become permanent pensioners at GEVA is situated in the beautiful Northern P.O. Box 2101,
the sanctuary since they don’t have the option of a California wine country of Sonoma Valley. All Glen Ellen, CA 95442
second career. However, there are a few who may visitors, with or without horses, are welcomed.
be adopted out to the right home. Most horses are Donations from visitors go toward maintain- PHONE: (707) 527-8092
available for sponsorship.” ing the horses here at the sanctuary in a style to
which they should be rewarded for their contri- MAIN CONTACT:
As an equine sanctuary accredited by the bution to the racing industry. Pam Berg
Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries, GEVA
concentrates on rehabilitation and retirement of Remember, without these horses, there would WEB ADDRESS:
the sport’s noble racetrack warriors. be no racing industry.
Harmony and Hope SANCTUARY
Horse Haven
Ruth Plenty with Zeb, one of the many OTTBs who have found sanctuary at Harmony and Hope. “TAA requirements
for the care of
During the mid-1990s, owner and breeder At any given time, some 35 horses live in perma- Thoroughbreds are
Ruth Plenty observed a disturbing trend – that nent retirement on Plenty’s property, located highly approved and
of injured, old, or unsuccessful racehorses being 2 1/2 hours out of Tucson, Ariz.; most of them are recognized by other
loaded onto trailers and sent to auction. It didn’t Thoroughbreds, and several are stallions. Accord- organizations and
seem right, so she decided to do something to stem ing to Plenty, about 90 percent of Harmony and individuals; to be
that heartbreaking tide. Plenty and her husband, Hope’s lifetime residents earned less than $45,000, recognized as
Dennis, began rescuing horses whenever and many after racing for years. The 32-year-old meeting these
wherever they could, absorbing the cost largely Improper Conduct (“Icee”) was a stakes-placed standards is an
out of pocket, and eventually setting up Harmony track-record-setter who joined the program after honor. To meet TAA
and Hope Horse Haven as a sanctuary for ex- years as a police patrol mount. Woodtown Bob standards for
racehorses. raced through age 11, winning 8 of 75 starts, before documentation, my
Plenty intercepted him in 2009 and brought him to ‘paperwork’ had to
“This is the best job I’ve ever had,” said Ruth the ranch. become organized.
Plenty, who performs many of the daily tasks at Accomplished TAA
the 40-acre Pile of Old Rocks Ranch, the home All incoming horses are placed in three-week staff were so helpful
base of Harmony and Hope. “All of our horses are quarantine, during which they are thoroughly and patient. Thank
success stories. They came off the track unwanted, evaluated and any health issues are addressed. you, TAA.”
with no place to go – but did not end up abandoned
or at feedlot auctions. Instead, they spend their Harmony and Hope has been recognized by FOUNDED: 2005
days eating, sleeping, and being groomed. They Thoroughbred Charities of America, CARMA,
know they have a home – they know contentment.” and After the Finish Line, as well as being accred- LOCATION:
ited by the TAA. Portal, AZ
P.O. Box 173,
Rodeo, NM 88056
PHONE: (520) 558-1950 (land)
(602) 540-9413 (cell)
Ruth Plenty
Heaven Can Wait SANCTUARY
Heaven Can Wait was founded in California in 2002 by Susan Schwartz to keep horses safe and TESTIMONIAL:
“let them leave this world from a happy and peaceful place.”
“The support of TAA
Heaven Can Wait was a “lifelong dream” “Hence,” according to Schwartz, “we became will certainly make it
of founder Susan Schwartz, who established a sanctuary to keep them safe and let them leave possible to help more
the multibreed sanctuary in 2002 with three this world from a happy and peaceful place.” Thoroughbreds and
horses. In January 2018, 18 horses resided on the to keep on helping
14-acre grounds tucked into the rolling hills of Heaven Can Wait also has available a program the ones we have
San Miguel, Calif. Among them were donkeys, it calls Project HoPE (Horse Power for Every- currently. Older
paints, warmbloods, Arabians, Shetland Ponies, one), which utilizes resident horses that can be Thoroughbreds that
and, of course, Thoroughbreds – many advanced used by cancer patients and survivors to help in just need to be given
in years. their recovery. a chance to end their
lives with peace,
Current residents include ex-racehorses such “The magic of our equine residents is that happiness, and
as Secretariat’s 28-year-old grandson Pair O they have found a way to forgive the bad dignity are always
Docs; 19-year-old Anstar, a stakes-placed winner inflicted upon them by humans in their pasts welcome at Heaven
of $349,433; plus an assortment of former show and are willing to give of themselves to people Can Wait.”
horses and pets. Virtually all are there because who need non-judgmental and unconditional
they had fallen on hard times. Often, they have love in order to heal,” Schwartz said. “It is truly FOUNDED: 2002
injuries making them ineligible to adopt out to inspirational to witness the resounding results
homes looking for riding or show horses. of how our wonderful and happy equines help ADDRESS:
those in need.” 6275 Cerros Pioneros Way,
San Miguel, CA 93541
PHONE: (805) 368-5702
Susan Schwartz
for Thoroughbreds
Florida-based Hidden Acres focuses on helping ex-racehorses find a new home or second career. TESTIMONIAL:
Founded in September 2011, Hidden Acres Norris, HART founder and executive director, “The benefits of TAA
Rescue for Thoroughbreds (HART for Horses) said, “The ASPCA Help A Horse Day contest is a accreditation for
is committed to being the voice for off-the-track wonderful opportunity for our team to welcome HART started the
Thoroughbreds on Florida’s Space Coast. Nestled the residents and businesses of Brevard County moment we began
on seven serene acres between a national wildlife into our barn and help spread awareness about filling out the
refuge on its western border, and a recreational the at-risk horses in our community who are in application, allowing
area to its south, HART provides miles of riding need of loving homes. Horses are majestic, loving us to more effectively
trails through to the Canaveral Groves. animals, and we hope our local supporters will establish our
come out to help us so we can continue our life- foundation and
The main barn is well-ventilated for the saving efforts for years to come.” set standards for
summer heat and rated for winds up to 150 mph to success. Since
withstand the hurricane season of Florida’s east- To date, HART has helped almost 150 retired accreditation, HART
ern coastline. With 15 turn-out pastures, a large racehorses find success in their new careers, has additional funds
jumping and schooling arena, and a standard including three who qualified for the American to grow, and
dressage arena, HART offers a full array of facili- Eventing Championship in 2017, and several who ultimately to allow
ties and services geared toward rehabilitation are working as therapy horses to serve the local us to help more
and re-homing. It also offers traditional lessons, community. horses. We hold the
boarding, and a growing interest in equine ther- backing of the TAA
apy. Those people who live in the area or are plan- in high regard and
ning to visit the Cocoa/Cocoa Beach area can ensure daily that we
Built on a belief that education and outreach help by volunteering their time. As a 501(c)(3) uphold the standards
improve the lives of those in their community, charitable organization, HART offers a variety of expected by
as well as the lives of the equine athletes they ways to provide financial support, from sponsor- accreditation.”
rescue, HART regularly opens its barn doors to ing a horse, business sponsorships, traditional
the local community. donations, and even shopping online via Amazon YEAR FOUNDED: 2011
Speaking about one such event, Suzanna ADDRESS: 6360 Arborwood Ave.,
Cocoa, FL 32927
PHONE: (321) 543-2924
Suzanna Norris
Hope for Horses SANCTUARY
Hope for Horses graduate Our Shorty being shown in Western Dressage. GREY HORSE PHOTOGRAPHY TESTIMONIAL:
What started out as a helping hand for just a horses come from, good classical horsemanship “TAA has helped us
few ex-racehorses in need grew into helping out principles can turn them into good equine citi- ‘up our game.’ Hope
other rescues, by taking on and homing horses zens. for Horses strives
from feedlot sale yards and auction yards. Calls to achieve a level of
also came from racetrack trainers looking to find Horses at the facility are exposed to many proficiency above the
good homes for their retiring racehorses. different situations, where they learn to be confi- norm, and as
dent and comfortable, making sure they are stewards of these
All this activity brought on more horses to ready for adoption or placement. Potential adopt- majestic creatures, it
care for, so Hope for Horses Inc. was started in ers must complete a questionnaire, provide refer- is great to be part
2013 as a nonprofit 501(c)(3) by Anita Markiewicz, ences, and pass an ability test. Then, we let the of a team that
who rides and shows in dressage and is a certified horse chose their adopter. believes in those
Centered Riding Instructor. same principles. A
Hope for Horses also provides continuing team goal of
With many young and not-so-young off-the- education for both the horse and their human. providing excellent
track Thoroughbreds waiting to start second Monthly sessions are available to continue facili- care and training
careers, Hope for Horses enlisted a lot of volun- tating this partnership. creates a horse well
teer riders to help give these horses a second suited to be a forever
chance. Dressage and jumping teams were As an education-based facility, Hope for Horses partner to a new
created and were invited to join exhibition teams works to educate the equestrian community person and home.”
at different Expos in the state, and at the Califor- and the general public about how rescue facili-
nia State Fair. ties are a good place to find great horses. Most of FOUNDED: 2013
the horses found at rescues just need a helping
The results attained at Hope for Horses proves hand, and with education and training can have ADDRESS:
that no matter what circumstances these ex-race- a bright future. 10576 Arno Rd.,
Galt, CA 95632
PHONE: (916) 591-2481
Anita Markiewicz
Humanity for Horses SANCTUARY
Volunteer Laraine gives treats to Jazzing Up Court and I Got Cat Style at Humanity for Horses. “TAA’s accreditation
of Humanity for
Humanity for Horses was formed in 2011 by Shasta, Calif., facility, which also has come to be Horses has given our
a group of animal lovers in response to equine known by many as a “place of last hope.” sanctuary a level of
slaughter, two years before it was outlawed in the credibility that has
United States. Though slaughter is no longer legal Among the many poignant stories at Humanity enabled us to
within the U.S. borders, the demand for a safe for Horses is that of 27-year-old Gdansk’s Honour, leverage our
haven remains. a royally bred daughter of the great Danzig from fund-raising
a family of champions. Herself a European stakes capabilities. The
Established strictly as a program provid- winner and starter in the 1992 Irish 1,000 Guin- financial resources
ing sanctuary, Humanity for Horses is largely eas, Gdansk’s Honour later became a stakes provided to us by TAA
comprised of those horses who are unadoptable producer and grandam of a winner of the Grade have been invaluable,
for whatever reason and have run out of options. 1 Blue Grass Stakes and now lives out her days at allowing us to care
The organization’s motto is: “Where every Thor- Humanity for Horses. for more
oughbred crosses the finish line first.” Thoroughbreds and
The program is supported by corporate spon- provide them with
To date, more than 300 horses have been sors, including the ASPCA and CARMA (Califor- lifelong love and
provided a forever home through Humanity for nia Retirement Management Account), as well as sanctuary.”
Horses, along with numerous other animals, by people sponsoring individual horses for $150
including goats, sheep, alpacas, and even guinea per month. Lower levels of sponsorship also are FOUNDED: 2011
pigs and chickens. As of the summer of 2017, available, for as little as $15 per month for a bale
approximately 100 horses resided at the Mount of hay. ADDRESS:
P.O. Box 1510,
Mt. Shasta, CA 96067
PHONE: (530) 926-9990
Valdia O’Connell
Illinois Equine SANCTUARY
Black Cadillac, who was rescued at auction, competed at the Retired Racehorse Project “The advent of TAA
Thoroughbred Makeover event in Lexington, Kentucky. is unequivocally
the single greatest
The Illinois Equine Humane Center was trail, or jumping prospects. Potential homes are advancement toward
founded in 2008 specifically to address a need in thoroughly vetted and inspected prior to adop- providing proper
Illinois to protect horses from cruelty, neglect, tion, and the Illinois Equine Humane Center aftercare for
and slaughter. Illinois Equine Humane Center contract provides a lifelong safety net for horses Thoroughbreds
and its founders played a vital role in the closure adopted through its program. Any horse adopted whose racing careers
of the slaughter plant formerly operated in from Illinois Equine Humane Center can be have ended. TAA’s
nearby DeKalb, Ill. returned to the organization, no questions asked, support has made
at any point during its lifetime. our work to re-home
Since its inception, Illinois Equine Humane horses far less
Center has rescued numerous horses of all While the vast majority of horses at Illinois burdensome than in
breeds, including many Thoroughbreds, from Equine Humane Center are adopted into wonder- years past and has
undesirable situations and has served as an ful homes, the organization also serves as perma- also allowed us to
outlet for responsible owners looking to place nent sanctuary to several former runners who, increase the number
their racehorses into good homes. due to special needs, are not suitable for adoption. of Thoroughbreds we
are able to help.”
While in the care of the Illinois Equine In addition to accepting owner relinquish-
Humane Center, former racehorses receive what- ments from the track, the Illinois Equine Humane FOUNDED: 2008
ever rehabilitation is required prior to being Center also works to rescue Thoroughbreds from
retrained for new careers as pleasure, dressage, low-end auctions where horses are in peril. ADDRESS:
45W050 Beith Rd.,
Maple Park, IL 60151
PHONE: (815) 761-4937
Gail Vacca
“TAA’s support has
been critical to the
Kentucky Equine
Humane Center and
has enabled us to
continue providing
high-quality care to
the Thoroughbreds
that need our help in
preparing for the next
phase of their lives.”
The Kentucky Equine Humane Center was founded by a number of influential owners, breeders, ADDRESS:
trainers, and jockeys and is located on 70 acres in Central Kentucky. P.O. Box 910124,
Lexington, KY 40591
Some of the biggest names in racing threw that of Winter Leaf, a 1998 granddaughter of Mr.
their support behind the Kentucky Equine Prospector. Herself a three-time stakes winner, PHONE: (859) 881-5849
Humane Center when it was founded in 2007. she won or placed in 18 of 24 starts, earned
Among them were Racing Hall of Fame horse- $247,989, and finished third to eventual Hall MAIN CONTACT:
men Chris McCarron and Nick Zito and noted of Famer Xtra Heat. Only able to produce two Karen Gustin
owners and breeders Marylou Whitney and foals – the second sold at auction for $100,000 –
Arthur Hancock. It has since provided a very Winter Leaf eventually arrived at KyEHC, and WEB ADDRESS:
needed service in finding homes for unwanted within four months a much different, happier
horses of all breeds, although half the “herd” is horse had found a new home.
generally Thoroughbreds. AVERAGE NUMBER OF
KyEHC has an educational component in THOROUGHBREDS PER YEAR:
Situated on 70 acres near Nicholasville, Ky., the hosting horsemanship clinics, promoting 30
nearly decade-old program is a peaceful haven responsible ownership, and raising awareness
where equines can relax, recover, and heal until regarding rescue and aftercare. It also offers
their forever home is found. Incoming horses an internship program.
receive veterinary care and individualized atten-
tion before moving on to retraining, wherein A grant recipient from the ASPCA, the center
qualified trainers work with them to establish a also has been supported by organizations
safe, solid foundation for the future. By contrac- such as Keeneland, Churchill Downs, Rood
tual agreement, no adopted animal can ever & Riddle, and Hagyard veterinary hospitals,
again be used for racing or breeding. Adoption the Kentucky Horse Council, Brennan Equine
fees range from $150 to $1,500. Welfare Fund, Equus Foundation, the Indiana
HBPA, and Thoroughbred Charities of Amer-
One of many success stories from KyEHC is ica, in addition to the TAA.
Life Horse Inc. SANCTUARY
“The support of the
TAA allows
Life Horse Inc. the
means to assist
Thoroughbreds to
transition to a second
career. If a second
career is not in their
future, they will be
provided a safe
sanctuary and
retirement home
at Life Horse.”
Joe Topper, Life Horse president, with Happy Tuesday, the farm’s oldest sanctuary resident. FOUNDED: 1996
Life Horse Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organiza- are eligible for monthly sponsorships to help ADDRESS:
tion located at Breezy Hill Stables in Thurmont, cover the cost of their care. 15117 Mud College Rd.,
Md. It provides services to all horse breeds. Thurmont, MD 21788
Services provided are sanctuary, rehabilitation, An open house is held annually where visitors
and retraining for adoption. are welcome to meet and greet the horses. Visi- PHONE: (240) 674-3856
tors have the opportunity to learn about respon-
Horses come to Life Horse from area race- sible horse care and ownership. Horses available MAIN CONTACT:
tracks, auctions, owner surrender, and horses for adoption are used to show their versatility to Joseph Topper
in undesirable situations. Currently, Life Horse anyone considering this option.
has 23 Thoroughbreds. Of those, 12 are sanctu- WEB ADDRESS:
ary residents. For those uncertain or unfamiliar with horse
ownership, Life Horse offers an on-site leas-
New arrivals are assessed by a veterinarian, ing program. This program allows a potential AVERAGE NUMBER OF
farrier, and dentist. The horse’s training level is adopter the chance to get to know the horse and THOROUGHBREDS PER YEAR:
evaluated by a trainer to ensure the horse has determine if adoption is something they want to 23
the best chance to find a suitable life long part- pursue.
ner. The horses are always welcome back for any
reason if necessary. Life Horse president and farm owner Joe
Topper has seen an increased need for safe long-
Life Horse welcomes volunteers to visit and term aftercare.
pamper our residents. Its oldest sanctuary resi-
dent is Happy Tuesday, 30. He made it known “Being a Thoroughbred owner myself, I just
that he was very attached to another elderly want to do my part to see that these horses are
Thoroughbred, also from a unsatisfactory situ- cared for after life on the track,” said Topper,
ation. He and his 24-year-old friend, Steel Bulle, who helps oversee the daily operation of the
have found sanctuary together. Rarely do we see farm. “Being located where we are with several
one without the other close by. Sanctuary horses tracks within about an hour’s drive, we feel like
we’re in a good location to help out.”
Silver Spot, LOPE’s entry in the Retired Racehorse Project’s Thoroughbred Makeover, with “TAA has been a
Lynn Reardon up and volunteer Suzanne Minter. tremendous help to
LOPE! Thanks to its
“Every racehorse is waiting to be someone’s the American Association of Equine Veterinary support, LOPE can
special champion.” Technicians. commit to horses
that need longer-term
With that credo, LoneStar Outreach to Place Older stock, yearlings/weanlings, and brood- rehab and retraining.
Ex-Racers (LOPE) has done business in Texas mares are not accepted into LOPE, which accepts We can offer more
for the past 13 years. Founded by Lynn Reardon, only off-the-track horses (of any racing breed) public education
author of the bestselling, award-winning book voluntarily donated by their owners or trainers. programs to
“Beyond the Homestretch,” LOPE is today one Each is assessed as to its particular needs, then encourage OTTB
of the country’s leading organizations working placed either into rehab or the academy (retrain- ownership. As a
with off-the-track racehorses. ing) program. Horses cannot be adopted until TAA-accredited
their training regimen is complete. organization, LOPE
Established on the premise that horses need has attracted much
jobs, not pity, and that many ex-racers still have “For us, it’s an honor to work with such support and interest
much to offer – whether as trail horses, show tremendous athletes,” says Reardon, who had from new supporters.”
competitors, pets, or pasture companions – LOPE little equine background when she first visited
sees to it that they receive the attention required a racetrack backside and fell in love with the FOUNDED: 2003
to become “champions” in a post-racing world. heart, intelligence, and athleticism of the horses
she encountered. “I couldn’t believe that such ADDRESS:
Believing that a better-educated horse is less magnificent athletes could ever be at-risk, and I 901 Darden Hill Rd.,
likely to be at-risk, and that a well-educated rider am honored now to help them transition into new Driftwood, TX 78619
makes the best adopter, LOPE provides individu- lives.
alized retraining of horses, along with lessons PHONE: (512) 565-1824
and clinics for people interested in adopting. “Every horse is special – and we believe that
LOPE also offers vocational training for at-risk every horse needs a vocation in order to be happy MAIN CONTACT:
youth, and is in an educational partnership with and true to its nature.” Lynn Reardon
LongRun Thoroughbred REHABILITATION
LongRun moved into its new, 100-acre facility in 2016 and usually has 50 horses in its care. TESTIMONIAL:
Seventeen years ago, no formal organization monitor the adoptee and new owner for at least “We are most thankful
existed in eastern Canada to care for retired race- one year to ensure that all is well in terms of to TAA, whose
horses in need of new homes once their careers at compatibility and safety. funding enables
the racetrack had ended. LongRun to afford
In September 2016, thanks in large part to more of our deserving
That void was filled in 2000, when a number of a very generous bequest from the late Lana Thoroughbreds with
Ontario’s owners, trainers, breeders, and horse Hershelle Sniderman, LongRun took posses- a happy life after
lovers teamed up to form LongRun Thorough- sion of its own centralized facility in Hillsburgh, racing. In addition,
bred Retirement Society, a largely volunteer-run northwest of Toronto. Previously, retirees were TAA funding will help
registered charity whose main office is located cared for at a number of sanctioned foster farms us continue and,
on the backstretch of Woodbine Racetrack. in and around the metropolitan Toronto area and hopefully, expand our
a few of the aged veterans have remained with equine-assisted
As part of North America’s first racing juris- their loving foster caregivers. therapy program HOPE,
diction to mandate that a portion of monies which we launched in
wagered go toward a Thoroughbred retirement This centralization has made viewing of poten- partnership with
program, LongRun today deals mainly with tial adoptees much easier and the farm is also Woodbine
runners recently retired from the racetrack and, serving as a public showcase for some of Ontar- Entertainment Group.”
on a case-to-case basis, also tries to assist other io’s racing stars.
Thoroughbreds in need both financially and via FOUNDED: 2000
networking. The 100-acre, 46-stall facility with its large
indoor arena has enabled LongRun to increase ADDRESS:
Caring owners donate horses to the program – the amount of equine-assisted therapy programs 555 Rexdale Blvd., P.O. Box 156,
LongRun usually has 50 retirees under its care at it holds in partnership with Woodbine Enter- Toronto, Ontario, Canada M9W 5L2
any one time – after which a team works to find tainment Group. These programs not only help
appropriate adoptive matches for them in terms people experiencing challenges in their lives PHONE:
of goals and skill levels of prospective owners. but also allows retirees whose age or infirmities (416) 675-3993 ext. 1-3440
Once an adoption is complete, LongRun will dictate a life of sanctuary at LongRun.
Wendy Muir
Los Angeles Pet Rescue: REHABILITATION
“TAA’s grant and
accreditation are of
tremendous value to
us. The grant check
is a blessing in doing
this beautiful work.
Accreditation also
serves to reassure
potential adopters
that we are a bona
fide organization. We
see TAA as partners
with whom we work
hand-in-hand to
retrain our OTTBs and
settle them into new,
rewarding careers.”
Rumors Ride and Sumthingsgottogive at Farralone Farms, the equine division of LA Pet Rescue. ADDRESS:
10856 Farralone Ave.,
Farralone Farms is the equine division of Los and farrier care as needed. Stallions generally Chatsworth, CA 91311
Angeles Pet Rescue, an animal-welfare organi- will be gelded, teeth floated, and vaccinations
zation that has saved everything from sheep and updated as these horses are brought back to opti- PHONE: (310) 466-1185
mules to cats and guinea pigs. Founded in 2008 mal health with plenty of good food and quality
by Saskia Chiesa, a longtime dressage competi- care. When ready, many will be schooled and MAIN CONTACT:
tor from The Netherlands, the farm is a peace- retrained in preparation for the next phase in Saskia Chiesa
ful facility located in Southern California’s San their lives.
Fernando Valley. Farralone Farms deals in all WEB ADDRESS:
breeds but has had notable success with off-the- Horses recently made available through
track Thoroughbreds. There are 16 horses active Farralone Farms have included Grand Yule and
in the program. Cyber Sam, both rescues from a California live- AVERAGE NUMBER OF
stock auction. Grand Yule is a beautiful gray son THOROUGHBREDS PER YEAR:
According to Chiesa, “We are all about the of Grade 1 winner and sire Grand Slam and a two- 16
four Rs” – rescue, rehabilitate, retrain, and time Southern California winner; Cyber Sam is
rehome. Many of Farralone Farms’ horses have a 23-year-old daughter of champion Capote out
been plucked directly out of livestock auctions. of a Mr. Prospector mare. Both Grand Yule and
They are then brought to the Chatsworth-based Cyber Sam eventually fell on hard times before
facility, where they are carefully assessed and being sent to Farralone Farms as future compan-
rehabilitated, receiving R&R plus veterinary ion horses.
Lucky Orphans SANCTUARY
Tiger Tap, aka Spike, raced 16 times before being turned into a jumper. When he could no “Lucky Orphans is a
longer jump, he joined the herd of geldings at Lucky Orphans, where he is a visitor favorite. sanctuary that
provides lifelong care,
Lucky Orphans Horse Rescue was founded in more compassion-filled futures. and we are beyond
New York eight years ago as a non-breed-specific, The non-profit organization is accredited with grateful for the work of
no-kill rescue, rehab, and sanctuary. Its stated the TAA, which helps
goal is to “provide a haven for unwanted, abused, the Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance and the provide assistance
neglected horses, to improve the relationship Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries, as well for 20 percent of our
between horses and people … and to properly as being certified with Equine Assisted Growth horse population.
unite humans and horses in a safe environment.” and Learning Associations. With the latter, With the help and
Lucky Orphans utilizes its rescue horses in help- support of the TAA,
By the summer of 2017, the organization was ing those who suffer from mental, emotional, we can promise our
home to more than 50 horses, including 16 off- physical, and/or developmental health issues, OTTBs the security of
the-track Thoroughbreds and an assortment of working with at-risk youth, and dealing with staying with their new
Quarter Horses, Appaloosas, Arabians, Morgans, depression, anxiety, addiction, and self-injurious herd as long as they
Welsh and Shetland ponies, minis, Paints, behavior. During the mutually advantageous live.”
mustangs, and mixed breeds. process, horses and humans help one another.
The backstories on many of these rescues were In addition to its noted horses-as-therapy
heartbreaking. They came to Lucky Orphans in program, Lucky Orphans hosts a number of ADDRESS:
very poor condition and in need of a new start. summer riding academy sessions and provides 2699 Route 22,
Lucky Orphans has worked successfully to bring year-round riding lessons with individual- Dover Plains, NY 12522
these horses (and even a few goats and sheep) ized attention. Education of adults and children
back from their physical and psychological inju- is a key component of the work done at Lucky PHONE: (845) 416-8583
ries – thus offering them hope for meaningful, Orphans.
Deanna Mancuso
Rosie Napravnik rode the Maker’s Mark Secretariat Center’s Dare Me in the Retired “Hurrah” to the TAA!
Racehorse Makeover Project at the Kentucky Horse Park. Its inspiring vision,
excellent management,
The Maker’s Mark Secretariat Center, hailed must come try the horse to make sure the fit is and stringent policies
as the “gold standard in Thoroughbred reschool- a good one. Adoption fees are based on the scope have raised awareness
ing,” opened in October of 2004. It uses its location of a given horse and expenses incurred during about Thoroughbred
at the famed Kentucky Horse Park near Lexing- reschooling. aftercare and provided
ton to highlight the versatility and athleticism of invaluable support to
off-the-track Thoroughbreds, while underscor- Maker’s Mark Secretariat Center also has an organizations which
ing the desirability of adopting one. off-campus “Noble Horse” program for those have been going alone
that need time to let down or heal before they can in this important work,
Maker’s Mark Secretariat Center horses act as commence a second career. one horse at a time.
“ambassadors” for the breed. Eligibility for the The MMSC is proud of
program is based on soundness, temperament, Keen to be a beacon of information about its TAA accreditation
and serviceability. As the campus is small – 16 reschooling OTTBs, the Maker’s Mark Secretar- and very, very grateful
acres of paddocks and a 10-stall barn – it can only iat Center offers internships for students of high for its support!”
house 12 horses at a time. school through college age, provides educational
opportunities for volunteers, and regularly hosts FOUNDED: 2004
Maker’s Mark Secretariat Center is not a rescue tours and demonstrations.
facility. Its job is to herald, showcase, and market ADDRESS:
the value of the Thoroughbred in second careers. The Maker’s Mark Secretariat Center also 4089 Ironworks Parkway,
welcomes drop-in visitors to watch reschooling Lexington, KY 40511
Horses in the program learn new skill sets using sessions or to consult resources in the Bucepha-
the Horse Centered Reschooling Programs℠, a lus Training Library. PHONE: (859) 246-3080
three-tiered system addressing body, spirit, and
mind, developed by Maker’s Mark Secretariat “The Maker’s Mark Secretariat Center does MAIN CONTACT:
Center director Susanna Thomas. everything right,” says former jockey Rosie Susanna Thomas
Napravnik, “from horse care, to the horses’ new
Potential adopters are required to fill out appli- starts, to the staff’s amazing ability to find homes WEB ADDRESS:
cations that include veterinary, personal, and for them. The MMSC is all about excellence,
equine specialist references, and if approved, honesty, and the horse!”
MHoidrsAetlaRnetsiccue SANCTUARY
Founded in 2002, MidAtlantic Horse Rescue has helped place more than 1,100 former racehorses. “TAA’s rigorous
accreditation process
“These horses are so intelligent and intuitive; MAHR takes Thoroughbreds from auctions gives legitimacy to
it is the ultimate betrayal when they are thrown or transitions them directly off the track. Most reputable aftercare
away when their racing careers are over.” are then evaluated under saddle and schooled programs. We are
until adopted out for pleasure or sport. MAHR honored to partner
This comes from former Delaware Park also has a few horses suitable as pasture pets with TAA and thrilled
trainer Beverly Strauss, who in 2002 founded and companions. that our industry
MidAtlantic Horse Rescue along with fellow has stepped up to
horsewoman Virginia Suarez, in response to Adoption fees are well below market value, up support aftercare and
the concern of slaughter. The pair had saved to $2,500 for a sound horse with no restrictions. ensure safe futures for
at-risk horses on their own for years and then Pre-adoption owner requirements include our Thoroughbreds.
set up MAHR in an effort to do even more. vet references and proof of a suitable facility. It has made our work
Successful adopters have ranged in age from here a bit easier. It’s
Launched initially with three off-the-track 9 to 70. all about the horse!”
Thoroughbreds and a rented five-acre field, the
program today hosts more than 30 horses at a MAHR is one of only a few programs nation- FOUNDED: 2002
158-acre private facility in the hills of eastern wide selected by the ASPCA to participate
Maryland, where available horses can be seen in its $1 million Rescuing Racers Initiative. ADDRESS:
by appointment. Organization fundraisers have included all- P.O. Box 407,
Thoroughbred benefit horse shows, horse- Chesapeake City, MD 21915
Since its inception, MAHR has helped save manship clinics, and benefit auctions. Tax-
and place more than 1,100 former racehorses. deductible donations of any size are appreci- PHONE: (302) 376-7297
Its horses have included maidens as well as ated, while tack, equipment in good condition,
claiming, allowance, and stakes horses, such as medications, office supplies, and gift cards are MAIN CONTACT:
former Virginia horse of the year Native Heir, always on the organizational wish list. Beverly Strauss
a graded stakes winner and earner of $602,951.
New Stride Thoroughbred SANCTUARY
May Nolan, who operates a New Stride TAA-accredited facility, on resident Gypsy Magic. TESTIMONIAL:
New Stride is a registered charity dedicated The experienced, knowledgeable team of volun- “TAA funding has
to finding adoptive homes and alternative teers and caregivers get to know the horses helped us continue
careers for Thoroughbred racehorses no longer before a retraining program begins from the our mission to take in
able to compete. The charity was founded in ground up. Manners and control are assessed, and rehabilitate and/
2002 at Hastings Racecourse in western Canada then training continues in a program tailored or retrain horses on a
by a group of concerned owners, breeders, and to each horse’s needs. Riding also progresses at regular basis. Being
backstretch workers who sought to provide a pace suited to each individual horse. accredited by TAA
opportunities for dignified retirement for as confirms to racehorse
many Thoroughbreds as possible. Once the horse has mastered basic skills, he owners, breeders,
is listed on the organization’s website as avail- trainers, and the
New Stride has placed more than 150 Thor- able for adoption. The adoption process begins public our high
oughbreds into adoptive homes and assisted with an application. Anyone wishing to adopt standard of care
many owners and trainers in connecting horses must visit and spend time with the horse of his and dedication to
coming off the track with opportunities for new or her choice. Potential adopters are screened Thoroughbred
careers. New Stride offers assistance to Thor- through the application and in person. When aftercare and
oughbred owners outside the racing commu- a match is decided upon, an adoption contract placement. We are
nity in the form of information, advice, and free must be signed, three equine-industry refer- grateful to the TAA
advertising of horses for sale on its website. ences produced, and a farm visit by a New for its funding.”
Stride representative must be conducted.
Horses coming into the program arrive at the FOUNDED: 2002
main intake farm, where they spend a few days The adopter must stay in touch with New
to a few weeks settling in while being assessed. Stride for one year. ADDRESS:
P.O. Box 10020 RPO Otter Co-op,
Langley BC V4W 3Z5
PHONE: (778) 985-5673
Carmen Kramer
New Vocations Racehorse REHABILITATION
“We are extremely
grateful for the TAA’s
support as it has
made it possible for
us to increase the
number of horses we
are able to help.”
The Thoroughbred Eeny Meeny Miny O is a natural at eventing. Her drive and heart have more 3293 Wright Rd.,
than exceeded her adopter’s expectations. At only 7, she has already jumped two CIC ** courses. Laura, OH 45337
PHONE: (937) 947-4020
A pioneer in racehorse aftercare, New Voca- program works to raise awareness about the MAIN CONTACT:
tions leads the nation in racehorse adoptions, importance of retiring horses while they are Dot Morgan
having provided new careers and homes for still sound for a second career. WEB ADDRESS:
more than 6,000 Thoroughbreds and Standard-
breds since its inception. New Vocations was In April 2016, New Vocations had a soft open- AVERAGE NUMBER OF
the first charity to focus solely on adoption as ing of its new, 85-acre retraining facility on THOROUGHBREDS PER YEAR:
the optimal solution for the large number of historic Mereworth Farm in Lexington, Ky. 320
racehorses leaving the track each year. This state-of-the-art venue can house 30 horses
in training at one time, with an additional 30 DAILY RACING FORM PAGE 71
Since at least half of horses retiring from stalls dedicated to horses in rehabilitation
racing have injuries, rehabilitation is a corner- elsewhere on the Mereworth property. Once
stone of the program, which seeks to rehab, completed, New Vocations at Mereworth Farm
retrain, and re-home retiring racehorses. New will be the nation’s largest racehorse reha-
Vocations has an average of 120 horses in its bilitation, retraining, and re-homing facility.
program at any given time. These horses are Tours are available by appointment.
in various stages of rehabilitation and retrain-
ing and are spread among seven locations in Over the past 25 years, New Vocations has
Kentucky, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New York. seen a steady increase in demand for retired
The program takes in more than 450 horses racehorses within the equestrian world.
each year.
“The homes are out there,” program direc-
Potential adopters undergo a thorough tor Anna Ford said. “The more funding we
application process, with more than 1,100 indi- are able to raise, the more horses we can reha-
viduals screened annually. Education is the bilitate, retrain, and re-home. New Vocations
solution, and New Vocations is dedicated to is totally dependent on donations to fulfill its
educating the racing industry, the equestrian mission. We are deeply grateful to all who have
community, and the horses themselves. The joined our effort to provide these horses with a
quality life and career after racing.”
Oklahoma Thoroughbred SANCTUARY
Retirement Program REHABILITATION
“Assistance from
TAA has enabled
the Oklahoma
Retirement Program
to take in more
horses in need.”
P.O. Box 96,
Blanchard, OK 73010
PHONE: (405) 590-2594
Royce Clay
Oklahoma-bred Loves Bonus, a stakes winner in New Mexico who raced until age 9, enjoys his
well-deserved retirement at the Oklahoma Thoroughbred Retirement Program.
The Oklahoma Thoroughbred Retirement the $100,000 Oklahoma Classics Classic who had
Program was the 2007 brainchild of Royce Clay descended to low-level claiming company before
and Robin Brookins, Oklahoma horsewomen being discovered en route to an auction; and
sharing a common concern and sense of respon- Prospective Kiss, a multiple stakes winner and
sibility regarding the future of the state’s ex-race- earner of $432,956 who ran through age 12 and
horses. Adhering to the philosophy that charity dropped to $2,500 claiming before being happily
should begin at home, ever since the organiza- reunited with his breeder.
tion’s launch ten years ago, its focus has largely
been on rescuing, rehabilitating, retraining, and Among current permanent Oklahoma Thor-
adopting out horses with ties to the Sooner State. oughbred Retirement Program retirees are
25-year-old Highland Ice, a nine-time Remington
An off-the-track Thoroughbred rescue and Park stakes winner and earner of $474,909; Valid
aftercare operation, Oklahoma Thoroughbred Message, a multiple stakes winner of $364,167;
Retirement Program takes in both injured and and No Advance, winner of the 2008 Oklahoma
sound ex-racehorses and offers permanent sanc- Classics Juvenile Stakes and Remington Park
tuary for individuals who cannot be rehabbed for champion 2-year-old male.
second careers. The organization, which charges
a flat $500 adoption fee, was also active in caring “A lot of people assume as a retirement
for displaced horses following the deadly 2013 program, we take horses and put them out in a
tornado in Moore. pasture,” board member Chris Kirk said. “But
many are in new careers as hunter-jumpers, cow
The program’s many success stories include horses on working farms … a little bit of every-
Aisle Two, a black-type runner twice placed in thing.”
Paddock-mates Catlaunch, left, an Ohio-bred millionaire, and three-time Santa Anita Handicap “We are proud to
winner Game On Dude at Old Friends at Dream Chase Farm in Georgetown, Ky. be TAA-accredited.
Knowing we have
In a just over a decade Old Friends, the winners Touch Gold and Sarava, three-time passed a rigorous
Thoroughbred retirement facility in Georgetown, Santa Anita Handicap winner Game On Dude, inspection and
Ky., has put a new face on the concept of equine and dual Kentucky Derby and Preakness champi- investigation confirms
aftercare. ons Silver Charm and War Emblem, who are two that we are
of the eight stallions Old Friends has repatriated providing the best
Founded in 2003 by former Boston Globe film from stud duty overseas. possible
critic Michael Blowen, the organization has environment and
grown from a leased paddock and one horse to a And while such rock stars draw crowds, the care for our valued
136-acre farm and a herd of more than 175 rescued revenue they raise supports hard-knockers retirees. Obviously,
and retired horses, including several pensioned like Easy Grades, a one-time Kentucky Derby the financial support
stallions. contender who ended up struggling in $5,000 enables us to
claiming races at the age of 9, and Mikethespike, a maintain those
Blowen had long believed that horses past their warrior with 126 starts under his belt. superior standards
prime could still be valuable – money-earning, and allows us to
even – if the venue was right. In 2014 Old Friends was rewarded with a Special continue providing
Eclipse Award honoring extraordinary service in aftercare for even
And so Old Friends tested the concept by open- the sport of Thoroughbred racing. more horses in need.”
ing its doors to the public, inviting fans to revisit
their turf heroes. But perhaps the greatest reward of all has been FOUNDED: 2003
respect and support of the owners, trainers, and
And come they did. These days, the farm fans who not only donate to the cause of protect- ADDRESS:
attracts nearly 20,000 visitors annually who come ing these amazing athletes, but come out to the 1841 Paynes Depot Rd.,
to swoon over such Grade 1 winners as Breed- farm often and visit with all of their old friends. Georgetown, KY 40324
ers’ Cup champion Amazombie, Belmont Stakes
PHONE: (502) 863-1775
Michael Blowen,
[email protected]
ROeutrirMemimesnt Haven SANCTUARY
Our Mims Retirement Haven in Kentucky is a sanctuary and a permanent home to 10 mares. “The public needs to
know that an elder
More than a decade has passed since the incor- The Haven always solicits volunteers to feed, horse is not
poration of Our Mims Retirement Haven as a groom, assist farriers and vets, mow, and help necessarily a sick
non-profit. In that time, Haven creator Jeanne with general farm maintenance. or dying horse.
Mirabito has overseen the restoration of health Older horses can be
of many mares from disparate backgrounds. No Fans have traveled to Our Mims from all 50 vibrant, healthy, and
matter where they came from or how they got states and 20 countries. Visitors are welcome sassy with the proper
to the Haven, each mare that arrived has found by appointment to see the Haven’s residents care. TAA’s support
sanctuary in Paris, Ky., where love and attention and walk the cemetery, where almost all of the allows us to
is doled out as freely as individualized veterinary Haven’s past horses have been buried. Each accomplish our
and nutritional regimens. grave is marked with a stone and plaque indicat- mission.”
ing the horse’s name and birth and death dates.
Board members Cheryl Bellucci (also respon- In warmer months, beautiful flowers adorn the FOUNDED: 2004
sible for Haven fundraising) and Laura Fallis memorial garden. On May 7, 2017, the ashes of
work with Mirabito to make sure the needs of the 1986 Eclipse champion older male Turkoman (son ADDRESS:
horses are met. of Taba) were interred in the Haven’s cemetery. 2810 Millersburg Ruddles Mill Rd.,
Paris, KY 40361
In 2017, the Haven was home to 10 mares, and Farm residents have included Australian-born
one gelding – Elmhurst, the 1997 Breeders’ Cup Princess Royale (who died at age 30); champion PHONE: (859) 227-6304
Sprint winner and maternal grandson of Our Turkoman’s dam, Taba, who lived to 32; major
Mims. He arrived in 2011 and now holds court stakes producer Iza Valentine (33); Grade 1 stakes MAIN CONTACT:
with fans and visitors. Blue Viking is the oldest winner Lotka (30); Alydar’s Grade 1-winning Jeanne Mirabito
resident at age 32. Kidnap Katie is the newest resi- half-sister Sugar and Spice (27); and nine-time
dent; she arrived on Oct. 31, 2016. stakes winner Bel’s Starlet (27). WEB ADDRESS:
Michigan-based Out Side In specializes in equine-assisted psychotherapy for individuals. TESTIMONIAL:
Out Side In is a Thoroughbred rescue, reha- purpose in life. “TAA has not only
bilitation, and retraining program, and an In addition to the Thoroughbred program provided us funding
outpatient mental health facility that provides to maintain and grow
equine assisted psychotherapy to individuals, and therapy programs, in 2014 the facility our Thoroughbred
families, couples, and groups. started its Heroes for Horses program for program, but it
veterans with PTSD, and the veterans quickly also has served as a
OSI’s licensed clinical therapists use horses discovered the parallels between the OTTBs testament to the way
to treat people of all ages who suffer from and themselves. They both are transition- we operate and care
post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depres- ing into new lives and finding a new purpose. for our horses. This
sion, anxiety, and myriad other mental and By pairing each veteran with his or her own helps us to leverage
emotional disorders. assigned horse, it improved the quality of life other funding
for the horses and veterans alike. by giving donors
In equine-assisted psychotherapy, horses confidence in our
are used to provide this unique form of treat- Veterans participate in the rehabilitation, organization.”
ment. It was during a search for an additional retraining and eventual re-homing of the
horse for the therapy program that Out Side horse, while at the same time working with a FOUNDED: 2011
In encountered its first off-the-track Thor- licensed psychotherapist to process through
oughbred (OTTB). These horses were wonder- their own mental health issues. By combining ADDRESS:
ful therapy partners because they are intelli- work with the horses and an indirect therapeu- 12511 152nd Ave.,
gent, responsive, and incredibly intuitive. This tic component, the veterans are more engaged Grand Haven, MI 49417
provided an opportunity to not only use horses and committed than in traditional psychother-
to improve the lives of people, but also to help apy. Out Side In is a place where both people PHONE: (616) 844-0906
these horses with a second career and a new and horses find hope and healing.
Jennifer McVoy
Peaceful Ridge SANCTUARY
Retired racehorses enjoying a relaxing morning grazing and socializing at Peaceful Ridge. TESTIMONIAL:
Peaceful Ridge Rescue (PRR) is a non-profit PRR is 100% volunteer run with the exception of “The support of the
organization that provides shelter, medical and part-time farm hands who help feed. Every dona- TAA will help us
dental care, rehabilitation, and adoption services tion goes directly to the needs of the horses. continue to provide
for rescued horses. Its mission is to rescue care for racehorses,
horses from neglect, abuse, and abandonment; Trained and dedicated volunteers feed, groom, especially the injured
to improve their lives by providing a safe haven clean stalls and paddock and help with general horses. We hope that
for healing and rehabilitation; and to find a home maintenance and administrative work. the prestige of this
for every horse through a rigorous adoption accreditation will
program. PRR board members see the organization as a assist us in recruiting
legacy. PRR’s educational programs are already additional experi-
Over the past five years, PRR has rescued more grooming rescuers of the future. enced volunteers and
than 100 horses. When PRR cannot bring horses reduce our adoption
into its facility due to capacity, it works to place PRR accepts pasture pals and senior horses. turnaround time. What
them in proper homes through adoption, and PRR The most recent arrival is stakes winner Mel it has done for the
also annually follows up on all adopted horses. Beach, a Florida-bred gelding who made 38 starts aftercare community
PRR prohibits breeding of adopted mares and all during five seasons and earned $247,049. He is is extraordinary.”
stallions are gelded before they are re-homed. currently in rehabilitation.
Horses can be returned at any time, and they FOUNDED: 2012
come back to PRR if the adopter can no longer “He just loves to run,” said Laura Jones,
keep the horse for any reason. vice president of PRR. “We are happy to help ADDRESS:
him through his rehabilitation so he can enjoy 2995 SW 121st Ave.,
running again – only this time it will be on fields Davie, FL 33330
of grass.”
PHONE: (954) 240-6080
Laura Jones
“A national
accrediting body has
been needed for a
long time, and TAA is
fulfilling that need. It is
another safety net for
to ensure that
organizations are
providing quality care
and adhering to a
strict code of
Romas Spirit, a son of Roman Ruler, during a re-training session with rider-trainer Sierra ADDRESS:
Weatherly at participating R.A.C.E. Fund facility Breezy Hill Stables in Thurmont, Maryland. 8031 Rabbit Lane,
Harrisburg, PA 17112
The R.A.C.E. Fund, Pennsylvania’s first Thor- The R.A.C.E. Fund utilizes an intermediate
oughbred retirement program, was founded in farm in Pennsylvania for temporary layovers and PHONE: (717) 469-2789
2004 by Patricia Bewley, Marlene Murray, and quarantine horses coming from auctions. In addi-
Diana Meyers, daughters of veteran trainer Art tion, it has six participating farms in four states MAIN CONTACTS:
Kelley. Patricia and Marlene trained Thorough- where horses are sent for retraining, rehabilita- Marlene Murray
breds as well, and Diana worked as an exercise tion, or, if necessary, long-term retirement. Catherine George
rider and pony girl. The acronym R.A.C.E. stands
for Retirement Assistance and Care for Equines. Mares adopted through the program may not WEB ADDRESS:
be bred. Horses placed into new homes will be
“The reason we started the R.A.C.E. Fund monitored for life.
was not only to help Thoroughbreds after their AVERAGE NUMBER OF
racing careers ended but also to bring awareness Adopters are required to send photos every THOROUGHBREDS PER YEAR:
about the need for funding retirement, rehabili- three months and at the end of the year must
tation, and especially long-term care for sanc- submit an Annual Records Report listing any 11
tuary horses,” Murray said. “Although we do veterinary/farrier procedures that have been
adopt some horses out, our main focus has been done, including vaccinations, de-wormings,
on rescuing auction-bound Thoroughbreds and trims, etc., and who provided those services.
horses that cannot go into a second career as they Participating farms also are required to send a
are at higher risk.” report for each R.A.C.E. Fund horse stabled at its
Over the past 13 years, the R.A.C.E. Fund has
assisted with the retirement and/or rescue of Each year the R.A.C.E. Fund holds an online
more than 100 Thoroughbreds and racetrack auction to help raise funds, in addition to apply-
pony horses. ing for grants and receiving donations from indi-
vidual supporters.
“Redwings Horse
Sanctuary is grateful
to TAA for its
generous support.
TAA has helped us
and improve our
retraining program
and has enabled us
to provide sanctuary
and approved foster/
adoptive homes to
many off-the-track
George Zip, Ernest Shackleton, and Tizmatic are a few of the wonderful Thoroughbreds FOUNDED: 1991
available for the foster-to-adopt program at Redwings Horse Sanctuary in Lockwood, Calif.
Redwings Horse Sanctuary rescued its before being allowed to foster a Redwings horse. P.O. Box 58,
first horse in spring of 1991 after the Fresno A mandatory one-year foster period enables 47240 Lockwood-Jolon Rd.,
Humane Society reported finding a young Redwings staff to keep a close eye on the foster Lockwood, CA 93932
Thoroughbred with a fractured shoulder in an horses to ensure they are happy, healthy, and a
auction yard. His registered name was Island good fit in their new homes. After 12 months of PHONE: (831) 386-0135
Fighter, but the staff renamed him Sam, and successful fostering, a horse will become avail-
after a long rehabilitation he made a full and able for adoption by its foster family. MAIN CONTACT:
successful recovery. Andie Wilcox
Redwings does not charge adoption fees and
Redwings Horse Sanctuary is home to 78 is always willing to take back a horse for any WEB ADDRESS:
equines, including 13 Thoroughbreds, with reason. Those horses that are unadoptable due
21 other horses in foster homes. Redwings to age, illness, or injury, are given a permanent
accepts all breeds, from the smallest mini to the home at the sanctuary in Lockwood, Calif. AVERAGE NUMBER OF
largest draft horse; it also accepts mules and THOROUGHBREDS PER YEAR:
burros. The mission of Redwings is to rescue Redwings recently began a retraining
abused or neglected horses, provide permanent program for off-the-track Thoroughbreds to 11
sanctuary or suitable foster/adoptive homes prepare them for second careers and also offers
for those animals, and to eliminate the causes rehabilitation to horses retired from racing due
of equine suffering through education and to injuries.
community outreach.
Redwings received a donor gift to purchase
Redwings has a foster-to-adopt program to acreage in Paso Robles, and in 2018 it will be
ensure that all of its horses go to approved and moving its operation there. A lot of work needs
loving homes. Prospective owners must fill out to be done to ready the site, making it safe and
a foster applications and have a home inspection secure for all of horses, and Redwings looks
forward to finally having a permanent home.
Remember Me Rescue SANCTUARY
“Being a part of the
TAA has allowed us
to help more horses
than ever before. We
have expanded our
training capabilities
and our volunteer
programs. We also
have added a new
therapy program
to help rehabilitate
injured horses more
Flying Open and Remember Me Rescue volunteer Mary Cage doing some round pen work. ADDRESS:
4100 Conveyor Dr.,
Remember Me Rescue was started in 2008 with horses are started on the basics. Burleson, TX 76028
the mission to rehabilitate, retrain, and re-home Sometimes racehorses pick up a few undesir-
retired Thoroughbred racehorses. In the begin- PHONE:
ning, the main focus was to give owners and able habits at the track, which is why ground (817) 689-1214 (Donna Keen)
trainers a place they could trust to help find a safe work with the ex-racehorse is stressed and so (682) 647-5145 (Vicki Morgan)
place to retire their horses. Since then, the goals important. Remember Me utilizes a ground agil-
of Remember Me Rescue have expanded because ity course to help horses learn new skills, gain MAIN CONTACTS:
there are many other issues facing retired race- confidence, and become desensitized to many of Donna Keen, Vicki Morgan
horses, with the organization now helping in the things that might startle the average horse.
such areas as large-scale breeding farm rescues WEB ADDRESS:
and slaughter intervention. The horses are given every chance to have a
successful second career by being taught basic
Remember Me Rescue is a 20-acre facility skills to help prepare them for the person who AVERAGE NUMBER OF
located in Burleson, Texas. It has a 20-stall barn can take them at the next level. THOROUGHBREDS PER YEAR:
and a two-stall quarantine barn that was donated 35
by Midwest Thoroughbreds. It also has several Remember Me was one of the first organiza-
paddocks, a round pen, and riding areas. Horses tions to successfully defend its adoption contract
at Remember Me receive the highest quality of in court after an adopter defaulted on the respon-
care while being prepared for the next chapter in sibility to which they agreed. Remember Me
their lives. prides itself in not only giving horses the best
chance to be successful, but is also committed to
Upon entering the program, horses are evalu- following them after they are adopted and doing
ated for soundness and given the time they whatever is necessary to ensure their safety.
need to rest or rehabilitate. They are weighed,
measured, and have specialized nutritional When adopting from Remember Me, the
programs designed to benefit their individual adopter can be certain they are getting a horse
needs. They are evaluated for soundness and a that has been thoroughly evaluated by profes-
plan is put in place for their future. Once they sional trainers, properly vetted, and a horse
are ready to begin a retraining regimen, the that has been given the basic skills to provide
a successful lifelong relationship for their new
Indian King was not successful on the track but is now a multiple hunter circuit champion. TESTIMONIAL:
ReRun Inc. is a renowned, pioneering orga- horses per year and boasts a low adoption return “Having the oversight
nization in Thoroughbred rescue and adoption, rate of less than 1.8%. of TAA has allowed
having been founded in 1996 by Shon Wylie and us to expand within a
Lori Nagle originally as a division of the Humane In 2016, ReRun received the Merit Award from dynamically
Society of Kentucky. Thoroughbred Charities of America and is in the changing industry
process of GFAS accreditation. ReRun also oper- with more horses
Its mission ever since has been to retrain, ates a sanctuary farm in Maryland, home to one- benefiting from our
reschool, and rehabilitate ex-racehorses and to time New York-bred Turf Horse of the Year Dave services than ever
find them loving homes and new careers. The and graded stakes winner Marco Be Good. before. Providing
focus has been largely on horses coming directly financial support
off the track, primarily those retiring from New The ReRun board has broad industry represen- along with national
York and East Coast tracks. tation, its directors including a leading equine recognition, TAA has
orthopedic surgeon, a successful trainer, a turf been invaluable to the
ReRun operates the premier facility in the journalist, and a top horse player. efforts of those helping
state, a state-of-the-art facility with extensive Thoroughbreds. TAA is
rehab capabilities – taking in and adopting out The 21-year-old organization works with part- allowing more horses
more horses in New York than any other charity. ner programs to assist as many horses as possi- than ever to turn for
ble, is sponsored by the New York Thoroughbred home.”
Located in the Capital Region close to major Breeding and Development Fund, and supported
tracks and interstates, ReRun has a capacity for by donations from individuals and businesses as FOUNDED: 1996
45 horses and is the permanent home of fan favor- well as by its well-known “Moneigh” program.
ite Saratoga Snacks. Moneighs are works of art created by racehorses, ADDRESS:
both famous (such as Zenyatta, American Phar- 236A Waters Rd.,
It partners with New York Thoroughbred oah, California Chrome, Songbird, and Storm East Greenbush, NY 12601
Development Fund, the New York Thoroughbred Cat) and the not-so-famous, and auctioned with
Horsemen’s Association, and the New York Thor- proceeds benefiting ReRun. PHONE: (859) 595-6660
oughbred Breeders, and takes in more than 100
Lisa Molloy
Playful Preacher, a RVR rehab in 2016, is enjoying his retirement with a loving family. “Accreditation from
the TAA gives owners
RVR Horse Rescue is an all-volunteer organi- In 2017, RVR was honored to become accred- and trainers peace of
zation that provides rescue, rehabilitation and ited by the Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance and mind that RVR Horse
re-homing to horses and donkeys in need. verified by the Global Federation of Animal Sanc- Rescue will provide
tuaries. the highest quality
From its beginning as a rescue serving the care when it comes
Tampa Bay area, RVR is recognized and called While adoption into a loving home is the hope to rehabilitating and
upon by law enforcement agencies and other for every horse, there are no deadlines or expira- re-homing injured
rescues throughout the state of Florida when tion dates for horses whose adoptability has been horses. We are
horses need help. RVR volunteers have the dedi- lessened by age, health issues, or emotional chal- proud to be affiliated
cation and expertise to handle the worst cases lenges. No matter what the circumstance, RVR with TAA’s mission
of starvation, injury, and abuse, and are able to will provide top-notch care, along with a hefty to provide a secure
provide 24-hour critical care when necessary. dose of loving attention from volunteers. future for off-the-track
RVR recognizes that it is not only abused horses RVR is committed to enriching the Tampa
that need a second chance. The organization’s Bay community through its love of horses. RVR FOUNDED: 2004
primary veterinarian is Dr. Richard Gold, who offers educational programs for children, visit-
works in the racing industry and has a private ing schools, and senior communities and hosting ADDRESS:
practice. Affiliation with Dr. Gold enables RVR to events at the rescue for Scout troops and other 12611 Hayes Clan Rd.,
maintain ties to the local racetrack and surround- groups. It is keenly aware that fostering engage- Riverview, FL 33579
ing horse farms and connect with owners and ment between humans and horses increases the
trainers when a horse’s career ends due to injury. awareness of equine needs. PHONE: (813) 280-9299
Under Dr. Gold’s expert guidance, RVR rehabili-
tates these injured racehorses to provide them RVR Horse Rescue is a 501(c)(3) organization MAIN CONTACT:
with a quality post-racing life. and its programs are supported by donations, Lisa Gold
sponsorships, fundraisers, and grants.
Saratoga War Horse SANCTUARY
“The TAA
complements and
Saratoga WarHorse’s
national recognition
by opening doors for
collaboration on a
greater level. Our
association with this
organization further
generates nationwide
awareness and
supports the authenticity
of our program’s
dedication and integrity.”
Saratoga WarHorse has helped hundreds of veterans through its assistance program. ADDRESS:
28 Clinton St.,
Saratoga WarHorse is a national non-profit Thoroughbreds, and the veteran community. The Saratoga Springs, NY 12866
organization assisting veterans who suffer from organization values its working relationship with
invisible psychological wounds. Akindale Thoroughbred Rescue in Pawling, N.Y., PHONE: (518) 886-8131
as well as Aiken Equine Rescue in Aiken, S.C.
The connection with these magnificent horses MAIN CONTACT:
provides an authentic, equitable, and profound Since its inception, Saratoga WarHorse has Bob Nevins
interaction that initiates immediate, long-last- graduated more than 700 veterans and given new Founder/Program Director
ing, and empowering changes in those people in opportunities to dozens of off-the-track Thor-
need of help. oughbreds. As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, WEB ADDRESS:
Saratoga WarHorse accepts donations, which
“I can pinpoint to the moment when that horse support both the veteran and the horse.
came to me and I felt I was worth it,” said Edna, a AVERAGE NUMBER OF
veteran graduate of Saratoga WarHorse. “He had “I looked that horse in the eye and he looked THOROUGHBREDS PER YEAR:
no judgment, his eyes were ever so shiny, and he back at me and I saw nothing but acceptance and
gave me a chance. Last week, I had a bad week gratitude,” said Chuck, another veteran graduate 6
and I was ready to quit. Today I am ready to give of the program. “For the first time, I felt forgive-
life a chance.” ness. Thank you for what you have offered me.
You saved my life and kept me from becoming
The equine-assisted approach of Saratoga another suicide statistic.”
WarHorse is mutually beneficial for off-the-track
Second Chance SANCTUARY
Sand Box and adopter Kassidy Allen at the 2017 Thoroughbred Jubilee Benefit Horse Show. “Second Chance
Thoroughbreds is
In September of 2011, Collette Duddy and Shan- these shows. proud to be a
non Ryan made their first trip to the backside of For the past three years, board members have TAA-accredited
Finger Lakes racetrack in upstate New York. They organization.
were in awe of the quality of the horses and their been accepted as trainers in the Retired Race- Accreditation means
bargain prices. Six horses traveled from Finger horse Thoroughbred Makeover project and have national exposure
Lakes to Spencer, N.Y., that year to be retrained competed in the finals at the Kentucky Horse among a group of
and re-homed at Second Chance Thoroughbreds. Park in Lexington, Ky. nonprofits held to
higher standards with
Duddy, Ryan, and Skye-Anna Nye-Smith, Thoroughbreds are known for their athleti- rigorous requirements.
Second Chance board members, all are expe- cism, willingness, and desire to please, and Accreditation also
rienced horse people and volunteer their skills Second Chance is proud to showcase those quali- provides needed
to the organization. Besides retraining off-the- ties when presenting its horses in the community. funding that helps us
track Thoroughbreds, they teach riding lessons expand our mission
and run a summer horsemanship program for TAA accreditation is the gold standard in Thor- and allows us to rehab,
youth. They also attend community events such oughbred rescue, and accreditation has opened retrain, and re-home
as parades, school programs, and local horse up more sponsorship opportunities for the orga- more Thoroughbreds
events and demonstrate how versatile and train- nization to provide the absolute best care for its into new careers.”
able Thoroughbreds are. beloved horses while they await their forever
homes. FOUNDED: 2012
Hosting two horse shows a year provides added
funds to the Second Chance budget, and with the The mission of Second Chance, which is now in ADDRESS:
sponsorship of The Jockey Club’s Thoroughbred its fifth year, has remained the same: To provide 121 Dawson Hill Rd.,
Incentive Program, it offers classes and high- off-the-track Thoroughbreds with a soft landing Spencer, NY 14883
point awards exclusively for Thoroughbreds at after the end of their racing careers by giving
them ample rehabilitation and retraining to help PHONE: (607) 589-7669
them transition to new careers.
Collette Duddy
Second Stride graduate Maxfli with new owner Debbie Iezzi of DMI Eventing. TESTIMONIAL:
Lifelong horsewoman Kim Smith, a licensed handling during the first three to six months “Support of TAA
trainer and owner of Moserwood Farm in greatly increases the likelihood of success- has allowed Second
Kentucky, followed her passion in 2005 in found- ful permanent matches into new homes and Stride to double
ing Second Stride to help develop the potential of careers. the daily average
former racehorses. of horses cared for.
Hundreds of horses have been adopted out by Equally important,
The nonprofit agency has since provided Second Stride over the years. Success stories through extensive
professional rehabilitation, retraining, and have included 2011 Kentucky Derby winner application,
placement for hundreds of ex-racehorses – with Animal Kingdom’s unplaced half-brother evaluation, and site
special emphasis on horses bred, foaled, raised, Thursby, an adoptee now excelling over fences. visits required for
or raced in the Bluegrass State. As funding Adoption fees typically range from free to accreditation, they
allows, Second Stride can and does take in rescue approved applicants up to $2,200. strengthened our
and injured horses as well. administrative
Individual monthly sponsorships are avail- procedures while
Second Stride focuses on sound, good- able at several levels: Friends ($450, covering providing tips on
tempered, serviceable horses with future riding basic care), Patrons ($750, facilitating rehab and site-care
potential. It is set up to accept donations of training), and Saints ($1,200, the complete pack- improvements. This
Thoroughbreds whose racing careers are over age, including care and training). teaching-based
and whose owners are looking to find dignified process helps ensure
retirement and/or a second career for them. Second Stride donors have included such the best possible care
high-profile racing names as Hall of Fame for horses, donors,
Each incoming horse is initially placed with trainer Carl Nafzger and Claiborne, Taylor and adopters.”
an experienced trainer and put through an aver- Made, Lane’s End, and Ramsey Farms.
age of three months of “basic training,” includ- FOUNDED: 2005
ing development of young horses previously An annual Derby party is held each spring
unbroken. in Louisville to benefit Second Stride, complete ADDRESS:
with live and silent auctions and celebrity 7204 Highway 329,
The program’s philosophy is that proper racing guests. Crestwood, KY 40014
PHONE: (502) 241-8440
Kate Olson
GRACE DELANOY “The importance of
TAA’s support cannot
Never Lie (foreground) and paddock mate Katy at South Florida SPCA’s facility in Homestead. be overstated. The
funds we receive
South Florida SPCA Horse Rescue is the last The fight for horses doesn’t stop at the ranch. allow us to save
line of defense for abused and abandoned horses South Florida SPCA’s Legal Task Force, compris- more horses, while
in Miami-Dade, Fla. Accredited by the Global ing top attorneys working pro bono, assists the rigorous
Federation of Animal Sanctuaries and TAA, county and state attorneys in the prosecution of accreditation
South Florida SPCA works with Miami-Dade civil seizure and criminal cruelty cases. standards give
Animal Services and responds 24/7 to local law SFSPCA the
enforcement to investigate cruelty and abandon- South Florida SPCA is also dedicated to educat- credibility and respect
ment cases, and to seize and care for those victims ing the public and promoting the humane treat- required by important
at its facility in Homestead. ment of equines through its outreach, member, donors and
and volunteer programs, as well as its social potential adopters.
Marking its 26th year in 2018, South Florida media channels. Events such as its “A Day at the The value of
SPCA is the only organization qualified to rescue, Races” fundraiser at Gulfstream Park, with a relationships created
rehabilitate, retrain, and re-home horses in portion of race sponsorship proceeds benefiting and strengthened by
Miami-Dade. the Permanently Disabled Jockeys Fund, also our TAA accreditation
help raise awareness. is incalculable.”
While many TAA-accredited organizations
take in healthy Thoroughbreds directly off the South Florida SPCA rescues all breeds, but its FOUNDED: 1992
track to prepare for second careers, South Florida Thoroughbreds are among the most dramatic and
SPCA gets most of its horses from the worst condi- gratifying transformations. From perilous condi- ADDRESS:
tions imaginable. They have fallen through the tions, they have gone on to ribboning in local Homestead, FL 33092
cracks, landing far from the racetrack and into shows, participating in the Retired Racehorse
peril. Life-saving measures are the first priority, Project’s Thoroughbred Makeover Contest, and PHONE: (305) 825-8826
involving extensive veterinary treatment, a care- to maintaining public safety in a mounted police
ful refeeding program, and extraordinary efforts unit. Their resiliency and versatility never cease MAIN CONTACT:
by staff and volunteers. to amaze and inspire. Kathleen Monahan
Southern California SANCTUARY
Thoroughbred Rescue REHABILITATION
Noble Gambler, who is permanently retired at Southern California Thoroughbred Rescue, with “TAA has initiated
volunteer Megan Kizer. He arrived in 2008 following a career-ending injury at Hollywood Park. significant
improvements in
Southern California Thoroughbred Rescue stakes winner Place Cowboy, now training our protocols and
provides a safety net for Thoroughbreds of as an eventer; Persistent, who once sold for practices through its
all ages and backgrounds who have run out of $120,000; and Free Sammy, who brought $77,000 accreditation process.
options. Started in 2008 by Caroline Betts, SCTR as a 2-year-old. All were acquired from Southern It also represents an
has helped more than 100 horses in need, most California livestock auctions. invaluable source of
taken directly from livestock auctions. SCTR grant monies through
representatives attend local auctions to identify Prospective new homes are carefully funds raised from
Thoroughbreds potentially at-risk. Rescues are screened, and most program horses are adopted within the racing
made based on need rather than adoptability or out to experienced riders or those with quali- industry for sanctuary
rideability. fied trainers. The adoption contract provides care of our
lifetime protection – adoptees may not be resold Thoroughbreds.
The SCTR philosophy is that all Thorough- or transferred by adopters but must return to This has freed us to
breds are winners, regardless of pedigree, SCTR. dedicate fundraising,
performance, or physical condition. Once donations, and other
acquired, horses undergo a minimum of 30 days Rescues can only be achieved when space and grants to
of quarantine at a facility in Apple Valley, where funds are available, thus the need for income is improvements in
they are handled, evaluated for health, and ongoing. All donations are welcome, and horse rehabilitation,
given necessary veterinary and farrier care. sponsorships range from $10 to $250 per month. retraining, and
Many will then be “re-started” by a professional adoption.”
trainer. SCTR now has about 25 Thoroughbreds Prominent equine artists such as Fred Stone
ages 5 to 26. and the late Christine Picavet have donated FOUNDED: 2008
proceeds from their work, while the organiza-
Past and present SCTR horses have included tion has received support from Blue Horse Char- ADDRESS:
a daughter of the great Alleged; Santa Anita ities, ASPCA, The Exceller Fund, and Thorough- 635 Hacienda Dr.,
bred Charities of America, as well as the TAA. Norco, CA 92860
PHONE: (661) 305-9021
Caroline Betts
Square Peg Foundation REHABILITATION
Kemma Peters with Extra Fifty, by Afleet Alex, left, and Irresponsible King, by Kingmambo. “When I am on my
horse, only God is
Square Peg Foundation was established in 2004 character, a unique example of gentleness and taller than I.”
as an adaptive riding program for children with power who responds to all people according to – Spanish proverb.
learning and/or developmental disabilities such their intentions – not to their age, size, race, or “That’s the
as autism, ADHD, and Tourette’s Syndrome. social status. We focus on building self-image, one empowerment Square
student at a time.” Peg horses give
The innovative organization, headquartered autism families. When
in Half Moon Bay, Calif., offers a creative, heal- The 22 Square Peg horses, ranging in age from a mother hears her
ing approach to teaching students and training 3 into their 30s, found their way to the program silent child laughing,
horses based on mutual need – the horses, some in need of second – or third – chances. Many are you have changed
of whom were rescued from undesirable circum- Thoroughbreds who have been integrated into the world for that
stances, benefit as much as the people involved. this adaptive horsemanship program for chil- family. TAA’s
dren, among them stakes-placed Momotombo; commitment to
Square Peg’s simple but powerful mission state- the aptly named Autism Awakeness; Irrespon- aftercare brought
ment is: “We turn ‘I wish’ into ‘I can.’ ” Children sible King (aka “Stanley”), a royally bred son these horses a
learn to ride and care for animals much larger of Kingmambo and grandson of champion Eliza second chance.
than themselves and in the process become advo- who knows tricks in addition to jumping, trail What they give in
cates for those who have no voice, thus gaining a riding, and performing dressage; and Mythical return is priceless.”
sense of confidence and empowerment. Storm, a son of Fusaichi Pegasus who raced in
Southern California and won at Santa Anita in FOUNDED: 2004
Executive director and co-founder Joell Dunlap his debut.
described Square Peg as providing a “yes” envi- ADDRESS:
ronment, “an intense experience that shows Square Peg offers specialized private or group PMB 402, 80 Cabrillo Hwy North,
students they are capable of so much more than classes for basic riding. Suite Q,
they imagined. The horse is a gentle judge of Half Moon Bay, CA 94019
PHONE: (650) 440-5064
Joell Dunlap
The Exceller Fund SANCTUARY
“In addition to
bringing together
several dedicated
organizations, TAA
has been extremely
instrumental in
aftercare awareness
and support
throughout the
racing industry.”
The Exceller Fund’s horses enjoy retirement at approved facilities located in five states. FOUNDED: 1997
In the beautiful springtime of 1997, American their support. Approved facilities in five states ADDRESS:
Hall of Fame champion Exceller was led to his have been selected for the quality of their care P. O. Box 4237,
death in a Swedish slaughterhouse. Five months in various areas, including rehab from injuries, Lexington, KY 40544
later, a group of concerned racing fans came retraining, and dealing with geriatric cases.
together to form an organization they hoped EMAIL CONTACT:
would make a difference in saving other Thor- A major campaign called “Racing Warriors” [email protected]
oughbreds from that dark fate. They would call it has focused on hard-raced runners with 50 or
The Exceller Fund. more career starts who are no longer competi- MAIN CONTACT:
tive, horses The Exceller Fund describes as the Nicole Smith
The Exceller Fund has since become one of the “unsung heroes of racing.” Because of wear and
best-known, most proactive horse-rescue agen- tear from long years on the racetrack, many WEB ADDRESS:
cies in North America, having worked – some- simply have no future as riding horses, so The
times in conjunction with other nonprofit rescue Exceller Fund networks to provide these perma-
groups – to provide a future beyond the finish line nent retirees sanctuary for life. AVERAGE NUMBER OF
for innumerable ex-racehorses and to transition THOROUGHBREDS PER YEAR:
them into successful second careers. The Lexing- Current “Warriors” include stakes winners 50
ton, Ky.-based organization today has a nation- Cumberland Gap, Korbyn Gold, and Ww Conquis-
wide membership, with monthly pledges begin- tador, who together raced a combined 31 seasons,
ning as low as $15. It is also supported by grants, made 365 starts, and earned nearly $1.3 million.
tax-deductible donations, and money garnered All three had descended to bottom-level claiming
through major fundraisers. races before finding their forever homes with The
Exceller Fund.
The Exceller Fund population, generally
between 45 and 50 horses, boards at private farms, The organization also finds sanctuary for
with a per diem paid through the organization for horses with low adoption potential, as well as
helping to rehome them.
The Foxie G Foundation REHABILITATION
Doctor Dross, a winning son of Hard Spun, is in The Foxie G Foundation adoption program. TESTIMONIAL:
The Foxie G Foundation was established to Although entry into the facility is not based “Thanks to our
honor the memory and zest for life of a charis- on success on the track, The Foxie G Foundation accreditation by the
matic racehorse named Foxie G. has a few well-known residents. Ravalo, a graded TAA in 2016, we
stakes winner of $1,348,769, and Fireside Brass, have been able to
Foxie G was graded stakes-placed and a multi- a multiple stakes winner of $444,993 in 89 starts, help more horses
ple stakes winner of $392,568. After suffering from are two of the 38 permanent retirees. each year find
a severe case of laminitis while in training, the adoptive homes. The
Maryland-bred son of Horatius was able to enjoy Foxie G relies on donations and sponsorships to TAA also has offered
his retirement at Summer Wind Farm in Union provide the retirees with the care they deserve. us resources to
Bridge, Md., where the organization is based. improve our
Foxie G seeks permanent, adoptive homes for organization, access
Recognizing that some retired Thoroughbreds those horses that can be adopted out. Since Foxie to a larger donor
do not have the option for a place to retire or be G is based on a commercial Thoroughbred farm, base, and prospec-
trained for a second career, The Foxie G Founda- the organization is able to provide rehabilitation tive adopters.”
tion was formed to help others like its namesake. or retraining for a horse after it is finished racing.
While the primary goal for horses entering When a horse is ready to enter into the
the program is adoption, some are not deemed program, it is evaluated under tack and care- ADDRESS:
adoptable due to physical limitations or age fully matched with the right adopter. 14024 New Windsor Rd.,
and are provided permanent retirement on the Union Bridge, MD 21791
farm. Beginning in 2018, some of the permanent Many of he adopted horses go on to a show
retirees will be used in various equine therapy career, while some are content to just become a PHONE: (301) 667-2553
programs which will benefit the horses as well as member of their new adopted family. Any horse
the program participants. adopted out by The Foxie G Foundation can MAIN CONTACT:
return to the farm at any time for any reason. Laurie Calhoun
Thoroughbred Athletes SANCTUARY
Zee Oh Six, the 2005 Oklahoma-bred horse of the year at Remington Park who retired after “Accreditation of our
earning $442,311, now competes in English dressage, hunter/jumper, and cross-country events. organization has
definitely helped us
Established in 2011 by former racehorse trainer racehorses are capable of success at a variety of further our mission.
Lynn Sullivan, Thoroughbred Athletes is a tasks. The organization is a leader in expanding The TAA accreditation
Thoroughbred retraining facility for both the demand for ex-racehorses by virtue of its very seal documents our
donated and rescued horses. successful adoption program as well as host- legitimacy to grantors
ing multiple well-attended horse shows, which and donors as well
Since its inception, almost 170 horses have been provide a venue for showing off the skills of their as potential
part of the program, and about 150 have been graduates. adopters. They know
adopted into new homes. that the facility has
Thoroughbred Athletes is staffed by a group of been inspected
Many Thoroughbred Athletes “graduates” dedicated, hardworking volunteers. The board of and that business
are successfully competing at high levels in a directors is a diverse group that meets monthly. practices have been
variety of disciplines. They are known for being closely examined to
tough, athletic, willing, and always ready to Thoroughbred Athletes mentors community ensure that it is being
move forward. A number have been adopted as youth by offering supervised learning opportu- run in a professional,
pleasure horses and are proving to be eager trail nities. Additionally, a “work-to-ride” program for efficient manner.”
mounts. Thoroughbred Athletes also has been horse-savvy adults is available.
successful at finding pet or companion homes for FOUNDED: 2011
horses not sound enough to be ridden. The orga- Thoroughbred Athletes is recognized as a top
nization’s Facebook page is full of photos from charitable organization, having been honored ADDRESS:
proud and loving owners. with the Top-Rated Award by GreatNonprofits as 2851 S. Midwest Blvd.,
well as being endorsed by GiveSmart Oklahoma Guthrie, OK 73044
Thoroughbred Athletes is proving that retired and receiving gold status from GuideStar.
PHONE: (405) 802-1312
Lynn Sullivan
TPhlaocreomugehnbt rReedsources SANCTUARY
Kimberly Godwin Clark, executive director of TPR, with retired racehorse Sand Save, who “Being accredited by
started 19 times, never finished in the money, won only $519, but earned a dignified retirement. the TAA has given
Thoroughbred Placement Resources was ing program, with many launching successful Placement Resources
established in 2008 by hands-on horsewoman second careers as eventers, show jumpers, and and the horses we
Kimberly Godwin Clark and her husband, dressage performers. And while most “gradu- serve so very much.
William Clark, and is based at Leighton Farm in ates” were themselves unremarkable racehorses, The credibility makes
Upper Marlboro, Md. there have been exceptions, among them Grade us a stronger
3 winner Foufa’s Warrior, who finished seventh organization, and the
A licensed trainer and exercise rider with in the 2003 Preakness and later became bored funding allows us to
more than 25 years of experience, Kimberly with retirement; $505,591 earner Barcola, third to assist many more
Clark has since been dedicated to providing champion Curlin in the Grade 1 Stephen Foster; horses. This is a good
ex-racehorses with bright futures while retrain- and multiple stakes winners Frisky Spider, Off platform for our
ing them for second careers. the Glass, and Network. organization to
expand and grow
The nonprofit organization advocates on It is known that animals possess therapeutic upon.”
behalf of OTTBs while directly assisting owners healing qualities, thus in 2015 Thoroughbred
and trainers in appropriately placing horses Placement Resources launched “Hero Horses,” FOUNDED: 2008
whose racing days are over. Education has been bringing military veterans to Leighton to inter-
a significant component of Thoroughbred Place- act with the Thoroughbreds. In some cases, both ADDRESS:
ment Resources’s work – informing the public human and equine need to rebuild lives and 13130 Molly Berry Rd.,
and prospective owners as to the advantages learn to trust again. “Everybody wins with this Upper Marlboro, MD 20772
of ex-racehorses through clinics, books, and program,” Clark said.
newsletters. While Thoroughbred Placement PHONE: (410) 802-8425
Resources has engaged in rescue work, Clark As a nonprofit, Thoroughbred Placement
notes that the point of their effort has been to Resources is 100 percent volunteer run and MAIN CONTACT:
avoid reaching those situations. largely dependent on tax-deductible donations. Kimberly Godwin Clark
Since its inception in 2008, some 900 former Clark’s e-book “New Track, New Life” explains WEB ADDRESS:
racehorses have been safely transitioned through the advantages of owning off-the-track Thorough-
Thoroughbred Placement Resources’s retrain- breds and is available online free of charge.
Thoroughbred SANCTUARY
Retirement Foundation REHABILITATION
Jose Sotomayer learned more than a vocation when caring for Bubba Sparks at the Wallkill “The work of TAA
Correctional Facility in upstate New York, an innovative program started in 1984. has helped our
organization because
In the late 1970s, tens of thousands of Thor- providing safe equine sanctuary while enabling of racing’s increased
oughbreds were heading to slaughter each year, inmates to build self-esteem and empathy as they level of awareness
with no organized efforts to stop the practice. The developed useful life skills. Human graduates and sense of
Thoroughbred Retirement Foundation, whose have gone on to successful careers as farriers, responsibility. We are
founding board members included such noted veterinary assistants, and caretakers. Now in its inspired to be part of
industry participants as the late Penny Chenery, 33rd year, this mutually beneficial program has a team to establish
Allaire duPont, and Martha Gerry, was launched expanded to nine states and cares for more than funding from new
to take in horses who could no longer compete 1,000 retirees. sources so that all
and had run out of options. those who benefit
Initially established to provide lifetime care for from Thoroughbreds
In 1984, the newly incorporated organization retired racehorses, adoption was added to TRF’s will contribute to the
became an innovative pioneer in Thoroughbred charter in 1996. Fees today generally range from many thousands that
aftercare when it formed a partnership with $500 to $5,000 depending on age, soundness, and need care.”
New York’s Department of Corrections to create perceived potential of any given animal. Horses
“Second Chances,” a life-affirming vocational that cannot be adopted out as riding or show stock FOUNDED: 1983
training program in equine care and manage- may still enjoy meaningful lives in corrections-
ment for inmates. based and/or equine-assisted therapy programs. ADDRESS:
Others have simply been turned out in herds to 10 Lake Ave.,
A former $3,500 claimer named Promised live their natural lives while receiving full care. Saratoga Springs, NY 12866
Road became TRF’s first official retiree when
he arrived that year at the Wallkill Correctional The Thoroughbred Retirement Foundation is PHONE: (518) 226-0028
Facility in upstate New York. This program a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, entirely depen-
quickly became a win-win situation for both dent upon tax-deductible donations from individ- MAIN CONTACT:
horse and members of the prison communities – uals, businesses, and foundations. Diana Pikulski
[email protected]
Thoroughbred SANCTUARY
Retirement of Tampa REHABILITATION
Program horses Summertime Groove, Justoutoftheblue, and Hot Soup at Silver Race Farm, one “We are honored to
of two facilities used by TROT for horses that had raced at Tampa Bay Downs. be a TAA-accredited
partner and grateful
Thoroughbred Retirement of Tampa Inc., after racing. The feed program is tailored to meet for the racing
commonly referred to as TROT, got its start in the needs of each horse, and all have constant industry’s support
2003 under a different name. In May 2009, the access to forage. of Thoroughbred
organization’s title was legally changed and aftercare. The due
thereafter turned its focus to Thoroughbred TROT believes in the power of the herd and diligence of the
aftercare. Today, TROT continues its mission to power of socialization. At the main facility, new accreditation process
provide retirement, rehabilitation, retraining, arrivals are exposed to all types of experiences ensures that
and re-homing, primarily for fresh-off-the-track – such as cows, goats, pigs, deer, turkeys, dogs, organizations meet
Thoroughbreds that had raced at Tampa Bay children, and lawnmowers – which helps them or exceed specific
Downs in Oldsmar, Fla. become good equine “citizens.” At the secondary standards, which
facility, horses are turned out 24/7. motivates us to look
Staffed entirely by volunteers, Thoroughbred for ways to make
Retirement of Tampa is not specifically a “rescue” Retraining is specialized for each individual as things even better for
operation. Its horses have all been donated by well, with a focus on basics. our horses.”
their racing connections, and all eventually
become available for adoption for various sport- Potential adopters are thoroughly vetted, with FOUNDED: 2003
ing and riding purposes. Those that are pasture- an adoption contract requiring regular updates
sound only are guaranteed sanctuary until that during a probationary period. The horse may be ADDRESS:
perfect home is found. returned to the program for any reason during its P.O. Box 1621,
lifetime, as long as the organization has room at Oldsmar, FL 34677-1621
Once in the program, each horse is treated its facility. Once a TROT horse, always a TROT
as an individual, as Thoroughbred Retirement horse! PHONE: (352) 356-8768
of Tampa does not adhere to a one-size-fits-all
approach in aftercare. All newcomers receive a Thoroughbred Retirement of Tampa Inc., a MAIN CONTACT:
minimum of 30 days of downtime to adjust to life 501(c)(3) nonprofit, is funded through tax-deduct- Christine Tutcher
ible donations, fundraisers, grants, and adoption
fees ranging from $250 to $2,000. WEB ADDRESS:
Tranquility Farm SANCTUARY
Tranquility Farm has had more than 500 ex-racehorses pass through its program in 18 years. “The commitment to
provide lifetime
Tranquility Farm, the Harry A. Biszantz wood in rural Northern California. While many retirement care for
Memorial Center for Thoroughbred Retirement, past Tranquility Thoroughbreds have gone on to Thoroughbred
began with the 1998 purchase of an abandoned successful careers in new and loving homes, the racehorses is not for
property in the Tehachapi Mountains of south- present focus of the organization is on provid- the faint of heart. It
central California – the brainchild of nation- ing sanctuary for former runners to simply and requires great
ally noted owners and breeders Gary Biszantz happily live out their days. dedication and,
and John Amerman and longtime horse rescuer above all, a support
Priscilla Clark, and established in the memory of Those provided lifetime retirement at Tran- network. The TAA has
Biszantz’s late father, Harry. quility have included such racing stars as 2003 substantially helped
Santa Anita Derby winner Buddy Gil, millionaire Tranquility Farm to
Believing the racing industry had a respon- and 12-time stakes winner Full Moon Madness, provide the very best
sibility for the horses on whose backs it so and graded stakes winners like Invited Guest, care for our horses
depended, their plan was to celebrate these Thor- Areyoutalkintome, Mananan McLir, Publica- and to give them a
oughbreds while helping those who were injured tion, Snipledo, Marvin’s Faith, Three Peat, and secure future.”
or in need of a home, and at the same time bring Southern Wish.
broader public awareness to aftercare. FOUNDED: 1998
Launched by prominent horsemen, through its
The organization, now nearly two decades old, two decades Tranquility Farm’s board of direc- ADDRESS:
has been a resounding success in doing what it tors has included many well-known industry 3850 Hacienda Rd.,
set out to achieve: rescuing, rehabilitating, and members – including Eclipse Award-winning Cottonwood, CA 96022
retiring Thoroughbreds once their days on the journalist Jay Hovdey, bloodstock agent Gayle
track are over. More than 500 ex-racehorses have Van Leer, and Del Mar race-caller Trevor PHONE: (530) 347-3040
passed through its program, the base for which Denman. Program sponsors have included some
was relocated in 2014 from Tehachapi to Cotton- of West Coast racing’s most notable names. MAIN CONTACT:
Priscilla Clark
UFonuitneddaPtieognasus SANCTUARY
“Because of TAA
funding, United
Pegasus Foundation
has been able to
continue providing
adoption and
retirement programs
to Thoroughbreds
coming off the track
United Pegasus is one of the first programs in the country established to rescue horses. ADDRESS:
P.O. Box 535,
Helen Meredith is the founder and president of week as well as attending other local livestock San Jacinto, CA 92581
the United Pegasus Foundation, established with auctions with the goal of rescuing and providing
the mission of helping unwanted Thoroughbred safe haven for at least some of these horses. PHONE: (626) 773-6016
racehorses. Meredith, involved in racing for most
of her life, set up the non-profit organization in She began talking to owners and trainers, MAIN CONTACT:
1994 upon realizing the unhappy fate of so many informing them what was happening to many Helen Meredith
racehorses at the end of their racetrack careers. of their former racehorses, knowing that with
financial help she could provide a retirement, EMAIL ADDRESS:
United Pegasus Foundation, one of America’s rehabilitation, and adoption program. The [email protected]
largest and longest-running rescue programs, is horses came to her quickly, and within two years
now in its 23rd year of operation. some 85 Thoroughbreds were under Meredith’s WEB ADDRESS:
loving care.
Meredith recalls how it began the day she
met a woman already involved in equine rescue In 2001, United Pegasus Foundation set up AVERAGE NUMBER OF
at a Southern California auction. There they its operation in Tehachapi, Calif., but recently THOROUGHBREDS PER YEAR:
observed a number of Thoroughbreds – some relocated to 20 acres in San Jacinto, Calif. Over 75
who had never raced, others who had won signif- the years, the United Pegasus Foundation adop-
icant money for their owners – all in need of a tion program has successfully placed numerous
second chance. horses into new careers.
Meredith began visiting that auction every Meredith’s motto: “Hard work gets results.”
at Rose Bower
Adopter Stacey and Thoroughbred gelding Centripial at the Retired Racehorse Project in 2017. TESTIMONIAL:
War Horses at Rose Bower accommodates the old bow, suspensory, or obvious freeze-fire marks, “Before War Horses
special needs of older retiring Thoroughbred make no difference to the human with a brush at Rose Bower
geldings. Founder and president Barbara Luna and hoof pick in hand who can gain the confi- earned its TAA
is an experienced writer, horsewoman, and publi- dence and affection of a 1,100-pound animal. accreditation I was
cist who started War Horses in 2012 to return to honest with our
the hands-on care of racehorses after she worked War Horses is a 501 (c)(3) organization and potential donors,
as administrator for the Turning For Home after- requests, but does not require, a donation for suggesting they
care program at Parx Racing for five years. accepting an older horse directly from the race- look into accredited
track into its program. A veterinary evaluation programs, or those
War Horses at Rose Bower is located in rural and foal papers must accompany a potential that the donors
Virginia and works closely with racetrack retiree. themselves have
programs such as the New York Thoroughbred researched. I knew
Horsemen Association’s Take the Lead and All adopters sign contracts, pass reference prior to our
private owners to provide rehabilitation, retire- checks, and understand that if no longer wanted, accreditation that
ment, and frequent adoptions for veteran horses the horse must return to the program, although we had a great,
of the racing world. Many of its retirees are the goal is always to find a forever home. responsible
stakes winners, such as Gimme Credit, Writing- program, but now
onthewall, Banjo Picker, and Hermosillo, each of “With the wonderful renewed interest in Thor- everyone else knows,
whom earned more than $600,000 while racing oughbreds as show and pleasure horses, these too, and the support
and enjoyed their own Facebook pages and a large older geldings should not be overlooked as honest, we’ve gained from
following of fans before coming to War Horses. been-there-done-that kinds of mounts,” Luna the racing
said. “While 12 years of age may be old for a race- industry now has
Some of the geldings work with children or horse, it’s just a new beginning for a show hunter been immeasurable.”
adults who gain from the therapy that an older or Western trail horse, or even a companion to an
horse can provide. Their battle scars, such as an older horse lover who now wants a quieter ride or FOUNDED: 2012
companion that was a former star.”
8367 Old Courthouse Road,
Appomattox, VA 24522
PHONE: (434) 352-5058
Barbara Luna 215-272-6716
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TR-0729_Standard_Full_Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance Magazine.indd 1
Dear Fellow Horsemen,
Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance magazine is an extremely important
marketing tool, both for stimulating positive public awareness of the
tireless efforts being put forth daily by our entire Thoroughbred industry
as well as the entire Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance (TAA)
team’s commitment to ensuring that our Thoroughbreds are properly
taken care of upon retirement. The
magazine also acts as a stimulus reaching
current racing operations in hopes of
improving all owners’ awareness of the
feasibility of future careers for our racing
athletes and the need for proper
accreditation for our aftercare facilities.
The National HBPA, which represents
nearly 30,000 owners and trainers
across North America, feels that this
magazine provides a showcase for team
TAA’s efforts and truly highlights all
that the Thoroughbred can
achieve after its racing days are
behind them. Additionally, we understand the magazine
will play a role in helping reach out and sustain much
needed industry funding to support TAA operations.
I would ask each of you, as affiliates and members of the
National HBPA, to please make a copy of this magazine
available to as many owners, trainers, breeders and board
members as you possibly can and show your support for the TAA.
The importance of proper accreditation for aftercare facilities
and the take-home message that the productivity of a
Thoroughbred does not have to end at the track is a two-part
message we all need to continue to deliver in order to stop
the term unWanted horse.
Please join the National HBPA in support of the Thoroughbred
Aftercare Alliance and the Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance magazine.
Eric J. Hamelback
National HBPA, Chief Executive Officer