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A Christmas Story show program

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Published by jdavidson, 2019-10-16 11:25:24

A Christmas Story

A Christmas Story show program

La Crosse Community Theatre presents

Sponsored by Written by Phillip grecian
Kwik Trip Stores, Inc. Based on the book and film by Jean shepherd
Mayo Clinic Health System
BrightStar Cares

December 7–16, 2012

La Crosse Community Theatre, Kwik Trip Stores, Inc.,,
Mayo Clinic Health System, and Brightstar Cares present

A Christmas Story

Play by

Phillip grecian

based upon A Christmas Story, ©1983 Turner Entertainment co., distributed by Warner Bros.,

written by Jean Shepherd, Leigh Brown, and Bob Clark,
and In God We Trust, All Others Pay Cash by Jean Shepherd.


Ken E. Brown

Scenic Designer Costume Designer Lighting Designer Sound Designer

Kate Sue Andy Dillon
Kersten La Crosse Krage McArdle

Properties Designer Stage Manager Assistant Stage Manager

Cindy Wright Jeff Copsey Deborah Nerud

A Christmas Story is produced by special arrangement with The Dramatic Publishing Company of Woodstock, Illinois.
The video and/or audio recording of this performance by any means whatsoever are strictly prohibited.

A Christmas Story

Scene: Hohman, Indiana Year: 1938

Act ONE — intermission — Act two

Cast in order of appearance

Ralph........................... Timothy Sprain Esther Jane.................Leah Schilling*
Ralphie.................. Zachary Ausavich Helen......... Rachel Barnes-Hathaway*
Mother...................Nicole Sundboom Scut Farkas............... Rory Campbell*
The Old Man................. Michael Scott Tree Lot Owner/Delivery Man
Randy................................ Owen Scott* .............................................. Tom Desjarlais
Miss Shields..................... Sarah Love* Ensemble............................ Macy Hoeft*,
Flick.................................. Henry Kabat* ......................................... Kaitlyn Schmitt*
Schwartz............Connor Siegersma*
* = LCT stage debut

p. 3

Director’s Note

A Christmas Story I feel truly blessed. I want to thank La Crosse
Dec. 7–16, 2012 Community Theatre for the opportunity to direct
LCT’s 49th season – 327th production this, the last show, in the theatre that has served
so well for 45 years. I consider it a gift of which I
am not worthy, but gratefully accept.

Thank you, too, to the professional staff of LCT
and to all the volunteers who made this production
happen. It was a pleasure working with such a
talented cast, crew, and group of designers.

I, of course, need to thank my wife, Sue La Crosse,
for her support, and for her talents as costumer
for the show. Finally, thank you, our patrons, for
attending this performance.

Happy Holidays!

Ken E. Brown, Director

From the Artistic Director

Eighty percent of all theatre produced in the simple joy of creating art. Ken, Sue, Kate,
United States on a yearly basis is produced Andy, Cindy, Jeff, Deborah, and the entire cast
at the community theatre level. In essence, and crew have shown the power that theatre,
community theatre is American theatre. especially community theatre, has to unite
La Crosse Community Theatre stands as a model people of all ages and abilities in a common
of what community theatre can accomplish. goal. I am immensely proud of their work and
commitment, and honored that they have
In preparing for our move, LCT has sought to worked so hard on behalf of our audience, staff,
honor our past in preparation for our future. This and volunteers to bid the Fifth Avenue theatre
production of A Christmas Story is a testament a fitting farewell. See you at the theatre.
both to our history and the spirit of community
theatre. Note that the entire production Greg Parmeter, Artistic Director
team that came together for this show are
volunteers from LCT who have dedicated
themselves to producing theatre for the sheer,

Special Acknowledgments

Thank you to all who made this production possible, including Theresa Smerud and Krissa Harnish for photographs,
Boyer’s Budget Furniture, and Kratt Lumber Company.

p. 4

A proud sponsor of this production

p. 5

Cast Biographies

Zachary Ausavich (Ralphie) has Henry Kabat* (Flick) is a sixth-grader and
been a flying monkey, an Ozian, and has appeared in the LCT children’s summer
a Munchkin in The Wizard of Oz and production In a Grove (Oni) and Viterbo’s
the Dodecahedron in The Phantom Tortoise vs. The Hare (Reptile). He likes
Tollbooth. When not onstage at LCT, camping, baseball, watching movies, and
he’s a skateboarding, guitar-playing, thinks LCT picks really great plays. He’d like

skiing/snowboarding seventh-grader at Holmen Middle to send his thanks to everyone!
School. He wants to thank his dad for fostering his love
for plays after enrolling him in acting classes in fifth Sarah Love* (Miss Shields), owner of
grade. SarahLove Photography, is making her LCT
acting debut. Sarah enjoys yoga, reading,
Rachel Barnes-Hathaway* running, and random acts of kindness. She
(Helen), a fifth-grader at Wisconsin finds LCT to be like a home away from home
Virtual Learning Academy, is making and would like to thank God, her loyal
her LCT acting debut. As a dancer
with Misty’s Dance Unlimited, she has sweetheart, her loving family, her supportive friends,
appeared in The Little Mermaid (Vanessa) and the makers of Wisconsin’s fine, fine cheese.

and The Nutcracker (Party Guest). She also enjoys Leah Schilling* (Esther Jane) is a
soccer, gymnastics, and singing, and finds LCT to be fourth-grader at St. Paul’s Lutheran in
a cozy and inviting hometown theatre. She wishes to Onalaska and is excited to be making her
thank those involved with casting, staging, costuming, LCT debut. She enjoys acting in school plays,
and direction, as well as her family. playing piano, reading, volleyball, guitar, and
her hamster. She would like to thank her
Rory Campbell* (Scut Farkas) is
an Aquinas seventh-grader excited mom and dad for driving her to rehearsals.
to be making his debut at LCT. Active
in basketball, cross-country, baseball, Kaitlyn Schmitt* (Ensemble) is happy to
and track and field, he’d like to send be making her LCT debut. A seventh-grader
out thanks to his family. at Holmen Middle School, Katilyn enjoys
dancing, camping, and theatre, where she’s
Tom Desjarlais (Tree Lot Owner/ happy to get the chance to act like other
Delivery Man) is a territory manager at people. She’d like to thank her mom and dad.
Fairway Outdoor with many LCT and
Appleseed Community Theatre shows Michael Scott (The Old Man) lists his LCT
under his belt, including Escanaba roles in The Odd Couple (Felix) and Lend Me
in Da Moonlight (Ranger Tom) and a Tenor (Max) among his most memorable
and has appeared in many other shows
Camelot (King Pellinor). He is also currently a member elsewhere, including Noises Off (Gary)
of the board of directors for the Wisconsin State Golf at UW-La Crosse and The Merry Wives of
Windsor (Master Ford) at the Fairbanks Shakespeare Theatre.
Macy Hoeft* (Ensemble) is a He’d most like to thank his wife for taking on the extra work at
sixth-grade Onalaska Middle School the home front.
student who enjoys dancing, singing,
and the feeling of sharing who she is Owen Scott* (Randy) is a second-grader
through the craft of acting. She would at Emerson Elementary School making his
like to thank LCT for the opportunity to debut at LCT. His hobbies include biking,
building Legos, and playing video games.
perform, as well as her big sister, Taylor, who inspired He also likes that onstage he gets to explore
her to perform. his feelings and tell stories, and he would like

to thank his family and friends.

* = LCT stage debut

p. 6

A proud sponsor of this production

p. 7

Cast Biographies

Connor Siegersma* (Schwartz) is a Nicole Sundboom (Mother) has
sixth-grader at La Crescent Middle School previously been onstage at LCT as Sister
and has appeared in In a Grove at LCT and Berthe in The Sound of Music and in
in The Princess King and Cactus Pass many high school productions, including
elsewhere. He likes to read and write and The Importance of Being Ernest (Cecily)
enjoys the emotions and the fun characters and The Pajama Game (Babe). Nicole works

you get to experience when acting. He would like to thank his as a Special Needs Adoption Social Worker at Lutheran Social
fourth-grade teacher, Mrs. Elstad. Services and would like to thank her momma for always being
president (and sometimes only member) of her fan club.
Timothy sprain (Ralph) is a Lincoln
Middle School teacher (seventh grade) * = LCT stage debut
and has plenty of onstage experience with
Christmas shows, having appeared as Pick up a
Ebeneezer Scrooge and as an urchin in two
different LCT productions of A Christmas Theatre for Youth

Carol. In honor of his 20th anniversary onstage with his wife acting class brochure in the lobby!
(whom he met during the LCT production of Jabberwock),
he’d like to dedicate this show to all the couples and Sign up for emails at
relationships that have formed through the power of theatre.

Call 608-784-9292

Viterbo University presents Thursday, Jan. 17–7:30 p.m.

Viterbo University
Fine Arts Center
Main Theatre


Box Office: 608-796-3100

p. 8

Closer to Our Brand-New View W hat a great time to be in
La Crosse. A brand-new
performance space, right on the


Our new facility will have 2
theatres, 3 classrooms, and

a gorgeous view of
the river. Be a part of
it today!

Mark your calendars! The grand opening is set
for mid-January 2013, with opening ceremonies
sponsored by BMO Harris Bank M&I.

For more information, visit

Get in on the Before you go . . .
ground floor
. . . balcony . . . Reserve your seats—or purchase additional
or Black Box tickets—for Macbeth tonight!

We invite you to be Something wicked this way comes ...
a part of the new
home of La Crosse by William Shakespeare
Community Theatre by
“Naming a Seat.”With Theatre PG
your tax-deductible
donation, you become Performances
a permanent part of
a state-of-the-art Jan. 25-26, 31-Feb. 2 at 7:30 pm
theatre complex. You Jan. 27, Feb. 3 at 2 pm
can attach your name or the name of someone
you would like to honor, and demonstrate your Act today or wait to reserve
commitment to the arts and to the community tickets, beginning
of La Crosse.
• Seats on the main floor are $1,000 each and may be Patron Donors: Any time
paid for over a three-year period.*
• Seats in the balcony are $750 each and may be paid Season ticket holders: Jan. 2, 2013
for over a three-year period.*
• Seats in the Black Box theatre are $250 each.* General Public: Jan. 7, 2013

*Placement of named seats will be assigned via Adults: $23 (Fr/Sa) $21 (Th/Su)
lottery. Student or Active Military: $10.00 (any performance)

p. 9

p. 10

A proud sponsor of this production

Hire An ELF

Let us help make your holidays brighter this season!

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can help with any of your needs – from care for visiting relatives to putting
up holiday decorations to assisting the busy family caregiver.

Give the gift of Hire an Elf ® to family, friends,
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Call BrightStar Care® of La Crosse for a Hire an Elf® Certificate
to share the gift of support and peace of mind this holiday.

608 516 4324 ·

Independently Owned & Operated

p. 11

Production and Design Staff

Director. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ken E. Brown Set Painting . . . Dawn Anderson, Charles Boyle,
Scenic Designer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kate Kersten . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . John Boyle, Bonnie Jo Bratina,
Lighting Designer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Andy Krage . . . . . . . . . . Julianna Bruemmer, Stacy Bruemmer,
Costume Designer. . . . . . . . . . . . . Sue La Crosse . . . . . . . . .Matt Herro, Mike Herro, Maria Johnson,
Sound Designer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dillon McArdle . . . . . . Kate Kersten, Dave Kunau, Sharon Markee,
Props Designer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cindy Wright . . . . . . . . . . . Matthew Michalski, Virginia Radtke,
Stage Manager. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jeff Copsey . . . . . . . . . . . . . Terry Steindorf, Virginia Steindorf,
Assistant Stage Manager. . . . . Deborah Nerud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Suzanne Young
Light Board Operator. . . . . . . . . . . . Abie Sprain Backstage Crew. . . . . . . . . . . . Dawn Anderson,
Sound Board Operator. . . . . . . . . . . . Kyle Delap . . . . . . . . . .Katherine Gentner, Barbara Kilpatrick,
Costume Construction. . . . . . . . . . . Katie Sauer, . . . . . . . .Katie Sauer, Lisa Sauer, Wendie Schmitt,
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lisa Sauer, Lorraine Wilson . . . .Terry Steindorf, Virginia Steindorf, Dylan Thoren
Set Construction . . . . . . Ryan Knox, Bob Laylan,
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Gary Mundinger, Jim Nelson Box Office Staff. . . . . . . . . . Sharon Dawidowski,
. . . Kelley M. Manson, Eric Severson, Amanda Wiese

Season Tickets now on Sale!


608.783.2121 October 20, 2012: Water Music, and a World Premiere
November 17, 2012: A Viterbo 40th Anniversary Tribute
Sunset photo courtesy of Heather Quakenboss December 15 & 16, 2012: An American Christmas
February 2, 2013: Love & the Sea
March 9, 2013: Sacred & Profane
April 20, 2013: Season Finale: Rising Stars

See the website for more details • Follow us on facebook.

p. 12

p. 13

Production Staff Biographies

Ken E. Brown (Director) is well known at show was working with Tom Bartig in The Good
LCT for roles such as Max in The Producers Doctor. Sue would like to thank Mandy and Greg for
and Jimmer in Escanaba in Da Moonlight, creating a community of theatre where everyone is
and was a member of the cast of Fantasticks welcome to play.
that visited Japan. Ken most appreciates LCT
for the“community”element of this theatre; it Cindy Wright (Props Designer) works at
Logistics Health, Inc. She enjoys the creative
is by the community and for the community in such a way that a “behind the scenes”roles at LCT, and
diverse array of ages and backgrounds can work and socialize Appleseed in La Crescent, while her husband,
together. He wishes to thank his wife as well as the cast, crew, Tom, and her daughter, Amanda, perform on
staff, and parents of the cast for their help with the show. stage and her son, Adam, produces films. She

Kate Kersten (Scenic Designer) is a dedicates her work on this show in memory of her late father
17-year veteran of LCT who has performed and father-in-law, both of whom“lived”the Christmas story.
or worked in 36 shows. Her favorite shows
at LCT were Joseph and the Amazing Jeff Copsey (Stage Manager) is a retired
Technicolor Dreamcoat (chorus) and member of the Navy with many years on and
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way off stage at many theatres, including LCT,
Appleseed, Holmen Community Theatre, and
to the Forum (Domina). She appreciates how inclusive The Pump House. He lists his first show,
LCT is—no matter what your talent or skill level is, there’s Harvey (Judge Gaffney), and Camelot (Sir
always a place for you here.
Castor) as his favorite LCT productions. Jeff most appreciates
Andy Krage (Lighting Designer) is a theatre that within the realm of theatre, a group of strangers in a very
design student at Viterbo who has previously short amount of time can become a new sort of family. He
designed Something’s Afoot and Leaving wishes to thank his family for telling him, lo these many years
Iowa at LCT, and has appeared onstage in ago, to just go and audition already!
numerous shows, including Godspell and
Over the Tavern. He’s happy to have one last Deborah Nerud (Assistant Stage Manager)
has most recently appeared onstage at LCT in
opportunity to work in the space that has played a large The Pirates of Penzance (Pirate) and at
influence in his life. He would like to thank all of the LCT staff Appleseed Community Theatre in Guys and
and volunteers. Dolls (Agnes). She wishes to thank her own
versions of Ralphie, Randy, and the Old Man at
Sue La Crosse (Costume Designer) has
worn many hats at LCT, as janitor, actor, her own home, as well as Ken, Jeff, and Greg for inviting her to
costume designer, and director. Most sit at the stage manager’s table for the first time.
recently she directed many musicals at
La Crescent High School. Her favorite

p. 14

Thank you to our 2012-2013 season sponsors!

BrightStar Care Logistics Health Incorporated
The Casino Bar Mayo Clinic Health System
Central States Warehouse Pepsi of La Crosse
Commercial A/V Systems Schomburg Refrigeration
Dairyland Power Cooperative Russell L. and Vera M. Smith Foundation
DeBoer Pest Control State Bank Financial
DigiCopy United Fund for the Arts and Humanities
Gundersen Lutheran Health System Vendi Advertising
Kwik Trip Inc. Wisconsin Arts Board
La Crosse Radio Group Wisconsin Public Radio—WLSU/WHLA
Xcel Energy

LCT is supported in part by a grant from the Wisconsin Arts Board with funds from the
State of Wisconsin and the National Endowment for the Arts.

“In business to keep you in business 24 hours a day.”

Spotlight Academy
of Dramatic Arts


Session 3 classes begin January 14!

Sign up your child today! Call 608-784-9292.
Visit for more information.

LookinLgCBTaLcokg.o. .(Eric) Issue 6
December 7, 2012

A 50th Anniversary Tribute to Past Shows

Christmas Cheer Throughout the Years

The Christmas classic A Christmas Carol appeared on
our stage in 1977, 1981 and 2007. Scrooge, the musical
adaptation of A Christmas Carol, delighted audiences in
1986, 1994 and 1998. Directors of these distinctive
interpretations of Dickens’ treasured
tale of transformation included Tim
McNamara, John Viars, Morrie Enders
and Lori Portner.


A Christmas

A Christmas Carol—1977 and


Fifth Avenue building Dec. 8 and 15, 2012 Inquire at the box office
tours by reservation or 608-784-9292, ext. 8

Babes in Toyland graced LCT’s stage three times in the past 49 years.




Dick Sartz’s Memory from 1973’s The Cherry Orchard
“Having cast me as the aged Firs, the manservant, director
Arnold Johnson took me to a barber friend who had done make-
up in professional theatre, for advice on transforming my 54-year-
old face into a 90-year-old Firs face. I was told to:
1. Smear Karo syrup on my face
2. Cover my face with pieces of tissue
3. Dab with water
4. And the tissue would dry into wrinkles
On stage, I constantly worried what I would do if the tissue
started to fall off. But, it never did!”

2004 2010

1991 1987
2003 2005

2008 1985, 1989, 1993, 2011
1996, 2000, 2003

Theatrical Gifts to LCT Audiences from Past Holiday Seasons

In addition to the holiday entertainment on pages 1-2, LCT
staged the plays featured above and the following productions in the
December slot: Merry Christmas, Strega Nona (1995); A Visit from
St. Nicholas (2001); The Toys Take Over Christmas (2002); A Little
House Christmas (1999, 2004); Life with Father (1971); The Remark-
able Mr. Pennypacker (1975); Winnie the Pooh (1982); Annie (1997);
and Honk (2009).


Before the final curtain falls at the end of 2012 in our 5th Avenue home,

we recognize those who were uniquely talented and contributed to LCT’s
success in their own special way. We miss you!

Abraham, Joe Schirmacher, Elizabeth “Libby “
Conrad, Greg Schneider, Rosemary
Dale, Earline Skipton, Alan aka Kristopher
Enders, Dawn Rust
Haase, Sue John Anthony
Klos, Jerome Stall, Henry
Oswalt, Mary (Hafner) Stintzi, George
Ott, Dick Sundet, Betty
Panke, Robert Thompson, Donald G. (D. Galen)
Parks, William Thompson, Michael M.
Patschull, Jerry Tovsen, Toby
Pederson, Fred Trane, Helen (Mrs. Reuben)
Pederson, Karen Truman, Fr. Kenneth
Plamadore, Raymond Voight, Robert
Quinn, Moira (Scottie) Ward, Bob
Richter, Theodora (Teddy) Wardenburg, Bert
Ring, Gene Webster, Walter
Rodenkirch, Paul Whiteway, Lee
Roellich, Dennis Whiteway, Robert
Rotering, Ophelia Wingate, Leslie
Scheffner, George Yerly, Everett
Zenker, Bill

After rehearsing in church basements and literally “treading the boards” on a wooden

stage constructed for the 1967 summer theatre in a tent at Mt. La Crosse, I was hooked!
Participating in our community theatre became an important outlet, a path to meeting
creative soon-to-be friends and a way for me to give back to the community. What a thrill to
finally perform in our own theatre on 5th Avenue beginning late in 1968. We had arrived!

Over the last 44 years on 5th Avenue, LCT’s variety of plays and excellent production

values have consistently delighted audiences and stretched the talents of those involved in
each show. Expanding our literary understanding and artistic horizons are synonymous
with LCT, and the consistent, exemplary quality (in spite of current space constraints)
speak volumes about the talent and enthusiasm of staff and volunteers who have enlivened
each production in our “old home.”

Now, as we look forward with great excitement to a grand, new theatrical home for

LCT’s future, we can also affectionately harken back to and celebrate the amazing work
undertaken in the past half-century. Thank you, 5th Avenue LCT.

— Suzanne Young

Insert concept by LCT History Committee, design by Suzanne Young
~~Newspaper photos courtesy of the La Crosse Tribune~~

Proud to be one of this year’s La Crosse Community Theatre Media Sponsors
Our popular family of radio stations includes

w w w. l a c r o s s e r a d i o g r o u p. n e t

Thank you again to all of our volunteers!

If you or your group is looking for volunteer opportunities, we can use your help
next season! Call 608-784-9292 or visit
p. 21

LCT Staff & Board

Executive Director. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . David R. Kilpatrick
Artistic Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Greg Parmeter
Technical Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dillon McArdle
Costume Supervisor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mandy Parmeter
Director of Patron Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Amanda Wiese
Director of Publications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eric Severson
Bookkeeper. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mary Hofer
Maintenance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Arthur Neville-Neil
President. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J. Michael Hartigan
First Vice-President. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kenna Christians
Secretary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nancy Wigdahl Sedbrook
Treasurer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dar Isaacson
Past President. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . David Amborn
Members at Large . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jennifer Brown, Mike Herro, Scott Horne, Hal Keitel,
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Kate Kersten, Alan Krumholz, Karl Noll, Wayne Oliver, Jen Roberdeau, Chuck Roth

p. 22

Thank you for your support of La Crosse Community Theatre!

Patron Donor List

Producer’s Circle Donald and Barbara Frank George and Joyce Fulford Kenneth and Carmin Nelson
River Town Dental Mitch and Marcia Galles Cyndy Nichols
($2,500+) Judy Kirkpatrick Jim and Jo Glasser Tom and Lori Nigon
John and Linda Lyche Peter and Krin Krause David and Nancy Goode Karl and Julie Noll
Dr. Larry and Diane Lindesmith Mark and Nancy Goodman Ron and Frieda Nowland
Director’s Circle Clive and Burness McBain, Sr. Louis and Maureen Guillou Bruce and Carol Odeen
Ken and Janine Merkitch Peter and Janice Gutierrez Janice Otterson
($1,000-$2,499) Brian and Karen Rude Dennis and Donna Haggard Jack and Barb Peplinski
Tom and Jan Brock Sally and Betty Ruud Herb and Barbara Heili Robert and Patricia Perlock
Dr. John and Arla Clemons Dennis and Sharon Ryan Mike and Cheri Herro Effie Piper
J. Michael and Vicki Hartigan Mary Lansing and Daniel Schneider Donald J. and Kathy Hill Marianne and Galen Pittman
Jerry and Kathy Lokken Bill and Chris Smiley Diane and Jim Hoffmeister Tom and Kathy Ready
Scott and Mary Rathgaber Greg and Joan Stellrecht Hon. Scott and Sue Horne Barbara Rice
Chuck and LuAnn Roth Ken and Jane Wastlund Charles and Mary Hosler Cam and Carlene Roberts
Robert and Mary Hubbard Kirk and Nancy Rodman
Designer’s Circle Promoter ($125-$249) Dennis and Claire Jandt Sam Scinta and Kristen Foehner
Anonymous Owen and Francie Johnson Glenn and Lila Seager
($500-$999) Jim and Mary Anderson Robert A. and Christine A. Johnson Sandy Sechrest
Henry (Bud) and Mabel Lou Ahrens James and Lynn Arends Nancy Johnson Donald Smith and Nancy Korn-Smith
Donna Brooks Arnold and Donna Asp David and Barbara Kilpatrick Robert Smith and Elizabeth Wright
Marv and Darryle Clott Tom and Mary Ballinger Michael and Beverly Kratt Ed and Laurie Solberg
Felix and Marilyn Fernandes Lynette Berg Cliff and Cheryl Kremmer Paul and Jane Steingraeber
Hal and Julie Keitel Marlene Bittner Robert Krueger Brian and Diane Sullivan
Martin and Jennifer Koop Ryan Born and Kristin King Alan and Robin Krumholz Terry and Cheryl Thienes
Susan Miller Jake and Emily Bowe Sandra J. Kujak Suzanne and Joseph Toce
Leanna Olson-Taunt and Robert Taunt Neil and Jennifer Brown Henry and Beverly Lawrence Lill A. Twining
Dick and Mary Jean Sartz Joe and Candice Bucheger Roger and Sondra Le Grand Pam Walgren
Richard and Pamela Strauss Cari and Mark Burmaster Tom and Jenelle Lee Stephen and Katherine Webster
Vantage Architects, Inc. Wendy Butler Ken and Nancy Lerum Ross and Lynn Marie West
Ursula Cejpek Steve Lunde David and Yvonne Whiteman
Actor’s Circle ($250-$499) Cleary-Kumm Foundation Aurel and Sue Mailath Ed and Sharon Winga
Peter and Joan Allen Dorothy Coelin Nancy and Andrew Matchett Kevin and Marla Withey
David Amborn and Karen Gilster Gary and Susan Corbisier Stephen and Margeen Mau Gary and Debra Wold
Steven Dunder Les and Rita Messerschmidt Daryl and Margaret Wood
In Memory of Marilyn I. Nelson Ted and Mary Eisenbacher Janeth and Gerald Miller Jane Wood
Todd Bjerke and Karen Kroll Thomas Erb and Cecilia Caron Rich and Vicki Miller Ken and Jean Wortman
Clem and Karol Bott Ramon and Connie Erickson Kiernan and Tracy Minehan Julie Yahnke
Robert and Gretchen Burns David and Teresa Faulkner Carl and Doris Mueller Suzanne Young
Roy and Laurie Campbell Robert and Maureen Freedland Mary and Kurt Mueller
Roger and Kenna Christians (continued on page 25)
Robert Coe
Bob and Kay Conzemius
Tammy and Chad Dutton
David and Barbara Foye

p. 24

Patron Donor List

Supporter ($75-$124) William and Sarah Goff Wes and Karen Mack Josh and Anne Saylor
Anonymous (3) Bill and Mary Graumann William and Helen Mackey James and Elaine Schauls
Frank and Jenny Aberger David and Jennifer Grimsled Robert and Diane Marcou Paul and Kay Schneider
Mark and Linda Backer John Halbrehder and Carolyn Michael and Sharon Markee Doris and John Schwingle
Lori Bagniewski Lois Matthews Wendy and John Severson
Dale and Barbara Bates Diekmann Edith McBain and Jane Symicek James Sill and Mary Orrico
Kay Baumann Chuck and Cheryl Hanson Lorraine McIlraith Charlie and Lynn Smader
Dorothy Baures Peter and Esther Harman Joe and Nanette Michel Arlene Smith
Clark and Margaret Berg Richard and Cathy Harris Lloyd H. and Evelyn G. Miller Les and Kay Snuggerud
Mike Bey and Mary Kief Natalie Hartigan Sally Miller Dick and Pat Spencer
Ken and Donna Birnbaum Esther Hayes Mary Monsoor Dan and Janice Springer
Nancy Borgen Helen M. Heiser Les and Helen Munson Dave and Debbie Stark
Chris and Vicki Born James and Barbara Hemker Curtis and Marcia Murray Ramon and Betty Stelloh
Judy Brennan Jerry and Diane Hoch Kelly Nedvidek Pat Stephens
Dianna Brown John and Linda Hoehn Sonja Nelson Wally and Betty Stoll
Tom Bruemmer and Judy Cobb Maria Holley Ed and Corine Neuman Tom Schauer and Maureen Sullivan
Gary and Mary Bubbers George and Jackie Horihan Rudy and Cherie Nigl Carol Taebel
Tony and Violet Capaul Ray and Joanne Hubley Jon and Christi Nowland Miriam and Ed Tanke
Willard and Ann Carlow Rollin and Connie Huebsch Tamara Nowland Kathy Thompson
Jean Clark Florence Hyatt Joseph and Claudia O`Keefe Bill and Pam Thrune
Lynne David Dar and Darlene Isaacson Jim and Mary Olson Barbara and Jerry Tripp
Don DeBoer and Mary Blaha-DeBoer Emmanuel and Cindy Jacobson Tiffany Olson Audrey Uber
Barbara Decker Ione L. Johnson Paul and Judy Onsrud Jo Voight
Jolene DeMaiffe Ronald and Deb Johnson Ann Padesky Karen D. Wagner
Stanley and Sue Dwyer Mike and Clarice Kammel Elsie Patterson David and Laura Wagner
Michael and Mary Dzurko Rose Ann Kazmierczak Dennis and Lois Peterson Colleen Walsh
Michael and Rita Edmunds Bob and Mary Kelemen Colleen Phelps Jim and Cheryl Ward
Rich and Sally Egan Rich Maresh and Joan Keller-Maresh Jarrod and Sheryl Picha Wettstein`s
James and Betty Ehrsam Scott and Nancy Kronn Carleen Poellinger and Paul Brown Ray and Joyce Wichelt
Gary and Lu Anne Ekern Michael Kruse John and Linda Proudfoot Richard and Judy Williams
Eldon and Fran Ellefson Paul and Kimberly Lansing Jim and Carol Reider Leon and Kay Wolfe
Daryl and Nancy Ertl Dennis and Michelle LaRoche Michael and Cynthia Renken Jim and Marilyn Wuttke
Dr. Todd and Mary Jo Fetsch Bob and Jo Le Roy Arlene Rhode Frances I. Young
Harold Flemke and Be Facteau Debbie Lejeune Jen Roberdeau and Ken Schelper Mark and Debra Zellmer
Joseph and Joan Francois Steve and Karen Lind Kenneth and Mary Rownd
Sally Friend Claude and Carolyn Lindeman Curt and Bev Ruston
Philip and Judy Gilbert Steve and Cheryl Loehr Lisa Sauer
Beverly Mach

p. 25

LCT’s Mission *Home Owners
La Crosse Community Theatre creates *Businesses
productions and projects that enhance *Climate Controlled
the theatrical literacy of our audience *Security Cameras
members, volunteers, students and staff.
We provide opportunities for creativity and

personal growth in a fun,
collaborative environment. As a community,
we celebrate human connections through

communication and interaction.

Audience Services

Box Office Policies and Procedures Cameras, Recording Equipment, Cell Phones
and Pagers
The box office is open 11 a.m. until 5 p.m. Monday
through Friday and one hour prior to each performance. The use of cameras, recording equipment, cellular
General admission tickets may be charged to a credit phones and pagers is strictly prohibited in the theatre.
card or paid for with a check/cash at the window. Tickets You may check these items at the box office. Pagers and
must be paid for at the time of the reservation. cell phones are attended during the performance. Please
leave your seat number at the box office.
Seat Reservations
Phone Calls
All seats should be reserved in advance, including those
for season ticket holders. Reservations for the general Parents, please leave your seat numbers with your
public begin approximately two weeks before the babysitter. If they need to reach you during the
opening of each show; for season ticket holders about performance, we will do our best. We do not interrupt
three weeks before the show. Patron Donors (who have the performance to page people for phone calls.
made an additional donation of $75 or more per season)
may reserve their seats at any time. Season ticket Flowers
holders may purchase two additional tickets for guests
for each season ticket purchased. These tickets must be Giving flowers to cast members while on stage is
for the same performance the season ticket holder is inappropriate. Flowers may be left in the box office for
attending. If you forget or are somehow prevented from the stage manager to deliver or you may hand them
reserving your seats on time, we will do our best to help to the cast member once he or she is out of costume.
you find your seats. However, seats are not guaranteed Audience members are not allowed backstage. If you
once public ticket sales begin. There are no refunds. wish to meet with a cast or crew member after the
Please call the box office at 608-784-9292 if you have show, please wait for them in the auditorium or lobby.
any questions.
Bad Weather Policy
Need to Exchange Your Tickets?
It is the policy of La Crosse Community Theatre not to
• All ticket exchanges must be done in person at the box cancel performances due to bad weather. As a result,
office if your tickets have been printed. we urge our ticket holders to make every effort to attend
the performance for which they hold tickets. Should
• There is a $1.00 per ticket exchange fee. this prove impossible, please call the box office as soon
• Tickets may only be exchanged for another performance as possible before the performance and alternative
arrangements will be made. We cannot guarantee that
of the same show, not for another show. seating will be available for an alternate performance.
• Tickets must be exchanged at least 24 hours prior to There are no refunds for weather.

the performance the original tickets are for. Babies and Small Children
• In case of emergency, we may (at our discretion) allow
We welcome children old enough to enjoy our productions.
the customer to use his or her tickets on another For the comfort of all audience members, we ask that children
night if tickets are available. These tickets may not under 4 not attend productions. Regardless of age, all
be reserved ahead of time. The ticket exchange fee members of the audience must have a ticket for admission.
still applies.
Late Seating Policy
Unable to Use Your Tickets?
We strive to begin our performances on time. Please
Sorry, all sales are final. There are no refunds. allow plenty of time to find the theatre and to take your
Please return your unused tickets at least 24 hours seat. If you arrive more than 15 minutes after the show
in advance of the production date to receive a receipt begins, we reserve the right to release your seat(s) to
for a tax-deductible donation. someone else. There are no refunds. Late arrivals will
be seated at the house manager’s discretion.

p. 27

Pepsi Cola of La Crosse
• Locally owned

• Group sponsor of the
La Crosse Performing Arts Center

Like to Sing?

Then be our guest! Any Tuesday night at 7:00 p.m.
You and your friends are welcome to “Join Us in Song.”
Harry J. Olson Center, 1607 North Street, La Crosse, WI 54603

La Crosse Coulee Chordsmen

P.O. Box 902, La Crosse, WI 54602
(608) 780-SING (7464)
[email protected]

p. 28

Thank you for your support of
La Crosse Community Theatre!

p. 29

Enjoy dinner before the performance or dessert and coffee afterward.
501 Front Street South, La Crosse, WI 54601 | 608.784.4877 | [email protected]

p. 30

608-397-3752 Thank you
to the
Russell L. and Vera M.
Smith Foundation
for its generous support and

sponsorship this season

p. 31

!!!! !!!!

Premiere Six Packs are still available! Stop by the box office for more information!

p. 33

p. 34

Are you ready to
Change your life?

Coaching Programs: A Christ“mTFaorosm.G.T.iYhfteOGUro”wth Coach

 Business Coaching Free! Workshop *
 Work-Life Balance
 One-on-One “Driving Success,
Balance Life”
Seminar & Workshop:
On Wed, Feb.20th, 2013
 Leadership Development
 Team Building *Register now !
 Strategic planning
 Effective Communication At or 608.787.5771
 Role of Effective Board
 Customer Care
 Conflict Resolution


 Jest the Health of it
 Surviving Change at

Mach 5

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