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The Pirates of Penzance show program

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Published by jdavidson, 2019-10-16 11:23:20

The Pirates of Penzance

The Pirates of Penzance show program

La Crosse Community Theatre presents

Written by Arthur Gilbert and W.S. Sullivan

September 7–23, 2012

La Crosse Community Theatre

Written by

New edition by Carl Simpson and Ephraim Hammett Jones
with a new piano reduction by Ephraim Hammett Jones

Director/Set Designer Music Director Choreographer

Greg Mary Jonathan
Parmeter Lamb

Costume Designer Lighting Designer Assistant Set Designer Stage Manager

Mandy Dillon Tim kYLE
Parmeter McArdle deLAP

The Pirates of Penzance is presented by special arrangement with Serenissima Music, Inc.
The video and/or audio recording of this performance by any means whatsoever are strictly prohibited.

Cast in order of appearance

Frederic .......................................................................................................... Andrew Manson
Ruth............................................................................................................... JENNIFER BURCHELL
Samuel ........................................................................................................... SCOTT RATHGABER
Pirates of Penzance .................................WILL HICKS, ERIC LEITZEN, SEAN McDEVITT,
................................................ DEBORAH NERUD*, ERIC SEVERSON, STEVEN WALKER*
Pirate King................................................................................................................. JON KROCKER
Kate............................................................................................................................. RAINA THELEN
Edith ........................................................................................................................... LAURA RIEKE*
Isabel ................................................................................................................... HANNAH LITMAN
............................................................................... JESSICA HEMENWAY*, MARIA JOHNSON
Mabel.................................................................................................................... KARLA HUGHES*
Major General Stanley............................................................................................Gary Moss*
Police Sergeant ...................................................................................................AIDAN SMERUD
Policemen ...........................................BEN BARLOW*, RYAN BROWN*, CHRIS DRESEN,
........................................CHARLOTTE GRANT, BRIAN MURPHY, NICHOLAS SPRINGER

* = LCT stage debut

p. 3

Musical Numbers

Scene: A rocky seashore on the coast of Cornwall Scene: A ruined chapel by moonlight

No. 1 “Pour, Oh Pour, the Pirate Sherry” No. 15 “Oh, Dry the Glistening Tear”

No. 2 “When Frederick Was a Little Lad” No. 16 “Then, Frederick, Let Your Escort Lion-Hearted”

No. 3 “Oh, Better Far to Live and Die” No. 17 “Now for the Pirate’s Lair!”

No. 4 “Oh, False One, You Have Deceived Me!” No. 18 “When You Had Left Our Pirate Fold”

No. 5 “Climbing Over Rocky Mountain” No. 19 “Away, Away! My Heart’s On Fire!”

No. 6 “Stop, Ladies, Pray” No. 20 “All Is Prepared”
No. 7 “Oh, Is There Not One Maiden Breast” No. 21 “Stay, Frederick, Stay”
No. 8 “Poor Wandering One!” No. 22 “No, I Am Brave!”
No. 9 “What Ought We to Do” No. 23 “Chant”
No. 10 “How Beautifully Blue the Sky” No. 24 “When a Felon’s Not Engaged in His
No. 11 “Stay, We Must Not Lose Our Senses”
No. 25 “A Rollicking Band of Pirates We”
No. 11a “Here’s a First-Rate Opportunity”
No. 26 “With Cat-like Tread”
No. 12 “Hold, Monsters!
No. 27 “Hush, Hush! Not a Word”

No. 13 “I Am the Very Model of a Modern Major-General” No. 28 “Sighing Softly to the River”

No. 14 “Oh, Men of Dark and Dismal Fate” No. 28 “Finale”

Special Acknowledgments

Thank you to Dan Heerts, Chad Kolbe, Deb Nerud, Theresa Smerud and Krissa Harnish for their help in making this
production possible.

Guest Lobby Artist

Linda J. Steine

Our guest artist for this Apply your single ticket for today’s
production, Linda J. Steine, is a show toward a season ticket,
long-time Coulee Region resident who received a bachelor’s and you can still
degree in studio art and a master’s degree in education and
professional development from UW-La Crosse. Her influences save up to 25% this season!
are the result of growing up surrounded by the bluffs and
rivers of the La Crosse area, and the many opportunities Stop by the box office
that are available here. before you leave!

You may learn more about her and find examples of her
artwork at

LCT will receive 25% of the proceeds from any item sold.
If you would like to purchase an item, please inquire at the
box office.

p. 4

Director’s Note From the Executive Director

The Pirates of Penzance The Pirates of Penzance kicks off our 49th season
Sept. 7–23, 2012 of bringing community theatre to La Crosse and
LCT’s 49th season – 325th production the surrounding areas. And what a season we have
planned! We begin with a Gilbert and Sullivan classic
I have long been a fan of Gilbert and Sullivan but have never operetta, we travel via bus to a diner in the middle
had the opportunity to play in their satiric sandbox, as either of winter, and we close the use of our building with a
an actor or a director. At last, I get that chance, and I couldn’t family Christmas story, one that is sure to make you
be happier or more pleased with the result. The Pirates of laugh and remember. This is the theme of the first half
Penzance is pure fun put to music, and it has been a joy to of the season—laugh and remember, with just a tear
stage this revival on LCT’s stage. Thank you to the cast and or two.
crew for making this a wonderful experience!
But then we move into our new home on Front Street—
In case you haven’t noticed, this will be the final musical a home that will accommodate all of our audience
we ever produce here at the Fifth Avenue theatre. More members: accessible, comfortable, and enjoyable. The
personally: This is the last show that I will direct on this first play in our new theatre will be a Shakespeare classic
stage. The Pirates of Penzance is my swan song to the that will also be our competition piece for the biennial
building that has been my home and creative palette for the national theatre festival. Then we will introduce our Black
last five years. Even with the exciting prospect of the new Box theatre with a special play that takes place at and
theatre just around the corner, part of me will always miss around a dining room table. Finally, our season will close
this place. I have laughed, cried, and, yes, even bled here. with a spectacular musical that has just been released
(Sometimes the bleeding is what caused the crying, but what for community theatres. The second half season theme is
happens in the scene shop stays in the scene shop.) “moving forward”—and we are!

Many of my best memories are here: an entire audience of With these wonderful tales of possibilities, won’t you
high school students standing to honor Jim Nelson playing consider being a part of us all season long? You are
Atticus Finch at the end of the courtroom scene during To guaranteed several theatrical experiences that you
Kill a Mockingbird (one of the greatest on-stage moments won’t forget!
I’ve ever been a part of); Mandy going into labor hours after
opening Escanaba in Da Moonlight (Benjamin’s timing I also want to invite you to be a part of our capital
has always been impeccable); helping to bring shows like campaign. If you have already made a contribution,
Godspell, Driving Miss Daisy, West Side Story, Almost, thank you so much. We are grateful for the support of the
Maine, and Blood Brothers beautifully to life; being community and your belief in the arts in La Crosse. If you
welcomed with open arms into a community of people have not yet made a contribution to the capital campaign,
committed to creating the best possible art together . . . it’s not too late! Any gift will be appreciated and valuable
The list could go on and on. to our success. We have just kicked off our “Name a Seat”
campaign, so consider being a permanent part of the
This building has been very good to LCT. It has been an building.
indelible part of who we are and what we do. But we have
outgrown this home, as we were always meant to do. Very One of LCT’s most significant assets is you, our audience.
soon we will be creating new memories in a new home— Your support and dedication is a testament to your desire
a theatre that has been tailored to our hopes and dreams for quality theatre. Thank you for selecting LCT for your
of what we can and will become. theatre experience. Whether this is your 49th season or
your first, I know that you will find something here at
Though the time has come to move on, we all bid a very fond La Crosse Community Theatre.
farewell to Fifth Avenue. So long, old friend.
See you at the theatre.

Greg Parmeter, Artistic Director David R. Kilpatrick, Executive Director

Cast Biographies

Ben Barlow* (Policeman), whose favorite operas. She is honored to be part of this production of
productions have been The Fantasticks Pirates and loves working with such a talented cast.
(as Matt), Cabaret (as Cliff Bradshaw), and
A Midsummer Night’s Dream (as Bottom), Chris Dresen (Policeman) is currently
has participated in twenty productions in the working for Dahl Automotive’s Parts
Platteville area. An LCT production rookie, Department in Onalaska and also does
landscape contracting. He enjoys his life in
he thanks the LCT community for a warm welcome! Rockland, Wis., with his wife, Cathy, and
children Emily, Erin, James, and Kaitlin.
Jennifer Brown (General’s Daughter)
is an attorney at O’Flaherty Heim Egan & Chris also sings in the La Crosse Chamber Chorale.
Birnbaum. Prior LCT credits include
Godspell and Chicago. In addition to Charlotte Grant (Policeman) was in a
musical theater, Jennifer enjoys fitness, women’s chorus for H.M.S. Pinafore and
travel, and Chicago sports. She wishes to The Mikado in the ’80s. It took twenty-plus
years to complete her Gilbert and Sullivan
thank Neil, her family, Gordon, Joyce, Kendra, and her trifecta with The Pirates of Penzance.“It
supportive coworkers. was worth the wait. I am delighted to be in

Ryan Brown* (Policeman), after his this diverse cast. Great sound, energy, and fun!”
brother had a role in a production this
summer, thought he would like to try out Jessica Hemenway* (General’s Daughter)
for a production, too. Ryan performed for is thrilled to be making her debut at LCT!
four years in Grand Central Station show While Jessica has loved and participated in
choir. the arts for years, this is her first foray into
musical theatre and she is treasuring the
Jennifer Burchell (Ruth) is thrilled to opportunity. Many thanks go out to her
share this pirate adventure with her
daughter, Katya. She has appeared in amazing husband, Paul, without whose support she
numerous productions in the La Crosse area probably would not have even auditioned. She gives thanks
and studied voice through the Royal also to her children, Eva and Austin, who fill every day with
Conservatory of Music.“Many thanks to the song and creativity.

production team for believing in me. Remembering your Will Hicks (Pirate of Penzance) came to
laugh, Dr. Charles Miller III—this one is for you!” us from Brooklyn, NY. He has appeared in
Yes, Virginia, There Is a Santa Claus,
Katya Carter* (General’s Daughter) is It’s a Wonderful Life, and Driving Miss
thrilled to be making her LCT debut in Daisy. Will would like to dedicate this
Pirates, though she’s been behind the performance to his mother, Florine, his
scenes on a lot of the theatre’s productions.
Recently in Appleseed’s Guys and Dolls brother Johnnie, and his twin brother James, who all
and Nunsense, she’s honored to be a passed this last year. “R.I.P.”

general’s daughter. She’d like to thank Mandy for letting her
help with costumes, her mother for getting her into singing,
and Jon and Raina and the Walkers for supporting her.

Susan Diersen* (General’s Daughter), a
Central High and Viterbo music education
graduate, is performing for the first time at
LCT. Susan performs every year with the La
Crosse Chamber Chorale. Past performances
include the role of Second Lady in Viterbo’s

production of The Magic Flute and roles in several one-act

p. 6

Season tickets are still available! Stop by the box office for more information!

p. 7

Cast Biographies

Karla Hughes* (Mabel) is a professor at Andrew Manson (Frederic) holds a
Viterbo University and a professional singer. bachelor’s degree in history from Viterbo
She performs nationally, including her 2011 University and now works at Murphy
soloist debut at Lincoln Center. Favorite roles Law Office. His most memorable
performed include Cunegonde in Candide performances with LCT include the adult
and Zerlina in Don Giovanni. As a
Josh Baskin in Big, the Musical and Christopher Wren in
recording artist, she can be heard as Mabel in The Pirates The Mousetrap. He most recently appeared as Flint in
of Penzance and Yum-Yum in The Mikado on the Albany Something’s Afoot. Andrew has a beautiful wife, a
Records label. wonderful daughter, and another child on the way.

Maria Johnson (General’s Daughter) Sean McDevitt (Pirate of Penzance)
says,“The Wizard of Oz, Leaving Iowa, is amazed to say that The Pirates of
and now Pirates! I’ve met so many Penzance marks his sixteenth
amazing people and I know that I will form appearance as an actor at LCT, although
many new friendships through this show. he’s been involved in every Mainstage
Thank you to my husband, Phil, for putting production since 2009. Among other

up with my love of theatre!” things, he’s LCT’s official production videographer. He
thanks Robin for her love and support. “Believe In
Jon Krocker (Pirate King) has been Steve,” 1943-2010.
acting in theatre since grade school, and
recently directed his first show, Neil GarY MOSS* (Major General Stanley) is
Simon’s Biloxi Blues for Twixtbridge a professional opera singer and professor
Productions. Roles he’s played include at Viterbo University and Luther College.
Harry Witherspoon in Lucky Stiff and This production marks his debut with
La Crosse Community Theatre.
Billy Bibbit in One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest at LCT,
and Utterson in Jekyll and Hyde. Jon would like to Brian Murphy (Policeman) professes
thank his friends, family, and wife, Raina, for their that he is thrilled to be making a second
support and encouragement. He is very happy to appearance with LCT. His acting history
return to the LCT stage (and walk the plank) with includes playing a rock as a first-grader
such a talented team! and a tree in The Wizard of Oz. “Rock,
tree, policeman. That’s progress!”
Eric Leitzen (Pirate of Penzance) is a recent
transplant to La Crosse; this is his second LCT Deborah Nerud* (Pirate of Penzance)
production, following Blood Brothers last sails the seas with her two sprogs and her
spring. He’s thrilled to be working with the Jack o’Cups, and after a 10-year hiatus
crew at LCT again, and happy to have his returned to the stage for Guys and Dolls
beautiful wife, Sarah, working with him. at Appleseed Community Theatre.
Previously, WSU was her port of call for
Hannah Litman (Isabel) is from
La Crosse and a senior at Central High such shows as The Vagina Monologues and Macbeth.
School. She was previously involved in the
LCT production of With Their Eyes. Her Scott Rathgaber (Samuel) is delighted
other theatre credits include Children of to be able to perform with such a talented
Eden, Singin’ in the Rain, and Guys and cast. “Thanks to my family for enabling my
theater addiction. I feel fortunate that La
Dolls, all at Appleseed Community Theatre. She would like Crosse has a community theatre that
to thank Greg for giving her this great opportunity and affords an opportunity to experience the
congratulate the wonderful cast and crew on a fantastic show.
“Thanks for welcoming this young’un in with open arms!” thrill of acting in such a supportive atmosphere.”

p. 8

Cast Biographies

Laura Rieke* (Edith) is making her LCT Raina Thelen (Kate) is a singer/
debut. She is excited to be a part of the songwriter and graduate of Belmont
merriment and is thankful for the love and University (BBA in music business) in
support from her friends and family. Laura Nashville, Tenn. After working behind
is a senior at UW-La Crosse, studying the scenes in the entertainment industry
elementary education. for several years, she’s returned to her

Eric Severson (Pirate of Penzance) native La Crosse, and to the stage as well. Recent roles
handles publications and volunteer have included Sr. Mary Amnesia in Nunsense, Rowena in
recruitment at LCT. He is appearing in Biloxi Blues, and the ensemble in LCT’s Blood Brothers.
his second production, the first being “Innumerable thanks to the Pirates team, Dean Witz,
Camelot. He just can’t get enough singing my family, friends, and husband (my personal pirate
and swinging swords. He thanks Greg for king,) Jon!”

the honor of serving as fight captain; Amanda for taking on Steven Walker* (Pirate of Penzance) is
more house managing hours; and his lovely wife, Ellen, for a radio announcer at Winona Radio, lives in
understanding the whole“See you on the other side”thing. La Crosse, and, along with his beautiful
wife, Michelle, is doing his best to raise a
Aidan Smerud (Police Sergeant) recently respectful cat named Gus. Steven was most
graduated with his Bachelors Degree in recently seen in Guys and Dolls and is
vocal performance at Viterbo University.
Active in both music theater and opera, honored to be making his LCT debut in The Pirates of
Aidan has most recently sung the roles of Penzance. Steven really wants to thank his mom, Dee
Gianni Schicchi in Gianni Schicchi, Count Kortas, for every ounce of support. . . .“I want to tell you
there was no one that I ever believed in more than you. I
Almaviva in The Marriage of Figaro and Sam in Trouble want to know if there was anyone you ever believed in more
in Tahiti. Aidan is thrilled to be back on the first stage he than me.”
ever performed on and wants to to devote his performance
to all LCT volunteers over the years with whom he has had *=LCT debut
the honor to work.

Nicholas Springer (Policeman)
graduated from UW-La Crosse in May with
a degree in math education and works at
Sylvan Learning Center. He was last seen
on the LCT stage in The Somewhat True
Tale of Robin Hood back in 2008,

although he has been seen in Seussical and Camp Rock
at other theatres around the area. Nick wishes to thank
members of the Brown house for their support.

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Production and Design Staff

Director. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Greg Parmeter Milliner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Deb Olson
Music Director. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mary Blaha-DeBoer Costume Construction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jennifer Brown,
Choreographer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jonathan Lamb . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jennifer Burchell, Barb Burchill, Katya Carter,
Set Designer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Greg Parmeter . . . . . . . . . Abigail Copeland, Faith Copeland, Susan Diersen,
Lighting Designer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dillon McArdle . . . . . . . . . . Marsha Erickson, Charlotte Grant, Karla Hughes,
Costume Designer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mandy Parmeter . . . . . . . Francie Johnson, Maria Johnson, Barbara Kilpatrick,
Props Designer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bonnie Jo Bratina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sylvia Kraus, Raina Thelen, Lorraine Wilson,
Technical Director. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tim Harris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Suzanne Young
Stage Manager/Light Board Operator. . . . . . Kyle DeLap Set Construction . . . . . . . . . . . Jennifer Brown, Ryan Brown,
Assistant Stage Manager. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Michelle Walker . . . . . . . . . Jennifer Burchell, Charlotte Grant, Maria Johnson,
Music Assistant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sarah Leitzen . . . . . . . . . . . . Abigail Kilpatrick, Jon Krocker, Sharon Markee,
Fight Captain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eric Severson . . . . . . . . . Matthew Michalski, Gary Mundinger, Laura Rieke,
Lighting Crew. . . . . . . . . . Matthew Michalski, Eric Severson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Michelle Walker, Steven Walker
Sound Board Operator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jennifer Mullin Box Office Staff . . . . . . . . . . . Kelley M. Manson, Sharon Singer,
Orchestra. Candace Brown (flute/clarinet), Jeff Copp (bassoon), . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Amanda Wiese
. . . . . Mary Blaha-DeBoer (conductor), Bonny Fish (French horn),
. . . . Sarah Leitzen (piano), Catherine McNamara (oboe/clarinet),
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sue Rieke (synth), Matt Salvo (piano)

LCT’s Mission

La Crosse Community Theatre creates productions and projects that enhance the theatrical literacy of our audience
members, volunteers, students and staff. We provide opportunities for creativity and personal growth in a fun,

collaborative environment. As a community, we celebrate human connections through communication and interaction.

p. 11

Proud to be one of this year’s La Crosse Community Theatre Media Sponsors
Our popular family of radio stations includes

www . l ac r o ss e r a d i o g r o u p . n e t

Thank you again to all of our volunteers!

If you or your group is looking for volunteer opportunities, we can use your help
next season! Call 608-784-9292 or visit
p. 12

Production Staff Biographies

Mary Blaha-DeBoer (Music Director) is Dillon McArdle (Lighting Designer) is
a secretary for Northside Schools-Roosevelt LCT’s technical director. He enjoys building
Campus and Coulee Montessori. She also things, grilling out with friends and
cantors at the Newman Center. Her two blowing snow. He would like to thank his
favorite shows at LCT were The Sound of lovely wife, Megan, who means the world
Music and Godspell. Mary thanks Don, to him. “Love ya, babe!”

Amanda, and Avery for tolerating her absence. Greg Parmeter (Director) earned his
MFA from the Johnny Carson School of
Bonnie Jo Bratina (Props Designer) is an Theatre and Film at the University of
associate professor in microbiology at UW-La Nebraska-Lincoln. His acting credits include
Crosse. She has done props for numerous LCT seasons with the Nebraska Repertory
shows and has even been seen on stage— Theatre, the Virginia Shakespeare Festival,
most recently as Karen in Jake’s Women.
When she manages to find some free time, the Northern Fort Playhouse and a tour with the Hampstead
Stage Company. Greg is beginning his fifth season with LCT.
Bonnie Jo enjoys reading or playing softball. He would like to thank Mandy and Ben for their love and
Kyle DeLap (Stage Manager) relishes the
opportunity to stage manage another show Mandy Parmeter (Costume Designer)
here at LCT, but his true joy these days comes is in her sixth season at LCT and is originally
in being a Stage Dad to his daughter, Lily. “I from Aberdeen, S.D. She received her
love you, Beaner’s! And a very happy 10th bachelor’s degree in music education from
anniversary to my wife, Julie.” Northern State University, where she
discovered a passion for theatre. After a
Tim Harris (Technical Director) has
previously worked at LCT as the assistant year of teaching music, she moved to Lincoln, Neb., to study
technical director of Camelot, the lighting costume design. She received her MFA in costume design in
designer on Doubt, and deck chief for She May 2005. Her work has taken her from Oklahoma to
Loves Me. He was last seen on the stage as Washington, Virginia, Nebraska and Wisconsin. Mandy and
Sammy in last spring’s production of Blood Greg are looking forward to their son, Benjamin, growing
up in the La Crosse community.
Brothers. He works as a technician at Interstate Sound. He
enjoys spending his free time with friends, family and reading Michelle Walker (Assistant Stage
a good book. Tim would like to thank his parents for their Manager) is helping with her first
continued support, and LCT for being a second family. production with LCT. You may have seen
her as Miss Adelaide in Appleseed
Jonathan Lamb (Choreographer) grew Community Theatre’s summer production
up at LCT and has been involved since of Guys and Dolls and earlier this year as
1988. Most recently he was in The Wizard
of Oz. Jonathan has choreographed for LCT Sister Robert Anne in Nunsense. Michelle works at
and many other theatres. He also appeared Gundersen Lutheran. She thanks her husband, Steven
in Singin’ in the Rain at Appleseed Walker, for his undying love and support.

Community Theatre and directed Nunsense for ACT and
The Movie Game at the Pump House Regional Arts Center.
He works as the Bargain Book Lead at Barnes and Noble.

Sarah Leitzen (Music Assistant) is a
newcomer to the La Crosse area and is
thrilled to be part of her second musical at
LCT. She’d like to thank her husband, Eric,
for “this fine mess,” and LCT for giving her
a new home.

p. 13

p. 14

Thank you to our 2012-2013 season sponsors!

BrightStar Care Logistics Health Incorporated
The Casino Bar Mayo Clinic Health System
Central States Warehouse Pepsi of La Crosse
Commercial A/V Systems Schomburg Refrigeration
Dairyland Power Cooperative Russell L. and Vera M. Smith Foundation
DeBoer Pest Control State Bank Financial
DigiCopy United Fund for the Arts and Humanities
Gundersen Lutheran Health System Vendi Advertising
Kwik Trip Inc. Wisconsin Arts Board
La Crosse Radio Group Wisconsin Public Radio—WLSU/WHLA
Xcel Energy

LCT is supported in part by a grant from the Wisconsin Arts Board with funds from the
State of Wisconsin and the National Endowment for the Arts.

Thank you for your support of La Crosse Community Theatre!

p. 16

Looking Back . . . Is
June 15
A 50th Anniversary Tribute to Past Show s

LCT Staff & Board

Executive Director. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . David R. Kilpatrick
Artistic Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Greg Parmeter
Interim Technical Director. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tim Harris
Costume Supervisor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mandy Parmeter
Director of Patron Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Amanda Wiese
Director of Publications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eric Severson
Bookkeeper. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sheri Eimermann
Maintenance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Arthur Neville-Neil
President. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J. Michael Hartigan
First Vice-President. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kenna Christians
Secretary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nancy Wigdahl Sedbrook
Treasurer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dar Isaacson
Past President. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . David Amborn
Members at Large . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jennifer Brown, Mike Herro, Scott Horne, Hal Keitel,
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Kate Kersten, Alan Krumholz, Karl Noll, Wayne Oliver, Jen Roberdeau, Chuck Roth

p. 21

Patron Donor List

Producer’s Circle Robert Coe Cleary-Kumm Foundation Ken and Nancy Lerum
($2,500+) Bob and Kay Conzemius Dorothy Coelin Steve Lunde
Anonymous Tammy and Chad Dutton Gary and Susan Corbisier Aurel and Sue Mailath
John and Linda Lyche David and Barbara Foye Steven Dunder Nancy Matchett
Donald and Barbara Frank Ted and Mary Eisenbacher Stephen and Margeen Mau
Director’s Circle ($1,000- River Town Dental Thomas Erb and Cecilia Caron Les and Rita Messerschmidt
$2,499) Peter and Krin Krause Ramon and Connie Erickson Janeth and Gerald Miller
Tom and Jan Brock Dr. Larry and Diane Lindesmith David and Teresa Faulkner Rich and Vicki Miller
Dr. John and Arla Clemons Clive and Burness McBain, Sr. Robert and Maureen Freedland Kiernan and Tracy Minehan
J. Michael and Vicki Hartigan Ken and Janine Merkitch George and Joyce Fulford Carl and Doris Mueller
Jerry and Kathy Lokken In Memory of Marilyn I. Nelson Mitch and Marcia Galles Mary and Kurt Mueller
Scott and Mary Rathgaber Brian and Karen Rude Jim and Jo Glasser Kenneth and Carmin Nelson
Chuck and LuAnn Roth Sally and Betty Ruud David and Nancy Goode Cyndy Nichols
Dennis and Sharon Ryan Mark and Nancy Goodman Tom and Lori Nigon
Designer’s Circle ($500- Mary Lansing and Daniel Schneider Louis and Maureen Guillou Karl and Julie Noll
$999) Bill and Chris Smiley Peter and Janice Gutierrez Ron and Frieda Nowland
Henry (Bud) and Mabel Lou Ahrens Greg and Joan Stellrecht Dennis and Donna Haggard Bruce and Carol Odeen
Donna Brooks Ken and Jane Wastlund Herb and Barbara Heili Janice Otterson
Felix and Marilyn Fernandes Promoter ($125-$249) Donald J. and Kathy Hill Jack and Barb Peplinski
Hal and Julie Keitel Anonymous Diane and Jim Hoffmeister Robert and Patricia Perlock
Martin and Jennifer Koop Jim and Mary Anderson Charles and Mary Hosler Effie Piper
Susan Miller James and Lynn Arends Robert and Mary Hubbard Marianne and Galen Pittman
Leanna Olson-Taunt and Robert Taunt Arnold and Donna Asp Dennis and Claire Jandt Tom and Kathy Ready
Dick and Mary Jean Sartz Tom and Mary Ballinger Owen and Francie Johnson Cam and Carlene Roberts
Richard and Pamela Strauss Lynette Berg Robert A. and Christine A. Johnson Kirk and Nancy Rodman
Vantage Architects, Inc. Marlene Bittner Nancy Johnson Sam Scinta and Kristen Foehner
Ryan Born and Kristin King David and Barbara Kilpatrick Glenn and Lila Seager
Actor’s Circle ($250-$499) Jake and Emily Bowe Michael and Beverly Kratt Sandy Sechrest
Peter and Joan Allen Neil and Jennifer Brown Cliff and Cheryl Kremmer Ed and Laurie Solberg
David Amborn and Karen Gilster Joe and Candice Bucheger Robert Krueger Paul and Jane Steingraeber
Todd Bjerke and Karen Kroll Cari and Mark Burmaster Alan and Robin Krumholz Brian and Diane Sullivan
Clem and Karol Bott Wendy Butler Sandra J. Kujak Suzanne and Joseph Toce
Roy and Laurie Campbell Ursula Cejpek Henry and Beverly Lawrence Lill A. Twining
Roger and Kenna Christians Tom and Jenelle Lee
(continued on page 25)

Before you go . . .

Reserve your seats—or purchase additional tickets—
for Bus Stop tonight!

by William Inge It’s not the end of the line.
It’s just the beginning.

Theatre PG-13


Oct. 26, 27 and Nov. 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10 at 7:30 pm
Oct. 28 and Nov. 4 and 11 at 2 pm

Act today or wait to reserve your tickets, beginning

Patron Donors: Any time
Season ticket holders: Oct. 1, 2012

Public: Oct. 8, 2012

Adults: $23 (Fr/Sa) $21 (Th/Su) Student or Active Military: $10.00 (any performance)

La Crosse Community Theatre

Proud member of the United Fund
for the Arts and Humanities

Since 1983, the United Fund for the Arts and Humanities
(UFAH) has helped La Crosse area businesses, founda-
tions and professionals invest in the cultural life of our
community. UFAH’s annual fundraising campaign focuses
on providing a strong financial base for its ten member
organizations, one of which is the La Crosse Community
Theatre. UFAH has provided both project and administra-
tive support to LCT, which has helped us to grow as an
organization. Please consider donating to this year’s
campaign, and thank the businesses and organizations
that contribute to UFAH.

UFAH Member Organizations

Coulee Chordsmen La Crosse Community Theatre
Great River Festival of Arts La Crosse County Historical Society

La Crosse Area Youth La Crosse Symphony Orchestra
Symphony Orchestras Mississippi Valley
La Crosse BoyChoir Archaeology Center
La Crosse Chamber Chorale
Pump House Regional Arts Center

p. 24

Patron Donor List

Promoter (continued) Rich and Sally Egan Michael Kruse Jim and Carol Reider
Pam Walgren James and Betty Ehrsam Paul and Kimberly Lansing Arlene and Steven Rhode
Stephen and Katherine Webster Gary and Lu Anne Ekern Dennis and Michelle LaRoche Jen Roberdeau and Ken Schelper
Ross and Lynn Marie West Eldon and Fran Ellefson Bob and Jo Le Roy Kenneth and Mary Rownd
David and Yvonne Whiteman Daryl and Nancy Ertl Debbie Lejeune Curt and Bev Ruston
Ed and Sharon Winga Dr. Todd and Mary Jo Fetsch Steve and Karen Lind Lisa Sauer
Kevin and Marla Withey Harold Flemke Claude and Carolyn Lindeman Josh and Anne Saylor
Gary and Debra Wold Joseph and Joan Francois Steve and Cheryl Loehr James and Elaine Schauls
Daryl and Margaret Wood Sally Friend Beverly Mach Paul and Kay Schneider
Jane Wood Philip and Judy Gilbert Wes and Karen Mack Doris and John Schwingle
Ken and Jean Wortman William and Sarah Goff William and Helen Mackey Wendy and John Severson
Julie Yahnke Bill and Mary Graumann Robert and Diane Marcou James Sill and Mary Orrico
Suzanne Young David and Jennifer Grimsled Michael and Sharon Markee Charlie and Lynn Smader
Supporter ($75-$124) John Halbrehder and Carolyn Lois Matthews Arlene Smith
Anonymous (3) Diekmann Edith McBain and Jane Symicek Les and Kay Snuggerud
Frank and Jenny Aberger Chuck and Cheryl Hanson Lorraine McIlraith Dick and Pat Spencer
Mark and Linda Backer Peter and Esther Harman Joe and Nanette Michel Dan and Janice Springer
Lori Bagniewski Richard and Cathy Harris Lloyd H. and Evelyn G. Miller Dave and Debbie Stark
Dale and Barbara Bates Natalie Hartigan Sally Miller Ramon and Betty Stelloh
Kay Baumann Esther Hayes Mary Monsoor Pat Stephens
Dorothy Baures Helen M. Heiser Les and Helen Munson Wally and Betty Stoll
Clark and Margaret Berg James and Barbara Hemker Curtis and Marcia Murray Tom Schauer and Maureen Sullivan
Ken and Donna Birnbaum Mike and Cheri Herro Kelly Nedvidek Carol Taebel
Nancy Borgen Jerry and Diane Hoch Sonja Nelson Miriam and Ed Tanke
Chris and Vicki Born John and Linda Hoehn Ed and Corine Neuman Kathy Thompson
Judy Brennan Maria Holley Rudy and Cherie Nigl Bill and Pam Thrune
Dianna Brown George and Jackie Horihan Jon and Christi Nowland Barbara and Jerry Tripp
Tom Bruemmer and Judy Cobb Ray and Joanne Hubley Tamara Nowland Audrey Uber
Gary and Mary Bubbers Rollin and Connie Huebsch Joseph and Claudia O`Keefe Jo Voight
Tony and Violet Capaul Florence Hyatt Jim and Mary Olson Karen D. Wagner
Willard and Ann Carlow Dar and Darlene Isaacson Tiffany Olson David and Laura Wagner
Jean Clark Emmanuel and Cindy Jacobson Paul and Judy Onsrud Colleen Walsh
Lynne David Ione L. Johnson Ann Padesky Jim and Cheryl Ward
Barbara Decker Ronald and Deb Johnson Elsie Patterson Wettstein`s
Jolene Demaiffe Mike and Clarice Kammel Dennis and Lois Peterson Ray and Joyce Wichelt
Stanley and Sue Dwyer Rose Ann Kazmierczak Colleen Phelps Richard and Judy Williams
Michael and Mary Dzurko Bob and Mary Kelemen Jarrod and Sheryl Picha Leon and Kay Wolfe
Michael and Rita Edmunds Rich Maresh and Joan Keller-Maresh Carleen Poellinger and Paul Brown Jim and Marilyn Wuttke
Scott and Nancy Kronn John and Linda Proudfoot Frances I. Young

p. 25

Closer to Our Brand-New View

W hat a great time to
be in La Crosse. A
brand-new performance
space, right on the river!
We have the foundation and

footings in place and
are starting with the
bricks and the walls.
We are on schedule
to get the keys in November!

Our new facility will have 2 theatres, 3 classrooms, and a gorgeous view of the river.
Be a part of it today!

Mark your calendars! The grand opening is set for mid-January 2013, with opening
ceremonies sponsored by BMO Harris Bank M&I.

You will want to be a part of the first
productions in the new facility, so purchase
your season tickets as soon as possible.

For the latest on the new building, visit

Get in on the ground floor . . . balcony . . .
or Black Box theatre

We invite you to be a part of the new home of La Crosse Community
Theatre by“Naming a Seat.” With your tax-deductible donation,
you become a permanent part of a state-of-the-art theatre complex.
You can attach your name or the name of someone you would like
to honor, and demonstrate your commitment to the arts and to the
community of La Crosse. When you name a seat, a brass plaque
bearing the inscription of your choice will be affixed to the armrest
of a seat. There are a limited number of seats available, so don’t delay.

• Seats on the ground floor are $1,000 each and may be paid for over

a three-year period.* “Naming a Seat” is an
• Seats in the balcony are $750 each and may be paid for over a opportunity to participate in
something special—the La Crosse
three-year period.* Performing Arts Center, the new
• Seats in the Black Box theatre are $250 each.* home of La Crosse Community
Theatre, scheduled to open in
*Placement of named seats will be assigned via lottery. January 2013.

p. 26

Audience Services

Box Office Policies and Procedures Cameras, Recording Equipment, Cell Phones
and Pagers
The box office is open 11 a.m. until 5 p.m. Monday
through Friday and one hour prior to each performance. The use of cameras, recording equipment, cellular
General admission tickets may be charged to a credit phones and pagers is strictly prohibited in the theatre.
card or paid for with a check/cash at the window. Tickets You may check these items at the box office. Pagers and
must be paid for at the time of the reservation. cell phones are attended during the performance. Please
leave your seat number at the box office.
Seat Reservations
Phone Calls
All seats should be reserved in advance, including those
for season ticket holders. Reservations for the general Parents, please leave your seat numbers with your
public begin approximately two weeks before the babysitter. If they need to reach you during the
opening of each show; for season ticket holders about performance, we will do our best. We do not interrupt
three weeks before the show. Patron Donors (who have the performance to page people for phone calls.
made an additional donation of $75 or more per season)
may reserve their seats at any time. Season ticket Flowers
holders may purchase two additional tickets for guests
for each season ticket purchased. These tickets must be Giving flowers to cast members while on stage is
for the same performance the season ticket holder is inappropriate. Flowers may be left in the box office for
attending. If you forget or are somehow prevented from the stage manager to deliver or you may hand them
reserving your seats on time, we will do our best to help to the cast member once he or she is out of costume.
you find your seats. However, seats are not guaranteed Audience members are not allowed backstage. If you
once public ticket sales begin. There are no refunds. wish to meet with a cast or crew member after the
Please call the box office at 608-784-9292 if you have show, please wait for them in the auditorium or lobby.
any questions.
Bad Weather Policy
Need to Exchange Your Tickets?
It is the policy of La Crosse Community Theatre not to
• All ticket exchanges must be done in person at the box cancel performances due to bad weather. As a result,
office if your tickets have been printed. we urge our ticket holders to make every effort to attend
the performance for which they hold tickets. Should
• There is a $1.00 per ticket exchange fee. this prove impossible, please call the box office as soon
• Tickets may only be exchanged for another performance as possible before the performance and alternative
arrangements will be made. We cannot guarantee that
of the same show, not for another show. seating will be available for an alternate performance.
• Tickets must be exchanged at least 24 hours prior to There are no refunds for weather.

the performance the original tickets are for. Babies and Small Children
• In case of emergency, we may (at our discretion) allow
We welcome children old enough to enjoy our productions.
the customer to use his or her tickets on another For the comfort of all audience members, we ask that children
night if tickets are available. These tickets may not under 4 not attend productions. Regardless of age, all
be reserved ahead of time. The ticket exchange fee members of the audience must have a ticket for admission.
still applies.
Late Seating Policy
Unable to Use Your Tickets?
We strive to begin our performances on time. Please
Sorry, all sales are final. There are no refunds. allow plenty of time to find the theatre and to take your
Please return your unused tickets at least 24 hours seat. If you arrive more than 15 minutes after the show
in advance of the production date to receive a receipt begins, we reserve the right to release your seat(s) to
for a tax-deductible donation. someone else. There are no refunds. Late arrivals will
be seated at the house manager’s discretion.

p. 27

Pepsi Cola of La Crosse
• Locally owned

• Group sponsor of the
La Crosse Performing Arts Center

Like to Sing?

Then be our guest! Any Tuesday night at 7:00 p.m.
You and your friends are welcome to “Join Us in Song.”
Harry J. Olson Center, 1607 North Street, La Crosse, WI 54603

La Crosse Coulee Chordsmen

P.O. Box 902, La Crosse, WI 54602
(608) 780-SING (7464)
[email protected]

p. 28

Thank you for your support of La Crosse Community Theatre!

p. 29

*Home Owners
*Climate Controlled
*Security Cameras

p. 30

Oct 12,13,19, 20, 26, 27 & 31, 2012 @ 7:30 PM Pick up a

Call 608-397-3752 Theatre for Youth

Tickets on sale at Salon Medusa or Festival Foods acting class brochure in the lobby!
Sign up for emails at

Call 608-784-9292

Thank you
to the
Russell L. and Vera M.
Smith Foundation
for its generous support and

sponsorship this season

p. 31

!!!! !!!!

Season tickets are still available! Stop by the box office for more information!

p. 33

p. 34

Being a prisoner
to your business
Let Fred Kusch unlock the
potential in YOU
Coaching Programs:

How do business owners drive success and
balance their life ? The answer is . . .

Strategic Mindset Program

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Sales Mastery

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Strategic Manager

$500 off a one year program*

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Satisfaction is guaranteed!

* Please present this ad to get the discount

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