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Published by lori.stringer, 2015-11-17 13:42:23




Course Pacing Overview

Duration Semester 1 - Unit/Topic Standard
Introduction to Technology IBT-1, IBT-2
4 Word Processing Applications IBT-1, IBT-2, IBT-3
4 Effective Communication Skills IBT-1, IBT-2, IBT-3, IBT-6, IBT-12
Introduction to the World of Marketing IBT-1, IBT-2, IBT-3, IBT-5, IBT-12

Entrepreneurship and Business IBT-1, IBT-2, IBT-3, IBT-7, IBT-12

Duration Semester 2 - Unit/Topic Standard
(Weeks) Leadership and Management IBT-1, IBT-2, IBT-3, IBT-4, IBT-12
Accounting 101 IBT-1, IBT-2, IBT-3, IBT-8, IBT-12
2 Money Management Basics IBT-1, IBT-2, IBT-3, IBT-9, IBT-12
4 Managing Risk IBT-1, IBT-2, IBT-3, IBT-10, IBT-12
4 Introduction to Human Resources IBT-1, IBT-2, IBT-3, IBT-11, IBT-12

Introduction to Business & Technology Pacing Guide Page |1

Title/Topic Duration

Introduction to Technology 3 weeks

GPS Standards Common Core GPS

BMA-IBT-2: Apply technology as a tool to increase productivity  ELACC9-10SL1: Initiate and
to create, edit, and publish industry-appropriate documents. participate effectively in a
 2.1 Practice respectful and responsible use of technology. range of collaborative
 2.2 Demonstrate ethical and legal actions with regards to discussions (one-on-one, in
groups, and teacher-led) with
plagiarism, fair use, and copyright laws. diverse partners on grades 9–
 2.3 Execute efficient online searches for specific and 10 topics, texts, and issues,
building on others’ ideas and
creditable resources. expressing their own clearly
 2.4 Model the ability to work independently and as a team and persuasively.

member.  ELACC9-10SL2: Integrate
 2.5 Demonstrate time-management and organizational skills multiple sources of information
presented in diverse media or
to complete tasks in allotted time. formats (e.g., visually,
 2.6 State how changes in technology affect the workplace quantitatively, orally)
evaluating the credibility and
and society. accuracy of each source.
 Social media, cell phones, tablets, cloud computing,

operating systems, and other emerging technologies.
 2.7 Apply good design principles to create professional

appearing and functioning business documents.
 2.8 Compare and contrast technology tools’ uses for

efficiency in business.
 2.9 Apply practices that deter, detect, and defend against

identity theft for a business and personal safety.
 2.10 Utilize technology in a variety of ways while solving

business problems.

Activities/Projects Avoiding Plagiarism
Copyright Laws
Changes in Technology
Identity Theft
Solving Business Problems

Microsoft IT Integration Course 10294

FBLA Integration Future: 9 & 23
FBLA Competition Business: 1,11,20,29
If a student excels in this unit, suggest they consider competing in:
 Desktop Application Programming
 Management Information Systems
 Help Desk
 Client Services
 Computer Gaming and Simulation Programming

Remember, the purpose of this unit is to increase student awareness of

technology, to understand the responsibilities of users and to encourage

efficient use of technological applications in business settings.

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Title/Topic Duration

Word Applications 4 weeks

GPS Standards Common Core
BMA-IBT-3 Master word processing software to create, edit, and publish
professional-appearing business documents.  ELACC9-10SL1:
Initiate and
 3.1 Create, share and maintain documents. participate
 Apply different views and templates, protect the document, manage effectively in a
range of
document versions, share and save documents. collaborative
 3.2 Format document content. discussions
 Apply font and paragraph attributes, navigate and search, create (one-on-one,
in groups, and
and manipulate tables, and apply bullets. teacher-led)
 3.3 Apply page layout and reusable content to documents. with diverse
 Apply and manipulate page setup settings, apply themes, construct partners on
grades 9–10
content using the Quick Parts tools, create and manipulate page topics, texts,
backgrounds, and create and modify headers and footers. and issues,
 3.4 Insert illustrations and graphics in a document. building on
 Insert and format pictures, clip art, shapes, WordArt, and SmartArt, others’ ideas
and apply and manipulate text boxes. and expressing
 3.5 Proofread documents to validate content. their own
 Use spelling and grammar check, configure AutoCorrect settings, and clearly and
insert and modify comments in a document. persuasively.
 3.6 Apply references and hyperlinks in a document.
 Apply hyperlinks; create endnotes, footnotes, and a table of
 3.7 Perform mail merge operations.
 Setup and execute a mail merge.

Activities/Projects Embedded Microsoft Word Activities

Microsoft IT Integration Course 10391 | Course 10392

FBLA Integration Future: 13
Business: 1,2, 9, 17, 19, 21

FBLA Competition If a student excels in this unit, suggest they consider competing in:
 Computer Applications I
 Desktop Publishing
 Word Processing I

Notes The purpose of this unit is to expose students to the proper uses of Word
features and how many of the features are used in business.

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Title/Topic Duration
Effective Communication Skills 3 weeks

GPS Standards Common Core GPS

BMA-IBT-6 Use professional oral, written, and digital  ELACC9-10SL1: Initiate and

communication skills to create, express, and interpret participate effectively in a range of

information and ideas. collaborative discussions (one-on-
 6.1 Exhibit appropriate business (oral, written, and one, in groups, and teacher-led)
digital) communication skills needed in the workplace with diverse partners on grades 9–10
to facilitate information and communication. topics, texts, and issues, building on
 6.2 Explore social media etiquette and importance of others’ ideas and expressing their
digital presence. own clearly and persuasively.
 ELACC9-10SL2: Integrate multiple

 6.3 Produce written communications that utilize proper sources of information presented in

tone, grammar, and bias-free language for the diverse media or formats (e.g.,

workplace. A. Resume visually, quantitatively, orally)

 6.4 Employ critical thinking and problem-solving evaluating the credibility and

strategies both individually and collaboratively to solve accuracy of each source.

real-world and/or business-related problems.  ELACC9-10SL4: Present information,

 6.5 Using presentation software, create and deliver findings, and supporting evidence
simple, clear and compelling presentations effectively clearly, concisely, and logically such
that listeners can follow the line of
to target audiences.
reasoning and the organization,
 6.6 Use technology to enhance the effectiveness of
development, substance, and style

communication in a business environment. are appropriate to purpose,

 Email, video conferencing, phone conferencing, audience, and task.

instant messaging, online chat, blogs, newsgroups, list  ELACC9-10SL5: Make strategic use

serve, etc. of digital media (e.g., textual,

 6.7 Use appropriate technology to plan, develop, graphical, audio, visual, and
practice, and present material to different types of interactive elements) in
audiences for specific business purpose. A. Research presentations to enhance
paper, web site, multimedia presentation, publications, understanding of findings,
speech, online media, video, avatar, etc. reasoning, and evidence and to
add interest.

Activities/Projects Oral Communication | Written Communication | Digital Communication
Social Media Etiquette
Target Audience Presentations
Technology to improve written communication
Technology to improve oral communication

Microsoft IT Integration Course 10295 | Course 10523

FBLA Integration Business: 6, 8, 10, 23, 30
FBLA Competition
Notes If a student excels in this unit, suggest they consider competing in:

Business Communications Help Desk

Impromptu Speaking Intro to Business Communication

Job Interview Intro to Parliamentary Procedure

Public Speaking I Client Services

The purpose of this unit is to explore the ways that oral, digital and written

communication is used in business how each is used effectively and when

each type is most appropriate.

Introduction to Business & Technology Pacing Guide Page |4

Title/Topic Duration

Introduction to the World of Marketing 4 weeks

GPS Standards Common Core GPS

BMA-IBT-5  ELACC9-10SL1: Initiate and

Demonstrate understanding of the concept of marketing participate effectively in a

and its importance to business ownership. range of collaborative

5.1 Explain the fundamental marketing concepts used discussions (one-on-one, in

by a small business. groups, and teacher-led) with

5.2 Understand target market and demographics in diverse partners on grades 9–

marketing strategies. 10 topics, texts, and issues,

5.3 Create a customer database using database building on others’ ideas and

software to create and maintain an accurate customer expressing their own clearly

list. and persuasively.

5.4 Use customer database to pull specific data to target

for marketing campaign.

5.5 Evaluate different types of promotional tools for

business product and/or services.

a. Traditional tools and online tools, personal networking.

5.6 Use innovation to gain a competitive advantage in

the marketplace.

Activities/Projects Fundamental Marketing Concepts
Target Markets and Demographics
Microsoft IT Integration Customer Databases
FBLA Integration Marketing Campaign
Creating Promotional Tools
Gaining Competitive Advantage

Future: 2, 10, 24
Business: 4, 25

FBLA Competition If a student excels in this unit, suggest they consider competing in:
 Marketing

Notes The purpose of this unit is to expose students to marketing and its basic
principles as an essential component of business. Students should explore
ways to market their business efficiently and according to the resources

Introduction to Business & Technology Pacing Guide Page |5

Title/Topic Duration

Entrepreneurship and Business Ownership 4 weeks

GPS Standards Common Core GPS

MA-IBT-7  ELACC9-10SL1: Initiate and
Demonstrate an understanding of entrepreneurship participate effectively in a
through recognizing a business opportunity, how to start range of collaborative
a business based on the recognized opportunity, and discussions (one-on-one, in
basics of how to operate and maintain that business. groups, and teacher-led) with
7.1 Identify the unique characteristics, traits, and diverse partners on grades 9–
concepts of the successful entrepreneur. 10 topics, texts, and issues,
7.2 Describe the importance of developing and building on others’ ideas and
organizing a successful business plan. expressing their own clearly
7.3 Identify components and format of a business plan. and persuasively.
7.4 Examine the business opportunities available in local
school and community.  ELACC9-10SL4: Present
7.5 Participate as part of a team in an effort to information, findings, and
accomplish a common goal leading to a successful supporting evidence clearly,
business endeavor. concisely, and logically such
7.6 Differentiate between the types of business that listeners can follow the
ownership. line of reasoning and the
7.7 Explain the implications of technology on business organization, development,
development and future growth. substance, and style are
appropriate to purpose,
audience, and task.

Activities/Projects Characteristics of an Entrepreneur
Importance of a Business Plan
Creating and Formatting a Business Plan
Exploring Business Opportunities
Types of Business Ownership
Technology and Business Development

Microsoft IT Integration Microsoft Word

FBLA Integration Future: 3, 12, 15, 16
FBLA Competition Business: 14, 26

If a student excels in this unit, suggest they consider competing in:
 Business Plan
 Emerging Business Issues
 E-Business
 Introduction to Business
 Introduction to Parliamentary Procedure
 Job Interview
 Entrepreneurship
 American Enterprise Project

Notes The purpose of this unit is to understand the basic principles of business
ownership and how they can be applied to any type of business venture.

Introduction to Business & Technology Pacing Guide Page |6

Title/Topic Duration

Leadership and Management 2 weeks

GPS Standards Common Core GPS

BMA-IBT-4  ELACC9-10SL1: Initiate and
Analyze and integrate leadership skills and management participate effectively in a
functions within the business environment. 4.1 Explain the range of collaborative
interrelationships between the functions of business: discussions (one-on-one, in
accounting, finance, production, marketing, sales, and groups, and teacher-led) with
management. diverse partners on grades 9–10
4.2 Define, explain and apply various management topics, texts, and issues,
functions including planning, organizing, directing, and building on others’ ideas and
controlling. expressing their own clearly
4.3 Explain the importance of a vision, a mission statement, and persuasively.
and goal-setting within the context of the business
4.4 Apply the decision making process to a business
4.5 Discuss the impact of the business and personal
reputation and image including online presence as part of
the management of the business.
4.6 Understand employee impact and management’s role
in contributing to successful business operations.
4.7 Exhibit organizational skills while planning and executing
business projects.
4.8 Implement strategic plans to manage business growth,
profit, and goals.
4.9 Investigate leadership skills within a successful business

Activities/Projects Management Functions
Importance of Visions, Missions and Goals in a Business
Reputation and Image
Strategic Plans

Microsoft IT Integration

FBLA Integration Future: 7,20,22
FBLA Competition Business: 27
Notes If a student excels in this unit, suggest they consider competing in:
 Future Business Leader
 Job Interview
 Management Decision Making
 Virtual Business Management Challenge
The purpose of this unit is to understand the importance of being an

effective leader/manager in a business setting. Students will explore what

managers do, their responsibilities and why their role is essential to the

success of a business.

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Title/Topic Duration

Accounting 101 4 weeks

GPS Standards Common Core GPS

BMA-IBT-8  ELACC9-10SL1: Initiate and
Understand, interpret, and use accounting principles to participate effectively in a
make financial decisions. range of collaborative
8.1 View financial statements of a business and utilizes discussions (one-on-one, in
those statements to make informed business decisions. groups, and teacher-led) with
8.2 Explain the purpose of the various steps in the diverse partners on grades 9–
accounting cycle. 10 topics, texts, and issues,
8.3 Differentiate between debits and credits. building on others’ ideas and
8.4 Analyze and describe sources of income for the expressing their own clearly
business venture (i.e., sales and labor). and persuasively.
8.5 Using basic features of spreadsheet software to
produce professional financial statements representative
of a small business.

Activities/Projects Reading and Creating Financial Statements
The Accounting Cycle
Debits and Credits
Sources of Income

Microsoft IT Integration Course 10296 Beginning Excel | Course 10393 Intermediate Excel

FBLA Integration Business: 15
FBLA Competition
Notes If a student excels in this unit, suggest they consider competing in:
 Accounting I
 Business Financial Plan
 Business Math
 Personal Finance
 Spreadsheet Applications
The purpose of this unit is to explore the financial components of a
business by learning the basic accounting principles and how major
transactions are categorized.

Introduction to Business & Technology Pacing Guide Page |8

Title/Topic Duration
Money Management Basics 4 weeks

GPS Standards Common Core GPS

Initiate and
Develop effective money management strategies and understand participate
effectively in a
the role and functions of financial institutions. 9.1 Develop a range of
budget including all essential elements for personal and business discussions (one-on-
one, in groups, and
use. teacher-led) with
diverse partners on
9.2 Compare and contrast the types of financial institutions, both grades 9–10 topics,
texts, and issues,
depository and non-depository including the functions and building on others’
ideas and
purpose. expressing their own
clearly and
a. Commercial banks, savings and loan associations, credit unions, persuasively.

investment banks, financial services companies, and insurance


9.3 Examine the principles of banking transactions and the various

services of a bank.

a. Item processing, collection functions, procedures, bookkeeping,

loans, investments, and trust operations.

9.4 Apply mathematical operations and processes as well as

financial planning strategies to commonly occurring situations in

the workplace to accomplish job objectives and enhance

workplace performance.

9.5 Examine the features and effects of online banking including

mobile banking for the business and the consumer.

9.6 Explore a personal credit report and the impact of credit on

business and personal life.

Developing a personal and business budget

Types of Financial Institutions

Activities/Projects Principles of Banking
Online Banking

Credit Scores and Credit Reports

Microsoft IT Integration

FBLA Integration Future: 11
FBLA Competition
Notes If a student excels in this unit, suggest they consider competing in:
 Business Calculations
 Business Financial Plan
 Personal Finance
 Accounting I
 Spreadsheet Applications
 Business Math

The purpose of this unit is to understand the elements of financial planning
for both personal and business uses.

Introduction to Business & Technology Pacing Guide Page |9

Title/Topic Duration

Managing Risks 4 weeks

GPS Standards Common Core GPS

MA-IBT-10 Research and interpret the various risks  ELACC9-10SL1: Initiate and

involved in operating a business while determining the participate effectively in a

role of insurance for a business. range of collaborative

10.1 Identify possible business threats and employ risk discussions (one-on-one, in

management strategies and techniques to minimize groups, and teacher-led) with

potential financial loss. diverse partners on grades 9–

10.2 Identify types of business insurance and the need for 10 topics, texts, and issues,

insurance in a business. building on others’ ideas and

10.3 Explain basic insurance concepts: insurance, expressing their own clearly

policyholder, premium, probability, risk, claim, coverage, and persuasively.

deductible, policy, insured, insurer, and liability. 

10.4 Analyze risks to make insurance decisions.

10.5 Explore the various career options associated with

the insurance field.

Activities/Projects Threats to Business Success
Business Insurance
Insurance Concepts
Analyzing Risks

Microsoft IT Integration

FBLA Integration

FBLA Competition If a student excels in this unit, suggest they consider competing in:
 Banking and Financial Systems

Notes The purpose of this unit is to explore the risks involved with business
ownership and ways such risk can be minimized (insurance, security, etc.)

Introduction to Business & Technology Pacing Guide P a g e | 10

Title/Topic Duration

Introduction to Human Resources 4 weeks

GPS Standards Common Core GPS

BMA-IBT-11  ELACC9-10SL1: Initiate and
Examine basic human resources and the legal aspects participate effectively in a
of a business while incorporating the methods into range of collaborative
business practices. discussions (one-on-one, in
11.1 Differentiate among types of business crimes and groups, and teacher-led) with
identify the strategies that business can use to deter diverse partners on grades 9–
crimes. 10 topics, texts, and issues,
11.2 Demonstrate understanding of specific legal areas building on others’ ideas and
that most commonly affect personal and business expressing their own clearly
relationships. and persuasively.
a. Contract law, insurance, bankruptcy, property law,
computer law, harassment, discrimination.
11.3 Describe the legal requirements of obtaining a
business license, permit, contract, patent, copyright,
trademark, and logo.
11.4 Create a plan for recruiting, hiring, and retaining a
new employee and the associated costs.
a. Job application, social media impacts, credit report
analysis, appearance impact, etc.
11.5 Review employment and labor laws impacting

Activities/Projects White Collar Crimes
Areas of Business Law
Obtaining a Business License
Recruiting and Hiring New Employees
Employment and Labor Law

Microsoft IT Integration

FBLA Integration Business: 13
FBLA Competition
Notes If a student excels in this unit, suggest they consider competing in:
 Ethics
 Business Law
 Emerging Business Issues
 Introduction to Business
 Introduction to Parliamentary Procedure
 Virtual Business Management Challenge
The purpose of this unit is to understand the employment processes for
businesses with special emphasis on the legalities of business owner

Introduction to Business & Technology Pacing Guide P a g e | 11

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