KGS. FU T UREEnglishversion
No 3 Det Grønne Område // October 2016
Visiting Microsoft’s
We must be among new office block Magasin’s store manager
the best in the world in Lyngby has consulted his crystal ball
LÆS We are developing the city // Novozymes aims to change the world // The Smart City project at DTU // Children think programming is cool //
OGSÅ Innovation districts – Lyngby joins the trend // The City of Knowledge and Urban Development in school children’s everyday life // Hammocks,
street food and benches in campus life // The Scion DTU science park is creating growth companies // The light rail’s maiden voyage be in 2023
LYNGBY The meals served in the shopping centre’s new dining area can either
STRIDES INTO be enjoyed at the bars or at long tables between the stands.
The large and regal Microsoft building on Klampenborgvej is evidence that lunch
the winds of change have left a lasting mark on Lyngby centre. In a few ye-
ars, when Novozymes is settled in beside Helsingør motorway, the urban Italian specialities, Spanish tapas, French
developments will shine through even clearer. and traditional Danish open sandwiches. Lyngby Shop-
ping Centre’s food market offers food for all tastes
Meanwhile, within the city limits the focus will be increasingly on a crucial
competitive parameter both now and in the future: Knowledge. Customers have flocked to Lyngby Lyngby Storcenter. About 250
Shopping Centre’s food market diners can eat at the six stalls,
Lyngby-Taarbæk’s overall strategic goal is to be a city of knowledge, and since it opened in April. which include Tapa del Toro,
that will penetrate everything – especially education. But also urban de- Tommi’s Burger Joint, Parma &
velopment. More and more large knowledge-intensive companies are mo- According to centre manager Pasta, Palæo, Brioche Dorée and
ving to the city. The light rail is on its way, ready to carry employees and Torben Schwabe, an increasing Hallernes Smørrebrød, each with
students to and from Lyngby, the city of knowledge and urban development. number of the large companies’ a unique concept.
The stage is set for the future of Lyngby-Taarbæk. employees are lunching in the
And with that, dear reader, welcome to the third edition of Lyngby Future.
The first edition was published two years ago, when Microsoft’s cranes were
swinging into action at the building site on Kanalvej, and Mærsk was building
its new domicile on Lyngby Hovedgade.
Two years ago, altogether, the construction work already under way and in
the pipeline totalled DKK 8 billion.
It therefore made sense for us to summarise the many projects and descri-
be where Lyngby was heading. The idea was so welcome that we published
an update one year ago. And now we are repeating the success story since
there are many chapters to add about Lyngby, development and the future
of the city.
The first edition of Lyngby Future explained that Microsoft was under way
with its large head office. Now we are taking readers inside the 17,000 squa-
re metre office block on Kanalvej, where no one has a designated office.
Last year, a key story involved Novozymes’ large innovation campus to the
east of the motorway to Helsingør. Now we are following up with concrete
facts on how Novozymes will change the world from Lyngby.
We will explain about Lyngby as a City of Knowledge and Urban Development
that is also relevant for the city’s residents and not least its schoolchildren.
We will describe how the City of Knowledge and Urban Development is joining
in an international innovation trend. We will describe a unique new research
centre at DTU and will take a close look at Scion DTU and the companies
based in this science park. And a review of the forthcoming light rail project
will also be included.
In other words, this third edition of Lyngby Future provides insight into many
aspects of a city where the winds of change are blowing. But where the es-
sence and heart of the city will stand firm.
Happy reading
Lars Schmidt, editor
F U T UREKGS. Editorial team: Photos: Jan Juel, Ulrik Jantzen m.fl. Printing:
Lars Schmidt Editor-in-chief, Cover photo: Joakim Rode Stibo Graphic A/S
LY N G BY Steen Trolle, Signe Steffensen.
Design and Layout: Distribution:
October 2016 Editor responsible: Politikens Lokalaviser Bureau Interest points / Handouts through
Det Grønne Område Claus W. Krogh international companies,
Politikens Lokalaviser A/S [email protected] Advertising: City of Knowledge and others.
Gl. Lundtoftevej 1B, 2800 Kgs Lyngby Jacob Kaspersen, Bettina Guldager,
Tel. 45 91 80 70,
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”We are
the city to
preserve a good
The city is changing a great deal these years. Mayor
Sofia Osmani explains that political leaders are
promoting change to ensure that Lyngby-Taarbæk
remains a good municipality for its residents
By: Lars Schmidt of course there is a reason for change,”
she says:
Excavating. Building. Just about eve- ”It is all a matter of making sure Lyngby-
rywhere you look in the city, one con- Taarbæk remains a great place that many
struction project or another is under way. people love. We must safeguard devel-
Perhaps housing. Or pipes in the roads. opment that helps to change the city so
Rainwater drainage. that we can maintain the values we care
about,” she says.
A lot is being done to make sure Lyng-
by-Taarbæk has a promising future. Trade and knowledge
”We have fantastic commerce, and we
Yet thinking that all this building will have some knowledge-intensive com-
change the city entirely is wrong, under- panies that are extremely exciting. We
lines Mayor Sofia Osmani: have plenty of educational institutions,
some really good schools, and fantastic
”Fortunately, I often meet citizens who green areas, so we have plenty to offer.
say they like things the way they are. I
understand them. Seen in that light, new
building projects can seem all wrong. But
“As a municipality, we must be a leading player in relation to having attractive workplaces for the particular target group we are also educating in the city,”
says Lyngby-Taarbæk’s mayor, Sofia Osmani.
If we do nothing and say we are satisfied panies that bring change to the city, it is also municipality. We are building on a solid proaching Lyngby from Virum on Kon-
with the way things are, they may not be a matter of making sure Lyngby remains a foundation.” gevejen you see the lovely old water mill
that way in ten years’ time. By then, others good place to grow up and live, according and Damhuset.
may have overtaken us. The world doesn’t to Sofia Osmani: The historical view
stand still, after all. Things are constantly The foundation on which Lyngby-Taarbæk They are so pretty! If the sight of them
changing around us: internet shopping is ”As a city, we can be a leading player in Municipality is built must remain, the may- doesn’t put you in a good mood, I don’t
increasing, our children must learn more to relation to having attractive workplaces or highlights: know what will.” “There are just so many
cope in a globalised world, we are making especially for the target group we are also beautiful places here. We have so many
new demands on housing and much more educating in the city. It therefore makes ”Why is it nicer to go for a walk in Lyn- things to be happy about, and we must take
besides,” Sofia Osmani says: sense that we are attracting knowledge gby centre than in Gladsaxe? Because some care of them. Take the industrial history
companies because we have the Technical of the old buildings are still there, that’s we have alongside the river Mølleåen, for
”For me, it is therefore a matter of say- University of Denmark (DTU) here and why. It still has intimacy and charm. Within example. Those industries would not be
ing: How can we ensure that the decisions therefore also have a very special labour 200 metres we have Microsoft’s modern sustainable today. If back then people had
we make at the city hall safeguard that our market,” she explains, adding: head office, containing some of the most said ‘No, no, we have a lovely city because
current position of strength is a position of high-tech construction technology in the we have a knife factory by the river so that’s
strength in five and ten years? In terms of ”However, Lyngby must remain a city world, and then within 200 metres we have an end to any notions of developing further’,
politics, we don’t always agree where to draw where children are safe to enjoy their Bondebyen with small white fences and we would have ground to a halt.
the line. Some politicians are more willing to childhoods, where there are green spaces thatched houses. That is completely unique
build than I am and a few are more restric- to play and relax. A city where you can – the combination and interplay of history Instead, a strategy was chosen that in-
tive. Then the art is to find compromises that send your children to school knowing and the future,” Sofia Osmani says. cluded more scope,” the mayor explains,
the vast majority can identify with.” they are getting a good education. We concluding:
are a municipality where it is nice to grow ”That means it is not change for the
A good place to live old. A municipality you can identify with sake of it. It is to preserve some key values. “If we do not protect and take care of
When the municipality attracts major com- despite the changes. History is part of We therefore have some great features what we have, we will lose it. In my opinion
the picture. We are not building a new to take care of. For example, when ap- it is all about initiating developments that
support the city’s values.”
wants to change
the world-from NOVOZYMES
What are enzymes?
Novozymes’ forthcoming innovation campus in Lyngby will Enzymes are proteins that exist throughout
help to accelerate research at the Danish enzyme giant, nature – and also in the body, where they
where work is constantly focused on improving use of the help to digest food, for example. Novozymes
planet’s resources makes enzymes that are used for many dif-
ferent purposes. In washing powder, enzymes
By: Steen Trolle So it is not just any old Danish industrial are good at removing stains, and in the textile
company that has chosen to base a large re- industry, they replace the use of chemicals.
“If enzymes are nature’s secret recipe for search department on the Dyrehavegård
managing the world’s resources better, then site in Lyngby. This company, with its 6,485 What are microorganisms?
Denmark’s Novozymes is the planet’s indis- employees, a market value of DKK 87 billion A microorganism, a bacterium, is a micro-
pensable laboratory.” and departments in 30 countries, is work- scopic living organism. Microorganisms vary
ing towards its goal of changing the world. a great deal and also contain some species of
So said the American finance magazine Change that involves using resources better fungi, algae and creatures, such as rotifers.
Fortune in August when awarding Danish and replacing problematic products such as Microorganisms are found in all parts of the
Novozymes ninth place among companies fossil fuels with eco-friendly alternatives. biosphere, e.g. soil, in hot springs, in the sea
working with the earth’s greatest challenges and in the atmosphere.
and turning a profit. 1,300 researchers
Novozymes has a total of about 1,300 re- In ecosystems, microorganisms are crucial
Senior Vice President, Research & Tech- searchers. And Claus Crone Fuglsang and since they help to sustain life and break down
nology Claus Crone Fuglsang put it slightly his global team of researchers are laying the materials such as plants. New trials have
differently when Lyngby Future visited him foundations for many of these changes. This shown that airborne microorganisms can
at Novozymes’ head office in Bagsværd: is where new microorganisms are investi- play a role in sudden downpours and the
gated, and enzymes from these microor- weather.
“We believe what we are doing is right for ganisms are tested for various properties.
the world. If, within the foreseeable future, Microorganisms are also vital in cooking, as
the world’s population will grow to 9-10 bil- One enzyme is a catalyst that can accel- well as beer and wine production, and are
lion, then we must find new ways of using erate the process and e.g. make a washing also used in connection with biotechnology
the planet’s resources. There are simply not detergent more effective, and the Novozymes to produce medicine and enzymes etc. Ref.
enough resources. researchers are constantly working to dis-
cover and develop enzymes that are more
We must therefore change our consumption The research process
and use resources much better. We must also re- Novozymes finds microorganisms and fungi
plenish what we use,” says Claus Crone Fuglsang. growing naturally. Back at the laboratory,
Novozymes also has a large collection where
researchers test how they can use the mi-
croorganisms to make new biological solu-
tions that can, for example, further reduce
both the use of chemicals and the washing
temperature when washing clothing – while
ensuring the clothing is clean.
About Novozymes
Novozymes is the world’s largest supplier
of enzymes and microbial technology. Novo-
zymes’ bioinnovation improves agricultural
harvests, washing machine temperatures,
energy savings during production processes
and produces renewable fuels.
See more at
Novozymes invests about 14 per cent of
its revenue in research and development.
Photo: Novozymes
“Our work in Lyngby will be the same as here in Bagsværd: discovering Novozymes
and developing microorganisms and enzymes, and seeing how they work invites you
in practice,” says Claus Crone Fuglsang. Photo: Novozymes. inside
Novozymes’ forthcoming innovation campus in Lyngby
will not simply be a workplace for initially about 800
Novozymes employees. School pupils and high school stu-
dents will attend the centre on a daily basis to learn about
biotechnology and natural sciences first hand. Students
will be in close contact with DTU university researchers
with whom Novozymes already enjoys close cooperation.
Visitors from far and wide will also be introduced to the
world of biotechnology.
“We would like to invite people in and teach about
Biotechnology. If people know more about biofuels and
GMO, we will have a different and better discussion,” says
Claus Crone Fuglsang, Senior Vice President, Research
& Development, Novozymes.
Another goal is to encourage youngsters to study natu-
ral sciences:
“The demand for employees with a natural science
background will exceed supply in the future, so we must
encourage more Danish children to think biotechnology
is fun. We have many ideas about how to accomplish this,
and as the school reform provides us with some opportu-
nities, we would really like to contribute,” says the Senior
Vice President, Research &Technology, Novozymes.
efficient than current options, or that can If, in some years’ “This could include enzymes for plant ex- huge difference. We have only scraped the
be used in new areas. time there were traction. Perhaps we can extract more oil surface so far,” says Claus Crone Fuglsang.
from the plant and use the protein compo-
This research is taking place all over the 9-10 nent better for animal fodder, for example.” New areas
world but Novozymes has the majority of its New areas are constantly being discov-
research in Bagsværd today. However, as it billion people on “We have only scraped the surface” ered where enzymes can make a differ-
is getting a little crowded, a large part of the the planet, we In specific terms, the work comprises ence. Novozymes works with probiot-
research is being relocated to Lyngby, where, would have to find collecting microorganisms from their ics, for instance, which involves natural
as this publication goes to print, they are some other ways natural habitats, such as soil, fungi, hot bacteria that can keep illness at bay in
awaiting approval for a so-called environ- of doing things” springs or manure. DNA is excreted from animal stocks and limit the use of antibi-
mental impact assessment before flicking the the microorganisms, so we can iden- otics. Or with enzymes that can improve
switch for Novozymes to begin building its Claus Crone Fuglsang, tify the microorganisms’ properties and plants’ germination, which in turn limits
new innovation campus, as the new research Senior Vice President, perhaps change the DNA. The micro- the use of manure and pesticides. The
and development centre will be called. Research & Technology, organisms are subsequently cultivated latter occurs in cooperation with the US
in brewery-style tanks. Sugar and for agricultural company Monsanto.
In the first instance, 30,000 square metres Novozymes instance maize or soya is added together
will be built as offices for about 800 employ- with oxygen and – hey presto – the en- What is hottest right now?
ees. However, the 140,000-square-metre site zyme production begins that is the core “It’s all important. For example, mak-
beside the motorway to Helsingør can be of Novozymes’ activities. ing washing detergents more efficient is
expanded more. So in the long term, another still important. Just think what it would
2,000-2,500 employees will come to Lyngby. “Previously, only one per cent of all the mean for people living where water re-
microorganisms available could be culti- sources are scarce. If you have to walk
“Our work in Lyngby will be the same as vated. Now, with modern gene technol- miles to collect water, it would mean a lot
here in Bagsværd: discovering and develop- ogy, we can separate the genomes, extract if you could wash clothes in less water,”
ing microorganisms and enzymes, and see- the DNA and change it, and that makes a he points out.
ing how they work in practice,” Claus Crone
Fuglsang says, giving an example:
Lampposts equipped with
minicomputers can collect
useful knowledge on car
traffic and other data.
Archive photo from
the magazine F5.
Intelligent lampposts
create smart solutions
for citizens and motorists
The Smart City project at DTU concerns finding smart technological solutions
by collecting and processing data from road lighting and other sources
By: Steen Trolle lectures and study projects by the students, solutions by exploiting data from sources this will be included in teaching and research.
and may lead to new smart solutions that in the ‘real’ world. “When we build new things today, often
A street light is useful for more than just will benefit the residents of Lyngby-Taarbæk
lighting the street. It can also collect data on Municipality. Consequently, sensors are being installed there is a requirement that solar panels are
traffic that describes CO2 emissions from in the library at DTU. These will collect data erected. So we have obtained the municipal-
cars and predicts when city car parks will The trial with “intelligent” road light- on the indoor climate and temperature fluc- ity’s approval for collecting these solar panels
be full. ing is part of the Smart City and Living tuations etc. that students can work with. in one system where data can be included in
Labs projects that DTU is involved with research and we can then get more out of the
At DTU, the 1.8 km DTU Avenue has in collaboration with e.g. the municipal- Similarly, minicomputers will be installed solar panels. Fortunately, the municipality
been equipped with 106 streetlights that will ity via the City of Knowledge and Urban in DTU’s refrigerator system so that data from has been very understanding and flexible
supply minicomputer with data on car traffic Development’s network on the climate and this source can be analysed by the students on in relation to our wishes,” explains Head of
and pedestrians. This data can be used in green technology. It is about finding smart mechanics courses. And soon, DTU will also Operations Anders B. Møller, DTU.
have a large solar panel system and data from
More DTU students DTU – the most
on exchange visits innovative university
in the Nordic region
The number of students the Techni- that also benefits the Danish business
cal University of Denmark sends on community: DTU is among the most innovative universities in the world. On the
exchange visits to the USA and Canada list of ‘Reuters Top 100 World’s Most Innovative
has more than doubled in a few years. “We can clearly see that the business
In 2013, 59 DTU students studied for community values students who have Universities’, DTU is ranked number 53 in the world, number 10
a semester in Canada or the USA. In been on exchange visits. It provides a in Europe and number 1 in the Nordic region.
2017, the number will shoot up to 143. lot of professional and human skills and
this is actually something they look for. The purpose of ‘Reuters Top 100 World’s Most Innovative Universi-
For years, DTU has worked on cre- It is also a fantastic experience getting ties’ is to rank the educational institutions doing the most to advance
ating more contacts with high-class in- to see another culture and seeing some- science, invent new technologies and help drive the global economy.”
ternational universities, and this work thing new,” says Senior Vice President
is now bearing fruit. A development and Dean to This is the second time Reuters has published the list. DTU (53)
and the University of Copenhagen (75) are the only Nordic universi-
ties in the top 100.
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sync with
the future
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We have seen how
a number of major
knowledge companies
and office networks
have chosen to move
to Lyngby within
the past few years
because it is close
to DTU and because
a strong knowledge
network has been
created across sec-
tors that they want
to join,” says Caroline
Arends, CEO of the
City of Knowledge and
Urban Development.
Photo: Jan Juel
Lyngby joins the
international trend
Modern knowledge companies want to be based close together near the university.
These are called innovation districts and are part of a global urban development trend.
Lyngby is part of that trend
By: Steen Trolle will be checking to see how DTU and the “Networks are vital for creating new ideas, promoting new inventions and helping
local companies collaborate, and he will entrepreneurs to grow,” says Bruce Katz from The Brookings Institute in Washington DC.
There was a time when innovative com- hear about networking, among other things,
panies settled far from the city centre and via the Lyngby-Taarbæk City of Knowl- Bruce Katz several times. She recognises You need to be close to others and must
curious eyes, and when universities steered edge and Urban Development organisation, many of the trend characteristics around share your knowledge. That is clearly evi-
clear of the private business community. which currently has 74 members, 65 of them DTU identified by Katz when he spots an dent in Lyngby. We have seen how a number
companies. innovation district. of major knowledge companies and office
That time is over. Today, many knowl- networks have chosen to move to Lyngby
edge companies are relocating to towns and Because networking is important when “Some of what is discussed is proximity.
cities, wanting to be based close to other creating growth and innovation, Bruce Katz
companies and universities where they can explains:
network and gain inspiration from each
other. “Networking enables the sharing of ideas
and not just within but across universities,
This trend has a name. Areas with many firms, clusters and sectors. Next generation
innovative companies, economic growth products and services are often invented
and strong networks, located around at the intersection of multiple disciplines
knowledge-intensive institutions are called and at varying stages in the innovation cy-
innovation districts. They are shooting up cle. Networking is critical to spark ideas,
in American university towns such as Bos- catalyse invention and help entrepreneurs
ton and Philadelphia, and can be seen in grow and scale their companies,” says the
trendy European cities such as Barcelona, American researcher by mail from Wash-
London, Manchester and Eindhoven. ington to Lyngby Future.
And this trend reflects the trend in Lyn- Aiming for proximity to DTU
gby. So much so that a world-leading expert
in innovation districts, Bruce Katz, Vice and networks
President at The Brookings Institute, Wash- Caroline Arends, CEO of the City of Knowl-
ington DC, will be visiting in November. He edge and Urban Development, has met
FACTS ABOUT Lyngby has huge
potential for
THE CITY OF KNOWLEDGE becoming a true
AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT city of knowledge,
according to Claus
• The City of Knowledge and Urban Nielsen, Chairman
Development facilitates these seven of the Board of
networks, which meet four times a year Lyngby-Taarbæk
City of Knowledge
• VBN for Byudvikling og Handel and Urban Devel-
(urban development and commerce) opment.
Photo: Jan Juel
• VBN for Internationalisering
(internationalisation) THE CITY OF KNOWLEDGE:
• VBN for Iværksætteri or Entrepreneurship We are making
(new businesses and entrepreneurship) good progress
• VBN for Klima of Grøn Teknologi But we are not quite there yet, according to Claus Nielsen,
(climate and green technology) Executive Vice President at Technical University of Denmark
and Chairman of the Board of Lyngby-Taarbæk City of Knowledge
• V BN for Kommunikation (communication) and Urban Development. Many more students will have to
come and live in the city centre if Lyngby is to become a
• VBN for Mindre erhvervsvirksomheder serious university city, he believes
(small commercial businesses)
By: Steen Trolle If you want to of it. “If you want to be a city
• VBN for Skole of Uddannelse be a university of knowledge, there must be
(schools and education) The City of Knowledge and Ur- city, the centre more nightlife. It should be
ban Development was estab- seething with young people.
The City of Knowledge and Urban lished five years ago. Through- should be Today, only a few thousand
Development has more than 70 member out this entire time, Claus seething with people live in the centre, and
organisations. Nielsen, Executive Vice Presi- young people you can tell. So many more
dent at Technical University students must settle down and
within the past few years because it is close to DTU and be- of Denmark, has been Chair- at night live in the heart of Lyngby,”
cause a strong knowledge network has been created across man of the Board of Lyngby- Claus Nielsen says.
sectors that they want to join,” Caroline Arends says. Taarbæk City of Knowledge Claus Nielsen,
and Urban Development. And Chairman of the Fortunately, conditions are
The City of Knowledge and Urban Development or- the chairman is very pleased Board of Lyngby- good for driving this develop-
ganisation facilitates seven professional networks that with the development achieved ment, the chairman believes.
each meets four times a year. Representatives from the by both the organisation and Taarbæk City
companies, educational institutions and municipalities Lyngby-Taarbæk Municipality of Knowledge “There is huge potential for
take part, and from these networks, specific projects and during this period. developing the city, both with
activities grow that are tying the area closer together and and Urban housing and companies. With
creating new relationships. “We have now enticed all Development. the plans to open Firskovvej
the major companies to join out towards Jægersborgvej,
“One good example is the City of Knowledge and the City of Knowledge and have chosen to move to Lyng- plans to close Klampenborg
Urban Development’s mentoring programme initiated Urban Development organi- by, which was one of the goals. to through traffic and the ex-
by the network for internationalisation, where spouses sation, and wide-ranging ac- As I mentioned in my recent pansion of Kanalvej, some new
accompanying international researchers and specialists tivities have been initiated via report: Wanting to be a knowl- and interesting urban spaces
are helped to find jobs with Danish companies. When the networks the organisation edge city is one thing, being can be created. The light rail
international families prosper, they remain resident in facilitates. This undercurrent one is something else. I think will also provide new oppor-
Denmark for longer and that is of vital importance for of activities is not directly vis- we are approaching the latter.” tunities e.g. by supplying the
both the university and the companies,” explains Caro- ible in the street scene but it basis for sustainable growth,
line Arends. does a lot of good things for More nightlife without congestion from cars,”
the city, and the companies in the Lyngby says Claus Nielsen – adding:
Another example is the Smart City of Knowledge benefit from each other. So Lyngby is still one step from
and Urban Development project (see page 8), which is we are well on our way,” says being a true city of Knowl- “If we get a lot of young
an offshoot of the network on climate and green tech- Claus Nielsen. edge in the view of the chair- people settling in the centre, it
nology. It has set up a working group to propose smart man, due to life in the heart will vitalise the city and give it
urban solutions based on open data such as various data In relation to the major ob- of Lyngby, or rather, the lack a boost that will help it survive
on energy consumption. The companies, municipalities jectives, we are also heading in in the long term and develop as
and DTU participate and the whole idea centres on DTU the right direction: a modern centre for trade, cul-
being located in the city. ture and experiences. Housing
“A number of significant for young people should not be
From closed to open innovation districts knowledge companies such seen as a cost. It should be seen
A project like this was inconceivable some years ago as Microsoft and Novozymes as an investment.”
when DTU lived a life of its own at Lundtoftesletten in
Lundtofte. But today, it is almost taken for granted that
DTU has a seat at the table, and seen from Washington,
this is absolutely the right course to take.
“European and Danish university towns can develop
distinctive innovation districts provided they support a
strong ecosystem of researchers, companies, entrepre-
neurs, and incubators in a vibrant, multi-use setting. The
shift from a closed to an open innovation system values
proximity, density, critical mass, special competencies
and a network of firms and people that collaborate to
compete,” says Bruce Katz from The Brookings Institute.
The City of Knowledge and Urban
Development to be a part of
schoolchildren’s everyday life
In the future, Lyngby-Taarbæk Municipality will be competing on knowledge. The municipality’s ‘City of Knowledge strategy’ adds a
sense of purpose right from kindergartens through schools to high schools and educational institutions, according to mayor Sofia
Osmani (Conservative Party). For the same reason, the municipality is now working on making a natural science strategy for schools
By: Lars Schmidt which is a partnership between private “If a municipality like ours – with the ba- “When I talk with companies, most of them
companies, the municipality, research and sic premises we have – cannot set the bar can easily see that if we want a generation of
At Lyngby-Taarbæk Municipality, children’s educational institutions, housing associa- very high in relation to children learning youngsters who enjoy technical subjects and
curiosity is to be aroused and stimulated. tions and citizens. Collaboration in the City technical and science subjects successfully, scientific courses, such as those that interest
Not stifled. Because this curiosity will help of Knowledge and Urban Development net- then I don’t know who can. We must be the the recruitment managers working at many
to maintain and develop the municipality work will help safeguard the municipality’s municipality where this can be achieved,” of our companies, then intervening with
into the leading city of knowledge to match continued growth. she says. high school and university students is too
aspirations. late. We must go right back to schools and
But what does that mean in everyday Education make an impact on the youngsters there.
And progress is being made. There are terms? For me, Lyngby-Taarbæk is first and fore- And perhaps even further down the edu-
more and more large educational institu- most a place where people should enjoy liv- cational ladder. We must go right back to
tions in the city – with DTU as the flagship. “For me it is important that the City of ing. In the City of Knowledge organisation, arouse their interest and get them to like
There are strong schools that are among the Knowledge and Urban Development does naturally we talk about urban and com- natural sciences.”
best in Denmark. More and more large in- not simply become an academic project where mercial development but also about some
ternational knowledge companies are being education institutions, the municipality and of the things that exceed the narrow limits of Preschool
attracted to the city. The most famous are companies just sit and talk. It should also be commercial interests. We have talked about So it starts in preschool. And that is a very
Microsoft and Novozymes. And Lyngby has something that creates added value and mean- education, for one thing – and not only edu- conscious choice in Lyngby-Taarbæk Mu-
a strong local commercial community that ing for our citizens,” says mayor Sofia Osmani. cation as it relates to the large educational nicipality, mayor Osmani explains:
attracts and retains citizens. institutions - but also education in relation
The City of Knowledge concept should to schools,” the mayor explains: “At kindergartens, we have different natu-
The umbrella for all this is called the City make an impact right down to preschool ral science projects. I have been out to see
of Knowledge and Urban Development, and on up through school and the educa-
tion system.
More and more large educational institutions have moved to the municipal-
ity, and they are cooperating with local schools.
“Not everyone can be an engineer. But no one should opt
out of natural sciences because they think they can’t do
the maths,” says Mayor Sofia Osmani
some of them. The educators are very good equipped – purely scientifically – the mayor results are better in the humanities than in tables. But how can we make teaching into
at teaching children eye-to-eye. They make believes: the technical, natural science courses. So: something children will think is fun? That
eggs disappear into bottles and play with How can we provide our teachers with sup- is very important. We are happiest at work
the children – within the bounds of natural “We have very highly skilled teachers, plementary training? How can we devise when we have tasks that are meaningful and
science,” she explains, adding: certainly, and they teach very well. However, some teaching courses that inspire the pupils that we can have fun with.”
when we involve the companies and their in another way?”
“Almost all children are interested in nat- knowledge in our classrooms, this gives the “It is also vital to point out that not eve-
ural science. Children are intuitively curious. teachers knowledge they would not neces- School ryone can be an engineer. But no one should
But at some point or another during their sarily have gained otherwise. And then we The mayor mentions a very tangible example opt out of natural sciences because they think
schooling, some children lose this curiosity. have an educational institution with just the herself. Nerd Days one year ago: they can’t do the maths.”
They think it becomes difficult. And when right knowledge,” she says:
something is difficult, it becomes boring, “It was a project that Danmarks Radio Natural science strategy
and you lose interest in natural science. That “If we really want to gear up, it must be originally made with Novozymes, where To put these words into action, the municipal
happens to a large number of children. If you everyday aspects of the teaching that should their ‘Big Nerds’ came out and made inspi- council has initiated work on a so-called
could do something in the intermediate stage be rethought. That is why we have joined rational shows. There were four different natural science strategy.
of school so that we could do something to forces with Engineer the Future, a confed- workshops. All our fifth grade classes had a
arouse the children’s curiosity rather than eration of companies in this field that is very day at the old agricultural museum, where “I am not a big fan of the long school days
stifling it, I think we would go far. We have interested in creating professional didactics the Big Nerds joined in and where the tutors introduced by the school reform. But now
also discussed this within the realms of the concerning natural sciences where you ob- were mainly students. Each course had a that we have them, they are a fundamen-
City of Knowledge: How can we make some serve how to teach technical and natural technical natural science angle. It was actu- tal feature. Some of these things can eas-
projects that achieve something else by re- science subjects in a good way.” ally just teaching in another way. We’d like ily be knitted into the supportive teaching.
directing the teaching?” to do more of this,” she emphasises: We have joined the Skolen i Virkeligheden
“If we can enhance teaching in the tech- (school in reality) portal, offering teachers
The teachers nical, natural science subjects, it will make “It’s a matter of sometimes making learn- a selection of corporate projects. The school
As well as retaining and stimulating school- sense to be a City of Knowledge – also for ing into play. That does not mean there reform means we must open up towards so-
children’s curiosity, teachers must be well the citizens. We have really good schools, should be no bottoms-on-seats teaching, ciety and adopt a different approach,” Sofia
and we have achieved some fantastic results. because you have to learn your multiplication Osmani concludes.
But we also have good raw material – and our
We will only
attract good
researchers if
we have good
frameworks and
unique facilities.
It is a competitive
parameter that
researchers have
good conditions
for exploring their
Claus Nielsen,
Executive Vice
President at the
Technical University
of Denmark
Hempel Kollegiet is preparing to house 200 students. The hall of residence will be complete ready for courses to start
We must be amonginAugust2017.Photo:JanJuel
the best in the world
The Technical University of Denmark (DTU) in Lyngby is means we must provide excellent courses, frameworks and unique facilities. It is an
releasing vast potential that was founded with massive excellent innovation, good advice for au- important and very crucial competitive
investments in the technical courses in the 1960s and 1970s, thorities and excellent research,” Claus parameter that the researchers have good
according to Claus Nielsen, Executive Vice President at the Nielsen explains. conditions for exploring their potential,”
Technical University of Denmark says Claus Nielsen, pointing out that the
Buildings worth billions good international rankings have a self-
By: Steen Trolle So when Executive Vice President at the This is the light that the on-going large perpetuating effect: It makes it easier to
Technical University of Denmark Claus expansion of DTU must be seen. During attract the right researchers, and that makes
Number one in the Nordic region, number Nielsen says “that’s a ranking we can live the period 2010-2020, about DKK 7 bil- it more attractive for students.
three in Europe, number 10 in the world. with”, it is a bit of an understatement. lion will be invested in campus buildings,
The Technical University of Denmark and several of the major investments will New hall of residence is important
(DTU) in Lyngby shot to the top when DTU is also doing well in other rank- be completed in the months to come. In Student housing helps to reinforce the in-
Shanghai Ranking ranked the world’s tech- ings. For example, the university is in sixth December, the new centre for Life Science ternational position. DTU expects each
nical universities earlier this year based on place in the world when it comes to co- and Bioengineering will open, uniting three student to spend at least 45 hours a week
their level within seven classical engineer- publication of research results with the institutes: Food, Vet and Aqua. In August, on studying. And since the engineering
ing disciplines. business community. the first employees moved into the new course is very experimental, many of these
DTU Biosustain, a multi-disciplinary re- hours will be spent on campus in Lundtofte.
The list was topped by three prestigious Yet, as Claus Nielsen highlights in an search centre for bio-sustainability, funded This requires a hall of residence close by,
universities Berkeley, MIT and Stanford, interview with Lyngby Future, it is also by Novo Nordisk Foundation. And during and the same is the case if DTU is to suc-
followed by universities in Switzerland, necessary that DTU places itself high in the year, a number of smaller renovation cessfully establish exchange programmes
China, Singapore and the USA. But if you the international benchmarks. DTU has projects will finish, including a new build- with foreign universities. It was therefore
examine the list a little closer, DTU is in passed a strategy about being a university ing for Photonics, i.e. research into light. an important building that was celebrated
second place in the categories of civil engi- of technical elite status, and that means the on 24 October this year. A topping out cer-
neering and chemical engineering. university must constantly improve. “If we are going to attract good inter- emony was held for the new Hempel Hall
“Being a university of technical elite status national researchers, we must have good
Hammocks, street
food and benches
boost campus life
DTU has been testing out pop-up environments to
create life in between the buildings at DTU
By: Steen Trolle / Photo: Jan Juel great success, both among students
and employees,” Line Juul Greisen
Have you walked past DTU in the from DTU’s developer organisation
middle of the day in sunny weather explains.
in recent months? Then you will have
definitely felt whisked off to Southern Some of the environments, in-
European climes. cluding the hammocks, have now
been taken down as winter approach-
On a trial basis, DTU has been es, but will be popping up again next
making different outdoor pop-up spring:
environments to create more life
between the many buildings. And it “We are continuing to test differ-
has worked. Hammocks and benches ent types of furniture and installa-
made of pallets are being put to good tions to strengthen use of the outdoor
use by both students and employees, spaces on campus and create life be-
and there have been queues at the tween the buildings. In the coming
street food stalls that have shot up year, we will be testing various things
in squares and other places. in connection with the forthcoming
light rail, which means more roads
“The pop-up environments were and areas will be transformed,” Line
set up in the spring and have been a Juul Greisen explains.
Claus Nielsen, Executive Vice President
at the Technical University of Denmark,
highlights that the foundation for the
university’s current strong international
position was created by the massive
investments in technical research in the
1960s and 1970s. Photo: Jan Juel.
of Residence, with room for 200 Danish But Claus Nielsen also reminds us that
and foreign students. the university’s current position is the
result of efforts over many years. Not
“A room in a hall of residence for a only recent construction work.
reasonable price is the precondition for
being able to engage in proper exchange “DTU’s position today is the result
agreements with the right universities, i.e. of the billions invested in the 1960s and
universities we want our students to at- 1970s in technical research in Denmark.
tend. We are therefore enormously happy Without the framework created back
that the Hempelfonden foundation has then, we would never have had the op-
been so generous,” Claus Nielsen says. portunity to bring the university to its
current position. Sometimes it’s a matter
Great potential of new buildings, but a lot depends on
We are sitting in the office of the Execu- releasing the potential already here due
tive Vice President at the Technical Uni- to the massive investments in creating
versity of Denmark, where a hard hat good research environments and build-
hanging on a hook by the door empha- ing them up over a number of years,”
sises the hectic construction programme. Claus Nielsen says.
DTU Biosustain – the Novo Nordisk Founda-
tion Center for Biosustainability is the world’s
first interdisciplinary research centre for
bio-sustainability. One of the centre’s main
goals is to bring about new knowledge to
divert current oil-based chemical produc-
tion towards bio-based sustainable produc-
tion. Here, chemicals will be produced using
biotech methods and microbial production
hosts – so-called cell factories
DTU Biosustain is the newest research centre at DTU. The centre researches cell factories
that can replace oil, rare plants and animals in the production of fuels, medicines etc.
New world-class research
centre in Lyngby
DTU Biosustain is the newest research centre at DTU. The cell variant. One of DTU Biosustain’s aims the high-tech laboratories and meeting and
centre researches cell factories that be used for sustainable is therefore to develop and design cell fac- office facilities, the building also contains
production of chemicals, medicines and nutrients tories that cost a fraction to develop and shared areas for DTU.
can be put into production in half the time.
By: Steen Trolle / Photo: Jan Juel This is where they will research the co- “We are looking forward to being a
called cell factories. These are microscopic, Will attract the best researchers more integrated part of campus life. We
Green and sustainable production of chemi- living cells designed to produce chemicals, Yet, to get that far, the centre must attract are also looking forward to experienc-
cals, medicines and nutrients. medicines and food ingredients. the best researchers in its field. And the new ing the advantages and synergies created
address provides ample opportunity for when we get geographically closer to the
That is the perspective for The Novo Today, the industry usually uses oil, that, according to Chief Operating Officer other institutes working with similar or
Nordisk Foundation Center for Biosus- rare plants or animals to produce chemi- Bo Skjold Larsen: complementary research areas,” Bo Skjold
tainability, usually referred to as DTU cals and medicines. However, with cell Larsen explains.
Biosustain, which has just opened on the factories, the production can easily be “The attractive facilities will promote
DTU Campus. maintained in a green and sustainable way the centre’s efforts to recruit the best re- In addition to the collaboration with
using biomass instead of oil. This blazes searchers and students from all over the DTU, Bo Skjold Larsen and his colleagues
The research centre has been based at a trail for sustainable production of e.g. world. We believe the new building consti- also enjoy close collaboration with leading
the Scion DTU science park in Hørsholm plastic bags, fuels, toys, cancer medicine tutes a formidable framework for accom- universities all over the world, including
for five years. But now the final touches are and food ingredients. modating a world-class research centre,” the University of California San Diego and
being added to 10,000-square-metre centre Bo Skjold Larsen says. the Joint BioEnergy Institute – both in the
in Lyngby, and the 200 or so employees are The cell factories are expensive to de- USA – Swedish Kungliga Tekniska Hög-
settling in to the new five-storey building, velop, however. It can cost up to USD 50 The building is designed with flexible skolan and Chalmers Tekniska Högskola
which will be the tallest at DTU. million to get from the idea to the finished laboratories and focuses on knowledge as well as KAIST in South Korea. Over half
sharing and collaboration. The latter also of the institute’s researchers come from
applies in relation to DTU. In addition to outside Denmark.
for foreign
Simply present your valid passport,
a national identity card or solid
proof of a foreign address
at the cash register.
(i.e. receipt for rent, national identification
card with an address, etc.)
* Applies only to residents outside of Denmark.
Selected departments excluded.
“Scion DTU is basically thousands of
purpose-designed square metres
especially created to support
high-tech companies,” says Steen
Donner, CEO of Scion DTU. Photo:
Ulrik Jantzen, Das Büro.
Science park
creates growth
80 per cent of the compa- panies with 500 employees share a joint environment also houses capital-intensive that deals with connecting small and me-
nies in the Scion DTU science reception, canteen, café and other facilities. investors,” according to the CEO of Scion dium-sized companies with researchers
park grew in 2015. Innovation Scion DTU also has a department at the sci- DTU, Steen Donner. from DTU. The project is supported by the
employees, mentor teams ence park in Hørsholm with 80 companies European Regional Development Fund, the
and collaborations with DTU and a department in Copenhagen with 50 A team of mentors Capital Region of Denmark and Vækstfo-
researchers are helping to companies. This amounts to Scion DTU The team of mentors is one of the most unu- rum Hovedstaden (a growth forum based
generate growth having about 3,150 employees divided up sual aspects about Scion DTU. There are 63 in Copenhagen).
among 245 high-tech biotech and hardware mentors altogether - famous business peo-
By Steen Trolle companies. ple, serial entrepreneurs and investors - who Together, they have pumped DKK 50
offer their assistance for free. And they are million into the project.
The huge campus area at the Technical Uni- And these companies are growing. Ac- linked with the companies in a very special
versity of Denmark has more to offer than cording to a new report, the companies way at large meetings attended by all the “By letting the companies cooperate in-
research and engineering courses. It is also at Scion DTU have experienced average mentors. Here the companies looking for tensively with some of the smartest techni-
the centre for a wide number of successful growth of 148 per cent over the past year, sparring make a pitch – a presentation – in cal brains in the world, we can help them to
start-up companies. and 80 per cent of the companies say they which they explain about their problems move themselves, their products and their
are experiencing growth. and challenges. Then the mentors offer to services many years ahead in development
Companies that have either grown out help if they think their skills match the terms,” Helle Nielsen-Elgaard, who is head
of DTU or have chosen to settle in the area Scion DTU is playing an active role in company. of the Smart Innovation project, writes in
because the large technical university with this growth. This is not simply shared office a press release.
thousands of students and world-class re- facilities. There is a team of employees who In this way, the companies get not just
search environments provides opportu- assist companies with innovation; there is one mentor, but a whole mentor team Specifically, the companies belonging to
nities in the form of networks, business a team of mentors to help with business custom-made for them,” Steen Donner the Smart Innovation scheme receive more
partners and knowledge. development; and companies are actively explains. than 500 hours of free consulting.
put into contact with researchers at DTU.
Many of these companies are based Smart innovation The 400 hours involve exchange of
in the Scion DTU science park. Here, at “We ensure that all companies have a Another initiative contributing to growth expertise with DTU, while Scion DTU’s
Diplomvej in Lyngby, a total of 115 com- network with other entrepreneurs, and we is Smart Innovation. This is a new project innovation consultants and business advi-
facilitate close cooperation with some of sors make available 45 hours of business
the world’s best researchers at DTU. The consulting and 100 facilitation hours for
the companies.
FACTS ABOUT Scooters for dolls will encourage
THE COMPANIES girls to programme computers
The company SmartGurlz at Scion DTU has developed a scooter
65% for dolls that will give girls more of a taste for technology
BELIEVE THAT SCION MAKES SmartGurlz. That is the name of one have jobs in the technological sector, Gurlz should equip girls with some
A POSITIVE CONTRIBUTION of the newest companies at Scion but there are still not many toys that strong role models.
DTU in Lyngby. And their product communicate this to girls,” Sharmi
TO THEIR GROWTH would make a great tech Christmas Albrechtsen explains about the back- SmartGurlz moved to Scion DTU
present for girls. ground for. two months ago. Sharmi Albrechtsen
76% explains why:
ARE LAUNCHING SmartGurlz is an advanced toy - a SmartGurlz.
NEW PRODUCTS doll’s scooter that can be programmed The scooter comes with an e-book “It was definitely the environ-
and controlled by a mobile phone app. of stories about dolls that represent ment that attracted us. And being
52% So girls can get their Barbies or Bratz different characters, all studying at close to the students and other tech-
ARE COLLABORATING dolls driving round in circles, doing a fictive technological university in companies provides access to lots of
WITH DTU figures of eight or whatever they want. New York. The idea is that Smart- knowledge and experience that we
can benefit from as a newly started
70% “Women are creative and often business,” she says. /trol
New disinfectant
can save lives
Scan Unic at Scion DTU has developed a solution for making Scan Unic a prime example of the
disinfecting hands with ozonised water. The solution collaboration between start-ups and DTU
was developed together with researchers at DTU researchers that is encouraged by Scion
DTU via the Smart Innovation project.
Every year, about 3,000 people die as a at Scion DTU in Lyngby, has developed
result of infections associated with ad- such a solution. It has developed a liquid “Smart Innovation has put us in con-
mission to hospital. Many human lives for disinfecting hands with ozonised wa- tact with researchers who have helped
can therefore be saved if a solution can ter, which is far more effective than nor- to develop the generator that ozonises
be found to reduce hand-to-hand infec- mal hand disinfectants. The new product water for disinfection purposes. And
tion at hospitals. has been developed in collaboration with this is the most important component
a number of researchers at DTU Energy, of developing the products,” according
Scan Unic, one of the 115 companies to Kenneth Francke, partner at Scan
Unic. /trol
Infection from hand to hand costs hundreds of
lives at Danish hospitals every year.
Now the Lyngby-based company Scan Unic
has developed a disinfectant that is far more
effective than other products on the market.
The office where
no one has an office
The digital workplace of the By: Steen Trolle / Photo: Jan Juel “I change between the second, third, fourth ing. Then visible leadership easily becomes
future is a reality in the and fifth floors every day and sit in different something very unnatural. Here, I feel very
centre of Lyngby. At Marianne Dahl Steensen and Charlotte places. In that way, I remain constantly natural when I’m with the employees,” says
Microsoft’s new office Mark are leading the two Microsoft compa- at eye-height with the employees, under- Marianne Steensen.
block on Kanalvej, the nies that have been sharing a head office stand what they are doing and can help
employees and managers since November 2015 in a brand new buil- them more easily,” she explains. 220 meeting rooms
are thriving, though they ding by Henning Larsen’s team of architects She experimented with the form in Mi-
have neither personal on Kanalvej in Lyngby. Yet neither of them She admits that it was ‘very hard’ to begin crosoft Danmark’s old headquarters in
offices nor permanent have an office, and the same is true for the with. Because although Marianne Steensen, Hellerup. But it felt a bit awkward. Now
workstations almost 900 employees in the two compa- who has been CEO of Microsoft Danmark it works because the 17,000 square metre
nies, Microsoft Danmark and Micrsoft since July 2015, would like to be a visible building on Kanalvej is designed to ac-
Development Center Copenhagen. leader, she had to push herself to sit in an commodate the new work forms, which
open room with different employees every is intended to promote collaboration and
Instead they apply a principle of activity day. exchange of ideas.
based working. This means that you work
somewhere in the building that suits the “Now I am used to it and really enjoy it. There are 220 meeting rooms of very
product or activity you are working on at It produces entirely different contact in- different sizes and designs, and each floor
the time. For Marianne Steensen, this means house than when managers practise visible has a shared lounge area – a hub – with
she moves around the building every day. leadership by walking round the building coffee tables, sofas, coffee dispensers, and
once a week and asking how things are go-
Microsoft in Denmark comprises
the Danish sales and marketing
department, Microsoft Danmark,
and Microsoft Development Center
Copenhagen, one of Microsoft’s
strategic development centres in
Microsoft Danmark is responsi-
ble for sales and marketing of
Microsoft’s products in Denmark,
Iceland, Greenland and the Faeroe
Islands. There are about 550 em-
Microsoft Development Center
Copenhagen designs business so-
lutions for the global market un-
der the name Microsoft Dynamics.
These involve software applica-
tions that can be used to support
all corporate processes. There are
about 300 employees.
There are 220 meeting rooms of various
sizes and designs. Each floor has a hub, a
lounge area where you can take a break,
work or hold informal meetings.
Marianne Steensen and Charlotte Mark,
CEOs of the two Microsoft companies in
Denmark, in the public cafe ‘Original
Coffee’, which is in the Microsoft building
and gives a glimpse of the IT giant’s new
office block, and where you can drink a
cup of coffee while experimenting with
Microsoft products.
Instead of going out and producing a PowerPoint Copenhagen, which was previously based were once permanent features of each of-
presentation describing our products, we can now in Vedbæk. fice have been moved to a central lab. Now
show a vision of how you can work in a modern, you call up a virtual server and can work
“Previously, much of our collaboration anywhere. At Kanalvej, at home or perhaps
digital company was by mail and Skype because meeting at a cafe in the city.
rooms were scarce. Now we can always find
Marianne Steensen, CEO somewhere to meet in person. And that pro- However, many people enjoy working
Microsoft Danmark motes much better teamwork,” Marianne at Kanalvej. The employees were deeply
Steensen says. involved in the process of decorating the
table football, for holding informal meet- of 12. So we had to meet in the corridor. building and love their new surround-
ings, relaxing and meeting colleagues from Now we are with the people we work with “I haven’t heard any complaints” ings. This is evident in the satisfaction
different departments. and therefore remain up-to-date on what is In Charlotte Mark’s part of the building, surveys conducted, and the management
happening,” explains Charlotte Mark, who people rotate less often because they are can tell:
“Before, there were two or three of us in is CEO of Microsoft Development Center highly specialised developers typically
each office, but we worked together in teams working together in teams of 10-12 on pro- “I have been involved in moving large
jects lasting four to six months. During that groups of employees at other companies
time, they are together, but like the rest of and I have never experienced anything as
the building, the developers are not tied to positive as this. There have simply been no
one particular desk. The main servers that complaints whatsoever. The funny thing is
that the building design means you don’t
“The building is cool and
makes teamwork easy”
have to be here. But we find people the most recent of Microsoft’s mod- Natascha Jensen, MACH student worker Damian Kowolczyk, Technical Lead
are here more than they were in the ern workplaces, Danish Microsoft
old building. Because they like it partners use the building for large at Microsoft Danmark, from Denmark: Engineer at Microsoft Development,
here,” Marianne Steensen says. meetings, and many tours have been
organised. “The building is really cool and makes it so from Poland:
“We all feel we have shares in the much easier to collaborate. For instance,
building because we all contributed “We had estimated 25,000 people there are coffee areas where I can meet The move to Lyngby was the best thing we
towards the interior decoration. As would visit during the first year but colleagues for an informal chat, there are could have done. The number of guests that
we usually say: Since we had to invest after ten months we have had 28,000. open spaces to work together with different I run into every day is more than I’ve seen in
so much in the building, let’s invest It has proved a fantastic opportunity teams, or I go to the smaller focus rooms our previous location in Vedbæk in a month.
in making it the employees’ build- for us to show what technology can for either Skype meetings or sitting and
ing. A place where they want to be do when designing a modern work- concentrating on writing or reading. We talk a lot about the shift to open-
and invite others inside,” Charlotte place,” says Charlotte Mark. space with focus rooms and how it enhances
marks explains. I commute from Copenhagen to Lyngby teamwork. Ideas now literally fill the air.
“Yes, and instead of going out and so I don’t spend much time in the area. Un- If you don’t believe me, visit our hubs. At
Plenty of visitors producing a PowerPoint presentation fortunately, the train is sometimes delayed the same time obstacles to collaboration at
And the world at large likes visiting describing our products, we can now but I hope that problem will be resolved over different levels have been removed as well.
too, we might add. Lots of people show a vision of how you can work time.” It’s easier to build bridges if the other party is
have popped in since it opened on 2 in a modern, digital company. It’s a within sight.”
November last year. Colleagues from case of ‘don’t tell, but show’, and that
outside Denmark have visited to see gives a totally different dialogue with
customers,” Marianne Steensen adds.
An open house in Frederik Kjer, Partner Support at Kostas Kastrinogiannis, engineering
the heart of Lyngby
Microsoft Danmark, from Denmark: lead at Microsoft Development,
Pop in and see the large meeting Lyngby,” say Marianne Steensen
rooms when passing Microsoft’s and Charlotte Mark, CEOs of “I like the place. It’s dynamic and inspires from Greece:
new offices on Kanalvej. You can Microsoft’s two companies in you. It’s also nicely located. There are some
park in the car park outside nor- Denmark. great things about activity-based work- “I am proud and excited about working in
mal office hours and enjoy a cup ing but there are also some challenges. It this place. Before, we were at a fairy tale
of coffee at ‘Original Coffee’, and For the same reason, Mi- depends what you work with and whether campus in Vedbæk – the grounds were
keep your finger on the pulse at crosoft has become actively you spend most of your time at the office amazing.
Microsoft’s hall and canteen on engaged in the City of Knowl- or whether you are out a lot, for example,
the other side of the café counter. edge and Urban Development with partners and customers. And some It was a lovely place but this campus is
organisation, where the IT gi- people are more ‘creatures of habit’ than far better for software development and
“The house visualises our ant has joined five of the seven others. So learning to change seats every teamwork.
strategy very well and shows the networks. Microsoft therefore day is something that takes time.
way we want to be as a company. regularly invites people to events The activity-based workspace works!
Our whole culture is about being in its new office block, and that is Lyngby is a great place, with plenty of Our work is full of interaction, whether
transparent. We can work with why DTU students and school- opportunities. It was nice in Hellerup too it is one-to-one, discussions in teams,
everyone, and want to be part of children are frequent visitors. but here we are a better integrated part of brainstorms or traditional meetings and
the city and we have this great coffee place there’s always a place that is well suited.
in the building where people can come in We have so many internal meeting rooms
from the street. I have friends who stop by that you don’t have to worry about wheth-
on a Friday afternoon and then I can get a er one is vacant.
cup of coffee with them for 10-20 minutes.
It gives you great flexibility.” I love Lyngby. It’s like a huge city in just
2 square metres. You can find everything,
a lot of beautiful natural spots and also
good shops.”
Maria Schell- FACTS ABOUT
helps Rebecca CODING PIRATES
with the final
touches. There The society’s objective is to encourage
are so many children and young people’s productive and
volunteers creative IT skills by holding weekly club nights
that it is al- and workshops, and by developing custo-
ways easy to mised teaching materials together with other
get help. That branches of Coding Pirates.
creates a good
atmosphere. The core of the society is a motley crew of
volunteers, including developers, teachers,
Children think programmers, researchers and entrepre-
neurs who all believe a society is needed that
helps children and young people wishing to
strengthen their IT skills and creativity.
So far, Coding Pirates has 35 branches in Den-
mark, all established during the past three
programming is cool
In just three years, ”Coding Pirates” has become a nationwide society with 35 branches - and it is
extremely popular. We joined in one Tuesday afternoon at Microsoft in Lyngby
By Signe Steffensen There are normally 1-5 children per adult, dously,” she says. But what exactly do you his motivation for signing up as a teacher.
so it is always easy to get help and sparring, learn at Coding Pirates. The children in the room are soaking up
Every Tuesday, after working hours, the and also fun for the volunteers.
average age of the people at Microsoft in ”The children become good at seeing knowledge as he explains, and headphones
Lyngby dips significantly. This is because Professional network opportunities. They can make mistakes and change hands as they share the latest beat
Microsoft provides the setting for a popular learn to correct their own mistakes so they with their fellow Coding Pirates.
local society called Coding Pirates. Maria Schell-Lonsdale from Coding Pirates work out what they can do and learn to use
is a trained multimedia designer and before and visualise their ideas, whether they are Rasmus Lindgren has worked as a vo-
The society was founded by Martin Ex- that, she worked as a teaching assistant for designing a game or an app,” Maria Schell- lunteer Coding Pirate for about a year and
ner, who grew up in Lyngby. As a recently eight years. Lonsdale says. enjoys working with others who are pas-
qualified teacher, he could see that schools sionate about technology and seeing the
were unable to shoulder the task of offering She explains that the volunteers sign Pay it forward children’s development and enthusiasm.
the necessary IT classes, and the concept of up because they love their field and enjoy
Coding Pirates was born. passing on their skills. At the same time, Siblings Jacob (10) and Rebecca (12) have Programming and robots
they become part of a larger professional been going to Coding Pirates in Lyngby
”We Danes are some of the world’s best network. Today, Coding Pirates has about since the branch began temporarily in The children are divided into different
users of IT and apps, but if we want to be 500 volunteers with all kinds of skills to CPHBusiness classrooms on Nørgaardsvej workshops according to their levels and
competitive in the future, we must be able draw on across the various branches. two years ago. interests. For example, here they are
to understand and become producers of IT,” working with the Scratch and Arduino
he said when establishing Coding Pirates ”Another awesome aspect is that no two Today, the two of them are attending a programmes or with robots and Lego
in Lyngby. branches of Coding Pirates are the same. workshop working with beats. Mindstorms.
That is because the teachers are very dif-
The idea behind the society is basically ferent and so are the children,” according Rebecca thinks the work involved in ”Our teaching is very open. As a volun-
that volunteers who are interested and skil- to Maria Schell-Lonsdale. making music is one of the most enjoyable teer, you contribute your ideas or particular
led in IT spend two hours on one evening a activities she has tried. interest. The children get a taste for lear-
week teaching children. However, all the branches share a similar ning new skills. They gain courage. They
passion for IT, regardless of where you are Rasmus Lindgren is happy to hear that. are making so much progress, it’s cool to
The children bring their own computers in Denmark. The Lyngby branch of Co- He is in charge of the beats workshop. see,” Maria Schell-Lonsdale says.
and attend various workshops that introdu- ding Pirates alone has 300 youngsters on Having worked in the IT business for 15-
ce them to everything from programming its waiting list. 16 years, he is now self-employed. He read However, she highlights that some of the
small easy games to music production. The about Coding Pirates in the local news- success is based on the favourable child-
volunteers choose what they want to teach, And for Maria Schell-Lonsdale, that is paper. teacher ratio and that the volunteers have
depending on their skills and interests. a source of great frustration. time to have fun, while the children are
”There was a touch of ’Pay it forward’ seen and heard.
This Tuesday, a good 25 children and ”There may be children on the waiting about it. I live just five minutes from Micro-
young people are at Microsoft in Lyngby. list who have extensive potential that is not soft, and thought I had something to offer,” It is not like school, where there is one
being realised, and that vexes me tremen- says Rasmus Lindgren, modestly describing teacher for each 24 children.
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The future will bring more experiences and a more personal customer experience, predicts Michael
Dupont. Photo: Jan Juel.
Welcome to Michael Dupont, store manager at
the department Magasin, receives a diploma for his
participation and presentation at
the IADS Academy Seminar 2016
“Flagship of the future” in Mexico
City. Photo: Private
store of the future
This summer, Magasin’s store manager in Lyngby, You have an appointment with a doctor or from three other of Europe’s largest depart-
Michael Dupont, took part in an international working personal trainer in the store’s special health ment stores, Spanish El Corte Ingles, Swiss
group that presented its proposal for a major department section, where there is a spa, fitness and health Manor and German Breuninger.
store anno 2025 to top executives for department experts; in the food section a cook will give you
stores from all over the world. Here, he unveils some good advice and perhaps help prepare the food The auditorium was packed with top
of the group’s conclusions you have bought. And when you order lunch executives from department stores all over
in the restaurant, you venture out onto the the world. They held a 45-minute presenta-
By: Steen Trolle in clothes, is ready to help when you walk large rooftop vegetable garden to pick your tion during which Michael Dupont and his
into the clothing department. She greets you own herbs – part of the department store’s associates described their predictions for
You step in the door and a big screen of- with some articles she has already selected concept of being 100% sustainable… how department stores would look in the
fers you a personal welcome. A minichip for you, and in the virtual changing room, future. Specifically, their task was: Describe
implanted subcutaneously or contained in you can see how the clothes suit you and at Reality could look like this when you how a flagship department store will look
your smartphone perhaps, has sent a signal the touch of a single button, change colours visit Magasin in ten years’ time. At any that reflects customer aspirations in 2025.
to the store, where they know your interests and patterns and add accessories. You can rate, scenes such as this are what Michael
and the big screen shows you offers and op- also contact your friend on the screen to get Dupont, store manager at Magasin, sees in Workshops in Paris and Madrid
portunities that will interest you. her opinion even though she is not there with his crystal ball when looking ahead to 2025. An intensive workshop lasting several days
A personal shopper, who knows your taste you at the store. preceded the presentation. Michael Dupont’s
And he has recently done just that. Dur- group met for the first time for a week in
ing the summer, Michael Dupont took part Paris, where they were based at Lafayette,
in a large seminar in Mexico City. While France’s largest department store chain,
there, he went on stage with representatives
Customers will “What do you think of this dress? A customer in 2025 in the virtual changing room contacts her friend for advice.
still need to visit
a real shop where
they can feel,
taste and smell
the goods they are
buying. However,
they should
have even more
experiences, and
we must move
even further in
the direction of
Michael Dupont,
store manager
at Magasin
With a single click, the customer changes clothes, colours and accessories. The illustrations are from the presentation held by
Michael Dupont and his group.
where they brainstormed and conducted was that I doubted you could make a profit in much more detail than is currently the “We have events in the store almost every
research focusing on the opportunities tech- without digitisation,” Michael Dupont says. case, when often it is more a matter of be- day – from food and perfume samples to
nology is expected to provide in the future. ing handed products customers have found competitions etc. Visiting us should pref-
Then they travelled to Spain, where they Personalisation themselves,” says Michael Dupont. erably be an experience, with customers
held a four-day workshop at El Corte Ingle’s He believes in a lot of the visions the group leaving here feeling they get more than they
training centre in Madrid. Finally, the group reached. He is “one hundred per cent sure” Personalisation is already well under way. come for,” says Michael Dupont.
met in Mexico City some days before the that there will be a market for department Some years ago, Magasin launched a personal
meeting with the many top executives to stores in ten years. But the department shopper to help with clothes and gift shop- “What do you think of this dress? A
add the final touches to their presentation. stores must be able to be more for more ping. This concept has now grown to four customer in 2025 in the virtual changing
people, according to him. permanent shoppers in Magasin Lyngby – room contacts her friend for advice.
“It has been a very hard work, but it has two personal shoppers, one lingerie shopper
also been incredibly interesting and a great “Customers will still need to visit a real and a beauty shopper. Up to Christmas, they With a single click, the customer chang-
honour to be permitted to represent Ma- shop where they can feel, taste and smell will be joined by a gift and house products es clothes, colours and accessories. The
gasin in a project like this. Our task was the goods they are buying. However, they shopper and together their revenue rounded illustrations are from the presentation held
to challenge the audience and so we went should have even more experiences, and we DKK 7.5 million in the recent financial year. by Michael Dupont and his group.
a bit overboard, e.g. with our description must explore even further in the direction of Michael Dupont expects this figure grow to
of digitisation. Far from everyone agreed. personalising the customer experience. For DKK 11 million in the new year. Customers will still need to visit a real
Some thought we went too far. One person that reason, employees will have to specialise shop where they can feel, taste and smell
said to me afterwards that he doubted dig- more in their fields. They must be able to Another area where the future is already the goods they are buying. However, they
itisation would make a profit. My answer describe products customers are requesting in full swing at Magasin is the shopping should have even more experiences, and we
experience. must move even further in the direction of
personalising customer experiences
Climate change
good for village ponds
The past and the future blend pathway lime The pond will also help drain the increased
together in Lyngby’s histori- trees amount of rainfall in recent years. Several
cal Bondeby, where a pond similar projects to drain local rainwater
is being re-established as a sand trap lime are currently under way in various areas
climate protection measure trees of the city. One, in Virumparken, involves
to cope with heavy rainfall establishing a small lake.
sand trap grass verge
Take a stroll around the charmingly asym- low pavement pavement The pond is intended both as a rainwater
metrical old half-timbered buildings in reservoir for reducing the load on the drains
Bondebyen and you’ll be stepping back in stones construction 1.5 lime in Bondebyen north of Peter Lunds Vej and
time. All that’s missing to complete the pic- trees as an area for recreational purposes. The
ture is a pond with ducks dabbling in the Bypass well stones surround- rainwater and wastewater will remain sepa-
water. And that is precisely what is coming. ing the pond rate so that if flooding occurs, water from
the sewers will not leak into Mølleåen, a
In spring 2016, the municipal council steps granite nearby river. The reservoir will be equipped
approved a project to establish a village sets with soakaway drain and a deep fascine
pond in Bondebyen. trench with stones that is large enough to retain sudden tor-
rential rainfall
Prevention against downpours grasses between
The project is based on more than a wish stones The plan is to build the pond in the sec-
to add the final water feature to the idyllic sand trap ond half of 2017, but work on the district
picturesque village. slope with plants pump lime heating system and light rail could cause
trees a delay until 2018. The overall local plan
proposal for Bondebyen is currently at the
raised grassy area consultation stage until 18 November. /Sig
See and read more about the village pond in local plan proposal 258 for Bondebyen.
This was Bondebyen’s village pond in 1890. The pond was once outside the southern part of Lindegården, but will now be re-established outside Lindegården’s northern part.
Enjoy art and culture
in Lyngby-Taarbæk
Lyngby-Taarbæk offers a lot of opportunities for you to enjoy a wide variety of
art and culture at the municipality’s two largest cultural institutions:
Oplev kulturtilbuddeneSophienholm Art Museum and the Central Library in Lyngby
Sophienholm Art Museum The Central Library in Lyngby
i Lyngby- Taarbæk–anexhibitionhallwith – a popular centre of culture
a view across Bagsværd Lake (right in the heart of Lyngby)
wSooprkhLiebynnyhgbobolmyt-hTAaarrattrisbMtæsusakenuKdmohmahnomdldiucsrnaeefxtbhpyibrdaitecstritopi-få gode muligheder for at opleve kunst The Central Library holds a wide variety of cul-
tural events such as lectures, concerts, theatre
oneros.g Skuoplthuirenfrhaolmforhsaksealligcaefévinasklwerelblå kommunens to største kulturelle performances, and much more. The Library ser-
flaorrgmeiannpscateritksuawtriohenehreeerldckoiunnnctshetremtssuuamsnemdeetthrSemaootprnehthiepsen.rh-olm og Stadsbiblioteket i Lyngby. ves as a cultural centre, where the town’s citi-
zens can get together for cultural events or just
for a cup of coffee in the library café.
Sophienholm Art Museum Entré: 65 kr. / 55 kr. studerende, TLiTnSi4Lyneht5yfafnlnoo.e9dgg@@7s4bbbCl3y5itly7bkteHkl.90idnHoo.07kdvttoeerkkv3daeeg7tladdL0gei0ab2d8rear2y8
pensionister, samt grupper over 10
NTsoeyplb.hr4SuSioe5odovpnspet8hhihjli8leoii4nnel4mhg0ne0o1hr@lmo0ll7tmakfa.rdrkanbiglelerderkunksutnnesrte- personer. Årskort 135 kr. Børn un- MFLHMrøoeia.rlnn.li11.–g-00dT-taaoh1g5rmues.:.rS–l1suø–170 p-1m6..
der 16 år gratis adgang. Sat. 10am–3pm.
BTEunaetnrskanool–ønggihSbnscoeåugeteklni:nude.nnDaa1shyftK1høssKatår:onemsrr1d6ov1–m5pæfa5.maormrprkkeuemr,–dreeen5.h.nvpToTmrehainlfuh.droebsclMrdya.gefoe1s-i n1L.aæcmslom–s7eerpedmp. å.
Studkeonntcse,rtperenosgioundeenrsd,ørasntdeagterro. upsStoafd1s0biobrlioteket i Lyngby
moreS:opDhKieKnh5ol5m. -CNhyilbdrorevenj 4u0n1 der 16V:eflbreeseø.gt kulturtilbud i midten af SSue nåb.n1in1gastmid–er3fporm.
Seas4o5n88ti4c0k0e7t: DKK 135. Lyngby B&TaaVanrikbruæhmkoBMliibdiklairoyotebski:blciolotesked
[email protected] Stadsbiblioteket byder på en lang
Find out more at www.sophiernæhkkoelmku.dltukrelle arrangementer Fpiånwdwow.ulytngmbyobirbe.dkat
Tirs. - søn. 11-17. Tors. 11-19. som foredrag, koncerter, teater,
Helligdage 11-17. Man. lukket. events og meget mere og fungerer
også som et kulturhus, hvor byens
borgere kan mødes om kulturen el-
ler over en kop kaffe i Stadscaféen.
Lyngby will have a total of seven light rail stations running from Lyngby Station (picture) in the south to Lundtofte in the north.
The light rail will have its
maiden voyage in 2023
The tram-style train project, which is currently out to tender, The dream scenario includes hopeful ex- 2018 or 2019. The first trip will be in 2023
spans 28 stations – seven of them in Lyngby – over 28 kilo- pectations of attracting more knowledge or 2024.
metres through nine municipalities from Lyngby in the north companies and knowledge environments
to Ishøj in the south. The work will start at the end of next that will generate up to 20,000 more jobs The light rail has created deep, political
summer with the maiden voyage in 2023 or 2024 - by which in the area. It is also anticipated that 4,000 splits not least in Lyngby-Taarbæk, where
time 10 years will have passed daily trips by car will be transferred to the the conservative mayor in office, Sofia
light rail, and that will mean fewer cars on Osmani, is actually in a minority.
By: Lars Schmidt began when politicians voted in its favour the roads and fewer car parks required.
back in February 2014, is expected to start The debate for and against has dragged
Lyngby and eight other municipalities have after the summer holiday next year and will To start next year on and continues to some extent to this day.
plenty of engineering work ahead of them therefore last up to seven years. Right now, the situation is that the bill for
before the tracks are in the ground and the the light rail project was finally passed The opponents have only one remaining
carriages in place to carry the first passen- And what will happen with Lyngby- before the summer holiday, and the ten- chance for the project to be cancelled. If the
gers from DTU (the Technical University Taarbæk at that point in the future? der round was initiated. This phase will budget does not hold after the tender round,
of Denmark) in the north to Ishøj Station be complete at the end of the summer of the project can be stopped.
in the south. In specific terms, Lyngby will have seven 2017, after which expropriations will be-
new light rail stations that will become fea- gin. At the same time, the contractors will Five-minute intervals
By 2024 at the latest – 10 years after the tures of the city and street scene. Probably begin moving the electricity, gas and water Eleven municipalities along with the Dan-
light rail legislation was passed – Hoved- most significantly in the city centre where installations that will otherwise impede ish government and the Capital Region of
stadens Letbane light rail is expected to Klampenborgvej will be closed to traffic to the building work. The engineering and Denmark are funding the DKK 4 billion
make its maiden voyage. The work, which make room for a station between Kanalvej building work will not start properly until project. DKK 1.3 billion of this will be spent
and Lyngby Hovedgade. on purchasing the train. Lyngby-Taarbæk
and Gladsaxe are the municipalities foot-
ing the lion’s share because these two mu-
Alignment S
Light rail station
Existing light rail station
Converter station
S Lundtoftegårdsvej
28 kilometres from Lundtofte in the north to Ishøj in the south. The trip will take The municipal council has now submitted suggestions for names fSor the light rail stations. This
about 56 minutes. is the route. The black areas are the stations – seen from above: Lundtofte, Rævehøjvej, Anker
Engelunds Vej – DTU, Akademivej – DTU, Fortunbyen, Lyngby Centrum and Lyngby Station.
nicipalities have most light rail stations. The carry a total of between 200 and 300 pas- km/h, but the average speed will be consi- When the tender round is complete next
two municipalities are each contributing sengers, which equals about four city buses. derably lower: 30 km/h. year, and the contractor has been selected,
7.5% of the total amount. the light rail company will begin expropri-
Average speed Seven local stations ating what is deemed necessary. This may
But what will Lyngby-Taarbæk get for its The light rail train will be 2.65 metre At the end of the summer, the seven local include front gardens, driveways, whole
money? Seven stations from Lyngby Station wide, 3.5 metres tall and 35 metres long stations were the focus of a competition to houses and buildings, gardens, parks and
to Lundtofte. and will receive power from a catenary name them. 23 different people, companies car parks.
system. and societies submitted a total of 71 differ-
The light rail will run alongside ‘ring ent potential names to Lyngby-Taarbæk During expropriation, the owner of a
road 3’ for a long way and will give the re- In Lyngby, it will take eight minutes to municipality. property must give up what is required in
gion’s citizens the chance to travel across the travel from the end station in Lundtofte to return for compensation.
entire Greater Copenhagen area. Lyngby Station. The entire trip from Lund- The municipal council then decided to
tofte to Ishøj will take 58 minutes. The trip send the following names on to Hoved- It is already clear that three plots of
The light rail will run at five-minute from Lyngby Station to Buddinge Station stadens Letbane: land on Buddingevej and the bike shop at
intervals during the day and 10-minute will last up to 10 minutes, and the trip from Lyngby Station will need to be completely
intervals at night and weekends. Most of Lyngby to Glostrup will last 35 minutes. Lyngby Station, Lyngby Centrum, For- expropriated, and similarly, the Circle K
the way, the track will be cut off from other The light rail will have a top speed of 70 tunbyen, Akademivej – DTU, Anker Enge- petrol station on Klampenborgvej is under
traffic. As it is electric, the light rail train lunds Vej – DTU, Rævehøjvej, Lundtofte. consideration.
will create very little noise. Each train will