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Volume 9 Issue 3. In this issue... Winter scenes preview. The pros and cons of club sports. Integrity with tests. The cost of vaping. Bring back net neutrality. Profile of Esther Wang.

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Published by MVHS Newspaper, 2018-01-25 16:16:59

The Stampede | February 13, 2018

Volume 9 Issue 3. In this issue... Winter scenes preview. The pros and cons of club sports. Integrity with tests. The cost of vaping. Bring back net neutrality. Profile of Esther Wang.


issue 3 | volume 9
february 13, 2018


21 08


2017 IN




Hailey Hagemaster STUDENT STRESS:

Zainie Qureshi


Nate Burleyson

Maddie Crabtree Chesney Wargo


Maddie Crabtree

GRAPHICS EDITOR STAMPEDE STAFF children’s lives in order to make sure
Kainin Blissett they are truly succeeding. But de-
GRAPHIC DESIGNERS High school students are constant- pending on the parent, and depend-
Kennedy Homan Isabella Gonzales ly faced with stress in many areas ing on the student, this extra pressure
of their lives. Whether it is a sport, is too much. Students do not need
PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR school, or a social life, high school to be constantly asked about school
Ethan Meyers students hold themselves to certain and their already stellar grades. Some
PHOTOGRAPHERS standards. We have constant worry parents can’t tell that their child is
about being able to juggle academics near the breaking point when they are
Brittany Coates Maddie Crabtree with extracurriculars, while some- continuing to drill them about the one
how still having a social life. The real B they got on a test.
Delaney Reed Aimee Leal question is not what causes all of
this pressure, but rather where is it In the eyes of some parents, their
HEADLINES EDITOR coming from? kid must be the best of the best. This
Chesney Wargo means having the highest GPA and
Depending on the individual getting into the most prestigious
HEADLINES REPORTERS person and situation, there are a college. Not all parents fit this stereo-
variety of answers. Most often the type, but there are enough to make
Thuy-An Nguyen Avani Shah pressure comes from ourselves. As students go crazy.
humans, there are expectations that
Laurel Westphal we set for ourselves that are not The surprising answer comes
always realistic. A student might down to our peers: the people who
THE SCORE EDITOR have had this dream that they were are always there and doing the same
going to a certain college and they exact things. How can we outrun a
Kellie Foy were going into a specific field, but highly competitive class? There is
the thing is, life happens. As we get not one or two stellar students, but
THE SCORE REPORTERS older, perspectives change and our around a hundred that are all com-
little childhood dreams are no longer peting for recognition. This is what an
Myra Bajwa Tyler Burleyson realistic. Getting into Harvard is not academically recognized school and
just getting straight A’s and a perfect district creates: envy. There is always
SPOTLIGHT EDITOR SAT. Colleges want more. going to be someone who is better
Connor Smith than you are, but it is hard for us to
The idea of wanting more is eating accept that. It is a constant compari-
SPOTLIGHT REPORTERS away at our generation. Students are son of test scores, grades, and GPAs.
Claudia Grzyb Abbey Malbon constantly doing more and taking How does this all go away?
on more responsibilities. Times have
Juthi Saha changed where we are only getting Finding the root of the problem
more involved to jack up our col- does not solve it. Now it is a matter
PROFILES EDITOR lege resumes. Most of these things of fixing it, which involves tolerating
Zyma Lakhani students are not truly enjoying, but what can’t be changed. There is no
instead doing just to say they are changing test scores or grades. In the
PROFILES REPORTER “involved.” real world, it becomes a matter of ac-
Tanvi Pant cepting all of the bumps in the road.
All of these responsibilities on one To high schoolers, this pressure will
PERSPECTIVES EDITOR student’s mind is enough to drive never end. Getting into that college is
anyone crazy, yet pressure keeps everything, until it’s not. Life goes on
Liam Sweeney building. Some helicopter parents and the pressure changes.
tend to insert themselves in their

Nate Burleyson Ryah Walker

Ben Weiss Brandon Yechout

Adam Page


Students prepare for the winter scenes performances. Photo by Ethan Meyers.


LAUREL WESTPHAL you may argue, family is family,” Meyers specific murder,” junior and director
said. Since this piece isn’t original, the Benjamin Read said. The 15 minute psy-
The Theatre Department will soon be script was cut down from its original chological thriller is described as “text-
back in full swing with four student di- length to fit the time frame in a way that book Victorian” by Read, with a heavy
rected Winter Scenes coming this month. still makes sense. While having to cut an emphasis on horror and 1800s horror
All of the work that is traditionally done entire script can be challenging, it can tropes. “I would say my favorite part
by teachers is handed over, resulting in also pay off in some ways. “Being able of the scene is the relationship between
everything from casting, cutting a piece, to cut my script helped me a lot with the narration of the “old butler” and the
and directing the show to be run by the re-writing papers in English and making actual actions being portrayed on stage,”
students themselves. edits to my essays in school,” Meyers Read said.
said, in regards to how directing benefit-
Aside from this change in direction, ting her student life. Lastly, senior Jenny Couch stands out
what sets Winter Scenes apart from nor- from the traditional play format, instead
mal plays or musicals is their length and On another note, these scenes don’t presenting an original musical titled
independent flow. At around 15 minutes shy away from important topics, as seen “Daydream”. The plot follows a woman
long each, the four scenes are not all part with senior Darby Sherwood’s “Two with Alzheimer’s disease, whose daugh-
of one larger story. Instead, each one Heads of a Hydra”. In this original ter uses her imagination to escape reality.
stands separate from the others, but they drama written by Sherwood, the gay These two characters are constantly told
run back to back. This showcase of talent purges that are happening in Chechnya to “get real,” but the show urges the dif-
lets the hard work of a variety of individ- are compared to the Salem Witch Trials ferences in perspective for each character
uals involved in theatre shine. of 15th Century America. Through Greek when they want to live in the moment.
Symbolism, this scene is supposed to All of the music was originally composed
Before you actually watch the scenes, highlight the reality behind worldwide by Couch herself. She started small with
here is a preview of what you’ll be see- injustice. “When deciding what to write, scraps of music, eventually connecting
ing. I thought about stories that I believe them together to form the soundtrack to
needed to be told. I realized that too few her musical. “I still keep changing and
For the first scene, senior Maddie people knew about the injustices going tweaking things every day, though,”
Meyers is directing a piece titled “Mak- on in Chechnya as we speak,” Sherwood Couch said.
ing God Laugh”, originally written said.
by Sean Grennan. The combination of To see these scenes in action, you can
drama and comedy centers around the The third scene is an adaptation of purchase tickets for the shows on Febru-
average American family through four “A Tell Tale Heart” by Edgar Allan Poe. ary 8, 9, and 10 at 7 pm.
decades; the 1980s, 1990s, 2000s, and “[It] focuses on a man’s re-telling of the
2010s. “It shows the ups and downs of reasons why and how he committed a
family life, and how no matter how much


FEBRUARY 13. 2018



DONALD TRUMP A gunman open fired into a concert 05
INAUGURATION: JAN 20 crowd on Sunday, Oct 1 on the Las
Vegas Strip in Nevada. The tragedy left
Donald Trump was sworn in as the 58 people dead and 546 people injured,
45th President of the United States with resulting in the deadliest mass shooting
Mike Pence as Vice President on Jan 20. the United States has seen.
President Trump is a part of the Repub-
lican Party and leads with the mantra, #METOO: OCTOBER
“Make America Great Again” and
“America First”. After allegations of sexual harassment
against Harvey Weinstein came out,
OSCARS BEST MOTION many other women started to speak out
PICTURE MIX UP: FEB 26 about their own experiences. Alyssa Mi-
lano took it to twitter saying, “If you’ve
During the 89th Academy Awards in been sexually harassed or assaulted
February, Faye Dunaway announced La write ‘me too’ as a reply to this tweet,”
La Land as Best Picture instead of Moon- and the responses were massive.
light, the actual winner on live televi-
sion. The mistake was not addressed HURRICANE HARVEY: AUG 17-
until three minutes after the stage was SEPT 3 AND HURRICANE IRMA:
filled with La La Land cast and crew. OCT 31-SEPT 11
Warren Beatty and Dunway were given
the wrong envelope which resulted in Category four Hurricane Harvey hit
one of the Oscars’ most shocking end- Texas in late August with a diameter of
ings. 280 miles with winds of 120 miles per
hour during its first landfall.This was the
SOLAR ECLIPSE: AUG 12 first major hurricane strike in Texas since
1970. It was estimated that about 30,000
North America experienced an people fled to temporary shelters during
eclipse of the sun on Aug 21. While this time. Similarly, Hurricane Irma,
the entire United States had witness Category four or higher, hit primari-
this rare event, only a thin strip of 14 ly Caribbean Islands but effect many
states witnessed the total eclipse which southeast states in the US. The aftermath
included southern Illinois. If you missed was devastating with a death toll of 73
last year’s solar eclipse you can catch the people and about 150 to 200 billion dol-
next one in 2024. lars in damages. With 130 miles per hour
winds, it destroyed 95% of Barbuda’s

Many NFL and other major league IPHONE X RELEASE: NOV 3
players such as Colin Kaepernick took
a knee during the national anthem Apple announced the release of their
in peaceful protest. The Take a Knee latest iPhone X in September scheduled
movement caused a division in opinions to hit the shelves at $999.99 in early No-
across the nation. vember. The newest technology includ-
ed facial recognition, which makes your
face a password, and wireless charging.
Additionally, it features retina display
and loses the old home button.


Alec Marquardt prepares his dive into the water during a team practice early in the season. Photo by Ethan Meyers



TYLER BURLEYSON freshman and sophomores,” Marquardt accomplishment, but Marquardt is hun-
said. gry for more.
For most student-athletes, the season
ends at the DuPage Valley Conference As a sophomore, he was the only male “I can’t get stressed out during the
meet. But for the few elite, that time is competitive diver on the swim and dive State meet. When everybody’s watching
extended into IHSA Sectionals and State team. He started the year alongside a you and only you, you get stressed. You
competitions of which senior diver Alec new coach, Donna Scovill. have to pretend it’s a practice, and if I
Marquardt is no stranger to. do that I think I can come top 16 [in the
“A good diver-coach relationship is al- state].”
Marquardt started diving competi- ways really important because you need
tively his freshman year. As a newcomer a lot of trust to get you to throw some The only upperclassman on the diving
to the sport and one of two athletes on crazy dives,” Marquardt said. team and sole returning State diver car-
his team, he was eager to learn from his ries the legacy of his own and the pro-
coach and his teammate. “When I was The confidence needed to take risks gram’s success on his shoulders.
a freshman, Connor Cast was there and is a large component of diving, and the
he was good. I always looked up to him, accompanying pressure is nothing new A leader for the rest of the team and
and I hope I can be that for the rest of the to Alec. a committed competitor himself, Mar-
quardt is serious about leaving his mark
06 / THE STAMPEDE His junior year, Alec qualified for this postseason.
State, placing last. Qualifying was a huge

FEBRUARY 13, 2018



KELLIE FOY Student Emma Holtan competes for the Metea Valley and Waubonsie co-op gymnastics team
using Neuqua equipment. Photo by Delaney Reed
Time after time, athletes have had to
balance the stress between sports and STUDENT ATHLETES
academics. Some of those same athletes ADAPT TO SHARING SPORTS
participate in both a club sport and FACILITIES WITH OTHER TEAMS
school sport. A club sport is an out of MYRA BAJWA time we got home it was really late,”
school sport that is organized for athletes senior bowler Bhavya Jayashankar said.
who want to further develop their skills. After school, most athletes go straight
to the locker rooms to get ready for prac- Many of the facilities used by our
In the midst of balancing academics, tice or a game. They throw their back- teams are also shared with other schools
personal comitments, and other extracir- packs into their athletic lockers and talk and clubs. The bowling team has limited
riculars, club sports can often get in the with their friends in the comfort of their space to practice due to overcrowding
way of school. own school. at Fox Bowl. The gymnastics team also
shares the gym with the Neuqua gym-
Participating in a club sport comes However, for some sports, this is nastics team, further limiting practice
with sacrifices that could potentially simply not the case. Some teams, such as time.
include having to miss school for out of gymnastics, bowling, and indoor track
state tournaments. The question is, can a have to travel to other schools and facili- “We couldn’t practice because Neuqua
club sport cause an athlete to fall behind ties daily in order to practice after school. had a home game, so we’ve had to miss
in the classroom? practices because we share the gym with
Inevitably, the time needed to travel to them and it’s inconvenient for both of
Depending on what club team that other schools and set up eventually cuts our teams,” sophomore gymnast Thera
athlete is on, having to miss school could into practice time. The girls’ gymnastics Bowen said.
be more common. While sports and team travels at least 20 minutes to prac-
academics are both time committing and tice at Neuqua, making for 40 minutes of It is unreasonable to expect schools
time consuming, one might have that dif- lost time due to the time needed to drive to have equipment for every sport, and
ficulty in the classroom if they’re missing there and back. Bowling faces similar schools are not expected to have fully
“too much” school. issues, and has even had to miss events functioning bowling lanes or gymnastic
due to the weather and difficult driving gyms.
While not every club sport requires an conditions.
athlete to miss school for tournaments, However, when comparing Metea’s
it can be inconvienient to keep up with “Last year, we had some incidents amenities to Neuqua’s gymnastics gym
the classwork. However, having to put where we had to travel far and it was and Waubonsie’s indoor track, it is clear
school before a sport can help prevent snowing. We were delayed and by the that our athletes got the short end of the
procrastination. stick.

“Balancing club sports with academ-
ics is tricky, but my dad always taught
me that academics always comes first,”
junior Natalie Ollée said.

Because of having to travel for out of
state tournaments, most athletes might
be found having to work harder in class
and study more outside of the clasroom.
Many athletes in club sports may have
that same mindset as Ollée when it
comes to priorities.

As a result, athletes have not only
had success in their club sport but have
gained much responsibility inside and
outside the classroom.

“I always tell myself that if I stay
ahead of my academics then I’ll be able
to focus a little bit more on sports,” Ollée



08 / THE STAMPEDE Graphic by Kennedy Homan

FEBRUARY 13, 2018


ABBEY MALBON & JUTHI SAHA they are potentially setting themselves “We, as a school, try to get you guys
up for a future of chronic stress and thinking about integrity and saying,
Cheating, whether on tests, during chronic illness.” ‘I’m not helping this student who just
relationships, or life in general, has asked me for their homework, but what
become a societal norm throughout In addition to high personal stress I should be doing is tell them to talk to
history. For example, the phrase “money levels that students set personally, they a teacher,’” Social Studies department
cannot buy happiness” has been popu- are also susceptible to experiencing stress chair Donald Pankuch said.
larly denounced throughout our society, from outside sources such as teachers,
yet several public opinions still state the work environment, friends, and family. Trust between teachers and students
opposite. Today, money can arguably Starting conversations about dealing is very important, but there is a certain
buy you political pull, socio-economic with stressors within the school environ- extent in which students sometimes
stability, and even to some extent “hap- ment may benefit a greater part of the exceed. At times, the student may think
piness”. student body and could single-handedly the teacher is against him or her, but in
impact the popularity of turning to cheat- reality, the teacher wants the best.
However, for most high school stu- ing as a form of success.
dents, money isn’t how they choose to A teacher’s confidence in a student can
“cheat the system”. In recent months, Discipline has always been in place for also be something students take advan-
there have been several cheating scandals students who have decided to resort to tage of, which can be detrimental to the
that have occurred within our school. cheating, but taking preventative mea- student’s situation. Cases like these may
sures to make sure students don’t feel as not cause concerns now, but following
Through a wide spectrum of cours- though they can’t succeed without cheat- the same path can lead to problems in
es and differing methods of cheating, ing haven’t always been available. future careers.
students school-wide are exposing stolen
materials to attempt at advancing aca- “Teachers and administrators can “I think we trust students to make
demically. help limit opportunities by making sure good decisions, but sometimes the stu-
materials are kept secure and will often dents think we are the enemy or against
With the constant advancement in create different exam forms to discourage them, and it becomes a game of outdoing
technology, students are always exposed sharing of answers. As a school, we have the enemy,” Pankuch explained.
to new methods on cheating. In the past, to continue to teach and develop integ-
students have been found installing rity in our students, so that the thought Integrity has been enforced in our
keystroke devices within their teacher’s or temptation of academic dishonesty school every day, using acronyms such
computers and stealing confidential is immediately dismissed,” junior Dean as the LIFE statement as a foundation of
information. Mathew Walpole said. our belief system. Some think that there
is a difference between stealing test or
It seems that as time has progressed, One-on-one student relationships copying someone’s homework, but in
students’ hunger for cheating has only may also trigger academic dishonesty reality, there really are no differences
grown. So where is the line drawn be- incidents. If a friend asks you to copy between them. Whether it’s copying a
tween copying down a five-point home- your homework, as a friend, you may five-point worksheet or stealing a test
work assignment and stealing a final think you owe something to him or her. from a teacher’s hard drive, the line
exam from a teacher’s hard-drive? This peer pressure may lead to serious crosses when you participate in academic
consequences in the future, and create a dishonesty.
Many students are torn between domino effect with careers or situations
which route they should take when in the future. “Whether I steal a test because nobody
integrity meets success. According to a is looking, or I copy somebody’s home-
2014 study conducted by USA Today, The idea of integrity has been repeat- work when nobody is looking, I give up
more than 27% of high school students ed countless times at our school. Howev- integrity,” Pankuch said.
interviewed say they experience high lev- er,when students make poor decisions, it
els of stress throughout the school year. reflects not only on them, but the school Integrity is hard. However, it enforces
This same study also suggests that “with as a whole. Students think they are a set of morals we must follow everyday.
teens mirroring adults’ high-stress lives benefitting from sharing answers, or even It gives us a sort of dignity, and some-
tests, but they should be instead helping. thing we carry outside of our school’s






BEN WEISS typical plot, and in those particular sto- as inspiration simply for being disabled
ries, more focus on the average person’s is objectifying them,” junior Abi Brad-
As a wider awareness of the mentally growth. Rarely does somebody with a shaw said.
disabled comes to light, we have seen a disability have the spotlight or show any
tremendous amount of representation significant development. There is an obvious lack of under-
for those with disabilities. Many films standing of special needs in the media.
over the past few decades have made Also, many of these characters have Many writers and directors have stud-
efforts to represent disabilities to the best their disabilities exaggerated and are ied and done research on people with
of their abilities, whether that be autism, usually on the lower functioning side. disorders, but the vast majority of them
down syndrome, etc. Movies like “For- Often times these characters are seen as don’t have any prior experience based on
rest Gump” and television shows like incompetent and dependent on other the mainstream media depictions. When
“The Good Doctor” have reached a larger people, making poor decisions due to a film or show properly portrays the
audience and creators are attempting to their disability. In an episode of “Glee” disability, it can leave a lasting impact on
make films that further represent special titled Shooting Stars, a girl with down an audience. Many people can learn facts
needs. However, progress is different syndrome finds a gun in a coaches locker. from these movies, whether negative or
from positive change and much of our The episode not only makes people with positive, and they can teach them more
media holds onto stereotypes for the down syndrome look bad, but it makes about the world around them. It shows
mentally disabled. her actions a bigger deal than a school that people who are disabled exist and
shooting or the fact that somebody had a have their own issues to deal with. The
“There’s some room for improve- gun in the first place. In fact, many film- movie “Forrest Gump” showcases the
ment, but if done properly it can leave a makers use the notion of special needs most realistic depiction of somebody
lasting impact,” special education teacher to pull at the heartstrings and be inspi- who is mentally disabled, showing his
Meghan Manley said. rational without writing a compelling perspective on the world and having
character. An older example comes from realistic quirks that aren’t overplayed.
Stereotyping of the mentally disabled the movie “The Exorcist 2: The Heretic”. Displaying realistic views of characters
remains prevalent in the media we con- In an attempt to be progressive and edgy, who are disabled is needed in order to
sume. Much of the media portrays them the young girl characther is created in further accept these individuals into our
as defined by their disability without an early effort to represent autism. It not society.
much character depth beyond that. This only misses the mark (all the girl does is
portrays a simplistic viewpoint that stutter and act silent), but it’s made more “[Portrayal] really depends on the
treats those that have mental disabilities insulting by the lead character, who at sensitivity in which it’s approached. Is
without much dignity. In fact, many this point has satanic powers. She uses it approached with care or is it done just
pieces of media show them as supporting her abilities to cure her autism, which for ridicule? Media has a great impact on
characters for an outsider to play off of, treats her disability like an illness and a society because that’s where we get our
and the main character treats the spe- burden. information a lot of the time. The vast
cial needs character with disrespect and majority of us don’t have experience with
annoyance at the start, yet they do grow “[Filmmakers] objectify the people mental disabilities, so where we have
to appreciate them throughout the story. rather than treat them as people. Talking that exposure can happen in the media,”
Films such as “Rain Man” and “What’s down to people with different abilities is special education teacher Matthew Wol-
Eating Gilbert Grape” show this stereo- very stereotypical as well as the fact that ski said.
they’re inspirational. When we treat them

FEBRUARY 13, 2018




For the young person trying to start Seniors Vikas Sharma (left) and Thimira Bandara (right) founded Offbeat as sophomores.
his or her’s own business, an obvious Photo by Isabella Gonzales
route exists in t-shirts.
clothes produced for major retailers mascot, Fresco the Astronaut.
Metea Valley is no stranger to stu- and sell them in bulk for cheap. It’s an That symbol is more than surface
dent-run clothing brands; sometimes, it effective way to make sure they don’t
seems like anyone can slap a logo on a buy into the cycle of fast fashion, living level. “There’s going to be this astronaut
t-shirt, call Custom Ink, and make them- instead off of the fringes. [as part of the brand] that’s going to
selves some pocket change and a fair bit different aspects of nature,” Sharma said.
of clout. But that’s not enough. In the future, That’s one concept they’re exploring with
Offbeat is going to leave the fast fashion this release.
However, for seniors Vikas Sharma cycle entirely.
and Thimira Bandara, their clothing The forest greens and navy blues
brand (Offbeat) is more than that: it’s an “We’re working towards making a picked for the newest line are important
opportunity. system that’s 100% environmentally colors in nature, colors that usually rep-
friendly, which doesn’t exploit humans resent life and vitality.
Inspired by Phi Concept, a brand or the environment,” Bandara said.
produced by alumni, the co-founders of That’s how Offbeat stays true to their I’m told the astronaut is also a very
Offbeat have a strong concept behind message. deliberate choice. “People are like, you
their brand, one that influences all of can’t go to the moon, what the heck?”
their decision making. The brand sells t-shirts and long Bandara said.
sleeves on their website (offbeat-apparel.
“What we stand for is people who com). Their next line of clothing drop- All jokes aside, Offbeat has been
want to pursue their passion or some- ping will be a series of blue and green growing since it’s conception, and the
thing they love. That’s what Offbeat hoodies adorned with their unofficial co-founders have no plans on stopping.
stands for to us, and the more we get into
this the more we want to portray pur-
suing your passion,” co-founder Vikas
Sharma said.

They live that message out every
day through their commitment to the
environment. Repulsed by the mod-
ern, wasteful trends of fast fashion, the
co-founders do heavy research into
where their prints come from.

Most clothing today is produced in
sweatshops in incredible quantities, sold
at the lowest prices possible. Often that
means workers are underpaid and mis-
treated. Bandara and Sharma want to put
an end to that.

Currently, Offbeat purchases its blank
clothes for printing through wholesale,
secondary sources.

These companies get rid of excess




The vaping phenomenon has exploded this year. As
students get a fix off a Phix, questions remain: Where

are they getting them? Why are they doing it?


I came into first period on a Monday, friend purchase it from a shop. That We spoke off and on the record with students wh
turned on the computer, and quickly no- anecdote seems to capture the average local stories about the inner workings of vape cu
ticed something out of place. Connected to experience.
my computer was a keyboard, a mouse, a cigarettes. Different vapes have different
power cord, a monitor. In a 2016 report, the United States levels, but almost all will have nicotine.
surgeon general called attention to the
And a JUUL charger. increasing popularity of youth e-cigarette For ex-smokers moving to vaping to
There’s nothing unique about my ex- use. Beyond addiction, the report stated help combat their addiction, it’s more
perience: everyone has a story about vape that nicotine “can harm the developing often used to fuel it. “I started smoking
clouds in the bathrooms, pods-for-sale by adolescent brain.” cigarettes when I was 14 years old, and I
the locker banks, or pens charging off of knew it was bad for me. I watched one of
a Chromebook. Rumors swirl, but unlike Almost everyone is aware of the health my friends get lung cancer because of it….
most drugs, many students don’t feel like risks of traditional smoking, and while [I vape] everyday. At least once an hour.”
they need to whisper. vaping is an excellent alternative, that Donna said.
Part of that is because many seniors can doesn’t make it safe. We asked everyone
buy and use JUULs, Suorins, and other we talked to if they, as users or dealers, According to the United States Na-
e-cigarettes legally. You have to be 21 to thought vaping could serve as a gateway tional Library of Medicine, nicotine use
buy one in Naperville, but in Aurora any- to other, more dangerous addictions. The separate from tobacco is commonly associ-
one 18 or older can pick one up. harmful addictive effects of nicotine can’t ated with increased risk of cardiovascular
But that’s less than a fourth of the be argued with, but some claim there’s and other disorders, weakened immune
school. So where’s everyone else getting an association with harder drugs. “I think systems, and ill impacts on reproductive
their fix? they’re after a buzz. It feels good for health. These factors lay on top of the
five minutes or less. I think that’s a bad constant effect of addiction. “Without
Several people we talked to bought thing because it can definitely escalate,” [nicotine] I get very anxious, agitated,
their vape from an older friend. Some- junior Donna said, who’s name has been irritated, so my body feels like it needs it.
times that friend bought it from someone changed for this story. And so does my mind,” Donna said. This
else, old enough to purchase the supplies experience is brought on by cigarettes and
legally. The price of the vape and any Most companies and shops selling vapes alike.
refills are inflated the more hands it passes vapes market themselves as tools to quit
through. smoking. For former smokers, reducing
their daily nicotine intake can be a valu-
Oftentimes, it’s not a big deal. One able tool for quitting; however, for those
student we spoke with purchased a Suorin who start vaping without ever having
from an 18-year-old friend. He paid his smoked, there’s a strong risk of addiction.
friend the cost of the vape and had the According to JUUL’s website, a single pod
has the nicotine content of a full pack of


FEBRUARY 13, 2018




ho use, buy, and sell vapes, juices, and pods. We explored the effects of nicotine on youths as well as 30% OFTEENSWHO
ulture. Graphic by Kainin Blissett. USE E-CIGS WILL

We had the opportunity to speak with shops because they aren’t 18,” Robin said. 70% OF TEENS HAVE
an individual who buys, sells, and trades Until the user turns 18, they’re forced to BEEN EXPOSED
vapes on the side. While it’s doubtful that find people like Robin who can buy for TO E-CIG
this is representative of the average expe- them. This can mean quite a large mark- ADVERTISING
rience, it is a story worth sharing. up.
Data from the National Institute on Drug
Robin, a senior, who’s name has been While researching this article, we both Abuse. Creative Commons photos by
changed for this story, claims to have heard rumours about smoke shops sell-
taken over a friend’s job selling vapes to ing either directly to minors or with the Rajesh Misra, Max Pixel, John Silver, and
primarily underage users. That includes knowledge that the purchase was made Blue Vape Pen.
the initial purchase as well as any addi- for a minor. While we can’t speculate on
tional pods or juice refills that any nicotine specifics, we can give Robin’s anecdote.
addict will need. “It’s usually a 14 or 15 She claims to have about three or four
year old kid who wants to try it. Usually shops in the area that will fill large orders
they don’t really have a lot of money, for her. Robin prefers to buy from one
so I do a lot of trades. They have lots of shop in order to get better deals on mass
playstations and stuff like that. I just meet purchases, as well as a sense of trust and
up with them, show them how everything security. Under the Prevention of Tobacco
works, make the trade,” Robin said. Use by Minors and Sale and Distribution
of Tobacco Products Act, any retailer
More often than not, initial customers caught selling directly to a minor faces
become return visitors. “A lot of them will fines; this extends to any person distribut-
stay talking to me, buy juices or whatev- ing to minors.
er because they can’t get them from the
continued on next page



A Metea student demonstrates usage of a vape accessory, reflecting the vape fad popularized in recent years among teenage students.

“I can easily make four or five deals with kids, I can make four or
five trades or sales even within a five mile radius. There’s no short-

age of kids looking to get vapes,” Robin said.

contiuned from previous page This creates several moral dilemmas. friend selling one pen or mod to another
There are people who vape that are op- in good faith, with the worst possibility
Now this all seems relatively safe. posed to these substances, yet by obtain- being nicotine addiction. But for some, it
Vaping may be bad for you, but at least ing vapes through such sources, they will requires buying their Phix from a dealer
it’s not smoking or hard drugs. However, be inadvertently supporting the purchase who could mark up prices drastically,
many of those who deal vapes, like Rob- and use of them. Even those that aren’t possibly get their vapes from an illegal
in, also deal in drugs like marijuana and against the usage of such substances still source, and may even be involved in
prescription drugs such as Xanax. have to accept that what they are doing is worse practices. And that is just the truth
funding much more illegal and danger- of the matter: it’s the real cost for a easy
“Through hanging out at vape shops, ous activities. hit of nicotine.
buying and selling, trading with people
who do this as their business, there does So in the end, that’s what vaping Now the real question is: are you
tend to be a connection between these really costs. Most of the time it’s just a willing to pay it?
people and some harder stuff,” Robin


FEBRUARY 13, 2018





HOLDING UP THE UNIVERSE A few books to read to celebrate the Valentine’s Day season. Photo by Brittany Coates
“Will Grayson, Will Grayson” follows the numerous awards since its publication,
Jack Masselin hides behind his charm lives of two boys from Illinois that cross including the Lambda Literary Award,
and seemingly perfect life, when in real- paths on an adventure in Chicago. One the Stonewall Book Award, the Amelia
ity he can’t even recognize his girlfriend. Will Grayson (from Evanston) lives in the Elizabeth Walden Award honor, the Pura
He can re-engineer and rebuild machines shadow of his flamboyant and theatrical Belpre Narrative Medal, and the Michael
from scratch, but has to hide the fact that best friend, Tiny Cooper. Will struggles L. Printz Award.
he can’t seem to piece together the faces to accept love and growing up in his life.
of those around him to be recognizable. The other Will Grayson, a closeted boy ALMOST MIDNIGHT BY RAIN-
Libby Strout is a face no one can forget. from Naperville, learns to forgive and BOW ROWELL:
After having to be cut out of her own move past the hardships he has faced in Rowell brings back the lovable character
house because of her weight, she was his life with the help of his new found writing that she first displayed during
coined “America’s Fattest Teen.” How- interpersonal relationships. her previous novels, “Fangirl” and “El-
ever, Libby is healthier now, and has a eanor and Park”. “Almost Midnight” is
healthy and optimistic attitude to start ARISTOTLE AND DANTE DIS- compiled of two short stories that circle
her first year at a real high school. The COVER THE SECRETS OF THE around New Year’s Eve: “Midnights”
unlikely two meet through a cruel prank, UNIVERSE BY BENJAMIN ALIRE and “Kindred Spirits”. “Midnights”
and get to know each other through SAENZ: depicts the story of Noel and Mags,
school counseling and community ser- who meet at the same New Year’s party
vice. “Sometimes when you meet some- Following the story of two polar oppo- and fall a little more in love each year.
one, it changes the world, theirs, and site teen boys that meet in a swimming “Kindred Spirits” is about two Star Wars
yours,” author Jennifer Niven said. pool. Aristotle is an angry teen, while fans who meet at the movie theater while
Dante is a “know-it-all”. Together, these watching the movie. A favorite among
EVERY DAY BY DAVID LEV- “Mexican-American loners” learn to find her fans, Rowell’s book has received
ITHAN: their place in the world. An unlikely love praise for it’s “adorableness” and lovely
begins to blossom throughout the novel accompanying illustrations by artist,
Read “Every Day” before you see it in as both characters navigate the hardships Simini Blocker.
theaters on February 23. The book is nar- of ethnic identity, sexuality, and family
rated from the perspective of a character relationships. The book has received 15
named A, who is a mysterious and gen-
derfluid spirit that wakes up in someone
else’s body every morning. A does their
best to fulfill the regular day of whose
body they are in that particular day.
They make sure to never interfere with
their host’s life. That is until A meets Rhi-
annon, the girlfriend of the boy’s body A
happens to inhabit that day. From then
on, A does their best to find Rhiannon
every day from wherever they happen to
wake up.


Co-written by Green and Levithan,



FEBRUARY 13 , 2018

BRANDON YECHOUT remains humorous nearly one hundred film, and it’s at the very least deserv-
years later. If you’re planning on watch- ing of its status as an American classic.
THE GOLD RUSH (1925): ing this film, though, be sure to watch Brando’s rating? Three-and-a-half out of
Charlie Chaplin’s “The Gold Rush” a restoration of the 1925 original, and four stars.
not the 1942 re-release. Brando’s rating?
depicts Chaplin’s famed Little Tramp Three-and-a-half out of four stars. CHINATOWN (1974):
character as a prospector during the Roman Polanski’s “Chinatown”
Klondike Gold Rush, as he struggles to CASABLANCA (1942):
make a living for himself in the harsh Michael Curtiz’ “Casablanca” tells the follows private investigator J. J. Gittes
tundra of the Alaskan mountains. Along (played by Jack Nicholson) as he goes
the way, he finds himself infatuated with story of the Moroccan town of Casa- through the motions of what at first
a beautiful young woman named Geor- blanca during the Second World War; appears to be a fairly routine case. He is
gia, and attempts to win her affection specifically, of the happenings of a small hired by a woman claiming to be Evelyn
while searching for gold. cafe called Rick’s Cafe Americain. Rick, Mulwray, who requests that he trail her
the cynical owner of the cafe (played by husband, as she suspects him of adul-
First, I should note that this was Humphrey Bogart), unexpectedly crosses tery. The mysterious and sudden death
actually my first experience with any paths with an ex-lover, named Ilsa, of Mulwray’s husband, however, sends
of Chaplin’s films. As such, I went in amidst rising political tensions regarding Gittes spiraling deep into a valley of
with high expectations, and I must say, a fugitive that takes refuge in Casablan- corruption that, as he discovers over the
I was not disappointed. Much of the ca. This sends Rick into a fierce internal course of the film, is more sweeping and
comedy was delightfully funny; if ever conflict between what he feels for Ilsa, paramount than he could have possibly
it was even the slightest bit unfunny, it and what he believes is right. imagined.
was always at the very least charming.
There are some spectacular setups in the The film is considered by many to be I thought that this was an exceptional
film, the most famous of which is that one of the finest ever created; I certainly noir that, with its unexpectedly dark
of a log cabin teetering on the edge of a enjoyed watching it, but I’m not sure ending, cemented itself in my mind as
cliff, with the Tramp and his companion that I would go that far. I found it to be a great film. Nicholson, of whom I have
trapped inside. I was somewhat under- a well-composed and well-acted film, always been a fan, delivers an excellent
whelmed, though, with the film’s lack with the addition of meticulous lighting performance here, as does Faye Dun-
of emotional impact. Before my initial and noir stylings making for an espe- away, and even director John Huston,
viewing, I had been led to believe that cially engaging viewing experience. The who plays the film’s antagonist. The
this film, like many of Chaplin’s other writing really grabbed me as well; much music fits the film perfectly; I absolutely
films, was a comedy with a hard-hitting of Bogart’s dialogue is very quick-wit- love the trumpet theme that appears at
emotional core. This is absolutely not the ted and masterfully delivered. Beyond the very beginning and very end of the
case. There was perhaps one moment in what I’ve already mentioned, it didn’t film. The dialogue is also great, rife with
the film that I found genuinely emotion- do much else for me. It’s well made for interesting exchanges that keep you en-
al, but aside from that, there was really what it is, but placing it as the AFI’s sec- tranced through every interaction Gittes
nothing of that sort. Still, I cannot deny ond best film of all time, I feel would be has. The aesthetic of the film is nailed,
that this is simply an excellent film, rife overstretching its merits to unreasonable and the mystery keeps you intrigued. An
with iconic images and comedy that lengths. Still, I cannot deny that this was exquisitely crafted and haunting work.
an incredibly well-made and enjoyable Brando’s rating? Four out of four stars.




ABBEY MALBON the FCC has received a lot of backlash WHOWHAT IS NET
for not taking into account the general NEUTRALITY?
The term “net neutrality” has recently public’s opinion. WHAT
become a political buzzword used across AJIT PAI, UPON BECOMING FCC
all different forms of media. The looming After the FCC created a platform for WHY CHAIRMAN, PROPOSED TO REPEAL NET
idea of the abolishment of net neutrality active citizens to comment their opin- NEUTRALITY POLICIES.
has led many people to believe that their ions on, they received about 22 millions
rights online are being violated. But what responses. However, the FCC deemed 7.2 AN OPEN-INTERNET WHERE ALL DATA ON
is net neutrality and how does it affect million of these responses as fraudulent THE INTERNET IS TREATED EQUALLY. THE
the average American? due to the fact that they were the same GOAL IS TO ENSURE CONSUMERS THAT
comment sent from 45,000 different spam THEY HAVE OPEN AND EQUAL ACCESS TO
Net neutrality regulations were estab- accounts. ALL CONTENT ON THE INTERNET.
lished under the Obama Administration
in 2015. These rules regulate major inter- Due to the number of fake comments, WITHOUT NET NEUTRALITY, ISPs CAN
net providers involvement with Ameri- the head of the FCC, Ajit Pai, decided to CONTROL YOUR CONTENT. THEY CAN
can’s internet access. avoid taking public opinions into consid- ALSO HURT THE LAW OF COMPETITION
eration when making the decision on net BY SLOWING DOWN COMPETITORS’
In December of 2017, the U.S. Federal neutrality. While being apart of a demo- CONTENT AND BLOCKING CONTENT.
Communications Commission (FCC) cratic system, the lack of public involve-
voted to end net neutrality, therefore, ment during this large-scale decision Creative Commons photos by the FCC,
preventing Americans from having to ac- angered many organizations and people Geralt, and the Backbone Campaign
cess the internet without additional costs nationwide.
or interferences.
Grassroot organizations started cam-
The concept of net neutrality is essen- paigns all across the internet to bring
tial to upholding a balanced internet and recognition to the severity of what would
is therefore necessary for all Americans happen if major internet providers were
to receive the right to free internet. With given the full power to control what peo-
the abolition of net neutrality, citizens ple are viewing on the internet.
could face slower rates, increased web
traffic and a new cost that could be asso- One petition created by
ciated with internet access. attracted over two million signatures.
These signatures emphasize the fact that
Putting an end to net neutrality is the public wants to be involved with a
harmful to small businesses and carriers decision that affects all internet users.
that don’t have the financial ability or According to World Bank, 78.2% of the
overall “street cred” to uphold a spot population attests to using the internet,
within the new internet carriers that will so it would virtually affect a greater por-
soon be dominating your screens. tion of the population.

The attorneys general of Washington It is extremely important to preserve
and New York, along with another law the freedom that is associated with inter-
firm, Free Press, plan to sue the FCC “on net usage. Without it, Americans would
the basis of its broke process, deeply be faced with monopolizing companies
flawed legal reasoning, willful rejection that are heavily regulating what they are
of evidence that contradicts its preor- able to view.
dained conclusions, and absolute disre-
gard for public input,” Free Press stated We must make it so that the public
in an interview with Bloomberg Politics. opinion is more important than the
wants of corporations and political par-
Additionally, the agreement made by ties.


FEBRUARY 13, 2018

Photo by Aimee Leal 19


Graphic by Kennedy Homan


JUTHI SAHA failures along their journey. Resolutions fail mostly because they
One of the best ways to set a goal is to are not the right resolutions. Sometimes,
As the new year kicks off, many people create resolutions based on what
people make resolutions to better their set a S.M.A.R.T goal, created by George society is telling you to do, or what
lifestyle. Resolutions can be an excellent T. Doran; which claims specific, measur- changes you need to make. These goals
way of committing to something and im- able, attainable, relevant, and timebound fail because it is not what you yourself
proving your life for the better. However, are the key to success. Goals help us need to improve on. Another reason why
many people may not be making realistic believe in ourselves, and are more likely resolutions fail is because you do not
goals for themselves. to be achieved than regular goals. have a realistic plan for achieving your
According to HuffPost, only 8 percent Another thing to limit the pressure
of people actually keep their New Year's of New Year's Resolutions is by setting In all, true resolutions are the deci-
resolution This amount is small for a monthly goals instead of goals for the sions you make everyday. Everything
reason: many people cannot stick to their new year. This will ensure that there will decision you make should be made to
resolution. Usually, they either set too be a more set amount of time to achieve better yourself, and the world in your
many of them, or get off track by small the goals you set, and limit the unrealis- own special way.
tic time bounds. It will also help with rel-
evance since it’s a better period of time.


FEBRUARY 13 , 2018





Junior Esther Whang constantly Junior Esther Whang is involved in our muisc program as well as the Midwest Young Artist
strives to be her best in playing the youth orchestra. Photo by Ethan Meyers
bassoon through participating in her
youth orchestra. She is second chair out ever at MYA, you not only learn about to be in this youth orchestra. Making
of the six bassoon players. Along with how you play, but it's what you learn connections will help me in the long
this, she is also in band. Her hard work about yourself as a person while play- run,” Whang said.
shines through as she discovers resourc- ing,” Whang said.
es such as an orchestra that involves a lot Whang’s work ethic continues as she
more dedication and work to better her When Whang auditioned for MYA it performs monthly for recitals, concerts,
playing. was filled; however, they were able to and specifically for a concert on Jan 27
give her a high position despite all the for music directors from different high
Whang rehearses and plays at Mid- spots being taken. schools.
west Young Artists (MYA) which mainly
focuses on classical music and chamber She is not only thankful for her im- “I do the best I can because there is
music. Chamber is a higher level course provement as a musician, but more for only so much you can do as a person. If I
offered at Metea which is incorporated the connections she has made with other can’t play a piece perfectly, I just do the
at MYA. The similar characteristics go musicians. best I can because it's not about being the
as far as music style and the expertise of best at it, [but] it's about how you play
each musician. “Our youth orchestra is so diverse and the passion you have for it,” Whang
with people, race, and level of playing, said.
“When you're in a good music pro- that is part of the reason why I continue
gram such as Metea’s, you feel like
you’re learning a lot. There was just so
much more to learn and I wanted some-
thing new and different so I joined this
youth orchestra,” Whang said.

Although Whang has a difficult time
juggling her classes and involvement in
track, she tries to use what little time she
has to play the bassoon.

“My goal is to practice or try to prac-
tice to the point where I feel satisfied
with myself. I don’t really need three
hours of practice or anything to be per-
fect, but I try to do it until I feel like i’m
ready for whatever is next,” Whang said.

Whang’s hard work stemmed from
wanting to grow more and learn more
about the bassoon. She wasn’t looking
to be the best, she was looking forward
to playing the bassoon and being more
involved in a bigger community.

“MYA is a higher level of playing and
more of a challenge as I’ve heard when
attending conventions and classes. How-


Thanks to the Indian Prairie Education
Foundation, our art students will be able to
paint and draw around the school and on field

trips using new portable art boards.


FEBRUARY 13, 2018

Kathryn Parenti receiving an IPEF grant for all students in the art program. Photo courtesy of @mvmustangnation


ZYMA LAKHANI an enduring function inside and outside more drawing boards than expected.
[of] the classroom. It is such good qual- This is from their bid quote, the recent
Fine arts teacher, Kathryn Parenti, ity. It will be here for years at Metea,” price that the foundation and Parenti
applied for and won a $2,500 IPEF Parenti said. and Blick agreed on, and because Blick
grant to provide art students with partnered with Parenti.
portable drawing boards. This is to make This was all done by IPEF, which is
drawing and painting easier and acces- a charitable foundation for the entire Out of the six or seven grants Paren-
sible for students by being able to draw District 204. It funds projects in arts, ti has received, this has been the most
anywhere, primarily on field trips. sciences, music, and so on. Any teacher money she has been awarded through
can apply for a grant, such as Parenti did, applying for a grant.
“This is a little something extra for our through writing a proposal that introduc-
drawers and painters. It’s a way that we es what’s being asked and its purpose. “It’s a lot of money for me to be able
as teachers are able to provide a wider to spend on my students and I am really
variety of observational subject matter. “The Indian Prairie Education Foun- excited about it,” Parenti said.
[The drawing boards] provide oppor- dation is dedicated to providing these
tunities for students going out on field types of opportunities for teachers and Parenti hopes to apply for another
trips,” Parenti said. students. Not every district has that, grant next year. Although she doesn’t
and because of that we are able to push quite know yet what she wants to pro-
When students use the portable beyond our resources and provide a little pose, she wants it to benefit and fulfill
drawing board, it will allow them to set bit more,” Parenti said. the needs of students throughout their
the drawing board on a regular table and art career.
turn it into a drawing table. The drawing On top of the grant given by IPEF,
board can also be used at a slope or hor- Parenti had a partnership Dick Blick Art “The amount of students that will be
izontally for the most favorable viewing Materials. The portable drawing boards touched by these wonderful resources
of objects. should be delivered and implemented will be great. It addresses our focus in
into the curriculum towards the middle the district on providing opportunities
“This [drawing board] is so it can have of second semester. beyond the classroom,” Parenti said.

The IPEF foundation is able to provide


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