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Maspeth Messenger February 2017 Edition

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Published by mmatos, 2017-02-19 22:34:33

Maspeth Messenger Volume III Issue II

Maspeth Messenger February 2017 Edition


Volume III Issue II Maspeth High School February 2017

“You are Enough”
Scott Fried Visits Maspeth High School

by Diana Beninati

“Am I enough? Do I belong? Who am guys have a better life - the best life possible?” Fried showed no hesitation in engaging the crowd
Fried has grown dedicated to encouraging his in an important conversation on sex, self-love,
I?.” These are the questions that plague teenagers audiences to live their best lives possible, and he relationships, and pain. Fried began the conver-
everyday - questions that many are too afraid to fully intends to assist in making that happen in sation with the question: “What are the words in
ask in fear of undesirable answers. These are the any way possible. your pockets?” He urged students to feel comfort-
silent anxieties that torment teenagers, and these
are the questions that Scott Fried dared Fried explained, “I discovered when I… able with the words they keep hidden from
to ask Maspeth students during his visit make myself vulnerable and expose myself to a the world and to know that they are valuable
to the school this past month. room full of students in a gym ... there’s a few and important. He taught the audience that it
Fried is a health educator and that really get it, that can really be touched by it, is okay to hurt, repeating the phrase, “When
public speaker who has devoted the past and maybe it can enhance their lives and inspire life hurts, let it.” Fried ensured that he made
two decades of his life to sharing his them in some way that they didn’t feel when a real eye-to-eye connection with every
story and teaching teenagers, educators, they first came to school this morning.” Maspeth person in the room to create an accepting and
and parents the importance of self- students experienced this inspiration firsthand as comforting environment. By the end of the
worth. Fried began speaking to students Fried courageously shared his story of contracting presentation, Fried had created a reassurance
across the country after being diagnosed HIV at the age of twenty-four, losing 133 friends amongst the audience; students left with a
with HIV in 1987 and living through the to the virus, and learning to love and accept him- common belief that everyone in the room
AIDS epidemic. self with the entire student body, proudly pro- was enough as they are.
When asked what inspired him to claiming “I value my life, I value my mistakes” After meeting with students individually,
initiate the lectures that have become his and encouraging the audience to do the same. holding an additional meeting for parents,
life’s work, Fried explained, “My sev- and graciously sitting down for an inter-
enty-third friend to die...was Richie… I view, Fried left behind some final words of
went to his funeral, and there were peo- wisdom for Maspeth students: “In the dark
ple reading his journal, and I thought ‘oh times… when life doesn’t make sense…
my god, I don’t want people reading my please remember you have value. Your worth
journals when I die.’ And then I thought isn’t changed. Your value isn’t measured
‘wait … why don’t I live as though my by your grade point average or your body
life is an open book so that there’s noth- image… what makes you lovable is who you
ing to read.’ So, I started talking everywhere I are. Please remember that the part of you that
went… I wanted to be remembered properly, and belongs is so loved and is so lovable.”
I thought ‘if they tell my story incorrectly, it’s my Fried taught students an important lesson
own fault for not living a full life.’ So I’ve decid- - one that many did not know they needed until
ed to tell my story as I go.” Fried spoke. His story, his words, and his strength
Fried’s lectures have transformed into are surely to be remembered by all for years to
something much bigger than himself over the past come. From now on, when faced with the diffi-
two decades. What began as a means of remem- cult questions of worth or when placed in trying
brance has grown into a movement of self-love circumstances, students are armed with the words
and education. “When I began speaking,” Fried Fried so generously offered: “I am enough.”
said, “I did it because I thought I wanted to be
remembered. And then as I got older and I didn’t In The Issue
die of AIDS… I realized that my lectures are not
about me; they’re about you. How can I help you

Do you want to see your name in the - Get to Know Mr. Scales (page 3)
Maspeth Messenger? Join the team. We
are looking for writers, photographers, and - Find out What’s Hot and What’s Not
(page 5)
designers (for newspaper layout).
- The Salty Gamer is Back (page 7)

- Relive the Crazy Super Bowl (page 8)
Meetings are Wednesdays at 2:45-3:45 in Room 300.
See Mr. Coleman or Ms. Verma if you have any ques-


Page 1



The Power of the Women’s March
by Diana Beninati

“This is your day. This is your celebration. And this, the United Each and every participant in the
States of America, is your country. What truly matters is not which party Women’s Marches had a single, spe-
controls our government, but whether our government is controlled by cific goal - to prove the power of the
the people.” people.
Hundreds of thousands of people across the nation took these The courageous, resilient
heavy words from Donald Trump’s inaugural address to heart this past crowds gathered to demonstrate that
month, though not in the way the newly instated president was expecting. even in the face of political adversity,
On Jan. 21, from Los Angeles to the District of Columbia and from New Americans are stronger when unit-
York City to Chicago, concerned Americans took to the streets to protest ed as one. Women, people of color,
the unprecedented political state of the country. Armed only with posters, LGBTQ+ individuals, immigrants,
flags, and pride, multitudes of peaceful protesters flocked to cities across and countless others showed President Trump exactly what he signed up
the country for the now infamous Women’s Marches. for - the leadership of a colorful, diverse nation that cannot be divided by
The central march took place in the nation’s capital and was hateful rhetoric and prejudice. Throughout Trump’s presidency - which
made up of roughly 470,000 protesters - triple the amount of attendees at will surely be riddled with controversy - the Jan. 21 marches will stand
Trump’s inauguration, though the president himself has ardently argued as precedents of the determination and will of Americans to fight for
otherwise. Approximately 600,000 protesters filled the streets of New
York City while an estimated 750,000 protesters occupied Los Angeles. what is right.

Imagine walking out of your house with Hate Rising of hate. Hate has affected so many people of
optimism that something amazing will happen different age groups; children, for example, are
today. Imagine buying your daily cup of coffee by Savanna Schaefer affected by anti-immigration slurs. Jorge Ramos
and walking out into the crisp air of a beautiful visited a school where children are affected by
fall day. The leaves are falling down in myriad ing a fresh can of soda; all the emotions started the talk of “building a wall.” There was this
of colors— red, orange, and faded forest green. to pour out and there was no way of closing it little boy and his own grandmother was going
Imagine smelling the freedom in the air, only up. Aghast, flabbergasted, and furious—these to be taken away from him. His grandmother
to have it taken away by ignorance. Ignorance were all the emotions I felt when I saw this was an immigrant from Mexico, and she was the
is prevalent currently in society; it comes in happen, and it is so upsetting to know that there one taking care of him. With this idea of kicking
different forms such as anti-Semitism, racism, are probably people around this area that may all the immigrants out, this little boy was going
fascism, and xenophobia. Jorge Ramos, a jour- sympathize with these beliefs. to be split from his grandmother. Family is all
nalist, displays this ignorance in his documenta- Jorge Ramos also went to a Donald anyone has, and hate is threatening to ruin that
ry “Hate Rising.” This documentary shows how Trump press conference in Iowa. He was kicked familial tie.
racism, fascism, and even discrimination still out of this conference and ridiculed for being a No words can describe the feeling that
exist today after years of civil rights struggle. Hispanic immigrant. We all know what Donald Jorge Ramos gave America when he released
In the documentary, Jorge Ramos reports Trump has said in the media about his “immi- this documentary. Words speak louder than ac-
on a group of neo-nazis who believe in the most gration control” and how he will “Make Amer- tions and words hurt. Jorge Ramos was trying to
bizarre theory about one of the most devastating ica Great Again.” Ramos addressed Donald create change, and he spoke about a lot of other
events in history— the Holocaust. According to Trump’s slogan by asking who he is making conflicts such as the Pulse Nightclub shooting
the documentary, this certain group still follows the nation great for? Ramos was not able to get and hate and racism towards mixed races. The
the ideals of Hitler. These people possess an through his question without Trump practically documentary was an eye-opener because as hu-
ignorant belief that the holocaust did not exist, throwing him out of the press conference. The mans we are inclined to think that just because
which is factually and historically incorrect people who threw him out kept telling him to a certain topic is not talked about in an area that
because there is clear evidence of all the Jewish go back to his country, meanwhile Ramos had it does not exist at all. I for sure recommend this
people that died in the Holocaust. When Ramos every right to be there and ask a question about documentary because it really changes the way
captured that moment on tape, it was like open- his country because he lives here. you view people and your country as whole.
Imagine having a close-knit family. You
all love each other to death and you would do
anything for them. Now, imagine having a sin-
gle law rip your entire family apart all because

The Maspeth Messenger
The Official Student Newspaper of Maspeth High School
54-40 74th Street
Maspeth, NY 11373
(718) 803 - 7100
[email protected]

Staff Writers/Photographers: Advisors:
Giosyamirith Pacheco Lauren Radigan Matthew Coleman
Editor-in-Chief: Diana Beninati Neetu Verma
News: Savanna Schaefer Angie Montenegro Sara Todjeras
Sports & Entertainment: Ethan Cardona
Features: Yvette Montesdeoca Kirsten Kaufer Beyza Secilmis
Echoes: Anthony Villacreses
Anita Baculima Iason Kalogeropoulos

Veronica Sanchez Gabriela Jimenez

Bella Argote Paige Sanford

Page 2



Getting to Know Mr. Scales
by Giosyamirith Pacheco

Q: What time period would you like to visit? of the stuff you guys say, I don’t get where it comes from. It’s confusing;
A: I would like to visit the 1960s because so many crucial things hap- it really is. When I first heard “bae”, I thought what does bae actually
pened in the 1960s that shaped our country today, so I’d like to see the mean? It’s stuff like that I don’t get.
foundations of that. I’d also like to see John F. Kennedy before he got
shot; that would be cool. That’s all I can say. Q: If you were king of your own country, what would you name it?
A: If I was king of my own country, I’d be a crazy dictator. It would
Q: What were you like in high school? probably be Scalesland or something like that.
A: I was very shy. I was very quiet. I did very well in school academical-
ly, but I was that shy, quiet kid that sat in the back of the room and did Q: Do you use sarcasm a lot?
everything I was supposed to do. I never really had a great social life. A: Yes, all the time. Let’s just put it this way: if anyone has ever had me
before they know what I’m about with sarcasm.
Q: What’s your style that distinguishes you from other (history)
teachers? Q: If you were another person, would you be friends with you?
A: I like to teach history as if it were a story; that’s my goal. So, for A: I guess I have to say I hope so. If I can’t be friends with myself, then I
every class I like to keep it interesting and tell it like a very interesting am doing something wrong.
novel. My favorite teacher in high school said to me, “the best teachers
are the best entertainers.” So, if I can entertain then I’ll have everyone’s
attention, and they’ll do well in class.

Q: After a long day of teaching, what do you do to unwind?
A:I nap. If I had a very long day, I’m going to go home and nap.

Q: If you weren’t a teacher, what would you be?
A: Cop. That’s how it is in my family, you’re either a cop or a teacher.
My brother’s a state trooper; he took that route. I went with the teach-
ing route. Plus, I can be kind of scary when I need to be, so I guess that

Q: Do you think teaching has taught you new things or changed your
perspective on anything?
A: Every single day. Every single day I learn something new from you
kids. I learn something new from my colleagues. That’s what teaching is;
it’s an ever-revolving learning process.

Q: What history mystery would you like solved?
A: I’m going back to what I said before about John F. Kennedy. Who
really shot John F. Kennedy? I really want to know who shot him. I don’t
believe the Warren report. I don’t. It’s going to be a conspiracy.

Q: Have you ever seen a movie based on history and think that the
director got the historical context wrong?
A: Gangs of New York. It’s a movie with Leonardo DiCaprio, Cameron
Diaz, and Daniel Day Lewis, and it is about the five points in New York
City about the gang problem between new and old immigrants to the
country. The last scene with the ships blowing up New York Harbor was
totally wrong. They embellished it so much, and it didn’t happen that
way. It made great effects for the movie, but that was one of the moments
that was inaccurate. I thought it was awesome, but it didn’t happen that
way; it is a total lie.

Q: Would you like to be the president of the United States?
A: No, I would not. I think that that job has too much to it, and I’d rather
spend my time being productive to society in different ways. No way. I
wouldn’t want that amount of stress.

Q: If you have Netflix, have you watched Stranger Things yet? What Try out chocolate covered strawberries! Bring this
did you think? AD in for 10% off your purchase.
A: I love Stranger Things. Crazy stuff. I love that they’re going to come
out with a season two, but I’m worried that season two won’t be as good
as season because they made season one so great. I’m nervous. Eleven
scares me.

Q: What’s one thing about this generation that you don’t get?
A: It’s cutting down on words to the point where you’re abbreviating so
much. How do you even know what that word stands for? I don’t under-
stand some of the stuff you guys say. I’m not that much older, but some

Page 3


Winter Horoscopes
by Angie Montenegro

Capricorn (December 21 – January 19)
Goals. Ambitions. Ambitions. Goals. Yep, goals and ambitions are what you are all about on the Jan. 1, 2, and 3. You want
it? You need to go out and get it. You got it? You need to move on to the next goal. Check your inhibitions and negative
vibes at the door this month; you’re here to play, and you’re playing to win. By Jan. 6, 7, and 8, be sure to take a little time
to stop and smell the roses. Everything is going absolutely spectacularly! By Jan. 19, if something is boring, you should
just do it. That list includes taking out the trash, paying the bills, and going for a run. On Jan. 24, you’ll discover new
ground in both work and love. Plant those feet firmly on the ground on Jan. 28. Make the most of this month by staying

Aquarius (January 19 – February 18)
You are a real brainiac most of the time, but on Feb. 1, 2, and 3, you are going to be a downright genius. You’re sharp, you’re insightful, and you’re
aware ofwhat is going on. Wow, your colleagues are going to be glad you’re on their team, and your rivals are going to wish they could recruit you.
If you’re in a relationship, your partner is going to be blown away, and if you’re single, your smarts are going to land you the gal or guy of your
dreams. By the oh-so-promising Feb. 8, you’ll be ready to really express all your most treasured hopes and dreams. So open up about what you real-
ly, really want! The world is your oyster, and it might just be full of pearls on Feb. 11, 12, and 13. Yep, the sailing is smooth, and you’re enjoying the
ride just the way you should. Take a breather on Feb.18 and 19, particularly if you’ve been in the middle of some pretty emotional negotiations for
some time now. If you’re feeling held back in business on Feb. 26, 27, and 28, that’s a sign you should focus your energies elsewhere. Why not hit
the gym? This month could be just the motivation you’ve been waiting for.

Pisces (February 18 – March 20)
Uh oh. It looks like somebody is rubbing you the wrong way on March 1. Did you just get up on the wrong side of the bed on the March 2? Uh oh,
they’re looking at you funny on March 3. Whatever is happening as the month starts, these first couple of days are going to be challenging, so this is
a great opportunity to practice not taking things personally, taking ‘time outs,’ and giving yourself a chance to do something nice for yourself every
single day. After all, if you can do that when things are trickier, you’ll be even better able to treat yourself great when things are going great, which
they will be on March 9 and 10. By March 15, you’ll be totally ready to socialize over a great big meal with your friends, so get cooking! If you
think your workout routine is b-o-r-i-n-g on the March 20 and 21, you only have yourself to blame. Spice things up, already! Why not try adding
five minutes of meditation to your daily life, starting on the super-grounded March 27 and 28? There’s no better way to wrap up the month than by
getting in touch with yourself.

Snowman Cupcakes Recipe
by Anita Baculima

The winter season is the perfect time for a delicious and decorative cupcake. Your family, friends, or Valentine will gush over the cuteness of these
treats. This simple recipe is a blast to make!

Here’s what you’ll need: Directions:
- Box of Chocolate or Vanilla cupcake mix 1. Preheat your oven to 350° and line your cupcake tins with liners.
- Vanilla Buttercream Icing 2. Follow the instructions on the back of your cake mix to prepare the batter.
- 1/3 cup of butter
- 3 cups of Confectioners or Icing Sugar 3. Divide the batter evenly into cupcake tins.
- 1 ½ teaspoons of vanilla extract Tip: Use an ice cream scooper for equal amounts.
- 2 tablespoons of milk 4. Bake for about 30 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean after an insert.
Cool for about 15 minutes.
Decorations 5. In a medium sized bowl, mix the powdered sugar and the softened butter with a
- Marshmallows spoon or an electric mixer (low speed).
- Butterscotch and chocolate chips 6. Stir in the vanilla and milk. If the frosting is too thick, add in more milk. The
- White crystal decorating sugar frosting should be smooth.
7. Spread a generous amount of frosting on your completely cooled cupcakes.
8. Fill a separate bowl with white crystal decorating sugar. Gently press the top of
the cupcake into the bowl so that the icing is completely covered. This will give it
that snowman effect!
9. Put the marshmallows around the top of the cupcake. Use a little icing if they do
not stick.
10. Press a butterscotch chip into the center of the cupcake. This will act as the
snowman’s nose!
11. Next use the chocolate chips as the nose and mouth of the snowman.
And you’re done! It doesn’t have to end, though. You could have played around
with different types of sweets as decorations. You can use M&Ms, skittles, or jelly
beans. These are super easy to make and fun to eat. Try them out!

Page 4


Winter Satire

Early Christmas A Maspeth Vacation
by Kirsten Kaufer by Giosyamirith Pacheco

As you emerge from your cozy bed into the cold air of your bed- When the word vacation is uttered, one’s mind wanders off to a warm
room, you let out a groan. “Great. Back to school,” you think as your typi- places and luxuries - the beaches of Puerto Rico, famous landmarks like the
cal hopelessness returns. You just want to have another week off of school Eiffel Tower, and desserts like macaroons. A vacation is exactly what you’ll get
to decompress, to forget about the stress of being forced to tolerate when you visit Maspeth.
annoying people and to avoid all challenging work. Start your trek down the wonderful Long Island Expressway where
You reluctantly jolt out of your house, minding your own business you’ll find yourself stuck in traffic for hours, even if your radio told you there
until your neighbor asks, “Hey, you! Did you buy one yet?” They clearly wouldn’t be traffic. You can also take the Q58 in the morning or afternoon. No
had too much sugar in their morning coffee. matter which you choose, the bus will be packed with prepubescent teens and
You offer him a puzzled expression in response and question, “Buy half-awake high schoolers. Be sure to plan your vacation around the winter-
one of what?” time; who doesn’t love snow? The beautiful snow falls for over nine hours.
“Y’know, your tree,” the zany neighbor whispers, “Or any decora- While everyone is snuggled up inside, children are still expected to go to
tions at all.” school, even when the Department of Sanitation hasn’t plowed the streets of
You cautiously shake your head at your neighbor, who probably Queens.
also took too many of his pills this morning. You’ll love Queens Center Mall with its crowds of frantic shoppers.
He then exclaims, “Well, you should! Don’t you know about the The food here is stupendous, though! The whole town only drinks bubble tea
sales?!” and Starbucks drinks - especially Pumpkin Spice Lattes.
You contemplate whether you should go along with your neigh- If you are looking for some historical sights, travel down Grand Avenue
bor’s shtick and pretend you bought whatever they’re talking about, but to see all the abandoned shops that couldn’t pay their rent. Rest In Peace to
you come to a loss of words. You aren’t familiar with any February sales. McDonald’s and to the workers that would give you the stank eye every time
Your persistent neighbor senses your confusion and explains, “The you placed an order then take 30 minutes to actually get it done.
Christmas Sales! Everything Christmas-related is 90% off starting Decem- The people of this town are the kindest, nicest, and most diverse group
ber 26, so we’re all preparing for Christmas! Don’t you know anything that you will ever encounter. It doesn’t even matter that they are talking shade
about the holidays?” behind your back in a different language; at least they’re thinking about you!
“Wow, I didn’t know that. But, wait, why prepare at the beginning In all, if you come to visit this small town of Maspeth, don’t be afraid
of February?” you ask, realizing you shouldn’t have. to reach out and ask for a ride. Make sure it is after 10 p.m. because the hottest
“Don’t you know anything about how sales work?” Your neighbor new television show that everyone has been raving about is on at 9 p.m., and
is clearly offended as he scoffs and sashays away. if you miss that you risk seeing spoilers on everyone’s Twitter, Snapchat, and
You are snapped back to reality as you notice the homely aroma of Instagram feeds.
hot chocolate, the light blanket of snow covering the ground, the houses
dressed in red and green LED lights and wreaths, and the scent of decorat-
ed Evergreen trees. “I guess it really is an early Christmas after all,” you
think to yourself, feeling a little more hopeful.

What’s Hot - What’sby Veronica Sanchez Not

Don’t be out of the loop this Valentine’s Day. Here is a list of what is currently trending and what is out of style

Hot: Hamilton: A musical that focuses on the life of Alexander Hamilton, “Hamilton” has managed to climb its way to the top with 11

Tony Awards and has been noted as “best musical”. Tickets are valued at above $200 each, but no fear! You may not be able to see the show, but

the entire soundtrack is available online; this is an easy way to gain half access to a fantastic show. iPhone 7 Plus: With a 5.5-inch display,
one cannot go wrong with the iPhone 7 Plus. There is better battery life, better speaker quality, a more colorful display, water resistance, and
there are two cameras working as one. Not to mention, there’s a portrait mode that allows focus on an image when there is a blurred background:

a necessity for an Instagram feed! Advocating For Your Rights: On Jan. 21, 2017 the Women’s March took place to shed light on not only
women’s rights but also climate change, LGBTQ rights, affordable health care, and reproductive rights. In addition to marches taking place all
over the country, marches were even held overseas in areas like London and Paris; it’s not over either. There’s a campaign to take 10 actions over

the next 100 days (which are important in the president’s term). Taking action won’t stop with just a march. Turtlenecks in MHS: Don’t
have a clean collar for the day? Want to stay warm and not wear an MHS hoodie? Turtlenecks are the way to go! They may be associated with
working in a library, but if you look in the right places, they can prove to be an MHS fashion statement and can provide warmth to your neck
(forget the scarf!). Not to mention, they seem to be dominating the hallways recently.

Not: iMessage Games: iMessage games have a wide variety of games to play with iPhone users. One can send game invites for sea

battle, 8ball, chess, poker, checkers, and more. As exciting as it is to be able to challenge your contacts to several games and attempt to win all

of them, the excitement will last in your messages for about a week. Every iPhone besides the 7 Plus: Despite all they have to offer,
they will simply not meet the standards set by the iPhone 7 Plus. We all live in the era of Snapchat and Instagram; camera quality is essential to
providing followers with a taste into your own life. The iPhone 7 Plus provides the extra mile all photographers strive for to get the most likes;

not to mention that this feature is part of a phone that can be easily taken anywhere. White House Page Removals: On Jan. 20, 2017,
critics of the new administration had noticed that issues Obama viewed with importance were removed. Such pages include: climate change

sections, health care, civil rights, and LGBTQ sections. Bomber Jackets: Bomber jackets seemed to have dominated 2016; they were worn
year round and were a quick way to pull off an outfit that was put together in two minutes or an outfit that was put together in twenty minutes.
However, it seems as though the trend should remain a trend in 2016. No harm is done if they are continued to be worn, but they won’t keep you
warm for long during the winter.

Page 5

Maspeth in Review

  Winter Concert Review

The Nutcracker: A Huge Success by Bella Argote

by Lauren Radigan This year’s Winter Concert was definitely worth seeing.
The highlight of the show was the senior orchestra; it was the
Maspeth High School’s fourth annual production of “The 12th grade musicians’ last show, and they played wonderfully.
Nutcracker” reached new heights through its retelling of the clas- The group’s performance of “This Is Halloween” was one of
sic holiday tale. Clara, played by Pamela Amabile, receives the the most memorable parts of the show; the musicians stunned
gift of the nutcracker and the extraordinary journey that comes the audience with this iconic song. The class of 2017 succeed-
with it. The dancers tell the story through movement and engage ed in leaving its mark in Maspeth music history.
the audience with every turn. Mr. Wichman’s Chorus and Acapella group - the Ar-
By far, the highlight of the show was Uncle Drosselmey- goNotes - offered a refreshing supplement to the orchestra’s
er, played by Anny Delgado. Although her boots may have melodies. They added something new to the typical Winter
flown off the stage, she remained committed to her character and Concert, performing songs from different parts of the world,
amused the audience. Moreover, the sophomores participated in such as Australia and Kenya.
the production for their first time and did an excellent job as Pol- And, of course, what would a Maspeth concert be with-
ichinelles and in the party scene. The juniors danced the March out some of Mr. Dimeglio’s corny jokes? The jokes lightened
of the Flowers and the party scene– the students looked lively on the mood and made the concert even more entertaining. Ulti-
stage and put on a show for the audience. mately, The 2016 Winter Concert was marvelous and left the
In their final year, the seniors came together in “Snow” audience excited for next year.
around Snow Queen Angelica Szewczyk, but many seniors also
shined individually through important leads. Diana Piktel per-
formed a series of acrobatics, exciting the crowd in her role of
Arabian. Nicole Garcia closed the show as the Sugar Plum Fairy
with outstanding fouette turns as she bid farewell to Clara and
the Nutcracker. It is clear all of the students, and especially Ms.
Henry, put in immense time and effort, making for a spectacular


Credit: Gabriela Jimenez

The Crucible Shines - A Review

by Anthony Villacreses

From the cries of Tituba’s words of She confessed to witchcraft and in a trance saw chain of empty accusations. As the courtroom
witchcraft to the sheer voices of Abigail and the Devil peering at her from afar, giving her erupted on stage, the audience could not help but
her followers, “The Crucible,” Maspeth High more names that were deemed as witches. In a feel the tension, confusion, and anxiety felt by
School’s Fall production, was suspenseful. The suspenseful moment, Abigail blurted different the play’s characters. The play reached an cathar-
play is set in Salem, Massachusetts during the names of accused witches; one of these names tic climax - one that the audience, including my-
late 1600s and begins with the cackle of young was the wife of John Proctor, Elizabeth played by self, will likely remember as an iconic moment in
girls all performing love spells in the woods with Maspeth theater history.
Tituba, a slave whose knowledge of fun spells the dedicated, strong-willed Maizy Pareja. “The Crucible” closes as the cauldron of
titillated the girls. After their night escapades are During the Court Trial - where the Cru- witchcraft spews corrupted reason and deceitful
spotted by Reverend Parris, played by the sto- cible Cast reached its most suspenseful moment lies, leaving an ending of bitter mystery. What
ic Ergin Perovic, the rumors of witchcraft lurk - allegiance wavered between the characters. happened to those girls chanting of love potions
among the streets of the quiet town. This makes Abigail gathered her followers to plead her case in the woods? Did they get what they deserve?
Parris question his unholy act and how it might as the victims of a devil-struck crime. Such imagination would have to conjure a tale of
affect his name in Salem among those who attend Together in unison they recite the words their demise.
his church. of Mary Warren, acted by the traitorous Savan- Once the play ended, the cast gathered
The cauldron begins to boil as Abigail, na Schaefer, who could not help but join with in line and bowed to the erupting applause. With
played by the mischievous and manipulative her friend Abigail and shield herself from an Nicole Failoga thanking the crowd, Tech Crew,
Denisse De La Cruz, is pressured by Parris and undesired fate. The oblivious Judge Hawthorne, and their teachers - Mr. Hougland and Mr. De-
the neighbors of Salem to explain the girls’ performed by Richie Rommeneney, continues to ras- for helping make the production, the night
actions in the woods. What was once simply blair at the audience, unconvinced that the witch- came to an end as audience members lined up
fun and harmless, the dancing led to a series of craft scheme was none other than an alleged to congratulate the actors. An important lesson
toxic accusations that spread across the town like is learned from the play. Once hysteria corrupts
wildfire. Witchcraft was the common rumor that the foolish and convinces the uneducated, false
murmured in the houses of Salem. Abigail began truths and twisted lies can easily spread and
the accusations as a means to protect herself; she cause a catastrophe in their midst. And once there
screamed an innocent - yet persuasive - cry and is no solid grasp to the absolute truth, the false
pivoted the blame to Tituba for teaching the girls truths become truth, the twisted lies becomes
the Barbados songs that they chanted. absolute fact, and the truth lingers in the void of
Actress Nicole Failoga captivated the emptiness where it is cast away forever.
audience as Tituba with her agonizing wails
and need for protecting herself from the noose. *Photo Credit: Paige Sanford

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  “Hamilton Mixtape” Review

Overwatch Overperforms by Sara Todjeras
While many albums - such as those
by The Salty Gamer from J. Cole and Beyonce - have recently
been released, an unprecedented star has
PS4/XB1/PC defense team stop the attackers from moving stolen the spotlight in the music world: “The
Blizzard Entertainment: a cart a certain distance. Hybrid blends both, Hamilton Mixtape.” Ever since the Broad-
$40/ $60 (Origins Edition)/ $80 (Collector’s having defenders protect a point and a Payload. way musical premiered in 2015, the world
Edition) Control pits two attacking teams against each has flocked to the box office for a chance to
Accolades: Game of the Year 2016 other to hold a point the longest. Competitive see the record-smashing show.
mode has more strict settings to maximize skill For those who cannot afford to see the
Overwatch is a 6 versus 6 objective based First over normal play, and you play 10 games, after show itself and who’ve listened to the Orig-
Person Shooter (FPS) game. In this game you which you are given a skill rating that can be in- inal Broadway Cast Album non-stop, “The
get to play as one of the game’s cast of heroes; creased by winning. Competitive play has seven Hamilton Mixtape” is a perfect supplement.
then, if your experience is anything like mine, different skill tiers, starting from bronze, silver, Many who aren’t familiar with the musical
complain because your favorite character is the gold, platinum, diamond, Masters, Grandmas- may think, “It’s about history; it must be
most underpowered character in the game. ter, and ending at Top 500. There’s also Arcade boring.” However, they would be surprised
mode, which is special games with unique at how upbeat, interesting, and catchy the
Story: 9/10 rulesets, such as a 1 versus 1 mode where both songs truly are, especially because of the
The game takes place in 2076, where the world players are assigned a random hero. When you remixes by famed rap, R&B, and pop stars.
has been rocked by an event known as the win a game, you get EXP, and you level up with “The Hamilton Mixtape” teaches listeners
Omnic Crisis. Omnics are robots with sentience enough EXP. For each level, you receive a loot- about cabinet meetings, the Election of
and emotions, who, unfortunately, were treated box that contains customization items such as 1800, and Alexander Hamilton’s rise from
as second class citizens and abused. In 2050, a emotes and skins. There are also seasonal events immigrant to first Treasury Secretary.
mysterious force created God Programs, which every two months. These events add seasonal Personally, my favorite track is
infected the omnic population, triggering a cosmetic items which are available for a limited “Cabinet Battle 3” - a demo track based on
worldwide revolution against humanity. The time. So far, there’s been an Olympics event, the two Cabinet Meetings depicted in the
Omnic’s campaign was murderous and almost adding sports themed items; a Halloween event, musical. The song transforms the fast-paced
brought every nation to it’s knees. As the world which adds Halloween themed items; and a arguments between Hamilton and his polit-
teetered on the brink of anarchy, a new hope Christmas event. This is also an efficient way for ical enemies into rap battles. The song, and
arose in the form Overwatch; an elite interna- the developers to get in tune with the communi- the album itself, is hilarious, educational,
tional strike team, that was charged with ending ty. The game is kept fresh with a constant stream and exciting.
the war. Under their protection, the God Pro- of balance updates (To keep some heroes from
grams were quarantined and eliminated, and the becoming too overpowered or underpowered) as “Between Shades of Gray”
world recovered. Fast forward three decades and well as content updates, which add new heroes Review
Overwatch fights to keep Human-Omnic rela- and maps to the game which keeps gameplay in-
tions stable. teresting. The developers have already released by Beyza Secilmis
two new maps and two new heroes. A purchase
Overall, this story provides an immersive ex- of Overwatch is a purchase that keeps on giving “Between Shades of Gray” is a historical
periences. It is unique and simple to understand. fruit. novel written by Ruta Sepetys. The historical
The story enhances your enjoyment of the game drama focuses on Lina - a young girl who lives
without interfering with the gameplay. Presentation: 10/10 through the horrors of World War II. She expe-
Overwatch is not a realistic shooter. Un- riences brutality and pain when she is placed in
Gameplay:10/10 like Battlefield and CoD, Overwatch is highly a labor-camp in Siberia with her younger broth-
Overwatch is an FPS, akin to CoD or stylized, with colorful and cheery environments er, Jonas, and mother, Elena. Although they face
Battlefield. Unique to Overwatch is its diverse and characters. Liken it to TF2 over other shoot- many wartime atrocities, the family finds a way
23 hero roster. Each hero plays differently and ers. The framerate will never slow down on to survive. Sepetys ensures that Lina accurately
you have to learn each one’s specific playstyle. console, and the game isn’t too demanding on a represents the real war refugees and victims of
There are four classes: Tank, Support, Offense, PC, but you will need a decent computer to run World War II.
and Defense. Tank heroes are designed to lead it. The game’s soundtrack isn’t too noteworthy, Readers will definitely sympathize with
the charge and protect their allies. An example but little tunes that play when a map is loading Lina and might even shed a tear. This isn’t a
of a hero in this class is Reinhardt, a German up that are representative of that nation’s culture book that will leave readers feeling joyful or op-
knight who can project a massive barrier shield (Such as classic Greek music playing on the timistic, but readers will finish the novel with a
that his allies can hide behind. Support heroes Greek map) are nice and welcome. Visually, the deeper understanding of the unfortunate truths
help their team with utility abilities. Zenyatta, a user interface (UI) is pleasing as well as seam- of history and how merciless the world can be.
robotic monk from the mountains of Nepal, is a less to navigate. This novel will likely ignite a desire for change in
long-range healer who can throw an orb at his readers.
allies to provide support while protecting him- Overall: 9.5/10
self. Offense heroes take objectives and harass Overwatch is a masterpiece and definite-
the enemy. For example, Genji is a Japanese ly the best game of 2016. It’s good, wholesome
ninja who is designed for mobility. He can dou- fun to play and looks and plays beautifully. It
ble jump and dash to annoy the opposition by is not everyone’s cup of tea, but if it is yours,
throwing off their aim. Defense heroes protect prepare for endless hours of procrastinating on
objectives and set up a hold. My favorite hero, APUSH studying and participating in good ol’
Bastion, is a robot that can transform into an objective-based combat like I am doing now. Do
immobile turret that does excruciating damage. not skip out on this. I’m the salty gamer. Stay
He is able to hide in a corner until the enemy salty. I’ll see you in the next issue.
team walks past, wipe them out, and heal off any
damage you took thanks to a self-repair ability.

There are three modes. Quick Play is just
a quick match in a 6 versus 6 objective-based
game. There are four kinds of games; Capture
has the offense team capture two consecutcon-
trol points from the defense. Payload has the

Page 7


MHS Winter Sports In Focus Super Bowl LI:

by Ethan Cardona Super Bowl LIT!
By: Ethan Cardona
*Updated as of February 8, 2017

Super Bowl 51. NFL MVP Matt Ryan and
Boys Varsity Basketball the high-scoring Atlanta Falcons vs the greatest
Led by coach Ms. Bitis, the boys Varsity Basketball team is currently 14-1 in their QB-Coach duo in the history of the league, Tom
division, tied with rival Metro campus for the lead. The team’s regular season comes to an Brady, Bill Belichick and the New England Pa-
end when it will travel to Metro to take on the Knights in a winner take all game for the divi- triots at NRG Stadium in Houston, Texas. What
sion that will be nothing short of a hard fought 32+ minutes by both teams. was on the line? For the Falcons, the first Super

Boys JV Basketball Bowl in the franchise’s 51-year existence and the
Third year head coach Mr. Franchese and the the boys JV Basketball team currently first championship for the city of Atlanta since the
hold the top spot in its division at 8-0, with a pair of wins over Aviation, William C. Bryant, Braves won the World Series in 1995. For New
and rival Metro Campus and a win over Queens Vocational Tech and rival Grover Cleve- England, their 5th Super Bowl title, coined “one
land. The team also hoisted a trophy back in December, winning the Jim Dilg Classic Christ- for the thumb” for Brady and Belichick who would
mas Tournament at Cathedral Prep, defeating the host team 53-34 on Dec. 28. The team have been with the team through its 6 Super Bowl
plays its final game of the regular season on Feb. 28 when it takes on Queens Vocational appearances prior to Super Bowl 51, winning 4 and
Tech at Maspeth. losing 2 (Both to the Giants, New York, just say-

Girls Varsity Basketball To pick up the game in the 4th quarter would be
Led by coach John Demas, the Girls Varsity team finished the regular season at 7-5 insulting to Atlanta fans, but, let’s be honest, that
including a win in its final game Feb. 6 at Maspeth where the team defeated Queens Voca- is where the real Super Bowl started. Up until that
tional Tech 45-30 on senior night where the team honored its four departing seniors: Patricia point, Atlanta had once secured a shocking 28-3
Kowalczyk, Naina Islam, Bryana Deluca, and Michelle Pena. The team awaits the results of lead on the masterful play of Matt Ryan and the
their playoff seeding. team’s high-powered offense and the surprising
young pass rush and secondary. Up until the 4th

Girls JV Basketball quarter, Atlanta stifled and confused New England,
First year coach at Maspeth Ms. Avivi has led the Lady Argos to a 6-0 record and outplaying them in every facet of the game. That
first place in its division in PSAL. The team has gone through all of the teams in the divi- said, the gasoline in the sports car that was Atlanta
sion, with a pair of forfeits by William C. Bryant and Richmond Hill, wins against John ran out in the 4th quarter, and New England looked
Adams and Richmond Hill, along with a win against rivals Grover Cleveland and Metro like it siphoned that gasoline.
New England began the fourth quarter with a few
long passing plays by Brady to Malcolm Mitchell,

Boys Varsity Wrestling James White and Martellus Bennett, which led to
The boys Wrestling team, with coaches Mr. Sepulveda and Mr. Balint, finished the a Gostkowski field goal, cutting the deficit to 28-
season 5-2, 3rd place in its division, behind Robert F. Wagner and Grand Street Campus. 12. On the following possession for Atlanta, Matt
The team has multiple players in the top 20 of PSAL and has won a number of medals and Ryan fumbled the ball, resulting in a quick Brady
tournaments throughout the season including winning 7 trophies in a tournament in Decem- to Amendola strike and successful 2-point conver-
ber. The team has five members competing in the City Championships: Gevorg Arakelov, sion making the game 28-20, only a one posses-
Joel Correa, Chris Haviland, Bryan Hernandez and John Solano. sion contest. At this point, deep in the 4th quarter,
Atlanta only needed to hold on to the football and

Girls Varsity Table Tennis kick a field goal to go up by two scores, an almost
The girls Varsity Table Tennis team, and coach Mr. Powell, finished the season with insurmountable lead with the time remaining. A
a 4-8 record, and 5th place in the division. With a pair of wins over NEST+M and Young 39-yard catch-and-run by Freeman and unbeliev-
Women’s Leadership Academy, the team improved from last year adding one more win to its able acrobatic 27-yard catch by Jones provided
season total compared to the 2015-16 season, their first year in the league. this opportunity, but a sack and offensive penalty
sparked a 3rd-and-33 and a punt to New England.

The unnecessary aggressiveness by Atlanta’s

offense cost them dearly. Of course, Tom Terrific

led New England to another score and a successful

2-point conversion. Tie game. End of regulation.

The first overtime in the history of the Super Bowl

in the place, Texas, where everything is bigger. The

overtime did not last long, though. New England

won the coin toss and marched down the field. An

outside rush by James White sealed the deal, and

the touchdown made New England the champions

of Super Bowl LI!!!

Tom Brady won yet another Super Bowl MVP,

going 43-for-62 with 466 yards, two touchdowns
and one interception, and also finished with a passer rating of 95.2. Tom also broke a whopping seven records with this, his fifth Super
Bowl victory. According to Cameron DaSilva of Fox Sports, Brady broke the record for the following: Most Super Bowl wins by a QB
(5), most passing attempts (62), most completed passes (43), most Super Bowl MVP’s (4), First QB with three Super Bowl fourth-quarter
comebacks, and most game-winning drives in the postseason (10). His Head Coach, Bill Belichick also broke the record for most Super
Bowl wins by a Head Coach with his fifth ring.
So there you have it, Tom and Bill, one for the history books, and one for the thumb. If the trophy was given out at halftime, there
would be a party in Atlanta. But it isn’t thus proving that fans should never celebrate too early because as the late, great Yogi Berra once
said, “It ain’t over, till it’s over.” And now it is over, and the New England Patriots are your Super Bowl LI champions.

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