1 Editor’s Note
One wise sage once said "we are the product of the and if you were a thief, this
company we keep," a profound deduction considering the would be the reincarnation
nature of most of our associates as varsity students. Hello of Chidumo! You can take
once again our faithful readers, it’s a pleasure interacting a guess on how varsity will
with you in this our "Friendship" themed edition. A friend magnify traits like
can take the place of a brother or sister you never had, can prostitution, drug abuse,
be a network link to your future job or to some of our more gossip etc. It is these latter
progressive millennials-can come with 'benefits'. traits that we must guard
against and deprive them
Irregardless though of the plenty reasons why we have the by keeping the right
friends we have, a common denominator underlines all as company and avoid the
the fact that we all need some form of company. This circle of friends who would
companionship can however either make us or break us. toss us into the abyss of
The holy scriptures don't emphasize it any less when they wanton behaviour.
point out that "by beholding we become changed. “The
concern now comes with whether this change is positive or By choosing your friends
negative and in this predatory world it can't be emphasized today know that you are
any greater than saying we should be careful in our making a choice with
selection of friends. lasting repercussions on
your life, which can be
Many have gone down the dreaded paths of drug abuse, regrettable or
prostitution and crime simply because they did not guard commendable.
against making risky friends. This is a folly which befalls
many a youth after a change of environment, especially the So be wise make
first years. As you associate and make new acquittances the right choice!
pray that the Lord gives you good friends, ones who will
build you up not tear you down, ones who will strengthen
not weaken you and ones who will let you shine like a
supernova, not collapse you within and dim you like a black
I have told my friends on countless times that University to
each one of us is a magnifier. If you were a church addict
before varsity, on campus you will find yourself immersed
into Church associations at prophetic levels, if you were
political, campus will turn you into a Malema, if you were
artistic you will have more YouTube views than Stunner
Welcome Note “I wish you all a
fruitful stay at
Ladies and Gentlemen coming from various CHINHOYI
backgrounds, I would like to take this opportunity to UNIVERSITY OF
welcome you to the University of your choice, Chinhoyi TECHNOLOGY!”
University of Technology (CUT). Am sure you have so
far settled in just fine and I hope you are also coping you also utilise them to
with the new environment. CUT is a brand which we all the best of your abilities
should promote at all times, this is done by making sure as you are now running
that you as an individual should not put the name CUT the last leg of your race
to disrepute. I would like to encourage all to follow all towards attaining your
the rules and regulations given to you so as to ensure a degree. To the rest of
smooth stay for the next four or five years. It is human the returning students,
nature to socialise and in most cases, being identified to welcome and I hope you
a certain group of people. This is catered for here at had a refreshing
CUT as we boast of various club and sporting activities vacation and you are
so as to ensure that each and every student is catered now geared up for this
for. So be free to join the Leos, Enactus, Varsity Choir, semester.
and more. For those with a passion for sports, sign up
for Soccer, Netball, Volleyball, Athletics, Swimming or
any sport that is of interest to you. Your spiritual
wellbeing is not ignored as various denominations have
meeting places within the campus and outside. For
more information regarding cell groups, regularly check
the student’s notice boards to see where your fellow
brethren in Christ meet. At the moment, you are a bit a
bit confused on how to cope with life as a university
student so I have taken the liberty of including a
University Survival Tips 101 article. Above all I would
want to re-emphasise the importance of having a CUT
Security personnel contact number, not forgetting the
clinic’s contact details. These will prove very valuable to
some as the semester progresses. To those returning
from attachment, I would like to welcome you back and I
pray you will enjoy the remaining two semesters and
Planning is bringing the vagueness, confusion, and fuzzy- and objectives until you are crystal clear
future into the present so you mindedness about what you are about what is expected of you and in
can do something about it supposed to do and in what order what order of priority. It is amazing
now. -ALAN LAKEIN and for what reason. You must how many people are working away,
-There is one quality that one avoid this common condition with day after day, on low-value tasks
must possess to win, and that all your strength by striving for because they have not had this critical
is definiteness of purpose, ever greater clarity in everything discussion with themselves. Stephen
the knowledge of what one you do. Covey says, "Before you begin
wants and a burning desire to scrambling up the ladder of success,
achieve it. -NAPOLEON HILL Here is a great rule for success: make sure that it is leaning against the
right building."
BEFORE YOU CAN determine Think on paper.
your "life" and get on with eating Only about 3 percent of adults have Step number two: Write it down.
it, you have to decide exactly what clear, written goals. These people Think on paper. When you write down
you want to accomplish in each accomplish five and ten times as much your goal, you crystallize it and give it
area of your life. Clarity is the most as people of equal or better education tangible form. You create something
important concept in personal and ability but who, for whatever that you can touch and see. On the
productivity. The number one reason, have never taken the time to other hand, a goal or objective that is
reason why some people get more write out exactly what it is they want. not in writing is merely a wish or a
work done faster is because they There is a powerful formula for setting fantasy. It has no energy behind it.
are absolutely clear about their and achieving goals that you can use for Unwritten goals lead to confusion,
goals and objectives and they don't the rest of your life. It consists of seven vagueness, misdirection, and numerous
deviate from them. The clearer you simple steps. Taking any one of these mistakes.
are about what you want and what steps can double and triple your
you have to do to achieve it, the productivity if you are not currently Step number three: Set a deadline
easier it is for you to overcome using it. on your goal.
procrastination, and get on with A goal or decision without a deadline
the completion of the task. A Step number one: Decide exactly has no urgency. It has no real beginning
major reason for procrastination what you want. or end. Without a definite deadline
and lack of motivation is Either decide for yourself or sit down accompanied by the assignment or
with your mentor and discuss your goals acceptance of specific responsibilities
for completion, you will naturally an organized plan of action, you will be Clear written goals have a wonderful
procrastinate and get very little done. far more productive and efficient than effect on your thinking. They motivate
someone who is carrying his goals you and galvanize you into action. They
Step number four: Make a list of around in his mind. stimulate your creativity, release your
everything that you can think of energy, and help you to overcome
that you are going to have to do Step number six: Take action on procrastination as much as any other
to achieve your goal. your plan immediately. factor.
As you think of new activities, add them Do something. Do anything. An
to your list. Keep building your list until average plan vigorously executed is far Goals are the fuel in the furnace of
it is complete. A list gives you a visual better than a brilliant plan on which achievement. The bigger your goals and the
picture of the larger task or objective. It nothing is done. For you to achieve any
gives you a track to run on. It kind of success, execution is everything. clearer they are, the more excited you
dramatically increases the likelihood become about achieving them. The more you
that you will achieve your goal as you Step number seven: Resolve to do think about your goals, the greater becomes
have defined it and on schedule. something every single day that your inner drive and desire to accomplish
moves you toward your major them. Think about your goals and review
Step number five: Organize the goal. them daily. Every morning when you begin,
list into a plan. Build this activity into your daily take action on the most important task you
Organize your list by priority and schedule. Read a specific number of
sequence. Take a few minutes to decide pages on a key subject. Call on a can accomplish to achieve your most
what you need to do first and what you specific number of prospects or important goal at the moment.
can do later. Decide what has to be customers. Engage in a specific period
done before something else and what of physical exercise. Learn a certain By Ngoni Karongah a motivational writer
needs to be done afterward. Even number of new words in a foreign and a global leader in the making
better, lay out your plan visually, in the language. Never miss a day. Keep
form of a series of boxes and circles on pushing forward. Once you start
a sheet of paper. You'll be amazed at moving, keep moving. Don't stop. This
how much easier it is to achieve your decision, this discipline alone, can make
goal when you break it down into you one of the most productive and
individual tasks. With a written goal and successful people of your generation.
SURVIVING however chances are you will become
homesick from time to time especially
VARSITY LIFE101 if something negative happens. Most
will find calling or visiting home more
therapeutic in helping them cope away
from home, whereas others may find
limited contact stops them from
feeling homesick. Formulate a sensible
strategy that suits you and helps you
stay productive and happy. Most of
all, always keep yourself occupied
My first day as a University student on. Yes, there will be times when you
was a pain in the neck, and so was will be angry at your roommate for
most of my first semester. Besides not washing up your bowl they just
receiving a lot of advice from those used or a hostel mate/neighbour for
who believe they know it all, those not returning your kettle on time but
who wish it was them and my loving being in their good books can prove
mother, I just didn’t know what I was beneficial
supposed to know about varsity life at 3. Don’t let going out consume you
the moment but now that I’ve found or your money. You are a university 6. Don’t leave all your work until the
the key to surviving, let me help a few last minute. This may seem very
who still can’t survive varsity life. I student; of course, you want to go out! tempting seeing you have longer
believe this will help a lot of part 1:1s Do bear in mind that finances are a deadlines; sometimes a couple of
who I’ll refer to as freshman factor and the bars and so loved months, but the deadline will soon
henceforth. Terrific Tuesdays will never disappear. creep on you. A very useful strategy,
Socialise Frequently. One thing I The prices may seem cheap but they though boring, is to get your work
1. have realised is friends will never also add up and you risk not being done as soon as you get it. This way,
come looking for you. You have to able to afford those necessary your notes are still fresh in your mind
actually engage yourself with people. and you will have more free time
If you take an interest in people, purchases like food and toiletries. A afterwards….
wise man once said, “Never save after
spending, rather save a dollar or two
people will take an interest in you. For
freshman, this is best done within
your first two weeks when everyone is
in the same boat and actually looking
for friends to hang out with but if you
missed this timing, don’t despair for it
is never too late to be a sociable
4. and use the rest.” Food for thought!!! 7. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.
Bond with hostel mates and 5. Lock your food and utensils. This University is different in many ways to
neighbours. This doesn’t mean you may seem a bit extreme but in my high school. The learning styles are
have to be the best of friends but bear different and the work a lot harder
in mind that you’ll be together 24/7 experience, it’s for the best. Just and you are expected to handle your
sharing common walls till end of remember your room mate will never own. Lecturers will understand that
semester. Even when not fond of take your stuff maliciously, most likely adjusting to things like this takes time
them, include yourself in activities like they’ve run out of milk or sugar for and patience so if there is something
their tea and decide to pop a bit of you do not understand, just ask. It
yours in. by locking your food and won’t make you look stupid, you’ll
utensils away, you save food, money, actually be the smarter one for making
time, energy, and washing up. sure you know exactly what’s expected
of you and how to do it
2. Develop a sensible coping strategy. After saying this I do rest my case for
Most university students fall into three now. I gave you the key and its time
categories: 1. they can’t wait to get you decide which door to open, do
away from their parents, 2) they are enjoy the rest of the semester!!!
dreading the day they leave the
comfort of their home and 3) nervous
but excited. These are perfectly
shopping, going for your meals and so normal and acceptable feelings
OUTLAST problems, refuse to die in your winter
OUTTHINK and suffer needlessly.
YOUR PROBLEMS Great leaders are birth by deep crises.
Heroes emerge in most intense
A life without problems is a myth. ALL PROBLEMS EXPIRE battles. Bravery without challenge is
There is no one place on earth fiction. Greatness without challenge
without problems. The earlier you Nothing last forever, organism die, is a phantom feat.
stop running away from your drugs expire, plants rot and seasons
problems the better life will be for change. Your problems are mortal YOUR FOCUS MATTERS
and solutions are infinitely abundant.
you.’ -Do not think your Don’t be fixated on your current Focus beyond the problem and
problems, outgrow, outlearn, outthink difficulty. Your challenges are not
problems are special- and outwork them. Grow faster than fueled by people or the
your problems, mature faster than circumstances. They are fueled by the
There is always someone with your troubles. way you think about your challenges.
problems so big that yours appear as Never waste your energy trying to go
a footnote in their world. Everyone PROBLEMS CHANGE mountain climbing on a little mole
has problems it’s just that they may YOU hill behind your house. Don’t waste
not be as loud as their problem. your mental processing by worrying.
True greatness is to be able to remain Storms are sometimes full of intensity Don’t pray to be kept away from
sane in the midst of your problems and confusion. When you are through problems that would be to insulate
and not to lose focus. An uncluttered the storm you may never fully yourself from greatness. Pray that you
mind in the midst of a clutter is a remember all, the details of the storm have the courage to confront and
hallmark of greatness. and how you survived it. What is true overcome your problems.
is that once you are on the other side,
YOUR GIFT IS HERE you are a different person. How PLAYING THE BLAME
problems change you don’t depend GAME
Every problem that you on the problem, but on you. Survive
face is a special gift your adversities and outlast your The best way to stay in your problems
sent to grow you. The is to play the blame game. Whoever
value of problems is you blame for your miseries you
that they create a little empower to make you miserable.
discomfort that is Take charge of your life. It is not the
necessary for you to tide that captains the ship but the
develop. Problems captain. Your problems don’t decide
expose knowledge, your destiny, you do.
maturity and Have faith in the future.
development gaps.
Allow your problems to Eliminate the word ‘IMPOSSIBLE’
give you your growth from your vocabulary.
syllabi. Problems are
not roadblocks they are PERSIST LIKE A WARRIOR
just exercise tools sent
to exercise your mind
and spirit. If you had
no problems, you
would have forgot to
think and pray.
LEO simply means Leadership It’s the most active, fun, awesome club on Campus
Experience Opportunities. To have an opportunity to address the needs and concerns of the
Leadership-Leadership community and world.
To work in cooperation with sponsoring Lions and other Leo clubs
learning, how to motivate, To emphasize respect for the right of other, and to promote ethical
influence and lead leaders. To
standards and the dignity off all useful occupation.
develop skills such as organizing
projects, managing time and JOIN US TODAY
team leading.
Experience-learn how We have a lot of activities lined up on campus and off campus,
Hospital visits, Dance festival, Mutare Leo Convention just but to
teamwork, cooperation and
name a few, believe you me don’t miss out!!!!!!!!
collaboration can bring exciting Wednesday at 1600hrs @Prefabs blocks
changes to the university, Contact:
community and the world. o Leo Younice(PRO) 0784 526 277
Opportunities-make o Leo Charity (Secretary) 0782 897 754
friends and feel the rewards of
community service. There are
many places on the globe that
have a lot Leo club. All Leos
wear pins or t-shirts that say
“LEO”, this means instant
friends in the one’s community
and in the world.
To provide the youth of the
country and world at large with
an opportunity for development
and contribution, individually
and collectively, as responsible
members of the university,
local, national and international
To enhance knowledge and
skills that will assist you in
personal development
To address the physical needs
of our community and promote
better relations through
friendship and service
To render selfless service to
humanity and surrender your
Time, Talent, Treasure and
to me
We ambushed
people with a good
question to see
how they respond.
“What will you
do if you find
out that your
best friend is
cheating with
your bf/gf?”
Help a friend in need, if you
have a burning question feel
free to ask what others think
app/call 0773197052
[email protected]
Solar Energy:
The Future
Today the challenge is not to conquer
the moon but quality of life on earth. It is Solar energy is not affected by
to everyone’s knowledge that fossil fuels price volatility an adversary for
steady state economic growth.
are finite, responsible for health and Non-renewables vary price with
supply and demand whereas
environmental hazards. Life in essence is with solar energy the price/kwh
is fixed for 20-30 years tolerat-
existence: manifestation and foundation ing the liberty to even sign a
30year contract for the same
of the being. Our world desperately price of power.
needs the implementation of clean A solar farm pose of higher reli-
ability than a hydro power plant.
energy technologies to reduce energy Surprised, right? Read this one:
a fault in a hydro plant or for
Energy Engineer consumption and waste of natural maintenance one unit going
Mapara Talent 4.1 resources. down we lose >150MW from
the national grid. For solar
Renewable energy also called Green en- power losing an inverter we lose
1% power (1MW from a
ergy is way more than just a solution it puts the environment, human- 100MW plant)
ity and economic security first: that’s sustainability. This energy is
It’s a race between renewable
obtained from natural and persistent flows of energy occurring in the and non-renewable energy
sources. It’s inevitable, game is
ambient environment. My main focus as an Engineer is on Solar En- in favour of renewables. It’s
not a question of if, but a ques-
ergy: an eminent example on how the power of mother nature can tion of when? The future is
now, be ready to experience it.
be harnessed to change the quality of life
Contact: [email protected]
Solar Energy technology is defined as the use of systems that cap-
ture the sun’s radiation energy and convert it to other useful forms +263 775 292 103
like electricity, heat and light (photovoltaic modules, solar collectors,
Why Solar Energy?
“Global warming and climate change are major issues facing the
world today and you can be part of the solution by reducing the car-
bon footprint through use of solar energy”. Solar energy doesn't pro-
duce harmful pollutants henceforth is a clean, sustainable source of
A financial benefit can be realized in reduced utility payments as so-
lar energy can be used for electricity, heat, cooling and lighting this
in turn reduces the home working costs thus at the same time in-
creases the property value.
Solar energy condenses dependence and liberates one from utility
companies and the ever-rising tariffs at the same time offering
energy security and reliability
TECH- We provide the following services
COMPANY Virus removal
Dead laptop fixed
Technostars Is Technological company which Blue and black screen
was formed by a former Slow performance
CUT IT student Mr Lead- Network problems
more Muzamani. It has 2 Data backup and recovery
years of operation at Installation of operating systems Ubuntu,
CUT. Technostars pro-
vides technological solu- Linux, windows XP windows 7,8,8.1and win-
tions to all problems ex- dows 10
perienced by people Installation of all missing drivers
Mr Leadmore Mu- Installation Microsoft offices office
zamani(CEO) call or 2007,2010,2013 and 2016
App 0027847547066 Activation keys for all software applications
As Technostars we pro- Installation and activation of antiviruses es-
sentials, AVG, Avast, Kaspersky, Eset etc.
vide the following services
Laptop repairs both software and hard- HARDWARE SOLUTIONS
ware We do repairs of the following hardware issues
Technological equipment sales LCD, LCD replacement
RAM, hard drives, keyboards, speakers, Fan repair
flashes, motherboards, laptop chargers Video card repair
etc. Overheating issues
Software Development Dead motherboard
Website Design Sticky keyboard
Database creation Dead power pack
Network Installation Dead USB ports
Data security Dead speakers
IT Consultancy Printer repairs
We discovered that CUT students mainly facing We Sell the following items
more challenges with their computers almost on Motherboards
daily basis and thereby we set a team of techni- Flashes
cians who will assist with solutions operating 24hrs LCDs
on CUT Campus Keyboards
Laptop speakers
PUS Brand new and second hand laptops
PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW: Volcano speaker 3in 1, Bluetooth player, USB,
HDMI cable and very portable
App LEADS 0027847547066
Call 0777730460
Kudzie 0775694297
Debate “THAT
Society WHEN THE
WELCOME to yet another exciting semester for one QUEEN
of the fastest growing club on the campus. The debate REALISES THAT
society prides itself in training and equipping students SHE IS JUST A
with all necessary tools required to interpret the world
around them and make the most of various PAWN IN A
opportunities presented to them. MUCH
Whoever you are ask yourself any of these 5 LARGER
questions: GAME OF
1. Are you socially shy?? CHESS”
2. Do you suffer from stage fright??
3. Do you want to improve on your persuasion SAMUEL BANDA
skills on anything?? PATRON: MRS RUSIKE
4. Are you good in public speeches but want to
take your confidence to another level?? BANDA
5. Are you paralyzed by the fear of what other
people think of you?? OFFICER: WALTER
MADEDE (0773 641 750)
If you answered yes to any of these questions,
then you are in the right place. The Debate SECRETARY: BRIAN
Society is the MAGAMA (0772 255 285)
breeding ground
of tomorrow’s
leaders and
captains of the
POWER AND …… you expect and go get educated
or get jobs. Show the older
RESPONSIBILITIES …… generation they are wrong about
…… you, let them know you have
…… intelligence and skills, show
yourself what you are made of.
OF YOUTH …… ……. You might be surprised at how
…… proud of yourself you become
…… with even the smallest
…… accomplishments. I can tell you
…… that nothing can happen if you
do not try, bad or good. You will
However .The young not become rich overnight either
We must get control of this. generation occupies way but at least if you make an
effort, then you have begun your
We must motivate our youth. a special place in journey to your dreams.
social environment. It
Youth work can be very
We must teach responsibility is very much part of effective....
society. The young • by offering opportunities
to become engaged
and goal setting. and rising generation • by helping to prevent
constitutes a exclusion
• by allowing us to target
representative of the specific groups at risk
• By helping to combat the
future in the broadest sense; the future of any society depends on the negative perception of specific
groups of people among the
practical and spiritual molding of the youth. Unfortunately, today we find general public, and by fostering
civic, social and relational
the youth those who are more interested in other places which are not competencies which help young
people to become responsible
useful to them as well as nation. They choose to spend their days doing and open-minded members of
our diverse society.
drugs and playing video games. They spend their nights partying and living
By Ngoni Karongah a
it up, so to speak. More and more young men of this age group are sitting motivational writer and a global
leader in the making
at home in front of their televisions playing games all day instead of
bettering themselves or going to work.
This is a pandemic that has destroyed most of our youths. They have no
vision and if they do have dreams they do not have the drive to make any
attempt at achieving them.
I fear if we do not we will soon be supporting an entire generation of
homeless and needlessly on welfare families. Things have to change, with
our schools, with the older generation being good role models, with the
older generation being mentors, and with the youth who are right now
doing nothing. We have a choice its either you can allow yourselves to stay
your course and do nothing or you can rise above what the cynics around
CUT Athletics
Cut athletics team
participated in a
number of events in
the last season
including the ZUSA
games, University of
Zimbabwe invitational
tournament and the
Inter- Provincial
championship. In all
the above-mentioned
appearances, the
competition was very
stiff but nevertheless
we managed to scoop
a couple of medals.
The major event of the season was the ZUSA games and CUT
came 5th out of 9 universities namely MSU, GZU, UZ, ZEGU,
Lupane, NUST, WUA, AU and RCU. CUT scooped 2 gold
medals, 1 for long jump (M) and the other one for 1500m (F)
race, 1 silver medal for discuss (F) and 2 bronze medals for
4x400m (F) and the other one for discuss (M).
This year we are aiming to do better and field many athletes at
the ZTISU and CUCSA games and also qualify for World
University Games in Taipei, Taiwan (Republic of China).
17 March – ZUSA games
25 March – UZ invitational tournament
Date TBA – ZTISU and CUCSA games
For more info contact
Team Captain: Ishe “Lash” Marasha
Team Assistant Coach: Noble “Turbo”
Hapureni 0735555427/077503031
School of Art students never seize to Zimbabwe. InBetween looks at the InBetween welcomes all potential
amaze. From CUT 15 now to having lifestyle of people between the ages of sponsors to
our own Hollywood here at the 20-50 years of age. The series is mainly make the
university. Four BSCAD students, based on the different hustles man and production
namely Tariro Matsika, Thubelihle women do/go through to feed their a series and
Khumalo, Tonderai Musandu and eventually a
Dumie Manyathela, whose journey families soapie,
together started when they were on at the striving to
attachment at ZBC during the period personnel
of 2016. With realization of raw talent same driving for
amongst themselves (including time change in
technical giving a Zimbabwean filming as well as
talent) they lesson promoting spoken languages and
decided to on the various cultures.
join forces wrong InBetween welcomes young actors
together doings. who want to
and do a InBetween is inspired by the drive to make their
mind change filming in Zimbabwe and dreams come
blowing promote young and upcoming true,
short film actors. auditions will
just for fun, little did they know that it The Cut creatives are be held
would capture the hearts of many inspired by the young during the
viewers. vibrant ability to make course of the
What happens when you betray your change in society so as to year for the next production of episode
gang members? InBetween is a story of promote performance 2
Fanyana a gang member who forms an art as a well-paying and
empire after betraying all of his gang secure career path which
members. The story begins when one has to be seen like any
of the gang members, General comes other profession. The motto
out from jail and vows to revenge and is nothing can be impossible
take what is rightfully his. This is a with the right attitude, mind
story of intrigue, highly charged with and putting God first in it all,
betrayal and mystery. The streets of striving to set an international
Makokoba, Bulawayo swell with standard for Zimbabwe.
bloody, thirsty gangs and beautiful,
sexy women all out to protect their
turf. It’s the survival of the fittest.
InBetween is a local produced short
film with a storyline that celebrates the
dreams and aspirations of
Zimbabweans across the country.
InBetween, is about stimulating a
conversation on the transfer of wealth,
knowledge and culture. Successive
generations in the African society have
produced men and women of great
intelligence, vision and the drive for
InBetween, has an audience target of
the young generation and adults with
the use of various languages spoken in
Cast: Gladys Gamuchirai Denenga (Norma), Siphephisiwe Kunene (Tammie), Bhekani Khumalo (Jack), Tonderai Musandu
(Jazzman Lee), Chris Makande (Son), Leo Mhinga (Tarzan), Kumbirai Zvinvhashe (Picasso), Thubelihle Khumalo (Fanyana) an
Dumie Manyathela (General Drama).
I'm not perfect though I'm striving to be.
I make mistakes with you,
I sadden and upset the motion of the beat of your heart,
But I still love you.
Be patient with me love,
And forgive me when I mess up.
Dear love,
Let me hold your hand when you cry,
Let me see the bad and the good.
Open up and let me fall at your feet.
Help me upset the balance of gravity with you by my side.
Dear love,
Love me silly,
For I am strong yet fragile,
I am jealous at times,
I am stubborn at my own will,
Yet you alone soften and smooth the edges to my heart.
You alone suck the venom of my ignorance,
And replace it with sense.
Dear love,
Dance with me into the night,
And let the stars join in our tango.
Laugh with me,
Enjoy my company,
And conform me to that which you like.
Dear love,
I will do anything for you,
And with you.
Just hold on to me,
And I'll make it worth your while.
By Rayee Ruturi – visual communication and multimedia design
Have you ever met someone you think about every night and every day?
someone so beautiful
it's breathtaking and words just aren't enough to say
Have you ever met someone so special you can't imagine life without?
someone you want to talk forever and learn everything about
Have you ever met someone just as crazy and wants to have just as much fun?
someone you can dance all night with and together watch the rising sun
Have you ever met someone so amazing you wish you could pause the time so it doesn't end?
This someone is you, and I'd like you to be my girlfriend.
Back in high school my Guidance Counsellor, Miss Gozho, always taught me valuable life lessons especially about making
good choices. As we are starting a new semester at Chinhoyi University of Technology, I believe this is the right moment
to share what I was taught a few years back.
The truth of the matter is we’re all confronted by countless choices each day. Some have minimal consequences, such as
whether to have our ice cream in a cone or cup or I we should get our meals from the canteen or nearby takeaways, while
other decisions can be life changing. And while some of these may impact our lives today, other choices may not affect us
for years to come. The important thing to remember is that we are a product of the choices we make. Each decision helps
to define who we are and how we’re different from one another. Making good choices begins with taking charge of the
decision making process.
MANAGE THE BIG LEARN FROM THE advice when variables lie You’ll rarely have all the
STUFF. PAST. outside your comfort zone. information that you need
to make a perfect decision
It’s very easy to get side- Learn from your KEEP THE RIGHT so don’t demand perfection.
tracked by insignificant experiences and the PERSPECTIVE The philosopher Voltaire
issues in life. If you spend a experiences of others. COINCIDENCE. warned against letting the
lot of time on trivial stuff, Identify situations where perfect be the enemy of the
you won’t have time to you’ve had a similar choice View an issue from every good. That advice still holds
contemplate on things that in the past. How can you vantage point. Ask yourself
apply those lessons learned a lot of water today.
matter. to the existing situation? the following questions.
What do the facts say? What ONCE YOU MAKE A
VALUES MATTER. KNOW WHAT YOU is your intuition telling you? DECISION DON’T LOOK
Make decisions that are KNOW AND WHAT Is your conscience trying to BACK, MAKE IT WORK.
consistent with your core YOU DON’T KNOW. tell you something? Listen
beliefs and values. The Don’t try to be an expert in Never second-guess
alternative invariably leads everything. Seek input and up. yourself. You can’t relive the
past. It’s a waste of valuable
to regrets. DON’T
PROCRASTINATE. time and energy.
Life is not about checking an item off your to-do list or trying to
impress others with how busy you are. Life’s about being content with
where you’ve been, where you are going, what you represent and the
impact that you’re having on others. This begins and ends with the
choices that you make so give some serious thought to every choice you
face as Albert Camus once said, “Life is a sum of all your
Beginning is defined as the point or time where something starts or the starting point. This is where ideas, innovations, wealth
and character are birthed. To some of us we are beginning a four-year long Then Paul quips, KJV Hebrews
journey at a tertiary institution. Ideas, innovations and wealth will be birthed in 12:1 - 2
within the gates of this campus. This can only be accomplished when you take a Look to Christ and Persevere in
reactive role in the creativity process. One thing you will realise is this is very Faith
different from a high school or a college. This is universities, minds come from all 1 Wherefore seeing we also are
walks of life to be given raw data to process and use it in the creativity process. compassed about with so great a
The words that can best be suited to those who begin this journey are, cloud of witnesses, let us lay
'Hold fast that which you have, that no man take your aside every weight, and the sin
which doth so easily beset us,
crown.'(Revelation 3:10, KJV). and let us run with patience the
So, whatever you grasp be it information during lectures, group discussions, race that is set before us,
symposiums, study time, the wise words are hold on to it so that no one can claim
your success. During these four years, there will be good times and bad times, but
through it all emerge a better version of yourself. Never succumb to pressure but
rise above the storm and swirl higher. Do not take the easy way out, work out for 2 Looking unto Jesus the author
your success and you will be rewarded immensely for it. and finisher of our faith; who
One English adage says, for the joy that was set before
him endured the cross, despising
'A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step' the shame, and is set down at
the right hand of the throne of
Some of us have always taken a few steps into this journey and yet we haven't God.
arrived to our ultimate goal which is being capped as means of conferring us with Lastly, welcome to those
our respective undergraduate degrees. Some will return to the campus to be
further equipped with information that is penitent to creating ideas, innovations
and wealth. Whilst yet others are sailing out to the seas of the workplace to starting this race; alluta continua
practise their theoretical skill set. As you go out there represent God, the school to those still forging onward and
and your family well. Paul wrote these words,
to those who are running the
'Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do; do it all to the final race, the finish line is just
glory of God.' in sight. God bless.
Never compromise on your principles so as to get ahead. Stand tall and be a
lighthouse in this turbulent sea of the workplace.
Finally, some are returning to run the last stretch of the race. Ending is defined as Mthokozisi Tshimken Mahlangu
the final part of something. You have run the race and now you enter into the [email protected]
final stretch. It hasn't been easy but you are here at last. One song writer write
these lyrics,
We have come this far by faith trusting in the Lord and His
Word. He has never failed us yet...
It is at the backdrop of such words that l say, God has been faithful.
Africa Arise
Gone are the days to shun away reasoning and thoughts. It holds the power ourselves to develop and put our
from information and knowledge. of the imagination, recognition, and mental power to work, we will go
We are in the information age! appreciation, and is responsible for further. Let go the habit to being
Pursue and embrace knowledge. processing feelings forced to go to school, to read a book
Your taste and capacity for and emotions,
knowledge is your opportunity. Your resulting in or to think; make it
development and progress in life is attitudes intentional. Those in
always proportional to your mental and
development. You can never be actions."~ schools don't be
bigger than your mind. Grow your Rev Dr addicted to drugs
mind and your mind will grow YOU. Chris rather develop
"The mind is the faculty of man's Oyakhilome. yourself
If you develop your and the
mind and put your mind world
power to work, there are no around you.
limits to what you can achieve, Let us rise up
absolutely no limitations to how and tackle runaway
high you can sour in life, when corruption,
you put your mind-power to dreadful
work. All you need do is feed your terrorism,
mind aright-study the right books, tribalism,
watch the right things and think the poverty,
right thoughts. Give your mind to a
tutor. Educate yourself! Formal unemployment, diseases,
education is good and very illiteracy, ignorance and
important yet self-education is what inequality that has put the whole
will make you excellent and continent on the verge of collapse.
outstanding. Invest in yourself. Buy Yes! We can do it, let's put our
books and study them, play the right mind-power to work. Arise! Arise!
wait for the best opportunity to read Arise and shine!
a book rather each one of us must
educate himself that we may build Phil Mukwinya is a speaker, writer and
ourselves and our world (Africa). workshop facilitator. He is the
Founder and President of Impact7, an
Our excellence in Africa is not limited organization that is into
to sports or culture. The success eduprenuership and leadership
around the world it's proof of mental development. He is passionate about
work. Here in Africa we can produce human development, he is convinced
the best jewellery, best schools, best that every men is special and has
hospitals, best books and best something to give to the world.
economy. If we discipline our
email: [email protected];
+263 775 798185:
Kwira this is sadly the prevailing when we are working as
status quo that we are lone rangers. We have to
Mukadzi living in. Women have not get rid of the PHD (Pull
yet fully embrassed the Her Down) syndrome and
Kwira! concept of empowering
themselves, all we think of start working towards
"I am sick and tired of is that Man are superior empowering and
being sick and tired" of a and hence they should supporting one another
people who do not take always take the leading role instead of this competition
pride in their value and in empowering their fellow that we are living in which
worth. These are the murky beings. Well let me hasten has and will continue to see
waters that most (if not all) to say this as a woman also us going nowhere and
woman are swimming in. Enough is enough! It is achieving nothing as
You may ask Why I say so indeed time for women to
and my answer is very stop believing in the fallacy women. Let us stand for
simple and straight forward, that they cannot do it or ourselves and show the
it’s very long overdue since that we cannot make it world that indeed we can
woman girded up their without the help of men. make it.
loins and take up the No no no no its high time
mammoth task of we get rid of that poor I wish i had more space to
empowering each and mentality which has kept us fully express the ebullient
every female human at the bottom of the manner in which i always
species in the world by survival food chain. One wish for woman to adopt
themselves!!! Yes, its high great fact that we cannot in their daily lives. Let me
time woman have to take run away from is that the conclude by saying
the leading role of greatest change that can
empowering themselves ever be seen in the world “i have a dream,
and not wait up for anyone comes from within, so now
to do so because we have is the time that every that one day
waited for far too long now woman believed in
without much progress* themselves and start women will rise to
Gentle reader, after going making changes wherever
through this article, i want you may be located. the occasion and
you to be left with a
burning passion to make Let me not be mistaken for start working
things happen towards the a radical feminist gentle
emancipation of women. I reader but I fully take towards self-
don’t care whether you are distaste towards the emancipation”.
male or female, this article reluctance of woman to
is just meant to take you stand up for themselves Always remember that the
out of that uncomfortable and start making this world change that you want to be
comfort zone that you and a better place .... seen around you depends
i have been wallowing in on you to start taking
without taking action Let us take a leaf from the action. So, take action and
towards the emancipation start making women an
of women today. ants, their whole colony integral part of the world’s
Bob Marley rightly pointed works together and it political, economic and
out that social development by
empowering the woman
"EMANCIPATE next to you ... The time to
YOURSELF FROM start is now, never wait for
NON-BUT makes great
OURSELVES CAN accomplishments as a unit.
Then, if ants can construct
FREE huge anthills by working
OUR MINDS” together then why can’t we
as women take a stand and
join forces and make a
mark towards the
development of this world.
Remember, an ant does not
have any significance when
it’s on its own but lo! Look
at what it does when it’s in Gentle reader, be blessed
union with other ants!! and stay blessed. I am
That’s the same as women, Rumbidzai Tutayi and I’m
we can’t build empires out!!