Calories DomHa&ckSsyfdo’sr
Vaccines Healthy Living
Brain Fog
Health Literacy
Annual Exams
ecChamoorseeergency David Strong
President & CEO
for kids, Orlando Health
right in your
neighborhood. Andrew J. Snyder
Senior Vice President
Now in 8 locations Marketing & Communications
throughout Central Florida
For locations and online scheduling, visit:
ArnoldPalmerHospital.com/ER PICTURED STANDING:
Wendy Bacigalupi-Bednarz
Rod James
Kathy Halley
Diana Lomont
Jessica Daly, MLS
Federico Laham, MD
Kim Marcum
Lisa Nickchen
Michael Cheatham, MD
Tracey Choroco
Samar Elbabaa, MD
Christine Greves, MD
Lindsay Gigler-Huff
Kevin Hayden
Robert Masson, MD
Jean Moorjani, MD
Brooke Morton
Amanda Ndah
Lauren Popeck, Registered Dietitian
Diane Robinson, PhD
Todd Sontag, MD
Chelsea Stevens
Cherisse Stover
Ravi Tak, MD
Julie Vargo
Jessica Vaught, MD
Kelly Urbanik, RD, CSP, CNSC, LDN,
Licensed Dietitian/Nutritionist
Mark Vollenweider, MD
Mark Weatherly, MD
Proud recipient
of the APEX
2018 Award
of Excellence,
excellence in
Welcome to the spring issue
of Orlando Health Choose
Health magazine. Our special
guide in this issue, Separating
Myth vs. Fact, features insights
from Orlando Health experts.
Professional athletes Dom
Dwyer and Sydney Leroux also
share nutritional tips, hacks
for eating right, exercising and
staying healthy.
We’ve included Spotlight articles
and a Patient Journey that will leave
you feeling informed and inspired in
guiding your health.
The Esporting Life: Restoring Hope
Gaming Is a New Sport for an Active Life
4&5 22 & 23
New Robot Helps Evaluate Welcome
Lung Spots Faster New Doctors
6 26 – 28
Dom & Syd’s Hacks Upcoming Classes
for Healthy Living & Programs
8 – 10 32 & 33
Guide: Separating Community
Myth vs Fact Good
11 – 20 34
ChooseHealth 3 OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
By Diana Lomont, Editorial Contributor Research shows playing
video games in general
Electronic sports, commonly known offers health benefits for a
as esports or gaming, may sound like a range of ages, from kids to
paradox. After all, what’s so sporty about the elderly, says Dr. Todd
sitting ata computer console and pushing Sontag, a family medicine
buttons? In reality, gaming contains many physician with Orlando
ofthe same elements as a real sport. Playing Health Physician Associates.
video games and competing with others in Documented benefits for
realtime requires quick reflexes, nimble children include:
strategy, determination and endurance.
• Enhanced reflexes and
hand-eye coordination
• Better short-term
memory skills
• Increased mental
• Improved ability to
engage in multiple tasks
4ChooseHealth OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
Guidelines for Parents
While gaming can offer a variety of benefits, too much of anything has its
downside, says Dr. Sontag. He learned firsthand with his own kids that video
game addiction can happen. His 8- and 10-year-old sons were spending a lot of
time playing a free online game when Dr. Sontag noticed they started showing
signs of video game addiction — restlessness, irritability and preoccupation
with only the game.
“When my kids played these aggressive video games for hours,”
he says, “it would change their personalities.” After limiting their game
time to one hour each session, “I feel like I got my kids back.”
While Dr. Sontag agrees with the American Academy of Pediatrics’ general
guideline of limiting screen time to two hours a day for children, he also
suggests using parental judgment to support the best scenario for each child.
Participating in strategy, role-playing Other guidelines include:
and puzzle games also has been shown
to improve general problem-solving • Check out game ratings from the Entertainment Software Rating Board
ability that can enhance academic (ESRB.org), but also try out the game first to make sure it’s
performance. Studies indicate that skills age-appropriate for your child.
children gain while gaming can improve
future job performance, especially for • Look for nonviolent games that have an educational component or
work requiring good eye-hand complement your child’s interests, such as sports or fantasy games.
coordination, attention, excellent
working memory and quick decision- • Spend time playing video games with your child. Not only is it great
making. “Some of the best surgeons bonding time, but it allows you to monitor the game and your child’s
grew up playing video games,” behavior while playing.
says Dr. Sontag.
• Stop playing video games at least 60 minutes before bedtime.
On the other end of the age spectrum,
gaming has been shown to help reverse • Keep the gaming computer or console out of your child’s bedroom to
mental decline in the elderly. Other eliminate any distractions from sleeping.
benefits include:
Preventing Injuries Orlando Health
• Improved working memory Sponsors Magic Gaming
Because gaming involves a lot of repetitive
• Increased cognitive flexibility motions, it’s easy for overuse injuries to occur, says To help keep esport
Dr. Sontag, who has treated professional gamers athletes physically and
• Better abstract reasoning for wrist and elbow injuries. To prevent repetitive mentally healthy, Orlando
stress injuries, start with good ergonomics: Health is partnering with
• Enhanced quality of life Magic Gaming, one of
• Set the height of your chair so that both feet are 21 professional teams
flat on the floor with knees bent 90–120 degrees. competing in the NBA
If necessary, use a foot stool or box for your feet. 2K League. As Magic
Gaming’s official medical
• If your chair doesn’t provide good lumbar team, Orlando Health
support, use a small pillow or a rolled-up towel. will provide players with
guidance on nutrition,
• Armrests should keep arms level with the exercise, rest and injury
belly button. recovery.
• Position your monitor so the top quadrant of
the screen is at eye level while keeping the
screen tilted slightly upward
• Take a break every 45 to 60 minutes.
5ChooseHealth OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
New Robot Helps
Evaluate Lung
Spots Faster
By Wendy Bacigalupi-Bednarz, Editorial Contributor
A tiny camera and a navigation system like your car’s GPS are the newest tools helping
doctors identify whether that spot on your chest X-ray is scar tissue from an old infection
or lung cancer.
Not all lung spots that show up during screenings are cancerous. How It Works
But the only way to know for sure is to get a biopsy — a
procedure where the doctor removes a tiny piece of the lung Controlled by the doctor, the FDA-cleared robot uses a thin tube,
spot tissue then sends it to a lab for testing. With the help of the called a bronchoscope, to travel through a patient’s mouth and
specialized Monarch robot, getting that biopsy is now safer and into their lungs while they’re under anesthesia. It locates the lung
easier for patients. spot using tiny cameras and a navigation system so the doctor can
take a biopsy.
The Benefits
“Lung cancer often goes unnoticed in its early stages, so there
“With the Monarch, we have the ability to see and access parts is an unmet need to diagnose this disease much earlier in our
of the lungs that were previously out of reach,” says Dr. Mark patients,” says Dr. Vollenweider. “The Monarch helps us speed
Vollenweider, section chief for pulmonary medicine at Orlando up diagnosis and potentially improve survival rates.”
Performed as an outpatient procedure, the process takes from
Doctors at Orlando Health are the first in the southeastern United 30 to 90 minutes. Because it is minimally invasive and no incisions
States to use the Monarch robot to test lung spots for cancer — are made, safety is enhanced and side-effect risks are reduced.
allowing for earlier diagnoses and accelerated lung cancer time to
treatment — without the need for surgical incisions. Learn more about lung cancer screening and testing at
6ChooseHealth OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
Dealing with the
Common and
Uncomfortable UTI
By Lisa Nickchen, Editorial Contributor
No doubt about it, urinary tract infections (UTIs) are
uncomfortable. The sooner you can recognize the symptoms
and begin treatment,
the sooner you’ll
feel relief.
A UTI is caused when bacteria or yeast How to Treat a UTI
accumulate in the urinary tract. It is
the second most common infection, You may be able to treat a mild UTI at home. Drinking plenty of water and
with women getting UTIs four times more cranberry juice to flush out the bacteria, and avoiding caffeine to reduce
frequently than men, says Dr. Jessica dehydration may be enough.
Vaught, an OB-GYN with Orlando Health
Winnie Palmer Hospital for Women & But if home remedies don’t help or your symptoms are severe, you should visit
Babies. Although we use the term UTI your doctor or urgent care location. Like any infection, UTIs can create more
to describe the condition, she says, the risks if left untreated, says Dr. Vaught. A simple urine test can confirm if a UTI is
infection usually takes place in the bladder. the cause of your discomfort. Your doctor will likely prescribe antibiotics, and it’s
important to finish the entire dose. You should be feeling better in a few days.
Symptoms of a UTI
Preventing Future UTIs
• Painful urination
Lifestyle changes can go a long way in preventing urinary tract infections. Try to:
• Feeling the need to urinate but only • Drink 6-8 cups of water a day
able to void small amounts • Urinate often and when you first feel the need to go
• Wipe from front to back after using the toilet
• Frequent urination • Urinate right after sex
• Wear loose-fitting clothes and cotton underwear
• Foul-smelling urine
To learn more visit WinniePalmerHospital.com/UTI.
• Bloody or cloudy urine
7ChooseHealth OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
By Wendy Bacigalupi-Bednarz, Editorial Contributor
Dominic Dwyer, a striker for Orlando City Soccer Club, and Sydney Leroux
Dwyer, a forward for Orlando Pride, are the power couple of Orlando
sports. Married since January 2015, Dom and Syd, as fans know them, have
an extensive collection of honors that includes an Olympic gold medal, a
CONCACAF Gold Cup title and a FIFA Women’s World Cup Championship.
One of their greatest collective victories was the birth of their son, Cassius,
in 2016. This summer, the birth of their daughter will mark their next big win.
Orlando Health Dom and Syd have a recipe for winning in a world of elite athletes, jam-packed
is the official schedules and parenthood: eating right, exercising, and staying physically and
emotionally fit. It’s hard work, but it does work, says Syd. It starts with finding
medical team and balance and being completely present in everything you do.
jersey sponsor
for Orlando City This might sound like something only a highly disciplined,
Soccer Club and professional athlete could manage. But, Dom and Syd’s
Orlando Pride. everyday routines, inspirations and hacks for presence
and balance are things the rest of us can use, too.
8ChooseHealth OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
Prep for Power Meals Exercise Early and Often
You’re not likely to find a private chef in the Dwyer Mornings are a great time to get workouts in — especially
kitchen. The couple, both age 28, does it themselves. with a toddler. “It sets your day up for success,” says Syd.
“When we’re home, I usually do the meals,” says “You want to eat better, hydrate more and take care of your
Syd. Her favorite meal hack is food prepping. She body since you just put it through a tough workout.”
prepares and freezes a week’s worth of dinners.
(Breakfasts and lunches are at the training facility.) Dom and Syd train at home daily and like to mix their
She removes prepped meals from the freezer each workouts with running, biking, weight training and
morning so they’re ready to cook that night. swimming. The couple plans and tracks their daily exercise
the old-fashioned way: They write in journals for a more
Food prepping also helps keep a picky toddler tangible, hands-on experience. And, as pro soccer players,
happy. “Cassius won’t always eat what we eat,” she they have a healthy sense of competition between them.
says. “When we find something healthy that he likes, “We’re able to push each other, and we know what the other
we prep a lot of it and freeze it.” needs to stay motivated.”
Other favorite cooking hacks include using a slow Now that she’s expecting their second child, Syd still
cooker or pressure cooker for time-saving, healthy pushes herself physically — but with some adjustments.
cooking. “Dinner is our family’s ‘together’ meal, and “It’s harder for me to run right now. I’m carrying our
food prepping gives us more control over what we daughter low, so it feels like I’m wearing a fanny pack filled
eat and more time to spend together,” says Syd. The with rocks.”
family’s favorite meals vary. “Dom is 100 percent
about chicken and lean meat. And he’s great with the She also swears by yoga as an option for people of all ages
grill,” she adds. “My favorite splurges are steak and and fitness levels. “Yoga is a great place to start to get your
lobster with garlic butter.” body warmed up and ready, or cooled down for the day.”
9ChooseHealth OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
Build Healthy Relationships
As pro athletes, spouses and parents, Dom and Syd know the value of relationships to stay connected, focused
and healthy. The couple’s relationships with their doctors — whether recovering from sports injuries or getting
ready to welcome a new baby — are no exception.
“Being pregnant and training, I had to make small changes
and really listen to my body,” says Syd. “I found a doctor I can
talk to about anything and who answers all of my questions.”
She says this is especially important for first-time moms. “Things can feel
a little crazy the first time you’re pregnant. You don’t always know what’s
going on with your body and your emotions.” A strong relationship with
your doctor can help you relax and navigate the course.
With this pregnancy, Syd says her doctor is much like a coach. When she
feels uncomfortable or achy, her doctor reassures her, saying, “You’ve
done this before and your body knows what to do. Just listen to it.”
Discover more about Dom and Syd at OrlandoHealth.com/Stories.
ChooseHealth 10 OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
There’s a lot of
misinformation out
there, from diet fads
to myths surrounding
flu shots. But myths,
once unleashed, can
be hard to rein in.
In this issue of
Choose Health,
we look at what’s
myth and what’s fact,
featuring insights
from Orlando Health
11ChooseHealth OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
By Kelly Urbanik, RD, CSP, CNSC, LDN, Licensed Dietitian /
Nutritionist at Orlando Health
With all of the trending nutrition advice and diet fads that
come and go, it’s not easy to know how to eat right for
a healthy body. To help set the record straight, let’s
debunk these common nutrition myths.
12ChooseHealth OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
To lose weight, I need Low-carb diets always
to drastically cut back are healthier.
on calories.
Low-carb diets have been shown to improve some health indicators,
Calories come from carbohydrates, including blood sugar levels and insulin sensitivity, but recent studies reveal
proteins and fats. Although studies they don’t reduce the risk of heart disease and may increase mortality. In fact,
show that cutting calories overall can carbohydrate restriction has been linked with a 30 percent increased risk of
help with weight loss, many people feel death from all causes and a slightly increased risk of heart attack.
the need to reduce calories to the point
where it slows down their metabolism. Research shows that Mediterranean-style and other plant-based diets with
That means you will stop losing high-fiber carbohydrate content and low glycemic loads have a beneficial
weight — or even gain weight — while effect on blood sugar levels, whereas diets high in meat are associated
consuming fewer calories per day. with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes. Bread and pasta can be healthful
Who wants that? carbohydrate sources if the pasta and bread are whole grain and less
processed. To determine if a product is made with whole grains, check out
Reducing your calorie intake by 500 the ingredient list and look for the word “whole” in front of the grain source.
per day will result in weight loss of
about 1 pound per week. So, if you All vitamin and mineral
are eating around 2,500 calories daily, supplements are safe.
cutting down to 2,000 calories will get
you results that will stick. Losing more Vitamin and mineral supplements are not regulated
than 1-2 pounds per week usually results by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Without
in loss of muscle, along with fat, and regulation, consumers can’t be sure what exactly is in
extremely low-calorie diets are hard to their supplements. For example, you can’t know whether the
maintain. Studies show that slow and 1,200 mg fish oil tablet you are taking has 100 mg of fish oil or 2,000 mg,
steady weight loss is what works for or if it even has the beneficial omega-3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA.
long-term health.
A few programs verify supplements to ensure what they claim they contain
Cutting back on fat is is actually true. One of these is the Dietary Supplements Verification Program
always a good idea. from the U.S. Pharmacopeia (USP). At their website, Quality-Supplements.org,
you can learn more about verified supplements and where to find them.
It’s true that fat has more calories
than protein or carbs when measuring Dairy products are unhealthy.
gram for gram. However, fat also helps
keep you full, provides vital nutrients Dairy products are an important food group because
and makes food satisfying in flavor, they provide protein to build muscles and support organ health,
texture and taste. Fat should be a part and calcium to strengthen bones. Many people are now drinking soy
of your diet and used in combination milk, almond milk or coconut milk. While these milk alternatives may
with protein and carbs to provide a be helpful for those with milk protein allergies or severe intolerances,
healthy balance to meals. they don’t match up with cow’s milk as far as nutrition. Most of these
products are lower in protein, calcium and vitamin D than cow’s milk.
Opt for fats that have less of an
impact on your cholesterol, such If you can’t digest lactose (the sugar found in dairy products), choose
as oils, avocado and nuts. fortified soy products, lactose-free or low-lactose dairy products, or
However, even saturated fats, other foods and beverages with calcium and vitamin D. Calcium is found
such as butter, mayonnaise and in dark leafy greens such as collards or kale, canned salmon, soy-based
coconut oil, have a place in your beverages or tofu made with calcium sulfate. Vitamin D can be obtained
from fortified cereals or soy-based beverages.
diet — variety is key.
To learn more, visit OrlandoHealth.com/Nutrition.
13ChooseHealth OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
Flu ShotsWhat’s Riskier: OR
Myths Surrounding Them
By Wendy Bacigalupi-Bednarz, Editorial Contributor
Immunization science has advanced exponentially.
So have the ways we get our information. Yet, the power
of the vaccination myth remains surprisingly strong.
A recent national survey of 700 parents by The more facts parents have about the flu vaccine, the
Orlando Health Arnold Palmer Hospital for better, says Dr. Moorjani. For example:
Children confirmed that many remain skeptical
about the safety and effectiveness of the flu shot. You CANNOT get the flu
The survey found: from the shot. The parts of the
• About a third of respondents believe the virus used in the shot are dead.
flu shot doesn’t protect kids.
Following the The vaccine
• More than half believe the shot causes the flu.
shot, it takes DOESN’T
• About 28 percent think the shot causes autism. your body
about two weeks cause autism.
Dr. Jean Moorjani, a board-certified pediatrician at
Orlando Health Arnold Palmer strives to separate to build up flu-fighting
the facts from the myths. “We know that the flu antibodies, so if you come in
vaccine is safe,” she says. “We know — based on contact with the virus during
science, research and facts — that it is the best that time, you may still get sick.
way to protect yourself and your family against
the flu.” Information can come from many places — a friend,
family and the internet, adds Dr. Moorjani. To avoid
The flu typically kills 12,000 to 56,000 vaccine myths, talk to a doctor you trust to get credible
Americans each year, according to the Centers information that is based on science and facts.
for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Last
season, deaths reached their highest in 40 years,
with more than 80,000 Americans dying from
the virus and its complications.
To learn more, visit OrlandoHealth.com/Flu.
14ChooseHealth OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
There’s No Such Thing as
Chemo Brain or Baby Brain, Is There?
By Wendy Bacigalupi-Bednarz, Editorial Contributor
For many of us, mental cloudiness or “brain fog”
is an occasional and normal occurrence. For those
on chemotherapy regimens and expectant mothers,
brain fog is an everyday reality
that’s anything but imaginary,
say experts. These are some of the causes.
Baby Brain Chemo Brain
“Your brain functions If you’ve gone through chemo, or know someone who has,
differently when you’re you’ve probably heard about memory issues known as chemo
expecting,” says brain. According to Diane Robinson, PhD, a neuropsychologist
Dr. Christine Greves, an at Orlando Health, some of the top contributors to chemo
OB-GYN at Orlando Health brain include:
Winnie Palmer Hospital
for Women & Babies. • Fatigue. The No. 1 side effect of cancer and cancer
“Momnesia” culprits include: treatment is fatigue, a big driver of brain fog.
• Sleep deprivation. • Chemotherapy type. Regimens that treat brain or
During the first and metastatic cancers can have more impact on memory and
third trimesters, concentration than others.
hormones can boost insomnia, get you out of bed for more
bathroom visits and even cause nasal congestion. • Everyone reacts differently. Some feel less discomfort
while others have preexisting conditions such as high
• General discomfort. It’s hard to get comfy when you blood pressure that exacerbate chemo brain.
reach certain stages of pregnancy.
Whether it’s a foggy head from cancer
• Brain activity. Brain cell volume decreases while treatment or pregnancy, the condition
emotional brain activity increases. It’s tough on memory typically clears up over time. Chemo brain
function, but helps mothers bond with their babies. tends to improve once treatments end, and
brain cell volume does bounce back after
pregnancy, say the experts.
For more wellness tips and insights, visit OrlandoHealthBlog.com.
15ChooseHealth OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
By Wendy Bacigalupi-Bednarz, Editorial Contributor
The spread of medical
misinformation through
the internet and other
unreliable sources is on
the rise. From websites
to social media
channels, medical
often looks and
sounds credible —
even official. But if you don’t
know the warning signs of
medical misinformation, the info
you get could be inaccurate (at best)
and unsafe (at worst).
This is where health literacy comes in. It helps us sort medical fact from Curing Medical Misinformation
fiction so patients and caregivers can get the trustworthy and accurate
health information they need most in the ways that best speak to them. “Medical misinformation can come from anywhere: the internet or
even your well-meaning friend or neighbor,” says Daly. “But, there
Health literacy is an important skill for healthcare consumers to are places to get credible patient information and ways to spot
develop. According to researchers, 9 out of 10 adults find it hard to misinformation.”
understand or use everyday health information, such as prescription
and over-the-counter medicine directions, medical condition and These are her top tips to boost your health literacy and
treatment details, hospital discharge instructions and much more. avoid misinformation:
What Health Literacy Is • “If you’re looking for health information on the internet,
stick with credible sources, such as Medline Plus,” says
Health literacy addresses how people get their health information, how Daly. “The information comes from the National Library of
easy or hard it is to absorb and how well they understand it. It helps Medicine and is written for patients.”
patients and caregivers make informed decisions for themselves and
their families, and spot medical misinformation. • “Beware of internet health information that comes with
advertisements — even on popular websites,” she says.
Do you have a surgery or procedure coming up that you’ve never heard If the information endorses a product, makes “too good to be
of? Are you trying to understand why you feel a certain way after a true” research claims or directs you to a sales site, it’s best to be
chemotherapy treatment but are too self-conscious to ask? You’re not skeptical and avoid it.
• “Know the source of your health information,” says Daly.
This is where health literacy resources come in handy by providing “Is it from a friend who heard it from their hairdresser? Did a
access to trusted health information, clear diagnosis and treatment relative see it on social media?” When in doubt, go without.
explanations, and medication safety information.
• Avoid making over-the-counter (OTC) drug assumptions.
Today’s health literacy resources give patients many options, such as “Because a medicine or supplement is OTC, it’s not weaker than
face-to-face consultations, classes, email and phone conferences, and a prescription,” adds Daly. Taking more than the recommended
even virtual (web or smartphone) sessions. amount or mixing it with other medicines can be harmful. Health
literacy resources also can help patients and caregivers make
“Health literacy is not low literacy. It helps people take in information safer decisions when using OTC medicines.
in their own way — whether a person graduated from the fifth grade
Your Health
or holds a college degree,” explains Jessica Daly, MLS, Literacy Resource
Orlando Health’s consumer health librarian. “A
strong health literacy resource connects patients Orlando Health is the only hospital system
and caregivers with medical information through a in Central Florida with an in-house health
variety of languages and media, including podcasts, literacy resource program. The program
videos and pictures.” supports patients and caregivers with information
about a wide range of conditions, including cancer, cardiovascular
and stroke, brain and spine injuries, and preventive care. Learn more
by visiting the Clifford E. Graese Community Health Library at
Orlando Health or go to OrlandoHealth.com/Library.
17ChooseHealth OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
Clearing the Air on Vaping
By Lisa Nickchen, Editorial Contributor
They come in sleek designs and enticing flavors. Some can even be
charged in a USB port. And it is exactly those high-tech features that allow
adolescents to psychologically distance themselves from any dangers
“vaping” may pose, says Dr. Mark Weatherly, pediatric pulmonologist with
Orlando Health Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children Pulmonary and Sleep
Medicine. With the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reporting
that 3.6 million high school and middle school students are now using
e-cigarettes, it’s time to take a look at a few common myths.
Myth #1 It’s just water vapor. In truth, it’s not a vapor at all.
The vaping process involves heating a liquid mixture
that contains nicotine, flavorings and other chemicals.
This creates an aerosol mist that’s then inhaled, carrying harmful
particles into the lungs, bloodstream and throughout the body.
There’s no nicotine in e-cigarettes. Myth #2
Each e-cigarette cartridge – or pod – contains
about the same amount of nicotine as a pack
of cigarettes. “The nicotine and other chemicals
inhaled from e-cigarettes aren’t healthy for anyone,” says
Dr. Weatherly. “But a teen’s brain is still developing, and exposure
can create long-term effects, including nicotine addiction, mood
disorders, and attention and learning issues.”
Myth #3 Vaping has no serious health risks.
While vaping carries the same health risks as smoking,
Dr. Weatherly notes that long-term effects, such
as oral and lung cancers, are often not much of a deterrent
for adolescents who don’t think so far into the future. For
Generation Z, health and wellness is a way of life, so the
realization that they are essentially ingesting poisonous
chemicals into their bodies can carry more weight.
Vaping has nothing to do with cigarette Myth #4
smoking. In fact, one recent study found that
young people who started vaping were four
times more likely to smoke traditional cigarettes within a year.
To learn more, visit ArnoldPalmerHospital.com/KidsBreathing.
ChooseHealth 18 OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
DistorHt PoawtiTeVntDErxapmeacstations
By Julie Vargo, Editorial Contributor
Must-watch medical dramas such as The Stats: TV vs. Real Life
Grey’s Anatomy blur the line between fact On Grey’s Anatomy, for example, the study found 71 percent of
and fiction. Patients roll from ambulance patients go straight from the Emergency Room to the operating
to emergency room to surgery in a matter room, compared to 25 percent of real-life patients. On the flip
of minutes. They recover from major side, TV trauma patients die more often. At 22 percent, their
trauma in a few days and within a week mortality rate is three times higher than in real life.
are convalescing at home surrounded by
doting family. 71% TV Drama vs. Real Life
While spellbinding, these shows can set unrealistic 50%
expectations for real-life trauma patients who enter an actual
hospital, according to a recent study in BMJ (British Medical 25% 20% 6% 22%
Journal). Researchers analyzed 269 episodes of Grey’s Anatomy
and concluded TV’s portrayal of rapid recovery in trauma Straight Hospital stay Go to a skilled
patients could distort real-life perceptions of care. from ER to is less than a nursing facility
operating before heading
“There is disconnect between what people see on TV and week
what really happens in our hospitals,” says Dr. Michael room home
Cheatham of Orlando Health Physicians Surgical Group.
“When patients don’t have the same experience, it can be a ON TV REAL LIFE
rude awakening at how different Hollywood’s version is from
real life.” “I am happy to report the vast majority of our patients
get better and go home,” says Dr. Cheatham, who works at
Central Florida’s only Level One Trauma Center. “They just
might not go home immediately, like they do on TV. Hollywood
compresses a story to fit in a time slot.”
For more insights from Orlando Health experts,
go to OrlandoHealthBlog.com.
ChooseHealth 19 OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
I Don’t Need an Annual Exam
(and Why You Really Do)
By Lisa Nickchen, Editorial Contributor
Some of us are real sticklers when it comes to routine care and maintenance —
for our cars, homes, even our lawns. But when it comes to our health, “there seems
to be a disconnect,” says Dr. Ravi Tak, family medicine physician with Orlando Health
Physician Associates. Here are three common reasons people skip their annual
visits with their primary care physician (PCP), and why they shouldn’t.
Myth #1. Myth #2. Myth #3.
Itwhfereeorlnefig’nsew;niotthhmineg. I don’t neeexdIa’mmanysnoyuuenatgl.; ItI’omdsobenues’tym;hyavdeotcitmore.
With many conditions, like high Some risk factors, such as genetic Not finding the time for an annual
cholesterol, high blood pressure predispositions, unhealthy lifestyle habits preventive exam, or to monitor
or diabetes, you may not feel any and obesity, can lead to serious health existing conditions, could lead to
significant symptoms early on. But problems at any age. By reviewing your spending even more time, and money,
these “silent” medical problems can personal and family history, your PCP can for advanced treatment down the road.
lead to serious health consequences if identify current risk factors and help you
not detected early, says Dr. Tak. manage those that could lead to future It’s also usually easier to get an
health problems. appointment as an established patient,
And routine cancer screenings, says Dr. Tak. You don’t want to wait
including breast, prostate and colon, Your PCP is your healthcare partner, and until you really need a doctor to have
can improve chances of detecting starting young with annual physical exams to find a doctor.
can help build a trusting relationship — with
cancer early, when someone you know and who knows you.
it’s most treatable.
ChooseHealth 20 To learn more, visit
The Best Way to
Stay Healthy?
Wash Those Hands
By Brooke Morton, Editorial Contributor
We’ve all done it—leaned in to hold hands with our child, then thought twice.
Kids’ hands are breeding grounds for germs, simply because they pick up and
touch nearly everything they come in contact with. Then, if they immediately
rub their nose or eyes, illness can spread. But it doesn’t have to.
We can help them build lasting hygiene How to Wash
habits that spare them — and us — from
sickness, says Dr. Federico Laham, a According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, wash
pediatric infectious disease specialist at for at least 15 seconds, using bar or gel soap and warm or cold
Orlando Health Arnold Palmer Hospital running water. Soap should make contact with both sides of hands,
for Children. Backed by nearly 200 years the spaces between fingers and under nails. Rinse, then air or pat
of experience, handwashing remains the dry with a clean towel.
single most effective way to stay healthy.
Make It Fun
When to Wash
• Ask them to sing the happy birthday song twice while washing
• After visiting the restroom to ensure enough time for a proper job.
• Before and after eating • Look for kid-oriented soaps, such as ones with glitter, which
encourage children to wash thoroughly to remove glitter.
• After petting animals
• Use a handwashing chart with stickers to reinforce the behavior.
• After playing outside or spending
time in public places like school or Set an Example
the gym
Perhaps biggest of all is the example that parents set for kids.
• After blowing their nose, sneezing The more often they see you wash your hands, the more likely they
or coughing into their hand will learn the value of doing it themselves.
For more advice on coping with everyday issues, check out
21ChooseHealth OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
By Diana Lomont, Editorial Contributor
For Will Whitlock, life in
Central Florida always had
meant enjoying the outdoors
and his favorite pastimes of
hunting and fishing. But over
the past three years, he spent
more and more of his spare
time sidelined on the sofa
with chronic back pain. Some
days it was an ache, other
days it felt like somebody
was “putting a screwdriver in
my back,” he says. And then
there were the multiple back
spasms each day.
ChooseHealth 22 OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
His back problems came on gradually, The Microsurgical Difference Whole-Person Rehabilitation
ever since playing sports in college. For
more than 15 years, Whitlock sought relief Instead of operating on six vertebrae, “Honestly, the surgery to me is the easiest
from the pain. He tried physical therapy, Dr. Masson fused just two vertebrae in part of the journey,” says Dr. Masson, who
cortisone shots and spinal fusion surgery. Whitlock’s lower back. His microsurgical also has undergone spinal surgery. “The
But whatever relief he found was only neurological approach — using an most important part is the prolonged
temporary. If he dared to go fishing, he operating microscope and miniaturized recovery of building confidence, strength,
ended up with back spasms that lasted for instruments — is less invasive than agility and movement.”
days, and pain that shot down his legs. traditional orthopedic spinal surgery.
Whitlock’s recovery includes working with
Last year, deciding to see if a long-term “Traditional spine surgery will have a the rehabilitation team at Orlando Health
solution was available, Whitlock made wound of several inches that strips the – Health Central to regain his strength and
appointments with several orthopedic muscle and ligament off of the spine above retrain his muscles and posture.
and neurological surgeons. “The first and below the surgical target,” explains
doctor was a neurosurgeon who wouldn’t Dr. Masson. “That causes future problems. “So far, I’m very pleased
touch me and called my back a train When you do it microsurgically in a more with the results,”
wreck,” recalls the 60-year-old Lakeland focused fashion, you’re not causing your
resident. The second told Whitlock that next problem.” says Whitlock at four months post-surgery.
six vertebrae would need to be bound
together with rods, and the surgeon wasn’t The procedure also included placement “I don’t have any pain going
equipped to perform the operation. of a steel basket known as a “spine cage” down my legs, and I don’t
in Whitlock’s spine where the worn-down
Finally, Whitlock connected with spine disk used to be, with rods supporting the have the chronic pain.
surgeon Dr. Robert Masson, who’s well- vertebrae on both sides. The spine cage Instead of having multiple
known for helping those with complex contains bone graft and stem cell proteins back spasms a day, I’ve only
back ailments. Dr. Masson leads the to help Whitlock’s vertebrae grow through had one since surgery. I’m
NeuroSpine Center of Excellence at the cage, acting as a disc replacement. For happy to be back at work,
Orlando Health – Health Central Hospital. six months following the surgery, Whitlock and I’m looking forward to
It’s the only spine surgery program in is also wearing a bone growth stimulator going fishing again soon.”
Central Florida that’s certified by The Joint on his lower back for two hours a day.
Learn more about the NeuroSpine Center of Excellence
“He asked me what I wanted to get out of at OrlandoHealth.com/NeuroSpine.
surgery,” recalls Whitlock. “I told him I
want to be able to hunt and fish and do my
chores again without being stuck on the
couch. I don’t need to go run marathons,
I just want to be functional and be able to
enjoy the things that I like to do. And he
said, ‘We can do that.’ ”
ChooseHealth 23 OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
By Lisa Nickchen, Editorial Contributor
In the complex workings of the human body, proper
nutrition sometimes takes the combined efforts of two.
Certain nutrients interact in very distinct ways, enabling
your body to make the most of what you eat. Lauren
Popeck, a registered dietitian with Orlando Health
Physician Associates, takes a look at some powerful
and positive combos. Like Bert and Ernie, Batman
and Robin, Ben and Jerry, these nutrition duos are
better together than apart.
A vital building block of bone, calcium can only do its job right
if you also have enough vitamin D, which helps your body absorb
and deposit calcium in the bones and teeth. If you don’t get enough
calcium, your body may pull this vital nutrient from your bones.
And that could eventually lead to porous and weakened bones.
Adults under age 50 should get 1,000 mg of calcium a day. If
you’re over 50, 1,200 mg of calcium a day best supports bone
health. Calcium supplements can help, but you can get your
required daily calcium from food sources like dairy, greens, canned
salmon or sardines with soft bones, tofu, soybeans and almonds.
While most people take in enough calcium from the foods they
eat, it’s more difficult to get enough vitamin D from food alone, and
many Americans need a vitamin D supplement. Although sunlight (via UVB rays)
is converted into vitamin D after contacting your skin, concerns about exposure to
UV radiation make dietary sources a better choice. Yogurt is the best source of
vitamin D, with one 8 oz. serving of nonfat yogurt providing about 45 percent
of your daily requirement. Other options include milk, eggs, salmon and tuna.
ChooseHealth 24 OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
Pair up these items to maximize
their nutritional value:
Individually, iron and vitamin C play important roles in your health. Vitamin C is Olive oil and other healthy fats enhance
essential in maintaining healthy blood vessels and helps to produce red blood cells. absorption of antioxidants, such as
Iron is the main component of hemoglobin, the substance in red blood cells that carries lycopene from tomatoes.
oxygen throughout your body.
To promote healthy
Without enough iron, your red blood cells can’t carry enough oxygen, making you feel gut bacteria, pair
weak and tired. By itself, iron in food is not absorbed efficiently, but when these probiotics found
two nutrients are eaten together, vitamin C helps your body absorb iron. Foods in yogurt and
rich in vitamin C can be found in fruits and vegetables, such as citrus, cantaloupe, kefir with plenty
strawberries, broccoli, green peppers, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower and tomatoes. of fiber from fruits,
vegetables and grains,
Iron comes from meat, poultry and fish as well as dark green leafy vegetables such as such as bananas, onions, garlic,
spinach and kale, and beans like lentils and soybeans. Meats eaten along with foods rich leeks, Jerusalem artichokes, soybeans
in vitamin C can unlock more iron in plant-based foods. Combinations include pairing and whole wheat.
chicken breast with whole grain pasta, bell peppers and broccoli or salmon with citrus
spinach salad, strawberries and orange vinaigrette.
These electrolytes help maintain fluid and blood volume. Most Americans consume Sprinkling black pepper with turmeric
much more than the 2,300 mg of sodium they need daily, and not enough has been shown to increase absorption
potassium. Excess sodium causes fluid retention and increased blood volume, which of the inflammation-fighting spice
can lead to higher blood pressure and greater risk of heart attack or stroke. by 1,000 percent.
Potassium contributes to lowering blood pressure by helping the kidneys excrete Adding lemon or any
sodium. Achieving the recommended 4,700 mg of potassium per day is easy because it’s other source
found in so many foods — broccoli, bananas, carrots, oranges, potatoes, spinach, sweet of vitamin C to
potatoes, watermelon, beans, lentils, almonds, milk and yogurt. green tea increases
the body’s
The best way to reduce sodium intake is to avoid highly processed foods, skip adding absorption of the
salt to your food and watch portion sizes — especially at restaurants. drink’s powerful
For more nutrition news, go to OrlandoHealth.com/Nutrition.
ChooseHealth 25 OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
Meet the Newest Doctors
on the Orlando Health Team*
Maggie Cynthia P. Janusz Jennifer R.
Abraham, MD Bernal, MD Burzynski, MD Christenson, DO
(321) 841-5530
Dr. Bernal joined (321) 841-6128 (321) 841-7171
Board certified Orlando Health Physician
in obstetrics and Associates as an A board-certified A head and neck surgeon,
gynecology, OB-GYN in January. pediatric cardiologist, Dr. Christenson joined
Dr. Abraham joined She earned her medical Dr. Burzynski joined The Orlando Health UF
Orlando Health degree from Ross Heart Center at Orlando Health Cancer Center in
Arnold Palmer Hospital University of Medicine Health Arnold Palmer October. She graduated
for Children Pediatric and (Portsmouth, Dominica) Hospital for Children with honors from Ohio
Adolescent Gynecology and completed her in February. He earned University Heritage
in January. She earned residency in obstetrics his medical degree at College of Osteopathic
her medical degree and gynecology at Warsaw Medical School Medicine (Athens) and
from Trinity College Rochester General (Poland), performed his completed a general
(Dublin). Dr. Abraham Hospital (New York). residency at Marshfield surgery internship at
completed her residency Her areas of expertise Clinic & St. Joseph Vanderbilt University
in obstetrics and include minimally Hospital (Wisconsin) Medical Center
gynecology at University invasive procedures and and completed his (Nashville). She went
at Buffalo – The State robotic surgery. fellowship in pediatric on to complete an
University of New cardiology at SUNY otolaryngology residency
York and a fellowship Health Science Center at at Detroit Medical Center,
in pediatric and Syracuse (New York). serving as chief resident
adolescent gynecology at for one year.
Washington University
(St. Louis).
ChooseHealth 26 OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
The doctors at Orlando Health are part of a collaborative
network that works toward one common goal: your health.
Sean Trisha Jonathan Ameet Georges A.
Coad, PsyD Duncan, MD Higgins, MD Hingwe, MD Hobeika, MD
(407) 367-4706 ORLANDO CAMPUS
(321) 841-3820 WEST ORANGE (407) 423-1039
In February, COUNTY (321) 841-8650
In November, Dr. Coad Dr. Duncan joined Board certified in
joined Orlando Health Orlando Health Physician (321) 843-8655 infectious diseases, A board-certified
Neuropsychology Associates as a board- Dr. Hingwe joined radiation oncologist,
Consultants as a clinical certified family medicine Board certified in Orlando Health Dr. Hobeika joined
neuropsychologist. He physician. She earned vascular surgery, Dr. Infectious Disease in Orlando Health
earned his doctorate her medical degree from Higgins joined Orlando February. He earned UF Health Cancer Center
in clinical psychology St. Matthew’s University Health Heart Institute his medical degree at in October. He earned
from Nova Southeastern School of Medicine Vascular Surgery Group Maharashtra Institute his medical degree from
University (Fort (Cayman Islands). in October as director of Medical Education Lebanese University
Lauderdale). He Dr. Duncan completed of the division of and Research (India). (Beirut). Dr. Hobeika
completed his residency her residency in family vascular surgery and Dr. Hingwe completed completed an internal
at the Shepherd Center medicine at University endovascular therapy both his residency in medicine residency
(Atlanta), where he of Arkansas Medical at Orlando Health – internal medicine and a at Saint Joseph Mary
focused on the treatment Sciences (Fayetteville) Health Central Hospital. fellowship in infectious Hospital in Ann Arbor
of patients with acquired and spent three years at Dr. Higgins earned his diseases at Henry Ford (Michigan), followed
brain injuries. Johns Hopkins University medical degree from Hospital (Detroit). by a radiation oncology
(Baltimore) as lead the University of the residency at Jackson
research coordinator West Indies (Jamaica). Memorial Hospital –
studying rheumatoid He completed a general University of Miami
arthritis. surgery residency at the (Florida), where he
University of Toledo served as chief resident.
Medical Center (Ohio)
and a vascular surgery
fellowship at the Eastern
Virginia Medical School
*New doctors from October
2018 through February 2019
ChooseHealth 27 OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
Meet the Newest Doctors
on the Orlando Health Team*
Lauren C. José Llinás Arthur Carlos R.
Kane, MD Messeguer, MD Raptoulis, MD Zayas-Torres, MD
(321) 841-6444
(321) 841-6128 (407) 578-0033 (321) 841-6128
A board-certified
Specializing in congenital A board-certified In February, Dr. Raptoulis cardiologist, Dr. Zayas-
heart conditions, Dr. OB-GYN, Dr. Llinás joined The Heart Center Torres joined the
Kane joined The Heart Messeguer joined at Orlando Health Orlando Health Heart
Center at Orlando Orlando Health Arnold Palmer Hospital Institute Cardiology
Health Arnold Palmer Physician Associates in for Children as a board- Group in January. He
Hospital for Children in November. He earned his certified pediatric earned his medical
January. She earned her medical degree from the cardiologist. He earned degree from the
medical degree from the Universidad Autonoma his medical degree at University of Puerto
University of Texas – de Guadalajara (Mexico) SUNY Health Science Rico School of Medicine,
Houston and completed and completed a Center at Syracuse where he also completed
her residency in general four-year residency (New York). Dr. Raptoulis an internal medicine
surgery at the University in obstetrics and then completed both specialty and a cardiology
of Texas Southwestern gynecology at St. Luke’s his residency and a fellowship. Dr. Zayas-
(Dallas). Dr. Kane Hospital (Bethlehem, fellowship in pediatric Torres is an experienced
completed fellowships Pennsylvania), where he cardiology at New York clinical investigator who
in cardiothoracic surgery served as chief resident. Hospital – Cornell has participated in six
at Emory University Medical Center significant studies.
(Atlanta) and congenital (New York City).
heart surgery at the
University of Southern
California Children’s
Hospital (Los Angeles).
ChooseHealth 28 *New doctors from October
2018 through February 2019
Pediatric Neuroscience Center
to Expand with $5 Million Gift
By Tracey Choroco, Editorial Contributor
Care for children with neurological disorders got
a big boost recently at Orlando Health Arnold
Palmer Hospital for Children, thanks to a $5 million
donation. Central Florida philanthropist Helen
Leon made the gift on her 87th birthday.
Leon’s personal mission has been to help mothers and their children
achieve their best. After meeting Dr. Samar Elbabaa, director of the
new neuroscience center at Orlando Health Arnold Palmer, she knew
that she wanted to be a part of the innovative program.
“Helen’s extremely important philanthropic support will help us become “I give to Orlando Health,
the region’s largest comprehensive pediatric neuroscience program,” because I see it like one
says Dr. Elbabaa. “It will bring unparalleled physician and allied health big family,” says Leon, who serves
expertise for the treatment of all children, newborns and fetuses with
neurological conditions.” on the Orlando Health Foundation
The vision for the center, now officially known as The Leon Pediatric Board. “After meeting many
Neuroscience Center of Excellence, is to provide comprehensive, of the doctors and hospital
coordinated care for a broad range of neurological disorders — from leadership, I have witnessed
spinal cord birth defects and pediatric brain cancer to childhood their dedication, seen the
epilepsy and autism spectrum disorders. love for what they do and
observed their respect for
In August, Orlando Health announced its new fetal surgery program
to repair spina bifida, which is supported by the neuroscience center. the organization and the
As the first hospital system in the Southeast to offer this kind of in community they are serving.”
utero surgery, Orlando Health is helping mothers and their babies
overcome what can be a crippling disability.
To learn more about The Leon Pediatric Neuroscience Center of Excellence,
visit ArnoldPalmerHospital.com/KidsBrains.
ChooseHealth 29 OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
Expanding ER and Medical Care for Central Florida Communities
Designed to meet the needs of growing communities in Central Florida, the OPENING FALL 2019
Orlando Health Emergency Room and Medical Pavilions provide residents
access to nearby emergency medical care along with convenient outpatient CITY OF LAKE MARY, FLORIDA
healthcare services. Our freestanding emergency rooms are staffed by EMERGENCY ROOM
board-certified physicians and feature full-service, 24-hour emergency care.
Outpatient services may include laboratory, physical rehabilitation, and VIEW LOOKING SOUTHWEST - PHASE 01
imaging, such as CT, X-ray, ultrasound and MRI. The medical pavilions also Orlando Health Emergency RoomEmergencyRoom
include primary care and specialty physician offices so residents can find and Medical Pavilion
the care they need right in their own neighborhood. Future phases at some
locations may include an ambulatory surgery center or hospital facility as well and Medical Pavilion – Lake Mary
as other health-and-wellness concepts.
To learn more, visit OrlandoHealth.com/FreeStandingERs.
Orlando Health Emergency Room
and Medical Pavilion – Randal Park
Orlando Health Orlando Health Orlando Health Orlando Health
South Lake Hospital South Lake Hospital Emergency Room Emergency Room
Emergency Room Joe H. & Loretta Scott and Medical Pavilion and Medical Pavilion
and Medical Pavilion Emergency Room and
– Horizon West – Osceola
– Blue Cedar Medical Pavilion
22316 U.S. Hwy. 27 17000 Porter Rd. 1001 E. Osceola Pkwy.
16966 Cagan Ridge Blvd. Winter Garden Kissimmee
Leesburg Clermont
Orlando Health Winnie Palmer Orlando Health Arnold Palmer
Hospital for Women & Babies provides Hospital for Children has earned
comprehensive healthcare for all stages national recognition as one of the
of a woman’s life. It is a designated Baby- “Best Children’s Hospitals” by
Friendly Hospital, which is a global initiative that recognizes U.S. News & World Report and a “Top Children’s Hospital”
hospitals that protect, promote and support breastfeeding, by the Leapfrog Group, which measures quality and safety.
and it has received “Magnet” designation for nursing Orlando Health Arnold Palmer offers expertise in virtually all
excellence and high-quality patient care. The hospital also has pediatric specialties and has received “Magnet” designation
earned national certification in perinatal care for excellence in for nursing excellence and high-quality patient care.
prenatal through postpartum care.
Orlando Health Orlando Health
Heart Institute
is Central UF Health
Florida’s premier
cardiovascular Cancer Center
program. It has
earned Chest is one of Florida’s
Pain Center with
PCI Accreditation four state-
by the American
College of designated
(ACC). Our team Cancer Centers
of renowned
cardiac care of Excellence and
including specialized heart physicians and surgeons, work the only one in
together to create the best possible patient experience.
experience and
expertise of
Orlando Health and University of Florida Health, you can
count on the most advanced treatment options. The
hospital’s multidisciplinary teams work together to create
personalized, integrated treatment plans for each patient.
Childbirth Education
Here is a sampling of classes offered by Prenatal Breastfeeding
Orlando Health. Please call (321) 8HEALTH Introduces women to breastfeeding basics: the benefits, how
[(321) 843-2584] for more information on how to breast milk is made, how to know if your baby is getting enough
register. For classes available at Orlando Health milk, prevention and treatment of common breastfeeding
South Lake Hospital, call (352) 241-7109. problems, and pumping, collecting and storage of breast milk.
$40 per couple.
Car Seat Assistance
Three out of four car seats are used incorrectly. Is yours? Join in Mothers Matter
a free car seat checkpoint and learn how to properly install your An emotional support group for pregnant and postpartum women.
child restraint. The group offers peer-to-peer emotional support facilitated by a
licensed clinician specializing in perinatal mood disorders. No fee.
Preparation for Childbirth For information, call (321) 841-5615.
Access to our eight-chapter, interactive,
web-based e-class that uses videos, Basic Infant Care
personal birth stories, animations, activities A lecture-style class where parents-
and games to teach essential information to-be learn what they need to know
parents need to know to prepare for their about caring for a newborn. Information
baby’s birth. $100 per couple. about normal behaviors and parenting
included. $40 per couple.
Prenatal Yoga
Prepare your mind and body for the Mother-Baby Connection
arrival of your baby in a one-hour class Formerly known as Moms Meeting Moms, the Mother-Baby
designed for expectant mothers. Connection is designed for mothers with babies from birth to
9 months. Meet other moms and receive interesting information
from our expert guest speakers. $10 fee.
ChooseHealth 32 OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
Cancer Support Community Upcoming
To learn more about these and other cancer support groups and classes, call (321) 841-5056
or email [email protected]. Smoking Cessation
Most sessions are held at the Ambulatory Care Center, 22 W. Underwood St.,
2nd Floor, Orlando, FL 32806. Please call or email to register and confirm. Quit Smoking Now
and Tools to Quit
Caregivers Support Group Open Art Studio Breast Cancer and Offered on select days at
Drop by to relax with fellow Cancer patients and caregivers Lymphedema Support Group various Orlando Health
cancer caregivers. Learn join artist Angilyn Watson This group is open to patients
ways to cope with stress, for creative art time. No art and caregivers at any stage locations.
while enjoying snacks and experience necessary, just along the cancer/lymphedema For specific dates and times of
companionship. the desire to participate and journey. Areas of focus include
surprise yourself. nutrition, exercise, clothing these sessions, visit
The Inspiration Choir options and many other topics. OrlandoHealth.com/QuitSmoking.
An informal singing group Social Connections Participants are invited to share
for cancer patients and and Activities individual experiences or ask
caregivers interested in having • Craft ‘n’ Scrap questions with others going
fun. No prior singing or choir • Jewelry 101 through a similar journey.
experience necessary. • Laughter Yoga
• Creative Writing Group Other Support Groups:
• And more
• Grupo de Apoyo
Women’s Cancer
Support Group • Family & Friends
Come for support and to Support Group
connect with other women
who have been diagnosed • Head & Neck Support Group
with cancer. This group covers
a wide range of topics and • Laryngectomy
occasionally features guest Support Group
• Brain & Tumor
Support Group
• The Anxiety Group
Support, Classes & Programs
To learn more about these and other support groups and classes, call (321) 8HEALTH [(321) 843-2584].
Please call to register and confirm.
Bariatric Weight Loss Support Group Pre-Operation Stop the Bleed
Postoperative patients are strongly encouraged to Joint Replacement Training Classes
attend this group. We also welcome preoperative This patient education class provides an
patients who are interested in learning more about overview of what you need to know about Occurs once every three
the lifestyle changes necessary to be successful having joint replacement surgery. The content months (quarterly).
with weight loss. will cover general information to prepare you
for your surgery, recovering in the hospital, Visit OrlandoHealth.com/
Bariatric Weight Loss Surgery Information Session and planning for your safe discharge and StoptheBleed for more
Learn more about the bariatric surgical options rehabilitation, including physical therapy. information.
available, find out if you are a candidate for surgery
and speak with one of our bariatric surgeons at Stroke Support Group
Offered to both stroke survivors and their
this free information caregivers. Join us for these open-forum
session. Register at gatherings, giving participants an opportunity
OrlandoHealth.com/ to share stories and experiences. Meets on
WeightLoss. the last Wednesday of each month. For
more information, visit OrlandoHealth.com/
ChooseHealth 33 OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
Orlando Health in the Community
By Cherisse Stover, Editorial Contributor
Spinal Cord Injury Victory Cup Initiative
and Crossfit Orlando Health was the
presenting sponsor of the
The Orlando Health Victory Cup Initiative 2019
Rehabilitation Institute is Storytelling Showcase and
bridging the gap for patients presented the first place
with a spinal cord injury (SCI) winner, The Camaraderie
through a grant from the Foundation, with a $20,000
Craig H. Neilsen Foundation. check. This unique event
By partnering with SOCF is designed to provide a high-profile opportunity for
Crossfit, SCI patients are charitable organizations to tell their stories, build their
integrated into classes with strategies and partner with business and community
members using both regular leaders to make a difference in Central Florida.
and adaptive equipment.
Not only are SCI patients now Team Building
adaptive athletes, but more The executive leadership team from Orlando Health
importantly, they are forming UF Health Cancer Center recently spent a day
friendships, independence volunteering with Habitat for Humanity of Greater
and confidence. Orlando and Osceola. Team members worked
together to raise the walls of a new home in Apopka.
Kids Cook with Heart Program
As part of the American Heart Association’s
five-week Kids Cook with Heart program sponsored by
Orlando Health Heart Institute, local professional chefs
and Orlando Health registered dietitians taught 30 middle-
school students nutritional information, guidelines for
safety and sanitation, knife skills, and healthy meals and
snacks for themselves and their families.
Tour Latino
Orlando Health proudly sponsored and
participated in Prospera’s Tour Latino.
Tour Latino is a Latin-themed cycling
and fundraising event for Prospera’s
mission of serving local Hispanic
entrepreneurs. Attendees were treated
to complimentary chair massages from
Orlando Health, as well as information
about the National Training Center.
ChooseHealth 34 OrlandoHealth.com/ChooseHealth
19 95
44 441 415
Mount Dora
75 Florid rida Turnpi27 429 Apopka 46 46
301 a Turnpike 436 Sanford
75 Oviedo
Lake Mary 426
Ocala Winter
Springs 417
33 27 434
50 Flo Orlando Maitland 434 50
Winter Park 95
Orlando Health Hospitals Clermont Winter Avalon Park
Emergency Rooms keGarden Ocoee 408 528
Medical Pavilions W Gore St
CareSpot Urgent Care 50
Primary Care Practices
Specialty Care Practices 435 S Hughey Ave S Orange Ave 520
Outpatient Services* 429
Heart Institute
Community Physicians 441
*Includes Imaging, Rehab, Dr. Phillips 528 Sligh Blvd S Lucerne Terrace Kuhl Ave Delaney Ave
Laboratory and Cancer Centers.
528 S Division Ave S Lucerne TerraceW Miller St E Miller St
98 33 Atlanta Ave
417 417 Kaley St
Celebration 192 95
St. Cloud
17 192
Lakeland 27 192
17 Florida Turnpike
Orlando Health presents 1414 Kuhl Ave., MP 56 Non-Profit
Salud Es Vida Orlando, FL 32806 Organization
U.S. Postage
Weekly Health and Wellness at
OrlandoHealth.com/SaludEsVida PAID
Permit No. 3459
Orlando, FL
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