Middle Eastern Province SPRING 2019 EDITION
Special Section: 84th Grand
Chapter Meeting
Page 3 -Message from the MEP Leadership
Page 4 A Look Back in MEP History
Page 5 Inaugural St. Judes Golf Tournament
Page 6-7 MEP Founders' Day Brothers all,
Page 8 Reclamation I want to thank all that have contributed to
Page 9 Guide Right Night this issue of The Achiever. The Achiever is
Page 10-11 Divine 9 NC Legislative Day here for us to share stories on the past,
present, and future of our province. I hope
that a story inspires you to create and tell a
story of your own. If you are interested in
sharing a story or idea contact me:
[email protected].
Page 12 Achievement: In the classroom and locker Yours in the Bond,
Page 13 Kappa League National Signing Day Quentin A. Mitchell
Page 14 - 15 78th MEP Province Council Meeting Province Reporter
Middle Eastern Province
Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.
Page 16 Black & Blue Law Enforcement
Page 17 MEP Photo Gallery
Page 18-19 God Made
Page 20-27 84th Grand Chapter Meeting
I hope these words of affirmation find you well in your daily
routine of personal and professional growth. As we rejoice around
the world in celebrating the founding of our Fraternity. Our
Province Polemarch, Michael F. Brown has asked me to express a
few words to you. As we narrow in on improving the fraternity
from all angles, we must head towards the directions of our
short-term and long-term goals. We must continue to further the
education that is taught at our Province Officer Workshop,
Charles Rodger Wilson Leadership & Training, and other
provincial outbreaks that occur throughout the year. I would
stress to all brothers old and new; the time of transparency is
upon us; we must continue to attend all events and meetings to
leave no room of uncertainty or error between undergraduates
and alumni. By being a brother’s brother, we truly can reach to
new heights in our fraternity. Therefore, as we continue our
journey through our 109th year of our Noble Klan. Let us reside
on our prestigious motto that was set by 10
great men, “Achievement in Every Field of Human Endeavor.” Let us further the trend of building
a future and leaving a legacy in our communities and those we surround ourselves with to
promote the welfare of our society. Let us leave footprints in the sand for the generations after us
to follow to continue our great legacy of achievement. The awakening of high ideals is contagious
throughout this fraternity and on our pursuit to be true advocators of Phi Nu Pi is here, the
legacy must continue.
Now, and forever…Yours in the Bond,
Devon N. Woods
Junior Province Vice Polemarch
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A Look Back In MEP History
Brothers of the Alpha Epsilon Chapter on the campus of Johnson C. Smith
University in Charlotte, NC.
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MEP: Inaugural Middle Eastern Province St. Judes Golf
By Brother Cory Locklear
This June the Middle Eastern Province (MEP) started a new tradition and held a golf tournament as a
province to benefit St. Jude’s. Up to this point chapters have hosted their own golf tournaments. I serve
on the Middle Eastern Province Board as the Nominating Committee Chairman and approached
Brother Sam Coley who is the St. Jude representative for the province with an idea. The idea of having a
golf tournament for St. Jude. Golf is popular in the province and St. Jude being a great cause was a
winning combination. The first Annual Middle Eastern Province St. Jude Golf Tournament took place on
June 26, 2019 at "The Challenge Golf Course" located in Graham, NC. Over fifty registered golfers and a
total of twenty-five sponsors were on board to support the tournament. The big sponsors included All
State Insurance, Bojangles and Starbucks. Over 20 chapters within the MEP including Undergraduate
and Alumni sponsored holes to generate funds for this great cause. Some holes had prizes attached to
them if a hole in one was achieved. The prizes included $10,000 cash, 50-inch Flat screen TV, $500 gift
card and a Set of "Callaway X series irons". $9,600 was raised at this great event for St. Jude Hospital.
Overall the tournament was a successful one. There was a lot of support from the community and
chapters within the MEP. We look forward to continue to make this event grow and generate more
funds for the St. Jude’s. The 2nd Annual MEP St. Jude's Golf Tournament is planned for June 24, 2020.
The winners for the tournament were:
Championship Flight 1st Place Team: Matt Jarmond, Justin Scurlock, Rodney Byrd and Mark O'Connor
2nd Place Team: Caleb McMillian, Henry McMillan, Gary McMillan and Calvin Hammonds
First Flight 1st Place Team: Joseph Evans, Lou Torres, Reggie Joe and Wendell Camp
First Flight 2nd Place Team: Crawford Lane, Larry Butler, MacArthur Sims and Hugh Holston
Second Flight 1st Place Team: Reggie Wright, Clem Lacy, Gary Wiley and Aaron Thornton
Second Flight 2nd Place Team: Michael Brown, Leroy Sturgis, Quentin Mitchell and Donzell Newkirk
Longest Drive: Clarence Garret
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C RoMdgidedrleWEaislsteornn PLreoavidnecersFhouipndCerosn' Dfaeyrence
By Brother Quentin A. Mitchell
The Middle Eastern Province brought back the Province’s Founders’ Day. The first Middle Eastern
Province Founders’ Day was hosted by the Rocky Mount Alumni chapter almost 20 years prior.
Traditionally Founders’ Day in the province are held by chapters or a group of local chapters that come
together. The Middle Eastern Province hosted a full weekend in Raleigh, NC January 11th and 12th. The
weekend kicked off with a reception as well as a competitive spades tournament. The first night ended
with a party at a night club. The next morning the province held their Board Meeting. The Joseph K
Davis Jr Undergraduate Summit was also held that morning. This summit was named after 19th Middle
Eastern Province Polemarch Joseph K Davis Jr. This event brought undergraduate leadership from
around the province under one roof to network and further develop their leadership skills. For the sake
of tradition and bonding there was a song and chant session. Traditional Kappa songs and chants were
taught during this session. In addition, there was a "Kane 101" class which covered the basics of twirling
a cane as well as stepping with a cane. Both of these events were beneficial to brothers no matter how
long they have been in the bond. The evening started with a private reception held for our 50 year and
military brothers. Our Province Polemarch Michael Brown recognized our Senior Kappas who have
been in the bond for 50 years. In addition, the military veterans and active duty brothers were
recognized for their service to our country. As with the National Founders’ Day weekend the province
held a closed banquet to wind down the weekend. The keynote speaker was Brother Robert Duckworth
a Spring 92 initiate of the Alpha Nu chapter. Brother Duckworth spoke on the challenges our founders
faced in society during their young adulthood. He challenged us to use that same effort in facing our
current challenges in society. A special presentation was made as the province revealed a new logo. The
night ended with a black-tie party. We want to give thanks to all the brothers of the Middle Eastern
Province who participated.
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Middle Eastern Province Founders' Day
by Marissa Greene
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Charlotte (NC) Alumni:
By Brother Larren Bridgers
No one ever wants to sign up to lead it. It’s never at the top of the agenda. Some
cringe at the word, and others run the other way. However, it’s a necessary job
that someone has to do. That’s right…reclamation. Retention has been a
challenge for the fraternity since its inception. The Grand Chapter and National
Reclamation Committee’s Campaign, “Leaving No Brother behind” has increased
the commitment to bringing brothers back into the fold over the last few years.
They have also worked to assist in getting suspended or expelled brothers
reinstated. In order for the fraternity toincrease its global presence and realize
sustainedgrowth, an “all hands on deck” mentality is necessary, which includes
those sitting on the sidelines. The Charlotte (NC) Alumni Chapter answered the
call by implementing strategies to advance reclamation. As one of the 10 largest
chapters in the fraternity, with a rich tradition and growing presence, the
chapter understood the need to reclaim and retain brothers in the Charlotte
Metro area. Knowing that retention is just as important as reclamation, the
chapter created an outstanding slate of activities to keep current brothers
engaged. However, to break through on reclamation, traditional avenues alone
were not enough. Making presentations, sending emails, and even making
phone calls, were not going to be enough to motivate inactive brothers to re-
engage.Thinking outside the box, the chapter recognized the disconnect
between brothers initiated in undergraduate chapters transitioning to alumni
chapters. Chapter leadership sought to seize the opportunity by leveraging
brothers’ passion for their undergraduate chapter. Largely based on the
initiative started by National Reclamation Committee, which gave the
Undergraduate chapters $15 for every reclaimed brother, Charlotte alumni
initiated the Undergraduate (UG) Kickback Initiative. The initiative sends $100
(of the local dues) to the undergraduate chapter where the reclaimed brother
was initiated!The objective of the initiative not only assists the chapter’s
reclamation goals; it also fosters the growth of undergraduate chapters through
financial contribution and increases the partnership between undergraduate
and alumni chapter. The program has been well received by the undergraduate
chapters and their advisors. All of the chapters that have received funds are
highly motivated to encourage more members who were initiated through their
chapter to get financial.The results of the program have been tremendous!
Within two months, Charlotte Alumni surpassed their annual goal of 10%
membership increase year over year as well as their 15% stretch goal! Within 7
months, the initiative has reclaimed 20 brothers and sent $2000 to
undergraduate chapters throughout the fraternity. In addition to the UG
Kickback initiative, the chapter also executed traditional activities such as
“Nupes Night Out,” surveys to gain insight on inactivity, sign-in sheets for
visiting brothers and follow ups, as well as comparing old membership rosters
to see absences. These activities, in conjunction with the Kickback Initiative,
have realized a total of 40 brothers reclaimed overall! The Charlotte Alumni
chapter will not take their “foot off the gas” and intends to push their platform
through the 84th Grand Chapter Meeting in Philadelphia and beyond. The rest
of the fraternal year includes social events to meet inactive brothers face-to-
face, analysis of survey data to understand their passions and barriers, and the
continuation of the UG Kickback initiative. Every brother has a role to play in
bringing brothers back home…even if it means avoiding saying the dirty “R”
word. Achiever | 8
Raleigh Alumni: Guide Right Night
By Brother Quentin A. Mitchell
The Raleigh Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi the Greater Raleigh area to leadership training
Fraternity Inc celebrated the accomplishments of the through concentrated and systematic
young women and men in their Guide Right Programs. efforts.Made up of high school
The event was held at the Family Life Center at First juniors and seniors, the program provides an
Baptist Church on Wilmington Street in Raleigh, NC opportunity to present their skills and
and Brother Gary Wiley served as the Master of achievements to the community, as well as give
Ceremony. The Guide Right Programs are sponsored by each participant the chance to earn scholarship
the Kappa Charitable Trust Fund. Guide Right is a awards to assist them with their secondary
program for the educational and occupational guidance education. This year’s two beau’s and two belles
of youth, primarily inspirational and informational in were showcased. The Belle’s were Raivyn
character. The purposes of the Guide Right Service Alexandria Ivery and Mariah Babu. The Beaus
Program are to place the training, experience, and were Melvin Curtis McLawhorn II and Ahmad
friendly interest of successful youth.Guide Right is the Whitaker. Melvin Curtis McLawhorn II was named
service program of the Raleigh Alumni Chapter of Mr. Esquire for the Beautillion portion of the
Kappa Alpha Psi, Fraternity, Inc. and the Kappa program.The night also recognized our chapters
Charitable Trust Fund, Inc — a 501(c)(3) nonprofit inductees for The Greater Raleigh Kappa League.
organization. The Greater Raleigh Guide Right Program The group of inductees included Justin McCall,
focuses on four areas: 1) Kappa League, 2) Beautillion Greyson Wells, Kyler Bowden, Kingston Hill, Jalen
Militaire Scholarship Ball, 3) Kappa Scholars and 4) Real Hurd, and Chalyil Grey. Co-Chairs of The Greater
Men Read Youth Literacy. The current President of the Raleigh Kappa League Brother Eric Williams and
Kappa Charitable Trust Fund is Brother Reginald Brother Steven Freeman have done a great job
Wright Esq. and Brother Aaron Thorton serves as the with these young men. Keynote Speaker Brother
Director of Guide Right.the Beautillion Militaire Brandon Douglas brought an inspiring message to
Leadership, Training and Scholarship Program was the room. The message was one about
established in 1985 by Brother William A. Rainbow and determination and adversity in reaching your
Brother Samuel Greene — members of the Raleigh goal. In addition, minority Wake County School
Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity. Inc. The students who maintained a 3.75 grade point
Purpose of this program is to expose young men in average were recognized. This year there were
approximately 126 students who were recognized
with this honor.
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4th Annual Divine Nine NC Legislative Day
By Brother Quentin A. Mitchell
Brothers from the Middle Eastern Province participated in the 4th annual North Carolina Divine Nine
Legislative Day. Members from the Divine Nine gathered together on the Bicentennial Plaza outside of
the NC General Assembly in Raleigh, NC. A panel was held with leadership from the Divine Nine along
with black legislators to discuss six main areas of concern. Approximate 600 members of the Divine Nine
organizations were in attendance. Each year the NC Divine Nine Legislative Days have had their own
unique approach. This year we were very visible to the public and the discussion was more focused on
specific areas of concern. As mentioned in the past our efforts to connect with state government has
been in inspiration to other states. Across the US more Divine Nine organizations are coming together to
make their concerns known with their state government. Individually some of the Divine Nine
organizations have had their own legislative days in our state. The goal is to build and make progress each
1. Economic Empowerment and housing justice
2. Access to education
3. Affordable and accessible healthcare
4. Criminal justice, police and gun reform
5. Voting reform
6. US census 2020 “Be where it matters doing what matters”
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Divine Nine NC Legislative Day
CARcohdiegveemr eWnti:lIsnotnheLcelaasdsreorosmhaipndCloocnkfeer rroeonmce
By Brother Quentin A. Mitchell
Training for leadership-Shaw University Alumnus Avery Upshur and Glen Bassett are continuing their legacy
of leadership and education. Both Brothers are pursuing careers in education and coaching. Their alma mater
Shaw University is the first historically black university in the south with a strong history of producing leaders
and educators. Brother Upshur (Spring 2012) and Brother Bassett (Spring 2013) are both initiates of the Delta
Gamma chapter. The Delta Gamma chapter has a rich history in education as well. Future teachers, principals,
and leaders in higher learning are in their chapter’s lineage. They are both currently members of the Raleigh
(NC) Alumni chapter. Brother Upshur is a Norfolk, VA native where he grew up playing baseball, basketball, and
volleyball. He was also in the band in high school in which he continued when he arrived on the campus of
Shaw University in Raleigh, NC. At Shaw University Brother Upshur was a drum major and played baseball.
Brother Bassett is a native of Mount Vernon, NY. In his youth he played basketball and football. After their
college days both again crossed paths at East Wake High School located in Wendell, NC. Brother Bassett has
always aspired in pursuing a career in education and has the goal of being a math teacher. He always wasn’t
interested in coaching but now has developed a passion for it. He serves as a role model as he is a teacher’s
assistant and coach. Brother Upshur teaches health/physical education and coaches as well. Brother Upshur
returned to his roots and coaches’ basketball, baseball, and volleyball. Education is in his blood as his mother
and godmother are both teachers. In addition, many of his family members work in education as well. Both
aspire of winning state titles and coach on the next level. So far, they are pointing in the right direction as East
Wake JV basketball captured the 2018 Holiday Invitational Championship. On their path to achievement they
will continue to serve as role models to our youth.
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Greensboro Alumni: Kappa League National Signing Day
By Brother Darell Baker
Ten senior Kappa Leaguers were recognized during a national signing day ceremony. These young men revealed to
a room full of family, friends, guest and members of Kappa Alpha Psi the college in which they will be attending in
the fall. An oath was taken by the seniors to continue their education, continue to evolve in leadership and to
continue to serve their communities. Chris Stanley- UNC CharlotteAaron Lindsay- HowardNoah Lea- N.C.
A&TAdonous McCrea- MorehouseRonald Gilliard- UNC- Chapel Hill Joshua White- NC. A&T Chris Slade- NC A&T
Nicholas Brown- Navy Isaac Hairston- NC A&T Langston Thacker- ECU
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78th Middle Eastern Province Council Meeting
By Brother Quentin A. Mitchell
The Asheville (NC) Alumni chapter hosted the 78th Middle Eastern Province Council Meeting. The theme
was “Building a Future for Kappa: Leaving a Legacy of Engagement, Achievement and Brotherhood.”
Throughout the weekend we had many dynamic speakers and discussions within our business sessions to
drive home this theme. The weekend kicked off with a golf outing and picnic. It was a homecoming for
two brothers initiated through the Iota Xi chapter. Brother Joseph Long Spring 09 and Brother Rev Dr.
Howard-John Wesley Fall 91 were speakers during the weekend. Brother Long was the speaker for the
Brotherhood luncheon and he shared his story of hard work to become successful. Brother Long is a
successful executive with Raymond James Financial, Inc. Brother Wesley gave a passionate keynote
address about facing challenges in life for the public meeting. He is currently the Pastor of the Alfred
Street Baptist Church in Alexandria, Virginia. They recently made big headlines when the church gifted
Howard University with $100,000 to pay off the tuition of senior students. Before the first business
session was held we welcomed more brothers into the bond through membership intake. This weekend
was a good exposure to the business side of Kappa. Our closed banquet keynote speaker was Brother
Christopher Cross a Spring 16 initiate of the Lambda Pi Chapter. He has recently served as the Junior
Grand Vice Polemarch. The weekend concluded with our “Sunday of Hope” program held at Tried
Missionary Baptist Church. This Province Council meeting was good momentum to carry into the 84th
Grand Chapter Meeting.
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Black & Blue: Law Enforcement Accountability
By Brother Tony Griffin
Since the beginning of the Jim Crow era, most of our great grandparents, grandparents, and parents
taught us to avoid and fear the police. In 2019 we are still teaching the same fear to our children and it's
not working. Now kids are running from the police and being shot or beaten as a result. A new approach
is needed which involves teaching citizen rights, police accountability, and activism. Let's show our
children we are not afraid anymore and we will do all we can within the law to protect them. Brothers
of the Raleigh Alumni Chapter wanted to act to make a change. There needed to be action ahead of the
next incident taking place. It was seen as better to act now as opposed to during a protest. Now is the
time to start a dialogue. What was envisioned was a town hall style meeting between the community and
law enforcement. This event evolved to inviting a city councilman, lawyer and state legislator. Their
presence was requested to give an unofficial perspective on where their role sits in the grand scheme.
They could provide their insight to help contribute toward finding a solution to the issue. In addition,
local college students, high school groups, and other Divine Nine chapters were invited to the event. The
event itself was extremely informative. There was a lot learned about local government and efforts to
split the black vote in various parts of the state. Police informed the community of outreach programs
that exist. The event is just the first step in a larger process. It was discussed to hold similar events in the
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MEP Photo Gallery
Alpha Nu: "God Made"
By Brother Gary Hooker Jr
Have you ever felt like something in your life was missing? Have you felt like you had a greater
calling and it has not come around yet? If so, that is your God-given potential that you are feeling.
We all have a unique God-given purpose that is greater than us all. If you are looking for a way to
unleash that energy and find your purpose, Martin Jones II shares his fascinating experience that
may help you. Martin Jones II is a Construction Management student from Cincinnati, OH. He is the
oldest of three boys and was raised by both of his parents and he is looked as a role model by his
younger brothers. He is the Founder/CEO of the God Made Clothing brand that has influenced
himself and others around him to live their life through Christ. The mission of God Made is to help
enlighten this generation and the world. Jones says, “It’s ok to be young and lit for God!”Ironically,
what moved Jones to make this brand was his passion and love for basketball. At the age of 6, he
started playing basketball with his dad coaching him up until he got to middle school. Jones’ father
played basketball on the collegiate level at Tennessee State University. Growing up in his household,
Jones and his younger brothers all aspired to live up to their father’s name. During his sophomore
year at A&T, Jones found out he was ineligible to continue his collegiate basketball career. He
entered into a slight depression and was at a point in his life where he did not know his purpose.
Jones’ father was a Deacon, and as a child he was brought up in the church. However, his
relationship with Christ didn’t grow until he got to college. From his experiences in basketball, Jones
started to grow his own personal connection with God. Martin Jones II crossed Spring 2018 into the
Alpha Nu Chapter (North Carolina A&T State University) of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. When
asked why he wanted to become a NUPE and what it means to him being a member of the Alpha Nu
chapter he said, “I wanted to cross on the sole purpose of Achievement! I am a person who believes
in excelling in everything you do no matter what you do in your life. My Line Brothers and I were
always told that being Alpha Nu holds weight and we wouldn’t experience it until we crossed. That
statement was nothing but factual. Being a part of Alpha Nu has changed my life completely for the
better. A lot of Alpha Nu is achieving in the world and just being connected with them in the bond is
truly something special.
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I will carry on the Alpha Nu legacy by continuing to excel in everything I do in life.”After college, Jones has plans to
work for a construction company while still growing the God Made brand. He will also be working on opening the
first God Made store. “For the next upcoming months and years from now, God Made apparel will be popping up in
stores. My long-term goal for this brand is to open up multiple stores across the U.S.” Jones says. So, God-given
potential… What is that again? And how do you unlock it? Martin Jones II says that: “Unlocking your God given
potential means finding your purpose on this Earth that God has placed inside of you. That is what achievement is,
fulfilling your purpose in life. When I rededicated my life, I decided to accept the calling and responsibility that God
had for my life. He began to show me the kind of example I needed to be in the world for my generation and for
brothers and sisters in the generations to come who have dreams like mine. When we begin to pray for God’s will to
be done in our life, that’s when he begins to operate and push us to fulfill our promises. In doing this, He revealed
this concept to me: ‘GOD MADE’.” The current Polemarch of the Alpha Nu chapter, Antonio Rivers, had to say this on
Jones and the God Made brand: “The brand speaks volumes on campus. It helps create a more comfortable
environment for young adults to embrace their beliefs and core values. All while looking good doing it. Martin took
his God given abilities and started something bigger than himself based off his trials and tribulations. His early
achievements have only scratched the surface and I’m excited to see what’s next for him and the God Made
Brand.” Jones hasn’t fully unlocked his God given potential yet. He states, “I feel like we have so much built up
potential inside of us that throughout life we’re going to keep finding pieces of us that we never knew we had. My
God given potential and purpose on this earth is compassion. I always make sure that others are good before I worry
about myself.” With that being said, there will be bigger and even better things to come in store from Martin Jones II.
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By Brother Langston Stephens
Brother Alexander Dawes was the 91st recipient of the Guy Levis Grant Award for Undergraduate
Achievement. Brother Alexander “Alex” Dawes was a first-generation college graduate. He was a Brown
Endowed Family Scholar, Varsity Football Athlete and Student Coach. Brother Dawes graduated from
Davidson with a Bachelor of Science in Biology. On campus, Brother Dawes was a Chidsey John Chidsey
Leadership Fellow, a member of the Union Board, the Scholarship Chair of Patterson Court Council, and a
mentor with Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Charlotte. During his time at Davidson he was awarded the
Davidson Black Alumni Network Scholarship, Middle Eastern Province Scholarship, and Middle Eastern
Province Undergraduate Kappa Man of the Year. Brother Dawes is also a published author of two papers
for his Orthopedic Clinical Research at the Illinois Sports Medicine & Orthopedic Centers. Currently
Brother Dawes works at Emory University’s School of Medicine and Emory Orthopedics as a Clinical
Research Fellow for their Upper Extremity department working with top physicians in upper extremity,
sports medicine, and spine. He serves his role by helping with IRB proposals, grant submissions,
manuscript writing, and data analysis. Brother Dawes was inspired to pursue a career in orthopedic
medicine due to his own personal injuries as a football player. He plans to help administer medical care
that focuses on the patient and their overall wellness looking at surgical methods as a last resort and
diversifying the current demographics of healthcare providers. Outside of his professional role Brother
Dawes has stepped back onto the field this time to coach and serve 5th graders at Chastain Park coaching
with the Northside Youth Organization. His goals are to help teach the game of football, but more
importantly serve as a mentor for his players. He will continue to serve in the community and make an
impact for the future.
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Brother Faraimo (left) from the Gamma Delta
Chapter was elected to the Grand Board as
Strategus. Brother Richardson (right) also of Gamma
Delta previously served as Grand Strategus.
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Pi Mu Chapter of Year
Rho Zeta Ronald R.Young
Website Award
Brother Locklear Twirl
Champion Achiever | 25
Brother James W. Bowden III was recognized by the Grand Chapter
for his work as an advisor for the Pi Mu chapter. Brother Bowden has
worked on the advisory team since the Spring of 2011. Brother
Bowden is a Fall 2010 initiate of the Charlotte (NC) Chapter and a life
member of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.
MEP at the 84th Grand Chapter Meeting
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Polaski & Cheko / +1 829 479 3794 / [email protected]
The Middle Eastern Province