Rhys’ Pages...continued
green eyes and blue hair.” government told me that I was lying and that I did not have enough
So anyway, I’m Reese Kevin, the 7th Lightkeeper. I was born on the money to buy even one solar panel. I told the government you just
day that the lighthouse got its 5th Lightkeeper, Stephanie Kevin. wait and see.
Now that the introductions are out of the way, I have a plan. That So I bought 24 solar panels and 98 circuit boards. I still have
plan is to make all lighthouses electronic, and I don’t mean to make enough money to bribe the government into building it for me. So
them robots or anything. I mean to make them so that we don’t the government took me to their office to discuss the building plans.
have to go around at 4 a.m. to crank it back up then go back to sleep Me and the government decided that we needed a portable light-
for another 3 hours before you remember that you have to crank it house. I said that I didn’t have enough money to build a portable
up again, because it’s so annoying. lighthouse. The government told me that they would, since I was
I’m driving to Sooke for the government to let them know about my covering the cost of everything else. I said thanks. Then there was
idea. When I got there, the government was out at a meeting and construction started.
I had to wait until they were done. Once they were done, they told It took two and a half years. After on year, they had installed all
me that my idea was stupid and I just had to live with it. I told them of the solar panels and we’re just trying to wire it up. Once a year-
I needed to get some sleep or I wouldn’t live past 45. They told me and-a-half had passed we found out that the wiring was all wrong,
that that wasn’t true and I would live a long healthy life if only I ate and we had to start again. A year and ¾ had passed and then they
correctly, because I was starting to gain some weight. I told them started installing circuit boards controlling just solar panels and
that I was serious and that we need to do it or my family wouldn’t the rotation making it always face the sun. Then 2 years passed, we
live past the year 2050. Finally they agreed once I said that I would found that only half of the circuit boards worked and it was so an-
pay for it. noying because I had to go and buy some more. I’m completely out
I told the government that we needed solar panels and circuit of money now. 2 and a quarter years later, now the solar panels are
boards, but the government said that I was poor and that I didn’t charging the batteries. Three of the solar panels stopped working.
have enough money. I told them that I wasn’t poor and that I had After two and a half years, the three solar panels are fixed.
enough money to buy all of it. The government asked since when The construction is done. I was so happy, I almost cried. It took
did you have so much money, and I said that my family saved the two and a half years and it was finally done. I can finally get some
money that we got when we became the lightkeeper family. The sleep. It was amazing and then it was time for the other lighthouses.
I want to tell you that story, but I will tell you that it took a total of
25 years to make the lighthouses solar. That is the story of how the
Sheringham Point Lighthouse became solar.
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 51
Shea’s Pages
Shea’s selected photo:
Shea couldn’t be with us on the day we took
photos, but we think he’d have taken one like
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 52
Shea’s Pages...continued
The Creepy Lighthouse
by Shea
One day Shea, Isaac and Tyler were walking to school. “I can’t “brainssssssss.” Shea ran up to the zombie and then he tripped
wait until our field trip today.” “Yay, I heard from some people the zombie and pushed him over and the zombie fell back-
who said it was haunted,” Shea and Isaac said. After recess we wards. Shea brought out a pocket knife and cut the ropes that
loaded the bus. Tyler said, all out of breath, “We finally made were holding Isaac and Tyler. Isaac brought out a flamethrow-
it to the lighthouse.” “Here we are,” said Shea and Isaac. er and shot the zombie in the face. “Good thing I always carry
All of us were split up into groups. It was me, Isaac and Tyler. my flamethrower with me,” Isaac said.
We were wandering around the lighthouse. One hour later, Then the three of them ran out of the lighthouse. They locked
we didn’t even see that our class had left, and now we are stuck the door so the zombie couldn’t get out. Shea, Isaac and Tyler
here. We looked back and I saw that Tyler and Isaac were ran all the way back to their houses and they all locked the
gone. doors after them.
I saw a zombie. Shea said “Let them go.” The zombie said The end.
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 53
Talin’s Pages
Talin’s favourite photo:
“I like that it looks so old fashioned.”
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 54
Talin’s Pages...continued
by Talin
Me and my friends are all part animal. I am part frog. Ness is boards were slippery and wet. I could hear them creak. When
part snake. Klik is part crayfish and Ques is part squirrel. all of a sudden, I slipped and started falling. I guess I was
One day, we were playing around in the forest when we saw knocked out, because when I woke up I was in the forest.
some people come out of the Lighthouse. At first we didn’t One day later, we still needed to dig holes and cover them up
mind them that much, but they started to build houses so to trap the people. The next day we dug holes again and even-
we thought we should do something about it. We decided to tually caught some and the rest were scared away. From that
make traps to scare the people away. day on there were no more people and the Lighthouse was
Late one night, we climbed up the lighthouse stairs. The calm and quiet again.
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 55
Tyler’s Pages
Tyler’s favourite photo:
“Because it is nice and the cove looks like it is
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 56
Tyler’s Pages...continued
Painted Cove
by Tyler
One day Isaac and Tyler were exploring when they found an at was the Corlof Lighthouse, the most famous lighthouse of all
old abandoned lighthouse. They heard a noise coming from time. He also said everybody that has gone there has vanished.
the lighthouse. Suddenly, they saw a huge figure standing right So Tyler did not know why he did not vanish. Tyler decided
in front of them. They huge figure nabbed Isaac and then ran to go to the house to sleep on it, but he could not sleep. He got
away. Tyler went to get help but nobody was around for ten dressed, hopped on his bike and rode to the lighthouse. He
kilometers. Tyler ran to the highway and looked if anybody saw the cove. Tyler said it looked like it was painted. He called
was coming but no. Tyler ran to the bus stop which was five it Painted Cove. Suddenly he saw Isaac at the top of the tower.
minutes away, and caught a bus to his house. He told his mom He ran up the stairs and when he got to the top Isaac’s mom
that Isaac had been taken by a huge figure. Of course Tyler’s was making Isaac eat his dinner. Tyler said “What?” Isaac said
mom did not believe him. Tyler biked back to the lighthouse “I’m OK.” The next day at school, Isaac and Tyler told every-
and looked around, but Isaac was not there. body about their adventure.
Tyler caught a bus to the town. When Tyler got to the town, he The end.
went to the mayor. He told Tyler that the lighthouse they were
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 57
Zackery’s Pages
Zack’s favourite photo:
“Because it’s a nice view.”
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 58
Zackery’s Pages...continued
The Haunted Lighthouse
By Zack
Have you ever been to a haunted lighthouse? Me and my The ghost was the old light keeper. It was a boy with long
friends did! We saw a ghost controlling the light bulb and the brown hair and blue eyes. We just seen a floating head, no
light followed us into the dark forest. We hid under a log and body, just a head. Me and my friends ran down the stairs and
heard loud foot steps behind us so we ran out of the forest and hid behind the lighthouse. When the ghost went out, we went
on to the road. back in and Nathan locked the door. We heard banging on the
The next day, we went back to the lighthouse to find out who door, but we didn’t let him in. The ghost said “Go away or you
the ghost is. We creeped using the lighthouse door and heard will be cursed for life.” We hid inside hoping it would go away.
the ghost pulling the chain up. It sounded like shaking bones. We don’t hear the ghost anymore, so we went to the door and
We ran out of the lighthouse and hid behind the bushes. We opened it. “I caught you and now you are cursed forever!”
ran back to the lighthouse. When the light bulb was facing the screeched the ghost. We screamed and ran home as fast as we
opposite way of us, we ran up the stairs. When we were up the could.
stairs, we saw nothing but heard foot steps up there with us. Just then I woke up in my bed screaming. I never went to that
We were very scared so we just hid on the stairs and crouched lighthouse ever again.
down. We seen the chain pulling up, but we saw nobody. We
just stared at the chain pulling up.
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 59
“I’ll be visiting
Sheringham Point Lighthouse
this summer.
How about you?”
Check out the website for directions (that’s driving directions,
not swimming):
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 60
Exploring the Lighthouse Page 61
A Big Thank-You
We want to thank Tom Harris - Telus, and manager Ryley
Leckie, for donating the cell-phone cameras for the students to
use. Without this support, the program would not have been
This project was carried out by the Society’s partners: Change
Canada Consultants Ltd. Our thanks to them: Ian Fawcett
(coordinator & photographer), Kathleen Arnason (author and
story-teller) and Bill Turner (for helping develop and imple-
ment the program).
Our thanks also to Society volunteers Dominique Bernadet,
Vivi Curuchet, Bill Parkes, Bill Turner, Sandra Fawcett and Su-
san Nelson for helping at the site, and to the Society’s members
and supporters who provided the financing for the program.
And finally, but most of all, we want to thank Principal Gord
Johnson, teachers Noreen Lovbakke and Dan Quint, and in par-
ticular the students at John Muir Elementary School for making
this project so enjoyable.
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society
Exploring the Lighthouse
Raising Funds to Protect the Lighthouse
Projects such as the protection and restoration of Sheringham Point Light- ties at the Lighthouse - such as this program - we need to raise additional
house depend upon the generosity of people who care about what we are funds. Can you help?
trying to accomplish, and who want to help. Most of the funding for this We have set up a fundraising page on the Society’s website to make it easy
project so far has been provided by individuals who have stepped forward to donate (all donations over $5.00 will receive a charitable tax receipt).
to make a donation.
However, in order to ensure that the Lighthouse can be well cared for in You can find it at:
the future, and to enable us to continue providing educational opportuni- http://sheringhamlighthouse.org/how-to-help/make-a-donation/
And finally, something a little different...
Anyone who takes photographs knows that We’ve collected a number of the images created by the children during
things don’t always turn out as planned. A click their visit to the lighthouse that didn’t quite turn out as intended, but that
at the wrong time, a shake of the camera or a struck us as beautiful images nontheless.
wrong setting can produce something entirely We’ve called this collection “UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES”, and we
unintended. will make the images available, upon request, as gifts for people who make
Often, the results of these situations are simply donations to help this project succeed.
discarded. But sometimes, with a bit of luck, and Take a look at these few samples on the next page, we think you’ll be
with a willingness to look again with a fresh eye amazed!
and an open mind, the results can be startling.
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 62
“Unintended Consequences”
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 63
“A Lighthouse is a beacon
of hope; a symbol of human
~ Gary Geddes,
BC poet & author