Symon’s Pages (continued)
Lighthouse Story
by Symon
It was night and a wolf was howling at the moon. ‘’Hmph,’’ I said,
‘’just great.’’
I looked for light. “No lighthouse,” I thought, so I walked on. Then I
looked around. As I walked, I stumbled a bit. ‘’Oh,’’ I said, ‘’my flash-
light.’’ I grabbed it and turned it on.
‘’Oh no!’’ I shouted. The lighthouse was gone. I looked down the
pit where the lighthouse had been, it had weeds and worms in it.
“How?” I thought. Then I saw a light. “Oh,” I realized. They moved
the lighthouse to the other side of the river because the cliff was
crumbling. So I walked down the lifesaving trail to society and
The end
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Taylor’s Pages
Taylor’s Photo Selection:
“I like that the background is pretty blue. I chose it
because it’s a big picture of the lighthouse.”
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 52
Taylor’s Pages (continued)
A Trip to the Lighthouse
by Taylor
0ne night a class went to Sheringham Lighthouse and there was a
great big storm. The kids were very worried but they didn’t think
that anything would happen, so they just kept on taking pictures on
the phones that they had been given.
Then some of the kids heard this weird sound coming from the
lighthouse. They said “Why is the lighthouse making that sound?” “I
don’t know” said another, “maybe it’s just normal”.
It turned out that it was normal, so that class ended up having the
best field trip ever. Lots of the kids were really happy and excited to
explore the area. They got phones from one of the staff that worked
there, though some people brought their own phones so they ended
up with two phones.
There were balconies over the water and the very pretty ocean. Peo-
ple saw lots of seals and fish. One of the girls saw that the lighthouse
door was open and she looked inside and could not believe her eyes.
She saw a long ladder going up, it was like 15 feet in the air. And
that is the story of a Sheringham Lighthouse trip.
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 53
Tom’s Pages
Tom’s Photo Selection:
“This photo was the best one I took. It fits
with my story.”
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 54
Tom’s Pages (continued)
The Keeper of the Keys
by Thomas
I am Sam. Endtown is my home. He disappeared and came back as a tall stick figure with long arms
Now I wouldn’t say Endtown is a good place but it’s a place in the and legs.
outskirts of Texas. He was the keeper of the keys...Asok the Defiler.
I mean, long grass, scorched homes; it looks like an apocalypse hap- He took me to the sharp rocky cliff and there stood a lighthouse
pened there. with red lights at the top of it, but the bottom was gone.
People tend to be mostly livestock farmers and oil riggers there. Suddenly all I saw was black, and then it all turned white. And now
Now every one of us live in wooden three room huts and the peo- I’m gone too.
ple…think of Spartans…yeah, rippled with muscles and holding Why didn’t anyone help me…?
spears. You’re on the right page. I woke up and realized I was dreaming.
And then this happened:
He came to me calmly as I didn’t know I wasn’t coming home.
He took me to a forest that was near an ocean.
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 55
Wyatt’s Pages
Wyatt’s Photo Selection:
“The reason why I chose this
photo is because my Grandma
passed away on Friday March
23, 2018 and I think this photo
looks like a grave. The reason
I named this photo Mor Mor is
because that is what I called my
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 56
Wyatt’s Pages (continued)
The Life Saving Trail
by Wyatt
One Friday Bryn, Mason, Lindsay and I wanted to go for a boat ride For some reason I keep driving and we crash into the rock. The boat
after school, so we all went to our homes to go get some food. About goes flying! I get up off the ground and see the boat is on fire. I have
1 hour later Mason, Bryn and Lindsay came to my house for the no idea where Mason, Bryn and Lindsay are and my leg is killing
boat ride. me.
It is around 6:00 o’clock now when we get on the boat. We are about I finally get up and I think I see Bryn, so I go over there. Bryn is
5 minutes into the lake (it is a huge lake) and we notice that the there so I help get him up and I see a trail so I follow it. After a while
lighthouse light is off. Soni told them to go back to their house to I think we are at the end of the trail, but we are not even close, so I
get some sleep. The next day Wyatt said “Hey guys so do you want do not give up. I keep going. I found that extra energy deep inside
to try that party again?” me and I keep walking. I finally get to the end of the trail and me
“Sure” said Mason, so they got out on the lake. The lighthouse light and Bryn came up with a name for it - The Life Saving Trail.
is on so we were having so much fun until the lighthouse light
turned off again! We are now in the middle of the lake and it’s so
dark out.
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 57
“I’ll be visiting
Sheringham Point Lighthouse
this summer.
How about you?”
Check out the website for directions (that’s driving directions,
not swimming):
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 58
Exploring the Lighthouse
A Big Thank-You
We want to thank Tom Harris - Telus, and manager Ryley
Leckie, for donating the cell-phone cameras for the students to
use. Without this support, the program would not have been
This project was carried out by the Society’s partners: Change
Canada Consultants Ltd. Our thanks to them: Ian Fawcett
(coordinator & photographer), Kathleen Arnason (author and
story-teller) and Bill Turner (for helping develop and imple-
ment the program).
Our thanks also to Society volunteers Dominique Bernadet,
Vivi Curuchet, Bill Parkes, Bill Turner, Sandra Fawcett and Su-
san Nelson for helping at the site, and to the Society’s members
and supporters who provided the financing for the program.
And finally, but most of all, we want to thank Principal Tess Vally, Page 59
teachers Lisa Stuart and Sarah Stirling, and in particular the
students at Sooke Elementary School for making this project so
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society
Exploring the Lighthouse
Raising Funds to Protect the Lighthouse
Projects such as the protection and restoration of Sheringham Point Light- ties at the Lighthouse - such as this program - we need to raise additional
house depend upon the generosity of people who care about what we are funds. Can you help?
trying to accomplish, and who want to help. Most of the funding for this We have set up a fundraising page on the Society’s website to make it easy
project so far has been provided by individuals who have stepped forward to donate (all donations over $5.00 will receive a charitable tax receipt).
to make a donation.
However, in order to ensure that the Lighthouse can be well cared for in You can find it at:
the future, and to enable us to continue providing educational opportuni-
And finally, something a little different...
Anyone who takes photographs knows that We’ve collected a number of the images created by the children during
things don’t always turn out as planned. A click their visit to the lighthouse that didn’t quite turn out as intended, but that
at the wrong time, a shake of the camera or a struck us as beautiful images nontheless.
wrong setting can produce something entirely We’ve called this collection “UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES”, and we
unintended. will make the images available, upon request, as gifts for people who make
Often, the results of these situations are simply donations to help this project succeed.
discarded. But sometimes, with a bit of luck, and Take a look at these few samples on the next page, we think you’ll be
with a willingness to look again with a fresh eye amazed!
and an open mind, the results can be startling.
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 60
“Unintended Consequences”
Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society Page 61
“A Lighthouse is a beacon of hope;
a symbol of human solidarity.”
~ Gary Geddes,
BC poet & author
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