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JIFSAN Good Aquacultural Practices Program Effective Cleaning and Sanitizing Procedures By Alan Parker

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Effective Cleaning and Sanitizing Procedures - JIFSAN

JIFSAN Good Aquacultural Practices Program Effective Cleaning and Sanitizing Procedures By Alan Parker

JIFSAN Good Aquacultural
Practices Program

Effective Cleaning and
Sanitizing Procedures

By Alan Parker

JIFSAN Good Aquacultural Practices Manual
Section 9–Effective Cleaning and Sanitizing Procedures

Why Is Effective Cleaning and recommended conditions. Cleaning personnel need
Sanitizing So Important? a working understanding of the type of substances
to be cleaned the basic chemistry of its removal. As
Effective cleaning and sanitizing helps protect we will see later, cleaning and sanitizing need to be
the health of the animals by controlling the performed in two separate steps. It is impossible to
transmission of animal diseases. It controls human sanitize a surface that is still dirty. There must be
health by preventing transmission of human an effective rinse after the cleaning step to remove
diseases in foods. Cleaning and sanitizing helps detergent residue that can interfere with the action
prevent pest infestations by reducing residues that of chemical sanitizers.
can attract and support pests. It also improves the Characteristics of Food Soils
shelf life and sensory quality of food products.

Effective Cleaning and Sanitizing Soil is any unwanted matter on the surface of an
object that one desires to be clean. Cleanliness is
Effective cleaning and sanitizing is done by an unnatural condition, because all surfaces are
identifying areas and items to be cleaned. Then, constantly being soiled. Special care must be taken
effective chemicals and application methods must to ensure that all soil is removed and that it is not
be selected. Clean is competed first, then sanitizing redeposited on the substrate.
is done in 2 steps. You should perform CandS Soil may be classified as visible and invisible, the
regularly, and validate that the program has been latter category being primarily microorganisms,
performed correctly. such as bacteria, yeasts, and molds.

What Should be Cleaned and Sanitized? Soil is best identified by characteristics that give
All surfaces that may contact the food product, information on how it may be dissolved, because
such as utensils, knives, tables, cutting boards, the object of cleaning is to dissolve or to suspend
conveyor belts, ice makers, ice storage bins, hands, soil and then to wash it away.
gloves, and aprons. Surfaces that do not directly Some food soils can be dissolved in water such
contact the product such as walls, ceilings, floors as simple carbohydrates (sugars), some simple
and drains have a profound effect on environment. mineral salts (NaCl), and some starches. There
are also food soils that dissolve in alkali, like
What Else Should be Cleaned and proteins, starches associated with proteins or fats,
Sanitized? and bacterial films (biofilms). There are food soils
Cleaning tools like brooms, mops, squeegees, that dissolve in acid, like hard water hardness salts
buckets, sponges, scrapers, foaming equipment, (calcium and magnesium salts), and more complex
water guns, etc., should be cleaned and sanitized. mineral films, including iron and manganese
Cleaning tools can be a major source of microbial deposits. Finally, there are those that dissolve with
contamination if not cleaned. Cleaning tools surfactants, which include fats, oils and greases,
should be washed and sanitized after every use. many food residues, inert soils such as sand, clay,
They should be stored clean, dried, and secured. or fine metals, and some biofilms.

The Cleaning Step What are Biofilms?
Biofilms are a collection of microorganisms, mainly
Cleaning is the complete removal of unwanted bacteria, growing together in a matrix of polymers
matter using appropriate detergent chemicals under secreted by the microorganisms. Once microbes

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grow into well-developed biofilms, cleaning and Water – Cleaning Function
sanitation become much more difficult. Biofilms Water comprises approximately 95-99%
have a shielding effect on the bacterial cells within
them, and normal cleaning and sanitizing methods of cleaning solutions
may not eliminate them. Biofilms MUST be Water’s many functions in cleaning:
removed or prevented from forming on surfaces.
Disease-producing bacteria, including Listeria, can Pre-rinse, to remove gross soils
be 1,000 times harder to eliminate if it is living in Soften soils left on the surface
a protective biofilm. Biofilms can be very difficult Carry detergent to the surface to be cleaned
to remove from surfaces, and are known to have
an increased biocidal resistance due to the biofilm Carry wastes away from the
structure protecting the microorganisms. Biofilms surface being cleaned
can be a continual source of pathogenic and
spoilage organisms if not completely removed. Rinse detergent off of the surface
Water quality, particularly its mineral
What are Biofilms?
hardness, can drastically alter the
A collection of microorganisms, mainly bacteria, effectiveness of a detergent.
growing together in a matrix of polymers Water Hardness
secreted by the microorganisms. Surface Cleaners

Biofilm Formation: Surfactants Make Water Wetter
A surfactant (surface active agent) is a substance
Attachment Colonization Growth that lowers the surface tension of a solution.
BULK FLUID Surfactants also foam, emulsify, and disperse soils
Planktonic Cells in solution. Surfactants have anionic, cationic. or
nonionic (neutral) chemical structures.
Sessile Cells
Water Alone
No wetting of soils on surface
©MSU-CBE P. D i r c k x
Courtesy of MSU Center for Bio lm Engineering Organic ‘soil

Spoilage organisms such as Pseudomonas grow Solid substrate
in biofilms and can be sloughed off during
production, contaminate the food, and accelerate Water + Surfactant
spoilage. The polymers secreted by the bacteria Wetting occurring with
close to the surface are strong adhesives making water plus surfactant
the cells very difficult to remove. The cells in a
biofilm actually take on specialized functions Soil within water droplet
and can communicate with each other in a
rudimentary way (called Quorum Sensing). WETTED SOIL

Water Solid substrate
Called the universal solvent, water is the basis for
all surface cleaners. Water is a good solvent—by
itself it has the ability to clean many soiled
surfaces. Cleaning with water alone is the yardstick
by which we measure the effect of cleaning
chemicals. Other active ingredients are added
to enhance the effect. Detergents aid water in
removing soil.

9- Copyright“ © 2007 University of Maryland and the JohnsonDiversey Corporation.

Detergent or Cleaning Agent Application of Cleaners
Both soaps and detergents help water to emulsify
fats and to suspend solid soil particles. Soaps Manual Cleaning
are made from fats and lye, while detergents are Equipment manually disassembled
synthetic chemicals. Soaps and detergents act Hand scrubbing and washing
by reducing the surface tension of water, which Semi-automatic OPC
increases water’s interaction with soils, surrounds High pressure washing and rinsing
and lifts the soil from the surface, and allows water Foaming
to flush the surrounded soils away. Proteins will Mechanical (Clean-in-place or CIP)
hydrate and swell when they come into contact Automated cleaning process
with water, which helps alkalis to react with them,
forming soluble salts. Manual Cleaning
Pads, brushes and brooms should be:
Characteristics of a Good Detergent 1. Dedicated to tasks for which they are designed.
Rapid and complete solubility in water
Good swelling of soil • Optimizes cleaning effectiveness; and
Good wetting capability of surfaces • Minimizes cross-contamination between

Good dispersion and suspension properties areas of the plant.
Good rinsing properties 2. Designed for the task.
Non-corrosive to surfaces
Non-toxic • Brushes—proper stiffness;
Cost effective • Pads—proper cutting properties; and
• Pressure spray—moderate pressure.
Surfaces and Cleaning Substances • Cleaning aids that retain water, such as

TYPE OF RECOMMENDED FREQUENCY sponges, wiping cloths, and mops should
SURFACE CLEANING SUBSTANCE OF USE not be used for routine cleaning.
Stainless steel Daily 3. Do not mix uses. For example, never:
Alkaline, not abrasive Weekly • Use floor brooms / floor squeegees on tables
Metals (copper, Acid, not abrasive • Use green pads used for cleaning waste
aluminum, Daily barrels on grading or packing tables
galvanized Moderately alkaline • Use the same brush to clean floors on any
surfaces) substances with corrosion food contact surface.
Wood High Pressure Washing
Detergents with Daily • Useful for walls, floors, large equipment and
Rubber surfactants Daily
Alkaline Substances • Spray can form aerosols mist from irritating

Glass Moderately alkaline Daily chemicals.
Concrete Floors substances Daily • Atomization can spread soil and

Alkaline microorganisms.
• Pressures used:

¤ Low Pressure: <15 bar
¤ Medium Pressure: 15 to 3 bar

9- Copyright © 2007 University of Maryland and the JohnsonDiversey Corporation.

¤ High Pressure: 30 to 150 bar
• Recommended: < 45 bar.
Foam Cleaning - Cling Time
Foaming Techniques
• Pre-rinse to remove loose soil and residues.
• Foam up, rinse down.
• Work in small sections.
• Allow foam to remain on surface 10 to 15 min.
• Be aware of surfaces susceptible to corrosion.
• No advantage in foaming hot solutions.
• Wear protective equipment (goggles, gloves,

suit and boots).
Automated Cleaning (CIP)
• Clean-in-place: Cleaning internal surfaces of

production equipment without disassembly.

• Tanks, heat exchangers, pumps, valves,
pipelines, and other enclosed surfaces.

• Cleaning solutions contact the surfaces by
pumped circulation and automatic spraying.

9- Copyright © 2007 University of Maryland and the JohnsonDiversey Corporation.

• Contrary to manual cleaning, can use high Prepare a Surface for Sanitizing
chemical concentration and temperature. For a sanitizer to be effective, the surface being
sanitized must be physically clean. One cannot
2. Sanitizing Food Contact sanitize a dirty surface—organic soils will consume
Surfaces the sanitizer. Detergent residues must be rinsed
well—they will neutralize many sanitizers.
Sanitizing is a procedure to treat food-contact Detergents are alkaline, most sanitizers are acidic.
surfaces that destroys most disease producing Detergents have negative charge, sanitizers have
bacteria and viruses, substantially reduces the positive charge. Spraying a surface with a sanitizing
number of other undesirable organisms, and does solution without first cleaning the surface properly
not adversely affect the product or its safety for is a waste of time and money.
the consumer. Sanitizing can be done with heat or
with chemicals. Chlorine-based Sanitizers
Sanitizing does not affect bacterial spores—that is The most commonly used sanitizers in food
beyond the capability of the process. A sanitizer applications are chlorine gas, sodium or calcium
will not sterilize a food-contact surface or a hypochlorite, and organic chlorine (Sodium
water system. Sterilization refers to the statistical Dichloroisocyanurate). All form hypochlorous
destruction and removal of all living organisms, acid (HOCl, the most active form) in aqueous
including spores. The official definition of solution. The activity of chlorine is affected
sanitizing for food product contact surfaces is a by pH. Temperature destabilizes chlorine., and
process which reduces the contamination level chlorine is rapidly inactivated by organic matter.
by 99.999% (5 logs) in 30 sec. Disinfectants are Corrosiveness to surfaces is a major disadvantage
stronger chemicals that produce a much larger when using chlorine, and high temperature
reduction of microorganisms. They are generally increases the risk of corrosion. Chlorine is less
not used in food applications. affected by water hardness when compared to
other sanitizers. Chlorine has some advantages
Thermal Sanitizing and disadvantages, as do all types of sanitizers.
The principal disadvantage of most chlorine-based
Steam sanitizers is instability. They are affected by the
• Limited application acidity of the water in which they are diluted.
• Expensive
• Difficult to regulate Broad-spectrum Germicides.
• Difficult to monitor contact time and The term “Broad Spectrum” when applied to a
sanitizer means that it will attack a wide variety
temperature of different types of microorganisms, including
• It is a physical hazard gram-positive bacteria (Listeria and Staphylococcus),
gram negative bacteria (E. coli and Salmonella),
Hot water viruses, fungi (both yeasts and molds), as well as
• 80-85° C, for >30 seconds many parasites. Broad-spectrum germicides act on
• Easy to apply microbial membranes, cellular enzymes, DNA, and
• Effective protein. Iodine-based sanitizers have been used
• Non-corrosive as antimicrobial agents since the 1800s and have
• High energy costs a broad spectrum of activity They are a powerful
• Safety concerns sanitizer in strong acidic aqueous solutions. They
are generally used at 12.5 to 25 ppm available
iodine, and can cause staining on some surfaces,
especially plastics.

9- Copyright © 2007 University of Maryland and the JohnsonDiversey Corporation.

Other Sanitizers Methods of Applying Sanitizers
Quaternary ammonium compounds (Quats) Working With Concentrated Chemicals
are cationic surfactants. They have fair wetting • Follow label instructions carefully.
properties and react strongly with cell walls of • Always store concentrated chemicals in original
certain microorganisms. Quats are more effective
than chlorine against yeasts, molds and gram- container.
positive microorganisms like Listeria monocytogenes, • Work with proper dilutions.
but less effective against gram-negative bacteria • Wear protective equipment recommended by
such as coliforms, Salmonella, and E. coli. Quats are
incompatible with soaps and anionic detergents. manufacturer.
Most cleaners are anionic, so surfaces must be
thoroughly rinsed between cleaning and sanitation. Cleaning and Sanitation Basic Steps
Quats are excellent environmental sanitizers for • Flush or sweep surfaces to remove gross soil.
floors, walls, drains, and equipment. They are non- • Wash the surface with the appropriate cleaning
corrosive to metals and stable at high temperature,
but highly affected by water hardness. compound.
• Flush the cleaner from the surface.
Recommended Use Levels • Apply a sanitizer.
for Quats • Flush the sanitizer.

Walls & Ceilings for Mold 2,000 – 5,000 ppm* Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures
• SSOP is a written document.
Equipment Sanitizing 200 ppm • Describes chemicals, concentrations,
Floors & Drains 800 ppm
Floor Mats 1,800 ppm application methods and timing for every part
Foot Baths 2,400 ppm of the plant.
No Rinse < 200 ppm ¤ Master Sanitation Schedule: What, When,

Acid-anionic sanitizers are surface-active sanitizers, Who?
but negatively charged. Formulations include ¤ Cleaning and Sanitizing Procedures: How?
inorganic and organic acids plus a surfactant. ¤ CandS Records: Shows that procedures and
Carboxylic acids (fatty acids) are some times
incorporated as well. They are unaffected by hard schedule were followed
water or organic soils. The dual function of acid
is that it can be used for rinsing and sanitizing Cleaning and Sanitizing Validation
in one step. These sanitizers must be used at low • Cleaning and sanitizing procedures should be
pH. Activity above pH 3.5–4.0 is minimal. Acidity,
detergency, stability, and noncorrosiveness makes regularly monitored for effectiveness.
them highly effective. Acid-anionic sanitizers ¤ Pre-operational inspections or audits
are broad spectrum against bacteria and viruses, ¤ Microbial sampling of the environment or
but not very effective against yeasts and molds.
Peroxyacetic acid (PAA) is an equilibrium mixture of food contact surfaces
of acetic acid and hydrogen peroxide in an • Establish criteria to be met
aqueous solution. It is a very strong oxidizing
agent and has a stronger oxidation potential than ¤ No visible residue present
chlorine. It has a pungent acetic acid odor, and ¤ Micro counts within acceptable limits
can be used to control odor and biofilms from food
contact surfaces, and as a microbial control agent Validation Methods
for sanitizing surfaces of equipment, floors, walls, • What everyone can do:
and indoor processing and packaging facilities.
¤ Visual Inspection (Best Verification Method)

9- Copyright © 2007 University of Maryland and the JohnsonDiversey Corporation.

¤ Surface appearance: visible debris, soil Typical Corrections
build-up, color of equipment surface (white Observation: Sanitizer concentration from
films, stains, etc.), biological growth (i.e.,
mold) and odor dispenser varies day to day.
Correction: Repair or replace chemical
• Use simple tools:
¤ Eyes proportioning equipment and train cleaning
¤ Nose crew in its proper use.
¤ Flashlight
¤ Scraper Observation: Juncture of two table tops trap food
¤ Common Sense debris.

Concentration Time Correction: Separate tables to allow access for
Temperature Mechanical Force cleaning.

Observation: Table work surfaces show signs of

Correction: Refinish or replace damaged
equipment and switch to less corrosive
cleaning compound.

Cleaning and Sanitizing Validation
• Right chemicals and concentrations
• Application time
• Solution temperature if applicable
• Mechanical force or action

9- Copyright © 2007 University of Maryland and the JohnsonDiversey Corporation.

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