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Explore the City of Rancho Mirage Library & Observatory Programs & Exhibits. October - December, 2018.

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Published by City of Rancho Mirage Public Library, 2018-09-12 20:24:28

Program Guide October - December - 2018

Explore the City of Rancho Mirage Library & Observatory Programs & Exhibits. October - December, 2018.

Welcome to the Rancho Mirage Library and Observatory…

As we head into a new season, we are committed to providing the type of high quality
programming, resources, and lifelong learning opportunities our community has come
to expect. With the new Observatory up and running and a calendar full of dynamic
programs, it’s an exciting time to be at the Library!

Several fresh new programs are sure to capture your attention:
• Will Furman, whose photography graces the cover of this program guide, will speak on
how his work helps to reveal the “ghosts” of Bodie, California.
• Award-winning soprano Natalie Mann and pianist Jeffrey LaDeur will provide an
evening of beautiful music.
• NASA scientist Dr. Kelly Fast will fill us in on the latest spacecraft missions exploring our
solar system.

And many popular presenters will be returning:
• Film historian Christopher Perry will bring to the community room two spectacular
feature length 3D film presentations: The Wizard of Oz on November 6 and The Polar

Express on December 15.
• College of the Desert’s Kurt Leuschner will give an engaging talk on creating the perfect
backyard habitat for the birds and plants found here in the desert.

In December, join Jason Bruecks for a special film series as we remember and
celebrate the life of Tab Hunter, who passed away earlier this year. Also, be sure to
mark your calendar for the Rancho Mirage Writers Festival Writers series events with
authors Andrew Morton on October 11, and Lisa McCubbin with Susan Ford Bales on
November 5.

The programs mentioned here are just a small sampling of what is in store over the next
three months. The Rancho Mirage Library and Observatory Foundation works tirelessly
throughout the year to ensure funding for such an ambitious schedule of free events. None
of this would be possible without the support from YOU – our patrons and donors. Learn
more about the Foundation and how you can help on page 23.

We hope to see you soon!
The Staff of the Rancho Mirage Library and Observatory

To sign up for email alerts about upcoming programming and to view a complete online calendar
with information updated daily, visit our website at

People with disabilities are encouraged to attend Library programs. If you have special communication or access
needs, please contact the Library at 341-7323 four business days in advance of the event(s) you will attend.

Cover Image: Bodie Window by Will Furman


Staff Introductions LIBRARY
Meet members of the Library and Observatory Team............. 4
Monday – Tuesday
Community Showcase 9 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Palm Springs Writers Guild................................................................ 6 9 a.m. – 8 p.m.
Memoir Writing Workshops............................................................... 6
Book Sales................................................................................................ 7 Thursday – Saturday
Book Discussion Group....................................................................... 7 9 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Poetry Workshops................................................................................. 7 Closed Sundays
An Afternoon of Poetry....................................................................... 7
Holiday Closures
Lectures Veteran’s Day

Birds and Plants: Creating a Backyard Habitat............................ 8 Monday, November 12
America’s Favorite Ghost Town: Bodie, California...................... 8 Thanksgiving
‘Dream Homes in the Desert’
Historic Houses of Rancho Mirage.................................................. 9 Thursday & Friday
November 22 & 23
Alfred Hitchcock Film Series............................................................10 Monday & Tuesday
The Wizard of Oz in 3D.......................................................................11 December 24 & 25
Remembering Tab Hunter Film Series.........................................12
The Polar Express in 3D.......................................................................13 71-100 Hwy 111
Rancho Mirage, CA 92270
Tel: (760) 341-7323
Jim Borax’s California Cabaret........................................................14 Fax: (760) 341-5213
Natalie Mann, Soprano and Jeffrey LaDeur, Pianist................14
Jason Wu, Kathleen Gurning & Mathew Gurning, Pianists......14 [email protected]
Joslyn Singers.......................................................................................15
Ken Dahleen and His Big Band Staff.............................................15
Observatory Programs


Rancho Mirage Writers Festival Programs

Writers Series........................................................................................18
Film Club................................................................................................19

Kids, Teens and Families

Space Week...........................................................................................20
Book Discussion...................................................................................20
Family Nights........................................................................................20
Saturday Book Group.........................................................................21
Design It • Make It...............................................................................21
Kids’ LEGO Club....................................................................................21
Halloween Spooktacular..................................................................22
Teen Night.............................................................................................22


Rancho Mirage Library and Observatory Foundation...........23
Library and Observatory Donors............................................24–29


Complete Calendar of Activities.............................................30–31

Aaron Espinosa, Executive Director
Aaron was hired by the City of Rancho Mirage on November
12, 2013, as an Accounting Technician II and was the first of
the Finance staff to be located at the Rancho Mirage Library.
In January of 2015, Aaron’s position was reclassified to
Accountant. With hard work and determination, Aaron was
soon promoted to the Library’s first Operations Manager.
During his tenure as the Library’s Operations Manager,
Aaron had the opportunity to work closely with City Council
and its Directors, Commissioners and Board members. In April of 2018, our long-time
Library Director David Bryant retired. Shortly thereafter, Aaron was named Library and
Observatory Director.

Over the course of his career with the City of Rancho Mirage, Aaron has been involved
in some amazing projects. He was instrumental in the design and construction of the
Joe and Gigi Roberson Mineral Collection and in the management of space planning at
the Library. As a member of the Rancho Mirage Writers Festival Steering Committee,
Aaron helped lead the Writers Festival toward becoming one of the nation’s best in just
five years.

Most recently, he had the opportunity to assist in the oversight of planning, development
and construction of the Rancho Mirage Observatory. Aaron says he is proud to be a
part of such an amazing facility (the now Rancho Mirage Library and Observatory) and
its mission, which is to promote lifelong learning.
“I look forward to serving as the Library and Observatory Director for many years to
come and continuing the level of excellence the residents and surrounding communities
have come to expect from the Rancho Mirage Library and Observatory. We are now
truly a cultural center for the Coachella Valley and beyond.”

Bob Rekuc, Library Operations Manager
Bob has been with the Rancho Mirage Library and
Observatory since the summer of 2011. His education
includes a Master’s in Library Science as well as a Master’s
in Computer Science. In addition to working for the National
Archives, he has previously worked in private, university and
other public libraries.

“The people are what I enjoy most about the Rancho Mirage
Library and Observatory. Both the staff and the patrons. It
really is a community center, and it is great to feel like a part
of that community.”

4 Presented by the Rancho Mirage Library and Observatory Foundation

T.J. Hicks, Program Coordinator 5
T.J. is a recent addition to the staff of the Rancho Mirage
Library and Observatory. He has worked as the Marketing
Director at DuPage Children’s Museum, Development
Director for Wheaton Park District, and as the Education
and Exhibits Director at Children’s Discovery Museum of the
Desert. His background is in communication, and he holds
a Bachelor’s Degree in Speech Communication as well as
a Master’s Degree in Communication with an emphasis in
media studies and documentary.
“What I love most about working for the Library is the organization’s commitment
to providing lifelong learning opportunities for the entire community. Each day is
rewarding and exciting as I am part of helping to provide such diverse and engaging
programming, whether it be documentary film screenings, author lectures, or unique
musical performances.”

Valentine Llort, Children’s Librarian
Valentine Llort has a passion for public service and went
into the library field in order to give back to her community.
Valentine grew up attending story times and doing school
research here at the library. Shortly after earning her
Master’s Degree in Library Science she returned to the
Rancho Mirage Library and Observatory to help inspire the
same love of learning in our next generation.

“These past few years I have had the privilege to meet new avid readers and to develop
and coordinate great programs, activities and services for the families of the City of
Rancho Mirage and the Coachella Valley. The Children’s Department and I look forward to
continue encouraging lifelong learning through exciting new ideas and programs for all.”

Eric McLaughlin, Astronomer
Eric McLaughlin is the first Astronomer for the Rancho
Mirage Library and Observatory. As an undergraduate, he
double-majored in engineering and engineering physics,
and he holds a Master’s Degree in Astronomy. He has taught
college classes and worked as an engineer before attaining
his graduate degree. Eric’s passion for astronomy is both
evident and contagious. His work and energy have helped
make the Observatory such a popular destination.

“The Rancho Mirage Observatory provides a unique gateway by which visitors may
look deep into the cosmos and learn about places grander than the mind is capable of
grasping. In the few months it has been open, the Observatory has proven to be a great
expansion to the mission of the Library as a means to inspire lifelong learning.”

Presented by the Rancho Mirage Library and Observatory Foundation

Palm Springs Writers Guild Better than Fiction: Writing
Everyone is welcome to attend Your Memoir with Flair with
the Writers Guild monthly Marj Charlier
meetings at the Library. For
more information, please visit The Inlandia Institute presents a series of four workshops to help
memoir writers turn their memories
Saturday, October 6, 2 – 4 p.m. into compelling stories, with the
Andrew Kaplan is the author of same dialogue, description, pacing
two bestselling spy thriller book and narration that make fictional
series: Scorpion and Homeland, protagonists jump off the page.
including the international bestselling
phenomenon, Homeland: Carrie’s Session 1: Introduction
Run, a tie-in prequel novel to the Monday, Oct. 1, 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Emmy and Golden Globe Award-
winning Homeland television series. Session 2:
He will speak on “How I Ran Away to Plotting The Narrative Arc
the French Riviera and Wrote a New Monday, Oct. 8, 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
York Times Bestseller.”
Session 3: Writing Great Dialogue
Saturday, November 10, 2 – 4 p.m. Monday, Oct. 15, 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Elizabeth Sims is the author of
the Rita Farmer Mysteries, the Session 4: Voice & Point of View
Lambda and GCLS Goldie Award- Monday, Oct. 22, 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
winning Lillian Byrd Crime Series,
and other fiction, including the Marj Charlier has a bachelor’s degree
standalone novel Crimes in a from Iowa State University (Phi Beta
Second Language, which won the Kappa) and a masters degree from
2017 Florida Book Awards silver the University of Wisconsin-Madison
medal. Sims will present “Perils as well as an MBA.
and Payoffs: The Risky Business of
Researching for Fiction.” These workshops will be held in the
Conference Room. Registration
Saturday, December 1, 2 – 4 p.m. is required and limited to 18.
Register at
Malaga Baldi has worked as an Questions? Email inlandiapublish@
independent literary agent since or leave a message at
1986. The Baldi Agency is an eclectic (206) 683-2079.
agency specializing in literary fiction,
memoir and cultural history with
over forty clients. Baldi will give a
presentation called “What is Voice?”

6 Presented by the Rancho Mirage Library and Observatory Foundation

Fall Book Sale Bounty Poetry Workshops
This big event features an enormous Weekly Sessions on Wednesdays,
selection of gently-used books at October – December, 1:30 – 3:30 p.m.
affordable prices. The Foundation
Book Sale raises money for the This popular workshop group is for
Library while promoting enthusiasm advanced poets and is now in its 22nd
for reading! year under the leadership of Dorthea
Bisbas, City of Rancho Mirage Poet
Wednesday, October 31, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Laureate. The goal of these sessions is
Thursday, November 1, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. to encourage poetry based on personal
Friday, November 2, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. experiences, language, and insights.
The workshop group is currently filled
Book Discussion Group to capacity, but openings do come up
The The Library’s Book Discussion on occasion. To be added to a waiting
Group meets on the second list to participate, please contact
Friday of each month. For more [email protected].
information, send an email to
[email protected]. An Afternoon of Poetry

Friday, October 12, 10 – 11:30 a.m. Thursday, December 6, 2 – 3 p.m.
A Brief History of Everyone Who
Ever Lived Rancho Mirage Public Library Poet
by Adam Rutherford Laureate Dorothea Bisbas and the
Poetry Group invite you to enjoy
Friday, November 9, 10 – 11:30 a.m. an afternoon with local poets, and
A Gentleman in Moscow to listen to them read some of their
by Amor Towles creations, accompanied by live music.
Refreshments will be served.
Friday, December 14, 10 – 11:30 a.m.
Slow Horses
by Mick Herron

Presented by the Rancho Mirage Library and Observatory Foundation 7

Professor Kurt Leuschner Will Furman

Tuesday, October 9, 2 – 3 p.m. Tuesday, November 6, 2 – 3 p.m.

Birds and Plants: Creating a America’s Favorite Ghost Town:
Backyard Habitat Bodie, California

There are many interesting Called “A fearfully and wonderfully
connections between birds and bad place,” by Bodie Daily Free
plants in the desert southwest. How Press on January 7, 1880, the Bodie
do Phainopeplas differ from typical of yesteryear had as notorious
flycatchers? Which bird species are a reputation then as its remnant
nectarivores? Should I feed birds? ghost town does today, drawing in
What will happen if you plant Sweet roughly 200,000 visitors annually
Acacia in your yard? Why should you as a California State Historic Park.
avoid trimming your palm trees? How Bodie: Good Times and Bad by
can you attract more bird species to Nicholas Clapp with photography
your garden? Which bird field guide by Will Furman examines Bodie’s
is the best? These and many other dual nature. The photography in this
questions will be answered as we book reveals the ghosts of Bodie
explore the various relationships in a fresh and provocative way.
between plants and birds. “FotoReflections” is a new technique
developed by photographer Will
Kurt Leuschner is a Professor of Furman that utilizes both the
Natural Resources at College of the reflectivity and translucency of
Desert where he teaches courses windows to create a single image
on Conservation, Entomology, Field with multiple planes. The result
Ornithology, Native Plants, and conjures a Bodie that is haunting and
GPS Navigation. Kurt also teaches evocative. Furman will discuss the
weekend courses and workshops unique history of what has become
on birdwatching, insects, GPS, America’s most popular ghost
and backyard habitats for the UCR town, and the “FotoReflections”
Extension, the Desert Institute, the photography technique.
Desert Studies Center, and the
Living Desert.

8 Presented by the Rancho Mirage Library and Observatory Foundation

Melissa Riche

Tuesday, November 13, 2 – 3 p.m.

‘Dream Homes in the Desert’ Historic Houses of Rancho Mirage

Rancho Mirage became known for its celebrity citizens in the 1950s and 1960s,
but many of the opulent and eye-catching homes at Thunderbird and Tamarisk
Country Clubs were built for rich industrialists, art collectors, and philanthropists.
Their deep pockets, creative enthusiasm, and sometimes their work, informed their
decisions to select the leading designers of the day.

Author of the new book Mod Mirage and local historian Melissa Riche will take you
on a photographic journey of the best of the city’s historic homes, accompanied by
intriguing, amusing, and revealing insights about their owners. From the innovative
‘push button’ house for entrepreneur engineer Robert McCulloch, to the sublime
‘White Shadows’ for the Weyerhaeuser heir in Thunderbird Heights, this talk will
enthrall those who love history as well as design.

Books will be available for sale and signing. Mod Mirage (pub. Gibbs Smith).

Photos: Jim Riche

Presented by the Rancho Mirage Library and Observatory Foundation 9

James Griswold Presents Alfred Hitchcock Film Series

Join award-winning educator James Griswold for a series of film screenings
featuring some of Hitchcock’s most powerful and popular work. James will
introduce each film, providing insight into the famed director’s filmic style,
and will pose questions for audience members to ponder as they take in
these cinematic masterpieces. Informational handouts will be provided, and
viewers are invited to stay after the screening for a short group discussion.

Rear Window (1954)
Monday, October 1, 2 – 4:15 p.m.
A wheelchair-bound photographer spies on his
neighbors from his apartment window and becomes
convinced one of them has committed murder.

North by Northwest (1959)
Monday, October 8, 2 – 4:45 p.m.
A hapless New York advertising executive is
mistaken for a government agent by a group of
foreign spies, and is pursued across the country
while he looks for a way to survive.

Vertigo (1958)
Monday, October 15, 2 – 4:30 p.m.
A former police detective juggles wrestling with his
personal demons and becoming obsessed with a
hauntingly beautiful woman.

Psycho (1960)
Monday, October 29, 2 – 4:15 p.m.
A Phoenix secretary embezzles $40,000 from her
employer’s client, goes on the run, and checks
into a remote motel run by a young man under the
domination of this mother.

10 Presented by the Rancho Mirage Library and Observatory Foundation

Christopher Perry Presents 3D Cinema: The Wizard of Oz
Wednesday, November 7, 6:30 – 9:00 p.m.

For the first time at the Rancho Mirage Library and Observatory, see The
Wizard of Oz (1939) in 3D and surround stereo sound. Millions of dollars
were spent converting this classic to 3D, and the Library audience will
enjoy the motion picture being projected in the original 1950’s Polarized 3D
process (not red/blue glasses). Vintage 1950’s Polarized 3D glasses will be
provided free for audience members.

You won’t believe your eyes – see flying monkeys in 3D!

Film historian Christopher Perry will introduce the movie and answer
questions following the screening. He will also reveal some of the behind-
the-scenes secrets of The Wizard of Oz.

Presented by the Rancho Mirage Library and Observatory Foundation 11

Jason Bruecks Presents
Remembering Tab Hunter (July 1931 to July 2018)

The one time Palm Springs resident graced the silver screen in the golden
age of Hollywood. Journey with us as we remember Tab Hunter, the blond-
haired and blue-eyed heartthrob of the 1950s and early ’60s.

Island of Desire (1952)
Monday, December 3, 2 – 4 p.m.
This British romantic war film was Tab
Hunter’s breakout role. The only two
survivors of a shipwreck slowly bond,
but things are complicated by the arrival
of a third person.

The Girl He Left Behind (1956)
Monday, December 10, 2 – 4 p.m.
Hunter plays a spoiled college student,
overly reliant on his protective high-
society mother. His girlfriend worries
that he will never be a suitable mate
unless he learns to accept responsibility.

The Burning Hills (1956)
Monday, December 17, 2 – 4 p.m.
Hunter plays a cattle rancher, seeking
the cattle baron who killed his brother.
Based on a novel by Louis L’Amour.

12 Presented by the Rancho Mirage Library and Observatory Foundation

Christopher Perry Presents 3D Cinema: The Polar Express
Saturday, December 15, 2 – 4 p.m.

Bring the whole family and join us as we launch a new holiday tradition at
the Library! From Chris Van Allsburg’s acclaimed book comes the award-
winning animated film that captivated audiences around the world. When a
doubting young boy takes an extraordinary train ride to the North Pole, he
embarks on a journey of self-discovery that shows him that the wonder of
life never fades for those who believe.

Projected in the original high-quality polarized 3D process, this film will
transport children and adults alike to a winter wonderland they can almost
feel. Polarized 3D glasses will be provided free for audience members.

This instant classic was a BAFTA Children’s Award nominee for Best
Feature Film and is a timeless movie for people of all ages. If you haven’t
seen The Polar Express in 3D, you haven’t seen it!

Presented by the Rancho Mirage Library and Observatory Foundation 13

This is a Gold Card Event

Jim Borax’s California Cabaret Natalie Mann, Soprano and
Jeffrey LaDeur, Pianist
Saturday, October 20, 2–3 p.m. Wednesday, October 24, 7 – 8 p.m.
Voyage à Paris—join award-
Join an enthusiastic audience winning soprano Natalie Mann
for a memorable performance and pianist Jeffrey LaDeur in
by Jim Borax’s California the luscious songs of Duparc,
Cabaret, a Rancho Mirage-based Fauré and Nadia Boulanger,
entertainment group with a large as if strolling by the Seine.
following. Boulanger’s students, Bolcom
and Blitzstein, will also be
These outstanding professional featured in this recital of old
singers and dancers (several with favorites and new discoveries.
Broadway experience) will perform
unforgettable standards from the This is a Gold Card Event
Great American Songbook. The
ensemble has been featured on Steinway Society Presents Jason
both CBS and CNN. The Cabaret Wu , Kathleen Gurning and
has also performed their music Mathew Gurning, Pianists
and dance routines throughout the Wednesday, November 14, 7 – 8 p.m.
Coachella Valley. The Steinway Society of
Riverside County presents
For an hour of great entertainment, Jason Wu, a Junior Festival
come to the California Cabaret! Competition Winner, Kathleen
Gurning, a Junior Winner, and
her brother Mathew Gurning, a
Senior Winner.

14 Presented by the Rancho Mirage Library and Observatory Foundation

This is a Gold Card Event

Joslyn Singers: On with the Ken Dahleen and His Big Band
Snow! On with the Show! Staff

Tuesday, December 11, 2 – 3 p.m. Wednesday, December 19, 7 – 9 p.m.

The Joslyn Singers invite you Unwrap a spectacular evening of
to join them in the spirit of the holiday music as Ken Dahleen’s
holiday season and celebrate Big Band Staff shifts the season
another “Lovely Year.” The Joslyn into full swing. Enjoy a wide array of
Singers is a mixed chorus of finger-snappin’ tunes, from the best
seniors who love to sing and then of the big band years right through
share that love of singing with the today’s top hits. Comprising many
desert community. Eva Myers of the finest players from across
has been their music director for Southern California, Ken and the
the past 16 years. Big Band Staff are sure to make
the season bright the moment they
take the stage. So, come be a part
of this magical night of melodies
and memories.

The Rancho Mirage Library and 15
Observatory Gold Card

All residents of Rancho Mirage and donors who contribute $100 or more
annually to the Rancho Mirage Library and Observatory Foundation are
eligible to receive a Gold Card. If you meet these qualifications and do not
already have your card, simply visit the Library’s Circulation Desk during open
hours to pick it up. Gold Card holders can take advantage of priority seating
for designated Gold Card events by arriving early.

Presented by the Rancho Mirage Library and Observatory Foundation

Image: NASA, ESA, M. Robberto (Space
Telescope Science Institute/ESA) and the Hubble
Space Telescope Orion Treasury Project Team

Dr. Kelly Fast, NASA Murky Subjects: Nebulae
LECTURE Monday, November 26, LECTURE and Their Importance in

2 – 3 p.m. the Cosmos
Thursday, October 25, 7–8 p.m.
Spacecraft Missions to Small Nebulae are enormous clouds of gas
Bodies in the Solar System and dust. Often sculpted and ionized
by surrounding stars, these beautiful
NASA and other agencies have an and ethereal objects are of vital
exciting array of spacecraft missions importance to our understanding of the
to small bodies in the solar system: to universe. Whether they are the ghostly
intriguing asteroids (including some remains of dead stars or the nurseries
“potentially hazardous” asteroids in which new stars are forged, nebulae
whose orbits bring them into Earth’s provide intricate, dynamic, and fluid
neighborhood), to an icy body in environments with many mysteries.
the outer Solar System beyond
Pluto, and even a demonstration of Image: NASA/CXC/M.Weiss
asteroid deflection as a planetary
defense technique. Come hear about Point of No Return:
the mission encounters with small LECTURE Black Holes
bodies that are happening in the next
few months, and the missions being Thursday, November 29, 7–8 p.m.
developed in the coming years. There are places in the universe which
hold more secrets than others—places
Kelly Fast is the Near-Earth Object which are apparently cut off from the
Observations Program Manager rest of existence. These places may be
for NASA’s Planetary Defense entered; however, once inside nothing, not
Coordination Office. She earned her even light, can escape. It is by gravity that
B.S. in Astrophysics from UCLA and even light is prevented from escaping, and
her M.S. and Ph.D. inAstronomy from this property is what earns these places
the University of Maryland. Main-belt the title of black holes. Black holes are
asteroid 115434 (2003 TU2) was often discussed but poorly understood.
renamed “Kellyfast” in honor of her Nevertheless, mankind has worked
contributions to planetary science. intently to peer behind the veil of the
event horizon. What we have found not
only bends space and time but also our
understanding of how the universe works.

16 Presented by the Rancho Mirage Library and Observatory Foundation

Image: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SETI Institute Europa Report
FILM Thursday, October 4,
Ice Worlds: A Tour
LECTURE of the Solar Systems 6–7:45 p.m.

Biggest Snowballs This film documents a fictional
manned journey to Jupiter’s moon
Thursday, December 27, 7–8 p.m. Europa—a journey where something
has gone wrong. This mild thriller
As winter begins here in the is presented in the style of found-
Northern Hemisphere, we may find footage which simultaneously allows
ourselves seeking out comfortable for a substantial focus on realism
environments or icy activities. and documentary like editing. This
However, there are many places film and the subjects covered in it will
in the solar system where cold be introduced and discussed by our
is the norm—where summer is astronomer. Exploration is not without
outright cryogenically cold. These risk. What risks are we willing to take?
frigid worlds are numerous in the
solar system and may prove to Sepideh – Reaching for
be a worthwhile place for future FILM the Stars (also available
“winter” activities.
on Kanopy)

Thursday, December 13, 6–7:30 p.m.

Sepideh wants to become an
astronaut. She spends her nights
exploring the secrets of the universe,
while her family will do anything to keep
her on the ground. The expectations
for a young Iranian woman are very
different from Sepideh’s ambitions,
and her plans to go to university are
in danger. But Sepideh holds on to
her dream. She takes up the fight and
teams up with the world’s first female
space tourist, Anousheh Ansari.
Nominated for the Grand Jury Prize
for World Cinema–Documentary at
the Sundance Film Festival.


RMWF Writers Series Presents RMWF Writers Series Presents

Andrew Morton Lisa McCubbin
with Susan Ford Bales
Thursday, Oct. 11, 2 – 3 p.m.
Monday, Nov. 5, 11 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Andrew Morton studied history at
the University of Sussex with a focus Lisa McCubbin is an award-winning
on the aristocracy and the 1930s. journalist and the author of four New
Morton has written biographies of York Times best-selling books. She
members of the British Royal Family has been a television news anchor
as well as celebrities including and reporter, hosted her own radio
Tom Cruise, Angelina Jolie, and talk show, and spent six years in
Madonna. He is probably best the Middle East as a freelance
known for his biography of Diana, journalist in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Princess of Wales – Diana: Her and Doha, Qatar. Hew new book,
True Story – and most recently the Betty Ford: First Lady, Women’s
New York Times bestsellers Wallis Advocate, Survivor, Trailblazer, is
in Love: The Untold Life of the the landmark biography of one of
Duchess of Windsor, the Woman the most admired and influential
Who Changed the Monarchy and women of our time.
Meghan: A Hollywood Princess.
Susan Ford Bales is the daughter
All attendees will receive a FREE of President Gerald R. Ford and
copy of either Wallis in Love OR Betty Ford. Since the founding
Meghan: Hollywood Princess. of the Betty Ford Center in 1982,
Susan has worked side by side
with her mother on projects at the
Center. Since 1981, she has served
as a Trustee of the Gerald R. Ford
Presidential Foundation.

Attendees will receive a FREE copy
of the book, while supplies last!

18 Presented by the Rancho Mirage Library and Observatory Foundation

Rancho Mirage Writers Festival Foundation Presents 19
Rancho Mirage Writers Festival Film Club
September 2018 to June 2019, third Thursday of each month

This free series will be held on the third Thursday of each month in the
Community Room from September 2018 to June 2019. Films will start at 3
p.m. and free popcorn and water will be available. A new sound system has
been installed in the room to provide the highest quality viewing experience.

This year, the theme for the Rancho Mirage Writers Festival centers around
the 75th Anniversary of D-Day. The films for the RMWF Film Club have been
chosen to complement and explore that theme. Films are selected by Festival
Founder Jamie Kabler and American journalist and film producer Peter Bart.

Is Paris Burning? (1966)
Thursday, October 18, 3 – 6 p.m.
A French-American film about the liberation of Paris
in August 1944 by the French Resistance and the
Free French Forces.

The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957)
Thursday, November 15, 3 – 6 p.m.
This British-American film is a work of fiction that
uses the historical setting of the construction of the
Burma Railway in 1942–1943.

The Dirty Dozen (1967)
Thursday, December 20, 3 – 5:30 p.m.
This American film starring Lee Marvin was inspired
by a real-life group called the “Filthy Thirteen,”
assigned and trained as demolition saboteurs to
destroy enemy targets behind the lines.

Presented by the Rancho Mirage Library and Observatory Foundation


Monday, October 8, 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. Fire Safety Month
Wednesday, Oct. 3, 5 p.m. – 7 p.m.
In order to celebrate Space Week,
we will be making Nebula Jars in the Join us for our annual Fire Safety
Community Room. Month program. This year, Rocket from
our local Hero in You Foundation will be
here to teach us all about the importance
of fire safety. Rancho Mirage Station 1
will also be on hand with their vehicles
for a fun night of fire safety.

Photo: PBS Kids Sand Art
Wednesday, Nov. 7, 5:30 – 7 p.m.
Create a piece of sand art! Come layer
Second Monday of each month, different colors of sand to make your
Register at the Children’s Desk and own beautiful creation!
pick up a copy of the book.
Book Ornament Night
Age 9–12. Held in the Storytime Room. Wednesday, Dec. 5, 5:30 – 7 p.m.

Ms. Bixby’s Last Day Join us as we make papier-mâché
by John David Anderson ornaments using old, recycled books.

Reading Level 5.2 Each session is held in the Community Room.

Monday, Oct. 8, 4 p.m.

by Sara Pennypacker

Reading Level 5.3

Monday, Nov. 5, 4 p.m.

by Katherine Applegate

Reading Level 3.8

Monday, Dec. 10, 4 p.m.

Family Nights
sponsored by:
Grace Helen

20 Presented by the Rancho Mirage Library and Observatory Foundation

Join us for our new Kids Book
Discussion Group. For the first Friday, Oct. 12, 4 p.m. – 5 p.m.
half hour, we will be discussing our Let’s make some ooey gooey slime!
book. An activity will be planned for
the second half of the hour based Friday, Nov. 16, 4 p.m. – 5 p.m.
on our reading material. Sign up in You can create a toy car maker bot
the Children’s Room and pick up a and watch it ride around the table
copy of the book. on its own!

Age 6-9. Held in the Storytime Room. Friday, Dec. 7, 4 p.m. – 5 p.m.
Do oil and water mix? What
Frank and Lucky Get Schooled happens if you add food coloring
by Lynne Rae Perkins and Alka-Seltzer? Find out when
you make your own homemade
Reading Level: 3.3 lava lamp!

Saturday, Oct. 13, 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. Each session is held in the Community Room.

The Poet’s Dog LEGO CLUB
by Patricia MacLachlan
Fourth Wednesday of every month,
Reading Level: 3.7 with Holiday exceptions.

Saturday, Nov. 17, 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. 5:00 – 6:00 p.m.

My Penguin Osbert Build with us! Each month there’ll
by Elizabeth Cody Kimmel be a suggested theme. It’s up to
you whether your creation reflects
Reading Level: 3.7 that theme or your own individual
expression. Work alone or in a
Saturday, Dec. 8, 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. group. You’ll have 45 minutes for
building, 5 minutes to clean up and
10 minutes to show off your work.
We’ll display the creations until
next month. For kids ages five and
up; five to eight year olds must be
accompanied by an adult.

Oct. 24 Halloween
Nov. 28 Wearable LEGO
Dec. 26 Countries



Saturday, October 27, 1 p.m. – 5 p.m. Wednesday, Oct.17, 4:30 – 5:30 p.m.
Glow-in-the-dark pumpkins!
1:00 p.m. — Be prepared to laugh
as Franklin Haynes Marionettes
presents their Hilarious Halloween
Haunt, featuring a show full of goofy
goolies in the Community Room.

After the show, join us for Trick or
Treating and a Costume Parade
throughout the Library.

3:00 p.m. — Join us as we watch the Wednesday, Nov.14, 4:30 – 5:30 p.m.
movie Coco in the Community Room. Make your own tile art using
Sharpies and rubbing alcohol.

Each session is held in the Storytime Room.


Wednesday, Dec.12, 5:30 –7 p.m.
The holidays are around the
corner. Come make your own
gingerbread house!

22 Presented by the Rancho Mirage Library and Observatory Foundation

The Rancho Mirage Library and Observatory Foundation was established
in 2010 as the fundraising arm of your Library. Contributions to the
Foundation bring the gift of lifelong learning to Rancho Mirage residents
and people throughout the Coachella Valley. With your tax-deductible
gift, our collections grow, the Summer Reading Club thrives, and we
can continue to offer a full calendar of diverse and engaging programs.
You can donate in person, through the mail, or online via our website at Thank you for your support!

Mayor Richard W. Kite • Patrice Merritt, Chair
Lucy Tagmyer, Vice-Chair • Diane Rubin, Treasurer
Lynn Walker, Secretary • Terri Childs • Jamie Kabler
Leenie Kaplan • Joe Manhart • Claudette Pais • Carol Resnick

Peter Samuels • Diane Sagan

Library Staff Liaison, Foundation CEO:
Aaron Espinosa, Library Director

FACT (not fiction)!

Nearly All of Our
Programs Are FREE…

thanks to the support of
our generous donors.

Presented by the Rancho Mirage Library and Observatory Foundation 23

Library and Observatory Donors

Founder Rotary Club of Rancho Mirage Karlene & Richard Garber
$100,000 and above Anita B. & Howard S. Louise Kermode
Paula & Vern Kozlen
Annenberg Foundation Richmond Foundation M. & L. Leibowitz Charitable
The Auen Foundation Arthur & Jeannie Rivkin
The Coeta & Donald Barker Ladda Toelkes Trust
Suzanne & Jason Matthews
Foundation Partner Fay McClung
Janet C. & Charles Barker $10,000-$24,999 Juanita & Cliff McCormick
Frances C. & H.N. Berger Kevin McGuire
Anonymous Ramelle Monsky
Foundation Janet & Jerry Banks Lyn Chernis & Dr. Bob Morris
Sally Contant Dorothy Lyons Berns Patty & Arthur Newman
Ida M & JW Jameson Linda Bray Paul Newman
Grady Bruce Doris & Robert ONeill
Foundation William Coan Claudette Pais
Mary & Fred Leydorf The Deutsch Foundation Dorothy Begg Parker
Helen Marsee Jarka & Martin Dolemo Mary Patrick
Helen Reinsch Elyse & David Fleming City of Rancho Mirage
Reinsch Family Memorial President & Mrs.Gerald Ford Rancho Mirage Country Club
Gigi & Joe Roberson Elaine Frank Mary & Charles Rich
Linda & Edward Kazazian Diane S. Robertson Charitable
Benefactor James Kelley and Joseph Lund
$50,000-$99,999 Becky & Richard Kite Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. G. Teryl Koch Ann & Don Rogers
Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Mr. Sidney Laub Susan & Robert Rossi
Indians Martin, Kayla, NoahBella & Richard Sara
Virginia & Richard Saville
Castle Foundation Inc. Alexandra Lax Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Smale
Dr. Maurice & Laine Falstein Arlette Lea The Stack Foundation
Roberta Peters Jones George Lee and Scott Roberts Helen Grace Spearman
Dr. Charles M Monell Dr. Michael G. McCafferty
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Morgan Charitable Foundation
Gerald E. Benston Barbara Palm Joanne & Dominick Jr Summa
Jeanne & Charles Parrish Dr. S Jereome & Judith D. Three Sisters Foundation
Iris & Thom Smotrich Vanguard Charitable Foundation
Arthur Strickman Tamkin Robert Walker & Ernest
T.A. Toussoun
Visionary Nancy B. Watson Phinney
$25,000-$49,999 Weinstein Family Foundation
Sponsor Wells Fargo
Anderson Children’s $5,000-$9,999 Ruth White
Foundation Dr. Jane & Dr. Morton Woolley
Barbara & Roderick Barr Eilean Wuhl
Katherine J. Andrews J. Addison Bartush
Foundation Stanley Baumblatt Associate
Mary Ellen & Cooper Blanton $2,000-$4,999
Joseph A. Bartush Borax Family Charitable Fund
Bartush Family Foundation David Bryant Kaye & LE Alford
Donald & Peggy Cravens Dr. & Sonia Campbell Bernice & Paul Alloy
Roy E. Crummer Foundation Jean Carrus Edward Anixter
The Family of Walter & Valerie & Kyle Coltman Anonymous
Sue & David Cummings Isabel & Lawrence Barnett
Elizabeth Demyanek Nancy & Thomas Cunningham Ms. Olga Jane Battisti
The Brian & Patricia A. Diane Fox June Beeler
Kay Hanson Kay Bell
Herman Fund at Community Dr. Bettie A. Henry honors Rebecca & Jack Benaroya
Foundation Santa Cruz Robert Borns
County David Alan Henry
Jim & Jackie Lee Houston
City of Indian Wells
Carol & Larry Jones
Edeltraud & Patrick McCarthy
Don McIntosh
DeeAnn & Larry Nichols

24 Presented by the Rancho Mirage Library and Observatory Foundation

Ken Bourgidnon Patrice & Grady Merritt Robert Armstrong
Lyndsy Bowcott Cheryl & Jim Miller Beth Arterberry
Beth & George Briggs Gordon Moller & Charles Polly Ball
Lois Buell Brian Baxenden
In Loving Memory of Karl M. Townsend Babette “Babs” Bay
Norma Monty Cynthia & Chuck Bowling
Bruretz M.D. In Memory of Kitty Moore Arla Brown
Dr. & Mrs. Byrd J.P. Morgan Gail & Alfred Bryman
The Champions Volunteer Cindy & Morris Muscatel Ivan Budd
Benard Myerson Elizabeth Campbell
Foundation Lori & Dick Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Childs
Jo & Tom Chapman for Great Roland Nobis Nancy Coffey
Northern Trust Bank Clifton Cole & Scott Smith
Books Carolyn & Richard O’Linn Karen Comeau
Charity Challenge Inc. Palm Springs Writers Guild Cynthia & Robert Cramer
Lee Comisar Joyce Palmer Perry Datwyler and John Jacobs
Susan Cook Faye & Lou Phillips Nancy & Donald Delaski
Irene Gluyina & Robb Cooper Dr. & Mrs. Michael Platt Joseph & Ann DeLuca
Luis Cordero George Plavec E. R. Dumke
Janet Daggatt S. L. Protess Carolyn Ehrler
Wilbur Daniel Rancho Mirage Woman’s Club Ruth & Phillip Elwell
Carol & Raleigh DeBow Penny & Bart Rivin Rosanne & Stephen Ezer
Catherine Devine Buddy Rogers Florence Finer
Salli Dick Elaine & Leonard Rosenbaum Linda L. Forehand
Norman Edwards Marcia Rutledge Beth Fromm & Ronald Sharrow
Ted Fiorito Jr. Diane & Fred Sagan Vera & Melvin Gabel
Barbara & Robert Fremont Jean Scripps Helene Galen
Katherine Shah & Dr. Pravin Harry Gill
Foundation Lynch W Sharon Mim Gottschalk
Friends of the Rancho Mirage Nan Aune Shipp Sarah & Barry Gowen
Hortense Singer Maria & Gary Greenwald
Public Library Ruth & Al Siteman Downey Grosenbaugh
Andrea Best & Calvin Fox Mary Small LaRue & Donald Hadley
Carolyn & Robert Goldberg Edna Spaulding Earle Hagen
Dorothy Goldstein The Springs Community Joan & Dan Hauserman
Arline Greenblatt Elaine Henderson
Marcy & Ron Gregory Association Barbara Hochberg
Shirley & Earl Greif Harold Staw Pat & Gordon Hubbard
Paul Hagle Shari & Marc Stewart Ardis & Paul Huizenga
Boyd Haigler V. Ferris Todd Ed Hutten
Joseph Harris Union Bank of California Mary Therese Jacobson
Vicki & Dana Hobart Willis Jr. Urick Lily Kanter
Paulette & Bernard Horwich Pat & Milton Vaughn Patricia & Michael Kremin
Larry Hudack Dee & Joseph Wambaugh William Kroonen
Marie Jackson Frank R. Warren Dorothy Kulvin
Michael Craft Johnson Washington Mutual Bank Ladies Golf Assoc. of the
Tom Johnson Wechsler Foundation
Dr. & Mrs. W David Jones Jenny & Ted Weill Springs
Claire & Tom Kane In Memory of my husband Cheryl & Rick Lantz
Beatrice & Victor Kane Sonia & Seymour Levinthal
Susan King Martin, Jeanne Weiss Marjory & Jason Lewis
Gerry & Martin Koffman Patricia & Lewis Whitney Wendy Portman Lewis
Ellie Lavin Cynthia & James Williams The Harold A. Linstone Trust
Ralph W. Leatherby Joy & Wells Wohlwend Ann & Jim Loeb
Dorothy & Irving Levy Susan Mammel
Lorna Lewis Scholars Pat & Joe Manhart
Literary Society of the Desert $1,000 – $1,999 Dede & Harold Marchick
Tom Lutgen
Sharon W. Lynch Marjorie & Richard Ameny
Gerald Macenas Anderson Travel
JoAnn & Fred Mackenbach Judy Appelbaum & Barbara
Margaret McPharlin
Lucy & Ron Meepos Appelbaum
Ruth & Arnold Meltsner

Presented by the Rancho Mirage Library and Observatory Foundation 25

Natalie Marcus Brenda & Roger Weinstock Gail & Alfred Bryman
Eileen Mason Wells Fargo Bank Rosemarie & Dean Buntrock
Ogniana & Michael Masser Judy & John Wempe Nancy Burke
Ken Maxwell & Dick Redman Bates Westerberg Lynn & Bill Buskirk
Lou Mello William J. Wink Elizabeth Campbell
Frida & Jack Milowsky Carol Wright Joseph Cantrell
Gordon Moller Oscar Jr. Wright Linda & Wayne Carlson
Larry & Bobbie Morris Bette & John Yee Susan Rhea Carney
Murrey Morrow & Judith Helen Zimmerman Carey Carol
Rudy Carol
Widmer Donors of $100 or Greater Jean Carrus
Moss & Company 09/01/17 to 08/31/18 Karen & Nate Cheney
Sandy Mossbrook Mrs. & Mr. Timothy Childs
Marcia & Irwin Narter Sally Albers & Alan Kemble Joanne & Bill Chunowitz
/vurginia & Graydon Nichols Alpha Delta Kappa Charles Cohen
Daniel O’Brien Marjorie & Richard Ameny Michael Cohen & Ovesen
Suzanne & Russell Orkin Marc Steven Anders
James Osborne Anderson Children’s Sandie
Bob Packwood Sheldon Cohn & Barbara
Pat & Ray Paige Foundation Carole Cole & Stan
Colleen & David Pascale Edward Anixter Richard Columbus
Elaine & Martin Pearlman Anonymous Jaqueline & Richard Comcras
Priscilla Pete Barbara Appelbaum & Judy Sandra Comrie
Deborah & William Pitruzzelli Irene Gluyina & Robb Cooper
Norma & George Purvis Appelbaum Luis Cordero
Ralph M. Parsons Foundation Auen Foundation Sally & Barrie Cranston
Marion & Robert Rosenthal Kenneth Ayers Nicole & John Criste
Editha Rowell Heidi Balciunas Sue & David Cummings
Diane Rubin Joan Ball Scott S. Dallas
Rhoda & Peter Samuels Polly Ball Karla Dally
Marty & Nancy Schechtman Janet & Jerry Banks Ouita Lo Daniel
Deidra N Schumann Barbara Barewin-Riley Donna Jean Darby
Shapiro Family Foundation Barbara & Roderick Barr Gerlad Dawson
Sheldon Revocable Trust Barbara Wall Barrett & Charles Cherry Sally Dempsey
Mitchell Simon Catherine Devine
Claire Smith Barrett Lynne Devries
Lynn & David Smith Patricia & Stuart Barton Elaine Dexter
Peter Solomon Bartush Family Foundation Dr. Harold Diamond
The Springs Book Discussion Jane Olga Battisti Sheri Diamond
Babs Babette Bay Marge & Norman Dodge
Group Roger Beaman Hillary & Joan Don
Jackie Story Mary Becker Raymond Donnelly
Joan & Lester Strouse Jane Beggs Gwendolyn Donovan & Thomas
Roberta Susskind Lilo Bendixen Bob Drake
Israel Tapick Genevieve K. Bennington Martha Drayton
Betty & Cornell Teoman Nancy Benson Fife Maureen J Dunn
Nancy Thompsen Lisa Killingbeck Berkeley Judith Eagan
Carol Thorburn Mary & Tom Bernstein Linda & Edward Kazazian
Carol & George Tielsch Sharry Berry Carolyn Ehrler
Lowell Trask Cheryl Bester Phyllis Eisenberg
Julie & Alton Tybout Tammy & Carl Birnberg Sandra K Ellis
Van Patten Estate Eleanor & Bruce Blank Frank Ellsworth
Craig Vickers Borax Family Charitable Fund Karen & Harmon Bill Endow
Jean Viereck Marianne & Ken Bouldin Energy Preparedness
Lonna A. Wais Shirley & Thomas Bowman
Virginia Waring Claire Breslaw Commission
E.E. Weaver Irma Brodie Rosanne & Stephen Ezer
Evelene & Eric Wechsler Grady Bruce Mel & Arlene Fages
David Bryant

26 Presented by the Rancho Mirage Library and Observatory Foundation

Ann E. Falk Vicki & Dana Hobart Karen & Ron Lempert
Jo Hannah Falk Karen Holmes Stephan Leonoudakis
Suzanne & Jeffrey Feder Horner Family Foundation Seymour & Sonia Levinthal
Patricia Ferguson Frances Horwich Reva Levy
Dorie & George Ferrone Paulette & Bernard Horwich Annette Lewis
Hazel & Richard Fields Darlene Howard & Paul Marjory & Jason Lewis
Denise & Michael Finch Gordon Hubbard & Pat Haddon B. Libby
Florence Finer Ardis Huizenga & Paul Pat Liedtke
Ted FioRito Jr. Marge Humphreys Abraham Ligumsky
Elyse Fleming Ida & J.W. M. Jameson Literary Society of the Desert
Donna & Thomas Ford Ann & Jim Loeb
Jasmine & Len Forman Foundation Paul & Joan Lombardi
Merilee Frets John Jacobs & Perry Datwyler Janice Lyle
Patti & Richard Friedman Loreen & Herbert Jacobson Ruetschi Maja MD
Carol & Richard Frindt Linda Jaeckh Susan Mammel
Vera & Melvin Gabel Andrew & Tankevsky Jean Joe & Pat Manhart
The Family Fund Gall Dede & Harold Marchick
Christine & Michael Gennet Johnson Lee & Donald Marsden
Janice A Girouard Craft Johnson Michael Suzanne J. & Robert B. Martin
Sharon & Arnold Glass Judie & Barton Johnson Suzanne & Jason Matthews
Nina Glazer Lois & Mitchell Johnson Carolyn & Clayton Mayes
Morton Godlas Barbara & Steve Jones Edeltraud McCarthy
Barbara & Steve Gold Gail Jones Fay McClung
Carol & Phil Goldsmith Mrs. & Dr. David Jones W. Kathryn McDermott
Alan J. Goldstein Roberta Peters Jones Alona McFarland
Kris Gonzales Mimi Kamenar Eugene G McGuire
Sarah & Barry Gowen Ziva Kammerer Matt Mealey
Carol & Gary Granger Lily Kanter Evangeline & James Meek
Sondra & Sidney Green Andrew Katnik Joseph Megale
Arline Greenblatt Ruth & Mal Kaufman Sally & Jacques Meijsen
Catherine Gribbel-Beautyman Barbara C Kelly Patrice & Grady Merritt
Edward L. Gubman Louise Kermode Caroline Mezrahi
Mary Gullikson Jean C. King Sue Mills A.
Saul Guttman Roger King Dr. Charles M. Monell
LaRue & Donald Hadley The Kirschman Foundation for Jerome Morgan
Lola C. Hagadone Bobbie & Larry Morris
Isaiah Hagerman Health and Education Sandy Mossbrook
Carole Ann Haller Becky & Richard Kite Ryan Mowreader
Noel & Lloyd Hanford Alicia & Ken Knox Nancy Coffey Nagler
Carolyn G. Harder Dan & Cooper Sharon Koebel Nancy Nance
Chris and Jack Hartley Dan & Cooper Sharon Koebel Marcia & Irwin Narter
Ruth K Hartz Karen L. Koon Nancy & Charles Nevil
E. Michael Heaney Patricia & Michael Kremin John Newburger
Don Hedgepeth Kathleen Krier DeeAnn & Larry Nichols
Elaine Henderson Rita & Edward Kroll Jon & Francie Nobleman
Julie & Schneider Bob Sue Kubly Ann & Tilmann Noeggerath
Rosanne Kumins Christopher Norman
Henthorn Cal & Kai Kushen Joe Novak
Diana Herkimer Myrna & Joseph Laguess Daniel O’Brien
Helen & Talan Jack Herman Veronica Lai Ioan Ochsner
The Brian & Patricia Herman Teri & Mike Landin Ella Ohana
Teri Landin & Mike Carolyn & Richard O’Linn
A. Fund at Community Cheryl Lantz & Rick Diane Oliver
Foundation Santa Cruz Jones Larson Family Trust James Onorato
County Marilyn Lazarus Suzanne & Russell Orkin
Carole Herrera Arlette Lea
Michael Hirsch Jeanne & Tony Lehman
Joel & Leslie Hirschberg Carol Leibowitz & Roy
Caprice Leinonen

Presented by the Rancho Mirage Library and Observatory Foundation 27

Barbara N. & Robert S. Paget Elaine & Irv Sitron Lifetime Members
Pat & Ray Paige Mary Small
Frances & Lynn Elsie Palmer Dale Smith and Jack Alotto Kaye & L.E. Alford
Pamela Pandza Jennifer & Don Smith Bernice & Paul Alloy
Bernadette Paradis Iris & Thom Smotrich Shirley Alton-Chapnick
Colleen & David Pascale Marilyn Smythe Marjorie & Richard Ameny
Paul H. Dare Patricia & Charles Snyder Jean Arley
Elaine & Martin Pearlman Judith & Julian Stahl Auen Foundation
Barbara Platt Stuart Starr Ayco Charitable Foundation
Sandy & John Powell Carol & Jerry Stein Janet & Jerry Banks
Bettsy & Wally Preble Marcia & Rick Stein Joseph Bartush
Pauline Prickett Shari & Marc Stewart Kay Bell
Margaret & Allen Pusch Gail & Howard Stone Kenneth Bernotas
Gloria Quirk Bruce Strathdee Dorothy Lyons Berns
Sue Rappaport Heidi Studer Morris & Ruth Beschloss
Cynthia W. Rathbun Patti & Dick Stumbaugh Mary Ellen & Cooper Blanton
Dick & Maxwell Ken Redman Maureen & Donald Sullivan Charmaine Blatt
Joan & Jon Reed Joanne & Dominick Jr. Summa Robert Borns
Patricia & Richard Reed James Sutton Lyndsy Bowcott
Lois & Les Reese Barbara Sylvor-Marks Linda Bray
Nancy Reid Lucy Tagmyer Dennis & Tere Britton
Faith Rendell Irene & Don Tarnowski William & Gloria Burch
Terry Rhoads Betty & Cornell Teoman Virginia & Richard Byrd
Jeannie & Arthur Rivkin Bruce Tjampiris Joseph Cantrell
Clint Rodenberg Ladda Toelkes Jean Carrus
Ann Lee & Joe Rogel T.A. Toussoun Castle Foundation Inc.
Ann & Don Rogers Charles Townsend Margery Chapman
Gary E. Roof Perry Trester William F. Coan
Lawrence Rosenberg Craig Vickers Coeta & Donald Barker
Marion & Robert Rosenthal Robert Victor
Nancy & David Rosenthal Alvena & Steve Wagner Foundation
Lai Young & David Rothstein Susan Lort Walpert Edward & Eva Cohon
Kay & Bill Rountree Dee & Joseph Wambaugh Clifton Cole & Scott Smith
Cynthia E. & Harry A. Rubin Lynne & Steve Washington Valerie & Kyle Coltman
Diane Rubin Paula E. Watson Lee Comisar
Marcia Rutledge Beverly & Richard Weagley Sally Contant
Adele Ruxton E.E. Weaver Robert Cook
Diane & Fred Sagan Edwin Weinberg Pat & Arthur Coombs
Rhoda & Peter Samuels Harris & Rosa Weinstein Caroline Cooperman
Richard & Virginia Saville Brenda & Roger Weinstock Robert & Cynthia Cramer
Cressey & George Sayre Anton Welder Peggy Cravens
Doris & William Scanlin Yvonne & Richard Carole Cushmore
Phyllis & Gary Schahet Carol & Raleigh DeBow
Herbert & Renee Schneider Werttemberger Joseph & Ann DeLuca
Jackie Schroeder Barbara & Michael Wexler Sally Cherry Dempsey
Zelda & Paul Schwartz Barbara & Larry White Elizabeth Demyanek
Sandra & Paul Seideman Cynthia & James Williams Lester Deutsch
Cynthia Selberg Karen Williams Catherine Devine
Barbara & Norman Sepenuk Leslie & Keith Woods Salli Dick
Katherine Shah & Dr. Pravin Richard Woolley Gerard & Diane Dirkx
Penny Shaw Deryl Word Joan Dodge
Barbara Sherman Irving Yaeurbaum Swami Dolin
Nan Aune Shipp Marilyn & Robert Yassin William & Jan Dorsey
Rodney C. & Judith M. Shroyer Bette & John Yee Thieu Duong
Joann Anixter Silva Doug Young E. & H. Chernis Foundation
Linda Sinclair Ellen Yuracko & Bill Bruce Ettinger
Janet Zampetti & James Fidelity Chairtable Gift Fund
Helen Zimmerman

28 Presented by the Rancho Mirage Library and Observatory Foundation

Joan & John Firmage Ellie Lavin Nan Aune Shipp
Norman Forrester & Bill Griffin Michael G. McCafferty Mitchell Simon
The Foundation for Jewish Edeltraud & Patrick McCarthy Roy & Linda Sinclair
Juanita & Cliff McCormick Ruth & Al Siteman
Philanthropies Don McIntosh Gordon Smale
Andrea Best & Calvin Fox Vivian McIntosh Mary Small
Diane Fox Lucy Meepos Claire Smith
Elaine Frank Lou Mello Roger Sorensen
Marian Frenkel Ruth & Arnold Meltsner Edna Spaulding
Geri Friedman Carole Seifer Miller Francie Y. Brown Spears
Christina Gantz Cheryl & Jim Miller Linda Starr
Carolyn & Robert Goldberg Dr. Charles M. Monell & Dr. Donald & Wanda Stein
Dorothy Goldstein Stephen Philibosian Foundation
Beverly Rubens Gordon Gerald E. Benston Jackie Story
Vicki & Herb Grayson Jerome Morgan Joanne & Dominick Summa Jr.
The Greater Cincinnati Edith Morrey Ruth Tallman
Lyn Chernis & Dr. Bob Morris Judith Tamkin
Foundation Cindy & Morris Muscatel Israel Tapick
Gary & Maria Greenwald Benard Myerson Ralph Tash
Marcy & Ron Gregory Virginia & Graydon Nichols Edward Thayer
Shirley & Earl Greif Doris & Robert O’Neill The Three Sisters Foundation
Deborah Grindall Claudette R Pais Ladda Toelkes
Paul Hagle Barbara Palm T.A. Toussoun
Kay Hanson Bernadette Paradis Lowell Trask
Dan & Joan Hauserman Sanford Paris Jean Viereck
Dr. Bettie A. Henry Paul L. Newman - Newman’s Roen Viscovich
Diana Herkimer Mary Jo Meade Wallace
The Brian & Patricia A. Herman Own Joseph & Dee Wambaugh
Dorothy Paulson Virginia Waring
Fund Evert & Norma Person Frank R. Warren
Helen Herman & Jack Talan Joann & Gifford Phillips E.E. Weaver
Mario & Rosemary Hernandez Lou & Faye Phillips Eric & Evelene Wechsler
Vicki & Dana Hobart Al & Dolly Piano Thomas & Lainie Weil
Barbara Hochberg George Plavec Weill Family Trust
Horner Family Foundation Patrick M. Pratt Rosella Weissman
Jim Houston Barry Ralph & Curtis Ringness Meg Whitcomb
Larry Hudack Helen Reinsch Lewis & Patricia Whitney
Marjorie W. Hyman Don Reuben Sandra Woodson
Marie Jackson Mary & Charles Rich Drs. Jane & Morton Woolley
Jerre Jennings Mr. & Mrs. Bart Rivin Eilean Wuhl
Michael Craft Johnson Diane Robertson M. J. Young
Tom Johnson Janice Davis Robson
Judy Peck Foundation Ann & Don Rogers
Beatrice & Victor Kane Diane Roland
Lily Kanter Carolee Rosenberg
Katherine J. Andrews Susan & Robert Rossi
Rotary Club of Rancho Mirage
Foundation Helen Ruvelas
Linda & Edward Kazazian Richard Sara
Susan King Virginia & Richard Saville
Richard Kite Nancy & Marty Schechtman
Irene Koch Seymour Schlesinger
Margaret Koster Judith & Donald Schliessman
Paula & Vern Kozlen Janice Schmid
Michael & Patricia Kremin Richard & Mary Schneller
William Kroonen Jean Scripps
Pat Bush Kruse Lenore Shapiro
Dorothy Kulvin Sheldon Revocable Trust
L. & I. Barnett Charitable

Steve Lachs & Michael Ruvo

Presented by the Rancho Mirage Library and Observatory Foundation 29


Date Time Description

Oct 1 10 am-12 pm Memoir Writing Workshop Session 1
Oct 1 2-4:15 pm Film: James Griswold presents Rear Window
Oct 3 5-7 pm Family Night: Celebrating Fire Safety Month
Oct 4 6-7:45 pm Film: Europa Report
Oct 6 2-4 pm Palm Springs Writers Guild
Oct 8 10 am-12 pm Space Week Kick-Off: Nebula Jar Activity
Oct 8 10 am-12 pm Memoir Writing Workshop Session 2
Oct 8 2-4:45 pm Film: James Griswold presents North by Northwest
Oct 8 4 pm Kids Book Discussion Group (Ages 9-12): Ms. Bixby's Last Day
Oct 9 2-3 pm Lecture: Birds and Plants—Creating a Backyard Habitat
Oct 11 2-3 pm RMWF Writers Series presents Andrew Morton
Oct 12 10-11:30 am Book Discussion Group: A Brief History of Everyone Who Ever Lived
Oct 12 4-5 pm Design It • Make It: Ooey Gooey Slime
Kids Book Discussion Group (Ages 6-9): Frank and Lucky Get
Oct 13 11 am-12 pm Schooled
Memoir Writing Workshop Session 3
Oct 15 10 am-12 pm Film: James Griswold presents Vertigo
Oct 15 2-4:30 pm Teen Night: Glow-in-the-Dark Pumpkins
Oct 17 4:30-5:30 pm Film: RMWF Film Club presents Is Paris Burning?
Oct 18 3-6 pm Music: Jim Borax's California Cabaret
Oct 20 2-3 pm Memoir Writing Workshop Session 4
Oct 22 10 am-12 pm Kids' LEGO Club
Oct 24 5-6 pm Music: Natalie Mann, Soprano and Jeffrey LaDeur, Pianist
Oct 24 7-8 pm Lecture: Murky Subjects—­ Nebulae and Their Importance in
the Galaxy
Oct 25 7-8 pm Halloween Spooktacular
Film: James Griswold presents Psycho
Oct 27 1-5 pm Fall Book Sale Bounty
Oct 29 2-4:15 pm Fall Book Sale Bounty
Oct 31 9 am-5 pm Fall Book Sale Bounty
Nov 1 9 am-5 pm RMWF Writers Series presents Lisa McCubbin with
Nov 2 9 am-3 pm Susan Ford Bales
Kids Book Discussion Group (Ages 9-12): Pax
Nov 5 11 am-12 pm

Nov 5 4 pm

30 Presented by the Rancho Mirage Library and Observatory Foundation

Nov 6 2-3 pm Lecture: America's Favorite Ghost Town—Bodie, California
Nov 7 5:30-7 pm Family Night: Sand Art
Nov 7 6:30-9 pm Film: Christopher Perry presents 3D Cinema—The Wizard of Oz
Nov 9 10-11:30 am Book Discussion Group: A Gentleman in Moscow
Nov 10 2-4 pm Palm Springs Writers Guild
Lecture: 'Dream Homes in the Desert' Historic Houses of Rancho
Nov 13 2-3 pm Mirage
Teen Night: Tile Art
Nov 14 4:30-5:30 pm Music: Steinway Society presents Jason Wu, Kathleen Gurning
and Mathew Gurning, Pianists
Nov 14 7-8 pm Film: RMWF Film Club presents The Bridge on the River Kwai
Design It • Make It: Toy Car Maker Bots
Nov 15 3-6 pm Kids Book Discussion Group (Ages 6-9): The Poet's Dog
Nov 16 4-5 pm Lecture: Spacecraft Missions to Small Bodies in the Solar System
Nov 17 11 am-12 pm Kids' LEGO Club
Nov 26 2-3 pm Lecture: Point of No Return—Black Holes
Nov 28 5-6 pm Palm Springs Writers Guild
Nov 29 7-8 pm Film: Jason Bruecks presents Island of Desire
Dec 1 2-4 pm Family Night: Book Ornament Night
Dec 3 2-4 pm An Afternoon of Poetry
Dec 5 5:30-7 pm Design It • Make It: Homemade Lava Lamps
Dec 6 2-3 pm Kids Book Discussion Group (Ages 6-9): My Penguin Osbert
Dec 7 4-5 pm Film: Jason Bruecks presents The Girl He Left Behind
Dec 8 11 am-12 pm Kids Book Discussion Group (Ages 9-12): Crenshaw
Dec 10 2-4 pm Music: Joslyn Singers—On with the Snow! On with the Show!
Dec 10 4 pm Make Your Own Gingerbread House
Dec 11 2-3 pm Film: Sepideh—Reaching for the Stars
Dec 12 5:30-7 pm Book Discussion Group: Slow Horses
Dec 13 6-7:30 pm Film: Christopher Perry presents 3D Cinema—The Polar Express
Dec 14 10-11:30 am Film: Jason Bruecks presents The Burning Hills
Dec 15 2-4 pm Music: Ken Dahleen and His Big Band Staff
Dec 17 2-4 pm Film: RMWF Film Club presents The Dirty Dozen
Dec 19 7-9 pm Kids' LEGO Club
Dec 20 3-5:30 pm Lecture: Ice Worlds—A Tour of the Solar System's Biggest
Dec 26 5-6 pm Snowballs

Dec 27 7-8 pm

Presented by the Rancho Mirage Library and Observatory Foundation 31

71-100 Highway 111, Rancho Mirage, CA 92270

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