Welcome to the Rancho Mirage Public Library…
We hope we caught your attention with the cover of this edition of our Programs
& Exhibits Guide. Unusual? Absolutely!
Autumn brings our annual welcome to another great Library season of programming
for all ages and interests. Please consider this booklet to be your invitation to our
events that will inform, entertain, and bring surprises to our audience.
The Library Community Room will be the location for the programs described in this
publication. We hope you agree that all of our programs are noteworthy, but a few
stand out:
Films are always part of our calendar, made better by “the best movie screen in the
Inland Empire.” Jason Bruecks, a Library film favorite, will present three science fiction
classics, notable for their imaginative roots and their antique, yet vaguely relevant
look into the future. (Our cover for this edition of our guide, is a poster from the 1936
Russian movie, Cosmic Journey.)
Concerts? Oh yes, with jazz in the lead: Our wonderful donors from the Bartush
Family Foundation are funding the first appearance in our Community Room of the
Kait Dunton Jazz Trio and the return of Judy Wexler with the Josh Nelson Trio. Our
friends Ken Dahleen and his Big Band Staff return for an annual December show.
The Desert’s hiking guru, Philip Ferrante, will offer a lecture, “Hiking in the Coachella
Valley,” as our temperatures cool and sturdy shoes come out for the new season.
Of course there is much more and all we offer is free to you, made possible by your
contributions to the Library Foundation.
David Bryant, Library Director
Note: Any changes to this schedule, including additional programs, will be announced on our website ranchomiragelibrary.org
which is always worth a visit to get the latest information about your Rancho Mirage Public Library.
People with disabilities are encouraged to attend Library programs. If you have special communication or access needs, please
contact the Library at 341-7323 four business days in advance of the event(s) you will attend.
If you would like to receive e-mail alerts about upcoming events, changes in our programming schedule, or events not shown
here, please send your e-mail address to [email protected].
Cover Image: The 1936 science fiction film, Cosmic Journey is in our trio of sci-fi movies giving audiences a
look at how moviemakers saw the future. Everything old can seem new again.
Rancho Mirage Cultural Commission LIBRARY
2017- 2018 Save the Dates ..........................................................6–7
Monday – Tuesday
Community Showcase 9 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Palm Springs Writers Guild................................................................ 8 9 a.m. – 8 p.m.
Book Publishing Workshops.............................................................. 8 Thursday – Saturday
9 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Fall Book Sale Bounty.......................................................................... 9 Closed Sundays
Premium Book Sale.............................................................................. 9 Holiday Closures
Veteran’s Day
Book Discussion Group....................................................................... 9
Saturday, November 11
Poetry Workshops................................................................................. 9 Thanksgiving
An Afternoon of Poetry....................................................................... 9 Thursday & Friday
Hiking in the Coachella Valley.......................................................... 9 November 23 & 24
Sunnylands at RMPL Christmas
Monday & Tuesday
Prepare for an Earthquake Like an Expert .................................10 December 25 & 26
Authors City of Rancho Mirage
Public Library ©
Charlie Lovett.......................................................................................11
71-100 Hwy 111
Mark Shaw ............................................................................................11 Rancho Mirage, CA 92270
Lectures Tel: (760) 341-7323
Fax: (760) 341-5213
Conversation with Morris Beschloss & Steve Kelly ................12
[email protected]
Owls & Other Crepuscular Night Birds of the Southwest ....12 www.ranchomiragelibrary.org
USAF Suicide Flights of the Cold War ..........................................13 3
Billie Holiday—Her Life and Music ...............................................13
Science Fiction Film Series...............................................................14
The Best Movies from Books...........................................................15
Kait Dunton Jazz Trio ........................................................................16
Josh and Justin Oswari, Pianists.....................................................16
Gerald Colucci, Vocalist.....................................................................17
Judy Wexler with the Josh Nelson Trio........................................17
Joslyn Singers.......................................................................................18
Ken Dahleen and His Big Band Staff.............................................18
Oil Paintings of the Western Landscape.....................................19
It’s Getting Chilly – Time to Put on a Hat....................................19
Tech Talk
Learning Express Library..................................................................21
Teens, Kids and Families
Books & Bites.........................................................................................22
LEGO Club..............................................................................................22
Halloween Happenings....................................................................23
Family Nights........................................................................................23
Holiday Programming.......................................................................23
Design it • Make it...............................................................................24
Teen Programs......................................................................................25
The Rancho Mirage Public Library Foundation was established in 2010 as the
fundraising arm of your Library. Gifts to the Foundation support programs for all ages,
the purchase of books and media, or the Children’s Summer Reading Club. Please
consider a tax-deductible contribution to support your Library.
Library Tribute Cards Donor Wall of Honor
Available at The Book Nook
Take a moment and peruse
The Rancho Mirage Public Library the Library’s newly designed
Foundation is pleased to offer DONOR WALL OF HONOR
tribute cards with a beautiful image on the wall near the west
of the Library. These cards are entrance.
perfect for sending a friend a thank From 2003 to the present, people
you, for honoring the memory of a identified on this wall made gifts to
family member or colleague, or for the Library that went beyond City
acknowledging a special moment. funding to make a great institution
The cards are packaged in special
decorative bags, with five cards even more special.
priced at $20. The cards are The Donor Wall of Honor includes
available in the Library Foundation the names of all who have made
gifts of $2,000 (cumulatively) and
Book Store—The Book Nook—
during Library hours. ranging beyond $250,000.
4 Presented by the Rancho Mirage Public Library Foundation
Each day, nearly 1,000 of your neighbors visit and enjoy the Rancho Mirage
Public Library. Our Library is one of California’s busiest and most popular.
With the LITERARY LEGACY program, the Library Foundation recognizes
that you may want the opportunity to make a lasting gift, giving your name or a
loved one’s name a permanent place in this outstanding Library. You may choose
to name a book, a favorite subject area, a program or series, Library seating, or
choose to name a Library space, even a room.
Please contact Library Director, David Bryant at 760-341-7323, ext. 700 with
any questions about the Foundation’s LITERARY LEGACY program. The
Foundation is excited about new naming opportunities for your Library that have
emerged from the Library’s space planning initiative.
Your LITERARY LEGACY awaits you at the best Library in Southern
California, one of the best in the state and in America.
Thank you,
Patrice Merritt, Foundation Chair
Presented by the Rancho Mirage Public Library Foundation 5
2017–2018 • SAVE THE DATES
Welcome to a new season of special events for our residents to experience and enjoy presented
by the City of Rancho Mirage Cultural Commission. Concerts help fill the calendar, while the
annual artist home tour gives a day of visual surprises. The bus tour this year brings an opportunity
to enjoy the exciting cultural life of the City of Coachella! The Commission offers much for you to
celebrate and every event is free.
Gerald Colucci, Vocalist
A Tribute to Jerry Vale and the Great
Italians of Song
Wednesday, December 6, 2017, 7 p.m.
Gerald Colucci decided to be a vocalist early in life. He
was inspired by the music of Jerry Vale. The romantic
ballads of the great Italian singers still carry him through
his performing life. He has performed at many notable
venues in Southern California. Colucci is a two-time
winner of The McCallum Theatre Open Call Competition’s Grand Prize and Audience Choice
Awards. As a leading tenor, Colucci has shared the stage with Jack Jones, Andy Russell,
Frankie Randall and Julius La Rosa. With accompaniment by pianist Joel Baker, this musical
night will be filled with romance and magic.
Lenore Raphael, Jazz Piano with Jack Wood, Vocalist
An Evening of Cole Porter
Wednesday, January 10, 2018 at 7 p.m.
Lenore Raphael is an internationally renowned
jazz pianist and Steinway artist. With many years of
experience, Raphael has played all styles of jazz in
many different settings and enjoys the “on-the-spot”
give and take with the shared experience that good jazz
performance is all about. She has recently returned from
touring in England, Israel, and Europe. You are sure to
enjoy Lenore Raphael as she pays tribute to composer
and songwriter Cole Porter.
GOLD CARD Seating for Rancho Mirage residents and Gold Card holders.
For more information, please contact David Bryant at [email protected].
6 Presented by the Rancho Mirage Public Library Foundation
Tribute to Dick Clark & American Bandstand
Celebrating Life on a Bandstand
Wednesday, February 28, 2018 7 p.m.
This program is a tribute to the man and the iconic
television series that began as a local show in
Philadelphia in the early 50’s. Bandstand went national
in 1957, becoming an overnight hit, quickly changing
the way American teenagers (and their parents),
listened to and watched television. This program
includes vintage video clips, photos and a live-on stage
tribute band with live “Bandstand Dancers.” Join in the
fun with your period perfect poodle skirt, white sport
coat, and bobby socks! A prize for best-dressed, male
and female, will be awarded. Produced by Cultural
Commissioner Frank V. Furino.
5th Annual Rancho Mirage Artist Studio Tour Painting by Jeffrey Kirby
(Begins at Rancho Mirage City Hall)
Saturday, March 17, 2018 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.
The 5th Annual Rancho Mirage Artist Studio Tour is
a self-guided adventure into homes and studios of
Rancho Mirage artists working in various media. Each
year features new and returning artists working in
photography, painting, textiles and ceramics. The tour
requires registration at City Hall on Saturday morning.
You will receive a map and lanyard; then proceed
through the tour at your own pace. A pop-up art gallery at
City Hall will showcase an additional gathering of artists.
Bus Tour to City of Coachella’s Art & Culture Project
Tour destinations TBA
Saturday, March 31, 2018 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.
We will explore Coachella’s rich heritage as we visit
“Coachella Walls,” an arts-driven community revitalization
project, designed to bring awareness of the history of the
region and the farm workers in the Eastern Coachella
Valley. The project has brought together dozens of
muralists and international contemporary artists and is
meant to be uplifting and inspiring. A docent will provide
information about the scenes depicted in the murals
and the process of creating a mural on public spaces.
Registration required. Limited seating.
Presented by the Rancho Mirage Public Library Foundation 7
Palm Springs Writers Guild Book Publishing Workshops
Everyone is welcome to attend Getting from Here to There:
the Writers Guild monthly From Manuscript to Book
meetings at the Library. For with Marj Charlier
more information, please visit
www.palmspringswritersguild.org. The Inlandia Institute presents
a series of 5 workshops over 5
Saturday, October 7, 2 – 4 p.m. weeks to demystify the steps to
Presenter Angela Bole independent publishing.
Angela Bole is chief executive officer
of the Independent Book Publishers Session 1: Choosing Your
Association (IBPA) which serves Publishing Path
independent publishers and self- Monday, Oct. 16, 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
published authors.
Session 2: Getting Your
Saturday, November 4, 2 – 4 p.m. Book Ready
Presenter Robert Masello Monday, Oct. 23, 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Robert Masello is an award-winning
journalist, television writer, and the Session 3: Time to Go!
author of many bestselling novels and Monday, Oct. 30, 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
nonfiction books.
Session 4: Marketing Essentials
Saturday, December 2, 2 – 4 p.m. Monday, Nov. 6, 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Presenter Amy Collins
Amy Collins is the President of New Session 5: Other
Shelves Books, one of the best-known Marketing Options
book sales and marketing agencies in Monday, Nov. 13, 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
the United States.
Marj Charlier has a bachelor’s degree
from Iowa State University (Phi Beta
Kappa) and a masters degree from
the University of Wisconsin-Madison
as well as an MBA.
These workshops will be held in the
Conference Room. Registration
is required and limited to 20.
Register at www.inlandiainstitute.org.
Questions? Email inlandiapublish@
gmail.com or leave a message at
(206) 683-2079.
8 Presented by the Rancho Mirage Public Library Foundation
Fall Book Sale Bounty Poetry Workshops
This big event features an enormous Weekly Sessions on Wednesdays,
selection of gently-used books at October – December, 1:30 – 3:30 p.m.
affordable prices. The Foundation
Book Sale raises money for the Poets interested in assignments,
Library while promoting enthusiasm critiques, and readings are invited
for reading! to join Dorothea Bisbas, City of
Rancho Mirage Poet Laureate.
Wednesday, October 18, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. The goal of these workshops is to
Thursday, October 19, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. encourage poetry based on personal
Friday, October 20, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. experiences, language, and insights.
More advanced poets share their
Premium Book Sale techniques, including revision and
Held in the Conference Room. Coffee details about getting poetry published.
table, holiday and children’s books.
Thursday, December 7 , 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. An Afternoon of Poetry
Friday, December 8 , 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Thursday, December 7, 2 – 3 p.m.
Book Discussion Group Rancho Mirage Public Library Poet
The Library’s book discussion Laureate Dorothea Bisbas and the
group meets on the second Poetry group invite you to enjoy an
Friday of each month. For more afternoon with local poets, and to
information, send an email to listen to them read some of their
[email protected]. creations, accompanied by live music.
Refreshments will be served.
Friday, October 13, 10 – 11:30 a.m.
H is for Hawk Philip Ferranti
by Rachel MacDonald Tuesday, October 31, 2 – 3 p.m.
Friday, November 10, 10 – 11:30 a.m. Hiking in the Coachella Valley
And There Was Light
by Jacques Lusseyran Now that cooler temperatures are
here, join local hiking expert and
Friday, December 8, 10 – 11:30 a.m. best-selling author Philip Ferranti
The Rosie Project as he provides an overview of some
by Graeme Simsion
of the Valley’s
leading desert and
mountain trails and
the potential health
benefits of hiking.
Books available for
Presented by the Rancho Mirage Public Library Foundation 9
Sunnylands Series at the Library Presents
Dennis Mileti on Earthquake Preparedness
Monday, October 16, 2 – 3 p.m.
Prepare for an Earthquake Like an Expert!
This Sunnylands Series is part of preparation for the Great California
ShakeOut event at Sunnylands on October 19th.
We all intend to prepare for an earthquake, but many of us never do! It’s time to
follow through on that intention. Go inside the desert home of Dr. Dennis Mileti
to discover “what an expert has done to prepare” for the Big One we face in the
Coachella Valley. In this recorded interview Dr. Mileti takes the audience into his
home to see how he has taken a unique approach to preparedness. A workbook
is provided so viewers can problem-solve and plan their own home strategy. It is
easier to accomplish than you might have ever imagined. Dr. Mileti will be there
in person to answer questions and to help the audience capture personalized
preparedness ideas.
A limited number of workbooks will be available on a first come, first served basis.
To ensure you get a copy, it is recommended that you download a copy from
the Sunnylands website at www.sunnylands.org prior to the event, review the
information and create a list of your concerns or questions.
Dr. Dennis S. Mileti, Ph.D.
Dennis S. Mileti is professor emeritus at the University of Colorado
Boulder and has been a resident of Rancho Mirage since 1999.
He is author of over 100 publications. His book Disasters by
Design summarized knowledge in all fields of science and
engineering regarding natural hazards and disasters for the
Office of Science and Technology Policy in the White House.
Patrons wanting to learn more about this program are invited to contact Sunnylands.
Tel: (760) 202-2222; Email: [email protected].
For more info,
see www.ShakeOut.org
10 Presented by the Rancho Mirage Public Library Foundation
Charlie Lovett Mark Shaw
Wednesday, November 8, 2 – 3 p.m.
Thursday, November 30, 2 – 3 p.m.
The Lost Book of the Grail
The Reporter Who Knew Too
New York Times bestselling author Much—Dorothy Kilgallen
Charlie Lovett’s latest book tells
the fictional tale of a passionate Following an exhaustive, 18-month
bibliophile and Holy Grail enthusiast investigation of the JFK assassination
who embarks on a quest to uncover and midway through writing a tell-
a centuries-old secret about an all book, What’s My Line? TV star
English cathedral’s past and its and crack investigative reporter
connections to King Arthur and the Dorothy Kilgallen was found dead
Knights of the Round Table. in her Manhattan apartment in
November 1965. Was an alleged
Charlie Lovett is a writer, teacher, drug overdose to blame? Author
and playwright whose plays for Mark Shaw presents a true crime
children have been seen in over “whodunit” murder mystery with a
3000 productions worldwide. He multiple cast of suspects including
served for more than a decade as Frank Sinatra, J. Edgar Hoover,
Writer-in-Residence at Summit Mafia Don Carlos Marcello and a
School in Winston-Salem, NC. “mystery man” Kilgallen met shortly
before she died.
This program is generously sponsored by the
Literary Society of the Desert. A former criminal defense attorney
and legal analyst for CNN, ESPN,
and USA Today for the Mike
Tyson, O.J. Simpson and Kobe
Bryant cases, Mark Shaw is an
investigative reporter and the
author of more than 20 books.
A bookseller will be on hand with books
available for signing following this lecture.
Presented by the Rancho Mirage Public Library Foundation 11
Morris Beschloss and Steve Kelly Professor Kurt Leuschner
Tuesday, October 24, 2 – 4 p.m. Tuesday, November 14, 2 – 3 p.m.
A Continuing Conversation with Owls and Other Crepuscular
Morris Beschloss and Steve Kelly Night Birds of the Southwest
In a moment when we seem to be in a Kurt Leuschner, Professor of Natural
disagreeable mood as a nation, with Resources at College of the Desert,
sides drawn, and issues turning into will introduce you to all of the owls
flashpoints, it is time for our annual and other night birds that occur in the
on-stage conversation with Morris Southwestern United States. From
and Steve. the tiny Elf Owl to the Great Horned
Owl, these owls occupy a variety of
These two very smart, very well- habitats and make some very un-
informed analysts will have their annual owl-like sounds. After this talk you’ll
discussion on economics and the want to spend more time outside at
national political scene. They will do night so you can experience these
so by framing their talk with history and nocturnal birds for yourself.
their personal friendship. Morris and
Steve may not always vote the same Kurt Leuschner is a Professor of
way, but they always give us a special Natural Resources at College of the
program of insight, facts, and their Desert where he teaches courses
collective look at America and the world on Conservation, Entomology, Field
in a time when shouting has replaced Ornithology, Native Plants, and
too much of our civil discourse. GPS Navigation. Kurt also teaches
weekend courses and workshops
Ample time for audience Q&A will be on birdwatching, insects, GPS,
provided but no shouting allowed! and backyard habitats for the UCR
Extension, the Desert Institute, the
Morris Beschloss is a global Desert Studies Center, and the
economic analyst. Living Desert.
Steve Kelly is the host of “Kelly’s
Corner” weekdays 4 to 6 PM on 1450
12 Presented by the Rancho Mirage Public Library Foundation
Dean Hunter, Ed.D. Alan P. Schultz
Thursday, November 9, 2 – 3 p.m. Monday, December 4, 2 – 3 p.m.
USAF Suicide Flights of the Billie Holiday—Her Life and
Cold War: Training for Music
One-Way Missions
Please join us for an afternoon lecture
A veteran of three wars, Dr. Dean by jazz broadcaster, Alan P. Schultz
Hunter believes the Cold War was celebrating Billie Holiday, one of the
the most psychologically difficult war greatest jazz voices of all time.
in U.S. history because in the event
of war, the USAF missions he trained Reminiscent of the popular jazz
for would be one-way. Hear about programs at the Library by the late
some of the remarkable exploits he music historian Dave Schaner, this
recounts in his book For Love of Life presentation on the life and songs of
and Country and learn what it was like Billie Holiday will offer her story as
to train for the prospect of a flight with a career that spanned thirty years.
no return. In his storied military and “Lady Day” had a seminal influence
civilian career, Dr. Hunter has flown on jazz music.
thirty-four planes, beginning with the
WWII era “Whistling Death” Corsair in Alan P. Schultz has been a jazz
Korea up through the B-52. aficionado since age ten when he
saw Louis B. Armstrong perform. His
Books will be available for purchase and career in radio broadcasting includes
signing following this lecture. San Bernardino, Hollywood, Los
Angeles, San Francisco, Carmel, and
currently KAIJ-FM Palm Desert.
Serving on the prestigious American
Jazz Institute Advisory Board (Palm
Desert) Schultz is dedicated to the
appreciation of jazz music in our
desert community.
Presented by the Rancho Mirage Public Library Foundation 13
Jason Bruecks Presents: Sci-Fi Film Series “Out of This World”
Join us for a series of science fiction films from the 1930s – 1950s presented
by Jason Bruecks. Though these movies project daring (for the period)
views of the future, they also take on a delightful absurdity as we look
at their naiveté in retrospect. The films include fantastic images of space
travel using then new sound and lighting technologies, lavish set designs,
and what were highly imaginative perceptions of extra-terrestrial creatures.
This series is intended for adults.
Cosmic Journey (1936)
Monday, November 6, 2 – 3:30 p.m.
This Soviet fantasy imagined a realistic
journey to the moon in the early days
of cinema technology. (Russian with
English subtitles.)
The Invisible Ray (1936)
Monday, November 13, 2 – 3:30 p.m.
Starring Boris Karloff and Bela Lugosi.
A visionary doctor invents a telescope
that can look far out into space – into the
Andromeda Galaxy – and pick up rays
of light that will show the Earth’s past.
It Came from Outer Space (1953)
Monday, November 20, 2 – 3:30 p.m.
Starring Richard Carlson and Ellen
Fields. An amateur astronomer and his
fiancée are stargazing in the desert
when a spaceship bursts from the sky
and crashes to the ground.
14 Presented by the Rancho Mirage Public Library Foundation
The Rancho Mirage Writers Festival Foundation Presents: 15
The Best Movies from Books, As Selected by Peter Bart
As a gift to the community, the Rancho Mirage Writers Festival Foundation
has created a new free series, The Best Movies from Books. Movies will
be selected by Peter Bart, American journalist and film producer. During
his eighteen years as a top studio executive Bart acquired the rights to
such best sellers as The Godfather, Rosemary’s Baby and Love Story for
Paramount. Now he shares his favorites with us.
Patton (1970)
Thursday, November 16, 2 – 5 p.m.
Patton is an American epic biographical war film
about U .S. General George S. Patton during World
War II, based on the biography, Patton: Ordeal and
Triumph by Ladislas Farago and Omar Bradley’s
memoir, A Soldier’s Story. Patton won seven
Academy Awards, including Best Picture, Best
Director and Best Original Screenplay. The opening
monologue, delivered by George C. Scott as General
Patton with an enormous American flag behind him,
remains an iconic and often quoted image in film.
Kramer vs. Kramer (1979)
Thursday, December 14, 2 –4 p.m.
Kramer vs. Kramer is an American drama based
on Avery Corman’s novel of the same name. This
ground-breaking film is the story of a couple’s divorce
and its impact on everyone involved, including the
couple’s young son. The film was nominated for nine
Academy Awards, winning five (Best Picture, Best
Director, Best Adapted Screenplay, Best Actor and
Best Supporting Actress).
Presented by the Rancho Mirage Public Library Foundation
This is a Gold Card Event This is a Gold Card Event
Kait Dunton Jazz Trio Steinway Society Presents Joel
and Justin Oswari, Pianists
Wednesday, October 11, 7 – 8 p.m.
Wednesday, November 1, 7 – 8 p.m.
Los Angeles-based composer
and pianist Kait Dunton along The Steinway Society of Riverside
with bassist Cooper Appelt and County presents pianists and
drummer Jake Reed bring a brothers Joel and Justin Oswari.
modern, tight and groovy sound Each will perform in turn and
to the piano trio format. They include selections from composers
shuffle wide-ranging influences such as Chopin, J.S. Bach,
and Kait’s innovative compositions Brahms, Haydn, among others.
into a refreshingly modern take
on instrumental music—including Sixteen-year-old Joel Oswari and
some classic favorites—that is as thirteen-year-old Justin Oswari
uncategorizable as it is infectious. have each received numerous
Fused together via Kait’s music, awards in the MTAC Riverside
the trio melds into a laser-focused Branch Young Pianist Competition
single entity that is captivating, and the Inland Empire Piano
playful, and exciting. Festival in various divisions.
Kait has produced and released The Library is honored to bring
three albums of original these two exceptionally talented
compositions, with a fourth featuring young pianists to Rancho Mirage to
her equally out-of-the-box arranging present an engaging and exciting
style. Recognized on Jazz.com as evening of piano performance.
one of “10 Future Female Jazz
Stars,” she has been described
by critic Don Heckman as “an
extraordinary talent on the rise” with
“impressive compositional skills.”
This concert is made possible by a generous gift
from the Bartush Family Foundation.
16 Presented by the Rancho Mirage Public Library Foundation
This is a Gold Card Event This is a Gold Card Event
City of Rancho Mirage Cultural Judy Wexler with the
Commission Presents Josh Nelson Trio
Gerald Colucci, Vocalist Wednesday, November 15, 7 – 8 p.m.
“A Tribute to Jerry Vale and the
Great Italians of Song” Jazz vocalist, touring and recording
artist Judy Wexler is known for
Wednesday, December 6, 7 – 8 p.m. her inventive interpretations of
underexposed gems. On this
Gerald Colucci aspired to be a occasion she will perform songs
singer at a young age. The music associated with a diverse mix of
of Jerry Vale and the famous Italian jazz and pop legends including
singers have carried him throughout King Pleasure, Louis Armstrong,
his entire life. He has the honor of Sonny Rollins, Blossom Dearie,
performing at many notable venues Richie Havens, Rickie Lee Jones,
in Southern California. He is a and Bob Dylan.
two-time winner of The McCallum
Theatre Open Call Competition’s “Based on the evidence, Judy
Grand Prize and Audience Choice Wexler can sing almost anything.”
Awards. As a leading tenor, Colucci —Susan Stamberg, NPR
has shared the stage with Jack
Jones, Andy Russell, Frankie Born and raised in Southern
Randall and Julius La Rosa. With California, keyboardist-composer-
accompaniment by pianist Joel bandleader Josh Nelson has
Baker, this musical night will be performed with some of the
filled with romance and magic. most respected names in jazz.
Legendary drummer Peter Erskine
The City of Rancho Mirage Cultural says, “He possesses those rarest
Commission is pleased to present of musical attributes: a touch, a
Gerald Colucci as the first of five tone, and a ‘sound’ that are all
special events scheduled during its identifiably his own.”
2017/2018 calendar. The Commission
strives to celebrate our community’s This concert is made possible by a generous gift
rich cultural life (see pages 6-7). from the Bartush Family Foundation.
Presented by the Rancho Mirage Public Library Foundation 17
This is a Gold Card Event This is a Gold Card Event
Joslyn Singers: It’s That Ken Dahleen and His Big Band
Time of the Year for Good Spirit Staff
and Cheer
Wednesday, December 20, 7 – 8 p.m.
Tuesday, December 12, 2 – 3 p.m.
Unwrap a spectacular evening of
The holiday season wouldn’t be holiday music as Ken Dahleen’s
the same without a performance by Big Band Staff shifts the season
the Joslyn Singers. Their melodic into full swing. Enjoy a wide array of
renditions of traditional favorites finger-snappin’ tunes, from the best
are sure to inject good cheer into of the big band years right through
your holiday preparations. Come today’s top hits. Comprising many
in good voice and prepare to sing of the finest players from across
along! Southern California, Ken and the
Big Band Staff are sure to make
First assembled in 1998, the the season bright the moment they
Joslyn Singers are a lively group take the stage. So, come be a part
of seniors who enjoy sharing their of this magical night of melodies
love of singing by performing for and memories.
clubs and assisted living facilities
throughout the Coachella Valley.
Eva Myers, with a Masters in
Music Education, has been music
director since 2002.
Your gifts to the Library Foundation make
all of these programs possible.
18 Presented by the Rancho Mirage Public Library Foundation
MANDY MAIN dramatic subjects in her work. Main
Luminous Oil Paintings of the is an art historian with a passion for
Western Landscape 19th century American landscapes,
especially the Luminists, whose
Mandy Main creates luminous oil works remain an undying source of
paintings of the Western landscape, inspiration. The work is dreamy and
informed by nature and capturing atmospheric, a view into traditional
a personal sense of place. Main art history with a modern sensibility.
focuses on panoramic vistas and
receding perspectives with a sense Main’s award-winning work has been
of depth and movement and pushes exhibited in juried shows across the
these elements to draw the viewer U.S. She holds a B.A. from Stanford
into the painting. The fleeting University and an MBA in Arts
nature of light and clouds become Management from UCLA.
It’s Getting Chilly — Time to Put on
a Hat
Having studied the art of millinery
with Australia’s top designers,
Raymond Hatfield exhibits
exquisite workmanship and applies
advanced techniques to his
stunning designs. See examples
of his fine craftsmanship in the
Library’s Lobby Case.
think faster
focus better
remember more
Looking for a brain-training schedule customized to you?
Try Personalized Training. It starts out with a general set
of exercises, but quickly learns your individual strengths
and weaknesses, and adjusts so that you focus your brain
training on areas where you need it most.
Ask a Library staff member about BrainHQ today!
20 Presented by the Rancho Mirage Public Library Foundation
A suite of programs
to help with
topics including
test preparation,
computer skills,
college preparation,
and job and career
resources such as
resumé creation and
job testing.
Interested? Contact
Library Staff for
more information.
The Library presents three age-specific Second Monday of each month, for
storytimes each week.
* *ages 9–12. Snacks will be provided.
Tiny Tot Tales – for ages one to
three Everything on a Waffle
by Polly Horvath
Tuesdays, 10 a.m. and 11 a.m. Oct. 9, 4:00 to 5:00 p.m.
Wednesdays at 10 a.m.
(No 11 a.m. storytime December 19) Held in the Storytime Room.
Lively songs, fingerplays, action Moo
rhymes, flannel board stories, and by Sharon Creech
books, followed by a coloring activity, Nov. 13, 4:00 to 5:00 p.m.
delight the young ones ages one to
three. Younger siblings are welcome. Held in the Storytime Room.
This 25-minute storytime begins
promptly at 10 a.m. Since space One Amazing Elephant
is limited to the first 25 people, we by Linda Oatman High
suggest families arrive early. Dec. 11, 4:00 to 5:00 p.m.
Preschool Stories and Me – for Held in the Storytime Room.
children ages three to five
Sign up at the Children’s Information
Thursdays at 10 a.m. Desk.
Engaging stories, songs, and active LEGO CLUB
rhymes captivate the imagination of
children ages three to five. Coloring Fourth Wednesday of every month,
sheets and simple crafts round out with Holiday exceptions.
the themed storytime experience. This 5:00 to 6:00 p.m.
30-minute storytime begins promptly Build with us! Each month there’ll
at 10 a.m. Since space is limited to the be a suggested theme. It’s up to you
first 25 people, we suggest families whether your creation reflects that
arrive early. theme or your own creative expression.
Work alone or in a group. You’ll have
Each session is held in the Children’s Room. 45 minutes for building, 5 minutes to
clean up and 10 minutes to show off
Each session begins promptly on designated your work. We’ll display the creations
days. We suggest that participants arrive early until next month. For kids ages five
so that all can benefit from the total experience and up; five to eight year olds must be
and minimize disruptions. accompanied by an adult.
Oct. 25 Halloween
Nov. 29 Fall
Dec. 27 North Pole
22 Presented by the Rancho Mirage Public Library Foundation
First Wednesday of each month. Halloween Happenings
Saturday, October 28
Fire Safety Week Carnival Games
Oct. 4, 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. 2:30 to 4:00 p.m.
Our local fire fighters will be here with Drop in at any point for some
their gear and their rigs. Come and challenging carnival-style games in
learn about fire safety and explore the Children’s Room and by the West
their trucks! Entrance.
Parade of Costumes
Held in the Community Room. 4:00 to 4:30 p.m.
Our annual parade and trick-or-treating
Harvest Craft Night throughout the Library.
Nov. 1, 5:30 to 7:00 p.m.
Come try your hand at some fall- Buster Balloon Spook’Tacular!
themed crafts to decorate your home 4:30 to 5:30 p.m.
or Thanksgiving table.
Held in the Community Room.
Held in the Children’s Room.
Creepy comedy, spooky magic
DIY Holiday Ornaments and monstrous balloon creations
Dec. 6, 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. guaranteed to make you howl with
Deck the halls with creative ornaments laughter and scream with delight.
you craft yourself.
Held in the Children’s Room.
Dec. 18, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Make a snowman or any holiday
inspired creations.
Dec. 19, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Puzzle piece wreaths.
Dec. 20, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Come play some board games and
drink hot cocoa.
Held in the Children’s Room.
Dec. 21, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Come make a gingerbread house.
While supplies last, one per individual.
Dec. 22, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Watch the holiday-inspired film The
Polar Express.
Presented by the Rancho Mirage Public Library Foundation 23
We are excited to announce our NEW Saturday Family Programming
called DESIGN IT • MAKE IT made possible by the generous support
of the Anderson Children’s Foundation. This eight-month program
will focus on the curriculum of STEAM/STEM and the functionality of
Makerspaces, so all who attend can express their creativity.
Build Your Own Catapult
Saturday, October 14, 2:00 to 4:00 p.m.
Kids of all ages. Come build a catapult using popsicle sticks and
rubber bands. We will test how far things fly using candy pumpkins
and candy corn.
Decorate a Pinwheel
Saturday, November 18, 2:00 to 4:00 p.m.
Kids 0-6. Decorate a pinwheel.
Kids 7-12. Come fold origami and use LED lights
to make a glowing pinwheel.
Bracelets and Beads
Saturday, December 16, 2:00 to 4:00 p.m.
Kids 0-6. Design a bracelet using all sorts of beads.
Kids 7-12. Come and a design a Perler Bead creation.
24 Presented by the Rancho Mirage Public Library Foundation
Teen Read Week
October 9 to 14
This week’s theme is “Come Unleash Your Story.” Stop by the Library
and participate in sharing your story on our display. Come check out
some autobiographies, memoirs or find books on how to start writing
your own story.
Teen Night at the Library
Ages 13 to 18. Held in the Storytime Room. Signup required.
Glow in the Dark Pumpkins Self Portrait Collage
Wednesday, Oct. 18, 4:30 to 6:00 p.m Wednesday, Nov. 15, 4:30 to 6:00 p.m
Use glow in the dark fabric paint Make your self-portrait using
to decorate a mini pumpkin. magazine clippings.
Presented by the Rancho Mirage Public Library Foundation 25
Library Donors 1995-Present
Founder Bartush Family Martin, Kayla, Noah,
$100,000 and above Foundation Bella & Alexandra Lax
The Annenberg Donald & Peggy Cravens Arlette & Don Lea
Foundation Roy E. Crummer George Lee & Scott
The Auen Foundation Foundation Roberts
The Coeta & Donald The Family of Walter & Michael G. McCafferty
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Morgan
Barker Foundation Elizabeth Demyanek Barbara Palm
Janet C. & Charles E. The Brian & Patricia A. Dr. S. Jerome & Judith D.
Barker Herman Fund Tamkin
H.N. & Frances C. Berger Jim & Jackie Lee Houston T.A. & Joani Toussoun
City of Indian Wells Nancy B. Watson
Foundation Roberta Peters Jones
Sally Contant Edeltraud & Patrick Sponsor
Friends of the Rancho $5,000-$9,999
Mirage Public Library Don McIntosh Anderson Children’s
J.W. & Ida M. Jameson DeeAnn & Larry Nichols Foundation
Rotary Club of Rancho
Foundation Barbara & Roderick Barr
Fred & Mary Leydorf Mirage Stanley Baumblatt
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald D. Anita B. & Howard S. Mary Ellen & Cooper
Marsee Richmond Foundation Blanton
The City of Rancho Iris & Thom Smotrich David Bryant
Ladda Toelkes Dr. & Mrs. Sonia
Helen Reinsch Partner Campbell
Reinsch Family Memorial $10,000-$24,999 Valerie & Kyle Coltman
Gigi & Joe Roberson Nancy & Thomas
Benefactor Janet & Jerry Banks Cunningham
$50,000-$99,999 Dorothy Lyons Berns Diane Fox
Linda Bray Joyce & Henry Freund
Agua Caliente Band of William F. Coan Karlene & Richard Garber
Cahuilla Indians The Deutsch Foundation Kay Hanson
Jarka & Martin Dolemo Dr. Bettie A. Henry honors
Castle Foundation Inc. Elyse & David Fleming
Dr. Maurice & Laine President & Mrs. Gerald David Alan Henry
Linda & Edward Kazazian
Falstein R. Ford Louise Kermode
Dr. Charles M. Monell & Elaine Frank Paula & Vern Kozlen
Carol & Larry Jones M. & L. Leibowitz
Dr. Gerald E. Benston James Kelley & Joseph
Jeanne & Charles Parrish Charitable Trust
Arthur Strickman Lund Suzanne & Jason
Richard Kite
Visionary Mr. & Mrs. G. Teryl Koch Matthews
$25,000-$49,999 Mr. Sidney Laub Fay McClung
Juanita & Cliff
Katherine J. Andrews
Foundation McCormick
Joseph A. Bartush
26 Presented by the Rancho Mirage Public Library Foundation
Library Donors 1995-Present
Kevin McGuire June Beeler Tom Johnson
Robin Monsky Kay Bell Dr. & Mrs. W. David
Lyn Chernis & Dr. Bob Rebecca & Jack Benaroya
Robert Borns Jones
Morris Ken Bourgidnon J.P. Morgan
Patty & Arthur Newman Lyndsy Bowcott Beatrice & Victor Kane
Paul Newman Beth & George Briggs Tom & Claire Kane
Doris & Robert O’Neill Lois Buell Louise Kermode
Claudette Pais Dr. & Mrs. Richard Byrd Susan King
Dorothy Begg Parker Jean Carrus Gerry & Martin Koffman
Mary Patrick The Champions Volunteer Ellie Lavin
Rancho Mirage Country Ralph W. Leatherby
Foundation Irving & Dorothy Levy
Club Jo & Tom Chapman for Lorna Lewis
Mary & Charles Rich Literary Society of the
Diane S. Robertson Great Books
Charity Challenge, Inc. Desert
Charitable Foundation Lee Comisar Tom Lutgen
Susan & Robert Rossi Susan Cook Sharon W. Lynch
Richard Sara Luis Cordero Gerald Macenas
Virginia & Richard Saville David & Sue Cummings JoAnn & Fred
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Smale Janet Daggatt
The Stack Foundation Wilbur Daniel Mackenbach
Joanne & Dominick Carol & Raleigh DeBow Margaret McPharlin
Catherine Devine Lucy & Ron Meepos
Summa Jr. Salli Dick Ruth & Arnold Meltsner
Three Sisters Foundation Norman Edwards Cheryl & Jim Miller
Vanguard Charitable Ted FioRito Jr. Gordon Moller & Charles
Barbara & Robert Fremont
Foundation Andrea Best & Calvin Fox Townsend
Robert Walker & Ernest Carolyn & Robert Norma Monty
In Memory of Kitty Moore
Phinney Goldberg Cindy & Morris Muscatel
Weinstein Family Dorothy Goldstein Benard Myerson
Arline Greenblatt Lori & Dick Nelson
Foundation Marcy & Ron Gregory Roland Nobis
Wells Fargo Shirley & Earl Greif Northern Trust Bank
Ruth White Paul Hagle Richard & Carolyn O’Linn
Dr. Jane & Dr. Morton Boyd Haigler Palm Springs Writers
Joseph Harris
Woolley Vicki & Dana Hobart Guild
Eilean Wuhl Larry Hudack Joyce Palmer
Marie Jackson Lou & Faye Phillips
Associate Michael Craft Johnson Dr. & Mrs. Michael Platt
$2,000-$4,999 George Plavec
S. L. Protess
Kaye & L.E. Alford
Bernice & Paul Alloy
Edward Anixter
Isabel & Lawrence Barnett
Ms. Olga Jane Battisti
Presented by the Rancho Mirage Public Library Foundation 27
Library Donors 1995-Present
Rancho Mirage Woman’s Robert Armstrong Sonia & Seymour
Club Beth Arterberry Levinthal
Brian Baxenden
Penny & Bart Rivin Babette “Babs” Bay Jason & Marjory Lewis
Ann & Don Rogers Borax Family Charitable Wendy Portman Lewis
Buddy Rogers The Harold A. Linstone
Elaine & Leonard Fund
Chuck & Cynthia Bowling Trust
Rosenbaum Arla Brown Pat & Joe Manhart
Marcia Rutledge Grady Bruce Natalie Marcus
Jean Scripps Gail & Alfred Bryman Eileen Mason
Dr. Pravin & Katherine Ivan Budd Michael & Ogniana
Elizabeth Campbell
Shah Clifton Cole & Scott Masser
Nan Aune Shipp Ken Maxwell & Dick
Hortense Singer Smith
Ruth & Al Siteman Karen Comeau Redman
Mary Small Robert & Cynthia Cramer Lou Mello
Edna Spaulding Donald & Nancy Delaski Patrice Merritt
Grace Helen Spearman Joseph & Ann DeLuca Frida & Jack Milowsky
E. R. Dumke Murrey Morrow & Judith
Charitable Foundation Carolyn Ehrler
The Springs Community Phillip & Ruth Elwell Widmer
Florence Finer Moss & Company
Association Beth Fromm & Ronald Sandy Mossbrook
Harold Staw Marcia & Irwin Narter
Marc & Shari Stewart Sharrow Virginia & Graydon
V. Ferris Todd Helene Galen
Union Bank of California Harry Gill Nichols
Willis Urick, Jr. Mim Gottschalk Russell & Suzanne Orkin
Pat & Milton Vaughn Gary & Maria Greenwald James Osborne
Frank R. Warren Downey Grosenbaugh Bob Packwood
Washington Mutual Bank Earle Hagen Ray & Pat Paige
Wechsler Foundation Dan & Joan Hauserman David & Colleen Pascale
Ted & Jenny Weill Elaine Henderson Priscilla Pete
In Memory of my husband Barbara Hochberg George & Norma Purvis
Pat & Gordon Hubbard Ralph M. Parsons
Martin, Jeanne Weiss Paul & Ardis Huizenga
Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Ed Hutten Foundation
Michael & Patricia Robert & Marion
Cynthia & James Williams Kremin Rosenthal
Joy & Wells Wohlwend William Kroonen Editha Rowell
Dorothy Kulvin Diane & Fred Sagan
Scholars Ladies Golf Assoc. of the Rhonda & Peter Samuels
$1,000 – $1,999 Nancy & Marty
Marjorie & Richard Schechtman
Ameny Deidra N. Schumann
Shapiro Family
Anderson Travel
Sheldon Revocable Trust
28 Presented by the Rancho Mirage Public Library Foundation
Library Donors 1995-Present
Mitchell Simon Judy & Robert Appelbaum Bill & Lynn Buskirk
Claire Smith Robert Armstrong Robert & Mary Butler
David & Lynn Smith Beth Arterberry Randal Bynder
Peter Solomon Susan & Michael Atkinson Virginia & Richard Byrd
The Springs Book Murray Atnikov William Callender
Auen Foundation Elizabeth Campbell
Discussion Group Kenneth Ayers Joseph Cantrell
Lester & Joan Strouse Gerald Backeland Christina J. Capetz
Roberta Susskind Joan Ball Wayne & Linda Carlson
Israel Tapick Polly Ball Susan Rhea Carney
Cornell & Betty Teoman Janet & Jerry Banks Thomas Carr
Nancy Thompsen John Richard Banoczi Jean Carrus
Carol Thorburn Barbara & Roderick Barr Castle Foundation Inc.
George & Carol Tielsch Barbara Wall Barrett & Nate & Karen Cheney
Lowell Trask William Chodirker
Alton & Julie Tybout Charles Barrett Jean C.King
Van Patten Estate Stuart & Patricia Barton Lewis & Judy Clark
Craig Vickers Bartush Family Cliff & Ginger Thiede
Jean Viereck Charles Cohen
Lonna A. Wais Foundation Barbara & Sheldon Cohn
Joseph & Dee Wambaugh Olga Jane Battisti Linda Cole
Virginia Waring Babette “Babs” Bay Clifton Cole
Eric & Evelene Wechsler Mary Becker Stan & Carole Cole
Roger & Brenda Jane Beggs Desiree Collings
Dick Bell Richard Columbus
Weinstock Lilo Bendixen Karen Comeau
John & Judy Wempe Nancy Benson Gary G. Conover
William J. Wink Mary & Tom Bernstein Robert Cook
Carole Wright Cheryl Bester Susan Cook
Oscar Wright, Jr. Bill & Joanne Chunowitz Phyllis & Alan Cooper
John & Bette Yee Mr. & Mrs. Carl Birnberg Luis Cordero
Jean Blake Donna Craig
Donors of $100 or Charlotte S. Blank Nancy Crandall
Greater Paul Blum John & Nicole Criste
Borax Family Charitable Joanne Crouch
09/1/16 to 08/31/17 David & Sue Cummings
Fund Janet & Gordon
Paula & Mike Adams Irma Brodie
Alpha Delta Kappa Bruce & Rebecca Kelleran Cunningham
Kathleen A. Anamosa Grady Bruce Nancy & Thomas
Anderson Children’s John Bruk
David Bryant Cunningham
Foundation Martin Buchwald Anthony F. Daddino
Anita B. & Howard S. Rosemarie & Dean
Richmond Foundation Buntrock
Edward Anixter
Martin Appel
Presented by the Rancho Mirage Public Library Foundation 29
Library Donors 1995-Present
Karla Dally Jerry & Sheila Freeman John R Heckenlively
Lo Ouita Daniel
Donna Jean Darby Merilee Frets Don Hedgepath
Perry Datwyler & John
Beth Fromm & Ronald Renee Heller
Jacobs Sharrow Elaine Henderson
Mary Ellen Denman Julie Henthorn & Bob
Catherine Devine The Gall Family Fund
Dr. Harold Diamond Melvin & Vera Gabel Schneider
Marge Dodge
Joan & Hillary Don Barry Gaines Diana Herkimer
Martha Drayton
Jacqueline Drucker Jane Gappelberg Helen Herman & Jack
Judith Eagan Christine & Michael Talan
Allen & Marilyn Eager
Sean Ryan Everett Gennet Lee Hixon
Stephen & Rosanne Ezer
Arlene & Mel Fages George & Lois Fine William Hoadley
Jo Hannah Falk
Jeffrey & Suzanne Feder Cora & Ted Ginsberg Kathy Horneck
Barbara Feldman
Patricia Ferguson Carol & Ed Gleckman- Bernard & Paulette
George & Dorie Ferrone Oliver Horwich
Richard & Hazel Fields
L. Michael & Denise Morton Godlas Frances Horwich
Finch Barbara & Steve Gold Paul & Darlene Howard
Florence Finer
Ted FioRito Jr. Carol & Phil Goldsmith Barbara Hughey
Robert & Janice Flamer
Glory & Larry Fleisher Kris Gonzales Paul & Ardis Huizenga
Elyse Fleming
Carol Wright, ℅ Joyce Gordon Marge Humphreys
Grousemont Foundation Barry & Sarah Gowen Mary Lou Huntzinger
Hoffman Charitable
Grace Helen Spearman Beverly Irom
Foundation Charitable Foundation Marie Jackson
Ida M. & J.W. Jameson Deborah & Arthur
Gary & Carol Granger
Foundation William Graven Jacobson
The Fremont Foundation
The Granovsky Family Ruth & Darwin Green Herbert & Loreen
Elizabeth & Charles Guber Jacobson
Foundation Dr. & Mrs. Morton Gubin Barton & Judie Johnson
Larry Fox and Gail Baum Dr. & Mrs. W. David
Joan Foxx Mary Gullikson Jones
Donald & LaRue Hadley
Lola C. Hagadone Carol & Larry Jones
Dorys America Steve & Barbara Jones
David Kabler
Pamela Hallam
Mimi Kamenar
Carole Ann Haller
Karlene & Richard Garber
Marcella Halter
Andrew Katnik
Kay Hanson
Alan Kemble & Sally
Steve Hanson Albers
Bill Harmon & Karen
Louise Kermode
The Harold A. Linstone Roger King
Trust Richard Kite
30 Presented by the Rancho Mirage Public Library Foundation
Library Donors 1995-Present
Alicia & Ken Knox Ken Maxwell & Dick Daniel O’Brien
Gloria Korngold & Redman Ioan Ochsner
Richard & Carolyn O’Linn
Richard Speer Fay McClung Oliver Olsen
Gordon & Eve Kramer Juanita & Cliff Russell & Suzanne Orkin
Michael & Patricia Lynne Devries
McCormick Douglas & Marilyn
Kremin Eloise McCuskey
Rita & Edward Kroll Kathryn McDermott Ostman
Sue Kubly Alona McFarland Richard & Eleanor Oths
Rosanne Kumins Linda & John McNamara Sandie Ovesen & Michael
Kai & Cal Kushen Barbara Dixon McReal
Joseph & Myrna Laguess James Mead Cohen
Elfred & Mary Lampe Matt Mealey Bob Packwood
Richard & Daryl Laner Charles Medalie Barbara N. & Robert S.
Arlette Lea James & Evangeline Meek
Jeanne & Tony Lehman Peggy Merica Paget
Stephan Leonoudakis Patrice & Grady Merritt Ray & Pat Paige
Elliott & Rosanne Levin Dennis S. Mileti Claudette R. Pais
Sonia & Seymour Dr. Charles M. Monell Joyce Palmer
Robin Monsky Pamela Pandza
Levinthal Jerome Morgan Bud & Sharon Parker
Annette & Dwayne Lewis Lyn Chernis & Dr. Bob David & Colleen Pascale
Jason & Marjory Lewis Vicki Pass
Merle Lewis Morris Jeanne Pauls
Haddon Libby Larry & Bobbie Morris Mr. & Mrs. Martin
Stuart Licht Murrey Morrow & Judith
Pat Liedtke Pearlman
Edward E. Linse Widmer Jean Penn
Literary Society of the Sandy Mossbrook Lou & Faye Phillips
Mr. & Mrs. Michael John H. Pimm
Desert Barbara Platt
Jim & Ann Loeb Isserman Pauline Prickett
Connie & Bob Lurie Frances P. Muir Allen & Margaret Pusch
Janice Lyle James Munro Ruth & Kathy Raheb-
Elsie Lynn & Frances Michael Napoli
Marcia & Irwin Narter Sorensen Family
Palmer Bernadine Neisen Rancho Mirage Woman’s
Carol Mahoney Alan & Carole Nelson
Susan Mammel Charles & Nancy Nevil Club
Pat & Joe Manhart John Newburger Richard & Patricia Reed
Harold & Dede Marchick DeeAnn & Larry Nichols Les & Lois Reese
Barbara Marks Richard Nicholson Nancy Reid
Robert B. & Suzanne J. Tilmann & Ann Faith Rendell
Diana & John Ressler
Martin Noeggerath Margaret Reynolds
Michael & Ogniana Joseph & Donna Nunziato Robert & Marion
Masser Rosenthal
Presented by the Rancho Mirage Public Library Foundation 31
Library Donors 1995-Present
Vincent Romano Julian & Judith Stahl Wally & Bettsy Preble
Stuart Starr Susan Lort Walpert
Lawrence Rosenberg Carol & Jerry Stein Lynne & Steve
Marcia & Rick Stein
David & Young Lai Marc & Shari Stewart Washington
Rothstein Sam & Victoria Stickles Paula E. Watson
Lester & Joan Strouse E.E. Weaver
Sam Rousso Dick & Patti Stumbaugh Sabina & John Weil
Maja Ruetschi, MD Donald & Maureen Weill Family Trust
Marcia Rutledge Edwin Weinberg
Adele Ruxton Sullivan Marlyne & David Weiner
Ellen & William Sachs Joanne & Dominick Howard Weinstein
Diane & Fred Sagan JoAnn Wellner
Peter & Rhoda Samuels Summa Jr. Jeff Welton
Cressey & George Sayre Roberta Susskind John & Judy Wempe
William & Doris Scanlin James Sutton Bates Westerberg
Dulcie & Walter Ellen Sweeney-Clawson Michael & Barbara Wexler
Ron & Natalie Tambor Louis White
Schackman Mike Temple Lewis & Patricia Whitney
Phyllis & Gary Schahet Cornell & Betty Teoman Else Widman
Mary Davey Schambach The Brian & Patricia Julie Winston
Robin Westin Schmit Glenn K. Wolf
Renee & Herbert A. Herman Fund at Keith & Leslie Woods
Community Foundation Drs. Jane & Morton
Schneider Santa Cruz County
Jackie Schroeder The Herman & Faye Woolley
Cynthia Selberg Sarkowsky Charitable Richard Woolley
Norman & Barbara Foundation Deryl Word
The Labow Family Trust Robert & Marilyn Yassin
Sepenuk Robert Thom John & Bette Yee
Ray & Jean Sexton David & Cindy Thomas Doug Young
Dr. Pravin & Katherine Jim & Susan Thompson Ellen & Bill Yuracko
Sharon Thompson James & Janet Zampetti
Shah John Tiritilli Claire Zimmer
Bernard & Lois Shapiro V. Ferris Todd Helen Zimmerman
Penny Shaw Ladda Toelkes
Barbara Sherman Charles Townsend Lifetime Members
Nan Aune Shipp Carole R. Vaughan
Barbara A. Shirley Craig & Junior Vickers Kaye & L.E. Alford
Marilyn & Josh Shubin Aleta Vinzant Bernice & Paul Alloy
Roy & Linda Sinclair Lonna A. Wais Shirley Alton-Chapnick
Larry & Cindy Sipkin Lynn Walker Marjorie & Richard
Michael Smith & Carl Robert Walker & Ernest
Phinney Ameny
Gilmore Judith Wallis Jean Arley
Don & Jennifer Smith
Julian Smith
Maureen Smith
Iris & Thom Smotrich
Henry Sonenshein
32 Presented by the Rancho Mirage Public Library Foundation
Library Donors 1995-Present
Auen Foundation Lester Deutsch Helen Herman & Jack
Ayco Charitable Catherine Devine Talan
Salli Dick
Foundation Gerard & Diane Dirkx Mario & Rosemary
Janet & Jerry Banks Joan Dodge Hernandez
Joseph Bartush Swami Dolin
Kay Bell William & Jan Dorsey Vicki & Dana Hobart
Kenneth Bernotas Thieu Duong Barbara Hochberg
Dorothy Lyons Berns E. & H. Chernis Horner Family Foundation
Morris & Ruth Beschloss Jim Houston
Mary Ellen & Cooper Foundation Larry Hudack
Bruce Ettinger Marjorie W. Hyman
Blanton Fidelity Chairtable Gift Marie Jackson
Charmaine Blatt Jerre Jennings
Robert Borns Fund Michael Craft Johnson
Lyndsy Bowcott Joan & John Firmage Tom Johnson
Linda Bray Norman Forrester & Bill Judy Peck Foundation
Dennis & Tere Britton Beatrice & Victor Kane
William & Gloria Burch Griffin Lily Kanter
Virginia & Richard Byrd The Foundation for Jewish Katherine J. Andrews
Joseph Cantrell
Jean Carrus Philanthropies Foundation
Castle Foundation Inc. Andrea Best & Calvin Fox Linda & Edward Kazazian
Margery Chapman Diane Fox Susan King
William F. Coan Elaine Frank Richard Kite
Coeta & Donald Barker Marian Frenkel Irene Koch
Geri Friedman Margaret Koster
Foundation Christina Gantz Paula & Vern Kozlen
Edward & Eva Cohon Carolyn & Robert Michael & Patricia
Clifton Cole & Scott
Goldberg Kremin
Smith Dorothy Goldstein William Kroonen
Valerie & Kyle Coltman Beverly Rubens Gordon Pat Bush Kruse
Lee Comisar Vicki & Herb Grayson Dorothy Kulvin
Sally Contant The Greater Cincinnati L. & I. Barnett Charitable
Robert Cook
Pat & Arthur Coombs Foundation Foundation
Caroline Cooperman Gary & Maria Greenwald Steve Lachs & Michael
Robert & Cynthia Cramer Marcy & Ron Gregory
Peggy Cravens Shirley & Earl Greif Ruvo
Carole Cushmore Deborah Grindall Ellie Lavin
Carol & Raleigh DeBow Paul Hagle Martin Lax
Joseph & Ann DeLuca Kay Hanson Arlette Lea
Sally Cherry Dempsey Dan & Joan Hauserman Claire Lehr
Elizabeth Demyanek Dr. Bettie A. Henry Mel Lehrman
Diana Herkimer Irving & Dorothy Levy
The Brian & Patricia A. Wendy Portman Lewis
Herman Fund
Presented by the Rancho Mirage Public Library Foundation 33
Library Donors 1995-Present
Ann Lindberg Evert & Norma Person Roger Sorensen
Los Feliz Foundation Joann & Gifford Phillips Edna Spaulding
Evelyn Lyons Lou & Faye Phillips Francie Y. Brown Spears
Gerald Macenas Al & Dolly Piano Linda Starr
Patt Mannino George Plavec Donald & Wanda Stein
Lee Manuel Patrick M. Pratt Stephen Philibosian
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald D. Barry Ralph & Curtis
Marsee Ringness Jackie Story
Eileen Mason Helen Reinsch Joanne & Dominick
Michael & Ogniana Don Reuben
Mary & Charles Rich Summa Jr.
Masser Mr. & Mrs. Bart Rivin Ruth Tallman
Michael G. McCafferty Diane Robertson Judith Tamkin
Edeltraud & Patrick Janice Davis Robson Israel Tapick
Ann & Don Rogers Ralph Tash
McCarthy Diane Roland Edward Thayer
Juanita & Cliff Carolee Rosenberg The Three Sisters
Susan & Robert Rossi
McCormick Rotary Club of Rancho Foundation
Don McIntosh Ladda Toelkes
Vivian McIntosh Mirage T.A. Toussoun
Lucy Meepos Helen Ruvelas Lowell Trask
Lou Mello Richard Sara Jean Viereck
Ruth & Arnold Meltsner Virginia & Richard Saville Roen Viscovich
Carole Seifer Miller Nancy & Marty Mary Jo Meade Wallace
Cheryl & Jim Miller Joseph & Dee Wambaugh
Dr. Charles M. Monell & Schechtman Virginia Waring
Seymour Schlesinger Frank R. Warren
Dr. Gerald E. Benston Judith & Donald E.E. Weaver
Jerome Morgan Eric & Evelene Wechsler
Edith Morrey Schliessman Thomas & Lainie Weil
Lyn Chernis & Dr. Bob Janice Schmid Weill Family Trust
Richard & Mary Schneller Rosella Weissman
Morris Jean Scripps Meg Whitcomb
Cindy & Morris Muscatel Lenore Shapiro Lewis & Patricia Whitney
Benard Myerson Sheldon Revocable Trust Sandra Woodson
Virginia & Graydon Nan Aune Shipp Drs. Jane & Morton
Mitchell Simon
Nichols Roy & Linda Sinclair Woolley
Doris & Robert O’Neill Ruth & Al Siteman Eilean Wuhl
Claudette R Pais Gordon Smale M. J. Young
Barbara Palm Mary Small
Bernadette Paradis Claire Smith
Sanford Paris
Paul L. Newman -
Newman’s Own
Dorothy Paulson
34 Presented by the Rancho Mirage Public Library Foundation
Date Time Description
Oct 4 5:30-7:00 pm Family Night: Fire Safety Week
Oct 7 2-4 pm Palm Springs Writers Guild
Oct 9 4-5 pm Kids Book Discussion Group: Everything on a Waffle
Oct 11 7-8 pm Music: Kait Dunton Jazz Trio
Oct 13 10-11:30 am Book Discussion Group: H is for Hawk
Oct 16 2-3 pm Sunnylands Lecture @ RMPL: Prepare for an Earthquake Like an Expert!
Oct 18 9 am-5 pm Fall Book Sale Bounty
Oct 19 9 am-5 pm Fall Book Sale Bounty
Oct 20 9 am-3 pm Fall Book Sale Bounty
Oct 24 2-4 pm A Continuing Conversation with Morris Beschloss and Steve Kelly
Oct 25 5-6 pm Kids' LEGO Club
Oct 28 2:30-5:30 pm Family Halloween Happenings
Oct 31 2-3 pm Lecture: Hiking in the Coachella Valley
Nov 1 5:30-7:00 pm Family Night: Harvest Craft Night
Nov 1 7-8 pm Music: The Steinway Society Presents Joel & Justin Oswari, Pianists
Nov 4 2-4 pm Palm Springs Writers Guild
Nov 6 2-3:30 pm Film: Jason Bruecks Presents Cosmic Journey
Nov 8 2-3 pm Author: Charlie Lovett—The Lost Book of the Grail
Nov 9 2-3 pm Lecture: USAF Suicide Flights of the Cold War
Nov 10 10-11:30 am Book Discussion Group: And There Was Light
Nov 13 2-3:30 pm Film: Jason Bruecks Presents The Invisible Ray
Nov 13 4-5 pm Kids Book Discussion Group: Moo
Nov 14 2-3 pm Lecture: Owls and Other Crepuscular Night Birds of the Southwest
Nov 15 7-8 pm Music: Judy Wexler with the Josh Nelson Trio
Nov. 16 2-5 pm Film: RMWF Foundation Presents Patton
Nov 20 2-3:30 pm Film: Jason Bruecks Presents It Came from Outer Space
Nov 29 5-6 pm Kids' LEGO Club
Nov 30 2-3 pm Author: Mark Shaw—The Reporter Who Knew Too Much—Dorothy
Dec 2 2-4 pm Palm Springs Writers Guild
Dec 4 2-3 pm Lecture: Billie Holiday—Her Life and Music
Dec 6 5:30-7:00 pm Family Night: DIY Holiday Ornaments
Dec 6 7-8 pm Cultural Commission presents: Gerald Colucci, Vocalist
Dec 7 9-4 pm Premium Book Sale
Dec 7 2-3 pm An Afternoon of Poetry
Dec 8 9-4 pm Premium Book Sale
Dec 8 10-11:30 am Book Discussion Group: The Rosie Project
Dec 11 4-5 pm Kids Book Discussion Group: One Amazing Elephant
Dec 12 2-3 pm Music: The Joslyn Singers
Dec. 14 2-4 pm Film: RMWF Foundation Presents Kramer vs. Kramer
Dec 20 7-8 pm Music: Ken Dahleen and His Big Band Staff
Dec 27 5-6 pm Kids' LEGO Club
Presented by the Rancho Mirage Public Library Foundation 35
71-100 Highway 111, Rancho Mirage, CA 92270