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Moments in Flight: A Memoir by Jo-Ann Vega
Set in the last half century of transformative cultural change, Jo-Ann Vega’s memoir chronicles personal voyages of discovery beyond traditional boundaries of gender and culture. It begins with an extended eulogy to the immigrants of the south Bronx and the children who played on the streets without parental supervision—with horse-drawn vegetable and fruit wagons, malocchio, bocce, macaroni in numbered boxes, Uncle Dan the bookie, and Mickey Mantle and Yogi Berra at Yankee Stadium. Vega details the impact of her famiglia’s relocation to suburbia, and her own coming of age during the relentless cultural upheavals of the 1960s and 1970s. She then seamlessly forms a bridge to today and life after work and parents. Crafted from 40 years’ worth of writing and journaling, Moments in Flight also features useful websites, historical timelines, and a Book Club Discussion Guide. <br><br>

“Conceived in the optimism after the successful conclusion of WWII, I grew up in the 1950s in New York City, the ninth grandchild of immigrants from southern Europe who arrived in America in the first decades of the 20th century. I came of age during the birth of the social justice and anti-war movements of the early 1970s that presaged today’s world. I started writing then, to make sense of my world...”
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