Vol. 15, Issue 6 | William Mason High School | 6100 Mason Montgomery Road Mason, OH | 2.15.18
see story page 9 Photo by Tanner Pearson
2 News February 15, 2018
High school to implement ‘Hope Squads’ in attempt to prevent teenage suicide
New program to be adopted ‘18-’19 school year
Delaney Turner | Managing Editor student for solving your problem, but Photo by Delaney Turner
I am responsible for hearing, engaging Dr. Gregory Hudnall explains the Hope Squad’s format at a community presentation on Feb. 8.
Mason High School, there is hope. you and getting you help.’”
The Hope Squad, a peer to peer Provo City School District
counseling program aimed at prevent- Members of the Hope Squad will
ing teen suicide will launch at the high receive extensive training throughout Year Attempts/ Deaths by
school in the fall of 2018. On February 8, the academic year in topics surround- Threats suicide
Dr. Gregory Hudnall, former principal ing searching for signs of suicide and
and now nationally recognized suicide how to speak with peers that may be 1999 75 2
prevention advocate spoke to students, experiencing suicidal thoughts. After
faculty and families about this program conversation with a peer, Hope Squad 2000 111 0
he developed. members will then refer the student
In 2003, Hope Squads were piloted in to a Hope Squad advisor or a mental 2001 110 2
the Provo City School district in Utah health professional. Hudnall said the
and have since expanded across the program will take time to see success 2002 43 0
country. The student-based approach but will overall impact the high school
aims to lessen the stigma of suicide and in a positive way. 2003 53 2
produce organic conversation. Hudnall
said the benefit to peer nominations has “It changes the culture of the school,” 2004 134 1
increased conversation surrounding the Hudnall said. “It takes time; it does
topic of suicide. Students will nominate not happen overnight. It’s not a perfect Hope Squads Started
their peers and the top nominees will model, because we are not perfect hu-
be offered a spot on the piloted Hope man beings. But what it does do is it 2005 56 0
Squad. builds and provides that support.” 2006 70 0
“It is training peers how to recognize 2007 32 0
friends who are struggling and then Deputy Superintendent Jonathan 2008 24 0
having that courage to talk to them and Cooper said the district strived to con- 2009 23 0
get them help,” Hudnall said. “They sider student input when searching for 2010 39 0
are nominated by their peers, that is the solutions. 2012 52 0
value factor.” 2013 110 0
The Hope Squad’s introduction is in “We were looking for programs that
result of Mason’s fifth suicide in the had student leadership involved,” Coo- Graphic by Tanner Pearson
past eight years. With MHS’ staggering per said. “What we were hearing from Statistics from Hopesquad.com
population of nearly 3,600 students, our students was that students wanted
Hudnall said it is likely students can to have a voice in this process. We sent
feel unnoticed. a group of people out to investigate,
“(Mason) is a very large school; kids (Hope Squads) and we had other super-
get lost,” Hudnall said. “I think the intendents from around the area meet
Hope Squad helps even so that more together and say, ‘What can we do?’
students are going to get the help they That ground swell of excitement about
need.” this program that goes statewide gave
Set to launch in the fall of the 2018 ac- us confidence. There was evidence that
ademic year, Mason City Schools’ Public it was working that got us excited. “
Information Officer Tracey Carson
said the district is excited to introduce While the Hope Squads are not a fi-
a program that will begin a process of nal solution, Cooper said they will play
suicide prevention education. a vital role in expansion of a multi-step
With plans to begin the peer nomina- solution.
tion process this spring, Carson said the
power will lie in the hands of the stu- “Think of Hope Squad as this one
dents. Carson said the greatest benefit piece of a puzzle that we’re trying to put
comes from students having the ability together, one of the key bridges that
to have a voice. needs to be made,” Cooper said. “We’re
“Of those nominated students, 20 per- working on this with a couple of the or-
cent (are students) that (administrators) ganizations in the area like the Lindner
would not identify, and those kids may Center and Assurex Health. We want to
actually be the kids that are most con- bring them together to see if we have
nected with ‘at-risk’ kids,” Carson said. the community support that we need to
“I think that is the really exciting piece do this well.”
of Hope Squad in helping to make sure
that kids are not taking that burden Hudnall said the Hope Squad has
on. That, ‘I’m not responsible for doing greatly impacted the atmosphere of
the therapy, I am not responsible as a high schools in Utah, and is confident it
will continue into MHS.
“We are becoming more kind, we are
becoming more supportive and we are
understanding,” Hudnall said. “‘When
I see a friend struggling, I can talk to
them. I can have the courage to see how
they are doing and I can help.’”
February 15, 2018 News 3
Photos by Christy Ballard Senior Jack Davis makes a phone call in character in a dress re-
The student cast of ‘Dead Serious About Life’ prepares for their upcoming tour with a cast photoshoot in full costume.
hearsal for the upcoming show.
‘Dead Serious About Life’ to show at Mason Middle School
Andrea Hefferan | Staff Writer body that smokes weed. Things that it; get some help for it instead of just “When you make it real for some-
every kid goes through in my opinion.” shrinking back into the background and body, when you put it up on stage and
Forget High School Musical–now letting it happen like we traditionally everyone can see that it is happening,
there is a musical that truly shows what The problems the characters deal do with these sorts of issues.” and you can put yourself in those char-
goes on during the high school years. with can be seen affecting people at acters’ shoes, it has a greater gravity,”
Mason High School (MHS), according These powerful topics portrayed Davis said. “You read in the news all the
Dead Serious About Life is a musical to senior Jack Davis, who plays Spencer onstage greatly affect the audience. It time all of these terrible things that are
put on by Christian high schoolers who in the musical. However, the musical touches many as they see their lives or happening so much that we’ve almost
are part of the nonprofit Mishpachah, allows him to reach a much a wider those of others reflected back at them. become desensitized to them. But when
Inc. On March second and third, they audience than simply those he knows you see it unfold on that stage, it be-
are coming to Mason Middle School to at MHS. “Every show, you see people visibly comes much more real and it becomes
bring their message to Mason students. upset and crying after the show,” Davis something that you really have to be
Sophomore Dominic Bennett, who plays “I’ve had so many friends who said. “A girl came and asked for a hug aware of and just focus on.”
the character Brad, said the musical struggle with a lot of issues in the show and she came away crying; just lots of
starts out with a typical high school like cutting, suicide,” Davis said. “I’m things like that where you really see The majority of high schoolers will
party but delves deeper into personal only able to help so many people just that it shook them emotionally.” encounter at least one of the issues in
issues the characters have. by talking to them, but this is a way I the musical and many more already
can reach kids–I may never even meet The show does not end when the cur- have. Davis encourages all MHS stu-
“The musical is about these sixteen them, but I can change somebody’s life tain closes. When the production is over, dents to go to the March productions,
main characters who throw a party after through this.” the cast talks about their own struggles as what is represented in Dead Serious
Spencer’s parents leave to go some- and gives the audience the opportunity About Life affects everyone, may it be
where over the weekend,” Bennett said. One of the heavier subjects Dead Seri- to do the same. Davis said that this directly or not.
“It goes through what everyone is going ous About Life tackles is suicide. This is brings the experience full circle.
through in their lives. Then Andrew, particularly poignant for MHS because “Even if you may not struggle with
Spencer’s best friend, ends up commit- of the many suicides that have occurred “After the show we have a room all of the issues in the show, they are
ting suicide at the party. And it goes over the years. Davis hopes that having called the Listening Room. It’s a staff all around us,” Davis said. “Really hav-
on from there; how you get help after this as a central issue of the musical of volunteers; there are several psy- ing an open and understanding mind
that.” will allow people open up and discuss it chological professionals,” Davis said. in regards to these things can really
rather than distance themselves from it. “And the room is just full of people who help people deal with them. Maybe you
Each character in the musical has listen. We invite (the audience) back and know somebody that has struggled with
a different challenge in their life and (Suicide) is a very serious issue but they can talk about anything whether suicidal thoughts or actions and you
together cover almost everything that nobody wants to talk about it because it’s something as simple as a friend is know that you can’t just ignore it. Or
one could encounter in high school. you say the word ‘suicide’ and people shutting them out or something as seri- maybe you yourself struggle with some
get uncomfortable,” Davis said. “They ous as suicidal thoughts or actions. We of these things and you know you need
“I think 95% of the kids in this school don’t want anything to do with that. really do impact these people in a way to act. It moves you in a way that very
can relate to something in the play or Even after the suicide this year we had that not very many other things can.” few other things can.”
one of the characters because of every- the discussion in homeroom. Nobody
thing that’s going on,” Bennett said. “It’s talked, at least in my class. When you The choice of a musical as a medium
very diverse: there’s an alcoholic, there’s put it up on stage and make it real is one that maximizes the impact of the
a drug addict, there’s somebody who’s for somebody, you’re more likely to message. People seeing the situations
having issues in school, there’s some- encourage them to actually talk about happen right in front of them makes it
a lot more personal and close to home.
4 News February 15, 2018
School of Rock performers light up Night to Shine
Natalie Schickendantz | Staff Writer amusing the guests.
It was truly a night to shine. “When you’re on the stage you just want to
On February 9, School of Rock performed at
Night to Shine, a prom for individuals with spe- dance and join in on the fun,”Aube said. “The
cial needs. Throughout the night, participants
and their buddies, volunteers that had been kids can really tell when you’re being genuine
paired with them, circulated to karaoke and
game rooms, took photos by the red carpet and and it’s important for them that you’re enjoy-
danced to live music played by SOR.
Senior Haley Dardis has been with the SOR ing it, and if you’re up there having a great
band for six years but has never performed at
the prom. Dardis entered the room and became time they feel that.”
mesmerized by the amount of joy in one area.
According to Dardis, the event is unlike any Customarily the band performs and the audi-
“When you walk into the room, it’s just ence dances, however, at one point in the night
such a contagious energy,” Dardis said. “I’m so
thankful to be able to get onto the stage and the kids are invited onto the stage. The interac-
perform not only for, but with all the people, it
is truly an amazing experience.” tion between us and the kids, Aube said, creates
A musician becomes completely vulnerable
to a crowd when beginning a performance, an additional layer of direct contact which
Dardis said, bringing on an initial sense of stage
fight. makes the connection of fun even stronger.
“Usually I’m pretty nervous before I go up
on stage, but when the music starts, my nerves “We give them shakers and maracas and they
fade away.” Dardis said. “It’s really nice to have
fun on stage and dance along with the music can play and dance with us,”Aube said. “All of
while entertaining people in the crowd.”
When preparing for a gig the house band them are so nice and they absolutely love play-
hosts rehearsals, which are typically student
led. The musicians institute a responsibility ing with the band and they adore being up on
to memorize their parts individually, and as a
group, critique and fix any errors. This year, stage.”
the band played Wannabe by the Spice Girls.
Sophomore Leia Bulger continues celebrating A grand room is decorated with strings and Junior Elizabeth Aube (left) and senior Haley Dardis were the lead singers in
her first year playing with the house band as lights packed with happy faces. Aube said this the School of Rock’s peformance of Wannabe by the Spice Girls.
guitar and piano player. Bulger said the School is one performance without nerves because the
of Rock is a relaxed learning environment with
two friendly directors ready to have fun whilst fun diminishes any anxiety.
playing music.
“During rehearsals one of our lead singers “Even if you mess up notes they’re so excited
was gone so our director stepped in,” Bulger
said. “We were practicing Wannabe by Spice and they’re just so happy to be here,” Aube said.
Girls and he had to fill in as lead singer, watch-
ing a grown man break down to a girls anthem “It’s a really unique experience I’ve never seen
made everyone laugh and have a good time.”
There’s nothing like connecting to your audi- something to this extent. It’s so big there’s so
ence until they are performing by your side. It
creates a special bond, Bulger said, playing my much room and there’s so much decorating.”
guitar next to a stranger who’s lost in the music
like I am. At School of Rock there is a dedicated focus
“To be honest I was really nervous but when
I saw the kids dancing on stage and having fun on rock and roll, however, the prom students
that just made me happy.” Bulger said. “It’s not
like we’re on stage and they’re the audience, learn more dance and pop numbers. With
they come and join us they’re part of our show
so I think it’s really cool.” hours weekly being put into rehearsal, the stu-
The chant of the night is to have fun. Senior
Elizabeth Aube rejoices her fourth time per- dents are excited to perform and determined to
forming at Night to Shine. In the past, Aube
praised the event for the happiness and fun it please a crowd. Aube said musicians constantly
brings. Aube said the entire atmosphere is dif-
ferent from a typical gig, where the main focus adapt to new rhythm and a change of genre
is performing technique, but instead it’s about
keeps them rounded.
“It’s a change of pace and it gives us some-
thing new to play,” Aube said. “Dance music
is really fun to play; it might not be 80 notes
in every single song, but it always has a good
groove to it.”
Senior and returning buddy Seth Herbert
enjoyed another prom this year on red car- Participants were invited to dance on stage next to the School of Rock musi-
pet duty. The entrance is transformed into a cians.
runway embellished with colorful decorations
and accompanied with loud paparazzi. Herbert
said one of the best moments of the night is
greeting everyone at the door and seeing their
faces light up.
“They come in, they get their buddy, they
come through the door and we are as loud
as possible and clapping, trying to get them
ampt up for the night,” Herbert said. “Some-
times the more sensitive people ask us to be
quiet so we shake our hands and smile.”
In many cases the guests did not have an
opportunity to go to their own school dance,
but this event serves as just the occasion.
Herbert said after hearing the guests’ stories
you become aware of the limited opportunities
they have.
It’s a good experience for them because
some had complications growing up,” Herbert
said. “Some were not accepted or welcomed
to their dance so this is where we try to bring
back their childhood a little bit and give them Photos by Nathalie Schickendantz.
something special.” Prom goers enjoy rocking out alongside the band at Night to Shine.
February 15, 2018 News 5
Student Senior Ahmed Ashraf accepts senior Lauren Schaffer’s proposal to the Sadie Hawkins dance. Fox Allen, student activities director at
MHS, said she hopes for enough ticket
Government Photos by Kaitlin Lewis sales to donate a good amount to the
Reversing the status-quo, Schaffer asks Ashraf to Mason’s first winter dance. foundation.
partners with
includes paperwork, proposals, and put up $5,000 towards Sadie Hawkins, “The elementary schools all have a
clubs to put presentations. Aldrich and Wellage had which will eventually be recuperated specific fundraiser they do every year
to take into account budgeting, ticket through ticket sales. The remaining to help raise funds for the foundation,”
on first winter sales, and where potential profits would profit made by sales will go to the Fox Allen said. “We’re trying to make
end up. To get the dance started, StuGo Mason City School foundation. Lori high schoolers a little more aware of all
dance the foundation does.”
Kaitlin Lewis | Staff Writer In contrast to homecoming and
prom, Sadie’s is intended to be more
Girls are taking control into their casual. The intentions were not to make
own hands and asking guys to Mason’s another even that students felt they had
first ever winter dance. to spend a lot of money toward in order
to make the night fun. Wellage encour-
Taking place this Saturday, Febru- ages girls to wear dresses that they al-
ary 17, the theme of the night is Sadie ready own, and to create the outfit from
Hawkins, flipping the status-quo and accessories in their closet. Guys are
encouraging girls to ask guys. Senior encouraged to wear khakis and a nice
co-chairs Collin Aldrich and Lindsey button-down shirt, nothing that should
Welage decided work in collaboration require rentals, Fox Allen said.
with National Honor Society (NHS)
and Students Involving and Befriend- “We are trying to not make it seem
ing Students (SIBS) to assist in Student like homecoming,” Fox Allen said.
Government’s (StuGo) undertaking. “Girls don’t need to get their hair or
nails done, no one needs to buy new
“That was a big argument when get- things. Just come and have fun.”
ting the dance approved,” Aldrich said.
“It is all about collaboration. StuGo, On top of being relaxed, the winter
NHS, and SIBS had never partnered up dance is a chance for all of MHS, fresh-
before.” man to senior, to come together. Al-
drich and Wellage said they wanted to
The board behind the dance is create an event that underclassmen can
comprised of representatives of all look forward during second semester,
three clubs. In addition to Aldrich and while before, homecoming was the only
Wellage, juniors Jordan Loewe and school dance they could attend. The
Madisen Bangs will represent Student Sadie Hawkins dance is offered to all
Government, seniors Yash Sirvastava four grades, bringing the whole school
and Preetham Kastury for NHS, and se- together for the fun.
nior Kevin Morrissey and junior Nicole
Kaldas for SIBS. Wellage said that the winter dance
is an event all four grades at MHS can
Getting an event approved at MHS look forward two during these cold
months second semester.
“Underclassmen only get to go to
prom if they are asked,” Wellage said.
“That was a big reason for the dance,
too. So that all of Mason has an event to
be excited about.”
6 Feature February 15, 2018
AP Computer Science students use outside network following hacking incident
Alexandra Lisa | Staff Writer “Mr. Kummer doesn’t tell us directly who is looking for a career in Network Musa Khan, senior
how to hack; that’s somewhat bad teach- Security. Senior Musa Khan has already
Access granted. Welcome to the digi- ing,” Cooper said. “He’s never taught found himself in a leading role in a Kent Cooper, senior
tal side of Mason High School. us how to get into a system, most of business.
that happens when we go looking for Greg Kummer,
Greg Kummer’s Advanced Placement it outside of class. In fact, Mr. Kummer “Me and a group of seven other AP Computer Science teacher
Computer Science (AP CS) classes teach has a list of kids who might be able to individuals got together over the sum-
students how to handle and master do something like that, and I’m almost mer with a serial entrepreneur,” Khan Photos by Alexandra Lisa
computer code, opening the door for certain I’m on the list; most kids in AP said. “We were tasked with starting a
them to pursue technology majors and CS are on that list.” company, and so as a team we built the
careers in the future. Many of those web platform, and then the business
students seek opportunities outside of Kummer has confirmed that he does plan, from scratch, and then at the end
the classroom to use their skills, finding have such a list and that he has had of the summer we had some adventure
the extent of what they can do with to point out several students through- capitalists who we pitched to and they
computer code. out the years who administration has gave us an evaluation of what our com-
wanted to keep an eye on. pany was worth. So we have the whole
It is through this outside explora- demo done; now we’re doing some user
tion that a select group of Mason High “I tell my kids, you take this class, testing and we’re planning on making it
School students have discovered how to you’re putting a big target on your go completely live in March.”
hack into networks and manipulate the back,” Kummer said. “Because if any-
code that makes them work. Kummer thing goes wrong with the network, Khan said the point of the website is
himself is fully aware of their abilities the first person they come to see is me. to allow for more open access to what
and said in previous years, he has had I have a list of kids to point out to (ad- would have been in-person meetings in
students who have hacked into the ministration), and they’ll ask me if they the name of information seeking.
school’s network for a prank. would know how to do it, and if they’re
my students, they probably do.” “It’s a college consulting service
“There was a networking class I where we connect those applying to
taught, where you have to use what they While he does enforce his students’ college with college undergrads to get
call command dos prompts,” Kummer staying off of the school network in advice on FAFSA, student loans, general
said. “One of the commands you can do his classroom, Kummer approves of applications and scholarship applica-
is something call ‘net-send.’ That was what he calls ‘ethical hacking,’ which tions,” Khan said. “Right now we’re start-
the way people could text; you’d send is simply his students exploring their ing to see that a lot of kids are having
a message from one computer’s IP- environment. to spend hundreds of dollars to get any
address to another’s. We had a kid who sort of college help, so now we’ve made
took that to a tenth degree; he hacked in “You jump on a computer, and you that more accessible.”
and found the IP-addresses of the lunch are able to sit at a computer and just
computers and sent a message that said explore,” Kummer said. “As far as I’m As computers continue to domi-
“The Mason Police are watching you” to concerned, hacking is getting used to nate more and more of everyday life,
the computer in the cafeteria. The lunch your environment. Now, you’ve gotta computer programming in general is
ladies had a heart attack, and when they have the ethics and integrity that you becoming an increasingly important
found him, he got a 10-day-suspension.” won’t mess with somebody else’s stuff, skill. Kummer said he firmly believes
but there is a way to do it where it’s that simply knowing how to get around
Kent Cooper, a senior in Mr. Kum- nothing more than an educational tool, the system establishes a different kind
mer’s AP CS class, said the school has just as much as my class is.” of thought process that can help in any
since taken measures to prevent such field.
an incident but believes that they could Cooper agrees that hacking is more
still get into the network if they tried. regular for a programmer than a lot “The person who finds a cure for can-
of people think and said he is actually cer is going to be a Computer Scientist
“They realized that if you put a bunch planning on becoming a ‘white-hat and a Medical Doctor; whoever is going
of computer nerds in a room, we’re go- hacker’ as his career. to solve world hunger is going to be a
ing to figure out how to do some pretty Computer Scientist and a Geneticist,”
nasty things,” Cooper said. “Now we’re “There are basically three types of Kummer said. “Computer Science is a
on a completely different network than hacking,” Cooper said. “There’s white- tool. It’s your other passion, what you
the rest of the computers in the school, hat hacking, which is when a company do with that data-in and data-out, that’s
but yeah, I think we could still get in if pays you to hack into their program, going to have what it takes to change
we wanted to. It would probably be re- and then you tell them how you did it, the world.”
ally hard getting anything worthwhile, so they can patch up the holes in their
but right now, I think I could access any program. There’s gray-hat hacking, Kummer said that a lot of Computer
person’s computer right now and for which is where you go in, then you con- Science revolves around mathematics,
the most part anyone’s H-Drive. Most of tact the person who owns the network but it is very different from math classes
the kids in AP CS don’t care--there’s not you hacked into, and you say, ‘So, I got because students learn what to do with
much in your H-Drive that’s going to into these places in your network. If you that information.
make a difference--but I guarantee you pay me, I’ll tell you how.’ That’s kind
there is a way to get deeper. There is a of the moral-gray area. Then there’s “I taught math for years, and if you
way, and we could find it.” black-hat hacking, which is when you gave me a chance between math and
are officially breaking the law and steal- computer programming, it’s not a
Cooper said a lot of what they could ing credit card information or blocking contest,” Kummer said. “Math hasn’t
do is reigned in within the classroom someone out of their program until changed for 3,000 years. Computer pro-
and within the school. they pay.” gramming is just getting started.”
Cooper is not the only AP CS student
February 15, 2018 7
8 Feature February 15, 2018
Junior Daniel Caal sports a typical outfit he wears. The trench Luke Hutchinson | Online Editor to represent through his appearance is
coat is a wide collared double breasted coat and the hat is a Some things never go out of style. the 1920’s.
classic fedora. The suit is three pieces (jacket, vest, pants) all In the past, a dandy was a male who
wool, made particularly for the winter. The tie is tied in a kent “I’m mostly into classic American
knot and the pointed shirt collar collar is secured with a silver placed particular importance upon literature from the 1920’s and all of
collar pin. The cain is an optional accessory its engravings are physical appearance, refined language style from that time,” Caal said. “Some
baced off styles from the Victorian era in London. And finally the and leisurely hobbies. Dandyism was of that style is gone, but some is still
pocket watch can be worn in a single or double strand. the expectation for 19th century up- there. I try to bring back the time
per class Englishmen; it was a style period through different things like
marked with excessive refinement. For wearing pocket watches on different
junior Daniel Caal, it is a lifestyle that vests, and collar pins instead of tie
fits within his daily routine. Caal said clips, because they are more flashy.”
he started holding himself to a high
regard as a seventh grader. No matter the time period Caal is
looking to style after, he said there are
“In seventh grade, I began liking a countless number of combinations
photos of people wearing nice stuff,” he can choose from, and that is what
Caal said. “I tried it out with simple makes the hobby worth it.
things like jackets with plain shirts, but
it wasn’t anything big. It got bigger in “There are too many combinations
eighth grade, and I transformed imme- of outfits,” Caal said. “You have to take
diately. I’ve been developing my style in the informal pants, formal pants,
over the years.” different shoes, multiple jackets, casual
jackets and ties. There is so much that
The term ‘dandy’ has become mostly you can do and it’s pretty insane. I’m
obsolete, but the refined behavior has always wearing something different.”
stuck around, now being referred to
as the ‘dapper’ lifestyle by modern Music and fashion go hand in hand
fashion enthusiasts. Caal said he enjoys within the dapper lifestyle. Caal said
partaking in this new global trend another reason he cares about the
despite being in high school. 1920’s is because of the music genres
that were introduced, but the 1970’s
“The dapper lifestyle is kind of a and 1980’s are in close second.
new thing that people do,” Caal said.
“On social media these days, there are “Music is definitely part of the dap-
actually a lot of people from all over per lifestyle too,” Caal said. “I enjoy
the world that dress dapper and they music from the 1920’s, like I love
all seem to know each other. I know boogie-woogie and jazz on piano. Music
models from Melbourne, Australia who can be paired to style so easily, and
dress extremely nice and inspire me in it’s just great to think about all those
my own place, because this is a strange different things that go back in time. I
place to do it.” also enjoy true cultural artists from the
70’s and 80’s like Michael Jackson and
While the lifestyle is expensive, Caal James Brown.”
said he learned to become a strategi-
cally discounted buyer as he expanded While the lifestyle requires commit-
upon various brands to fit his ward- ment and planning, Caal said he expe-
robe. rienced the most trouble in the begin-
ning, while he tried to feel comfortable
“It is an expensive hobby, but once around his peers.
you have been doing it for a while, you
kind of get good at deals and bargain- “It took me a long time to get over
ing; you know when to buy,” Caal said. the fact that people were judging me
“I kind of mix things around. I wear as I developed outfits gradually,” Caal
cotton from Guatemala and differ- said. “For so long there was always
ent brands like Calvin Klein and Van more people I would meet that would
Heusen. You can try different things be like ‘Why are you dressed like that
out, you don’t have to be partial to one so often?’ but it suddenly went away. I
brand.” hated the middle school environment,
but I at least tried back then. I started
As decades are often characterized switching up casual Friday into wear-
by the particular fashion, music and ing full-on suits. Right now, I’m at the
literature that lived on during their point where people are so used to see-
specific time, Caal said his favorite one ing me this way that they don’t even
ask. Now I see school as just going out
and looking nice.”
8 Feature February 15, 2018
UP IN SMOKE It is for these reasons that the
Nationwide surge in MHS administration is so concerned
Alekya Raghavan | Staff Writer vape usage hits about underage and illegal vaping.
Mason, causing The Mason Police Department, how-
As administrators crack down on administrative ever, is less involved. Officer Nick
vaping, the popular student pastime headache Fantini, the high school Resource
is going up in smoke. Officer, said that underage vaping is
are vaping for the social benefits. Photo by Tanner Pearson not a major concern for the Mason
The use of electronic cigarettes “Our concern is, with the violation PD because it is does not have the
or vapes has become a regular activ- products. In a study conducted by same criminal implications as other
ity for many kids at MHS. Students of school code of conduct, the well- the University of North Carolina, substances like alcohol.
partake in vaping by means of being of the students who are doing e-cigarettes triggered the same im-
inhaling vapor from vape pens, mods this,” Rompies said. “I don’t know if mune responses as normal cigarettes. “The police don’t have much to do
or JUULs. Last year, the number of they’re aware of all the health risks with underage vaping because it’s not
school suspensions for vaping was that are associated with this. It’s very There is also the danger of criminalized,” Fantini said. “It’s ille-
five. This year, it is 23 and rising. much the trendy thing to do-- that’s a nicotine addiction. According to gal, but there’s different types of law.
lot of the student input we get when the American Lung Association 68, This is not criminalized. Our tackling
Typically, high schools have we ask why they would choose to do percent of nicotine addicts began the it is really going to the source. We
outlined provisions for tobacco this at school.” addiction before they were 18. The more look at it from the angle of
use in the school’s Student Code of National Institute for Drug Abuse stores selling to people under the age
Conduct. Mason High School’s Code Health concerns have arisen from has reported that 30.7 percent of of 18.”
of Conduct prohibits “buying, selling, e-cigarettes as they have been found e-cigarette users pick up a habit of
transferring, using or possessing any to resemble use of ordinary tobacco smoking within the next six months According to Rompies, although
substance containing tobacco” at due to the nicotine found in e-liquids. there are several ways that adminis-
school. Being caught with any such tration becomes aware of vaping in
items results in an automatic out-of- school, the number of students who
school suspension. are vaping most likely exceeds the
number being caught.
But with the rise of e-cigarettes,
JUULs, and other vaping media, “We have our safe-school tip line,
schools are entering unfamiliar which we encourage students to use,”
territory when it comes to disciplin- Rompies said. “To be fair, I think
ing students. Despite this, Assistant students want to be able to go to
Principal Brandon Rompies said the restroom and not have to walk
that, for MHS, disciplining students into vape smoke. Some of that gets
caught for possession or use of a vape reported there. We are monitoring
is black-and-white. the restrooms, we are aware of some
areas that have a higher frequency
“With the possession and usage of usage. But, that being said, we’re
of a vape, it’s [also] an automatic not getting all the people, I would
out-of-school suspension,” Rompies assume, that are vaping throughout
said. “There is no gray-area there. It the day.”
is illegal, per defition of Ohio law.
It is a clear violation of our code of Rompies said the conversation,
conduct. We do not want those sub- once a student is caught, centers
stances in our building.” around why that student made the
decision to vape at school.
There has been a 360 percent
increase in students caught and sus- “Parents are usually surprised,”
pended for vaping at MHS between Rompies said. “At least, they give
the 2016-17 and the 2017-18 school that [impression] to me, that they’re
years. Rompies said a contributing not aware. I believe them: most
factor to this rise may be that stu- parents don’t realize that their son or
dents don’t know the health risks and daughter is vaping, let alone making
the decision to vape at school. The
big question for us is, why are they
doing this when they know it’s an
issue. Every student knows they can’t
have it. That rings true throughout.”
10 February 15, 2018
Trivia app attracts millions with daily cash prizes
Lauren Thomas | Staff Writer specific and difficult. Despite all this, the number of
participants sky-rockets on the daily.
There’s a new app that’s cracking the charts and
rewarding the smarts. The app is funded by brands and sponsorships
that see potential in the advertisements that run
HQ is a trivia app where contestants log on at prior to the beginning of the game. Several thou-
three and nine p.m. weekdays to compete in a live sands of winners receive their money via PayPal.
game show in order to join 800k + people trying to Cash prizes of $15,000 are split amongst those that
earn anywhere from $2,000 to $15,000. There are complete the final question. Players can not cash in
twelve questions beginning fairly easy and weeding their prize until they’ve earned $20.
out competitors until there are the winners. With
only ten seconds to answer, the app leaves only a Senior Saba Setegn will stop at nothing to play
few to win the prizes, and millions frustrated. the popular game whether that means pulling off
the road or ducking out of a family dinner.
Each night, families, coworkers, and friends log
on to the trivial app to answer questions. The ad- “Sometimes if I’m driving and I get the notifica-
dictive game has caused users to go to extensive tion I pull over to the side of the road so I can play,”
lengths just to answer what color an orange is. Setegn said. “You get a notification and you stop,
As the game progresses, the questions get more drop whatever you’re doing and start playing.”
12 Arts and En
Marvel’s first black super
Jacob Brase | Staff Writer by Chadwick Boseman in ‘Captain without being overly promiscuous. by a white police officer who proceeds
America: Civil War’ (2016). Although a For years, audiences have criticized to question and persecute him and
African American superheroes are generally small role, Boseman’s excel- his family for no reason. Pierce (Black
finally getting their time to shine, and lent portrayal of the Panther gave fans Hollywood for its lack of diversity, with Lightning) proceeds to follow the of-
the timing could not be better. hope that the long awaited black hero many fans wanting to see a minority ficer’s instruction but slowly starts to
had finally arrived. character get his own chance to shine. get impatient when the officer gets
In 1966, King T’Challa, also known This request was first granted 18 months physical. As Pierce grows frustrated and
as the ‘Black Panther,’ first appeared Senior Amaya King said while she ago upon the release of a Marvel Netflix impatient, his eyes glow a vibrant white
in a Marvel comic book. T’challa was does enjoy current superhero films, series titled ‘Luke Cage.’ The show fea- color, indicating he is on the verge of us-
the first African American superhero ‘Black Panther’ will serve to provide tures an African American protagonist
ever created in the history of comics. black youth with role models that they who fights to keep the streets of Harlem
Nearly 52 years later, the Black Panther can more closely identify with. safe. More recently, The CW
now has his own movie, a monumental released ‘Black Lightning’
achievement for Hollywood in the age “I think it’s really empowering for on January 16. ‘Black
of superhero movies. younger kids to see heros that are the Lightning’ does not
same color as them,” King said. “It’s back down from
Comic book movies have dominated also putting a statement out there that racially charged
the film industry for the past 15 years, other actors and minorities can be in topics, often show-
yet black characters have never been movies like this, which is very revolu- ing scenarios of
in the spotlight. Over 18 black heroes tionary in the film industry.” discrimination that
have been portrayed in major super- parallel American
hero movies, yet in each one of these Furthermore, King said the movie society today.
films, the black character has been a can empower women of all back-
grounds, for the female characters In the first epi-
sidekick. One of these depicted in ‘Black Panther’ remain sode of the series,
heroes was Black strong in character and are likeable African American
panther, who was Jefferson Pierce
played is pulled over
ntertainment 13
rhero hits the big screen
ing his powers. Pierce holds back divided. This sense of division gives the representation of African people. Panther’) is not like all the other movies;
though, knowing violence is useless due message of ‘Black Lightning’ even more “People have really surface level it’s going to open up opportunities for
to the officer’s position in society. significance. more movies like this, and I think it will
stereotypes that aren’t always true,” King have a lasting impact on people.”
‘Black Lightning’ displays powerful While ‘Black Lightning’ directly deals said. “To see a black superhero who is
racial commentary like this numerous with problems in society, the message of very honorable, strong and intelligent Lynch said that the film creates a
times, with Pierce even directly quoting ‘Black Panther’ comes from the excel- sheds a new light on black culture, and future where all types of characters can
the words of Martin Luther King at one lent portrayal of African culture. In the hopefully breaks these stereotypes.” get their chance to shine.
point. This message could not come film, the Panther’s home country of
at a better time for the nation, as the Wakanda is the most advanced country When sophomore Courtney Lynch “No matter your race, you can still
state of race relations is more unstable in the world. Since the Black Panther first heard ‘Black Panther’ was coming have your own movie,” Lynch said.
than it has been in generations. Over is the king of Wakanda, he is elegant, out, she immediately was excited to see “(‘Black Panther’) is about a lot more
the past few years, news headlines and calculated and wise in the film—rarely a black superhero get his own movie. than just black superheroes; it sets the
twitter timelines have been packed with stopping to crack a joke. Lynch, who is an African American her- tone that other culturally diverse charac-
countless cases of discrimination and self, hopes the film will give the black ters can have their own movies.”
injustice in the United States. The King said many Americans often community something to be proud of.
most notable taking place in Char- misunderstand African culture, and Lynch said she has rarely seen black Black Panther actor Chadwick Bose-
lottesville, North Carolina where characters displayed positively, and she man said it best.
a large group of white suprema- Black Panther will give audi- thinks this film will change that.
cists injured approximately 35 ences proper “It’s more than just a movie, it’s a
people, and left one casualty. “I hope black people are seen in a new movement.”
The aftermath of events like light after this movie, and I think (Black
these in America left many Panther) is going to really uplift Af-
feeling we live in a country rican culture as a whole,” Lynch
said. “We’ve seen black
characters as villains
a lot, but now,
we get to see
them saving
the day. (‘Black
Illustrated by The Chronicle’s Visual Design Editor, Ryan D’Souza
February 15, 2018 Arts and Entertainment 15
Students use stick and poke Graphic by Ryan D’Souza
technique to create body art
The needle used to make the stick-and-
poke tattoo enters through the epidermis
skin layer. The ink stays in the dermis,
creating the tattoo just beneath the skin.
Lauren Serge | Staff Writer tattoos without charge--and said her Photo by Lauren Serge
attraction to the method generates from Junior Maddie Miller fashions her peace sign tattoo, that she designed and tattooed herself.
There’s nothing to poke fun at when an aspiration to outwardly convey art.
it comes to stick and poke tattoos. really bad because it had many intri- I don’t dip the needle into that same
“I would always draw on myself with cate lines and curves,” Miller said. “The ink, that way the tattoo can be done
For many, the process of stick and sharpies anyway, so getting a stick and more complex the drawing, the longer properly.”
poke appears frightening: personally poke was just a way to keep those draw- the tattoo will take, and of course,
etching temporary designs onto your ings there for awhile,” Burton said. “I the more pain the person will have to Despite the reputation the stick and
skin; however, many Mason students think it’s something really unique and encounter.” poke attains, people are continuing to
have found the method to be an appeal- fun to have designs on your body.” compose various sketches, and shar-
ing alternative to traditional tattoos. Through fashioning such improvised ing their ink talents for free. Miller
Burton said she became engrossed techniques, many assume that there said her fondness towards the method
Junior Ty Kirssin was first tattooed in giving herself tattoos, and now would be a great deal of unsanitary is spawned by her appreciation for
back in 2016 and despite many specula- has around seven personally crafted results. However, Burton assures that immediate results through the self-
tions towards the process, Kirssin said designs. With a method that most would those who give the tattoos must sterilize expression.
his inclination for real tattoos influ- find great fears in, Burton said she finds the utensils to create a clean product.
enced his curiosity in this makeshift enjoyment. “It’s a great way to express yourself
method of inking. “I make sure everything is sterile,” without it being permanent,” Miller
“It’s odd because I’m unsure whether Burton said. “ I pour some of the ink out said. “Plus it’s kind of a funny story to
“I really want tattoos and since you I will get a real one when I turn 18 so it’s separated from the rest of it and tell people how you got each one.”
can’t get them without a parent signa- because the idea of actually getting a
ture until you’re 18, this is like the next tattoo scares me,” Burton said. “But I
best thing,” Kirssin said. do these to myself all the time because
they’re a lot of fun.”
While prejudice thoughts towards
the seemingly absurd procedures have Since stick and pokes are not profes-
ensued, Kirssin said the materials are sionally crafted, the tattoos merely last
accessible and the steps are easy to a few years. Depending on the area,
execute. friction from clothing can force the
sketches to fade. After being tattooed by
“You have to get a needle and India Burton, junior Maddie Miller said the
Ink--which is non-toxic--and then you temporary nature of the tattoos is what
take sewing twine, and you wrap it piqued her interest the most.
around the needle until there’s about a
millimeter left,” Kirssin said. “You have “Since it doesn’t last forever I feel like
to tape it in place so when you dip the that makes it more intriguing rather
needle in the ink, it’ll remain stable as than getting something that’s perma-
you begin poking the skin.” nent,” Miller said. “It’s a way to test
whether I like it or not.”
After poking with the needle mul-
tiple times in the desired spot, the ink Miller, who has four tattoos each
will form dots onto the skin. The dots placed on her ankle, stomach, arm and
are translated into lines, which can wrist, said the size, location and com-
slowly form images, shapes, and words. plexity of the tattoo can widely affect
the pain a person will feel.
In October, Junior Taylor Burton was
tattooed by Kirssin--who frequently “The rose I have on my ankle hurt
16 Sports February 15, 2018
We are the Champions...Again
Comets roll to 9th they work,” McIntire said. “It’s a lot of up the history of the GMC and it gave us are going to go through districts and
straight GMC title fun to be a part of a great program and more motivation when they both talked state that are really going to defy what
to have kids that want to be good and about it. They motivated us to keep they’re projected to get,” Waugh said.
Bryan Hudnell | Staff Writer wrestle for each other.” Mason’s name in the GMC and keep the “And some freshmen that are going to
For the ninth straight year, Mason has Mason won with a final total of 223 dominance in the conference.” surprise a lot of people and Mason is
points, winning comfortably over Fair- McIntire said the team welcomed him going to make a name for themselves
taken its place atop the podium at the field’s 175. The Comets took first place in from the beginning of the season. these next few weeks.”
GMC Championships. five of the 14 weight classes and runner- “There were never issues. The team em- McIntire said despite the team’s youth,
This year, the Comets did so under the up in another four. braced me from day one and we’ve been they’ve accomplished their primary
leadership of the first year head coach Senior Dylan Waugh, who took second going together as a team from the very goals for the season.
Matt McIntire, who gave credit to the place in the 126-pound class, said McIn- beginning.” “I knew this was a young team but I
wrestlers for being the ones who contin- tire and former head coach Craig Mur- On January 31, the team defeated Spring- also knew there was a lot of talent on
ued the streak. nan motivated them to keep the tradition boro in the regional final of the state the team so my expectations were that
“It’s a tribute to the great kids on our of dominance. dual tournament. we would finish strong as a team. One
team and the wrestlers and how hard “We’ve won the past nine years. Our new Waugh believes the team has many wres- of our goals was to win a GMC title.
coach, Matt McIntire, he wanted to be a tlers who have a chance to turn some Another one of our goals was to win our
part of the tradition and keep it going heads in the postseason tournament, region for the state duals and we were
as long as he’s here,” Waugh said. “He both as individuals and with the team. able to accomplish both of those goals.”
emphasized it and then Murnan brought “We have some really big ‘upsetters’ that
Pictured above
170 pound GMC champion
Senior Eric Vermillion.
Pictured bottom (left to right)- 152 pound champion
Junior Chris Donathan, Heavyweight champion junior
Brogan Reed, 220 pound runner up Junior Emerik
Moser and 126 pound runner up Senior Dylan Waugh.
Photos by Bob Vermillion
February 15, 2018 Sports 17
You never know when a STATS
Chronicle photographer
might be around ! 32-5 record, 18 pins
17.6 points per game, 3
steals, 6.3 rebounds
Staff Photographer TANNER
Tanner Pearson caught
junior Karson Walker KNUE
posing for the camera
during a Mason practice STATS
13.8 points per game,
2.3 steals
NEWSWORTHY stats and ranks as of February 9th
On February 4, the Mason girls and boys swim teams took home GMC titles. For the
boys, it was their 2nd straight title and their 4th in 5 years. As for the girls team, they
have consistently dominated the GMC, winning their 11th straight title. The girls team
was led by Allison Bloebaum, Lauren Thomas, Harna Menazawa and Leanna Wall. The
boys were led to the title by Ethan Devyak, Karson Walker, and Braden Osborn.
18 Sports February 15, 2018
Photos by Tanner Pearson
Senior Zaid Hamdan (57) chose to enroll in January and walk on at Ohio State and senior Will Adams (1) passed on scholarship oppotunities to walk on at the University of Cincinnati.
Mason athletes decline scholarship offers, opt to walk on
to major Division I colleges to compete for a spot
Bryan Hudnell | Staff Writer years. JD Sprague went to Ohio to the world, like countless ing them,” it’s two years. It’s going to be
Walk-ons are the dreamers University and was there as others, that size doesn’t mat- Adams said. “If i wasn’t going a grind for two years. If you
of college athletics. a prefered walk on and got a ter.” to play football in college, I get a scholarship before that,
A walk-on is a roster player scholarship. Andrew Lucke would’ve gone to UC anyways great, but it probably won’t
who Is not on scholarship. was the same way at Bowl- Playing at one of the top so that made it even better. I happen before that two year
According to the NCAA, 46 ing Green, so they all went football programs in the coun- love to compete for things and mark.”
percent of Division I athletes through that and I think that try, Hamdan emphasized the UC has given me a great op-
are walk-ons. Some famous you go through that situation level of competition and the portunity to compete” After evaluating his options,
walk-ons find success like with a chip on your shoulder amount of work necessary to Adams elected to pursue a
Heisman Trophy winner Baker and if you train the right way, make an impact at Ohio State. Adams will be joining for- dream and is willing to earn
Mayfield and Antonio Brown you’ll end up getting what you mer teammates class of 2017 the money on campus.
of the Pittsburgh Steelers, but deserve.” “It’s a very very big jump running back Michael Kopay-
the harsh reality is that most and I don’t think I can reiterate gorodsky and 2016 linebacker “I’m not too worried about
walk-ons will never see the Senior defensive linemen that enough,” Hamdan said. Ty Sponseller in wearing the the whole money thing be-
field and often do not finish Zaid Hamdan committed to “There’s little room for error red and black next fall. cause I know I can’t control
their four years of eligibility at Ohio State as a prefered walk or to mess around because that,” Adams said. “I believe
the same school. on and graduated early to everyone’s fighting for playing “I love both of those guys the opportunity to play at UC
Despite the odds, Head participate in their offseason time and a chance to go pro, so and they have supported me was too good to pass up and i
Varsity Football Coach Brian programs. With offers from it’s more serious because I’m throughout this process,” like how nothing is give to me,
Castner believes his program several Mid American Con- surrounded by people who all Adams said. “I can’t wait to I have to earn it.”
has prepared athletes for life as ference schools, Hamdan have the same goal in mind become teammates with them
a preffered walk-on. embraced the chance to prove and it creates an intense com- again.” With a long road ahead for
“We’ve had a lot of players that his smaller frame could petitive atmosphere.” his players, Castner is thrilled
here that have went on and translate at an elite program. Even though prefered walk- that his players get the chance
be that prefered walk-on and Senior quarterback Will ons pass on early playing time live out their dreams at the
get scholarships,” Castner said. “The thing that motivated Adams committed to the Uni- and guaranteed money, Cast- Division I level.
“Andrew Hauser just gradu- me is my size,” Hamdan said. versity of Cincinnati February ner has prepared his athletes
ated from the University of “A lot of power 5 schools told 1 as a prefered walk-on. Adams for the tough road ahead. “I’m always excited for those
Akron, played two years under me I was more than capable of turned down scholarship offers kids, they get to go out live
scholarship, but he had to go playing, but they didn’t wanna from Butler University and the “If they go to that Division II their dream,” Castner said. “I
through that grind for two risk a scholarship because of University of Dayton to fulfil or III school, maybe they have think it’s a great testament to
my height. I thought if the a childhood goal of playing a decent career but in the back how they want to live and at
only thing holding me back football as a Bearcat. of their minds they might say the end of it all, they’ll have no
was 2 inches so why not prove man I didn’t live my dream,” regrets. When they look back
“I’ve always dreamed of play- Castner said. “I tried to get in eight years or so, they can
ing at UC and grew up watch- them ready to know that hey, say they gave it their all.”
February 15, 2018 Sports 19
Girls team looks toward
another tournament run Photo by Yogesh Patel
Senior Secret Hughes shoots a free throw versus Lakota West.
Comets start postseason after another succesful season
Eric Miller | Sports Editor it. Then it’s one and done after State championship.” watched video of potential roadblocks. From
After finishing up a 19-3 that.” The Comets will open their of both of them. We’re going to Turpin and Ursuline in the
regular season on a 14 game prepare and try to concentrate sectionals, to a possible District
winning streak, the Mason girls Southwest Ohio is perennially postseason run on February 21 on the things we do well and matchup with Dayton num-
basketball team now has their one of, if not the strongest re- against the winner of Milford try to take away a few things ber one seed Beavercreek and
sights set on the postseason. gion for girls basketball in the and Mount Healthy. Lurking on that they do.” regional rematches with MND
Playing one of the most de- state. 2017-18 has been no differ- the other side of the sectional and Lakota West. Matula said
manding schedules in the state ent. In the latest AP state poll, bracket are two teams, Turpin The Comets are no stranger his team’s postseason success
of Ohio, Coach Rob Matula’s four of the top 13 schools were and Ursuline, that gave Mason to the postseason. Over their will be determined by defense
Comets earned a share of the south of Dayton (Lakota West fits in the postseason a year ago. last two postseasons, Mason and the little things.
Greater Miami Conference 2nd, Mason 9th, MND 10th, In 2017’s sectional final, Turpin has won 10 playoff contests,
(GMC) championship for the Beavercreek 13th). Matula said held a 19-9 halftime lead, before two District championships, a “Defensively we have to be
second straight year. The Com- from year to year, Southwest the Comets stormed back to Regional championship, with like we’ve been all year,” Matu-
ets were seeded third in Cincin- Ohio never fails to disappoint take a 37-34 win. One game lat- a Final Four and Elite Eight la said. “Man-to-man we’ve been
nati behind rival Lakota West, when it comes to talent. er, in the District final, Ursuline appearance to boot. Matula said very stout. I think we’ve got to
who the Comets split the season raced out to a 17-2 lead after for his team to have continued go downhill. When we’re go-
series with, and defending state “You think every year that the one quarter before the Comets success this postseason, they ing downhill and pushing the
champion Mount Notre Dame region might be down a little roared back to take a 34-31 win. must limit turnovers. ball up the floor, we’re at our
(MND). Matula said the post- but the reality of the matter is Matula said he noticed imme- best because we move so well.
season seeding draw went just that it’s always strong,” Matula diately that the Spartans and “We have to take care of the I think it allows Sammie (Pui-
about as expected. said. “It starts from the section- Lions jumped right back in the basketball,” Matula said. “In our sis) some freedom of getting
“Going into it I thought we al championship game. You’re Comets after their near misses three losses, that we’ve lost by a open and allows our guards
were going to be a two, three or going to play a team that’s very a year ago. total of six points, we have had an opportunity to penetrate
four seed,” Matula said. “I was solid. The District champion- a stretch of about a minute to and make plays. The minute
figuring, and we had to make ship obviously gets ramped “I thought, ‘well, they feel two minutes where we did not things are we’ve got to be able
some decisions on where we up and when you get to the like they have an opportunity take care of the ball. Against to rebound, we’ve got to be able
wanted to go. You’ve got to put regional, this is no disrespect because they played pretty well good teams, that’s all it takes to hit free throws and we’ve
your name on a line at some to the other parts of the State, against us last year,’” Matula when it comes down to one or got to be able to hit layups:
point and you have to pick and that’s a Final Four in and of said. “I mean we’re a differ- two possessions. I think in big small things. If we can do those
then everything falls in around itself. For you to get out of that, ent team, obviously big, got games, big times we’ve got to things and take care of those
over the last five to six years some different players. I know take care of the ball.” small things and get ourselves
its proven that you’re going to both of them are well coached, to our strengths, we’ll be fine.”
have an opportunity to win a we’ll have to be prepared. I’ve The Comets road to Co-
lumbus is filled with plenty
“Before the game, I just told them ‘we got to
go out and do what we do, and battle.’ It’s almost
as if we finally got everybody together and it just
feels like we’re plugging all the pieces of the
puzzle in. I’m just happy we got the win.”
“I just had to bring energy, and I feel like we
all did that great as a team. I knew that we were
going to have to make up for [Sammi Puisis’s]
absence because she’s such a prolific player”
20 Sports February 15, 2018
Coaches emphasize passion for the game over
competition in inclusive basketball league
Nathalie Schickendantz | Staff Writer
This league is giving everyone a fair Mason Youth Basketball participant practices shooting free throws at practice. Photo by Nathalie Schickendantz
“When your child shows a passion for ful stride, and my eyes started getting special moments.
The Mason Youth Inclusive Basket- something you want to make that hap- teary,” Iverson said. “I know how much “We were just doing simple shooting
ball program began three years ago pen just like any other parent would,” effort he has put into running and now
and has grown rapidly ever since. With Rosas said. “I love to see her dreams that he can run for fun and it’s not just drills, and a first time player on her
48 participants, the basketball league, come true just like any other parent in a therapy session or because his mom third try made the basket, and I yelled
designed for individuals ranging from wants to see for their child regardless of and dad want him to be able to, he’s do- that’s awesome, and I am just pumped
seven to 19 years old with special needs, what there capabilities are.” ing it because he wants to and he can.” as she is,” Spanier said. “She heads to
inspires players with varied abilities to the back of the line, and her whole fam-
appreciate basketball. Rob Auriana’s Coach Erin Iverson treats kids with Challengers league, Top Soccer, ily in the stands erupts with joy.”
passion to create this league was rooted special needs at Cincinnati Children’s and the basketball program welcome
in his involvement in Mason Challeng- and joined the program after discover- families with children who thrive These children have a deeper level
er league and Cincinnati Top Soccer. ing her patient played in the league. In to play a sport. Over time a support of appreciation. Dribbling and shoot-
therapy, it is one on one, and the thera- group developed where parents switch ing may be boring to another child but
The coaching staff consists of volun- pist is aware of the personality of their between encouraging their kid on the for these kids, it’s a challenge. Spanier
teers and parents who have created a patient and how to work specifically sideline and volunteering as a coach said the greatest part of the challenge
spirited environment to welcome the with them. In a gym there are multiple embracing children’s success. There is is overcoming it and doing the entire
children. Patience and flexibility are personalities combining together to a desire for these kids to have the same process all over again.
two things needed to run this unique play a sport. Iverson said watching the experiences as anyone else. Coach Chris
program. Coach Trey Iverson said he kids run and dribble is heartwarming. Spanier has a son playing in the league “Any time you can give a child or a
nervously joined the team but quickly and prospers to give his child special family that sense of you can do this, it’s
began to love the players. “The first time I came out, and I saw moments that many people would take amazing,” Spanier said. “Seeing them
one of the kids that was playing, we’ve for granted. Dull moments do not exist make those significant steps and seeing
Sophomore Jordan Auriana appreci- been working on running for years, and at practice Spanier said each drill has them thrive, there’s nothing else like it.
ates the lengths the coaches go to in I see him, and he runs with this beauti- It’s challenging, rewarding, and amaz-
order for all players to experience joy. ing.”
Practices involve drills and scrimmages
intended to generate a better skillset
whilst also allowing the players to com-
municate and build friendships. The
gym is a place to make new friends and
goof off while growing a significant
bond with the coaches. Auriana said the
environment is so friendly that when
mistakes are made, the team comes
together and laughs about it.
“I’m just really happy to be part
of this program because a lot of kids
can’t play normal sports,” Auriana said.
“They’re either in a wheelchair or have
another type of disability, just seeing
them together it’s just truly amazing.
It’s extraordinary how a lot of these kids
with disabilities can come together and
Mother Wendy Rosas became a coach
after her daughter joined the team. Af-
ter deciding to volunteer, Rosas found
a new way to bond with her daughter
through a game they can now share. Be-
cause each child is different, Rosas said
it is important to be attentive with each
player and create a striking moment for
them to remember.
February 15, 2018 Opinion 21
Staff Editorial
to the editor Judgement should be based on an
individual’s merit not their sob story
At the 60th annual Grammy Awards, Ed Sheeran scribing was a bad date, not sexual assault.
was awarded Best Pop Solo Performance for the On the other hand, you have Louis C.K. Once a
popular Shape of You. Sheeran was the only male
among four female nominees in the category, veteran SNL host and much loved comedian, Louis
including Kesha. C.K was accused by five women of similar conduct.
He was punished. As were Academy Award-winning
For the last couple of years, Kesha had been fight- actors Kevin Spacey and James Franco. Now, all
ing her ex-manager, Dr. Luke, in court after a vi- these names are (rightly) synonymous with sexual
cious fall-out, which ended with the singer accusing abuse. And so are their works.
him of “sexually, physically, verbally and emotion-
ally” abusing her. Unsurprisingly, fans and critics No longer can people watch House of Cards
alike rallied to her side and praised her strength without thinking about the trainwreck that was
and grace in handling the situation. #FreeKesha was the Kevin Spacey controversy. So, they don’t. But
born. The Grammy nomination was for her criti- the fact is, House of Cards is a critically acclaimed,
cally acclaimed song Praying, which was allegedly Emmy winning series. With or without Spacey.
composed in response to this experience.
When it comes to the soap-opera that is the life of
Then, Ed Sheeran won. a celebrity or prominent public figure who has com-
Social-media chronicled the uproar from age- mitted some socially unacceptable transgression
old fans, supporters of Me Too, and even first-time (especially in the wake of Me Too), observers tend to
Kesha listeners. People were appalled that a song have one of three reactions. Some, mostly die-hard
about the shape of woman’s body could possibly fans of the accused, embody the mentality of ‘in-
have won over a culturally-relevant and touching nocent until proven guilty.’ Others recoil simply at
song like Praying. It was almost as though Dr. Luke the words ‘sexual abuse’ and refuse to look beyond
himself had won. the allegation. Then, there are those who, however
However, Praying entered the Billboard Hot 100 disgusted the may be by a figure’s personal actions,
at number 25, selling a total of about 45,000 copies. refuse to let it color their opinion of that person’s
Shape of You, on the other hand, debuted the Hot work.
100 in the number one slot, selling 240,000 copies in
its first week alone. Despite the fact that Sheeran’s Kesha deserves a round of applause for her
song was clearly more popular, the overwhelming activism and vocality in empowering women and
opinion seemed to be that he did not deserve to win. fighting for the equality and respect of all people.
He is a man, his song is superficial, and so on and She deserves sympathy and praise for how she dealt
so forth. Kesha on the other hand, went through a with adversity. But that doesn’t mean she deserves a
tragic ordeal. The song is proof of that. She should Grammy.
have won.
People were not able to separate the person from The life and experiences of a public figure should
their work. We are seeing this more and more today. have no bearing on how that person’s work has been
Comedian Aziz Ansari was one of the latest to be ac- perceived. Louis C.K.’s sexual misconduct should
cused of sexual misconduct and the reactions were not mean that we shun his work any more than Ke-
varied. Largely though, in a turn that was surprising sha’s struggles should mean that we automatically
for the Me Too movement, people sided with Ansari. award hers. This goes beyond sexual assault, too. We
They said his accuser was trivializing everything may not agree with or like the figure’s beliefs and
that Me Too stood for. They said what she was de- life choices. But when it comes to entertainment, we
should be able to look at a person’s work objective-
ly, regardless of how we feel about the individual
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22 Opinion February 15, 2018
Letter to the Editor Editorial Cartoon
Editor’s Note: The Chronicle welcomes any and GOP immigration proposal limits family-based migration
all Letter to the Editor submissions. No sub-
mission is guaranteed to be printed, and The Clothing only go down about half a hand length, a man can
Chronicle reserves the right to edit any submis- comfortably fit their entire hand and forearm into their
sion for clarity and to meet space restrictions. disparities reveal pockets. Forget a phone, those pockets are so big you
could probably fit an iPad in there. No man has to care-
Dear Chronicle Editor, work to be done fully plan what they absolutely need and what they can
I am writing to express my concern with the leave at home if they are equipped with those pockets.
recent alignment of the concept of ‘change’ when in fight for gender Any random knick knack, paper, or spare change can
discussing political issues both on the local and find a home in man’s pocket.
national levels. Specifically, I object to the revi- equality
sions most recently provided which incorrectly Ignorant individuals tell us to quit whining, that we
describe change as the ‘action of enforcing one’s Andrea Hefferan | Staff Writer do not need pockets because we have purses. There are
opinions onto others.’ many flaws in this so-called solution.
I was reminded of this when reading The Every day men are granted overwhelmingly greater
Chronicle’s interview with members of the benefits compared to their female counterparts. Their Pockets are conveniently attached onto pants so
political organization Cincinnati Indivisible. “An masculine privilege extends beyond advancement in people’s hands are free to do other things besides
effort to facilitate change” was used to explain a the workforce and elections to public office. Women carry a plethora of random items. Purses, however, are
video asking Senator Rob Portman to address the face a monumental injustice every day, one which simply another, albeit larger object women have to
group at the next town hall meeting. Participants government leaders and the remainder of society are haul around. Women must keep track of the purse, and
in the video made various assumptions about unwilling to address. if they lose it, all of their valuables are lost with it. No
the senator’s ethical conduct based on nothing one can lose their pockets, but since women do not get
more than partisan objections. For the numerous Women’s pockets are significantly smaller than the luxury of using them, they are forced to rely on
organizations with similar goals to CI, change men’s. purses. Yes, some people may appreciate them, but oth-
and antagonism seem to be one and the same. ers such as myself find them an unnecessary burden
Their official site features harsh words for anyone Every day, women must struggle with inadequate that really is only a cute accessory for parties and such.
not assuming direct opposition to our presidential pocket sizes. Getting our phones to fit inside these Being someone who loses anything not on my body,
administration. microscopic holes is a mental and physical trial. Even remembering to lug around an extra item will be a
There seems to be a disconnect that exists if by the power of a greater being, we do manage to fit struggle. Besides, purses are expensive. They can be
between these students and opinions that may not an item inside, the pocket is often too shallow to safely upwards of 100 dollars and need to be replaced every
agree with their own. This distorted inclination contain it, and we are plagued with the fear of the couple of years.
exudes Marxist philosophy, which rejects prin- phone falling out with even the slightest movement of
ciples such as private property, world history and our bodies. And forget about a wallet or keys. Chances It is quite unfair that women are condemned to this
objective reality, all geared to “change” a society. are, if what you are trying to stow away is wider than fate while men get off scot-free with those roomy pock-
Furthermore, historical records clearly identify your index finger, it will not fit. ets. We have remained silent on this issue for too long
that dictatorships such as those within Nazi Ger- and it is time to let clothing manufacturers know what
many and the Soviet Union used the concept of That is, if there are any pockets at all. Companies we want. When women wearing pants became com-
change to justify immeasurable atrocities. Hitler love to trick women with fake pockets. Women are monplace, everyone expected that the pockets would
admittedly capitalized on human emotion elicited elated at the sight of a pair of pants that seemingly catch up with the times as well.
through his rousing words of political and social have pockets, but alas, they find it is just an outline of
reform. The reality of such regimes equated the a pocket sewn on the pants. Designers will literally cut It is the 21st century; this has gone on for far too
lives of their citizens to nothing more than can- pockets just to sew them shut. For me, it is always a long. We must speak up. Women deserve equal pockets
non fodder for political elites. game of chance as to which of my pants have pockets as men, and the fact that they do not have them after
I present these examples to illustrate what and which do not, and when I end up with the latter it all these years show how far we still have to go in the
unrefined transformation can bring as a result. comes as a nasty surprise every time. fight for gender equality.
Differences between the intentions and results of
an action are vital to our understanding and can Compare this to men’s pockets and you will notice a
better match our goals to create a brighter future. huge difference--literally huge. While women’s pockets
This understanding can be achieved through
showing respect for the objections we receive
from those holding different perspectives.
This approach does not guarantee success--ev-
ery plan has the potential to fail--but what better
way to ensure we avoid unnecessary tragedies
than by discussing them with the people who
believe they will happen? Such a communication
makes way for progression favored by all parties
I do have faith that kindness in our actions will
prevail--that is, so long as we prioritize using kind-
ness productively and with a clear, benevolent
goal in mind.
I greatly enjoy your paper and hope for your
continued success in publication.
Evan Schmidt, senior
February 15, 2018 23
24 February 15, 2018