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The Chronicle published on September 22, 2017.

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Published by The Chronicle, 2017-09-25 12:21:00

Edition 15.1

The Chronicle published on September 22, 2017.

Vol. 15, Issue 1 | William Mason High School | 6100 Mason Montgomery Road Mason, OH | 9.22.17


Vol. 15, Issue 1 | William Mason High School | 6100 Mason Montgomery Road Mason, OH | 9.22.17



Photo Contributed by Melissa Phillip, Houston Chronicle

2 Cover Story September 22, 2017

Hurricane Remnants

Aftermath of
Harvey, Irma
felt miles away

Alekya Raghavan | Staff Writer

The nation was faced with chaos
when disaster stuck in the form of
two consecutive hurricanes--Harvey
and Irma.
Hurricane Harvey marked the
first major hurricane to make
landfall in the United States in 12 Photo Contributed Godofredo A. Vasquez by Houston Chronicle

Houston and surrounding city residents are warned of encroaching danger, capable individuals are quick to get out.

years when it hit southern Texas in
mid-August. But before Harvey had dissipated.
a chance to dissipate, and certainly churches rebuild houses because was all this hype about it, but noth-
Houston and its surrounding of all the water damage. In the last ing ended up happening,” Wexler
before the nation had time to re- cities were devastated extensively. two weeks, it was pretty bad. I was said. “So this year, we were like ‘It’s
cover, Hurricane Irma made its way Arianna McDonald, a class of 2017
trapped in the house for a week, the going to be the same thing; noth-
through the Caribbean, hitting the Mason graduate, attends the Univer- whole town was shut down, there ing’s going to happen,’ and then
mainland. sity of Houston and has family in was so much water and no one Sunday night, the wind started pick-
Not since Hurricanes Katrina and the city. McDonald said her family could do anything. My school was
Wilma in 2005 has the U.S. seen ing up, and the streets were flood-
and community is struggling in the shut down for two weeks. Still, some ing, and we were like, ‘Oh my gosh,
destruction to this extent. And, in wake of Harvey. of the surrounding towns are still this is real.’ Starting (September 10)
the aftermath of Harvey and Irma,
it is clear that the impact is being “It has been a hard two weeks,” shut down.” at 7 a.m. until 6 p.m. (on September
McDonald said. “In our town and Another community would soon 11), we were not allowed out on the
felt far beyond state lines. the surrounding towns the roads face a similar magnitude of disas- streets, walking, driving, or any-
On August 25 at 9 p.m. Eastern
were shut down; all the stores are ter, for Irma was only two weeks thing. It’s like nothing you’ve ever
Standard Time, Harvey made land- shut down. I helped my church out behind. Irma formed in the Carib- seen before.”
fall as a category four hurricane a lot in the past two weeks to help bean on August 30, making landfall Unsurprisingly, the combined
near Rockport, Texas. Winds were
provide food to all of our firefight- in the U.S. on September 10 as a effects of Harvey and Irma on the
measured to be as high as 130 miles ers, policemen, and the (people in) category four hurricane with wind U.S. economy have been monu-
per hour, rainfall was predicted to surrounding neighborhoods that speeds of 130 mph. mental. Early projections estimate
reach 18 inches by morning and
need our help. We went to La Porte In Florida, the hurricane was the damage from the two storms to
more than 40 inches by the time it last week and were able to help responsible for major damage to be $290 billion, which alone make
buildings, roads, the electricity up a quarter of all reparation costs
supply, mobile phone coverage, inflicted onto the nation by all natu-
internet access, sanitation, and the ral disasters in the U.S. since 1980.
water and fuel supplies. Due to a Consequently, the labor market
loss of power, millions of gallons has taken a hit. According to the
of raw sewage rose to the streets, U.S. Department of Labor, unem-
neighborhoods, and water bodies. ployment claims have increased by
The death toll climbed to 32 as of over 62,000, the largest since Super-
September 15. storm Sandy in 2012.
Former class of 2018 Mason stu- Areas directly hit by the hurri-
dent Brin Wexler, who now resides canes will be feeling the brunt of
in Orlando, said she was not expect- the damage to the economy; how-
ing the situation to be so bad, to the ever, due to the nation’s dependency
point where a curfew regulating on both affected areas for products,
hours and activities was imposed, Americans all over will feel Harvey
since there had been false alarms and Irma’s impacts.
“Last year, Matthew was coming,
Graphic by Ryan D’Souza which was another hurricane that [Story Continued on Page 3]
Reports predicted both Harvey and Irma would make landfall as category four hurricanes and was supposed to hit us, and there
move upwards through Texas and Florida. Florida’s surrounding states also saw minor activity.

September 22, 2017 Cover Story 3

[Continued from Page 2]

Family members
try to check on
safety of relatives
in hurricane
impacted areas

A third of Houston’s economy is Photo Contributed by Mark Mulligan, Houston Chronicle
directed by the oil and gas indus-
try. The unprecedented flooding Hurricane Harvey victim carries his belongings down deserted south Sam Houston Tollway.
disrupted oil, natural gas and pet-
rochemical production and forced and homeless, was impacted. family in Florida and in Mason due all state colleges and universities be
these refineries to close. Houston “I was reading a lot about how to the unpredictability of the storm. closed for a period of time while the
is also home to many non-energy state recovers from the most deadly
companies, which shut down as it was one of the strongest storms “My aunt and uncle had to evacu- hurricane season in a decade.
well after Harvey. The havoc being in many years and how most of ate and live with friends because
wreaked on America’s vital energy the paths were headed straight for they live on the coast,” Jobert said. The response to the damage
facilities has lead to national gas Puerto Rico, so it really made me “I know my [other] uncle had been caused by the storms has been quick
prices hit $2.67, and there may be nervous and scared,” Velez said. staying up all night last weekend, and extensive. There has been an
an increase the price of groceries “(The hurricane) was on the path because he wanted someone to be almost immediate influx of cash,
in Irma’s wake. According to the of total destruction, and we saw the awake in case something happened. clothing, food, and rescue equip-
Bank of America, Irma could pose a other Caribbean islands get hit first, Knowing my family was being im- ment into the affected areas. Mil-
threat to $1.2 billion worth of crops so I was worried about my family. pacted was stressful, especially last lions of Americans and American
in Florida. They lost all their light and weren’t weekend when the hurricane was businesses are opening their wallets
able to get it back. There was a lot strongest. My mom had the weather and donating to the relief fund;
Senior Yana Artemov said scarce of flooding; they had some cars channel on constantly. I couldn’t many others are donating their
resources and inflated prices due flip over. In San Juan, there’s a lot imagine having to go through that, time by volunteering to clean up
to panic prior to Irma reaching the of crumbling buildings, and a lot and even now, almost a week later, the damage and bring water, food,
mainland made evacuating a dif- of the homeless were affected very they’re still not fully back to normal and other supplies to those who
ficult task for her aunt and friends. badly.” and trying to clear out debris and need them.
figure out how bad the damage is.”
“She lives in Tampa, so she knew Shelters in both Houston and McDonald said the hurricanes
there was a hurricane coming, and several Florida cities are hous- As the Hurricanes migrated, have demonstrated the nation’s
she knew she had to evacuate,” ing displaced families. More than several students were also displaced. ability to come together in times of
Artemov said. “Four or five days 100,000 homes were destroyed by About 1 in 6 or 8.5 million students need and forget about differences.
before the hurricane even struck, Harvey and over 30,000 families nationwide lost school time, ac-
Walmart was out of water. A lot of are in staying in emergency hous- cording to the National Center for “Houston is a very multicultural
gas stations were out of gas com- ing and are looking for permanent Education Statistics. Harvey dam- city, and the nation saw how we all
pletely or super long lines, so she shelter, according to White House aged at least 200 Houston schools; came together,” McDonald said. “We
brought gallons of gas with her. She estimates. The state of Florida six of these Texas school districts don’t care about religion, we don’t
has two labs, but all of the animal ordered the evacuation of over 6.5 are among the largest in the coun- care what background you come
shelters in Atlanta were booked million people, about a third of the try. Over 24 schools in Alabama, from. All we care about is helping
full of pets, so she had to take them state’s population. For some, how- Georgia and South Carolina can- each other, and I think that has
with her. A lot of her friends just ever, following such an order was celled classes as Irma moved north. helped the country. It helped the na-
stayed because they couldn’t afford not possible. Classes were cancelled for 1.1 mil- tion as a whole to realize it doesn’t
to leave, or some of them were lion public university students when matter where you came from, we
nurses, so they had to stay and help Senior Natalee Jobert said the Florida Governor Rick Scott ordered just have to help each other in
the victims.” situation was stressful for both her times of need.”

Outside of the U.S., however,
the situation has proved itself to
be even more serious, especially
in Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands
and other U.S. territories in the
Caribbean. The islands have been
devastated; most areas have no
power, plumbing, or running water
and will not for months. On some
islands, as much as 90 percent of
buildings have been destroyed.

Senior Elena Velez, who has im-
mediate family in San Juan, Yauco,
and Mayagüez said the situation in
Puerto Rico was alarming, for Irma
caused a lot of physical destruction,
and everyone, especially the poor

4 News September 22, 2017

Silicon Valley steps up fight against hate groups

Alekya Raghavan | have issued statements the end of the day, they’re Google halted hosting the neo-Nazi website, The
Staff Writer encouraging employees to paying you. I’m sure there Stormer, following its derogative coverage of a
report and reject anyone are white supremacists that woman killed while protesting the rally.
The nation erupted who supports racial dis- like ice cream, but we’re
in discussion after last crimination. not going to tell them they Facebook removed many white supremacist
month’s events in Charlot- But while these can never have ice cream pages from its site. The event page was also
tesville, Virginia, where a companies have been ap- again. They’re still paying taken down once the rally became violent.
white nationalist demon- plauded for their actions customers. Unless, during
stration took place promot- by some, opponents and a car ride they committed GoFundMe, a public fundraising site, has
ing racism, free speech, free speech advocates have a crime because of those banned crowdfunding campaigns for a man who
and violence. raised concerns about first believes, then that individ- drove his car through the rally, killing Heather
amendment rights when ual should be kicked out.” Heyer.
The incident prompted people are blocked from
several public figures, at these platforms solely Students are also being Home rental app, Airbnb removed users that
home and abroad, to speak because of their beliefs. brought into a larger were involved in the rally and rented homes
out and foster change. conversation about social through the app.
Among those taking action Senior Tristan Groene- issues like racism through
are several Silicon Val- wold said that while there the use of these platforms.
ley companies, who have may be concerns about
enacted measures against limiting people’s accessibil- Popular applications
users who identify with ity to information, users among students like
supremacist, neo-Nazi, and cannot object since they Facebook, Twitter, Spotify,
other white nationalist are agreeing to that com- and YouTube have all
groups. pany’s terms of agreement. taken action to ensure that
their users do not hold and
Popular online and “I see it in two different propagate hateful beliefs.
social media services have ways,” Groenewold said. Twitter and Facebook
implemented strategies “Firstly, there’s this idea of have banned individual
to eliminate the ability of the social obligation that users who have violated
these individuals to use these companies owe to their policies. Spotify and
their platforms to further people, where they aren’t YouTube have removed
their cause. limiting people’s inflow white supremacist artist
of information. People and offensive videos from
Technology-based com- shouldn’t be limited from their platforms.
panies and social media viewing something just
platforms like Google, Go- because a company said so. Emily Anstaett, a law
Daddy, and GoFundMe are That being said, I strongly clerk at the American Civil
eliminating the ability of believe that when it comes Liberties Union (ACLU)
hate-groups (and their con- to the legality of private Ohio, said that it is a posi-
stituents) to reach broader companies such as Google, tive thing that companies
audiences by removing such as Facebook, it is are publicly speaking out
websites deemed unac- really up to them. Because on the issue because it
ceptable by the service when it comes down to expands the discussion on
provider, blocking them it, when you use these white supremacy.
from search engines, even services you are agreeing
preventing them from to the terms of services, so “This is a philosophy
registering. you really can’t complain of the ACLU: to fight for
about it.” what you believe in is not
Companies like PayPal to suppress speech, but to
and Apple (Apple Pay) are Senior Grace Finnegan, give more speech to the
eliminating the potential who, last year, used Uber’s issue,” Anstaett said. “This
for hate groups to raise services as much as once is a perfectly reasonable
money online. a week, said that compa- philosophy to suggest to a
nies should not filter out business--to not denounce,
Other companies are be- people whose beliefs they but speak out on the issue
ginning to ban individual are not in agreement with, and start a conversation.
users as well. Airbnb can- considering they are pay- It’s my personal belief that
celed accounts associated ing customers. companies should make
with the “Unite the Right” business decisions based
rally in Charlottesville and “It’s okay to get rid of on the belief systems of
will continue to uphold the drivers who have those the people that belong to
this policy. beliefs, because they don’t that organization. I think
want them representing it’s great that organiza-
OkCupid, a dating their company and they tions are denouncing white
app, gained attention for don’t want people thinking supremacy and use their
permanently banning that’s what Uber believes,” voice and espouse their
Christopher Cantwell, a Finnegan said. “But when opinions in this way. We’ll
prominent white national- it comes to the customers, see whether it’s an effec-
ist who took part in the most of the time it’s a like tive tool to combat white
rallies at Charlottesville, a ten minute car ride, and supremacy and hate.”
from its services. I’m not excusing it, but at

Uber and Lyft, transpor-
tation network companies,

September 22, 2017 News 5

Peer tutoring program fosters student leadership

Kaitlin Lewis | Staff Writer “I was doing this all by myself last Meet Senior Noorah Basher is Senior Jack Koenig places
year,” said Clark. “Having another the president of the Peer tutors within the math
The Peer Tutoring program is killing teacher helping out is how we dealt the Tutoring program. department.
two birds with one stone, giving lessons with the expansion. We also have peo-
in both academics and leadership. ple who are doing internships now, and Team Senior Brady Neal is Senior Lindsay Welage
the interns run the program basically.” the head of the science leads placement for
At the start of the 2016-17 school year, Senior Sydnie Kong is department tutors. afterschool and Teacher
the Peer Tutoring program was over- Being a hands on tutor in the the head of the foreign Academy tutors.
seen by math teacher Jere Clark, with program gives students a unique language tutors.
help from now-seniors Jack Koenig and experience, according to Welage, who Photos by Kaitlin Lewis
Sydnie Kong. The two students were a joined the Peer Tutoring team to gain
part of an independent study program exposure into a future career. Mem-
and had tasks helping Clark as well as bers of Teacher’s Academy are given a
being tutors themselves. chance to apply what they learn in the
classroom to a real scenario.
“We had to commit to tutoring five
days a week for the entire year,” Kong “I want to be a math teacher, so I
said. “Sometimes we would help Ms. thought it would benefit me,” Welage
Clark coordinate tutors and create said. “I feel as a peer tutor I get to see
resources for tutors to use.” what it is like to be individually with a
At the start of last year, 37 math
tutors were trained for the program. Rather than tutoring, interns sched-
Come the start of second semester, ule tutors with students needing as-
however, that number had grown sistance in the offered subject areas and
immensely. In order to expand, Clark make sure the tutors are well prepared.
recruited two more students to join the No matter their envisioned career path,
student leadership team, causing im- Koenig, who wishes to pursue a major
mense growth. in a field of engineering, said this in-
ternship can help students prepare for
Senior Noorah Basher became head future job settings.
of science tutoring, and 2017 graduate
Hannah Wilder began scouting tutors “I feel like this is helping me work
from Teacher’s Academy. By May with time management and being able
2017, the number of trained tutors had to become a leader of a big organiza-
doubled, and over 200 students were tion,” said Koenig, “That will definitely
being tutored per week. help me out later when I get a job.”

This school year, independent study While the program has grown
students took a step up in leadership. tremendously in the last year, there
Instead of working as tutors, five is hope to reach out to even more
students now intern with peer tutor- students. The senior interns plan to
ing, Basher, Koenig, Kong, and seniors train younger tutors who are willing to
Brady Neal and Lindsay Welage divide fill an internship role as well as help to
the responsibilities of the program expand into more subject areas.
among themselves.
“I would like to see it grow into more
Honors Anatomy and Physiology subjects,” says Koenig, “Not just mostly
teacher Carol Lehman also joined the math and science. I would love to see
team to help Clark with overseeing us maybe find a writing lab or more
the interns. Clark said these additional foreign languages and a way to help
roles to the program helped to make out ESL kids and other people like that.
the expansion easier. That would be pretty cool.”

Graphic by Ryan D’Souza

6 Feature September 22, 2017

Many teachers still prefer old school approach

Despite students having laptops many teachers find
pen and paper still have place in modern classroom

Freddie Wilhelm | Staff Writer focused on the computer screen Photo by Tanner Pearson
You will not catch students in instead of the teacher. Words from the Wild teacher Timothy King flips through a nature journal while his class writes
outside. Students participate in class discussion about poetry.
Tim King’s Words from the Wild English teacher TJ Wilson
class carrying around Chromebooks believes teachers are still a little re- Photo by Tanner Pearson
when they take their walks in the sistant to the Chromebooks because Students in Words from the Wild observe a caterpillar they found near Pine Hill Park.
wild. they are concerned students will not
pay attention to the teacher. Photo by Tanner Pearson
While most teachers are utilizing Timothy King shares a lesson in nature with his Words from the Wild students.
the newly implemented Chrom- “I think people are scared of
books in their classes, King chose to (Chromebooks) because we know
take the old school approach. that we’re easily distracted by
things,” Wilson said.
“We don’t have to have Chrome-
books,” King said. “We do a pub- King said that to avoid these
lished journal at the end of Words distractions, he likes to keep it old
from the Wild where students type school.
three pieces from their journals,
so we use technology to publish. “Well (Words from the Wild) is
We also use iNaturalist. It’s a good an exception,” King said. “I’ve been
app to find out what sort of species teaching this class pretty much
you’ve found, and sometimes we the same way I always have; it’s a
share these sort of things on Twit- throwback, hands on, old fashion.
ter, but I don’t need this technology It’s nature based, we make journals,
in the class.” we write in pen and turn in papers.”

The Mason High School teaching Wilson said that due to many
staff is composed of seasoned teach- studies done about the difference
ing vets and some who are still in between typing and writing notes,
the early stages of their teaching he prefers his students set their
career. Even though King did open Chromebooks to the side and take
his first twitter account this year, he notes on paper.
fondly recalls the days when there
was little technology. “I prefer paper (notes), because of
the study (that) was done at Stan-
“When I first started in 1983, ford, where if you give a laptop to
there was one computer lab for a a kid or adult they transcribe it,”
class called Microcomputing, and Wilson said. “When instead, you
you had to take that class to even want students to ingest it and put
use computers in class,” King said. their own brain down.”
“There were no computers in the
classroom, there was no email, cell Spanish teacher Jane Margraf
phones or anything like that, and who has been teaching for 31 years
we got along just fine, and the edu- believes good old fashion pen and
cation was great.” paper still have a place in the mod-
ern classroom.
One thing King said he preferred,
specifically, was the grading system “I’ve found out this year, with all
before technology. my homework on chromebooks, a
lot of students aren’t doing it and
“A big change is the way we then ask for pencil and paper be-
grade,” King said. “We used to just cause they prefer it.” Margraf said.
have the grade in the book, it was
great to not show every student Wilson said the biggest obstacle
what grade they had, you didn’t with every student having a device
have the students study or not study is adapting it to the classroom.
based on what grade they needed
on an exam to get a certain grade in “All throughout the ages, Socrates
the class. It used to be private to the said that writing things down would
teacher.” be the bane of our memory,” Wilson
said. “So far it hasn’t happened, but,
The move to embrace more tech- at the same time, are we going to
nology in the classroom also comes continuously use paper or are we
with some challenges. Teachers going to adapt? Smartphones aren’t
must learn to combat the adoles- going away anytime soon. What
cent mind and the short attention I think I struggle with, and what
span of teenagers who are more others are struggling with, is how
do we adapt to have the same mean-
ingful feeling.”

September 22, 2017 7

September 22, 2017 Feature 9

WIDE AWAKE Insomniac, sophomore Hannah Libby struggles with
irregular sleep patterns due to her Insomnia.
Insomniacs struggle to Photo by Nathalie Schickendantz
get through daily routine Photo Illustration by Ryan D’Souza

Nathalie Schickendantz | Staff Writer about sleep hygiene, which is just the pat-
terns you use, like you should only use your
For some, their head hits the pillow at bedroom for sleeping and not for reading
12:00 am but 2876 sheep later, and they’re or watching TV,” Allen said. “I’ve turned
still wide awake. my clocks away ‘cause one of the things if
you wake up (is that) you’re not supposed to
People with Insomnia suffer from the look at your clock because then your mind
persistent inability to fall asleep. Research- starts to worry about how much you’re not
ers say the cause can be physical or mental sleeping.”
factors. The brain goes through a sleep cycle
and a wake cycle. When one of those off, it Allen has taken precautions to avoid dis-
leads to Insomnia. Insomnia can affect peo- ruptions in his sleep schedule.
ple of any age and has a range of symptoms
including anxiety, depression, irritability, “I try to stay away from screens,” Allen
headaches, drowsiness, lack of concentration said. “I’ve bought blockers for all my screens
and a poor immune system function. to take away the blue light, which is suppos-
edly bad for you. I stay away from caffeine.
Senior Amanda Casey is a dancer battling In the afternoon, I don’t take any caffeine.
the side effects of Insomnia. Casey struggles I wander around the classroom, because
to find the balance between getting enough movement keeps me awake.”
sleep and managing her schedule.
Sophomore Hannah Libby was diagnosed
“My sleep schedule is so bad, so I sleep all last year with Psychiatric Induced Insomnia.
the time, just not at night,” Casey said. “My This is when mental illnesses lead to Insom-
body needs sleep. Every Friday, my body nia. Psychiatric disorders such as bipolarism,
shuts down, and I sleep forever.” anxiety, and depression can cause sleep inter-
ference. Libby said she had trouble balanc-
Casey said she has missed many occasions ing a busy schedule with sleepless nights.
due to her poor sleep habits.
“Over the year, it was really rough,” Libby
“So there was this one time, the big Christ- said. “I wasn’t sleeping as much and hav-
mas Kick dance, I fell asleep on the couch, ing a harder time falling asleep and staying
and I was home alone, and I slept through asleep. I wouldn’t be able to fall asleep ‘til
the event,” Casey said. “My parents were at three o’clock in the morning, and I would be
the game waiting for me to come, and the getting two hours of sleep. Then it led to me
entire dance team was like, ‘Where’s your getting no sleep. I would be up for a couple
kid?’ and they were like ‘What do you mean days and then sometimes pass out in the
she’s not here?’ So my dad drove home and middle of the day when I got home, but then
was screaming at me like ‘Do you know I wouldn’t sleep at night or only get sleep for
what you did?’ So I literally had to get black a couple hours.”
eye shadow smeared on my body and go
to the dance. I ended up performing, but The two main components of a healthy
you’re supposed to be there an hour before, human being are nutrition and sleep. For
and I arrived two seconds before. I’ve slept people diagnosed with Insomnia, sleep is no
through so many things, especially prac- longer a daily part of life and leads to major
tices.” difficulties, and despite its casual usage,
Libby said Insomnia is an extreme level of
Sophomore Christopher Mann experiences sleep deprivation and is not be confused with
the irregularities of sleep with his Insomnia. typical sleepless nights.
Mann finds himself in a repetitive cycle
where stress results in a sleepless night. “I think people use the term Insomnia
pretty loosely, a lot of people who don’t
“There was one week where I got four have it complain about not being able to fall
hours of sleep in one week,” Christopher asleep that night,” Libby said. “It’s natural,
said. “It happened last year. I was stressed sometimes you just can’t fall asleep, and
about finals, so I couldn’t sleep.” sometimes it’s due to over-stimulation of the
brain, or you’re just not tired and you didn’t
English teacher Thurman Allen began waste your energy that day. With Insomnia
experiencing Insomnia when his career it’s more like wasting your energy every day
in education began in 2003. Allen said he and not being able to fall asleep, no matter
has searched for additional help and found how tired you are.”
methods that help him cope.

“I went to a sleep specialist and they talked

10 September 22, 2017

11 Arts and Entertainment September 22, 2017
Vibe Sweater How to look
hot for under $15

Salvation Army

$2 $2

Gold Pin Ring
St. Vincent St. Vincent
DePaul DePaul

$5 Model: Junior
Amanda Wesley
Salvation Photo by Millie Ortega

¼cupvanilla TO LOOK GOOD, BEAUTY:C O C O N U T O I L H A S M A N Y U S E S
greekyogurt YOU’VE GOTTA
½cupstrawberries EAT GOOD Exfoliate

½cupblueberries “VERY BERRY Mix equal parts
1cupof milk SMOOTHIE” coconut oil and
sugar to create a
Photo by Kaitlin Lewis
sugar scrub that

Recipe and photo by by is gentle on skin
Nathalie Schickendantz and lips.

Healthy Hair Moisturize VIBE
Compiled by Chronicle
Use small amounts Use small
of coconut oil at amounts of staff writers
the ends of hair coconut oil as Millie Ortega
and eyelashes a moisturizer Kaitlin Lewis
to help support around cuticles. Lauren Thomas
healthy hair Lauren Serge
Nathalie Schickendantz

12 Arts and En

Entrepreneurs gain business expe

x Lauren Serge | Staff Writer

Shop Clothing Sometimes, the most successful
Shoes fashion entrepreneurs are the ones
Jewelry sitting next to you in class.
Clearance Throughout Mason High School, a
In Season diverse group of students have pur-
sued their interest in clothing design
Checkout to form personal businesses. Tabitha’s Shirt

View Cart Junior Tabitha Parks combines her
love for msusic and eye for design to
create her own band shirts as well as
patches for social causes she sup-
ports. Parks said she uses a machine
called a plotter to form her designs.

“I’ll design the image on my
computer and put it into my plotter
machine,” Parks said. “It cuts it out
of the vinyl and then it gets ironed
on whatever type of fabric I want it
to be on.”

Parks said when she she seeks
more than just a profit.

“Shirts I sell for $10, and that’s
something that’s important to me
specifically,” Parks said. “Buying
band shirts is really expensive, so I
believe in low price stuff.”

About Junior Sidney Bohanon deep-
Contact ened her interest in fashion design
Submission after attending the Design, Archi-
Terms & Conditions tecture, Art, and Planning camp.
Privacy Policy Bohanon received an exposure to
the career, while getting insight
The Chronicle from professionals. This insight
helped to advertise her business.
Enter email for newsletter
“I had the chance to meet so
many designers and have some- Sidney’s Pants
body to work alongside with,”
Bohanon said. “I got the promo-
tion from them and through all of
their websites and collaborations.”

Bohanon said her fashion
embodies a streetwear style, with
products like culottes, baggy
pants, and shirts with customized
drawings and paintings. Her shirts
are typically $50 since she is not a
formal business.

Bohanon took the Fashion
Design and Construction class to
improve her drawing skills, al-
lowing her to broaden the options
available to her customers.

“I try to stick to a conceptual de-
sign or things that are intriguing,”
Bohanon said. “It’s more for people
to easily ask me and I’m typically
willing to make it if I’m capable of

doing it.”

ntertainment 13

erience designing for Mason clientele ...

Search Products x

Joey’s Sweatshirt

Senior Joey Wood created clothing crew neck style and focused on an indie
designs before, but in July, he came up look that targeted a high school con-
with the idea for a crew neck sweat- sumer. Wood sold the sweatshirts for
shirt with a local style catered to MHS $36 and received a successful following.
students. While he has experience with
various art subjects, this sweatshirt was “It’s really satisfying seeing other
the first item he had professionally people wear your stuff,” Wood said.
made. “It’s great motivation to keep making
“I like dabbling in a bunch of differ-
ent art forms--like painting, drawing, The prosperity of this project encour-
digital art, graphic design--and I made aged him to consider future projects
these shirts just to try something new,” and motivated him to seek out similar
Wood said. studies for college.

The images included in his design “I hopefully will get into DAAP at
were uploaded online for the front of UC, but there’s not a lot of pressure,”
the sweatshirt. Wood used the popular Wood said. “The field of graphic design
just really interests me.”

Hannah’s Jeans

For senior Hanna Collins, the enced by her future aspirations.
interest in creating clothing Collins said she wants to major in
stemmed from her passions for costume design for theatre and that
costume design at a young age. this way, her interest can reach a
Collins began making her own cos- greater audience.
tumes for Halloween several years
ago, and now she makes them Although her passon is strong,
for her friends and fellow theatre Collins said she isn’t looking to
members. gain a profit from it. Rather, she
wants to expand her fondness of
“Usually, I make costumes for her creations to those close around
the Halloween season and theatre, her. Collins said she is content with
but I also like to take old clothes her current clientele; however, she
and upcycle them,” Collins said. “I posts some of her items on social
use a combination of old and new media, but she has not found a spe-
materials and I keep a running col- cific base for her fashion line.
lection of fabric. I even use card-
board as an armour for costumes.” “I don’t really sell my stuff,” Col-
lins said, “I just want to try to get
The creativity Collins possesses it out there and get people inter-
in her personal projects is influ- ested.”

Photos by Lauren Serge

14 Arts and Entertainment September 22, 2017

Movie fans unsatisfied with Hollywood’s remake era

Alexandra Lisa | Staff Writer to-be safe content more pressing for Graphic by Ryan D’Souza
filmmakers. These are the results of reviews from “Rotten Tomatoes” which determines the quality of mov-
Take one. Take two. Take five. Take ies based on viewer opinion.
twenty. Aspiring filmmaker Jake Sapp feels
that there are added obstacles for future
The same thing grows tedious after cinematographers whose original ideas
you have seen it several times over, may be turned away in favor of remade
something film industries have begun material.
to find as they watch their audiences
gradually losing interest. “There’s no guarantee original mov-
ies will be as profitable, (that’s what) it
Theaters have been overflowing with all boils down to,” Sapp said. “You see
reboots of classics throughout the 2000s all the big budget movies all follow
with what some call the “Remake Era” the same conventions because they’re
filling showing slots during the 2016 known facts that they will work and
and 2017 season. Many of these remakes draw in more viewers. As long as they
have been successful, the most notable see big explosions and giant robots
being Disney’s live action Beauty and fighting, they’ll be satisfied, but satisfac-
the Beast, reaching this year’s highest tion doesn’t make something art.”
grossing total with $504 million.
Kosierek also feels that original
However, studios have begun to face content is being repressed in favor of
the backlash of critics who feel cheated remade material.
by the remade material. The argument
has been brought to the forefront of cin- “I think that (the remake trend) does
ematography discussion: can remakes restrict directing opportunities for direc-
compete with original content? tors,” Kosierek said. “If they think ‘oh,
my god, this would be amazing, and this
Freshman Jake Sapp believes not, is where my creativity is pulling me,’
claiming that a remake era of movies but it somehow deviates from what’s
has hurt the entire industry as a whole. trending, then they can’t act on those
creative impulses, and that’s really toxic
“I hate it,” Sapp said. “I’m concerned for a director.”
about the future of Hollywood. It seems
like movies nowadays are being made Freshman Anna Chen has growing
solely for money and not for creative concerns surrounding entire genres
freedom.” becoming chalk full of tropes and ste-
reotypes. She fears they have lost much
Senior Anna Kosierek, a long-time of the interesting qualities which draw
movie lover and a student of the re- her to see films in theaters.
cently added filmmaking class, said she
feels more satisfied by original material “There are some very good (horror
than remakes. movies), but the tropes get in the way of
making a good movie,” Chen said. “The
“I always enjoy the originals more,” only horror stories anymore are about a
Kosierek said. “Even with Disney, Big creepy doll or a possession or there’s a
Hero Six, Zootopia, I think those are serial killer.“
such good movies, and when compared
to--and I love (movies like) Tangled, but Chen feels there is a lot of untapped
when compared to Tangled and Frozen, potential in the horror genre, and
I always like the newer content more.” the fact that it is there but not being
utilized is frustrating from an audience
Filmmaking teacher Allen Young perspective.
said that a major reason the film indus-
try has relied so frequently on remakes “I like those deep movies that make
is the dependance upon a good return you think,” Chen said. “I get really mad
profit. when (directors) decide to discard this
beautiful new movie they could have
“The investment that it takes to make made, but then we keep going back to
a film has grown exponentially,” Young the haunted dolls.”
said. “You used to make a really good
movie for a few million dollars, and Young said regardless of how much
now the average film is over a hundred creativity is or is not in films right now,
million. They’re looking to connect to it is up to the future filmmakers, the up
familiar things that they know people and comers, to shape the future of the
will automatically be drawn to.” industry.

While franchises and remakes have “It’s up to filmmakers to find the
proven to successfully draw in large fabulous stories to tell, and tell it in an
crowds, they have received gradually entertaining way,” Young said. “Film-
worsening reviews and ratings. A por- makers have to dream and they have to
tion of remakes, such as Kimberley dream big. Any successful director or
Peirce’s Carrie and Alex Kurtzman’s producer started out making short films
The Mummy, have brought fewer prof- in their backyard, and they progressed
its from audiences, making the choice because they had a passion.”
between original content and thought-

September 22, 2017 Feature 15

trending now

DoorDash, Uber Eats becoming a lazy
foodie’s dream come true

Yogesh Patel | Staff Writer The app makes you pay the initial amount Mroczka have used DoorDash and find it to
when the food is delivered to you on top be very appealing because of its efficiency
Students are dashing to their phones of a fee for the delivery. Every part of the and quickness.
instead of their cars to get their favorite ordering and payment process is done
foods. within the app. Higgins acknowledges that the prices
for the delivery service can get high, but in
Comets have a new alternative of get- Senior Jacob Zinnecker uses DoorDash exchange, consumers get excellent service.
ting their favorite restaurant items. New when he is at work at Skyline Chili. The
delivery services such as DoorDash and service delivers his lunch from Chipotle “I like it because it was really quick, but
Uber Eats offer consumers the possibility directly to his work, so he can enjoy his the food costs more money on top of it,”
of delivery from restaurants that do not lunch without leaving his workplace. Higgins said.
already deliver.
The demand for a service like this is at Mroczka enjoys the hassle-free process
Seniors Jacob Zinnecker and Thomas an all-time high because there are only two and uses it regularly and appreciates the
Kemery first learned about DoorDash major players in the market, Uber Eats and platform for its simplicity.
last year after hearing about it from their DoorDash. DoorDash is the more popu-
friends. lar option around Mason, and this rising Zinnecker said that DoorDash has been a
business venture is bound to attract more helpful download, making his commute to
Users, specifically students with busy entrepreneurs or investors, according to work and lunch plans a little less difficult.
lives, find these new apps very convenient senior Thomas Kemery.
because everything is done on the app “It allows me to have the luxury of con-
through one person, the delivery driver. Seniors Kaela Higgins and Andrew venience,” Zinnecker said. “I can eliminate
something from my schedule and have
that small amount of time to myself.”

Jacob Zinnecker, senior Thomas Kemery, senior
“The people who are going
“It’s pretty groovy,” Zinnecker through with this are already
said. “I can order food and making tons of money,” Kemery
munch with no effort and not said. “I think it’s in the best
have to leave the comfort of interest (of) other investors to
work since I’m down working in
Lebanon.” Graphic by Ryan D’Souza
Photos by Yogesh Patel
Andrew Mroczka, senior

“DoorDash is probably one
of the most important apps I
use because I use it so much,”
Mroczka said. “I don’t like driv-
ing out of my way to get food
and now I have a platform the
does it for me.”

16 September 22, 2017

September 22, 2017 Sports 17


Bonding Time

Croy brothers have built special
relationship with their football
coaching father

Photo by Bryan Hudnell
Mason High School Wide Receivers coach Roche Croy (center) has balanced being both a coach and a father to sons, Austin (9) and Carson (24) and has faced many obstacles along the way.

Bryan Hudnell | Staff Writer
Mason Comet assistant varsity football Coach Roche Croy was throwing a football with his

two sons Austin and Carson well before they ever stepped foot on Dwire Field.

For the Croy family, football “I’d say that everything from his eighth grade season and we me on something that needs to through everything that he did,”
is a special time of the year, our daily routine revolves sat together as a family, when I be fixed. But at the same time, it Carson said.” You could tell that
and the sport has provided the around it,” Austin said. “Me, my say family, I really say me and can be rough because I hear it at he missed being with us.”
family with plenty of memories brother, and my dad are always Austin mostly, and we sat down home sometimes.”
and has brought them closer at practice every day and my and we had to make a decision After experiencing his cancer
together. According to Roche, a mom is also into it too when she on whether or not I was going A tragedy hit the family when treatment, Roche developed a
wide receiver coach on the Ma- supports us. It’s definitely one of to continue coaching or not and Roche was diagnosed with greater appreciation for his fam-
son coaching staff, football is a the more important things.” whether or not I wanted to be a throat cancer after the 2013 foot- ily on and off the field.
significant time investment for dad and be up in the stands and ball season. Roche’s chemother-
him and his family. Austin and Carson partici- watch him play. Thank goodness apy treatment caused him to “It made me appreciate my
pated in Mason Youth Football we made the decision to do that, miss time away from his family time I have, not just with my
“I don’t want to say it con- when they were younger, and and I give Austin a lot of credit, and football. sons on the football field, but
sumes us, but there are certainly their father has been with them I was really worried about his with my family period,” Roche
times where it does,” Roche said. every step of the way; however, sophomore year, being mature “I was diagnosed in December said. “My time with my wife,
“Thank goodness we’ve got my Roche’s time as Austin’s football enough to handle two relation- of 2013 and went through all my time with my boys, and
wife Marcia who plays equalizer coach was in jeopardy after Aus- ships with his dad. He handled of my treatments through the making sure I make that time
and makes sure that there are tin’s eighth grade year was over it far better than I’d ever dreamt spring, so obviously, I wasn’t while they’re still with us in our
much more important things and there was an important con- he would.” able to do any of the offseason homes.”
than football in our family but versation between Austin and stuff,” Roche said. “I was limited
it’s certainly an exciting time of Roche to decide his future in Even though the decision was through the spring, and it was With Austin being a senior,
the year. With two young guys coaching. made, Austin still has to deal a very tough year, (I had) very this will be Roche’s last year be-
playing and me coaching, our with the complexity of being little energy, coming out of che- ing Austin’s wide receiver coach
household is very different dur- “I was fortunate to coach Aus- a coach’s son and the pros and motherapy and radiation treat- after nearly 10 years of coaching
ing the football season without tin and Carson all the way from cons that come with the rela- ment. The team rallied around his son.
a doubt.” second grade up,” Roche said. tionship. me, the coaching staff -- the
“I started coaching high school families and friends in Mason “There’s a lump in my throat
Whether it is going to the football when Austin was going “It’s bittersweet for sure,” Aus- were unbelieveable.” when I think about coaching in
weight room or running drills into fifth grade and when Car- tin said. “It’s nice because I can the future without Austin be-
on the field, the sport of foot- son was just starting. It’s been go to him whenever I need him. Not having his dad with him ing one of my receivers to be
ball plays a significant role in so rewarding as a father to have We’re so close which helps him on the football field was a sig- honest with you,” Roche said.
Austin’s life and is a total family that opportunity. There came a know what I’m asking him and nificant adjustment for Carson. “He’s been with me for three
effort. time when Austin just finished what I’m saying so he can help years and well before that, and
“It was hard, not seeing him it’s been an absolute joy, and it’s
on the field and seeing him go been the time of my life.”

18 Sports September 22, 2017


NIJAKOWSKI Springboro by Matt Sora

PERSONAL BEST OF 92 KILLS by volleyball
15:43 stand-out Maggie King
3RD OVERALL Tennis Star Jamie Kim

CAMERA 5 goals, 14 pts. GMC Rank 3
You never know when a
Chronicle photographer HAMDAN
might be around

3 Sacks, GMC Rank 1

Photographer Tanner CAMERON
Pearson captured Tyler
Welsh on the sidelines of MADDEN
the Mason win over Hamil-
ton. STATS

37.8 Avg., GMC Rank 3


Junior golfer Julianna Zhang shot two consecutive rounds of 75 at Walden Pond Golf Course on September 13 and 15 to claim the individual
medalist championship in the Greater Miami Conference. Zhang’s two day total of 150 was nine strokes better than second place finisher Grace
Honigford of Lakota East. The Comets girls’ golf team finished second as a team behind GMC champion Lakota East.

Stats and ranks as of September 18, 2017

September 22, 2017 Sports 19

Oh no not again... Photo by Bryan Hudnell

Senior soccer player deals with second knee blow out

“I knew it was the
ACL, but I had tried
to convince myself

[ ]itwasn’t.”
Jade Myers
Sr., Forward

Photo contributed Lauren Thomas | we’ve been lacking the last couple of years,” Schur said.
Staff Writer “She brings a strength and a presence to the team. She’s
Senior girls soccer player Jade Myers’ left leg has been After six months of recovery and rehab from a torn not afraid to throw her body into very tough and de-
through two anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), the 2017 season open- manding positions. She’s an excellent player, and there’s
surgeries in the past year. PIctured above is Myer’s left knee er marked the first game senior Jade Myers felt like a reason she’s going to go play in college despite two
just days after he second ACL repair surgery. herself. Myers finally stepped onto the field during the knee surgeries, and she would have certainly helped us
girls soccer season opener against St. Ursula Academy . this year.”
Three minutes into the match, Myers went after a pass
from a teammate, and before she made contact, an awk- As a sophomore, Myers played minutes in both Var-
ward pivot left her knees planted, and she collapsed, sity and JV games, creating a name for herself in the
grasping her barely recovered knee. program. Last year as she recovered, Myers acted as
“It was just an awkward step, and no one was even team manager, running drills and stretches with the
around me,” Myers said. “I felt the pop again. I took an- players at practices and sitting on the bench at games.
other step, and it just gave out. I knew it was (the) ACL, She would follow Coach Schur’s half-time talks with
but I had tried to convince myself it wasn’t.” her own words of wisdom, asserting her leadership and
Following the pop, Myers was in denial about what the compassion for the other players. Fellow senior and
injury was. She did not want to believe that she would teammate, McKenna Egan, says Myers’ resilience and
have to start the recovery process all over again, but in spirit has been present for her three years on the team.
the back of her head she knew it was her ACL.
“I blocked it out because I didn’t want to believe it was “As a team manager, she always brought something
happening again,” Myers said. “It had been a year and different to half-time talk,” Egan said. “Coach Schur
three months. I made this long recovery, and finally, would always go over what we did well and what we did
I’m playing again; I’m fine, I’m good. Then it’s one step bad, and then, she would bring something else that we
forward two steps back. I’m there for four minutes of a never even thought of because she understands us, what
game, then, it’s over.” we’re going through.”
In the past three years, the Mason girl’s soccer team
has had several varsity caliber players tear their ACLs. Myers isn’t the first player to experience multiple
According to, girls are eight times more knee injuries amidst a career in the green and white.
likely to suffer from ACL injuries than boys. Myers is Gabby Whitt, a 2012 Mason graduate, tore her ACL her
known for her physicality on the field, but ironically her first three years of high school and played well enough
injury was a non-contact sustained tear, something head her senior year alone to earn herself a college scholar-
coach Andy Schur called, “dumb luck.” ship to Tusculum College in Tennessee where she went
“She was killing it,” Schur said. “The first two minutes on to compete all four years.
of the match before she tore it, she got into three really
physical, strong challenges where there was no back- After the fall high school season flooded with recov-
down. Once that game started Saturday night, she was ery and rehabilitation, Myers was a force to reckon with
all in. Some of it is just dumb luck.” during her club soccer spring season. To be expected,
While the team must compensate for the loss of a key her ability on the field raised the eyes of college coach-
scorer, Coach Schur said it is impossible to recreate the es. In August, she made her verbal commitment to
same charisma that Jade brings to the field every time Anderson University in South Carolina and is looking
she puts on the green and white. ahead to a collegiate career in the sport she loves.
“In soccer, goal scorers aren’t necessarily taught,
they’re born and her ability to be one is something “The first three or four days I was done,” Myers said. “I
wanted to quit soccer and not play in college. I was like,
‘I can’t do this recovery again, it’s such a long painful
process I can’t do it again.’ After I was off the pain medi-
cine, I was like ‘No, I love this sport, I want to play in
college, I’m fine now.’ I still want to continue to recover
and play in college.”

20 Sports September 22, 2017

Livin’ the


Northcut takes his cuts
at Yankee Stadium

Joey Deaton | Staff Writer part of his trip wasn not the actual game Photo contributed
Senior Nick Northcut is no stranger to but when the ballplayers visited Rady’s
the big stage. He made the varsity base- Children’s Hospital, a local hospital with Mason senior baseball stand-out Nick Northcut takes time to pose for the camera while playing
ball team and started as a freshman. He a large number of young cancer patients. in an all star game at Yankee Stadium this summer. Northcut traveled all over the U.S. this
committed to the Vanderbilt Commo- summer playing baseball including games in Yankee Stadium in New York and Fenway Park in
dores his sophomore year of high school. "It was unbelievable getting to spend Boston.
This summer, Northcut traveled to all the day with those kids and get to see
corners of the United States to participate what their lives are like,” Northcut said. have age restrictions before an athlete decision he’ll make about where he goes
in high school baseball showcases, re- “None of us have a clue of what they go can enter into the professional draft, it off to after he graduates is a decision for
served for the highest rated, most talked- through on a day-to-day basis and just is not rare for a Major League Baseball him, a decision for his family, and I see
about high schoolers in the country. getting a little taste of it is very humbling. team to draft a player before they ever myself more as a supportive character in
First on the schedule was East Coast Pro, It was eye-opening when they told us the set foot on a college campus. Northcut, that story.”
an Adidas-sponsored event that featured amount of patients that go there in a year who is verbally committed to Vanderbilt,
the best recruits east of the Mississippi can fill Petco Park like three times. And has had contact with MLB teams but says Bly said there is no added pressure on
river. The players got to play in Tampa, when we got to Petco Park for the first he is not too focused on the possibility of the Comets this coming spring to do well
Florida at the New York Yankees spring time, we all just looked around and were being drafted. because the program expects success.
training facility. just amazed and our hearts just felt sad.
“It was a lot of fun,” Northcut said. We really cherished that time spending “I’ll cross that bridge when it comes,” “We expect to compete for champion-
“There was a ton of scouts there, and it with them.” Northcut said. “I don’t wanna look too ships every year,” Bly said. “That’s who we
was fun to play in front of all them.” far into it now. It’s something that will are as a program. We measure ourselves
Northcut had a short turnaround before The final event on the summer calendar obviously end up taking care of itself, so against our old success. We expect to win
heading off to the next event. was the Rivalry Classic, a two game series whatever happens, happens.” titles every year, so when you don’t, it’s a
“I flew straight from Tampa to Long in which players have the experience of disappointment.”
Beach, California for ‘Area Codes,’ which playing a game in Fenway Park, the home Mason head baseball coach Curt Bly
is all New Balance,” Northcut said. “I had of the Boston Red Sox, and then playing a said he and Northcut talk frequently Northcut said his primary focus is to
a fun time out there because you get East game in Yankee stadium. Northcut, who about his future after high school. help the Mason Comets achieve success.
Coast Pro which is all for the east coast hit three home runs in the Yankee stadi-
kids and Area Codes is more for the whole um game, said it was a dream come true “I’m always willing to offer him any as- “We got a big season coming ahead in
country, so you got to play a bunch of to be in the iconic ballparks. sistance I can and advise when he seeks Mason, and hopefully, we can get the job
your west coast friends that you grew up it out,” Bly said. “But, ultimately, what- done this year and get a ring,” Northcut
playing against at bigger tournaments.” “It’s pretty insane,” Northcut said. “It’s ever ends up happening in terms of the said. “That’s the biggest thing right now
Next up was the Perfect Game All- something you dream about as a kid, and that I want do.”
American game at Petco Park, the home you sit at home and think, ‘Man, I wanna
of the San Diego Padres. Although Per- do that someday’ as you watch them on
fect Game is one of the biggest and most TV. Actually getting to go out and do it is
respected scouting services in the coun- a whole other experience. Plus you’re in
try, Northcut said the most rewarding two historical ballparks, so when you get
to go into those stadiums, you get goose-

Unlike the National Basketball Associa-
tion and National Football League, which

Northcut at a Glance

2017, 1st Team Greater Miami Conference | .463 Batting Avg.
2016, 1st Team Greater Miami Conference | .426 Batting Avg.
2016, GMC Player of the Year | 6 HR | 29 R.B.I.
2015, 2nd Team Greater Miami Conference | .373. Batting Avg.
Vanderbilt University Commit

September 22, 2017 Opinion 21

Staff Editorial

to the editor Waiting for Disaster

Harvey, Irma prove disaster to be
only unifying force for divided nation

Throughout our nation’s history, we have So, we unite.
drawn battle lines over political, social and eco- Regardless of how deep the divide, or how
nomic wars. And while our differences always serious the issue, we never fail to rally together
seem to resolve themselves with time, it is not after disaster strikes in order to help our coun-
until disaster strikes that we truly unite as a trymen in need. The problem, however, is just
nation. that: we never fail to rally together after disas-
ter strikes, after families have been wrecked,
In 1941, we turned against each other, for after the damage has been done, but we do not
we saw our diversity, the fabric of our nation, even make an effort beforehand. Unless a cat-
as a hinderance rather than a value. In 2000, egory four hurricane sweeps across the nation,
we were once again divided, this time among unless bombs are dropped on our military bas-
party lines, for after a controversial election es, unless terrorist groups leave us screaming
season, we distrusted our president and our in pain and running for our lives, we could not
electoral system. It is 2017, and we are still care less. We do not make an effort to resolve
divided no matter how modern the platform our problems because we have accepted the
we tear each other down on is. idea that we will always be a divided nation,
that that is just how society works. But this is
And then, disaster hits. not true, for every time disaster strikes, we see
Suddenly, our bleeding nation patches itself, that we are more than capable of setting aside
ignoring our superficial wounds and turning of differences.
our attention to the more life-threatening inju- Instead of condescending language and acts
ries. In 1941, it was the 2,335 casualties suffered of violence, we turn to prayerful messages and
from the bombings at Pearl Harbor. In 2001, it nationwide fundraisers.
was the 2,977 lives lost on 9/11. Today, the na- While the recent surge of patriotism and
tion is once again bandaging itself in prepara- unity has been welcomed, it comes at the cost
tion to take on the aftermath of Hurricanes of American suffrage. The unfortunate real-
Harvey and Irma which are projected to cost ity of the situation is that we, as a nation, have
the nation $150 billion in reparation costs. not learned to work through our differences
After years of mild hurricane seasons, a without a horrific disaster forcing us to.
two week period of destruction left our great While it will take much time, eventually,
nation wounded physically, emotionally, Houston and the Keys and Miami will recover.
and financially. In Houston and surrounding When that happens, we can either find a unify-
Harris County, more than 30,000 people were ing force within our nation or we can let our
forced to relocate to shelters, unable to move differences continue to divide us. The decision
out from the path of Harvey. In the Florida to choose the latter is a decision to continue
Keys and Miami, mandated evacuations left along the cycle we are on now, to continue to
highways flooded with terrified citizens, know- let disaster strike.
ing that when they got back, their life prior to
the hurricane would be nothing more than a
nice memory.

The Chronicle’s Policy

The Chronicle is the official student The Chronicle is published monthly. The Chronicle is a member of The The Chronicle Staff Online Editor Bryan Hudnell Adviser
newspaper of William Mason High Call 398-5025 ext. 33103 for infor- Columbia Scholastic Press Association, Editor-in-Chief Luke Hutchinson Luke Hutchinson Dale Conner
School. mation regarding advertising in The The National Scholastic Press Asso- Asia Porter Business Manager Kaitlin Lewis
Chronicle. The Chronicle reserves the ciation, Quill and Scroll International Managing Editor Aniya Longmire Alexandra Lisa
The Chronicle promises to report the right to refuse advertising it deems in- Honorary Society for High School Jour- Delaney Turner Staff Photographer Millie Ortega
truth and adhere to the journalistic appropriate for a high school publica- nalists and the Ohio Scholastic Media Sports Editor Tanner Pearson Rahul Parikh
code of ethics through online and print tion. Association. Eric Miller Staff Writers Ria Parikh Connect with
mediums. Visual Design Editor Jacob Brase Yogesh Patel the Chronicle:
As an open forum for students, let- Contact Information Ryan D’Souza Joey Deaton
The Chronicle is produced by students ters to the editor are welcome, but are The Chronicle Andrea Hefferan Alekya Raghavan @mhschronicle
enrolled in Journalism I, II and III. subject to be edited for length, libel, ob- William Mason High School Nathalie Schickendantz
scenity, clarity and poor taste. Letters to 6100 S. Mason Montgomery Rd. Lauren Serge
Editorials reflect the staff ’s opinion the editor may be dropped off in room Mason, Ohio 45040
but do not necessarily reflect the opin- C103 and must be signed. (513) 398-5025 Lauren Thomas mhschronicle
ions of the school administration or the
Mason City School District. Freddie Wilhelm @mhschronicle

22 Opinion September 22, 2017

Abolish Editorial Cartoon
the Penny
When dreams turn into nightmares

Freddie Wilhelm |
Staff Writer

We have been through a lot over the past year. Standard of fun, because there are so many activities to do so. I
A shock presidency, Brexit, and even the Patriots must get good grades, because I have all the time to
winning another Superbowl. All this distracting us from Perfection do so. I must contribute to the community, because
an issue that the United States Government needs to ad- I have a great community in which to do so. I must
dress, the end of penny production. Mason holds unrealistic succeed, because I have no excuse not to.
Imagine you are in charge of a luxury car company, expectation that students
and for each car, it costs you $150,000 to make, but then must thrive We have created a world for ourselves where we
you take the car, and instead of increasing the price, you cannot fail. And in a world where failure is banned,
charge $100,000 to your customers. Crazy right? You Alexandra Lisa | discovery is just too much to risk. Do not discover
are losing $50,000 on every car. You would go bankrupt Staff Writer what you are best at. Discover what you’ a good at
because on every car you are losing money. and stick to it. That is the mindset we have devel-
Who would possibly spend more money making High school is the point in time where students oped. Just go the safe route.
something than what it is actually worth? The answer is are being pulled in a hundred different directions.
the United States of America. According to the annual Our interests aren’t clear enough, even to us, to Here is the problem with that. And I mean the
report from the United States Mint, it costs our govern- know what we want to do with our futures, and that problem besides requiring perfection from people
ment approximately 1.5 cents to make one penny--which phrase “Oh, you have plenty of time to figure it out” who are supposed to be experimenting. If we are
as we know is worth one cent. In 2015 over 9 billion is not working anymore. We have no more time. We supposed to be encouraging progress from today’s
pennies were minted by the US Government, costing us do not have time to try everything, to learn about students then it is wrong teach them to take the
approximately 135 million dollars to make. It is a waste of everything we want to learn, to figure out what the path in front of their feet. It is because we have
taxpayer money to keep a coin which costs more money heck we want to try to do for the rest of our lives. resources others do not that we should be trying to
to make as it is worth. Personally, I do not know if I have an interest in do more than what’s safe. If those who have the re-
Countless countries have abandoned their lowest value engineering or computer programming, because I sources to do more do not, then what was the point?
coin. These include not only countries with strong econo- have spent my life in the arts, in acting and drawing I would be surprised if the majority of people going
mies like Canada, New Zealand, and Australia, but also and writing, and I have had no time to mix those into a medical field were doing so because they
weaker economies like Mexico have stopped the produc- with other extracurriculars. I do not know if I could had a passion for it. I would be downright shocked
tion of their lowest value coin. It is time for America to have grown into a sport, because I was too con- if half the people going into a business field had
follow suit. cerned with using this preparation time wisely to a passion for it. Passion is what makes greatness,
Even at my job where I make $8.25 an hour, it takes me “waste time” in something I might not excel at. but apparently we are not interested in achieving
five seconds to earn a penny. With a median wage of 17 greatness anymore. We are far more concerned with
dollars an hour in the United States, you earn a penny in Allow me to reiterate. I didn’t want to venture being good at something that’ll keep us secure.
a little bit over two seconds, that being said, it makes no into the world of athletics or the sciences for fear
sense that this coin that, quite literally, takes seconds to that I would not have been gifted enough to call If we truly have more opportunities and better
earn, is still in circulation. that time useful in the end. I was too concerned resources, we have a duty to use them. Anything
But that is not where it ends, there is no utility for the with using this time of exploration intelligently to less is what’s truly unacceptable. Those in the lower
penny, you can not use it at vending machines, at toll risk exploring “incorrectly”. class are fighting to get out, those without opportu-
booths, or quite frankly anywhere. It is a useless coin. nity are fighting to get it, and because we already
You cannot use a penny to produce a penny, you would As a teenager in a great school district, I am have a comfortable living space we settle? We have
lose money. expected to balance my studies with a job, extracur- no right to fight any less than they are. They don’t
The only contenders to this claim are the Zinc indus- riculars, volunteering events, friends, and family, play it safe; we have no right to do so. Safety is for
try, who would lose money if the penny went out of and I am expected not to fail. I have all the op- insects preoccupied with survival. Danger is what
production, which is why they lobby to keep the penny portunities to succeed, and none of the hindrances makes change and shapes the world.
alive. Another contention is all things that would cost of poor education or health or finances. I must have
below a nickel would be rounded to a cost of five cents,
or all other amounts which may require pennies would
be rounded to the nearest nickel when paying in cash.
This, however, is false, as seen in the countries that re-
pealed their lowest value coin, they experienced no eco-
nomic strain from this “rounding tax.” Even the United
States’ Department of Defense implemented a policy to
end use of the penny on all their military bases and expe-
rienced no negative change in the economy, because it is
equally effective to the producer and consumer, meaning
no change occurs in the long run.
So instead of health care, taxes and gun control,
Congress should stop bickering about these problems
that will have a long, drawn out solution, and focus on a
bipartisan issue with an easy fix. The end of penny pro-
duction and the strain it has had on our economy needs
to end. Enough is enough, abolish it.

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24 September 22, 2017



September LIFETIME








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