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The Chronicle published on February 1, 2019.

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Published by The Chronicle, 2019-02-13 13:51:12

Edition 16.5

The Chronicle published on February 1, 2019.

Vol. 16, Issue 5 | William Mason High School | 6100 Mason Montgomery Road Mason, OH | 2.1.19


On The Hunt

PG. 8

Senior Micah Warwick, photo by Tanner Pearson, Ryan D’Souza

2 News February 1, 2019

Lindner Center starts teenage internet addiction program

Lauren Serge | Managing Editor ety, and they’re usually not going to be Social Media’s Impact Graphic by Ryan D’Souza
Chances are you are suffering from the first ones to say they have a gaming
an addiction and you don’t even know problem. But after we do an assessment, This differentiation between technol-
it. we’ll find out that they have this addic- ogy that is beneficial or detrimental
If you spend more than three hours tive behavior that is utilized as a way was what influenced junior Lindy Tran
a day online or glued to a device, your to try to deal with their depression or to delete her social media. Tran said she
mental health is at risk according to a anxiety.” realized her time was widely spent on
2017 study. Factors such as this lead the her device in meaningless habitual acts
World Health Organization to recently Many mental health issues can be to captivate her.
identify gaming addiction as a disorder. fueled by a teenager’s persistent usage
Now, locally, the Lindner Center in of technology and social media. Senior “I noticed that Instagram implement-
Mason has launched a program entitled Zack Tepe attributed technology’s ed this thing where it showed you how
Reboot targeted at helping teenagers impact on mental health to its elements often you used the app, and throughout
overcome addiction to their screens. of dissatisfaction as well as the coverage the day it totaled up my activity to six
of negative topics prevalent on social hours of just scrolling through,” Tran
The Reboot Program media outlets. said. “I noticed it would be between
classes where I could be doing home-
ReBoot is a 28-day residential pro- “On social media, you’re constantly work or talking to friends, but I would
gram located in the Linder Center’s looking at other people’s lives, and how just scroll through, and it wouldn’t be
Williams house, where adolescents things have impacted other people, so useful information, it would be the
bearing depression, anxiety, atten- when looking at it, you’re left feeling same posts, the same memes, but differ-
tion deficit hyperactivity disorder and kind of empty,” Tepe said. “I guess ent variations over and over that would
trauma also stay to rehabilitate. The people are constantly fueled by the keep my attention.”
youth live at the center, attend school negativity of social media and that’s all
and receive therapy throughout the day. they’re around if they’re just on their Tran said her obligation to check
Reboot is offered to individuals aged phone all the time.” social media was due in part to its
11 to 18, as long as they continue to go ability to spark conversations and feel
to high school, and it aims to educate The Diagnosis as though she was not missing out on
them on positive internet usage. a viral occurrence. Despite this, Tran
Much like alcohol or drug addictions, said the toxicity of the content on social
Dr. Chris Tuell, the Clinical Director there are some individuals who can use media prompted the deletion of her
of Addictive Services at the Lindner technology and never develop a prob- accounts.
Center of HOPE, said the program’s lematic lifestyle. However, Tuell said
specialization on internet addiction in there are specific guidelines that enable “I usually don’t really think nega-
the Mason area was the response to a the professionals at the Lindner Center tively, but then you see the comments
trend of teenagers coming to the center to diagnose someone with an internet or captions on Instagram and I noticed
with the issue in recent years. Tuell said addiction. that I was almost mimicking the drama
the perception of the addiction is held posts on there,” Tran said. “A lot of the
in the same regard as other common “What we call the Three C’s: is there a thoughts I’m having were because I saw
addictions. loss of control? Is the behavior compul- them on social media a lot, like criticiz-
sive that they can’t stop doing it? And ing someone. I would go into a room
“The brain doesn’t really care what it probably the most important of the and do that in person, so I decided I
is,” Tuell said. “The brain doesn’t care three is that they continue to do it de- needed to reset and deleted everything.”
if I pour it down my throat, or put it in spite the negative consequences,” Tuell
my nose, or see it with my eyes. The said. “They continue to do it knowing Beginning Healthy Use
same neurochemicals are happening that it is affecting their relationships,
within the brain. And what we find a lot hurting their grades, they might lose Through the Reboot program, Tuell
of times, with adults and with adoles- their jobs. So they continue to do it de- said teenagers have acquired capabili-
cents, is that those who have mental spite all of those negative consequences ties to diminish the negative and harm-
health issues, like depression, anxiety, that are happening in their lives, just ful effects of the internet.
suicide, and trauma, they will utilize like any other addiction.”
devices or the internet, as a way of cop- “We’ve seen youth who have gone
ing or escaping, or numbing out from During the program, patients receive through the program and develop bet-
those issues, just like alcohol or a drug clinical assessments and are provided ter ways of coping with stress or tension
would do.” with individual therapy and group work in their life, or depression,” Tuell said.
with psychiatric and psychological pro- “So, giving them skills, how to manage
The Addiction fessionals. After the first couple weeks, their time on the internet in a healthy
patients attend psychoeducational way, and also working with the family
The difference between the constant programs to aid their development. so they have a better idea of what to do
accessibility to the internet as opposed Tuell said the treatment team guides at home with respect to this issue.”
to drugs and alcohol, according to Tu- the patients into healthy digital usage,
ell, is what increases the development by almost reintroducing them to the Despite the progression of technol-
of an addiction. This, coupled with the internet. ogy in the lives of adolescents, Tuell
dependency on digital devices, allows said the elevation of internet addiction
teenagers to use technology to aid exis- “The way we kind of look at it is highlights the need for favorable and
tent mental illnesses. almost like food,” Tuell said. “There’s productive internet usage.
healthy food, like vegetables, and then
“This program looks at not only the there’s sugars. The sugars, when it “This is an issue that we are seeing,
internet addiction piece, but also, what comes to the internet, are things like that there is research supporting it,
are some underlying mental health gaming, pornography, hyper-surfing, and it’s becoming more and more of a
issues that may be driving it as well,” hyper-texting, these things that release concern within our culture,” Tuell said.
Tuell said. “A lot of times, they’ll come that level of dopamine. The vegetables “But the internet is always going to be
in with things like depression and anxi- are kind of the good part of the inter- around, and it’s going to be in their
net, whether it’s education, information, jobs in the future, and it’s part of their
research, or connecting with others. It’s school, so they have to learn how to
learning how to develop a better digital regulate it, and how to use the internet
nutrition, we call it.” in a healthy way.”

February 1, 2019 News 3

Computer-Aided Design still recovering from fire damage

Without a functioning dust collecter, heavy machinery like the (from left) Computer Numeric Control machine and radial arm saw are currently off-limits. Photos by Della Johnson.

Della Johnson | Staff Writer Wells said, if the machines were working properly, “
students taking the class could learn more about the
Once considered one of the most hands-on courses machines and how to use them. If the machine was
at Mason High School, Computer-Aided Design (CAD) working, we could be
has taken a few steps back since last year’s fire. “If the machine was working, we could be using our using our time a lot more
time a lot more productively,” Wells said. “We could be
The accident, which occured on May 8, 2018, because learning new things about what’s in the lab, and learn productively
of the dust collecter in the B108 CAD room, caused how to use the other machines. But, since it’s not func-
an evacuation of the entire student body and faculty. tioning, we really don’t have the ability to do that.” Amanda Wells, Senior
Since then, the machine has remained broken.
The prolonged time without the machine has caused “
Without the dust collector, using other machinery many students to wonder when it will be repaired.
is unsafe. It was used to draw in waste and dust that Mason Chief of Operations Todd Petrey said the design
would otherwise fill the room when it is not working, process actually takes quite a while, factoring in all of
and students could inhale much of it. CAD teacher the research required.
George Elias said the loss of the dust collector has
halted labs in the classroom, and that teachers have to “The fire actually destroyed the entire dust collec-
outsource their projects. tor,” Petrey said. “Therefore a new dust collector had
to be designed. When we get into designing something
“When the machine isn’t working properly were such as a dust collector, we take into account the
not able to have lab at all at that point,” Elias said. current machines being used and also machines that
“Instead, we assign more curriculum and projects that might be used in the future. We want a dust collec-
we had outsourced and sent away to get cut.” tor that will perform well over the next two decades.
There is a considerable amount of research that is
Another way students apply their knowledge in class done by engineers and architects.”
is through design programs on their computers. Senior
Ben Harpen said that, originally, what they designed Petrey said that the look in comparison to the high
would be sent to the machine to be constructed, but school is something that need to be taken into con-
now the process ends after design. sideration when placing a new machine. This is so the
intended building aesthetic continues.
“There’s a program called VCarve, and we make
vectors on it,” Harpen said. “Then we can send those “You’re able to see the dust collector from the park-
vectors and the toolpaths on them to the machine, ing lot,” Petrey said. “Due to the fact we have a beauti-
then the machine cuts out whatever we made on the ful high school we want to make sure that the dust
program. Now all we do is sit at computers. We just collector is properly hidden behind some type of fence
make the projects, we don’t cut them out.” for aesthetics and safety purposes.”

Even with the other assignments, the class flow is An important reason for taking this class is to learn
undeniably changed. Senior Amanda Wells said that aspects of utilizing manufacturing machines, such as
often times, the class ends up going by quickly, and Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machine. Harpen
students have more free time. said that he and his fellow classmates will have more
trouble receiving certification now.
“Most of the time we just have free time,” Wells said.
“We can get our projects done quickly in advance. We “We’re supposed to be getting CNC machine certi-
don’t have to do anything for them. We literally just fied,” Harpen said. “When we’re certified, we can go
program them and then print them out. Since we can’t get a job at a CNC workplace, and stuff like that. Since
make them, there’s nothing really else to do. It’s pretty we can’t really use the lab, it will be hard to do that.”
much a study hall.”

4 News February 1, 2019

Concerned students place free feminine products in restrooms

Alex Lisa | Staff Writer

Periods aren’t just the end of a sentence, Photo by Alex Lisa
they can be unpredictable and uncomfort- Senior Taylor Kiss and fellow Hope Squad members placed a basket of tampons and pads in women’s restrooms free for girls to use when needed.
able for young women at Mason High
School. Members of MHS Hope Squad is use it as an excuse to miss class,” Kiss said. With the baskets, you don’t have to pay Quach said the embarrassment associ-
trying to come to the rescue. “Even now, with the baskets, I know that for products, and you also don’t have to ated with periods is something that girls
there are people who are abusing it. But answer the question of ‘why weren’t you should begin to combat. Since it is a major
In the past, there were machines located for those who are actually dealing with a prepared.’” factor of every girl’s life, she does not
in the bathrooms which would dispense crisis, they’re not trying to miss class just think girls should hide the fact that they
feminine products for 50 cents, and in the to get out of the situation.” Senior Savannah Quach said the un- have it, or the issues that come with it.
case of an urgent need there were supplies predictability of periods is influenced by
in the nurse’s office, but these have been Freshman Kaya Rossey, who was the many factors which should not force girls “Even going to the bathroom, girls
problematic. student who sparked the initial conversa- to know when their period will come. try to hide tampons up their sleeve and
tion when she came into Kiss’s class, said there’s no reason for it,” Quach said. “The
That is, until the start of second semes- the baskets are a great solution that solve “Stress, lack of sleep, messed up eat- baskets are a great help, because they help
ter, when a baskets of feminine products many of the issues at hand. ing habits, synching up with other girls, to normalize it. All of a sudden, it’s like
were placed in multiple restrooms, open there’s so much that can make a period using toilet paper, and no one’s going to
for girls to use as needed. Senior Taylor “I was just really unprepared for the come early,” Quach said. “Every girl has fault you for having it happen. No one
Kiss, along with other Hope Squad mem- questions, and I know a lot of other girls been caught off guard by their period should be ashamed of any aspect of their
bers, drafted the email which sparked this are,” Rossey said. “School is really public before, and it’s a really bad position to be body, least of all something as natural as
change. Kiss said the email was a result and this is happening in front of everyone, in. That’s why we’re all so eager to support this.”
of girls facing negative experiences when and so you’re already a little emotional. one another.”
getting products from the nurse’s office.

“There was a girl who came into class re-
ally upset,” Kiss said. “She was crying, and
she had gotten her period early and didn’t
have anything, and when she went down
to the nurses they asked her a bunch of
questions about why she wasn’t prepared,
why she let it happen, and just made an
embarrassing situation a lot worse.”

After finding out what the issue was,
many other girls joined in the conversa-
tion with experiences of their own asking
for products from the nurses.

“Everyone had experienced the same
thing, or heard of someone experiencing
it, and we all decided that really wasn’t go-
ing to cut it anymore,” Kiss said. “I drafted
an email, and everyone around me during
that class read it and pitched in, and then I
sent it to Mrs. Bumiller. She got back to me
with this solution, and said she is trying to
start up a pilot program.”

Kiss said that, despite the fact that the
questions girls are asked can feel intrusive
or interrogative, she understands why the-
nurses have to be skeptical when handing
out products.

“There are obviously people who just

February 1, 2019 Feature 5

App bridges language barriers through video chat

Anusha Vadlamani | Staff Writer

Pen pals are being reinvented by Tandem. Junior Nick Flood video chats with his friend, Thomas Buton, who currently lives in France. Photo by Anusha Vadlamani.
An application designed to create a language
learning community, Tandem allows people between American and French cultures that she Flood's Tandem bio, where he lists his goals and interests.
from all over the world to connect on a single otherwise said she wouldn’t have discovered.
platform. When a new user first joins, they sign
up under their own native language, as well as “In France when they are trying to say ‘LOL’ it’s
what languages they would like to learn. Users ‘MDR’ because ‘mort de rire’ means ‘die of laugh-
are then paired together based on age, common ter,’ Baah-Binney said. They have a lot of slang
interests and the language they want to learn. that is similar to English. There’s a lot of phrases
Using a three-bar scale, Tandem measures where the literal English translation is something
how advanced a user really is in the language completely different in French, but they still man-
they are learning; one bar means that they are age to mean the same thing.”
just beginning to learn a language and three
bars means they are fluent. Junior Nick Flood One of the easiest ways for Baah-Binney to
feels that Tandem has helped him improve connect with people is offering to teach about
from his starting level of one-bar. English slang, in exchange for learning about the
“I started at the end of August: I was defi- current trends of another culture.
nitely a one on the scale because I wasn’t really
confident in my skills in French, especially with “I met this guy on the app and he’s learning
speaking,” Flood said. “Now, I’m like a two or a a lot of English slang but it’s all from the ’90s,”
three. I think I definitely had the skills to be a Baah-Binney said. “I’m trying to teach him what
two or a three on the scale before, but I guess I we learn today and what’s new. He’s teaching me
wasn’t confident enough and I wasn’t actively slang because he considers himself ‘hip’ when it
speaking it. I would definitely say I’m closer to comes to French terms.”
a two or a three now. I wouldn’t say I’m totally
fluent, but it’s helped a lot.” While learning a language directly from a
Tandem differs from other well-known apps native speaker is a step up from the classroom,
such as Duolingo and Babbel because it allows Buton believes that the best way to truly learn a
users to directly message each other. Flood said language is to immerse yourself in it. His dedi-
this feature has been especially helpful because it cation to teaching French has even extended to
allows him to learn about slang and nuances not inviting Flood to spend the summer with him in
taught in school. France.
“Honestly, it’s probably helped more than
anything I’ve done in school,” Flood said. “When “I suggested that (Nick and I) stay together
you’re texting a person who actually speaks the because I want (him) to experience how I live,”
language and they speak the way they really talk, Buton said. “I want (him) to see what the South of
you’re learning more than the formal language; France and Marseille (are) like because France is
you’re learning how they actually speak.” not just Paris. Our lives are so different so it can
While Flood has felt that his French skills have just be so good to meet and learn.”
improved immensely, his favorite part of the app
is the people that he has connected with.
“I’d never really thought about becoming
friends with international students, just because
there’s a language barrier and they’re so far away,”
Flood said. “But I’ve definitely made a lot more
friends on the app, and it’s cool that I still talk to
them today. This guy I met -- Thomas -- is really
nice, and I think he was one of the first people
I messaged on the app. Honestly, I think I’ve
learned the most from Thomas, and he’s just re-
ally nice. I would definitely keep talking to him.”
For Flood’s friend, senior Thomas Buton, learn-
ing English on Tandem was an essential step in
being able to communicate with people from all
over the world.
“Before I used Tandem, I didn’t talk a lot in
English so I made a lot of dumb mistakes and [my
English] was missing a lot of vocabulary,” said
Buton. “Now, I feel as though my level of speak-
ing has increased greatly. I wanted to improve my
English because I love traveling around the world
and I want to talk with people from a lot of coun-
tries and discover new cultures.”
Through using Tandem, Junior Cara Baah-
Binney has been able to focus on the similarities

6 Feature February 1, 2019

Depression worsened by frigid weather conditions

Henri Robbins | Staff Writer Even then, not all cases occur in the winter. Sopho- Sim said that, even with the awareness today, it
can be hard for many students to realize they have
more Arisu Yoshida suffers from episodes in the sum- an issue. She wants to see students reaching out and
getting help, but recognizes that it can be something
Many students are beginning to feel a bit under mer. Even though she focuses on work and her cre- of a challenge for them.

the weather, and the weather is to blame. ative writing, the heat and lack of routine over break “I definitely feel like some people who aren’t very
aware or open to it, who don’t realize they actually
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), more com- makes her more susceptible to depressive episodes. have a problem, aren’t doing anything about it, and
I feel like that needs to change because, well, depres-
monly known as seasonal depression, is an issue “I feel like I’m in an oven,” said Yoshida, “and it sion sucks. It’s not something that people should
just live with thinking it’s normal. It’s not something
that many students face. Although it can occur makes me completely useless at progressing with any that you should try hiding. Even if it’s a personal
thing, you should definitely seek help somewhere,
throughout the year, symptoms usually begin in the of my creative works. I’m more inspired by winter. because it’s not something that you want to con-
Funnily enough, I draw summer settings. Sunsets, stantly live with.”
fall and winter seasons. Junior Josephine Sim, who
beaches. I think of summer as the time of year where
faces both clinical and seasonal depression, feels
you take adventures, but I just spend it staying home
that people do not understand the severity of the
and being sweaty.”
Because of the many different symptoms, SAD has
“Dealing with depression on a daily basis is obvi-
many different treatments. While a great number of
ously an issue, but seasonal depression is another
thing, because it adds more pressure on an already- them are specifically for patients who suffer in the
winter, there are also many that work year-round. Psy-
existing problem,” Sim said, “(depression) is like
chologist Jeff Schlaeger said that the treatments work
I’m in a pool and I don’t know how to swim, and
to increase overall mood and productivity.
seasonal depression is the action of drowning.”
“There’s traditional counseling, but there’s also actu-
With this, there are lots of methods that people
ally light therapy – technically called phototherapy,
use to prevent depressive episodes. Certain tasks,
and it’s all about the Vitamin D from a special lamp,”
such as cleaning or other small jobs around the
Schlaeger said. “We had a staff member that retired
house, tend to help Justin Rose.
“Something I would recommend for most people who was a special educator who actually did photo-
therapy on the students.”
to do, especially if they deal with depression, is
Depression isn’t just sadness, though. Yoshida
to make their bed in the morning,” Rose said. “It
sounds super simple, but it’s something you can say said over the summer, she feels extreme unmo-
tivation and finds herself unable to work on
that you did. You have this accomplishment that
you did. Just do small little tasks, set goals. Make
“You have to force yourself into a routine
them super specific. Like, ‘I want to clean up my
so that you don’t completely give up on ev-
house’ is a no. Clean up your room or clean up a
pile of laundry and say you did that in a day. Always erything,” Yoshida said. “If you say ‘this is
leave tasks to do to just get your mind off of things.” a checklist, and if I complete everything
then I did good today,’ that’s what keeps
Rose was diagnosed in his freshman year after
you going.”
family and friends noticed a major shift in attitude
Around four to six percent of people
and demeanor during the winter months.
suffer from seasonal depression, and 10
“Around fall and winter, it just started to a little
to 20 percent suffer from mild SAD, ac-
more difficult, but it got really bad freshman year
cording to American Family Physician.
because I switched out of my old school to Mason,”

Rose said. “I went into darker places than normal.

It was around that time that I actually talked to

someone about it over text, and their

parent read it and reported me to the

school, and I actually got suspended

for a wellness check, where I had to

have a therapist write a note saying

I’m okay to go to school and I’m

not a danger to myself or anyone

else. That’s when the whole pro-

cess started.”

Even though SAD is very

prominent, many people

still do not see it as an issue.

Psychologist Michaela Kramer

said that it is fairly common,

even if not everyone sees it.

“It’s certainly a real thing

where your mood, energy

level, and motivation take

a dip – signs are similar to

what we see with depres-

sion,” Kramer said. “Along

with work not being com-

pleted as much, students

also aren’t as social but are notice-

ably irritable.” Illustration by Henri Robbins.

February 1, 2019 7

8 Feature February 1, 2019

Hunting serves as popular
pastime for MHS students

Andrea Hefferan | Staff Writer crossbow is a gun and a bow com- Photo by Tanner Pearson
Most people get their food from a bined where you pull back a spring
and the arch of the bow is horizontal Senior Micah Warwick scouts out an area for deer.
grocery store. Hunters get theirs from and the arrow sits on a rail, you pull
the woods. back the string. You use a trigger for I think people are just ill-informed or ask everyone to agree with his views,
the crossbow. Muzzleloader you load they’ve had a bad experience with it.” but rather to simply listen to him and
For a multitude of Mason students, from the tip and that’s more like a others. He said he wants people to
hunting is a way to get out, have fun, musket, where you load the powder.” Hollon said hunting helps the envi- understand what hunting is truly like
and get food in the process. ronment thrive and brings balance to before making judgements rather than
The skill of shooting, be it with the ecosystem. holding on to their preconceived mis-
Senior Trent Hollon has hunted since a gun or a bow, does not come conceptions.
he was five, having been introduced to naturally. For Hollon, it has been “(Hunting is) one of those situations
the sport by his dad. Hollon said it is a honed through years of practice and where it’s an act of preserving,” Hollon “I would encourage people who don’t
peaceful experience, as he gets to take intensive training in the days prior to said. “The food chain works in ways that like hunting or feel something against
in his surroundings while waiting for a hunt. if one population gets too high, then hunting to go to sit down and talk to a
deer. other populations can suffer because hunter just so they get a feel of what
“When the moment comes, shoot- of that. Also, it’s limited to how many real hunting is like,” Warwick said.
“Where you’re just sitting there silent, ing at a target’s a lot easier than deer you can take; it’s not like we’re “If you don’t understand and if you
you get to observe all of nature here,” shooting a deer because when you’re just clearing the population. I would come in from a third-party view or bad
Hollon said. “You can watch not only shooting at a deer, your adrenaline’s say most deer hunters that I know, not experience it could easily get twisted
deer go by, but you’ll see raccoons, going and usually it’s not just an easy too many guys are going to go out into something bad. Really, 98 percent
birds, and turkey all the time while shot sitting right there,” Hollon said. there and just head hunt and try to kill of hunters are there for the greater
hunting. It can be very relaxing as well “You don’t want to shoot a deer in the deer and leave them. You go out, you good of conservation, just keeping herd
as super intense, especially when you wrong spot. Then you’d just wound it take the meat, use it right and you’re control and everything else. I would just
have a deer walk up on you.” but it’d live, so hitting it in its vitals is still preserving the population. I think encourage people to talk to somebody,
very important.” there’s mostly good heart behind it in listen to something--there are plenty of
Freshman Emilia Geren, who got her the fun of the sport.” resources--just learn what it actually is.”
hunting license only a year ago, said Senior Micah Warwick does not take
that while waiting for deer can drag the responsibility of handling a gun With many debates over the moral
on at times, the excitement that comes lightly. Ever since he began shooting, issues of hunting, Warwick does not
from putting her skills to use makes it he has been taught to use a gun with
worthwhile. caution.

“The whole experience can seem “I’ve been shooting rifles since I
boring at first, but setting up, choosing was fairly young,” Warwick said. “My
the right spot, just the tactical and the grandpa always taught me safety above
mental part of it is actually really fun to anything else and it never has been
go through,” Geren said. “Just the whole a problem for me or any of my fam-
process of thinking and aiming; actually ily. There’s just a respect for a weapon
knowing what you’re supposed to be that a lot of times people aren’t taught
doing.” or just think it’s a toy. It was never
instilled me that it was a toy so it was
Although hunting season is only a just a tool that has a job. You learn it,
few specific days out of the year, the it takes time, and (my family) would
preparation goes far beyond that. Hol- never let me hunt if I didn’t know what
lon said getting ready for the season is I was doing.”
just as important as the actual hunting.
While there is an adrenaline rush that
“Early before season starts, in the comes with hunting, Hollon said there
offseason, we’ll be making blinds at the is a real purpose behind it.
ponds and lakes we’re hunting,” Hollon
said. “Setting up the deer stands, throw- “I don’t kill just for fun,” Hollon said.
ing down the corn, getting the deer to “I make sure I make food out of (the
the spot--all that’s super fun because I deer) and use it for other reasons than
work on a farm and the farmer’s a big just for killing. We’ll track it, find it, and
hunter, so I get to help him set up every then field dress it. That’s taking out all
year. It’s a super cool process, setting up the organs and intestines, so that’s not
and then watching the ducks start land- too pretty. Then we’ll take it to a friend
ing at the pond that you’re at, the deer that processes the deer for us, and he’ll
start coming to the spot, just watch- process it into summer sausage, ground
ing everything come together before beef, all that good stuff.”
Warwick believes there is not any-
According to Hollon, there are many thing wrong with hunting, and does not
different animals to hunt and weapons think the people who object to it have
to choose from. valid reasons.

“So obviously, there’s deer hunting,” “If you disagree with hunting and still
Hollon said. “Then there’s waterfowl eat cheeseburgers from McDonald’s, it’s
hunting, so that’s ducks and geese, and just hypocritical because the food indus-
there’s also rabbit hunting, squirrel try isn’t very pleasant either,” Warwick
hunting, so a whole bunch out there. said. “Knowing that the animal that
For weapons, compound is your regular you’re eating was wild and taken doing
looking bow that you would think of; exactly what it would always do and
the string and then the arched bow. A wasn’t put in a pen is a cool experience.

February 1, 2019 Feature 9

Vytla performs at national singing competition

Lily Geiser | Staff Writer Photo contributed by YoungArts’ National Arts Competition
Junior Soumya Vytla is finding her Junior Soumya Vytla became a finalist in the YoungArts’ National Arts Competition for her singing.

voice on the national stage. girls cried because it meant something Photos by Lily Geiser
Vytla participated in the YoungArts’ to her. It was a new kind of gratifica- Junior Soumya Vytla sings, writes, and records her music in her at-home studio.
National Arts Competition, a competi-
tion for high school artists across the This performance, along with the
country. Entering in the popular music program as a whole, was a turning
category, she became a finalist and point for Vytla. Although she was al-
besides receiving a scholarship of up to ways interested in pursuing a career in
$10,000, she also had the opportunity music, Vytla said YoungArts made her
to participate in the National Youn- more confident in her abilities to make
gArts Week program. her dream a reality.

“Before going in, to be honest, I “For once, I felt like this was possible
didn’t know how big of a deal it was,” for me,” Vytla said. “Before YoungArts,
Vytla said. “I had never gone anywhere I was like ‘yeah, of course I want to be
without my parents before, and that a singer, but that’s never going to hap-
fact that we were performing--I was pen for me.’ I’m just like everyone else
nervous. I just thought, you know, ‘I’m that wants to be a singer. But [after-
going to go to this, and then come wards] I felt, not validated, validated
back to my normal routine’. That’s in a sense, but more like I had more
definitely not what happened.” confidence in myself. Like, I can actu-
ally do this.”
Vytla has been singing for over a de-
cade, beginning her lessons when she Despite her desire to pursue music,
was just five years old. Now, Vytla re- Vytla still acknowledges the uncer-
cords her music in her at-home studio, tainty of it as a potential career path.
where she documents her sining on her She said she plans to keep her options
YouTube channel. Vytla also plays the open going forward, without forgetting
piano and writes songs for upcoming about her passion.
Spotify and iTunes streaming. Over the
years, she has sung several different “I’m not really sure what I’m going
styles of music, before finally settling to do,” Vytla said. “It’s still kind of
on pop music as her preferred genre. blurry. But college is definitely still in
there. Academics are important for me,
“When I first started singing, I education is important, and I know I
started singing Indian music,” Vytla have the potential to go into pre-med
said. “My parents are from India, so and be successful. But I also know I
that’s kind of what I grew up doing. I have that same - and even more - mo-
started with classical music, and then I tivation for music. I don’t want to let
went into Indian film music, and then I go of that, because being there I knew
went into American music, pop music. that’s what I love to do.”
It’s cool to kind of bring together those
two parts of my life, because they are
who I am. I’m both Indian and Ameri-

Like Vytla, the other participants in
the YoungArts competition brought
their own perspectives into their
chosen art forms. Despite being the
only Ohio native, Vytla said that she
was able to form relationships with the
other students and learn from their
diverse input.

“Everyone there is just so artistic and
passionate in their field, and it makes
you more driven,” Vytla said. “That’s
the environment. I got to work with so
many people who were professionals
in their field, but the fact that I got to
work with my peers was another great
experience. Because they were all so
good. Just the best of the best. We were
able to feed off each other’s passion.”

The YoungArts event provided nu-
merous opportunities for the partici-
pants, including master classes with
professionals like Emilio Estefan and
Joan Lader, as well as realistic audition
scenarios and studio tours. One of these
opportunities was a chance for the
students to put on a live performance,
for both their peers in the program and
community members, which Vytla said
was a fulfilling experience.

“After my performance, there were
a lot of people that came up and said
I did well,” Vytla said. “I never experi-
enced that kind of thing, where people
were moved by what I sang. One of the

10 February 1, 2019

Februrary 1, 2019 Feature 11

Freshmen girls form group to discuss the Bible

Riley Johansen | Staff Writer

Through opening their Bibles, a

group of freshmen girls are also open-

ing up to one another.

Freshman Madison Kopfler invited

female members of her class to attend

a once-a-week Bible study and create a

community for the coming high school

years. After conversing with mentors

from her church as well as researching

messages for her age group, Kopfler

began spreading the word via social

media and has accumulated 19 girls in

the freshman class to attend.

With two meetings already in the

books, Kopfler said that her group

sparked from the difficulties she had

encountered with the changing social

scenes in high school and her desire to

help others adjust and connect through

a common interest.

“I'm personally friends with a lot of

different types of groups and all differ-

ent people who all are religious, so I

thought it'd be really cool if I brought

all of those groups together and cre-

ated this community in freshman girls Photo by Riley Johansen
as we’re going through high school,”
A group of 19 freshman girls meet every Sunday to engage in open Bible discussions and to further friendships.

Kopfler said. “I thought it'd be really

cool to create a group where everybody Freshman Mikayla Poteet has been in high school less stressful. “We’ll read the passage that’s chosen
could just learn about Christ together with Kopfler’s group since she was “I think it’s important to have a group and talk about how we can apply them
and make it a place where you can invited by another member and said she to our lives. This has been something
talk about issues that somebody will has been very grateful for the experi- like this to have an outlet in everybody’s that’s helped me to feel like I’m not
understand, relate, and be able to give ence that she has had so far. Poteet said busy lives,” Poteet said. “Just knowing alone in the things that I go through as
you advice.” the community has made her first year that you have people that support and a freshman. I can’t wait to see the group
care about you is a great feeling and

makes high school feel just a little bit get more united as we move up through

easier to go through.” grade levels together.”

Aside from the religious aspect of Kopfler’s main goal in her initiative

the group, Kopfler said she hopes this is to develop a welcoming and encour-

community will build a strong bond for aging space to lessen the intimidation

the girls to have a sturdy friend group factors of the first year of high school.

as well as a support system as they prog- Kopfler said she wants to spread the

ress through their high school careers. mentality with which she has carried

“Once freshmen become sophomores, herself throughout her freshman year

sometimes you can feel like you don’t as well.

have a place anymore,” Kopfler said. “As for me, I love everybody,” Kopfler

“The seniors who had become your said. “I want everybody to be included

mentors leave for college and you don't and I want to encourage people to do

have that group anymore, so I want to that. Everybody in this group is so ac-

make a group for people so they could cepting and loving and just wants to

continue to have that community all the create new bonds and friendships so that

way through high school and never feel freshman year and making new friends

like they don't have a place.” is less scary.”

Kopfler also invites girls to lead dis- Poteet said the group has not only

cussions and biblical messages in order connected her to her classmates, but

to relate the Bible to situations many of also to a more vulnerable side of herself

the girls have experienced. Freshman in religious discussions make those

Katie Reeves has attended since the first bonds even more special.

meeting and has already found comfort “I feel like our grade isn’t very united

in the community. Reeves said she looks or as close as we used to be,” Poteet said.

forward to watching the group expand “This group has helped me become

as well as the members becoming closer closer with a lot of girls in my class and

as the group follows them through their helps me knowing that other people my

years of high school. age are going through the same things.

“The meeting begins with a girl in This is such a good way to see those

Photo by Riley Johansen the group who wants to talk about a other perspectives and learn about each
certain chapter in the Bible and guides other while still learning about Jesus at
Freshman Madison Kopfler united girls in her grade to discuss the Bible. the meeting for the night,” Reeves said. the same time.”

12 Feat

Not pulling a

Senior Ellie Uematsu practices kick-boxing techniques she learned from self-defense classes.

MHS students take self-defense classes due to fears of being

Sophia Johnson | Staff Writer of.” really know when it comes to that kind cally feel threatened.
They don’t plan on starting fights, but Uematsu said there had been sev- of thing--there are so many tactics that “I definitely feel safer walking to my
they’re prepared to finish them. people warn you about.”
In August, senior Ellie Uematsu eral instances while at work where car alone and feel If I was in a situation
began taking classes in boxing and kick- she’s been confronted and followed by Feeling unsafe at work, Uematsu said that I could defend myself,” Uematsu
boxing: common practices of self-de- strangers. When she was approached she felt kickboxing classes could make said. “I don’t know how well, because It
fense. The class’ full body workouts are by a stranger in a Target parking lot, her feel more confident so she could depends on the person, but I feel like
taught through practicing on a punch- Uematsu said she was initially unsure of defend herself. I would be a lot more confident in my
ing bag, and Uematsu said the workouts how to respond. abilities and what I’m capable of.”
are physically demanding. “In the moment you don’t really
“We start up with a warm-up which is “I knew people were being ap- realize what could happen because you While senior McKenzie Snyder has
a lot of cardio and jump-rope to build proached in parking lots and there think ‘oh that could never happen to never been in a situation where she has
up speed,” Uematsu said. “We do eight have been reports of human trafficking me,’ but then when you look back on needed to defend herself, she said being
rounds of three-minute combos; they happening around Mason,” Uematsu a situation, you realize it could have a second-degree black belt in Taekwon-
yell it out, and we just do it. You build said. “When I was working at Target, I gone bad. So after that, I decided I just do has given her confidence to depend
up speed and work on power and they’re was approached in the parking lot by a wanted to be able to defend myself and on herself.
like ‘you’re going to do this one for man trying to sell a makeup product. also to feel confident in my abilities, so I
speed’ and you have to go as fast as you Then my boss came out and told the started kickboxing to help with tech- Snyder said she encourages people to
can so you can see what you’re capable man that he needed to leave and wasn’t nique and to build strength.” take self-defense classes at some point
allowed on the property. This could’ve before graduating high school so they
just been a salesman, or it could have Now attending the kickboxing classes can rely on themselves to stay safe after
been something else because you never regularly, Uematsu said her mindset has high school.
changed in situations she would typi-
“We did a lot of self-defense stuff;

ture 13

any punches

Photos by Tanner Pearson

Senior Reagan Courtney holds a “self defense claw” when she goes on runs in case she needs to defend herself.

g attacked; say they feel more secure on their own now

kicking, punching, and forms of hand though, as the young women in Mason, “After my mom got attacked, my dad situation. It’s really important to keep
techniques,” Snyder said. “Not that I it was good to know. gave us these little boxes that we hold in yourself safe in environments, even
would go try them out, but if something our hands when we run,” Courtney said. when you feel super comfortable and in
happened, I would feel more comfort- Having taken self-defense classes “There’s a little strap that goes around situations you are used to, It can happen
able. As we move on, because a lot of us several times, Erasala said realizing how your wrist, and it just sits in your hand. anywhere at any time.”
are going to college or going to other a dangerous situation can suddenly When you push down, then plastic claws
places where we will be alone walking arise has shown her how important it is come out. If you scratch the person, it Uematsu said she plans on continu-
sometimes, I definitely recommend always to be prepared. can scare them off, and you also get ing her practice of combat sports after
knowing some self-defense.” DNA from them that you can turn into graduating from high school to keep
“The first time I took (the class) was the police.” her mentally and physically healthy.
Junior Vibha Erasala values self- right after I heard about the woman
defense lessons because she sees the real that was attacked at MECC (Mason Learning that unexpected encounters “I think I’m going to continue it
world application for many students. Early Childhood Center) when she was can happen at any moment, Courtney throughout this year, and then try to
Being the secretary of The Young running. That was kind when everyone said everybody must be mindful of their look for something on campus that’s
Women’s Club, Erasala said she would realized Mason isn’t always as safe as we surrounding. similar just to keep up my skills,” Ue-
recommend members of her group and want it to be.” matsu said. “It not only makes you feel
many others to take the classes. “With the claws, or I know a lot of better, but it keeps you in shape, and
Junior Regan Courtney’s mom was people use pepper spray, those things you are happy with your health. Espe-
“It was really eyeopening, show- the runner who was attacked at MECC scare them off and keep you account- cially just being on campus by yourself,
ing unfortunately how many people last January. Since the incident, Court- able,” Courtney said. “I’ve never taken it gives you peace of mind.”
might want to hurt you,” Erasala said. ney said her family had taken precau- a self-defense class, but I know a little
“It relates to Young Women’s club a lot tions by always wearing a self-defense bit more on how to be aware now of the
device now when they run.

14 Feature February 1, 2019


Students struggle to decide if ADD meds are worth it

Evelina Gaiviornskaia | Staff Writer Graphic by Riley Johansen
Sometimes focus can come with a
she noticed the decline in her grades Murray said she hopes to be able to with. Especially students at Mason
price. and attentiveness, which was another live without her medicine one day. because there’s this higher level of
Many students with Attention- reason for her to come back to taking how smart you need to be. You see how
her medicine. “I don’t see myself taking my medi- everyone else has these great grades
Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder rely cine for the rest of my life,” Murray and high GPAs and everyone wants
on prescription drugs to bring them “So now I take my medicine at said.” I have been trying to not take my that. Yet at the end of the day when
focus and calm in their day to day life. school, which helps, even though I hate medicine for a couple day or a couple you have ADD you can’t have the same
Although the medicine helps them in it, but I know at the end of the day it’s weeks. I can still function without it, it’s goals as everyone else.”
many ways, it also comes with some helping me,” Arrington said. “Although not like I am completely devoid of all
serious side effects. I feel like I should be able to control things I can do. “ Although Murray is still trying to
myself, like other kids can. It makes figure out when to take her medicine
The National Institute of Mental me feel like less of a person.”
Health defines ADHD as a pattern of “
inattention, hyperactivity and impulsiv- Since fourth grade senior Megan
ity that comes in the way of day to day Murray has been taking Vyvanse to I TRY NOT TO LET IT BRING ME
functions. Medications like Vyvanse are help with her ADD (Attention Deficit DOWN AND KEEP ME FROM DOING
used to increase attention and decrease Disorder). She says that although the
impulsiveness that comes with ADHD. medicine is helpful it brings other side THINGS THAT I WANT TO DO
Without the medicine, many students effects.
struggle to stay on task.
“One of the side effects of Vyvanse
Freshman Deasiah Arrington said is dizziness,” Murray said. “I have defi-
that her ADHD shows itself in her in-
ability to focus and mood swings.

“I will sit down and then stand back
up 15 times,” Arrington said. “When
we have those long tests that we need
to take where we’re in testing all day I
can’t handle those days. I have to bring
something to help me stay focused.”

Arrington said that she first found
out she had ADHD in second grade
and started taking medicine to help
her get through the day, but she is not
immune to the side effects that come
with it.

“My biggest side effect is loss of ap-
petite,” Arrington said. “When I’m on
my medicine I have to force myself to
eat. If I don’t eat before I take my medi-
cine then I won’t be hungry and then I
have to force myself to eat.”

After sixth grade Arrington de-
cided to stop taking her medicine. She


I FEEL LIKE I SHOULD BE ABLE TO CONTROL ” and when not to. She said she can deal
MYSELF, LIKE OTHER KIDS CAN. IT MAKES ME with the side effects and the schedule
Murray’s dosage of Vyvanse works that medicine brings.
FEEL LIKE LESS OF A PERSON. for 12 hours, so she has to plan around
that in order to keep up with her school “Even though it’s a daily struggle
FRESHMAN DESIAH ARRINGTON work. Murray said she usually talks to that I have always dealt with, I try not
her teachers in the beginning of the to let it bring me down and keep me
” year to tell them about her ADD, but from doing things that I want to do, “
nitely felt it. I get very dizzy around 4th she doesn’t want to be seen as someone Murray said. “ADD is not something
would put the medicine in her pocket and 5th bell. I feel like I might pass out who won’t pay attention. you should fear or something that
and go to school. After some time her if I don’t drink enough water. So I have forces you to take the medicine. At the
friends urged her to go back to taking to bring two bottles of water to school.” “It’s just sometimes if I don’t seem end of the day ADD makes me who I
her medications. Arrington said that like I am not paying attention, I just am. I have overcome it and fought for
want [my teachers] to know that I am the lifestyle that I have right now.”
trying,” Murray said. “It’s one of those
things that a lot of people struggle

February 1, 2019 Culture 15

BITE OF Junior
Marina Sadek

Konaefah “Konaefah is an Egyptian
pastry that you would eat
if you were at a celebra-
tion or a party with your
friends: you would make
it as a dessert along with
cake,” Sadek said. “My
mom makes it all the
time. It’s super sugary, so
sometimes it can be a lot,
but it’s good.”

Compiled by Ryan D’Souza, Tanner Pearson, Luke Hutchinson
Sadek chooses to stuff her pastries with an assortment of both raisins and almonds. She then puts a second layer of shredded thin dough to create a crust.

16 Entertainment February 1, 2019






After a surprisingly well made return to form with his film “Split”, director M. Night Shyamalan ARTIST FEATURE
positioned himself perfectly to wrap up the “Unbreakable” trilogy with a bang, but delivered a
very fractured product in the end. The film opens with a strong first act that reintroduces the YWN Melly, real name Jamell Demons,
audience to the intriguing universe that we were originally shown back in the year 2000, while has been on the rise recently. The Flor-
also re familiarizing us with The Horde, and James McAvoy’s absolutely outstanding perfor- ida native just released his 2nd album
mance of the multiple personas that exist inside of Kevin Wendell Crumb. However, the movie “We All Shine”, with features such as
slows to a standstill once the characters are brought to a mental institution where they are
forced to question the true nature of their superhuman abilities. Bruce Willis and Samuel L. Kanye West and Tee Grizzley. Melly’s
Jackson reprise their roles as the Overseer and Mr. Glass respectively, recapturing a lot of the popularity all started with his hit single
magic that the duo originally had in their debut. However, some of the performances such as “Murder On my Mind”, and he looks to
Sarah Paulson’s portrayal of Dr. Ellie Staple come across as incredibly weak when juxtaposed just be getting started with songs like
with the rest of the main cast. Shyamalan attempts to incorporate many comic book allegories
and plot twists to varying degrees of success due to the sometimes incredibly heavy handed “Mixed Personalities” on the rise.
dialogue. The cinematography is very well executed in key scenes, adding a lot of charm to
what could have been a relatively stale scenery, and the score by West Dylan Thordson makes ALBUMREVIEW
for some very tense moments. The film sometimes comes across as pretentious with its
themes, especially near the end when it seems as if though Shyamalan believes that he has THE WIZRD
completely blown your mind, even though the climax ends on a relatively flat note. “Glass” is
more of a concept film than a thriller, so audiences may disappointed when it doesn’t have as BY FUTURE
many horrific moments as the previous entry. The film attempts to floor you with its twists and REVIEW BY Jacob Brase
turns, but much like Mr. Glass, it is anything but unbreakable.


If you’re a fan of Future’s autotune
IN THEATRES FEBRUARY 8TH via Instagram Poll @MHSchronicle heavy style, you’ll likely be satis-
fied with “The Wizrd”. Future heav-
When you think of “The 38% 62% ily leans into this algorithim, with
Lego Movie”, you wouldn’t no real interest in trying something
think anyone over the age YES NO new. “Crushed Up” and and “First
of 10 would be interested. Off” will likely be the most popular of
But the first animated flick the bunch. This soundtrack could be
genuinely surpised an indication that future’s career has
audiences with a plataued and he is on the decline, but
compelling story and
extremely likeable it’s still a solid listen.
characters. “The Lego
Movie 2: The Second Part”
looks to continue this
trend and hopefully will
not fall into the traps of a
kids movie that only exists
to make money.

Page compiled by Jacob Brase

EMPOWEREDSports17 February1,2019

MHS support Su Kamiki focuses on her shoulders during a recent
educator believes workout after school. (Photo by Tanner Pearson)
strong body
fuels the mind

Matthew Smith | Staff Writer According to Kamiki, one of the keys When she first started lifting, Kamiki “I’ve worked with a couple of girls to
Ria Parikh | Staff Writer to succeeding as a bodybuilder is view- said she was conscious about being one train towards competing, and I’ve done
ing food as fuel. Growing up as a gym- of the only women in the gym, but now some coaching as well,” Kamiki said.
The body fuels the mind. That’s the nast, she was trained from a young age she just wants to make the most of her “There’s not many of us (girls) doing
approach Su Kamiki takes when she to view food in a more negative context, workouts, even if she stands out. this, but it’s nice to know there are some
spends time building her body in the but as a bodybuilder Kamiki said that girls that enjoy the training as well.”
gym. she has been able to make her relation- “I was the only women in my gym
ship with food more positive. when I started. There will be times Kamiki said that an important part
Kamiki, a support education aide at when I’m the only women in the free of encouraging women to take lift-
Mason High School is a bodybuilder. “When I grew up in gymnastics, it weight section and not on the tread- ing seriously is to recognize them as
She started lifting four years ago, after wasn’t taught that I needed food and mills or in the classes,” Kamiki said. knowledgeable people in regards to the
realizing that typical aerobics classes protein to build muscle,” Kamiki said. “Doing that isn’t the right thing for me, weightroom. Kamiki believes it takes
were not challenging enough for her “Food was looked at negatively because I like (the lifting) and that’s how I push a lot more effort for a woman to build
body. Kamiki said that her development I needed to be tiny. I had to change myself.” credibility in the gym.
into lifting was gradual, and she was my thought process and realize that I
met with shock when she first recog- need a lot of food and protein to build Kamiki has received criticism from “It’s interesting to see that people
nized herself as a bodybuilder. muscle, otherwise I’ll fatigue out.” both her kids and parents on the assume women don’t know much about
grounds of bodybuilding not being a lifting and building muscle,” Kamiki
“It was a picture someone took of me, A popular aspect of lifting are the typical hobby. Despite the criticism and said. “It’s great when you have someone
I didn’t even know about,” Kamiki said. competitions. Each competition is stereotypes of lifting, Kamiki said that like Coach Castner tell his students they
“They showed it to me and said, ‘look at separated by gender, and the competi- few understand the planning and dedi- can learn more about building muscle
your back, look what you’ve done.’ That tors are divided into four categories: cation that go into it. from me. Even then, the kids don’t
was the reality, I didn’t know I looked Swimsuit, Physique, Figure, Bodybuild- believe it until I show them pictures of
like that. I liked it though. I liked that ing. Kamiki said while the competitions “People don’t look at the mental and myself. Then they get it.”
look. It was empowering.” are inevitable, she does not view them physical challenges behind it (body-
as motivation to keep lifting. building),” Kamiki said. “I don’t think In the future, Kamiki hopes other
Now, after lifting for years, Kamiki people realize how smart and dedicated women will view lifting as a lifelong
said she appreciates both the physical “To me the competitions are the bodybuilders are. They have to know sport that builds both muscles and
and mental challenge that comes with worst part of bodybuilding. I’ll do the their body, and have to keep their diets. camaraderie.
it. diet and the weight training, but to Society doesn’t understand the thought
get on stage and have someone tell process behind everything.” “Any girls that do other sports, lifting
“It’s given me an outlook. I don’t me what looks good and what doesn’t is something to seriously think about.
want to stop learning and researching,” is tough. It’s not about the competi- Not only does Kamiki want to show It’s something different that you can
Kamiki said. “It’s a great mental stress tions, it’s about trying to push my body, the brains behind bodybuilding, but she do, and it’s something you can do with
relief as well. If I’m having a bad day, seeing that change, and challenging uses her experiences to help empower another person. I wish girls would look
I’ll say okay, I’m going to the gym for myself.” other women who want to become at it as a great mental and physical
an hour.” bodybuilders. challenge. You can learn a lot.”

18 Sports February 1, 2019

beast MODE

Sammie Puisis



Jack Cooper 02/01 - Girls and Boys
STATS - basketball double header
@ Home vs Sycamore
Second in the GMC
7.4 rebounds per game Girls @ 6 and Boys @ 7:30

Ethan Howard 02/02- Swimming GMC
STATS - championships @ Mason

50.9% shooting on 55
Attempted 3 Pointers


55.30 second swim time by Maggie Hojnacki in Stats and ranks as of January 28, 2019
the 100 yard butterfly
17 Wins by the Mason Chess team
15 rebounds by sophomore girls basketball
player Marilyn Popplewell against Oak Hills

19 Sports February 1, 2019

Photo by Tanner Pearson
Junior swimmer Adam Chaney practices the butterfly stroke with the boys varsity swimming team in preparation for a meet. Chaney is considered one of the top swimmers in the country.

Junior sensation one of nation’s best

Chaney ready to add his name to a legacy of great swimmers at MHS

Rahul Parikh | Sports Editor by myself without everyone there with Rays,” Chaney said. “I missed ten lege.
Junior Adam Chaney is swimming in me every day,” Chaney said. “ I feel like days during first semester because of “I’d definitely like to swim after col-
success. it’d be really pointless, they’re so impor- competition, but I’m always checking
To list a few of the accomplishments tant to me.” in with my teachers to make sure I’m lege, it’d be a great experience for me,”
to his name, Chaney is the State cham- keeping up in class.” Chaney said. “Going to Fiji with that
pion in the 50 yard freestyle and 100 With all the long course national team, felt just like it would going to the
yard backstroke, finished second in the competitions over the summer, Chaney With Chaney at such a high level in Olympics. They brought two Olympi-
world in the 100 meter backstroke and said he is dedicated to the high school the water, an inevitable aspect of his ans to coach us, so they furthered our
third in the 100 meter freestyle at the team currently, and they have set goals competitions has come to be college re- understanding of competing at that
Junior Pan Pacific Championship in they want to achieve this season. cruitment. Chaney said that to college high level.”
Fiji, won Junior Nationals in the 50-me- recruiters, camaraderie and charac-
ter freestyle and 100-meter backstroke, “We really want to win the GMC, ter is as important as performance, Chaney has been swimming competi-
and is headed to the Olympic Trials in that’s been a big goal for us this year,” because you’re constantly interacting tively practically his whole life, but he
2020. Chaney said. “ We also want to prepare with your team. said when he reached high school, he
During his freshman and sophomore for high school states as much as pos- realized swimming was something he
years, Chaney swam at Bishop Fenwick sible, and win the state championship “They (recruiters) obviously want to could really excel in, and there was one
High School but transferred to Mason in the 200 freestyle relay.” see what you excel in, but it’s also about moment in particular that motivated
this year. Chaney said a huge part of how well you fit in with the atmosphere him to stick with it.
the reason he loves swimming is the Chaney also competes with the Ma- of their team,” Chaney said. “It’s great
culture, and could not imagine the son Manta Rays, a club team, through- because I already have gotten to know “I’ve been swimming forever, but
success he’s had without teammates, out the entire year. With the amount a lot of college swimmers and raced when I got to high school everyone
coaches, and a positive environment. of time Chaney spends in the pool, he with them.” started telling me this was something
“With Mason’s atmosphere and all my said that it becomes more difficult to I should really pursue,” Chaney said.
friends here, I can’t imagine training manage school, but he is able to work Chaney said that his recent trip to Fiji “That summer, I went to New York for
through it. to compete at the Junior Pan Pacific nationals, and that’s where I took that
Championship with the world’s best next step and realized I could really do
“I’m in the pool twice a day almost gave him a taste of what it would be something with this.”
every day of the week this time of year like to swim competitively after col-
between high school and the Manta

20 February 1, 2019

February 1, 2019 Opinion 21

Half an hour Staff Editorial
is not
life-changing Viral does not mean viable

Lily Geiser | Two weeks ago, Covington Catholic student no intentions of violence. Sandmann said he was
Staff Writer Nick Sandmann laughed in the face of a helpless trying to “diffuse the situation.”
Native American man simply trying to sing his
Well, it’s official: we’re moving the start time back half an indigenous prayer. Phillips confirmed that it was simply an “ugly
hour. situation that he found himself in the middle of.”
Or at least that’s what the video showed.
The rumors that have been floating around the school for Sandmann was captured on video, Make Amer- This isn’t an example of the leftist “fake news
months now have finally been settled. Next year, the school ica Great Again (MAGA) hat on head, standing media”, or the “racist” right. This is an example of
start time is going to move back to 7:45, giving the student in front of 64-year-old Nathan Phillips, seemingly how dangerous viral videos can be. It happens far
body half an hour to, in theory, sleep just a little bit longer. blocking him from walking by. He had a grin on too often, and many news publications are beg-
And it seems like everybody’s got a different opinion on it. his face, and whatever he was doing, it didn’t seem ging that everyone learns from this mistake.
Some people are violently against it -- we’re getting out at 2:45? good.
What about our extracurriculars? Our jobs? Our homework? The video went viral. The Internet rarely sees issues as anything
Others are violently for it -- an extra half an hour of sleep? Hundreds of thousands of views in hours, and if but black and white. There is always a right and
Sign me up! Personally, I’m glad that the time moved back. you have a Twitter account, you were one of them. a wrong -- two sides ready to go to war over any
Sure, I’ll probably just go to bed a half an hour later to make You saw the smirk on the student’s face. Rac- issue. Even the most insignificant little thing can
up the difference, but it’s nice to see an effort to make life ist, ignorant, cruel -- these were the words likely blow up into a debate, each side certain they are
easier for the kids. But at this point, that’s all this is -- an effort. circulating in your head after the first glance, and right.
the backlash on media made it clear Nick Sand-
No, moving the school day back half an hour is not going mann was in the wrong. When it was revealed the The confusion over the Covington students
to irrevocably screw up your life. Half an hour is not going to student in the video attends Covington Catholic is just the most recent example of social media
suddenly make everything unmanageable (if it is, you’ve got High School, there was likely a sense of shame spreading stories that are misleading or outright
too much going on right now). And yeah, it isn’t exactly fun in the Mason community, as the school is only a wrong. And is it really that surprising? The In-
to leave school later any day, but in all honesty, I doubt we’ll thirty minute drive away. ternet has all the necessary ingredients - instant
really notice a difference. But as the dust cleared and the media backlash access to information as a story develops, easily
slowed enough for people to learn more details, it shareable links and posts, and, perhaps most
No, moving the school day back half an hour is not going turns out the video showed little of what actually importantly, a community ready to explode at the
to fix all of your problems. An extra half an hour of sleep happened. slightest provocation.
which, let’s be honest, most of us won’t take advantage of, The tweet definitely told a story. A very clear
won’t make you suddenly completely awake and alert in first one. But all it really showed was how the confron- Let’s be clear: the Covington issue is one with
bell. And it’s not going to fix the school’s very serious problem tation looked. How it looked and what happened plenty of gray area. Every side -- the Covington
with mental health (which, I would hope, was the intention of are two very different things. students, the Native American protestors, even
moving back the start time). I doubt anyone ever thought that As details emerged and new videos were re- the Hebrew Israelites -- has their own story about
it would. We’re still going to have too many classes, too much leased, the media began to change their story. But what really happened. And in all likelihood, each
homework, and too much stress. That’s probably not going to by that point, the Covington Catholic students is a little bit right, and a little bit wrong. But it’s
change anytime soon. were the most hated people on Twitter, and the so much easier to just pick one side, isn’t it?
school had condemned the students saying they
It seems like every time the school makes a change to the would “take appropriate action, including expul- It’s easier to go on Fox news and read about
way things run, we all act like it’s the end of days -- Judgement sion.” how the Covington students are being bullied by
Day is here at last. Remember when they changed the french CNN later determined that the whole situation the “mainstream media,” or to go on Huffington
fries? Now, people just don’t buy them if they don’t like them. was initiated after a group of Hebrew Israelites Post and read about how those same students are
Remember when they made Primetime every other week? hurled hateful insults at the students, and Native emblematic of everything wrong with “Trump’s
Yeah, it’s not super fun to be here for a full day in the middle American elder Nathan Phillips then walked America.” That’s why the Internet can spread so
of the week, but at the end of the day, how much did it really towards the students because he thought things much misinformation. It’s not malice -- it’s lazi-
impact your life? Remember -- if you were here way back 2011 were getting out of hand. Sandmann and Phillips ness.
-- when they got rid of the Churros? Okay, bad example. We were then put at the center of the group with all
still miss our Churros. But you get the point. the cameras on them. Sandmann said he smiled Social media is a weapon. It gave a random
and stood motionless to make it clear that he had Twitter account the power to make a group of
Making any significant difference in the lives of the student students “racist.” It caused hundreds of death
body -- positive or negative -- is going to take a lot more than threats and hateful statements to be sent to Nick
a half an hour. Thirty minutes isn’t a lot of time. Sometimes it Sandmann. And it will continue to cause injus-
feels that way (trust me, I know), but it’s not. Will it be harder tice until people will learn to examine the whole
to find time for friends? Maybe. Will we get more sleep? story, not just the way something looks.
Maybe. But by the time September rolls around, I doubt we’ll
even notice the difference.

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22 Opinion February 1, 2019

We deserve Editorial Cartoon
five stars

Henri Robbins | Pain is foot. Maybe. My conversation with the doctor went
Staff Writer important something like this:

The presidency is pretty funny right now. And actu- Ria Parikh | “Where does it hurt?”
ally do I mean laugh-out-loud funny. Ha-ha funny. Now Staff Writer “It doesn’t. I can’t feel pain.”
I’m not referencing the wall or anything. It’s not about “ do you know something is wrong?”
the subsequent government shutdown. This won’t bash January 20th marked eight years since I lost the “It’s not numb so I feel tingling and intense local-
the now all-too-normal Twitter rants of the most power- ability to feel pain in my left leg. ized pressure, and I use that to tell me that there
ful man in the United States. This is about the food. probably would be pain if I could feel it. And I’m
Let me backup: On January 20th, 2011, I was in a pretty sure it’s swollen.”
For those who don’t know, our president recently car accident, and injured my spinal cord. Not only “Ok, so where do you feel pressure?”
hosted a dinner for the Clemson Tigers, but due to the was that a neck injury, a lot of nerves also took a “It changes, depending on the day, but I traced it
“unforeseen” shutdown of the government, it wasn’t ex- pretty good hit. and I feel like it’s along the side. But now, it’s kind of
actly up to snuff, especially when compared to previous migrated to the top of my foot?”
White House diners. It was, simply put, fast food. And a As a result, every indication of pain or temperature “Interesting.”
lot of it. Pictures making their way around the internet vanished from my entire left leg. That usually ends the conversation. I don’t blame
show hundreds of boxed McDonalds sandwiches, thou- them, though. I sound not only like a Shonda-
sands of fries, and piles of salads in plastic containers, It’s been awhile since I’ve written about my ac- Rhimes-imagined medical mystery, but also like a
and it all looks as cheap as ever. cident, not because I’m nervous or embarrassed, but hypochondriac who jumped out of a sci-fi film. The
because I feel like the topic has been exhausted for a first time, they proceeded to get (inconclusive) X-
The thing is, fast food isn’t the worst. It does its job couple years. Since the accident happened, it was my rays, stuck me in a walking boot, and told me to stay
when you’re suddenly hungry at midnight or when you topic of choice for every personal narrative we did at off of it, hoping that something would heal. And it
want to go get something with friends that won’t take the beginning of every English class, until I just had did, until I went back to dance and woke up the next
very long and doesn’t cost much, but that doesn’t mean nothing left to say. As traumatic as it was, there are day back at square one.
it should be anywhere near (i.e. a 500-foot radius of) only so many ways I can write about one event that To this day, I’m still not sure what it is, just that
the White House. For anyone who’s attending a dinner happened years ago. there is some kind of discomfort in my foot. It could
at one of the most well-known and symbolic establish- be a tear that I’m just powering through, or it could
ments in the U.S., which, up until this presidency, was Even when I did write about it, I never talked be tendonitis. So, yes, I resorted to getting an MRI to
known for its elegance and prestige, fast food is nothing about my left leg. I always focused on the temporary diagnose what could be tendonitis.
but a disappointment. That’s not saying there’s too paralysis of the right side of my body, or the fact I miss the pain. It’s one of those things that we
much wrong with fast food from time to time, but din- that I was a fourth grader in a neck brace. By com- all want gone (trust me every time I hit my funny
ing with the President should have a bit higher expecta- parison, my left leg felt trivial, almost wrong to talk bone on the counter, I wish I had this superpower
tions than what a three A.M. case of the munchies would about, like I was just bypassing the events that were everywhere), but is a necessary evil that forces us to
warrant. more lasting, more impactful, and let’s face it, more deal with our issues right away. Embrace it, and use
theatrical. it as a healing tool, not a hindrance. In most cases,
Admittedly, most of us have come to expect nothing pain is really hard to ignore, so stepping back to deal
from the presidency at this point, but that doesn’t mean My left leg situation--for lack of better term--was with it and heal is the only option. Ignoring injuries,
it should stay that way. Traditionally, the dinners at always a hypothetical problem. For everyday life, not especially for us dancers, can lead to more severe,
the White House have always been the best of the best feeling pain feels almost advantageous: I could use possibly permanent complications down the road,
-- five-star chefs, impeccable meal choice, and beauti- the muscles as much as I wanted to and could basi- and no one wants that.
ful presentation. The precedent was set by every other cally do whatever I wanted with virtually no reper- So call me crazy, but when I get trampled at
president, and this year it was simply dropped without cussions. My friends even called it a superpower. If I school dances or fall on my left leg, all I want is for
a word. The team was told to simply forget it, and be didn’t feel the pain, was anything really wrong? it to hurt.
happy that they were there at all, even if they didn’t get
what had been essentially promised to them. Yes, yes it was. Recently, my hypothetical situation
became a reality when I had stress fractures in my
Of course, this doesn’t mean that they couldn’t have
that expensive, five-star dinner. A few of the more presti-
gious restaurants in D.C. offered up their services to the
football players to make up for the President’s “dinner”.
They came together, where they saw that people had
been cheated out of what they were promised, and they
gave the players what they deserved, and that’s what it
really comes down to -- people helping each other. Even
through all of the surprises, through all of the hard-
ships, we’ve come together and helped each other.

Seeing the symbolic, impeccably elegant White
House with a piles of five-dollar burgers where one
would normally see a five-star meal, that really shows
what the last few years have been like. A beautiful
setting, built up and improved for decades, that’s been
ruined by the new centerpiece. It shows how we need to
come together and make change when those in power
won’t. It shows how we need to be willing to help each
other, regardless of who we support or what we think,
because there’s a point where everyone has to admit --
this is ridiculous.

February 1, 2019 23

24 February 1, 2019

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