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The Chronicle published on January 15, 2016.

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Published by The Chronicle, 2016-01-14 12:14:33

Edition 13.5

The Chronicle published on January 15, 2016.

The h r o n i c l eJanuary 15, 2016 Volume 13, Issue 5

The science There’s a Mason quickly
behind a perfect lot to look becoming worldwide
dive, see page forward to center of science and
21 in 2016, see industry, see page 12
page 11


The Mason Marching Band performed in the Rose Parade in Pasadena, California on January 1. Photo contributed by Mason Band Boosters Photo Committee

Marching Band shines in performance of a lifetime

“ It gives the India Kirssin | Staff Writer country. side of Ohio.”
students an [email protected] Band Director Bob Bass said the Bass said one his favorite memo-
”of a lifetime. The Mason High School March- parade offered many different op- ries from the trip is how well his
—Bob Bass ing Band swept into the new year portunities for his band members. students conducted themselves.
Band Director with a rosy performance.
“It gives the student an opportu- “Our 313 students who attended
On January 1, the band marched nity of a lifetime to perform in the the trip were model students and
five and a half miles through ‘Super Bowl’ for bands in front of represented their families, their
Pasadena, California, in the Rose 700,000 people live and 81 million school, and their community at
Parade. The parade is known for on TV,” Bass said. “(It) gives the the highest level possible,” Bass
its flower-covered floats, march- families of the students, our school said.
ing bands and equestrian units. It district, and our Mason communi-
is followed by the Rose Bowl, the ty a sense of pride and accomplish- Senior Brady Miller said the
oldest college bowl game in the ment. It also puts the city of Mason parade was better than anyone
on the map for many people out- thought it would be.

[story continued on page 6]

C2 January 15, 2016

Effects of climate change felt on slopes at Perfect North

Average temperature in Cincinnati the Ohio River continues to be the the snow,” Perfect said. “This warm
most polluted body of water in the weather has had a negative effect
December January United States for the seventh year. on our business. We can’t make
snow until the temperatures hit
December 12, 2015 “Global warming is not just emis- around 28 degrees, so the El Nino
nearly matched sions, it’s also the other pollutants weather pattern has interrupted our
December’s as well,” Kreager said. “The number snowmaking schedule.”
record high of one polluted place in the United
72 degrees, States is the Ohio River. There’s Junior Elijah Kelly has been recre-
when temperatures a steel mill down there, and they ationally skiing at Perfect North and
reached 70 degrees. pump all these toxins and stuff into said this winter’s unusually grassy
the Ohio river.” hills have made skiing an impos-
Ave High: 42 Degrees Ave High: 38 Degrees sible task.
Ave Low: 25 Degrees Ave Low: 21 Degrees The Toxic Release Inventory
(TRI) for the Ohio River recorded “I knew it was going to be a risk
Average snowfall in Cincinnati increasing mercury levels. In 2007, when buying a pass in the summer
there were 61 pounds of mercury in it might not snow,” Kelly said. “By
11.2 In 3.2 In 3.4 In 1.8 In 2.5 In 2.1 In the water. That number has risen this time last year I’d have already
over 500 percent, and as of 2013 gone three or four times, but obvi-
Ave Yearly Ave Jan Ave Feb Ave March Ave Apr-Nov Ave Dec there are 380 pounds in the river. ously this year.”
Statistics from USA Climate Change Despite such a large amount, mer-
Infographic by Madison Krell cury is only the 48th most heavily A season pass at Perfect North
concentrated pollutant in the Ohio costs $525 with daily admission
Aleyka Raghavan | Staff Writer “If you’ve got five or six countries River. The TRI has recorded more costing $47. With the additional
[email protected] that are trying to do everything and than 23 million chemicals that have cost of ski or snowboard rentals, one
Asia Porter | Staff Writer then you’ve got five or six countries been emptied into the Ohio River. would have to venture to the slopes
[email protected] that aren’t doing anything, it’s go- 7 times to get their money’s worth.
ing to cancel out. There would be U.S Climate Data said Mason’s For Kelly and other adventurists,
Recent anomalies in global cli- no movement forward.” average temperature in December the possibility of getting this many
mate levels have caught the atten- is 34 degrees F and 30.5 degrees F trips in is becoming increasingly
tion of world leaders. Advanced Placement Human Ge- in January. Record high tempera- unlikely.
ography teacher Caryn Jenkins said tures were recorded on December
Beginning on November 30, 2015, participation from all countries may 23 when temperature rose to 69 Record high temperatures and
the United Nations held Climate not be feasible. As countries are de- degrees F. increasing levels of pollution across
Change Conferences in Paris to veloping, Jenkins said a debate has the globe have signaled to world
discuss global climate change and risen between nations on the need While Perfect North’s season usu- leaders the dangers of the situation.
course of action over the next few for fossil fuels. ally begins in November, this season Even so, the Paris Agreement won’t
years to reduce the world’s pollu- the ski resort remained closed until likely be implemented for several
tion output and prevent catastrophic “There’s a great point that India late December. Marketing Director more years. Kreager said the further
climate change. made,” Jenkins said. “India keeps Ellen Perfect said recent warmer the situation is prolonged, the more
saying ‘U.S., you had your chance. temperatures have prevented them negative its impact becomes.
The Paris Agreement includes a Britain you had your chance. You’re from making enough snow to open
commitment to keep global tem- the ones who made the climate that the resort. “The earth’s still going to be here
peratures below 2 degrees C (35.6 we’re in. You need to give us the long after us,” Kreager said. “The
F). Countries are also expected to opportunity to develop. How are “This season, we opened on only thing that we need to worry
create greenhouse gas reduction we going to do that without fossil December 22 and 23 but had to about is our perseverance in human
targets, renewed every five years. fuels or carbon dioxide producing close because of extremely warm beings. It’s not the earth that we’re
The deal requires developed nations energy sources?’ I think that’s a temperatures and rain that melted hurting, it’s ourselves.”
to give $100 billion annually to great point.”
developing countries to combat cli-
mate change and promote greener The United States as a whole has
economies. experienced warmer temperatures.
Every state east of the 100th Me-
The UN has high hopes for the ridian West is experiencing tem-
Paris Agreement, but with the goal peratures above average, and the
of a carbon-neutral world, Geology rapid warming of Great Lakes have
teacher Cody Kreager said global exemplified the problem.
participation is necessary.
Kreager said effects of global
“If you really want to see a dif- warming can been seen minutes
ference you need as many people away from Mason. The Ohio River
on board as possible,” Kreager said. Valley Sanitation Commission said

January 15, 2016 C 3

Students aid police
force canines

Erin McElhenny | Staff Writer Freshman Emily Casey benefits from the music therapy she receives at Melodic Connections. Photo by Isabel Marotta
[email protected]
‘Melodic Connections’ offers unique music
It’s not always the helpless dogs that need
help. Some of the strongest dogs come home therapy opportunity at Community Center
Isabel Marotta | Staff Writer them in the eye and say hello. Cincinnati. So we try to find lo-
Juniors Rachel Cutter and Adele Igney
have started to volunteer with Spike’s K9 [email protected] When she attends certain classes cations out of the community
fund. An organization started by James
Hatch, a retired Special Warfare Officer, in there is a structure to the class. where we can reach out to more
Norfolk, Virginia. Spike’s works towards en- Anyone is able to be a musi- You come and have a greeting people and make it easier to get
suring that every military and police K9 has cian. song, you do your work, then to us.”
exactly what they need, before and after their Melodic Connections gives you say goodbye to your friends,
service. Casey said now that Melodic
students with developmental and have a goodbye song. It in- Connections is offering classes
“My mom went to a Bengal’s game and Jim disabilities the chance to be in corporates the social skills into closer at Mason Community
was in the box with her and he was wearing a community where they can music and all the kids seem to Center, it is very helpful for Ma-
a shirt that had Spike’s K9 Fund on it so she learn to play new instruments as react well to it, so it’s just fun for son residents when traveling.
asked what it was,” Cutter said. “Jim went on well as further their vocal skills. them.” “When it is in Mason in Janu-
to explain what it was and how it’s nonprofit Lynn Migliara, Development Di- The program is going to start ary it will be a lot closer,” Casey
and very small and she was like my daughter rector of Melodic Connections, classes at the Mason Commu- said. “Quite a few of the kids are
loves dogs and we have a lot of military in said their music therapy based nity Center in January, giving Emily’s friends from Mason so it
the family so I bet she would love to do that. classes provide to over 500 will also be easier for a
We are trying to raise money for the military “students.
dogs who don’t get anything once they are “We are Melodic Con- We have five programs lot of them.”
out of the service.” nections, which is a non- where we reach over 500 Migliara said the
profit organization based
The money Cutter and Igney raise can go in Cincinnati,” Migliara classes at Mason provide
to one of three main goals of Spikes. said. “We have five pro- new opportunities as
well as a way for people
“It goes to getting equipment for dogs, grams where we reach individuals with develop- from the community to
naval dogs or police dog,” Igney said. “A lot over 500 individuals with get involved.
of places don’t have the money to purchase developmental disabilities. ”mental disabilities. “We’re starting new
the right equipment for these dogs so we So we serve all ages and —Lynn Migliara
raise money that then in turns goes back to abilities. The program Developmental Director classes at the Mason
those who can’t afford what these dogs need. some of the students are Community Center in
Also he wants to be able to build a shelter. So in are music therapy-based class- January where we’re
when they get out of the Military they can go trying some new things,”
here instead of being stranded or being be- Migliara said. “We have a
ing put down because they can’t be adopted es in instruments, and voice.” more students the chance to par- class called Ukulele Jam. And
out. Here he can also train the dogs and re- Jennifer Casey, mother of Em- ticipate, said Migliara.
habilitate them to be adopted or board them ily Casey, a freshman that partic- we’re also starting a new class up
and get them a better quality of life after “We’re hoping to reach out there which we’re calling Choral
their service, and then if their owner gets out ipates in the program, said mu- into the broader community,” Mash Up. That is going to be an
of service they can come and re-adopt them.” sic isn’t the only thing learned. Migliara said. “I know that our all-ages choral experience, so if a
The social skills students gain classes have been down in our student with developmental dis-
Igney and Cutter have since been named are also beneficial. studio on Reading Road in Cin- ability wants to participate in the
the “Ohio Crew” for Spike’s K9 Fund and “The benefits for Emily are cinnati. We know that there is choir, they can invite their sib-
with this title they have the duty of spread- social skills,” Casey said. “It re- a really high interest for the lings, their parents, their grand-
ing word of the organization to those in Ohio. minds her that when she meets classes but a lot of people just parents, and their neighbors.”
somebody she needs to look can’t travel all the way down to
“Usually we will reach out to other people
because we are such a small organization,”
Cutter said. “We have been going to different
police departments around the counties. We
met with an officer that told us about gath-
erings they have where we would be able to
speak to many different police personnel at
once and spread the word that there are peo-
ple here trying to help.”

While these girls volunteer because of a
love of dogs, they believe people everywhere
can get involved.

“It’s two different things mixed together,”
Cutter said. “There are dog lovers every-
where and there are also people who love the
military so there are a lot of people who are

4 C January 15, 2016
The Chronicle’s Policy Staff Editorial
to the editor
The Chronicle is the official student newspaper New AP class exaggerates
of William Mason High School. pressure on GPA

The Chronicle promises to report the truth and To a gumball machine, the 0.03 in your
adhere to the journalistic code of ethics through pocket is useless, but to a transcript, it is in-
online and print mediums. valuable.

The Chronicle is produced by students enrolled Those pennies are the difference between a
in Journalism I, II and III. 2.5 and a 2.53, a 3.72 and a 3.75, a 4.0 and a
Editorials reflect the staff ’s opinion but do not
necessarily reflect the opinions of the school ad- We all accept that these numbers are as tan-
ministration or the Mason City School District. gential to our future well-being as is healthy
cholesterol and subsequent lack of heart at-
The Chronicle is published monthly. Call tacks. For the typical student, however, it takes
398-5025 ext. 33103 for information regarding a year or two to wise up and plunge into the
advertising in The Chronicle. The Chronicle re- glorious Thursday night that is prepping for
serves the right to refuse advertising it deems nine and a half tests, three timed writings and
inappropriate for a high school publication. one surprise nap in fourth bell.

As an open forum for students, letters to the But The Class of 2019 is the first to have had
editor are welcome, but are subject to be edited the invaluable opportunity to schedule this joy
for length, libel, obscenity, clarity and poor taste. from its middle school desks.
Letters to the editor may be dropped off in room
C103 and must be signed. Introducing Advanced Placement Human
Geography—or the AP class for freshmen.
The Chronicle is a member of The Colum-
bia Scholastic Press Association, The National Finally, acne-splattered preteens can redeem
Scholastic Press Association, Quill and Scroll Level I schedules with College Board rigor, ig-
International Honorary Society for High School noring that they’ve never heard of human ge-
Journalists and the Ohio Scholastic Media As- ography, let alone had an inkling of whether
sociation. or not it would interest them.
Contact Information
The Chronicle Little do they know, it’s just the beginning.
William Mason High School It’s just the beginning of late nights, early
6100 S. Mason Montgomery Rd. mornings, headaches, canceled plans, and the
Mason, Ohio 45040 occasional breakdown from stress as they try
(513) 398-5025 to fit in as an elite Mason student, piling up on
The Chronicle Staff the APs and snatching up the priceless 0.03.
Gina Deaton All eyes are on the top slot, even if number
Managing Editor one and number 987 in each class receive the
Abbey Marshall same manilla paper, regardless of how many
Sports Editor 0.03 pennies each possess.
Kylie McCalmont
Online Editor Middle of the pack just won’t do it for com-
Jessica Sommerville petitors, even if number 295 would be valedic-
Online Sports Editor torian in another district. Those who “only”
Eric Miller take one honors class are seen as inferior, far
Visual Editor behind in the race, tripping over a root. We are
Madison Krell here to whittle our youth away in favor of pan-
Graphic Designer ic attacks and not-too-borderline depression.
Kate Madigan
Business Manager While we count our blessings in the oppor-
Ashton Nichols tunities that we have, we hope that students
Staff Writers realize the importance of self-care and a so-
Alyssa Brooks cial life in the midst of high school. We hope
Serina Cline a senior will take a fun elective rather than a
Arnav Damodhar fourth or fifth honors class simply to get them
Juliana Discher up to a 5.0. Maybe we are just overly obsessed
India Kirssin with getting a jump-start on our future. May-
Madison Krell be it’s time to slow down. Maybe it’s time to
Lauren Lysko take some pressure off, and not be so quick to
Charlie MacKenzie judge our friends who take less honors and AP
Duncan MacKenzie classes—in some ways, they might be winning.
Isabel Marotta
Matt Marvar Freshmen are rushing to take the new AP,
Jonathan McCollough and we just hope that they do it for the right
Erin McElhenny reason.
Eric Michael
Blake Nissen Because after high school, we will see a lot
Meghan Pottle more gumball machines than transcripts.
Asia Porter
Alekya Raghavan
Ellie Uecker
Dale Conner

January 15, 2016 C 5

The Debate on Concealed Carry

Armed and underqualified Unarmed and unprotected

Jonathan McCollough | Staff Writer Blake Nissen | Staff Writer
[email protected] [email protected]

As news of mass shootings fill our news feeds, the idea of a “good guy A concealed firearm with the right person behind it stands as the “great
with a gun” is promoted.
A vigilante citizen packing heat is equalizer” to nearly any violent situation. Being a “good guy with a gun”
does not make you an expert, a vigilante, or a replacement for the police.
not beneficial in countering crime It makes you a law-abiding citizen who went through the process to attain
nor violence. According to the New
York Times, since 2007, at least 763 a concealed carry permit in an effort to protect
yourself and those around you. Concealed carry-
people have been killed in 579 ing of firearms should be expanded, not restrict-
shootings by people with legally
obtained concealed carry permits ed.
My biggest fear is that, even in a world as hyper
that did not involve self-defense. aware as ours, these citizens won’t be able pro-
In that same time period, there
were only 21 cases of concealed tect themselves or their loved ones due to rising
restrictions. According to the Washington Post,
carry shootings where self-defense most mass shootings happen in gun-free zones,
was a factor.
The reality is that too many such as campuses. I believe that a responsible,
trained and licensed staff could make a differ-
people are getting concealed carry ence in that statistic if they were able to carry
permits too easily.
Alaska, Arizona, Kansas, Maine, during school. There are currently 18 states in
the U.S. that have allowed adults to conceal carry
Wyoming and Vermont are fully on school grounds, with written permission from
unrestricted, meaning that anyone
who is not prohibited from owning the school board respectively, according to NBC
a firearm is allowed to carry one. Taking a look at schools specifically, ALICE
35 states, including Ohio, follow a
“shall-issue” policy meaning that if training has taken a more aggressive approach
against armed intruders. ALICE encourages stu-
a person meets the state-set qualifi- dents to throw textbooks, chairs, anything if their
cations, they can be given a permit.
License requirements typically life is in danger, in contrast to previous methods
that would include little more than hiding under
include residency, minimum age, a desk and waiting for an armed attacker. The
submitting fingerprints, passing a
computerized instant background one thing ALICE training does not adjust for,
however, is the playing field. While the student
check, attending a certified fire- body is likely to have strength in numbers, it is
arm safety class and paying a fee.
The problem is that some states still a textbook against a gun.
Even moving away from mass shootings, which
have few or none of these require- only account for 1.49 percent of gun deaths ac-
Proper training is crucial in high cording to Vox, there are countless instances of
citizens with concealed carry licenses halting
pressure situations when a “good liquor store robberies, burglaries and assaults.
guy with a gun” would use his gun.
But for those who carry firearms With police response times averaging at 10 min-
utes (up to 79 minutes in New Orleans, accord-
for self-defense, everything must ing to The Economist and WWL-TV), arming a
go right in order to avoid disaster.
When congresswoman Gabby responsible public is the right thing to do.
This is not a call for vigilante justice. Ohio’s
Giffords was gunned down in Ari- concealed carry manual (along with all the oth-
zona in 2011, a good guy with a gun
was present. But in the 16 seconds Jonathan McCollough Blake Nissen ers) state that ‘Deadly force can be used only
to prevent serious bodily harm or death. Deadly
it took for the shooter to kill six force can never be used to protect property.’ By
and wound 13, the good guy didn’t have time to react. Unarmed bystand- Illustration by Madison Krell opposing gun control, you are not arming caped

ers tackled the shooter while he reloaded. In fact, a good guy with a gun crusaders, but citizens—hardworking men and women who have a right to
nearly shot at bystander who had wrestled the gun away from the shooter.
For a good guy to properly fight back against a threat, he first has to protect themselves and all those who are defenseless.
Arming law-abiding citizens allows them to protect their communities
identify it. He has to decide whether or not deadly force is justified. He from a threat that won’t be deterred by legislation, but could be deterred
has to engage without hitting innocent bystanders. He has to be a good
shot under intense pressure from the adversary and his emotions. by the right person with the right tools if the police are too far off to help.
Concealed carry is not a danger, it’s a responsibility. One that should only
There are too many variables to put our trust in “good guys with guns” grow in the future, not get holstered by growing regulation and restric-
when it comes to violence and tragedy in our society—especially if an
armed vigilante tries, and fails, to save the day. tions.

C6 January 15, 2016

[story continued from page 1]

All eyes on Mason Marching Band at Rose Parade

“My favorite part of the parade was Ohio was awarded $196 Million for
how supportive the crowd was,” Mill- the Charter Schools Program State
er said. “Every step of the parade was Educational Agencies grants
lined with absolutely massive amounts The marching band represented Mason in the Rose Parade in Pasadena, California on January 1.
of people. Most of our parents were
at the beginning of the parade and and staff. The closer the bond, the more ex-
throughout the rest of the parade, we citing and rewarding it is to be in our band
were cheered on by people who didn’t program.”
even know who we were. It was magi-
cal.” Miller said the trip did more than
strengthen their musical performance; it
On top of performing, band mem- forged relationships within the program.
bers were able to experience Califor-
nia with trips to the Santa Monica Pier, “This trip definitely brought us together,”
Universal Studios, West Hollywood Miller said. “It was the first time the band
and Disneyland, where they performed had flown anywhere together, and it was
in the Disney Parade. They also expe- awesome getting to experience one of the
rienced a special float viewing, where most beautiful places in the world with the
they were able to see The Rose Parade people who mean the most to you. It was a
floats before New Year’s Day. great way to end my high school marching
band career.”
Band members also took a City
Tour, which included a drive through Bass said the trip was one of a kind.
Beverly Hills and Bel-Air, a tour of the “The parade was fantastic,” Bass said.
Rodeo Drive mansions, and a stop at “The trip can be categorized as a ‘trip of a
Mann’s Chinese Theater to see stars’ lifetime’.”
hands or footprints. The Hollywood
Bowl and Sunset Strip were also fea-

Freshman Catherine Hyers said the
trip helped bring people together and
will benefit band performances in the

“A lot of people bonded and a lot
of new friendships came out of this,”
Hyers said. “This will help the band
be more dynamic for future perfor-

Bass also mentioned the bond creat-
ed between members of the band fam-
ily and the effect it has on the future.

“This parade has draw together an
already close family,” Bass said. “Our
family includes the students, parents,

The band marched for five miles in the Rose Parade on January 1. Photos contributed by Mason Band Boosters Photo Committee

The color guard twirls their flags in the Rose Parade.

January 15, 2016 C 7

Paddling students harshly remembered at MHS

Juliana Discher | Staff Writer and that was around 1963,” Hammond said. “In

[email protected] seventh grade I took a fist to the mouth from

the principal. I also took another direct shot in
Every 30 seconds, a child is hit in a public the back of the head with a giant book by the
school somewhere in the United States. same principal in eighth grade.”
While corporal punishment may not seem Hammond said he feels that physical disci-
like a common practice, a federal data analysis pline can be an effective method of communi-
reported this statistic. Corporal punishment is a cation to a child, as long as it’s not used exces-
discipline method in which a supervising adult sively.
deliberately inflicts pain upon a child in re- “In my day I would get a swat from my par-
sponse to a child’s unacceptable behavior. This ents, but it was never meant to hurt or injure,”
can take place in different forms, such as spank- Hammond said. “It was just meant as a way of
ing, caning, or paddling. Ohio banned corporal saying that you were out of line. When I think
punishment in 2009, but it’s currently legal in 19 back, I found it pretty effective. I think it’s a
states, although not every school implements it. form of communication as opposed to a form of
Senior Aminah Baig attended a school that violence. If it’s used as a form of violence then I
enforced corporal punishment when she lived think it’s wrong.”
in Thailand. Baig said that Thai culture had a According to the The American Psychologi- Beating one’s child was recommended as early as
huge emphasis on teaching discipline to kids. cal Association, the use of corporal punishment 1100 B.C. in the book of Proverbs, attributed to
“In Thailand, a big philosophy is respect and to discipline children may create an impression Solomon.
discipline,” Baig in a child that they are
“said. “So if kids did Prior to 1980, striking the student on the buttocks
I felt like it really scared “undesirable”, lower- or the palm of the hand with a rattan cane, or
things like not doing a lot of my classmates ing their self-esteem. spanking paddle, or with the open hand was a form
their homework or The APA opposes the of punishment in schools and homes.
disrespecting a teach- use of corporal pun-
er, they would use ishment to discipline In July 2009, Ohio passed a ban on corporal
thick wooden erasers from even wanting to punishment in its public schools. Modern child
to hit us. You would children. discipline in schools is verbal, never physical, e.g.
Advanced Place- detention or taking phones away.
have to put out your ”speak to the teacher. ment Psychology
palm and you would —Aminah Baig teacher Angie John- Illustration by Madison Krell
get a smack.” ston said physical
punishment can have
Although the pun-
ishment didn’t cause
severe bodily harm, Baig said that it in- Senior adverse long term ef-
stilled a fearful relationship between the stu- “From what research studies have shown, if
dent and teacher. you use spanking as punishment, it might work
“I definitely don’t think it was an effective initially,” Johnston said. “It might stop the be-
way to punish kids, especially the younger havior for a short period of time and maybe
ones,” Baig said. “I felt like it really scared a lot even up to a year. But it just represses the be-
of my classmates from even wanting to speak to havior and the behavior can come back. It can
the teacher. It made it very uncomfortable and even make the child more aggressive later on
I would think, ‘Well, I don’t want to ask her for in life.”
help if I don’t understand something because Johnston said that corporal punishment can
she is just going to get mad and hit me.’” mess with the parent and child or teacher and
Baig said that having an open and friendly child dynamic.
relationship with teachers is critical for success “If the child is fearing the spanking, the child
in school. might fear the parent or whoever it is deliver-
“I feel comfortable speaking to teachers at ing the spank,” Johnston said. “Research shows
Mason,” Baig said. “As you get older, you want that this can really mess up a relationship with
to be more open with your teachers. You want a child and the parent.”
to be able to talk to them and share things that From her experience as a psychology teacher
are happening in your life.” and mother, Johnston said she finds positive re-
According to The Washington Post, corpo- inforcement to be the most effective in shaping
ral punishment is most prevalent in Texas and behavior.
least prevalent in Wyoming. Out of the 19 states “I am more on the positive kind of reinforce-
that still allow it, two border Ohio: Kentucky ment and trying to be positive with the child,”
and Indiana. Johnston said. “Just from the research I have
American History teacher Joe Hammond said seen with teaching this class and even with my
he grew up in a time when paddling, caning, own children that is definitely how I am. But I
and hitting were prevalent practices at home don’t look at the other side and say, ‘Oh, you’re
and in school. a terrible parent’ because everyone has their
“I received my first swat as a second grader own way of handling things.”

C8 January 15, 2016

January 15, 2016 C 9

Student band takes one step closer to making it big

Meghan Pottle | Staff Writer The Mirror, Little Car, Old Nick, and Scan the QR
[email protected] Jam Song. code to listen
to Big Korea’s
Senior Owen Tidd formed the band, Junior Jack Davidson said that af-
Big Korea, initially in 2013 and is the ter the release of their album, he re- “Welcome”
only member left from the original ceived mostly positive feedback, but EP
lineup. Big Korea released their first is also open to constructive criticism.
“Welcome” extended play (EP) online EP cover art contributed by Owen Tidd
on December 9, 2015 and handed out “I don’t feel like people are going to
CDs. give us criticism because I feel like a Photo edited by Madison Krell
lot of people don’t feel like they’re in
Tidd plays guitar and sings vocals the place to do that,” Davidson said. From left to right: Owen Tidd, Will Morris, Jack Davidson, and Luke Cornett
on the album, Luke Cornett plays “My math teacher gave us a lot of
guitar, Jack Davidson plays bass, and feedback on our production and stuff
Jacob Steinhauer plays all percussion. like that, which I really appreciated.
Tidd said the unique band name, Big If more people could do that and give
Korea, came to him in a dream. their two sense, that’d be pretty cool.”

“There’s a half-human, half-tiger Big Korea plans to perform as
familiar that approached me in a much as they can in the future, as
dream and bestowed upon me the in- well as produce more albums and
formation that Big Korea was the key songs.
to our destiny,” Tidd said. “I heeded
its words and the first step of the plan “We’re going to perform a series of
has been put into action.” house shows in Brighton and Over
the Rhine and we’re also performing
Tidd wrote and performed the an album release show with this band
“Welcome” EP with his bandmates, in mid-February, so information will
while Mason graduate Jacob Stein- come on that soon,” Tidd said. “We’re
hauer worked on the mixing and going to try to open for tri-state bands.
mastering as a producer. “Welcome” As of now, we are just going to try to
has four songs on the album titled release as many albums as possible
and we’re not going to stop…ever.”

Trending Now: Hoverboards

“My favorite part would have “My sister found one on-
to be riding past people who are line and she really wanted
walking and looking at them one and I wanted to one up
like I’m better than them be- her so I went out and bought
cause I am...I felt like it was a when on Black Friday. It looks
good way to get around because cool and I wanted to one up
walking is overrated.” my sister. It’s so easy to get
around. I got pretty good.”
— Dane Robinson, senior
— Ben Beres, sophomore

“My favorite thing about being Group of Interest:
on my Hoverboard is when old
white people ask me what it is. DIY Club
They have never seen anything
like it. And I’m like ‘It’s the fu- The Do It Yourself club is a new organi-
ture, walking is so 2015’.” zation at Mason High School. The D.I.Y.
club was started by senior Gaby Medina
— Umaize Savani, senior and encourages the participants to try
new things. The students of this club
meet every other Tuesday to try the lat-
est Pinterest rave.

Photo by Erin McElhenny Scan the QR
Compiled by Erin McElhenny code or visit to
view the full story

Photos by Erin McElhenny

C10 January 15, 2016

January 15, 2016 C 11

2016 has eventful schedule in store

FEB 7 FEB 29 APR 16

Photo by Alyssa Brooks Photo by Alyssa Brooks Photo by Alyssa Brooks

The 50th NFL Super Bowl game will be held February 29, also known as leap day, will MHS students will take to the dance floor at
at Levi’s Stadium in San Francisco, California be marked on calenders for the first time prom on April 16.
on February 7. in four years


Photo by Alyssa Brooks Photo contributed by Photo contributed by

This generation’s hit childhood Disney films After a five year expedition, NASA’s Juno Probe The 2016 Summer olympics will make a
will be back again in sequels in 2016. “Finding is set to arrive at the solar system’s largest splash in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in August.
Dory” will premier in June while a non- planet on July 4.
animated version of “The Jungle Book”
premiers in April.


Photo by Alyssa Brooks Photo by Alyssa Brooks Photo contributed by

Apple’s new iPhone 7, rumored to be thinner The 44th President of the United States will The typical “get away” takes on a whole new
and have one port for both charging and be elected on November 8, 2016. meaning when Russia brings about the first
auxiliary functions, is set to hit the stores space hotel in 2016.
Illustration by Madison Krell

Captions by Alyssa Brooks

12 January 15, 2016 C

“What had attracted Assurex
Health to stay in Mason is the
amazing resources that the city has
to offer to us. Just in two years,
we’ve grown almost 300 people, so
we’re growing rapidly.”
Sarah DeDiemar
Assurex Health Brand Manger

Asserex lab technicans determine genetically appropriate m

Mason quickly becoming Midwe

Ellie Uecker | Staff Writer working at Festo because of the new technology resent which is training arm of the company,”
[email protected] it holds. McCaffrey said. “We design technical training
Lauren Lysko | Staff Writer equipment based on real industrial compo-
[email protected] “I was definitely interested the second she nents, design learning labs and training and
mentioned efficiency,” Hunter-Rinderle said. consulting, curricular for that technology.
It may not be Silicon Valley but Mason is “They are using biology and things that occur
quickly creeping up to the San Francisco Bay in nature that turn current processes in facto- McCaffrey said that Festo makes a specific ef-
area’s elite status as a Fortune 500 company ries to be as efficient as possible.” fort for their customers to learn how to be able
hotspot. to use the equipment.
The company creates products to improve the
With three companies from Mason in the automation processing and derives inspiration “In other countries and globally, we work
Fortune 500 start up list along with ten from from biological processes in animals. As seen very closely with our customers and our supply
Greater Cincinnati, the area is challenging the at Mason High School, a mechanical dragonfly chain, not only to do product training—so when
Silicon Valley as one of the most innovative and bird were demonstrated showing techno- you buy your Festo cylinder you get training
and business friendly regions in the United logical communication between sensors and with it—it’s beyond that,” McCaffrey said. “It’s a
States. mechanics. Recently, Festo has been studying technology training and we have what we call a
elephant trunks for the suction capabilities of ‘dual education approach’—it combines train-
Mason is still growing and has introduced picking up and placing objects. Festo’s Chief ing in school and training in the companies.
more startup companies in the recent years, Liaison Officer Carolin McCaffrey said the com- That’s our specific approach.”
bringing the biomedical and technological ac- pany has two parts, and the manufacturing part
tion to the Midwest. provides the automation equipment worldwide. Festo’s headquarters are in Germany, but the
company’s American headquarters were previ-
From the north end of Mason-Montgomery “Festo has two parts,” McCaffrey said. “The ously in Long Island, New York. McCaffrey said
to Columbia road, the City of Mason is teeming manufacturing company is a worldwide leader that the company chose to move from Long
with biomedical science and technological com- in industrial automation, providing electrical Island to Mason, Ohio because of the logistic
panies, such as Festo and Assurex Health. and automatic industrial automation compo- improvement for reaching customers.
nents and has about 300,000—roughly—cus-
During Innovation Week at Mason during tomers worldwide and operates in 176 countries “Festo has been in the U.S. for over 40 years,”
October, Festo, a company that uses biology to and covers 200 different industries.” McCaffrey said. “The automation headquarters
advance their science practices, partnered with is in Long Island, which is a great area but not
Mason to give presentations, from third graders The second part of Festo is the didactic part centrally located for customers. The logistics
to high school students, about their techno- which focuses on the customers relations to the for Long Island were not very good, for in-
logical advancements. Senior Rachel Hunter- company. stance, when you draw a circle around Mason,
Rinderle said that she can envision herself like a 600-mile circle, what you reach in one
“And then there’s Festo didactic which I rep-

C January 15, 2016 13

“A couple years ago, when the process
started, the City of Mason and the whole
region really made a case for not just
logistics but also living quality for the
employees, schools, and everybody who
relocated from Long Island to here.
It’s a really attractive area”.
Carolin McCaffrey
Festo’s Chief Liaison Officer

medicine using the latest technological innovations Photos by Ellie Uecker

est’s version of Silicon Valley

day either by plane or truck, we reach about 60 an old karate studio on Columbia Road, but as from all over the country, but we definitely
percent of our customers.” the company grew, new space would be needed. have a desire to grow that excitement about
Assurex Health Brand Manager Sarah DeDi- biohealth locally,” DeDiemar said. “We de-
Furthermore, McCaffrey said that the Mason emar said that the company has chosen to stay cided to start young.”
area was chosen specifically because of living in Mason because of the efforts of the city to
resources for families who had to relocate. help the company flourish. Senior Nicole Wendeln interned at Assurex
Health in the laboratory over the summer.
“You could go into a lot of different places, “As they’ve grown, the City of Mason has Wendeln said the internship involved a lot
doesn’t have to be Mason, right?” McCaffrey been a really great partner to us that they’ve more than shadowing the scientists as they
said. “A couple years ago when the process really worked with us,” DeDiemar said. “What did their work in the lab.
started, the City of Mason and the whole region has attracted Assurex Health to stay in Mason is
really made a case for not just logistics but also the amazing resources that the city has to offer “I worked at Assurex in their lab,” Wendeln
living quality for the employees, schools, and to us. Just in two years, we’ve grown almost 300 said. “At first I shadowed a lot of the people
everybody who relocated from Long Island to people, so we are growing rapidly.” within the company to see what the different
here. It’s a really attractive area.” roles were in the lab and I did a lot of cleaning
Beyond the resources the city has to offer for and stuff to make sure there was no DNA on
Not only has the technology boat reached living and expansion, DeDiemar said the talent them. Towards the end, I worked on a research
Mason, but the biomedical industry has been found in the region keeps the company ground- project with the 2D6 gene which was really
planted in Mason with Assurex Health. ed in Mason. cool; I got to work with one of their research
people which was really fun.”
Assurex Health is a company that landed “Assurex, when we were very small, had
in Mason in 2011 in the Municipal Building. It the option to move out west,” DeDiemar said. Wendeln said that the internship opportu-
produces GeneSight, a genetic tests that allows “That’s kind of what our investors wanted us nity through Assurex Health expanded her
doctors to see what medicines and dosages will to do; (they said),‘You’re not going to be able knowledge about what they are studying and
be most effective for patients. The tests are to find the talent in the Midwest,’ and our core helped to reassure her own desire to research
primarily used to help with medications to treat people—founders and leadership—was like, pharmacy.
psychiatric conditions by signifying which pre- ‘No, you are mistaken.’”
scriptions will be most effective to the patients. “They’re doing pharmacogenetics,” Wen-
Along with the regional talent, DeDiemar deln said. “It’s learning about the genes and
Originally, the company worked out of said Assurex has the desire to grow locally and how your genes influence how you respond
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital and the Mayo expand out to students who are interested in to drugs. I was interested in research before,
Clinic where the technology was first being what the company does. like research within pharmacy in a lab setting
developed. Once it commercialized, the two and this showed me that I definitely would be
companies brought on Don Wright as Chief “They are really in cultivating talent here interested in that.”
Operating Officer who started the company in locally, not to say that we don’t pull great talent

C14 January 15, 2015

January 15, 2016 C 15

Extreme shoppers travel miles

in pursuit of perfect outfit
Serina Cline | Staff Writer gone to Chicago with her friends

[email protected] to spend time shopping at the big

stores that they don’t have in Ohio.
Junior Morgan Teska spent 10 “I go places to get clothes all
hours, 49 minutes and 722.5 miles the time.” Hennessey said. “Some-
on a mission to get one dress for times I go to Easton in Columbus
one pageant. and i’ve been to Chicago. Ohio is
Teska competes in pageants and great but Chicago, New York—
said that the competitive nature that’s where the shopping is.”
requires her to travel around the English teacher Beth Celenza
United States to get gowns. has gone on many extravagant
“I’m doing teen USA locals this trips in the last year. Celenza said
year which requires me to get that before going, she will re-
dresses from places that aren’t in search the desired areas to shop
Ohio to get customized gowns,” according to her trip.
Teska said. “I’ve gotten multiple “Last year my friend and I had
from Kentucky and one in Rhode planned a trip to Europe and part Photo by Matthew Marvar
Island.” of my budgeting for that was to Senior Jordyn Mitchell binge-watches Netflix. Photo art by Madison Krell

These multiple trips can get make sure I had enough mon- Study reveals binge-watching
expensive and ey to buy a television linked to depression
ing. Teska pair of Louis
Vuitton’s in
said that she Paris at their
recently went Matthew Marvar | Staff Writer TV and the need to synthesize rela-
to get a gown flagship [email protected] tionships and experiences based on
store,” Celen- what Netflix users watch.
that added up za said. “I Is it time to shut off the TV and go
to be her most outside? “They’re getting what they’re not
costly and far- also bought getting in the real world,” Mitchell
a Prada purse Senior Matt Harris, an avid Netflix said. “They’re attaching themselves
thest trip yet. and wallet in user, may not think so. to something and feeling like it’s a
“One of the consistence in their life.”
most expen- Milan.” “‘Star Wars: The Clone Wars’ is
Celenza probably my favorite show,” Harris Despite last year’s study, internet
sive trips I’ve said that her said. “I’ve watched all 127 episodes streaming services are promoting
done would in two months. I watched like six it. Amazon’s new campaign adver-
be last spring teaching sal- to eight (episodes) a day--you crank tising their endless supply of enter-
ary would not them out. It was more of a stress re- tainment is becoming a trend in an
break; I went be enough to lief for school. I think it helped over- effort to eliminate the term they cre-
to Connecti- all.” ated, “showhole”, to encourage more
cut and Rhode afford her binge-watching.
Photo contributed by Beth Celenza expenses as For others, however, Netflix is do-
Island to buy English Teacher Beth Celenza travelled well as her ing the opposite. In a 2015 study from Similarly, UT researchers also
a gown for a to Milan to purchase a Prada purse. house and the University of Texas that surveyed found a connection between binge-
pageant,” Tes- roughly 300 18-29 year olds, research- watching and self-control--those with
bills, so the ers found that binge-watching is less self control are more likely to
ka said. “It was a really long expe- other jobs she works goes towards detrimental to one’s mental health; watch more television, even if they
rience for one dress.” her reward money. in those surveyed, the more they know they have other things to get
Junior Christie Hennessey said “I have a wedding and event- binge-watch TV, the stronger the link done.
she has been traveling to go shop- planning business, I tutor five to between it and loneliness and depres-
ping as a fun leisure activity to do six kids a week, and last year I was sion. Despite the urge to watch “just one
with her friends. Hennessey said a server 20 to 30 hours a week and more”, Harris says the best way to
that she went to Indianapolis to so for the entire year that money Senior Claire Uematsu said that keep the bingeing under control is to
get a homecoming dress this past went into my Europe trip budget,” she doesn’t feel lonely after watching be disciplined.
year. Celenza said. “I am very budget- Netflix, however, if she doesn’t limit
“For my homecoming dress I oriented, and when I do make her Netflix use during the school “I try to get all my schoolwork done
drove to Indianapolis because I what people see as ‘frivolous ex- week, she will stress as it becomes right away when I get home,” Harris
just have to go to BCBG and the penses’, it is because I can afford more of an interruption. said. “And then once I’m done with
one in Kenwood closed,” Hen- it and I’ve saved and worked to be all of that, the floodgates open up.”
nessey said. “I went there and just able to do it.” “Most of the time, I don’t use (Net-
made a shopping trip out of it.” There are different trends based flix),” Uematsu said. “I know that According to Mitchell, it’s a shame
Senior Tori McVey said she is on different areas in the U.S. and when I start watching it, I won’t feel that there’s a link between binge-
going to Chicago with a friend in in different parts of the world, and like doing anything--I’ll go to vaca- watching and feelings of depression.
search of a prom dress. McVey said she believes it is good tion mode and I won’t be able to Netflix is for our individual enter-
“For prom this year I am go- to see these trends. come back and do what I’m supposed tainment; it’s not supposed to make
ing to Chicago to get my dress,” “It’s out of the norm and it’s al- to do.” us feel badly.
McVey said. “I hate waiting until ways nice to travel to see what oth-
the last minute so going to differ- er people wear and the different Senior Jordyn Mitchell said that “Their job is to make people feel
ent places helps a lot.” styles,” McVey said. “It’s good to she thinks that some viewers’ feelings happy,” Mitchell said. “To feel like
Hennessey said that she has get an overall view of everything.” of loneliness are perpetuated by the they can watch any episode at any
isolated world that is binge-watching time of the day whenever they want
to and to binge-watch away.”

C16 January 15, 2016

January 15, 2016 C 17

Wisdom teeth removal MHS offers new Advanced Placement
can bring on psychotic
episodes course for freshmen

Blake Nissen | Staff Writer Jonathan McCollough | Staff Writer This is a reasonable claim considering that stu-
[email protected]
Meghan Pottle | Staff Writer [email protected] dents in AP Human Geography are all simultaneous-
[email protected]
ly taking a world history class as well. Jenkins said
Senior Molly Biggers thought she was getting kid- Students migrating to the high school now have that some events, such as the Industrial Revolution,
napped and senior Sam DeGroft thought she was the option to take Advanced Placement Human Ge- are brought up in her class before the world history
being attacked by a terrorist. It sounds crazy, but it’s ography freshman year.
true—or at least Biggers and DeGroft thought it was, classes have gone over them creating a gap in histori-
because they were suffering from psychotic delusions According to the College Board, AP Human Geog- cal context that causes students to have more diffi-
as a result of the anesthesia they were under after raphy is a class designed to “introduce students to the culty in understanding the concepts.
having their wisdom teeth removed. systematic study of patterns and processes that have
Freshman Jason Zhang said that this gap in context
Their stories aren’t unusal, according to the Na- shaped human understanding, use, and alteration of can be an issue, but that Jenkins, who teaches the only
tional Center for Biotechnology Information, which Earth’s surface”. The class is offered exclusively to two bells of the class, has done a good job making up
states that 5 million people have their wisdom teeth freshman as an elective that can be taken on top of
removed each year in the United States, under anes- World History. AP Human Geography teacher Caryn for it in class and that he has not been too negatively
thesia. Jenkins said the class focuses on the movements of impacted by it as a result.
people and their culture.
“I thought I was being kidnapped,” Biggers said. “I “A lack of historical knowledge might have an
asked my mom if she was taking me to a cornfield to impact, although it’s not just historical,” Zhang said.
murder me.” “It’s the why of where,” Jenkins said. “So if history is “There are a lot of things we lack context in as well
the why of when, like why things happen when they but I don’t feel like it’ll completely sway our under-
Traumatic stories, similar to Biggers’, are caused by do, in the order that they do, and cause and effect, this standing. I mean there might be a term or event we
the sedation used during wisdom teeth surgery. This looks at why things happen where they do. Things don’t completely get, but Mrs. Jenkins does a really
sedation is the result of a general intravenous anes- like why do we speak English and why is our English good job explaining it, so I feel the lack of context
thesia, commonly used in many types of oral surgery different from British English or Australian English isn’t that big of an issue.”
according to The Pennsylvania Society of Oral and or why is
Maxillofacial Surgeons. While the results may vary, a The hefty work-
general state of “loopiness” can last anywhere from 10 Hinduism
minutes to multiple hours. load of the class
practiced is another thing
Dr. Christopher A. McDaniel of Affiliates in Oral & that students have
Maxillofacial Surgery said that they have a number of where it is 333 had to adjust to
medicines at their disposal for sedation during Wis- in their first AP
dom Teeth removal. and how 53 class. Freshman
Jenny Hong says
“Your most common one is Versed which is known does it
to cause lightheadedness, loopiness, laughter,” Mc-
Daniel said. “Ketamine is a little more of a general spread. It’s
anesthetic drug that can sometime cause the out of
body experience and the visual changes.” the interac-

Trying to find the safest anesthesia plan for a pa- tion of hu- that she didn’t
tient is one of the most important things an oral sur-
geon has to do, he said. man actions anticipate the

“Every situation is different,” McDaniel said. “De- and their amount of work
pending on the patient’s history and allergies to a cer-
tain medication, social history.” physical ge- that would be as-

A common thread among patients is the often em- ography.” 52% of students scored a 3 or higher 11% of students scored a 5 signed for the
barrassing home videos involved with the process. Although class but that she
DeGroft’s video not only serves as entertainment, but 136,448 students in the U.S. took the exam in 2014 was able to adjust
also her only memory of the procedure and events AP Human as the year pro-
after. Geography gressed.
is common-
“Honestly I don’t remember a lot of it,” DeGroft
said. “I remember them explaining to me what was ly seen as Statistics from the College Board Infographic by Madison Krell “I’m not quite
going to happen and putting the IV in but that was being one sure what I had
the last thing I remember before waking up at home.
Looking back at the videos, a lot happened that I don’t of the easier expected,” Hong
AP classes said. “I definitely
Scan the QR code or
visit to by teachers and the college board alike, the AP exam expected it to be more challenging than my other
watch Biggers’ and results are far from the best. In fact, AP Human Ge- classes, but I wasn’t really prepared to devote like a
Degroft’s post-wisdom ography had the third lowest passing average in 2014
teeth surgery videos with only 52 percent of students scoring a 3 or above. couple hours every night so I was a little surprised at
This is commonly blamed on the fact that AP Human first by the workload. I got used to it eventually and
now it doesn’t seem as difficult anymore. The chal-
Geography is typically available for freshman who are lenging aspect is that the class requires us to do a lot
less prepared for an AP class than older students may on our own time: studying, reviewing, researching,
be. Jenkins said that freshman are at a disadvantage etc, since there is very limited time to go over every-
when it comes to AP Human Geo due to the limited thing in class.”
historical background that they possess, however, she
The object of every class is to teach what the cur-
said the class is beneficial in providing useful context riculum requires, but Jenkins says that AP Human
that can be used in other history classes.
Geography teaches more than just what’s in the text-
“One of the things that probably makes it more
challenging for freshman is that they haven’t had all book and can help make students more aware and un-
of their history yet,” Jenkins said. “In seventh grade derstanding of the people and cultures around them.
you end with the Renaissance and then in eighth
“It helps kids relate to people that they might not
ever meet and they just see the world a little bit dif-
grade they stop after the Civil War and reconstruc- ferently,” Jenkins said. “The broadening of horizons
tion so there’s all this history that hasn’t happened yet and the ability to empathize with people whose back-
that would probably help them with context. But the grounds are so very different (is learned). You know
flip side of that is what they know about where things something about them without knowing them and
are will help them with the historical context.”
that makes (the students) more compassionate.”


SPORTSThe Chronicle IT’S GAME DAY Match Up: Mason Comets 10-1, MASON TAKES SECOND
Oak Hill Highlanders 8-3 @MHSChron Sports The Comets travel to Oak Hills in a match up of two of the top teams Oak Hills Capsule: Wins over The Mason chess team
in the GMC. A win could put the Comets in the driver’s seat in the Western Hills, Colerain, Fairfield, finished second to GMC
conference title race. Mason swept the Highlanders last season. Middletown, Sycamore, Lakota rival Sycamore. The Comets
West, Winton Woods, Hamilton finished the season 14-1-1.
Kyle Lamotte Primetime Players: Ryan Batte Anagh Kulkarni
15.5 PPG, Luke Rudy 15.3 PPG made the first GMC team
along with Noah Song and
Statistics updated as of January 10. Kevin Zhu.

Comets can’t get past GMC nemesis Lakota West

Firebirds 16-5 fourth
quarter run stifles Comets
hopes of defeating
defending state champs

Eric Miller | Online Sports Editor
[email protected]

In a game that featured two of the top teams Photo by Blake Nissen
in the state of Ohio, the Mason Comets came up
just short in their attempt to take down defending Photos by Blake Nissen
state champion Lakota West. The Firebirds pulled
away late to take a 54-46 Greater Miami Confer- Lakota West defenders trap junior Makenzie Dixon on the baseline. The Comets were unable to hold off the Fire-
ence win. The Comets jumped out to an early 15-6 birds in their match up against the defending state champs.
lead thanks to the play of senior Jailyn Mason who
scored ten points and served as the Comets floor Junior Samari Mowbray squares up to the basket
general. The Comets held a 20-14 edge after the as she splits two Lakota West defenders.
first period but West went on a late second quarter
run to tie the game, 29-29, at the half. Junior Samari Mowbray goes up for a shot as Senior Jailyn Mason dribbles the ball down the
Lakota West defender attempts to defend. court with pressure from a Lakota West defender.
The Comets came out of the locker room and
went on a 9-0 run anchored by senior Lauren Van
Kleunen who picked up her third double-double
of the year with 13 points along with 13 rebounds.
Just as it appeared the Comets were running away
with the game, the Firebirds clawed back with a
9-0 run of their own to tie the score once again.
Comets head coach Rob Matula said his team suf-
fered from the inability to hit shots at the right

“We didn’t make shots,” Matula said. “We didn’t
make shots, when we needed to make shots. I
thought defensively we played pretty well but
we had opportunities to make shots: layups, free
throws and we didn’t. They shot 77 percent from
the free throw line and they made their layups;
they win.”

The Comets held a paper thin 41-38 lead head-
ing to the fourth quarter and then immediately
scored a bucket to extend the lead to five, but
could only muster three points the rest of the
game. The Firebirds went on a 16-3 run to close
the game, and only allowed the Comets to shoot
35.3 percent for the game. Matula said his team
needs to take ownership of their play.

“I think we just keep doing what we do,” Matula
said. “Keep working on the things we need to work
on and take ownership. Each individual player has
to take ownership and get it done as a unit.”

The Comets will travel to the prestigious Classic
in the Country this weekend where Matula, “Abso-
lutely,” thinks his team still has the opportunity to
do big things.

January 15, 2016 C 19

Photo by Jonathon McCollough Graphic by Kate Madigan

Senior Braden Sauer rolls a strike at practice as he prepares for their upcoming meet against Colerain. Moeller to face Mason
on gridiron in 2016
Comet bowlers knocking down pins, records
Eric Miller | Online Sports Editor
Duncan MacKenzie | Staff Writer focus on every individual shot. Not every game [email protected]
[email protected] can be perfect, but every game can be over 200.”
After a nine year hiatus, two of Cincinnati’s
Strikes, doubles, turkeys and the occational Although bowling is an individual sport, Sauer premier high school athletic programs will
perfect score have become catalysts for the ac- said that this kind of teamwork has helped his again matchup on the gridiron. As announced
celerated success rate this season for the Mason team to be successful this season. on December 17, 2015, Mason and Moeller will
bowling program. play during week three of the OHSAA high
“It’s really easy to focus on yourself and not school football season on September 9, 2016,
Both girls and boys bowling teams are 2-1 in the think about the team,” Sauer said. “This year was at Mason’s Dwire Field. The agreement is for
Greater Miami Conference and only have loses the first year that I felt like every single person one game, the first football matchup between
to Oak Hills, currently the top ranked team in that is in the starting lineup and isn’t in the start- the two schools since the 2007 season opener
both leagues. The teams have also accomplished ing lineup really put the team before themselves. which went 24-7 in favor of Moeller. The Sep-
early success this season individually. Everybody knows that it’s better to sit on the tember 9 game will be Moeller’s first regular
bench on the winning team than be the best guy season Greater Miami Conference matchup
Sophomore Evan Haas and senior Sean Merritt on the losing team. Everyone wants everyone since a 68-7 thrashing of Hamilton in 2011. It
have the second and third best averages in the else to do well.” will also be the first regular season matchup
boys’ conference, and senior Miriam Markvan against a private school for the Comets since
has the sixth best in the girls’ as of January 12. Sauer said that although he has already beating Bishop Watterson 15-7 in 2014. Mason
Miriam is the only returning varsity player on achieved the best score possible in bowling, there head coach Brian Castner said the reason for
the girls team, which she said has taken some is still much more he can do to perfect his game. scheduling the Crusaders was simple.
“Strikes make good games but spares win “I don’t think it was just ‘Why Moeller,” Cast-
“It’s not necessarily a new team because I have championships, so you can never stop working ner said. “I think it was more or less they had
bowled with the girls my entire high school ca- on your spare shooting,” Sauer said. “I have tried an opening and we had an opening. It fit what
reer, but they all bowl differently than the girls shooting all of my spares straight and not curv- we needed and we both were able to agree that
from last year,” Markvan said. “I have been bowl- ing the ball into them because once I go and they would come to us for one year and play a
ing my entire life and all of the other girls started bowl in college the oil is different on the lane so home game week three.”
bowling their freshman year.” it’s very beneficial to start shooting your spares
straight as soon as you can.” In addition to playing the Crusaders, the
Senior Braden Sauer set a school record when Comets have scheduled Greater Catholic
he scored 12 strikes in a row and became the first Boys head coach Joe Riestenberg said that a 300 League members St. Xavier and Elder for their
student in Mason history to throw a 300. Despite is amazing, but also rare. Instead of focusing on 2016 pre-season scrimmages. Castner said the
this perfect game early in the season, Sauer said bowling perfect games, he said he wants to focus schedule proves his team’s desire to compete.
that the pressure to be perfect affected him. more on the performance of the team as a whole.
“I would like to think it shows that we’ll com-
“I went into a bit of a slump after my perfect “Even more remarkable than the 300 was our pete and play with anybody,” Castner said. “Be-
game and it was really bad,” Sauer said. “I think first match of the season against Glen Este,” ing in the GMC, we do that within our league
the pressure put me in a mindset that I had to be Riestenberg said. “We bowled a 3080, and that and our conference but outside the conference
perfect. One of the other seniors, Devon Smith, was the second best score in Mason team histo- and (into) scrimmages it says that we’ll com-
talked to me one day and told me that I needed to ry. That’s the kind of thing that we’re trying to pete and play with anybody.”
stop trying to be perfect because it only happens replicate because the 300’s don’t come very often
once or twice in a lifetime and I need to relax and but consistency and trying to reach those kind of Also on the docket for the Comets 2016 non-
scores as a team have been our goal.” conference schedule is a home matchup with
Springboro and an away contest with With-
row. Castner said these two agreements are for
many years to come and the possibility of more
private schools on the Comets schedule will
happen on a year to year basis.

“I think we’re always going to keep Spring-
boro for that rivalry in that first week and that
second week we’ve got Withrow for the next
couple of years,” Castner said. “We go from
year-to-year but you just never know if the two
schools can meet and make an agreement.”

After the Comets host Moeller they will open
GMC play at home against Lakota West and
Moeller will travel to Don Bosco Prep (NJ).

cC20 January 15, 2015

January 15, 2016 C 21

Physics often play role in determining
successful dives

Junior Allen Feng begins his jump in practice as he Kylie McCalmont | Sports Editor “It’s mostly about how high you can get up or
arches for a back flip. [email protected] how much jump you can get because if you have
more time in the air then you will have more time
Junior Allen Feng does a flip off the dive as he prepares Science isn’t just performed in the classroom-- to make the dive,” Daniels said.
to finish with a twist. it’s demonstrated on the water.
The Mason High School diving team has par-
Photos by Blake Nissan Each diver, dripping from their warmup, ticipated in two meets so far. Seniors Nicole Wen-
mounts the board. Before lining up their feet for deln and Daniels took first and second against
Junior Allen Feng completing his twist before he finish- their full approach, their toes curl over a knob Loveland in their first meet while junior Allen
es in the water. called the fulcrum that controls the stiffness of Feng placed first and Chad Peterson earned sec-
the board. Mason diving coach Lori Rapp com- ond. Although these athletes have experienced
pares this part of diving to physics, a subject that success, they all have yet to recieve a perfect score.
some of her students are familiar with.
The complexity of the board and the precise
“When (the fulcrum) is all the way up it makes timing all must be nailed to achieve the div-
the board stiff,” Rapp said. “It doesn’t give you a ing goal, a perfect or a 10 out of 10. Perfection is
lot of height. A diving board is a very slow mov- deemed impossible to reach but diving is a sport
ing piece of equipment. If you look at a spring that allows athletes the potential to reach it. A
floor like what gymnasts work on. That thing panel of three judges rank the acrobatic athletes
when you hit it, it reacts immediately. A diving on a score from one to 10 based on characteristics
board when you hit it, it’s real slow. The longer such as form, dive completion, and entry. Daniels
you stay on the diving board, the more the board said that although perfect is possible, mistakes
bends. I always tell the kids it’s a lot like phys- are easy with the judges’ picky criteria.
ics. You want to bend it when it’s on the furthest
downward bend, you want to remain on the div- “In the four years that I’ve been diving, I’ve only
ing board and wait until it comes up. That’s what seen one perfect score,” Daniels said. “It’s so easy
will get you the most height.” for judges to take points off for things like the way
your toes are pointed as you enter the water.”
Once the fulcrum is turned, the diver must ad-
just their positioning sometimes using the one Mason divers experiment with different dives
through nine engraved in the board to express that fall into either the front, the reverse, the in-
the flexibility of the board. According to senior ward, backward or the twister categories. Daniels
diver Kassidy Daniels, a experience can affect said her hardest dives is the front double pike.
which number the fulcrum should be turned to.
“This dive consists of walking down the board
“The numbers are where you move the wheel and doing two flips in a pike position so you’re
and the farther up the wheel is, the less bouncy. touching your toes,” Daniels said.
The farther back the wheel is the more bouncy
and it also helps you line up where your steps are,” The water may seem like a comfortable landing
Daniels said. “When you’re first starting out you but Daniels said otherwise. She said that a diver’s
want the board to be more firm so that you go biggest goal is a small splash which ultimately
up instead of shooting out because if the board is makes the physics behind the three step and hur-
more bouncy and you don’t have control you will dle approach and the fulcrum important pieces to
shoot out in the middle of the pool and you don’t their success.
want that.”
“One of the big goals in diving is to make as
The position and the flexibility of the diving little splash as possible,” Daniels said. “You don’t
board affects the height which is crucial for the want to just fall in the water. You want to go in
success of the jump Daniels said. straight and tight. If you hit the water loose then
you are just going to crumble because the water is
really hard and you don’t think of how hard it is.”

22 C January 15, 2016

Graphic by Madison Krell Commentary

Speedos, spandex, and singlets takes some US Soccer
getting ‘used to’ for Comet athletes Player of the
Year calls
Charlie MacKenzie | Staff Writer starts later around middle school they generally it quits
[email protected] feel awkward, so the jammer works best for them.
It’s funny, after about a year or so those late bloom- India Kirssin | Staff Writer
When American author and humorist Mark ers will generally drop the jammer and move to a [email protected]
Twain said “clothes make the man,” he probably (Speedo) because everyone else wears one.”
wasn’t talking about Speedos, spandex, or singlets. One of the greatest sports careers of all
Girls’ volleyball uniforms include spandex time is now over.
These uniforms all have one thing in common-- shorts that are used for mobility and speed, simi-
they are extremely tight and revealing. Sports that larly to Speedos. Senior volleyball player Emily Abby Wambach retired on December 16
require form-fitting uniforms can pose serious in- Carlin said that she understands why girls may after a US Women’s National Team game
security problems and outline parts of the body stray away from spandex, but she does not feel against China. Her career included two
that athletes may not want exposed. awkward in the shorts. Olympic Gold medals and a FIFA Women’s
World Cup championship.
Swimmers and water polo players wear Speedos “(Wearing spandex) could make people feel
because their compact size allows for easy mobil- uncomfortable because they are very tight and She is the six-time winner of the US Soccer
ity and less drag in the water. The athletes, how- short,” Carlin said. “But when you get over that, Player of the Year award, winner of the 2012
ever, can only gain this competitive edge through they are very comfortable.” FIFA World Player of the Year award, one of
the use of the skimpy apparel. Junior Trevor Gibb the most influential people on Time Maga-
has been wearing a Speedo since eighth grade. Wrestlers wear tight body suits called singlets, zine’s Time 100 List, and much more. On top
Like most new things, Gibb said that the experi- and have been for about fifty years. Unlike Spee- of all of these awards, she is the all-time lead-
ence was uncomfortable at first, but he became dos and spandex, the purpose of singlets is to ing international goal scorer for men and
accustomed to it overtime. prevent injury on the mat. While helping with women, with an amazing 184 goals.
mobility, the tight nylon allows for wrestlers to
“I avoided wearing a Speedo my eighth grade easily grab their opponent without having to fish While all of Wambach’s awards are as-
year and my freshman year,” Gibb said. “All the through with excess material. Senior Cole Tibbs tounding, perhaps her biggest accomplish-
guys wear a Speedo and as you are in the locker has been wrestling for eleven years. He has grown ment has been her fight for the women’s
room more and more you just get comfortable up sporting singlets, but said that wearing the re- game. She has brought attention to an often-
with the guys. You eventually give in, and say vealing fabric can still be discomforting. overlooked sport in a way nobody else has.
‘okay, fine I’ll wear it.’’’ Her strong voice has been tireless in raising
“I think that because I grew up doing it and have awareness for women’s soccer and making
Head swimming coach Mark Sullivan agrees been wearing it for so long it isn’t as weird,” Tibbs sure all who play get equal treatment.
with Gibb that his swimmers become more com- said. “But still knowing that you are going out in
placent to wearing Speedos the longer they have front of hundreds of people in something that is Wambach is one of the most recognizable
been exposed to them. Swimmers and water polo such a tight fitting thing can be a little uncomfort- players in soccer. Her short hair and 5’11”
players have the opportunity to wear “jammers,” able for a lot of people, but you grow into it.” frame make her instantly noticeable. People
which are tight fitting nylon suits that end above who don’t know soccer know her. People who
the knees. While many athletes may feel awkward A player can pick their sport, but not always know soccer respect her. People who play soc-
sporting a Speedo, the alternative can be less at- their uniform. Tibbs said that almost everyone cer look up to her. She has been a role model
tractive- being the only competitor not wearing gets used to wearing singlets, similarly to most for women everywhere. She encourages girls
standard gear. uniforms. to be brave and bold and not worry what oth-
ers think of them.
“If a boy starts swimming really early in life, “Some people do have concerns with (the tight-
they are generally used to the suit and grow ac- ness) and it is brought up a lot, especially with the Wambach is ending her career on a high.
custom to the suit,” Sullivan said. “If a swimmer newer wrestlers,” Tibbs said. “After the first couple Her win this past year at the 2015 FIFA Wom-
weeks though everyone gets used to it.” en’s World Cup was her first World Cup win.
After finally becoming a world champion,
JOEL THATCHER Comet Stat Line Wambach decided it was time to pass the ba-
Senior, Swimmer ton to a young group of rising stars. The ab-
SAMARI MOWBRAY sence of her leadership, voice and play will be
:52.49 100 yard fly, Junior, Basketball a huge obstacle for the US team to overcome
:47.69 100 yard free as no one will ever be quite like her.
9.9 PPG,
both 1st GMC 3.5 RPG So thank you, Abby. Your actions and char-
45.6 FG% acter have extended far beyond the game you
love and have made a long-lasting change.

Senior, Bowling

217.2 Avg
high score 279

Statistics as of January 10.

January 15, 2016 C 23

Local fans divided
on recent MLB ruling
against Reds legend
Pete Rose

Eric Michael | Staff Writer
[email protected]

Access denied. Metal statue of Pete Rose stands in the Reds Hall of Fame in honor of his baseball career. Photo by Eric Michael
On December 13, 2015 Major League Baseball
Commissioner Rob Manfred once again issued ready to let bygones be bygones, but purely as a Photo by Eric Michael
the decree that MLB ‘Hit King’ Pete Rose would baseball player, Rose should be enshrined in Coo-
remain banned from baseball. Manfred followed perstown. Pete Rose’s game-worn jersey hangs in the Reds Hall
through on his promise to rule on Rose before the of Fame located at the Great American Ball Park in
end of 2015. The news wasn’t good for Rose and “I don’t think you can forgive him as a person, Cincinnati.
his fans. but you should forgive him as a baseball player,”
After a record setting career and a place as one Mitchell said. “We seem to be able to forgive peo-
of Cincinnati’s most beloved athletes it looked ple for steroids and still regard them as great base-
like the door might slightly be open for Rose to ball players. We have let players who have altered
gain reinstatement thus making him eligible for the history and integrity of the game go in.”
the baseball Hall of Fame. But Manfred slammed
that door shut upholding Rose’s lifetime ban from Junior RJ Vogler’s respects Rose’s achievements
baseball. on the field but believes his behavior off the field
Baseball fans know the story. Rose was banned should keep the door shut on Rose’s reinstatement.
from baseball when in 1989 when he agreed to ac-
cept a lifetime ban after investigators found that “Although his career is definitely worthy of a
Rose had bet on baseball as manager of the Cincin- spot in the hall of fame, Pete Rose should not be
nati Reds. allowed in,” Vogler said. “He broke an MLB rule
Betting on baseball is one of MLB’s cardinal by betting on games and he has a criminal record.”
sins. Rule 21 is on the walls of every major league
clubhouse. The rule states, “Any player, umpire, or Mason’s head baseball coach Curt Bly said that
club or league official or employee, who shall bet... Pete Rose should never be allowed to coach base-
shall be declared permanently ineligible.” ball again, but should be inducted into the Hall
According to Cincinnati Reds Hall of Fame oper- of Fame.
ations manager Chris Eckes, Rose broke baseball’s
golden rule. “One of the most important things that baseball
“It is the one rule in baseball that you can not believes in is that you have to protect the integrity
break,” Eckes said. “There has never been an ex- of the game,” Bly said. “Because of that I believe
ample of someone breaking that rule in baseball, that Pete Rose should never be reinstated to the
allowing that person back into the game in any point that he could be employed or in any way
way, shape, or form. Unfortunately Pete was found work within the game of baseball. That being said,
to have broken that rule.” I think that there is the opportunity that the com-
The subject of Rose’ eligibility draws the ire of missioner could choose to allow him to be eligible
fans and foes alike. Reds’ fan junior Ben Schutte for enshrinement without being reinstated to the
said that Pete Rose is being punished too strictly game. You don’t have a Hall of Fame if the man
for his actions. who had the most hits in the history of your game
“I think he should be inducted to the Hall of isn’t in it.”
Fame,” Schutte said. “The fact that you are going
to keep him out of the Hall of Fame because he’s
bet on the game of baseball is a little ridiculous.”
Senior Shaun Mitchell said that he is not fully

Comet Stat Line

Sophomore, Bowling Junior, Wrestling
Sophomore, Swimming
217.7 Avg 16-6
279 high score 170 pound division 1:55.33 200 yd free,
5:09.50 500 yd free
11 pins
both first GMC

Statistics as of January 10.

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