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The Chronicle published on April 20, 2018.

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Published by The Chronicle, 2018-04-24 11:13:24

Edition 15.8

The Chronicle published on April 20, 2018.

Photo by Tanner Pearson Vol. 15, Issue 8 | William Mason High School | 6100 Mason Montgomery Road Mason, OH | 4.20.18


[on red aler]tHighschoolsees
enforcement of new
safety procedures

2 News April 20, 2018

Kaavya Ramachandran’s cartoon illustrating the dilemma facing high school students with uniquely spelled last names and pronunciations won her a Silver Key Award in the nationally
recognized Scholastics Art and Writing competition.

Cartoon’s cultural statement gains national recognition for H.S. artist

Lauren Serge | Staff Writer said was a pleasant surprise considering thoughts, cautious not to offend the op- right on the first try. We’re getting to
she is not enrolled in any art classes. posite perspective. Ramachandran said the point where it doesn’t affect us
Kaavya Ramachandran has never this idea of confusion and discretion is anymore, but then it’s the question of
taken an art class, but that did not stop “It was insane,” Ramachandran said. “I widely more prevalent than the idea of whether we should be offended because
the Mason High School junior from wasn’t anticipating it at all, like the day insensitivity. it’s a cultural thing, and if you’re not
entering one of the nation’s most presti- national results came out, I was refresh- being true to yourself.”
gious art and writing copmpetitions. ing the page all day, so it was very excit- “It’s just kind of people not knowing
ing to see that recognition. I don’t use what to do in the situation. I’m terrible This internal conflict is conquered
Based on personal experience, a drawing tablet or anything like that at names myself, but I don’t want to in different ways for each person, some
Ramachandran created a piece entitled either, so I’m happy they considered it make someone feel bad because of my of which are demonstrated in Ram-
“Dilemma,” a political cartoon which worthy.” mistake,” Ramachandran said. “On the achandran’s cartoon. Ramachandran
creatively shares her thoughts on mis- other end, people don’t want to offend personally tries to enunciate based on
pronunciation in social situations. By improving her drawings through anybody, so it’s sort of a minefield, as the language she speaks at home, but
the scribble feature on the notes app, you’re trying to not make anybody she said the methods used by each in-
Despite her lack of art training, Ramachandran decided to submit her upset. It’s benign because the intention dividual should not be regretted as the
Ramachandran decided to submit her piece after applying to the writing is usually not to be hurtful or insensi- aims on both ends of the spectrum are
piece to the Scholastic Art and Writing category. The editorial cartoon category tive or racist, it’s just an experience that frequently good natured.
competition, and later recieved a Silver is a recent addition to the Scholastic art needed to be brought to light, specifi-
Key for her commentary. section, sponsored by the Herb Block cally the perspective of the person with “It’s sort of a thing that’s specific to
Foundation, and Ramachandran said the difficult name. “ the person. I always try to say it with
The cartoon depicted the struggles she had doubts about the propriety of the accent and the Tamil inflection, and
Ramachandran has personally faced her creation. For people with elaborate names, if they cannot understand it, then I say
when questioned about the pronuncia- Ramachandran said the issue of how it with an American inflection just to
tion and spelling of her last name. The “I was worried about whether or not they are articulated occurs often, a make it easier to understand,” Ramach-
sketched character of Ramachandran it would qualify as a political cartoon factor which she and others alike have andran said. “My overall intention is to
contemplates the various methods she because I wasn’t totally sure if it was become accustomed to, rather than of- never make somebody feel bad about
could utilize when saying her name, giving a fully political message,” fended by. something they can’t control; no one
from stripping its cultural significance, Ramachandran said. “But I realized, it should feel guilty on either side of the
to fleeing the scene. is saying something socially, about not “It’s the moment when the substitute scenario. Even at the Scholastic awards,
having to feel ashamed or compensate teachers get to a lull in the attendance I had to give my last name,so I could
Through lighthearted humor, the for my last name in any way.” sheet, you just raise your hand because be seated. So, even where I was being
cartoon portrayed her personal strains you know it’s you,” Ramachandran said. awarded for the issue, I was experienc-
when confronted about her last name, The message Ramachandran con- “I know a lot of people who have names ing the issue. I realized it really came
yet Ramachandran said her inspiration veyed amplifies the viewpoint she felt like mine, that have a lot of letters in full circle.”
was prompted by the commonality of had not been shared in the past, dem- them or a lot of vowels next to each
mispronunciation for many different onstrating the feelings of the person other, we get it at this point that a lot of The difficulty that is confronted dur-
people. with the complex last name. It displays people aren’t going to get our names ing introducing oneself may not be desir-
her character battling through several able to most, but Ramachandran said the
“The moment in the cartoon isn’t complexity of her name is something
specific to one culture because a lot of she enjoys taking pride in.
people have long last names or first
names that are difficult to pronounce “When my parents came here from In-
and those people get misunderstood a dia, they considered changing mine and
lot,” Ramachandran said. “I feel like it’s my sister’s names on the birth certificate
an experience that a lot of people have by shortening the last name to Ram,”
and can relate to, so I thought I could Ramachandran said. “I’m glad that they
do something with it.” didn’t go through with it because even if
it is a hassle, I think it’s something that
Her notion awarded her a Silver Key, all in all, needs to be embraced.”
an acknowledgement Ramachandran

April 20, 2018 News 3

Adminstration increases school security to ensure safe environment

Camera stystems in
all the entrances of
pods where students


Photos by Tanner Pearson

(From left to right): Officer Nick Fantini, Assistant Principal Brandon Rompies, Junior Alberto Morales have all experienced the new
implementations of safety protocal.

Ria Parkih | Staff Writer identification into a camera system, somebody, then you’re really saving After hours
Nathalie Schickendantz | Staff Writer and the camera system has the ability somebody, and you’re part of that whole dog walks to detect
to record and lets us identify if there is hero continuum, because you’re getting
From barricading during drills to anybody of concern that we have high- the ball rolling,” Fantini said. “You’re do- gunpowder
staffing entrance doors in the morning, lighted, so they know not to let them ing that person justice as well, because
administration is making changes to in,” Fantini said. “Ms. Phyllis can now you’re keeping them from making a big Cameras installed
better ensure student safety.After recent take her time to look at what do they mistake in their lives.” to capture the
events such as the Parkland shooting, have in their hands, why are they here,
the school has implemented more poli- that kind of thing, and it has been very Students most recently saw changes Community Center
cies to increase safety within the school. effective so far.” to ALICE (Alert, Lockdown, Inform, and school exterior
Some policies that have been either Counter, Evacuate) drill procedures, this
revised or installed include having staff Administration starts off each day time administration allocating time for Staffing entrance
members in front of doors, new person- with a meeting during which they the actual practice of barricading doors. doors in the
nel to watch security cameras, and the discuss the current safety issues in the Morales said that barricading made him morning
addition of barricading doors during the school. Assistant Principal Brandon feel safer by initiating some form of
lockdown drills. Rompies said students may be noticing active game plan in the event of a real A push bar
new changes, but many of the rules shooting, but it also made him aware of replaced a sensor to
School Resource Officer Nick Fantini were already implemented only now what he said is an unfortunate reality.
has been working alongside administra- better enforced. Rompies said a lot of have doors
tion to plan ideas that will better secure behind the scenes changes are being “I think it’s pretty sad that we’ve automatically open
the school. Fantini made suggestions made with the welfare of students in gotten to the point where teachers and
after taking a safety audit of the entire mind. administrative staff have to come to the Graphic by Ryan D’Souza
school. Fantini said in the process of decision that ‘Yes, we have to lock doors,
finding things to improve, the school “We’re also doing a lot of work that yes we have to monitor every single
needs to continue being a welcoming students do not know about that (make) person that comes in, yes we have to
environment as well as being secure. sure students are supported that are go- have these drills so people will know,’”
ing through things, whether it’s mental Morales said. “We know (tornado or
“It’s easy to put up a big wall outside wellness or a variety of other things,” fire drills) are something that we face,
with barbed wire and razor wire and Rompies said. “(It’s) not that we’re try- but being able to barricade a door has
electric fences, that would be easy, but ing to identify an act of asylum, but now reached the same level of (impor-
it wouldn’t be the right thing to do,” really, making sure everyone’s well. tance) as rehearsing a tornado drill and
Fantini said. “We look at things and We want students to have a great high rehearsing a fire drill. But I feel like if
say, ‘how can we make this a safe place school experience here, and have fun we were to be put in that situation, we’d
for students, or how do we make this while they do it, and be well.” hopefully be able to react the same way.”
area safer than it was already without
the student feeling like there’s a prison Junior Alberto Morales agreed a fo- While school shootings have become
environment?’” cus on improving the climate of Mason more prevalent in national headlines, a
High School is just as important as the reality deemed frightening by some, it
The front lobby went through renova- implementation of new safety proce- has presented administrators, teach-
tions to install more secure technology. dures, citing how students can do their ers and students with an opportunity
Originally, the front door had a sen- part in maximizing school safety. to act to facilitate a safe climate while
sor, which automatically unlocked the at school. Rompies stressed the impor-
door if a student were to walk by. This, “I think the biggest thing to promote tance of this initiative and vowed to do
however, made the school vulnerable to school safety is to create a kinder, more his part in protecting students.
a potential intrusion, so it was removed. genuine and accepting atmosphere in
The front desk now uses a higher tech high school. We really need to focus on “I’m tired of turning on the news
camera system which slows down the each other,” Morales said. “I’ve learned and seeing these things and thinking
system in order for the receptionists in my journey to help others and to about these families that are impacted,
to assess the situation. This additional serve others I’ve learned to get to know whether it’s here, whether it’s Las Vegas,
evaluation, Fantini said, allows opera- myself more and to evaluate myself whether it’s Pulse Nightclub in Orlando,
tors to control who and what enters the more than I did originally.” Florida, I’m tired of it personally--I
building. think we all are,” Rompies said. “We
Fantini emphasizes the importance want to make sure this never happens
“For instance, in the front lobby, that’s of speaking up with concerns. In order again; it’s part of my job and something
where we’re directing all visitors to the to facilitate a safe environment Fantini I’m very passionate about.”
school,” Fantini said. “They now have to said we need students to express con-
stop before they are buzzed in and show cerns even if it may seem mundane.

“You’ve got to say something. If the
person is really thinking about hurting

4 News April 20, 2018

Cooper looks to better the community through conversation

Nathalie Schickendantz | Staff Writer “Mental wellness is one of the top at the beginning, and then they go threats represent a place where
Jonathan Cooper wants to hear topics we have been discussing in- on with their business, and I would we fall, where we hit a stop and a
tentionally and practically,” Cooper like to make this an ongoing thing SWOC framework helps,” Cooper
from you. said. “To support our students and and build it into the fabric of my said. “We can brainstorm what are
The soon to be superintendent build a culture that has healthy calendar so it is not just the first the weaknesses right now, what
relationships for our students and 100 days but with the rest of my are the opportunities as a district
has created a program called Com- staff, so it is a place they feel safe career here at Mason,” Cooper said. but we also create a community in
mUNITY Conversation as part of which we can address what chal-
his 100 day plan with the board of “If you could design lenges are ahead of us that we
education. The program is co- Mason in a way you should be proactively addressing.”
designed to tackle problems in the would like to see it, what
Mason community with leaders are those dreams of Cooper said the response to the
and members being present. The yours, for your kids and program has been inspiring as well
topics discussed are generated by as intellectual.
the Mason community who control our community?”
the agenda for the conversations. “I think there is a lot of pride in
Anyone in the Mason community and also feel happy so it is a huge Photo by Nathalie Schikendantz Mason and they want their voices
can reach out to Cooper and host a conversation that gets into Hope to be heard and they want to be a
conversation with 10-15 people that Squad, our collective safety plan, “This is a good way for leaders to part of the solution,” Cooper said.
cover the topic they desire. Cooper and how we are supporting our meet people as well as hear the “They do not want to be on the
said the main purpose is to listen students or how we are not support- topics we are working through as a sideline--they really want to be
and learn. ing them.” district.” engaged.”

“One hope is that I would have a Cooper plans to continue the The SWOT Analysis stands for: Cooper said the conversations
chance as the incoming superinten- open conversation after his 100 strengths, weaknesses, opportuni- avoid artificiality making it a very
dent to go all in and truly listen to days of being superintendent are ties, threats. Cooper has used this honest, successful session.
our community and to hear diverse over. As a district leader, Cooper tool and changed it to SWOC to
perspectives across our community, said listening to the city’s popula- insure a well-structured system. “I say it is very real; it is not like
to hear what people love about Ma- tion helps find ways to improve To achieve success Cooper said we we are sitting there just talking
son City Schools, what challenges current issues, which is necessary. need to analyze all angles of a topic about Mason being perfect, it is a
they see for Mason City Schools, to find solutions. recognition that there is no perfect
what opportunities they see ahead “A lot of superintendents do this place and there are a lot of great
of us and what their dreams are for “The last letter has been changed things going on in Mason,” Coo-
Mason City Schools,” Cooper said. to challenges and I thought chal- per said. “It shows that there is so
“I am always asking questions such lenges gave us more, because much opportunity for growth and
as, ‘if you could design Mason in we have great people wanting to do
a way you would like to see it, not that well.”
just in the school district, but as a
community, what are those dreams Cooper extends an invite to com-
of yours, for your kids and our munity members to help make
community?’” Mason the best it can be.

The program is designed to ad- “Through the conversations we
dress relative issues such as ensur- can structure the community, but
ing equity and inclusion, mental also come to talk and see that I am
wellness and school safety. Cooper a real guy who loves education,
said the conversations are very who loves students and who loves
informative as they communicate this community,” Cooper said. “If
the negative and positive sides of there is something on your mind or
things present in our community. in you heart that you think we need
to do better I want to know it and
I want to work together towards a

April 20, 2018 News 5


Photo by Kaitlin Lewis
From left to right: Senior Bee Kuehn, senior Noorah Basher, junior Annabella Collins, senior Alana Vaughn, and senior Ally Petrina stand in the shirts designed in support of Maya Collins.

Collins' heroic legacy, positive spirit lives on through girls lacrosse team

Kaitlin Lewis | Staff Writer In the past, the team has dedicated ups, while coaches kept them on for more than just high schoolers in the
games to competing teams who have the entirety of the game. All profits game.
On April 17, the Mason girls lacrosse had close ties to people fighting a were donated to St. Jude Hospital, who
team played in honor of Maya Collins, life-threatening illness. Last year, the Collins said offered more than just “Youth Night already brings in a lot
who passed away last October after her girls dedicated a game to the Marimont medical support for herself, Maya and of people, and it felt important to get
extensive battle with Leukemia. coach, who suffers from amyotrophic her parents. more kids involved, since Maya passed
lateral sclerosis (ALS). This is the first away from childhood cancer,” Basher
The school initially came together time, however, the team played for a “St. Jude has been a big part of my said.
during the Homecoming football game family residing in their own commu- life for a good two years,” Collins said.
where students wore blue to support the nity. Senior midfielder Noorah Basher “It’s an amazing place. Some families During half-time, the youth play-
Collins family and released balloons said the girls were happy to be able to can’t afford (treatment) and have to ers in attendance released blue and
at halftime in Maya’s memorial. Senior do something with a positive impact for make so many sacrifices for the sake gold balloons for Maya, followed by a
goalie Bee Kuehn said the lacrosse team the Collins family. of their child. But St. Jude covered all host who spoke about Maya’s impact
decided to honor Maya in its own way of it.” on those who knew her. Collins said
because most of her teammates remain “We raised almost two grand for this the love and support from her former
close to junior and sibling Annabella game,” Basher said. “And it makes me The game on April 17 doubled as lacrosse team reminds her that Maya’s
Collins, a former player. feel great that it is going to such a good Youth Night for members of the Youth spirit and consideration for others will
cause.” Lacrosse Club. Many youth players and not be forgotten by the community.
“Even if she is no longer a part of the their families were able to purchase
team, she will always be a part of the Blue t-shirts were on sale for 10 t-shirts ahead of time to help raise more “It is amazing to know that Maya’s
(Lacrosse) family,” Kuehn said. “We all dollars a few weeks before the game donations. Basher said it was important legacy isn’t going to die,” Collins said.
supported her the best we could in the and basket raffles were also available for the upcoming high school players “She still lives in the community and
fall, and it only felt right to do this for throughout. Both Mason and Kings to be involved in supporting the Collins with all of us. It really means a lot to
her and her family.” players wore the shirts during warm- family, and she was excited to involve our family that people still see her in
their everyday lives.”

6 Feature April 20, 2018

Illustration by Alekya Raghavan

‘Roseanne’ revival showcases political divide in country

Alekya Raghavan | Staff Writer screen in recent years. But where it few and far between. Characters like conservative views. On the other hand,
differs from notoriously liberal revivals Karen Walker (Will and Grace) and Roseanne has been denounced by the
Of all the revivals and reboots and like Will and Grace or Fuller House, is Jack Donaghy (30 Rock) are often only other side because of Barr’s personal
spinoffs pouring out of Hollywood in that it features a protagonist who, like used to satirize the rich, white conserva- views and political opinions. Ponstingle
recent months, one is re-making a huge her namesake portrayer, is an un- tive. These then end up being a means said that people should be able to make
splash: Roseanne. abashed Trump supporter. to achieve a show’s ultimately liberal a distinction between an actor’s personal
political message. The West Wing’s beliefs and their work.
A half-hour comedy, Roseanne cen- Freshman Evan Ponstingle said that Ainsley Hayes and Brothers & Sisters’
ters around the Conners, a blue-collar the show is just another layer in the Kitty McCallister were often singled out “I think that you have to kind of
family living in the fictional Landford, diversity of modern television. for their right-wing politics. distinguish between the artist and the
Illinois. show,” Ponstingle said. “You look at
“One thing that I find ironic is that Politics has long been incorporated in Kevin Spacey, with all the allegations
The titular matriarch, played by the big thing now is diversity,” Pon- television,” Government teacher Katie and whatnot, but he’s still a good actor.
Emmy-award winner Roseanne Barr, stingle said. “But a lot of the people Post said. “Whether it has been the focus I don’t think that [an actor’s] political
juggles family and work alongside her who want diversity [in television] want of popular TV shows such as The West views or people’s thoughts about the
husband and four children. diversity as long as it’s not Republican Wing, or talked about in opening mono- person should influence what they
or Trump supporting.” logues on late night television, politics watch.”
The show, which first began in 1988, is constantly a focus and fascination
ran for nine seasons on the American Junior Micah Warwick said that, in ad- for the American public. As a show that Roseanne has been praised for its
Broadcast Company (ABC) before dition to the diversity of television, the did not primarily focus on the issue of honest portrayal of a working-class fam-
ending in 1997. Now, 20 years after characters and storylines are the pre- politics, (Roseanne) has now found itself ily, both in its original run and in the
the original premiere, the show has rogative of the show runners to make, in the middle of American culture that revival. It has also been praised for the
returned. given the number of actors and writers is finding it hard to ignore that same fact that it contains both conservative
who have used their shows to propagate exact topic. As a result, some are not and liberal ideals, like the main charac-
And with its debut on March 27 came liberal politics. happy with the change from the origi- ter’s support of her gender-nonconform-
18.4 million viewers. Including time- nal show’s storylines and characters to ing grandson.
shifted viewing over the next week, the “I think if that’s what the producers of now addressing the sometimes polariz-
premiere of season 10 was watched by the show want, it’s their right,” Warwick ing conversation that is politics.” “Even if you don’t agree with the poli-
27.26 million people, making it the high- said. “There’s all these other shows who tics it’s something new and fresh,” Pon-
est rated hour-long telecast on ABC in have it leaning the other way, demo- ABC faced backlash when it cancelled stingle said. “You have so many shows
12 years. Because of the revival’s initial cratically. And the right is gaining trac- Last Man Standing, despite strong that are from very liberal (perspectives).
success, ABC ordered a second season tion. I don’t see why they shouldn’t have viewership, as fans felt the decision was It’s nice to see a mainstream comedy
after just two episodes. it that way.” motivated by lead actor Tim Allen’s leaning right.”

Roseanne is only one among a slew In recent television history, truly
of television revivals hitting the small conservative characters have been

April 20, 2018 7

8 Feature April 20, 2018

Dressed in Drag!

Saunders chooses unique route to become entertainer

Luke Hutchinson | “Another queen came over to me was gay and started beating him
and showed me a better way to do up. There ended up being seven
Online Editor my eyebrows,” Saunders said. people on him.”

Don’t be a drag, just be a “You basically have to glue Saunders said he reiterated to
drag queen. them down and put setting his mother that he should con-
powder on them, but mine are tinue to drag, considering he does
This was the mindset so thick that I had to use seven not care what others think and
senior Chevan Saunders layers while most people only use his character is structured around
had when he first dressed two.” humor.
“I told my mom I would be fine
in drag last year for Kings Technically anyone can dress because I just have never cared
Island’s annual Pride in drag, but Saunders said it is what others think,” Saunders said.
a hobby most typical to homo- “My sense of humor is what gets
Night. Drag queens are sexual men. He also said there are me through life, and also what
people who usually no established rules for gender I base my drag off of -- I’m a
dress in feminized pronouns when it comes to drag comedy queen. You can not care
clothing and about what others say: that is the
queens. key to life.”
act “Anyone can be a drag Drag queens tend to accentuate
in a flamboy- queen because it’s just certain facial and fashion char-
ant manner for another form or art, acteristics for comic, dramatic or
the purpose of but it is typically gay even satirical effect. Chevan said
entertainment. men,” Saunders said. a lot of thinking goes into the
“As for pronouns, I specifics of his drag routine.
Saunders said his “You have to shave your whole
night was rough answer to basically any- body, and then I like to add foun-
due to his lack of thing when I’m in drag” dation, eyeshadow, eyeliner and of
experience. Saunders’ family was no course a wig,” Saunders said. “The
stranger to drag culture be- vibrancy of the eye color depends
“I went in drag fore he started the practice. His on the look; you have to match.
and I was a mess uncle, Tyese Rainz, is an award- You can’t just go out in like all
because it was winning drag queen and promi- black and then have like bright
nent LGBT figure in the setting of pink and green eyes.”
my first time in a Cincinnati Pride, Saunders said. On June 23, Saunders will be at-
dress and heels,” “My uncle is a big inspiration; tending his first Cincinnati Pride
Saunders said. I remember first learning what event in full drag. He said his big-
“My full-face drag was in 2011 when I watched gest concern is walking through
makeup all RuPaul’s Drag Race because my the city in his six inch heels.
together looked uncle’s friend was on the show,” “The heels I’m wearing to
Saunders said. “He has hosted the pride are about six inches high,
terrible.” Kings Island Pride Nights, he has so my foot is basically going to
hosted Cincinnati Pride for the be vertical,” Saunders said. “I’ll be
Despite the past ten years, and for a couple walking from the square all the
struggles he years now, he has been hosting way down to Sawyer Point where I
had for his first Lexington Pride down in Ken- will be meeting people and taking
time, Saunders tucky.” pictures.”
said the envi- Even with an established con- To have a career based solely
nection to drag, Saunders said on drag is rare. Saunders said
ronment was his mother did not originally he plans to do more drag events
welcoming: condone his hobby because she when he turns 18 in June, but only
wanted to protect him, especially on the side.
he received after a hate crime she witnessed “I turn 18 soon, and I plan on
that was aimed at his uncle. doing pageants and shows where
compliments “When I first told my mom that you do stuff like lip syncing and
I was going to go out in drag and dancing,” Saunders said. “I’m
on his outfit all that, she initially didn’t want excited because this is a passion
me to because she was afraid I that I’ll be making money off of.
and helpful would be bullied,” Saunders said. I would not call it a job since no
“Last May, my mom, uncle and one makes a ton of money off of it
tips from other queens. some friends went to a Waffle unless you’re famous.”
Photo by Luke Hutchinson House in Monroe, as they tra-
ditionally did every weekend.
Someone found out my uncle

Inspired by his uncle, senior Chevan Saunders started dressing in drag last year.

April 20, 2018 9

10 April 20, 2018

April 20, 2018 Feature 11

trending now

MTV brings viewers back to the Shore after a five year hiatus

Lauren Thomas | Staff Writer entertained. favorites; especially Pauly D. in the old episodes hasn’t changed
Sites like Hulu have bought rights “The show is still funny, it helps even with having kids and getting
Five years later, and Jersey Shore is older. In the first episode back,
back on MTV. to the episodes, enabling a new that it’s on Hulu because a lot more Sammi couldn’t make it, so they had
generation of viewers that may have people can be exposed to the old epi- a doll of her. Snooki was trying to
Now most members of the original been too young to experience the sodes and watch it now even though pick her up and rip off the wig.”
cast are married and have babies, so initial phenomena. Freshman Ella it was on a long time ago like that’s
many are wondering how the show Stertmeyer began her Jersey Shore what happened with me,” Loewe said. Fellow fan senior Cadin Niehaus
will transition from “boozing and endeavor just a couple weeks ago said he has been a viewer since
fist-bumping” to parenthood. With after discovering that there would be Upperclassman can remember around the same age. His siblings
the revival, the traditional audience a sequel series. being 12, 13 years old and following tried to shield him from the mature
has grown now, and many worry if the stars, while younger generations content, which he is now thankful
they will still be interested in a show “I started watching Jersey Shore are experiencing the madness for the for.
plagued with drinking and drama the Friday I got back from spring first time.
when they have their own student break, and I just got to season six Although time has passed, the
loans and hectic lives to worry about. last night, so I’ve been binge watch- Senior Emma Haglage remembers crew is raunchy as ever. All but one
ing it,” Stertmeyer said. “I wanted binge watching the show when she of the crew has children and many
Reality TV has also begun to phase to watch it all before the new series was younger in spite of her Mom’s are wed. Main character ‘The Situ-
out with the heightening popular- started, and it’s different to watch wishes. ation’ missed the beginning of the
ity of social media platforms like this way because the characters first episode after pleading guilty in
Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube grew up so quickly it seemed for me Haglage looks forward to the first court for tax evasion. Despite paren-
replacing TV ratings. With shows like because I didn’t watch it all six years season returning and has already tal backlash, viewers like Niehaus,
Keeping Up with The Kardashians apart.” watched a couple episodes. She said Stertmeyer, Loewe and Haglage still
and Fixer Upper finishing their final that their mannerisms have held true tune in every Thursday at 8/7c.
seasons, the future of the reboot is Junior Jordan Loewe began watch- to the test of time and their domi-
fragile. The network is relying on ing the old episodes after a new nant personalities are more evident “It’s still a really funny show,”
the uniquely enticing personalities subscription to Hulu in December of than ever. Niehaus said. “You can definitely still
of characters like Snooki, JWOWW, 2017 and fell in love with the series. tell some parts are scripted, but it’s
and ‘The Situation’ to keep viewers When the revival aired, she found “They act the same as before,” still enjoyable to watch.”
it very easy to recognize all of her Haglage said. “They still go out and
party. They talk the exact same; su-
per raunchy. How they acted before

Emma Haglage, senior Cadin Niehaus, senior “I used to watch it a lot with
my brother and sister, and a lot
“I started watching it when I of times we’d be watching and
was in sixth grade, and I would then they’d pause it and be like
sneak it when my mom wasn’t ‘Cadin, go in a different room’
home,” Haglage said. “When because I was in like fifth grade,”
she would come home I would Niehaus said. “Now when I watch
switch the channel to Nickel- it, I see the stuff they didn’t want
odeon or Disney.” me to see.”

Jordan Loewe, junior Ella Stertmeyer, freshman

“Pauly has always been my “My mom says watching
favorite,” Loewe said. “He’s the Jersey Shore is the quickest way
only one that has stayed the to lose brain cells, so my family’s
same. He isn’t with anyone and not a huge fan of it,” Stertmeyer
he’s still DJing. He didn’t really said. “They try to watch it with
change at all.” me but they couldn’t do it. My
older sisters used to watch it but
they haven’t watched the new
season yet.”

Illustration by Ryan D’Souza

12 Feat



Graphic by Ryan D’Souza
Warren County’s first heroin recovery house will be operational in May. Illustration based off One City Against Heroin’s construction plans.

ture 13


Through local organizations, these four Warren County citizens are now recovering from heroin addiction

Photos contributed by Terry Smith


Jacob Brase | Staff Writer are expected to be even higher. “We have people who are struggling viduals who have used heroin or are
While some may ignore it, the Cocca, who lives in Mason, said with heroin addiction in our own addicted to heroin and get them into
church, at Crossroads Mason. We have treatment. OCAH started by hiring one
heroin epidemic is real and present in heroin overdose is undoubtedly pres- people in our church who have chil- care coordinator, then hired two more
Warren County. But, there is hope, as ent in his community. dren that have died from heroin ad- with assistance from local counties.
volunteers have been fighting back diction,” Senff said. “It cuts across any
against the silent killer in the com- “People are dying. Whether we want socioeconomic, racial, and geographic Smith, who oversees the care coor-
munity. to believe it or not, people are dying in lens. It’s hurting everyone.” dinators, said the project is making a
Warren County,” Cocca said. It’s easy difference in the community.
One City Against Heroin (OCAH) is to put your head in the sand and pre- Senff said that it is important to keep
a group of business leaders who seek tend this isn’t in your neighborhood, working towards change when faced “Our most impactful project has
to support projects that combat the lo- but it is.” with an epidemic of this proportion. been our Care Coordinators. They go
cal heroin epidemic. In November, the (into the community) with a heroin
organization purchased a property in To many, heroin has a reputation of “Every epidemic of this size feels im- response team, and they take people to
Lebanon, Ohio with the intent of help- being most commonly used in lower possible to beat at some point,” Senff treatment. These three women are out
ing victims of heroin addiction get class communities. But the presence said. “Yet when people begin address- there in Warren, Butler and Clinton
their lives back on track. The recov- of the epidemic in Warren County ing the problem, when communities counties taking people to treatments
ery home is expected to be finished has proven heroin affects people of dive in and say, ‘Hey, we can beat this,’ every week,” Smith said. “Last year,
in May and will fill a need Warren all walks of life. According to Terry you make progress.” the three of them got 514 people into
County has had for a long time. Smith, the majority of opioid users in treatment.”
Warren County are upscale middle The construction of the heroin
The recovery house provides a place class individuals. recovery house is just one project Smith has also seen change through
for people who may not live in areas One City Against Heroin has started. a program called Drug Court.
that promote a life of recovery. OCAH Tim Senff is the community pastor OCAH’s mission is to catalyze the
chairman Greg Cocca said that this at Crossroads Mason, where One City community towards ending the heroin “We now have a program where
safe environment is a necessity. Against Heroin is housed. Senff is also epidemic, and the group has done just when these people are arrested, they
on the board of OCAH, and he said that with work like their Care Coordi- are offered an opportunity to partici-
“There is no recovery house in War- heroin is not particular to a certain nators project. Care Coordinators are pate in Drug Court,” Smith said. “This
ren County--none. We have just as big group of people. full time employees who meet indi- process allows their criminal record to
a problem as everyone else but no one be completely wiped, so they are not
really wants to face up to it,” Cocca stuck with these low-level felonies that
said. “Once you’re done getting de- prevent them from getting their lives
toxed and off of heroin, where do you back.”
go? A lot of these people don’t really
have a safe place to rebuild their life. Smith said the community should
It’s very easy for them to go back and feel encouraged by the progress that
start using heroin again.” has been made.

Terry Smith, the Executive Director “If we all work together, we can
of OCAH, said the house will provide really make a difference, and we’re
for a certain type of individual in the proving it every day with One City
community. Against Heroin,” Smith said. “There
are so many wonderful stories of hope
“There is an assessment that deter- out there. We’re starting to do things
mines if these people are really ready differently, and it’s working.”
to live a life of recovery,” Smith said.
“It is open to people who are no longer This summer, the heroin recovery
addicted and are literally just rebuild- house will open in Lebanon, Ohio, just
ing their lives and want to live in a safe 15 minutes north of Mason.
sober environment.”
Smith said through projects like the
In 2014, Warren County reported 40 recovery house, OCAH will fight this
deaths from Opioids. In 2016, 70 deaths epidemic the only way they know how.
were confirmed. The numbers for 2017
“One soul at a time.”

April 20, 2018 Arts and Entertainment 15

Graphic by Ryan D’Souza
Photo by Freddie Wilhelm

Junior Nick Collier streams
himself playing Counter-Strike:
Global Offensive on Twitch.

Gamers stream playtime through new mainstream website

Freddie Wilhelm | Staff Writer there are aspects of watching gaming “YouTube viewership has gone ments and people watch on these
tournaments on streams, which you down enough that YouTube has added games on twitch, by watching people
Over 355 billion minutes, all spent could never do before Twitch came a streaming software to stream on who are better than them play these
watching video games. out: you would see it pre-recorded.” it,” Collier said. “It’s not as good as games at tournament levels.”
Twitch, but they are definitely mak-
Last year alone, users A large boost to Twitch’s viewer- ing an effort because Twitch is taking Whitney said that a way he gained
spent hundreds of billions of minutes ship is due to the game Fortnite Battle away so many viewers which have a viewers was talking to his friends,
watching their favorite gamers play Royale, which has, by itself, over 130 lot of money with it.” networking with other streamers,
some of the world’s most popular million viewers this month. Senior Bri- and using social media to share his
video games. an Whitney said he began to stream A large part of the growth of streams.
Fortnite due to the large audience of Twitch has been the growth of the is a popular website people who want to watch the game. eSports industry, which has grown “At the beginning, I was getting
where users can share video game exponentially since Twitch has 12-14 viewers from telling them, and
content via live streaming directly “I thought it would be fun for become the hub for streaming these that’s died down to about 3-6 viewers,
into monitors across the world. With people to watch me play and see how live tournaments. Popular games like but I still get people at school asking
2 million broadcasters, and 15 million I do things,” Whitney said. “I hear League of Legends, Counter-Strike about my stream,” Whitney said. “I
daily visitors, the streaming website a lot of kids say ‘Hey Whit’ are you and Overwatch have worked with try to use Twitter to share highlights
has blown up into mainstream media. gonna stream tonight?’ It’s really Twitch to stream the live tournaments and when I stream, so then, you can
Created in 2011, Twitch started as a cool to hear people get excited for which have garnered millions of view- network, you check out their stream,
website mainly used by the gaming my stream. I play other games from ers for Twitch. Senior Colin McCurley they check out your stream”
community to stream popular video my childhood like Castle Crashers said that eSports streaming on Twitch
games such as League of Legends and and Mindball that are silly games has given gamers their own dream of Although earning as many viewers
Minecraft. Junior Nick Collier said that aren’t as popular, but people who becoming professional gamers, much as possible is a goal for some users,
that Twitch has received a large view- haven’t played them think it’s cool to like professional athletes. McCurley said he has enjoyed stream-
ership due to the on the spot, unedited watch me experience it.” ing and continues to stream because
humor found in streams. “The eSports aspect of Twitch is of the interactions between people on-
Since 2011, Twitch has grown into something that’s really cool, you can line who he meets during his streams.
“You’ll see a lot of guys watching one of the largest growing companies watch professional players play the
streams because you get a live, un- in the world. By 2014, it had grown to same games as you play in your house “I think that you can interact people
edited script, of someone, which you be so big that Amazon purchased the with your friends,” McCurley said. “If on such a personal level for how in-
won’t see on YouTube,” Collier said. company for 970 million dollars, and you love a video game, these guys are teractive it is,” McCurley said. “Twitch
“Something can happen, and they’ll it has only grown since. Collier said basically like the equivalent of NFL streamers become popular because
say something crude; their game the popularity of streaming on Twitch players and still play on your desktop, they are great characters who people
could break, and you would never has hurt YouTube viewership and will when games go into E-Leagues, teams relate to and watch and grow a love
get that in edited video, which I think be sharing viewership with them for play qualifiers, teams play in tourna- for. Once people start streaming these
brings people to streaming. Also, years to come. relationships keep them going.”

16 April 20, 2018

April 20, 2018 Sports 17

Pro scouts descend on Northcut, bring attention to underclassmen

Senior helping to lead Photo by Tanner Pearson the scouts
youthful roster to hot start Senior 3B/P Nick Northcut prepares to swing at a pitch in the Comets 8-0 win against the could help the players be known in
Colerain Cardinals on April 6. Northcut is hitting .344 with an on base percentage of .543, the collegiate world.
Joey Deaton | Staff Writer 2 home runs, 9 RBI and 12 runs scored. On the mound Northcut has struck out 12 batters
in nine innings pitched with an ERA of 2.33. “It’s huge,” Northcut said. “All those
Whenever senior Nick Northcut steps scouts have connections with all the
up to the plate, his every move is exam- the bases and in the field. “First and foremost, the young guys college guys, and if they like a kid,
ined, critiqued, and criticized. Not just “When they told me I was gonna be that are playing have earned their op- maybe they’re not going to consider
by the home crowd or the away dugout, portunity to play,” Bly said. “They’re him for the draft, but they could
but by major league scouts. Members of on varsity and I was gonna contrib- helping us succeed. They’re helping definitely help find him a home for
all thirty organizations in Major League ute, that really just made me excited us win. So, it isn’t a decision about ‘we college baseball. It opens a door and
Baseball (MLB) have appeared in some because we have a really good group of wanna get better for the future.’ Every gets a whole other set of eyes on all
frequency at practice, pre-game batting guys here,” Johnson said. “For me, the day we go out there, we’re trying to win the talented athletes we have here at
practice, or games. biggest thing is at the plate, I just need a ballgame. They’re contributing to Mason.”
to get on base so that maybe I can steal, that as is our whole team. Nick’s situa-
Northcut said that he is used to the and somebody like Northcut or Joe tion and the situation of having young Harting said he does not feel pres-
pressure of scouts, but he can some- Powell can hit me in.” players-I don’t think they affect each sured by the presence of scouts.
times get in his own way. other.”
Head coach Curt Bly said the pres- “When Nick comes up to bat they all
“I grew up playing in front of a lot of ence of Northcut’s professional opportu- Northcut said that while some of his pull out their cameras,” Harting said.
people very early,” Nortcut said. “And nity has not conflicted with the growth teammates might not be draft prospects, “Obviously they’re focused mainly on
for me, it’s no big deal to have people of the younger members of the team. Nick, but it still helps us get exposure
watch me, but it’s also very humbling at too, so that’s cool. It doesn’t bring any
the same time. Sometimes I’ll just get in pressure to us because we know we’re
my own head, and I try to do too much. not the ones they’re really watching.”
I’m just trying to keep things simple.”
Max Johnson said that it is awesome
Northcut, in his fourth year in the for the young guys to see what profes-
starting lineup for the Comets, is bat- sional teams are showing up to watch.
ting .344 with an On-Base Percentage
(OBP) of .543. In other words, he gets “Having all those pro scouts there
walked a lot because opponents have for batting practice, we’re just kinda
such a respect for his game. like, ‘woah, that’s the Boston Red Sox’
or ‘woah, that’s the Cincinnati Reds,’ so
In order for pro scouts to have the it’s been neat,” Johnson said.
opportunity to evaluate Northcut as
much as possible, the team holds extra Bly said Northcut is one of the
batting practice before their games that best players to ever put on a Comet
a number of teams attend. uniform.

“My personal schedule is a little bit “Nick is very special,” Bly said. “He’s
different than what the team’s do- got that combination of rare natural
ing,” Northcut said. “Obviously, there’s ability, tremendous work ethic, and
fifteen-twenty guys showing up for BP a desire to be great. He’s obviously a
and they just want to watch me hit and tremendous player; you could certainly
not see the whole team. At the same make an argument he’s one of the best,
time, I want my teammates to get as if not the best, to come through here,
much work in as they can as well. I and we’ve had some tremendous play-
think this year is huge that we’re all get- ers. Hopefully, he paves the way for
ting on-field BP. I think it has shown for some younger guys, and they see his
a lot of us at the plate this year. We got a example. We have a lot of talented kids
real talented group.” in the community that love the game,
and my hope is that we’ll continue to
Through 12 games, Mason Baseball grow good players.”
is 10-2 and batting .352 as a team. This
comes from a squad that relies heavily Northcut said despite the scouts and
on contribution from underclassmen; the possibility of being drafted, his
Harrison Johnson and Cole Harting, focus is on this season with his team.
sophomores, are consistently in the
starting lineup and have the fourth and “(I’m) trying to block it out as much
second best batting averages, respec- as I can,” Nortcut said. “You’d drive
tively, of players with at least 10 at-bats. yourself crazy if you’re constantly
Freshman Max Johnson has made his focused on that or about what could
way into the starting lineup with an happen. You gotta live in the present.
OBP of .467 and leads the team with We’re playing baseball every day and
seven stolen bases. I’m wearing a Mason uniform. I’m not
wearing any other uniform or thinking
Max Johnson said that while he was about anything else. I’m just trying to
surprised to be in the varsity lineup, he win every single day and give my team
knew he would be able to contribute on the best situation for us to make a run
in the tournament.”

18 Sports April 20, 2018

Speed Kills
‘Quick Quintet’ helps softball team power one of Cincy’s most efficient offenses

Eric Miller | Sports Editor coming on infield singles from their defense hesitates or bobbles or makes
The old adage is that speed kills, and slappers. Muff said even though it was a bad throw just because they’re rush-
not their best offensive day, the Comets ing.”
for the Mason softball team, speed has were able to be successful offensively Senior Olivia Popovich has 81 hits in
helped them average 10 runs per game because of their slappers. her varsity career and none of them
while winning six games by run rule. have been for extra bases. All 81 hits
“We didn’t feel like we hit the ball have been singles, yet Popovich has
In their everyday starting lineup, the that well (against Middletown),” Muff been top 15 in runs scored in the GMC
Comets start four “slappers” who, in the said. “But our quality at bats were at 72 each of the last two years, proving
majority of their at bats, will try to put percent, and a lot of that is because the that speed really does kill.
down some form of a bunt and use their short gamers are so effective. They’re Once the Comets’ ‘Fast Five’ reach
exceptional speed to reach base. Head putting the ball in play, making the base, their job is to create havoc. Of
Coach Liann Muff said there are five defense rush and make mistakes.” the 27 bases the Comets have stolen,
girls on her roster that have the poten- the ‘Fast Five’ of Popovich, Mullins,
tial to cover the 60 feet to first base in a Sophomore Tori O’Brien leads the O’Brien, Snead and Carter has stolen 25.
scorching 2.6 seconds. Comets in batting average at .583 but Muff said she wants to see all baserun-
freshman Sydney Carter is not far be- ners be aggressive, but especially her
“At their fastest, Olivia Popovich, hind at .533. Carter and O’Brien have on fastest five.
Abbey Mullins, Tori O’Brien, Sydney base percentages (OBP) of .650 and .615, “We try to stress aggressive but
Carter and Carsyn Snead have that respectively, which puts them both in smart situational baserunning, and for
potential (to run 2.6 seconds),” Muff the top 10 in OBP in the Greater Miami the most part, we’ve been doing that
said. “Anything under three seconds is Conference for players with more than pretty well.,” Muff said. “We’re young,
pretty darn good; their level is excep- 10 at bats. Muff said getting their short amongst those kids, and once in a
tional. They’re fast, and we utilize it. We gamers on base is key to the Comets’ while, they’ll make a mistake being
use the short game a lot.” offense. too aggressive, but you talk about it, Photo by Tanner Pearson
learn from it and move on. Getting that
The ‘short game’ has been key to “Number one is you have to put the group of five on base can just put so Sophomore Tori O’Brien looks to lay down a
helping the Comets to early season suc- ball in play, and they do that consis- bunt in a 10-0 win over Middletown on April 5.
cess. Off to a 9-1 start, the Comets have tently,” Muff said. “Their speed rushes
scored 93 runs in just 10 games. In 10-0 the defense so much so that even if the much pressure on the defense.”
win over Middletown on April 5, the defense makes a clean play, they can
Comets recorded seven hits with five still beat it out. More often than not, the

April 20, 2018 Sports 19







You never know when a STATS
Chronicle photographer
might be around ! 4-0 record




.389 average, 11 RBI’s

Staff Photographer TORI
Tanner Pearson caught
senior first baseman Ben O’BRIEN
Kraus on his way to first in a
win over Colerain STATS

.611 average, 19 runs,
22 hits



The Greater Miami Conference issued a release saying that they will officially recognize lacrosse as a conference
sport next year spring. There will be six schools offering lacrosse as a sport. This recognition means lacrosse will
issue conference championships, player recognition, and it will count in the GMC All Sports points.

stats and ranks as of April 16

20 Sports April 20, 2018

Replacing Legends

Photos by Tanner Pearson
Junior pitcher Katie DeBord and junior catcher Grace Rieger have stepped up in to assume the jobs held by former stand-outs Elle Buffenbarger and Brooke Rice, respectively.

Trio of new faces tasked just in middle school when she first with a combined record of 9-1 and an cause me and Katie were both on JV our
with replacing the most watched Buffenbarger and Rice play. earned run average (ERA) of 1.75 as of freshman year and we worked very well
successful battery in April 14. Pitching alongside Carter was together. We’ve had tournaments in the
Mason softball history “We would come from the middle an easy transition according to DeBord. winter where we’ve played together and
school and watch games,” Carter said. “I Katie is always telling me that she likes
Bryan Hudnell | Staff Writer always remembered them having great “I think Sydney and I are a good mix,” the pitches that I call and what not and
chemistry on the field. It was a cool DeBord said. “We both have differ- that chemistry is already being carried
The chemistry on and off the field be- thing to watch.” ent pitching styles and throw different over into this season. Obviously Sydney
tween pitchers and catchers can be the pitches so the batter doesn’t know what is a freshman so we’re still getting there.
difference between wins and losses for a Junior catcher Grace Rieger was aware to expect. It is a new dynamic this year I’m still learning her, she’s still learning
softball team. of the implications of replacing Rice the for sure.” me, but I think we’re doing pretty good
minute she reached the varsity level this so far.”
The Mason Comets know how impor- year. Rieger learned perhaps the most cru-
tant it is for pitchers and catchers to be cial lesson a catcher could learn watch- Mason has high aspirations for this
on the same page after three years of “I knew if I made varsity that I was go- ing Rice yell out different calls and sig- season after being fresh off a 2017
2017 graduates Elle Buffenbarger and ing to replace Brooke,” Rieger said. “At nals to set the defense up. OHSAA Regional Final appearance and
Brooke Rice dominating the competition first it was really intimidating. I had to will heavily rely on Carter, DeBord, and
as the most successful pitcher-catcher tell myself that I wasn’t Brooke, and I’ll “When you play catcher, you have to be Rieger. After the hot start to the season,
duo to ever wear the green and white. never be Brooke, but I’m going to be my the voice of the field,” Rieger said. “From other teams are circling the Comets on
own player and be the best player that I watching Brooke, I’ve learned a lot of their schedule.
Buffenbarger is Mason’s career leader can be because I bring my own things to leadership skills and to be very confident
in wins (60), shutouts (30), and strikeouts the table.” when you go out there because the big- “It’s such a good feeling knowing that
(566). Rice was a four year varsity letter gest thing about Brooke was when she you’re the team to beat and everybody is
winner and a team captain. Both play- Carter and junior Katie DeBord both walked out onto the field, she always had like oh no, we have to play Mason today,”
ers are now playing softball at the colle- share pitching responsibilities in the cir- this presence where everyone knew she Rieger said. “Elana Harrison always says
giate level as Buffenbarger is attending cle this year and are tasked with taking was there. It made me feel like I had to that everyone always has their best game
Youngstown State and Rice is at Ohio Buffenbarger’s place. be the leader of the field.” against Mason and it’s true because they
University. have to or else you’re down fifteen. It’s
“I think there’s a little pressure to live The trio have wasted little time getting great to see all the work we’ve put in
Freshman pitcher Sydney Carter was up to Elle,” Carter said. “She set a lot of familiar with each other on the field. since October pay off on the field and I
records here at Mason and me and Katie Rieger is responsible for knowing the hope we keep it going moving forward.”
have to compete with that. I think we’re tendencies of both pitchers.
trying to hold ourselves to what she was
and put our best foot forward.” “I mean for the most part, I’ve already
established that chemistry with Katie be-
The two pitchers are off to a good start

April 20, 2018 Opinion 21

Staff Editorial

to the editor Citizens too often choose path of oblivion
until conflict directly impacts them

Last weekend President Trump shocked the land in Syria, even though at the time the goal was
entire world when he led a combined missile strike to bomb the Islamic State and not Syria, Presi-
against Syria alongside United Nations allies Brit-
ain and France. dent Obama still sent Missiles which killed and in-
jured thousands of Syrians in the region controlled
As soon as it was announced, the United States by ISIS, of course this drew negative responses and,
went hysterical. Hours of coverage and thousands in fact current President Donald Trump said in 2013
of tweets condemning and supporting the attack that we should not interfere with Syrian affairs.
and press releases from Russia and the United Regardless, both presidents chose to intervene,
States all revealed different opposing viewpoints on prompting Americans to take notice; however, prior
the Syrian government and the actions of Bashar to the presidents’ intervention, we could not bear to
Al-Assad. part from our daily lives momentarily to care.

With all the chaos, many have been using this It is not a matter of not having the information.
attack to attack President Trump or to raise aware- We have access to thousands of articles and videos
ness for the humanitarian issues that need to be which could better inform us should we put in the
addressed in Syria. Valid or invalid, these points effort. But, we do not. We choose not to know. We
are simply reactionary to this event. This is not the choose to remain in a state of oblivion because it is
first time it has happened either. Last year when convenient, easy. Until we were staring the conflict
Bashar Al-Assad attacked his citizens with chemical square in the face, we embodied the out of sight out
weapons, the same points started to be raised. Every of mind montra.
time, however, we have failed to take notice of the
“violations against humnaity” until a president or We have become to comfortable ignoring situa-
any other politician forces us to take notice. tions abroad, choosing instead to live happily with-
in our own bubble. This is not to suggest the United
Osama Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda were a promi- States needs to get involved militarily in these
nent threat to America during the 90s, bombing countries; however, we should not be so content
various embassies and committing acts of terror- with filling headlines with potential scandals and
ism around the world, but it wasn’t until the attack petty Twitter wars in place of bringing attention to
on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, that innocent civilians struggling and suffering abroad.
the average american citizen even heard the name
Osama Bin Laden. Here we are in 2018 still stuck in an aimless loop
of pointing fingers, reacting rather than acting
Alongside this, although many citizens were de-
manding action, during the 1930s during the early and complaining about something that we have
days of World War 2, the United States did not take made no effort to help. Is the Syrian issue a real,
action when Germany Invaded Poland, took control humanitarian issue that needs attention to be given
of France or even during the atrocities committed to it, without a doubt. But it takes cooperative and
during the Holocaust. The United States entered preemptive actions to stop this sort of thing from
the war in 1941, when Japan attacked Pearl Harbour. happening.
And to this day President Franklin Roosevelt is
This, while not an easy task, can be done. Pay
still criticized for his actions that he took during attention to what is happening around the globe,
the war, even though he was only reacting to the keep up to date with news and vote in people
people’s response to the attack and war.
who take the actions that are needed to keep our
In fact missile strikes into Syria have been a country safe and work on the humanitarian efforts
regular occurrence since ISIS took large plots of around the globe.

The Chronicle’s Policy

The Chronicle is the official student The Chronicle is published monthly. The Chronicle is a member of The The Chronicle Staff Online Editor Bryan Hudnell Freddie Wilhelm
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mediums. Visual Design Editor Jacob Brase Ria Parikh the Chronicle:
As an open forum for students, let- Contact Information Ryan D’Souza Joey Deaton
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22 Opinion April 20, 2018

Activism goes Editorial Cartoon
beyond making
noise Congress to enact stricter internet regulations

Alex Lisa | Staff Writer Zuckerberg not make as much money are possible, which is lauded by
a free market economy. Low regulations on internet
In 2014, 200 girls were kidnapped from their to blame for means more money that large industries like Facebook
school in Nigeria. It captured the attention of can make by selling information. Even your internet
nations across the globe, with celebrities and breach of user providers can sell your data to advertisers.
political figures from the U.S., UK, South Korea,
and Japan voicing their support for the girls and information As of last year, congress and President Trump lifted
bringing them home. The hashtag #bringour- many regulations previously made by the Federal
girlshome swept the internet as people used their Freddie Wilhelm | Staff Writer Communications Commision (FCC). This was simply
voices to spark action. to ‘restrict regulations’ on internet providers and CEOs
Last week, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Face- like Zuckerberg.
As of last week, nearly four years later, half book Mark Zuckerberg was called into congress to give
of the girls have been restored to their homes. a testimony on how he uses the private information of Facebook let their information sharing get out of
Roughly 100 are still held captive, and where have the millions of people who use Facebook. hand without much transparency, which now could
the voices gone? Silent. result in thousands of Russian operatives getting all of
As the internet grows at an increasingly exponential our internet information, however, I do not believe the
The public preaches about their power and free- rate, we see large companies similar to Facebook -- like finger should be pointed at Zuckerberg or any other
dom of speech too often to count. The number of Google, Amazon and Twitter -- use their users’ personal internet CEOs. The reactionary response from our
movements and demands that ring through the information for advertising and recommendations law and regulations makers should be the only one
air in retaliation against injustices is overwhelm- in order to make their internet experience tailored to to blame for this violation of privacy for millions of
ing, at times, yet one gets the feeling that “the them. But now this is all coming back to bite one of the Facebook users.
people” use their voice not to make change, but to world’s largest entrepreneurs in the butt.
make noise. What can be said about Zuckerberg during his
People will quite willingly give most of their non- testimony is his incredible cooperation with congress
It got me thinking. And then, it got me doubt- important information to websites that are not even and his continual apology for his breach of trust on the
ing. Facebook. Names, emails and phone numbers all are Facebook users. He now claims he has his team work-
things that people on the internet will give out on a ing on ways to stop data selling to advertisers who may
In March, I was part of the walkout in Mason daily basis. use their ads to unfairly target officials and companies,
High School. I was proud to be a part of that, which became a huge controversy after the 2016 elec-
proud to see how our school participated in using By looking up song lyrics, sifting through news arti- tion.
our voices, how students across the nation were cles and even liking a post from your friend from your
using their voices to insight change. There were browser, Google can create a profile for you and make To protect the American consumer, congress needs
many of my peers, however, that I was honestly generalizations like age, race, religion and where you to look into ways to fairly regulate the internet, such as
dumbfounded by. These students were ones who live, despite the fact that you have probably already blocking ads that slander other entities unfairly or just
protested the protest because administration sup- given them that information already. lie to their consumer. Another would be to act upon the
ported it. regulations that are already in place, which is where
This makes a gray line for what is morally right in the FCC fails to succeed. By holding them accountable,
That was the primary reason I heard for terms of using personal information and selling them the internet consumer would already be much safer
students not attending the walkout. It was not to advertisers. But as of now, this practice is perfectly from companies selling personal information. Con-
“really a protest,” it had “lost meaning” because legal, which is what lawmakers are trying to change, gress having Zuckerberg testify is a great start to step
the students helping to organize it worked with however, this may not come with the level of success up the regulations on internet traffic. Hopefully, by the
administration to make it happen. That is baf- that they are hoping for. end of this year, we can browse an internet where it is
flingly idiotic. safe to like a friend’s image without having thousands
This should not be surprising to anyone. Websites of advertising companies knowing about it.
Because we worked with administration, we had with large internet traffic are using their resources to
newscasters in the building filming and broad-
casting what we were doing that day. Because we
worked with administration, more people were
confident in coming to the walk out and mak-
ing their voices heard. Because we worked with
administration, we had voting registration set up
at the lunches for students who will be 18 by the
next election year. That was huge. Registering
to vote was made readily accessible to hundreds
of students. That is taking it a step beyond using
your voice, that is taking action.

Change is made when those on the top are
finally made to agree with the voices surrounding
them. The fact that administration was working
with us proved we were getting stronger. But I
suppose, at the end of the day, that wasn’t what
some people wanted this protest to be about.

What kind of progress are we going to make
if we shut down the greater influences that will
come with admin support? Yes, I want to use my
voice. Yes, I want to be heard, and to force politi-
cians and people in power to listen to me.

Then, I want it to mean something.

April 20, 2018 23

24 April 20, 2018

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