Vol. 16, Issue 7 | William Mason High School | 6100 Mason Montgomery Road Mason, OH | 3.14.19
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Freshman Ashley Cook, photo by Tanner Pearson, Ryan D’Souza
2 News March 14, 2019
Coopers excited to add new member to their family
Riley Johansen | Staff Writer decision did not occur until three Photo contributed by Jonathan Cooper
A dog may be a man’s best friend, years later when Myles began to Myles Cooper, son of Superintendent Jonathan Cooper, is getting a service dog.
but the Cooper family not only exhibit behaviors that could indicate
wants to find their son Myles a best Autism. Looking into the future, dog with the ability tether to “I think the one thing people think
friend, but a life-long companion as Cooper said that there were many Myles, track him by scent in the about when you get a service dog
well. abilities that a service dog could pos- case of him running away, calm is that it’s mainly for one child, but
On February 18, Mason City sess that could help to aid Myles in him in situations that can cause it really affected the entire family,”
Schools Superintendent Jonathan every aspect of his everyday life. him anxiety, and to sleep with Paxton said. “For us, we have all
Cooper announced on Twitter the him to offer him a security that he taken ownership of Malia. We’re all
beginning of his family’s journey to- After thorough research, the needs at night. hyper-vigilant about where she is
wards training and placing a service Cooper family decided to apply for and what she’s doing. It gives us all a
dog in their home for their eight- a dog at 4 Paws for Ability Inc., lo- Through being superintendent, sense of peace having the dog in our
year-old son, Myles, who has Down cated in Xenia, Ohio. This nonprofit Cooper’s decision to get a dog was family now. I think that seeing a few
syndrome. organization, which was recently driven by seeing the impact ser- of our families was a spark that the
The idea, which Cooper said their featured in the Netflix documentary vice animals have had around the Coopers needed to see their goal, the
family has considered for quite a series ‘Dogs’, focuses on training district, especially following their light at the end of all of the fundrais-
while, sparked from the needs that and providing dogs to veterans and involvement in the aid of Western ing and craziness that they’re going
Myles requires as a child with a dis- children with disabilities, as well as Row students that are grieving to go through.”
ability. Cooper said he remembers educating others about the use of the recent loss of their 10-year-old
one incident in particular that a service dogs in public. classmate, Sable Gibson. While the efforts towards fundrais-
service dog could have prevented. ing and training for a dog are far
“When he was five years old, he After applying and being selected “This last week when we lost a from over, Cooper said he admires
had gotten away from us and we to receive a service dog, Cooper student at Western Row, a lot of the unification that the community
didn’t know where he was,” Cooper said that they are working towards the therapy dogs came together has shown in order to help his family
said. “He’s a runner, which means raising the funds to provide a dog and I was able to go in with the achieve their goals.
when he gets excited or interested trained for all of their needs regard- dogs in the classrooms with
in something, whether it be a bunny ing Myles. students,” Cooper said. “I watched “I love that we as a society and a
rabbit or a cat, he will take off. them bring a kind of calm and community have found innovative
About three years ago, he got out of “It costs about $30,000 or $40,000 comfort to our students in a time ways, whether it’s leveraging dogs
our home and got into our neigh- to train the dogs,” Cooper said. that was really scary and full of or other tools in our community,
bor’s home and up on their second “There’s grant money out there that uncertainty to a little kid. Dogs do to allow for kids with special needs
floor. We didn’t realize and had the comes from people giving to this that well, especially trained dogs. or with different abilities to be as
whole neighborhood looking for organization that offset that cost so I kept seeing great benefits to that independent and as integrated in
him. He doesn’t always respond it is about $17,000 that you have to and I think in our district we’ve this inclusive environment as pos-
to you when you call his name, so raise a family. There are dogs that actually set up some some great sible,” Cooper said. “That is really
we’ve had a couple of scares.” not only track and look for your systems to set our kids up.” important to us as a family and as
While this incident created the child but also they can tether so a district. We want Myles to be as
thought of a dog, the Cooper’s true they don’t run away.” One of these dogs that Cooper independent as possible. We’re hop-
was able to observe was Google, a ing that this would be another way
The fundraising efforts, which service dog provided through the for him to be just as independent as
have reached the required $17,000 4 Paws Program to math teacher as the next kid, and I love that our
in the two weeks, all will go towards Nicole Paxton in order to assist community feels and believes in that
training a dog with the training a her seventh grade daughter Malia, same that same thing.”
who has both hearing and mobility
Photo contributed by Jonathan Cooper issues.
Jonathan Cooper and his family have raised funds to get a service dog for their son Myles.
March 14, 2019 News 3
Model United Nations hoping to dominate Miami conference
Andrea Hefferan | Online Editor
Politicians aren’t the only ones getting involved in Photo by Tanner Pearson
world affairs. Members of Mason’s Model United Nations team show off awards from their recent Indiana University conference.
Mason’s Model United Nations (MUN) is a club people participating. one has the same skill set and can win awards, improve
where discussing and enacting foreign policy is turned “We’re definitely hoping to accomplish even more and participate in their conference.”
into a competition. Students mimic the actual United
Nations, and win awards for performing well in confer- awards,” Soni said. “It’s about bringing everyone up to In conferences, students have to stand out from the
ences. They can receive Honorable Delegate, Outstand- the same level and improving everyone’s skills by that other competitors through the speed and quality which
ing Delegate, and Best Delegate, which is the highest conference because a lot of the people that are going to they present their ideas, Ambati said.
award an individual can earn. If many people do well Miami are freshmen and people whwo didn’t get to go
individually, the club as a whole can also be awarded to IU. We want them to expand and get awards as well “A challenge during the conference itself is being
these rankings. so they continue growing in the club.” able to think quickly on your feet,” Ambati said. “There
are 30 people around you that are just as quick as you.
On Sunday, February 24, MUN won an award for Out- Because some people are more experienced than oth- You have to come up with a better idea than they do
standing Delegation at the Indiana University (IU) con- ers, MUN’s goal for the Miami University conference and present it before them.”
ference, marking this as the first time they have won a is for all members of the club to compete at the same
group award. Along with this, eight individuals received level, according to Soni. For Soni, one of the largest impacts MUN has had on
awards, which is more than the group has ever won. her has been the awareness she gained for what goes
“Our weekly meetings are going to be focused on on in all parts of the world, particularly third-world
Junior Harshi Ambati, who took home the award of prepping for Miami,” Soni said. “We’ll be holding mock countries.
Best Delegate for his committee, said MUN uses real- committees, which is where we all take the form of a
world situations to inspire teamwork and collaboration. committee and how it would look at a conference. Our “I think a lot of people in the school are definitely
focus is on the preliminary procedure, prepping for the very limited in terms of perspective,” Soni said. “I would
“(MUN) is a fun way of emulating history or realistic conference, and helping everyone else come up to the definitely not be paying as close of attention as I do to
situations and working together to come up with solu- same level. Then we’ll have a whole team where every- developing countries and their conflicts or issues as I do
tions,” Ambati said. “It’s a lot of speaking, debating and now if I didn’t have Model UN.”
All of the work put into MUN leads to the confer-
ences, where the students are split into committees.
With people from other schools, they discuss an as-
signed topic they research prior to the conference. Each
student represents a certain country, and what they say
in the conference must align with that country’s views.
According to Junior Shreyas Pulluri, who received the
award of Best Delegate for his committee, the majority
of the work is done before the conference even starts.
“In the weeks leading up to an important conference
we have to prep a lot because a lot of these delegates are
coming from other highly favored schools where Model
UN is a class, not even a club,” Pulluri said. “We have
to focus on beating them, so you have to prep a lot on
your topic and the general rules of the United Nations.”
Despite their successes, MUN isn’t going to stop pur-
suing even more victories. Their next conference will be
at Miami University from April 6-7. As opposed to the 20
people who attended the IU conference, senior Nikky
Soni said the upcoming conference will have almost 40
March 14, 2019 7
8 Feature March 14, 2019
Photos by Tanner Pearson
Freshman Ashley Cook drag races in competitions.
Cook livin’ life in the fast lane
Della Johnson | Staff Writer “I love building things with my hands,” Cook on the gas and one on the brakes at all times,
Many learn to drive a car around age 16; fresh- said. “That’s why I like engines. My dad owns an whereas in regular cars, a driver must only have
man Ashley Cook, however, took a more acceler- engine shop, so he works on our cars. We don’t one foot on the accelerator. Cook said when she
ated approach. have to pay anybody to do it so we know how to drives her regular car, the change from using two
Cook has been drag racing, racing a narrow car work on them.” feet to just one has been difficult for her to get
with a pointed end down a straight track, since used to.
she was a child. Using her own dragster (a term Fixing cars, let alone racing them, is often seen
for cars used in drag racing), Cook is able to go to as an activity performed by adults. Therefore, “My brother and I have to drive with both feet
tracks and participate in events and competitions. Cook expressing her interest in the area is often because the gas is on the right and the brakes on
These competitions occur at drag strips, which be written off as a lie due to her young age. the left,” Cook said. “I actually went driving over
are smaller race tracks, and normally involve a the weekend with my dad, and I tried to put both
cash prize or incentive for winners. “Whenever I tell people I’m a drag racer they’re feet up. He was like, ‘you can’t drive with both
Though not of age to legally drive normal cars, like, ‘no, there’s no way that you drive cars,’” feet.’ Apparently, my brother had driven his first
adolescents ages five and up can race. Cook said Cook said. “‘You’re only like 14.’ I’d literally pull two or three miles with both feet.”
she got into the unique hobby at such a young up a picture and they’d still be like, ‘no, that’s not
age with her family. yours. You pulled it off the internet.’ That’s really Though the sport may be male-dominated,
“I’m 15, and I started this when I was eight,” dumb. I’m very much able to prove them wrong.” Cook thinks more young women are now becom-
Cook said. “Technically seven and a half, because ing racers, joining at a young age just like her.
when we used to live on at my old house we According to the Charlotte Observer, over 520
would take my junior car onto the street and we people across America have died in auto racing “Most guys don’t believe girls like cars,” Cook
would do test pumps, just pressing the gas. My in the past 25 years, whether it be fire or collision. said. “I do see it as a guy sport more than the
dad would push me and we would go back and Cook said she and other drivers take extra precau- girls. But I feel there are more girls getting into
forth.” tions in their clothing in order to stay safe. it, and you see little sisters going in with older
Family influence attributed to Cook’s young en- brothers like I did, or my friends and their little
try into the sport, having been introduced to the “I have to have a fireproof jacket and pants,” sisters. I do see more girls progressing into it.”
activity by her father. After hearing about drag Cook said. “No open toed shoes or anything. I
racing, Cook attended races with her brother and have wrist restraints so that my arms won’t go Not only are the races themselves exciting to
other family members. flying everywhere. I have vests: two on my chest, Cook, but she said she also uses the opportunity
“My dad started racing when he was about 16, two on my waist and one down in the middle to make new friends.
just by hearing about it from friends,” Cook said. where it all locks together. I have a neck brace
“And then I went into it when my brother wanted and a helmet. So, we are very protective and they “My favorite thing is how many different
to. My mom has done one race, though not in one have advanced that since years past.” people you meet,” Cook said. “But then you also
of the bigger cars.” get the experience of driving and having fun. I’m
Similar to how usual cars require maintenance, Since racing requires a lot of open space, there there for three days of the weekend, just meeting
so do dragsters. Drivers often outsource the are no tracks currently located in Mason. Cook new people.”
manual work, which can lead to costly expenses. said she has to drive at least 40 minutes in order
However, Cook said she is able to repait the en- to get to a race track. Despite drag racing’s lower participation rates
gines and related manufacturing with her family. compared to more common sports, Cook said the
“The closest track there is, is in a place called uniqueness is something she likes most.
Edgewater,” Cook said. “It’s south of here. There’s
one in Xenia called Kil-kare that I go to. The “What it means to me is doing something I
main one I go to would be Clay City in Kentucky. love,” Cook said. “Racing makes me feel like I’m
There are a bunch around here, but they’re really actually doing something that’s special to me,
far from where we are.” that most people don’t understand. And I have
something to talk about with other people and
In dragsters, the driver must have one foot something fun.”
March 14, 2019 Feature 9
Students fall victim to internet impersonations
Kaelyn Rodrigues | Staff Writer send more pictures of me to prove I’m really them.”
In junior Kabir Doshi’s case, he found out who was
Cartoon by Ryan D’Souza When scrolling through Instagram, you see some-
thing different every time. But the last thing you behind the Instagram account that was created using
expect to see is someone pretending to be you. his photos. Doshi did not know the person behind the
account, but some of his friends did, so they confront-
This is a common occurrence for junior Josephine ed the impersonator.
Sim, who has had multiple Instagram accounts pre-
tend to be her by using her photos under a different “They had some weird explanation for it and said
name. Sim credits her diverse online presence as a their account got hacked or something, but then they
reason people are able to find and use her images. changed the story and said that someone got on their
phone and made the account,” Doshi said. “It made me
“It’s happened on multiple occasions because my realize that I probably have a lot of followers, but if I
photos are shared not only on Instagram, but on plat- don’t know them, it’s kind of weird to let them see all
forms like Tumblr and We Heart It,” Sim said. “Usu- my personal stuff.”
ally I find out if someone tells me, whether it be like
a friend or someone random. The most instances have Though in many cases it is a stranger who makes
definitely been different Instagram accounts.” these accounts, Freshman Maya Morjaria had a fake
spam account pretending to be her on Instagram
Though it has happened repeatedly, Sim said she is made by a former friend. Many of Morjaria’s friends
still concerned by the accounts that pose as her online. were unaware that the account was not hers.
“The first time it happened I was definitely shocked, “We were friends for a while and he thought it
the fact that someone thought I was I guess pretty would be funny to make an account with my name on
enough to impersonate, is kind of bizarre to me be- it and pictures that he screenshotted,” Morjaria said.
cause I don’t think that way,” Sim said. “Compared to “One day someone sent me the account and I didn’t
now, it’s definitely still a big deal to me because some- even know until the person sent it to me. He didn’t
one’s trying to impersonate you and use your face to have my permission or anything and when I told him
be someone that is obviously not you.” to delete the account he refused and kept saying it was
funny and I deserved it.”
After finding accounts that use her photos as their
own, Sim said she first contacts the owner and tries to Morjaria said she was not bothered by the pictures
get them to take their profile down. If they refuse to so much as her impersonator contacting her friends
deactivate their account, Sim reports them. who believed that the account was hers.
“There’s nothing you can really do about it besides “The main reason I had a problem with it was be-
to say ‘hey I’m uncomfortable with this,’ but some- cause he followed a lot of my friends who didn’t know
times they have me blocked which is why they think that it was him and everyone thought it was me,” Mor-
they can get away with it,” Sim said. “If they don’t, I jaria said. “My friends would text me and get offended,
make an initiative to say ‘I don’t like it when people and I had to keep explaining that it wasn’t me.”
impersonate me,’ and they usually just block me and
I report them. Sometimes people apologize because In a similar case, Sophomore Victoria Crowe’s
their intention isn’t to impersonate me for wrong friends mentioned to her a tweet that she supposedly
reasons.” had posted. After finding the fake profile made under
her name, she expected to see inappropriate tweets but
When senior Claire Simmons found out photos from luckily found nothing more than innocuous posts.
her Instagram were being used on a Tinder account
under the name Reilly, she put a screenshot of the “I was pretty shocked because I thought that would
profile on her Instagram story, asking her followers never happen to me,” Crowe said. “But then I started
how she should feel. scrolling down and the tweets weren’t bad, they
weren’t posting anything harmful to me. I was relieved
“I thought it was kind of funny, but I didn’t know to know that but at the same time, I was pretty scared
whether to be mad or just to laugh about it, like was to know that somebody had used my pictures and my
it a compliment or should I be mad?” Simmons said. name to create an account.”
“The more I thought about it, the more it kind of
freaked me out that anyone could just take my picture Immediately, Crowe contacted Twitter in order to
and use a different name.” have the account deactivated. She said the experience
made her more aware of who she allows to access her
With more than 13,000 followers on her public Insta- social media accounts.
gram account, Simmons attributes her variety of easy
to access pictures as a reason the Tinder account owner “It definitely put me on the radar for people who
was able to impersonate her. request me on Instagram or Facebook to really know
who they are determine if that’s somebody that I
“My Instagram account isn’t private, so it’s easy to trust,” Crowe said. “My Instagram used to be public so
just go on it whether you follow me or not and take anybody could scroll through my feed and screenshot
the picture,” Simmons said. “Since I post a lot of pic- my pictures so immediately I put my accounts on pri-
tures, they have a selection to choose from so and can vate because I just I didn’t want that to happen again.”
10 March 14, 2019
March 14, 2019 Feature 11
Cancer can't keep Koenig down
Jake Sapp | Staff Writer biggest support system through all of Photo contributed by Mary Beth Koenig
this,” Koenig said. “If there are days Senior Joe Koenig was diagnosed with cancer in 2018 and his family has been a significant sup-
It’s difficult to have a normal school where I’m feeling good, they’ll take me port system for him during the treatment process.
life after being diagnosed with a Wilms out to do something and just let me
Tumor, but that is the reality that senior enjoy life. When there are days when family, finding hope and guidance in later this fall I’m going to be attending
Joe Koenig has had to combat for the I’m feeling bad, they’ll drop everything scripture in order to navigate through college like everyone else.”
past eight months. they are doing to take care of me.” difficult times. Koenig believes that the
lessons he has learned from his faith Many individuals have found inspira-
After being diagnosed with cancer Alongside his family, Koenig said his have enabled him to see the bright side tion in Koenig’s story, and see him as
prior to the 2018-2019 school year, Koe- friends and peers have been attentive of his incredibly difficult strife. a role model for how they should ap-
nig has undergone numerous therapy to his needs, and help him handle his proach adversity.
sessions, surgeries and procedures in struggles by inviting him to different “When I was younger, I personally
order to combat the disease. Chemo- activities and breaking up the manauti- wasn’t faithful,” Koenig said. “But as “It’s kind of weird knowing that there
therapy has reduced Koenig’s white ny of staying inside all day. things started happening recently I’ve are people who look up to me now,”
blood cell count significantly, render- realized that these sorts of things are Koenig said. “I’m used to just being the
ing his body far less prone to being able “My friends are all really considerate out of my control, and that I just need kid that goes along with life. Now if I
to fight off diseases. Due to his current about what’s going on,” Koenig said. to have faith in God knowing that He were to walk into the school, most of
condition, Koenig has been unable to “They all seem to get it and try to help has a plan for me.” the people who saw me would probably
attend school for a number of months me in any way that they can, but also recognize me.”
in order to avoid getting sick, and feels respect the fact that sometimes I just Regardless of how much his condi-
as though he has been isolated from his can’t do certain things because I can’t tion has affected his daily life, Koenig Even though Koenig is not used to
peers as a result. get sick.” said he plans on continuing life as nor- being looked at as an inspiring figure,
mal after his treatments are finished. he still finds solace knowing that his
“It’s been different,” Koenig said. “It’s Since he is unable to go to school, He will be attending The University of story might help others to find their
a different lifestyle and it’s difficult, and Koenig has had to seek different meth- Dayton to study Mechanical Engineer- drive.
there are things like chemo cycles and ods in order to keep up with his studies ing, alongside his brother who has been
surgeries that make it a lot harder. I still from home, meeting with a tutor in there for a year now. “I don’t really see myself as that type
have the weeks where I feel great, like a order to not fall behind. Koenig said of person, mainly because I’m not used
normal 18 year old, but there are others some of his teachers have also taken it “After all of this my life will be to- to all of the attention,” Koenig said. “But
where I just feel terrible too.” upon themselves to visit him and teach tally normal, just like everyone else’s,” if there are people who are able to look
him one-on-one. Koenig said. “I will graduate on time at me and say ‘if Joe can do it, so can I’,
Since Koenig spends most of his time with everyone else in my grade, and then I’m pretty proud of that.”
at home, he tries to occupy himself “I have a home instructor who will
while his peers are at school or doing help me out mainly with English work,”
other activities. Koenig said. “She coordinates with my
other teachers to help me with my work
“When I’m at home I’ll try to play and get in all of my graduation require-
video games or watch a movie,” Koenig ments. Other times I’ll just email my
said. "I try to get out of the house as teachers and get work from there, and
much as I can just to do something, occasionally my Physics teacher stops
since it’s difficult just to be home every by to help out as well.”
single day for eight months.”
Although he cannot physically attend
Not being at school means that classes, Koenig still tries to participate
Koenig is not able to be around people, in-school activities whenever he can in
a factor that he sees as alienating in order to keep in touch with the people
many different ways. around him, taking part in things such
as ultimate frisbee and religious study
“Sometimes I’ll see people that I groups.
would normally see every day, and they
sometimes just don’t recognize me,” “I can’t do too many things because
Koenig said. “I used to have a lot of hair of my condition, but I go to whatever
before, but now I'm just some bald guy I can just to stay connected to people,"
that people haven't seen in a whole year. Koenig said. "Sometimes I go to Bible
It's just a shock to them.” studies or Athlete Impact, anything that
I can do to just be around other people.”
When he is out in public, Koenig has
to be extremely careful in order to pre- However, Koenig said he has had to
vent himself from having the chance of be extra careful when participating in
falling ill, since doing so would put him physical activities like ultimate frisbee,
at serious risk. since the physicality of the sport could
potentially pose a risk to his well-being.
“I have to be cautious about every-
thing,” Koenig said. “I’m still able to do “It's just a lot harder because I'm
the things I would normally do, but I al- wired to be very competitive when I’m
ways have to be careful around crowds. playing sports,” Koenig said. “I really
It’s weird because it’s a total departure get into the game. I'd always be the
from how I used to live, and it’s been a person diving on the ground, catching,
difficult adjustment for me.” et cetera. It's difficult to play because I
have to be very cautious about people
Koenig said that his family has been running into me. I'm just helping out
with him throughout every step of the coaching more than me actually play-
arduous journey and feels as though ing consistently, and that’s hard for
he could not have endured it without me.”
Koenig comes from a religious
“My family has been probably my
12 Feat
Students believe crystals bring
Senior Maddie Miller uses
a Himalayan Salt Lamp to
accomodate her Crystals
Spiritual connections formed with crystals; stude
Sophia Johnson | Staff Writer them. It just brings me peace of mind. or your heart wants. The solar plexus is God since everything is controlled by
From amethysts to obsidian, some Each crystal has a certain energy that your stomach area or your gut feeling, God, but these crystals enhance it.”
believe crystals are more than just an it channels and the body pretty much and the sacral chakra is mainly for
aesthetic value. absorbs the energy that the crystal is women who are pregnant and want The main purpose of senior Annabel-
Due to the belief that there is a putting off. I like to wear them because to channel their sacral part. The root la Collin’s crystal is to provide emo-
matched energy between crystals they all have a special meaning behind chakra, which is the bottom of your tional support. Collins said she will
and the human body, crystal healing them and they all connect to different spine, is what keeps you grounded. So often use her crystal as a way to help
is being used as a form of spiritual, chakras.” if you let the body absorb the energy ease her nerves and spiritually connect
emotional and physical healing. Senior from the crystals, then that can help with her sister.
Maddie Miller said she wears jewelry There are seven main chakras, or your body heal.”
and perfumes that contain crystals so central points of energy in your body, “I just keep it more as something
she can absorb the positive energy that according to Miller. Different crystals, Believing in the healing powers of for me, like a comfort and a support
they give off daily. she said, match to specific chakras that crystals has led people to question system for my own well being,¨ Col-
“I have this perfume with citrine can give healing. Miller’s religious beliefs. Instead of us- lins said. ¨My crystal is an Angelite so
crystals infused in it; I’m drawn to- ing her crystals to challenge religion, the sole purpose of it is to connect you
wards citrine because it brings joy, hap- “A chakra connects to a certain Miller said it strengthens her spiritual with your angels in heaven. So when
piness and light, so I use them pretty part of the body, so there’s the crown connection. I’m feeling sad about Maya or I’m feel-
much every day,” Miller said. “I also chakra which is connected to the ing anxious, I rub it and carry it with
wear rings that have the crystals in brain, the third eye is awareness, and “The way my belief system works is me so it makes me feel closer to her.¨
the throat is mostly speaking.” Miller that everything happens for a reason,”
said.“The heart chakra is knowing your Miller said. “So you could say my be- Senior Sarah Hudson said she goes
true self and unconsciously what you lief is that (the world) is controlled by about crystal healing by surrounding
herself with different crystals during
ture 13
g mental and physical healing
Miller uses a pendulum
to guide her through
significant life choices
ents seek objects as sources of daily support
meditation and other everyday activi- yes’, it will swing up or down, and Hudson said. She said the variety of not really an in between,” Hudson
ties. ‘show me no’ is side to side, but it is dif- crystals that focus on providing the said. “I’ve explained it to people and
ferent for everyone. Once I used it my- body with positive energy can have an they’ve been like ‘that’s total crap, that
“I have individual crystals I keep in self, I felt It sensed my energy and was impact on many people’s minds. doesn’t work’. I think it works, but
my car, in my bedroom, on my night- letting me know what I truly want.” other people don’t and that’s their own
stand, I also have a lot of necklaces,” “Every crystal has a different use, opinion.”
Hudson said. “Sometimes I can just Miller said she has and continues to like an amethyst crystal helps with
carry them around, or meditate with use her crystal pendulum to aid her spirituality and blocking the negative, Hudson said those who are often
them, everyone has different uses for in making choices that come from the there are rose court crystals that help against the idea of crystal healing are
them, it’s just what you are pursuing unconscious part of her mind. you love other people,” Hudson said. unaware of the purpose the crystals
from it.” “It’s for your emotions and your mind- have internally.
“I use it for small life decisions; I was set on things, it’s for healing. Most
Some people also use crystal pen- really stuck on which college I wanted people are damaged from the mental- “I definitely think that them chang-
dulums to answer their questions and to go to, but once the pendulum chan- ity, a mindset or mental illness, so I ing your outside environment is a big
guide them generally through life. neled my energy then I truly realized think crystals help a lot with that.” misconception,” Hudson said. “People
Miller said she owns a crystal pendu- subconsciously I just really wanted to think that good things are going to
lum that allows her to make decisions go to the one college,” Miller said. ¨By While Hudson said she has found come to you and happen, but nothing
based on her subconscious mind. using it, it pushed pass all the wonder people who also practice crystal heal- is going to externally change in your
and doubt and goes to a yes or no with- ing, other people she has tried to show life, it’s with your personality. I’ve tried
¨I use my pendulum about once a out thinking about all the negatives.” continue to doubt the healing process. to explain that, and I think that is the
week for making decisions, which it biggest part that people don’t under-
does by swinging a certain way,” Miller Spiritual and emotional healing is “I feel like a lot of people are against stand.”
said. ¨If you hold it and ask, ‘show me a common reason for using crystals, it and a lot of people are with it, there’s
14 March14,2019
Afterseeingthetrailersfor‘CaptainMarvel’,Ican’tsayIwasveryexcitedtoseeit,everything Seeminglyoutofthinair,TheJonas
aboutitjustseemedlikeitwasdoingaplay-by-playofeverythingthateveryotherMarvelfilm Brothersgotbacktogetherand
haddonebeforeit.AfterseeingitIcansayIwasrighttosomeextent,butthefilm doesoffera
storythatmakesitstandoutfrom thelikesofheroeslikeThorandCaptainAmerica.Thefilm released“Sucker”,theirfirstprojectin
followsaKreewarriorbythenameofVers(playedbyBrieLarson),awomanwhobarely morethaneightyears.Thenewsofthe
remembersherpastsearchingforanswers,andNicholasFury(playedbySamuelL.Jackson), Bandgettingbacktogethermadesome
aS.H.I.E.L.Dagentthatpeoplewillvividlyrememberfrom previousMarvelfilms.Thetwohave
excellentchemistrywhentheyareinteractingwithoneanotherthroughoutthefilm,withitat think“sowhat?”,buttheJonas
onepointalmostfeelinglikeabuddy-copflick.Charactermomentsarelitteredthroughout,and Brothersdoseem tohaveasignificant
individualscenesreallydobringalotofpersonalitytothesidecharactersthatwouldbelostin fanbasestill.Theirsingleobtainedover
manyotherMarvelfilms.Thefilm doesnotofferverymanyinterestingactionscenes,however, 45milionstreamsinthefirst10days.
Americamovies.Onthatfrontaswell,thefilm doesn’thaveverymuchofanidentityforitself,
whereitfeelslikebaddirectionmadehercharacterfeelabitwooden.However,thefilm setsup
March 14, 2019 Culture 15
BITE OF Senior
Naho Nakatsuji
Futomaki SushI “We make and eat
sushi on the Japanese
traditional day called Set-
subun: the name literally
means seasonal division,
or the day between two
seasons,” Nakatsuji said.
“My mom taught me how
to roll sushi when I was
little. I can choose the
ingredients that I want to
put inside if I make the
sushi at home.”
Compiled by Luke Hutchinson, Sophia Johnson
Nakatsuji decides to roll cucumber, imitation crab and egg into her futomaki. The outer layer of the roll is made up of a thin sheet of seaweed and steamed white rice.
Sports16 March 14, 2019
Donathan, Chaney bring home state titles
Sophia Johnson | Staff Writer record, it’s pretty awesome. Like,
Alex Lisa | Staff Writer
Anusha Vadlamani | Staff Writer that’s gonna be what people are
Mason has a number of State Champions and record aiming to beat next year.”
breakers making waves in their sport.
Donathan said that the com-
Junior Adam Chaney and senior Chris Donathan
have each won titles at the state competitions and bro- petitive relationship he has with
ken records. Chaney won state titles and broke records
in the 50 and 100 freestyle in swimming, and Dona- his brother factors into his work
than is the 2019 State Champion and record holder in
the 145 lb weight class for wrestling. ethic. Zack Donathan was the
Both had rigorous training ahead of them when 2017 State Champion for 132 lb
they set out to accomplish these feats, and Chaney
said that it was incredibly satisfying to see that hard and had previously held the re-
work pay off.
cord for all-time career wins be-
“In the moment, you don’t even really think about
it,” Chaney said. “But then, later on, you just think fore his brother broke it.
back, and you know that all the time I put in has just
really paid off. And every time I wanted to take a “We started warming up and
break or go a bit easy, and I pushed myself, now it just
all feels worth it.” my brother came and warmed
Despite this being Chaney’s first year on the team, up with me,” Donathan said.
he said his teammates have welcomed him and helped
to motivate him. “He won (a state title) two years
“They’re all on my club team also, so it feels like ago. We always try to one-up
I’ve been swimming with them forever,” Chaney said.
“We’ve definitely come a long way, I feel just as much each other. I beat his record for
a part of it all as they are. They’ve been a huge sup-
port.” most wins, I have like 195 he (Photos contributed by Mason Swim/Dive and Mason Wrestling boosters.)
Chaney said that having his name in the record had 189.” (Left) Chris Donathan stands on the podium after winning the Division I state title.
book is surreal and that it makes the year ahead look Even after the exhaustion of (Right) Adam Chaney stands on the podium after winning the state championship.
even more promising.
a match, Donathan said he does
“It’s definitely a lot of pressure,” Chaney said. “I
know our whole team, we all look at times and records not focus on competing against match so I had to.”
we want to break. And just now seeing that that’s my
his opponents. While Donathan has played at the high school level
“I was tired, really tired,” Donathan said. “I don’t up until now, he has signed with Tiffin University to
think about winning, I just think about going to tour- further continue his wrestling career. Although play-
naments.” ing at the collegiate level will be a new experience,
Donathan said that, with this being his last year, he Donathan believes that his mindset will remain con-
had a lot of work he had to commit to in his pursuit of stant, regardless of where he is playing, even if he will
the championship. be ‘redshirting’ in college, a term used to describe ath-
“Match 1 I wrestled at 5 P. M., and the kid was easy; it letes who focus on refining their skills during their
was like 20 to 4,” Donathan said. “Then Friday I had the freshman year.
(second best) kid in the state. I pinned him and then “I committed a couple of weeks ago, I’m redshirting,
I had another kid I wrestled with a couple of weeks so I won’t be as serious my first year,” Donathan said.
ago, and I pinned him too. Then I was in the finals, “It’s always the same mindset; Just to leave it all out
we did our Parade of Champions and we walked out there, go out and wrestle.
and wrestled. I just left it all on the mat; it was my last
Photo by Tanner Pearson Big Mac
Senior Sammie Puisis was named a McDonald’s All American.
On February 20 a packed gym at Mason High School witnessed history as senior bas-
ketball player Sammie Puisis was recognized as a McDonald’s All American. Puisis, a
three time Greater Miami Conference Player of the Year was presented with her McDon-
alds All American jersey by McDonald’s executives at the ceremony. On March 27 Puisis
will be playing in the all-star game featuring America’s top prep players. The game will be
played in at State Farm Arena in Atlanta Georgia. Puisis, a Florida State commit will be
joined on the roster by another Seminole recruit River Baldwin, a 6-5 center from Alabama.
17 Sports March 14, 2019
(Photos by The Mason Swim and Dive board)
Comets bring home another state title in dramatic fashion
Despite no individual gold medals, Mason one of our relays got disqualified about “I’m really going to miss being a part
swimmers rally to bring home team trophy halfway through the meet,” Sullivan of this team,” Wolf said. “I’m not going
said. “If we hadn’t been disqualified, we to be swimming competitively in col-
Jake Sapp | Staff Writer alone once.” would have won by a significant margin, lege, so knowing that my career is end-
Senior Leanna Wall is another return- but despite that, the girls were still able ing on such a high note is both amazing
Another one. to buckle down to keep us in the lead.” and saddening at the same time.”
On February 22, the Mason Girls Swim- ing member of the state championship
ming Team brought home the state title lineup and believes that their training Senior Harna Minezawa believes that After coaching these seniors for so
for the second straight year. Albeit some throughout the season helped them to the disqualification was not necessarily many years, Sullivan is saddened to see
hardship during the meet, the team ulti- bring back the title. a bad thing and that it ended up reignit- them go but still hopes to keep bringing
mately pulled through, capping off the ing the team’s desire to compete. back state titles for years to come.
season successfully. “We trained exceptionally hard
Coach Mark Sullivan said that he is throughout the year,” Wall said. “I don’t “Once we saw the disqualification, I “I’m really proud of this group,” Sul-
incredibly excited for his team’s success, think any of us could say that we didn’t really think it brought us together as livan said. “They did something great
despite the smaller team they had going at least get better this year in some re- a team,” Minezawa said. “It certainly this year, and not having them around
into States. gard, and in general we just became threw us off a bit, but it ultimately made next season will be hard. But either way,
“I think our season was beyond suc- closer as a team.” us try even harder to win.” we’re still going to try and keep the mo-
cessful,” Sullivan said. “Winning the title mentum going into more seasons down
two years in a row isn’t an easy thing On their way to Canton, Ohio, Wall Now that the season is over, many the line.”
to do, especially after we lost so many said that the team was dead set on the seniors will be hanging up their towels
swimmers after last year’s victory.” victory, having grown reliant on one and saying goodbye to the MHS Swim- Pictured above (left to right:) In
Senior Meredith Wolf has qualified for another throughout the course of the ming program. Sullivan feels as though
the State Championships both years and season. next year the team will have to work the top row: Kiara Anchrum, Tia-
sees the accomplishment as something double-time in order to make up for
incredibly special for both her and her “Going into state, we just had a really their lost teammates. na Anchrum, Reese Lugbil, Ashley
team. positive attitude,” Wall said. “Through-
“Knowing that we were able to achieve out the season we built up trust in one “Next year is going to be difficult Lugbil, McKenzie Grau, Meredith
something like this two times in a row is another in practice and with some other since we will be losing so many of our
overwhelming,” Wolf said. “I don’t think team building activities that we did. We seniors,” Sullivan said. “A lot of the peo- Wolf, Aubrey Whitaker, Harna
there are many people that can say that all had faith in one another to do our ple who will be graduating this year are
they won the state championships twice best.” key members for our team, so we are Minezawa, and Leanna Wall
during their high school career, let
However, the team ran into a road- going to have to seriously pick up celebrate the state championship.
block during the meet, which Sullivan some slack going into next winter.”
said hindered their score to a significant In the bottom row: Coaches Mark
degree. Being one of the seniors, Wolf feels
both proud and upset about the fact that Sullivan, Mark Davis, and Mike
“As some people may already know, her swimming career is coming to an
end after such a successful season. Tomes celebrate with the girls and
pose for pictures.
PLAY18 March 14, 2019
Comets will rely heavily on returnees,
Weekley and O’Brien for leadership
Mason Comet Softball Rahul Parikh | Sports Editor capable.
Player Ali Weekley “Obviously we lost a lot of great
(Photo by Tanner Pearson) The Mason Softball team is taking
a big swing this year. athletes and incredible outfielders
from last year,” O’Brien said. “But I
Last season the Softball team won think the people we have coming in
their fifth consecutive GMC (Greater are just as good, and they’re defi-
Miami Conference) title, making a nitely ready to come in and take their
run into the state tournament, but place.”
ultimately failing in the sweet 16 at
the hands of Lakota West. Playing a sport with so many
intricacies and split-second deci-
This year, the Comets look to con- sions, O’Brien feels that attention to
tinue their regular season success, detail and concentration is extremely
with hopes of making another deep important and critical to focus on in
post season run. practice.
Junior Tori O’Brien, who ended last “It’s a huge part of the game.
season with a .485 batting average Whether it’s the ‘slappers’ working
and 31 stolen bases is a key return- on their specific bunting techniques
ing player at the top of the Comets’ every day at practice, or our out-
batting order. O’Brien said that a fielders working on their glovework
major factor for the Comets will be and throws every day, we’re always
starting off strong. focused on the little things to help us
win,” O’Brien said.
“If we’re able to stick with the
chemistry that we’ve already gained The Comets’ offense is highly pred-
so far, I think we will be on pace to icated on slap bunting and speedy
start out well,” O’Brien said. “If we runners, but Weekley is more of a
do that and everyone reaches their power hitter who focuses on moving
potential each game, we can start runners. Weekley said that the bal-
strong and hopefully finish through.” ance from power hitting, bunting, and
base running is key to making the
For the Comets, the loss last year offense flow.
that put them out of contention was
to Lakota West, who they had beaten “It’s more of a mindset for me,”
during the regular season. Senior Ali Weekley said. “The ‘slappers’ are
Weekley, who had 28 R.B.I’s (runs able to place their bunts really well to
batted in), and a .489 batting aver- get on base, and for me, my strategy
age last year, said that the playoff is to move that runner and potentially
atmosphere changes the game score them with a hit, wherever I see
because of the added pressure. a gap.”
“It’s tough because in pressure- With the loss of so much talent
packed games like that it just comes from the 2017-18 season, Week-
down to whichever team shows up ley said the Comets have begun to
with the better offense or defense adjust a lot faster than expected so
that day,” Weekley said. “Unfortu- far, and the team this year has lots of
nately In that game, it happened to potential.
be West.”
“We’ve approached it in a differ-
A major challenge for Mason this ent way,” said Weekley. “With all the
year will be replacing the likes of talent lost, everyone’s been working
Olivia Popovich, Zoe Bishop, and Ab- well with what we have, and been
bey Mullins from the outfield. O’Brien super adaptable. We’re extremely
believes that the Comets won’t have excited for what this season will
too much trouble filling in their shoes, hold.”
because this team’s outfield is just as
ball19 Sports March 14, 2019
Leadership will be key for
another Comet state run
Matthew Smith | Staff Writer replace the likes of Boston Red Sox
draft pick Nick Northcutt, Ohio State
Unifnished business. That’s how bound Will Pfennig and several play-
senior slugger J.P. Sponseller feels ers who dot college rosters across
after coming up short a season ago the midwest.
in the state final four.
Sponseller, an Elon University
With the team ready to kick off commit believes the key compo-
the 2019 season, the Comets have nent to another successful season
some big shoes to fill from a season is leadership and he hopes to step
ago but a roster of talented players into that role vacated by last year’s
are ready to step into that leadership talented group of seniors.
role to help the Comets continue
their climb. “Leadership is always important,”
said Sponseller. “Last year the
“Even with all the success last senior leadership was phenomenal,
year, we didn’t achieve what we and this year I’m looking to step into
ultimately wanted to achieve,” said that role in order to give the team
Sponseller. “We’ve been paying the best chance to win.”
attention to everything we didn’t do
right last year to fix those things, and The Comets concluded last sea-
now we’re looking to go win a state son with 26 wins and a Greater
title this year.” Miami Conference championship.
Once gain the league promises to
Even though last year’s seniors be deep but the Comets are also
are gone, there’s still is a lot of ex- going to challenge themselves with
perience returning from 2018. Head a tough non conference schedule
coach Curt Bly said that last year’s that includes the likes of Centerville,
final four run can be beneficial to the LaSalle and a trip to Tennessee to
returning players, but it won’t define face some of the Volunteer state’s
the team. top baseball programs.
“From an experience standpoint, The Comets should have an
it certainly will help to know what it explosive offense with University of
takes to go far (in the tournament),” Cincinnati commit Cole Harting, U.C.
said Bly. “But this year’s team will commit Joe Powell, and Ohio Uni-
have to find their own identity. They versity commit Harrison Johnson but
can’t rely on last year’s success to as with all succesful teams it’s going
just carry over.” to come down to pitching.
With a lot of success for this team, When Bly goes to make his rosters
there comes a lot of expectations he’ll be looking for pitchers Evan
right with it. Sponseller said that Kemp, Dade Hensley, Kenyon Ab-
even with high expectations the bot, and AJ Krause to throw strikes
team doesn’t feel any pressure to and keep opponent’s hitters at bay.
repeat the outcomes.
“I don’t think we have much time
“I don’t feel any pressure to be as before the season starts, it’s very
good as we were (last year),” said very limited,” said Bly. “We’re trying
Sponseller. “I feel a lot of excite- to get our arms ready and get our
ment and positive energy from the timing down. We have a lot of things
team, and I know we’ll have the city we need to install, and we need to
supporting us as we give it one last take advantage of the time that we
shot.” do have.”
Coming into 2019, the team has to Mason Comet Baseball Player
J.P. Sponseller (Photo by Tanner
20 Sports March 14, 2019
beast MODE
Matt Minick
Sam Glassco- 03/17- Boys lacrosse vs
STATS - Dublin Jerome @ 12:45
36 wins and 17 pins 03/23 - Baseball season
7th place at state opener vs Strongsville
@ Prasco Park @ 3:30
Dominic DiTullio-
31 wins and 23 pins
4th place at state
524.5 points by the boys swim team in their win Stats and ranks as of March 11, 2019
at the GMC meet
27.7 rebounds per game by the boys basket-
ball team, leading the GMC
12 straight GMC championships by the girls
swim team
March 14, 2019 Opinion 21
Science Staff Editorial
us Film does feminism wrong
Henri Robbins | Feminism is hard. field of sexuality is perhaps one of the most difficult for
Staff Writer It’s had a bit of a rough time with branding. But most
of all, it’s just super complicated. Everyone has their filmmakers to navigate. No, not all women should be
Opportunity is a word that means a lot: it’s what pushes hu- own idea of what’s right, what’s “true” feminism. The
man ingenuity, it’s what makes us take risks, it’s why we have idea of feminism has evolved over time, from first legal, going to clubs every night, wearing crop tops and five
such a desire to create, but also, it’s a little robot on Mars. One then economic, then social issues taking the forefront of
that ran for fifteen years straight when it was only meant to each generation. inch heels. But they also shouldn’t all be sitting at home
last 90 days. One that contributed more to scientific discovery So what makes a character feminist?
than most people ever will. One that saw an opportunity and Does it mean that she has to be a fighter - a crime- all day, wearing baggy sweatshirts and glasses, waiting
took it. fighting, cape wearing karate master? Nope! These are
often the most obvious, but least dynamic feminist to be told that they’re beautiful just the way they are.
It’s something that means a lot, especially to me. I grew up characters. Just like male characters aren’t very interest-
with the two rovers, Spirit and Opportunity. I got to see them ing if all they’re doing is punching the bad guys in the So honestly? It depends. The character’s style and life
explore an unknown world, and I was able to see them exceed face, female characters whose only trait is fighting well
all expectations. Even though I never made the connection are also pretty boring. More than that, this can feed into choices are going to change based on what the situa-
until now, I feel like that’s one of the things that I thought the idea that women have to masculine to be strong. The
was so amazing about it, and what drew me to it. When every- tomboys, the ones who wear flannel and work boots, tion demands. But no matter what it is, she should own
thing was against them, when they had nowhere to go, when who solve their problems with their fists and drink are
they had outlasted even what they were designed to, they kept characters assuming stereotypically male traits. By plac- it -- she should. She shouldn’t be dressing up because it
going. There was nowhere they could go except forward, and ing these traits on the foreground of our idea of feminist
that’s what they did. That’s what we all do. characters, we are also unintentionally assuming the makes her boyfriend happy -- she should be dressing up
opposite is true -- that traditionally feminine characteris-
We’ve been doing it for years. Ever since the first rocket tics, like wearing makeup and dresses, are signs of weak- because it makes her happy. She shouldn’t be staying in
soared into the sky, there was something about it that spoke ness. This is a huge problem, as no matter how hard we
to so many of us on the Earth. To see something abandon the try, we’re never going to be able to completely eliminate just because she’s gotten out of a bad breakup and has
only place we ever knew, to experience that journey into that the association in our minds between feminine traits
great unknown that we have all seen, all looked up at with and feminine people. If femininity is a sign of weakness, sworn off men forever -- she should be staying in be-
curiosity, that captivated all of us as children in the night, that then where does that leave those people?
was an experience that spoke to everyone. It sated, even for Does a feminist character have to always be smarter cause she wants to. Just like every aspect of every female
a moment, that desire to know more, that desire to escape. It than her male counterparts? Of course not! In fact, this
elated the restless child with toy spaceships hanging from the idea can lead to another sexist stereotype in movies -- character, the need that she fills will fit the role she has
ceiling, star maps along the walls, a telescope pointed to the the killjoy. Particularly in male-driven comedies, women
skies. Even if we weren’t all that child, we all had a piece of it (especially romantic interests) are the people who are in the movie. Feminism doesn’t mean every woman has
inside of us. there to shut down anything they see as “immature.” Of-
ten this leads to the main (male) character growing up to be the same.
It wasn’t just Americans, either. Sure, NASA was the first and learning to act more like an adult, but this woman Feminism means different things for different
to land on the moon, but we weren’t the first to try -- the also has to learn to accept the antics in her one true
footstep, the one small step, was heard across the globe. The love. In fact, putting women in situations where they’re people. Feminism changes depending on what the
world changed on that day, the skies no longer seemed like the dumb ones can often be very unusual -- depending situation demands. Something that’s feminist for a
a barrier but a challenge. The man in the moon no longer on how you do it. If she’s just a little ditzy? Only ever white character can be vastly different from what’s
mocked us, but welcomed us. The Greek gods in the sky no talks about boys and clothes? It’s going to be very hard feminist for a black character. For instance, black
longer sat upon Mount Olympus, untouchable. We had our to make that work. But what if the woman is the one women in film face problems with being hyper-
messengers to them, our rovers, and we wanted to say all that who can’t get her mind out of the gutter? How often do masculinized far more often than white women.
we could. you see a woman as the clumsy, comic-relief character -- So a black woman who wears lipstick and has long
not in a quirky, omg-look-how-cute-I-am way, but in an hair? That can be far more groundbreaking than
That, really, is what scientific discovery is about - making ugly, messy, I-don’t-have-my-life-together kind of way? if a white woman were in the same circumstance.
the world better in any way that it can. If people can look to Can a feminist character ever be pretty? Yes! Can that And a black woman facing her problems with
the skies and see change, if they can look around them and be her only character trait? Well, maybe, maybe not. The the support of family and friends behind her can
see growth, then that’s what really matters. Science isn’t some break just as many barrier than a white woman
far-off development that nobody truly cares about, it’s in the facing her problems alone.
hands of everybody. To see the planets that surround our own,
to see them not only as rocks but as actual, living worlds, that So, we ask again: what is a feminist character?
doesn’t just help some guy in a lab -- it humanizes the cold, The idea alone is full of so many contradictions
dark universe around us, and it makes us feel a bit more at and qualifications we can’t easily answer it in one
home in our corner of it. lone editorial. But we can argue this: movies are
made to reflect real life. So what are women like in
real life? And here’s where we reach our answer.
Women are different.
Every single woman is different. Some wear
makeup. Some don’t. Some want to be stay-at-
home moms and raise a family in suburbia -- some
want to become doctors or lawyers and never get
married. And most fall somewhere in the middle.
So wouldn’t it make sense to have movie charac-
ters like that? Showcasing women for who they are
rather than shoving us all into an outdated stereo-
type is what we want to see—that’s representation.
The Chronicle’s Policy The Chronicle is a member of The
The Chronicle is the official student The Chronicle is published monthly. Columbia Scholastic Press Association,
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The Chronicle promises to report the right to refuse advertising it deems in- nalists and the Ohio Scholastic Media Managing Editor Riley Johansen
truth and adhere to the journalistic appropriate for a high school publica- Association. Lauren Serge Online Editor Della Johnson Connect with
code of ethics through online and print tion. Executive Editor Andrea Hefferan Sophia Johnson the Chronicle:
mediums. Contact Information Jacob Brase Alexandra Lisa
As an open forum for students, let- The Chronicle Sports Editor Business Manager Ria Parikh @mhschronicle
The Chronicle is produced by students ters to the editor are welcome, but are William Mason High School Rahul Parikh Nathalie Schickendantz Henri Robbins facebook.com/
enrolled in Journalism I, II and III. subject to be edited for length, libel, ob- 6100 S. Mason Montgomery Rd. Kaelyn Rodrigues mhschronicle
scenity, clarity and poor taste. Letters to Mason, Ohio 45040 Jake Sapp @mhschronicle
Editorials reflect the staff ’s opinion the editor may be dropped off in room (513) 398-5025 Staff Photographer Matthew Smith
but do not necessarily reflect the opin- C103 and must be signed. Tanner Pearson Anusha Vadlamani
ions of the school administration or the
Mason City School District.
22 Opinion March 14, 2019
Girls, support Editorial Cartoon
Anusha Vadlamani | Let’s talk stays with people who have no interest in science or medicine
about whatsoever, and, in fact, have caused a number of people to
Staff Writer drama develop one.
I’ve spent a lot of time at Mason High School. Ria Parikh | Let’s talk about drama. The show has a bad reputation be-
Enough time to memorize when each class starts Staff Writer cause it is immediately linked to a trashy soap opera. But what
and when each one ends. Enough time to real- is drama? Drama is literally defined as an exciting or emo-
ize that the PA system sometimes interrupts class Grey’s Anatomy just made history. tional series of events or set of circumstances. Aka, the drama
during the most inopportune times. Way too much The much-loved show aired its 332nd episode on February is what makes the plot interesting. A show without drama is a
time realizing my locker is never going to open cor- 28, officially beating ER, and making it the longest running boring show, where people probably sit around a lunch table
rectly on the first attempt. And while learning all medical drama. Ever. and talk about the weather.
of these things has been great, my most cherished I am well aware that there are is a multitude of people who
moments at Mason are some of the littlest ones -- criticize the show, and rightfully so. It is no where close to So yes, there is a lot of drama in Grey’s and I’m not
the ones that only I remember. being the most medically accurate medical drama out there, ashamed to say that I enjoy it. But the difference is that despite
and many of the situations perceived as the norm happen the drama, the show never loses its heart. If you pay attention,
My freshman year, I recall standing in the C2 extremely rarely in a hospital. Most people who know me you will realize that although the show has its fair share of
bathroom, after a morning of what quite possibly know that I am planning to study English and Pre-med in col- superficial drama, a lot of it is emotionally driven. This late
could have been my worst hair day ever. My hair lege, so yes, the pre-med part of me feels slightly ashamed for in the game, almost every doctor in the hospital is linked to
was frizzy, my nose was runny, and my eyes were watching Grey’s. However, the English part of me, and just the another doctor in some type of way, and it becomes a story
watering. Staring at myself in the smudged mirror, I viewer part of me, is in love. of people and their relationships, rather than a story about
remember thinking to myself ‘wow there is nothing The character development in incredible. There is not one surgeons. Even with the patients, they tackle difficult issues,
that could make this day better.’ I know now that as main character who is given the short end of the stick. While such as self-esteem, family relationships, self-advocacy, issues
a freshman I was really overdramatic, but at that they might not add a whole lot to the plot, they are all human- and situations that fans of the show have actually used to help
moment, in that bathroom, it really felt like the day ized in somewhat of a novel way. It doesn’t feel like Meredith themselves.
was not going to look up. Grey and her one-dimensional sidekicks, but more so like an
ensemble of developed, strong characters who make their own The drama is exciting because it’s new and introduces a
Until the girl at the sink next to mine turned to mark on their characterization of Grey’s as a whole. Although story that the majority of viewers can connect to. But the
me, smiled, and said: “I really like your hair.” I don’t the situations are potentially the most uncomfortable we have difference is that the drama on Grey’s doesn’t distract from
know if she said it because she knew I was having a ever watched, something as simple as the character devel- the main point, the different stories that parallel each other
bad day or because she really did like my hair, but opment make the show very comforting. You feel like you create the main point. Yes, Grey’s may not be as medically
that was the first time I understood the strength of know them, and that can be attributed to nothing more than accurate as ER, but the writers are not afraid to tackle difficult,
girls supporting girls. the care the writers take in making sure that every character current topics and situations that most shows shy away from,
comes off as human. and in some cases, choose instead to hide behind the magic of
Sophomore year, right before winter break, I The writing itself gives me chills. Every time, without fail, surgery.
remember being caught up in all the stress and an episode opens and closes with a monologue that usually
craziness of finals. I remember nursing the worst done by Meredith. Those are perhaps the most important Because of the characters, heart, and storytelling, most of
migraine one day and just trying to buy a water seconds of the show, because they make the plot mean some- the audience doesn’t care that the doctors would have lost
bottle to at least hold myself over until I got home. thing. Usually, she takes the concept of science or medicine their medical licenses by now, but they do care that every time
Of course, as luck would have it, I was exactly 50 and relates it to an abstract universal concept in a way that Amelia Shepherd gets her heart broken, she can always count
cents short. either touches or haunts you depending on the episode. on her sister-in-law Meredith Grey and her half-sister-in-law
Because of just those few opening and closing lines, the show Maggie Pierce to be there for her, despite the fact they may
Sure, I could have walked over to the nearest have fought in surgery that day.
water fountain, but I wasn’t really thinking straight.
The girl behind me in line must’ve understood that It’s not that other shows lack a heart, but because because
I really needed this water bottle because she walked Grey’s Anatomy prides themselves on their emotional impact,
up to the keypad and punched in her student-ID. they create such a deep connection with a large audience that
That act was easily one of the kindest things anyone have caused it to beat every other medical drama, even ER.
has ever done for me. I had never met her before
and it didn’t occur to me to ask for her name, but
she still lent her time and money to me. And for
that I’m thankful.
I’m still living my junior year, but this year, I
promised myself that I would step up to help some-
one else; I owe it to the women that have helped
me, and the women that will continue to help me.
Sometimes helping another girl is as easy as lend-
ing them something: hair ties, bandaids, mints. And
then sometimes it’s about lending a shoulder of sup-
port; being the person that people want to lean on.
These past two years at Mason, some of my big-
gest role models have been women. I know that
without them, I wouldn’t even be half the person I
am today. So whenever I see another girl in need,
helping her is pure instinct, because sometimes it
feels like if women don’t even support women, no
one else will.
My years at Mason have taught me one, really im-
portant thing: When girls support girls, there really
is everything and more to be achieved.
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