Photo by Tanner Pearson, Ryan D’Souza Vol. 16, Issue 1 | William Mason High School | 6100 Mason Montgomery Road Mason, OH | 9.21.18
PG. 8
Photo by Tanner Pearson
2 News September 21, 2018
Dodd encourages student involvement in academic initiatives
Ria Parikh | Staff Writer Photo by Tanner Pearson
In May 2018, when Principal Bobby New principal Bobby Dodd greets students at the front entrance after his new implementation of safety procedures for the high school building.
Dodd was first introduced as Mason
High School’s new Principal, he said he “It’s very apparent that the students students here really want to go above
wanted to set two major goals: make and beyond what we think traditional
Mason High School more of a commu- here have a lot of great ideas and schooling is.”
nity and give students a voice. a lot of great initiatives
Through his communication with In order to learn more about stu-
students, Dodd has been able to learn Bobby Dodd, Principal dents and facilitate their initiatives,
about their progressive ideas and initia- Dodd said he plans on meeting with
tives, and he has set new policies in through and sticking with projects. “year on security and the amount of multiple other students groups and
place to keep Mason safe and comfort- “Sometimes in bigger schools you entrances and exits. So when I came hearing their ideas about improving
able. can come up with ideas and ways to do here, I noticed that we had a lot of Mason High School. Dodd said he can
When Dodd accepted the job at Ma- things and other people assist, so at a the practices that we used to have at take his experiences from other schools
son, he was attracted to data such as the smaller place I was able to see them Gahanna. There´s some inconvenience and use it to guide student projects.
diversity and amount of opportunities through myself if I had an idea or if I if seniors are parking in the lot there by
for students, but he was also signifi- spoke with a staff (member) or stu- Z pod. Sometimes in this day and age, “A good example would be the Na-
cantly impacted by his first impressions dent,” Dodd said. “I was more hands on. it’s different than 10-15 years ago, where tional Honor Society,” Dodd said. “I met
of the staff and students. So I think those types of experiences you have to take into consideration with them and they were talking about
“(I liked) the diversity, the students’ lend themselves to coming to a place safety so everybody can come here and an idea to have a dance very similar to
success when it comes to different like Mason, and then you have the have a safe learning environment. As something we did at Gahanna, and I
academic areas, also the amount of students or staff to help you carry ideas prinicpal, that’s one of the things I’m was able to give them some ideas and
clubs, organizations for kids, and dif- through.” responsible for.” tell them some things to look for and
ferent opportunities outside of school Through his experiences at Han- By encouraging students to use their try to set up. That’s the biggest thing,
to participate in,” Dodd said. “So once nah Lincoln, his former school, Dodd voices, Dodd said he has learned that for me, is letting that voice come out
I came down for the initial interview, learned about the importance of the student have strong ideas and want and letting the kids know I can help
and I got to see the facilities and the limiting the amount of entrances in to make change. them with whatever form they need
city itself and meet a lot of the students the morning to keep students as safe “I think the biggest thing I found help with.”
and the staff here, to me it was one as possible. Dodd said the intention from the students is they want to make
of those things (where) once you see for this was not to punish seniors with change. They’re very progressive and Dodd said he makes it a point in the
those things together, I could tell it was parking passes but to limit the amount they want to be the ones initiating that morning to either hold the front door
one of the top places in the state--some of empty doors in the morning to bet- change,” Dodd said. “It’s very appar- or stand by the entry way to greet stu-
place I’d like to be the Principal.” ter control security. ent that the students here have a lot of dents. He said his motivation for doing
Dodd said that he considers himself a “I have been fortunate enough to great ideas and a lot of great initia- so is to potentially develop relation-
lifelong learner and strives each day to come from a place like Gahanna Lin- tives. They want to do things that are ships with students and staff members
better himself. coln where it’s a very large building as going to help our school but will also who come in through the front doors.
“I’m constantly reading, and con- well,” Dodd said. “It’s set on a campus help the students and the community,
stantly using social media to learn,” where we really had to put a focus last so those ideas its shown me that the “I think it’s important for me to be
Dodd said. “When I think of the term visible,” Dodd said. “In a school this big,
lifelong learner I think of someone students could say ‘I’ve never seen the
who is constantly working to get better, principal; I’ve never met the principal.’
looking to grow, looking to learn from The students who come in the front
others. Every day I get out of bed and door have an opportunity to speak to
I’m always looking to get better.” me each day. That’s a possibility for
After being in Mason for over a me to build another relationship with
month, Dodd said that he has noticed students, and with staff members that
not only the academic achievement of come through the door.¨
the students, but also their desire to get
involved with the school. It is through
this desire that Dodd has been moti-
vated to support students with their
¨We´ve had maybe one situation
where I´ve had to say ‘Hey, we have
to think about this in a certain light,
can you come back to me after you’ve
talked with some other stakeholders to
see how we can change what your origi-
nal idea was?’ And then we were able to
make it happen,” Dodd said. “I always
try to remain (with the project) when
a student or staff (member) comes to
me that it’s going to be something we
are going to make happen because if
they weren’t passionate about it, they
wouldn’t have come to see if we could
make it happen.”
Coming from a small school in Lex-
ington with close to 550 students, Dodd
said he was able to learn from his expe-
rience at the school about seeing tasks
September 21, 2018 News 3
New director Sleppy wants Marching Band to lead by example
Jake Sapp | Staff Writer build a strong foundation for the future.” New band director Jason Sleppy oversees the band during an after-school practice.
Trevor Nguyen, a new section leader,
With a new director focused on mak- Photos by Jake Sapp
ing major adjustments to the team, said his leadership obligations reflect the The Marching Band performs during halftime of a home football game versus Sycamore.
the Marching Band is determined to goals of the directors for the season.
establish a link between community and
competition. “We’ve had a lot more meetings this
year, and [the directors] have really
Over the last few years, the Mason showed us what they want a leader to
Marching Band has undergone many be,” Nguyen said. “They want a lot of
changes, especially in terms of their the leaders to be involved in more of the
directors. This year, Jason Sleppy is tak- processes that they haven’t necessarily
ing the helm of the band as it’s new head been involved in in previous years.”
director, and ensuring that everything is
running smoothly. Senior Ian Logan is another one of the
returning members of the band as well
Sleppy said his new position, along as a section leader. In his position, he
with the various roles of the band’s feels as though many of the adjustments
members, are overlapped and interde- being made are bettering the team in
pendent on one another. significant ways.
“Everything is very complex and “All of the changes have really been
layered,” Sleppy said. “It’s not one person making us think about how much work
doing one thing and another person it really takes to be where we want to be
doing something else, we all work very in the end,” Logan said. “It’s really moti-
closely with one another to be where we vating us to work harder on all levels, as
want to be.” well as keeping us passionate about the
work that we’re doing.”
With his previous involvement in the
band for over ten years as a percussion While the band may win awards,
director, Sleppy said his history with the Logan believes that there are more
band has made his transition to head important aspects of the season than
director much more seamless. the aspect of competition, a vision that
reflects Sleppy’s hopes for the team
“Before I was the head director, (the environment.
rest of the staff) and I still collaborated
a lot, which allowed me to build a lot of “The directors have been placing a
connections,” Sleppy said. “It really helps heavy emphasis on not just being suc-
to make everything feel very similar to cessful as a band, but being successful
previous years and allows us to work as a community,” Logan said. “The band
fluidly with one another.” isn’t just about winning competitions, it’s
about us as a collective whole and how
Sleppy wants to place a special em- we interact as people.”
phasis on the way that the leadership
interacts with the rest of the program, Despite the changes that the band
utilizing them as a way of interconnect- has faced over the course of the last
ing the whole team. two years, Nguyen is still confident in
the band’s ability to perform and stick
“Leading by example is something together as a cohesive team.
that we have been stressing a lot this
year, because it affects the rest of the ”I think that this year we have a really
band in so many ways,” Sleppy said. “My strong start,” Nguyen said. “We have a
primary focus is keeping everyone in lot of heart going into this year’s show,
sync because that is what will allow us to and I think that is what is going to make
it a great season.
4 News September 21, 2018
Homecoming dance faces changes during middle school renovation
Henri Robbins | Staff Writer
Until recently, the student body Photo by Henri Robbins
has been left in the dark about the (From left) Officer Shawn Ayers speaks with junior Student Government Member David Jashari about safety protocols and room capacity.
many changes to Homecoming.
on bringing a date from Kings High throughout the night rather than the thought it was awesome to showcase
Due to construction at the middle School, started a petition to allow usual playlist-only route StuGo has students in our school.”
school, the dance has been moved to outside guests. Since then, after many taken in the past. Kiss, who is also in
the high school. Senior Taylor Kiss, other students voiced their opinion, Live Music Club, was disappointed by Live Music Club was one of the first
a Student Government Homecom- a new announcement stated that 125 the selection of music in the past, and groups to agree to perform during
ing Chair, said she was wary of the guest spots were now available. decided to come up with an alterna- Homecoming, and will take the first
location change, but she believes it tive. half hour of the dance. Another mem-
will be for the best. “They had just changed it and ber of the club, junior Erin Urbanow-
didn’t give any warning,” Flake said. “Last year in the drink area they icz, said she is excited to perform and
“There’s really nothing else we “Homecoming is meant to be a night had a radio, like a little old radio, with spread publicity.
can do but have it here,” Kiss said. “I for fun and relationships, and they a CD that was playing the worst mu-
think, for me personally, it gives me had just kind of took that away, at sic ever,” Kiss said. “I was like ‘What “I think it’s going to bring more
more to work with decorations-wise. least for some people. I know people if we reached out to school talent and awareness to our club,” Urbanowicz
The space might be better since it’s who have relationships outside of had them play in the learning com- said. “They’re going to be like ‘Oh,
more open, more airflow - I don’t school and they (couldn’t) even bring mons?’ and the advisors loved it, they live music club’s performing today!’
think it’s gonna sweat rain. We don’t their girlfriend.” or ‘Oh, they’re gonna perform next
have to have railings that separate Photo by Henri Robbins Friday, I’ll be there!’”
sections, we won’t have to rent tables Flake’s petition on
and chairs, and we don’t have to put received over 100 online signatures “Homecoming is meant
a tarp down.” within the first hour of posting. He
said he was surprised by the amount to be a night for fun and
The amount of students allowed to of support that it received, and is relationships, and they
attend Homecoming has decreased glad that administration made the had just kind of took
in comparison to last year. Betsy Car- change. that away, at least for
ras, a teacher and adviser of Student some people.
Government, said the restriction is “I feel like it definitely got enough
due to the safety limits imposed by awareness, due to the fact that I had Dawson Flake, Senior
the fire department. multiple people come up to me, ask
me what I was going to do with it, ”
“Last year, we were told we had and they told me to send it to the
one of the largest Homecomings office,” Flake said. “ It got what it
at Mason,” Carras said. “Because of was intended to do done and fixed,
that we had to open up more space and people all helped with it and got
at the middle school. We had more
than one room, and we had some something finished.”
overflow area, too, so we were able
to accommodate big numbers. Since Another addition to Homecom-
we’ve moved it to the high school,
we don’t have the space to accom- ing will be live music performances
modate the large numbers.”
Carras said the school entertained
many ideas, such as hosting outside,
but too many issues arose. The only
solution they had, she said, was to
divide the dance between multiple
areas in the high school.
“What we were able to do was
work with our Fire Marshal and
work with our security people,”
Carras said. “A big concern for it
was whether there would be enough
space, so when the Fire Marshal
came and did the walkthrough, he
was able to open up the area and
give us some suggestions that we
didn’t think about before. For the
most part, it looks like we’re going
to have three of our spaces that are
big: the large commons, the small
commons, and the learning com-
Administration initially an-
nounced that outside guests would
not be permitted to the dance.
Senior Dawson Flake, who planned
September 21, 2018 Feature 5
Multilingual students
experience language
barrier in ESL classes
Lily Geiser | Staff Writer
Understanding everything said in
class can be difficult. But for students
that don't speak English, it can be even
more challenging.
Although there are several hundred
bilingual students at MHS, only about
100 of them are identified as English as
a Second Language (ESL) students. ESL
students are those that require addi-
tional help in their classes due to being
unfamiliar with English. Even among
the ESL students themselves, there is a
wide diversity in the amount and type
of help they require to navigate high
school. Milena Varbanova, the supervi-
sor of the ESL program at the Mason
School District, notes that the school
also has to consider factors other than
English proficiency when helping ESL
“When we talk about ESL students we Photo by Lily Geiser
need to understand that there are huge Sophomore Moroni Montoya Bernal and senior Marwan Sayed collaborate in their English as a Second Language classroom.
differences between them,” Varbanova
said. “We have a lot more kids who high school, explains that challenges program after moving to the United generated, so they didn’t necessar-
come with language needs, but they can come from the way the school is States from Venezuela. Reyes said the ily always have as much support as
have a solid education. However, we structured as much as from past educa- language barrier makes it harder for they could,” Georgeton said. “We just
also have students who come with a tional gaps or limited language him to understand what is happening in couldn’t be everywhere. I feel like we
limited or interrupted education. Even his classes. have a lot of good things in place now,
under the best of circumstances, there “The high school is very different that are new, and feel so much better
are still a lot of needs that need to be than a lot of the other schools, just be- “My first time [at Mason], I couldn’t than a few years ago. I feel like a lot of
addressed.” cause the differences of high school and understand my regular classes,” Reyes people are getting a lot more support.”
needing those graduation requirements said. “All my classes were, for the first
The ne of students at the high school from day one,” Georgeton said. “None time, ESL. So that’s hard because you The language gap affects ESL stu-
level are very different than those at of the other buildings have that.” cannot understand, but with time, the dents not only academically, but also
lower ones, and can sometimes be even teachers can help you.” socially. Many students have difficulties
more severe. Bobbi Georgeton, one of Sophomore Gustavo Reyes is begin- making friends outside of the ESL pro-
the main ESL teachers at the ning his second year in the ESL Having moved to the United States gram. However, Reyes said the relation-
just one month ago, sophomore Alexa
Rodriguez Cazares faces problems ships he has built with native speakers
similar to Reyes. Cazares spent several through the program have helped him
years learning English at her school in to improve his own abilities.
Mexico, but still occasionally finds it “Most of my friends are from the
difficult to communicate and to under- United States,” Reyes. “I have more
stand at school. friends who speak only English, so that
“It’s not the same knowing English as can maybe help me learn to speak. But
living in a place where it’s all English you know many people from differ-
all of the time,” Cazares said. “I know ent countries, so you can make many
English, but not too much. And I don’t friends.”
talk too fast in English, so it’s kind of When it comes to making connec-
difficult. That’s why I’m in ESL.” tions with ESL students, every teacher
Despite the challenges facing ESL and supervisor had the same advice:
students, they can be alleviated thanks just talk to them. Varbanova believes
to help from their learning environ- that the multiculturalism at Mason is a
ment and teachers. Georgeton said that way to learn from others, and to expand
the ESL program has improved since students’ knowledge of the world beyond
she first arrived at Mason, and she is this little corner in southwestern Ohio.
able to help her students endure high “They’re right here,” Varbanova said.
school more effectively than in years “Often, we look from our point of view
past. and say, ‘oh, they don’t know this and
“When I first came here eight years this’, but they know all this and this that
Photo by Lily Geiser ago, the students were just put in all the we don’t know. We have the opportunity
Sophomores Alexa Cazares and Andres Enriquez collaborate during their ESL class. typical classes with everyone, and the to learn about other countries from
classrooms were just kind of computer people who know that country the best.”
6 Feature September 21, 2018
Lorenz aids Cincinnati foster children through family nonprofit
Sophia Johnson | Staff Writer Lorenz has consistently had a Junior Leah Lorenz prepares blankets, books and hygienic products for a welcome bag.
significant involvement in Warm Lorenz packs a specific welcome bag designated for a boy aged between 14 and 18.
From fostering kids to fostering Welcomes and continues to help her Lorenz updates inventory after putting together several welcome bags. Photos by Sophia Johnson
an organization, the Lorenz family is parents with this growing nonprofit
working to treat every child as their own. organization.
Junior Leah Lorenz and her family “I started out as the child ambassador
are making sure local foster kids are where I would go with my mom to
at home with their family founded schools, events, and churches, and I
outreach program, Warm Welcomes, a would speak to them. I’ve spoken for
nonprofit organization that provides basic multiple grant organizations where I just
necessities for kids in foster care. explained what we are and what we do,”
Lorenz said. “I also am now transitioning
According to the Ohio Department into the social media coordinator for
of Job and Family Services, over 15,000 Warm Welcomes. I am going to be
children are currently living in foster running the Twitter, Instagram, and
care in Ohio. This is often due to children Facebook, so It has been pretty hands on.”
being neglected, abused, or raised by
unfit parents. These kids are not given all Cofounder Krista Lorenz said when
of the resources others may have, both she started Warm Welcomes with her
through emotional support and physical husband in 2013, they were unsure of
necessities. where it would lead them, but through
the success, have continued to keep the
Lorenz said her families’ desire to help idea of what Warm Welcomes stands for.
kids in the foster care system is what
caused them to foster and later adopt into “Warm Welcomes was out of our
their own family. Having the ability to basement five years ago, where we
make an impact on the lives of children were just collecting backpacks and
in foster care is what motivated the adding some necessities into it. Then we
family to start Warm Welcomes. started thinking about three key things:
encourage, enrich and empower. The
“We have always been passionate about encouragement piece of it is our welcome
foster care because my two youngest bags. Then enrichment is we host parties
sisters have been adopted from foster four to six times a year every couple
care,” Lorenz said. “We have always months. Empowerment is where we want
found it a little odd how Child Protective kids that are in foster care to also get
Services (CPS) would come to their door, opportunities to give back.”
get the child, and the child would have to
put what little they had into a plastic trash Along with being able to reach out to
bag. We decided that’s not acceptable.” more kids, Lorenz said they focus on also
changing the image of how many people
Lorenz said Warm Welcomes focuses think of kids in foster care.
on what many other people may seem to
overlook by supplying crucial supplies to “We’re just trying to look at those little
the children in foster care. details that were missed along the way,
because oftentimes, when there is a crisis
“Imagine leaving everything you’ve involved, survival mode kicks in. What we
ever known, going to a new house, not want to do is provide those other things
knowing where your toothbrush is, not that we provide to our own kids,” Lorenz
knowing if you have any deodorant, not said. “Instead of saying foster kids, we say
having any body wash,” Lorenz said. “So, kids in foster care because what we want
we provide bags for those children and as an organization is people to start seeing
it comes with things that they need or the kids first, not their circumstances
would help comfort them in this really first.”
hard time.”
The Mason community has also made
Junior Emily Holcombe found a large impact on the goals they have
involvement in Warm Welcomes as a strived for, Lorenz said. She will continue
volunteer who helped participate in to use every opportunity to spread
packing welcome bags. These bags are awareness about children in foster care.
given to kids when they first enter the
foster care system in order to provide “People may be looking at adopting
kids with something they can claim as from elsewhere, and going from afar
their own. Holcombe said the process was but they don’t recognize the need here
fun and simple, creating an easy way for in Cincinnati all around us. Being able
everyone to serve. to be part of Warm Welcomes, know
what we stand for, and spreading that
“You just take backpacks and get slips to other people when I’m just having a
of paper that say the age. There’s massive conversation with them, has brought in a
bins full of books, crayons, and all kinds lot of volunteers and donations,” Lorenz
of stuff like that for the kids. Then you said. “It has made an impact on our
put a note in and hang the backpacks up,” growth and how many we can help.”
Holcombe said.
September 21, 2018 7
8 Feature September 21, 2018
Young Muslim women make decison on
traditional religious veil
Photos by Tanner PearsonAYESHA CHAUDHRY CHOOSES Kaelyn Rodriguez | Staff Writer of the message behind it. That was (the) first
TO NOT WEAR A HIJAB. When senior Zara Kabir started to feel unat- time I even questioned why I started wearing
TO WEAR A HIJAB tached from her faith, she began wearing a
hijab. If she had not been bullied, Chaudhry said,
she likely would have continued to wear a
The Hijab, a headcovering worn in public hijab since she would not have been initiated
by some Muslim women, has been tradition- to reexamine the decision she made when she
ally worn by Muslim girls and women to show started wearing it in fifth grade.
modesty, which is a common value of the
Islamic faith. Kabir, who has been wearing a “(It’s) kind of insane to me that I would’ve
hijab daily since July, said she had not worn kept living in ignorance,” Chaudhry said. “Ob-
one earlier because she worried about being viously that was a terrible experience for me
judged. and it makes me super insecure to this day, but
in a way it was still a blessing because it forced
“I’m a people person,” Kabir said. “I like talk- me to open my eyes.”
ing to new people and one thing I hate is when
you can see somebody judge you. So I was According to the Pew Research Center, about
kind of scared to do it freshman, sophomore, 48 percent of Muslim women in America do
or junior year, but senior year I was like, ‘you not cover their hair. Junior Hafsah Malik does
know what, this is a stupid reason to not wear it not wear a hijab and said she does not plan to
if I think I want to.’” in the future because it was not prominent dur-
ing her upbringing.
Kabir did not feel as connected to her faith
without the hijab, but by wearing one, she “In the culture and community I grew up
said she felt closer and more connected to her in, wearing a hijab wasn’t really emphasized,”
religion. Malik said. “Where my parents grew up, in
Pakistan, they respected the fact that hijab
“Personally with my faith I kind of felt like was a choice between a person and their faith
I was losing it,” Kabir said. “I wasn’t praying and did not emphasize wearing it that much.
as often, and in Islam you’re supposed to pray Although, there are many people who wear the
five times a day. I kind of thought to myself if I hijab in Pakistan. It’s to each its own.”
wore the hijab, then it would be like a remind-
er to me every time I looked in the mirror (to) Though she does not wear one, Malik said
embrace it fully.” she thinks the meaning behind the hijab,
explained in Islam’s holy book, the Quran, is
Sophomore Ayesha Chaudhry began to wear more empowering than demeaning as some
a hijab in fifth grade before coming to Mason. believe it to be.
She said she started wearing it because she saw
others around her doing so, not because of its “The hijab is not just something for conser-
significance in Islam. vancy,” Malik said. “People say (women) wear
the hijab to be oppressed, but it’s the opposite.
“In fifth grade I went to an all Islamic In the book, it says that it’s more towards (the)
school,” Chaudhry said. “My teachers and feminism side where women are more empow-
friends (wore) hijab, so it just seemed like the ered. Women wear it because they’re so strong
thing to do. I didn’t really look at the religious in their faith that they’re willing to give up
significance behind it or what it might mean to that part of their self for God.”
me spiritually.”
Although it is common in Islam, Kabir said
Since most of her friends wore hijabs at her wearing a hijab is not the only way to practice
previous school, Chaudhry said she did not modesty.
expect other classmates at Mason to treat her
differently because of her hijab. “In Islam, hijab is basically modesty,” Kabir
said. “There are different ways that you can be
“I had never been to a public school, so I modest, that’s why a lot of muslim girls don’t
didn’t even think people would react weirdly actually wear hijab. That doesn’t mean that
to it,” Chaudhry said. “But then people started they’re bad Muslims obviously, it’s just the
making fun of it. Not just my hijab, but also level of modesty that you want to go to.”
other parts of my religion. I wore baggy
clothes and I wore a lot of clothes because Malik said that Allah, the Arabic word for
you’re supposed to be modest and cover up, God, believes forcing women to wear the hijab
and I just got made fun of a lot (so) I stopped is wrong and that wearing a hijab is a decision
wearing it.” that women should make for themselves.
After her experiences with being bullied, “The hijab is a choice,” Malik said. “It is
Chaudhry said she realized that wearing a written in the book as a choice, but some more
hijab was not right for her. strict communities believe that every girl
should wear it, even though forcing someone
“I understand why people wear it and their to wear the hijab is seen (as) very wrong in the
reasoning behind it and the religious signifi- eyes of God. My mom doesn’t wear the hijab,
cance, but for me it was never about the reli- my mom’s mom doesn’t wear it, but it’s still
gious significance (or) importance behind it,” my choice at the end of the day. My upbring-
Chaudhry said. “When I started looking more ing and community have taught me to make
and more into it, I realized that it wasn’t really my own choice and to wear the hijab to bring
cut out for me. I didn’t really agree with some myself closer to God-- not because someone
told me to.”
September 21, 2018 Feature 9
Communing with nature a way to decompress for MHS students
Alex Lisa | Staff Writer Kaufold said the tradition started how to build shelter, I know how to find a lighter and then some paper towels
To senior Elric Nijakowski, the wilder- before he was born. The family was clean water and make food the right to start the fire, and we bought a plastic
prompted to get together for the first way so that you don’t get sick,” Kaufold tablecloth as our shelter. It was so much
ness isn’t just a place to camp out, it’s time after the death of Kaufold’s great said. “I think I could survive on my own fun.”
his second home. grandfather, and have been coming for a while if I needed to. I’ve almost
back ever since. had to a few times; I’ve definitely gotten Nijakowski enjoys the unexpected
Hiking and camping take a lot of lost more than once and had to find my and challenging himself, which he said
dedication, whether it is in the form “Originally it started because my way back.” plays a large role in why he has such a
of time or physical exertion. Not to be grandpa’s dad passed away, so they got passion for the outdoors.
confused with summer camp activities, the whole family together and went Along with skills he can brag about,
these students have to learn to ration camping; that was when my dad was Nijakowski said he has racked up a lot “I love that there’s no technology;
food, pace mile-long expeditions, and ten years old,” Kaufold said. “Every year of stories over the course of his years. you have no idea what nature is go-
tackle trails that take days to complete. ing to throw at you,” Nijakowski said.
It becomes difficult to schedule those Photos by Tanner Pearson “There are really few people who get to
week-long trips once the school year see nature [like I do], in the thick of it.
begins, but autumn is the prime season Senior Elric Nijakowski demonstrates his methods for starting a fire with no matches. And I still don’t know what I’m going
for hiking and camping according to to get.”
sources like ReserveAmerica and the since then the whole family goes. It’s “There was this thing called the ‘$20
Old Farmer’s Almanac. chaotic, like, thirty people all coming Challenge’ where you have nothing but His history of hardore hiking has
and we don’t camp out in cabins or the clothes that you wear and you go also prepared Nijakowski for his future,
Senior Elric Nijakowski, who has been anything, we all build our own campsite to the Dollar store with $20, and buy since he is enlisted in the army.
hiking trails like the Appalachian Trail in the middle of nowhere.” what you need to survive one night in
for five years, said that he seizes every the forest,” Nijakowski said. “I thought “The most serious hiking I’ve done
opportunity he can get, even amidst the Kaufold’s experiences through the that was too weak, so my friends and I was 22 miles in a day, with a 30-40 lb.
busy school schedule. years have helped him to build skills of did it with $10. All we ate was hotdogs, pack on my back,” Nijakowski said.
which he can be personally proud. we drank a gallon of water, we bought “I’ve done some trails that are five to
“Every break or extended weekend, six days. When I went to basic training,
I’m looking at whether I have enough “I know how to start a fire, I know you hike everywhere. There were a lot
time to get out there,” Nijakowski said. of people who couldn’t carry their own
“I’ve come late into school a couple of weight; It’s physical work for a long
times, or left early, but I’ve tried to be period of time, so if you haven’t been
pretty adamant about not missing a full doing it, it takes a lot of getting used
day of school. It gets stressful, trying to to.”
fit homework in around it, but [I don’t
care].” Nijakowski said he knows camping
isn’t for everyone; however, he also
Senior Jaydon Kaufold, who has been thinks that doing it just once can have a
hiking for most of his life, said addition- lasting impact on everyone.
al complications come up because he
tends to go with his family and friends. “I find it a challenge, to try and go
without necessities,” Nijakowski said.
“There are a couple intermittent trips “It’s given me such a different outlook.
throughout the year, and then we have Like in basic training, I just sat there
one big one every year,” Kaufold said. with my rifle and stared at the woods
“It’s like a family reunion, so we get our all night. I didn’t get to sleep, but it was
whole family and set up tents and ham- fun because I was staring at the woods.
mocks and all that. It’s been a tradition You have a deeper appreciation. If you
for about 37 years, so I’ve been doing it really want to experience nature, just
my whole life.” get out there with yourself and a tarp.”
Photo by Tanner Pearson
Junior Tho mas Web er stands i n front of Photo by Tanner Pearson
Nthijeakcoawr hskei rdeicsepnlatylysawdhdaetda normal camping setup looks like for him. He carries everything he needs, including a foldable tent, pots for cooking, and even rope for climbing.
10 September 21, 2018
September 21, 2018 Culture 11
BITE OF Senior
Tina Sandhu
Kidney Bean Curry “I love cooking North
Indian food because it’s
one of the few ways I
continue to stay true to
my culture,” Sandhu
said. “The recipes I
learned to make have
been passed down
from my ancestors
back in India and are
very important to my
family. I learned to
cook from my grandma
and will always cherish
the memories I have
created from cooking.”
Compiled by Ryan D’Souza, Tanner Pearson, Luke Hutchinson
Sandhu makes kidney bean curry after preparing a paste commonly used as the base of Indian foods that includes tomatoes, onions, garlic ginger, and a mix of spices.
12 Feat
Gaskin shines in social media spotlight, showcases music to hund
Della Johnson | Staff Writer Gaskin said. “So, when I released the me,” Gaskin said. “To come here, this singing for as long as he can remember,
Over 150 thousand listeners have song, (Insanity) I knew it was going to school is way bigger and there are more he only recently turned it into his full
pressed play on senior Darius Gaskin’s do fairly well. But, I didn’t at all think kids in the school. I was completely time career by utilizing social media
career. that it was going to have the amount removed from my comfortability that and developing a fan base.
Since releasing his debut single of feedback that it did. It’s just so nice I had in Wisconsin, with all my friends
“Insanity” on August 10, Gaskin has to see, because I have wanted to do this and everything.” “I actually have been singing my
accumulated hundreds of thousands of my whole life. When I released my first whole life,” Gaskin said. “I didn’t think
views on YouTube and Spotify, both of single ever, it got a hundred thousand Gaskin said that though he has been anything of it, because everyone sings
which he has also gained a multitude of views in a couple days. I found that re-
followers on. ally heartwarming.”
The massive exposure was partially
due to the fact that the video was posted On Gaskin’s personal channel,
on Gaskin’s mom’s channel, titled It’sDarius, his most popular video has
Bloveslife, which was already comprised gained over 200 thousand views since
of 800 thousand subscribers. Despite his posted. Gaskin just recently moved
mother’s fame, Gaskin said he was still here; his channel was made in his small
surprised by the amount of attention he hometown in Wisconsin. Gaskin said the
received. size of the school overwhelmed him in
“My whole family does YouTube,” comparison to what he was used to.
“At my old school, I knew everybody
in my senior class, and everybody knew
ture 13
Photos by Tanner Pearson
Senior Darius Gaskin records, edits and distributes his music all in his room.
dreds of thousands of listeners through streaming platforms
to themselves, it’s whatever. But I just that. We worked together on that and end of this year or by the first quarter different from Insanity because I make
always found myself making my own I’m really happy with the final product. of 2019,” Gaskin said. “That’s in the a variety of music styles. I’m really try-
stuff. Really recently, a couple months Way happier than I was with how I did works right now, even though it’s much ing to find my sound and that takes a
ago, I actually started making my own it myself.” harder because I’m trying to juggle little bit of experimenting. I think today,
music.” work and school. When I released my now more than ever, many artists aren’t
Like other online personalities, first single, it was easier. I had the sum- sticking to the standard molds that
With many professional songs, Gaskin said he receives hate, sometimes mer, and I would’ve just been doing genres put us in. And to me, that makes
production occurs with professional lyri- from people he does not know. nothing, so. I had time to write and music sounds more organic. As for my
cists and audio mixers. But with Gaskin, everything, and now I’m trying to write next single I think it takes more of a
the early production was majorly done “People just say the most vile things,” and do school. I know it’s going to be chill pop vibe.”
on his own, with help from a studio Gaskin said. “Every day, I wake up to difficult with AP classes, trying to put
producer. several Instagram Direct Messages all my stuff together.” Gaskin said once more people know
(DM) from people I don’t know at all, about his large online presence, he does
“I did it all at home,” Gaskin said. “I across the nation. You wouldn’t believe Despite his slowed progress on not want to be treated differently.
created the beat and I wrote the lyrics, I it. People are really mean behind a producing an album, Gaskin is close to
did everything myself. Essentially, what computer screen; they just say whatever releasing another single. He said that it “Most people don’t know about my
I was going to originally do was make they want to say.” will have a different sound than ‘Insan- music,” Gaskin said. “So far, the people
it all by myself, then go to a record- ity’ due to his trying to find his voice as who do know haven’t treated me any
ing studio just to get it fine-tuned. But, Gaskin plans to release more music an artist. differently than I was treated in Wis-
when I got there, the producer was like, in the coming months. However, he said consin. It’s just my career choice. I’m no
‘I could really help improve the song his progress on a debut album is being “I’m coming out with a new single re- different than anybody else.”
by adding a better beat,’ and stuff like impeded by the start of school. ally soon,” Gaskin said. “It’s going to be
“I want to release an EP either at the
14 September 21, 2018
September 21, 2018 Arts and Entertainment 15
art with a message
Local group paints mural in
support of common ground
Photo by Tanner Pearson Andrea Hefferan | Online Editor of their mural with that of Common
Senior Taylor Kling paints a butterfly on the downtown Mason mural Ground.
to represent Common Ground. With the simple stroke of a brush,
three Mason High School students are “We were excited about working with
painting a picture that they hope will them because basically the Common
help the Mason Community. Ground’s park, it’s an all-inclusive play-
ground that they’re trying to develop,
The MADE (Mason Deerfield) for and their symbol is the butterfly, which
Authentic Leadership organization will is their symbol of inclusion,” Harper
be painting an interactive mural on said. “Butterflies are also visually ap-
the back wall of the ROYAL Theatre pealing, so we wanted to do this interac-
Company and Muennich’s Inc. Auto tive mural thing, and we wanted to get
Repair Service in downtown Mason to involved, so that just seemed like the
add spirit and color to the city. Senior perfect balance.”
Grace Koesters, who is part of the group,
said they are doing this to attract more The mural was originally supposed
high school age students to the down- to be finished last year, but by the time
town area. they had gotten approval for the project
and had all their research, it was too late
“Our project last year was to figure in the year to begin painting. For Koes-
out a way on how to revive downtown ters, the setbacks they faced made the
Mason and make people feel more like project more frustrating, but ultimately
it’s their community,” Koesters said. “So more rewarding in the end.
we did a lot of research over the year,
and one of the things we came up with “If I had to choose a hardest part, I
was to add art in downtown Mason, spe- would say sticking with the project and
cifically student art, because we thought not giving up, because it did take two
that would be a cool way to tie the high years to get something done,” Koesters
school into the older community.” said. “That isn’t a typical thing a high
school student has to deal with. This is
Senior Taylor Kling is the master an ongoing thing that we did; we started
behind the design. The process, from in the spring of 2017 and it’s just now
coming up with ideas to adjusting her getting finished in the fall in 2018.”
design to the city’s specifications, took
her about two months. She said the Despite hardships, the mural has been
most difficult part was making a piece a learning experience for the members
that will work for a variety of people. of the organization. Advisor of the
MADE for Authentic Leadership team,
“One of the major design issues we Debbie Gentene said that while she is
had to work around was the fact that in charge of the organization, it was the
they wanted to do huge butterfly wings students who took the mural from an
for people, and we had to pay attention idea to reality.
to the fact that people are all different
shapes, and sizes, and heights,” Kling “I didn’t want to be that coach or that
said. “We wanted something that could teacher standing over them, delegating
be accessible for everybody, which was tasks,” Gentene said. “I wanted them to
difficult to work around because some figure it out amongst themselves. And
people are really, tall and others are re- so most of the projects they’ve worked
ally short, and you wanted to find a nice on entirely on their own.”
median for the sizes of the butterflies.”
The team’s excitement about the mu-
The design of the mural, butterfly ral is spreading to MHS students; they
wings, was very intentional. The MADE are looking forward to the new scenery
for Authentic Leadership team decided as well. Junior Anna Attal said she loves
to use this as the design to support Com- the idea is sure to visit it soon.
mon Ground, a project to build a play-
ground for people of all abilities. Senior “I think the mural is a really smart
Amanda Harper said that by using the idea,” Attal said. “It’s a cool way to get
wings, they are aligning the message people to come to downtown Mason (to)
explore and walk around and see some-
thing cool while they’re there.”
16 Entertainment September 21, 2018
via Twitter Poll @MHSchronicle
47% 103 JUICE WRLD
Verdict Juice WRLD came on the hip-hop
scene this summer with his debut
The third Avengers film took home 103 of the total 219 student votes album “Goodbye and Good Rid-
for best film of the summer. Infinity War is the culmination of 10 dance” and has been topping the
years of Marvel movies. The film took home over $2 Billion at the box charts ever since. Juice WRLD, real
office and featured over 20 beloved Marvel superheroes. (R.I.P.) name Jarad Higgins, now averages
over 20 million monthly listeners
#2 INCREDIBLES 2 4%#3 on Spotify. His most popular single,
Mission Impossible “Lucid Dreams” has accumalated
46% 388,856,157 hits since it’s release on
FALLOUT May 23rd.
101 votes
via Instagram Poll @MHSchronicle
“The world has enough su- When the guest features are the
perheroes” is the montra 47% 53% best part of a mixtape, you’ve got
for ‘Venom’, Sony’s latest a problem. YBN: The Mixtape had
attempt at a superhero YES NO little of the intoxicating flows and
movie starring Tom Hardy. loud personalities the crew is
After Sony’s ‘The Amaz- known for. Instead we received
ing Spiderman’ universe lackluster bars sandwiched
flopped, fans are curious between grating choruses for the
to see how the studio will majority of the mixtape.
handle the famous comic
book villain’s portrayal. Review by Ryan D’souza
Page by Jacob Brase
Sports17 September 21, 2018
To Play
photo by Tanner Pearson or not
Junior Quarterback Collin Brown
is a three sport athlete. He plays To Play
football, basketball, and baseball
In an age of specialization many photo by Tanner Pearson
athletes face a difficult decision in their After playing volleyball for three years Florida State basketball commit Sammie Puisis decided to
high school sports career, they must focus on basketball during her senior year.
make a decision to specialize or diversify
Matthew Smith | Staff Writer hinder the development of the ath- burned out after a certain amount of said playing more than one sport sepa-
Mason athletes are split over the idea lete’s skill. Collin Brown, Mason’s start- time,” Brown said. “Playing the same rates himself from another recruit.
that less is more. ing quarterback, said he is not worried sport year-round, I don’t know how
Some have decided that playing about losing time he could dedicate you can do that, I would need a break. Playing more than one can help you
multiple sports is what they want to do to football, as he plays basketball and That’s a big reason why I don’t only get recruited,” Brown said. “Different
as an athlete, even if their future and baseball as well. play football. With basketball, I usu- sports bring out a different ability,
potential college career rests in the ally want a break between baseball especially basketball, where it really
hands of one certain sport. Others have “I don’t worry about not having and football, but once the season gets helps with your agility and quickness.
decided that they need to put all their enough time for football,” Brown said. going, my love for the season grows as Recruiters will look for multi-sport
attention into one sport, the one they “I enjoy other sports, and I would like well.” athletes because of that.”
know will carry them to a scholarship to play all three throughout high
or more playing time. school.” While multi-sport athletes are always High school coaches have also picked
Either route can have heavy impacts. changing their game, athletes who up on this trend. Head football coach
Greater Miami Conference Girls Bas- Multi-sport athletes may also have only play one could get bored, or over- Brian Castner said that in his experi-
ketball Player of the Year Sammie Pui- a greater risk of potential injuries. worked in their constant routine. Puisis ence with the recruiting process, ath-
sis said she needs all the time she can Brown, however, said he has no fear of said she has been sure to move slow in letes who have played more than one
get in order to train for the collegiate injury, as he understands the risks that her transition to focus solely on basket- sport get the most attention, which is
basketball level. Thus, she decided to are involved. ball to dodge this potential feeling. why he advises his players to do so.
give up volleball this year.
“Once I committed to Florida State, I “I don’t worry about injuries; baseball “When I played volleyball, it was “You can find many coaches that are
thought it would be better for me to fo- isn’t too violent,” Brown said. “Basket- good that I had a break from basketball at the collegiate level that will say they
cus on basketball, since I have only one ball you could do something to your so I don’t play year-round,” Puisis said. want multiple sport athletes; it’s a fact,”
more year to prepare for the collegiate legs, but that’s sports. I don’t worry “This is the first time I’m not playing Castner said. “Whether it’s a basketball,
level,” Puisis said. “Practicing volley- about that.” volleyball, so I’m hoping I don’t get baseball, or football coach, it doesn’t
ball everyday after school and having burnt out. I have already taken a little matter. I think it’s a great a thing, the
games on the weekends, I was never Brown said he prefers playing mul- bit of a break from basketball to avoid more multiple sport players you have
able to get up shots at the gym.” tiple sports because he needs a break from that happening.” on your team, the better off you will be.
Less time being put into a sport can from football. Often, his motivation Not just initially, but also in the long
to play basketball is generated as an Many high school athletes feel colleg- run. You’re going to see a lot of growth
escape from football and baseball, and es will prefer that their players came because those players have been in
then he finds himself enjoying the from multi-sport backgrounds. Brown multiple pressure situations.”
“Playing one sport, you can get
“You can find many coaches that are at the
collegiate level that will say they want
multiple sport athletes; it’s a fact.
Brian Castner, Head Football Coach
18 Sports September 21, 2018
Logan Dalton
Johan Meyer Junior Sebastian Amaya shows his Stats and ranks as of September 15, 2018
STATS - spirit from the black hole Mason’s
Time of 16:11.56, football win over Oak Hills.
GMC rank 2
Julanna Zhang
38.00 average,
GMC rank 1
4.54 Kills Per Game for Senior Volleyball
player Maggie King
204 Rushing Yards by running back Nolan
McCormick in a win over Oak Hills
19:08 GMC leading running time for Girls
Cross Country runner Maddie Ullom
19 Sports September 21, 2018
Tennis team
focused on
a repeat
After making Photo by Tanner Pearson
history in 2017 Mason junior tennis player Ananya Aggarwal returns a shot in a match earlier this season. Aggarwal and the Comets are currently one of the top
with a state ranked teams in the state of Ohio.
tennis team Magnificat where we won closely despite ing to be handling pressure at state and Photo by Tanner Pearson
looks to serve not playing our best lineup, which gives bigger matches” said Aggarwal. “If any
up another us confidence that we can take them team can do it though, it’s us because Mason junior tennis player Megan Li sets up
milestone in down at state, because they are our big- we are experienced under pressure and
2018 gest competition,” said Aggarwal. know what it takes.” for a return shot against Walnut Hills earlier
Rahul Parikh | Sports Editor The Comets’ hot start is even more Despite having no seniors on the team this season.
impressive since they are dealing with the Comets aren’t lacking in the lead-
They’re not satisfied. the absence of a key component from ership department. Junior co-captains The Comets roster is bolstered by tal-
After winning a state team title a year last year’s team. State qualifier and con- Emma Kruse and Sanjana Reddy have ented underclassmen like Raina Chada
ago the Mason Comets girls tennis team ference champion Jamie Kim elected to assumed the role of leading the team and Annie Kruse, who could play an in-
wants another championship. bypass this season. While it can be a chal- and providing much needed support strumental role in the Comets’ efforts to
Six players return from last year’s’ lenge to replace a player of Kim’s caliber for their teammates. Junior Megan Li repeat as champs.
state title team. Standout Juniors Anan- Reddy believes the Comets will be able believes the leadership provided by the
ya Aggarwal and co-captain Sanjana to step up and fill her shoes. junior captains has helped the team stay “The freshman and sophomores like
Reddy, give the Comets the depth and consistent and focused. Annie and Raina have really been awe-
experience to repeat as champions. “Jamie was obviously our best player some so far this year,” said Aggarwal. “If
Reddy believes the Comets are capa- last year and losing her was tough, but “It’s amazing how even when you they continue to keep up their strong
ble of winning another state champion- we know that we will be able to produce have a bad match or don’t play your best, play, and the rest of us do our job, there’s
ship similar results without her because of Sanjana and Emma and the entire team no limit on what we can accomplish this
“I think that there is no doubt we have our talent and experience,” said Reddy is there to support you, and make us feel year.”
the ability to return to state,” said Reddy. so much better,” Li said.
“It’s looking to be a good year with ev- While the Comets have a goal of win-
eryone we’ve got and we have the talent ning another GMC title, the team feels A return trip to state and another state
to do it” their stiffest competition in their efforts title will be dependent on the Comets
The Comets are ranked number one to repeat as state championships comes learning from their mistakes. Reddy
in the state with a 14-1 record and are from the deeper teams throughout the believes the Comets need to be resilient
the team to beat in the Greater Miami state of Ohio. Aggarwal says that the even when faced with setbacks.
Conference. Following a season opening team’s biggest challenge to overcome
loss against perennial state power Ha- will be playing teams from other parts “My freshman year we lost state, which
thaway Brown the Comets have rattled of Ohio such as Magnificat, and keeping was tough but we were able to analyze
off 12 straight wins, including impressive composure under pressure at the state our mistakes and learn from what we did
victories over Dublin Jerome and Mag- tournament. wrong, which helped us in winning state
nificat. Aggarwal said the victory over
Magnificat was the biggest win so far “Our biggest challenge this year is go- last year because we understood and
this year. acknowledged our errors,” said Reddy.
“We had a super tight match against
September 21, 2018 Feature 20
Entrepreneurs support nationwide dog shelters through nonprofit
Riley Johansen | Staff Writer
No dog will ever go cold again if Tia Photo by Riley Johansen
Sack and Ben Satterthwaite have any- Sophomore Tia Sack utilized her love for fashion design to create blankets through her shared nonprofit entitled The Furry Friends Warmth Project.
thing to do with it.
“To make one blanket, it takes only ultimate goal is to brighhen the setting seeing how bored and alone the dogs
Sack, a sophomore, and her cousin a few minutes to cut, and about four that shelter dogs are kept in and to were,” Sack said. “Most were alone in
Ben have paired together to create minutes to sew,” Sack said. “if I took give love back to the places that both a room, with nobody to be with them
the Furry Friends Warmth Project, a the time to sit down for awhile, I could her and Satterthwaite met their furry or keep them company at night. I hope
nonprofit organization intending to first make about ten in a day.” friends. “We just saw all the dogs that that these blankets would help keep
collect old and new fabrics and then de- were in the shelter when we got our these dogs warm at night since they
sign and sew blankets for shelter dogs Sack also added that her and Sat- own dogs, and how heartbreaking it was don’t have anyone else to.”
all over America. terthwaite plan to travel to Chicago to
donate their blankets to a larger orga- Photo by Riley Johansen
Sack said the idea to create the non- nization which has previously delivered Sack and Satterthwaite collect and purchase patterned fabrics to sew into fleeced blankets.
profit sparked from her love of sewing over 63,000 blankets to shelter animals.
and fashion design through classes
taken at Mason. In combination with “The blankets that we make are
her and Satterthwaite’s mutual love of going to go to a larger organization
dogs, their project was able to begin called Comfort for Critters” Sack said.
flourishing “The cool thing about it is that once the
dogs are given the blankets, they get to
“I was looking around at the fabric keep them after they get adopted. The
store one day and saw all of the fleeces, organization needs at least 800 blankets
and then I just started sewing them,” a month, which is a lot. They’re based
Sack said. “That’s when Ben and I came in Chicago, but they have a bunch of
together and decided to make this our shelters all over the U.S. that you can
little project. We both love dogs, and I donate to, but we’re planning to go to
just really like the fashion aspect of it Chicago to donate once we have a lot.”
too. I like watching my designs come
to life.” Satterthwaite said he is looking
forward to the joy he can provide to the
Satterthwaite was quick to join the animals he loves as well as continuing
process, contacting those he knew to their project after Chicago.
collect money to buy new fabrics and
thread to create the blankets, then “I started doing this because I just
handing over the cut fabrics to Sack. like the idea of making dogs feel better,
because Tia and I both have dogs that
“Our goal is to make around 200 to we love,” Satterthwaite said. “Right now
300 blankets for dogs by the holidays,” we are planning to keep doing this after
Satterthwaite said. the holidays and hope we can continue
doing it for a while. Sack said the
“To do that, I go out and I collect
money from family or friends, and use
that to get the fabric, and then I will
cut out the fabric and give it to Tia who
will sew it into a double-sided fleece
Once Sack has received the collected
or newly bought fabric, she said she be-
gins to sew it together and can usually
complete many in one sitting.
Photo by Tanner Pearson
Sack’s and Satterthwaite’s blankets are don-
tated to dog shelters across the United States.
September 21, 2018 Opinion 21 Staff Editorial
disservices students Nike cashed in on Kaepernick controversy
and teachers alike Everyone’s seen it. “Believe in something, even if it means sacrific-
“Believe in something. Even if it means sacri- ing everything”, sounds like a call to political
Henri Robbins | ficing everything.” action. By exploiting injustice for profit, Nike is
Staff Writer Nike’s recent advertisement, which revealed undermining the causes it declares to support.
a new partnership with former 49er’s quarter- How does social justice and equality have any-
When you got your class schedule, you were back Colin Kaepernick, who knelt during the thing to do with running shoes anyway?
probably inclined to ask other students which pre-game national anthem in August 2016,
teachers were good or bad. triggered a rapid social media response. All “Is Nike right or wrong?” The argument
throughout Twitter and Instagram, everyone is truly irrelevant. The company didn’t pick
Most likely you got a range from “I loved their felt the need to either support Nike, or to con- Kaepernick because they felt motivated by his
class!” to “I couldn’t stand the way they taught,” demn them. political cause. They picked him because they
with a bunch of answers along the lines of “I People made up their minds fast. like making money.
haven’t had them, but…” mixed in. In a matter of hours—or even minutes—
hundreds of thousands of people tweeted their There is nothing wrong with letting people
So often, students will assume that a teacher is stance. Hundreds of thousands of people were know how you feel. But consider for a second
good or bad solely off of what other students say, quick to share with a hundred thousand more. what you’re actually protesting before you post
without experiencing their class or teaching style The protesters burnt their shoes. The sup- it.
for themselves. Rumors are then spread that are porters ordered more shoes. Media outlets
usually off the mark or baseless, since the major- called it a “bold political statement” and said This is where a serious problem lies within
ity of students who speak negatively of a class are Nike is “speaking out” on politics. The people society; we often feel the need to spew out our
ones who barely try, or challenge the teacher on proclaimed that Nike had taken a “huge risk”. thoughts rather than think for even a minute.
every point. Yet, days later, business was thriving for It’s time we recall our kindergarten days and
Nike. Better than ever. remember to think before we type. As cliche as
This game of telephone that amplifies horror That’s because they never truly took a risk. it may sound, this could help shrink the divi-
stories throughout the school is often worsened by Nike clearly took advantage of a hot-button sion that so many politicians are talking about
the site ‘RateMyTeachers’, where students can re- social issue to promote their brand. They made nowadays.
view and score any teacher they have. This website a calculated business decision. One they knew
has the same issue as any other form of online would pay off in the long run, and it has not Politics, of course, are invading every aspect
reviewer: it accentuates the outliers. taken long for them to reap the rewards. of our lives, at least under the Trump admin-
After their stock dropped one percent (over isrtation. It started with entertainment, with
A large amount of feedback will either be ex- $5 billion), they quickly regained shares and notable moments like Meryl Streep’s speech to
tremely praiseful or completely disparaging, since ended up improving with an even higher value Trump during the 2017 Golden Globes. But now
the people who have been impacted the most by than before. Nike’s online sales have jumped 31 politics have even become a part of sports and
a subject or issue tend to actually write about it. percent, and those sales are projected to only commercial businesses.
This means the views of outlying students are the continue to improve. A bold political state-
ones which are the most prominent. ment? More like a genius business move. This is just another reason we must think
And what propelled Nike’s growth? The first. With politics surrounding us, there will al-
This issue of students discrediting teachers isn’t debate. ways be a platform for us to voice our opinions
just something superficial, it contributes to the “Go ahead, burn our shoes”, Nike tells angry about something, and with that, we will either
student body’s distaste for school. tweeters. “Go ahead, tweet about how much be heard or utterly misconstrued.
you support us. Either way we sell more prod-
Students who dread a teacher’s class before they uct”, Nike says, laughing maniacally. So if you want to burn something, burn your
even get into it will stubbornly keep this negative Part of the problem lies in Nike’s use of Kaepernick jersey. If you want to support some-
mindset throughout the year. Many students dis- imagery and words that go far beyond the ap- thing, support the players who kneel. When
like education in general, and while our educa- peals of athletics. The tag-line of the campaign, you include Nike in the conversation, you are
tional system has its share of flaws, so much of just playing along with their game.
what they dislike is based upon these hyperbolized
presumptions. Nike methodically planned to divide people
in order to promote their company, and it
While I am not arguing that every student will worked.
love every one of their classes if they go in with-
out any secondhand opinions, it would certainly So, who will be next to cash in on contro-
allow them to be more likely to enjoy a class if versy?
they avoid the bandwagoning and draw from their
own experiences.
This school year is still young; there’s still time
to branch out to your teachers before confining
youself to misery.
The Chronicle’s Policy The Chronicle is a member of The
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Mason City School District.
22 Opinion September 21, 2018
Securly is nothing Editorial Cartoon
new in the realm of
digital tracking Page blocked
Lily Geiser |
Staff Writer
I was in my bedroom when I first noticed a New Ohio plan Common Core was a plan full of standards. Each sub-
new little icon had appeared in the top right ject had a list of points and each point had a number
corner of my computer screen. for education that described an objective that students should be able
to do.
Most of you have probably heard of Securly spells progress
already. A ‘Student Safety Company’, it de- While arguments can be made for this method -- it
scribes itself as a provider of “cloud-based web Ria Parikh | ensures that underperforming states stay on par with
filtering and parental controls that work across Staff Writer better performing states and it helps to unify curricula
schools and homes”. It aims to use a machine- across the country -- these strong points of Common
learning-type software to determine if a student “Each child, Our future.” Core are not important enough to compromise what is
is using their computers with good or bad This is the name of Ohio’s new five year strategic needed to build unique and well-rounded individuals.
intentions. It provides services that can detect plan for education. The goal with this new plan is to
cyberbullying, signs of self-harm, and keep encourage students to learn social skills and to empha- Children spend more time in school than they do
students from visiting websites that aren’t age size the importance of developing the “whole child”, an at home. This means that, especially at a young age,
appropriate. individual who excels beyond academics. This plan is schools have a responsibility to do more than teach a
unique in that it was developed by a variety of con- kid how to pass a test.
In essence, as soon as it was installed in our tributors, including parents, business leaders, higher emails, it could track education representatives and even students. When people who care more about the holistic needs
what we looked at, when we looked at it, and Unlike others that were developed in the past, this of children are left out of plans -- parents, for example,
could block us from looking at certain things. plan has some promise. People from almost every and students themselves -- the result is a plan that is
perspective had a hand in it, so it wouldn’t lean towards great in making sure students can retain information at
Many immediately decried this application. a hidden agenda; the goal has nothing to do with test a certain level, but are lacking in everything else.
I was upset at first, too, believe me. After all, scores, but with developing the individual. And, best of
I don’t even use a school provided Chrome- all, they start small. That is why this plan is different. A wide variety of
book. I’ve never given the school any reason to Starting small makes a huge impact on students be- people were involved in its creation, and they intend to
believe they need to monitor my every move. cause they start forming good habits to build upon at implement it in students as early in their schooling as
It’s frustrating and it’s scary, to feel like every the prime habit-forming age. Psychology today reports possible. They focus what Common Core lacked: inno-
little thing you do online is being watched and a study that habits in children take root at about age vation, lifting aspirations, and making them competi-
analyzed by some unknown entity. nine. tive in an ever-changing job market for whatever it is
Honestly, that was part of the issue with other plans. they want to do.
But at the end of the day, is Securly really While, in theory, they sounded good, the benefits of the
anything new? plan culminate with the theory. Standards, processes, As a student who experienced Common Core and
perpetual testing might lead to a higher national aver- all the other plans after it, I know about the negative
The school has always had a certain amount age, but they compromise teaching skills of innovation effects that a limited perspective on education has, and
of access to our accounts - that’s why they set and critical thinking because everything is so boxed-in the unified focus was one of them, because students
up their own domain. Our emails are flagged and closed-off to meet a standard. were forced to conform to the norm and not develop
if they contain offensive language, the WiFi Common Core is a nationwide set of standards devel- themselves as individuals.
blocks dozens of websites, and sending emails oped by state leaders and governors across the nation.
to and from anyone with a Gmail account is These people are all board certified and have valuable Plans in the past haven’t been promising. They were
a dicey prospect. Securly only made the issue knowledge about education, but when the perspective too cookie-cutter and robotic when put into place, po-
more transparent, but the software has always is only reduced to people in higher powers, the plan tentially even putting students at a disservice. They tend
been there, just not visible to the student eye. loses sight of the alternative purposes of school, not to to be so precise to a point where they seem impossible.
teach kids to pass tests. And although this plan may not be perfect, the ideas are
In fact, what the school is doing is not simple: develop kids who are academically intelligent,
anything revolutionary. The school does - and but also intelligent about the world around them.
probably should - have a certain amount of
control over our lives, including our digital If we open our minds, maybe the plan “made by Ohio-
footprints. Most school districts do similar ans, for Ohioans” can actually make a difference.
things, and we can’t escape it even in adulthood.
If your parents have a computer provided by
their employer, chances are that employer can
check their browser history, emails - anything
and everything they can get their hands on. In
a way, this system may be preparing us for the
real world.
Personally, I’m a big believer in the rights of
citizens to keep their search histories to them-
selves. But Securly isn’t going to drastically im-
pact what the school knows about our personal
lives. More likely than not, we’ll just continue
on with our lives, with just as much indifference
towards school surveillance as we had before.
So don’t be too freaked out by this new
extension. After all, we live in the Digital Age -
things are only going downhill from here.
September 21, 2018 23
24 September 21, 2018