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Published by Allstar Technology, 2020-06-02 01:25:08

Blooming Science-10-2077- final press

Blooming Science-10-2077- final press

n. pTkl/jtg{ s]nfO{ elgG5 <

What is called mutation ?

o. cfh] fg] txsf] ljgfz egs] f] s] xf] <

What is meant by depletion of ozone layer?

Group 'B' 13 × 2 = 26

2. a9b\ f] ;x/Ls/0fn] zlSt ;ª\s6 lgDTofpF5 eGg] s'/f kl' i6 ug{] s'g} bO' { abF' fx¿ nV] gx' f];\ .

Write any two points to justify that urbanization brings energy crisis. 1+1

3. lrqsf] cWoog u/L ;fl] wPsf kZ| gx¿sf] pTt/ lbg'xf;] \ .

Study the diagram and answer the following questions. 12N

(a) pSt j:t'sf] tf}n xfjfdf slt xG' 5 <

What is the weight of an object in the air?

(b) pSt j:td' f t/nn] slt pWj{rfk lbG5 < 2N 2N

How much upthrust is exerted by liquid on that object?

(c) pSt j:t'sf] lk08 slt xG' 5 <

Calculate the Mass of the object.

4. lbOPsf] lrq sg' k|sf/sf] 6f« G;km/d/ xf] < o;sf] sf]/ s]n] / lsg Ac source
nl] dg;] g ul/Psf] xG' 5 < 6«G;kmd/{ df kf| Od/L SjfOnsf] ;ª\Vof /

;]s08/L SjfOnsf] ;ªV\ of slxNo} klg a/fa/ agfObg} , lsg <

Which type of transformer is given in the figure ? Why Step down transformer

is its core laminated? The number of turns of primary coil and the number of turns of

secondary coil in a transformer are never made equal, why ? 0.5 + 1 + 0.5

5. afO;fOsn 8fOgfdfa] f6 pTkGg xg' ] s/]G6sf] dfqf a9fpg s] ugk'{ nf{ < b'O{ cf]6f ab' fFx? n]Vg'xf];\ .

What can be done to increase the quantity of current produced by dynamo? Give two points.

6. SoflN;odnfO{ k]l/of]l8s tflnsfsf] bf];|f] ;d"xdf /fVg'sf] sf/0f s] xf] <

What is the cause for placing Calcium in II group of a periodic table?

7. ;t+ K[ t xfO8f« s] fag{ s;/L c;t+ K[ t xfO8f« s] fag{ eGbf km/s 5 < bO' c{ f6] f sf/0f lbgx' f;] \ .

How is saturated hydrocarbon differed from unsaturated hydrocarbon? Give two points.

8. /f;folgs dn clws k|of]u ubf{ s;/L /f;folgs k|bi' f0f x'G5 <

How does excessive uses of chemical fertilizer cause chemical pollution?

9. Tffkj|mdn] s;/L /f;folgs kl| tlj|mofsf] b/nfO{ a9fp5F < ;Gt'lnt /f;folgs ;lds/0f ;lxt a0fg{ ug{x' f;] \ .

How does temperature enhance the rate of chemical reaction? Explain with a balance chemical

Blooming Science Book 10 351

10. ;]/]a|d / ;/] a] n] d aLr bO{cf]6f km/s n]Vg'xf];\ .

Write two differences between cerebrum and cerebellum.

11. ls;fgx?sf nflu e]h6] ]l6e k|fk] fu;] g lsg kmfObfhgs x'G5 < s'g} b'O{ sf/0fx? ;lxt k'li6 ug{x' f;] \ .

Why is vegetative propagation beneficial to the farmers? Justify with two reasons.

12. ssg' af6 /z] d wfuf] s;/L lgsflnG5 < JofVof ug'x{ f;] \ .

How can we get silk thread from the cocoon? Explain.

13. dw'd]x /fu] af6 aRg s] s] pkfo ckgfpg'k5{ <

What preventive measures should be adopted if we suffer from diabetes?

14. ;o" {sf] ghLs kR' 5t|] f/f hfFbf lsg o;sf] kR' 5/ b]lvG5 < a0f{g ug{'xf];\ .

Why is there tail when the comet approaches near the sun? Explain.

Group 'C' 6 × 3 = 18

15. rGb|dfsf] lk08 7.2 × 1022 kg / cwJ{ of; 1.7 × 106 M 5 eg] rGb|dfsf] ;txdf j:t'sf] u'?Tj kj| u] slt xG' 5<
60 kg lk08 ePsf] dflg;sf] tfn} rGbd| fdf slt x'G5 <

If the mass of the Moon is 7.2 × 1022 kg and radius is 1.7 × 106 M, what will be the

acceleration due to gravity of the Moon? What will be the weight of a person of 60 kg mass

on the Moon? [Ans : 1.66 M/s2, 99.06 N]

16. tnsf] tflnsfdf ltg cf]6f kbfyx{ ¿sf] ljlzi6 tfkwf/0f zlSt lbOPsf] 5 . ;f] tflnsf cWoog u/L lgDg
k|Zgx¿sf] pTt/ n]Vg'xf];\ .

Study the table of specific heat capacities of the three different substance given below and
answer the following questions:

kbfy{ (Substance) ljlzi6 tfk wf/0f zlSt (Specific heat capacity)

A 910 J/kg°C
B 380 J/kg°C
C 470 J/kg°C

(a) kbfy{ A sf] ljlzi6 tfk wf/0f zlSt 910 J/kg°C eGg'sf] cy{ s] xf] <

What do you mean by specific heat capacity of A is 910 J/kg°C? 1

(b) dflysf ;dfg lk08 ePsf ltg cf]6f j:tx' ¿df a/fa/ tfk lbbf sg' j:t'sf] tfkqmd ;a}eGbf a9L xG' 5,

Which of the above given substance will gain more temperature while heating

equal mass of all the three substances supplied with equal amount of heat? Give

reason. 1

(c) ltg cf6] f a/fa/ lk08sf j:t'x¿nfO{ 100°C ;Dd ttfO{ dg} :Nofa (slab) df /fVbf sg' a9L
ulx/fO;Dd kU' 5 / lsg<

Which will go down more in depth while keeping equal mass at the three substances
heated for the same temperature of 100°C and kept on a wax slab, why?

352 Blooming Science Book 10

17. ;/] fldS;sf tLgcf]6f pkof]lutfx? nV] gx' f]; .\

Write any three application of ceramics.

18. xfd|f] bl} gs hLjgdf lg/fs/0f kl| tlj|mofsf] k|ofu] sxfF ePsf] kfOG5 < n]Vgx' f];\ .

Where is neutralization reaction applied in our daily lives? Write.

19. a9L dfqfdf kmnkm'n pTkfbg ug{ lj?jfsf] sl[ qd k|hggn\ ] s;/L ;xof]u k'/\ofp+5 <

How does artificial reproduction help in the excess production of fruits ?

20. kfgLsf] ;f| t] sf] ;+/If0f / Joj:yfkg s;/L ug'x{ 'G5 <

How would you manage and conserve the sources of water ?

Group 'D' 4 × 4 = 16

21. lbOPsf] nG] ;sf] ls/0f /v] flrq k/" f ugx'{ f;] \ . cfs[ltsf] k|sl[ t klg pNnv] ug{'xf;] \ .

olb Pp6f nG] ;sf] ;fdy{ + 5D 5 eg] lstfa kZ| 6;uF k9\g lstfa / pSt n]G;larsf] b'/L slt xg' ' kb{5 .

Complete the ray diagram given alongside. 0 F 2F
Also mention the nature of the image thus formed.
If the power of hand lens is +5D, what should be 2F F
the distance between hand lens and book to read it

22. lbOPsf] lrq k|of]uzfnfdf Pdf]lgof Uof;F agfpg] tl/sfsf] pks/0fx¿ xf] . lrq cjnf]sg u/L lgDg k|Zgx¿sf]
pTt/ lbgx' f];\ .

Given figure is of the apparatus used in the preparation of ammonia gas in laboratory.
Answer the following questions after observing the figure.

(a) o; kb\bL åf/f Pdf]lgof Uof; agfpbF f xg' ] /f;folgs k|ltso[ f nV] g'xf];\ .

Write the chemical reaction of laboratory preparation of ammonia gas by
this method.

Blooming Science Book 10 353

b) xf8{ Unf; 6:] 66\o'asf] dv' lsg tnln/ 9NsfOPsf] xG' 5 <

Why is the hard glass test tube inclined downward?

(c) Pdfl] gof Uof;nfO{ kfgLdfly hDdf ug{ ;lsbg} , lsg<

Why is ammonia gas not collected over water?

(d) s:tf] ln6d;sf] ;xfotfn] hf/df Pdfl] gof Uof; el/Psf] 5 eGg] kTtf nufpg ;lsG5 <

What type of litmus can help to confirm that the gas jar is filled with ammonia gas?

23. sfnf] / ;]tf] /+u ePsf d';fx?af6 hGd]sf ;Gtfgx?df klxnf] / bf];f| ] j+zdf bv] f kg{] glthf dG] 8]nn] u/s] f]
k|of]u cg';f/ lkmgf6] fOk / lhgf]6fOk bj' } b]lvg] u/L rf6{ åf/f bv] fpgx' f];\ . ;f]xL rf6s{ f] ;xfotfn] bf;] f| ] jz+df
lkmgf]6fOk cg'kft / lhgf]6fOk cg'kft kTtf nufpgx' f;] \ .

Draw a chart to show both phenotype and genotype structure of the result obtained in the
first and second filial generation of off spring of Mouse, having black colour and white
colour according to Mendel’s experimental result. With the help of same chart write the
ratio of phenotype and genotype of second generation.

24. dWohLj / gjhLj dxfsNkx¿df ePsf] hLjljsf;sf] JofVof u/L leGgtf n]Vgx' f;] \ .

Explain the evolution process occurred on the Mesozoic and Cenozoic era. Also Mention
their differences.

354 Blooming Science Book 10

Practical Work Sheet (Sample)



Materials required:

Convex lens, optical bench, screen made from white sheet of paper approx size
(a4 size) candle, match stick.


1. Adjust the given apparatus so that burning the candle, lens and the screen lie on
a same optical plane.

2. Keep the candle at least 3m or distant away from the lens and the screen at 20 to 30 cm
from the lens and lit the candle..

3. Adjust the distance between the screen and the lens by moving anyone(lens or
screen) close to each other and find the clearest image among the images formed
on the screen.

4. Record the distance between the lens and the focal length.

5. Repeat the same procedures for 4 times by changing the position of candle and fill
up the below table.

lens Screen

Optical plane

Candle distant away from lens


Optical bench

Blooming Science Book 10 355

Observation: Position of Focal length Average Power
lens (O) (FO) meter focal (P) = 1/f
S.N. Position of
the screen length (f)

1. Why a convex lens is called converging lens?
2. Write any two uses of convex and concave lens.

356 Blooming Science Book 10

List of Video Experiments QR Code

URL Chapters Force Pressure Pressure Heat Light

Blooming Science Book 10 357 Light Current Electricity and
Magnetism Current Electricity and Mag-
netism Chemical Reaction Chemical Reaction

358 Blooming Science Book 10 Acid Base and Salt Some Gases Some Gases Metals Materials Used In Daily Life

Blooming Science Book 10 359 Invertebrates Blood Circulation in Human
Body Asexual and Sexual Reproduc-
tion Asexual and Sexual Reproduc-
tion Asexual and Sexual Reproduc-

360 Blooming Science Book 10

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