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LandRoving Edition 129 - September 2019

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Published by Land Rover Owners Club of Southern Africa, 2019-11-08 06:44:24

LandRoving 129

LandRoving Edition 129 - September 2019

Keywords: Land Rover,Land Rover Onwers Club,Land Rover Owners Club of Southern Africa,LandRoving,Land Roving,Landy

The official magazine of the Land Rover Owners Club of Southern Africa September 2019


Frothing Isenbergs
for Moz
Red Mamba


without borders

Techtourque Police Clearance Boskos

From the Venturing into the unknown... that’s
adventure! No, wait... perhaps it is an unusual and
Editor exciting experience, or perhaps even better still, it
Clint Mason should be defined as engaging in a daring or risky
activity... causing adrenalin to pump through our
Land Rover Owners Club of Southern Africa veins! Is it all of the above...? I guess it could be!
Because adventure is personal. Sure, we might
share the commonality of a theme, but when
you get down to it, adventure is unique to each
and every one of us. No doubt, some reading this
would see adrenalin as an essential ingredient
of adventure, whilst others only require the
experience to be just outside of normal.

As a Landy lover and owner, I talk a lot
about adventure. I talk about the adventurous
lifestyle we Landy owners get to experience
because of the marvelousness of the vehicles we
drive, the adventurous mindset we Landy lovers
have and our adventurous approach to life. But it
took becoming the editor of LandRoving for me to
really consider what adventure actually is.

The more I grapple with the question
the more I realise that adventure is about pushing


FROM THE EDITOR publication’s full name LANDROVING is a reference
to the more recently applied designs.
past your own limitations, venturing into your
unknown and experiencing the magnificence of LandRoving is on an adventure. That’s not
your life, irrespective of which road you’re travelling to say that it hasn’t been on an adventure before,
along! For some, abandoning all creature comforts our publication has been on many an adventure.
to get “lost” in Africa is no longer a conquest of But we have ventured into the unknown, beyond
excitement, whilst for others pushing one’s limits is our previous limits and are exploring some daring
a minimum requirement. activities, and yes... the adrenalin is flowing.
Our new size was the first of our most recent
If we accept the premise that at the heart adventures. We are following on with increasingly
of adventure lies in venturing into your unknown in varied content and yes, we will be pushing the
the search of something new, then the Land Rover boundaries of design, all in the interest of creating
owner’s tendency to favour the traditional might an exciting publication, attractive to the entire Land
on the surface seem a little bit of a conundrum. Rover family, which highlights the awesomeness of
You need look no further than the recent release our vehicles and the magnificence of our lifestyles,
of the 2020 Defender and the resulting passionate whilst remaining respectful to our history and
debates, both verbal and digital, to understand pedigree.
exactly what I am alluding to. But I did say might
seem! As the current editor of the publication,
I hope that you too will enjoy this adventure
Living adventurously necessitates self- with me. This is an exciting time to be so closely
reliance, and self-reliance is grounded in trust, and associated with Land Rover as we see new
trust, well trust is a very strange thing. Real trust strategies unfold right before our very eyes, and
does not come easily. It requires pedigree and it’s an exciting time to be involved with both
history. To build trust takes effort and demands LandRoving - a publication which has a tremendous
delivery. It requires living up to the ideals and history of articulating the awesomeness of our
values portrayed - consistently. Trust is not about adventures - and the Land Rover Owners Club of
being perfect, nothing is, but rather trust is about Southern Africa - an institution synonymous with
accountability. As far as I can tell, that’s why Landy the adventurous lifestyle we Landy lovers get to
lovers, people who live adventure, are grounded in experience.
the tremendous pedigree and amazing history of
our vehicles, it’s because we trust them, we know Enjoy the ride!
they will deliver and we are reliant on them to do
so. September 2019

The task of balancing the need to explore
the new within the parameters of tradition is an
exceptionally difficult undertaking. And I am not
talking about the new Defender here, I am talking
about something far closer to home (although next
year the new Defender will be right here at home) I
am talking about LandRoving! Our publication is an
articulation of the adventures all Landy lovers have
in life. It is an amazing publication, a window to the
marvels of our adventurous thoughts and lifestyles.

For some of you, the “LAND” and
“ROVING” design on the front cover will
immediately be familiar. For others, perhaps
only the “ROVING” rings a bell and then there
will be those who at this point have no idea why
these could be ringing a bell at all. The inclusion
of the designs is intentional. It directly refers to
the history and the pedigree, of our publication.
The stencil font of the LAND is grounded well
in the previous century, depicting the design of
the magazine’s name in its early days. The latter
“Roving” design is a throwback to the late nineties
and early two-thousands when our publication
gained significant traction and market penetration,
and the inclusion of the two-font-styles for the


September 2019

The opinions expressed in LANDROVING do not necessarily reflect those of the Land Rover Owners Club of Southern Africa, it’s Committee or members.
While reasonable effort and precautions have been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information and advice given to readers, the Editor, LandRoving, the
Land Rover Owners Club of Southern Africa, the contributors, proprietors and the publishers cannot accept responsibility for any damages or inconvenience that
may arise therefrom, including Advertisers advertisements.
All Rights Reserved
Published by The Land Rover Owners Club of Southern Africa - September 2019

Cover Story

Frothing for Moz

Frank Isenbergs 2.8i 10 Frothing... it’s a Lifestyle...
Michael, Roarke, Rory, Lance
Red Mamba and Vaughn head out in
Jack, Michaels’ Defender 300
34 Frank Isenberg, BMW’s M2 TDI and newest member of
project lead engineer, is the the group, to Mozambique
man responsible for putting to enjoy the surf, food and
a BMW 2.8i engine into a culture of an amazing country.
Defender. The rest is history,
but did you know that he Regulars
owns one too and has been
enjoying Southern Africa in it!

1 From the Editor

Rhinos without 6 From the Chairman’s desk
8 Contributors
borders 30 Let’s fix it! Pongo’s Go-Go juice
44 Boskos
46 With numbers continuously
on the decline, its nice to
know that there are some
Rhino projects gaining
traction in the right direction.
Alistair Blackburn shares a
remarkable Rhino success

It can’t be...

PCC for your Landy 57 In an age of fake news, can
one really believe everything
25 Renett Lombard takes that you read? We are asking
us through a Request you that question and we
for Police Clearance, are looking forward to your
providing guidance and response.
recommendations to keep the
process as simple as possible.

Not a Member of Editorial Team Enquiries Postal Address

the Land Rover Owners Editor: Editorial enquiries: PO Box 22016
Club of Southern Clint Mason [email protected] Lyttelton
Africa? Tshwane
Deputy Editor: Advertising enquiries: Gauteng
There is no time like Alida Timberlake [email protected] South Africa
the present to fix that! 0140
Administrator: Membership enquiries
See more on page 33 Madeleine Zwaneveld [email protected]

From the and we go from strength to strength in our originality?
As a club, we obviously have done something right and
CHAIRMAN’S we’re going to celebrate this proud history. Therefore,
DESK the event aims to laud the founding members, Frank
Dandridge and Reg Whitley, who launched the club
Jakob Jordaan in 1960, as well as all the members who graciously
supported the LROC over the years - especially those
The LROC turns 60 in 2020. among them who nobly served as LROC Executive
Committee members to build the club to what it is today.
What a remarkable achievement to showcase
our illustrious legacy as the oldest 4x4 club in Southern To ensure that this celebration runs smoothly,
Africa and, not only that, also the longest-running Land a sub-committee was established under the leadership of
Rover Owners Club worldwide! No wonder we have Mike Ilsley, who is a long-standing member and was Club
decided to give our celebrations a real royal treatment Chairman for 12 years. Mike spearheaded numerous
by taking a cue from the most recent and hugely LROC celebrations and with the reins of such an
memorable international celebration associated with important occasion in his capable hands, the festivities
being 60 years at the helm; yes, none other than the promise to be a huge success. He will be joined in the
Diamond Jubilee of HRH Queen Elizabeth II in 2012. deputy position by Attie Smit (also a former Chairman
She, after all, prefers to drive a Land Rover herself! of the Club) as well as Brendon Lowe, who is the current
The only other time in British history that a monarch Vice Chairman and Executive Committee member
celebrated a similar milestone was in 1897, when the responsible for events. Watch this space to hear all
late Queen Victoria commemorated her accession to about their progress with the arrangements!
the throne. Both named their renowned occasions as a
60th Diamond Jubilee. Now it is time for a third festivity, As a respected LROC member you are by now
namely the forthcoming LROC 60th Diamond Jubilee - hopefully super excited to join in on the occasion that
aptly named in a royal tradition, don’t you think? will be a global-first of its kind and you might want to
know when and where all of this will be happening. Well,
We are flaunting this event to hail our the organisers are planning a recce to the preferred
uniqueness and heritage. Did you know that the LROC venue and if all turns out according to plan, the site will
still functions in its authentic constitutional structure be announced soon. In the meantime, diarise the date
as 24 to 27 September 2020, which happens to be the
6 LANDROVING Heritage Day long weekend.

We are also grateful to announce that the LROC
60th Diamond Jubilee is made possible with the support
of Jaguar Land Rover South Africa & Sub-Sahara Africa
and we find huge comfort in knowing that they recognise
how important this event is to the Club!

The LROC 60th Diamond Jubilee could turn out
to be the highest profile event in the Club’s history and
indeed a first-ever 60th celebration of any Land Rover
Owners Club in the world! By giving members at least
a year’s notice, we hope you will be planning, budgeting
and organising to attend this epic experience. It is going
to be big and it is going to be good!

See you at the LROC 60th Diamond Jubilee in
September 2020!

September 2019

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8 LANDROVING September 2019

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for Moz!

5 mates on an adventure, by Michael (and Roarke) Bouffe

Urban Definition of Frothen (Frothing) is to be fully amped, which is the
more formal use of the word frothen (pronounced froth’n). Its origins is the
yalls (Yallingup) area of WA (Western Australia) in the surfing community.

Frothing… it’s a lifestyle! It as long as we can remember, and
epitomises adventure and depicts a 6th – a new edition, an unlikely
the desperate craving we have for inclusion… a Defender that has
it. It’s about saying yes to more and made the group whole… and it’s
squeezing the most out of every about our trip to Mozambique, a
situation, even some of the dodgy country which gets a bad rap for
ones! It’s about foaming, literally being all kinds of things that it isn’t…
at the mouth, for adventure. Yip, I and I suppose some things that it is,
know… you can picture it! I bet you but is a magical place all the same.
could almost taste it! And that’s Well actually, by the time you finish
what it means to us, that’s why we reading this you will see that this is a
had it tattooed, and that’s why I collage of amazing experiences in a
purchased a Defender! remarkable part of Africa!

This is a story about 5 So where to start. Perhaps
mates that have been friends for the beginning! Some families are


lucky I suppose, they just seem to except for the things that just Top Newest of the mates, Jack stands
get along, and we are part of one weren’t and whilst a little TLC would proudly on a bridge, with Michael behind
of those families, the extended definitely result in an awesome the steering wheel
ones. The ones that stick together truck, I just didn’t have the time to
through thick and thin, who are spend getting it right – even though Opposite top Michael enjoys a warm cup
always happy to get together. Like it was going for a steal. Now that I of coffee as they head out in Jack on an
Defender drivers I guess, except that know how quickly you can fix up a incredible adventure
we are bound by blood rather than a Land Rover, I should have probably
vehicle. I suppose we could trace this offered him what he was asking for. Above right Cousin Roarke sips coconut
back to our fathers, who have been juice out of a freshly cut coconut
best friends since the year dot… and Instead, after some serious
that’s just how it’s always been! searching, we found my Defender Above left Lance trying on some of the
300 TDI. We met the chick out in local hand-made clothing in Inhambane
Roarke and I (Michael) Centurion and we got in and drove
are cousins. Rory and Roarke are it and I couldn’t believe it; I literally September 2019
brothers - the real kind. Lance and
Vaughn are also brothers, also the
real kind – who we met because our
moms were best friends. We grew up
together, we did everything together
and most importantly, we surfed
together! We are just lucky that way.
And now we have this Defender 300
TDI 110. His name is Jack… after my
first dog and he has literally opened
a new world of adventure to us and
we are super keen to get stuck in!

Our trip to Moz actually
has nothing to do with the Defender
at all. In fact, the TDI was a late
arrival to the party. Nope, reality is
that this trip started on a golf course,
on a green with a drive that won us
a one-week all-expenses-paid stay at
a beach resort at Guinjata Bay. You
couldn’t ask for better! And that’s
where it started for us, our surf trip
to Moz, it started right there, on that
golf course in Johannesburg. But
I couldn’t go, and my cousin Rory
couldn’t go and so we just left it.
Roarke and all of them were going
to go and as they started planning,
planning and planning, I said “I really
want to get a Defender. What if I
make sure I get the Defender and
you guys go for the week and I join
you for a second week?” So, the rest
of them would leave a week early in
a kombi and we would organise the
Land Rover.

I had always wanted a
Defender and now I had an excuse.
Besides, this is my year of adventure.
It was time and we jumped to it.
Within days we would see the first
one, a red one, which was great


couldn’t believe it. As chance would get into the adventure which is adventure Moz is!
have it, when we were discussing Mozambique, a country that I am If you’re travelling to Moz,
this with a mate who really knows super attached to, I think it’s best for
Defenders, he mentioned that he me to explain how I experience the I cannot recommend the Giriyondo
had also seen a really neat one country. Border Post enough, just remember
recently and when we got into it, we that there are park fees on both
realized we were talking about the You see, Mozambique for sides of the border crossing. SA side
same one! Coincidence? me is not a destination. It is not a was a little bit of a challenge, but
road trip with overnight stays nor the Moz side was fantastic. Such
After a warm coffee, with is it an itinerary. It is a kaleidoscope a refreshing experience – but be
Jack also warmed up it was time of amazing experiences that warned, the road is nothing more
to head off to Nelspruit, get some intermingle to create an adventure than a beaten track – it’s crazy – and
work done in the early hours of masterpiece. We had always you are probably the only car you’re
the morning and then push on up intended to wing-it, so we went with going to see for a few days. We got
through Hazyview to the Kruger’s no preconceived ideas of what the to the border just on 15H00 and
Phalaborwa entrance. From there we trip should be and how we were believe it or not we were the second
would push on through the Kruger going to experience it, except that vehicle to cross the border… for
National Park to the Giriyondo we wanted to squeeze every bit of the day! I don’t think that there are
Border Post and then onto Covane adventure out of any scenario. And many border posts in the world that
Community Lodge. But before I what an awesome experience and are easier to get through, except

Land Rover Owners Club of Southern Africa LANDROVING 13

maybe some of the border posts all we saw was cattle being herded Above After a tough days
in the EU, which are now nothing around. drive, Jack and company arrive
more than empty shells that used at Covane Community Lodge,
to house border officials before free It’s a shame really because which is quite simply the
movement through the EU became I would guess that there could be Garden of Eden
possible. so much more to see and do in Opposite top Sunset on the
this first part of the adventure if Covane Community Lodge
But let’s begin with some there was more wilderness and deck
of the more interesting dilemmas wildlife to experience. Even the bird
that one faces when travelling into populations have been decimated, September 2019
Mozambique. First, you don’t get which meant that the first part of
into the country without having a our journey, which is driven on
letter stating where you are going the most unbelievably corrugated
to be staying and confirmation of road, stretching 90 kilometres from
your reservation. This is true for a lot Giriyondo Border Post to Covane
of countries, but given the general Community Lodge, would be three
informalities that are Mozambique, and a half hours of silence, and
it’s a little bit odd. Next, their monotony. In case you didn’t pick it
National Parks are just not the same up from earlier, “our” refers to Rory
as the ones in South Africa. There and me. That work commitment in
is a crazy difference between the Nelspruit meant that I would have
Kruger Park and Limpopo National to miss out on the first part of the
Park, which really isn’t much of a holiday. It was the same for Rory,
game reserve at all. Now, I know that so we decided to head out together
the northern part of the Limpopo and join Roarke, Launce and Vaughn
National Park is showing signs of a little into their holiday at Tofinho
recovery… but I am afraid that the beach!
southern region really isn’t, in fact,
Even though I had been

warned about the horrendous because we didn’t need indicators reserve and close enough for you to
corrugations on this particular before then! do within 1 day’s travel.
track, I didn’t reduce the pressure
in my tyres before barrelling down Next, the severity of the It is an amazing oasis of
the road. I wanted to see how far corrugations would result in the lush green lawn and immaculate
a person could go in a normal car. instrument cluster of my dashboard gardens that would make a botanical
So, I was like “let’s feed it…” which falling off. Given… before the start garden blush with envy, flowing from
would result in the only issues of of the corrugations it was hanging the Lodge across the gentle slopes
the entire trip. The first was that on with cable ties, but the road was and onto the Barragem de Massingir
we hit a rock which jumped up so hectic that the cable ties broke (Massingir Dam). It’s simply fantastic,
and smacked the underside of the the plastic fittings. This meant we run by amazing people, and best
chassis. Nothing unusual there, had to refit it to the vehicle using of all, it operates in support of the
except that unbeknown to us, the gorilla tape, which is still the way it’s local community. I honestly can’t
previous owner had taken a shortcut currently fitted! Other than that, it see any of our future adventures
with the installation of an indicator really was plain sailing. Given some into Moz starting without Covane
wire, placing it along the bottom of of the horror stories I had been told Community Lodge. Just a word of
the chassis, and as you might have prior to buying the Defender, this caution though, you can arrive and
guessed by now, in the direct path really was a great surprise! stay, but for catering purposes, they
of the rock which had been flung only have what they need and to
up into the chassis. The collision Covane Community Lodge get more is either a cross-border
resulted in a severed wire, which is quite simply the Garden of Eden, trip to Nelspruit or a 2-hour trip to
in turn meant no indicators, which, especially after driving through the the nearest store in Moz! You won’t
given the number of roadblocks, thick dry heat and sparsity which is believe the food that you can get
was a dubious situation at best, and the southern region of the Limpopo there, it is mental, it’s so good, so do
some serious fines at worst. The National Park. Although it is possible yourself a favour and make sure you
crazy thing about this is that we only to book accommodation within let Marina know you’re coming!
knew about it fifteen hours later the park, this is the first Lodge that
you can get to (on our route) within It is here that you
Land Rover Owners Club of Southern Africa Mozambique which is not part of the will realize just how different



Mozambique really is. None of the rides with us and everything, and between. Most travel the coastal
rooms have locked doors, there just it was almost every day, and yet road when traveling to Inhambane
isn’t a need! There is an amazing they were always trying to sell us and surrounds. We turned left
level of trust and respect and the something. I mean, we even went shortly after Chibuto and travelled
people are super accommodating… to the one dudes’ mom’s restaurant the inland road. What an amazing
but it goes both ways. You have to eat food and in the middle of us stretch of road. There were still
to show good intent to receive it, having a conversation it was like all roadblocks but given the seriousness
but if you do, you can experience a of a sudden “so anyway… do you of the corrugations of the day
connection in Africa that is probably want to buy more bangles?” I can’t before, a smooth road was exactly
only possible in a handful of other tell you how many bangles I brought what the Doc had ordered.
countries! That said, the people back with me. Trade, trade, trade!
of Mozambique are hustlers… it’s But there are also super deals to be On the subject of
in their blood, and no matter how made! roadblocks, which are prevalent in
much you trade, there is always most African countries, if you are
room for more. Roads in Moz are weird. driving through Moz, do yourself a
Some are tough as hell and in favour and join the free Facebook
To give you an idea, we desperate need of even a little community “Drive Moz”. You have to
made friends with a couple of local attention and then you get others buy the Drive Moz stickers which are
surfers, buying bangles from them. that if you could close your eyes, you super cheap when you consider the
We were like “we like your bangles” would be able to imagine yourself potential cost of fines… and make
so they sold us bangles, then they driving anywhere in the world and no mistake, you have to obey the
were like “okay, now we’re your are definitely a lot better than laws of Mozambique, but you should
friends and we’ll show you all the Joburg highways. And of course, be doing that anyway… it’s just
cool surf spots”. They were getting there is the entire spectrum in respectful! No doubt, you wouldn’t

appreciate it if some international Above Roarke duck dives a
idiots were breaking the laws of bomb wave at Tofinho
your country because they felt that
their country was superior... or for Top right Local surfer, Jorge,
any other reason for that matter. ripping at Tofinho

Drive Moz made life so Right Roarke free diving the
simple, I can’t begin to describe reef at Tofo
the amount of stress that they
just take care of. They really are Bottom right A sand shark
a guardian angel. They even scurries away as we snorkel in
organized my Moz sim card… the bay
cheaper internet than in South
Africa! Plus, you get access to the Opposite bottom Jack and
Zello – Drive Moz group, which is company stand on top of the
a push-to-talk walkie-talkie system hill overlooking surfers in the
that runs over the data platform bay below
of a cellular network. If something
happens, it’s a simple push of a
button and you have assistance
in seconds – even attorneys that
are happy to have a conversation
with the police in Portuguese. Just
make sure that you follow the law,
else you’re going to be paying the
fine! They even told us where we
could get Diesel, where the ATM’s
were and where we could use our

bank cards! In truth, it’s like driving go there with the right mindset, discounted price and an upgraded
to Durban… just better cause the one which intends to embrace chalet. Mozambique people are just
service is better. There is no time all that is Moz and share in their incredible.
that you feel like you’re slumming it! culture, holidaying in Moz is truly
Honestly, it’s brilliant. spectacular. Sure, you might look There was not one day
at a place and think to yourself, that we just chilled. We were always
We arrived on the hill this is a little dodge, but get over doing something. We were either
above the bay just before sunset, yourself… people eat, drink, sleep surfing or missioning! We were in
met with cheers of excitement from and live there just fine. If you’re the water nearly every day, and
our buddies who were having an looking for Sandton, rather go there! when we weren’t, we were enjoying
afternoon surf. We literally hopped Don’t arrive in rural Africa wanting to something truly unique, that one
out, grabbed our stuff and headed experience raw nature and then get might only ever find in Mozambique.
out. We met them in the surf. Roarke upset because Sandton standards Like, shopping for custom made and
later told me that even before we aren’t being met! That’s why you go tailored clothing!
appeared on the top of the ridge, the to places like Moz, to get away from
sound of the Landy was distinctive… the urban madness, so enjoy it for On this one day, we
The ocean there is magnificent, and what it is! arrived at a market and walked into
the surfing can be amazing! This a store which had fabrics from one
time mother nature didn’t deliver, We stayed at Casa Barry end to the other. You literally just
but regardless, we still had a good Lodge, which is the oldest lodge pick whatever you want, and this
time in the surf. in Tofo. It is absolutely incredible, gent arrives, takes a tape measure,
plus I had emailed the owner measures you up and within an hour
It was after our arrival before arriving and explained that or two has made you a tailored shirt,
that our Custom Holiday Experience we were a bunch of youngsters or a pair of custom-made shorts…
would begin. Did I mention how coming up to enjoy the surf out of it’s incredible! And super cheap!
accommodating the Mozambique season, and guess what, we got a So cheap in fact that we bought so
people are! I found that if you much that the store owner had to

18 LANDROVING September 2019

Top Mozambique is filled find us the next day to bring us all of Portuguese into my Portuguese
with stunning picturesque our “custom-made” clothing. It was and vice versa, he knew what the
scenes. Taking a camera is a crazy. This gent actually came down problem was and set about fixing
must because you are sure to onto the beach to find us surfing so it… but not just fixing the wire. Nope,
find many opportunities for that he could deliver the clothes we he re-loomed the wire to where
a picture-perfect moment in had bought from him! it should have been in the first
magical raw landscapes place. A proper job in the middle
We were missioning of rural Africa! He was literally lying
Land Rover Owners Club of Southern Africa around Tofo when we saw two in the dirt to get this right for us!
Landys outside Liquid Scuba, and we Subsequent to us getting home I
decided to find out if they could help have taken Jack to a Landy Specialist
out with the indicators. We popped service centre to have it “redone”,
in and were told that there was one you know, so that it’s right. They
gent that would absolutely be able looked at me blankly and said that
to get us sorted! They called him and it was “right” and all they would be
said he was coming. After two and a doing would be pulling another wire
half hours we were convinced that through exactly where the current
they were just messing us around wire was and joining it in exactly the
- when he arrived. He had walked same way as the current wire was
20km from his home in Barra, which joined. The total cost of the repair
is also my favourite place in Moz, to in Moz was R250.00. This was the
where we were to help us out. asking price, not a haggled price. I
wanted my Defender fixed and he
I can speak Portuguese, wanted R250.00 to do it… R250.00
but I couldn’t speak his Portuguese, that’s all… that’s unbelievable!
and after much-needed assistance
where locals translated from his LANDROVING 19

On the eerie side of our holiday,
Tofinho has a creepy history. We checked
out Tofinho Bluff, found next to the
FRELIMO Monument. During the war, this
was a favourite spot for executions! There
is this horrible, like almost like lava rock
type thing, and they would take people and
chuck them in the holes, tied up. The fall
would definitely break bones! And because
the waves are quite big there, the ocean
would wash in and suck them out to sea
and they would be gone! Worse still, if they
clung onto the rocks to survive, they would
be raked over these sharp rocks and bleed
to death… genuine! It’s crazy! So, we didn’t
surf at this spot! The creepy vibes were

But let’s get back to the positives!
We did eat amazing seafood, in fact,
we made friends with a chef at a local
restaurant who cooked us our food every
night. I did mention Custom Holiday! He
would run out to us every morning and tell
us what the local fishermen had caught,
we would give him some cash and we
would eat like kings that evening. The

Left There is always a bargain to be
made in Mozambique

Top right Michael preps Jack for
some soft sand while Vaughn barters
with locals for their goods

Above right Rory and Lance check
the surf in Barra

Right Lance finally gets to enjoy the
hammock he so desperately wanted
since the beginning of the trip

Bottom right Lance contemplating
our journey while enjoying the sunset

deal was that we would buy enough it took was me saying “that’s an Top Mozambique has
food for ourselves and his family awesome shirt”! Deal done, he took amazing fresh seafood. If
and that was it. A personal seafood off his shirt and gave it to me, right you play your cards right you
chef, preparing unbelievable seafood there! It’s fantastic! could even get a seafood chef
dishes, brought right to us where preparing your delicious tasting
we were staying every evening. And, For those of you reading seafood dishes at a fraction
at super cheap prices… you see, this who have thought or are of the price you would expect
we were getting the “local” price, thinking of going to Mozambique, to pay.
because yip, he was a local! I tell but are unsure, I would like to offer
you, if you go to Moz with the right this to you! Bank cards work! There September 2019
mindset it’s incredible! is ample diesel and petrol! Shops
are clean and there are plenty of
The vibe in Moz is amazing, supplies! Show respect and be
and there is always something to do. respectable! Don’t break the law and
There was not one night where we you too will find that Mozambique
were left wondering what we could is an incredible country, filled with
get up to. You always feel welcome amazing things to do and see, just
and within minutes you feel like a waiting to be explored! We are going
local. Vaughn became a regular with back!
a band, bashing on the hand drums,
while the rest of the musicians Hope to see you there!
thumped out cheerful beats and
melodies, late into the night! I even
got the shirt from a world-famous
flutist, right off his back. He travels
the world playing the flute, but
Mozambique is his home. And all





P FORCC Police clearance for your Landy
can seem like a messy subject, fraught
YOUR LANDY with confusion and time-wasting activities,
By Renett Lombard especially when one considers how vastly
different perceptions are regarding its
requirement when travelling cross-border.
And I am not talking about joe public here… I
am talking about the perceptions of officials,
even high-ranking ones, within the South
African Traffic and Licensing Authority.

A little while ago, I had a client who
asked me to assist with a police clearance
on his vehicle before his trip to Zambia. Not
wanting to waste time, I made a few brief
enquiries at a local Traffic Department and
was told that the RC1 registration papers
are proof of police clearance. Trouble was
that when my client arrived at the Kazungula
Border Post in Zambia, he was asked for
the Police Clearance Certificate, not the

Land Rover Owners Club of Southern Africa LANDROVING 25


RC1 document and was told in no the front of the queues. The process but rather have them there… just in
uncertain terms that if he didn’t to get a Police Clearance Certificate case.
have an actual Police Clearance (PCC) is called a RPC, which stands
Certificate, he would be returning to for Request for Police Clearance. Know your Documentation
Botswana the same day as it was an The RPC procedure is intended to Did I mention that
absolute requirement. ensure that the vehicle information
captured on the National Traffic sounding like a pro is half the
Now I know what some Information System (e-NaTIS) battle…? I sure did! Apart from
might be thinking at this point, it’s corresponds with the actual having your documentation ready,
a scam to get a backhander… Well, Description, VIN and Engine number signed, stamped, in colour and
it might be, but the reality is who of the vehicle and that the vehicle waiting, make sure that you know
cares… You are there, at least a has not been reported as stolen. what you’re going to be asked for. It’s
3- or 4-day drive away from home, a little like an IT conference where all
and now you are being asked for a Choose the correct Licensing the cool kids have abbreviations for
piece of paper you didn’t think was Department / SAPS Clearance everything… I mean there’s nothing
important. You can bet your bottom Centre worse than being a Noob, NVM…
dollar – no, make that your bottom TBH, it’s easier than getting *$... IKR!
Rand or Pula or even Kwatcha for There is nothing more LMAO!
that matter, you’re going to wish frustrating than standing around
you had taken a little time before in endless queues only to find Request for Police Clearance
your trip to get that grubby and out you need to go elsewhere also referred to as the
over-photocopied piece of paper, to achieve your end. Even in this
stamped by the South African Police modern connected world, obtaining RPC is obtained from the SAPS
Service, that says your vehicle is a Police Clearance Certificate needs officials at the Licensing Authority
“Police Cleared”. to be done where your vehicle is that completes the Police Clearance
registered. There are many licensing Process. You will need to fill in this
For many, just the prospect departments, but only some of document and attach all supporting
of undergoing this process is enough these will deal with Vehicle Police documents, as detailed herein, to it.
to change a destination… but it Clearance, so make sure that you are
needn’t be. We do this regularly at the correct one. As an example, Certificate of Registration
at the Johannesburg Traffic and Johannesburg Licensing and Testing also referred to as the
Licensing Authority and we have Authority in Langlaagte will cover all
found that if you are correctly areas surrounding Johannesburg, up RC1 document is the eNaTIS vehicle
prepared and know what to expect, to and including Midrand as well as registration document for your
a Police Clearance Certificate need areas just south of Johannesburg. vehicle. It contains all your vehicle’s
not be daunting. East and West Rand are covered by identification detail such as the
different licensing authorities. Registration authority, Vehicle
Let’s start off with the most register number, VIN (number),
basic. There are two ways that you Make sure you have all the Engine number, Make and a whole
can approach this. There is the do-it- documentation ready lot more. Check the top right corner
yourself method because you own a of the document. Printed up there
Land Rover and YOU CAN, or there is I can’t stress this enough! is RC1. If it says MVL1, you have the
the soft-roader approach, where you Make sure that you wrong document. The MVL1 is the
call upon a professional company, have all the required Motor Vehicle License and License
like Swift Licensing Services, to do it d o c u m e n t s r e a d y, and Disk document, which is not the one
for you. I am going to presume that make sure you have enough certified you need. You are going to need two
you have read this far because you copies of the originals. copies of the RC1.
are the first option! Well, here are
some tips that help us get this done If you like making your Owners/Proxy Identity Document
efficiently, all things considered. life even easier, make sure that or ID Card or ID Book…
copies are in colour! There is nothing
Know what you’re doing more frustrating than having a I doubt that this needs to be
You are about to go where copy document, duly certified and explained further, other than if the
the official rejects it because of a vehicle is owned by a company,
few dare to tread, so make sure concern that it’s a “Copy of a Copy”. you will need to take copies of the
that you know what you’re up to On the subject of Certified Copies; company’s Proxy Identity Document
and make sure that you know the get all copies certified… And while with you. The Proxy is the registered
lingo. Speaking like a pro is half you are at it, take along the originals. natural person who is appointed by
the battle. The other half is getting You don’t have to leave them there, a juristic person (company or other
there early to make sure you’re in entity). You’re going to need two

26 LANDROVING September 2019

copies of the Identity Document. Company BRNC is a certificate another person, called an agent or
issued by the licensing authority if attorney-in-fact, the right to act on
Proof of Address a vehicle is purchased in the name behalf of another person, known
is exactly that, it’s proof of a business. In addition, a proxy as the principle, under specific,
must be appointed by means of clearly laid-out circumstances. In
of the owner’s physical address. a letter of proxy on a company this instance the Special Power
Accepted proof of address is a utility letterhead, authorising the identified of Attorney authorizes a third
bill, bank statement, cell phone person to act on behalf of the party to act on your behalf in the
bill, or an invoice (preferably with company/organization which binds administration and process required
a company logo on the invoice), the company for purposes of the to obtain the police clearance on
in the name of the vehicle owner, NRTA (National Road Traffic Act) your vehicle. We still recommend
that reflects the owners’ physical and NRTR (National Road Traffic that the owner of the vehicle is
address. Original documents are Regulations). The proxy has the present on the day of vehicle
required unless certified. But be authority to conduct affairs with inspection.
aware, eToll bills are NOT accepted the licensing department on behalf
as proof of address. If you rent and of the company. You will need two Consult with your financial
do not have proof of a fixed address copies of the Company BRNC. The institution if your vehicle is
in your name, you will be required Company CK documents should also financed
to provide a signed affidavit from be acceptable, but we have found
your landlord stating that you are a that this can result in a degree of If your vehicle is financed,
tenant. The affidavit must include complication, depending on the you can obtain a copy of the RC1
the physical address, and that you person assisting you. document from their offices. At the
are residing at said premises, signed same time have a chat with them to
by and including contact details of Traffic Register Number make sure their requirements are
the landlord. Proof of address cannot Certificate being met.
be older than 3 months. You are going
to need two copies of the Proof of also referred to as the TRN Applying for a vehicle police
Address. is the main identification number clearance certificate
accepted for road traffic transactions
DataDot Certificate on the eNaTIS system for foreigners This is done in 3 steps:
is the certificate issued and organizations that serves
as a non-legal person, such as a 1 - Obtain the Request
to you once your vehicle has partnership, a one-man business, for Police Clearance (RPC) Forms
been marked with a DataDot. a municipal/provincial government from a Licensing Authority in
DataDots are polymer particles authority, a church congregation or your residing area. Note, that
1mm or 0.5mm in diameter and welfare organisation, a recreational this is not necessarily your local
are literally the size of a pinhead. organisation, an educational licensing authority, so enquire
Using a special magnifier, the organisation, a trust or a statutory before standing in a long line. For
unique information contained on body. If your vehicle ownership falls the Johannesburg area, this is only
each DataDot (microdot) can be within this category, chances are available at Langlaagte on the day of
viewed. The DataDot System is not a you already have a TRN. Just in case doing your police clearance.
tracking platform, but rather it’s an though, if you are applying for a TRN,
identification tool, registered on the please consider that some licensing 2 - Present the completed
SAPS database which aids the police authorities only take applications on RPC forms, along with supporting
in the recovery of stolen vehicles. certain days. Be sure to check which documentation, and the vehicle to
If your vehicle does not have a day this is done before taking a trip the SAPS Clearance Unit – who will
DataDot, there are several fitment to the department. The application clear the vehicle. If all is in order,
centres where you can get this done, takes one week before the TRN they will issue you with that little
some are even mobile. If you are can be issued. Collection will be on piece of paper that states that the
unsure whether your vehicle has a the same day of the week that you vehicle has been Police Cleared.
DataDot certificate, give DataDot a applied for the TRN.
call. They are very helpful and ready 3 - Hand the forms back
to assist. You are going to need two Special Power of Attorney to the Licensing Authority so that
copies of the DataDot certificate. is a document, which the vehicle can be marked as clear
on their system before you cross
The Company Business must be stamped and certified at borders.
Registration Number Certificate the South African Police Service,
which appoints or legally authorizes To make life a little simpler,
also referred to as the
Land Rover Owners Club of Southern Africa


refer below to make sure that you behind makes life even easier, but of your vehicle details showing the
have the correct documentation, it’s your call. “cleared” status together with the
in the correct quantities with you. Vehicle Registration Papers, DataDot
Taking along a flip-file with original And before I forget… Each certificate and Police Clearance
documents on top of the plastic Police Clearance is only valid for 60 Certificate must be presented at the
sleeve and certified colour copies days! Consider this when planning border.
your cross-border visit. The printout

RPC by individual owners Certified copies are always best

• Completed RPC Document
• Two copies of the Original Vehicle Registration Papers (RC1)
• Two certified copies of owner’s ID (or copy of passport)
• Two copies of Proof of Address
• Two copies of the DataDot certificate
• Special Power of Attorney for the Third Party or an Affidavit if the process is

being completed by a third party

Certified copies are always best RPC by companies

• Completed RPC Document
• Two copies of the Original Vehicle Registration Papers (RC1)
• Two copies of the Company BRNC or CK document
• Two certified copies of Proxy for the company’s ID (or copy of passport)
• Two copies of Proof of Address
• Two copies of the DataDot certificate
• Special Power of Attorney for the Third Party or an Affidavit if the process is

being completed by a third party.

RPC by foreign nationals Certified copies are always best

• Completed RPC Document September 2019
• Two copies of the Original Vehicle Registration Papers (RC1)
• Two copies of the Traffic Register Certificate (TRN)
• Two certified copies of passport plus visa page
• Two copies of Proof of Address
• Two copies of the DataDot certificate
• Special Power of Attorney for the Third Party or an Affidavit if the process is

being completed by a third party.


let’s fix it! Being a Land Rover owner
is something special, something
PONGO’S GO-GO JUICE unique and constantly interesting!
a techtourque with Storm and Warren You always have space to think,
“What else can I do to my Landy?”
30 LANDROVING And there is ALWAYS something
new you can do. That’s why I feel
that these vehicles are so special,
because we are able to display our
personalities on the outside as well
as on the inside… I couldn’t even
imagine fitting a heavy-duty bull
bar and winch to a BMW saloon car,
although I’d love to see that just for a
good laugh.

We recently acquired a
300 TDI work bakkie, rougher than
a goat’s knee, but mechanically

September 2019

sound… and that got us thinking science) lesson, coupled with the fact HOW TO USE OLD SUNFLOWER OIL
about the “What Next” question. that fuel is just downright expensive AS FUEL:
these days and over and above this…
This vehicle is a workhorse: just in case of a zombie apocalypse Step 1 – don’t try this in your new
the Landy that rescues everyone (which we should all be watching Discovery 4, 3 or even a TD5…
broken down on the side of the road, out for… have you got your escape please!
so redoing the body isn’t really on plan…), Warren had a thought...
the cards, there is no need. But he What else can we use to run our TDI? Step 2 – find a fish and chips shop
has got to run, in fact running needs willing to give or sell you their old oil.
to be guaranteed, and he needs As it turns out, our
to run cheap. Did you see that, I workshop is about 10km away from Step 3 – find/buy the following:
said he! I don’t think this needs a small café that serves fish and
an explanation but for the sake of chips. As you would imagine, they go - 1 large 5-micron filter bag
clarity… yes, this Landy has a gender, through a lot of oil. Yes, I know, Land (to remove the chip chunks)
and even a name, like a loyal dog Rovers go through a lot of oil too,
rescued from some other place on but I am talking about the cooking - 1 large bucket with lid
earth, he is loyal and forgiving and type of oil here. Warren approached
he is called PONGO (Okay then, part them and offered to buy their old - 1 large funnel
1 of this article’s title makes sense oil and they were pretty keen to
now… doesn’t it)! make a few extra bucks out of waste, - 1 old hose pipe (not the
so a deal was made. By this point, garden hose, your wife will
And just as the story was Warren was beside himself! He kept kill you)
warming up… it’s time for a detour SMS’ing and phoning me to tell me
because let’s face it, everyone who how excited he was and asked that - 1 container of diesel to mix
owns a Landy loves a detour… a I please shoot off to West Pack and with the oil at a ratio of 1:2
road less travelled and whilst I’m buy funnels and buckets and all sorts
going to go a little bit off-topic here, of strange things. Knowing that if he Step 4 - Now that you have the
be patient with me… it all comes could get this working, we would be required items, let the fish and chips
back together towards the end and saving MONEY and the PLANET (both oil stand for about a week, that will
you will see why this detour makes admirable achievements in their own allow all of the larger particles to
sense. rights) and we would have a backup settle to the bottom.
plan for the definite fuel shortage
What is a fossil fuel? This is when those zombies arrive (need I Step 5 - Then, using the hose, siphon
a fuel formed by natural processes, say more!), I decided to get on board the oil out of the container through
such as anaerobic decomposition and went along and happily bought your filter bag and stop just before
of buried dead organisms, some the items. the bigger chunks are sucked up.
typically have an age of millions of
years and sometimes more than 650 A few days later, I was Step 6 - Now you have filtered oil,
million years – wow big words and sitting in my office. I had forgotten and to that you then add half the
bigger numbers, so to put it plainly… my lunch that day… This beautiful amount of diesel. To the mix, you
the fuel we are using is made from aroma wafts into my office; it smells may also add a small quantity of 2
nuked lizard juice from way, way like a restaurant, fish cooked to stroke oil.
back in the day, even before Maurice perfection and those golden slap
Wilks drew his first sketch in the chips. Warren walks in with a smile Step 7 - Shake vigorously to mix the
sand. on his face and asks, “Did you smell Go-Go juice (and now the second
Pongo?” part of this article’s title makes
The diesel we run our Land sense too!). Then add this to your
Rovers on is a fossil fuel. In the last Now, I hate the smell tank. In the interest of complete
two hundred years, consumption of of diesel, I always have, so I was transparency, we haven’t run the
these fuels has increased rapidly, delighted to find out that the smell vehicle entirely on old fish and chip
leaving fossil fuel reserves slowly was our TDI, it was LOVELY. We will oil, but used the oil as an additive to
depleted and climate change explain the process below, but just triple the quantity of fuel: 2 parts oil
seriously impacted. We could be so you know, our Defender 300 to 1 part diesel.
seeing oil, gas and coal depleted TDI is currently running at a cost of
in less than one hundred and fifty around R1 per km, the same as your This mix is not
years, and yes, our Land Rovers will grandmother’s Hyundai i10. recommended for use in colder
still be on the road. temperatures, because the thick oil
makes it harder to start the vehicle;
So now that I have given a
bit of a hisence (yip – that’s what you LANDROVING 31
get when you combine history with

Land Rover Owners Club of Southern Africa


but Warren had a fix for this too. mechanically inclined, please consult
He added a Puma Fuel Cooler in with someone in the know!
reverse, which means that even
though it was designed to cool the Below To thin Pongo’s Go-Go juice
unused fuel returning to the tank in on colder days, Warren reverse
a Defender Puma, installed in our installed a Defender Puma Fuel
TDI, it does the opposite and heats Cooler, making it a fuel heater, that
Pongo’s Go-Go juice. Sure, it smokes pre-heats the fuel mix before it
a little until the engine is warm, but reaches the filter and injectors
at least it smells good - right? And we
are saving the planet a little: it’s less
destructive than a cow’s farts!

Not recommended for
common rail (Freelanders, Td5’s,
Tdv6’s, and the rest). But can be
used on 300 TDI and older Landy
diesel motors, but remember, whilst
we are happy to share what we are
doing, doing it yourself is completely
at your own risk. If you’re not

Red Mamba

34 LANDROVING September 2019

Isenbergs 2.8i


by Clint Mason

For those Land Rover intellectuals, in particular, those of us in our late thirties
and beyond, the name Frank Isenberg will likely invoke memories of a decade in which
technology was new, cellular telephones were huge, you ate apples and Windows were
still things that you looked through. The Cold War was over, South Africa was a new
democracy - the darling of the universe and our biggest worry was that the Y2K problem
was going to shut down the world… I mean literally stop it from spinning. Just how were
we going to deal with a two-digit code for the year. Catastrophe! People were going to
disappear, like right there in front of us, as we returned post-haste to the stone age.

It was a time of wonder with a surge of brilliance as people began to embrace
this new thing called digital technology – actually, it was just called ‘computers’ back then
- and push the limits to see what else could be overcome. Frank, the BMW M2 projects
lead engineer and driver trainer Top Gun (although that reference has more to do with
the ’80s than the ’90s) was in South Africa, having arrived from Germany a short while
before, to visit BMW South Africa’s Roslyn manufacturing plant.

The story goes a little like this...

Land Rover Owners Club of Southern Africa LANDROVING 35


The year was 1996 and South African conditions. As I said, “She was a smooth ride...”
Land Rover had recently emigrated it was the ‘90s - so there was a tape says Isenberg “...and she was
from the UK to Germany and was measure, a pen, a notebook and an running like hell. Everyone was
now housed within the structures engineer and pretty soon after that, impressed by the smoothness and
of the BMW corporation. Frank was there was a brand new BMW 2.8i performance of the conversion and
on a corporate tour of the BMW engine, complete with 194 horses of the speed was something to be
workshop here in Pretoria, when his power, dangling on the end of a rope marvelled at”. This first 2.8i Defender
boss introduced him to a Defender over the Defender’s front end. would be used to complete some
110, with its petrol guzzling 3.5 Rover functional testing like drivability,
V8 engine. Frank, a chassis man, was The next three weeks capability – both on- and off-road
not convinced that a truck with solid would become classified as top – and a heap of other necessary
beam axels should be in BMW’s Test secret. Few were in the know and all tests. Next, Frank would be involved
Centre, but as we all know, Land who were... were right here in South in the building of the so-called
Rovers are infectious, and it was not Africa. Confused engineers in Munich Green Mamba (a name given by
long before Frank was circling like a and Solihull would be frequented the mechanics working on her), a
shark eager to take a closer look. with long-distance telephone calls soft-top Defender 90 which would be
delivering the oddest of questions as used for the durability tests required
Sitting next to the Frank and the team in South Africa by Land Rover and BMW for full
Defender 110 was a BMW 325i, collated the necessary information approval, including – can you believe
which was about to receive a new to bring the components and it – a government-approved speed
2.8i engine upgrade. The M52 electrics together. And then she was test where the Green Mamba would
engine had already arrived and was born, the first Defender with a BMW race along at 170km per hour… let’s
waiting to be fitted for testing in local engine, right here in South Africa.

pause here for a moment and
allow that speed, IN A DEFENDER,
to sink in!

“170 kilometres per
hour in a Defender is a lot of
fun, even though for most it is
unheard of and even fewer will
ever get to experience it...” says
Isenberg. “The only issue was
the noise, that soft top and NAS
roll cage did little to dampen the
wind at that speed.”

After a few minor
technical issues, the Defender
2.8i went into production in 1997
and onward to become a big
success and it was during this
time that Frank would fall in love
with the Land Rover Defender,
Southern Africa and off-roading.

Many years later, back
in Munich, Frank would stumble
upon a Gumtree ad in South
Africa for a red Defender 2.8i
and he knew he had to have
it. “I didn’t sleep well at all that
evening. I really wanted the car.
I knew that it would be full of
character and I knew it would

Left The result of Frank’s
previous efforts, a BMW
2.8i engine in a Defender.

Right Frank Isenberg
standing with his Red
Mamba, a faithful
companion on his many
trips around the Southern
parts of the African

not be on the market for long” says test drive and signed the contract. the southern parts of the African
Isenberg. “On Sunday I asked my “I named her the Red Mamba… continent, enjoying the splendours
boss for urgent and unplanned and she was mine… all mine!” says that the continent offers to Land
leave”. On Monday, Frank was on his Isenberg whose adventures in Africa Rover owners. “It was 20 years ago,
way to Cape Town from Germany, would now begin. and I was 20 years younger than
and after arriving around lunchtime I am today… It was a GOOD time”
on Tuesday, he completed a short Frank has subsequently recalls Isenberg, “…but I still love
become a frequent traveller across

Opposite top Franks Red the experience of driving in natural most expecting that it will be holding
Mamba stands proudly in front environments!” up the convoy in the heat of the day.
of the iconic Table Mountain in “But after a day or two in the dunes,
South Africa. Frank has a preference for the significant power provided by the
Above Frank loves tackling remote locations, like the Kaokoveld 2.8i engine shines through. I often
the dunes with his 2.8i BMW in Namibia. “There are almost no find that my Landy is the centre of
powered Defender. people as you drive through dry the photographic experience for all
Opposite bottom Frank river beds, punctuated by beautiful on the trip as people just cannot
has a preference for remote mountains and majestic mountain fathom the incredible power the
locations in Africa. passes. It’s incredible to participate engine offers… in fact, I would bet
in such an environment, along with that by the end of most desert runs
Land Rover Owners Club of Southern Africa desert-adapted Elephants and Lions, I have joined, my Landy is the most
truly remarkable creatures that photographed vehicle in the convoy!”
have made the desert their home. says Isenberg.
It is a truly exceptional experience…
I absolutely love the area!” says “I recall with fond
Isenberg. memories pulling Toyotas out of the
sand. It’s always thrilling having a
Frank is also fond of Toyota on the end of your hook. The
driving his BMW powered Defender range of the engine is incredible…
across the desert with others. power all the way through from
“Joining a convoy of vehicles on a 2500 to 6500 RPM, it gets everyone
desert drive is always a lot of fun...” every time. No one can believe it
says Isenberg. As most Defender and I don’t suffer the distraction
drivers may be accustomed, driving of frequent gear changes in sand
through the sand in a Defender with driving, which is always problematic
a manual gearbox gets a certain if you have to do it…” says Isenberg.
look from the crowds on arrival, with

Frank has seen many an interesting trips was my first attempt Defender. After popping down to
adventure on the African continent. at the Road To Hell, part of the the river in the afternoon, Frank and
As the person in charge of BMW’s Namaqua 4x4 Eco-Trail...” he says. his fellow travel buddies, including
driver training, he would often plan, As it would turn out, a quick trip another vehicle, stopped off for a
then drive and then invite others to down the Road To Hell and into the braai and set up to camp for the
join. This methodology has resulted riverbed would become a two-day evening. Frank applies strenuous
in Frank being quite comfortable excursion fraught with challenges. German logic to his camping
driving on his own in the remoteness setup and has made the rear of
of the African continent, meeting “Getting down was super his Defender his home on wheels,
fellow explorers along the way. easy… but getting back was a complete with the essentials… a bed,
He has found many an interesting completely different story…” says a fridge, a solar panel and a coffee
location off the beaten track and Isenberg. Frank confirmed that his machine.
after he discovers it, he actively return up the Road To Hell was one
encourages others to join him on his of the few times he has completely After a good sleep, it
return, including friends he makes underestimated the severity of the was time to conquer the Road To
along the road. off-road conditions and was the Hell. “It was all good till this little
principal factor for the installation section…” recalls Isenberg. “It was so
“One of my most of a rear differential lock to his very narrow… once we had started

40 LANDROVING September 2019

Opposite top Frank and his there was only one way to go… and travellers would spend a tense
Red Mamba lumber up the that was forward. There was never evening on the slope, having
Road To Hell. a place that we could safely turn anchored the vehicles to one
Right Top Badge of Honour. around. And slow! You can’t believe another and to large boulders,
Right Serious concentration how slow the journey was” said similar to that of mountaineers
as Frank negotiates the tough Isenberg. spending a night on a cliff face. “The
rocky terrain of the Road To boulders were definitely not secure
Hell. “I recall as we climbed and were incredibly smooth… in
slowly towards the top, hitting a certain instances, we had to use
Land Rover Owners Club of Southern Africa rock, bouncing… and almost rolling scissors and a hammer to chisel a
down the hill. It was frightening…” groove into the rock to ensure that
says Isenberg. After resolving to the rope did not slip. 2.5 kilometres
drive even slower, they teamed in 1.5 days! It was a harrowing
up using ropes to anchor vehicles, experience.” said Isenberg.
incorporating a pulley system
to maintain the safest possible “I recall all of us sleeping
environment as they inched their in the Landy on our way up. Me, my
way forward. Frank and his fellow friend and his wife… all crammed



into the Landy. With each of us team and conquered an unbelievably Below Whilst Frank really
occupying a different section of the difficult driving experience. It’s times enjoys driving over dunes and
vehicle, my biggest concern was that like those that you remember!” says dry river beds, he is equally
the hand brake would be hit and Isenberg. comfortable getting a little
released, causing the vehicle to shift muddy. Frank never turns
and slip down the hill. It was a tough Whilst it remains likely that away from adventure. He is
night’s sleep” said Isenberg. travellers on the African continent always looking out for it and
will run into Frank at some stage, he is happy taking his Red
The stress of the day he has begun to turn his attention Mamba where ever the trail
and night before was still obvious to the challenging terrain of South leads.
in the morning, but tensions were America and has begun planning
released when Franks friend’s trips that will see him explore that
wife commented that she had wonderful continent. “I still see a
absolutely no idea how anyone got few trips on the African Continent
a good night’s sleep with all of the in my future, but I would also like
snoring that was coming out of the to explore the wonders of South
Defender. It would be another tough America, which has become the
day of more of the same as they focus of my planning activities.
continued to inch their way up the Africa will always hold a very special
hill towards absolution. place in my heart. It is a very special
continent that produced a very
“Reaching the top was special Defender, and I am delighted
a magical feeling. We had made that I got to experience Africa in my
it. We were safe. And we were on Red Mamba!” says Isenberg.
our way. Looking back, it was a
harrowing experience, but that is
what made the trip so special… the
fact that we and our vehicles were so
dramatically challenged… and yet we
rose to the challenge, worked as a

BOSKOS | Braai’d Ever been craving a succulent
Sunday roast whilst out in the big
ROAST PORK outdoors? With some trusty tinfoil
say whaaaaat? and a little braai TLC, your Sunday
treat at home can become a reality
in the bush.

by Kari Wiederhold

Method Ingredients

Open the deboned pork. Season the flesh side with salt, 1.5kg Deboned pork leg roast
pepper and thyme. Slice up a pineapple into chunks and roll the 1 Pineapple
pork leg around them. Tightly tie it with string. Season the skin Salt
and sides with a generous helping of salt. Pepper
Over hot coals sear the sides of the roast. Wrap it in a 1.5 cups Couscous
double layer of tin foil and pop it over medium coals for an hour, Red, yellow and green peppers
skin side down.
September 2019
The trick is keeping the coals alive, so every 15 minutes
or so add a couple of extra coals to the fire.

After an hour turn over for 20 minutes. Then another
15 minutes on each of the adjacent sides.

Take the pork off the braai and quickly remove the rind,
then cover again with the tinfoil and allow to rest. Place the rind
back on the braai, skin side down.

While that rind gets nice and crispy, heat 1.5 cups
of water. Remove the water from the heat, add 1.25 cups of
couscous, a good crack of salt and pepper and cover with a lid.
Chop up some red, yellow and green peppers and add them to
the couscous after 5 minutes. Mix up with a fork and toss into a
serving dish.

Remove your crackling. Carve up your pork into nice
chunks. Serve with couscous and pineapple. Enjoy a Sunday roast
in the outdoors.


18 Bar air compressor LED light source 230V 30W AC inverter 400A Jump-Starter
Tyre pressure gauge 12V DC recharge adapter 12V & 5V power outlets Heavy duty cables/clamps

without borders
by Alistair Blackburn

There is something unique about owning a an adventure that would see me become an active
Land Rover. A Land Rover makes you think differently. participant in the immense Rhinos Without Borders
What you get to enjoy, what you get to see, what initiative which aims to translocate one hundred
you get to experience, what you get to be a part of Rhino from South Africa to the relative safety of
becomes as important as the destination itself. Many Botswana’s national parks.
try to ridicule this, but that’s because the Land Rover
experience is a lifestyle, a choice on how to approach My hands-on experience would be towards
life, on what should be valued and with whom and on the end of this colossal project, with the Rhinos
what our time should be spent. Without Borders team having already translocated
eighty-seven Rhino into Botswana. The project’s
The tale of this particular adventure started significant success was already apparent with twenty-
very early one morning when I got behind the wheel two calves having been born to date. Considering
of my Defender. Well actually… it started long before their astronomical population decline elsewhere in
that, with a deal made with my sister-in-law Michelle, the world, this population growth is an extraordinary
involving a kitchen, a renovation and an installation achievement.
of a dishwashing machine. But for the purpose of this
story let’s jump forward to the start of the two-day Considering the time of day I had decided
trip in my Defender 90 Td5 to Botswana, the start of to depart on my quest, I was completely taken aback
by the amount of traffic travelling on the N1 towards

Polokwane and more than that, the much relief as I rationalized that would set up a campsite again for
speed at which that two am traffic at least now I would be seen from a one-night stay, especially as the
was prepared to move. Like most a good distance and comparably, chalets looked very appealing. It’s
who drive Defenders, fast is not part the rest of the trip to Khama Rhino not so much the setup of camp, it’s
of my vocabulary and I recall feeling Sanctuary was indeed a breeze. the takedown. Collapsing camp,
like a deer caught in headlights Arriving in the mid-afternoon, I was especially on your own, when you
as vehicle after vehicle seemed in good time to pace around my want to get going isn’t much fun.
intent on speeding to just short of a campsite to determine the absolute
hand’s length from my rear before best positioning for my camping Having successfully set up
miraculously vaulting into the right- equipment deployment, employing camp, I decided to spend the latter
hand lane to overtake. Perhaps the mobile technology to adjust strategy part of my afternoon on a game
self-imposed importance of this trip to account for optimal sunset and drive through the sanctuary. As luck
made me ever more aware of the sunrise positioning, whilst ensuring would have it, I took a left when it
close encounters being repeatedly level ground below my stretcher, should have been a right and then a
experienced or perhaps it really camp chair and camp table. You see, right when it should have been a left
was just plain inconsiderate and my wife was not there to tell me and landed upon the upper left side
revolting driving by my fellow road where I was to put everything, so I of a pan just as a family of rhinos
users. At one stage I even stopped had to self-evaluate, this requiring made their way for their afternoon
and checked that my rear lights scientific precision. quencher. I sat hypnotized as these
were working, which they were! My magnificent creatures, backdropped
final solution was to remain intently Khama Rhino Sanctuary by a spectacular golden sky,
focused on the rear-view mirror and might be small, but it’s a diamond meandered past my Defender to the
to hit the emergency flashers when in the rough. Ideally located for lip of the pan, enjoying the coolness
I saw a vehicle approaching – which an overnight stay on the way to of the water as the sun began to dip
at least had the effect of creating a and from Botswana’s many north- towards the horizon. It was while I
degree of awareness. western conservation areas and was sitting there, not a care in the
the perfect way to begin a bush world, that it became evident to
Daybreak came with adventure. I am not certain that I me that this was going to be a truly

48 LANDROVING September 2019

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