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Published by Secretary St. Andrew, 2020-01-03 11:48:29




Meeting the Jewish
Jesus For the First Time

Rappin’ with the Rev by Pastor Dave Milam

There’s bad news and good from St. Andrew might also broke the link our Christian we are invited to share in an
news about the trip to Israel join in this transformational, faith had with Judaism. Even- eight-week study on the Jew-
and Palestine that I’ve been historic trip. The hope is that tually the rift between church ish perspective on the Israeli/
working to organize. The bad we might both travel to the and synagogue was taken as Palestinian conflict on
news is that it isn’t going to this land of foundational permission for anti-Semitism Wednesday evenings, starting
happen this summer as I had meaning for the three Abra- and an unspeakable evil that in late January. More infor-
hoped. A dozen of us could hamic faiths but also learn became the Nazi holocaust. A mation will follow.
have gone, perhaps if I had lessons of peacemaking to- small good that came out of I hope that a deeper explora-
pressed it, but there was al- gether, broadening how the this tremendous malevolence tion about Jesus and the inter-
ways a grander vision for leaders and community of led to a reconsideration of the faith implications might be
this trip. Loudoun County builds loss of respect and commonal- helpful for us all. I hope that
wholeness and grace here. ity between Jews and Chris- these opportunities will be like
The good news is that that tians. As complex as all of a river for us – deep and swift
grander vision is still taking In preparation for this trip, I that is, the history is accessi- enough in the middle for ele-
shape. So far, I have prelimi- want to do a couple of ble through the characters. In phants to bathe, while being
nary commitments from things. First, I’d like to com- January, we will be able to shallow and gentle enough on
Loudoun County Supervi- mit some Sunday sermons to learn about this history the edges for lambs to drink
sors’ Chair Phyllis Randall; exploration of the Jesus of through Jesus as a boy, John from.
ADAMS Center Imam Mo- history. Using James Car- the Baptist and Peter.
hamed Majid; and Leesburg roll’s book Christ Actually as Blessings,
Town Council member Ron its foundation, I invite us all In addition to this Sunday
Campbell to join me in an to learn how historians per- morning focus, Jewish Con- Pastor Dave Milam
interfaith tour quite unlike ceive the Jesus behind the gregation Sha’are Shalom in
most such trips to the Holy Gospels. I’ll start the first of Leesburg is inviting us to par-
Land. I’m also reaching out these occasional series in ticipate in an eight-week
to a couple of my rabbi January. The series will be Wednesday evening study
friends. A Hindu man had called “Meeting the Jewish with them. Using materials
already inquired about join- Jesus for the First Time, from the Hartman Institute,
ing us. And, of course, some Again.” Christian history

ADULT MINISTRIES for Bible study and welcomes Men’s Group fellowship at 8:00 am. The next
others to join in. The meeting meeting is January 4th. All men
The St. Andrew Book Club place rotates among the mem- This group meets the first Sat- of the church are invited. To
The next meeting of the book bers of the group. The next urday of the month in the fel- join, contact Chris Butkus if
club will be on January 25th, at meeting is January 12th at the lowship hall. Coffee starts at you are interested in joining
Lillian Brewer’s home at 7:30 home of Mike and Sally Bren- 7:30 am and breakfast/ ([email protected]).
pm. The book under discussion ton. Contact Debra Gutenson at
with be The Pioneers by David 540 882-3205 or guten- The Men’s Group at their December breakfast at the
McCullough. Please contact [email protected] Leesburg Diner.
Zoe Sowers at 540 338-0999 or for more information.
[email protected] to join the net.
Brunch Bunch
Lovettsville Group
This group meets approximate- This group meets on Mondays
ly every other Sunday evening once each month from 10:00 to
11:30 am in the church base-
MISSION COMMITTEE ment. The next meeting is Jan-
uary 13th. Their study book in
a Horizons Bible Study: Love
Carved in Stone—A Fresh
Look at the Commandments.
For more information, contact
Ann Paciulli at annpaciul-
[email protected].

Marj Diehl, on behalf of the Mission Committee, donated $500.00
for the purchase of seeds for the JK Community Farm and invited
the director to come visit the committee to discuss the farm pro-
gram. She received the following email in response.

Thank you to the St. Andrew congregation and the Hi Marjorie,
Neighborhood Learning Center families who helped I hope you had a great Thanksgiving. I am emailing with gratitude to let you
adopt families from the Loudoun Abused Women know that we received the donation from St. Andrew Presbyterian Church
Shelter (LAWS). We supplied gifts for thirteen indi- Mission Committee. Thank you so much for your generosity and support, it
viduals in three families. The LAWS staff was very makes an incredible impact in the lives of the families we serve. We are in
appreciative of our efforts. This is a difficult time of awe of our community and all of the support we have received as we grow
year for these families. This program makes it a to feed our neighbors in need.
little easier for them. Please let me know when you would like me to visit your mission committee,
I look forward to meeting with you.
Samantha Kuhn
Executive Director
JK Community Farm



Chris Butkus was crowned Chili Cook-off King
at the annual Advent Workshop and Chili
Cook-off on December 4th.

The early Christmas Eve service featured a Chris Butkus and Katie Cahoon had Jacob Brandon 3
pageant put on by the youth of the church. Cahoon baptized at the 8 pm Christmas Eve service.
Proud brother Alan participated.

Music Appreciation Sunday

Zoe Sowers and Laurie Barbagallo have been two wonderful music leaders in our St. Andrew congregation. Their talent and
ability to lead the members of their two music groups, respectively the St. Andrew Ringers and New Song, have brought joy
and delight to our church as they have led us into glad offerings to the praise of God. Surprising most everyone, both felt that
it was time for a change, believing that now was the time to say the time for me to relinquish my leadership has come. But
while we protest with a collective – “Noooo!!!!!!!” – we also, of course, affirm the Spirit’s nudging on their hearts and wish
also to express our great thanks and appreciation.
Zack Henderson and Pastor Dave have declared Sunday, January 26th as Music Appreciation Sunday! During the Worship
Service that will proceed our Annual Congregational Meeting and luncheon, we wish to put on St. Andrew’s best musical spir-
it to celebrate Zoe and Laurie’s wonderful ministry among us. In other words, they get the day off, to sit back, receive and
enjoy while the rest of us give our best to show something of what they have given to us.
Zoe Sowers has capably led the St. Andrew Ringers for twenty-three years. They’ve not only brought their ringing to us once a
month, but have been expected to lead the congregation by the tolling of Silent Night at the Christmas Eve services; played
several times at the White House Christmas Tree Lighting; played in our community during Martin Luther King, Jr. celebra-
tions and at a vigil for the victims of the Tree of Life Synagogue shootings and in other interfaith forums whose purpose was
to ring in justice and peace.
Laurie has been that pied piper whose lively, contagious faith has formed and re-formed again a creative harmonic folk group.
The name, New Song, comes from Psalm 98 – “Oh sing to the Lord a new song all the earth.” From folk, rock, and praise mu-
sic roots, New Song members have exulted in singing to God, their heartfelt songs contagiously inviting us all to sing along
with them. Laurie has faithfully led for approximately sixteen years.
What God has in mind for the future is an open question. We can know for sure that the ground is fertile because of the won-
derful music ministries of Zoe and Laurie. On January 26th, we have our opportunity to bless them for the blessings they have
shared with us, joining together in musical expression of the glory of God. Make it a priority to be a part of this important and
meaningful Sunday.



Happy Anniversary this month to: 18 Stephen Fike Choir Rehearsals, Wednesdays at 7 pm
14 Dave and Virginia LaBahn Christine Goerges Contact Zack Henderson, zackh900@gmailcom
Joe Ratke New Song, Sunday mornings before the service
Brad and Aiza Morell Contact Laurie Barbagallo 540 454-8215 or
21 Mark and Kate Rohrbaugh 19 Ed Ronan [email protected]
23 Tom and June Hutchison 20 Grace Cassutto St. Andrew Bell Ringers, Mondays at 7:15 pm
30 Bryan and Ashley Lutz 22 Courtney Howard Contact Ibby Dickson 540 554-8748, [email protected]
(See article below)
Happy Birthday this month to: Larkin Howard Children’s Choir, For Kindergarten through 5th grade.
3 Kate Rohrbaugh 23 Erik Gillispie Wednesdays at 6:15 pm in the Music Room.
4 Nick Kleck 24 MK Ntantang
7 Hunter Kadilak 27 Ben Gehl Flower Calendar
9 Aiza Morell 28 Laurie Barbagallo
31 Michael Dragon If you would like to provide flowers to decorate the
Lisa Van Alstyne sanctuary, please sign up on the Flower Calendar in
13 Henry Myers Cody Gondella the entryway. A new calendar for the 2020 year is in
14 Cameron Njomo the narthex. Purcellville Florist will deliver the flow-
ers to the church in time for the Sunday service if
Charlie Schwieger you order from them. Of course, you are free to bring
in your own arrangements or get them elsewhere. If
LORD HEAR OUR PRAYERS you have any questions, please contact Nancy Gil-
more at 540-454-3219 or [email protected].
We lift up our concerns
Congregation January Flower Calendar
Tony Noerpel recovering from knee
surgery.June Hutchison. Melissa 5th Open 12th Open
Macdonald. Tom Bolduc. Anna
Carneal for pain in shoulder proba- 19th Open 26th Open
bly requiring surgery. Marion Car-
neal for ongoing undiagnosed heart February Flower Calendar
issues. Kristin Westfall recovering
after surgery and radiation. Dan 2nd Open 9th Open
Miner. Beverly Shear. Bob Bous-
man. Pamela Schmidt. Betty Willis.
Tom Hutchison. Betty McNair.

ther, John Wayson. Suzanne 16th Open 23rd Open
Wade’s brother, Randy Smith. Deb
We continue to pray for Hill’s father, Mark Scott. Mark Wanted: Handbell Director!
Friends and Family Broshkevitch’s mom, Doris. Virgin-
Pastor Jessica McClure Archer’s dad ia LaBahn for one-year old great- As many of you know, Zoe Sowers has retired as direc-
Bob, diagnosed with cancer. The nephew, Jason with leukemia. Bar- tor of the St. Andrew Ringers after 23 years of dedica-
Diehl family for the Geist family on bara Sesene with thyroid problems. tion to the choir and to bell music. Zoe's gift to the con-
the death of Edward, Frank’s Kate Rohrbaugh’s dad, Donald gregation and to the bell choir cannot be overstated, so
cousin. Josh Shields for his step- Goddard, with Parkinson’s disease. when you see her, give her a hug and a big Thank You.
mother, Ruth Shields on her up- Community/World Despite that loss, the bell choir has not retired, and we
coming tests for cancer. Marie Ca- The family of Lindsay Carmelo, now are searching for a new leader. Zoe will be the
hoon’s son-in-law, Andrew Thess- who succumbed to her injuries from first to tell you that she grew into the job. We don't
ing, had surgery. Ally Fetch and a tree that fell on her family car on expect our new leader to be an experienced handbell
family on the passing of her father, Purcellville Road. player or director. We're looking for someone who is
Bob Rumpf. Jennifer Ratke for her Joys musical and who would like to be part of a music team
friend, Natalie Claire, who has Welcome to Jacob Brandon Ca- sharing with the congregation. We're also looking for
cancer. Bonnie Milam for Gray hoon, son of Katie Cahoon and new ringers. For many years, St. Andrew had three bell
Sharp, counselor at Eagle Ridge Chris Buttrick. Welcome to Reagan choirs, a beginning and intermediate choir in addition
Middle School and his wife Jamie, Elizabeth Sassak, daughter of Erik to the St. Andrew Ringers. Wouldn't it be nice to have
counselor at Harmony and friend of and Sarah Sassak. Welcome to Par- another bell choir? If you are interested in being a part
George Cassutto, and their two ker Leo Read, son of Evan and of handbell music at St. Andrew, contact Kent Carneal
sons on the loss of their house in a Sarah Read. ([email protected]) or Ibby Dickson
fire. Gary also sustained burns from ([email protected]). Let's ring in 2020 with lots
the fire. Kathi Hottinger for her The deadline for each issue of of bell music!
mother, who has been diagnosed Loaves & Fishes is the
with a tumor and her brother in the 21st of each month. The next
military, who is currently stationed deadline is JANUARY 21st.
overseas with his citizenship in Please send your submissions to
question. Ann Paciulli for her Sally Brenton at sbren-
friend, Sherry who has stage 4 ovari- [email protected]..
an cancer. Lottie Kohl for her fa-


January 5th (Second Sunday after Christmas; The Lord’s Sup- Purcellville, Virginia 20132
per) 540-338-4332,
fax 540-338-4333
Theme: Anti-Semitism and the Church’s Loss of the Jesus of Histo- [email protected]
Scripture: Luke 2:21-32;
Sermon: “Meeting the Jewish Jesus for the First Time Again” The Rev. Dr. David Milam, Pastor
Worship Leader: George Cassutto The Rev. Jo Anna Rich, Children and Family Ministries Director
Marcia Owens, Clerk of Session
January 12th (Baptism of the Lord) Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of each month

Theme: How Jesus Reinterprets the Apocalypse. January 26th (Third Sunday in Ordinary Time; Annual Congre-
Scriptures: Daniel 7:1-18; Luke 4:16-21 gational Meeting)
Sermon: “Apocalypse Now”
Worship Leader: John Howard Theme: Music Appreciation Sunday
Scriptures: Psalms 98 and 150
January 19th (Second Sunday in Ordinary Time; Martin Luther Sermon: “Doxology”
King, Jr.) Worship Leaders: Zack Henderson, Anthony Semiao and Kent
Theme: The Church’s Humble Beginnings Music: New Song, St. Andrew Choir and St. Andrew Ringers
Scriptures: Mark 13:1-23 ; Mark 14:66-72
Sermon: “O Little Church in Capernaum”
Worship Leader: Kim Peele

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