Who is Jesus’ God? peal. And yes, the Jerusalem such things?
Rappin’ with the Rev by Pastor Dave Milam Temple pictured “salvation The sermons in February
history” in the grandeur of speak of Jesus’ understanding
Each week, I start preparing we know God. Calvin called this House of God full of pil- of God, beautiful beyond any
the bulletin by going to this natural or general revela- grims singing songs together, depiction; a giver of life who
Google images, asking it to tion. praying prayers, priests lead- invites us to give in likewise
produce pictures that might ing worship and reading the manner; a God who ever-
creatively suggest the theme Nevertheless, as awe- Bible. But did Jesus also have creatively holds hope out to
of the Sunday morning ser- inspiring as creation is, Cal- us; and a God who does indeed
vice. It’s actually quite a fun vin also thought natural reve- one of those little boxes tied meet us in Jesus. The Google
exercise – finding what I lation as being of less value, around his forehead like you images might not quite cut it.
think is an appropriate pic- especially for salvation’s see Orthodox Jews wearing in Hopefully, our study of Jesus’
ture for the thousand words sake, than what he called pictures from time to time? words and actions will.
to follow (and not coinci- “special revelation.” Special Did Jesus see the fire, wind
dentally, the written sermon revelation comes in God’s and earthquake scenes that
is just a bit over a thousand mighty acts revealed in the
words). Sometimes I go for a Bible. Stories like Abraham were present to Moses when Blessings,
provocative image – a disas- and Sarah’s first faith in the he received the Ten Com-
ter scene showing the after- Lord and the promises made mandments? Was the Holy
math of a hurricane or a pic- to them, the liberating Exo-
ture from pop culture that is dus of Israel from Egypt or One present in a dark, hot
meant to warn us of the chal- what it means that Jesus is
lenging message that is to born, lives and ministers to wind that made one cover
come that day. Sometimes, people like us, and then dies one’s face because it was cou-
the picture is of a beautiful and rises tell us the most
landscape or a loving group about who God is because pled with awe? Pastor Dave Milam
of friends, suggesting the they reveal God’s heart. So, And how does one find a pic-
goodness that we find in the Gospel of John tells us ture on Google images for
God. that the Word (God’s revela-
tion) became flesh and dwelt The following note was received by Pastor Dave from Jennifer
As we approach February, among us, thus revealing the Montgomery, the Executive Director of Loudoun Hunger Relief:
I’ve been wrestling with the glory of God in him. “God is
right pictures for the monthly revealed most clearly in Je- Pastor Dave,
sermon series, which this sus,” was Calvin’s point. Thank you so very much to you and the St. An-
month is on “Meeting Jesus’ Through Jesus, God is shown drew family for your continued generosity to-
God?” It’s a challenging desiring to be with us, bridg- ward our Loudoun neighbors in need. Thank
task, to be sure. If I pick ing the chasm that separates you for being a partner in compassion and
beautiful nature scenes – a us from God (whether that is hope. Wishing you well in the New Year!
beautiful sunset, flowers because our sins or death
covering a mountain field, keep us apart from God and Warmly,
perhaps even a family wel- the life God gives).
coming a newborn – that Jen
comes close to the images I That said, as I continue lead-
imagine most of us have in ing us in a Sunday morning
mind when we are thinking study on the Jesus of history,
of God. Theologians from as I am left asking myself: Is
far back as John Calvin in either of these the kind of
the 16th century have named images Jesus imagined when
images associated with crea- he thought of God? Certainly
tion or nature as one of the the stark desert and mountain
two regular routes by which landscape of Israel’s Jordan
River Valley have their ap-
ADULT MINISTRIES Debra Gutenson at 540 882-
3205 or guten-
The St. Andrew Book Club [email protected]
The next meeting of the book for more information.
club will be on February 22nd,
at Lynn Krepich’s home at Brunch Bunch
7:30 pm. The book under dis-
cussion with be The Song of This group meets on Mondays
Achilles by Madeline Miller. once each month from 10:00 to
Please call or text Zoe Sowers 11:30 am in the church base-
at 703 629-4964 for more infor- ment. The next meeting is Feb-
mation. ruary 13th. Their study book in
Lovettsville Group a Horizons Bible Study: Love
This group meets approximate- Carved in Stone—A Fresh
ly every other Sunday evening Look at the Commandments.
for Bible study and welcomes For more information, contact
others to join in. The meeting Ann Paciulli at annpaciul-
place rotates among the mem- [email protected].
bers of the group. The February
meetings are scheduled for Feb- Men’s Group
ruary 2nd and 22nd. Contact
This group meets the first Sat-
urday of the month in the fel-
lowship hall. Coffee starts at
7:30 am and breakfast/
fellowship at 8:00 am. The
next meeting is February 1st.
All men of the church are invit-
ed. Contact Chris Butkus if you
are interested in joining
([email protected]).
Mission Committee January 2020
The Mission Committee would like to invite your participation in
our upcoming spring activities!
We have quite a line-up, both established activities, and new activi-
ties to introduce.
LeAnne McNamara, founder of Love Your Neighbor – The Orange
Ribbon Campaign, will visit us and share information about The
Orange Ribbon Campaign, a campaign to promote racial justice,
and dates and locations for the next “Facing Race Supper Club”,
providing opportunities to discuss challenging issues of race and
We are happy to introduce the JK Community Farm as a partner,
and will be introducing their farm project, and our opportunity to
work with them. Funds for seeds were donated so the farm could
start on the purchase of their thousands of seeds needed for this
year’s planting, and it will be exciting to be part of nurturing their
growth. The produce harvested is donated to food banks, one of
which is our partner Loudoun Hunger Relief.
There will be another “Serve Sunday” this year, scheduled for April
19th, so mark your calendars! The recipients of our service on that
date will include JK Community Farm, and the Carver Center. Oth-
er opportunities will be added as the date approaches.
In June we will have an opportunity to reflect on the plight of refu-
gees, both here and abroad. It will be an opportunity to think local-
ly, and globally. Please consider being part of the dialogue.
We invite you to participate in our group, all are welcome. We
meet the second Sunday of the month, directly after church.
NLC News Corner
Saturday, February 15th is the next Parents Night
Out (PNO) from 5:30 to 9 pm. Reservations are
required. Please call 540 338-3956 to reserve
your space. The cost of $35 for one child or $55
per family includes dinner and a movie/crafts.
The gathering for Family Night happens every
Wednesday evening. Dinner is served at 6 pm, fol-
lowed by singing and prayer led by Pastor Dave at
6:30. There are activities for school-aged children until
7:15 pm. Mark your calendars and plan to join the
Music with a Cause on January 26th featured pianist Brian Ganz, delighting the listeners with a selection from
Chopin. The proceeds from the concert benefited Loudoun Free Clinic. Please join us for the next Music with a
Cause featuring Zach Henderson, St. Andrew’s music director on the piano.
A group from St. Andrew braved the frigid weather to honor Dr. Martin
Luther King, Jr. during the parade in Leesburg on January 20th.
Happy Anniversary this month to: Hannah Seipt Choir Rehearsals, Wednesdays at 7 pm
18 Matt and Yvette Evans 16 Kara Marquardt Contact Zack Henderson, zackh900@gmailcom
St. Andrew Bell Ringers, Mondays at 7:15 pm
Harold and Lucia Pull Rusty Ray Contact Ibby Dickson 540 554-8748, [email protected]
(See article below)
Happy Birthday this month to: 17 Tom Hill Children’s Choir, For Kindergarten through 5th grade.
1 Lena Mitchell 20 Beatrice Cisse Wednesdays at 6:15 pm in the Music Room.
3 Tom Ciolkosz Contact Zack Henderson, zackh900@gmailcom
Harris Hagert
Johnny Immel Kate Parker Flower Calendar
4 Alyssa Pull 21 David Dragon
7 Donna Greco Rick Gondella If you would like to provide flowers to decorate the
9 Virginia Carpenter Chris Henderson sanctuary, please sign up on the Flower Calendar in
Kayleigh McGranahan the entryway. A new calendar for the 2020 year is in
Atem Samson 22 Bob Bousman the narthex. Purcellville Florist will deliver the flow-
10 Jill Kurtz 23 Jessica Carneal ers to the church in time for the Sunday service if
11 Chris Buttrick Marj Diehl you order from them. Of course, you are free to bring
12 Daniel Faubert Claudia Kirk in your own arrangements or get them elsewhere. If
14 Mike Brenton Tyler Sullivan you have any questions, please contact Nancy Gil-
24 Chip Paciulli more at 540-454-3219 or [email protected].
Daniel Gillispie 26 Jillian Wilburn
Evelyn Ratke 28 Mary Anderson
Hailey Shields
15 Anna Broshkevitch
Debra Gutenson
LORD HEAR OUR PRAYERS February Flower Calendar
We lift up our concerns
2nd Open 9th Open
Congregation 16th Open 23rd Open
Former member Jane Munzell and
her family on the sudden passing of March Flower Calendar
her husband, Jeff. .June Hutchison.
Melissa Macdonald broke her ankle. 1st Open 8th Open
Tom Bolduc. Anna Carneal. Mari-
on Carneal. Dan Miner. Beverly 15th Open 22nd Open
Shear. Bob Bousman. Pamela
Schmidt. Betty Willis. Tom 29th Open
Hutchison. Betty McNair.
We continue to pray for stage 4 ovarian cancer. Lottie Kohl’s Wanted: Handbell Director!
Friends and Family father, John Wayson. Suzanne
Kathy Hottinger’s mom, Carol, for Wade’s brother, Randy Smith. As many of you know, Zoe Sowers has retired as direc-
a successful robotic surgeon for Mark Broshkevitch’s mom, Doris. tor of the St. Andrew Ringers after 23 years of dedica-
surgery. Jeff Kauffman for ex-wife, Virginia LaBahn for her one-year- tion to the choir and to bell music. Zoe's gift to the con-
Donna Kauffman with pancreatic old great-nephew, Jason, who has gregation and to the bell choir cannot be overstated, so
cancer. Kevin Burel’s friend, Mark leukemia. Barbara Sesene for thy- when you see her, give her a hug and a big Thank You.
Bose killed by terror group in Ken- roid. Kate Rohrbaugh’s dad, Don- Despite that loss, the bell choir has not retired, and we
ya. Deborah Hill’s dad, Mark Scott, ald Goddard, with Parkinson’s dis- now are searching for a new leader. Zoe will be the
has been diagnosed with cancer. ease. first to tell you that she grew into the job. We don't
Courtney Kraper’s friend Julia with Community/World expect our new leader to be an experienced handbell
lymphoma. Stacy Newton’s cowork- player or director. We're looking for someone who is
er shot in a drive-by in Orlando. Tenth anniversary of the 2010 musical and who would like to be part of a music team
Josh Shields step-mother, Ruth, earthquake in Haiti. Victims of the sharing with the congregation. We're also looking for
recovering from a stroke. Kyle Hot- recent earthquake in Puerto Rico. new ringers. For many years, St. Andrew had three bell
tinger for godson, Ethan, recovering Joys choirs, a beginning and intermediate choir in addition
from ACL surgery. Jade Salazar for to the St. Andrew Ringers. Wouldn't it be nice to have
the Lee family and their daughter, Nancy Gilmore’s granddaughter, another bell choir? If you are interested in being a part
Hannah, who is hospitalized. Pastor Savannah, delivered a baby boy, of handbell music at St. Andrew, contact Kent Carneal
Jessica McClure Archer’s dad, Bob, Jackson Hardy. ([email protected]) or Ibby Dickson
with cancer. The Diehl family for ([email protected]). Let's ring in 2020 with lots
the Geist family on the death of of bell music!
Edward, Frank’s cousin. Marie
Cahoon’s son-in-law, Andrew Thess-
ing. Jennifer Ratke for her friend,
Natalie Claire, who has cancer. Ann
Paciulli for her friend, Sherry, with
Purcellville, Virginia 20132
Sermon Series: Meeting the Jewish Jesus for 540-338-4332,
the First Time Again fax 540-338-4333
[email protected]
Meeting Jesus’ God ww.standrew-pres.org
February 2nd (The Lord’s Supper) The Rev. Dr. David Milam, Pastor
Theme: Who Is the God of the Jew Jesus? The Rev. Jo Anna Rich, Children and Family Ministries Director
Scriptures: Deuteronomy 6:4-9; Matthew 6:28b-29 Marcia Owens, Clerk of Session
Sermon: “The Beauty of the Infinite” Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of each month
Worship Leader: Geoff Kohl
February 23rd
February 9th (Boy Scout Sunday)
Theme: The God Revealed in Covenant Theme: The God Who Promises a Messianic Hope
Scriptures: Genesis 12:1-8; John 8:39-59 Scriptures: Jeremiah 20:7-11; Mark 8:27-38
Sermon: “The Gift of Responsibility” Sermon: “The Blessed Rage for Order”
Worship Leader: Bill Bellows Worship Leader: Marcia Owens
February 16th (Reception of New Members) February 26th (Ash Wednesday – 6:30 p.m. Imposition of Ash-
Theme: God the Liberator
Scripture: Exodus 3:1-17; Acts 2:22-42 Scripture: Mark 8:27-38
Sermon: “Jesus Means ‘God Saves’” Sermon: “Imitate Jesus”
Worship Leader: Clark Seipt Worship Leader: Confirmation Class