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Published by Secretary St. Andrew, 2020-03-03 11:57:31




Real Disciples Imitate go through difficulties. In fact, Lent in which Real Disciples
Jesus such moments might become Imitate Jesus.
those times when we best
Rappin’ with the Rev by Pastor Dave Milam know Jesus’ love and how our Yours,
trust in God can deepen.

I remember someone once A permanent thankfulness. Through worship and living, I
telling me that they knew of invite you to join with me this
a church men’s group that Communion over loneliness.
called themselves ROMEOs. Pastor Dave Milam
It stood for Real Old Men Death, not an end, but a be-
Eating Out. I loved it (and ginning. Olivia and Pastor Dave have a regular appointment on
I’m qualified!). Ash Wednesday, reminding us of our mortality, and that
Israel’s Law and worship as our trust is in Christ our Lord!
The phrase came to mind as I the primal source of mean-
was considering what title ing.
might focus our Lenten disci-
pline. At Ash Wednesday I The Holy One’s nearness,
unveiled a new echo of RO- the readiness to name the
MEOs: Real Disciples Imi- Holy One as God, and the
tate Jesus. You’re right, it recognition of God as Fa-
doesn’t work as an acronym. ther.
RDIJ sounds like something
a frog might say. Still, I’m An invitation to be home in
hoping that the phrase is the absolute (and absolutely
plain enough as a thought to unknown) future. “
carry around in our heads for
the next forty days. A focus on imitating Jesus
instead of elevating him with
Imitation is the key concept all due worship and adora-
in my appeal. In his book on tion helps us know that the
Jesus called Christ Actually, movement of God isn’t away
historian James Carroll from us up into the heavens.
makes the very interesting Instead it’s to find Jesus
point that the Jesus of history “moving into the neighbor-
rarely if ever invited his dis- hood,” as Eugene Peterson
ciples to worship him. But he phrases what it means that
did ask that they imitate him God comes into our world in
as a way of following. the person of Jesus.

Then, Carroll painted a pic- I invite you to prayerfully
ture of how the Gospels lay consider James Carroll’s list
out Jesus’ story. He said that of Jesus’ core identity. What
“the core identity of Jesus grabs your attention? I no-
shines through in these ways: ticed, for instance, how he
describes Jesus as under-
The preference of service standing that suffering is a
over power. part of life. Imitating such a
core piece of Jesus’ identity
Respect for everyone he met. might mean that I invite Je-
sus to be present when I suf-
The rejection of violence. fer rather than to always nec-
essarily take it away
Forgiveness as the response (although such prayers are
to the inevitability of failure. not strange to Jesus either).
Nevertheless, inviting Jesus’
Suffering understood as a companionship as we suffer
part of life. reminds us that we are not
separated from God when we
Trust as the other side of

ADULT MINISTRIES [email protected]
for more information.
The St. Andrew Book Club
The next meeting of the book Brunch Bunch
club will be on March 27th, at
Debra Gutenson’s home at 7:30 This group meets on Mondays
pm. The book under discussion once each month from 10:00 to
with be Gods of the Upper Air 11:30 am in the church base-
by Charles King. Please call or ment. The next meeting is
text Zoe Sowers at 703 629- March 9th. Their study book in
4964 for more information. a Horizons Bible Study: Love
Lovettsville Group Carved in Stone—A Fresh
This group meets approximate- Look at the Commandments.
ly every other Sunday evening For more information, contact
for Bible study and welcomes Ann Paciulli at annpaciul-
others to join in. The meeting [email protected].
place rotates among the mem-
bers of the group. Contact Men’s Group
Debra Gutenson at 540 882-
3205 or guten- This group meets the first Sat-
urday of the month in the fel-
lowship hall. Coffee starts at
7:30 am and breakfast/
fellowship at 8:00 am. The
next meeting is March 14th.
All men of the church are invit-
ed. Contact Chris Butkus if you
are interested in joining
([email protected]).

Dear St. Andrew Presbyterian Church,
I am so humbled and honored at your kindness and recognition during the Music Appreciation Service on Sunday, January 26. I am
filled with gratitude for the thanks I have received from so many people in the congregation. Thank you especially to Pastor Dave, Zack
Henderson, and Anthony Semiao for their endless support and encouragement. Also, many thanks to St. Andrew Presbyterian Church
for the gift of the beautiful necklace with the music notes. It will always serve as a special reminder of my time singing with and organ-
izing New Song! Thank you also for the wonderful music note coffee mug in a matching music note box. The mug is perfect for my
"morning pick-me-up"! Coffee and music make a wonderful combination!!
It has been one of my great joys since coming to St. Andrew to be a member of and to help lead New Song. New Song started in the
early 2000s as a small group of musicians (guitar players and singers) who wanted to bring a different style of music to the worship ser-
vice. I had the privilege of joining New Song in 2005 after stepping down after five years as St. Andrew's Director of Children's Minis-
try in order to follow again my calling for teaching. New Song helped lead the music of the Saturday evening worship service along
with Praise Experience and became a mainstay during the 9:00 worship service. We started singing once a month when St. Andrew
moved to a single 10:00 worship service as well as leading one of the Christmas Eve and Easter morning worship services. Over the last
15 years since I have been part of New Song, New Song has led the St. Andrew congregation with bluegrass, praise music, contemporary
Christian music, and wonderful church standards. We have had guitar players (acoustic and electric), bassists, keyboard players, percus-
sionists, and many amazing voices who combined a love of music and singing to bring praise and glory to God. So many incredible peo-
ple have been a part of New Song's history, such as: Jeff Munzell, Judy Brown, Becky Kittka, Meredith McMath, Eric Werling, Jim
Donlon, Anthony Semiao, Karen Colvin, Karla Knickerbocker, Polly and Jerry Frank, Peter Rinek, Ally Fetch, Susane Njomo, Priscilla
O'Donnell, Chris Henderson, Frank Diehl, Zack Henderson, and myself. Recently we were joined by Kate Rohrbaugh and George
McDonald along with many other fabulous St. Andrew Choir members.
As wonderful as New Song has been, I felt it was time to step back from my organizational leadership role in New Song in order to focus
on my new church roles. As I said on January 26, I will still be an active part of St. Andrew. You will still see me singing alto with the
St. Andrew Choir, playing the piano when Zack Henderson is on the organ, and serving on the St. Andrew Session as the Finance Com-
mittee Chairperson and President of the St. Andrew Corporation.

Psalm 96: 1-3: O sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth.
Sing to the Lord, bless his name;t ell of his salvation from day to day.
Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous works among all the peoples.

With thanks, love, and blessings, Laurie Barbagallo





Our friends at the Community Coalition For Haiti (CCH) are host-
ing their Annual Benefit on Saturday, March 28. Please support
this fun event for a great cause!

Visit for more information.



Happy Anniversary this month to: 13 Nicolai Evans Choir Rehearsals, Wednesdays at 7 pm
15 Tom and Deborah Hill 14 Tami York Contact Zack Henderson, zackh900@gmailcom
15 Marcia Owens St. Andrew Bell Ringers, Mondays at 7:15 pm
Davis and Betty Willis Contact Ibby Dickson 540 554-8748, [email protected]
25 Nick and Carlinda Kleck Anthony Semiao (See article below)
Children’s Choir, For Kindergarten through 5th grade.
Happy Birthday this month to: 18 Karen Ray Wednesdays at 6:15 pm in the Music Room.
3 William Dunnigan Heidi Shields Contact Zack Henderson, zackh900@gmailcom

Cindy Fike 23 Alden York Flower Calendar
Garrett Fike 24 Claudia Faubert
4 Emma Curtis 26 Harold Pull If you would like to provide flowers to decorate the
JoAnna Rich 28 Will Gehl sanctuary, please sign up on the Flower Calendar in
5 Troy Krepich 29 Cullen Kleck the entryway. A new calendar for the 2020 year is in
10 Jennifer Carpenter 31 Elizabeth Barbagallo the narthex. Purcellville Florist will deliver the flow-
Carson Rich ers to the church in time for the Sunday service if
you order from them. Of course, you are free to bring
LORD HEAR OUR PRAYERS in your own arrangements or get them elsewhere. If
We lift up our concerns you have any questions, please contact Nancy Gil-
more at 540-454-3219 or [email protected].
Former member Jane M. and her March Flower Calendar
family on the sudden passing of her
husband, Jeff. Josh S. on shoulder 1st Open 8th Open
injury. Parker G. fell from a tree.
June H. Melissa M. broke her ankle. 15th Open 22nd Semiao
Tom B. Anna C on upcoming
shoulder surgery. Marion C. Dan 29th Open
M. on esophageal surgery. Beverly S.
Bob B. Pamela S. Betty W. Tom H.
Betty McN.

We continue to pray for April Flower Calendar
Friends and Family
Chris B.’s neighbor, Pete, with 5th Palms 12th Easter
vertigo. Kristin W.’s friend Mary,
diagnosed with cancer. Marcia O. 19th Open 26th Diehl
for Linda H. Louise H. for her
brother Lincoln. Kyle H. for friend Mark B.’s mom Doris. Virginia L. Wanted: Handbell Director!
Chris E. with deterioratingkidney. for one-year old great-nephew Jason
Josh S. for the family of pilot Mark who has leukemia. Barbara S. for As many of you know, Zoe Sowers has retired as director
N., who died in a plane crash. Nan- thyroid. Kate R.’s dad Donald with of the St. Andrew Ringers after 23 years of dedication to
cy G. for sudden death of Dave U. Parkinson’s disease. the choir and to bell music. Zoe's gift to the congregation
Kathi H.’ mom Carol and step- and to the bell choir cannot be overstated, so when you see
father Keith’s upcoming surgery. NLC her, give her a hug and a big Thank You. Despite that loss,
Jeff K. for ex-wife Donna diagnose Gene T. NLC bus driver admitted the bell choir has not retired, and we now are searching for
with pancreatic cancer. Kevin B.’s to the hospital for swollen feet. a new leader. Zoe will be the first to tell you that she grew
friend Mark B. killed by terrorist Community/World into the job. We don't expect our new leader to be an expe-
group in Kenya. Deborah H.’s dad, Victims of the coronavirus all rienced handbell player or director. We're looking for
Mark S. has been diagnosed with around the world. someone who is musical and who would like to be part of a
cancer. Courtney K.’s friend Julia Joys music team sharing with the congregation. We're also look-
with lymphoma. Stacey N.’s cowork- Clark and Carson’s safe and success- ing for new ringers. For many years, St. Andrew had three
er shot in a drive-by shooting. Josh ful trip to Haiti. Randy and Leslie bell choirs, a beginning and intermediate choir in addition
S. for his step-mother, Ruth, recov- D. welcome a new granddaughter, to the St. Andrew Ringers. Wouldn't it be nice to have an-
ering from a stroke. Kyle H. for his Cassidy. Kathi’H.’s brother set to other bell choir? If you are interested in being a part of
godson, Ethan, who had ACL sur- deploy again in August 2020. June handbell music at St. Andrew, contact Kent Carneal
gery. Jade S. for Hannah, who has H.’s sister Betty’s non-Hodgkins ([email protected]) or Ibby Dickson
been hospitalized. Pastor Jessica’s lymphoma is in remission. George ([email protected]). Let's ring in 2020 with lots of
dad Bob has cancer. Frank D. on and Melissa’s visit with granddaugh- bell music!
the death of his cousin Edward. ter, Annabelle.
Marie C.’s son-in-law, Andrew T.
Jennifer R. for friend Natalie, who
has cancer. Ann P. for her friend,
Sherry, who has stage 4 ovarian
cancer. Lottie K. for her father
John. Suzanne W.’s brother, Randy.


Purcellville, Virginia 20132
Lenten Theme: “Real Disciples Imitate Jesus” 540-338-4332,
fax 540-338-4333
March 1st (First Sunday in Lent; The Lord’s Supper) [email protected]
Theme: The Essential Marks of Disciples
Scripture: Mark 10:32-45 The Rev. Dr. David Milam, Pastor
Sermon: “Turning the World Upside Down” The Rev. JoAnna Rich, Children and Family Ministries Director
Worship Leader: Kevin Burel Marcia Owens, Clerk of Session
Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of each month
March 8th (Second Sunday in Lent; Guest Preacher, Rev. John
Molina-Moore, General Presbyter, National Capital Presby- March 22nd (Fourth Sunday in Lent)
tery )
Theme: Conscience: To Know With
Theme: Companion: To Break Bread With Scripture: Mark 2:1-12
Scripture: Mark 2:13-17 Sermon: “Pacifism Does Not Mean Passivity”
Sermon: “Outside Your Camp” Worship Leader: Kate Rohrbaugh
Worship Leader: Lisa Massey
March 29th (Fifth Sunday in Lent)
March 15th (Third Sunday in Lent; St. Andrew Ringers)
Theme: Compassion: To Suffer With
Theme: Conspiracy: To Breathe With Scripture: John 11:1-37
Scripture: Mark 5:1-20 Sermon: “Jesus Wept”
Sermon: “Don’t Let Clouds Get in Your Way” Worship Leader: David LaBahn
Worship Leader: John Howard

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