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The 2018–2019 Sylvanvale Annual Report has as its theme Our Vision, Our Purpose and Our Values – Vision: "A community working in partnership to support people with disability to live the life they choose." – Purpose: "To empower individuals through choice, education, advocacy and support." – Values: "We embrace a strong person centred approach, underpinned by the values we live by: Belonging, Choice,
Contribution, Respect and Safety."

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Published by Sylvanvale, 2019-10-29 23:55:17

Sylvanvale Annual Report 2018–2019

The 2018–2019 Sylvanvale Annual Report has as its theme Our Vision, Our Purpose and Our Values – Vision: "A community working in partnership to support people with disability to live the life they choose." – Purpose: "To empower individuals through choice, education, advocacy and support." – Values: "We embrace a strong person centred approach, underpinned by the values we live by: Belonging, Choice,
Contribution, Respect and Safety."

Keywords: sylvanvale,foundation,annual,report,2018,2019,financials,ceo,chairman,board,stories,story,vision,purpose,values,belonging,choice,respect,safety,contribution,staff,people,with,disability,ndis,goals,highlights,thank you,reach,summary,financial



Our Vision

A community working
in partnership to support

people with disability
to live the life
they choose.

Our Purpose

To empower
individuals through
choice, education,

advocacy and

Our Values

We embrace a strong person
centred approach, underpinned

by the values we live by:
Belonging, Choice,

Contribution, Respect
and Safety.



05. Message from the Chairman
06. Message from the CEO
08. Our Goals
10. Our Stakeholder Feedback
11. Our Impacts
12. Highlights 2018–2019
14. Breaking Down Barriers
16. Kym’s Story
18. John’s Story
20. Ayla’s Story
22. Madeleine’s Story
24. Ash’s Story
26 Our Reach
28. Thank You
32. Our Board and CEO
34. Financial Summary

Sylvanvale was founded in 1947 when a group of parents
united to form an organisation that would give their children
with disability a better quality of life through access to

education and social inclusion. Today we support over 740
children and adults from a range of cultural backgrounds
across Sydney and the Blue Mountains to live and

participate in their community as they choose.


"I am constantly
inspired by the tenacity
and passion of the people we
support in the pursuit of

their goals.”



from the Chairman

Reflecting upon the scale of change community.
brought about by the National Disability
Insurance Scheme (NDIS), the disability I wish to acknowledge the many people that
sector remains in a state of flux. Yet while make Sylvanvale successful. My special thanks
the NDIS continues to present challenges, to Leanne Fretten for her vision, leadership and
it has been heartening to see a renewed drive in continuing to bring the organisation
Government commitment to fixing the NDIS. forward. Thank you to our Board of Directors,
At Sylvanvale we remain dedicated to our to our employees, supporters, members and
purpose of improving the lives of people with volunteers who have worked tirelessly to help
disability. us achieve our purpose. My sincere thanks also
to the people we support and their families who
Reviewing the stories in this annual report, I am choose Sylvanvale to be part of their life.
constantly inspired by the tenacity and passion
of the people we support in the pursuit of their I would like to thank former NSW Governor, His
goals. Excellency General The Hon. David Hurley AC,
DSC (Ret’d), for his patronage of Sylvanvale over
In this fluid environment our current strategic the last five years and congratulate him on his
plan remains pertinent: by delivering a customer appointment as Governor General of Australia. I
first, quality driven service in a sustainable way, also express my appreciation to Her Excellency
we will continue to be successful into the future. the Honourable Margaret Beazley AO QC
Governor of New South Wales, as Vice Regal
To ensure our long-term sustainability we Patron of Sylvanvale.
continue to invest in our staff and focus on
refining and streamlining our systems and The achievements over the past year are
processes. Throughout the past year our testament to what can be achieved when we
dedicated staff have continued to work alongside continue to work together in partnership.
the people we support, supporting them to
achieve their goals and participate in the local

Jeff McCarthy



from the CEO

The past year has continued to be another • Mikarie Child Care Centre won the
challenging but successful period for Sylvanvale. Building Inclusion Award at the 2018
We are now in our third year of the National HESTA Early Childhood Education &
Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and we are Care Awards.
learning and adapting in response to the ever
changing operating environment. I would like to take this opportunity to
personally thank the people we support for
Dedicated, capable and passionate employees choosing to partner with us to achieve their
are crucial to the success of our organisation. goals. Thank you also to their families and
This is why we have been investing in our staff carers, as well as our supporters and volunteers,
and were pleased to hold our second annual staff for their continued support.
conference in 2019, where we launched a number
of exciting new employee initiatives. It is a privilege that I will never take for granted
to lead this organisation and share the daily
There have been many highlights for Sylvanvale lives of our people and their families. They are
this year, a few of which are noted below: the starting point for every decision we make at
• We are a founding member of Alliance20.
The Alliance, which brings together Australia’s The achievements outlined in this year’s report
largest disability service providers, is focused are testament to the hard work, experience and
on smoothing out issues that arise from the commitment of our staff and I thank them for
implementation process of the NDIS. their important contribution.

• We were named as a finalist at the St George Thank you also to our Board of Directors who
Sutherland Leader business awards in six have been so generous in giving their time and
business categories. expertise to lead the stewardship of Sylvanvale.
It is by working together that we can achieve our
• We launched a new Clinical Services Team, vision of supporting people with disability to live
which includes Occupational Therapy, Speech the life they choose.
Pathology and Behaviour Support.

• We upgraded our technology and commenced
a major review of our General Ledger.

• We celebrated Retail Therapy’s 50th

Leanne Fretten
Chief Executive Officer


"It is a privilege
that I will never take for
granted to lead this organisation
and share the daily lives

of our people and
their families.”




Our Goals

Customer-first Philosophy
and Culture 02

Provide services that meet the needs of our Quality-driven Practice
customers and the choices they make.
What We Will Do Embrace a culture that supports high-quality,
1. Adapt our existing services. flexible service delivery.
2. Monitor and enhance the customer
What We Will Do
experience, including through customer
satisfaction surveys. 1. Attract and retain staff, especially staff who
3. Map and assess customer trends and have a passion for supporting people with
preferences, and other service providers. complex needs.
4. Improve community connections through local
strategic partnerships and networking. 2. Engage staff and increase retention rates
through improving a robust learning and
"Dedicated, capable development program.
and passionate employees
are crucial to the success 3. Through staff training, develop a person-
centred, customer-centric approach.
of our organisation.”
4. Increase staff accountability for outcomes
– Leanne Fretten, through role design and regular measuring
with cascading Key Performance Indicators
Sylvanvale CEO (KPIs).

5. Maintain effective, customer-centred systems
for quality, risk and compliance management.

6. Implement an outcomes framework aligned
to the NDIS Outcomes Framework.


Improve our productivity and efficiency to
support growth, innovation and sustainability in
an NDIS operating environment.

What We Will Do

1. Implement and maintain technology and
system solutions to support the NDIS
operating environment.

2. Ensure sustainable businesses and services.

3. Optimise procurement, fleet, facilities and
contractor management.



What People are Saying

We value your feedback. The people we support, our families,
supporters and staff are encouraged to contact our CEO Leanne
Fretten directly or send an email to [email protected]

What our families say... What our people say...

“We have
found that the
services provided
“We love that “I love the have been exceptional “I have “I love staff
our beloved family and the staff have been good staff and the way
member is safe with more than helpful in their who take care of me. they respond
Sylvanvale and that I have lots of
dealings with us fun in my quickly to
staff take good and our son.” request.”
care of her.” house.”

staff that work with
my son and know that if
I have something to say they “I like
will listen, take on board and Sylvanvale
work hard to incorporate because I get to
my requests and that be with my
of my son. They are friends.”

amazing people!”

What our supporters say... What our staff say...

“What a “I really
enjoy making a
wonderful event difference to people’s
you had. All the
better you were able lives, working with
passionate people
to raise so much and constantly “Sylvanvale
for a worthy employees
“Thanks cause.” learning new are empowered
for the amazing things.” and encouraged to
“One of bring in new ideas
the things I like that positively impact
job you do in best is the positive the people we
the community.” support.”
“Thank you way in which we
for the wonderful
work you do.” are encouraged,
trained and



Our Impacts

In 2018–2019 our impacts reflect our overarching focus on delivering
a customer-first, quality driven organisation.

Finalist 150,000 Innovator

In 6 Sutherland Shire More than 150,000 people Founding member
Local Business Award 2018 engaged through our of Alliance20

categories communication channels

740 49 39

Over 740 participants Provided support Our 39 Supported
supported at 49 sites across the Independent Living homes

Sydney region provided 24/7 support

Winner 217 New Service

2018 HESTA Early Volunteers helped us Launch of our own
Childhood Education achieve our purpose Clinical Services Team

& Care Awards 11

HIGHLIGHTS There have been many highlights for
Sylvanvale this year: Amazing events,
2018–2019 awards, new initiatives and exciting
improvements to our services.


The NDIS Quality and Safeguards Sylvanvale artists from the ArtsLife Sylvanvale participated in the 2018
Commission commenced Access Program performed ‘The Nepean Disability Expo, showcasing
operation and replaced the NSW Enchanted Forest’ at Georges River our services.
Ombudsman’s Office functions in Life Centre.
regards to reportable incidents and
complaints handling.

McDonalds Kirrawee raised funds to
support Sylvanvale’s Kids Club.

Birdcage Café and Sylvanvale Mikarie Child Care Centre won the
Catering won the Access & Inclusion Building Inclusion Award at the 2018
Award at the 2018 Sutherland Shire HESTA Early Childhood Education &
Local Business Awards. Care Awards.

Sylvanvale’s Human Resources Sylvanvale launched its new Values
department launched a new online Based Recruitment (VBR) and
recruitment platform, Big Red Sky. Induction Programs, ensuring we
attract high quality staff, aligned to
the organisation’s values.


Sylvanvale launched the new Sylvanvale artists showcased and Sylvanvale’s Supported Playgroup
Clinical Services department, which sold their work at the MY WORLD was launched, supporting children
includes therapy services such as Art Exhibition held at The Art aged 0-3 years to meet their
Occupational Therapy, Speech Passage Gallery in Miranda. developmental milestones.
Pathology and Behaviour Support.
Sylvanvale’s 2019 Engage Staff
Conference commenced in Menai
and Penrith over four days.

The Voice Employee Engagement Mikarie Child Care Centre children The conference was the launch of
Survey allowed Sylvanvale staff to received new specialised children’s new staff initiatives including the
express their views about how the wheelchairs thanks to The Honda engagement tool Workplace by
organisation is performing. Foundation Grant, which was Facebook, the Employee Health &
endorsed by Tynan Motors. Wellness Program and the Employee
Recognition & Appreciation
The Sylvanvale Customer and Program, which involves the Loyalty
Family/Carer Voice Survey Awards and Star Awards.
was launched and was a great
opportunity for our people and their
families to provide feedback.



Sylvanvale became a founding Sylvania BMW hosted the 2018 Cronulla Sharks visited Mikarie
member of Alliance20 – a group of Melbourne Cup Luncheon at Port Child Care Centre and presented
disability service providers who are Hacking Royal Motor Yacht Club. Christmas gifts.
working towards better outcomes Funds raised went to Sylvanvale’s
for NDIS participants. Kids Club.

Sylvanvale’s 17th Annual Charity Golf Sylvanvale’s Inclusive Research Sylvanvale celebrated International
Day raised over $34,000 for Kids Group presented at the 2018 Day of People with Disability on
Club thanks to the generosity of our Australian Society for Disability Monday 3 December.
supporters. (ASID) Conference on the Gold
Coast. The Rat Pack community group
hosted our annual Christmas
Recipients of the Lorna Stone party for people in our Supported
Development Award were presented Independent Living (SIL) services.
their awards at Sylvanvale’s 70th
Annual General Meeting.


Sylvanvale Pre WWII Car Show at The Rat Pack community group Sylvanvale, Mikarie Child Care
Cronulla raised more than $23,000 made a $10,000 donation to Centre, Retail Therapy Vintage &
for children and young adults with Sylvanvale. Café and Caringbah Craft Centre
disability. were all finalists in the 2019
Sutherland Shire Local Business

We completed the implementation
of a new general ledger system.

Retail Therapy’s 50th Anniversary Sylvanvale’s stall was a great success
Luncheon, held at 1908 Cronulla at the Winter Magic Festival in
restaurant, raised $23,000 for Katoomba, selling handmade
children and young adults with products from our profit-for-purpose
disability. businesses.

Caringbah Craft Centre showcased
their Trojan Robot and other
handmade wooden products at the
2019 Royal Easter Show.



Breaking Down Barriers

“The travel
training is my
favourite part. I like
catching the train.”

– Christopher


Sylvanvale’s Multi-Purpose Centre in Sutherland,
or ‘MPC’ as it is more commonly called, could
best be described as an extremely happy point
of departure, for the day’s journey ahead.

Five days a week, a friendly bunch of men Through this experience they have also acquired
gather together before venturing out into new independence, learned to use their Opal
the community as part of our community Cards and explored new parts of Sydney on
participation service. These gentlemen each trains, buses and ferries.
have their own unique personalities and
interests. But they all have the habit of making Mark, who does not use words, frequently puts
anyone who takes the time to connect with them out his hand to shake the hands of his fellow
feel valued. travellers with his wide engaging smile.

Their busy schedule involves a broad selection Our staff love the activities as well. Whether it’s
of activities including zumba, Cajun drumming, having fun at Luna Park or learning new dance
bowling, sailing and jujitsu. Each month they moves, there’s never a dull day. The MPC staff all
jointly decide their outings which are often share the same obvious pride in their work.
selected based on the special interests of
“The group often gets asked about who they
individual group members, such as their recent are and what they do,” says Site Manager Sue.
trip to the Hard Rock Café for the music “The staff are often told what a great job they
enthusiast, Alex. are doing.”

Travel training is one of the things they While little time is actually spent at the MPC,
enjoy the most. It’s through travel training the service significantly contributes to creating
that these men are able to truly connect a greater sense of companionship, camaraderie
and community connections for people with
with the community – with the guards, disability.
children and fellow passengers. They
can more freely establish eye contact

and say hello.

The benefits work both ways.
Breaking down barriers, these men
build social inclusion everywhere

they go.

“The train is my favourite,”
says Christopher.



Kym’s Story

Last year, Kym spent 217 days in hospital with a breathing
infection, despite being well enough to attend day
programs in the community during that time.

Due to health concerns, it was recommended It was then that Penny and Lee heard of a
that Kym move into a nursing home rather than potential place at Sylvanvale’s Hinkler site.
return to the group home accommodation Hinkler utilises universal design features that
where she had previously been living. At ensure it feels like a home, despite being able
34 years of age, Kym was devastated at the to provide many of the high tech medical
prospect. solutions that would be found in a hospital.

“She was so upset,” says Penny, Kym’s Mum. Over the next few months, Sylvanvale worked
“There’d be no appropriate activities and she’d with Penny and Lee to secure the right room for
be mixing with people in a completely different Kym.
In October 2018, Kym moved into Hinkler. It
“People with disability have to find a home was a day of great excitement for Kym and her
that they are comfortable with and where they family. The icing on the cake was when they saw
have peers that they can talk to as an equal. that Kym’s good friend from school, Emma,
Otherwise it pulls them down both mentally and also lives at Hinkler.
“The biggest surprise for Kym, which
Kym’s parents, Penny and Lee, have always boosted her and actually boosted us, was
been strong advocates for their daughter and when she saw that her friend Emma lives
people with disability. They would not allow her at Hinkler. We’ve known Emma since she
to enter a nursing home. So they did everything was little. The girls had gone to school
they could to make Kym’s circumstances together”.
public. This included contacting local political
representatives and going to the media. Since then, the Flowers family have
built a strong bond with the staff at
Hinkler. “The staff talk and listen to
Kym. They understand her diabetes
and what her food preparation
involves. They have learnt Kym’s
unique communication style,
and support her to navigate the
community,” says Penny.

“It’s been a long journey to
get her to Sylvanvale, but
we’ve finally succeeded.
We’re very happy there,”
agrees Lee.


“The staff
at Hinkler are an
amazing, amazing lot.
They really are. I wonder
where they’ve been all

these years.”



John’s Story


Before joining Sylvanvale, John
was living in a house where he was
isolated from the world, that he is
now very much a part of.

Because of his complex support needs, John Finally, in September 2016, John’s funding was
faced many barriers, to doing most of the things increased to 70 hours a week. This meant he
everyone else takes for granted. now had a real opportunity to get to know his
world and, not only that, to find his place in it.
In September 2012, John moved into Sylvanvale
Supported Accommodation and things started With his new funding in place, John worked
to get better for him. He had his very own villa alongside his team to plan and realise his goals.
and the freedom to move about. His support He started going out for meals, shopping,
team started taking him to local parklands playing tennis and making friends. He became
where he could begin to enjoy the outdoors. a regular customer at JB Hi-Fi and some local
bistros, which he referred to as “clubbing”.
John was desperate to explore his local
environment even more, but his National The more John went into the community the
Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) funding more he wanted to be part of it. He started
setting bigger goals, which included seeing
prevented that. With only seven hours of Celine Dion at Quodos Bank Arena. This would
community access funding each week, John be no small feat, given the noise and number
was very limited in where he could go. Aware of people that would be at the stadium. To
prepare, John listened to lots of music concerts
that John wanted more community access, at home and started going to small live concerts.
the Sylvanvale team worked tirelessly to
secure more funding for him. In July 2018, John achieved his dream.
Accompanied by his Mum and five members
“John’s life of his Sylvanvale support team, John had an
is totally different incredible night at the Celine Dion concert. In
now that he has a team John’s words, the night was “Great!”
committed to helping him
achieve meaningful goals John continues to go from strength to strength,
that include him in exploring new places and doing exciting new
the community.” things. He recently sold his artwork at his very
first exhibition and travelled to Canberra to
celebrate his birthday.

Supported by a team that sees his potential, the
future is bright for John.



Ayla’s Story

It was February 2018 when two year old Ayla first arrived
at Mikarie Child Care Centre wearing a full body cast from
her chest to her legs.

Having recently had hip surgery, Ayla was To Simone’s delight, Ayla settled in immediately.
unable to move around and was feeling very She made new friends and learnt the centre’s
nervous. She couldn’t communicate the things routine. She was also taught communication
she wanted and she also had some very specific skills such as signing. She now has specialised
health needs. toys to play with, a sensory area to play in,
and her health needs and therapy plan are
For Ayla’s Mum, Simone, Mikarie Child Care seamlessly incorporated into the centre’s daily
Centre was her natural first choice in deciding activities.
where to send her daughter. “I chose Mikarie
because I saw it as being the only centre in the Every step of the way, Simone is kept informed
area that had the level of skill to look after Ayla, of Ayla’s learning and development through
who had high needs,” says Simone. Mikarie the centre’s Storypark communication tool. “It’s
Child Care Centre is Sylvanvale’s long day care been great seeing all the wonderful things Ayla
centre in Kirrawee, that supports children of all does each day at Mikarie,” says Simone.
Ayla soon came out of her body cast and,
“I knew that Ayla would be able to interact with just a few months later, stood for the very
kids of all abilities at Mikarie, while getting the first time in her life at Mikarie. Since then,
extra support she needed in the Emu Room.” Ayla has blossomed. She moves about
the centre confidently and arrives each
On her very first day at Mikarie, Ayla was visibly morning smiling, waving and saying
upset when her Mum dropped her off. Simone hello. According to Ayla’s educator
was very sad to leave Ayla but wasn’t worried Brooke, “Ayla is a bubbly socialite
about her wellbeing, “I had already built trust who is independent and caring.”
with the staff and knew that Ayla was in good
hands”. What’s more, Ayla has now moved
into the Owl Room, which is
Mikarie’s mainstream room for
two to three year olds. Here,
Ayla is in the next stage of her
development, working hard
to learn new skills as she sees
what her peers can do.

Simone firmly believes that
Ayla would not be where
she is today without the
support of the Mikarie


“I chose Mikarie
because I saw it as being
the only centre in the area
that had the level of skill

to look after Ayla.”




"I love working
with such a great team
and seeing the incredible results
we can achieve working together
in partnership with the

people we support.”


Madeleine first joined Sylvanvale
in 2013 as a permanent part-time
support worker at the Community
Hub and across our houses in South
East Sydney.

At the time she was studying a Bachelor of In October 2017, Madeleine was promoted to
Business at University of Technology, Sydney. Site Manager of a Sylvanvale house in South
West Sydney, supporting men with some of
“I wanted to make a positive difference to the the most highly complex support requirements
lives of people with disability and I’d heard in New South Wales. Shortly after, she was
about what a great place Sylvanvale is to promoted to the role of Regional Manager for
work. I wanted to be a part of that team,” says Western Sydney, managing nine sites.
Throughout her time at Sylvanvale, Madeleine
Madeleine epitomises the 650 talented, has shown great skill, determination and
dedicated employees who make Sylvanvale innovation in helping people with disability. She
what it is today. led negotiations between Sylvanvale, Ray White
and the Trustee to successfully find a new home
Towards the end of her degree Madeleine for a customer named Luke.
was looking for the next step in her career
and joined Sylvanvale’s newly established From this experience she identified a gap in the
market: supporting people to find accessible
Customer Service Team to support the homes. So Madeleine used her skills to co-
transition of our people into the National design an online property listing platform for
Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). accessible, inclusive and assistive homes. The
first version of the platform is due to launch at
Madeleine and her colleagues spent the end of 2019 and has already received over
thousands of hours preparing Plan 1,000 pre-registrations.
Reviews to ensure that each individual
Madeleine is highly regarded by her colleagues,
received the NDIS package they the people she supports, their families and
deserved. This resulted in appropriate carers, who regularly comment on her can-do
levels of funding for those people, attitude, her natural leadership ability and the
way she empowers the people around her.
making a significant impact on their
ability to live the life they choose. In recognition of her outstanding contribution,
Madeleine was a finalist in the Emerging Leader
“We are Category of the Third Sector Awards in August
committed to attracting and 2018, and in September 2018 was a finalist for
retaining high quality employees, the carecareers Workmate of the Year Award.
by providing them with a clear
career path and the opportunities 23

to build their skills.”

– Leanne Fretten,

Sylvanvale CEO


Ash’s Story

This year, Sylvanvale launched its new Clinical Services
Team. Ashleigh is a wonderful example of the unique mix
of skills and capability that we now offer.

‘Ash’, as she likes to be called, joined Sylvanvale recommendations, the NDIS Plan came back
in April 2018 as an administration assistant in the with a considerable increase in Samantha’s hours
Quality & Practice Team. At that time she was of clinical support.
studying her Bachelor of Psychological Science,
and is now studying the Honours degree. Samantha’s NDIS Plan also included funding for
a Behaviour Support (BS) Plan. Ash was asked
“I have a friend at Sylvanvale who told me how to prepare the BS Plan and set about engaging
much she enjoys working there and the flexibility all the people in Samantha’s network – including
it offers staff,” says Ash. Samantha, her brother, her Site Manager and
Sylvanvale community hubs, as well as St
In her part-time role, Ash proved herself to be George Community College where she attends
highly motivated team player. As soon as she classes.
graduated, Sylvanvale snapped her up as a
Behaviour Support Practitioner in its new Clinical The Behaviour Support Plan is now in its
Services Team. final stages. The next step is for Ash to sit
down with Samantha and her support team
Since joining the team in March, Ash has to make sure she’s happy with her Plan.
partnered with many people to support their The BS Plan will go through a number
behaviour support needs. One of those people of authorisation stages before it is
is Samantha, who lives in Sylvanvale’s Supported implemented across all the services
Independent Living (SIL). Samantha attends. Ash will then follow
this up with training across all of
Ash, and her Speech Pathologist colleague Samantha’s environments to ensure
Ada, were originally engaged to prepare a she is still able to live the life she
progress report for Samantha as part of her chooses.
2019-2020 National Disability Insurance Scheme
(NDIS) Plan. Following their assessment and For Ash, her job brings enormous
personal and professional
satisfaction. “I really love the
way my role puts people with
disability first and supports
them to get the best possible
outcomes,” she says.

Sylvanvale’s ability to offer
the support of our own
Clinical Services Team
within our supported
accommodation is a
distinct advantage
for the people we


“I’m so lucky
to work in an organisation
where I feel really supported
and am surrounded by very

talented people.”



The People We Supported 80 44

By Age

112 64 52 177 213

AGE 0–5 6–12 13–17 18–29 30–54 55–64 65+

Where Our People Live

By Local Government Area

1. City of Hawkesbury 1
2. City of Blue Mountains
3. City of Penrith 2 56 7
4. City of Blacktown 20
5. The Hills Shire 4 11
6. Hornsby Shire 3
7. Northern Beaches
8. City of Fairfield 8 10 12
9. Cumberland Council 21
10. City of Parramatta 24 9 13
11. Ku-ring-gai Council 22
12. City of Ryde 14 15
13. City of Canada Bay 23 18
14. Inner West 19
15. City of Sydney 25 16
16. Canterburry-Bankstown 17
17. Georges River
18. Bayside
19. City of Randwick
20. Wollondilly Shire
21. City of Liverpool
22. Camden Council
23. City of Campbelltown
24. Sutherland Shire
25. City of Wollongong


The People We Supported People
By Service*
Support 227
Coordination 742

Supported 177 Suburbs
Independent Living
Independent Living 116
and Social Support 98 LGAs
97 of
Centre Based
and Community 25NSW
Participation Programs

Long Day
Care Centre

Short Term 78

Clinical 53

Kids 43

Supported 14

*Some people access more than one service type.

Age and Gender of Sylvanvale Employees

Total Employees*


59 151 107 95 23

20 88 50 28 9

AGE 18–25 26–40 41–50 51–65 66–75

*Not specified: 47


Thank You...

Volunteers Fundraising Events

217 Volunteers 400 attended
Over $60k raised
Our amazing volunteers have contributed in
many ways over the past year. This year we celebrated the 50th Anniversary
of Retail Therapy, with a special luncheon &
At events, volunteers contribute time that fashion show to celebrate the volunteers that
has a direct impact on the fundraising and have contributed to the ongoing success of the
promotion of Sylvanvale, as well as supporting business. Our guests included Sylvanvale life
the people we support to participate and enjoy members, Ladies Auxiliary members, current
the day. and former volunteers and the Mayor of
Sutherland Shire.
The volunteers at our social businesses support
our staff to ensure these spaces are productive, Our annual Charity Golf Day at Cronulla and
inclusive and continue to grow. Melbourne Cup were also successful events
and we would like to thank all our corporate
Our corporate volunteers this year have event sponsors: Gamney Group, Total Car
included Mirvac, CCSG Legal, BPay, Salesforce Body Repairs, Noble Toyota, Unitech, Random
and Natterbox. These wonderful organisations Harvest, Ausrise Aluminium P/L, Nexon
have made improvements to four (4) sites by Pacific, MySupply Store, Stewart Brown &
getting hands on with gardening, painting and Co, AH Beard, Warren Saunders, Faulkner
maintenance activities that have changed the Plumbing, Club Central Hurstville & Menai,
overall feel of each site from tired to terrific! Edmen Community Staffing Solutions, AMPS
Technology, Royal Motor Yacht Club Port
Hacking, Gentle Dental Care, Olsen’s Funerals,
Metro Hotels Miranda and Mirage Newport, St
George Food Service.



in donations from generous individuals,
social groups and businesses

A special thank you to our regular and
workplace giving donors who support us every
month. This year their contribution helped
raise funds for children and young people with

Project Funding/Grants Awards

$208,758 2018 HESTA
award and
special project grants $10,000 from
Me Bank
The success of several grant applications has
allowed us to fund some wonderful initiatives Mikarie Long Day Care Centre won the
and purchase much needed equipment. 2018 HESTA awards for excellence in Early
Childhood Education and Care. It came with a
• $104,000 Start Strong Pathways Grant for a $10,000 boost from ME Bank for the centre.
new Early Learning Education Link Program.
Community Fundraising
• $60,000 ClubGRANT from Club Central
supporting accessible transport for people $28,741
with disability.
was raised in the community at
• $2,600 from the Sydney Women’s Fund fundraising events in 2018-2019
Giving Circle towards further developing
the Enterprising Women profit for purpose These events took us out into the community
social business. to sell some amazing products, cook
sausages at Bunnings with the team from
• $20,923 Honda Foundation Grant towards Warren Saunders, and sell amazing art at our
specialised equipment at Mikarie Child Care participants’ art show.
Once again the Sylvanvale Pre WWII Car Show
• $11,235 Fostering Integration Grant in Cronulla was a wonderful success raising
- Collaborative Art & Culture Day and $23,434 for children and young people in April.
Community Outreach program at Garden
House Community Hub Sutherland.

• $10,000 IMB Grant to purchase a Leckey
Mygo Stander for the Emu Room at Mikarie
Child Care Centre.

“We could not do what we do without the
dedication, passion and commitment of
our donors, supporters and volunteers.”

– Leanne Fretten, Sylvanvale CEO


Thank You...

During the 2018-2019 financial year Sylvanvale was
supported to achieve its goals by the following government
agencies, trusts, foundations, businesses and community
groups. Our enormous thanks to them, and everyone that
volunteered, attended events, gave prizes and donated
during the year.

Government Department of Premier and NSW Department of Education
Cabinet – Community Building and Training
Australian Government Partnership Program
Department of Health NSW Department of Family and
Federal Member for Cook, Community Services
Australian Government The Prime Minister of Australia
Department of Home Affairs State Members for Cronulla,
Georges River Council Miranda and Heathcote
Australian Government
Department of Social Services National Disability Insurance Sutherland Shire Council
Agency (NDIA)

Trusts and

Big Sister Foundation

Honda Foundation

IMB Shire Community

Nib Foundation

PAYCE Foundation

Sydney Community Foundation

Our generous supporters

Business and Community

1908 Cronulla Restaurant Engadine Women’s Bowling Random Harvest
Club Rat Pack Social Club
A.H. Beard Pty Ltd English Laundry Reborn Fitness
Faulkner Plumbing Ritchie’s Stores Pty Ltd
Amps Technology Gamney Group Pty Ltd Riteq Pty Ltd
Gentle Dental Care Group Pty Rotary Club of Cronulla
Ann Fontaine Ltd Royal Motor Yacht Club Port
Gibson Howlin Lawyers Hacking
Ausgrid Employees’ Children’s Good2Give Sales Force
Appeal Gymea Bowling Club SG Fleet Australia Pty Limited
Hitting Targets Shannon’s Insurance
Ausrise Aluminium Pty Ltd Home and Gift Warehouse Sharks Have Heart
Home Appliances Shopportunity
Berrima District Historic IMB Bank Cook Community Sky Zone
Vehicles Club Classic Skydive Australia
L & B Osborn Something Nice
Capital Blue Stone Lugarno Lions Sourcecom
Metro Hotels Miranda and St George Foodservice
CCSG Legal Mirage Newport Stewart Brown & Co
Million Estate Stokies Automotive Spares
Chrysler Restorers Club of NSW Mirvac Sullivan Dewing Chartered
Model A Ford Car Club Accountants
Club Central Hurstville & Menai Model T Ford Car Club Sutherland Shire Property
Mr Sold Management
Club Engadine mySupply Store Sydney Theatre Company
Naomi Hamilton Photography Taronga Zoo
Colortile Miranda Natterbox Telstra
Neil Grigg Millinery Total Car Body Repairs
Combined Rheumatologist Nexon Asia Pacific Tradies Gymea
Practice Nina’s Chocolates Turks Legal
Noble Toyota Unitech IT Solutions
Commonwealth Bank Nulla Nulla Café Vintage Vehicle Club of
O’Brien’s Auto Body Repairs Australia
Cr Carol Provan Olsen’s Funerals Warren Saunders Insurance
P & E Marlow Automotive Brokers
Cronulla Bowling and
Recreation Club

Cronulla Ferries

Cronulla Golf Club

Cronulla RSL Memorial Club

Cronulla Stand-up Paddle

Cronulla Sutherland Football
Club (Sharks)

Cronulla Whale Watching

Design Mouldings

Detox Delivered

Drummond Golf Taren Point

Early V8 Flat Head Ford Club

Edmen Community Staffing

Engadine Netball Club


Our Board
and CEO

Jeff McCarthy David Kelly

Chairman of the Board Deputy Chairman

Jeff is a senior business executive with over David is a fellow of the Royal Aeronautical
30 years’ experience in large private and Society. David brings vast experience from
government owned businesses. He has a this position, as well as his career in the
strong background in organisation leadership aviation industry. David was appointed to
and governance and is a member of the Sylvanvale’s Board of Directors in 2000.
Australian Institute of Company Directors.
Jeff was appointed Sylvanvale’s Chairman of
the Board in 2014.

Bethany Taylor John Slack

Director Director

Bethany works in the public sector and has John has over 40 years’ experience in the
experience and qualifications in law, arts, insurance and funds management industry,
politics and business management. Her including being a fellow of the Institute
strong interest in the community stems from of Actuaries in Australia and the UK. John
family involvement in the sector. Bethany was is a member of the Australian Institute of
appointed to Sylvanvale’s Board of Directors Company Directors and was appointed to
in 2014. Sylvanvale’s Board of Directors in 2012.


Robert Brown Olga Stoutchilina

Director and Company Secretary Director (retired in Oct 2018)

Robert is a qualified financial and Olga’s experience includes roles in
management accountant with over 25 years’ management, risk mitigation, legal
experience in the domestic and international interpretation and legislative compliance.
freight industry. He is currently a consultant Olga was appointed to Sylvanvale’s Board of
specialising in information technology, freight Directors in 2014, and retired from the role in
and logistics, as well as the not-for-profit October 2018.
sector. Robert was appointed to Sylvanvale’s
Board of Directors in 2012.

David Rafferty Leanne Fretten
Chief Executive Officer
Leanne commenced at Sylvanvale in 2004
David’s background combines corporate, as an Occupational Therapist and has since
not-for-profit and non-government held various management roles in the
operational management experience. As a organisation across a number of departments
result, David has extensive affiliations in the including Children’s Services, Client Services,
disability, academic and commercial areas and People & Culture. Leanne was appointed
relating to service provision and providers Sylvanvale’s Chief Executive Officer in 2016.
in the sector. David was appointed to
Sylvanvale’s Board of Directors in 2015. 33


In 2018–2019 Sylvanvale achieved an operating surplus of
$3.4 million.

Notably, $2 million in revenue from the and equipment so that the people we support
2018–2019 accounts relates to services continue to receive the highest quality of care.
delivered in the 2017–2018 year. This timing
difference relates to delays in assessment of the Our Board would like to acknowledge all the
organisation’s Supported Independent Living people, community groups and organisations
(SIL) quotations. who have continued to help us achieve our
vision of a community working in partnership
The organisation has continued to invest in to support people with disability to live the life
maintenance and upgrades to our properties they choose.

2018–19 Income 2018–19 Expenses

[$ million] [$ million]

5.0 48.5
3.3 3.3
0.6 3.0
0.3 2.2
0.3 1.5
55.0 1.1

Consumer Directed NDIS Employee Expenses
Fees Administration Expenses
Grants and Payments Other Expenses
Interest and Dividends Building and Equipment
Donations and Bequests Transport
Others Depreciation and Amortisation
Client Expenses


Statement of Profit or Loss
and Other Comprehensive Income


For the year ended 30 June 2019
2019 2018

Revenue $64,429 $65,385

Expenses $61,023 $55,900

Surplus for the year $3,406 $9,485

Other comprehensive income – Fair value gains/(losses) $,039 $,078
on available-for-sale financial assets

Total Comprehensive Income (loss) for the Year $3,445 $9,563

Statement of Financial Position


As at 30 June 2019

2019 2018

Total assets $41,100 $36,091

Total liabilities $9,497 $7,933

Net assets $31,603 $28,158

Total funds $31,603 $28,158

2 Mikarie Place Kirrawee NSW 2232
PO Box 29 Sutherland NSW 1499
Sydney Australia

T 1300 244 577
F +61 (02) 9521 3610
E [email protected]

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