Curriculum Map English/Language Arts Grade 4 Fourth Nine Weeks
First Nine CCSS Outcomes Content
Weeks 1-3
What steps must be taken to cite evidence from the text when making a point or supporting a claim? Why is it important to be able to determine the main idea of
different sections of informational text? Why is it important to be able to determine the main idea of an piece of informational text? How do you formulate a
Reading Complex CC Literature (RL) and I can draw and make Reading selections from Journeys
Texts CC Informational Text (RI) generalizations based on text Harvesting Hope: The Story of Cesar
RL 4.1-Refer to details and examples in a text evidence. Chavez
when explaining what the text says explicitly and I can locate evidence from the text Paired Selection-“The Edible Schoolyard”
when drawing inferences from the text. to support inferences and Sacagawea
RL 4.2-Determine a theme of a story, drama, or predictions. Paired Selection-“Native American
poem from details in the text; summarize the I can recognize and identify the Nature”
text. problem and the solution The World According to Humphrey
RL 4.3-Describe in depth a character, setting, or presented in a story. Paired Selection-“Make the Switch”
event in a story or drama, drawing on specific I can determine the main idea of a
details in the text (e.g., a character’s thoughts,
story and identify details that Comprehension Skills
words, or actions). support the main idea. Conclusions and generalizations
RL 4.4-Determine the meaning of words and I can identify how an author Main Idea and Details
phrases as they are used in a text, including structures the text. Theme
those that allude to significant characters found I can determine the theme of a
in mythology (e.g., Herculean).
story. Comprehension Strategies
RL 4.6- Compare and contrast the point of view Ii can use the table of contents,
from which different stories are narrated, Infer/predict
title page, and glossary to locate Visualize
including the difference between first- and third- Summarize
person narrations. Performance Assessments
I can use headings, graphics, and Teacher-made assessment of the skills
RL 4.10- By the end of the year, read and
captions. with a fresh read in testing format
comprehend literature, including stories, Written summary of the text drawing on
I can interpret information using
dramas, and poetry, in the grades 4–5 text specific details from the text
complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as charts, maps, and timelines. Anecdotal evidence from classroom
needed at the high end of the range. I can use headings, graphics, and
RI 4.1- Refer to details and examples in a text charts.
I can compare and contrast the
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Curriculum Map English/Language Arts Grade 4 Fourth Nine Weeks
when explaining what the text says explicitly and points of view from which different discussions
when drawing inferences from the text. stories are told.
RI 4.2- Determine the main idea of a text and I can analyze the meaning of idioms TCAP prep: review or reteach SPIs that have
explain how it is supported by key details; and explain why the author not been mastered (parts of a book,
summarize the text. includes them in the text. headings, graphics, and captions, charts,
RI 4.3- Explain events, procedures, ideas, or maps, and timelines, text features)
concepts in a historical, scientific, or technical TCAP Practice and Instructional Activities at:
text, including what happened and why, based
on specific information in the text. 4th.htm
RI 4.4-Determine the meaning of general
academic and domain-specific words and
phrases in a text relevant to a grade 4 topic or
subject area.
RI 4.5- Describe the overall structure (e.g.,
chronology, comparison, cause/effect,
problem/solution) of events, ideas, concepts, or
information in a text or part of a text.
RI 4.7- Interpret information presented visually,
orally, or quantitatively (e.g., in charts, graphs,
diagrams, time lines, animations, or interactive
elements on Web pages) and explain how the
information contributes to an understanding of
the text in which it appears.
RI 4.10- By the end of year, read and
comprehend informational texts, including
history/social studies, science, and technical
texts, in the grades 4–5 text complexity band
proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the
high end of the range.
CC Language-Vocabulary I can use context as a clue to the Vocabulary content focus
L 4.4-Determine or clarify the meaning of meaning of a word. Reference materials
unknown and multiple-meaning words and I can use common, grade- Shades of meaning
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Curriculum Map English/Language Arts Grade 4 Fourth Nine Weeks
phrases based on grade 4 reading and content, appropriate Greek and Latin affixes Using context
choosing flexibly from a range of strategies. and roots as clues to the meaning
a. Use context (e.g., definitions, examples, or of a word (e.g., telegraph,
restatements in text) as a clue to the meaning of photograph, autograph). Suggested performance assessments
a word or phrase. I can consult reference materials Teacher observation
c. Consult reference materials (e.g., dictionaries, (e.g., dictionaries, glossaries, Teacher-made or district common
glossaries, thesauruses), both print and digital, thesauruses), both print and digital, assessments in testing format
to find the pronunciation and determine or to find the pronunciation and
clarify the precise meaning of key words and determine or clarify the precise TCAP prep: review or reteach SPIs that have
phrases. meaning of key words and phrases. not been mastered or fully taught (e.g.,
L 4.5-Demonstrate understanding of figurative I can demonstrate understanding analogies)
language, word relationships, and nuances in of words by relating them to their TCAP Practice and Instructional Activities at:
word meanings opposites (antonyms) and to words
L 4.6-Acquire and use accurately grad- with similar but not identical 4th.htm
appropriate general academic and domain- meanings.
specific words and phrases, including those that I can choose a logical word to
signal precise actions, emotions, or states of complete an analogy using
being (e.g., quizzed, whined, stammered) and synonyms and antonyms.
that are basic to a particular topic (e.g., wildlife,
conservation, and endangered when discussing
animal preservation).
Writing to Texts CC Writing (W) (W 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, I can express an opinion in writing. Routine Writing
W 4.1-Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, I can support an opinion with Write constructed responses to text-
supporting a point of view with reasons and details from the text. dependent questions
information I can cite evidence from the text to Cite evidence from the text to support
W 4.3-Write narratives to develop real or support my response. key points
imagined experiences or events using effective I can write a comparison and Write in response to literature
technique, descriptive details, and clear event contrast paper. Edit and Revise own writing
sequences. Peer edit writing
W 4.4-With guidance and support from adults, I can cite evidence from text to
produce writing in which the development and support key points. Writing Tasks
organization are appropriate to task and Analysis
Ii can select a title for my writing.
Determine an audience for my
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Curriculum Map English/Language Arts Grade 4 Fourth Nine Weeks
purpose writing. By the time he was in the eighth grade,
Cesar Chavez had worked on his family’s
own ranch as well as on land owned by
others. Write an essay explaining how
these experiences prepared him to fight
for farm workers’ rights. Include text
evidence from the selection that helps
explain the effects his child hood
experiences had on him.
Research Project CC Writing (W 7, 8, 9,) Score using the rubrics from TNCORE:
CC RL/RI 1-10)
For Reading and CC Language (L1, 2) RE/Rubrics/InfExpRubric-Gr4-5.pdf
Writing in Each L 4.1- Demonstrate command of the None: see weeks 7-9
Module conventions of standard English grammar and
usage when writing or speaking. I can use relative pronouns and Conventions
a. Use relative pronouns (who, whose, whom,
which, that) and relative adverbs (where, when, relative adverbs. TCAP Prep: review other skills as needed
e. Form and use prepositional phrases. I can identify and use independent Relative pronouns and adverbs
and dependent clauses correctly. Abbreviations
I can form and use prepositional Adjectives that compare
phrases. Adverbs that compare
I can identify abbreviations. Prepositional phrases
I can use correct abbreviations in
writing. Performance Assessments
I can use adjectives to compare two Use of language conventions in
or more things. daily/weekly writing
I can use adverbs to compare. Teacher-made or district common
assessments in testing format
TCAP prep: review or reteach SPIs that have
not been mastered (e.g., nouns, verbs,
plurals, contractions, and possessives)
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Curriculum Map English/Language Arts Grade 4 Fourth Nine Weeks
TCAP Practice and Instructional Activities at:
CC Speaking and Listening I can use accountable talk Speaking and Listening
SL 4.1-Engage effectively in a range of procedures to show active listening Participating in and conducting
collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, skills while working in a group. discussions, read alouds, and q/a sessions
and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade I can use accountable talk Oral reports
4 topics and texts, building on others’ ideas and procedures to engage effectively in Adding audio and visual information
expressing their own clearly. a discussion about literature and Using formal English in appropriate
a. Come to discussions prepared, having read or informational text. situations
studied required material; explicitly draw on I can identify behaviors that are
that preparation and other information known appropriate for group activities. Performance Assessments
about the topic to explore ideas under Teacher observation
b. Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions and
carry out assigned roles.
SL 4.2-Paraphrase portions of a text read aloud
or information presented in diverse media and
formats, including visually, quantitatively, and
SL 4.6-Differentiate between contexts that call
for formal English (e.g., presenting ideas) and
situations where informal discourse is
appropriate (e.g., small-group discussion); use
formal English when appropriate to task and
CC Language (L2d) I can identify correctly or Word Study and Spelling
L4.2-Demonstrate command of the conventions incorrectly spelled words in Suffixes –ful; -less; -ness; -ment
of standard English capitalization, punctuation, context. VCCV Pattern
and spelling when writing. VCV Pattern
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Curriculum Map English/Language Arts Grade 4 Fourth Nine Weeks
d. Spell grade-appropriate words, consulting Performance Assessments
references as needed Learned patterns spelled correctly in
student writing
Reading CC RF 3, 4 I can read with fluency from a Decoding
Foundational RF 3-Know and apply grade-level phonics and variety of texts (poetry, drama, Read orally with accuracy, appropriate
Skills word analysis skills in decoding words current events, novels). rate, and expression
a. Use combined knowledge of all letter-sound I can use knowledge of syllable Recognize common suffixes
correspondences, syllabication patterns, and patterns to decode unfamiliar Decode words with common suffixes
morphology (e.g., roots and affixes) to read words. Recognize words with VCCV syllabication
accurately unfamiliar myltisyllabic words in I can read grade-level text with
context and out of context fluency, accuracy, expression, and patterns
RF 4-Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency comprehension. Use the VCCV pattern to decode longer
to support comprehension. I can apply phonics and word
a. Read on-level text with purpose and analysis skills effectively when words
understanding reading. Decode words with the VCV syllable
b. Read on-level prose and poetry orally with
Use word parts to decode longer words
accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression on Performance Assessments
successive readings Use of learned phonics patterns to
c. Use context to confirm or self-correct word
recognition and understanding, rereading as decode unfamiliar words
necessary. Oral reading fluency checks/running
Weeks 4-6
What steps must be taken to cite evidence from the text when making a point or supporting a claim? Why is it important to be able to determine the main idea of
different sections of informational text? Why is it important to be able to determine the main idea of an piece of informational text? How do you formulate a
Reading Complex CC Literature (RL) and I can explain cause-and-effect Reading selections from Journeys:
Texts CC Informational Text (RI) relationships and how one event I Could Do That
RL 4.5- Explain major differences between leads to another. Paired Selection: “The Role of the
poems, drama, and prose, and refer to the I can draw conclusions and make Constitution”
structural elements of poems (e.g., verse, generalizations based on evidence The Ever-Living Tree
rhythm, meter) and drama (e.g., casts of from the text. Paired Selection: “Towering Trees”
characters, settings, descriptions, dialogue, I can use text and graphic features Owen and Mzee: The True Story of a
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Curriculum Map English/Language Arts Grade 4 Fourth Nine Weeks
stage directions) when writing or speaking about to comprehend text. Remarkable Friendship
Paired Selection: “Sea Sanctuary”
a text. I can compare and contrast two or
Comprehension Skills
RL 4.10- By the end of the year, read and more things to comprehend text. Cause and Effect
Text and Graphic Features
comprehend literature, including stories, I can use evidence from the text to Compare /Contrast
dramas, and poetry, at the high end of the make appropriate inferences and Comprehension Strategies
grades 2–3 text complexity band independently predictions. Monitor/Clarify
and proficiently. I can recognize the text structure
Suggested performance assessments
RI 4.1-Refer to details and examples when an author uses to organize text. Journeys Comprehension Weekly
Tests and Periodic Assessments
explaining what the text says explicitly and when Written summary of a previously
read story
drawing inferences from the text. Written summary of a “fresh read”
drawing on specific details from the
RI 4.3- Explain events, procedures, ideas, or text
Teacher-made assessment of skills
concepts in a historical, scientific, or technical from a fresh read in testing format
District common assessment
text, including what happened and why, based Anecdotal evidence from classroom
discussion and teacher observation
on specific information in the text.
Vocabulary content focus
RI 4.4- Determine the meaning of general
academic and domain-specific words or phrases
in a text relevant to a grade 4 topic or subject
RI 4.5- Describe the overall structure (e.g.,
chronology, comparison, cause/effect,
problem/solution) of events, ideas, concepts, or
information in a text or part of a text.
RI 4.9- Integrate information from two texts on
the same topic in order to write or speak about
the subject knowledgeably.
RI 4.10- By the end of year, read and
comprehend informational texts, including
history/social studies, science, and technical
texts, in the grades 4–5 text complexity band
proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the
high end of the range.
CC Language-Vocabulary (L4, L5, L6) I can choose words and phrases to
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Curriculum Map English/Language Arts Grade 4 Fourth Nine Weeks
L 4.3-Use knowledge of language and its convey ideas precisely. Adages and proverbs
conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or I can choose punctuation for effect. Prefixes pre-, inter-, ex-
listening. I can use context as a clue to the Suffixes –ed, -ly
a. Choose words and phrases to convey ideas meaning of a word.
precisely. I can use Greek and Latin affixes Suggested performance assessments
b. Choose punctuation for effect. and roots as clues to meanings. Journeys Target Vocabulary Weekly Tests
L 4.4-Determine or clarify the meaning of I can use synonyms and antonyms and Periodic Assessment
unknown and multiple-meaning words and as clues to the meanings of
phrases based on grade 4 reading and content, unfamiliar words.
choosing flexibly from a range of strategies. I can identify correctly and
a. Use context (e.g., definitions, examples, or incorrectly spelled words.
restatements in text) as a clue to the meaning of I can recognize and use grade
a word or phrase.
appropriate vocabulary within
b. Use common, grade-appropriate Greek and
Latin affixes and roots as clues to the meaning of I can use prefixes, suffixes, and root
a word (e.g., telegraph, photograph, autograph).
words as aids in determining
L 4.5-Demonstrate understanding of figurative
language, word relationships, and nuances in
word meanings.
b. Recognize and explain the meaning of
common idioms, adages, and proverbs..
L 4.6-Acquire and use accurately grad-
appropriate general academic and domain-
specific words and phrases, including those that
signal precise actions, emotions, or states of
being (e.g., quizzed, whined, stammered) and
that are basic to a particular topic (e.g., wildlife,
conservation, and endangered when discussing
animal preservation).
Writing to Texts CC Writing I can write and opinion paper. Routine Writing
W 4.1- Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, I can support my opinion with Construct responses to text-dependent
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Curriculum Map English/Language Arts Grade 4 Fourth Nine Weeks
supporting a point of view with reasons and evidence from the text. questions generated by the teacher
a. Introduce a topic or text clearly, state an I can write a procedural paper that Cite evidence from the text to support
opinion, and create an organizational structure
in which related ideas are grouped to support clearly states the steps in a process. key points or ideas
the writer’s purpose.
b. Provide reasons that are supported by facts Summarize text
and details.
c. Link opinion and reasons using words and Write in response to text
phrases (e.g., for instance, in order to, in
addition). Edit and revise own writing
d. Provide a concluding statement or section
related to the opinion presented. Peer edit and revise writing
W 4.3-Write narratives to develop real or
imagined experiences or events using effective Writing Tasks
technique, descriptive details, and clear event
sequences. Analysis
a. Orient the reader by establishing a situation “I Can Do That”; Everyone considered
and introducing a narrator and/or characters;
organize an event sequence that unfolds Esther Morris’s contributions to be
naturally. positive changed in the community. Do
b. Use dialogue and description to develop you think Esther improved her
experiences and events or show the responses community of South Pass City, Wyoming?
of characters to situations. If so, how did she improve it? Write a
c. Use a variety of transitional words and short essay that states your opinion.
phrases to manage the sequence of events. Support your opinion with facts and
d. Use concrete words and phrases and sensory details from the text. Use domain-specific
details to convey experiences and events vocabulary to make your meaning
precisely. clearer.
e. Provide a conclusion that follows from the
narrated experiences or events. Procedural Writing
W 4.4-With guidance and support from adults, Write a procedural composition (see T
Owen and Mzee: The True Story of a
Remarkable Friendship: Pretend you are
either Owen or Mzee. Retell the story of your
friendship from that point of view.
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Curriculum Map English/Language Arts Grade 4 Fourth Nine Weeks
produce writing in which the development and Remember to follow the sequence of the
organization are appropriate to task and story as it is written from the original text.
Research Project CC Writing (W 7, 8, 9,) None: see weeks 7-9
For Reading and CC RL/RI 1-10)
Writing in Each
Module CC Language (L1, 2,3) I can use negatives correctly. Conventions
L 4.1Demonstrate command of the conventions I can use relative pronouns and Negatives
of standard English grammar and usage when relative adverbs. Punctuation
writing or speaking. I can proofread for proper use of Commas
a. Use relative pronouns (who, whose, whom, negatives. Quotations marks
Coordinating conjunctions
which, that) and relative adverbs (where, when, I can use commas and quotation Compound sentences
why). marks to mark direct speech and Performance Assessments
Use of language conventions in
L 4.2-Demonstrate command of the conventions quotations from a text.
daily/weekly writing
of standard English capitalization, punctuation, I can use a comma before a Daily proofreading practice (TE)
and spelling when writing. Teacher–made or district assessments in
coordinating conjunction in a
b. Use commas and quotation marks to mark test-like format
compound sentence.
direct speech and quotations from a text.
I can use punctuation for specific
c. Use a comma before a coordinating
conjunction in a compound sentence.
L 4.3-Use knowledge of language and its
conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or
b. Choose punctuation for effect.
CC Speaking and Listening I can use accountable talk Speaking and Listening
SL 4.1-Engage effectively in a range of procedures to show active listening Participating in and conducting
collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, skills while working in a group. discussions, read alouds, and q/a sessions
and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade I can use accountable talk Oral reports
4 topics and texts, building on others’ ideas and procedures to engage effectively in Adding audio and visual information
expressing their own clearly. a discussion about literature and Using formal English in appropriate
a. Come to discussions prepared, having read or informational text. situations
studied required material; explicitly draw on I can identify behaviors that are
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Curriculum Map English/Language Arts Grade 4 Fourth Nine Weeks
that preparation and other information known appropriate for group activities.
about the topic to explore ideas under
discussion. Performance Assessments
b. Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions and Teacher observation
carry out assigned roles.
SL 4.2-Paraphrase portions of a text read aloud
or information presented in diverse media and
formats, including visually, quantitatively, and
SL 4.6-Differentiate between contexts that call
for formal English (e.g., presenting ideas) and
situations where informal discourse is
appropriate (e.g., small-group discussion); use
formal English when appropriate to task and
CC Language (L2e, f, g) I can identify correctly or Spelling and Word Study
Spell words with VCCV and VCV patterns.
L 4.2-Demonstrate command of the conventions incorrectly spelled words in Spell words with VCCV pattern.
Spell words with VCCCV pattern.
of standard English grammar and usage when context.
Performance Assessments
writing or speaking. I can apply knowledge of syllable Learned patterns spelled correctly in
d. Spell grade-appropriate words correctly, patterns to spell unfamiliar words. student writing
Decoding and Fluency
consulting references as needed. Read orally with accuracy, appropriate
Reading CC RF 3, 4 I can read with fluency from a rate, and expression
Foundational RF 4.3-Know and apply grade-level phonics and variety of texts (poetry, drama, Read fluently with natural phrasing,
Skills word analysis skills in decoding words current events, novels)
a. Use combined knowledge of all letter-sound including pauses
correspondences, syllabication patterns, and I can read grade-level text with Recognize words with VCV and VCCV
morphology (e.g., roots and affixes) to read fluency, accuracy, expression, and
accurately unfamiliar myltisyllabic words in comprehension. syllable patterns
context and out of context Use the VCV and VCCV syllable patterns
I can apply phonics and word
analysis skills effectively when
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Curriculum Map English/Language Arts Grade 4 Fourth Nine Weeks
RF 4.4-Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency reading. to decode longer words
Read with comprehension by stressing
to support comprehension. I can use knowledge of syllable
appropriate words
a. Read on-level text with purpose and patterns to decode unfamiliar Recognize words with difficult VCCV
understanding words. patterns
Adjust intonation to increase to increase
b. Read on-level prose and poetry orally with
fluency and comprehension
accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression on Recognize words with the VCCCV syllable
successive readings pattern
Use the VCCCV syllable pattern to decode
c. Use context to confirm or self-correct word
longer words
recognition and understanding, rereading as
Performance Assessments
Use of learned phonics patterns to
decode unfamiliar words
Oral reading fluency checks/running
Weeks 7-9
What steps must be taken to cite evidence from the text when making a point or supporting a claim? Why is it important to be able to determine the main idea of
different sections of informational text? Why is it important to be able to determine the main idea of an piece of informational text? How do you formulate a
Reading Complex CC Literature (RL) and I can determine the author’s Selections from Journeys
Texts CC Informational Text (RI) purpose for writing. The Fun They Had
RL 4.1-Refer to details and examples in a text I can recognize the text structure Paired Selection: “Toys! Amazing
Stories Behind Great Inventions”
when explaining what the text says explicitly and an author uses to organize text.
Extended Text
when drawing inferences from the text I can use text features to The Kid’s Guide to Money (trade
RL 4.4-Determine the meaning of words and comprehend informational text. Alternate selection: Horses (see
Journeys unit 4)
phrases as they are used in a text, including I can summarize a text, citing
those that allude to significant characters found evidence from the text to support
in mythology (e.g., Herculean). key points.
RL 4.7-Make connections between the text of a I can use evidence from the text to
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Curriculum Map English/Language Arts Grade 4 Fourth Nine Weeks
story or drama and a visual or oral presentation make appropriate inferences and
of the text, identifying where each version draw conclusions. Comprehension Skills
reflects specific descriptions and directions in I can recognize the cause and effect Purpose for Writing
the text. relationship and determine how Text Structure
RL 4.10-By the end of the year, read and one event leads to another. Text Features
comprehend literature, including stories, I can explain how an author Summarizing Informational Text
dramas, and poetry, in the grades 4–5 text develops key points using reasons Make Inferences and Draw
complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as and evidence. Conclusions
needed at the high end of the range.
RI4.1- Refer to details and examples in a text Cite evidence from the Text
when explaining what the text says explicitly and Cause and Effect
when drawing inferences from the text. Suggested performance assessments
RI4.4- Determine the meaning of general Written summary of text or “fresh
academic and domain-specific words or phrases reads” drawing on specific details
in a text relevant to a grade 4 topic or subject from the text
area. Teacher-made assessment of skill in
RL.4.5- Describe the overall structure (e.g., testing format
chronology, comparison, cause/effect, District common assessment
problem/solution) of events, ideas, concepts, or Journeys Comprehension Weekly
information in a text or part of a text. Tests and Periodic Assessments
RI4.7- Interpret information presented visually, Anecdotal evidence from classroom
orally, or quantitatively (e.g., in charts, graphs, discussions and teacher observation
diagrams, time lines, animations, or interactive
elements on Web pages) and explain how the See district-developed support documents
information contributes to an understanding of for The Kid’s Guide to Money in:
the text in which it appears.
RI4.8- Explain how an author uses reasons and
evidence to support particular points in a text.
RI4.10- By the end of year, read and
comprehend informational texts, including
history/social studies, science, and technical
texts, in the grades 4–5 text complexity band
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Curriculum Map English/Language Arts Grade 4 Fourth Nine Weeks
proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the
high end of the range.
CC Language-Vocabulary (L4, L5, L6) I can use context as a clue to the Vocabulary content focus
L 4.4-Determine or clarify the meaning of meaning of a word. Journeys Selection target vocabulary
unknown and multiple-meaning words and I can use common, grade- Academic vocabulary
phrases based on grade 4 reading and content, appropriate Greek and Latin affixes Greek and Latin word parts: meter,
choosing flexibly from a range of strategies. and roots as clues to the meaning therm, aud, fac
a. Use context (e.g., definitions, examples, or of a word.
restatements in text) as a clue to the meaning of I can determine the meanings of Suggested performance assessments
a word or phrase. academic words and phrases in Journeys Target vocabulary weekly
b. Use common, grade-appropriate Greek and context. tests and periodic assessments
Latin affixes and roots as clues to the meaning of
a word (e.g., telegraph, photograph, autograph). Teacher-made assessment of
L 4.6-Acquire and use accurately grad- academic vocabulary
appropriate general academic and domain-
specific words and phrases, including those that
signal precise actions, emotions, or states of
being (e.g., quizzed, whined, stammered) and
that are basic to a particular topic (e.g., wildlife,
conservation, and endangered when discussing
animal preservation).
Writing to Texts CC Writing I can write an explanatory paper. Routine Writing
W 4.2-Write informative/explanatory texts to
examine a topic and convey ideas and I can cite evidence from my reading Construct responses to text-dependent
information clearly.
a. Introduce a topic clearly and group related to support key points. questions generated by the teacher
information in paragraphs and sections; include
formatting (e.g., headings), illustrations, and I can develop my paper with an Cite evidence from text to support key
multimedia when useful to aiding
comprehension. introduction, body, and conclusion. points or ideas
I can write a narrative that details Summarize text
the steps in a process. Write in response to text
I can organize my narrative with a Edit and revise own writing
beginning, middle, and end. Peer edit and revise writing
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Curriculum Map English/Language Arts Grade 4 Fourth Nine Weeks
b. Develop the topic with facts, definitions,
concrete details, quotations, or other Writing Tasks
information and examples related to the topic. Students interpret the visual chart that
c. Link ideas within categories of information accompanies Steve Otfinoski’s The Kid’s
Guide to Money: Earning It, Saving It,
using words and phrases (e.g., another, for Spending It, Growing It, Sharing It and
write an essay explaining how the
example, also, because). information found within it contributes
to an understanding of how to create a
d. Use precise language and domain-specific budget. [RI.4.7]
vocabulary to inform about or explain the topic. Narrative
Students will write an essay detailing the
e. Provide a concluding statement or section
steps in the process of making a budget,
related to the information or explanation drawing information from The Kid’s Guide
to Money: Earning It, Saving It, Spending
presented. It, Growing It, Sharing It to assist them.
W 4.3-Write narratives to develop real or Factual Oral Presentation
Research existing problems with an
imagined experiences or events using effective
ecosystem and ways to solve the problem
technique, descriptive details, and clear event and/or protect the ecosystem. Integrate
knowledge from 3-5 sources to create a
sequences. multi-media presentation, poster board,
a. Orient the reader by establishing a situation
and introducing a narrator and/or characters;
organize an event sequence that unfolds
c. Use a variety of transitional words and
phrases to manage the sequence of events.
d. Use concrete words and phrases and sensory
details to convey experiences and events
e. Provide a conclusion that follows from the
narrated experiences or events.
Research Project CC Writing (W 7, 8, 9,) I can use multiple sources to
CC RL/RI 1-10) research a topic to prepare a
W4.7-Conduct short research projects that build factual oral presentation.
knowledge through investigation of different
aspects of a topic
W4.8-Recall relevant information from
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CC-Common Core Standards Shelby County Schools
Curriculum Map English/Language Arts Grade 4 Fourth Nine Weeks
experiences or gather relevant information from or other type of project. You will present
your research to the class.
print and digital sources; take notes and
categorize information, and provide a list of Capitalization and Punctuation
Commas and conjunctions in compound
W4.9-Draw evidence from literary or
Performance Assessments
informational texts to support analysis, Use of language conventions in
reflection, and research. daily/weekly writing
Daily proofreading practice (TE)
For Reading and CC Language I can use capitalization and Teacher–made or district assessments in
Writing in Each
Module L 4. 2-Demonstrate command of the punctuation correctly. test-like format
conventions of standard English capitalization, I can use a comma before a
punctuation, and spelling when writing. coordinating conjunction in a
a. Use correct capitalization. compound sentence.
c. Use a comma before a coordinating
conjunction in a compound sentence.
CC Speaking and Listening I can use accountable talk Speaking and Listening
SL 4.1-Engage effectively in a range of procedures to show active listening Participating in and conducting
collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, skills while working in a group. discussions, read alouds, and q/a sessions
and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade I can use accountable talk Oral reports
4 topics and texts, building on others’ ideas and procedures to engage effectively in Adding audio and visual information
expressing their own clearly a discussion about literature and Using formal English in appropriate
a. Come to discussions prepared, having read or informational text. situations
studied required material; explicitly draw on I can identify behaviors that are
that preparation and other information known appropriate for group activities. Performance Assessments
about the topic to explore ideas under Teacher observation
b. Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions and
carry out assigned roles.
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CC-Common Core Standards Shelby County Schools
Curriculum Map English/Language Arts Grade 4 Fourth Nine Weeks
SL 4.2-Paraphrase portions of a text read aloud I can identify correctly or Spelling and Word Study
or information presented in diverse media and incorrectly spelled words in Spell words with the VV pattern
formats, including visually, quantitatively, and context. Review spelling patterns that have not
SL 4.6-Differentiate between contexts that call been mastered.
for formal English (e.g., presenting ideas) and
situations where informal discourse is Performance Assessments
appropriate (e.g., small-group discussion); use Learned patterns spelled correctly in
formal English when appropriate to task and
situation student writing
CC Language (L2e, f, g)
L 4.2- Demonstrate command of the
conventions of standard English capitalization,
punctuation, and spelling when writing.
d. Spell grade-appropriate words, consulting
references as needed
Reading CC RF 4.3-Know and apply grade-level phonics I can read with fluency from a Decoding
Foundational VV Pattern
Skills and word analysis skills in decoding words variety of texts (poetry, drama, Review patterns that have not been
a. Use combined knowledge of all letter-sound current events, novels) mastered
correspondences, syllabication patterns, and I can read grade-level text with Performance Assessments
Use of learned phonics patterns to
morphology (e.g., roots and affixes) to read fluency, accuracy, expression, and
decode unfamiliar words
accurately unfamiliar myltisyllabic words in comprehension. Oral reading fluency checks/running
context and out of context I can apply phonics and word records
RF 4.4-Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency analysis skills effectively when
to support comprehension. reading.
a. Read on-level text with purpose and
b. Read on-level prose and poetry orally with
accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression on
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CC-Common Core Standards Shelby County Schools
Curriculum Map English/Language Arts Grade 4 Fourth Nine Weeks
successive readings
c. Use context to confirm or self-correct word
recognition and understanding, rereading as
TN DOE curriculum resources: Username: tneducation; password: 18
CC-Common Core Standards Shelby County Schools