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Published by jordanperrimon, 2016-12-13 01:14:01

TeenSummit Program - Final v2

TeenSummit Program - Final v2

I Am Somebody

I Am Somebody
I May Be Poor
But I Am Somebody
I May Be Young
But I Am Somebody
I May Be On the Street
But I Am Somebody
I May Be Small
But I Am Somebody
I May Make A Mistake
But I Am Somebody
My Clothes Are Different, My Face Is Different,
My Hair Is Different
But I Am Somebody
I Am Black, Brown, White,
I Speak A Different Language
But I Must Be Respected, Protected,
Never Rejected
I Am A Child
I Am Somebody

Inspired from the US Civil Rights Movement
Written by: William Holmes Borders,
A Pastor Challenging the negative stereotype held of African-Americans

Poem: I am Somebody……………………………………..2
Welcome: Ms. N. Wicker……………………….……………4
Welcome: Ms. A. Burchfield…………………………………5
Your Biggest Supporter: Ms. T. Barrett………………..6
Your APS Board Supporter: Ms. E. Collins……………..8
A Lady Charger Defined…………………………………………..10
Message from Dr. Watkins & the Counselors…………12
Biography: Keisha Lance Bottoms...................16
Biography: Nikisha McDonald…...............……..…19
Lady Chargers are Shining Stars…………….………………..20
Biography: Brooklin Mays……………………………………..21
Activity: Get to Know Your Peers………………………22
“We Are Bunche”…………………………………………….…23
Ballin for Peace……………………………………………….25
Summit Questions, Notes & Contacts...…………26
PTSA: Thank You…………………………….…………...29

Don’t forget to get your Thank You for attending gift!

Lady Chargers,
In a perfect America, I would want everyone to have somewhere to live, have

food, be nice to each other and get along. As life, has it – everyone has something
unpleasant they are faced with and many times we have no control over those
things- people are homeless, hungry and bullies live amongst us. I can’t change
America, I can’t even change Atlanta alone, but I can be a part of the change
right here at Bunche Middle school and that is my vision. To be a voice to the ones
that are afraid to speak. My goal is to create a mindset amongst the young ladies
where their first love is themselves. When you love yourself nothing or no one outside
of you can change that. You wouldn’t hurt yourself therefore you won’t hurt
anyone else and with all of us together – WE can change Atlanta and WE can
change America.

Bullying is at an all-time high in our society and the purpose of our Teen
Summit: Lady Charger, is to bring about unity. This in term will groom the girls so
when they are outside of school they will conduct themselves in a manner in which
people will begin to notice the leadership that they display. I pledge to bring “UNITY
in the COMMUNITY.” Women are the strongest individuals on the planet. With the
power of strength and dedication combined it makes a phenomenal woman, which
each of the young ladies attending this summit will become. Be great and be
blessed; success is your destiny. Be a pioneer of your own vision and define what
success means to you!

BMS PTSA Corresponding Secretary
5th & 7th Grade Mom & Nurse


Greetings Beautiful Lady Chargers,

My name is Aisha J. Burchfield and I would like to encourage each of you
to dream beyond the stars in order to reach your destiny. I know that each of
you can achieve your dreams because I too grew up in Southwest Atlanta
(SWATS) I, attended phenomenal Atlanta Public Schools (Continental Colony,
Bunche 6th grade and Douglass High School) and attained post-secondary
college degrees.

It is an honor to serve on the PTSA Executive Board as Recording
Secretary for the 2016-2017 academic school year. We are here today to
assist you on your middle school journey through:

 Motivation

 Education

 Inspiration

This commitment that we are making is our responsibility to our
community as well as to those who paved the way from the past. Each of you
are so very special, because in this group will be the Future Leaders of
Tomorrow. Our goal for today is to have each of you to leave with a positive
heart and mind, willing to reach out and motivate your peers.

Lady Chargers, I challenge each of you to serve as a positive example
here at Ralph J. Bunche Middle School. The examples you set today will start
to shape your character into adulthood. I am excited about your future and the
possibilities life will bring into your path!!!

BMS PTSA Recording Secretary
6th Grade Mom & Educator

“If There is No Struggle, There is No Progress”
-Frederick Douglass 5

Words from Lady Chargers’ Biggest Advocate…

8th Grade Mom, Coach, BMS Booster Founder
& Co-President, Advocate, Entrepreneur

To My Girls,

This will be our last year together and it pains me to know that many of
you will no longer be a part of my daily routine. Over the past few years, I
have gotten to know many of you and learned to love you as my own. We’ve
have some good days and some bad, but I wouldn’t change any of it. Each
of you should know, that no matter what, I will love you forever!

My wish for you is that you always see good in the world, in yourself, and
in other people. The world is full of evil, and it’s up to you for good to
prevail. Things won’t always go well. You will be tested every day, for the
rest of your life. You will have doubts and worries but you must move
forward towards your dreams and goals. You will be surrounded by people
and things that will encourage you to be less than what you are, but you
MUST keep striving to be better than you were the day before. This is the
true path to success. I can’t tell you that life will be easy because it won’t. I
just know that the most important thing you can do for yourself is to…
NEVER give up.

I am so proud of the young ladies that you are becoming. It has been my
pleasure to support and love you ALL. I wish all of you the best and
encourage you to follow your dreams. Go after what you want. It will be 6

difficult to wait, but even more difficult to regret not doing something you’ve
always wanted to do. It will never too late to become what you want to be. If
at some point, you realize your life is not headed in the right direction, change
it. Only you should determine your destiny.

Love Always,
Tiffani L. Barrett

Remember to…

Be Kind. How you treat people will determine the kind of person you are. It
should never be hard for you to treat someone like you would like to be
treated. It isn’t a good feeling when people make you feel bad so try hard not
to do it to others. Remember, that money should never influence your kindness.

Listen! Doing this one thing can change your life for the better. I promise!
Don’t wait until you’re grown to figure out how important it is. Listen to your
Listen to your teachers. Believe it or not, these people are trying to make your
life better, not worse.

Love. It’s a beautiful thing. Experience it. Give yourself a chance to love and a
chance to be loved. Love will come in many types of relationships. You will love
all kinds of people, but the most important love you can have for someone will
be the love that you have for yourself. Love yourself enough that you don’t
confine yourself to limitations

Live. Live life to the fullest. Make friends, experience new things, and travel the

world. Time will pass in the blink of an eye. Be sure to live with no regrets.

Do the things you’ve dreamed of, and dream of things you haven’t. Do what

make you happy, because tomorrow is not promised. YOLO! 7

December 14, 2016

Hello Beautiful Lady Chargers,

It is a complete honor to serve as your school board member and
represent your voice on the Atlanta Board of Education! As much as
it is an honor to serve you, my work is extremely personal, selfless
and challenging. With this revelation, I want to share advice that I’ve
learned throughout life in hopes it helps guide and motivate you.

So, I’m a true “ATLien,” born and raised in East Atlanta, to a single mother of four. Growing up, I watched
my mother work tirelessly to provide a stable home and environment, where me and my siblings could
have a somewhat decent life. But, my mom struggled to do it alone, and we struggled as a result. However,
my mom emphasized one thing as our gate from that struggle: the power of an education. She
encouraged, and sometimes forced, us to take advantage to learn as much as we could and manage our
time well to achieve whatever we wanted.

Similar to my mom, I worked tirelessly, and managed my time well, to do everything that I wanted
throughout school and my life so far. But, it wasn’t easy. I faced many challenges from undesired grades
to missed opportunities with friends. However, these challenges didn’t stop me; they made me fight
harder for the life I imagined for myself. So, envision the life you want to live, create a plan to achieve it,
and most importantly, WORK YOUR PLAN! Work smart, hard and humbly to achieve the life plan you
envisioned for yourself. You truly can do it!

Secondly, always represent your best self! What do I mean by “YOUR BEST SELF?” Best self is representing
yourself honestly and honoring your promises and commitments. Your best self is the people you hang
with, the good choices you make and doing things that meaningful to you. Take time for yourself to figure
what these things are and always maintain a positive representation of yourself. The world is watching

Finally, and most importantly, DREAM BIG! When I was in college, my mentor told me, “if your dream
doesn’t scare you, it isn’t big enough.” If your dream doesn’t turn your stomach, or make you question if
you can really achieve it, then it isn’t big enough. Please know and believe that you can do anything you
put your mind to. And I mean ANYTHING. Give it try, and if you failed, it is perfectly fine. At least you tried
rather than not try at all. Do not live in the “I wished, I could’ve, or I would’ve” moments. Your wins and
losses are your life experiences. Embrace them. Don’t run away from them!

You have a network of amazing family, friends, educators, mentors, community leaders and professionals
who are rooting for you. Use us. Asks questions. Seek guidance. We are here for you. So, create/work your
life plan, represent your best self, and dream big! We love you dearly!

Yours In Service,

Eshé P. Collins, Esq. 8
Member, Atlanta Board of Education, District 6

4:30 PM - 4:50 PM
Meet & Greet Activity: Icebreaker (See page 22)

4:55 PM - 5:00 PM
Purpose & Welcome – Ms. N. Wicker & Dr. Byrd
Introduction of Guest

5:00 PM - 5:30 PM
Special Guests:
Keisha Lance-Bottoms, Atlanta City Council
Member, District 11

Nikisha McDonald, Assistant County Attorney
for DeKalb County

Brooklin Mays, Miss Bunche 2014 & Benjamin
E. Mays High School Sophomore

5:30 PM - 6:15 PM
Open Forum:
Student open mic with Special Guests, PTSA,
Ms. Eshe’ Collins, Dr. Byrd and support
(limit 2 minutes per person)

6:30 PM – 6:35 PM
Wrap-Up & Close

6:35 PM – 6:45 PM
Parent Pick-up

“Accept nothing without examination. Reject nothing without consideration.”



Encouraging Words from Dr. Watkins & Staff…

Dear Lady Chargers,

Welcome to our 1st Teen Summit! Thank you for participating in this inaugural
event. This summit was planned by parents to assist you become well-
rounded young ladies working towards choice-filled futures. As you
participate today, we want you to dream BIG and reflect on your current goals.

The Bunche administration, PTSA, teachers and staff are here to support you
as you matriculate through your middle school years. We encourage you to
actively participate in the fun activities, conversations and fellowship. This
Teen Summit will increase your self-confidence, develop your leadership skills
and expose you to college and career opportunities.

We look forward to having many programs like this to help you become
positive, productive members of our local and global community. Lady
Chargers, remember you are Beautiful, Intelligent and Special! You ARE a gift
to the World!


Bunche Middle School Administration
Dr. Mario Watkins, Principal
Dr. Michael Taylor, Assistant Principal
Dr. Wislene John, Assistant Principal
Ms. Cephia Blassingame, Assistant Principal





Keisha Lance Bottoms is a compassionate leader and

committed public servant.

Since being sworn into office in January 2010, Keisha
has represented a large portion of the historic Southwest
Atlanta community as a member of the Atlanta City Council.
Over the course of her service, Keisha has sponsored
groundbreaking legislation that has addressed the city’s $1.5
billion unfunded pension liability and helped grow the city’s
reserves from $7.4 million to nearly $150 million, in just over
five years. She has also authored the toughest Panhandling
legislation in the history of the city, which combine empathy
with enforcement, and has resulted in offenders receiving
often-needed social services to help break the cycle of
recidivism. Keisha worked with colleagues to achieve the
goal of 2,000 officers within the Atlanta Police force, and to successfully balance the City’s budget
each year during her time on Council, without increasing taxes. She currently serves as Vice-Chair
of the Public Safety Committee and has served as Chair of the Council’s Zoning Committee. During
her term as Vice-Chair of the city’s Transportation Committee, the Maynard H. Jackson
International terminal at Hartsfield Jackson Airport opened, solidifying Hartsfield Jackson’s place
as the busiest airport in the world. Most recently, Keisha launched Invest in Southwest, a 360-
degree urban planning initiative with the goal of revitalizing and expanding economic development
within the Southwest Atlanta community.

In addition to her service on the Atlanta City Council, Keisha also serves as Executive Director of
The City of Atlanta and Fulton County Recreation Authority (AFCRA). As Executive Director of
AFCRA, Keisha is the chief executive officer of the organization that owns and oversees operations
for iconic recreation and entertainment venues across Atlanta, including Turner Field (home of the
Atlanta Braves), Philips Arena (home of the Atlanta Hawks), and the world renowned Zoo Atlanta.
AFCRA also operates portions of John A. White Park, where the junior gold program The First Tee is
hosted in southwest Atlanta. As Executive Director, Keisha implements public policy, fosters
community engagement, works alongside corporate partners, and negotiates and manages
government relations and public finance.

Notably, Keisha will work with public, private, and community partners over the next year to
spearhead the high-stakes, high-profile transition of Turner Field from a Major League Baseball
venue, plan the redevelopment of Philips Arena, and oversee the expansion of Zoo Atlanta, which
combined represents millions of dollars in urban planning and redevelopment projects that will
indelibly change the landscape of Atlanta.

Alongside her public service career, Keisha has maintained a private law practice for more than 20
years, and has served as General Counsel for a multi-million dollar business, as well as a Judge (Pro
Hoc) in Fulton County State Court. She has worked as a legal analyst and reporter for various media
outlets and has served as a guest speaker and panelist during numerous events, speaking on a
variety of topics, including, law, community engagement and public policy.

Keisha’s commitment to community and public service has been recognized by the 2013 YWCA

Academy of Women Achievers. She has also been awarded The Trailblazer Award for Outstanding 16
Community Service, the Community Service Icon Award, and the

Keeper of the Dream Award. Keisha is a member of the prestigious Leadership Atlanta and
has also been honored as one of 10 Outstanding Young Atlantans based upon her
professional achievements and dedicated community service.

Keisha has volunteered with numerous community organizations and currently serves on
the boards of The Children’s School, the Firefighters’ Pension Fund, Atlanta Mayoral Board
of Service, the Andrew and Walter Young YMCA, Central Atlanta Progress, and is a
member of the National Center for Civil and Human Rights - Women’s Solidarity Society.
She also serves on the Board of Families First, where she shares her personal story of
adoption, and advocates on behalf of adoption and foster care.

Keisha has previously served on the Boards of the YWCA of Atlanta, CURE for Childhood
Cancer, the Atlanta Cyclorama Task Force, and as a trustee of Ben Hill United Methodist

She is also currently serving her second, consecutive term as gala chair for the National
Black Arts Festival, which raises more than a half-million dollars annually in support of
the country’s oldest multidisciplinary arts organization focused exclusively on the arts
and on artists of African descent.

Keisha is a member of the State Bar of Georgia, the Atlanta Chapter of Jack and Jill of
America, the Dogwood City Chapter of The Links, Inc. and the Atlanta Alumnae Chapter
of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated.

She is a graduate of Florida A&M University, Magna Cum Laude, and Georgia State
University College of Law.

Keisha is the daughter of the late American R&B singer and British “Northern soul” icon
Major Lance and Sylvia Robinson. She is wife to Derek W. Bottoms with whom she shares
the privilege of being the parent of four wonderful children


Words to Live


Nikisha “Niki” McDonald, Esq. is an Atlanta native and graduate of Dunwoody
High School (class of 1996). She earned her bachelor’s degree at Hampton
University located in Hampton, Virginia. White at Hampton, Niki was a very
active student. She was initiated into Delta Sigma Theta Sorority,
Incorporated, a member of the Ebony Fire Dance Squad, and Student
Leadership program. Upon completion of her undergraduate studies, she
enrolled at Mercer University School of Law and graduated in 2003.

Over the last 13 years, she has served as a law clerk, staff attorney in the
Fulton County Attorney’s Office, and an associate of Thomas Kennedy
Sampson & Tompkins. Currently, she serves as a Senior Assistant County
Attorney in the DeKalb County Law Department. In her role, she is legal
counsel to the Sheriff, Police and Fire Departments.

Niki is the daughter of Rev. Timothy McDonald, III, Senior Pastor of First
Iconium Baptist Church, an Atlanta iconic church, and the eldest of three

Her passion includes:
Spending time with her family
Mentoring youth and young adults
Football (especially the Atlanta Falcons)

She believes, “whatever is meant for you will not pass you by, so remain
steadfast and faithful, always knowing that God knows best”.



Brooklin Mays is a proud Alumni of Ralph J. Bunche Middle School. She attended
Bunche 6th through 8th grade. She was selected by her peers to be crowned Miss
Bunche during the 2014-2015 academic school year. Brooklin is currently a
Sophomore at Benjamin Elijah Mays High School (MHS).
At MHS, Brooklin continues the Bunche legacy of excellence by remaining a highly
active and motivated student. She participates in several academic and extra-
curriculum organizations:

• Academic - HOSA (Health Occupations Students of America), BETA
club, STEM, and Biotechnology Career Club

• Extra-curriculum: Varsity Cheer Squad, Radiance Dance Team, and
Track and Field

It is no doubt that she is busy, but she also finds time in her schedule to give back
and be a great example to those that look up to her.
Despite Brooklin’ s full schedule, she continues to remain focus and dedicated to her
school work. As a result of her efforts, she has a 3.8 grade point average and ranked
20 out of 356 students in her class. Brooklin is 1 out of the 8 students in MHS’ class
of 2019 taking rigorous courses at the junior and senior level.
Although, she is undecided about which career to pursue; she knows a strong
possibility is to become a postsecondary teacher (college professor).


Lady Chargers,

How well do you know your fellow Chargerettes? Take a few
minutes and talk to other Lady Chargers. Discover how many
names you can add to the boxes below!

Hint: Prize for the person with the most names* in the most boxes!

* - Lady Charger name must be at the Teen Summit










Questions & Notes from Today’s Session


Questions & Notes from Today’s Session


Contact Information & Signatures


Left to right:
Lesley Phinazee (Vice President), Aisha Burchfield, Randy
Williams (President), Nytetia Wicker, & Romeka White

like to thank you for attending

The Teen Summit: Lady Chargers!

Please see Gift table for your Treat 


Have you joined the BMS PTSA?
Visit us on-line:

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